Mines An~ Mf 1Terals of Ulllasbf Ngton
I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I l I l I I t I I I I I I t • I I I I I I f Mines an~ Mf1terals of Ulllasbf ngton . • A~AL REPORT or GEORGE A. BETHUNE, FIRST STATE GEOLOGIST. OT.Y~rT'lA, \V A!':IT.: O. C. WOITE, tiTAT.E .PRINT.ER, 1801. I I t I I I t I I I I I I ' I f I I f I I I t I I t I f I I I I I t I I Tacoma, Wash.) Jan. ..............................1 891. To ······-·····-·················································-·····························.··········· I take pleasure in presenting this, the first annual report upon the Mines and Minerals of Washington. Yours very truly, GEO. A... BETHUNE, ~ First State Geologist. Mines anb Minerals of Ulllasbington . • ANNUAL REPORT OF GEORGE A . BETHUNE, FIRST STATE GEOL OGIST. OLYMPIA, WASU.: O. C. WU I TE, STATE PRI NTER. 1891. • ANNUAL REPORT. 'l'o his Excellency, Ct1ARU:S E. LAUG HTON, Governor·, and tlie lion orable, the membm·s of the Seri ate and House of Rep1·esentatives of the State of Washington: G~NTLEMEN- Herewitb find my annual report, as the first ~tate geologist of the State of Washington. In submitting this report for your consideration, and possibly for dissemination throughout the state, I beg leave first to call your attention to the following facts: By act of the legislature, the first to convene in this state, the office of which I have the honor to be the possessor, was created in March, 1890, and my appointment as state geologist and con firmation by the senate followed shortly thereafter.
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