MINERAL ENGINEERING & FUEL TECHNOLOGY (MME-203) 4th Semester B. Tech Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering V.S.S.university of Technology , Burla Sambalpur , odisha Person Name Designation Department involved And Email .id Course Gautam Assistant MME coordinator Behera professor
[email protected] Course Co- Dinesh Assistant MME coordinator ku professor mishra ,
[email protected] Course Co- Avala Assistant MME coordinator Lava professor kumar
[email protected] Goals of the subject 1-To impart knowledge about Mineral Processing [fundamental knowledge] 2-To teach you to “think” rather than “cook” 3-To encourage you to consider a career path in Mineral Processing Content Introduction to mineral processing(Engineering) Crushing and grinding Size separation methods Concentration methods Agglomeration techniques Fuel technology MODULE -I Introduction to mineral and mineral Engineering Mineral- a substance from which we get metal non metals or any valuables. Mineral Engineering ( branch of mme which deals with study of minerals and its processing )where the minerals is being processed to get a concentrate from which metals are extracted . Flow chat to show the relationship of mineral engineering with mining and extractive metallurgy engineering Subject covers Minerals definition MINERAL : Natural occur inorganic aggregate of metals and non metals . Or Inorganic compound having a definite chemical composition and crystal structure (atomic structure). Or minerals are the forms in which metals are found in the earth crust and as sea bed deposit depend on their reactivity with their environment, particular with oxygen , sulphur, and co2. Anything of economical value which is extracted from the earth. Characteristic of mineral 1-Minerals are homogeneous in physical and chemical composition.