
COMMENT A shelf of new books FICTION For two millennia, ARCHAEOLOGY Digs must CLIMATE Happy 200th to on , before and storytellers wove lunar preserve Vesuvius’s past, not woman who noted role of

after, compared p.170 dreams p.172 just Pompeii’s p.174 carbon dioxide p.174 NASA

NASA and Soviet cosmonaut Alexey Leonov in the . First was nearly a US–Soviet mission As today’s tensions mount, it is salutary to recall that cooperation was on the table during the , writes Roger D. Launius.

he Apollo programme that took surprisingly close the Moonshot came to fascinating period for me, a former chief to the Moon is properly becoming a cooperative venture. historian of NASA. As we celebrate the 50th viewed as an outgrowth of the cold On 25 May 1961, President John F. anniversary of ’s successful Moon Twar between the and the Kennedy announced the US commitment landing, few people are aware that almost . Today, as strained US rela- to reaching the Moon by the immediately afterwards, Kennedy explored tions with foreign powers threaten science end of the decade, stoking ’ pat- the possibility of bringing the Soviet Union once more, it is worth recalling how riotism and pioneer — a particularly — then the only other spacefaring nation

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— into the venture as a full partner. This would have reshaped the programme from one of competition into one that fostered international cooperation. Kennedy proposed as much to the Soviet leader, , at their first and only summit in June 1961. Khrushchev insisted that such discussion should await the negotiation of a nuclear-test-ban treaty. Kennedy revisited the idea of cooperation repeatedly thereafter. By autumn 1963, his vision was to form an Apollo programme that would build bridges between the two superpowers, instead of heightening cold- war rivalries. But the timing never worked. A series of conflicts between the two nations in 1961 and 1962 — in the stand-off that led to the construction of the , the and so on — blunted efforts at genuine cooperation. Nonetheless, by September 1963, rela- tions had improved and Kennedy invited the Soviet Union to work with the United States. Addressing the , he offered the vision of a joint lunar expedi- tion. “Space offers no problems of sov- ereignty,” he said, and spoke of sending scientists to the Moon as representatives of all countries, not of a single nation. By that time, Khrushchev had started to think the idea had merit, but Kenne- dy’s assassination on 22 November 1963 scotched the plan. The Americans went on to win the , and landed Apollo Then US President John F. Kennedy shakes hands with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna. astronauts on the Moon six times between July 1969 and December 1972. The Soviets relationship does not have rough patches? , , to visit the tried and failed in their own landing pro- But, unquestionably, it has been a stun- United States. It highlights geopolitical gramme, although their robotic sample- ning success. When the significance of the challenges that have long been present, return missions were a success. ISS is reconsidered in the next century and especially with the Soviet Union and now beyond, I think that its greatest achievement . Rogozin was serving as Russia’s RON CASE/GETTY STRAINED RELATIONS will be seen as promoting peaceful coopera- deputy prime minister in 2014, and was Still, cooperation between the United States tion among many nations. outspoken when the United States imposed and the Soviet Union in space remained The United States and Russia have sanctions over ’s annexation of the a constant subtext throughout the cold uniquely complementary capabilities, and Crimean Peninsula that year. The Russian war. Often informal, this enjoyed varying they have been at each other’s side for more space agency warned that Bridenstine’s degrees of support from national leaders than 25 years as humans push back the final decision could lead to the termination of on both sides. The most significant venture frontier. Through existing cooperative agreements and make came as a result of the detente during the their efforts, low “The conclusion future deals more difficult. Given decades of early 1970s, and led to the highly successful Earth has history, this is doubtful, but possible. Apollo–Soyuz Test Project in 1975. This saw become a normal of the cold war The fact is, every aspect of space explo- a US and a Soviet spacecraft dock in orbit, realm of ushered in a new ration and development advances through and got cosmonauts and astronauts working activity. Russia’s era of joint space cooperative initiatives. At present, the together on experiments. Soyuz spacecraft endeavours.” human programmes of all The conclusion of the cold war ushered transport system, nations have been most successful when in a new era of joint space endeavours. the US and the various space inextricably linked to each other. Disen- For the duration of the US Space Shuttle stations have made Earth orbit feel like tangling them would be difficult, expensive, programme (between 1981 and 2011) and a backyard. We are beginning to see the time-consuming and foolhardy. the International (ISS; con- expansion of orbital commerce, all to the For decades, the United States and Russia tinuously occupied since 2000), NASA has good, and perhaps the prospect of a return have had terrestrial differences. These worked with several international partners. to the Moon through a broad international should remain on Earth. Cooperation in Since 1992, that has included the Russian consortium, including the United States and space continues to light the way, and should space agency, Roscosmos. Russia. be encouraged by all sides. ■ Bringing Russia into the international All that history puts recent scuffles in coalition that constructed the ISS in 1993 new light. One was the January decision Roger D. Launius is a former chief was a trailblazing achievement. It has by NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine historian of NASA. had its difficulties — what long-standing to withdraw an invitation to the head of e-mail: [email protected]

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