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An Investigation of the Process as a Means of Concentrating Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge

Merwin Lee

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Recommended Citation Miller, Merwin Lee, "An Investigation of the Froth Flotation Process as a Means of Concentrating Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge" (1972). Master's Theses. 2818. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/masters_theses/2818

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Merwin Lee Miller

A thesis Submitted to the Faculty of The Graduate College in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan December 1972

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

To those who guided, criticized, and encouraged this research

effort - particularly Dr. Raymond Janes, Dr. Stephen Kukolich and

James Kline - I extend sincerest gratitude and appreciation. The

extra time and attention given by Andre Caron is noted here, as is

the financial assistance given by the National Council of the Paper

Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Also, the patience shown

by those involved indirectly and directly has been most valuable.

Merwin Lee M iller

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. iMASTERS THESIS M-4022 MILLER, Merwin Lee AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FROTH FLOTATION PROCESS AS A MEANS OF CONCENTRATING PULP AND PAPER MILL SLUDGE.

Western Michigan University, M.S., 1972 Ecology

University Microfilms, A XEROX Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ...... 1


Theory of Froth Flotation ...... 4

History and development of flotation ...... b

Theory ...... 5

Physical factors ...... 6

Chemical factors ...... 8

Flotation a id s ...... 9

Frothers ...... 9

Col lecto rs ...... 10

Modifiers ...... 10

Flotation of Papermill C larifierSediment ...... 11

Dissolved air flotation ...... 11

Carbon dioxide flotation ...... 12

Electroflctation ...... 12

Flotation of Industrial Wastes and Domestic Sewage ...... 12

Flotation Practiced by the Pulp andPaper Industry ...... 14

Flotation of Clay Mineral ...... 16



Preparation of Synthetic Sludge andHomogeneous Systems .... 22

Sludge Analysis and Solids Determination ...... 23

Total s o lid s ...... 23

Suspended solids ...... 23

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. PAGE

Ash content ...... 2k

100-mesh material ...... 2k

Float sol i d s ...... 2k

Measurement of entrained a i r ...... 25

Flotation Procedure ...... 25

pH S t u d y ...... 26

Dosage Study ...... 26

Detention Study ...... 26

Evaluation of Collectors ...... 27

Flotation of Homogeneous Systems ...... 27

Freeness Effect on Float Solids ...... 28


Froth S tab ility in D istilled Wa t e r...... 29

Effect of pH and Fiber Consistency on Frother Performance . . . 32

Flotation of Fiber Conditioned with Collectors ...... 3k

Effect of Freeness of Float Drainage ...... 37

Flotation of C lay ...... ^0

Effect of pH on Flotation of Synthetic Sludge ...... kk

Effect of Frother Dosage on Flotation of Synthetic Sludge . . . ^9

Effect of Detention Time in the Flotation Chamber on FI oat Sol i d s ...... 51

Flotation of Synthetic Sludge Using Collectors and Frother F -6 5 ...... 53




APPENDIX I Identification of Frothers and Collectors ...... 61

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Fig. 1. Atomic model of k a o lin it e ...... 18

Fig. 2. Calculated and determined float solids versus Canadian Standard freeness ...... 39

Fig. 3. Effect of pH on the volume of froth produced by various f r o t h e r s ...... 46

Fig. 4. Concentration of float solids shows a direct relationship to volume of air entrained in the f r o t h ...... 46

TABLE I Froth Volume and Stability in Distilled Water .... 31

TABLE II Effect of pH and Fiber Consistency on Froth Flotation ...... 33

TABLE III Froth Flotation of 1.0% Fibers with Collectors . . . 35

TABLE IV Effect of Freeness on Float S o l i d s ...... 38

TABLE V Froth Flotation of 1.0% Clay with Collectors and Frothers F-61 and F-250 43

TABLE VI Effect of pH on Froth Flotation of Synthetic S lu d g e ...... 45

TABLE VII Effect of Frother Dosage on Flotation of Synthetic Sludge ...... 50

TABLE V III Effect of Detention Time in the Flotation Chamber on Synthetic Sludge Float Solids ...... 52

TABLE IX Froth Flotation of Synthetic Sludge Using Collectors and Frother F-65 55

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. INTRODUCTION

Water, a valuable natural resource, Is an essential element

for sustaining life. In addition to quenching our thirst, it is a

generator of power, a transporting medium for society and industry,

and an object of beauty and recreation. The main source of water

is from lakes and streams some of which receive domestic and

industrial effluent. Present political pressures and an aroused

public are pressing for surface water of improved quality. Because

of the strong pressure being applied, emphasis has been focused

towards establishing improved and more effective methods for

treating waste water.

The pulp and paper industry, one of the nation's larger

industries, has for many years been concerned with matters per­

taining to conservation. Process water that enters a papermill

must ultimately be returned to the streams in conformity with

regional or local water quality regulations. Present effluent

treatment by primary clarification produces sludge which must be

further dewatered. The concentration and disposal of these resi­

dues has long remained a major problem and expense to the industry.

Methods that have been employed for the reduction of sludge

volume include alternating drying basins, vacuum filtra tio n , and

centrifugation. However, drying basins are slow, occupy a large

land area, and in some instances cannot be adapted to the parti­

cular si te.

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Since some sludges do not respond to centrifugation or vacuum

filtration, new methods for concentration are constantly being

proposed and investigated. One possibility is flotation which has

been used successfully in the pulp and paper industry for separa­

tion of fibers from ink and recovery of reusable fibers from white

water. Thus, the application of froth flotation for concentrating

fibrous pulp and paper mill sludges merits investigation.

Flotation is a method of separation or concentration of sus­

pended material from dilute solutions based on the a ffin ity of

properly prepared particle surfaces for a ir bubble attachment,

it is a very important and rather complex application of surface

chemistry which was firs t applied by the mining industry and

gradually adapted by various other fields. The firs t and most

thoroughly studied application, however, was in the field of

mineral engineering; and it is, therefore, appropriate to fully

examine this application.

The froth flotation process as practiced by the mining indus­

try uses frothers to produce a foam in which the desired mineral

is trapped. The mineral industry employs a selective method in

which only the mineral particle becomes attached to air bubbles

and brought to the surface.

However, in the effort to concentrate papermill sludge using

the flotation technique, it is necessary to float all the consti­

tuents to the surface. Sediments removed from the mechanically

cleaned c la rifie rs vary in composition and are complex in nature.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Gehm^ described the complex nature of these residues as containing

water in three phases as well as three general classes of suspended

solids all present in varying proportions. The water phases are:

1) free water which is readily removable, 2) in terstitial water which

can be removed by mechanical means, and 3) water of imbibition which

cannot be separated at all by mechanical methods since it is part of

the crystal lattice formed by the colloidal sols. The solid classes

are the fibrous solids which are readily separated from the liquid

phase if present alone, as is the second class which consists largely

of fillers. The third class, colloidal sols, is hydrophilic and to

a large degree controls dewatering of the entire mass, including the

firs t two classes of solids. These sols consist of such substances

as highly hydrated wood dust, fiber debris, ray cells, aluminum

hydrate, starches, dextrins, resins, and proteins all of which form

a protective coating on the lost fiber and f i l l e r .

A prerequisite to the successful application of froth flota­

tion is to promote attraction between the gas and solid phase by

changing the surfaces from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. In the mining

industry this is accomplished by chemical treatment using organic,

heteropolar compounds that become oriented with the nonpolar hydro­

carbon end extended outward to form a hydrophobic film on the

particle's surface. However, in dealing with sludge the problem

becomes complicated since the nature of the particles is so complex

and its composition is continuously changing.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. REVIEW OF LITERATURE

Although much has been done with dissolved air flotation,

a search of the literatu re revealed no published information on

the application of froth flotation to concentrate pulp and paper

mill sludges. Therefore, this review includes a section on the

theory and application of froth flotation as practiced by the

mineral industry. Investigations of other types of flotation by

the National Council for Stream Improvement on pulp and papermill

sludges as well as work done by others in the field of industrial

and domestic sewage are also discussed in this review.

Theory of Froth Flotation

H i story and development of flotation

The earliest patent which may be considered as relating to

the flotation process was issued to William Haynes, who in i860

recognized the difference in w ettability of various minerals by ( 2) oil and water . Since that time, flotation has passed through

three principal stages of development: 1) bulk oil flotation,

2) skin flotation, and 3) froth flotation. The fir s t two methods

have become obsolete and replaced by the third upon discovery

that a ir bubbles become attached only to hydrocarbon mineral


With the recognition that gas bubbles were an ideal buoyant

medium for carrying pretreated particles to the surface, froth

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. flotation became the most modern, e ffic ie n t, and widely practiced

method of separating and concentrating minerals from ore. Unless

the slurry contains a natural floater, the process involves tre a t­

ment of the ore to create conditions favorable for attachment of

specific particles to a ir bubbles which carry the selected material

to the surface of the slurry and form a stable froth which is re­

moved. Special additives have been developed to produce surfaces

of reduced w ettability and this has vastly extended the number of

materials possible to recover by flotation.


Flotation depends on the relative wettability and/or elec­

trical charges of surfaces, but the mechanism of collection has

been an object of considerable speculation. Various hypotheses

have been proposed along with some experimental evidence to support

each theory.

In itia lly it was recognized that oil promoted adhesion of

particles to bubbles and this was rationalized by assuming the oil

adhered to both particles and bubbles thus bonding them together.

The presence of oil in the concentrates and none in the

(3) added evidence to this view .

Taggart suggested that bubbles were formed directly at

the particle surfaces as a result of supersaturation in low

pressure regions created by the vortices of the impeller blades (3) upon agitation. Gaudin , however, indicated that rising bubbles

merely collide with particles and adhere to those which have an

aff i n i ty for air.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Additional theories proposed include the chemical or solubil­

ity theory and various adsorption theories involving attachment of

the collector as an ion, a molecule, a monolayer, and a multilayer.

The solubility theory postulates the formation of an organometal1ic

compound on the mineral surface which is less soluble than the

mineral its e lf. Minerals that form these hydrocarbon-1ike surfaces

can thus be floated; whereas, materials that form more soluble

compounds are not floatable.

Recent investigations employing radioactive tracers and

electron diffraction techniques have contributed additional infor- (2 ) mation; however, no single theory has been fully accepted . Pre­

sently more importance has been attached to contact angle, surface

tension, interfaces, and structure of the flotation reagents used

in the process. The procedure is of physiochemical nature involving

both physical and chemical factors with the major technical problems

concerned with chemical control of the material surface.

Physical factors

Physical considerations involve particle size, specific

gravity, surface wettability, and density of the slurry.

Fine particles in the near-colloidal size are difficult to

recover by flotation. Part of the problem is mechanical d ifficu lty

in bringing fine particles into contact with a ir bubbles. Other

problems are due to the difference between the surface of the older,

smaller particle and the freshly produced larger particle. Coarse

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. particles also are not effectively recovered. The upper lim it in

size for squat cylinderical particles can be related to specific (3) gravity and contact angle in the following equation'-":

scin i n a v , , - (s ■ _~ Q g d 2 minimum AT aw

T = interfacial tension of air-water (dynes/cm) aw g = acceleration of gravity

6 = specific gravity

d = particle diameter

0 = contact angle

if 0 is assumed to be 90 °, then d . = r^~aw 1 ^ ^ . maximum (6-l)g

For example, if the density was 3g/cm3, the equation resolves' to

r4 x 72 dynes/cm il/2 (3-1) 980 cm/sec

which equates to a particle diameter of 0.38 cm.

Surface w ettability is significant as it governs contact

angle between air and particle. If the contact angle of a mineral

is n il, water wets the solid in preference to air and air-solid

contact is impossible. A contact angle of 0° represents nonfloat-

a b ility , while an angle of 180° represents wetting of mineral by

air to the exclusion of water. No solid is known to give an air-

water contact angle larger than about 1 1 0 ° ^ . Contact angle can

be controlled somewhat with additions of flotation reagents.

Considerable interest has been given to the most effective

bubble size with arguments for both large and fine bubbles. Finer

a ir bubbles provide more surface area per unit volume of a ir and

hence more solid particles can be accommodated at the air surface.

However, energy is required to disperse gas and finer dispersions

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. require greater costs per unit volume. Buoyance due to gas varies

as the cube of the diameter; whereas, the buoyancy-consuming load

of minerals varies as the square of the diameter. It is conceiv­

able that a bubble-solids aggregate produced could have a negligibl (3) specific gravity differential with the surrounding medium .

Chem?cal factors

Chemical factors considered in flotation include crystal

structure of minerals, structure and composition of water, chem­

istry of flotation reagents, surface chemical reaction with mineral

and the natural association of minerals.

Host solids exhibit strong polar surfaces readily wet by

water, and therefore, lack an affinity for air. Surfaces free of

unsaturated bonds lack a ffin ity for hydrogen or hydroxyl ions in

water and preferentially attach to air. Consequently, successful

flotation of several minerals has been due to the development of

chemicals that form water-repellent surfaces either by reaction or

adsorption. These reagents are usually heteropolar, organic com­

pounds selective to specific surfaces. Success in flotation has

also been augmented with reagents that form stable foam upon

mechanical agitation. These flotation aids, classified as either

collectors, frothers, or modifiers, work together to promote

bubble-particle attachment and thus selective separation of solid

particulate matter from a liquid phase.

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Flotation aids


The main purpose of frothing agents is the production of a

froth capable of supporting the solid-1aden air bubbles until

removal from the flotation unit. Frothing agents provide a covering

film on the bubble which imparts a temporary toughness until further

stabilization is established by adhering mineral particles and other

adjoining bubbles. Usually a froth should break down rapidly

following removal from the flotation unit to allow volume reduction.

To create a froth the agent introduced must lower the surface

tension of water. Host organic compounds demonstrate this ab ility ,

but those effectively used are limited since frothers should be low

in cost, readily available, and effective in low concentrations.

Widely used frothers are pine o il, cresylic acid, and certain syn­

thetic alcohols. These frothers are all organic, heteropolar com­

pounds with the nonpolar radical repelling water while the polar

end attracts water. Molecules of these compounds occur at the bubble

walls with the polar end adhering to the water phase and the nonpolar

end turned toward the gas phase. Distribution of frother molecules

at the bubble surface imparts the required elasticity to enable the

rising bubbles to burst through the top layer of water and emerge at (2 ) the air-water interface intact and unbroken

Frothing a b ility of organic compounds increases with length­

ening of the hydrocarbon chain up to seven or eight carbon atoms;

thereafter, frothing a b ility decreases. Frothing quality is

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 10

essentially unaffected by the chemical bonding in the nonpolar

(3) region of molecule

Col lectors

Collectors are the heart of the flotation process since they

are the reagents which raise the contact angle on the solid

particle. Collectors, like frothers, are usually organic, hetero-

polar compounds with a polar and nonpolar radical.

To have good affinity for solid particles, collectors must

have polar, ionic, or chemically reactive groups as a portion of

their molecular structure. Collectors are conventionally classified

as either anionic, cationic, or nonionic. Anionic collectors include

xanthates, fatty acids, dithiophosphates, sulphonated or sulphated

fatty acids, sulphonated oils, glycerides, and alcohols. Cationic

collectors are amines and amine salts. Neutral hydrocarbon oils are

non-ionic reagents.

Modi fiers

Modifiers include all reagents whose principal function is

neither collecting nor frothing. They act as depressants, activators,

pH regulators, and dispersants. Depressants are any reagent which

inhibit or prevent adsorption of a collector by a solid particle and,

therefore, prevent its flotation. Activators enhance adsorption of

the collector and thus promote flotation.

Effectiveness of most flotation agents depend, to a large

extent, on the degree of alkalin ity or acidity of the pulp solution.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Therefore, it is desirable to operate at the optimum pH value for

a given reagent and slurry combination. Common alkalinity regulators

are lime and soda ash, whereas acidic pH control is usually obtained

wi th sulfuric acid.

At times certain minerals are contained in the pulp slurry

which tend to flocculate particles to such an extent as to interfere

with efficient flotation of the desired mineral. In this case it

becomes desirable to employ the aid of defloccu1ators and dispersants.

Flotation of Papermill C la rifie r Sediment

D i ssolved a i r flo tat ion

C arpenter^ studied extensively dissolved air or pressure

flotation. A variety of surfactant, collectors, and wetting agents

were used as flotation aids with pressures up to 120 psi and recycle

rates of 100, 200, and 300%. Tests performed with primary deinking

sludge were not successful due to the high concentration of fine

inorganic material. Boardmill sludge at 2% solids containing 35%

100-mesh fiber was thickened to k% dry solids using chemical dosages

of 3.5 to 5.0 lbs. per ton of dry material recovered. Sludge at

this in itia l solids could also be concentrated to comparable levels

by gravity thickening. Additional dewatering of floats by vacuum

filtra tio n was impeded by blinding of the f i l t e r media caused by the

presence of fine air bubbles within the sludge blanket. Centrifuga­

tion was hampered by the low specific gravity of the air laden

material. Carpenter concluded that the process was not practical

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. due to high in itial and operating cost, the necessity of a delicate

balance of operating variables, and problems in further dewatering

of the sludge.

Carbon dioxide flotat ion

In a similar investigation^ carbon dioxide was substituted

for dissolved air. Theoretically the process could be operated at

lower pressures and recycle rates due to carbon dioxide's greater

solubility in water. However, no advantage over dissolved air

flotation or gravity thickening was revealed by flotation with

carbon dioxide.

Electroflotat ion

Floats of (>% solids were produced from boardmill sludge by

electroflotation where solids were floated by the gas evolved at the

negative electrode^. However, only a small fraction of initial

solids were floated; and because of a long time element involved,

this process did not appear practical.

Flotation of industrial Wastes and Domestic Sewage

Air flotation has been used to advantage for the thickening

of some light flocculant sludges. Compared to a picket fence type

gravity thickener, flotation units are more compact and have a shorte

detention time. Such advantages have stimulated interest in this pro

cess as waste volumes demanding treatment have rapidly increased.

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At present, there are some sewage treatment plants which have

experience in flotation applications. A small plant in California

treating 1.0 mgd of domestic sewage has reported flotation removal of

55% in suspended solids and 70% reduction in five-day B O D ^.

( 8) Hay has reported findings on an eight-month pilot plant

operation at Racine, Wisconsin. The unit operated under 30 to kO psi,

a recycle rate of 20 to 50%, a designed capacity of 25 gpm, and a

detention time of about 20 minutes. Results indicated a possible 56

to 65% suspended solids removal with float solids up to 3.65%.

Chase^ reported on another pilot plant operated at 25 gpm with de­

tention times from 15 to 35 minutes. Flotation reduced suspended

solids from 1700 ppm to 120 ppm and produced floats of 2 to 3% solids.

Vacuum-type flotation units in California remove hulls and (9 ) ^ skins from food processing wastes . The units have a 2 gpm/ft

overflow rate and a detention time of 10 to 20 minutes. Flotation is

also employed to treat oil refinery wastes in California. One instal­

lation which follows primary sedimentation ta n k s ^ treats up to 5.8

mgd with two 35~feet diameter units. Sedimentation reduced oil con­

tent from 7500 mg/1 to about 115 mg/1. The flotation units operating 2 at a 2 gpm/ft overflow rate reduced oil content to 35 ppm.

Other miscellaneous oil and grease containing wastes; such as,

those from shops, airplanes and railroad car working f a c ili­

ties, have been treated satisfactorily by flotation. Success has

also been achieved in treating waste from the manufacture of soap and

edible oils.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Experience has also shown that there are wastes to which

flotation cannot be successfully applied. Each particular sludge

has its own peculiar characteristics which limit operational para­

meters and performance of the process and variables are involved

which must be studied in detail prior to application.

Flotation Practiced by the Pulp and Paper Industry

Treatment of white water from papermachines to remove fiber

and f i l l e r accomplishes a valuable savings in recovered material,

in addition to reducing stream pollution. One successful method

employed by the pulp and paper industry to reclaim white water solids

is the flotation save-all. These particular save-alls have been ( 12) found to operate at efficiencies usually over 96%

The principle of the operation is similar to that of ore

flotation. Air is dissolved in the white water and then after a

short detention time, the bubbles which attach themselves to fibers

and floes float to the surface and are removed by skimming. Flota- ( 13) tion save-alls operate at reduced and at atmospheric pressures

It is important to generate bubbles of appropriate size to achieve

effective flotation. The addition of reagents which reduce the

w ettability of the fiber surfaces improve flotation; whereas, addi- (l 2») tion of alum to a pH below 5.2 reduces fiber flo a ta b ility

Chemical coagulation or flocculation has been found necessary

to aid with the removal of very fine suspended particles. Alum,

caustic soda, activated silica, rosin size and sodium aluminate can

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. be used as coagulants or the promotion of flocculation can be

achieved by using fatty acids which react with aluminum ions to

form insoluble soaps In some cases colloidal glues are added

to stabilize the foam and provide greater a ir buoyancy. However,

activated silica sol or a polyacrylamide flocculant have been used

in placei off glue i O 6)

An electrophoretic investigation of the Sveen-Pederson process

has shown that the zeta potential is stabilized at a point near zero

by the combined effect of alum and Sveen glue. This effect provides ( 13) the necessary condition for flocculation . Others have claimed

that the purpose of the alum is to give the a ir bubbles a positive

charge and promote attachment to negatively charged p a rtic le s ^ ^ .

It is also believed that rosin size coats the fibers and clay parti­

cles to give them a nonpolar, air-avid surface which enhances flota- ( 13) tion . In general, the flotation reagents required to achieve

adequate solids recovery depend on the solids and chemicals present

i n the wh i te water.

The pulp and paper industry has also utilized flotation as a

means to separate printing ink from wastepaper stock. The wastepaper

is first slushed until free of fiber clusters and then diluted to a

consistency of approximately 0.8%. The chemicals required for flo ta ­

tion are then added. When groundwood is present, these chemicals

consist of sodium peroxide, sodium silicate and soft soap with a

fatty acid content of about kl%. The sodium peroxide and sodium

silicate serve to detach the ink from the fibers. For deinking

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. groundwood-free wastepaper which is not likely to yellow in alkali,

caustic soda may be substituted for the sodium peroxide and sodium „ ( 18) s i1icate

The soft soaps form insoluble calcium soaps which create

sticky flakes for accumulating ink particles and air bubbles. The

subsequent rising a ir bubbles carry the agglomerate of ink particles

and sticky flakes to the surface leaving the fibers behind. Fiber

losses are kept at a minimum by sending the froth from the primary

cell to a secondary cell for refloating. The accepts from the

secondary stage are returned to the primary cell. Usually only a

few fibers are left in the rejects which leave the secondary cell at

(l8) approximately 3 ~ 5% consistency .

Flotation of Clay Mineral

Flotation of clay is used as a means to recover the mineral

and for separating it from other minerals for purification. Suspen­

sions of clays resemble charged colloids, and these charged particles

can easily be floated using cationic col lectors ^ ^ . Kellogg^ has

shown that kaolin can be readily separated from quartz with amines at

pH 3 and reported flo a ta b ility in decreasing order as kaolinite, mica

feldspar and quartz. Effective separation of clay from other mineral

requires careful control of pH and ions which may be present in the


Ultraflotation, a modification of froth flotation, is used to

separate titanium dioxide from k a o lin ^ ^ . As applied to kaolin a

carrier mineral (ground limestone), is reagentized with a collector

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. which is selective for titaniferous minerals. Use of this auxiliary

agent extends the application of flotation to ultrafine micron and

submicron size anatase particles which w ill impart a creamy yellow

shade to kaolin even when present in small amounts. This process

removes about 70% of the anatase and yields kaolin, the underflow

product, with an improved brightness.

Successful separation and flotation of minerals depends on

the adsorption of collector at their surface to create a hydrophobic

film to enhance bubble-solid attachment. Consequently, an under­

standing of the surface chemistry of the mineral is important for

selecting the proper collector. Kaolin particles usually exist in

thin plates with slightly negative surfaces and positively charged

edges. In aqueous suspensions, the surface charge will be affected

by pH and the presence of other ions. A study of the idealized (21) atomic model of a two layered clay particle shown in Figure 1

w ill help in explaining its surface chemistry. The basic structure

consists of layers of a tetrahedral silicon oxide unit linked to an

octahedral aluminum oxide array by the sharing of oxygen atoms.

Multiple layers of this unit cell structure are held together by

hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyls of the aluminum oxide sheet

and the oxygens of the silica layers. Thus, when the clay particle

is fractured parallel to the silica and alumina sheets, it is most

likely to occur between these hydrogen bonded layers. The created

surfaces have hydroxyl groups and oxygen atoms exposed and thus lead

to slightly negative surfaces.

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\/ /\ O “ Oxygen □ - Hydroxyl ± - Aluminum



Fig. 1. Atomic model of kaolinite (a) planar schematic of coor­

dinated atoms (b) 3-dimensional structure.

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Cutting the sheets perpendicular to the layers and breaking

the Si-0 or Al-0 bonds forms edge surfaces capable of possessing

positive charges. When placed in water, the silicon and aluminum

atoms become balanced by forming bonds with hydroxyl and other nega­

tively charged ions. However, ionization can occur at a low pH and

leave the edge surface positively charged. Thus, the mineral surface

is sensitive to pH changes as well as the presence of other ions and

this helps to explain why the delicate control of pH and ions is

necessary to achieve effective separation of minerals by flotation.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 20


The preceding sections show that kaolin and cellulosic fiber

can be recovered by flotation processes. Since these two materials

are major components of pulp and paper mill sludge, it is plausible

that sludge in totality can be thickened by the process of froth

flotation. However, Gehm's^ review of the complex residues pre­

sent in sludge indicates two apparent problems with the flotation

method for dewatering sludges. F irstly, fiber and f ille r become

coated with starches, proteins, resins, etc. and thus offer an en­

tire ly different surface structure for air bubble attachment. There­

fore, because of the complex nature of sludge components, preferen­

tial separation of particles may occur resulting in a reduced

efficiency of solids recovery.

A second problem lies within the inherent characteristic of

fibrous sludges to hold water. Interstitual water of imbibition is

extremely d iffic u lt to remove since it is so tightly bound. This

amount of tightly bound water by various papermill sludges has been

related to the electrical double layer of the particles by Zettle-

moyer et_ a_l_. (22-24). Because of hydrophilic nature of cellulosic

fibers and the colloidal sols present, it is difficult to dewater

sludges by simply allowing them to drain. Thus, the type of fiber

present and the extent of its hydration would be influential in the

extent of sludge dewatering by the flotation process. Similarly,

residues from coating mills would also be expected to exhibit d e tri­

mental effects on both the recovery and dewatering of sludge material

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 21

by froth flotation.

Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate in the lab­

oratory the application of a frothing process to recover and de­

water a synthesized sludge which simulated the residue obtained from

pulp and paper mill effluent c la rifiers. Numerous frothers were

investigated for their ability to collect particles and produce

floats of high consistency. In addition to the synthesized sludge,

single component slurries of clay and fiber were used to evaluate

different types of collectors and also the influence of clay and

fiber to control the degree of dewatering.

Variables; such as, pH, chemical dosage, fiber freeness and

in itia l sludge consistency were examined to determine their effect

on the frothing process. Drainage of floats in the flotation chamber

was followed as detention time was increased.

The process and reagents used were evaluated on the basis of

the efficiency of separating the solids from the liquid phase, the

clarity of the subnatant liquid phase and the extent of solids con­

centration achieved in floats.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 22


The experimental procedure described in this section was

developed in the laboratory for this project. Since the composi­

tion and nature of papermill sludge continuously change, a synthe­

tic sludge was prepared for use in evaluating the flotation process

and chemical reagents. Studies were conducted to examine the

effects of pH and chemical dosage for several frothers. A study

was performed to determine an effective detention time in the

flotation chamber for achieving maximum float solids and to

observe whether drainage occurred in the froth. A variety of col­

lectors were evaluated for promoting flotation using one of the

better frothers under selected conditions.

Floats were produced from homogeneous systems of clay and

cellulose fiber to provide a better understanding of the surface

forces involved. Cellulose fiber floats were also produced from

varied in itial consistencies and at different freeness levels.

Preparation of Synthesized Sludge and Homogeneous Systems

The synthetic sludge was composed of k2% fiber, kl% clay,

10% starch, 5.9% papermakers alum [A12 (SO^)^ * 1SH^O] , and 0.1%

latex based on total dry weight.

The source of fiber was printed news which was beaten to 200

CSf in a Valley beater at 2% consistency. Stayco M starch was cooked

in a double boiler at 20% solids for 15 minutes at 180°F. English

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 23

Star clay was dispersed in a Waring blendor at 50% solids for 5 min­

utes. The above three components were combined with the addition of

Dow latex 630 and alum. Total solids of the synthesized slurry were

adjusted to k% and the mixture vigorously stirred for 2k hours to

simulate the effects of retention in a field c la rifie r. At the com­

pletion of mixing, the sludge was analyzed for total and suspended

solids, pH, 100-mesh material, and ash content.

The homogeneous clay slurry was prepared by dispersing English

Star clay in a Waring blendor for 5 minutes at 20% solids and then

diluting to 1.0%.

Fiber for the homogeneous studies was bleached softwood sul­

fite pulp which was beaten to the desired freeness in a Valley

beater at 2% consistency with 5500 g of pressure and then diluted

to a lower consistency for flotation.

Sludge Analysis and Solids Determination

Total solids

Total solids were determined by drying a 100 g sample in a

tared evaporating dish at 103°C ± 2°C.

% Total Solids = X 10°

Suspended solids

A 100 g sample was filtered through Whatman #2, 11 cm tared

f ilt e r paper using a Buchner funnel. The f ilt e r pad was then dried

in an oven at 103°C ± 2°C.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 2 4

% Suspended Sol ids = x 100 100 (g) The subnatant liquid suspended solids were determined by

filtering 10 ml through 5.5 cm, §2 Whatman f i l t e r paper and dried

at I03°C - 2°C.

% Suspended Solids = ^ x 100 10(g)

Ash content

After drying the sample for total solids, the evaporating

dish was heated in a muffle furnace at 600°C - 25°C for 4 hours.

% Ash = ash wt- (9> x ioo d ry wt. (g)

100-mesh material

A 500 g sample was washed with tap water on a 100-mesh screen

for 5 minutes. The retained material was filtered and dried at

I03°C - 2°C.

% 100-mesh = dpy "+ - x 100 500 (g)

Float soli ds

The float solids were calculated by subtracting the subnate

suspended solids from the initial solids and dividing this quantity

by the total mass of the flo a t, all terms expressed in grams.

, in itia l sol ids-suspended solids ^ lnri % Float Solids = ^ t -■;------rrt------r— r — , x 100 500 + initial solids - subnate vol.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Measurement of entra i ned a Ir

The volume of a ir entrained in the system was recorded as the

volume increase over the in itia l volume.

Flotation Procedure

The frothing chamber was a Waring blendor model No. PB-5A

which was used to incorporate the foam into the system. The speed

of the blendor was set on low and reduced further with a Superior

Electric powerstat type 116B which had a constant setting at 50 for

all tria ls . Chemical additions were made with a 0.1 ml pipette

with 0.01 ml graduations. When no collectors were being used, the

frother was added just prior to the agitation period. In trials

where both collector and frother were used, the frother was added

after the collector had been mixed with the sample for one minute.

After one minute agitation of a 500 ml sample with frother present,

the solution was transferred to a 1000 ml graduated cylinder, which

served as the flotation chamber where air-to-solids contact was

accomplished. Control samples which contained no flotation reagents

were run with all systems. After the float had formed during the

detention time prescribed below, the subnatant liquid and entrained

air volumes were recorded. Suspended solids were determined on the

subnate of the tria ls with the synthetic sludge and float solids

evaluated as described in the previous section. Trials with the

synthetic sludge were conducted in trip lic a te and floats with the

homogeneous systems were duplicated.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. pH Study

The effectiveness of flotation reagents depends to a large

extent on the pH of the system. Therefore, one of the objectives

of this study was to determine an optimum pH range for each

frother. Slurry pH was adjusted with sodium hydroxide or sulfuric

acid and measured with a Beckman Zeromatic pH meter model No. 96.

Flotation of the synthetic sludge was done at pH levels of 4.0,

5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, and 10.0 using 1.0% frother on a dry weight

basis on a sludge of 2.0% in itia l consistency. Detention time in

the flotation chamber was 20 minutes.

Dosage Study

In order to determine an optimum frother dosage for use in

further investigations, floats were produced from synthetic sludge

at different chemical addition levels. Dosages of 2.00, 1.00, 0.50,

0.25, and 0.05%, dry weight basis, were used at a pH of 7.0 and at

in itial sludge consistency of 2.0%. Detention time in the flotation

chamber was 20 minutes.

Detention Study

Detention time in the flotation chamber was varied to observe

the concentration of float solids versus time and measure float

drainage at the liquid surface. Six similar floats were produced

from synthetic sludge at a 2.0% in itia l consistency with pH at 8.0.

Dosage for frothers F-65, F-250, F-P0, F -1565 was 1%, and 2% for fro-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. thers F-2^9 and F-AO on a dry weight basis. Refer to Appendix 11 for

identification and further information on these chemicals. Float and

subnate suspended solids, entrained air and subnate volume were deter­

mined at intervals of 20 minutes, 1, 2, k, 8, and 2*4 hours. Control

samples which did not contain frother were also analyzed after 2h


Evaluation of Collectors

A variety of collectors were evaluated for promoting flotation

by using them in combination with frother F-65. A complete list of

the collectors used appears in Appendix II. The collector was added

firs t and given 1 minute to react with the sludge particles before

addition of frother. Frother dosage was 1.0% and the collector was

added in amounts of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% on a dry weight basis. Deten­

tion time in the flotation chamber was 30 minutes.

Flotation of Homogeneous Systems

Flotation was performed with homogeneous systems of clay and

cellulose fiber to study the surface forces involved in collection.

The freeness of the fiber was 350 CSf. Anionic frother F-250 and

cationic frother F-61 were used to determine their effectiveness in

floating the negative particles. Since the foaming tendency of the

frother and the froth stability are affected by pH, flotation of the

homogeneous systems was conducted at pH's of b.O and 9.0. Homogene­

ous clay slurries were maintained at 1.0% while fiber consistencies

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 28

varied from 0.1 to 1.0%.

Cationic collectors DN-80, AM-D, and anionic A-GPG, P-25, AF-

238, AP-710, AP-801, Z-6 and cationic polymer RT -763 were used with

frothers F-61 and F-250 for promoting flotation of the homogeneous

slurries. Refer to Appendix I for identification and further

information on these chemicals. Dosage was 1.0% dry weight basis

for frother and collector and detention time in the flotation chamber

was 20 minutes.

As a control and a further indication of foaming tendency and

froth stability of the two above frothers, frothing was done in

d istilled water with no particles present at pH's of 4.0, 6.0, 8.0,

and 10.0. Dosage was 0.02% by volume and the foam volume was

recorded in itia lly and at intervals of 100, 300, and 1200 seconds.

Freeness Effect on Float Solids

Floats were produced from 1.0% fiber suspensions at Canadian

Standard freeness values of 700, 500, 300, and 100. Cationic fro­

ther F-61 was used alone and with cationic collector AM-D at a pH of

4.0 and 9.0. Anionic frother F-250 was also used by its e lf and

with anionic collector P-25. Dosage was 1.0% dry weight basis and

detention time was 20 minutes in the flotation chamber.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

Froth Stability in D istilled Water

The effectiveness of the flotation process was evaluated

according to its a b ility to separate solids from the liquid phase

and by the dryness of the floats produced. Achievement of good

separation and high float solids was consequently dependent upon

the volume and stab ility of the froth produced since larger foam

volumes increased the probability of bubble-solid contact and froth

stab ility provided structure and support to allow drainage of floats.

Thus, the foaming tendency and froth stab ility of the frother was

c ritic a lly important to the efficiency of the process. Since the

performance of most frothers is affected by pH, the foaming capacity

and froth stability was measured for two frothers at pH levels of

h.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0 in d istilled water. The frothers evaluated

were F-250, a polypropylene glycol methyl ether which can be repre­

sented by the formula CH^-(0C2Hg)x - OH and F-61, a cationic amine

complex. Frothing tendency was measured as the volume of froth pro­

duced and s ta b ility was indicated by the rate of froth collapse.

The average results of this study are presented in Table I.

A definite pH effect occurred for both frothers. Greater

stab ility of froth was demonstrated for F-250 at increasing pH

levels as evidenced by the slower rate of froth collapse. Since the

collapse rate was faster at lower pH levels, the small difference in

in itial froth volumes was probably an effect of a short time lapse

before the fir s t reading was taken and the actual frothing tendency

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 30

was comparable at each level. However, the froth produced with F-61

was relatively stable at each pH level, but the initial froth volume

varied. The largest volume of froth with F-61 was at pH 6.0 and also

appeared slightly more stable at this level. Although F-250 dis­

played a much higher frothing tendency than F-61, the stab ility from

F-61 was superior at all pH levels. In the experiments that follow

it also was found that the best performance of F-250 was at an ele­

vated pH while F-61 performed best at low pH. This, of course, was

in agreement with the findings of this test.

Frothing tendency is of course a function of the frother's

chemical structure and its interaction with water, but the volume

of foam produced is also related to bubble size and foam dryness.

Froth s tab ility on the other hand is affected by bubble size, elec- (25) trical effects and small particles within the froth. Small bubbles

are more stable than larger ones; whereas, charge repulsion stab­

ilizes bubbles and retards coalescence, as do small particles which

keep bubbles separated. The greater stab ility displayed by F-61,

a mixture of octadecyl amine and octadecyl guanidine, was most likely

the result of repulsion by the cationic frother. An alkyl amine;

such as F-61, has a pK value of approximately 10.6 and thus becomes

more ionized with decreasing pH and consequently exhibits greater

stab ility due to charge repulsion. On the other hand, the stability

of froth from F-250 was essentially unaffected by electrical effects (26) since the pK for an alcohol is 16 or greater. in the experiments a that follow it was noted that the froth of F-250 was stabilized by

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE I



F rother ___rh In itial 100 sec 300 sec. 1200 sec. Entrained a ir volume (ml.) F-250 4. 0 300 70 30 15

6.0 320 85 30 15

8.0 345 200 65 15

10.0 340 270 150 15

F-61 4.0 175 160 150 130

6.0 200 200 200 190

8.0 130 125 125 95 CO in 10.0 110 100 90

Frother dosage - 0.02% by volume

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 32

the presence of the fine particles which prevent coalescence of


Effect of pH and Fiber Consistency on Frother Performance

A selection of frothers was evaluated for floating 0.1 and

1.0% fiber suspensions at pH's i*.0 and 9.0. The float solids pro­

duced are presented in Table II.

Fiber consistency had lit t le or no effect at all on the

ability of the frothers to float the fiber to the surface. In all

cases except with F-65 at pH *4.0, fiber was collected. In almost

all trials the dryness of the floats could be correlated with the vol­

ume of entrained a ir; with larger volumes allowing more drainage and

thus higher concentration of floats. In the one exception with F-61

at pH i».0 and 0.1% fib e r, such a large dense volume of froth was pro­

duced that drainage was inhibited by the froth its e lf. Since the

fiber was efficiently floated at all conditions when sufficient froth

was produced, it was concluded that the fibrous particles were easily

entrapped by the a ir bubbles and that no conditioning with collectors

was necessary to promote bubble-solid attachment. However, the

solids content of the floats were extremely low since cellulose is

very hygroscopic and thus very reluctant to give up water. Con­

sequently, but in agreement with Gehm^ , highly hydrophilic mater­

ials such as cellulose fiber control the drying of fibrous floats as

well as the drainage of sludges.

The pH of the system had a noticeable effect on the volume of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 33 TABLE I I


jjH ~ 4.0 pH - 9.0 Entra i ned Float Entra ined Float a i r Subnate soli ds a i r Subnate solids (ml.) (%) Frother (ml.) (ml.) (%) (ml.)

1.03 Fiber 1.01 0 0 Control 2 10 220 1.75 40 275 2.18 F-71 23 28 230 1 .82 F-350 18 140 1.37 118 365 3.57 F-250 20 190 1.59 220 1.75 F-61 85 360 3.45 35 265 2.08 F-1565 20 185 1.56 45 60 300 2.kb F-77 15 160 1.45 205 1.67 F-73 15 150 1.41 25 355 3.33 F-65 15 185 1.56 110 2.27 F-PO 20 170 1.49 45 285 F-AO 80 325 2.78 75 315 2.63

0.1% Fiber

settled - Control 0 settled 0 485 3.22 F-71 20 175 0.16 45 3.70 F-350 25 472 1.75 50 487 1 .10 F-250 20 220 0.41 15 455 3.22 F-61 172 465 1.41 43 485 482 2.70 F-1565 18 400 0.50 38 1.10 F-77 15 380 0.41 12 455 40 482 2.70 F-73 20 b70 1.64 20 470 1.64 F-65 5 sett led 3.22 F-PO 15 390 0.45 50 485 3.70 F-AO 15 b70 1.64 42 487

Detention time - 20 minutes in flotation chamber

Frother dosage - 1.0% dry weight basis

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 3k

entrained air obtained. The greater volume was obtained at pH 9.0

for all frothers but two. F-61 as in the preceding section performed

best at pH k.O while F-AO was affected very lit t le by pH. The pre­

sence of solid particles stabilized the froths with the volumes

presented in Table II s till existing after 20 minutes. Some of the

froths such as those from F-250 and F-65 displayed better sta b ility

against collapse with the higher concentration of fiber present.

The results of this phase of the study indicated that an

optimum volume of entrained a ir should be incorporated into the froth

for maximum concentration of solids. Below this critical volume,

insufficient separation of solids from the liquid phase is achieved

and l i t t l e drainage within the froth occurs. However, if the en­

trained a ir volume is too large, added moisture is retained by the

extra air bubbles and thus reduces the overall dryness of the froth.

Flotation of Fibers Conditioned with Collectors

In this phase of the study, a variety of collectors were

evaluated for their a b ility to improve drainage from floats con­

taining cellulose fibers. Frothing was provided by frothers F-250

and F-61 at pH's of k.O and 9.0. The control designates the float

produced with frother alone. The results are presented in Table III.

Comparison of the float solids in Table III to Table II shows

that no improvement in drainage was obtained by using the collectors.

Float solids drier than the control were only obtained when the add­

ed collector provided increased frothing power. Thus with larger

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 35 TABLE I I I


Frother F-61 Frother F- 250 Entra i ned Float Entra i ned Float a i r Subnate soli ds ai r Subnate soli ds Col lector (ml.) (ml .) (%) (ml .) (ml .) (%)

pH 4.0

Control 70 315 2.63 55 290 2.33 A-GPG 35 225 1 .78 160 380 4.00 P-25 20 135 1.35 105 360 3.45 AP-801 30 200 1.64 **5 245 1.92 AP-710 30 240 1 .89 20 110 1.26 DN-80 ko 275 2.17 15 50 1.10 Z-6 50 310 2.56 105 350 3.22 AF-238 60 330 2.86 45 280 2.22 RT-763 95 370 3.70 40 270 2.13 AM-D 120 390 4.35 55 275 2.17

pH 9.0

Control 25 190 1.59 100 310 2.56 A-GPG 35 230 1.82 150 370 3.70 P-25 25 190 1.59 90 310 2.56 AP-801 25 125 1.32 155 365 3.57 AP-710 30 145 1.39 55 270 2.12 DN-80 k7 260 2.04 35 240 1.89 Z-6 25 125 1.32 85 305 2.50 AF-238 50 280 2.22 120 340 3.03 RT-763 45 260 2.04 70 270 2.13 AM-D 210 395 4.54 50 250 1.96

Detention time - 20 minutes in flotation chamber

Frother and Collector dosage - 1.0% dry weight basis

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 36

volumes of entrained a ir, better drainage was possible. However, in

many cases the addition of collector resulted in an unfavorable

reaction and frothing action was reduced to a level below that of

the frother by its e lf. This behavior was obviously undesirable and

indicated that the frother and collector must be compatible. The

reduction in the volume of entrained air could be attributed to a

loss in frothing tendency or reduced froth stab ility as a result of

the formation of salts between oppositely charged collector and

frother. Collectors P-25, AP-801, AP-710, Z-6 and AF-238 are anionic

and obviously had a detrimental effect on the frothing produced by

cationic frother F-61 at pH 4.0 where this frother would be highly

ionized. Similar losses in frothing power occurred with the some­

what anionic alcohol F-250 and the cationic collectors DN-80, RT -763

and AM-D at pH 9.0. Although the ionic nature of A-GPG was not

available, it appeared to be anionic since it was compatible with

F-250 and added frothing capability whereas it reduced the entrained

a ir volumes with F-61.

Flotation of cellulose fiber was not dependent on the type

of charge of the collector or frother. This result further sub­

stantiated the conclusion that fiber collection by bubbles occurred

by physical entrapment rather than electrical attraction.

With all reagents studied, the fiber was effectively floated

to the surface; with the larger volumes of entrained a ir providing

better drainage of floats. However, the combination of frother and

collector was an important consideration since the compatibility of

these two reagents affected the volume of entrained a ir.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Effect of Freeness on Float Drainage

The fact that cellulosic fiber controlled the dryness of floats

indicated that fiber freeness would also be an important factor to

be considered in the concentration of sludge by the flotation pro­

cess. Therefore, floats were produced from 1.0% fiber suspensions

at various freeness to measure this effect. The results are re­

corded in Table IV.

Float solids have been presented as calculated and measured

values. Calculated values were determined by using the known weight

of in itia l fiber and the weight of water contained in the float which

was simply the difference between the in itia l and subnate volumes.

Measured float solids were determined by drying a lOg sample taken

from the top of the float. The higher solids obtained for the

measured results demonstrated the drainage effect that was taking

place within the float. This difference between calculated and

measured float solids has been graphically, illustrated in Figure 2

for floats obtained with F-6l at pH k.O and F-250 at pH 9.0 versus

Canadian Standard freeness. Not only was the top portion of the

float drier, but floats were also drier for the least refined pulp

fiber. This anticipated result was due to hydration of the fibers

from the beating action which fib rilla te d and frayed the fibers.

Consequently the increased surface area exposed increased numbers of

hydroxyls which in turn provided for a larger quantity of adsorbed

water. Thus as the degree of beating increased, the hygroscopic

nature of the fiber also increased and floats from well-beaten fiber

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE IV 38

EFFECT o f f r e e n e s s on f l o a t s o l i d s

pH - A.O pH - 9.0

Canad ian Entrained Float Entrained Float Standard a ir solids (?) air solids (?) Reagent F reeness (ml •) Calc. Det'd. (ml.) Calc. Det'd.

F-61 700 85 3.38 k.kS 25 1. 6A 2.31 F-61 500 90 3.03 A. 2k 30 1.56 2.35 F-61 300 85 2.86 A. 10 A0 1.96 2.80 F-61 100 80 2.63 3.A5 A0 1.92 2. 6A F-61 + AM-D 700 125 A. 00 5.57 315 8.33 6.96 F-61 + AM-D 500 115 3.33 A.79 270 A.76 6.05 F-61 + AM-D 300 125 3.33 5.0A 280 5.26 6.01 ; F-61 + AM-D 100 13° 2.9A A. 25 270 3.85 A.62 ! F-250 700 25 1.6k 2.38 85 2.38 A.30 F-250 500 30 1.5k 2.38 70 2.27 3.62 F-250 300 30 1,6k 2.09 75 2.17 3.31 F-250 100 28 1.6k 2.00 65 2.13 3.0A F-250 + P-25 700 30 1 .37 1.9A 80 2.50 A.00 F-250 + P-25 500 35 1 .kS 1.96 85 2.32 3.71 F-250 + P-25 300 A0 1.59 1.92 95 2.32 3.53 i F-250 + ! p-25 100 35 1.39 1.78 80 2.13 3.17

Detention time - 20 minutes in flotation chamber

Frother and collector dosage - 1.0? dry weight basis

In itia l solids - 1.0% fiber

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 39



'Q7 Float Soli ds .0


a - D-250, measured

• - D-250, calculated

100 300 500 700


Fig. 2. Calculated and determined float solids versus Canadian Standard


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 40

retained more water. This effect was the most pronounced in the

floats containing large volumes of entrained a ir where more drainage

could occur. Froths containing small volumes of a ir had li t t l e

opportunity to drain and the solids were approximately the same at

each freeness level.

Once again there was a correlation between the solids content

of the froth and the volume of entrained air. However, even with

large volumes of entrained a ir and relatively unbeaten fiber, the

consistency of the float was s till very low. This result demonstrated

again that cellulose fiber had an important effect on the drainage

of floats and that the dewatering of fibrous sludges would be highly

dependent upon the percentage and type of fiber content.

Flotation of Clay

Table V contains the results of flotation experiments using

frothers F-61 and F-250 with a variety of collectors to float 1.0?

clay suspensions at pH's of 4.0 and 9-0.

The results of this study show that the smaller clay particles

were not as easily collected by air bubbles as was the bulky fibrous

cellulose. In several instances only part of the clay was floated

or in two cases none at a ll. However, when floats were achieved,

they were more concentrated than the cellulose floats since clay is

less hygroscopic compared to cellulose. No floats were achieved in

control #1 in which the procedure was performed without any frother

or collector. In the second control, frother was used and collection

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. was achieved with F-61; whereas with F-250, failure of an effective

bubble-particle attachment resulted in an unstable froth which coll­

apsed with a similar behavior as the frothing trials in distilled

water. The successful flotation by the cationic amine frother F-61

indicated that a favorable reaction occured between the clay and

frother and promoted bubble-solid attachment. This result is of

course in agreement with the literature in that successful flotation

of clay occurs with cationic amines. The solids content of the con­

trol flo at, however, was not very high but this was due to the small

volume of entrained a ir which provided an ineffective separation

from the water phase for good drainage.

Complete collection of clay was accomplished with F-61 leav­

ing a clear liquid phase beneath the froth. With additional en­

trained air volumes within the froth using the collectors a still

more concentrated float resulted. However, there was not a direct

correlation between the volume of entrained a ir and the dryness

achieved by floats. Deviation was the result of large volumes of

froth retaining additional moisture at the extra surface created by

the bubbles. This was especially true in the tria ls with AM-D.

Yet, even with similar quantities of entrained air, there was a

wide variation in the dryness of the obtained floats as in the trials

with DN-80 and AP-710 at pH ^.0. Consequently it appears that the

cationic DN-80 was effective in reacting with the anionic surface of

clay to form a more hydrophobic surface which would not retain as

much adsorbed water as the unmodified clay with hydroxyls to hydro­

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. gen bond to water. On the other hand, AP-710 is a fatty acid and

thus anionic and did not form a protective coating on the kaolin

particles to assist drainage.

Although successful flotation of clay was achieved using

anionic collectors, the contribution in promoting collection by

these charged reagents can not be readily evaluated. In the trials

performed with F-61 the frother was capable of collecting the clay

and the drier floats obtained with anionic collectors may only be an

effect of increased frothing power. In the cases with F-250 where

anionic collectors AP-801, a sulphonate, and AP-710, a fatty acid,

achieved flotation, large volumes of air were entrained within the

froth. Thus flotation may have been the result of physical entrap­

ment rather than a promotional effect achieved by collector-kaolin

reaction. However, the dryness of the float with AP-801 compared to

that of DN-80 at pH 9.0 with equal volume of entrained air does in­

dicate a promotional drying effect by this anionic collector. The

quality of the foam produced in retaining moisture and allowing

drainage would also appear to be an important consideration in using

flotation to concentrate fibrous sludges.

The partial floats were recorded when only part of the clay

was floated and the rest settled. The occurrence of this result may

have been due to insufficient dosage or adsorption of collector on

the clay surface for promoting bubble-particle attachment. The

quality of the air bubbles may also have been influential in the in­

complete separation; such as, large bubbles will rise to the surface

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 43



pH - 4.0 pH - 9.0 Frother - F- 61 Frother - F- 250

Entra i ned Entra i ned a i r Subnate Float a i r Subnate Float volume vo 1ume so f i ds vo 1ume vo 1ume sol ids Col lector (ml.) (ml.) (S) (ml .) (ml.) (%)

Control-1 0 settled no 0 settled no f loat float

Control-2 30 385 4.17 0 settled no float

DN-80 65 485 25.00 140 440 7.69

AP-801 35 settled parti al 140 492 38.46 float

AP-710 60 450 9.09 230 470 14.28

AF-238 95 430 6.67 90 settled part ia1 float

AM-D 350 460 11.11 410 450 9.09

P-25 65 480 20.00 105 sett 1ed part ia1 float

A-GPG 65 sett led parti al 200 sett led part ia1 float float

RT-763 90 445 8.33 30 sett 1ed partial float

Z-6 115 460 11.11 10 sett 1ed no float Detention time 20 minutes in flotation chamber

Frother and collector dosage - 1 .OS dry weight basis

Control-1 without flotation reagents; Control-2 with IS frother

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so fast that they separate from particles on the way to the surface.

Physical entrapment, however, was most likely responsible for some

collection when large volumes of air were entrained in the froth.

Results that contained only partial or no float point out

the sensitive nature of clay flotation. However, in the successful

tria ls , kaolin was completely separated from the liquid phase leaving

clear water beneath the froth. Finally, since kaolin is much less

hygroscopic than cellulose, the resulting floats with clay were

concentrated to a much higher level than those with cellulose fiber.

Effect of pH on Flotation of Synthetic Sludge

This phase of the flotation investigation was performed with

the synthesized sludge containing fiber, clay, starch, latex and

alum as described in the experimental section. The effect of pH

chemical dosage, float-draining time and conditioning agents were

evaluated for the flotation process with the synthetic sludge. The

results from the pH study using a variety of frothers are presented

in Table VI.

The volume of air entrained in the froth increased for all frothers

as the pH was elevated, but was the most pronounced for F-65, F-250

and F-AO as evidenced by the curves in Figure 3- The entrained air

volume for frother F-PO, F-1565 and F-249 increased only moderately

with rising pH. Frothers F-AO and F-15&5 were the best foamers at pH

4.0 and 5.0 and also gave the higher float solids at this pH; and,

therefore, would be good frothers in a fluctuating pH system. The

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 45



pH Frother 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Float soli ds {%) Control 2.02 2.10 2.08 2.44 2.48 2.60 2.68 F-65 3.33 3.15 3.85 4.73 4.69 5.06 4.92 F-250 3.65 3.86 4.28 5.00 4.96 5.29 5.29 F-PO 3.64 3.99 4.18 4.02 4.13 4.22 4.21 F-AO 4.02 A.23 4.06 4.32 4.65 4.78 4.64 F -1565 3.94 4.11 4.07 4.47 4.37 4.49 4.53 F-249 2.99 2.99 3.29 3.44 3.75 3.87 3.97 Subnate volume (ml.)

Control 0 9 0 100 100 110 120 F-65 163 183 223 256 273 273 266 F-250 153 170 216 226 243 250 240 F-PO 189 200 206 206 2.10 216 220 F-AO 190 203 223 236 253 246 246 F -l565 200 206 203 223 220 236 223 F-249 106 110 136 160 190 200 200 Solids removal eff i ci ency {%) F-65 97.5 95.5 97.9 98.4 97.6 97.2 96.3 F-250 93.1 94.2 96.2 98.4 96.8 97.7 96.8 F-PO 96.3 97.9 98.5 98.2 98.1 97.7 97.8 F-AO 98.3 98.5 98.9 98.9 98.8 99.1 98.8 F-1565 98.1 98.5 97.5 99.2 99.2 98.4 98.6 F-249 98.1 97.1 98.4 98.7 98.6 98.3 98.4 Entrained air volume (ml.)

Control 0 0 0 15 15 15 25 F-65 8 18 43 88 97 103 90 F-250 22 32 55 92 102 117 115 F-PO 20 40 47 43 55 58 53 F-AO 55 60 87 102 120 113 110 F -l565 50 52 55 67 68 70 72 F-249 8 12 23 27 38 40 50

Suspended solids were not determined on control due to small subnate volume.

Frother dosage - 1.0% dry weight basis

Detention time - 20 minutes in flotation chamber

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. erdcd ih emsin fte oyih onr Frhrrpouto poiie ihu permission. without prohibited reproduction Further owner. copyright the of permission with Reproduced Fig. Fig. Float Solids, % 21 Entrained Volume, ml . . fet f H n h vlm o foh rdcd y aiu frothers. various by produced froth volume of the pH on of Effect 3. g. 2.00 3.00 5.00 100 b. ocnrto o fot ois hw a iet eainhp o volume to relationship direct shows a solids float of Concentration f r nrie i te froth. the in entrained ir a of 10 •A< 20 5.0 30 * nrie Ar oue ml Volume, Air Entrained *t 0 6.0 7.0 60 8.0

80 9.0 100 10.0 b& b7

increase in the froth volume with rising pH can be attributed to

either a greater frothing tendency or improved froth stability.

However, since the entrained air volume was measured at various time

intervals and remained constant during the detention time at each pH

level, it was concluded that the froth was stable and the change was

due to increased frothing power. This conclusion was also supported

by the fact that the control displayed increased frothing tendency

at higher pH conditions.

Along with the increase in entrained a ir, there was a corres­

ponding increase in the solids content of the flo at. This correlation

is illustrated in Figure b where the entrained a ir volume is plotted j against the solids concentration of the floats. This effect was

attributed to better drainage of the bulkier floats due to increased

support and better separation from the liquid phase. The float

solids reported in Table VI were determined from a 50 g sample re­

moved from the top of the float and thus represented the drier por­

tion of the float as was demonstrated in the study of freeness effects.

This method of sampling for float solids was not without warranty

since the lower section of the float containing reusable chemicals

can be recycled to the flotation chamber as practiced by the mining

industry. However, even the solids content of the drier portion of

the floats were not substantially high and the actual prominance of

these results, of course, depend on the application of the process.

If used to concentrate sludge as removed from primary settling tanks,

which was the in itia l consideration in this study, this process would

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. not be practical. Most c la rifie rs for pulp and papermlll waste

water treatment produce sludge at a solids content of at least

or higher before being further dewatered by some secondary process;

such as, centrifuging, vacuum filterin g or large drying basins.

With the flotation process, a secondary stage would s t ill be nec­

essary; and, therefore, if used in conjunction with settling tanks,

flotation would increase the cost, time and space for water p u rifi­

cation. However, it may be possible to substitute the flotation pro­

cess for the settling operation which is not only space consuming and

slow, but its efficiency is highly dependent on the nature of the

solids and environmental conditions. The flotation process could be

applied at various locations in the mill where better control of

conditions could be maintained and since the rate of bubble rise is

faster than the settling of many solids contained in waste water,

the process could possibly increase the rate of water purification

and/or cut down on the space required. The actual applicability of

flotation, of course, would depend on the solids removal efficiency

and the operational cost, the latter of which was not a consideration

in this study.

The solids removal efficiency was calculated by difference

between the suspended solids of the subnate liquid and the known

in itia l sclids. These calculated values reported in Table VI show

a high efficiency of solids removal with an average value of almost

98%. There was no apparent difference in the solids recovery at the

various pH levels, and, therefore, it was concluded that the solids

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ks

were simply entrapped by the dense bubble mass moving upward and that

solid-bubble attachment was independent of pH at these conditions.

A large fraction of the clay was probably collected by the bulky mass

of a ir bubbles and fibers as they moved toward the surface. It can

only be concluded, however, that pH control was not critical for the

removal of solids if the system contained a high percentage of fiber

and the in itia l solids concentration was near the 2% level. At a

lower solids concentration; such as, exists in the clarifier influ­

ent, or in less fibrous sludges, pH would be more critical to solid-

bubble attachment as has already been demonstrated in the homogeneous

clay systems.

Effect of Frother Dosage on Flotation of Synthetic Sludge

The effects of frother dosage on frothing power, collection

efficiency and solids concentration were examined with the synthetic

sludge at 2% in itia l solids and pH 7. The results obtained with

dosages of 0.05, 0.25, 0.50 , 1.00 and 2 .00% on a dry weight basis of

solids are reported in Table V II.

For frothers F-AO and F-2^9, there was a definite reduction in the

float solids, entrained a ir and subnate volume as the dosage was decreased

from 2.00 to 0.25 %; whereas, the change was very lit t le for the other fro ­

thers. A pronounced decrease in entrained air with corresponding

reductions in float solids and subnate volume occurred for all frothers

(except F-2^9) as dosage was further decreased to 0.05% which is

equivalent to one pound per ton of solids. However, the efficiency

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE V I I


Frother dosage - dry weight basis

Frother 2 .00% 1.00% 0.50% 0.25% 0.05% Float soli ds (%) F-65 4.72 5.03 5.04 4.87 4.48 F-77 4.3 8 4.70 4.65 4.28 3.74 F-PO 3.97 4.73 4.46 4.46 3.72 F -l565 4.41 4.47 4.63 4.24 3.64 F-AO 4.26 4.28 4.04 3.68 3.44 F-250 4.63 4.91 4.41 4.61 3.87 F-249 4.49 4.04 4.00 3.28 3.36 Subnate volume (ml.) F-65 277 250 247 243 200 F-77 230 237 230 220 183 F-PO 237 223 223 223 173 F -l565 253 223 230 223 167 F-AO 247 200 160 173 130 F-250 273 237 247 250 190 F-249 250 200 160 153 137 Solids removal efficiency (%) F-65 31.5 98.2 98.5 98.4 98.5 F-77 98.3 98.8 98.4 98.9 98.6 F-PO 98.2 98.5 98.5 98.2 98.5 F -l565 97.1 98.2 98.5 98.7 98.8 F-AO 98.0 98.7 98.8 98.8 98.9 F-250 31.1 98.8 98.6 97.8 98.7 F-249 3 1 .4 98.6 98.8 98.7 98.6 Entrained a ir volume (ml.)

F-65 82 68 85 70 35 F-77 53 60 67 55 28 F-PO 53 57 65 52 25 F -l565 67 50 75 55 18 F-AO 62 37 25 32 13 F-250 88 78 83 72 30 F-249 85 47 37 23 13

Control - 2.62% float solids

pH - 7.0

Detention time - 20 minutes in flotation chamber

Initial solids - 2 .0%


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 51

of solids removal remained undiminished at the lower level of frother

addition as solids recovery averaged better than 38%. Again the

correlation between float solids and entrained air volume was evident

at 0.05 % frother addition where drainage was minimized due to in­

effective bulk and support by the small a ir mass. However, separation

of solids from the liquid phase was good at the low dosage level and

could be effective at still lower additions of chemical by recycling

the lower section of the float and thus conserving frother. Since

the final solids concentration was not very high compared to the

in itia l solids content of the sludge, the process was much more im­

pressive in its ab ility to remove solids from the liquid phase

rather than concentrating them further.

Effect of Detention Time in the Flotation Chamber on Float Sol ids

Drainage of floats (changes in suspended solids of the sub-

natant liquid and stability of the froths) was determined by analy­

zing floats and subnatesat intervals of 20 minutes, 1, 2 , 4, 8 and

24 hours. Floats were produced from the six frothers using the

synthetic sludge at 2% initial solids and at pH 8 . The results are

presented in Table V III.

As shown in Table V III, the float solids and subnatant volume

increased with time for all frothers as drainage occurred in the

froth. Drainage as measured by the change in subnate liquid below

the float was not significant after a detention period of 2 hours.

The drainage which did occur was definitely related to the volume of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE VIII


Frother (dry Time - i n the flotation chamber weight basis) 20 min. 1 hr. 2 hr. 4 hr. 8 hr. 24 hr.

Float solids (2)

1% F-65 5.24 6.01 6.23 6.13 6.22 6.43 12 F-250 4.89 5.16 5.45 5.82 6.09 7.32 2% F-249 4.94 5.73 6.07 6.29 6.71 7.33 12 F-PO 4.41 5.00 4.97 5.19 5.36 5.67 12 F -1565 4.77 5.38 5.49 5.73 5.85 6.08 22 F-AO 4.21 4.70 4.91 5.13 5.06 5.39 Subnate volume (ml .) 12 F-65 300 327 337 343 345 337 12 F-250 263 307 321 330 336 340 22 F-249 250 317 337 347 347 348 12 F-PO 247 283 300 310 317 317 12 F -l565 243 283 300 307 313 320 22 F-AO 243 280 300 300 303 305 Sol ids removal efficiency ( 2)

12 F-65 97.9 98.0 96.9 96.6 96.2 97.5 12 F-250 98.0 98.2 9-7.9 98.1 98.1 97.4 22 F-249 98.3 99.0 98.2 98.3 97.5 97.8 12 F-PO 97.2 97.6 97.7 96.5 97.3 97.7 12 F -1565 98.2 97.2 95.6 97.4 97.2 97.8 22 F-AO 98.3 97.8 98.3 97.8 97.8 98.1 Entrained a ir volume (ml.)

12 F-65 97 97 97 97 97 92 12 F-250 90 90 90 90 90 85 22 F-249 112 112 112 112 112 108 12 F-PO 62 62 62 62 62 60 12 F -l565 75 75 75 75 75 75 22 F-AO 63 63 63 63 63 52

pH 8.0

Control float solids - 3.642 after 24 hours

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 53

entrained a ir as can be seen by the correlation between volume of

entrained a ir , float solids and subnatant liquid.

The stab ility of the froth was quite pronounced as demonstrated

by the almost constant volume of entrained a ir. Entrainment of the

air in the froth provided the float with bulk and body not typical of

sludges of only ^ or 5% solids as a heaping handful or spoonful could

be held without overflowing. The significance of this feature, of

course, would be in the handling of the froth after its production.

Due to its stable structure and body, the froth could possibly be

transferred by conveyor belt, more easily trucked or perhaps sent

through a screw press for further dewatering. The structure of the

froth might also provide for faster drying of sludges in large dry­

ing basins. However, if the froth was to be treated by vacuum

filte rs or centrifuges, the foam would need to be broken down to

facilitate treatment.

Collection of the solids into the froth was again highly

efficien t as efficiency of removal averaged better than 97%. Since

the suspended solids content of the subnate did not increase in the

2^-hour detention period, it was concluded that the fine solid

particles as well as the larger ones were well supported and con­

tained within the froth.

Flotation of Synthetic Sludge Using Collectors and Frother F-65

A variety of collectors; which included fatty acids, amines,

xanthates, sulfonates, dithiophosphoric acid salts and surface active

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 5b

agents were evaluated for promoting flotation of the synthetic

sludge with frother F-65. Frother F-65 was used in this study at

1.0% with collector dosages of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% on a dry weight

basis. The control was the float produced from similar sludge using

only the frother. The float solids from this study are presented in

Table IX. Indentification of the collectors can be found in Appendix

I .

Similarly, as in the homogeneous fiber system, the collectors

did not aid in the concentration of floats. In most cases the con­

trol (frother only) produced a drier float. When float solids drier

than the control were obtained, there was a corresponding increase in

the volume of entrained a ir. Consequently, it was concluded that the

increase in float solids was due to increased drainage rather than to

any change in surface characteristics of the solid particles. Trials

in which the frothing tendency was reduced to a level below that of

the control again indicated the incompatibility of frother and collectors.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE IX


Float solids (%) Col lector Control Col lector Control Col lector Control dosage 1% dosage 1% dosage 1% Col 1ector 0.5% F-65 1.0% F-65 2.0% F-65

A-61 3.71 5.53 A.07 5.5A 5.21 5.87 A -18 5.03 5.53 5 .A1 5.5A 5.78 5.87 A-22 5.22 5.53 A.91 5.5A 5.89 5.87 A-GPG 5.67 5.53 5.86 5.5A 6.A5 5.87 A-OS A.99 5.53 5 .AA 5.5A 6.37 5.87

A-MA 5. A0 5.53 5.3A 5.5A 6.A3 5.87 A-AY 5. A6 5.53 5.A3 5.5A 5.98 5.87 AF-208 5.07 5.A5 5.78 5.27 5.97 6.22 AF-25 A. 83 5.A5 5.52 A.82 5.13 6.22 AF-2A2 5.21 5.A5 A.52 A.82 5.5A 6.22

AF-211 5.70 5.A5 5.12 5.27 5.83 6.22 AP-710 5.09 5.A5 A.A6 5.27 5.63 6.22 AP-801 5 .0A 5.19 5.0A 5.27 5.93 5.95 AP-825 5.09 5.A5 5.00 5.27 5.86 6.22 AP-A25 5.58 5.A5 A.95 5.27 5.97 6.22

R-1509 A.52 5.7A 5.06 5.58 A. 50 5.68 DE-80 A.89 5.7A A.27 5.58 A.A2 5.68 DN-80 A. 12 5.7A A. 26 5.58 A.39 5.68 AM-3037 A.3A 5.7A A.37 5.58 A.2A 5.68 RT-763 6.02 5.7A 6.15 5.58 6.10 5.68

P-25 5.89 5.7A 5.A7 5.58 A.75 5.68 AM-15A6 A.91 5.7A A.Al 5.58 A.83 5.68 F-A00 5.51 6.01 5 .A0 5.58 5.A3 5.95 Z-6 5.A7 5.61 5 . 1A 5.99 5.91 6.12 Z-l 1 A.97 5.61 A. 76 5.99 5.73 6.12 AM-D 5.23 5.61 5.02 5.99 5.32 6.12

pH 8.0

Collector and frother dosage - dry weight basis.

Detention time - 30 minutes in the flotation chamber

In itial sol ids - 2.0%

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 56


This investigation of froth flotation of synthesized pulp

and paper mill sludge has examined several important parameters and

their effects on this complex process. Based on the data obtained

and analyzed in this study, the following conclusions have been

formed. .

Collection of the solid particles by air bubbles was highly

efficient as approximately 38% of the sludge solids were floated to

the surface. However, the process was ineffective for dewatering

fibrous sludges. Drainage of the floats was affected by the cellu­

lose content and directly related to the entrained a ir volume of the

froth. The hygroscopic cellulose fibers limited drainage by their re­

tention of water while increased a ir content augmented water removal.

Bulky and fibrous cellulose was easily entrapped by the air bubbles

and floated to the surface; whereas, successful collection from a

clay suspension required a delicate balance of pH and collector ions.

Although the mineral collectors promoted collection of the clay

particles by themselves, they did not increase the dryness of floats

or solids removal efficiency from the synthesized sludge.

The pH had an important influence on the foaming power of the

frother and the stability of the froth. Some frothers were less

sensitive to pH than others and hence could be used over a wider pH

range. The sta b ility of the froth was greatly enhanced by the pre­

sence of fine particles and the air entrained within the float pro­

vided bulk which increased the body and structure of the froth.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 57

Although drainage of the floats was a very slow process, flo ­

tation its e lf was very rapid and the solid particles were quickly re­

moved from the water phase by the rising air bubbles. Thus, the

greatest potential of the flotation process seemed to be its effici­

ency of solids removal and alacrity of reaction rather than its

limited a b ility to concentrate fibrous sludges.

Furthermore, since the concentration of the floats obtained

were only comparable to those of sludges produced from gravity clari-

fie rs, it would not be practical to use the flotation process in

conjunction with settling tanks. Since the float would s t ill require

further dewatering, the process would only increase the time, cost

and space for wastewater treatment. However, due to its efficiency

and rate of solids removal, the flotation process offers potential

as a replacement for the time consuming and inefficient settling

procedure and, thus, should not be abandoned until further explored.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 58


Due to the rapid rate and efficiency of solids removal from

the water phase, certain aspects of froth flotation should be fur­

ther investigated. The flotation process offers potential as a

replacement for primary gravity thickening and this area should be

studied. The process could possibly be adapted to certain locations

in the mill similar to the present method used for recovering fibers

from white water. Selective flotation is another possibility where

each component is recovered from the others at a separate stage.

Recommendations for future work would also include investigat­

ing different types of collectors and frothers rather than those

specifically designed for the mineral industry. The effects of var-

ing the composition and including other sludge components than those

used in this study should be measured. Modification of cellulose

fiber by chemical reactions to change its hygroscopic nature should

be tried to reduce the water retention of the fiber.

Finally, design of flotation equipment needs to be developed

specifically for this type of work since the mining flotation devices

are not designed to concentrate pulp and papermill sludges.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. LITERATURE CITED

1. National Council for Stream Improvement, "Manual of Practice for Sludge Handling in the Pulp and Paper Industry," Technical Bulletin No. 190, June, 1961.

2. Dow Chemical Company, "Flotation Fundamentals and Mining Chemicals, Midland, Michigan, 1965.

3. Gaudin, A. M. , "Flotation," 2nd edn., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1957*

A. Taggart, A. F. , "Elements of Ore Dressing," New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1958, p. 595.

5. Carpenter, Wi11iam L ., Flotation Thickening of Pulp Mill SIudges, Unpublished Work, National Council for Stream Improvement.

6. Caron, Andre L., Exploration of Novel Techniques for Sludge Dewatering, Presented at the 39th Annual Conference Water Pollu­ tion Control Federation, Kansas City, Missouri, 1966.

7. Chase, Sherman E., Sewage and Industrial Wastes, 30 (6): 783 (1958).

8 . Hay, T. T . , Sewage and Industrial Wastes, 38 (1): 100 (1956).

9. Mays, T. J ., Sewage and Industrial Wastes, 25 (10): 1228 (1953).

10. Fuerstenau, D. W., Editor, "Froth Flotation 50th Anniversary Volume," New York, The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., 1962, p. 101-102.

11. Sutherland, K. L., and Wark, I. W., "Principal of Flotation," Melbourne, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Inc., 1955, p. 335.

12. Stephenson, J. Newell, Editor, "Pulp and Paper Manufacture," Vol. 3, 1st edition, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1953, p. 35.

13. Casey, James P., "Pulp and Paper," Vol. 2, 2nd edition, New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc., I960, p. 862-865.

lA. Friend, William, Tappi, 29 (6): 172A (1956).

15. Poor, E. N., and Whitenight, H. A., Paper Trade Journal, 11A (9): 101 (19^2).

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 60


16. Reynolds, J. F., and Ryan, R. F., Tappi , ^t0_ (11): 918 (1957).

17. Harrison, W. D., Paper Trade Journal, 109 (7): 67 (1939).

18. Ortner, Herbert, Tappi, b8 (2): 37A (1965).

19. Sebba, F ., "Ion Flotation," New York, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1962, p. 97.

20. Green, E. W., and Hunter, J. L., U.S. Patent 2,990,958, 1961.

21. van Olphen, H., "Clay Colloid Chemistry," New York, Interscience Publishers, 1963, pp. 59-82.

22. Zettlemoyer, A. C., Micale, F. J ., Dole, L. R ., NCASI Tech. Bull. No. 212.

23. Zettlemoyer, A. C., Micale, F. J., Dole, L. R., NCASI Tech. Bull. No. 225, December, 1968.

2b. Zettlemoyer, A. C., Micale, F. J., Dole, L. R., NCASI Tech. Bull. No. 2bS , September>1971•

25. Adamson, A. W., "Physical Chemistry of Surfaces," New York, Interscience Publishers, 1966, pp. 387-^20.

26. Sykes, Peter, "A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry," John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1965, p. ^0.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. APPENDIX I

Identification of Frothers and Collectors

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 62

Key to Collectors

Ionic Symbol T r a d ’e Name Composition Charge

A-61 Aerosol ethanolated alkyl guanidineamine cationic C-61 complex

A-18 Aerosol disodium N-octadecyl sulfosuccina- anionic 18 ma te

A-22 Aerosol tetrasodium N-(l,2-dicarboxyethyl)■ anionic 22 N-octadecyl-sulfosuccinama te

A-GPG Aerosol not available not GPG available

A-OS Aerosol sodium isopropyl naphthalene anionic OS sulfonate

A-MA Aerosol MA sodium dihexyl sulfosuccinate anionic

A-AY Aerosol AY sodium diamyl sulfosuccinate anionic

AF-208 Aerofloat alkyl dithiophosphoric acid salts anionic 208

AF-238 Aerofloat alkyl dithiophosphoric acid salts anionic 238

AF-25 Aerofloat alkyl dithiophosphoric acid salts anionic 25 AF-242 Aerofloat alkyl dithiophosphoric acid salts anionic 242

AF-211 Aerofloa t alkyl dithiophosphoric acid salts anionic 211

AP-710 Aero pro­ fatty acid anionic moter 710

AP-801 Aero pro­ sulphonate anionic moter 801

AP-825 Aero pro­ sulphonate anionic moter 825

AP-425 Aero pro­ not available anionic moter 425

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 63

Ionic Symbol Trade Name Compos? tion Charge

R-1509 Reagents not available not 1509 available

DE-80 Delamate fatty amine cat ion ic 80

DN-80 Delamin 80 stearyl and oleyl amine cationic

AH-3037 Aeromine amine acetate salt cat ion ic 3037

RT-763 Reten 763 Epi-chlorohydrin polyamide cationic

P-25 Pamak 25 tall oil fatty acid anionic

AM-15^6 Ami ne amine cationic SI 5^6

F-400 Floto 1*00 not available not available Z-6 Xanthate potassium amyl xanthate anionic Z-6

Z-l 1 Xanthate sodium isopropyl xanthate anionic Z-l I

AM-D Amine D dehydroabietylami ne cationic

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Key to Frothers

Symbol Trade Name Compos i t ion

F-AO Aer-O-Foam fire fighting foam

F-PO Pine Oil Yarmor F terpene alcohols

F-61 Aerosol C-61 ethanolated alkyl guanidineamine complex

F-65 Aerofroth 65 synthetic frother

F-71 Aerofroth 71 high alcohol

F-73 Aerofroth 73 alcohol

F-77 Aerofroth 77 straight chain, higher alcohols

F-2^9 Resin 2^9 kraft resin size

F-250 Dowfroth 250 polypropylene glycolmethyl ether

F-350 Pine oil Yarmor 350 terpene alcohols

F -l565 Frother S1565 not available

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