

PMUNC 2015

Cuban Missile Crisis JCC: USA

Chair: Seamus Daniels



Chair Letter…………………………………………………………………...3

U.S. Policy In The ………………………………………………….4

The U.S. And ……………………………………….…………………..6

Other Policy Challenges…………………...………………….………………7 External Challenges……………………………....………………….....7 Internal Challenges…………………………………………...... ……..11

Committee Members….……………………………………………………..13

2 JCC PMUNC 2015

Chair’s Letter

Dear Delegates,

Hello! My name is Seamus Daniels and I will be your chair for the USA section of the Joint Crisis Committee. First a little about myself: I hail from Albany, the great capital of the Empire State of . I’m a huge fan of Manchester United Football Club and the TV show Archer. At Princeton, I am a senior in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and am pursuing a Certificate in Near Eastern Studies. On campus, I served as Secretary-General for PMUNC 2014, and am also a member of the Princeton Tower Club and the Princeton Men’s Club Soccer Team. I’m very excited to be one of the chairs for this year’s JCC on the Cuban Missile Crisis. It’s an event that we all learn about in our US History textbooks, but we often forget why the conflict still captivates the public imagination: it could have easily turned out very differently. Depending on how the , Soviets, and reacted, the Cuban Missile Crisis could easily have resulted in nuclear war. Simulating this committee will allow us to consider the “what-ifs”—in other words, how history might have played out in an alternative universe. I urge you to consider these alternate possibilities, and look forward to seeing how our committee plays out at the conference!

All the best, Seamus Daniels

3 JCC PMUNC 2015


U.S. Policy in the Cold War permanent modus vivendi that it is

desirable and necessary that the

The date is January 20, 1961. The U.S. is internal harmony of our society be currently embroiled in the Cold War with disrupted, our traditional way of the , a struggle for global life be destroyed, the international influence and domination. It’s not only a authority of our state be broken, if conflict between two superpowers; it’s a Soviet power is to be secure. This battle of ideologies. versus political force has complete power

Communism. The world is divided into of disposition over energies of one two spheres of influence, the allies of the of world's greatest peoples and

United States and the West, and the resources of world's richest states of the Soviet Union. national territory, and is borne

George Kennan, the Deputy Chief of the along by deep and powerful

Mission of the to the currents of Russian .

U.S.S.R., outlines the struggle in the In addition, it has an elaborate and following excerpt from his 1946 “Long far flung apparatus for exertion of

Telegram”: its influence in other countries, an

apparatus of amazing flexibility

“In summary, we have here a and versatility, managed by people

political force committed whose experience and skill in

fanatically to the belief that with underground methods are

US there can be no presumably without parallel in

4 JCC PMUNC 2015

history. Finally, it is seemingly problem in war, and if necessary,

inaccessible to considerations of with no smaller outlay in planning

reality in its basic reactions. For it, effort. I cannot attempt to suggest

the vast fund of objective fact all answers here. But I would like

about society is not, as to record my conviction that

with us, the measure against which problem is within our power to

outlook is constantly being tested solve--and that without recourse

and re-formed, but a grab bag to any general conflict..”1

from which individual items are

selected arbitrarily and The current U.S. strategy in the Cold War

tendenciously to bolster an is one of . In his 1947 Foreign

outlook already preconceived. Affairs article entitled “The Sources of

This is admittedly not a pleasant Soviet Conflict,” Kennan wrote “the main

picture. Problem of how to cope element of any United States policy

with this force in [is] undoubtedly toward the Soviet Union must be that of a

greatest task our diplomacy has long-term, patient but firm and vigilant

ever faced and probably greatest it containment of Russian expansive

will ever have to face. It should be tendencies.”2 To that end, the U.S. needs

point of departure from which our to stand firm and counter any potential

political general staff work at expansion to the Soviet sphere of

present juncture should proceed. influence.

It should be approached with

1 same thoroughness and care as http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/coldwar/documents/ep isode-1/kennan.htm solution of major strategic 2 https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russian- federation/1947-07-01/sources-soviet-conduct

5 JCC PMUNC 2015

The U.S.S.R., however, recognized the

The U.S. and Cuba new government on May 7, 1960 and

appeared to be pushing the

On January 1, 1959, the Cuban nation into its .4

Revolution forced President Fulgencio

Batista and his U.S.-backed regime from These fears were confirmed on December power. Batista controlled an authoritarian 19, 1960 when Cuba and the U.S.S.R. state, seizing power in a coup in 1952. The aligned itself with the Soviet state

U.S. had a long relationship with Cuba following the establishment of trade since the Spanish-American War in 1898. relations and the distribution of economic

Cuba became independent in 1902, credit.5 though the U.S. reserved the right to intervene in its internal affairs. By 1958, Following the nationalization of all however, the U.S. ceased providing American property in Cuba in 1960,6 the military aid to the Batista regime.3 U.S. to end diplomatic relations with Cuba

and to close its embassy in on

Following Batista’s ousting, government January 3, 1961.7 control was taken over by the leader of the rebel forces, . At this point, it is unclear as to the status of the 4 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/ti Cuban government under Castro; it has meline/ 5 Ibid. not declared itself as communist as of yet. 6 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1203355.st m 7 3 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/ti http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1203355.st meline/ m

6 JCC PMUNC 2015

ExComm must determine U.S. policy on

Cuba. A nation so closely aligned with the

Soviet Union just below the Southern Other Policy Challenges coastline poses serious concerns. Cuba cannot become a base for External Challenges

Soviet arms and missiles. Such a location would place major American cities Though the Allies agreed in principle to including the capital in range. an eventual unified German state after the

Additionally, Cuba cannot become a hub end of World War II, in 1949 the Soviet for further communist expansion in Union declared that the zone of Germany

Central and . Cuba poses it was occupying would be a fully enough of a threat on American national independent "German Democratic security for the entire region to be Republic" (GDR, or German Deutsche exposed to Soviet influence. Demokratische Republik DDR). In response,

the United States, the UK, and

This committee must decided the next merged their three zones and declared the steps to take in addressing the threat of Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, or

Cuba. Should our government adopt a German Bundesrepublik Deutschland hardline that threatens escalating the BRD). Colloquially, these Germanys are conflict? known as East and ,


At any moment there are roughly 50,000

soldiers on either side of the Inner

7 JCC PMUNC 2015

German border, including troops from seem incapable of administering the both Germanys and from their state territory as efficiently as the West sponsors. For the first decade or so of Germans. At the end of World War II, the

East and West German history, the USSR Soviets also stripped of any had held the advantage in numbers of capital (e.g. machinery) and wealth they conventional troops and ground forces could find; this impeded East German along this border and along other borders economic growth. in . The only thing that has kept them at bay has been the threat of nuclear As a result of this huge disparity, East retaliation. Unclassified estimations Germany is particularly vulnerable to indicate that the United States may have Western propaganda. The United States several hundred nuclear weapons has been broadcasting Radio Free Europe stationed in West Germany, deliverable and Radio Liberty into East Germany either by bomber or by missile. These from the West German border and from weapons remain under American lock and West (see below), as well as from key; the Germans themselves have no say some ships. in their use.

Ultimately, the US and allies' goal is a fully

Quality of life in West Germany remains sovereign unified German state. somewhat below US quality, since Unfortunately, we don't expect the Soviets

Germany suffered more during the to agree to this anytime soon. In the

Second World War, but quality of life in meantime, we aim to maintain the current

East Germany is far lower. The Soviets status quo, while minimizing the risk of and their proxy German Communist Party

8 JCC PMUNC 2015 direct conflict between the two major are a huge incentive to East Germans to

Cold War powers. flee to the West; large numbers have been

doing so over the last decade. The easiest

route for this is from East Berlin to West

Berlin. The Soviets are not impressed by

Berlin this. Berlin remains the largest hole in

Currently, Berlin is divided into four their . There is still time for sections, each occupied by one of the diplomacy, but Berlin remains a potential major European powers: the UK, the flashpoint that could make this Cold War

USA, the USSR, and France. The Soviets hot. have used the Berliners (located deep in

East Germany) as hostages before. The

USSR cut off all traffic, including food The Turkish Republic has been a member and fuel, from West Germany into West of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Berlin in the spring of 1948. In response, (NATO) since 1955, when it joined the US and allies airlifted supplies into simultaneously with Greece. Turkey is also

West Berlin for more than a year until the the home of NATO's İncirlik air force

Soviets gave up the , a major base, a major factor in US power propaganda victory for the US. projection into the region. Since 1955,

Turkey has also been a founding member

According to West German law, all of the Central Treaty Organization

Germans (East and West) are entitled to (CENTO), a less functional mutual full citizenship rights in West Germany. defense alliance between the UK, Turkey,

These rights and the economic disparity Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan. Turkey

9 JCC PMUNC 2015 contributed forces to the UN (US) placed in order to assuage Turkish fear of mission in Korea during the . conventional or unconventional Soviet

attack on their land.

Geostrategically, Turkey's position is probably the single most critical of any Tensions also occasionally flare between

NATO ally. US intelligence forces are Greece and Turkey, two countries that openly able to watch Soviet and Soviet- have been rivals more than friends for aligned war ships move from the Black more than a century. Both are NATO

Sea into the Mediterranean via the members today, but fighting within the

Bosphorus and Dardanelles, straits Turkey NATO bloc could tear the entire alliance controls. News stories have asserted that structure apart. The US cannot really

NATO is even tracking Soviet nuclear afford to lose either member. submarines as they attempt to travel covertly through the straits. Turkey is also Turkey is nominally a democracy, but for one of only two NATO members that the first two decades of its history it was a share a direct land border with the USSR one-party state. From 1946 until 1960,

(the other being Norway), in the Caucasus there were free multi-party elections with with the Armenian SSR and the a peaceful transfer of power between

Azerbaijan SSR. opposing parties, until in May 1960

General Cemal Gürsel lead a coup against

As of 1959, the US placed Jupiter-class the democratically elected President and missiles with nuclear warheads on Turkish Prime Minister. Turkey currently remains soil. These weapons remain in the custody under authoritarian military rule. Aside of the United States. The weapons were from its oscillation between democracy

10 JCC PMUNC 2015 and military rule, the Turkish government administered by the newly organized remains staunchly secular and Capitalist. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space

Administration) has focused more on

mice, monkeys, and apes, but their

Internal Challenges survival rate is far from acceptable for

human cargo.

Space Race

The USSR launched (Спутник- The so-called “” is a

1) into around our planet on propaganda battle between the West and

October 4, 1957. In response, we the East in the context of the greater Cold attempted to launch our own satellite, War. It is a challenge to see which side can

Vanguard, in December of that year. better pursue technological advancement

Vanguard failed to launch and and explore the universe. It is also a not- experienced a catastrophic failure so-subtle way for each side to make veiled

(explosion) on the launchpad, threats: the same technology that put embarrassing our country worldwide. At Sputnik 1 and into space could the end of January, 1958, we successfully just as easily be used to launch a nuclear launched Explorer 1, the first American weapon at the enemy, even across the satellite. planet. The Space Race is producing

technology with military use, most

The Soviets have continued their obviously in the form of missiles but also testing, recently having sent dogs in in other ways. capsules into space. The dogs have not survived reentry. Our own space program,

11 JCC PMUNC 2015

The Space Race is also extremely have already made a prototype. Thus, we expensive. Critics of the space program must prepare for the future of warfare not are fairly rare because of the immense just to defeat the enemy, but also in order propaganda value of the launches, but to ensure our own survival. most criticism centers around claims that the money spent on NASA could fund Risk of Communist Infiltration more effective propaganda. Though former Senator Joseph McCarthy

ended up making a fool of himself on

Finally, there is the question of the national television in his zeal, he wasn’t militarization of space. Right now we are entirely wrong. We believe that there are not capable of putting serious weapons Communists and sympathizers at various into Earth’s orbit, but policymakers have levels of the federal government, and of quietly proposed such radical ideas as a course in state and local governments.

US military base on the surface of the Senator McCarthy was on the right track

Moon. These proposals are far off, but when he investigated, in particular, the our advisors say that using to State Department, though hist specifics gather intelligence on the enemy is a were lacking. It is unclear whether these possibility within this (or at least by the radicals are homegrown and unaffiliated end of the next) Presidential term. with the Soviet Union, or whether they

are taking orders from the Politburo itself.

Currently Soviet is We must be wary about whose advice to superior to ours. Right now, if we are trust. Our very inner circles may be capable of developing any sort of space breached. weapon, you can be sure that the Soviets

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Aside from infiltration into government, we believe that the Reds and their sympathizers are filling the media with unpatriotic propaganda, and doing the work of the enemy. Hollywood is known Members of the Executive Committee to be full of Reds. America’s free media is of the National Security Council at once our strength and our weakness: it’s (ExComm) public knowledge that the media is ExComm was a council of U.S. officials independent from the state, but this convened by President to means it is vulnerable to unpatriotic address the threat posed by the Cuban infiltration. Missile Crisis. The Committee consisted

of members of the National Security

Further, after having surveilled major Council as well as individuals consulted by labor unions, we believe that many of JFK. For the sake of the committee, some them are also compromised by historical members of ExComm have

Communists. They have been organizing been excluded while other actors not among the poor in the South, as well as in originally in the council have been the major unions. The FBI recommends included. further surveillance and possible direct action against these domestic enemies Francis Kennedy, Attorney General- before they more seriously harm our Committee Director country. “The President’s younger brother

and most trusted adviser believed

doing nothing about the Soviet

13 JCC PMUNC 2015

missiles in Cuba was acclaimed account of the crisis,

“unthinkable”, while a surprise air .”8

strike, in light of the memory of Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President

Pearl Harbor, was against Prior to joining the Kennedy

America’s traditions and would Administration, LBJ served as the

“blacken the name of the United Senator from Texas from 1949-

States in the pages of history”. He 1961 and Senate Majority Leader

therefore favored the blockade as from 1955-1961. After losing the

an action that would “make Democratic nomination in the

known unmistakably the 1960 presidential election, he was

seriousness of U.S. determination chosen to be the running partner

to get the missiles out of Cuba” of JFK. During the crisis, he

while leaving the Soviets “some “sided with those in favor of a

room for maneuver to pull back”. strike and advised the president

At the height of the crisis, Robert unsuccessfully against conferring

Kennedy met with Soviet with congressmen and U.S. allies

ambassador on ways to resolve the crisis, as

and made explicit the threat of an Johnson believed they would

imminent U.S. attack, while also provide little help.”9 Johnson

delivering the President’s secret would assume the Presidency

promise to withdraw U.S. Jupiter

missiles from Turkey in four to 8 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d five months. He later wrote an ramatis-personae// 9 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/

14 JCC PMUNC 2015

following JFK’s assassination in orientation and his ability to

1963. evaluate and judge competing

points of view defused tensions

during the Cuban

Dean Rusk, Secretary of State Missile Crisis and contributed

David was originally toward the successful negotiation

JFK’s second choice for the of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban

position of Secretary of State after Treaty in .”10 Rusk

J. William Fulbright, but was would go on to serve as Secretary

nevertheless nominated and of State until 1969, tied for the

approved in 1961. “Rusk asserted second-longest serving Secretary

that the Secretary of State served of State.

at the pleasure of the President.

As such, the Secretary’s role Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense

reflected that of an advisor who JFK offered the position of

would preside over policy debates, Secretary of Defense to Robert

offer informed views, and endorse McNamara on the

the President’s decisions. recommendation of former

Secretary of State and Secretary of

Rusk also advocated a “dignified Defense Robert A. Lovett.

diplomacy,” emphasizing civility

and communication between the

United States and the Soviet 10 Union. Rusk’s diplomatic https://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/peopl e/rusk-david-dean

15 JCC PMUNC 2015

“During the Cuban Missile Crisis, A veteran of World War II and

McNamara viewed the Soviet the Korean War, Taylor served as

deployment as a political issue, not Army Chief of Staff under the

one affecting the overall nuclear Eisenhower Administration. He

balance. He first raised for would resign and retire from

consideration the option of a active service, however, in 1959

blockade on October 16. A after falling into conflict with the

persuasive advocate for the Administration over its doctrine

blockade, McNamara believed it of . Taylor

was important to keep all options preferred a military policy based

on the table and leave the door on a “” to the

open to negotiations, rather than doctrine espoused by Eisenhower.

issue an ultimatum that the U.S. 12

would order an air attack on Cuba

if the missiles were not removed. JFK persuaded Taylor to return to

He feared that any sudden military active service and named him

move could provoke a response Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in

from the Soviets that could trigger 1962.13 During the Cuban Missile

a nuclear war.”11 Crisis, “Taylor joined with other

hardliners in advocating a surprise

General Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman of the military air strike. However, he

Joint Chiefs of Staff

12 http://www.nytimes.com/1987/04/21/obituaries 11 /maxwell-d-taylor-soldier-and-envoy- http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d dies.html?pagewanted=3 ramatis-personae/excomm/ 13 Ibid.

16 JCC PMUNC 2015

had his doubts about getting “our missiles. McCone believed a

feet in that deep mud of Cuba” blockade would not be sufficient

and believed a costly invasion to resolve the crisis, as it would

should be a last resort.”14 allow a long drawn-out period

during which the Cubans could

John A. McCone, Director of Central Intelligence launch the missiles against the

“After the Bay of Pigs, John U.S.”15

McCone replaced Allen Dulles as

CIA Director. McCone foresaw Llewellyn E. Thompson, Jr., Ambassador at

the Soviet deployment of missiles Large for Soviet Affairs

in Cuba and ordered the U-2 “Former U.S. ambassador to

flights on that , with extensive

discovered them. He took a hard knowledge of the Soviet Union, its

line during the crisis. However, he language, history and culture,

thought a surprise attack on Cuba Thompson was described by Dean

would force the U.S. to live with a Rusk as “our in-house Russian

“Pearl Harbor indictment”. during the missile crisis”. He

Therefore, he argued that before supported the blockade and urged

an air strike, Castro and the President to accompany it with

Khrushchev should be given a demand that Khrushchev

warning and 24 hours to begin dismantle the weapons in Cuba.

dismantling and removing the Thompson believed that in the

14 15 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/ ramatis-personae/excomm/

17 JCC PMUNC 2015

end the blockade-ultimatum second, public statement was

approach would probably still lead likely dictated by Politburo

to a strike. However, “we do it in hardliners. Thompson argued that

an entirely different posture and Khrushchev needed something he

background and much less danger could use to save face: “The

of getting up into the big war.” important thing for Khrushchev,

Thompson also influenced the it seems to me, is to be able to say

President’s decision to respond to ‘I saved Cuba; I stopped an

Khrushchev’s first, private, more invasion.’ And he can get away

conciliatory letter of October 26, with this, if he wants to, and he’s

ignoring the second, public, more had a go at this Turkey thing, and

aggressive statement, which raised that we’ll discuss later.””16

the issue of a Turkey-Cuba trade.

Thompson argued strongly against McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor

accepting such a bargain, which he “In 1953, at the age of 34, Bundy

believed would involve trading not became the youngest ever dean of

just missiles for missiles, but Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and

everything from planes to Sciences, before serving as

technicians, leading to the National Security Adviser from

effective abandonment of the U.S. 1961 to 1966. During the Cuban

base in Turkey. He suggested that Missile Crisis Bundy encouraged

the first letter Khrushchev had the President to consider all

written himself and sent out 16 without clearance, while the http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/

18 JCC PMUNC 2015

possible courses of action and Crisis. Initially he favored a

sometimes played devil’s advocate military strike but later, along with

or changed his mind. For example, Thompson, Dillon proposed to

Bundy made the case for doing begin with the blockade, refuse

nothing about the Soviet missiles negotiations, demand removal of

in Cuba. On October 18 he the missiles, and threaten further

argued that “we would be better military action. Dillon argued that

off to merely take note of the the President had to show his firm

existence of these missiles, and to intentions to the and not

wait until the crunch comes in look as if he were backing down.

Berlin”. The next day he changed He first suggested the idea of

his mind and favored decisive using the blockade as a way to

action – a surprise air strike, as the present the Soviets with an

blockade would not be enough to ultimatum to remove the missiles

remove the missiles from Cuba.”17 or face military action.”18

C. Douglas Dillon, Secretary of Treasury Theodore Sorensen, Special Counsel

Although a member of the “The President’s chief

Republican party, JFK selected C. speechwriter and close confidant,

Douglas Dillon as Secretary of the Sorensen advocated a naval

Treasury in 1961. “Dillon took a blockade as the best first response

hard line during the Cuban Missile to the Soviet missiles in Cuba.

17 18 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/ ramatis-personae/excomm/

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Along with McNamara, he “A graduate of Yale, with a

believed the blockade could only background in law,”20 Gilpatric

freeze the status quo and open the served as Deputy Secretary of

door to negotiations. While it Defense from 1961 to 1964 after

would put a halt to further serving as Assistant Secretary and

shipments of missiles, the Under Secretary of the Air

blockade would not force the Force.21 “During the missile crisis,

Soviets to remove the missiles Gilpatric opposed the military

already in place in Cuba. Sorensen strike option and supported the

carefully drafted Kennedy’s blockade. In a crucial meeting on

speech to the nation announcing October 20, as President Kennedy

the blockade and letters to weighed the two options, Gilpatric

Khrushchev, knowing that summed up the arguments:

“anything that angered or soured “Essentially, Mr. President, this is

Khrushchev could result in the a choice between limited action

end of America, maybe the end of and unlimited action, and most of

the world.””19 us think that it’s better to start

with limited action.””22

Roswell Gilpatric, Deputy Secretary of Defense

20 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/ 21 http://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/17/us/roswel l-l-gilpatric-lawyer-and-kennedy-aide-dies-at- 89.html 19 22 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/ ramatis-personae/excomm/

20 JCC PMUNC 2015

Edwin M. Martin, Assistant Secretary of State in an interview in : for Inter-American Affairs ''We want to get rid of Castro and

Edwin Martin served as Assistant the Soviet Communist influence in

Secretary of State for Inter- Cuba -- not just Castro. I think the

American Affairs from 1962-1964. Soviet Communist influence is

“An expert on economics, he was more serious than Castro.''”23

appointed to the inter-American “During the missile crisis, he

affairs post in March 1962. In favored the blockade option and

choosing him, the Kennedy helped to brief members of the

administration was seen as moving Organization of American States

to reinforce the Alliance for (OAS) to obtain their backing for

Progress, a United States aid it.”24

program for Latin America. But

by late April 1962, the indications , Assistant Secretary of Defense

were that he had become the “Paul Nitze had famously drafted

closest thing to an overall ''boss'' National Security Council memo

of Latin American policy that the NSC-68 in 1950, which helped

Kennedy administration had had. shape U.S. policy during the Cold

War, by calling for a substantial

Before the missile crisis began, he increase in military spending and

coordinated American endeavors

to cut Cuba off from other 23 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/17/world/ed win-martin-93-a-voice-in-60-s-latin-america- policy.html 24 governments. In addition, he said http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/

21 JCC PMUNC 2015

“a rapid build-up of the political, Pearl Harbor, and favored instead

economic, and military strength in the blockade option, which would

the free world” to contain the give time to the Soviets to reflect

Soviet threat. As Assistant and consider backing down. Ball

Secretary of Defense during the later advised against U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis, Nitze was involvement in the Vietnam

among the hawkish members of War.”26

ExComm, urging an immediate

military strike, as he believed the General Curtis LeMay, Chief of Staff of the

Soviet missiles in Cuba

dramatically altered the strategic “With a distinguished military

nuclear balance.”25 career, Curtis LeMay had

commanded the 305th Bomb

George Ball, Under Secretary of State Group during WWII, pioneered

“Under Secretary of State from many bomber flying formations,

1961 to 1966, was overseen the Berlin Airlift, and

active at the State Department in headed the Strategic Air

implementing the U.S. trade Command, before becoming Air

embargo against Cuba. During the Force Chief of Staff in 1961.

Cuban crisis he opposed the idea During the Cuban crisis, General

of a surprise air strike, like many LeMay emerged as a strong

others offering the analogy to opponent of the blockade option.

25 26 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/excomm/ ramatis-personae/excomm/

22 JCC PMUNC 2015

He believed there was no choice to 1965. During the Cuban Missile

but immediate direct military Crisis, Stevenson came to

action, and warned that the first Washington and joined a few of

thing the Soviets would do after the sessions. He

the announcement of the blockade urged moderation and a

would be to hide the missiles. He diplomatic approach, instead of an

thought the blockade would air strike. Stevenson’s “finest

ultimately lead to war, and warned hour” was the October 25 debate

the President, “We’re just going to at the , during

gradually drift into war under which he confronted Soviet UN

conditions that are at great representative with

disadvantage to us…This is almost photographic evidence and

as bad as the at aggressively demanded that he

Munich.””27 admit the Soviet deployment of

missiles in Cuba.”28

Adlai Stevenson II, U.S. Ambassador to the

United Nations Admiral George Whelan Anderson, Jr., Chief of

“Adlai Stevenson was Naval Operations

of Illinois, a Democratic Party A navigator on the USS Yorktown

presidential candidate in 1952 and in the Pacific during the Second

1956, and served as Ambassador World War, George W. Anderson

to the United Nations from 1961 was Chief of Naval Operations at

27 28 http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d http://www.cubanmissilecrisis.org/background/d ramatis-personae/us-players/ ramatis-personae/us-players/

23 JCC PMUNC 2015

the time of the Cuban Missile William Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor

Crisis. As such, he was responsible Secretary William Willard Wirtz

for the U.S. blockade of Cuba assumed office on December 15,

during the crisis. “President 1960 after Arthur J. Goldberg

Kennedy was quoted as telling Mr. unexpectedly resigned for personal

Anderson, "Well, Admiral it looks reasons. An eloquent speaker and

as though this is up to the Navy," a gifted mediator, he wrote

to which he replied, "Mr. speeches for Adlai Stevenson

President, the Navy will not let during his 1952 Presidential

you down." Time magazine campaign; Wirtz is also an active

featured him on its cover, calling Democrat who many view as an

him "an aggressive blue-water “icon of .”31 In fact, he

sailor of unfaltering competence has frequently spoken fervently

and uncommon flare."”29 A feud and emotionally in interviews

with Defense Secretary Robert about the “deplorable” situation

McNamara led to his replacement surrounding underprivileged

as CNO in 1963, but he would be groups in the United States at this

appointed as the Ambassador to time.32

Portugal by JFK shortly after.30

Chosen for his experience on the

War Labor Board and National

Wage Stabilization Board, he

29http://www.nytimes.com/1992/03/22/us/adm- 31 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- george-w-anderson-85-was-in-charge-of-cuba- dyn/content/article/2010/04/24/AR2010042402 blockade.html 358.html 30 Ibid. 32 Ibid

24 JCC PMUNC 2015

hopes to focus his time as Cleveland.35 During those five

secretary alleviating the struggles terms, he was the driving force

of the unemployed, the poor, and behind the city’s urban renewal

victims of discrimination.33 program and has been described

However, since organized labor is as a “visionary” and “honest

quite strong in the country at this politician” for his hardworking

time, it is unclear whether Wirtz personality.36 Now, as Secretary of

will be able to maintain this Health and Education, Celebrezze

emphasis during a time of worker has displayed this same passion

unrest. towards various social issues such

as civil rights, welfare, and child

Anthony J. Celebrezze, Secretary of Health and health.


Before taking office as Secretary

of Health and Education,

Anthony J. Celebrezze served as

Cleveland’s first elected mayor for

five consecutive terms.34 Kennedy

had actually previously offered a

federal judgeship to Celebrezze,

but he turned the position down

to serve a fifth term in

33http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/26/us/26wi 35http://www.nytimes.com/1998/10/31/us/anth rtz.html ony-celebrezze-is-dead-kennedy-cabinet-member- 34http://law.onu.edu/about/notable_alumni/anth 88.html ony_j_celebrezze 36 Ibid

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