
*** BAYSHORE EDITION '•;M-:-\- ~


Battle Over--Sewer Labrecque Judgeship Authority Dissolved Blocked by Democrats KBYPORT-Tha Sanor Author- ity wat fiaaDy duaahed latt ^FvgTMM gMsasaaHa aight Maw** U battle moatht Stoat Claims which taw a near Hot, a Superior Court trial, charge* of miacoa- RCA Considering la oMee aad a chaaao ia Silence Held *f «Wtf In a tiny room at the authority Back His Nod office, 313 Broad St. without fan- I* today's Eatontown Plant WEST ALLENHURST - lea. fare, board member* voted to dose the boohs, pay remaining -•• Richard R. Stout (RMonmoath) creditors about one dollar for iCeaaty EATONTOWN - Radio Cor- •aid todsv » "probably win aot four, transfer all equipment to si the neat five to IS yeara. poration of America is consider- be until after the fall election" the borough, aad notify the etate School Board that the statt Senate will agam With today** Iteae the Red ing the possibility of locating a consider appokttmeot of Theo- that the body Is dissolved. •ogWer wM begta plant here. dore J. Labtecque to the Super- David Resaikoff, special au- Nixes Rt. 35 The firm has tsken a three- tor Court. thority attorney, toM The Reg- ister that nwtstoastag claims month option on SO acres of land The Senate Monday dsdisted amount to more maa $15,000 and HATTY WTHDAY —Wen. Henety. Now Shrewsbury, presents a birthday cake to Power line on Monmouth Park Hwy. (Rt to act oa the nomiaatioa of the Fair Haven lawyer and S1M00- that the authority 1»s less than MATAWAN-The Board of Ed- N) as the possible site for an Mri. Sutan Edward* Warner, wift of New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner at a Men. a-year president of the New Jar- SS,0H la «w beak. ucation last night rejected a re- engineering laboratory. Ike's Mission sey Division of Tax Appeal*, af- He aald six remaning creditors mouth County Democratic rally yesterday at Jumping Irook Country Club. Look. quest by Jersey Central Power RCA oficislt in Harison said ter It waa submitted by Gov. have agreed to settle for about and Light Co.' for permission to Is Thawing Ing on are Robert F. Wagner, Jr., and Mrs. Helen Stevenson Moyner, wife of New yesterday the tract here ia one Robert B. Meyur. one-fourth tho fee* due than. Jersey Gov. Robert I. Moyner, Install a new 34.SM-vott Hoe along of several sites being considered Rt. J5 near the Cliffwood School. "We then adjourned aatU of- by the firm. til the election." SOB. Stoat told Board Vice President Roy S. The creditor* wen listed Cold War Ice Renming of the land along The Register. Thomas Procter Co.. Long Matthews suggested that the Tour Seen Triumph; utility run the linr along County Monmouth Park Hwy. for indus- Asked why he. the home aan- Branch; Botand Saffin Co., New trial use is said to be an import- ator who must through tradition York City; Joseph J. Seaman Need Revaluation, County Rd., or use railroad rights of Khruacher Declare* way, through the Mttawaa sta- ant factor in whether the deal clear the lame, withheld Ua en- and Co., Perth Amboy; John 0. got* through. dorsement of Mr. Labracoao lor Jones, authority euitary engi- tion, to hook into Its Union Beach Truat in President power statin.. Ordinance Prepared the m.0O»«-yMr poet. Sea, Moat neer tnd aecretary-treasufer; said: Kenneth E. Joel, authority at- —' President Board Advises Matawan Boro He said tvo electrical engi- A new zoning ordinance has LONDON (AP) NWeal Coattoay torney, and Mr. Resrilkoff. took a rest from neers had inft-ined him that the been prepared by the Planning Eisenhower "Since I have been ia th* San- Mr. Resnikoff said It will be diplomacy today, his European KEYPORT-Matawaa Borough Ten assessments were recom- The board laid the blame to a new line "wov Id endanger the Board. A series of public hear- up to the Mayor and Council to tour so far a triumph both po- was rapped on the knuckle* ver- mended for reduction. Of this "former attestor," not Mr. live* of school imidren." ing* on it by the Mayor and ate, I have adopted a policy ta decide whether to hold a tan litically and personally. bally yesterday and told that the number nine were for Matawan Francey, and ileclared that the Utility officials chimed that Council are scheduled to begla the effect that la all Democratic sale to force payment of about From both * of the Iron municipality is "in bad need" of residents, with a total in reduc situation woulc be cleared up the new high tension Dae, needed sometime this month. appotatmeot*. I would confer with still outstanding in in- Curtain came signs that Mr. a complete revaluation of tax tkna of $10,300. only by a complete revaluation. because of increased population An RCA spokesman saM the of the Moamoath Coaaty paid aewer bills. Eisenhower1* mission to th*w the assessments. Board pfflcial* told Thomas A "Before I took office," "Mr" . in the area, would bo "far safer" plant could employ as many aa Democratiratice Party aad hava aay The fiasco started In July of ice of th* cold war was bringing The advice was handed out by Francey, borough assessor, that Francey told the . board, "the than the existing line near the 1,000 persons. cleared with ihaat beAire test yetr when some IN resident* results. the County Tax Beard, which met there are "so many inequities" in theory was 'if a man has money, school, since it would be He said Eatontown's proximity confirmation. staged a near-riot in front of In Germany, Chance'jor Km- in Borough Hall to bear appeals the borough that "you can ex- he should pay'." equipped with circuit breakers. to Fort Monmouth and the U. S. "I think this is eseantial ta the authority office, demanding rad Adenauer made aa unexpec- of 23 claimants in five Baysbore pect a load of appeals evtiy The assessor said Matowan's In the event a pole were Army Signal Resetrch and De- order to maintain the two-party dissolution, after the body an- ted gesture ot conciliation and towns. i hearing." tax rate will be affected as a snapped, company representa- velopment Laboratory is one rea- system of government aad to fix the mrontiMUty for the ap- nounced plant to float a $440,100 friendship to Poland, largest of assessment de- tives exptaiueil, Uw circuit would son RCA Is considering locating bond issue for renovation of the th* East European Communlft tr broken within eight-tenths of here. pointment of officeholders. "I have absolutely no personal aewer plant. satellite*. The Board will formally an- a second, meaning before a wfrc The laboratory would be a It took a battery of state and Tha cruety German could hit the ground. part of the corporation's Harri- objections to Ted Labrecque aad nounce iU decisions in October. if the Democratic party leaders focal police finally to broadcast a message of peace Recommendations were ac- The utility took the position son tube division. th*> crowd. aad friendship to th* Poles on that to locate the line along any approve him, I will certainly cepted for the following reduc- Release Statiaasat move for his confirmation." In August two authority mem- th* ova of the loth anniversary tions: other route would be "more cost- bers. William C. Newman and of Hitkw'a attack oa Poland. ly and lass suitable" than the RCA oficials uleated this Uo**vu, Uw senator said, "re- George W. Finger resigned apologised forth* Nad Redactlea Ust route proposed. statement to The Register: gardleaa of what ha* beta aald were replaced by Frank J. Cot Stanley C. Rlttenhouse, US Joseph Thomas and Axel Nich- "Broker* are trying to Interest ia the aewspapeis, I have not way and CnaHea T. ~ ~U Russia. Premier Nfktta I Broad St.. Matawan. from $3,300 olson, both of the herotifh, and RCA in this property and also la Maid oaa word from aay of the other properties. both hi Ma* «r 12,200. building; Albert R. Mrs. Faye Pastore, Cliffwood, Muamouth Democratic leader* to of truat hi Sttikc, IN Jackson St. Matawan. were hired aa school crossing "We are conducting a atwoy th* effect that they aupport Mr. from $J.SO» to ft.**, building; guard* for tho ltSMO year, at of future engineering labantoi Ubncqoo'a apaotataent. Until .... Preside* *f •*• United Arthur Ci*ager, Hardmg Blvd., salaries of $100 per month. expansion needs, Including the I do. I am not going to move States realim me mala thug •.tram SUM to tM$t. The board voted $1,004 as Its East Coast and California. lyond their put objection*." , Bay Towns aow ia to enaure peace," Khrusb- ; and Vbgtela Meier, Ml annul share (or the Monmouth "No plane are crystallized at Sea. Stoat saM that ta tte brief / chev said, "la thia we have ao St.. Matawea, froat tOsfceua*} Visual Aid ptftMBt A& Opening *),*», bkttdttgr Muonnnon war given for Be ha* beta m had to devote meat of Ma «•#•> Abo, Louise W, Zucker. 14 expenditure of $000 for shades 'The growth of markets for ales to the turapik^traasitMl iUaUve on the pate* fraat caa> Ave., Matawah^^, Ro- mi lor Manorial School aad Mata- electron tuba* aad solid state de- aad thac when Mr. Ubrecqua'a Of Bridge pled with bis vigoroua appear- to r.600, building; Or. wan Grammar School and $303 ice* (transistors) Is continuing. nan* came up, he had to act oa aace apparently had removed for plumbiag repair* in th* Ugh "While present capacities are past information from the Dane* KEYPOOtT — Gerald A. Devlin. Miriam Dr., crate. rl J. Haaaea aatf tbJa tooniag fear* that America waa fumbl- Matawan, from $7,000 to $5,600. school boys' shower room. adequate for the immediate fu- 0iat Borough Council aad the Wa- ing the free world's leadership. building: Raymond V. Sasso, MI All school cafeteria employees ture, we are naturally consider- Ha aahv amall chance that the terfront Commtastoa wfll stick to His talks with Prime Minister Main St., Matawan. from HIM were re-hired for the 1MM0 ing five or 10-year possibilities Senate would convene again prior their gun* regardless of "pres- Harold MacmllUn over, except to $1,300, building; Dr. J. Wallace year. In all areas." to the November election. "Wo sure" by the Board- of Free- for social meeting*, the Presi-| McCue. 394 Main St., Matawan, The board made the decision Eatontown already ia the adjourned to a time after that," holders to force Keyport to drop dent planned to spend today on from $4,100 to $3,100, building; after a move for a shake-up in of Bendix and other electronic* Ks protest regarding renovation Routine White House business; Borough Councilwoman Mrs. cafeteria personnel wu beaten plant*. on the Front St. Matawan Crack which has piled up sine* he left Tenevieve Donnell, Maiden La., down during a board conference In the past. Paul Neman. bridge. Washington last week. latawan, from $3,000 to $2,400; doted to the public. Borough officials decided 10 A personal high spot of Mr. uid Ewart and Eileen VanderbUt, The board moved ahead with Six Fined days ago to oppose a plan by the Elsenhower** tour come* tonight. ^^ ^^ ... 369 Middle Rd., Raritan Town- plans wr high school site pur- out publicly la tapport af Ooaa> Freeholders to spend $40,000 la when he play* host at a stag HOT PO0JI—Hot dogt and ccrn on tho cob. were main ship, from $300 to $100. land, and chaae aad the planned referen- |y Judge Joha C. Otordaao, Watt county funds to repair the bridge, dianer for British mlUtary lead- Items on the menu when tho Middletown Patrolmen's from $1,000 to $500, building. For Scrap Long Branch, for tt* laao Dam- For the first time, several ocraUc vacancy oa the Swparssr which we* locked during World ers and statesmen who were his •enevelent Attociation entertained 300 Little League The board indicated favorable War H. associates in World Wpr II. reaction on an appeal by Prospect board members expressed con- Court beach. But neither ho aar In Bayshore Joha W. Appiegato, MataiMa, Local authorities want the The new note of warmth in players at a picnic and field day Sunday *A lodman Point Gardens, Inc., (Prospect fidence that aa attempt to split Monmouth County nemociSw bridge opened again, at the tame West Germany's approach to the Park. An eager eater was Jimmy Scheller, 141 Wilton Place Apartments), Prospect PI., the school district will be "essily MIDDLETOWN - Six youths defeated." were fined $100 etch and sen- Jhaltmaa, who also had aufportai time it Is being repaired. Communist East waa attributed Ave., Port Monmouth, pictured as ho fad part of his Matawan, but reserved decision. la part at least to Mr. Eisaahow The apartment owner* are ask' tenced to Jail yesterday morning Mr. Gtonttao. would tSSS kt They aay the creek la eight by Acting Magistrate George E. the way wbaa Oov. Meyaer actodj er's Influence. In talking with ninth hot dog and ninth oar of corn to Capt. William ing a reduction in building aa- feet in depth "at its lowest," but Ostrov. Uit week to designate Mr. La- that with the spaa doted only Adenauer in Bonn last week, the Woodward of Middletown police. (Continued on page 9) Rescue Eleven brecqua aa the maa ha rwoboau aad outboard* can ne- President urged a forward look- The youths we're picked up by gotiate its southern section. ing approach in dealing with the police after a brawl Sunday night Mra. Kathtriaa ElkM Whits. Jits. The following day at Bill's Boat works in East Red Baak. Democratic atato oaav "By opening ft." Mr. Hantea From Sinking Keansburg. mlttaewoaMB. bad coaauHtd with •aid, "Keyport and Matawan Adenauer wrote in conciliatory tone to the Soviets asserting that Teenage Zip-Gun Production Those fined for fighting were: Gov. Meyaer aad mdicatod har Township will gam more than a rupport before ha haadsd la th* mile of waterfront lor new boat no one la the West German gov Party Vessel ieorge H. Oeckel, 10, 13S Main erament .wants revenge on the St., Belford; Thomaa Donovan, Ubrecqu* aame formally basins and marina*. This I* im- MONMOUTH BEACH - A 41 ta Treotoa, Monday, I , portant to us, aad to the couaty. Communist East for Germany's 19, 117 Church St., Belford; Jac- territorial tosses at the end of foot fishing vessel with 11 per kie A. Simpson, 23,140 Port Mon- Majority Loader George W. Har* The councilman said Freehold- the war. Halted by Alert Police Action •ana aboard was reported sink mouth Rd., Port Monmouth; per (R-Suaaex) said: "Sea. Stoat er* "itarted making threats not Mr. Eisenhower aad Mr. Mac- Ing a mil* and a half off shore Fred Burd, 12, 117 Church St., asked the Democratic orgaaita* to do anything with the spaa un- NEW SHREWSBURY - Faet hero early this morning. Belford; Eugene Armstrong, 18, Uon to dear th* aame aad they less we dropped our opposition, millan ended their talka with a ta aama aad they fireside chat before the TV cam- police actkw here yesterday dis- Coast Guard rescue craft rush- 113 Wilson Ave.. Port Monmouth; failed to clear the name for coa. aa toon as they learned of our armed a group of teenagers car- and Eugene A. Grssso, 10, 290 flrmatioa." stand." era*, aomethlag unprecedented la ed to the scene after the Dol- European politics, The Presi- rying homemade "sip-guns." phin out of Belmar radioed for Main St., Belford. Keyport, and possibly Matawan Ufa Chief Jama* A. Herriag With the exception of Burd, all township, will hsve officials at a dent's appearance help. praise from British told Tha Register he will present drew 30-day sentences in the coun- Walks Into Car, hearing tomorrow In Freehold re- samples af (be confiscated ar- Rcocue unite from Shark Fiv er, Statea Island and here ans- ty jail in addition to the tines. garding the matter. senal and ammunition today to Burd will serve N days la jail WEATHER wered the call. They reported Woman Injured Moamouth County ~ for his part In the fight the Dolphin wu taklag water WISCONSIN VACATION Viaceent P. Kaupar. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - heavily after losing her propeller Dat. Lt. Joseph McCarthy said RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP - Mr. day aad Further actkw will th* youths allegedly beat up Mr*. Margaret Branch, HUI It, ihaft. and Mn. Patrick Hogan and tleoal shaven. Klfh today aad the prosecutor'* racommaadattoa* Stephen Gullet of East Keans- Middletown. to la fair coaditto* daughters, Anne and Kathy, 4 iisasrrsw ta the law Ma, Law aad tha results of teat* to b* run The passengers — tight adults burg and hi* brother Jamea Gui- today la Moamouth Medical C*a> Knoll Ter, Hszlet, hsve re- toalght la the Mi. Tea. to II oa th* expkwlv* mttorlals uaad, and a 12-year-old boy — were le* of Woodbridge. tar with tajariee received whoa turned from a vacation in Oco- ha iaid. transferred to the fishing beat According to Lt. Me Carthy. the •he walked lato a car oa Kt * aomowie, Wit. wait wMe the neat M hear*. Chief Herriag credited th* quick Palace HI, headed for Hobokan. brawl was a continuation of an aad Seventh Ave. Saturday. action of Patrolman William No one wat reported Injured. earlier acrap between both Mn. Bread) suffered a broken Brown with possibly "nippiag thU Taken Under Taw groups. right lag aad a dislocated Ml growing collection of gum In M* The Dolphin, owned by Capt. •boulder aa a result of th* an. iofaacy." Henry C. Hlllmsn, toil Forest ctdaat Latest News Rd., Brielle, was taken under Collected yesterday by Patrol- Driver Fined Aocording to polio*, Mr*. tow by the Costt Guard cutter (API—Tha National Safety Cauncll eitl- maa Brown, ha said, wen five Branch appanally walkad tatt from Shark River. mated foday that traffla aeeldents might kill 410 persons converted cap pistols, "capable On Two CounU th* tide of a ear drive* by Mra. of breaking windows or putting Still aboard the Dolphin, which •luring next week-end'i tfiree-day Labor Day holiday. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Oan- Jaaet M. Llatmayer, Hillsiaa out aa aye." operate* out of the Belmar Ma- Av*., MMdlttowa. Mrs. Ua> The estimate, covering 71 hour* from 4 p. m. Friday The gun* war* taken from boy* rine Basin, are the captain and *1 KaMeher, Roam SI, High- land*, was fined a total of flS mayer waa givaa a sumaMO* l*r to midnight Monday, It 30 higher than the aatual toll for -as* 7 to M-tn th* Haaca the mate. The csptaln was Iden- cartl*aa driviag. Paw area at tha north tad of tified *• Richard Monahan of In magistrate's court Ittt night Labor Day week-end latt year. the borough. Delmsr. for careless driving and driving without car registration' In hit Th* Investigation waa touched The Dolphin wus brought to the Shsrk River Coast Ouard TMNTOH (AP)~4Hoy. «M potky Now Jtjrwy oft yesterday morning wtvm an Magittrate Irving B. Zetchner bsdln wtii>ri> mnnre;»nry equip- aLulu tsahsVavhtfsshatt slal OBBBssa* O^BSssSttV Vastest OaUaW •luht-y*ar-old (hot hi* It-year- also fined Mri. Victoria Santallt, •My rw HoTVWHIfJ HI Tvav IWWfis III WMi old brother In tho forehead with ment wat Installed to keep the A^_^_^ gtta%SawfWfl Atti fli 1 Aberdeen Dr., New Monmouth, *j *s^^BBV*^*strWa^gax9wg wj^awwe/awa^vB u^s* wtj boat (float. W one of the pistols, "fixed" to fire 110, and Michael Boyd, Jr., It VJ OMIV *v ••••Jaw'JH WP BB shot, th* chief said. A Coast Guard tpokeman said Atlantic Way, Set Bright, $1$. to Patrolman. Brown, cruising the ptMengen, whose names both for careless driving. nearby, was attracted to the HAftMUSS TOTT-N.w Shrewsbury Patrolman Fred were not tvtlltWe, will be put Clifford Loomli, 41 East Mount scene of the accidental shooting Garrebrent laoki over the arsenal af "tip gunt" and aboard a but at Hoboksn to re- Av*., paid a $S fin* for pastlag by the shot and the scrums of cartridgei «Ofifiuat*d ye«t*fday from teenagers In the turn to Shark River. rhmugh a red tight.. the boys and their mother, TOKYO (AP) — Rod China, alroady hard, hit by Magistrate Zeichner fined Hu- The brother was not seriously Han«a Park area of th* borougK An accidantal shoot- DOG* AT LARGE bert Neville, a soldier stationed floodi, draught and feed shortages, dltcloted today that Injured, he reported. ing, in which no one wat injured, touched off an inves- •I Fl. Mumiiuulli, 123 mi a ills- Typhoon Irli killed 720 portent and left 994 mining in Dul a L«iivH*k uf tin- neighbor- WAYCROSS. G«., (AP)-Blood tigation which led to tho leisure of five of «he lethaJ o.'derly conduct charge, hood liter In the d«y liy i'atrol- hound* u»ed to track down fugl a tavaga twaep acrou Fuklen Provinca Aug. 23. The tlvr» st the Wife County Prison Joseph Sfffer, Madison Ct, man Qrimn uncovered fnur more weapons. . According to police, the boy. i converted hcrm- Communist Now China Newi Agency alto laid 411 per- l branch vho dug under the fence Red Bank, paid t $15 fine for la itl it fi IB h tant were injured by the typhoon. of the lothnl weapon', a» well as " cap pistols Into quns to fire IB ihot. Police iaii tha and ril»ippe»r»d. Prlioners were driving while on th« revoked (Cnntinurd on pi|;3 3) I investigation will continue today. tilled out to find them. Hit. B.CARULE WILLIAM A. TEANICK The funeral wu toMyeetor-ay t 1 p. m. In the Poatoa uaaraaii la Rumton," Mr. Cart- Mr. Giileaon wu an exempt MRS. FLORENCE kX BBNBON cratlc aaneMote far mayor in AtUrrtte MIojMoowi, obofo toM newsmen after the HAZLET - Mn. Florence Ber- day talks Robert A. BBrai n HomeH . AtlantiAlci HighlandsHth , withp,, met t member of tto WuteMe Hue Home for Funerals, Eatontown. Rev. Ctoriu P. Johnaoa ' " with Mayer Robert f. Wafnor a* Me>iMwaii»h Covwty meeting, "f would of nr.ore'd!s Company of tto Red Rink Fire erford Benton. SS, of 15 HnlM SO Parker Ave., Pair Haven; De- Rev. Bruce Harrleon, pastor of Satata Episcopal Church Democratic rally yeitordey e» Jam*iftf Ifwolj Cwkmhy toned about It if I didn't feel It Department; a member of ttoAve.. died Friday in Monmoum WiU Hyei, Pine St., River Plau. Colliagwoog d Chapelp,, officiatedicated, attng. Barial win toto i iaa H 1 bad political overtone!." Medical Center after a long 111- and E. W. Neary. IN Harvey St., Club. Mayor Wagner Ul* (ho 400 aHe*dk»f tM Dr. Red Bank MethodM Church, OM BuriaBil l wu In GrecnlawGl a CCeme- wood Memorial Park, Union, Ltaf like Democrata two weeka a|o Guard of Red Bank; a member tery.t WesWtt LonL g BranchBh. McTague it kit cousin. • • toM Tto Register the dock it- and peat Mate councilor of the Mra. Benson wti born in Hir MRB. AGNES JEROLEMON aoe eonM develop Into a politi- Junior Order of American Me-riaoa. Sto had Uved in Irvington SAMUEL M. HEIMLICH SACRAMENTO, Callf~ otMauc la the election cam- chanic., Onward Council aad a 30 yean before moving here two Middletown Youth LONG BRANCH - Samuel M. Agnu JeniemoB, formerly of member of Court Hmuaouth. In- yeara ago. Sto had been a clerk Heimlich, tt. of It Lippincott Monmouth Beach, N. J., 1 Joint Air Force "I put myielf four-equan be- dependent Order of Foresten. eight yean In tto auditing de- ave.. died Friday in his home. Sunday In the home of tordauth - kind the work," Mr. CartmeU both of Red Bank. partment of Blue Crou Hospital NEWARK - Robert E. Crum He wu head of Heimlich Mot- «*• Mn. Crawford aaM. "We got a mod Job for the Mr. and Mn. OUIeeon cele- Plan. t Jr., ton of Mr. end Mn. Robert •one? we put out The dock U on here since 1915. He (bundeded DVlDeVllll e CCt brated their Nth wedding amu- Surviving an two daughters. Hli E. Crum, Sr., II StopheaviUo n«w good and It la level. I'm not an venary ta February, UN. They Heimlich Sewing Mschine Co., Mn. Jerolemon wu born Mr. aad Mrs. Mn. Jane Gruto, with whom the New York City, and was a for Blvd.. Middletown, wu admuri- expert, but I caH it atttefectory." wen honored at a party. Monmouth Beach, Richard Ter., lUctafel ABu. lived, and Miss Karen Banaon ofmer president of Champion In- •ICrVstareUd ttMOVo Vmvuoat h «joa f«UMe«uv- enliftmenn t mm.ia . Meanwhile, Council adopted an Surviving an Ma wife. Mn. the late Mr. Canoga Park, Calif.: four sisters. dustries. St. Louis, Mo. VanBrunt Sto had lived tore 13 tto U. S. Air Force ton recent- Aug. »- vnvrgency resolution tfspfQpriit* Annie Bennett Gistooon; two sons. Mn. Ruth Finder and Mrs. Ma- i < i tag $3,500 to >ay for tto repair Mr. Heimlich wu active in yean. ly. He now ta undergoing basic -~..'"i* ™ 2?!!I!. z2' Peder J. Gisteooa, Jr. of 333bel Waller, both of Kearny. Mn. military training Lt y ttt work on tie ojek. many philanthropic, civic and Alto aurvhrlag military training at Lackland tor,•_ J35 Friday .*" ***—• •"•a* Branch Ave.. Uttie Silver, aad Ester VanVliet of Short Hub and religioulii s groups. Air Force Bate, . Abort A. Kerr, Jr., borough Jamea H. GitUaoa of Rochester. daughter, Mn. C Mr. and Mra. V< Ooarta. Mn. Ethel ShiUcock of Island of Monmouth Beach; two sisters. Tex. administrator, eatd of aMt N. Y.. four daughters, Mn. Ma- Surviving are his wife, Mn. While, at Uckland. to wilt to # Ramsey Ave., Heights; a brother, Chsries Ber- Theresa Stein Heimlich; a daugh-Mrs. Forrest Bobbins amount tt.143.77 will to for ma- rie G. Bublta of 30 Waat St.. Redetford of Portland, On., and two interviewed by a career tertali; tfft for Mr. Tanner*! Bank. Mn. Ada Austin of Mill- ter, Mn. Leslie B. Aaron of As- Mn. Ahnee WardeH Mr. aad Mra. Edward HerUhy, grandchildren. bury Park; a son. Dr. Ernest Monmouth Beach; six bro- ance counselor. Hit aptitude labor and MM to the Viking Pit town, Mn. Aaaa Anderson of eeorea, put experience and train- I—„_,. Marau„d Dr.. Haalet. i~ ' hw Company. Wisconsin, and Mn. Mildred Tto funeral wu held this morn- Heimlich of Los Angeles, Calif.; thers. Harold VuBrunt of ing from Smith and Smith Sub- two brothers, Milton Heimlich of tontown. Emmett Ing will to reviewed and to will "E""*, The remainder, he added, may Quintan of Iffinott; 11 grand- VanBrunt of have the opportunity to express ""• *""Mrt. I. urban Funeral Home, Spring- New Rochelle, N. Y., and Philip Monmouth Beach, George Van- Cratu of Tyaoa Dr.. Fair Haven, be wed to paint fee dock. children; aevea gnat-gnndchU- B g a job preference. field. Heimlich of Gnat Neck, L. I.; ru« off O Ocean Grove, EdwarE d daughter, Thanday. TMnday night's meeting wu *ren; • *tatar, Mn. Elmer W a sitter. Mrs. Teresa Freedman Q* th*9 BMMt p Ether of Rumaoa. and two half- anBrunt o» Wett Long Branch, Mr. aad Mn. Charlu Meeker, of Flushing, L. I., and five grand- Eu<*n« VanBrunt of Portaupack II HIOsMe St. River Plaaa. aaa conducted here In a long time. brothen, Fred Rosefle of BrookBrook' MRS. BELLE BROWNING children. It waa marked by repeated at- lya. and Loula Roaene of Keyport. KEANSBURG - Mn. Belle and Joeeph VtnBrunt of Newark, Thursday. Mad touT Mr tempt* of the Democrata to pin The funeral wUl to toM tomor- Browning. 73, of 37 Oakwaod Pi., The funeral was held Sunday >randchtldren? A spokesman for the weather - 'JT'Mra. *MtamW. Me- down Councilman Harry C Cron- row at 2 p. m. In the Worden died Thursday in tto Monmouth from Temple Beth bureau utimatod that almost two F. ALVM BLACKSMITH en, poMk propertlea etoiraaa. Funeral Homo with Rev. Ivenon County Welfare Home. Sto wu Branch. Buriil w laches of rain fell during the Friday. """* and Coundbnan Harry Sunder- Graham, associate pastor of thethe widow of George Browning. Cemetery under the direction of HOLMES BEACH. Fla.-Frcd- brief but furioua storm. Mr. aad Mrs. Lyadu V. Keb> eriek Alvin Blacksmith. M, a meyer, police committee chair- Methodist Church, officiating. Born in Pcckiklll, N. Y., shtteo John W. Flock Funeral Ktil ttonm up toan Inrii In r. Red Bank, aoa. Sacarday. y p tle chair former resident of Atlaatic High- men, for Mr vtem m MM mat- Burial will be ta Fair View Ceme- tod lived tore 10 yean. Home. Long Branch. Auaauc High- Mr. aad Mn. Robert Hon. HI- ter. tery. Surviving are a daughter, Mn. lands aad Port Monmouthanmouth,. died •***«a. and of » ^.k AM UalLiaataM^ m^a •«* Maku Charge William Low, with whom she re- FREDERICK P. GALARDI i tan on ABU ••MI A»W.. MNBiwwn. aaa, ant- MBS. WILLIAM C. BOOKER sided; seven grandchildren, and RUMSON - Frederick Paul urday. Edward W. PMUpa, Damocra several months. He wu bora in tic campaign _. . __.... Mn. Ruth Booker. 4t, of 4SH grutjgrandehlldren. Galardi. S7, of 170 South Btngham power faihiru in Freehold, Lit Mr. aad Mra. fata A, Pin- The funeral was Friday In ttoAve., died Friday at hit home. Newark, ton ct tto lota Frederick Me Silver, Ocunport, Eatontown Fi chined tto govoralag body with Central Ave., died Saturdav in and Minnie Weber Blacksmith. the pbHee for Rlverview Hocpital. Scott Funeral Home. Betford, A graduate of Fordham Law and Mtnalapan Township, ec- M-. and Mra. PMh> Cafwth* permitting Mr. Tenner to do She wu bora la New York City with Rev. John F. Crum of St cording to Samuel W. Laird, pub- of ott dark Ave., Waa Baach, "outside anidd wu a member of Calvary Mirk's Episcopal Church offici- Law Firm. 301 St., lic mformation representative for son. fatdey. BteMng Mm up wu Fret* J. Baptlft Church, Red Bank ating. Burial wu in Fair ViewBronx. N. Y. He had lived Mr. aad Mra. Wahttr TtuJano- wka. Mathltenn PUWut Eaona- M-Keniu, Democratic candidate Surviving an her husband, Wil- Cemetery, Miooletown. tot a y«*i. Co. for mayor. liam C. Booker, a daughter, Mist Tto itorm nMoped many anas Mn Mr. aad Mra! Prod DeBc Pitt- He read of tie eaotloa of Patricia C. Booker, and her moth- ROBERT SHARFE hit of Monmouth County, an pc'ice ordinance which etatea ao er. Mra. Sara Sims, all at home. mother. Mn. u south wen ro, Ul Stone Rd. Waat Keaa*- UNION BEACH - Rober Marie Galirdi cfwu burg. daaghter. Saturday. rntnber of tto police depariauat The funeral will to told Thun- Sharpe, 13. of 307 Edmonds Ave. m-v perform dutiea outside day at 3 p. m., in Calvary Bap- Silver. *" Dead Mr. aad Mra. ArttwTluptotkl, died Friday in the Beythor H Jr\ except theee tiat Church. Rev. John B. 00Nursin- g Home. Mr. Kaott ^^^^^r awainMfBB w091 e ^aw^a>waaawe^^ ^^reHe eBwJBI^ Saturday. e— suspended. chriat. paator, will officiate. Bar- Bon in Edinburgh. Scotland, by Dr. John Stonott of Councilman William P. Heller- Rumson after beinc. struck across Airman u Mr. aad Mra. Lea UOaato. Tt ial will to m White Ridge Cem» to wu a resident tore for many wr-S ss: ss for enlistment St Oeanje Fi, Keypert. aoa, Set- an uid Mr. Tanner wu « va- *• cheat bv tto bolt which rip. tery me direction of theyean. He served in the Britis p T. Soboul. of tto Red Bank Air arday. c-fin when to perflined the D*Aleseandro of BronxviDe, NY., ofm* Red * ato* Seek $170,000 Mgktar, Thunday. for the borough while aa vaca- titter, Mn. Annie B. White, and Friday by Rev. Joseph A ton. Burial will take place than.srorm struck. tion- Clara Melinda Daalebi, sevea k l Mr. aad Mn. Retort months, of « West Bergen Pi., a brother. Peter Sharpe, both Sullivan. A requiem mats wu Mr. Kaott wu assistant vice Bay View Ava., CMffwaod. aaa, Mr. McKanaa aaM to hotts tto J«W««t of the Rockefeller Cen- For Car Crash died Thursday ta Monmouth Med- of Scotland. celebrated yesterday at Holy MRg. ANTONIO BONAVtTO Friday. police offlcen "M The funeral wu yesterday In Crou Catholic Church, Rumson. ter Branch of tto Morgan Guar- cause the work waa condoned bvical Center. ASBURY PARK - Mn. Sadie NEW YORK. Aug. 31-MiU JIB Mr. aad Mra. DavM Maltaay. v the Bedle Funeral Home with Father Sullivan, psstor, effi. .*w Lowret, 17, and her father, Bart Council." •"• Surviving era tor parents, Bonavtto. •. of » RJdgo Ave.. 0 f HI Dartatoath A«tb, Fair Havea, Albert Lu and Francu Eliia- Rev. Leon Zlnkler of the Grtce ciated. Entombment wu in Gate died iTJr iif P ? *»M«»t moat of J. Lowna, formerly of Oakea Rd. ton. Friday. He read tto tectioa of tto Methodist Church officiating. of Heaven Cemetery, Valhalla, HWlta Fil r Little Silver, today filed • 3170,- beth Daatals; a lister. Metodj N. Y. She wu tto of James Mr. aad Mn. Joaeph Klma, besmended to Burial wu in Fair View Ceme- K'rnn too damagge suit for injurij u the J74 Gardaa Rd.. Shrewahwy. aaa. to do outside Aaa Daniels, at tome; tor pa A. Boaavito of Eatontown. tonal grandfather, RandotohDan- tery. Middletown. Treuurer of the Yale Unl- sffensuffend m aaa auttoo accMaacMt to n~Friday. there la ao conflict at A Shore recMaat 41 yean, ato tali, aad tor mataraal grandpar- JESSIE A. MOUNT wu bora ta Campaaaao, Italy, class of 1*35. towa Augs . 1. Mr. aad Mra. Jaah Eirtier ta tto meeting, a latter aata, Mr. aad Mn. Percy Berry, MRS. HELEN W. BENNETT MARLBORO - Je.se Adoiaon daughter of the lato Fardtaaad d tnasunr of The complaint, filed in Federal aan, Friday. wai read from WUttaaa E. Praak, out 74 did Th president of the Red Beak Laav an of Red Bank. MONMOUTH BEACH - Mn. Mount. 74. died Thursday tt tho •*» Maria FkuMi Boaavfto of wTKnott,^ N Court here, names u defendaato. aad atnsdMriu Coaao- Tto funeral will to told thla Helen W.^Bennett. 70, of 3S Bor home of his son, Robert Mount, Italy. Ed»r J. Lambert of Shmnouck voy. K DaaM Dr.. Ltttte SOver. ber and Supply whom he had been visiting for tenant commender in the U I furnished the afternoon at 1 o'clock ia tto h. dea St., died Sunday In her home. Ario aurvivlag an tarhusban d Hills. L. I., and Richard Oatoa. twin eaugktera, Friday. Lota Harrit Funeral Home, Red Me waa born in New York thru weeks. ' Antonio Boaavito. Sr.; two daegh- 10, of Southampton. L. I., owner Mr. aad Mn. RaymaM He uid me Beak. Rev. JohaB.GUehritt, paa- City, daughter of the late Thorau Mr. Mount wu born In Satent , Mn. Carman Geaovau of and operator respectively of the U Thanapata Ave ran la a tor of Calvary Baptiit Church,and Eden Dwyer. Mn. Bennett Bright. He resided in St Peters Aabury Park _aad Mn. Kotert Surviving auto In which Miss Lowru waa Leonardo, ougttar. S«a«ay. able Job. Red Bank, will officiate Burial had lived ton 30 yean, and wuburg, Fla., wherh e hhe wu of Paliiaua; four oik- M a passenger. Mr. aad Mn. Chariu Fea«, will to la White Ridge Cemetery, n member of me Catholic Church Ployey d at a foreman for tto Anthony Boaavito. Jr.. j<*n Tto accident took place ta Woodlaad Dr., IcobeyrOte, eu! of the Precious Blood. JosepJ h DDlxon Pencil Co. of Aabury Pare, Canua P. Boa. Southampton when tto foreign Sunday. MRS. CARRIE E. FACKLER Surviving an a brother, AlAl- He it also survived by Mi wife, avito of Waaamaaai Walter Mn sports car left tto road aad over- Mr. aad Mn. Aadnw Mar- LITTLE SILVER-Mn. Carrie bert DDwye r off Pompeno Beech, n Anne Kuegn Mount; two Boaavito of Neptune of Fair Heven cirk, 3U First St. Keypert. a genenty ued for )uet mat p«r- Fla.. and a tister, Mn. Florence brothen, John E. Mount of Fair J. Vacehtano of New York; ftva Elliabath Fackler, 71. widow of Gates, who drove tto car with Banister, with whom she lived. itven and Corlles Mount of grandchildren and a gnet-gn Mraad Mrs. Oanaua Ayak. Mr. fanner waa given tto dock Edward B. Fackler, a New Lambert's parniaata. accordiag York actuary, died Saturday at A requiem mau will to offered Eatontown; five sitters, Mn. child. •U Fraat St. uaioa Beach, MO, repair contract after Council do- in Church of the Precious Blood Cltra SorUnto of New York City. Sto wu a member of Our to tto court papen, It accused ofSaturday. elded tto work could to done 110 Wtodtag Way. where abated negligence In speeding and fan- Uved fix months. tomorrow at 0 a. m. Burial will Mrs. Florence Bunt of Perth Lady of Mt Carmel CathoUc Mr. aad Mn. Reiead Jehaeen. mon cheaply tf tto hanber wen to under the direction of theAmboy. Mrt. Elisabeth Hovera- Chwch. lag to look hi the direction tto parchated aad eamaoao Mrad to Mn. Fackler. a former Brook- Woolley Funeral Home, t.ong auto wu traveling. !*?*•.•». Hta>J«ii, lyn ruldent, tod ton a part- nit of New Shrewsbury and Mn. Tto Matthews, Frandonl ft do the Job. Branch. Mlu Lowree claima tto suffer- ner ta tor nuaband'i firm of yda Cook and Mn. Theresa De- Tayloy r Funeral Homee,. Aabury Mr. aai Mra. Mtetael Mr. Kerr uM "tto Job waa Becker, both of Red Bank, «nd ed permanent iajuriu aad wu not posted In tto newapaaer be-Fackler and Company. Park, wu ia charge of arrange- dlSd io, II Center St, Oootaaart, aoa, CLARKE INFANT three grandchildren. menu. c. Burial «H'1 hoepitaHted, She demands tltO,- Saturday. cauie IU total wai under tto S3,- When mat concern wu tc quired by the Wyatt Compaay In EATONTOwN - Tto Infant Services wen toMSunda y at fair View Cemetery. MhV 000 and tor father ueks 130,000 Mr. aad Mn. Daniel Harta- tOO required by law." dletown medical He uM Mr. Tanner's price waa 1061, she became aa assistant daughter of Mr. and Mn. Anto- Callahan Funeral H Navattak Are.. Wgh- vice president. drew F. Clarke. » Eaton Rd.. freehold, with tto Rev. l< ATLANTIC lOWLANDS-ldtM Defendaato tove 30 days to aa- aoa, lanrday. the "leut expensive" of a num- H. HARRIS twer the complaint K ber of contractor! and towa i died soon after birth Wednesday Memmott of the FInt Preebyter- •tetia Lemaia, 100. died Friday Mr. aad Mra, Kaaer Martta, ta Patterson Army Hoapital, Fort H. able to do the work Immediate. Bertelsu, with Ian Church offlditiag. I"n tor*"" *"home — . Ml Wat"t WaaMagta~ "" a lerriatoaa Rd., Monmouth. Burial wu ta Maptewoad Ave. Harris. S3I Wett Hoffmen St.St... WILLIAM P. ICKERT •oa, Saturday. Mn. Fackler mads her BalUmare. Md.. died Thunday Alao surviving an torpaterna lCemetery, FraehoM, Monday Mtu Lemaia wu bam in New d EDISON - William Peter Eck- Mr. aad Mn. Maleota Wright, VfclPhlmpe slso ctorged Mr, homeaad Mn. Ruth T. Lawtea ta tto home of Ma ilater. Mrs of Toma River: two sou. Devtd fw*nother. Mn, Henrietta morning. York CRy. Sto tadbee a a. rest- art. 33. of IS AMrieh Dr.. died M Wottaoo St.. RedlMk,To! Tanaar'a work wu not carried r Jamu Avery, Red HIU Rd. out accordiag to spaciflcabone. Fackler of Vestal, N. Y. aad alth of Edgewater, and torma - dent here far three yean. Mtaa 'riday ta Princeton Hospital, Saturday. ROBERT O. gTRONO Letnata wu a member of St Mr. Harrit wu ton ton.. oto nPrinceton. Tto borough administrator uM John D. Fackler of Bedford, N. ternal grandfather, Heinrich Agoas Cathette Chunk. of ttoo ltlatoo M Mr andd Mn. Fred- He waa born in,Newark, aoa of fho loecirtcattoni were for "In- Y.; a Uster. Mlu Marie Louise Koumann of Germany. LONG BRANCH - Robert 0. Surviving it e sitter, Mlu Al- erick Harrisarris. Mr. and Mra. Peter Sckert of _^. . toiwatlon only," and did noRoott , aad a brother, William R. Burial wu Friday in Mount Strong, IM Caetlewall Ave., Elbe- D SurvivinS g an three other sis- Harrison. He came tare throe H«*HniO Float Ewopt) have to to followed becauee theRoot, both of Brooklyn, tad 1Olive3 t Cemetery under the «• ron. died Friday m hfoaamth ^f* Lonan of thla plact, grandchildren rection of tto John E, Day Fu- Medical Carter after a long Ul- A Nigh requiem mau wu of.ters, Mra. Jofca B. Currey and yun ago after Hvtag ta lea Oirt - " not advertised for bMi. UNION - A party Mr funeral will to told today neral Home. neat. Ha waa 03. fared yesterday m St. Mn. Rou Mason, both of Rttl two yean. tank, aad Mn. Henry Royal, Mr, and wetting. at 2 p. m. at Falrchlld Ha wu tto father of William Catholic church by Rev. Michael Surviving, WILLIAM R. HOBNER J. Laoaa. hen, and a brother, Clarenca an his wife, Mra. H. Strong of Leonardo, circulation Hoary St, tar ak«7»a. will be to Greenwood Ceme- NEPTUNE - William RutteU manager «f Tto Regtater. Burial wu taWoodtaw a Cem» Harm of RoR d Bank. mano Eckert; a aoa. Peter ^E»u«Coiinry.huionp7 tery, there. tary, New York CHy. Tto funeral waa heMyester- •d At post of legal advis Hormr, ai of 1100 Corllu Ava. Ban to Brooklyn, Mr. Strong Eckert, at thru died Saturday. wu the ana of the lato William day at tto Adami Memoriaill Mra, ana local Democratic party. Horn. Rev. J, B. Klrby, oastor Ha ssld Mr. McManon Ii ad- Bora ta Freehold, to wu ttoH. aad Laaatot Peterson Strong. CHARLES N. LMK Bank, Mn. JIM *;•*«•"• P«rty "on all matu Car Hits 2 Poles, husband of tto late Mrt, Nettie Hie wife wu tto lato Mn. Emily Chartu H. Uik. m. diet of tto Middletown Baptist •«Ml»g the dock lame." Setti Strong. Tbundoy la Mia tame of MaChurch, officiated. Burial wu i»Jonu of HarrtaM. Whfto Ridge Cemetery, Eataa- wao urrot ^* ••••en J V#4Baa *4v^RjS> •n thru aona, Ettai A WorM War I veteran. Mr. Utter, Mn. HHoward Parker. 41 Tto funenl wu heM due iaora- Mr. Phlhple said, too, he It wnoi avoaejeav ^ ~ Ma wlfo. Mn. "not utltftod with ttoTinawen' •* RutaaU *»M a retired mechtalet Riverside Ave. EACH R< lrt M MN ftv# yMfii — *r. aWalP aWatafal P.w1lrMT ..~, . * •-• ««V Homer, botothh of NepNtf-H- * -ad Mr. Utkk wwuu bora la Port MM. GRACE f!^*«w •«- SrandrWMraa ^ Monmouth, and tad liver ton TOTOWA - Mn. Once Smith, •oajtmta 1 condition today In Rlverview Hot- o greatgraachJMren. Mn>. Josep'«*«ph SeotaScetaae of EltoranSlberon; a Mr. oad mar. two great-graachJMren. tat yean. He formerly Uved ta 73. of m Winifred Dr., died Sat MBS. ANNA P. KONWUER Mra.... . Ctorl, u pital with Injuriu received ia a Tto MttMatttowao , PPranr< Tto funeral waa told this "y Memorial wu driving along Front St. n-sr -noralng at 0 o'clock la tto Ralph Sto waa a former Red Bank menu. ruidant. ur a brief Illneu Rumson House the Brook Ave. bridge, when hit J. Damlano Funeral Home. Bur i hhii t motherto , Mn Edith Sully car skidded while making a tun, THOMAS K. EDWARDS ial wu In Mt. Carmal Cemetery, Mn. Smith wu bora la Eliu Sto wu bora In Newark, aad llMSON - Pin at uadeter- M of Red Bank. both and wu tto daughter of th' •ad Uved there tt yean More Tto car went out of control, Weft Long Branch The funeral wai heM Saturday mlaoi origta buraed thru roorao bounced off a utility pole IIK< DOVER-lliifflu K. Idwardi, lite William and Mary Uoyd. novlng ton In IB3S. of the 3Kraom homo of Mr, and 71, put prwidmt of ttwNe w t tto Adami Memorial Homi Surviving are a daughter, Mrr crashed Into anrttnrr rm* Jeney Pharmicewi: ' Aseuvia- RIV. W1LUAM J. DEMPSE\ \*y. Nurmaa t. Rleiey, paitor Surviving an a daughter. Mn. •ruwwick; Mr. Ml Mn, Fred Mra. Paul R. CHUoa. Hartatomo He wai taken to tto hotplui Retort Palley, La Meu, Calif luth Uvln, tore; thru tiaten, Itotabraaur. Mr. u re also. ''"irk. Later It become Yugoslavia. Found Not Guilty On Profanity Count

Red Bank Magistrate John V. iwoweu yeeieraey inauM ausa isssv en Coxson not guilty of dbordar- Dems ly conduct. Magistrate CrowaU ruled that because Miss Coxsoa, 12, of 11 Central Ave., was on her own Spirits property when aha allegedly used profane language Aug. I, she was not vtoiatktg tha borough's disor- High derly persons ordinance. Mrs. Dora Johnson, 14 Central Ave., and Leroy Lane, 212 Pearl NEPTUNE — Rsia yesterday jSt. had testified they heard Miss died to dampen Democratic Coxson using profane language. spirits at a party rally at Jump- Albert T. Berich. of Wise, Wise ' ig Brook Country dub. and Wichmana, Red Bank, attor- The county Democratic organi- ney for Miss Coxson, held Red zation officially endorsed Gov. Bank's disorderly persons law COOIOI —Tka «•' at (aft. driven by Delerei leyce, 21, of 12 Sixth Ay... Robert B. Meyaer u a "Favorite /Mantle Highland*, wai damaged Saturday whan it was hit by a car at Rivartide Son" for the ION prealdantiai does not prohibit swearing on your own property. and Iridgt Aval. The car at right, driven by Jahn C. Levey, 44, of 192 layview nomination. A large tent shelter- Ing the party faithful. Dedslea Reserved The case was heard Aug. 17. Ave., lelford, wai traveling watt en Riverside Ave. whan it hit tha leyca car. Mr. New York Mayor Robert F. Levey was charged with leaving the scene el an accident. He drove hii damagad and Magistrate CroweU reserved agner-who took office In 1094,decision until Mr. Berich submit- ear about five milei from the accident. he same year Gov. Meyner won he governorship—called Gov ted cases to uphold Ma point, and Meyaer a "great person worthy Samuel A. Caroteouto, borough « the highest office. I know he attorney, submitted his answer to Broth«rhames Catholic Church, he was Democrats to change the present lator Is on hia own property when week-end. Bank Woman's dub building for ly, Jr. (D-Hudson), who claimed graduated from St James Cram Republican government in the the offense is committed." worship originally, but as their Hudson County Democrats who mar School and Cardinal Farley County "and make it responsible do the renovation job for $279,- to the will of the people." Mr. Carotenuto said yesterday Ktyport Sewer numbers grew so did me needhroted for it hi me Assembly Military Academy, where he was he may have an ordinance ready 000 or leu. for larger facilities. w»r» misled «*»riW the outstanding athlete Republican Waders in the conn- (Continued from page 1) for introduction at Borough Coun- (Continued from page I) Former Democratic Mayor Attempts, without success. Sea. Kenya stand caused some of the year award and was grad- ty "shudder ha their boots," be 1 a large supply of pellets, capa cil ! Sept. 7 meeting. Charles E. Applegate twice ve- were made to obtain the use of Republican senators to ssy pri- uated as first lieutenant. said, when they view tha growth Council then ousted Anthony and cartridges. toed ordinances cresting the au- p-.bllc school buildings In the vatsty that they theref of Monmouth County. The guns—inexpensive cap pis- He is being assigned to the In his memorandum of law to thority, and led the fight to dis- ar»v MVQQUIB A BOH CMftM if Hud He charged that county Repub- tols which can be easily pur- Santa Maria Novitiate here for the Municpal Court. Mr. Berich N^ srounds mat his appoint- solve it after a Republican coun- Temole members wondered son's powerful Democratic or the year's novitiate training, licans have been sending GOP ment was defective, having been chased—were converted by ia- ganiiation throws its full weight candidates to state offices who cited a 1031 Hudson County Court cil overrode his vetoes. ?>•*» they would be able to re- Following that, he will enter St. decision which ruled that an ordi- made by motion rather thsn res- creeslnif the haenener faros waft v'\ in existence when the against the proposal. Gabriel's Junior College at Lake- lack "vision." olution. The Democrats were swept to rubber bands, then inserting cep- v Majority leader George B. Har- In another Jab at the GOP, Mr. nance with provisions similar to a landslide victory in the elec- r -ch heard of their plight and weed, N. J. and later lona Col- those of Red Bank, "indicates Alton D. Walling was named fiUed cartridges with gunshot r-'e Its offer. per (R-Sussex) told newsmen the lege. New Rochelle, N. Y. Upon Smith said "Machine" politics to replace Mr. Granata, but lost tion Isst November, on the Sew-mounted st the end. GOP caucus considered the ref- completion of training he will be that a parson can not be charged er Authority issue, taking con- U came from Rev. John R. p g have ruled Monmouth County the with an offense thereunder while his sest on the authority when Some of the weapons even were Collins, pastor, and the church erendum a "touch-end-go" prop- assigned to teach at one of the past 25 years. trol of me governing body for fitted with smaller barrels, "to osition. on his own property." Superior Court ruled against the the first time in half a century. session snd board of trustees. Brothers' schools in the United Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, In hia conclusion to the court, borough snd in favor of Mr. Grs- increase the accuracy," police To determine if such a pl«n He said the Republicans didn'i States or Canada. chairman of the New Jersey State theorized. want to cripple the program with Mr. Berich said that by strictly nata's right to authority mem- would work, a study was msde Highway Department, which op- construing the ordinance, the bership. The first two guns were built amendments, particularly since erates the Garden State Prakway, by another 15-year-old, police of Village Presbyterian Church complaint must be dismissed. With an authority majority still the voters will have the final Tax Appeals said it was an "encouraging sign Last Concert said, and it is believed that the and Brotherhood Synagogue, "It is better," he said, "to have opposed to dissolution, Borough say. (Continued from page 1) to see so many Democrats out..." young gunsmith started the fad Greenwich Village, New York, the municipality extend the area Council then charged two author- "It will be a tremendous task aessmant from $10,000 to $40,OM, She called on party members to among other boys in the neigh- where the two congregations of disorderly conduct by appropri- ity members, Charles KoenlR and Tomorrow to seU this to the voters m the and land, from $1,750 to 11,000, work to get many residents regis- borhood. have shared the sams facilities ate municipal ordinances rather John Hoke with 11 counts of "in- for msny years. short time remaining." Sen on grounds that the property has tered for the November election. Football songs will be featured Chief Herring said that as tar Harper said. depreciated in value. thsn to attempt to have judicial efficiency, mlfconduct in office at the final concert of the Red The Presbyterian Church here Dsvid T. Wilentz, Perth Amboy, opiniona cover an area in which and neglect of duties." as police can determine, none ef decided there would be little con- Sen. Harper stuck to his previ Democratic national committee- Bank Municipal Band tomorrow the parents of the boys knew at out decision not to veto for the Two Withdraw they have neglected to speak or In October, the authority final ta 8:30 o'clock in Marine Park, flict — especially where, services man from New Jersey, called the where they have spoken without the conversion of the pistols. and holidays are concerned. bill unless it was amended and Two appeals were withdrawn: Monmouth County. Democratic ly consented to dissolve and coun- the John W. Luckenbill will con- "The parents have been very remained silent during the roll Glenus Bender. Ill* Frank! sufficient clarity." cil dropped the charges. duct the program. Asilsas Te Hah) organization "a courageous or- Magistrate CroweU told Mr. cooperative in our efforts to stag) call. He said he didn't want to Ave.. Union Beach, from ttOO to ganization. They get very little During the ensuing monthi, The program: the spread of the guns," he aahi Rev. Mr. Collins said the find he had voted for spending $300. building, and Frank Berich hii client was "fortu- church Is anxious to assist the from the Democratic organiz- March, "Anchors A weigh"; money Just to help Hudson Coun- Rosa Nicora, Line Rd., Matawan ation, and they seem to like it." f l overture, "LuiUpiel"; Trumpet tat dp in any wsy it could. Township, from 11,200 to 1800, Chief Herring admitted that ty or balance Gov. Meyner'a Mrs. White, who also is vice plsce before s new ordinance until in April the authority turn- solo by Gil Johnson, "Willow souped-up cap pistols pose aneaV "In the experience of God's budget next year. building. was passed. love." he said, "the Christian chairman of the Demicratic State ed physical operation of the Echoes"; "Tropical Merengue"; forcement "problem. Every other senator voted for Decision was reserved in the Committee, said she "managed to He commended Mr. Berich for sewer system back to the bor- march, "Victory": vocal solo by Pellet-firing weapons are illegal Is motivated to love his neigh- the bill. following his work and said he "helped bor, this especially being true get to be Mayor of Red Bank' ough. Marilyn Christian, "King and I"; n New Jersey, whereas cap gtsM Sen. Walter H. Jones (R-Berg Edward and Doris Mtchalskl. (although the council remained correct a situation that should The body stsyed in business, "Songs From The Old Folks"; are not. for the Jewish neighbor." en), who argued vainly for hsve been corrected long ago." He sdded: 90 Bethany Rd., Rsritan, from solidly GOP). officially, however, until last march, "On Wisconsin"; novrtty, "The ingredients are legal," ha amending the bill, asked during 11,17J to 11,424, building, and Mr. Kisntan introduced the en- night. "Night Beat"; march, "Air stated. "Its the result that's. "In the beginning of the history the two-hour debate, "Where are from SIM to SIN, land; Isaac tire Democratic slate: Polratioa ef Bay Corps", and the National Anthem. against the law." of the Christian church, the we going to get 70,000 or 00,000 church was for the Jews first Stott, "telegraph Hill Rd.. Holm Mr. Smith; Louis Colllchio and Agreements The police also said that theft votes? How are we going to windel To-vnshlp, from $22,900 to Earlier, the state attorney gen and secondly tor the Gentile. In Eugene J. Bedell, state assem- ral hsd threatened court action Hold Parkins Study is some doubt as to whether tha this referendum?" 112.000. buildings and from 11,000 bly; John W. Applegate, surro- caps meet state requiremoaU a world of enmities, the Christian Hudson County municipalities igainst the borough for pollution Is honor bound in faith to God to SSOO. personal and Cliffwood gate; Rocco Bonforte, sheriff; Brighten FREEHOLD — The Board of [concerning the amount ef are concerned about possible Beach Water Co., Cliffwood of Raritan Bay. to seek livable relationships with Francis J. Mahoney, county In March, however, the state Freeholders snd the Mayor and powder permissible. losses if the turnpike surplus is Beach, from $0,000 to $5,000, clerk, and Dr. Joseph R. Acker- Council met in a closed session Chief Herring said that the Jews first and trusting that used to finance a program of tax Department of Health consented water mams. man and CalCll MM. VanderveerVd , Labor Picture last night to discuss psrking prob- les ul the confiscated explosive' this may be extended to larger relief to railroads. to a 20-month time extension—to Also, Raymond nd Marl county Freeholder. By The Associated Press. lem in th I charges hsve been sent to the and larger circles." Sen. Jonas advocated amend- y October." IMfr-'fbT renovation of « « horough. Leavy, Texaa Rd., Mstsw B f h The nation's labor picture, The county has offered In con-1 State Police laboratory for h> Kenneth R. Heyman,' Little ing She bill to take tax relief oui Because of their pressing bus- the ditpok.il pUnt. Township, from $1,200 to $733, darkened by the long and costly Silver, congregation president, of the picture. He and Senate iness with the Stete an National Last month, the council hired tribute SO per cent toward anyjspection. building, and from $190 to $100, steel strike and its effect on al- Pending the results of tha teeta, said temple mem President Wesley L. Lance (R Senates, Gov. Meyner and San. •n engineer to make a plant parking project the borough de- "for land; Vincent J. Schmidt, 701 lied industries, appeared a little police will continue the mveatt- "grateful" to the church Hunterdon) said a program of Harrison A. WilHama were not (.urvey. cides on. Announcement of s pro- Clark Ave., Union Beach, from brighter today as threatened gation. No complaints have beaa Ms opportunity to shire such paying railroads for their com- on hand. Dosed plsn msy be made at Mon- jfejO to $100. building; Lulgi f walkouts were averted In three Mayor Norman J. Currie hat signed, police said. . - wonderful facilities." muter service would be a better Gov. Meyner was scheduled to estimated that the borough can'dav night's meeting. tos, Van BracMe Rd.. Mataw . major Industries. Adseaala Quarters approach. play the winner of a baldmlnton "ProvkUaf adequate quarters from $1,790 to $2,500. building contest, and San. Williams was Agreements were reached last Oov. Meyner said ha believes Richard J. Lewis. 100 Bros for a new and rapidly growing moat of the suggestions made by tabbed to meet the wiaaer of a alght as strike deadlines neared congregation is a vital task and St.. Matawaa. from $2,300 horseshoe contest In the rubber, glass and meat! Sen. Jones and other senator $1,500, building, and from $130 me that normally takes years for could be included in legislation The New Shrewsbury Mayor packing industries. They ended fruition," he continued. "Having $330, land; Patrick and Grace Karl K. Baron was chairman of possible walkouts of more thsn It and when the plan wins final DapoUto, 111 Frenesu Ave., Mat the rally. the UN of such • beautiful chap- approval by the voters and turn- M0.O0O workers. Already Idled el and classrooms right now at awan. from $2,900 to 9I.M0, by the iteel strike are a half pike bondholders. building our very beginning comes to us He said it was sever any part million steelworkers and some •i a tremendous boost and we Adjourned to a board meeting 1M.0M other workers In allied of the transit plan to reduce any Sept. 17 In Long Branch ware two Cash Taken are fortunate Indeed." county's railroad taxes as long will hold appeals: TMHtHfl) fflMMMTS as tha property was etlll used Dr. Joseph B. Rudnick, 101 Also on the brighter side were their first service In the church by a railroad. Hudson County From Station the ending of two strikes involv- Friday, Sept. II, at 1:19 p.m Atlsntlc St., Keyport. from II could suffer serious tax I to $900, l«nd; from $8,900 SHREWSBURY -Jhe second ing more than 9.000 workers and Henry Bamberger, recently nam- if railroads, particularly the Hud' mysterious vHeft of Money from the 34-hour postponement of a ed rabbi of the congregation, $3,300, bulkli.ig. and from $700 son tubes, ware to stop operat- $200, personal, and Roosevelt a a gaa station la fear days Is be- threatened walkout against Pan will conduct the service. ing, he MM. ing investigated by police here. Amsrieaa Airways. Milton Aronoff, Fair Haven, Gladys Wright, Van Born St Highway Commissioner Dwight Keyport, from 1200 to $190. land Police Chief Raymond Mass At Cleveland, a general wage will lead the choir. R. G. Palmer, praised by both said aa unknown man stole be- In addition. Suadey-echooi from $000 to nothing, building, settlement giving 24.000 Goodyear Democrats and Ropabiicans is and from $200 to nothing, per tween $700 and $tM m cash, Tire ft Rubber Co. employees a classes will be conducted tor the Senate for his work in con- checks and credit receipts from chMdren by sonsl. stoeataa-hoiir wage Increase ceiving the plan, said be is con- Cities Service fatton, Broad St., by the company Shrewsbury Presbyterian Board members are Paul fident it will be approved by the Kiernan, president: Frederick yesterday about 11 a. m. and the United Rubber Workers Church received Its charter fn voters. Patsy Franiese, mansgsr, told The settlement must he rati- King George II of England In Freibott and Leo D. Weinsteu ROM R. Beck Is secretary. police a man asksd to mi the fied by a majority of locals 1?W. The church holds the eldest telephone. In. tha office. When the representing a majority of the corporate seal in the state. Rate Hike man left tha office, he took tares ualoa's membership In the com- Oakhumt Man Shinned bank deposit bags with the pany s II plants. JVDUEJMPf DELAYED Hearing Set Opening; Trailer Door money. The Goodyear settlement could WASHINGTON (AP) - The SHREWSBURY— Aa Inter Patrolman Jsmes Fedorko Is I set a pattern In the rubber In- fenats Judiciary Committee yes- state Commerce Oommlselon KATONTOWN - An Oakh'jrsi Investigating. Iduilry. Wag* talks are under terday put oft action, at least hearing on a rate Increase re- man was treated and relesse A slmllsr Incident happened In way between the union and U. S. until next week, on President quest by Pennsylvania Railroad last night slter he received an Red Bank Friday when WOO InRubber In Ciaclnaatt, Plrestons, Elsenhower's appointments for will be tomorrow st 10 a. m and electrical shock while openlni cssh snd chnrks dlssppsarsd and Goodrich la Canton, Ohio. New York and New Jersey Judge- Ip. m. the door of s trailer. from a locked desk drawer In a the railroad seeks a. II per Police ssld Al Percoskl, 7 Moi gss station. COUNCIL TO MBIT UOHTNINw wsi reipo nlble (or thit bleie which destroyed a ba/n and fsrafe cent average fare hike. !mouth Rd.. wan Munnrd when he P.i>d Hank Borough Council owned by Anihony Pi. He. Hilliide F*rm, Sunnyilds Rd., near IvereM.. Middle- AVNUAL DINNER The railroad will present Its touched the door of a model Mr. Percoskl before taking him will meet briefly Monday (Labor SEA IiRIGHT — The Bay Shore csse be,ore Burton Fuller, hear- trallm durinn a tale at Foreign to Dr. George D. Henkel, 312 Dsy) at 1:30 p.m., and adjourn town Townihlp Fire Ch si N». Ion A. Mailed estimated lots "or" tka barn end equip, Tivern Association will hold Its ing examiner for the ICC, at 10 Cars of Monmouth, Rt. 33. Broad St., for trestment. to conduct IU regular business ment at (11,000, and he garage Ion at $300. The structure) wat among several annual dinner Sept. -11 in the a. m. The public will be heard The Katnntnwn Firm Aid Police could givs M\explsnallon il y at 0:10 p.m. In the Drlftwfod Beach Club. at the I p m. session. Building. festruck by lightning SsHrday af^rnoon. iftiad admlniitered oxygen to 'or the electrical shop. Municipal WIDNESDAY NIGHT TRADE BOARD SPECIALS OPIN WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 7« J. YANKO MB BROAD STREET RED BANK I V IN I N * S 30 BROAD STREET RED IANK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WED. NIGHT SPECIALS (ONI NIOHT ONLY) OPEN WEDNESDAY Special Grouping Woman's Shoes ALLEN'S PLATS AND HBIU UNTIL 9 p.m. Originally t.90 to 16.90 Tn honor or evening opening! we move aeveral araaaiioMl nlUH Into our "bMtminL" CouMnt tUak of frMag them to low any othtr time. They go bMk to raflw $0.00 y Fraa and ••iy parking price next morning. Look for Items with ntghUMaamteg SHOES eereu* tags. aftar 6 p. m. 93 MOAD STREET SID IANK 3 • • • la MMHH'I 367 fo. Assorftd Flats & Httls y' Spacial uvingi in avary la bur* Mtocdw tC calm. SUM v/i it U. Muy 4uk BANK, NBWflOUaT -FREE PARKING— dapt. from 6 • 9; saa paga 9. •HT-eWO MEN'S ALL WOOL 1883 — 1959 DISCOUNT ON FUNNEL SLACKS VOGELS & y< 95 : MOWN WOOL CREW NECK GIRDLES •PINKT PIANOe-Fer tint. Tuattafe • CHARCOAL Uoi Iw rua It m»d« lor no. Only (i * ml «!»•• you • new MUM BRAS 1O In yaur ham*, finvui wnkly MMMI*. m Kl mttrtali. no titria. In or Jtuaa ThTh « TTuMInm f HPlan* CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED SWEATERS Omm, M MaanMUl H . R><) Rink. LINGERIE •H T-OM*.

98 Steintcoy Repre$entativm DRESSES ClautonSlllaQge 5 COATS CREW NECK • BOAT NECK MM'I ft leys' OuHiMari Sine* 1146 3-BUTTON COLLARED POLO STYLE 19 BROAD ITRHT RED BANK SHIRLEY SHOPS 25 Colon to Choeso From 16 MOHIHOUth R#« Bonk 37 BROAD ST. Opm WaAtaaaiay ft Friday Ni«Ms Till • f. M. 21 BROAD STREET RED BANK ••» BpBRo^pp o« •RHBEBI ASMIRV PARK RED BANK Roycri StaMMrd BACK-TO-SCHOOL 4 P. M. to t P. M.—No Phono Onion Wednesday Night Special TYPEWRITERS 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. BASKIN'S PLAID OUTDOOR CLOTHES Only 4 FABRIC PAIR CORDUROY PILLOWS RfaUILT . •UAIANTH0 It MIOUHIC tTHIT GINCHAMS DRYER IMAL POt STUNNT M0 IANK. H J U$l 0. H. 32 UNiS — 3 rf $788 50 Ukt Sftt • FOAM MIXED • Ro* 59.50 44 S12.fS Volno 7 SAVE S15.00 • lUDGCT TERMS • FREE OCUVERV INC. 98^ DAILY aa** SAT. S A. M. la • P. M. PR 11 TOUCH TTP1M0 BOOK INCLUHD nUDAY • A. M. a> • P. M. ataaiy«»aaMba1.4f OFFICE ESSENTIALS, INC. Martial Wai.. Sap<. I, HOMI MCORATOU 29 MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK Wed. M« rri Mfktt. 45 Brood St. Roo* Iwk MIDOLCTOWN 47 U. SHWytW* 1.7IM lai law SH 1-7300 Every Night km MU CURTAINS BONUS 1960 PHILCC IVY LEAGUE BUSTER BROWN SUITS MEANS PORTABLE TV Iy NORTHWIAVI NITE WITH MMOn IN THE BURNISHED FINS CONTROL OLIVE COLOR FOR QUALITY Frtt bonus mtrchcmdbt. IASY TIRMS 158* BACK-TO-CAMPUS • WASHABLE S.SO Stt our ad on pagt 9 Comt In Wod. Nifht and Sto TKom • YEAR-ROUND to • ALL SIZES l.tt Rtdlank Expertly MOST BETTER fitted it iTYUS HOUSEKEEPING SHOP GOLDIN'S BUSHR BROWN-RED BANK YOUTH CENTER 4t MONMOUTH ST. RID BANK MEN'S SHOP H. H. GREEN-WALD, Prap. 17 WHITI IT. U0 IAMK L 25 BROAD ST., RED BANK ADJACENT TO PAMKINO LOT I 10 IOYStVood' StrtttDOUIL, fRt KNEd lemE k | Tokpnon1/ oFwtteraft SHadyiM Shoe$o M311 FOAM RUEMR Wrdnr.iUy Night Only! 6 P. M. to 9 P. M. NEWBERRYS I BLUE DENIM KD PILLOWS Rowrtibk DUNGAREES kf'lls BOMBER •y A %Mi Makar JACKETS ihaa* ta U DUO-LIFE OXFORD CNHNIITI RIB a»i MM Oak •P^Mkaa^H VeW- WOMIN'I aatJ HO OMU* WMITI ffW WIRjniRflVIa -aMIe" •ar fraa». I atak part* • All SeUi Final aft, R»a. l.tl. • I Pair Limit THII SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY THE SURPRISE STORE Footcraft Shoes /i'/ir i/nw» In) Mill. \t unirii and dhildrrn tint* M94 • MOAD STMJT RID BANK Tolophono SN 7-2173 STORI o- 1,001 IAROAINS I 84 IROAD ST. RED IANK

I I i«MWM.a|r. •\. • tan Wins * - O^B^BOMBI aaft —* twice Ma tat Mbaai ka «a^ to te Mi nabtar Want a ride In tha nawast elevator tit tow»7 WIM aft llogfil Alf Mnt —-HWMMraMH- *> *» i BMMJaaj^^«A%^ ifea) at Dajp Croat Air H Tai 'Saal^ iflttaY a\4*a*aiaBa> V^BBlMiaMW It's right htra In our ctrca 1070 J. KrldaJ bttMng Stoatat. AtaMM 1/c MB vntam. dto M M IMtad Stataa Mat Mrtwit, Jr., an at Mr. aadMM MrltaMd at DHP CfMk Air Mm MB V. BdMitfa, » Pint Powt IMtak U Oeklbw «f ft* at old Broad and Front streets, and it services ^JIBB) AtfaBSBBaW MfaaMalaMl* atf V aofW^ awaai^BBp^a^al B>Sa^B^9BlBHHB9 •>«• §i,| jmr _„r tat «M MOMd Akam «f kM ten BOOM* Almaa of MM MM Moat tar to* Daa> Cnok aad ttam^At JtaidaM «t MM our posh now men's clothing floor, open today* WNMM AJr Mmlw AarijBMi M«Wat etorktar MM e^PlldVVW AS* ar^Bjl^BJ ajS^Hhjaa*vaB Sand-blasted ash paneling, a IHtle rest area overlooking

Do* Croak. Almaa Bdwi «*• WUMI ^•BaaBBBoaaaw OBMBBI •aa laiietad JoFttta toaar _ WiMBban«na,taM)|a>n,l the Naveslnk river, and more suits and coats than you MM to* of Ma katwtodga of Ma BIOI ^riaW aWafe' ShMMOBaaV Aaas ' tab, Mi kaowtoda* o( worM at- tain aad omnt omata, Mi could shake a pearl-handled stick at. appaanaoa aad mlHtary boar- tag. Midst tha back-patting and hand-shaking, a word of thanks Fallout Shelter to our long-suffering customers who waited their Plans Offered turn to use dressing rooms, bumped elbows bflDDUnOWN - : trying on coats, and suffered good-naturedly when our

overworked air conditioner broke down. Mr. Droyor aald MMottod boat Wa trust you'll find things a bit more pleasant now. tadMdoala. Pnparad by MM Offiea of CM aad IMoawMa-

lajftbfBMaiMftai B^Bl ^B^B^BBt * a^a^BMBBW -~^w- -^ v -v -yr >r _• j^MWgMW aMtavatmiiMtMi dlaatefJai

drlea oa how to Hva wtfita a MIVW • sjBjsjsjC^BHr/* MB V. Uowda, it. Ato mJtabto. Mr. Droyor kMO fMMT STUIfS afptaMfsrrisljv .•SN141W4 Only OM Wrap eoat taaaar* wtth «Mta «OM popar to at ta MM Air Fbmta April. UN. •man da art roat ' '"i Ma btale COUNTY POPULATION OF 465,000 SEEN IN 1957

iroportotMMl Mrf* yaar by MM eooaty Ptaaataf Board, • onaetot to bota IMS . im fifluna an baaad oa MM fodaral ctaaai nblta tf IMS aad UTS aia aattanatoa by MM osuoty PtaaataM Baavd. Total peaaJaMaa ta MM oaHb/ ta UN waa ISMM UHMOmatfwaaMlJN. Hta li etod ta taaay to mm ta MS.

A»«atajnt 7H Ml 171 Atfaury Paik CMy . 1T.W4 Atiaatk Hiabtaadt wm urn BIIy J 1.7MN MMN Bclmar Bradlty Britlto Deal 1.M4 xm 3.1M Eatoatowa _ 3.M4 l.«M Fair Havaa T.oai Hlfblaadi I.7M 7.OBJ HotamW TamMhta 1.3M MM S,«M lattrtakai , • m 2,IM um •MM 1.1W 1.4M Ktyport wm Uttto Sihrar •.*» ^ 3.171 7..tn 1MU MM vn 7.HI «,7M H.«M im t,»N am xm 1.171 nm U.1M im •w OM 1,171 \m im 1.40 1.7N vn im tm MM Tha setting ts mora lavish, but tha stars 1,711 MM Wan 1MM IM« of the show »n still the same: WoMLaaj BfajMk MM TOTAL mm Joshua lrent, Hickey Freeman, Marleigh, Botany 500, Leslie York, Palm Beach. To each, a laurel crown. THE GUARDIAN And another to Mr. Jerry, head of our alterations

staff, for all the rush |obs he completed

in time for weddings, funerals and bar mHxvahs.

May ha and his staff tnjoy their bright new

third floor quarters, juit off tha selling floor.

NTI mi n IM Lest our enthusiasm carry us away, wa add that btlM0.«Ml clothing prices remain tha same, 55.00 to I5S.O*>. IN 1MQ, KM aaai ktotar^tatoi MW aaat aantaw> You may charge, pay ft October, '/j November,

ABA ABMMillkl Aftt AiV BWgb*! jkma 4Vfl ^ aW^^ • MJV 1/1 December. No service charge. . ta

SH 7.1176 - 1177


I«M•UAHMAN u» OF AMMMOA limitWSCHOOUNO JIM BISHOP: N. J. Reporter 1171 by leka M. Ceet aai laary Ckqr TOBIAS BVINO MOWN, (Jla IMma • ta md Csaantyg et Ike ami. HOOAN, mmm • M. KABOLD KELLY, W. HABBY KNONGTON, Left call him Charlie. Evan if Charilt wasat Us : a< aa Aaaadatei flea name. ' j io u» UM lor * m u» lani He was a little guy with big ears. And ha looked more like a burro, loaded down with his pack, aboval and Bran gun, slouching down the dusty Italian nad Ml witt ntfta*. wMkoat taut*, ttwt *ait *t u attirtiwenaito «M« k Ow twnfatblwi w» that late September evening la 1M4. • •iiimiM IMillMUr 1 MT wnr wktak awr MCUT. Tha battalion was moving up-

«*»»ejr year will net

between the company end the I B.E.W.

paattag to every aa fapt I to N. J. to feato aaoh of me nest two years. tor ._ altar 10 yaan off oBpiojfnMBi •• OfOMBt U VMIV*

fita are also laessJil At pre- majority at right thtaksag am rOC CONTIACT--A fhre«.ywar ee#rreet, Miavad to ba the first UD 1ANK AMMtr — Iringing tha Red lank area eloior to metr*p«l»M seat tte compaay paya HM a aad wamaa la Ksw Jsraay inf Y«rk and PMIadelphla Is its airport, which it actually within tha boroajii e)f IN At MtllHy industry, li signed by Dala I. OH», president •* Naw Jartay Natural moasB toward the coat of me help. j^enaM^i^^^^^^^^ jy^rk^Mj^ ^M ^^^JKb^Hk_ V ^& ^_^^^_« ajasamasmi aBBSfeasai flMatttfBasmai ms Shrawtbury. Tha airport, off Shrowtbury Ava features quick air taxi servle» frae| «aa Company, center, and presidents ClaMnt* W. Stout, local 1120, laft, and K J. WMMOmtmWmm WVfVJeTBJalaj "JK IsaWUnMar aktw* •raTj VwaUT waaw aMawsmv •• n hart ta major airports. Many area airplane owners also keep their craft tharsij' Ktlpatriek, local 1293. n? baa agreed to absorb Bh» The airport Is contidarad a major asiet to tha fast-growing Red lank ere*. r of H74 for meflnt year, trietaaa Philip Morris Marine View Mrs. Klatsky for the second year and The latter school dtotrict had a total for me third year. dates far tha assembly dattattsty ma developed la New Jersey. diture of I7IM71. Of thto Mrs. Klitsch It — IMuiuee paonciy a> von for M* Of coarse thaw are humane $271,SU wu supplied from state Elects Dawson Accounts Up Moving To al c eembry BUI Ul msy ahoatd not for use la non-kosher funds aad SHIN from federal natariaB> be elected. bouses. Schechita tofunds. You can asa that a sub- Joins Agency NSW YORK CITY — George 1QDOLET0WN - A I rti to There to method recognized stantial part of the total came MIDDLETOWN - Mn. OapS) C Dawson, ltt Kemp Ave., Fair tocntM la savings oceouata of Dallas. Tex. as each in both the federal law from sources other than local M.KUtsch,New Marine View BaringSi s a ' the pasaaga of the ML ThJe op- taxes. In thto respect, Eatontown Haven, baa bam elected a vice Mr*. Harry Klatiky. Harding podtloa has ao doubt approachepp d aad tha New Jersey Mil for kosh- raceaUy become assodatod aa * of PhUto Morris, Inc. i Asaoctatloa'a office hare fat to more fortunate than most of real estate salsslady with tha the tlratsta months of operation rjattas**£**£*&Z&&.. Tex, when sbewW mak e *•** Ctaim W. Stoat, Wast m metr oistncts, the other school districts ta the Beknar, la prasMsat, la compris- supporters of tha pro- There to, therefore, no valid Uwley Agency, real estate and ma reported today by tba board her borne. ed of 8 employees m Morris reason for delaying the passage state. Insurance firm. 100 Rt 31 M ll Her . Paul Klatiky, who ac- posed bill do likewise, Aaaambty Thank you for giving me your coi County and 81 in Monmouth and BUI 18 may aot be approved aad of tha New Jersey humane HM otOco opaMd Fab. M with companied bar, piaai to complete Ocean Counties. R. J. nipat- slaughtering bin, A-13S. dews on tbto important question. thousands of anlmato wUlcontmoe Sincerely, accounts totaUlag Just over $».• |J^ IP to oa tortufu. (00. Aa of the July U report. en Methodist University. of Local Us) which bMtades 71 Robert B. Meynor MMrs . KlKlatakky cama to Red Tha people wo have organized Virginia A. LaMarche Governor employees In Cape May County. the mate oppositioa to the bill abova Iha fl.0M.IN Bank 27 years ago from Los The presidents of the two toe- I trust parents ta Eatontown At tba board's Auguat martini . The p have ao Justificatioaastheir meth- SPLENDID COVERAGE dTwSl p b to take an intelligent view of the Oration i Judge Harry Klatsky, who hu od of najloue ritual slaughter matter thto year-to realise that satisfaction tivea expressed appradatlopp n to hu been proclaimed humane by Red Bank, N. J. with thaauea died. tthh e at thth e contract t without adequate financing chil- aaw offloa'a growth. my the Federal Government, the Hu- Aug. It, UW. dren cannot be educated. To be Their daughter. Mrs. Carol signing and said, "we are oonftd- Sit The local office is ta me Allen Klatsky SkibeU, aad eon are both mana Society of the U. S.and To the Editor against the school budget ta tob e Professional Building. Five Cor- end that this long-tans agree- 18. la Red Bank Ugh School graduates. meatwUl be of benefit to the I would Uke to take this op- against the children. ners. The association's older of- Mrs..SkibeU. whose husband, me praparatkm of the meat aaJ- portunity to thank you on behalf For good schools let as take a fice U at » First Ave., Atlaa- rraiajiany, the employees and me for their ritual _ Carl, practical taw ta Dallas, general public." ot the Greater Red Bank Junior positive approach, and do what «o Highlands. an parents of a daughter, Susan has beea oomplatsly asasnptsd m Chamber ot Commerce for the we, as parents, can do support "We eetabUahed la MkUstowa both me Fedari Lew aad ta Ae-sptandkl coverage that you gave ma acnooi oaogec- Lee. ssmbty BUI A-1M. Township." add T. Mrs. SUbeD also waa graduated Name Olinsky to our recast Jaycee Water Car- Sincerely yours, Jr.. president, "because we Similar laws h alval. Your unfailing ec-operatkm Mn. Comert MeGay from the Preparatory Depart- proved and paassd la MM Hand we could reader a serv- ment of tha Juilttard School of Sales Manager played a targe pert ta the suc- to the Music, New York, and Douglass cess of thto our (mirth amwal would ba appreciated by its peo-College, New Brunswick, when NEW YORK CRY - Marvin Hampshire, Washtagtoa aad Wis-carefvaL Firemen ple. The ftae reception we have she majored ta music and art. OUnsky. « Lafayette Dr., Has- Needless to say. the Jaycee beea given by folia there has Prior to her marriage, Mn. let, hu bean appointed dtotrict If you wtob any mformatloa taWater Carnival requires months Cserge C more than Justified our faith la sales manager to the Reuben H. ~ ptaaatag and hard work Raise $1,7551 iflaa>aa^^vaSkibeUa di^pe^sd) fashioaeavaaa^^aani vn^s^B*ag#jdesignM woran^aaka ej^^^^^ as 0% a the 0 § •>«• or Assembly BIB part but without your sup- The —M—Mni—t was made Mr. Manon pointed out that ta New York and ta Dallas. She P "**"**,**™/- write to the Humane hes written and will direct a Ueatioaa Divtoioa. Mrs. COM M. last week by tha board of direc-Marine View's "annual dividend musical. "Sisterhood Scampers." Mr. OUnsky started with the tha u. S*. Now JorOaty public an our work would have For Siek Man of 3ft per cant on savings ac- M« East Jersey A graduate of St Vincent Acad- tors. Mr. Dawson to president of to b s givei n at thha Septembe__. r advertising and publishing firm been wasted. Wa hope to have MARLBORO TOWNSHIP - A - JMJ_ . counts has been ta effect for a N.J. the opportunity to work with you young, chronically UL MarlboroffVandWMtmaaJunJor^Conaga. Philip Morris Overseas, a dhrt- meeting of the Sisterhood of the In IMS as a ta the < tiel1 wrmt number of yean. Congregation Tfereth Israel. Dal- Manhette*Queens office. Sinerety, again aest year oa thto project township fireman has a fuad of !; '7~.*™"v™ ny etaa at Philip Morris. Inc. When asked If IU MUton Erianger lived ta Uvtagstoa. Mr. Dawsoa hu been with laa. The firm to the sola authorised Untfl that time please accept SL7M set up by his friends and loans have kept pace with the Mr. Klatsky comnlsted more Directory Advertising Represent- OakhantN. J. thanks for your van- neighbors. She is the mother of four chO- Philip Morris ataca ISC, special- rest of the Association's growth, g dren, Valeria, Radford. Leigh and Wag ta export operations. With than th^^rn^teTtthree yean of service ai n-h . for the New YorkTetophonp . able Donald Uniaro, 8, soa of Mr. Mr. Maxson said that may have. Youn vary truly. and Mn. Joseph Laasaro ot Mor- '••»«•• Henry, to the formation of Philip Morris "While we are careful with the the Navy. For tba pest year ha Co<. which pubUsbss the "Yellow employed by the New Jersey BeU hc• t DOsk_M— •- yg• t_ — » _» Pages.Da«^ '•• Robert H. J« ganviUe hu been Ul with a chron- Overseas ta MM. Mr. Dawsoa be- kind of loans we mate," he said, Moamouth College. After World War n. dsriag Oenersl Chairman ic kidney disorder. He to a 1 Telephone Compaay as a main- came eascutive vice president "we believe people appreciate . g To the Editor. and n director. He became presi- whkh he served tata th he BBaropaaa 1M Water Carnival ber of theMonuvWvosunteer **«**<* supervtour ta Newark. the fact mat we try to help Theater. Mr. Ottaaky RabU Roseamal's < Fire Companymy . For the put aeveral yean ska dent of lbs dhrtotoa ta 1SJT. Ha tothem with their problems. Also, Me Qoeen'a Have to my earner latter mtmbtr of the International Pace College. He has served as MUlard BB/Lambenon. " . prasl-«*•»»• «•«•]* *»]?** a the fact that we charge no prem- methods of of the1 companycompany,, agreed to Kcyport area tor Walker and A* tba For- iums for maklag loans and that Family Rennion to sincerely appreciated: I am IMM. 1* m - in.. Walker. alga Trade Council; tba Eiport Kalgbta of Pythias; traataa of The Moore-Tel act u chairman of a committee we do aot charge FAIR HAVEN - Mr. and Mrs. the Fieetwood Home Owaan As- gtad wa are ante to thto to set up a fuad to help the dab: tea America* penalties, has ao doubkwbt helped Rt J. John McQueen, Maple Ave.. were sociation; aad matter frankly by of thto Ptedmoat, Ala. Mr. tamberaon aa- attracted high-type busmen) to at a pfcafc family tha tnuttd laat waak that iw fuad Urgei Interest of Commerce, lac our Association.' Aug. XT, 1M. i of the W. S. Chamber of reunion at their of Keyport There tosabstaattal To the Editor ti.ni. In School Affair* auraanoail Chamber of of He resides at tha Haslet ad- the effect metahackBng and hoist- WUhta the teat year I have of tha recatate of CM Ing of conscious sntmala tocraaL .aad a dress with hto wife aad two chil- rrittan several letters to the Oov- at the " Guests were Mr. and Mrsdren. ; Todd It. end March 1. During tha federal bearings ta ta^»e Township firemen's fair tost Hods*. Democratic e< me board ot goveraon ot the Money Missing Jack McQueen and children, Washington, D. C careful reports coacerntng lo-month were earmarked for the borough council arged the po> AastraUaa Trade A Ksthy, Linda and John, Fair AH four of the township amtag body Friday to take an ac- Mr. DewioB la aurried and From Drawer HGven: Mrs. Mildred McQueen. Attendance Up that the shackle and hoist causes - Mariboro. Rob> tive tatereet ta achaal board nf> Red Mr. and Mrs. Rusaatt McQueen tax ertaville, MorganviUa Vosuateer fairs. vaetigatug and sea. Rusty. Red Bank: Mrs. atato aid for total aad Morgaaville Independent — of $5N la cash and from At Scout Camp of the shackle aad hotot oacatde have made contribuUau. tha ^tf^^^^^^^hkAA ^Xtt^^^^^^ ^^h a^^ Boy Bruised Bridge Esao John, Mildred, Mn. te BB^BjjBEamjDBJB^ ^Dagva^vawK vv swa? I dVjBflsTB) flBjnV flBBBmT letter Volunteer company ran Eckel's Noftn Brid Hiram Taylor sons. Robert FORESTBURG, N. Y. - A fact oa hags (due to Suaoco Station. Tennent Rd., for tor Haisoa In 2-Car Crash PL. Friday. aad Jatery. Mr. aad Mrs. Chris total of IX) taakaiatal of me two MiJMT OB uUS* a Sunday recently with the budget to < PoUce said iw moasy — allDteta, MMdMowa: Mr. and Mrs. State af New Jersey to ed. He aoted mat sobool anpaasV ooy 1). Offtoa at tha Governor *•?/•J**** **** *• ^?* battai ta children. from m Moamouth Coaaty. N. J-. raBOrta hScato rTmtm and the Morgaaville Social Cub ituns make up a par cant of fie • facial braise la a two ear ae-from a locked desk drawer. Wil- WUHna. Patrick, Ji Ji kaMmgafi ran a benefit dance. local tax levy. here thto Dear Mn. McGar. liam XMham, atatloa and Eneea, Leonardo; Mr. and Thto to to acknowledge yoai^ra- He also advocated the DavM T. Clay, H St Mary's Mrs. Walter aadchii- The fAlt aad bis wife, have ate oaly keys Aside from tha tedmkaJtttos of STATE MAD WOW taking a stand on school I PI., was VMslaM MB tome dran. Cant. Jack and Ricky. thto Has potat 1 should Mate to aay be chairman of eamptag aid wtthparttcutor^ rafcrai TRENTON (AP) - The State •»*•» There waa aa _i Mr. aad Mrs. Brad co- Highway Department today an- formed" u to tba •try to the BOTnMa, sir., asd aoa WBllaiis« toOs as that pata will true that nounced oMipjsfloii of roadway body's feelings oa tha subject waa taken to tba bospHsi, but IwOwOQaW VsJ eTeUr faWPJB* Mr. Mrkham Mr. aad Mrs. Brad Behrmaa. the ojassttoa of I to Iocs! work on the SMW.toj pro|ect to Mr. Hotex stateJ fcs» he wea bad ao j wu whan ha Jr. aad cnHdraa, Brad. J»Ann. Mr. Newejatot aaM Into year's Red Bank Police tgt Emer- attendance wu up 4N eanaers•aarty a to> to yaakad tato the further make a four-lane divided high- ta favor o!a review of the "Van g wvat to fit daM0a "oao>tt of PameU and Dawn. South Bel- air by a chata study, H to only fair to potat out 'oul of the former two JanesiHomee Agreement" "B the a* am R. WuVama reported a ear bag whfch bad bald me mar, Mr. aad Mrs. David Bean over IMS* The ramp wi from June » to Aug. M. that tha amount ot state funds of Rt X8 for five miles west cation af Veil Homes chUdran Is •nvaa soon oa mapie AV*. oyTime of me aMI waa set at aad soa Tod, Asbury Park: Mr. g TheU. distributed to ncal districts hu of the Somerville traffic circle. sa espensa to us," he said, 1 Ralph H. MMdMU, M, of M tt and Mn. Otrle tkHea aad son la addlttaa, there were M ad- tagte problem far soar yean. I a gnat deal ta the past am ta favor ot any action that Marys PI., waa making a right pun. Friday. - Mr. sad Mrs. k d Ia badges awarded ta caaaaeraft led- flva yean. For enmple, ta will relieve as borough ot fla* tt waa hit oa the right side by yaw WMSBS, Eatontowa • car driven . the ihackMag aad SS, of Bradley Beach. ••o M aWMsMaaa* THO No i Baak — Cameron Per- OT nvo tadNMoal doft Beraard Obtoa, Job* OV sequoady madelha* M flagtap. I must, theretore. paaat eat that whan Jewish groups ask that ft* Fair Haven - David Brandt Frank Davis. Curt Dstaaa Jtai Oshara. Rodney town, they an Varaar^Pstar Brtakerkoff, KOJ- aaktagmatpacksnbealawaito da sometMag which to already togaOy deftaad by Congress to be - Walter Owratoh. lahuauah e aad which to aot part af BM Jewtob tttaal UTOtOt


Farmlagdsli - Jeffrey

tmm* mwldl lihfMk Tsi HIW enwaw efSHal UwmWWTt 1mm K. daas. aad Davtd

Cstraty Colkflja Umh Will MejM Ttwlfhl WIST LOW BRANCH - Ths Barnard CMb af Manasaa ty will held Us fall meettag to* aight ta tha home at Mrs. O. IMMAi STATION AMA — One ef tht builwit MWHMI of Re« lank Is tha era* NOUfl#M> — This li an eiemple «f *• naw tyan af hawing barn Philip Lawrence, M BrookwiUew al iwrreune'lnt the rsKraad. It lutrtattt IN aetlvlty «i «a«Mwtwit §• t* w«rk In A* raaantfy k«wV «t R*rt Moflmauth far military families. The prejeer, off Tfntan Ava^ s., heie. are km The wmlnf and ratvrn In aarTy ajvenlnf. This sweaplnf ••rial phwt* •fferdt • frn* vtwaf* Plans win ba dtooassed torth s p h) aalled Capehsrt HeiMlnf. A tetal af 240 unlti hai been eon- Information Tea to be held Nov. •ever aw MBVSO) a, In tha sentof, It bawdad by Oakland St. •»•««• ««tt twrwiajh twe Mwtar. Tha it«tie% ttfueted—and 110 mara «nlti «re balnf built. Tha Army hat laid theie units— • for girls latorseted ta a liberal •f the entire .lotion area.. Tne rallread U tha Mt, MwiiMMvb St. H tha right, Me) arts education. Plaas also wiM oommlaajon hee apnjrevajd and tne Irldfa Ave. In tha rear. In the tep portion li Shrawtbttry Ava. and part ef the wwat •leaf with *tW Fart Menmevtli feellltlei—ihauld help solve the erltleal military bo made for programs for thsecretars y baa designated are (fee l situation In the area. comlagyaar. Thar air atunasr, aad d tide of the baranf h. vm :-* In Marlboro RaJdara 0) Love of Life feOO-0)Mackeailo'f MARLBORO — (4) Tic Tec Dough rat caaaats* T« (7) Across th* Board m Hours far the laariboro (19 Mister McOarrity (II) Jake BSK Jury . bt from [11) Cartoon I:«S a. m. uattt 2:41 p. (2) Search for Tomorrow (D-Te Tan Th* Truth Ktodergartaa sssstbas will ha (4) It could Be You <#>J« " " " (I) Cartoon wn 1:49 isBtsl 11:3* a- a*, aad (7) Pantomime Qait (DWyattBara ir.i _- (I) The Guiding Light lint gradan will 1:00- (2) Newt (4)Jaunay toUader- from I: IS a. a. to (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers ,13:4S p. m. Kindergarten there (7) Music Bingo IwU bt from t£W to *30 p. m. (U) GunsUngen (7) The RiOaaaa Th* teacbtof staff for an HOI- W Our Miu Brook* CD gradu wiB be the same except 1:2$- (4) Newt Ifor new ittff HM- (2) As th* World Turn* 0 (4) Film placed Robert Herbert as princi- (4) pal aad fourth grade teacher at ASBUR„„ Y PARK - Reeordlag <»)Film (7) The IWHd WIICA-««WI; w H (7> Jo* Franklin MorssavOto. Mr. atWowtky bat *££ JOB1 HU Mho her (t)rm The Law :1*-WOR —O«lt» Orck* (I) Film a matter tn eoucaoaa degree gggggj at (U StM- (2) Art Ltakletter from Now York University. H*| UoaHal»*»*y •«• h «.»•» (4)Bk»die (U) has sddtttonal crodKa beyond hit Block's orcbutra wd taake Its (7) Gale Storm S:«- (I) Tha Kg Pay-Off (4)DavM (4) Young Doctor Matooe (7) Play (I) Ulll Palmer »)B The BOW addWoas to the Con-, -——-~---- (U) Mike Wallace tral School staff are John Fsk to eapeded to m g»- (7> Beat the Clock kowaki. stveath grade, a gradu* dent*. (•> Love Story 10:10- (3) Mik* Hammer (7) U. S. Sorter Patrol ate of Hags College; Joseph Dig- Parents may register their chil- (11) Film dren any weekday betweta 0 fc*- (2) Verdict Is Yours (I) Million Dollar Movie naa, eighth grade, Univer- (4) From These Roota (U) Barry Gray sity; Miu Lynn Thompson, fifth a. m. and noon aad from 1 ta 3 grade, Douglau College, and p. m. (5) Tho Playhouse 111:00- (I) New*. Weather. Prank Black, seventh grade, East (7) Who Do You Trust? Sports Central School cUMrea wtO be WCM-Mtw*: Stroudsburg Teachers College. assigned their teaebsn at the HarM (I) Film (4) News, Sports, WHTO—HurtllBfj D»w-J (II) Film Fourth grade, previously taught first day orientation program ta WOR -MM MB M» Weather WRC*—Jim t*w» abow (It) Richard Willis (I) Film at Central School, will be at| the auditorium. lJO-WHTO— TOf$ AT SHIP AHOY - Sandy Torre of LrrHo Silver, Morganvitte. I 4:M- (2) Tha Brighter Day (7) News, Weather Central School (4) Truth or Conee- (II) News The change waa due to the need eighth grades will wft, and Elizabeth Griffith of Rod lank «*ro crowiweJ for an additional fifth grade at (11) Dance Party the semi-depertmentalixed baais. Junior Milt Ship Ahoy and Mi|i Ship Ahoy, r*sp*c (S) Douglu Fairbanks the Central, school officials Had. U:tt- (2) Late Show The student increase at Marl- tivoly, ot tha Sea lri9ht club Saturday. They received (7) American Bandstand (4) Jack Pear boro School has made two com- COLD CASH $21 savings bonds. (II) Curtain Time (7) Night Show 4:11— (I) The Secret Storm aasary — first HAMPTON, Va. (AP)-lWevu 4:M- (2) Edge of Night (11) All Star Movie and second-* und a oombinatlon *ho robbed Jot't GrnUl hare 12:00- (0) Film • second end thirdird. . TTwoo of the found some It WU 1ft WCB»-BUI (4) County Fair WOR 'Km, HMqr 300 at Ship Ahoy Club (II) Film classroom* to be used will be tefreedag at the t:4A-WABO-Ai«liur Vaa (I) Mr. District Attorney (II) Junior Town lares— (I) Paul Coatea classified at 1:00- (!) Life of Rlley 1:00- (2) Late Late Show View Beauty Contests (4) Movie Four (I) Alan Freed SEA BMGHT-Three hundred Robert M. Jacktoa and Walter (I) Rocky Jonee WEDNESDAY MORNING WALTER READE THEATRES Burkhardt, Ship Ahoy Cor- club memben and guctta viewed A. (II) Film 7:00- (I) News and Weather the first officers, aad Cart P. I: JO- (2) Early Show Reports (tol:rS) manager of Ship CONGRATULATES oa the pool (7) Wait Disney (4) Today Ahoy Beach Chib Saturday after Ahoy, awarded the prise*. (I) Film 7:10- (7) Cartoons Miu Diane Roma, recently (II) Three Stooges the storm enabled the event to|chosen MUs Sea Bright of 1060 (U) Three Muskateen 1:00— (I) Sandy* Cartoor.* THE REGISTER Done* Fe$tival be held outdoor*. and a Ship Ahoy member, as- 0:00- (I) Nuts and Bug* (7) Little Raacr « Bert Weaver of sisted in the crowning and ore- (7) Little Rascals 1:11— (2) Captain K'dgaroo on Us progress to a daily Cubs Visit beach bey at the club and origi- tented Miu Ship Ahoy a bou (II) Popeye 1:10- (I) Sandy decker Show aator of the Idea, was matter of quet of flowers. (II) Ask the Camera (7) BeuUu He wtt introduced Judging the content were Mr*. •sH- (4) News 1:00— (I) Topp-Ji Bronx Zoo by William Miners of Rumson, John M. Lang of New Shrews- (5) Sandy Becker ' RARTTAN TOWNSHIP - Cubs a lifeguard. bury. Mayor Bernard B. White (7)NewsreeU (4) Hi, Mom snd leaden of Pack ISO. Haslet. Browa haired and blue eyed of Shrewsbury and Philip Kritt (II) Woody Woodpecker (7) rusooal Theater made a bus trip to the Bronx Miss Sandy Torre of Little Silver of New York City, (II) Mike Wallace *.M- (2) My Little Margie wu crowned Junior Miu Ship beauty consultant of Elizabeth Zoo, Saturday. Tho trip was un- 0:40- (4) Weather ' (7) Romance of Life der the oupertvieon ot Cabmsster Ahoy, with Mias Vicky Hultberg Arden. l:«t- (4) Newt Paul Puriaton. aulatad by A. of Sea Bright taking second Rounding out the program wu (2) On tha Go (7) Newt, Weather (4) Dough-Re-Mi Jackson Bole*, neighborhood place, and Miu Sue Botwin a diving exhibition by Martin 7:00- (2) Newt, Weather commissioner, Donald Rota, Eu- Little SUver, third. Gehlhius of Oreland, Pa., for (5) Film (4) If You Had A Million (7) Joe Franklin gene Felle. and Raymond Mit Crowned aa Miss Ship Ahoy fellow club member*. A graduate (5) Treawr* chell, committaemen, and Mra wu Miu Elizabeth Griffith of of La Sail* College in Philadel- 10:20- (2) Sam Levinson Show Paul Puriaton, Mrs. Cheater (7) Union Pacific (4) Treasure Hunt Red Bank, with second place ajo- phia. Mr. Gehlhaus waa the Na- (I) Terrytown Circua Johnson, Mrs. Clro Allitri. Mn, lag to Miu Sandy Bauer of Rod tional Intercollegiate Catholic (7) Star Playhouse Richard Cooka and Mrs. 1 (II) New*, Weather 11:00- (2) 1 Love Lucy Bank, and third place to Miu diving and tho AAU (11) Cartoon* Baumgartner, den mbthera. Lois Boumeeater of Rumson. diving champion in 1944. (4) The Price I* Right 7: If- (I) Newt (7) Time For Fun In th* parry were Gary Bole*,; Mf- (I) Buna and Allen Richard Boko. George ' (4) Northwest Pasuge Gumby Little Theater Billy Longo, Greg 62 Complete Pool (I) Waterfront 11:10- (2) Top Dollar Robert Felle. Stanley (7) Sugarfoot (4) Conceateattoa ski. Albert Deleave, Keith Kap- (I) Romper Room lan. Donald Ross. Robert " (0) Milbou Dollar Movie Police Course Ordinance (11)' and Andy (7) I Married Joan KETTLES M MCDONALD'S FARM" Chris Cullen, Tom (II) Jack Lalaaa* Jack Kou, AUURY PARX-Ouy Lombar- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP-Th* (U)Daa Duryea Township Committee rejected an William Cook*, Jama* Lewie. Hla Royal rannrtlsaa are In Middletown James Maaoa, James » to tatiday week ororoanc* last WOSK wnscn WOUN torn'* Film* Mitchell. Joseph Ready, * faottvsl to Coavenboa Halt MJDDLETOWN - A poUcejbave regulated private awimmiag MOVIE Cltpham, Aden Ctymore, ot *». ,,«in? course designed prim- (AdvwtlHd !• H» RflUUr) Cost*, William Coata. John Sul- arily for special officer* was Many township residents ap- completed by a man of four peared at last Thunday'a meet- RED BANK wivaa, Gary Baker, Jobs CaiMaa The Big Circus, 3:U, Robert Dsaner, Bruce Layton, Rariteens' muaicipaUtlu here Thursday ing and objected to tho ordi- Larry Alesaader, Louts Costa ni*t nance, which was Introduced 7:H, 0:40. and Jay The count* w*r* conducted In July M. Tha ordinance would EViTONTOWN Shown, Edward Johnson, Frank* the high eohool here through co- have required a fence not lots Drtv*4a-Th* Big Circus, 0:10, BeingFormed than 41 inchea high around ftrande, Jerry Johnson, Louis ition of Copt John M. But- 11: SO. Alfien, Richard EHermaa, Jack KAJUTAN TOWNSHIP - "Tha fin. director of the State Police pool*, it alto provided for a atruction permit of II per MWof Hey Boy. Hey Girt, 10:21. Coons, Brian Baumaaa, 11 Raritaaaa." a taaaag* ckib Clause wer* held HAZLET a week for four estimated cost, and fUtar ayttaaaa Blumbarg, Jeak Scher. Richard orgaalMd waft merabmhlp LtoWt Drt¥*4a-T*a Big Rotarie. Stave, Michael sad Pat- and chemical water partflere to the youth) of the town cut, 0:30, 11:40. ty Cooke, Anthony PUapia, Di- Local calk* tamsond the The fencing fosjuffoneat wasl ship at they roack their 14th Arson For Hlr*. 10:21 ane AlHerL Glaa Coata, Stan owns after the Township Com- the urget ot most complaints. It Puriaton aad Doug Loago. birthday. PraUmJsMry planning wu claimed that thia provision KKANSBUR6 to tke club mltteo ordered mat all aptcial Behemoth, Pareata arttaadtng won Mn, would cuau unreasonable expeu Caalae-The Giant hav* bean bald ka tha home of potto* her* undergo training. Lout* Costa, Jr., Mn. Donald for tho** who have already bulk 2-.W, 4:M, 7:11, •:«. aek Padovaao, S Kaoll Tor., The order Jottowed a county-wide Ross. Mrs Fred Maaoa aad Mr. pooh), and would create aa un- The Wag of the WiM StaHioa, lazlet, adviser. waring by Prosecutor Vitvent snd Mrs. Stanley BnranowakL P. Koupar that iminldpal bodies attractive appearance. 1:11, 1:41. 1:18. Jack Iauotta aad Miu Rose- aoaaBU for any damagtf After hearing the objections, th* ATLANTIC HKSHLANBf mary Hubtr. aoatlaatad aa eo- by apadal offioors. committee voted nmnlrr-'y' to MuafU llerculea, 7:12. 1:32, khalrmaa, are plaaaiag a block department chiefs -eject the ordinance. Mayor Rus- HKMUNDS Sewing Project ta tha parkteg area of the It wero granted lell V. CUytoa said that the or- — GuUivar's Travel*, Township Han. Mtddto Rd., Fri- to send special of- •iinsne* had beta Introduced u I: IS. 10:10. day, Sept. II. Th* dance wffl la me dastet. t "safety measure," but ho agree Blob, 1:35. On Club Agenda at 0:10 p. m. aad Th* etau oonslsted of M Mid- that the compW RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Mn. uatil midnight Refreah-| LONG BRANCH- - apactals, IS from Raritan were "good one*.' "Anatomy of a Murder," etar- - South Pacific, Georg* R. Schaeider, flftk DU menu will be served. Township, seven from Matawan riag Jaaaa Stewart, Lee Remick, trict American Home cttbaua, Mr. Padovaao aald the Youth 2:00. 7:00, I:JO. High- BRIDAL SHOW** Boa Gauara, Arthur O'Coaaell -The Big was a guut at a mesttog * tho|c«iacll will fttraisk the snaislra aad KaArya Oraat, will start American Home department of COLTS NECK - Mlaaes Nancy 0:45, 0:55. th* night, assist ta tkt Subjects covered included laws tomorrow at Loews "24" Drive- — let* Timet TenHe the Woman's Club Thursday to VaaDtrveer aad Noroea Wylie Man Who Could Cheat Death, of th* Rarkteeas ot arrest aad teiture, uae of la Theater, with the cofeature, the homo of Mn. GaranJ T. «i_ «"• hostMtM teit wMk ait % 1:20. 1:10. firearms aad enforcement attJ 'Odeoa of Scotland Yard." if Bay, May \ bridal thowsr for Mn. Richard COLUNGW00D CIRCLE •an. Jr., I Carriage Rd., Hash*. 1 4 mMm H tUl*Mi AS^Ja^ S&^fj ^ .... ^^i " "*- "^ "••dwa'd Fieeman in Miu Wylto'a bom* Shan Drr*o4a-The Five Pea- of tha HIM CMe who amagad for me training "••*> CMCUI vsrtout phUM ot here. nit*. 1:10. 11: M. *" aad directed the echoot. uld Fined 925 The Hangman. 10:20. Gue*u wer* Mn. Hetea Eagl*. aaodaj afflean will re- BHiDrliilt Ftmol* la th* tea of advanced Mr*. Frank Millar, Mn. Gaorgt cetvo nags laatructloa la ftre- As Disorderly Flesh, 1:10,11:30. for the benefit of Freamaa. Mn. Anna Wylie aad tag to enter tm Now Jersey Hat* Teenage Bad OM, 0:41 dovaae; Jack lauetta, II Cornell Misses Carol Oulce, Mary Ana James Dixon, 29, of Leightog n Av*.. wu fined US d i AIBURYPARX Total aaaoadttuns for the D*- Kraao, Pstt Sauaden. Jane Me- aad givaa gUL Banay Claubtrg, Mary Carol ll 7:20. 10:01. Freeman aad Poky Bagel. yrdaty for D| diaorderly and nshtiag met aa tt. Jam Por m* First Tsm*. Oat eh* year. Tha wtaaar of tna LelgbtoaAve. 2:10. 7:10. 0:31 Red Bask Maglstnto John V. - Thru CroweU said he waa giving Data 1:00, 7:M,»:3I. "break" la only ftate f "tor that little eaeapade I:M, 1:40, T:H, 10:01. Jr.. testified Diaea wu arreatad Lyria-aoum Pacific 120,7:11, Saturday alght 10:00. aad profane ta the etreet. Oa the la 0M Head, 7:10, way to ppauc* MaejajaBrten, 0:21. Capt Pattenea aaldid . DfDtaoa a ffsjr oWastt *f ajajartol tTlMk* the patrol car. He *—i wbtoh will b* in blacks awej Meeting Set calver, Jr., . to. the r wha Mt DtnpB aa th* head with By Democrat! laatea Ian, Mn. a FAIR HAVBH - Ta* Damacra- Mn. Freak Bmr- DUea lay, Mn. Oaato Dae*. Mn. Jess tic Cha> to to th* M. Vtos, Jr., Mn. WIMiaai Nata- Magittrat* Crowes aoiattd oat *n p. m 4aRS) He IKejMfl dOWelfVi Mtt, that tt was Dtoaa's ikh m i Cshura aad Mn. Nsfcm ta tl*a^elM&a^eManvvwrem^tHj Cour^tmns* t*i A new "tieasurer Jaa. II, ho was eeeteaced to IM poiatad U ssrv* «tt th* fm ef ta (all. He wat Harry Kaiffto. wha roaigaed re- JI II, ceatly. AUOHM T- Nancy Marl* IX MM WU itfMMd the Plant for a fuad nitiag prej CJoBMMt, tonM daughter of Mr. Kt next month will alto be die Hi Mn. Vkwoai INOonaaro, 7 CroweU said ha wu eusaad. Mr. Koaana laid •oalo to\. Hnliat, wu \mplunt not aendlng Dixon to Jail because It M. AM'I Catholic (hurtk. ha was supporting a wife child There wen 1.411,000,000 pound* •UMtkavg. Godparanu w»r» 'of rh«f*e manufactured la th' Mn. ChoMar kt Johnton of Hat- TO* United Itatu In 1057, requlrlti' lot ojai MMMOl M, Kir inn nl • -•- - -*^- -> a a—*_ - g>»»gsLai»»'a -s^ ^J_-*_—. fil» « |iMl CHEM IMUMfl r*TV0jr«mjPBmB smj napjmanaf l^BBjBOJBJB; Bj OTVggBBBjpjfjrT about II orr cent of tha 0M* chua dartog a *Molu>pi«tol raaerved (m leWtlt) ArlvaVtlMflMtnl. milk pmdutrd. * -»'••,•"«»:$**.»*/»4*x f—«y. NUM>,f.C.-Mt- riM Prt. Aatfcosqr L. Katt, aw ctother mUttmUttara y sutyacto. Three lag at Camp Uteaa*. W. C. . Center Fund Mr. aad Mrt. Rubia Katz of Mweek* were tpeat on the rifle nwf* where the recruit* fired YMNMNO pteted recruit tralaWg latt week the Ml rifle and received in- Drive Starts' struction in bade Marine infan- WhenthsacUagor Depot, here. The 11-week trail- try weapons. Thl* training pre- lac, always ISM a pod grata < A TouadMV Fund" driyt tor lot Kheduie iacluded drill, bay-pare* young Leatherneckj (or denature* atoefcoi - aarer lot Mr Chlldraa's Psychiatric onet training, physical coadiUoa- anti-freeaa. Caatsr of Moaamith fouaty gats ,«Adtr way today. So Mid Arthur I. White, Ksd Baft, fntidttt of tht board of

A goal af COMM hu bsea aet for tha drlva. The amouat will covtr tha coster's astlmatad budget for thm yaars. Tha propose* canter ig designed to fill what hu bata caUad a nas4 fortreatmen t of emotionally disturbed children. Tha professional staff will in- duda t child psychiatrist, a clini- HAIR STYLES cal psychologist, and two psy- chiatric jocial workers. Several centrally located and accessible to public traasportatioa sites are TO TURN EVERY under conslderatloa by the hous- ing committee, Mr. White said. George O. TamMyn, Jr., Rum- MAN'S HEAD son, Is chairman of the fund. Among his assistants are As- semblyman aad Mrs. Alfred N. Bcadtestm, Shrewsbury, chair- men of the honorary founders; Louis N. Burfeind. Asbury Park, treasurer; Albert G. McCratken, Fair Haven, ud Mayor Sanford C. Flint, Interlaken, service club chairmen, and Daniel Williams, chairman of business and in- dustry. Faad Seorces Mr. Tamblyn said advance gifts, pledges, grants and esti- mated state funds already MONMOUTH PARK MOM THI AK—Photo of Monmouth Park Jockey Club, known as the track by tha sea, amouat to IIM.M1. shews tha Atlantic Ocean in upper section of the photo. Center section shews tha track, grandstand, club- State financial participation to- tals $33,231, according to John house and huge parking areas. Monmouth progressed with the county py making Improvements each year since W. Tramburg, commissioner of the park first opened in 1946. In lower right hand corner of photo, is training track at Wolf Hill Farm, where the state department of insti the thoroughbreds start training prior to the opening of Monmouth Park each season. tutions and agencies. ; ^ It will become available during! the next fiscal year. •tain customs prevail in rural ag-Reserve Seeks Contributions have been al- ricultural areu which are not located by the Monmouth Park Instructors charity fund committee and the an EARLE — Former Navy and,' Baauty and prida in your hair can ba yours with Monmouth County Mental Health sTAn*»B«s»aa»noNAS*njiucsmici. industry may be so well es- Association. nBCSSW*" TO D«otM drawn wnai tablished by custom that when Coast Guardsmen are needed ts a ityla and cut from John's . .. sarving Rad Bank instructors and administrative as- i The Junior Service League of iMsntJiiviaaiAm>oaua*TnMiota | businessmen enter Into a con- uwiuvmniAHnunmeoHcuftm trsct, it is presumed that the sifttants at the Coast Guard Re- sinca 1928 and from tha tama location sinca 1940. Red Bank hu designated the cen- Our motto it "It's not how much monay wa maka, ter u a beneficiary of funds to 'custom becomes part of their serve Training Unit here. be raised by its upcoming 1955 agreement. » Men from the North Jersey just how wad wa sarva you." Follies. i For example, suppose that Coast area are eligible to attend Personal gifts and pledges from Youu have probably heard the English common law which grew,whegrew when one businessmatnismessmsn buyDuysons drilul meetings witwunh pay provideprovwedo the center'centers own bosrboard of trusteestrustee*; terterm •unwritteunwritten lalaww" useused bubuyout,ot out off courcourtt decision*decision*.. ThesThesee ddee- \ steel from a steel mill th*nn>tnm they ran meet standard Reserve requirements. JOHN'S BEAUTY SALON amount to Stt.SOO for the three- tre not sure just exactly what itcisions were greatly influenced by is that the buyer pays the ship- year period. means or how such law came the customs then in use in Eng-'ping charges. Thus should a per- I.t. Kenneth R. Spreen, Shrews- Center trustees also represent- into being. jland. As this country grew and {son engaged in such business or-bury, announced men between II 10 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK »d on a steering committee forj The unwritten or common law | prospered, the customs of the peo-jder steel and then refuse to payand 42 may visit the training SH MSI.? the founder* fund are Mrs. Paul came into being as a result of P'« changed, and the .commonth* shipping charges, the court center here any Wednesday from 730 10 Switt. Middletown; John I.. Mont-|Custom or use by the people As'lsw which was based upon thosejwill Rive effect to the custom 7:30 to 10 p. m. gomery and Robert Ewter. both a practice of the people be-customs grew and changed ac-| even though the contract of sale Lt. Spreen1* asked for veter- Red Bank; Mr*. William Ellis.comes (I) uniform (2) certain cordingly. The common law. ex- does not »pecifically contain this ans. from any branch of the Mrs. Ernest O. Kshn. Prospero tn

RED BANK ti. YOUTH CENTER 20 BROAD STREET BURDOE « SON AW Open Wrd. and Fri. Mtr$ *til 9

f* BONUS NITE WEDNESDAY—Red Bank Onlv—6 to 9 Only

A Piwwt l ITWl*aagaaHl I^HasaBBslal WITISMISIBVI "^SSMT> ^mlV *W* v — M |«Mh — aet all aaw aetrar sjsjatrfy caiMraii's waar OKI IH0WI0OMS AND WAUHOUU AT M CUT SI. US UN< with any dress S.9I up . . . . Fr«t 3 pr. 39c Lt Rd Sex 59 YEARS OF PUBLIC SERVICE with my pre-teen dress .... Frtt a 1.00 Lovablt Bra Burdga and Son moving butinats was foundad in 1900 by William Albart Burdga at wtrii any 2 ckubby eWsses . . . Fr«t a 2.98 Slip Locust Paint, and in 1912 ha movad tha businass to lartjar quartan at 40 Maehanie Straat, Rod lank. In 1920, Mr. Burdga took in William RussaN as a partnar and tha firm took tha with my snow suit 9.91 up ... Fr«t a $1 pr. of Gbvti or Mitts nama of Burdga ft RussaN. Latar that yaar, Mr. Burdga foundad Boro Busas and was prasidant of that firm until 1929 whan ha sold hit intarasts to Mr. RUSMN in ordar to davota mora tima with my boys' starts 4.91 up . . Frot o .69-.7S Hants Undtrwoar to hit moving businatt which wat growing by laapt and bounds. Ha had t»n modarn mov- wrnimyntys SNTI.TIHP . . . Froto.59Tit ing vans making dairy trips to distant points in tha East. Ma purchasad proparty at 125 Broad Straat and movad his businass thara. In 1937 ha told tha larga dwalling at tho front with my raincoit S.9I up . . . Frot a 1.39 pr. of Totts of tho proparty facing on Broad Straat. Mr. Burdga than aractaa) a'rasidanca connecting tho offica and warahouta in tho roar of tho Broad Straat proparty. Latar ha took his son wiTh any b«ys' tf fjBrts' CMt 19.91 up Frot a 1.91 Hat or Cap Darton into tha moving firm *nd it bacama Burdga I "Son. with my btrs' spirt |adet Ml up Frot a 1.00 Hfekok Bolt

Mr. Burdga diad in Fabruary 1957 and his childran hava carriad on tha butinast sinca Yas I TMi baasM agfNas H >»aryHla| hi asjr srare, arke-Hsed ar aat — kat, tarty aat H Htm a*. that tima. Thay w Dalton and Harry Burdga and Mrs. Willis M. Ruo. In tha past yaar a naw furnitura dapartmant hat baan addad to tha businass. Tha building pieturad abOva has ronovatod for this now dapartmant. FREE PENCIL BOXES - NO PURCHASE NEEDED Tha public ft Invited to VISIT OUR NEW FURNITURE SHOWROOMS and saa our display.of fina furnitura by BASSETT, HARTSHORN, ST. JOHN'S TABLE COMPANY, STAN- LEY, DEARBORN, KNIGHT OF REST, BUTLER and MAPLE DINETTES. hilt lk» iiimitt mfifiliri lit Hrd Hunk only — ue alutisi ' hart many nondtrful imlitn. MIDDLETOWN BURDGE & SONS YOUTH CENTER "TMK HOME 1» HM SHOPPING CIHTtH-HIGHWAY 35 24 CLAY STRUT SHodytldo L0I94 RID IANK Mads nf free and f.'wsy Pmrklnf In R»*r «f *inr» OPIN IV1IY WlltCNITi Til f Married to John Bart of Mm. A Recent Bride* of Naveouk RJvar Rd.. aad me •aturday to Joha late Carmiae OdHaao, aad Aa- «t, Jr., la Pint Proabytsriaa uuay Vlojoaat Baaoo, ooa of Mia* Church bare. Rev. Thomas A. of DeForrest Ave., •wag of PaoU. Pa., tha bride- aad the late Maun BSMO, were Saturday la St. An- groom's couom, offWatod. noa/a Catholic Church. The bride's parsata an Mr. Msgr. Selvatore DiLorenso of- id Mrs. Richard Scull ftauf- flcated. Bouquets of all white for of York. Pa. and tha bride- carnations and gmmeiiias decor- groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ated the church. Joha WOttam Spurtfe of Escortsd hy her brother. Car- KMth HOIs. Highlands. mine SdHano of Middletown, the list bride wai given ia mar- hrlde wore a gown of white peaa de sole, trimmed on the riage by her father, aw Sabrlna neckline with an appil floor length gowa was made of qua of re-embroidered lace. Ap- (vary peaa Conge. Her veU of pique of the same lace trim- Belgian lace was arranged man- med the skirt and chapel length ttda fashioa, aad her cascade train. The bride's veil was made bouquet was glamelliaa aad white of lace re-embroidered In seed pearls, and she carried a star- asters. shaped bouquet of carnations Miss Judith MerriU Stauffer and gjamellias. with white or- was her aistcr'o moid of honor, chids In the center. end.the other attendants were Miss Sylvia Donate of Middle- S. Spurdle, the town was maid of honor for her bridegroom's sister; Miss Helen cousin, and the bridal attendants D. Hlbbard. Miss Margaret D. were Mrs. James Schade of Lin- Tuner and Mrt. Theodore N. croft and Miss Shells Burr. Mid- MacRae. dletown. The bridegroom's brother, Don- «M I,. Spurdle, was, best man. All were dressed slike in lull Tha bride was graduated from skirted cocktail length gowns of Connecticut College and also misty blue silk organza, with at the University of matching veHed headpieces. The Florence, Italy. She made her honor attendant's star-shaped bouquet had red roses in the •torn dehnt m IMS at the June Ball ia York. Pa. center with sprays of white Mrs. Mrs. Walter Stewart Schooler gtamellias on the edges. The The bridegroom is aa alumnus bridal attendants also had star- NEW YORK CITY - Mtaain New York. She is a proviaion-of Deerfleld Academy and Wee- Miu Elvira Grace Condraa, Aug. 22 in St. Anthony's CathoUa shaped bouquets, with pink roses Lucretia Hastings Ml), daagbter al member of the New York Jim- *9™ University, where be was daughter of Mrs. Joseph Condina Church. Mrs. David MkhMi in the centers. of Mr. and Mrs. Edward And- lor League elected to Phi Beta Kappppa and of M Shrewsbury Ave, aad Wal- The couple are living at 107 kl d S ttageg e Hill at 2S$ East 71s71tt StSt . MrM .. BuBBurnt was graduated from "** • of Skull and Ser- Holland St., Harrison, N. Y. Mr. Mr». Georg* Augustine Shee- Mist Patricia Sheehan. Red Peggy Mauuoca, Middletown. ter Stewart Schopfer, am of Mr. Schopfer is an electrical engineer and NorfolkNflk . CConn., was married St Paul's School", Concord. N. pent hm, Sr., of Irving PI., announces Bank, was her sister's maid of the bridegroom's cousin, was the His father is a partner ia Dom- and Mrs. Max Schopfer of Mam- employed by General Precision the marriage of her daughter, Friday ia the Chapel of St. Jamee H.. and , was best man for bridegroom's mother chose aqua Msgr. Christopher T. Clark of Mr. Hill gave Ms daughter ia his brother. The ushers were Mi- chiffon with matching hat and marriage. She wore a court gown Newark, the bridegroom's cousin, chael Sheehan, the bride's broth- plastic accessories. 3 Channel THt Storm Windows officiated at the ceremony and of Italian silk, styled with a bod- er; Richard J. Fleming, Vermont, Neil Britton, New Monmousn, Ice of hand-clipped ChanWUy lace. nuptial mass. A reception was and Richard Curry, Greenwich, was best man. Ushers were Jo- held in the Shtdowbraok, Shrews- Her fun length aUk Illusion veil That TBt For. Easy Cleaning Conn. Rovito, Red Bank, and was attached to a cap of Chan- 7 bury. Fred Trautwein, Long Branch. The couple are on a wedding tilly lace, trimmed with orange V Stem-Screw COMMSMHM MOJS]# to) OrsJar Given in marriage by her broth- trip through Europe, and upon After a reception st the Pad- blossoms, and her bouquet was of er, Dr. George A. Sheehan, Jr., their return, will reside In New dock Lounge, Long Branch, the stephaaotis and butterfly orchids. fov Aaf Slw OtNsblt Hawf WhfaVw of Rumson. the bride wore a prin- York city. couple left on a wedding trip to Mrs. Donald Kennedy Brush, cess styled (town of peau d'ange, The bride was graduated from Florida. The bride's traveling sister of the bride, was matron styled with bouffant skirts, and Notre Dame College on Staten suit was in beige with matching of honor, and Miss Louise Arm!' Ice, and applique of the same Island. Mr. Mullin was graduated accessories, and a corsage of tage Hill, another sister of the lace wa> used on the chapel from Seton Hall Preparatory and white orchids. They will live at bride, was maid of honor. 95 length train. Her veil of Alencon St. Michael's College in Winooski, 240 Seventh Ave., Long Branch. They were dressed alike in sal- lace was worn mantilla style, and Vt. He Is employed by Continen- The bride wae graduated from mon piak silk organza princess she carried a missel,coveredwith tal Can Company in New York Middletown Township High styled gowns, worn with match- and itcphanotli. City. Sch«d, and was head twirier and ing mpt Their hnuquMs were 9 Mamifactarer's list price 1TJI secretary of the Girls Athletic of Africien daisies-and Talisman Mialmam Order Three Wtadews CASTELLANO-GUGGER brother-in-law: Clayton Grawlin Association. 1 CH the The bridegroom is studying David Ely Burt was beet man HEWITT - Mr. and Mrs. Eu f" Made ef oeallty aeat^araaaoal gene Castellano of Hewitt, Pas- bride's brother electronic engineering at Mon- for his brother. Ushers were After a wedding trip to New mouth College, and Is employed Frederick Knight Burt, another j MATCHSTKK «aic County, announce me mar- I wear wMh I riage of their daughter. Miss England and Canada, me couple by Electronics Associates, West brother of the bridegroom, and T.nrraine Ann Castellano, to Ed- will live on the campus of Long Branch. John B. BurchiU. glass panels wird M GuRger, son of Mr. and Houghton College, Houghton. N. A reception for the immediate Sewn ... tut Inward tor M-s. Tdward J. Guffger of Bel- Y. where the bridegroom is KOUDELKA-CARUNG families followed in the Cosmo- simple cleaning. Normal In- mont, Mass., Aug. 22 In Midvate studying for his PhD. degree and RIDGEFIELD - In St. Mat- politan Club, here. After their stallation is opttotwl and eafy teaching French. The couple are thew's Catholic Church here Sat- wedding trip. Mr. and Mrc. Burt •CAFE CURTAINS IS n wtodsw. Methodist Church. The bride Is fo-mer fifth grade teacher at the Houghton College graduates. urday. Miss Carole Ann KoudeJ- will live in Princeton. I>?roft Elementary School. ka. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. But attended Chspin FUHER-HUBER Edward Koudelka of CM Proa- School in New York City and was R«v. John Duchard officiated NATURAL COLOR • Trifle Tit AcriMl toe! A reception was held In the GREENWICH, Conn. - Miss pect Ave., became the bride of graduated from Garrisoa Forest Alexander Hamilton Hotel, Pat- Sherry Pratt Fisher, daughter of Leo J. Carting, M. soa of Mr. School in Garrisoa, Md. She also er son. Mr. and Mrs. David N. Fisher. and Mrs. Lao J. Carting. Jr.. of attended Coaascticut College, aad The bride's gown was made of was married Saturday in First Wyckoff Rd., Estontowa. Rev was presented, to society la No* {48x26 69c Chantilly lace and tulle, and me resbytcriaa church here to Da- Thomas F. Lynch officiated at vtmber, 1H7, at the Grosvsnor in. full length skirt fell over tiara, vid COM Hubtr, soa of Mr. and a double-ring ceremoay. Ball aad the Junior League Ball ALL AT and she curried a fan-ahaped bou- Mrs. Haas W. Huber of locust. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a silk and $|.O9 quet nf stephaaotis and orchids. Rev. Dr. C. Joha L. Bates, pas- field; Philip Carting. Fair Ha- • 60x30 Mi** Toyte CasMlano, He- tor, officiated. A recepBoa follow- nylon princess styled gown, de- |1.4t signed with an empire bodice of ven, aad Arthur Malhack, Has- FABULOUS SAVINGS!! witt. was her elder's maid of ,d in the home of the bride's par- brouck Heights. Thomas Carting, honor, eats. French lace. The skirt had a chapel length train, and the Fair Haven, was ring bearer. $ w lace over pink taffeta. She had The bride wore an Ivory taffeta a pink headpiece, and her bou- bridebride's veil of illusion fell from The bride's mother wore a dus-•60x36 gown, and her motner'a heirloom Rift. Sl.lt Reg. 3. Venetian BRndsi quet was pink carnations, with i point lace veil. Her flowers a crown of orange blossoms. Her «y »»• »"«•* «*y>«* «>••». an orchid as the center motif. colonial cascade bouquet was the bridegroom'* mother wore were white roses, valley lilies and made of orchids, stephanotis aad a blue ensemble. Jt AIL WHITE The bridesmaids were Misses ivy leaves. A reception followed at Star Susan Dobson, New Shrewsbury, bridal ivy. {60x45 RM. S2.49 PLASTIC TAPE ,00 Square Association in RidgefieM. the bride's cousin, and Miss Mrs. David 0. Langley was Miss Arlene Maihack. Has- Karhryn Perrine, New Bruns- matron of honor. Bridesmaids brouck Heights, was maid of The bride was graduated from NYLON CORD wick. They were dreased tn the were Mitoea Jane N. Fisher, the honor, and the other bridal at Dwight Morrow High School, E» bride's sister; Joaa Buhse, Anita teodaata were Miss Evelyn Hun- glewood, and Douglass College. UP TO 34x44 340 same styled gowns as the one worn by the honor attendant, Inglehart. Nancy Vedeer, Lucre- eriack, Harrison, N. Y, andMlaaThe bridegroom was graduated tia Weed. Jacqueline Hekma, Margaret Carting, from Long Branch High school and their bouquets were of pink Eatoatown. REGULAR carnations. Jane Rosenberg and Diana Lorraine Koudelka, RidgefieM, aad Rutgers University, where Brawn. Carol Doyle, the bridegroom's and Kathleen Carling, Eatoatown he was a member of Phi Sigma 13—ALUMINUM FOLDING CHAIRS .' 9.98 7.98 niece, was the flower girl. Her Harold L. Scutt. Jr.. was best were Junior bridesmaids, and Kappa frock was pink taffeta, aad her Mary Frances Thaler. RidgefieM, He to now serving as an enaiga w I—SIX-PIECE GLIDER SET 17.98 13.91 flowers, pink carnations. The bride attended Greenwich was the flower girl. ia the Navy. The couple will go Chart*^nen«*. Davidu.™, Terr—™a Hauten—.,. Academy. Wertover school.**! All were dressed alike la i to Port Hueaeme, Calif.. Ind.. was best man. Ushers were Smith College. Mr. Huber attend of organza worn over underskirts Ensign Carting Is stationed, 18—READY-MADE SLIPCOVERS 10.98 7.91 larry Doyle, tfie bridegroom's ed Amherst College. of telfeta in shades of blue and green. All wore crown caps of DINNER WEAKER 6—CHAISE PADS 9.98 4.91 pink roees, and carried colonial Stephen 0 Sfcakandy, execu- 5—DOOR MIRRORS— 12"x48" 3.49 2.98 Today's Women cascade bouquets of pink "»- tive vice presideat of Pint East brum lilies, pinp k roses and Ivy era Investment CorporaUaa, Rod 6—VINYL RUGS—9'xl2f 17.95 12.91 By DOROTHY ROE leaves. The flower girl carried Bonk, was a guest speaker at a a basket of all pink flowers. meotlag of the tea Girt Lions 35—PAIRS KITCHEN DRAPES (p«r pr.) 98 J9 Aseectsted Press Wesaea's Peter W. Clarke of Ariiona Club Thursday alght. His topic was beat man, and the ushers was, "Today's Investor hi Mutual Bowliag Guide." It gives de- y Sylvia Wene Is a Cinderella were James P. Carling, Eaton-Funds. The dinner meeting 1 magic pumpkin was a tailed advice on everything from town; Kdward^ Koudelka, Ridge- was held the proper clothes to the proper In the Sea Girt Inn. REVERE WARE 20% OFF IOONTONWARI 20% ON bowliag hall. utance for the would-be bowler. "I used to be a grocery clerk," ETIQUETTE # n SMUT AUTOMATIC FftCOtATO* $«)«>IO 2 I Ml AU CHROMI STV-ON CAN. IR.tf aays pretty, perky Sylvia, who She is escited about the many atands 4-feet-ll in her bowling aew family bowling centers where • RM. Slt.ff •»•* mom, pop and the children may ahoes. "Then I went bowling with enter competitive play, while AMY VANDERBILT COfftR OR CHROMI MYINO PAN any brother back home in Phila- baby gets etpert care. delphia when I was IT. He 111 M TOASTMASTM TOAITU 1^ lUCTtlC CLOCK "Children can atari bowling at 'DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: a the side of your plate. wouldn't let me play because he Please give us oome more sug- 7. Doa't sing at the table n KtTCmN Ot MNfTTI CNAM PADS said I was too little, lo I went the age of I," says Sylvia. "Lots of them do—and they can enter gestions we can pass on to our a, Don't Hit your chair back- VAUMS TO fit ^ WHITS COffa CVfS 9C •*• • keck alone next day. and I've matches and win prfira, too. It's children concerning iobte man- it's dangerous ns well as bod keen at It ever since." good Merclse, develops muscles ners — Mrs. C. L, Fayetteville, • UUNMT CAW ON WH«J PUSTte WASTI lASRITt ^ Today Sylvia is known as the and I* good for co-ordination. The N. C." I. If you cough, cover your tlt.l.«f • first lady of bowling. Her many hi mouth with your aapkia or your PlASTIC sMSN PANS nice thing about bowling is that "•'• •'• •"•• **•• « » »t _ (-) I4<«AL AU PASTrC TRASM CAN $f-.ff championships Include the all anybody can be a champion. You "•«*• «" •*•"'»• «*«• •**•« »••«• FUSTIC WATS* PARS HIM high average of the Worn' don't hav* to be a treat athlete. <«»"or alone with my two younger IN. tt.H aa'S International Bowling Con 9 Tl'-t hove any special quollflca^*- You can see that they, like DEAE R MISS VANDERIILT: Says she: ve any special quallftca V y n MtM PlASTrC TAMJCLOTH IA. D t cur You just start howling, sad •*•' "«•• »oyy s their ageg . areta I have a IT^aar^M soa la high "I travel about 100,001 miles a .. ' lik thee process off learninlearningg, ton They school who CUUSTM you an wroag. S4.fl COIT 4LASS COPW MAKM. U "weren''t borb n witith built-ibMini good He said a boy does not buy a $|.2f She advlres a nine-pound ball of the girt a corsage tor aa iaJenMl D I.Tf WIUOW CLOTMfJ IAMIT D lf« O'dUO SPONoM a* Hawsll and Puerto Rica and for children, oae I) pounds aaaee What lo your opiate*?- 9c ^ Newfoundland and every Matt la the average-sited woman. Sylvia Mrs. O. *, Mt. Veraoa. N. Y." D Sl.ff OAlAoM PUSH MOOM fte »aloi»-«»cept Alaska Howl- uses a It-pound ijell. I. Daaj'l put your 'oca la your Your soa lo right II to aat JOHNSON COMPUTI WIIM HANMJ 99c ing haa made a whole aew world Sylvia Is a member of the stoff fend. Mt up atcety mt brktg asciiiary to bay a girl o cor tar me." of howling champions who tour your forfkk up to yi MhwMh for aa BWWOMI «MM. NO fytvia argot women of all ogee D* country for the makers of the tor to got down tn the howling al- automatic plnonetters-e device, your plate Is PLASTIC SCALLOP * FftlNGI •UDOIT TBRMi • VRU MUVnV loyo. she says, which hat mod* bowl- I. DM'I Uck yaw flagon. clotboo aatf the amor toys are "A generation ago o howling uig a family affair ftho ex- I so MM girts DAILY aad SAT. • A. M. 0) • P. M. giloy was aomething like o pool niolns mouth • A. M. la • P. M. kill," oho soys "Women hated te ~|( ue*d lo be that pin toys 4 Deal fill your mouth wtth ia aaao) going into one Now«ftM refused to work lor women m.Ik or water. Pirn wta* your (Miss VaaeerMH's booklet. they are big. clean. •ir bnwiers-too much 'lips after eating, thea take a ooa, Took Moation" (No. W)). . lo tjOMti, with restaurants, snack trouble Now that pM boys are then wipe your nwuw again be> ovailaMo far II coats. For your SHABES Mitomotir pin*p»ttfr» *r> mothers My hour Mmii if the ht« howl » Don't pick up your dessert hill, la core of this newtpapor, R*f. 11.49 H* aw yowr ra#«r . M con wnlch their olt.prn,, u, aii ln( ,.,„,„, , ar# „,„„ 24 hours a ,)lv, , vr,, ii,rv t,«vr » (uni ,11111 nf votir mouth h«twe«n (Copyright. ION, hv I'nltcd la author <>r *lllf Vr»t'l nff ' «nif SHAMS OP nSTkHYIAR — Pretty Bonnie Laird of Fair Haven, eantor, dawfwrar of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Laird, in har gingham drew and a bow in har hair, i«wM Eugenia McAuliffa af Deal Park, laft, and Lynn Untarmayar of Elbaran, wit* para- toll and drauoi of another wt, •* tha Allanhunt Antics, itagod «» tha Mubf Cartorot Hftal, Aibury Park. Tha oxtravagansa was sponsored by tha Oaai-AWaa hunt Alliance of Rtkin Hospital.

MeGRA-m-^LANNERY Thirty Ia St JMM Catholic Cburd To Register planning on tether win be held thm PAftAM WINMR — A "pianaar" and har Labrador ratrlavar wan top honor* in tho Mr*.' Saturday, Mt*a Denfse Katharine MoGrath. daughter of Mr. and x and spring. The count h> tixth annual Pooch Paroda in Long Iranch Stadium Sunday. Tha grand priia a bl. BAST KEANSBURO - Mia* ante roes*. The brldeamatdc Mn. Jamea F. McGntta of 224 Students for ludes six lessens aad two lee- ayela and a trophy wara praiontod to Patty White, •, of II Socond Avt., Eaton, Joan Mildred Then, daughter of won the aame styled dreeae* in ire*. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Than of peacock blue, with matching River Rd., became the bride of town, by Milton P. Untormoyar, chairman. An aitimatad 1,000 watchad tha show, Frauds Peter Flannery, son of Art Studies 3M Port Monmouth Rd, and headpiece*. They too carried Honor Mn. Smith •pantorod by tha Lang Branch Chambar of Commorco in co-operation with tho Long George Gadd SpeUman. am of orange roots. The flower girl's Mra. Francis Flannery of 60 FAIR HAVEN - RefMntkm iUk Woodrow Wilson Homo*, Long Iranch City Commiiiion and tha Honmouth County Soeioty for tho Prevention of Irving T. SpeUman of El Paao, frock wu crushed orange tor the Fair Haven Art* Work- At Birthday Barbecue Tex., and the late Mr*. Spell- organza, and aha carried a hu- Branch, and me lato Mr. Flan- chop wiU bt held Monday. Sept Cruolty to Animal*. nery. Rev. William Anderson of- UNION BEACH - Mrs. Ho- man, were married Saturday in ket of orange nee*. 14, between S and 10 p. m. Inard Smith, Bayview Am. waa St. Catherine's Catholic Church. Joha J. Connelly. Jr., Hartford, fleeted at tha ceremony and mi- Holy Communion Episcopal par- annual event. Sha. alto won lint Beet personality, dog aad girt, pitel maa*. d at a barbecue at har Rev. Thaddeus J. Wojlehowski, Conn., the brMagma: ish house on Church St Seven hone last weak to ceMbnto har Eatontown Girl priia (or be*t costume, girl and Janet Blair. Manuquan. and Ger- wu bast man. David aad Pater The bride wu given In mar- art course* will be offend. Claae- dog. man shepherd, tint; Lucille Bet- riage by her father, her gown birthday. Mn. Herbert Tomb* wu tha Connelly, also the bridegroom'* e* will be held la the pariah Tha party, given by har hmv Other prize winner* were: rued, Long Branch, aecooa. and organist Bouquet* of all white cousin*, end also from Hartford, of ChaotUJy lace and tulle had a And Dog Win Peter Pan collar, long pointed house. ud, wu attended by Mr. tad Linda Sefchik, Wast Long Branch flowers aad green* decorated the aad Albert B. Tata, Union and OUPainanf tnifbtby Beit cottume, boy ud dog, third. slaevu and n cathedral length Mn. Chartat BroacaW and BOB. Herbert Yardley, 9, of Long Val< church. A reception followed at Robert Then. East Keansburg, Roberta Carter, will be bold Long Island; Mrs. Frani^arriao Beit personality, boy and dog, the Oak*. McGulre's Grove, the bride'* brother*, were th* tram. Har flmsion veil fell from Pooch Parade ley, and beagle, first; Ray Wood, a crown, and tha carried white Tuesdays, from • a. m. to noon. tin cnldres, Nofin hom1 u Davit, 13, Long Branch, Middletown. uiher*. and Thnrsdayi, from 7:» to M LONG BRANCH - Patty White 13, of 45 Irving St. Beltord. J*? "" gardamaa en n prayer book. Mn. Margaret 9, of 11 Second Aw.. Eatontown, hi* dog. Chubby, lecond, and Lar- •nand hi* v. ire-haired terrier. Ter- Escorted by her father, the The bride'* p. m. Claase* are datlgnad to arkk ; MiMim JJoan Moore, Sferawt- ry, first; Stephen Vulfaggio, Lou bride had her a**ter. Miu Carol- gown of blue orgaaia, with Mn. Kenneth Waldo. Middle- help the student Interpret what and her black Labrador retriever, ry McCue, Marlboro, and beagle, town Township, was her sister's bury; Mr. and Mra. Jama* won tho grand prize at the Pooch third. Branch, second, and fillip Ann Then of East Keansburg, u matching accessories. he see* and to enable Urn VBriaa and chOdrea, laeMa; maid of honor. The bridecmaidt For her wedding trip to matron of honor. Her silk or- Parade hera Sunday. Beit costume, girl ud dog. iano. Long Branch, ird. ganza frock was shrimp color, translate tho ii to Charte* Nolan. Florida; Mra. The conteit wu to dog were Mn. Donald Barna. Kean*- Poconot, the bride won n brown Emphasis will be placed on tha Randolph Sfrvnww. Mr. aad Dreaaed a* a pioneer with her Georgiaime Wood, 45 Irving St.. burg; Miu Patricia Largey, East and black printed suit, with black and aha had a matching picture dog pulling a amall covartd wag- Belford, and her Pomeranian. owner* up to It year* old. All hat Mim Ellen Murphy. Atlantic student's individual *tyi*. instruc- Mn. William Wagaar. Ir. Mn. Keandnrg; Mn. Christopher accessories. tion w)ll bo given in (till Ufa, on, PPatt y won a bicyclebil , bbeating second, and her uster, Georgette; entrant* received a free box of Tesoro, Port Monmouth. and Highlands, who was brtdemuld. Luhi Cutler, Mm Rose Kenny, , y y g Tne couple will lira in Long landscape and portraiture. 1 dog food. wore the earn* styled dram in James Kenny. .41m Barbara at other contertant* m tha lixth Wood, third. Mn. Albert Then. Union, the Branch until November when the France* Mcltvala will Fortune. William Warner. Jr.. bride'* sUter-uvUw. Gail Then. bridegroom receive* hi* Army aqua sHk organza, with a match- ing picture hat Both had old- wataicomr, Tbundaya, I a. m. to Mr. and Mr*. Darnel Lord tad Doris J. Botwalt, Rumson High School and Union, the bride'* niece, wu discharge. They will then lira in noon. After an introductory per- Holy Cross PTA University of fubJoaad bouquet* of summer •on. Mr. and Mn. Theodore Morgan Rehrig Bridgeport in flower girl. Ell PasoP , TTex iod of fundamental haformatfoa, Bruaam aad chUdren, Mra. Ana Connecticut. The bride's gown had a Chan- The bride wu graduated from will pi Sets Dance Date Mr. and Mra. Stanley F. Bos H» it a m«n*#r rt tllly l»r« hnrlir* rfftrigiwd with Red Rank Catholic High School J'jny Abano. Long Branch, wu Keaaag aad eon, Robert, aad RUMSON—Holy Croa* Parent- hart maa for Mo cousin. James rr permluiai. Ths Mi. awl Mi*. Mthm FraakeU well of Prince George County, nering staff at me Lavole LabL - aa Illusion neckline and short and attended Monmoath College bo helped to gain Teaohor Association will hold a Md., announce the engagement oratories at Mtrganvaie. •leave*, and tha bouffant talk two yean. She hu Tfewnas MoGrath. ma bride's aUofUaJta fnmtoi dance Friday. Sept. 11. and through and (orthrnming marriage nf skirt was trimmed with lace apt ployed aa a etcretery ia the Red botherrMHr, , wmmwaa mmaa wonushe.r *-_. - - - - la tha Penlnaali Houae, Sea their daughter. Mia* Deri* J. clique. The bride's illusion finger- " " ' ---—-. Bridal Show** Bank office of the Equitable We The bride'* •even-yaeroi w d twin ™f* ™""J**' Mitt Carol Norrie Bright A midnight brunch will Boawoll, to Morgan V. Rehrig, tip length veil feU from a crown Assurance Society. Tho bride- brother*—— . v_^Kevta . mmjtand Josep *h• \M*.Me cor ma more be served. son of Mr. and Mn. Morgan For Mist H«'rm«t« Gram, ware train bean. WIKian dent, emphasis will be placed Fetajd at Shower of aeed paaria and har colonial groom ia a graduate of North individual aeon. Mr*. Edward Kerb* I* ggeneral Rehrig of II Lake Ave., Fair FREEHOLD - Mia* Jeanaette bouquet wu of white rose*, car- . Aril.. High School, MoGrath, another brother, wu UNION BEACH - MiM Carol chairman, and heh r aJded s wWW bbe Haven. Th* wedding i* planned Hamate, Five Point* Rd., Cott'i •n alter boy. Douglas Mcllvain wiU teach Morris, wu honored last week at nation* and atapbanotU. received hi* bachelor of art* sculpture Thursdays from 7:24) emitted by Mr*. Charia* Header- for Nov. 14. Neck, waa honored Saturday with The maid of honor won a bal degree from Texas Waters Col- A recreptkm and buffet dinner a bridal ahewar in the home of ion and Mr*. Georgo Sheehan, a surprise bridal shower, in the lerina length gown of crushed lege. Baton entering tha Army, fotowed la the Knight* of Cohira-II p. m. This class I* di Mrs. Robert Norris, Dover. Invitations: Mr*. Joha GardeUa, home of Mn. Harry Surgent. Mn orange embroidered silk organza. he wa* employed by KROD-TV boa Hall. In Long Branch. After forfo hth ebbeginnei r or ad- were Mra. Norrie aad Jr.. dacaraMons; Mn. Job* Kan- Howard Thompaoa waa hoateaa. styled with a Ml skirt and worn In El Paao, and win return tohi sa wedding trip to Lake George, vanced atadead t who wwishf * to aer. io*»rvatioai aad Mia. Thorn- Attending wan Mn. David with a matching bow headpiece. post than upon nls disfharge N. Y.. and Canada, the couple create oriaual work* ef Miss Norrt*. daughter ef Mr. a* A. Dowd. Dodd. Lake Hiawatha; Mn. Her colonial bouquet wu of or- from the service. wiH live la Aehury Park. tun. Individually at tod ad Mr*. Edward Morris. Park Jama* Backer aad Mis* Diane The bride wu graduated from and uaa of relief carving ia milt, Ave.. will become the brine of Becker. Jamesburg; Mn. Theo- DAVILA - CAtPENTEK btoatomt. Her bouquet Trenton State Colege and la marble or aoft wood wil be of- Card Party Sept. 24 fered. Leotard Jerome Loaaca, eta of dore Pytko aad Mias Marguerite WASHINGTON. D. C. - Ml* Ivy. teacher at the Vetter " Mr. and Mra. Leonard ' For Siatcrhood . Pytko. Linden; Mn. John Kei- Mia* Priacffla Cham of T< Eatontown. Mr. Flannery served Neil Petta will teach the course Adeline Adams Moore Davila, m decorative arts Thursdays, be- KAypOft, M|*4o U at a aapaJal RUMSON - Mr*. Seymour derling. PlainfleM; Miss Rose An waa maid of honor lor bar cou- ia the Marine Corp*, aad was a at a. m. m Holy Friedman aad Mn. Lewia Gold- Morrow, Manasquu. daughter of Mn. Carlos Davili sin, aad tha bridesmaids wendrummer In the Marina Corp* tween 7:J* aad M p. m. Iastruc- Family CathoUe Church, farb an chairmen of tha card Mn. Joseph Harmata. Mn. of Washington. D. C. former!] Misses Joan Pitmaa, Chereriy, band. Washington, D. C. He I*WWi Will IDCliMV nBRWOTM tha constnsctlon of deoorative Guest* wart Mn. Joha Ntrri*. party the Sisterhood of the Con- Maude King. Mn. Henry Ham- of Rod Bank, aad Martin Michae Md.; June Lambe and Evelyn wviaga teMer in the Allenhunt Ir., Mn. WlUam Maatone, Mn. gregation Baal Iiraei will hold in mood, Jr. Mn. Harry Hawthorne, arpanter, aon of Mr. and Mn, Dean. Bcthaada, Md.. and Adele National Bank. sculpture forth e home or garden. Such thing* u (and, piaster, pa- Milton Winch. Wharton; Mn. the (vnagoguo Thursday. Sept. Sr, Mn. Sam Veati, Mn. Mar- Martin Carpenter of Kensington, Richie. SUver Spring*. Md. g , p, p Aguste Crieger. Mn. Norman M, at I: JO p. m. garet Barry, Mn. John McCar- HOMANS-TTMMPSON pier macho and aeif-haidemag Md., ware married Saturday in All were dressed alike in gown Lay and Mrs. Canaan MascUli, Othen auisting are Mrs. Har- thy. Mn. Emil Surgent. Mn. Ed- mtide of several shade* of blue. ENGLEWOOD - Mi** Helen materials, will be Dover; Mr*. John Norria, Jr.. old Sher, ticket sales; Mrs. Leo mund Surgent. Mr*. Walter Foo- tha Gnat Choir of the National Classes In making aUver Jewel- All the bridal attendant! attended daughter of Mr. and g, Mra. Edward Kugler, special activitiif. Mrs. ter, Mn. James Lewia. Mn. Fred the former Cathedral School In Washington, ry, and in weaving and drawing, TO* bride's mother, Mn. Eugene Homana of thia Norris, Union Beach. Charles Manea, dacoration*, and Schlectweg and Miasea Jo Ana D. C. with the bride. place, were married Saturday m will be held according to the atu- Mn. Raymond Goldstein, public Hamate. Judy Gurry, Irene Mc- Mn. Frances Moon taught art dent'* choice. in Red Bank Senior High Schoou l David Carpenter, Kensington, Flrat Presbyterian church hera to Ity. Carthy. Carol and Sheila Thomp- I, Md., wu bet* maa for hi* broth- Walter Gordon Thompson, aoa of Mary Lou Sharpie** wHI in- Methodist Church Unh all of Freehold for several yean. The bride the stepdaughter of the iato Dr. er, and the usMfcra were Donald Lewi* S. Thompson, Secretory of struct in silver jewelry, placing Goes to Coney Island WANI1 FIRST-HAND LOOK Williams of Connecticut; John the Air Force andW Thomp- tnphyh on .worfc for Carlos Davila. former president nor which will lead to Independ- UNION BEACH - TVs annual NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J. (AP) WRONG NUMBER of Chile and former ambassador Fft»« of Florida; Willard son of Washington. D. C. hue ride to Coney bland. N. Y.. —Edna Kintner ia a graduate Darts J. TALLADEGA. Ala. (AP>- Statoi °* Kentucky, aad Uacroft. ent work and I march en hi* from Chile to tho United own. Technique* will be present- by tha trwteea ef af Rutgen Uoivenity and apendi Love I* gettag put back a. pace for a number of yean, p^. Baltimore, Md. Tha bridegroom I* th* grand- Mini Boawell wa* graduated or two in this thy east Alabama ed u limply ai possible aad ba- Grace Methodist Church, wu most of her time behind prison to hi* death three yean ago. Drw . After a reception at tha Pan est of Mn. Oeralotne L. nomp- held Aug. 21. Mrs. GeroM Wlg- walla. from Eastern High School In town. City officials aaM they ptea Davila wu secretary generalif American Union, tho couple left soa of Breokdal* Farm. Uacroft. sic material! will be Washington, D. C. and U em- to renovate " " ed upon sterling Oliver. gias, Matewaa, wu m charge. She'* doing nteardi in peno- 1 the Pan American Union. en a wedding trip to New York Mr. Homaa* gave his danger lagy and ha* become a woman ployed by me American Insur- with not _ map. City Mid Novel Scotto. T\wf will „% marriage. Lewis S. NIcholM Caivano will Ughtiag-to reduce aeckiag la tha The bride wu given ia GemmtU. Mr*. Paul RaHkilrt parole officer to got Int-hand ance Company, Newark. Mr. H#ctornaldo ia Collage Park. Md. Ir beat ***— forhi a brath- oirawing and painting. Rehrig wa* graduated from booth* riage by Ambassador aad daughter. Jeaa, Mm. Mary Informattoa. David Castro, El Salvador. Her Both the bride aad bridegroom •r' SSW taS utional drawing, and ekettMns will be ittempted In various me- Bowley Eaglamaan. Misa Moria white satm gown wu trimmed »n graduates of tha Unirenlr, home of tha bride's parents. Reinhotd. Mia* Barbara llmpaon. and her tulle of Maryland. Mr. Carpenter ia i Tha bride wu graduated from die. The initructor plans to de- in embroidered lace, Mia Roeamary Lette, Mrs. Ger- veil fell from a bonnet trimmed engineer. tha Masters School at Dobba Fer- velop a knowledge of form, value N V. and attended Hollins •"<• compoiition for his itudent, aid Richmond aad daughter. Collage. Mr. Thompson, a Phil- and •* much individualized ii Diane, Frank MuaceJ, Patrick lip* Exter Academy graduate, Is itruction ai potiible will be Lette, Henry Feuau. Miu Joan a senior at Washington and Lee given. Lett*, Mn. Ronald Staffer end University. Weivini Initructor will be son. Anthony. Harry Burma. Mn. Upon returning from their wad- Bemsdine Stewart. Technique* James Lette, Robert Kaufman. ding trip. Mr. and Mn. Thomp- of plain weaving, limpi* bordtn, Mlsi Diane Mealery, Mrs. Ed- ward Poet, Miss Peggy Kauf- son wlU live In Lexington. Vs. platform weaving, thresdlag loom and terminology will he of- Jerry and Wayne Rich- Oreek phllospher Epictetui fered. Plar* num. icerve* and mond, Paul Simpson, Jama* Bon- Mid: "Practice yourself ale and Kenneth Lett* aad Mn. The Fsir Haven Art Workshop

HAPPY MIM RAtlTAN — Irli 0>alettl, rlfht, I*, ef **«i(V Umi UAvtlMS—Three wlnnort at the pienia and tield day Sunday at Hatlet Ave., wai a happy alrl Utt nlaht at iht wa* ledman Park, latmtred by the MiddUtewn Cheater ef the Petrelmen't Itnevelent named Mitt lUritan 1*19. Sha fttt • bit bear hue M CLUI WttH% — Offlaar* ef the Klilak Sarvlae Club itrlke a happy p Aiietiatlen fer LIMle League playeri, were, left to right, 6lan Saldlrlnl, with the frem her mother, at another etntettant, Thereto AI- et an tvting ef the group at Mcftulre't ©rev*, Mlddletewn, Saturday. Preaeedi kibe he wai given; Tom Lynch, who wen e $21 tavingi bend, and Reymend St. John, losco, joint In the imile-fatt. Jeen MaHufh end Dart- from the event wen) (e the tor vice fund ef the group. The trganlietlen I* mad* another bike winner. Standing, rear, are Mlddletewn policemen Robert Olian, Wil. thy Phlllipt, were runnoti>up. Th* eeremenlet, »ten- up ef employe** ef Kiilek Inc., Jtr**y City, ana! Iti (ubtldlary cempaniei. Pram Ham Sahenck, frenlel Murdoch and William Frake. Three hundred member* ef Little lered by the Repuellcan Club, teed ple«e at Leew'i left te right are: David Klilak, president of the elub; Mil* fi)erl Lillli end Imanvel League teami ware g»*i?i of the policemen for the day. Drive-ln Theater, Rt. It, Iretman, co-chairman fer the event. • 1 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP 11 U. S. STEEL HOMES The Evtrttt T. Thome Co. hot strvtd Mon- mouth ond Octon Counties since 1937..• being the 9th dealer appointed and now the oldest dealer representing U. S. Steel Homes. Starting in Little Silver, the company has operated from Middletown since 1947. Progress has taen the perc.ntag. of home construction by prefabricators change from lass than I % • 22 yean ago • to a prts.nt 12%. To see a house put up in one day was once a novelty; but today it is an every* day occurrtne.

A MAJESTIC EXAMNJ «f the rich historical lora of Monmouth County, it the Twin Lights Mamorial in High- lands. Overlooking Sandy Hook Bay, tho mamorial, in days of old, s«rv«d as tht only doubla lighthouse in the world. Though the lighthouse was built in 1162, the location was uttd by the British to warn ihips as early as 1746. Latt month a marine museum was opened in the lighthouse featuring nautieal ittrm. PROGRESS IN LIVING.e. The Beautiful New STEELSTYLE "The Carlton" by U. S, Steel Homes Ready for Inspection at OAK HILL ROAD, MIDDLETOWN SATURDAY and SUNDAY AFTERNOONS

T".. V«m»n»ie bMuty «nd charm of averybody's "dreim" home is still here, but the rest of this new Steelstyle Home is excitingly modtrn! Mod.™ styling is tmbodied In tht Steelstyle and reflects the quality workmanship and design that mark this newest of U. S. Sttel Homes. Walls framed with sttel give you long-time safety and protection.

STOP AND SUTMMW SteelstyIc c ra r ir>mc H kt>M ak m DIRECTIONS'. * * > ° RM4 > PROPOSID POST OPHCI—This is »n architect's conception of whet the proposed Rumson post office will look like. Approval has been given for the building, which will stand at Washington and Hunt Stt. It is of colonial EVEREn H. THORNE GO. Dams homes design. Frank A. Amodio k»


cordially invites you

to it* lull showing of


opening at

9 o'clock this morning

at its church street store in Little Silver, New Jersey "••*•• n to Progress taca of JW.7M ehms of aew ek at a II par vams. A in, M" TOUMfcto. « Long Br idDsc. te IMoiy «| NbitutW KII, Uttff,N resources wen iUtrttMOfJaatM 7H4MJ4 aad dtposits I. . at a itturtjilia price of M MS* aad by July 31 thit year Of Community •«•••• em aaea er aaua. oa nimaua aad noomrcos ftwt to llkfM.4M.7l Tht HUN iMoaai was paid attnwthe ever. 9m miiTitaiiai O noureot of TJuSiMUtLs M la. IMS aaJ dsposltt, IM.17t.MI.tl. from MtTvUit pnflte Mi ot tht ntrfertar. SMM tats aa illitat Money tathobaaklsoneofftebest ysramicas of tree araa> Ing far I yeaia. Ou aaaw trip, why tad MJTMM.41 ta MM. *o* Ia tho eptaton of Samaei C. I thi d Ri staaaniw aaf tovMattoaa to eany otat there It Maaoel Otle, War- Mofffis* M Osfcireod ltd** WMt vtlae to ttt capital stock, The Aaanaant NtftaHl St Keypert. Mi WBUai S. Long Branch, pratUsnt of aw to UN MM t Long Branch Trust Co., which board. wss sstibHthsd ta 1MT. "the ofMtaVjtyl Broad St, . «nwttolien of the Freehold financial pictara shows Moa> Coaaty Nattonai, said mouth couaty to be (rowing Thess ara bat two of I Together, gave Us bank If*, hat M agency at *«* Co. aad the Long Br n i at the Mi like n healthy child." the U have movai forward: Total ifa Fort hat rtaaaai Baaktag Co. voted Aug. U to >f June cams to MMXI,MIJ7. That iinamtrii i tmSMMslJoMl g p rapid ta total resources consoUdato, effective today, when Wa bank, whose m oar fast devel- SATETY POCKET OOTTIF *« CAN the name changes to tho Cen- came to fHMM.M and dtposits i year earlier aad WmMM JMI », USI. coanty ana" aai makot It thai success ass been a Ernest C. HalL M Ltacota Dr. tral Jeney Bank * Trust Co. Ml it the end of W7, * far the teatttatton to U- Ha capital waa MMN, cel- stace World War n - aad a will for thrift CeJoatol Terrace, Freehold Trust, istthllahtiitnhtad tahi cal-PMi WHdTOPfiCCAHSlBOTTlB i UU, mi contoUdttod wHk First ebrated itt Mth sanivenary ta «O«rL at, potato back to Aflaa- 1M7 wtm resources of $ifft,MJ.- mvsfI «k)ostoJ sttaarotM t of 11,717, NtUflBti Bank of FtraUasjdalo hi lyimimvioV'aossJd. RESEALS LWTTlf CAPS \ MI, onwrgmsj WIOB 18 IM dwotltl of f3tTtVse|M41. MS aai *patJto ot SLfAMM aa Vhan, ta Ufa, mo bank was of Dot tL UN. aad compares asottt of mora than tag Ma mis waa rattaraii of fctUSN hunHtags. Mcnmctth County Nt mounai to HI.4ff.4s7.4t Md ttoaal, afuoh a year ta advance ••4 ^^^tm M tf.sr.3aai at MM ***"• M thit ywr. Fr» dtpooMa IH.M7.SMJT, wtth II.' Suf wlaaa tuaatt JufMMgflftMsMlaMi avntaaaaMl end of Vm, aad rotonrcet MI.M1 ta the capital account A s braach offleo sad drive* on SHMMM aai otpoans ot The Minimi Tit Co. tht Long Braach West Bad Branch was Praspact Ave.. Little Silver, now After a f*year history, Mm> amato wen IlLMMM aad ta UK. The flgmret for June MerchtaU Trait Co.. now fc> U ptasatag to build later this Utt JuatM, M tbta year wen I14.71MU.B catai ta one- ot the borough's wen tKlliMS aad dspostte |UJMJM. Tht win push Central Jorsrya ta resources, IUAMM.4I ta uo- __j aew buUdtags at Broad St ms » had total ta and walk-up windows on New- S2X2M.MI ta. rouai figures. poattt aad IIJSMS3 ta aai RecktaM Pi, is ta its Mth ,4aMM.gT, man Springs Rd. at Clinton PI., Mr. Hall, a former nsidsat of . miking It u Import- Red leak aald: "Tha naott ot This compares with resources ant flnanetal power ta tht couaty. The lM-yenr-old Famen ft Its resources as ot last Juno 31 The effort, said Mr. Bielitt, is Butttag up a much bigger, fully $U,MiMl aad deposits ot M Merchant! National Bank of were SHXMM.U and deposits to gear our progress to the Concentrated efforts btvo beta ***-•_ ' modem bank ta Ettoatowa was W,#eVM.«. Back at the begm- $,UJja is UK whoa ___ of the ares which Is mat our boatasse there doubled by a tfatewaa. the oldest bank ta at the end of im. re- ut/a Second Ntuonal Bank wu e-iaSm to have a fine future.' ta thna yean. I foal there Mmmoum coutty, has keyed Its progress to that ot fas broad a were $1,2}S,MI.M a WatJOIWlIwB wlul IHV Myiwffl bo a tuftoJaai giowm ta deposits tl,OMMJl. taktag Co. aad the First Na- yean. TThMa Fort Ntwstfc W«ttor area It serves ta the county's NcCredle Attends Ratra. Jr. agsaeyhas Mi Its own. Than thoator Company Conference is w The bbani k was chartered ta Wfarltf ssOW6i'a%fc tO MM tad ia the first year - by BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -Rob- at Mas the peak at ert L. McCredle, 75 Doughty U. War ^^pletely aew bank, tht County Oct It, INI - me man Farmon Baaktag Co. la Itamouth Shop- ft Merchants Bank of Mddletown Fair Haven, attended the Werner Ecutti UMJ UP is ran u fntntr s Tho Sot Bright National Bank. 'ft ping Center, EatontowaEt . Point, had assets of Just SS3.- brothers Company week-long re- ortMboi ia Jaae, UM. If plan- JMJMfi IMS MJSMTC « MS*. MBt It has been estimated by Wil- 9M.S1. taduding M.tn.57 in de- I ssles managers conference atog Itt first broach, to be lo- posits. Assttn wera tlMU.4t7.e ta the Hotel Barnum cated la tho former Rumaon liam H. DilHstin, Pttertoo, a retired Federal Reserve baaktag Oct 11. 1M7. aad $U,M».« at Mr. McCredie ia New York re- Ubraiy building. Woot River Rd. onal talei manager for the tad Second St. ComtracMoa of official, who made a study for of wst June. Mr. Reads, that with tho center Farmer* ft MerchtnU In 1M7 company, manufacturers of foun- t wing tad drive-la facility dation garments. He participated there will begin at toon aa the hnndttng in amraal retail ssles moved into its new building on MBUIIM OONTJAn A 7Mr> WTTMOUTA UNMOTithsl tlunry movci hito Ht new ojuar- volume ot Stt,MI,M0, the aew Main St. one of the most modem ta a seminar on ssles and sales bank should hsve resources of iatfcnwtit with other IH§H- ten In the former Hintebntira banking buildings la Now Jeney, Cant. maAi, wt market. River Rd. and tho Ave. SI.900,000 after the tint year. with atom bomb-proof vaults nnd agen from New York, Atlanta, of Two Riven. "We think a picture of health other latest features. San Francalco and Chicago. ta the Bayshore can bs found ta Here Is the view of Joseph Robert S. Lockwood, O Har- our flgurei," said J. Joseph Me Baler, bank president: LITTLE BUNDLE. BIO LOAF vard Rd., Fair Havee^Jb* exec- SM4dMck,CSI "ey. « East Ltacota Ave., At- "The northern portion of Moo- SAYREVULE. N. J.. (AP)— MOOO COS*S>.. VfUp.*t . HD-S44WK , Atlaatt* WsUud*. M. •nvi VICVJ pmrans IBO cuntcr, lantic Highlands, executive vice mouth County faces s rapid Bernard Sounders baked a five- '-•••1 foot wag leaf ot chalah - a atsMMe> a.». SILS: ot period of expansion ss Its fsrm Sivs aa opportua- National Bank. Figures areas converted to homes tor Jewish bread — to celebrate me S show the capital account of ?»,• commuters nnd workers la neigh- birth of Ms son. !5Lr ' -, JP at the end of UM) rose to boring industries, Sounders, a bakery owner, ihal la .eel 8.N ta UN nnd |77I,ND used M pounds of Hour tn make growing rapidly; "Farmers ft Merchants Nation- Ceerge «- by the end of June this year. al, with over US yean of serv me oVoound leaf. "If my oven Sea Bright 1 Bank of Engllihtown. and was tamer." he mid. "I .... „.***• •*">• &>» to** ***** tag ite customers, espacli to Under the leadership of Ken- ended its first year, ta 1*45. Its of n,}M,44S.» sad deposits ot participate in mis' growth neth H. McQueen since its start, topted tts aew name. have made a bigger one.' " *-|1.M5.U4.« ta December. ISM, Through the yean the F and M Merchants Truat Co. hat goat more than doubled to t$,4M,«0.U hat financed much of the growth t long way. It opened its first resources root to ta resources and |4,Mt,743.M ta of Matawan In Its transition from branch ta the Fair Haven Shop- *•* «•»!»*"» in UM and climbed to farming-trading area to • ping Canter. River Rd., Dec. 1, were HHW hi Mo) and now are M.7M.H4JO la amunity of homes ... In re- 1M4, and it has been granted Um,m. The buk't proaMtat mmS Jane. James B. cent years total resources have federal, state and municipal ap- i s wiilisWilliam TT. SaadlassSandlatt, a• AlstoAlttona Vsa Mater•*• . Moamouth Mills, is increased at a steady pace averwr- proval for the early conttmctton Ct., Red Bank. UM prSSMSBl. agteg better than tho five per of a major branch on Rt. M n The Keansburg • Middletowa The New Jersey Trust Co. ot cant Increase ta me 'recession' ' Laurel Ave.. Hotadd Tom . National Bank, on Itt way «p totg Braach, which hat a braach year et MM aad the manage-ThereThere., buaineaa wiU be eparred rapidly, ptrticultrly tiaca the office hi the Food Circus shop- moat confidently oap alMadrapldryaathtrtaMtottbi J *.-*#*• Mlddktowa office mi opened in ping center. West Long Branch, rate to be tt lent maintained, « buildup ot the new BOB Telephoai September. IMS, has anamacoi km been paahmg forward much not increased, in the forsesaH*t>e Laboratorleo aai i aew Bsadn it will opea a aew braach oa fubJiw. Newmaa Springs Rd. aai Lav to Fraacit RtegHben. » ABan To put Itself M a If: croft-Middtotowa Rd. ta about six PI., long Braach, assoctati ste- DISPLEASED CUSTOMER keeping with the con- retary-treasurer hi charge of h> MILWAUKEE (AP) - David er ?f£ tinued growth of the community Brooks Is involved ta a divorce Aereholden* dtdttaa to a area. Chariot Toon, property He called tt "a tramoadoui ad- suit because he bought some stock and declare a stock dr* pMnret ot a nude woman. But QutQfl aneo'C aTgMufOO Co^utvt&V oouVg- M braach bsfldfag, aa Mx4HbotUsbed ta IMS, nut July Brooks, not his wtfe. is Ming to IL4MJN. Pr» pktety detached ite me divorce action. 1CIISJF^^^^^^etfgUj Mgtf^tftBfSWBJf SMH^n^wll n etski'laMael^SUIMSJu . Btot toaa ssctton from DM bank He got the surprise of hia TliU itttafaKtioa tehiriy doubted A after Ksnnaburg Na- ppproper, , openinpg g pprivate) offices life, Brooks testified in Circuit [ctxhoUati TPttsfs COOUIMNI cspl* A yew Court, when he discovered that tkMlopa Md, ta UM. its asaeu at I MMemoriaill PPkwy.k , at the rear tal - up from tM,MI to S4M.NI ^ Wban dedication ceremonies of "steads among the strongest aai Located at tha corner of Cookman Ava. and Main St. 4uUMJ7. WOasm C. Ji crease Ha site; builitoo is far n now flood control dam had to soundest banks to be found any- •r..«t Ave.. Keeaobiirg, ahead of advancd e survey eeo- be shifted to town where It where ta tho couaty." He also It tha mates. oould be held Indoors because Key- New Jeney Trust's galas have of rain, the PUttamouth Jour- "With man thaa considerable vrcrwiitQ wiHi MownoMfii woueiTy • • • port, which bad ttn begianiagi bean rapid. After ate year of nal topped the story wtth thia pride, we moved Into our beautl< in UM, and Utt June U opened operation. June M. INS. IU re- headline: 1 ful new buHding it IM Broad Wa ara pleased to extend every good wish to the staff Ml tint branch In the Airport sources were f M1JSMS and do- •HUI City Project Dedicated St. April 7. IMS. Confidence that • on Rt M, petlti 8MII.M. What the West Friday ... Nat by n Dam Site led to that atep forward has of the Rod Bank Register at they enter the daily news- more than proved itt vtlut. 'Stace our move, deposits have paper field. We believe you'll be glad to know that wa increased about tt.NMM and today we serve man than 1.W0 ara currently doubling our facilities to better serve your depositon who, with ut, look for- ward toward i music naads. future." ART BARRON, Manager GIRAFFE PIANO FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) - An unusual musical Instrument to on display at me Kentucky Histor- ical Society Museum - a giraffe pinna. The giraffe pisne wet ao nam- ed because the tang-curved post of the harp resembled me atck u,xm of a giraffe.

A wsy to tost the color of • paint before you apply It It to brush t small amount on a clou white blotter. OHs will bo soaked up In ma blotter tssving mi pigment oa me surtscs. KOOS aamt let —-—^g-u ^a^—s _A g«g_ l^g^——- Drapery F*» W _^namnaumaaa| ajsai VI naaaa snaaaaaaajm

•»• Special 1Mb) to i CUSTOM>MADI e%aTt"eUa\fe9 lOt* • AVaatrnfJaaml ana FREE HOMM) UlSWMtMtMMI •as. Mt m »M

For Full Information...PR 5-9300 t.a.i MMO ot MMM OsJai HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIOS •1M7M Off* Mill O* ASMIRY rARK KOOS WOt. Upset in Jersey Shore League

Upsets hauDted Rumson A'aFreehold, H. and tha ucondere.IM.and•*•*•**«Oak- and Loo* Branch IAMA Sunday place A's team wu victim of last hunt, H. dw Jersey Shore Baseball Lea- placDlaere. MadtooMsdkwa PBAPBA.. M. RoRedd Bank, a toam By Hy Cunningham •* goo. IAMA, leading the loop with In other games, Kcyport Ar- to being nosx th* top to thi* cir- a 1M roeord. waa dumped byrows dofeatod Red Bank Town- cuit. Is having troubles Ms saa- A GREAT ORGANIZATION AT WORK — The fon. Th* Townw* rest to a* nsat to last position of tha *ighttoam River Plaza Boys* Club has the know-how when it Jersey Shore league. come* to providing sports activities and other func- Mjs. Enslen Rumson abaorbtd Its saoood suaday** Beealts tions for the youth of the River Plaza area hi Middle- (traight up*at when Pat* Ban- Racing Official Frsshsll I. Lang Branch I. nett't two-run homor to th* hot- town Township. aUauB^LuanBl L. Mflfasnmmtj *L torn of tho sixth toning far Madi- Not only does tali eJeb have Its share of Belmar I, Oakbsrst «. son proved to bo tha damaging Kcyport IS, R*d Bank «. who contribute vataablo tJase to develop a At Freehold blow. The hit gave me naadto to FREEHOLD - Mrs. Constance the PBA nine, for it ovweam a protract, K has women who work htst as hard h Ruth Enalea has penetrated the 2-1 Rumson toad. pushinf the program 80000, with both men and door of one of the world's most The A'* scored a rua toth * tost women working aa a tarns*, this xdusivefy masculine protest of the ninth, but the rally could She to • racing secretary, th* not pick up enough spud to knot things done fat a big way. only womu to be licensed by th* th* score. River Plaza Boys' Club fielded not one baseball UBjtei State* Trotting Asaaete- IAMA, league regular season team this season, but four. This alone Is a big accom- ttoa la th* history of th* *port champs, finished th* acheoul* plishment, because It absorbs 00 boys right off the with 12 wins against two *tt- U backs. With one more tilt to play. bat Each team generally has IS boys on Its roster. Keyport and Freehold an tfed Teams are entered hi tha Bigger League and the Sea- for third placa, each with T4 rec- board Little League. Sailing Qub ords. With two more garnet to play, Belmar is fifth, a half gam* Slates Busy out of tha playoff spot. flamSaflsl mM tflsssm* wsMfaVm? nmSsiuannnnMltSBst lWwaVli4ftf Mitel Freehold scored a rue II It* last licks to snap a 1-1 ti*. Roger MCKSJI COMPITIS IN NATIONALS- Dlekiie Ann Hoyf, rf9ht. 13. deeoMer of Labor Day Kan* lad off with a double and •fadllafcasMt fQCOftl ttf fPlatg JnuuftWigh tfet fo^OloV advanced to third on Goorat Mit- Dr. end Mrs. Douglai C Hoyf, River RdH Fair Haven, finlihad savanth In tho ever- OCEANPORT - Tha Shrews- seasoa wtth a 17-1 record, led Bank Red Sox buy Sailing and Yacht Club willchell's sacrifice. Ray Dalibto all standing* In tho NaHonal Water Ski Championship lait week-end at Laeonla, N. issued passe* to Fred Quiaa. abo had a great record and It was this dob that conduct a variety of everts for H. Dicksle wai fifth in the trick iklino.. Others left to right, ar* Barbara Cooper, Labor Day holiday weak-end. and John Oucksnfldd to load •>* defeated River Plata kt the MggarUagoe playoffs. Lakeland, Ha* Vickie Van Hook. Long loach. Calif.. Janollo KlrHoy, lirmlnoham. Festivities wul commence Satur- bau path*-...„.. Kan.e got homo ea a Then there was the River Plaza Tigers team. This Al*. and Norido Bardlll. Fort Uuderdale, He. The three-d.y moat wet witneued day afternoon, when tha final P*"* «_** dub showed talents m the Seaboard Little League by race* to th* current cbjb chara- wu at th* plate, by 50.000 watar ski fans. ' ptouhlp aerie* will be contested. Rooney, who wont th* distoac* finishing third to the regular season and then copped pp BotBthh race* wililll be helhldd durindrig tor the Townsmen, held IAMA the playoff championship. Men responsible for the the afternoon, under the super- to six hits, half by Andy Gar- vision of Fleet Captain M. Douw rity. aad struck out nine batters. operation of this organization had all the right In th< Madisoo scored three rat* ia world to swell out their chests. A fine season was ac- Sunderland Wins R. B. Open Ferris. These race* will mark the finale tha tilth to complished through officials of the club, coaches and of a 10-rsc* series, of which eight S-l deficit BUI Dbnsey wu safe race* are to count, with twoon John Bower's error Is shut managers. the third. Last week talents of ban players were reeog- Tennis Title; Defeats Johnson Mr*. Entlaa hu taken over for races u a throwout Winners of her late husband. Georg*. who th* twit* will b* presented tro- After BUI CuUca walked, *e for the athletes. It wasn't turkey or chicken for Jack Sunderland, id'* gam* was Us serv- 1-2. bsld th* post for U year* hare phies during the Sunday at th*runntr* attempted a double steal Township, finally tooetoed Brae* ice. Th* naw champtoB was blut- Men's doubtee are scheduled toat• -Freehol " ••d Raceway- . annual trophy dinner. and when Charlto Cook aada a It was an Impressive banquet as the kids were Johnson's grip on the Red Bank lag a good form aa time aftor be played this evening. Jack It's foolish to say that Connie, Sunday, tha highlight attraction wild peg to second, Dimaay acor- time he won Ma aarrtco la theSunderland and Jake Umberger ed. Pete Pfnnett then aom*nd honored by numerous parents who took the time to Open Tennis Toumuieut cham- u aba is affectionately known will be th* third and final race pionship. Johnson, who won the JT-gam* match. will book up for th* chaiwpion- around racing, it new at the job.for larger croUing auxiliaries, over th* teft field fence for the attend. Jackets, trophies, autographed baseballs, pic- put three titles. Sunday wu de- Johnson waa a game little ship with Harold Potter and Sh* hu held th* position to anunder the supervision of Fleet winning margin. tures, etc, were handed out like samples at a new feated by Sunderland. 74, ~ courtman a* ha stuck in tha fight Johnson, defending champions unofficial capacity for many Captain Phil Andrews, Shrews- Wcner wu tapped for eight hits by Rumaoa, one by ~ store opening. 24, S-L in tremendous boat Tha little la a semi-final last weak. SUB- yean because tha USTA firmly bury. The** larger satkng craft courttter bad big Suadarland on derland and Jake Umberger de- refused to grant her a license, will rendexvous off medubbouse 1'n^' but he held ea a* Ralph Marino, a veteran sportsman, to a hero Sunderland, playing a torrid tha run a* much aa Suadarland feated Lynch and Lynn Abbott. solely oa the grounds that no1dock where they will receive "tbawin~ """. m our books for the tntseJflsh way be promotes court game, forced th* smaller had him funning. Ntt etsmln* Jr., in three sets. Sunderland and emale over held th* Important <*""• Instructions. Prizes for Don Slate, manager ef tat A's, went the dittanr* giving up only athletics u River Plaza. Marino's generous dona- Johnson to man mistake after aad power finally paid off in theUmberger won th* tint set. t-2spo, t Uiia rapidly growing awies, will mistake u ha racked up the tint final act but then wen clobbered, M. In be awarded later at the dinner. four bits, two by BUI Nabenaan. tions help to make this dub the success H to.Rah * Without tha legal title. Mrs. two otto. After Johnsoa broke Cappy PregnaB won the wom-the second. In the final set, Sun-Enslen wu assistant many times Thtre will also be special Labor Despite a sU-rua uprWsg by Be M trophies, and good sized ones at through la tha third art, Sunder- en's slogles champtottsbip* Sun- derland and Umberger polished Day races for all classes - Red Bank Townen la the nkth to her late husband at aaveral inning, the Arowa cashsd to on This generosity was well rewarded when sad cam* back strong to breeze day momtag whan aha defeated off their opponents, M. raceways. "That assistant's Ctflte Comets, Wood-Pussy, Turnabouts, through the final set after break- her slater. Mary, by M, M sets. At tha conclusion of tho singles and Sail-fish during tha after- fouMua toatog* to tha Marino made the presentations. The fsees of these got m* by. but actually I wu and sixth to post th* win. ing away from a 1-1 game tie In a seml-fiaal alnttei match championshippp, , Louia Mendel, do- supposed to b* th* secretary to -*t-a-x-- RVAA^MA^ UB^J^^UA^M #>HVAM 4MVA ^*4Nammtfca> juauVanNjed) Th* Townen' rally t for a U score. Thursdayhd , JohnsoJh n moved upto tonor off thhe trophyh , madde ththa pres- th* boss." says Connie. auuetes Deameo Btignter wan me power output Another Important factor m h hi ed by Danny Bahre bom* run "I started to tha battens over Jack JankowsU'a bead with of Sam LaM'e Jersey Central Power ft light Co. IS year* ago shortly aftor most. Freehold's one man on base, aad Joe John- And that/a a let of power. lag my departed husband/ son's circuit clout to cotter Held, River Plaza Boys' Club members should be proud Connie. 'Truthfully I wu dubious with John Ovtrton and Ken about the whole business at theFigures Up Ralph aboard after bitting tin- ef their youth setup. They are operating In the same start, but now I'm up before day- Slet. category of booster organizations and are doing a fine light working at th* Job that For 15 Days Mike Smisko went tb* distance fob. Coaches, managers and others responsible for the hav* kanad to Ukt." for tto Arrows aad wu operation of the dub couldn't help saying, •We'll be Before bar marriage, Mrs. BJ*> lea admits to the flnt II days of radag pitchlag of Ray sad back working in the baseball program next year. difference hatwaas a trotter aadat Freehold ftacoway shows Bahr for nine safeties. Smiling faces coupled with fr—"frg eyes were the a pacer aad cared *v*n Itss. I4« parcaatog* tecraas* for a rewarding factors. A Job well dona, River Plaza Boys* "But baag airraid to a eomparabwpMtodayaarago, who u**d to put la IS aad "More algndfloiat," aaysPM Club, am** » hour* a day around Fattier, owner, -to un penaut- SHORT SNORTS-Jaek S«a**rlaad won the track during; a metttag, I badaga gata of 141 to attendance." to become taterasted." dodared Red Rank Open Tends Tniirnoaiant Soaday aad Fattier streatw tha crowd h> Connie. I* th* better of th* two Connie aim to* theory that it meant, "that then It women la an official capacity growing interest In harness the gnat young players la the area, had this to can't mil with bonemea. "It's radng." say, -Jack to a greet gay and he helped me the reverse," sh* exclaims. Th* bitting total sow stands than anyone else. When I started to play quite "Why. you get the extra at t4.Nr.44t against wit yyenr't courtesies of being a lady, andS43S1MS4.3S1.MII . IItt avmg tSUl« regularly I would be afraid to can hha up to ask avmge* tSU,l« there is no swearing, not oven adallyy, SM.4IS. S more betttog per afan to play whh me. Jack solved that problem by harsh word. I have found th* dad y man th* IS66S aNtug t . CrowCdd calling me to play a game with him. He's a great hosemea here u fin* u any total at promt to 11.117. aver- NIW TMNIS CHAMPION—Jack Sundarland, second from right, ecceph th* Red people uyone would Ilk* to sglng 5.411 dally. guy." lank Open Tennis championship trophy from Louis Mendel, donor, aftor ho unioatad meet" Several records have tumbled Horace Wade, former publicity director of Mon defending champion true* Johnson In tho finals Sunday at Marino Park courts. Connie definitely I* a unique during ft* business boom at mouth Park, who has been swinging his Magic wand lady. Quickly sh* admits to SI Freehold. Opening Jay mi* year Harold •otter, director of th* tourney, it et left. Ex-champion Johnson It at right. and uys, "It's th* truth, whyproduced IMW ugts of I.O7 pa- around the new Latonia track in Florence, Ky., open- The scores were 7-1, A-4, 2-o, 6-1. BM* it" Now that ah* hu re-trons and haadl* of $317,211 Old ad this track in grand fashion Thursday. The initial ceived ofRdalsanctio n ot haadl* standards war* set (n UN wh*a opening drew 11,117 racing enthusiasts. Mutuels click- the chores of * racing secretary. 4.417 wagered $UI,M3. The •In- Connie will undoubtedly work at gle day mark wu tat Aug. IS, ed to the tune of $352,488 and the track started out other track* that won't conflict when 1,175 poured MSISM Into with a $340.40 dally double. Sandy Koufax Fans 18 Giants,with Freehold. Sh* will always the machines, erasm* th* 1.2ft) remember her Georg* for hians d $441,070 established Labor poUteneu and sense of humor. Day test year. Other standards "And." with • smile stretching set during the present meeting US Squad Gets 26 of 30 Moon Homers in Dodgers' Winfrom ear to ear. Connie intones, •re daily double pool of fSl.Stt, Since the torn of the century, Milwaukee to 2f » anM uMdal* to ttw umre tunMd la lait night by Olympic In a gam* that want extra In- Baltimore wu rained out No thorn, may •*• K§ victory parad* Champion Al Otrttr. whoot mm ning*. other : LITTLE SILVER-Upseu pre- stocks* a bit to today*!aml-fma l reeordihattering IOM o( 1M4H vailed during the week to the Women Advance Coombs did It twic*. needing Koufax, passed over by th* round of track and fMd at Pan-hu been surpsssed by only thrw Giants fly* years ago aftor a M* Tournament Amtricaa garnet. other men. 24 toning*g tho first time, then being held hare oa SanteuV* doindi g It toagai n to IIII wild performance In a workout, At Beacon Hill The Witt IndlN federation Oerter, oa ill fix of hit IOHM. also bettered hi* own major courts. could put a slight dent la thbroke e the former Pan-Am record Sandy KouKoufaxl , a bonus lefty One of the victims wu Larry LEONARDO - Mrs._ Stanle_ y ho'* been a long time coming, league record for a night gam* s USA'* monopolpyy oa Soldier of 1744 K -t by the USA's For- *•»'• (II). set last Juno agatett th* Brogdm, t*coad*t*d*d In th* *vsge. Mrs. Albert Stern d te tun* Gordlen. the man who holds matched Feller'* major league boys' singles, who tost to Sandy Mrs. Robert Squiibre won their Field's nd nurntes itrlp tonight record last night He turned hack Phil*. Thrta ftoa Witt ladlM runners, th* lined world rsmrd ac 1H4. Haace. M. «| matchea la the betUt for Bncon In all, Uncle Sam's force* cap-San Francisco. W. u Wally And he did tt all against a Richie Nkotottl, who woa the champiomlrip during tho put baadad by O*org* Km, a Rigtured eight medals la yesterday*! Moon's three-run, nteth-lnnlng batting order overloaded with boys' singles crown In th* Red week. •"" Taa champion from tha Ualvtr- homer boosted th* aacoad ptec* righthander hitters suppossd to TUB ASSOCIATRD PMSf any fnund th* Bank Open Tournament shot to- Mr*. Savage will meet Mrs. -*,- JsM. aaa^*>A*> aMMMkai* swimming program opening with Lot Aagelet Dodger. t. withla oaeJ b* poison for leftlea. Rookie WU- to the fteala against Gary GoM-Charto* Koyler |. . NnHlnil UffJ fJweFgaWwVs •Twaujlit The other IKAN UAOUB MATIOfil to USA aplaaherp e grtadutgrladtog rec-rec gam • e o"f m- •e Nattonal Laago' — * )>• McCovey, who broke a 1-1 two an Mai Spsac* aad Bull tto wtth a fifth lutogborew. wu Yesterday** ROMM* lac*. ord* to blu in lour preUmiMrlee leading Oiaats. Wynkoop.S4.S4yp. . Wyskoopwu la matclM* playad, Mre. SavBosto- n 4, WuhMgion I Lot Aasotas »Maa Fi The USA'* Filler's record, sat by Cleve- faced. defdi hi by Mel Mal'i defending champion age defeated Mrs. Marguerite (night 10 tonlagt) (sight) record-breaking land'* cwMinw btastag right- la all. Koufax gave up wvan Jou*. thro* and two, and Mre. STrvSes eea'Ur^eeww e 4#av Watt Indies *!" Naw York at Baltimore only aaa victory over Cuba hit hander to • 4-1 loss to Detroit Mts-wita tha Oiaato scoring la a asmlfmtl match. M, S-4. Albert Bteni defeated Mre. John sjuartot alas could be a menace X? •LM.U had otood for 21 yarn. me first oa dwbtos by Wllttw Al aad Tm Avchu, top oaly game* acheduted toft* IMA to th. IOmeter re-ur Iobtrtlo, ^ ^ Whin tytog that sptctacalar Mays sad Orlaaoo ~ mas'* doubtot toam, tost to Dick L FotG.B. n m MI "* .-. M . _._^ -. *«*>«»ol » Pomto r**pscllv*h;p . ?n ethor flaala tonight, the •- *-— - M sal a Wwty Oittst a*t ItM* OflOSa MttteW M.,. AM* um.». Z^JS^JSs. 57 Chtoag* a) m RBJR I USA'* trsmsaaous pair ef Parry bettertagOwlTnuagupbyDtaty Jackte Brendt and tosmg pMcher sre stated to play «,- Cln'iTtsi Si Sft f

'V. «. IBB) BARK SURF, FIELD AND {Caimavoo Wins [Tourney R< Ttasely Notes osi the Great Outdooci At Hospital Beacon Match Semi-Finals (Tomorrow IE0HARDO - wnHe Caimavo. MARLBORO — Patieata at At defending golf champion at Bea-At Old Orchard Mutton State Hospital wOJ kold con HUI Country dub, advanced EAT0NT0WN — Weekend chummers and tollers,had a ball with their annual field day toawrrow a notch this past week-end when matches wen played at OM Or- oanelmpKsJtnaads. he defeated William Fonwlch. two chard Country Cfcib last ifish. There were blues everywhere from the point Itatai of aw Mutton Worn- and one, tath e class A flight ia the fight forth e dub the Hook clear on down to Klondike off Asbury sa's auxiliary will provide artass, Alao moving up wen John U aad » Spencer over Mike Lettttrl, three Matches included Jerry YsBfcf k. The fish were small, averaging two or three aad two; Stan Savage over Larry over Ross BodbM, five aad toari nds apiece, but their numerical strength was liter* coaly ornnlMtiona win assist Scott, two aad one, and William Dom Christopher over Tom Uee* Bartlett, Jr., ever Charles Daly, man, three and two; George. Kef* awesome. tana aadd two. Ista over Paal Accera, two and one, and Tool Blast ever Baa Majority of party and charter boat anglers WBUam A. Fraar, Rod Bank. Is tha class B flight, Frank flC CCfHBOBMBi KOMti Bextktt defeated M. A . VreelaadVld, Clttadtao. five and lour. mmed. Boats operating out of Johnny's Landing, two and one; Dr. Roger Sche- In the dans B bracket Seymour hlands Marina and Highlands Basin Landtag, all totka nant defeated William Scott, two Conrln defeated Joe McCartay, hlands, did superbly welL So did the fleet at Rooty's sate, sastotad by Mrs. Etna Aa- ReM ON} KODOn LOCKwvOO OS* two and one; Johnny Johnson de- ebta, hospital director of volue- fasted Harold Estey, one up andfeated Harry Drasla, three end r. according to Eddie Cutter. Mixed In with the r services. In case of ram, tbt Harold Mullins, defeated Harry two. and William Read defeated » were surprising numbers of bonito. Night fish- event will be bald Thursday, Austin, two aad one. Frank Fish, four aad three. Wianen In the C DMsta wen , incidentally, was even better than daytime slicking Barker to supervising Nino ptayen advanced in the Pro Andy Sikors Trophy competl- George Gvkbter, over Ano Fang. Trailers were pleasantly surprised to find the The Port bead wffl ttoa. Matches Included Ed Oa-er, one op and Frank Wyna ever Arthur Kaplaa, two aad one. es right on the surface Saturday and Sunday. It Trie- tnnder over Bob Matthews, two with a vantofloojalet, aad hit Four and one; Rocco Ctoffl over Wll- Jerry Jack's M-14-TS aad m't necessary to break out planers and wire line to Characten From Outer apace, AM YOU UALLY A POOTIAU. PLATtR? John MlRer, «, popt epeirieM to Rut- Uam Friedlsnder, two and one;Guldntr's I5-U-7S tied tor San- id a mess o* fish. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lewis and will entertain..Fort Mbnmouth Is ElUot Sparkes over Tom Black, days Ucken. "Mink" HaOer's een' BIN ArnHn, All-Amor'ice faHbeek la I9M, whoa he vltHad KrideTt liunday 13-12-71 won Saturdays kickers. i. Muriel Howland of Rumson trolled up 22 Sunday, also sending a barbershop quar- two aad one; Sam Gialmo over night. Chris Murphy Is eeHtna) Austin'* eutoereph, while other fam Wt on and Walter Stenkeo, one up; In Mil-Ross Woouey, Jr., i irky lures and nylon eels were among the more ea|ey Miller's epostioiis. Others in ptetura, left to right, ere MerHn itmkH, Mike ter over Vince McCarthy, two andwith 7M-T». Dolly Bradley ductfve squidding baits. win perform. DOOM Rock*, Way- r»fM, Antheny Famvlary. Tarry Cornier, HiH Lettlori end Mike Gohrlg. one; Dr. Robert Ticehurst over DeWltt Hanmore, one up; Frank Frank MlcalUzl of Frank's Boats In Atlantic High- side, wffl p M wtts) Baker, ens up. A _WS Metho- Gregory over Walter Conover, da says his outboard patrons are murdering blues f oootMt Is tJfo tnchKtod Is dtot'a Don Meredith, Northwest- two and one, and Robert Squil- Frits Korth, MooM sophomore, Hopkins lures and bucktails at Sandy Hook. Sur- the festivities. en's Dick Thornton* Army's JoeIan ever Bernle Dupree. two andpenorms wm o*s saner lar ms FOOTBALL CaldweU. tha Air Farce's Richie oe. Princeton fearing team. He's ilngly enough, beach anglers haven't done much Mn. Leave D. leery. Eaton- town, affiliate actMU«i chtlrmu •y "Red" Mo* Mayo, Hobo Dame's George lao. Low gross for the week-end was from Fort Worth, Tea*. h the btaeflsh, even though the schools approach to for tbt aurihaiy, It ta charge of Navy's Jos Traachtal, North Ca- posted by Dave Starr with a 33- bin a few hundred feet of sand and Jetties. Come their armnganiwtt lor the event Predicting college footban is atbe outcome of their game may roUaa'a Jack Cumanlngs. dam- M-7J card. Savage and Dupree (Other Sparta oa page SJ) think of it, surf fishing has been slow everywhere. Har sides Include Mn. August precarious pastime. Football Is well dedda the championship • son's Harvey White. Pans State's each turned in 74s. Regan, Balraar, atstgnments; basically a game of movement, that group, as It did a year ago RicUa Lucas aad Mississippi's m fluke catches fell off sharply in the Jetty country. Mn. Campbell, Shrews- blocking and tackling. The degree whan Dartmouth won. Bobby FraakUn. OBT Rn^EBraCea^KB^DBja1 tf KS^flesev a^Ua?mdB^Laaflaas Southen Can- AH this portends « biasing Fair Haven, buiy, prise purchasing, and Mlu la the tar Iraaa Fort, Ksyport, aad Mntal. s depends greatly on dasin or fomia has a strong enough Una to ball year. One I'm really looking Winding Up leOena, ftumean, yesterday Roy VsnPolt, Metawaa, prisa dls- spirit, which can vary appreci- test tha bast, oven Ohio Stats, forward to. if FoBsaVS Boat Yard In wffl UlbvUoa. ably with Individuals and aad UCLA aow straight- to game. We ened away to climb toward flub Races an unexpectep d result dominance It knew a few yean Driver Faces 0CEANPORT-A Labor day and expaaskm for the yard, which wDl be plained by one team being "op" back under the lite Ked Sanders. week-end of racing is amo Rumeoa Yacht Basin. Rocca Slated and the other 'down" — and this In the northwest. WaaUagtoa Tipgy Charge features to be offend for usually Stete, a dangerous _ ben of the Shrewsbury Sailing Tba will invari- MtDDLETOWN — wlBisan A. and Yacht dub, starting Satur- According to Bellezza, outboard operators will be At Asbury Feana, PadBe Ave.. Bast re than welcome. "The small boat owner deserves ably lose, unless it U favoreddis mov- e up near tha top. day afternoon when the final ASBURY PARK - Promote proportionately by the breaks or Don't overlook the,Air races In the current dub cham- try courtesy and consideration, and we intend to see otaad J. HUMS will conclude ualass it eajoys aa advantage in Academy. Tba Falcons may netS22S ball Friday on a charge of pionship series get under way. gets it here!", declared Bellezsa. his wnatUm_ program personnel too wide to bo bridgedinstch their undefeated record of The annual trophy dinner for Friday with wrestling's gnat An- by the "np" team's spirit Such last year, but I think they wffi According to pottos, Mr. Fear- Joe Mathis, chief of the Coastal Patrol, was a vis- by Dr. Marc and their families win going ass advantageg s » ppersonnel become be an even stronger team. be held Sunday evening in the clous e to Red Bank yesterday. He and hla enforcement Graham ia the feature match at I ll ith h Martin, their coach, has a Krohn, and fonni drunk and un- IIH laaslinlj rarer with each sea- tea Bt to drive. Mr. Foam's car !i4S».M. CMVUIkWk IWL son ffo r two reason*. FirstFi , thhe through concept of jorts are in the midst of a blitz on illegal beam *• most young coaches, end that a) tniashal into die rear of another The dinner, placced as a fam- lACINOOAIiV delibentoiy scheduled 'breath- ily affair, starts with cocktails wlers In Raritan Bay. Going "underground" by us- game is not the end of bis attributes. car oa Rt M ta Bdford. ! u-drive skiffs instead of state prtrol vessels, the er" or "rabbit hunt' Speaking of individuals, I be- Tha other ear was driven at S o'clock. Awards for the 1*50 AUG. 8 thru Oa. IS fast becoming extinct Second, season, tor both junior and sen- twrv nwnaav •» UeW Sav L-golng wardens have pinched at least 10 violators, then is an ever-increasing spread Ueve this season win prodace a Frank MOer, Canton Bel- *m cowamowis titmnum crop of manen worthy of the "**• Pottee said Mr. MSler had ior competitions, wiM be made of balaacod strength, both within by Edward A. Ryan, Jr., dub e cases will be aired in Middletown court Sept 10. oa a best of tba past I can quicklyr • stowed down In order to make from Rt commodore, assisted by M. Douw Porgies have been plentiful, but the wholesale think of seven: LSU's Billy Can- a ton has Baat Rd. Ferrls, fleet captain. respect, I can recall nan. Army's Bob Ok-IS, the aoddent occurred. ce has remained surprisingly high, a strong incentive that have matched Uhoma's Prentiee Geatt. Nactn- wO receive a hear- chairman wildcat trawlers to circumvent tha law whteh pro- western's Ron Burton, Ketre ing in Municipal Court Oct » Mr. and Mn. David H. Kingston, that have surpassed!- _. _ . little Saver, assisted by Mr. tits dragging ta the bay. Legal seiners are the way ISM shape* up. l can't &"•*• *** think of a single major »—"I**" •* aalMre. Rattslt Hathaway aad Mr. lie catching porgies m South Channel and off Rock- that can took forward with cost and Mn. Edward Evaneoe, also ->„;, ay, L. I. certainty at aa to aa naitofi...., ___ __ Arnold of Uttte Silver, aad Mr. end*"*. Aadlcaattuakofatverall Than wffl Rasa •Bs^hmaa tlanak Mn. Donald HemfaUag. "•" Rumors to die effect that seiners were Joining the which an good enough, if person- all draggers in a mass onslaught on bay porgies drew through as anticipated sharp rebuttal yesterday from Leonard E. Nelson, tad it sot too disatfactod by ia- rt Monmouth. ea. to be at or Bear the top 'There Is only about a equate asOe of water Every section has at «m aad most of them have two well beyond the two Bale Mattt hi I r more capable of where we caa fish,* enuntsresl Nelson, "We raakag. The Western Conference aa^hA a^A asaaldkaW a^atnaM ^^^•••^k^ ^k# aiakaf^hdjan* A~ AaaatB has at least four ia Ohio State, not set wim any aegree or safety to oar Stace the injury of his brother, Wisconsin, Northwesten and Pur- of the Hook a* Dr. Jerry Graham, Eddie has due. It is asvsr wise to under- bean keeping the Graham name estimate a Notn Dame team, beta eWag baft of ear flribmg In Leag tUve by working alone. This is yet 1 feel that tha Irish schedule, bound to be e grudge match, squared against the time needed with the words that tor Coach Joe Kuharich tode - Nelson further disclosed that the seiners are oper- frying over TV velop his line, win keep them principals. from national ng on a self-imposed quota of ISO boxes of porgies tention this year. By next year, Two team matches an slated they probably will be up r day. A shortage of wood for boxes has cut even with Don Curtis aad Mark Lewln it production down. Alao to be considered is thegoiag against the labra Kid the top dstent clamor for bait from btuefish chummen. The and Aegeto SavokS. ki a two out There's ANaya OMasima Mrs would rattier catch mossbunkers Instead of por- of tana tens. Okhhnms, of course, must be la affair, maldsnd seriously any year, m If there were any bunkers for the catching! Chief Big Heart aad Uttto Eada sad I feel Coach Bud Wilkinson So critical has the bait problem been that local will saoet Karl Vsa Hess aad wOl have hla beat quarterback- lag and most dangerous attack ureas of preground chum have beat a path to the g Tha opening event wflWHl b bee be-sbwe ISM, Ia the Southeastern or of J. Howard Smith. Port Monmouth menhaden •P/MBI iVfeWi aTW enTJO Al Louisiana Stete, Ao- Striving To Better Serve You... Meteors. Smith boats are presently catching most Pint boat at S Mississippppi all have their fish ta Long Island Sound waters. CM.Cub- p. a. rich Then is a snep, Including ge, president of the bayslde concern, admits that he BillQiodwkk • Us Stevens • Frank Porter Georgia Tech. a use menhaden to better advantage than for btue-Fireworks Added Florida aad Georgia, h bait "Nevertheless," says Cubbage, "we are out ofwhkh oaeor two could fettd to be able to help out our angling friends. To Old Bridge's The Atlantic Coast Conference of- MT/11 never go short so long as we have any fish oa i two solid coatenden hi t dock!" North Carolina and Ctemaoa. with Racing Program South Carolina not too far be- Anyone for tuna? We can tell you where they are. OLD BRIDGE - A fireworks The Southwest Conference has it catching Muefins at the moment entails a bit of baity addsd to Friday algfat'a amSaattoa Houywood^tyle. Ja- a candidate capable of chattsan. Ing. There Is a tremendous concentration of ti Jaayjad isokie stock car redag lag the best from say other ana mg the 20-fathom curve, but the fish won't bite re- la Sovthern Methodist, with Tea- inless of what anglers troll by their noses. If s all 5J-Jf«^ts aad Texas Christia« ftn only a rjr frustrating. Aad it • This reporter made a 40-mtte run to blue water far** year's iRlee, Coach JassNaa- iturday with Ferd RoeMIng on the Blue Fta IV, one <"••*£.*• PER TIRE! can bo reel tough oa a those customised 41-foot-long Mg game fishing pack- , ^^ borne tested i which Johnny yRybovlch of West Palm Beach builds Tat flnwarks an lad" teamdow. to Itattoalsat has a towtrd/leok to extremely wett, The Blue Fto IVs twin dleeele ato ytar aad I stffl knew It after ILSJOVUSumSdlSiS Dte game. We wan happy to »the mileage at an honest IS knots, but nary a speck man to The ttanywosorstyls ness that S« away with a 14-7 victory ea tuna blood sullied the teak In the cockpit atom Pees play from Joe CaleV •MYltti TUBUSS M i netr dsbat Friday la apse- wsU to Pete bawktosta the clot- We saw tana, to be i wrackiag can, catch fin, sadlag etepff eo off rnuwtes. wtM sMlee ef sharks, t sa*g^aMBBMj-m a4>aasMtai^ fhspaotatonM , win Army will have liadaitwatl Two flefc were eaaght by a lse«su team thU year, capable the Mg ettnctloa the *4a» I the East rsspsel the Flying Oe«d n, before thetaae bast of aay tee- U.S.RWAlSalffi)8 A BSMB reward, that, for II hoars of The nokles. psrtonsiag on the Halt, la feet. that the lap Japsadent group of Amy, Navy, Even the run of white martin whkh Is normally • Rfl WMIBBS aWO tM IMmf) iWiwgV iture on the late summer trolUng f^SUte. trracMeeaidPltto stakes that aad their actrvWsa. bargh win year la aad year oat it. Three whites and • wahoo were landed by Point Maraaa tsm iis S:N p.B). TkelaterdeaaavA *- * * y A _ •*•**."> well eaaiatt the beet easant and Brittle boats over the weekend. ever Me can ia ththee stlraisjMeway tram aay ana, Pete Pauels of Rumson looks for sharp Improve- nas, bsataalag at I p.ai. after a mt m erabbing, a pastiaie which has bson Tha Ivy League should have two very Batinne footben teams m I In trie doWruJis of fjoc* production an M, kmm nee ef MM i DartaMwta end Princeton - aad M bruedews, thinks Fete, are coming out of the mud far.wJlMI MaUaarlea for mei fastesfastest type i Wast Virginia will play la two droves, He looks for excellent crabbing throughout •t the stadlun mid •season basketball tourna- dlan i year's kwsest teak nuns ments next seasoa—£'2""" stwsfc, whtatwo major ladustrlal fines It took a convincing batltlly tha pkat wffl employ lea was Beaded, hues Mersjtrsaa wane, eaaga- to about Uacroft was getttsg quit, a tar of Mr. aad Mrs. WOUeai R anaouacad that they will eoaotraet oa of pabUe opWoa to 1M autMnobiHstt WaJM of Tmtoa FaBt Rf. lat- plants hers. This m wjUhia a war. ter Ma fate drinking water. Many In April. BOB Tslaphoae Labor- lea came mthaaJckom the aick off nato at What wil mete atoriss revealed plaas for start I daily at John SOB) Of BawtawuM tha verge of acrap- HBIIBTII aad Nastier, of srfco»«traetk»Baxt year oU 111 ptag Thaobvtooa effect wffl be tho Coaover'a to ptag PifMlortaa plaat bore. thirat and moat of them bury, wan married hi It James million lessarch center oa a < TWO pptOUQOat, , wfMh aarigPMtVW Ightaalag of the tax load oa purchases church, acre sttsitae lma Crawford'C s Comer. of almoaatt twothirdtwo-thirds ththa register tows*** laaU" Byy way of 0- ia Charlotte Watts, This wm bo tho first phaaa of odvotSMmthatoaashlufs^ormi luatralsna-tf tha present rata m '! tho bride, waa staid of B4T. aqwaata program •»•<*• tba proposalpp. , resotvea tha ate- tha tawatmp wu appllad la the Frits BoMdtoc af ad to reach IN munosJffl . aMoaM . MaM w off thha t BaBlBl ratable.tM It woulld brinbrimg tho bury Ava., was bast SMB. Last month, Beadjx Aviattoa of well over those petitions hm homes ad- •}? Asbw jLgVy Par5k A surprise party waa held announced that It wffl go ahead Jaooat to tha Bdt doUsrs yearly, Bach the homo of Mrs. Lean Coht with plans to build a O mlln officials lam gaa of OaUsad ft m transistor pUat fa fas vfllags. •" • What wilt that batJsd aa tha prssast tax ra- tioaof the otMtssMa- Recently, a local affldal pro- Dr. aad Mrs. Robert Dickon UkefBetra tto, tho tax rate wasM be cat m of Fair Havea gava a dtaaer par- rtoa Jiaaalaa, of Mr. i posed that a Sttoere tract watt of i completion bo crnrf the lera> At praaext, oaattlrd af the res- ty at their home m hoaor of Mr. Mra.PhaipT.Jl RtTsf basoned for Ught brius- "the laigasi Indos py agesttad idents Is " - Mrs. T. Newton Doremut,Ava. trial raaaareh aatts la tba eoaa- "sevoral "good Industries" work wMhm ths of Red Bank. Those preeest Theirns reported mtenated fa moving fa- two * aloao win bring em- were Mr. and Mrs. Newtoa Do- F * e ' y y* Sr.. and Mr. sad Mn. te the township. to many KeUnm, Normaa Lamb, Cut J. Albert T. Doremus of Rod Bank, A Realty and Mr. and Mrs. William H. bert aad Carl ColmorgeB, Ited ThusTliuf,, what to other Carhart of Little Silver. Bank; Mr. aad Mrs. Chris Diets, f Hat (• a hopa aad a dram la be- Tho four wits, aach aat apart The residents of Bassett St. Mlddletown: Miss AaaabeDe Vaa- WOaUWR. fifBOl coming a reality la Holmdal i a —ttTighv wffl bo ceasMctad County PTA potWooed the board of commis- Daasel, Eataatowl; Namely. tadutrlaJ tax ratabiaa to by a master corridor wktoh wffl to change the aamo of Wake, Keansburg; offitt proiaat aad future a along the outside of each that street to Park PI aad" Charlott~ " e Browa, tlal growth. structure. Ceatored betweea I Council Meets Miss Mamie Zeller. BrooUya. Obtaining Industry, uatta wm be a targe courtyard. Mrs. Henry Christie of Laks- EdMortal Datoi Seat 1, t*N Norma Cathtriae Wlldmaaa aad wu not easy for Holmdal. ood was lostsss last week at Francis WlUtaiann. ehlldrea of First, It took a knockdown, bh> Tho politicians are getting tha courtyard, ssrvmg as aa sd- the annual plcaic meeting of of- more afraid of tho direct pri- Mr. aad Mrs. Frauds WIMmami ttr battla, to kaap tha lid oa ficers, ehslrmea aad members of mary aystem, and they are de> of Monroe Ave.. Shrewsbury, away housing developments. Tha tho board of managers of the uatts. Tba elevators wffl havt vising all torts of schemes to were baptized m St James Cath- Who Can't Read? bttti« took tho form of a eovrt Moainouth Ctwnty Council of Par knock out ths principle of letting otic Church by Rev. John P. suit overatowiismpwMs walkways leedmg toto aach aatt. ante aad Teachers at hsr boms Tha oataMa gglasl s perimetep r of the people choose their own Fallon. soning ordinance. hero. Mrs. Fttaak Yspps of Free- candidates. The old way of choos- Holmdel allowed one tha mastet r corridoid r wilill producd e hold aad Mm. A. W. Rosenbluo WHO CANT READ? th tft f tU dk t ing candidates wu to elect dele- Bdkorlal DatoTaeat I, HM development, felt the impact oa of EagUshtoeva were assisting gates to a convention and then It depends on what you mean by reading. We don't man mladl Its school system, aad slammed let tho delegates choose the can- Its reading, reading oontSody out of tha patty, or reading gaa tho door on coneeatrated __ Mrs. Nsrryi P. Forasrotto of didates. Thst gave the politicians ^M *-- >• meters, the future, tew leaves, or the riot set We mean reading It won tha oat acre court Ught The old 01 nvrsesnoi f'ttlBlawtt jCOUBCil pftttdtott easy and cheap control of the pitching seems to be even more caalknaing and difficult material (like textbooks) so that tha Township y p said Mrs, Arthur L. Davis of Ms- popular hereabouts thaa it was reader Icnows what he's read snd understands it — not the sessions, a master plsa has beta The plaat wffl be a dty wkSla plewood. vice president of the candidates, and u both sides Haatf. A modara sower plaat, pow- selected their candidstes in the last year. Blacksmiths are ex- third or fourth time, but the first time. And not taking all night developed, aad a capital reserve New JerseJon y Coogress of Parents periencing an increase fund started. er atattaa. Ubrary. cafatarla, aa- same way, the people had mighty pg of busJ- to do it, either. That kind of reading takes aad Teachers, will be to charge little to ssy about It h These fsctors tamed largo m ness on this aecount and some Within the past few yean the sports stores find it profitable to Bell's doeisloa to come toHobvto area, fire brixads. eouasy chairman Sept U at Bal- SKILL a track dock people throughout the country carry a stock of shoes. Last win- del hud Methodist Church, Asbury and training by experts . . . people who know tha diffsreneo • of tho facilities plaaaod for have begun to tire of the con- ter several large buildings m this As for BendU. tho task waa of Park, at IS a. tm. stant selection of candidates by eighborhoodi I for aiaht between reading words and reading ideas ... who know how a diffarsat nature. Township of- the center. The council executive board will politicians and by irpi games, and there la every indi- to get speed without a loss of understanding ... who know ficials had to resooe a residen- meat Sept 31 at the home of by whom the politicians are em' cation that the sport will have how to get the best out of students ... who realise the dose tial area m tha village a. H. O. Houne ia Sea Girt. Include one large aad cos small A ployed and they have passed even more facilities aad more connection that binds skill in reading, in writing, and in apeak- Bendix could build. workshop for local PTA of devotees during tho approaching pool. These will provide water" laws in many states providing ing ... who an not satisfied with mediocrity . . . who eaa and chairmen Is being cold weather season. the alr-coBdlUonlBg aad fire fight- ri—M^f for Sept. 10. for the selection of candidates by pack more vigorous, demanding teaching into an how thaa From tbs outs* than wu op- direct vote of the members of One thing which differentiates position. Owaara of large araw Tha oouacU avse voted to aend each party. Under this law the horseshoe pitching from many you'd think possible. These things come mainly from / of farmland surrounding tho Ban- About 1.SN persons wlU be em- subscriptiOBS to the National PTA ployed people have a chance to vote other games is that it requires to a ..professor m the little or no training aad no great EXPERIENCE the center is< on the candidates they want and . .__ _„ . dtole of UniversitUniversitUii y can reject the ones they don't outlay of capital. Like every oth- of a varied and intensive kind. We mean the kind of experieaea STOCK MARKET 72? ***• *" «*ow to Hospital at Upsale, SwedenSd , andd 9L4.0M? to 72 1.000?. want. This has deprived the polit- er sport it has experts or stars that cooes from training over 5,000 business snd professional 1000 to , aoctor la CWhauhua. Mexico. Bendix plans to erect a n.OH- ical bosses oa each aide of their who excel, but among the totters people (at NYU Reading Institute, Fort Monmoulh, Naval Air REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. ChristiCh e was elected to are many who have no exception- square-foot baildiag housing tales pewer and they are now striving Development Center. IBM, etc.) not including the elementary, eerve va the bbartfi recording to repeal the laws thus passed al skill, yet who when matched WANTED flfflcts. *nglnetrtng Isbs and as secretary. high srhnnl, snd rnlWp» atiidcnt* (300 in 40 different classes tombly operatkies. The plaat will Barrow Rex of Rumson, while against each other ere u likely this summer alone). We've trained college professors who read •T ««nbll*>«« Mwt Iv of riding his bicycle, ran into a tree » have close and exciting con- manufacture transistors IB laje umoppBora ao faster than 6th graders, and scientists who couldn't keep up keuM w MU HIM, winmi, Mock u* near C. N. Bills' place and was teats as the most adept players fia>4a. «u. XIOMMBI in aite from a "shirt buttoa to eats hi the rain forest of Brazil, with developments in their field. And we've had great succeaa f Wrtt* "Stack IbiW" a walnut. the females capture all tha food. thrown to the ground. He was This is true to a greater cut with high school students aiming for a good mark on the "Col- til. IU4 auk. Designed similar to a "modern do all the work wad fight an the *** bruised and his bicyle of this gams thaa of most ath- school building," the plaat oB-baMtas. was damaged. letic sports. lege Boards" snd admission to the beet colleges. Primary wd It affords exercise aad recre- elementary school children come to us too. These ara the grades tea for many who otherwise where the whole job starts, snd children bad better learn their would not have opportunity to en- phonics and other fundamentals wed. Otherwise there ie no joy these attributes of well point ia trying to learn anything else, since all studying suits rounded living. Not the least of with reading its desirable features is that ft The Community Bank Is almost free from danger of in- jury. Young sad old may play it with equal safety. It may not be WHO CANT WRITE? so exciting to witness as dog rac- ing and a good many other new- ' We don't mean penmanship. We mean the ability to communi- tangled thugs which have be- cate ideas logically, effectively, readably — with proper an* come very largely patronized, but tonce structure and paragraph organisation — with ao errors by way of contrast it is refresh- in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Most people can't write ing that this clean, old-fashioned wen — or st least well tnough. That's why so much instruotwo wholesome sport it regaining ia being given to people in business who have already complet- popularity it possessed ia a lass New Jersey Trust hectic era. ed college, but who aren't good enough for the damands nadw upon them today. STORY- Charge Man f MN tht bt* itttdent* trmt't at good in eonmunkmtiom sMts at ikty acoi la 6e so sitei lA« awmaasit mat* upon firm us Left Accident eotfege aatf later in Uft. CoStgtt rtcmpuu Mis acoi. aasf lAt FIFTY -FOUR YEARS OF John C Lovey. 44, of VU Bay- 'CeOtgt AoaraY tmpUdu thttt tkittt. Tht public sefooi* abo PROGRESSIVE BANKING jviow Ava.. Betford. waa charged saoserioe s> thttt btlitjt, but kavt btm tomtwhat hmptrti with loavtag tha acaae of aa ac- •aw uJpg^W^PBg^VBBB^sBjJV VUPVPT^ f^BJv^SSwwMgwwT 9^v2avv^nlwSjFaw V^B^PBF FWwB^tjojr ajassja^ fJvwoT Maat Saturday followlag a two- dihlp$r.rtd y day followmg a tw»car cm system, Fmir Lmm, iaditi to mehdt rtaimg vutneUeu for |at Riverside aad Bridge Aves. Rod Baak Polka Sft Emersoa oB jtWeals from trait 7-12 fiiuttai of dropping it at 6), at R. WilUams reported Lovey was an imttgral part oJtht English eestrsr. tht program hat work- headed wast oa Riverside Ava. td out vtry wtm\ but it look two sotte* years of workthop mttt- whoa hie auto struck a car head- iagi with tht ttaehtn to develop tht mtetttary mattrmt. 1 am ed aouth aa Bridge Ave. driven proud that I mat tdtdtd at tht consultant oa MM pro/scf. by Dolores Boyce, 31, of 11 Sixth Ave.. Atlantic Highlands. OUR PURPOSE State Trooper William Gray of is to meet the needs of serious students for svppkmentary the Keyport barracks, who was training in these skills. Although we have some students who first st tha acaae of tha accident, are below grade level when they come, moat an already reason- said he chased Lovey about five ably good or extremely good students. Many of them asesa miles into Mtddletowa after willing to make considerable sacrifice to achieve their goala. Lovey left the scene of the Last year students commuted lo evening or Saturday morn- ddent. Trooper Gray said Ing clssees in Rumson snd Ses^Rirt from points ss fsr afield so t Lovey about two miles of Navesiak River Rd. Esssx Fetls, South Orange, Elisabeth, WeatiieM. Princeton, Dolores Boyce wss takea to aad Trenton. Advance registration for this fall includes stu- Patterson Army Hospital i dents from New York City. treated for cute of the face, log aad arm. Sgt Williams said, a OUR SUCCESS ooklng backward to mtr own madctp start and tho growth wo f fWeMMQ* oMyCt sMafiVfVol is probably duo to our almost idea) teaching situation. Oasm have OR|oyasJi this ooiMMMrty hcnh tehsM pride In tha tantrlhutlaa Cttt CyflMQW MM MM sW Wi are email, and grouped very carefully according to levels af see Ml owa doctor. ability. Teachers era tho best I can find, and specially trained t hat made to tha profrott of Mowmabj+h County. ia my owa awtbode. Tha readiness of the students to work hi Organised m IfCf/awr ttatamoat at tho aloto of butlaeti Juno 10, ltO4, aiPsmsrUy aa important fsctor. All ars planning an ooBsga, Miss Mary tuttvaa, Rt », •ad *fl sana willing to work hard to meet oar rather rigorous shawosJ eiiefi of 1141,411.14 . . . o fhjwro twe)t frew to $11,410,494.71 BVAA a^asWasHst^kM JOMBSSSB at os4*oa> m*Uam ataadarda. Perhaps our greatest asset is our stock of origiaal on Jury 11 of thii y—r. her brothoMa-taw aad sister, Ma- tor aad Mrs. Harold Hill m BMtortal*. It is true, of coarse, that our visual aids — tiiaod Teesy, «s throvfh moro thaa had • e^atury, Nww Jartay Twit It a hank Paso, Tex. films, etc, — ore available to anyone who is willing to pay for af tha people aad tho area It sorvae. Within who framework of thii prln- Mrs. Felix Manhsaastt of Mas- them, hat there ia no way of painpurchasingg the thuasadthouasadt of lachusatu, Is vtaWag her tea raadind g exercises Wld In thithi s tchon over thha last 10 elaJe, wo thall aonthtaa to oasMud oat torvleos In tho hatt intaratts af cWvslopod daughteruvUw, Mr. years. It would be difficultt alsal o to Nad anywhere the hawJrsda •ut nalghhors, vndef tho fMleJcMO of ttoahholsfort, dlrottort and afflaori Mrs. OaraM Moahsaastt of Wai- of Eagtish composition and spelling exercises that have bom who «ra «loia to our psopio and tho Loaf Iranoh troa. aut St. elovsioptdj to meet specific needs. Mr. aad Mrs. Rjdswsy Maea Cooptr Rd't ffOfnily ciiiofi their 17th wodamg aaalvertary. A* a reaull a/ itmmd, wt havt gradually tnlargtd mr pro- gram H uMtodt teurttt in pubik tptmking, their three chfidrea of Oak Kit lanpagti. Wt havt alia iiutUHad afltrnton ebssri far littU vlsltsd Mr. ROM'S sMthar tkSirm in rtadthg and vitkmttie ani ntning eounn for Phllsdetehia last waakead. admit,' If«. // VON think you art inttr*H*d m knowing mart about Chariot Armstrong of Oak Hit) Rd. waa a recant medical pa- trhooiand our program*, aW l°* o»f turrtnt bullHin, la Rlvervlew HaaaMal. 147 LOCUST AVI. fersev IROAOWAY af Walter White. Rt. M, foH from W. LONf> IRANCH MwMOKIAL PKWAY, mjury. H* It • pattoat hi Overview HoepMsl. RUMSON READING INSTITUTE dover M have rfti:t.;»d from a visit wtth RU 1-UM Mrs. Mott's pareati, Mr. Mrs. Lester Bell. Phoenicia, N. Y. t Economic Noose Tightens SIEVE Boating Tips On Our Crowded Colleges WASHINGTON (AP) - Amari-

late tlshlsaiH vice of m* sky U tha yean aeatiM la aot laacnawMa to be harder to gat. This Ifa to bt much I tor a stick. _ J up Job tor Last fall, 1% miilioa • funitare. saroUsd ia teattion'sukitHutioas "Taaro'a aa mass say to* of higher education. By Itn, ac- uys Cartm. Ht»iM baymg a eordtog to the experts, the fig- ure will bt at !«tt six million. ward." If me vanish you palated aa Partofthlslsduetothersp- By WALT DISNEY your beat tut yaar shows aa air Mry growing populattoa of tha MICKEY MOUSE bubble ban ami ttera. It ahoaM United States. Evaa mora Ugai- be lands aBstsd. Its float, perhaps, is tha desire of to gat a eku rag sad spray a mora sod more Americaas tor a bit of vanish aa It This Is called a tack rag. Rab the brttoa oa mo varalah spray The rising cost of educatioa oa eaa. It's at simple as that. every level is purely Continuing Inflation Is the cost of everything Ia aa effort to hold tha tort right ef way against the swarm of high school graduates bearing down oa them, the colleges and universities ere getting mora selective. They're demanding better grades for admission — better grades hi tough, academic court- i. Many first-class schools find aliied iastructtoB than the larger twe kaatt approach at la general, the applicant with they have openings when classes schools. By MEL GRAFF laaeraftoatf poor high school grades Is going actually got under way because Ine small collages have an- SECRET AGENT X9 to find tt tocmstngly difficult tomany high school graduates, anx- ther Important advantage: ia get Into the college of Ms choice. ious to get started somewhere, most cases they have lower tui- NO PBACnCINOI Even the state universities, many apply to aa many u four or ttoa rates aad ttvmg coats some BALTIMORE (AP) - Origami of which have been forced by five Institutions. They msy bething that will ba lacweslagly hi me aatieat Japaneee art oflaw to accept say graduate of aaccepted by three, but they eaa important kt tha yean ahead. toldng paper Into ooapaeatod high school within the state, are show up at only one. Today, the average,college stu- dentpays abort aafr&lrd of ne birds aad other forms. tightening their admission stand- ards. The pressure Is particularly actual cost of Ms education. Is Wbaa a New York must acute oa the exalted "prestige" a state supported college or uni- •sat art catalog* for It Inter colleges la six New Eaglaad versity ha pays abort oaa fifth Aattoaol aaUbtt of Origami, each The weak student may have to states—Maine, New Hampshire, the cost; ia the mot* expensive was plainly marked: "Do Not attend a junior college for a year Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode rlvste schools ba pays toss thaa Fold." or two to bring his credits up toIsland and Conaecticut-aad ia Uf. • . par. Even then he may have to New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- READING TERMITES shop around a bit before he finds vania and Ohio, says Dr. Nils Y. Collage effldala ara reluctaat- NORMAN. OWa. (AP)-Twtn- aa tnstiuiuoa of higher learning Wessell, president of Tufts Uni- ly raising tasttoa rates, but they ty-oiae copies of "Our National that will accept him. versity. Forests" had to ba removed fr However, ths difficulties of get- can't ba increased to a point amtdk f •^tlfMBBSamaems' aS a^aVldkmksamH^ limkaa*> ting Into college aren't as treat In their desire to when they mast fas acted ex- •9 UHrlimj Of "IIHIBIBI MDfl they sometimes have been "prestige" school, many high penses of educattoa, Taut would by termites. palated. school graduates ara overiooUag nn only tha cfaOdne, of the By JIM BURNETT awf GEORGE CRANDALL a good educational bat ia therich could afford a college ado- NUBBIN Punt* hundreds of small colleges scat- cation. Meanwhile, college presi CROSSWORD PUZZLE tered across the country, where in M many cases a student can gat a alumni donations, contributions better education than in one of from big corpwrattoas aad pMlaa- lTatf the big universities. The smaller 4-0Hl«t», colleges offer mora porsoa- creased state aad federal aid. (aRT) t-RftMfW Rx to High Grades: 11-MM'I MekMBM UHb itsua r«fMl Leave Car at-Home drjrlns h«a of tS.Mak«a lac* Principal Willis G. Nelson of Mad- meat Council, aimed MtWMt M-Laava Mgvmbol far Sl-Skttt •» ctrluoi M-Mlfk checked up oa the grades of stu- bers distributed ptodga cards 14- Part of •ounula denU who brought cars sad those By KD DODD "l» kt" which the stgaer promised to tup- MARK TRAIL UMournful who didn't: SS-Chans* <*>* of I. No straight A Madison High drive their can to signed by paraate, bat school. signed ead returned by 2. Of students who dropped out A Youth Coagrass was formed of school. U per cent brought to tka driviag baa their can and had them avail- wrlttam able for use duriag school hours. at-PMkar aa« •tttkar average studaats. quor and tobacco by minors. te-aakoM! 19 per cent drove cars to school; •Coatrottmg tha parkiag of sto> of the C average students. 41 dtat cars 01 me scnooi has eUmhutad coagastioa sad re- studeate, 71 per cant. to a mlalfltttm tha cbaace After Netaoa'a study. trustees of aeddante to ckildrea oa the of Madison School District passed Cars are still drivea to school Junior aad senior high school aad parked oa the streets. students who drive can to school sudents kaow may eaa ba tw must make written appUcatwa to paadsd tor usiag their can Mm the school board showing the res- By WALT KELLY need to drive their car These granted permis- DENNIS THE MENACE by Harnk Krtehaa



REVEREND By CAL ALLEY Injured by Or 'MIDDLETOWN - Defara ds CMcchle, I, ef IS The TraH, set a possible braia aad outs Thursday shewu streck by s oar en Klags Highway.

HoepHat where her eoadittea mi

PWIes MM the oar m driven WUUdJU Lake. The driver Mid he wu a*** WMt M nan Hwjr. wfaM the child appeared horn behind a «r gntaf la tkt opposite dime. tton and na hi front of his car. Patrohnaa Walter Month* No dun* wu

OWE MJOOD AT rostr FORT MONMOUTH - Fort Monatwth blood down con- tributed Ml plats to th« Rtd BkwdnobUo at th* post rsday. Tht unit from tht Ntw York Refjoaal Blood Center hu now received %m plats of blood LUNCHION MUTT—Shrawtbury Town* Chapter, Daughters of the Amariean Rave. la six visits btrt during 1*5». lution, will hold a buffet lunehton, card party and fsshion show Thursday, Sept. 10, Two mort visits to Port Man- at tht Peninsula Heuie, Soa Bright. Committte aidoi, left to right, are Mri. George mouth an scheduled this year. The next win bo aa Oct. 8. W. Cook, Mri. C. S. Townitnd, Mrs. Frank Borden and Mrs. Otis Seaman. "FORWARD WITH PROGRESS" CATHOLIC nWP SCHOOL — A freshman class of ebeut 140 will be the first class at the Christian Brothers Acadtmy, Lincroft, Sept. 14. the long building is e renovattd racing stable which houstt tight classrooms and 1840 to 1959 a aafattria. The covered building at right is an enclotad running track. The land formerly btlongtd to 6reen> tree Stsbltt. A $1,000,000 permanent academic building is planned next year. Each of the businesses listed below have played an important role in progress. They are enterprising people who know the value of the communities they serve. ~" listing below comprises a total of three thousand four hundred ninety four years three months of service to communities in this area. That's a long time in any Planning Is the KeyFined $150 man's book. > Each of these can be proud and justly so ... for who can deny the fact that these After Raid people have and are moving "Forward withe Progress!" From the oldest to the new- MIDDLETOWN— Robert and est, they are directed by capable, aggressive and optomistic personnel who are will- To Red Bank Future Ivy Medler, operators of Bamboo ing to meet the challenges placed before them by the rapidly growing communities Inn, Port Monmouth, were fined RED BANK - PROGRESS ED. purchass. Hie Register put portant structures. Ths process that they are situated in. There wers only 1.M0 Xe4the tint SIM. .. but noSJlt seems far from finished. a total of ,$150 Thursday on Bank dtiians in 1178 whan The was raised. Red Bank has gone a long waycharges growing out of n raid on m YIARJ M YIAM 20 YEARS II YIAM Register first begu to serve their These and similar since 1908 when it became a the inn last week. SOt SOLE'S BARBER SHOP CHAI. H. TINDALL news appetite. where because of iJeCttOttS- borough, and William Otterson, On a police charge that beer U Moomaulh SI. Red Bank MINER SUPPLY CO. LANE'S MARKET »»r»)rn SaUancd CuMoracra Today, as The Register starts but always there have been many a Democrat, became it* first was sold illegally in the unlicen- SO Ytart. 12S W. Frail St. Xta Btak t sed inn, the operators were fin- Rad Bank BMabllltaad ISM daily publication, this thriving residents insistiog that tht river mayor. The political flavor al IS Watta St FRANK VAN SYCKLE. INC. sa 14SU) municipality has a population ap- ihould be recognind "as a cea- most alway' s 'h u 'bee n Republi- - --• ed 150 each. Fines of $25 each own, 14 YIAM were levied on charges of viola- 14*41 W. Froot Bt. Rrd Bank 2* YIAIS preaching 15.000. tral feature in the plan" for de- can, but a distinguished, twice- 113 YIAIS Dodi* aa< Plrmouh Pumnr can OIL DELIVERY. INC. tion nf *s township hwt'tri onl* &34EC J2t Rlt*'' Tmrka Oil Burn.r Bal.i and Strttwa TAFSUN'S vetopmeot. ihe thinking guet on elected Democrat »o* Mis. Kith Ouarantaad Utad Can fittl unt — Ait Cu iii mrota at. ow. arine Elkus White, put in office nance. CLAYTON & MAGEE ) Htrbart at. la ' IS Brood SL Rtd B*nk "Opening up Broad St. to the la 1948 u the first chief execu Mrs. Elsie Brown, Fair Haven SriU Knnii tad SoyaSoya- Wear At THE MERCHANTS TRUST CO. river should be given high pri- tive from her party to hold the and Amos Nixon, Port Mon- W LocatioLti n SineSie * \M* 4t YIAII Ik Fair Hum AU. DAT SAiOONO BASKIN'S ority," Mayor Gray said. chair in 20 years. A general stat mouth, at rested as disorderly •M.HMi*d ISM BLAISDELL LUMBEh CO. ALBERT S. MILLER BuiMlae Ma'anau. Red leak's Jewel of stability hu marked borough persons In the raid, were given Barnea eaalur •*"• 1110.. SHOE COMPANY tS S. Brtda. AH. lUd Bank 21 YIAIS FABRIC FAIR The Navesink is Red B a n k' politics. 30-day Jail sentences which were st. R.d amok TOWN ft COUNTRY SHOP Footmtr or DMInetMi lewd. Once the borough's river Recent Galas suspended on the condition that 47 YIAIS II Undta PI. lUd Bank and Red Bank. Itself, got inter- Red Bank's recent gains have they stay out of Middletown ACME FURNITURE COMPANY CAPITOL BAKERY 1ST Moemooui St. Rad Bank been a new municipal building— Township. Mrs. Brown wu fin- Quality Footw.arioo rim... Fltt»d I*nah Braad, nan*. O II YIAIS national publicity because of the S»mnf MnammHli and Octaa OouMlat Bak»4 DaW. Rubban Sine. 1112 location here of tht annual na- the former Bell Telephone struc- ed $25, and Nixon. $20. John B. Allan WhotaiaK IMall jREDJANK SAUSAGE KITCHEN Harry H. S. Waltt 10S Shrawabunr An. MM tional sweepstakes regatta pow- ture on Monmouth St.—reconver- Samuel Butler, Port Monmouth, Pattan " ~ 4* YIAM SH 1 UB owner of the building, was JOHN CO. erboat feature. But the 'Stakes «1«» o» the old Borough Hall, M Broad SL I Bank GOLDINS MEN'S SHOP BAYNTON'S FLOOR died because of lack of support. once the Shrewsbury Township charged with permitting opera- an i-o*t » Braad St. lUd Bank COVERINGS 12 YIAIS Mayor Gray says his admin- Hall, across the street Into police tion of a disorderly house on the BMabUahad Mil Unol.iim. Caraat and Wall Til. U YIARt S W. From «. R» Ml Barcalni IH T-2S52 ersch—now a councilman—up keeping; development of an up Police Capt. Raymond Walling IS ara4 St a.iwral llrrehannm Far Th« chairman of a wstcrfrcat com- to-the-minute police system; con- led the raid Monday of last 41 YIAM •ntlra Famllr OPPORTUNITY SHOP ANTMt'E* ANDERSON BROS., INC. I Broad St. Red Bank III Rroaitwajr K,. „ - mittee In 1157 with the view in ditions of general excellence in week with 12 members of the de- ft YIARS cai and Unit DMant. Mo»in|. : ; the fire department; construction partment perWHpatine. Police tin*. Clan Starast raewtm. H. S. OILMAN - Antmtw Collector mind of restoring Co Red Bank F1M fleet! Burel ]3 K. Front St D.IM. Horaa Trantpocttliao. SarlnKf at.. Rad Bank IH T-IU1 Red Hint the hard-won title of "River of a new first aid headquarters, will continue a crackdown on any WEST FURNITURE CO. SH 140M Eitabllilutl 1*41 mm us Chunk Stiwu Sports Center of the East" Lack and the establishment of River- placet along the Baythore op- Xtrsort Eaiabllahed 1947 42 YIAIS 24 YUIS niBERRS MEN'S APPARr-ARr-L of attendance at a well advertised view Hospital u one of the proud- erating illegally. Capt. Waiting 3S Broad St. RxR l BBank est institutions in New Jersey. said. •4 YIAIS MARTIN J. McGUlRE. INC. THOMPSON AGENCY Mtytr Gctf|t A* public meeting, he said, spelled AIXAtRX a SON AOBNCT Saacltuunt la air eaidmwilng ud Htattan -- Im the answer. No real enthusiasm Harding Rd. hu been widened, Mrs. Chris Tabel, Beachvlew County't OldaM Raal luauaf. Wrc. IMS 11 YIAM All tnu «l Tnuabln.. a Monmouth St. entrance to the Batata Firm KM Baak rag tpeUed success. That was SI YIAM bUbllaaad IStS ^^ this ough Attorney Ssmuel Caro- Mrs. Mary Thompson, who was for m u 11 i p 1 e-story apartment summer. r Rtanonta SaACOATS FINANOB CO. A companion to the tUT,l« tsavto said when the PUC made staying st the Inn. testified mat IS BROAD ST. COMPANY STEPHEN J. GROSS. INC houses .. . and these should be U MowIBMMUl SI a) Tnn of Striic. To AutomaMlt dredging program wu pumping Its dactotoay Red Bank wanted she bought two cans of beer on aad Band PELCO, INC. In the luxury class, overlooking Parehaa*ra In Moomoulb and FACTORY AUTHORIZED our beautiful Navesink." of the bottom material on a 21- its application on file to have th V unlicensed premises Oe*an Covnllti. BH TlMt — SALES ft SERVICE lohhlnf am) npaira «f «• He also spoke out anew for acre section of property at the work done "whenever the money Magistrate Manson warned the ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP Mo me tao —M. to available." TETLEVS U Whtta St. Had Bank CHRYSLER AIRTEMP opening Broad St. to the river, foot of River St. which wu given Medler brothers to clean up the Cocnm.rclal StathMwri SH 1-0*11 The past decade hu been kind inn or face new charges of health mile. SUM!** * nqul>mtnt AIR CONDITIONING 7 YIAIS More than that, however, May- "> Red BankJqr Mrs. Alice Ap- IT Braaa St M Si HEATING EQUIPMENT to Red Bank. The next -one 24 YIAIS ALTEX PIPE * SUPPLY CO. or Grsy said the urgent pleget Farr. The park to aspect- code violations. Mr. Quail toetl- TWTI—OWa—OftlBS Caf»M SH MM RED BANK should be generous. fled that he found hnpioper sanl PLUMBINO • HBATDaO MIPPlHs BOW is for professional master *d *• OP* *** limited use 71 YIAIS 22 YIAIS B. N«*n*n Baftast M. planning so that. In all directions, year after water drains out of As Mayor Gray put it: "This tsry facilities, accumulated gar- 1 PROWN'S saftNwsbury to the end of the beginning." bage and rats at me Inn REUSSILLES — *» "— DORtTS PHOTO SHOP IH 11111 the right thing; will go in a the soil. Officials do not want U Wallaea at R»i Bank PALMER STATIONERY the right places. Others before It all to be laid out In sportinL IS Brat* SI. IUS "EraytMn* PhataarapHle" rouMDSJD ties CHRISTMAS CARDS A SPtCtAUrfE ?t Mm had similar thoughts. The««W». fteling there "still should HONEYBEE ' an MSSS *™ challenge was not new aad the"* eBwa ?••*• whsre somebody Raritan Club Raisin* Funds 71 YIAM WILLIAM A. FLUHR n nm Art. Atlaatla SUklaada I. KttlOBL - Mta tad Bo?l- OMMiif Llllla Sllrar AT 1-MSS " past was marked with stumbling caa stt dowa on a bench s Wanwii'i Canal W.ar. BraaJ and Whit. R/i. mm SU. n*4 Bank SH 1-SM FLOWERS FWI Oil OH Bunwrt blocks read a book." But they feel «S4 Braad St. n*d Bank SH 14tm * YIAM As lately u 1931. an elaborate will pump some renewed vitality To Discuss For Scholarship) ajfn IH 1 4030 •fit SUIHN n BnjoyaM* Y.ar. " SAVINOS AN. D LLOAN AOSOCUTION A4vartlMn In THB RED BANK RED BANK CARRIAGE SHOP master plan wss worked cut for "to West Red Bank Mrs. Bertram Feinswog of RedA Mutual .ja IMMMkm arstn- RCO1STER line. ISM. 1 E. Front SI. Mad Beat •a. • - a , ™ . ' eaj«] BIT BBRHf, aJtBBJ ItjaaaapaDailaatai BV S ta ta. aamr- 21 YUIS SKabllatMd ISM Red Bank. It was published but Projects Bank, vies chairman In chars* atmant <* tarvt. kam* 21 YUIS BURNON UPHOLSTERY SHOP •ever followed completely. An ei- That part of lbs borough also g Mmoum Vitrnt*rraa«l H>l Quality ana BarvlM Our Mtndard S YIAIS citing feature then proposed was is to be introduced to something of fund raising for the Monmouth "* •»-»•»-••- •*-••** UWES COAL CO.. INC. II W.« « , RMtBank RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Com-County Dental Auxiliary, Is |n IS Biaad naS Bank Fu.lt. AU T»M« af M*alln| and Btak a hut* public park stretching never before seta her*. The Redmittee and department chairmen charge of a luncheon fashion Air OaadHlaMn| EqWptn.nl M YUIS from Cooper's Bridge to Spring 71 YIAIS wrta^ K« Htnn Bank Housing Authority Is du of the Woman's Club discussed show to be held Sept. 24 In Crys- LINDEN PORK MARKETS^ 3Va YUM St., with features Including gar- next year to open up Montgom- plans and projects for tht corn- tal Brook inn, Ettontnwn, for ANDERSON MUSIC SHOP 32 YIAIS It dens, s big playing field, a muak cry Terrace—a public apartment lag club year during the initial the benefit of their scholarship tar Mnina. Prim. Maatt LUDWIG'S DELICATESSEN ABALENE r taiandl PmPmiNri r IS Wtllaca SI ^ ^ MM pavilion, boat basin, parking ares unit for 41 low Income families- msstlng of the executive com- fund. SMaMlilwd t EXTERMINATING CO. two groups of tennis courts, club near tht river, Promised hu mittee held la the borne of Mrs. Pinna were mads st a board ftl YIAtI aad boat houses. Dry fill would been the removal of substandard I YIAIS Maurice Lynch, T Cerasil Dr., meeting recently Is the home of KSSUBTaiiarantMdt W. be used ta build up Inshore retch- housing as the result. Haslet. Mrs. Nathan Tansnbaum la long STRAUS CO. sn tun PR S-MIS atlM tnit B»r»lc» THE BARDA SHOP es of the Nsvtsink at the bottom isn _ Rad Suk Green hu bees a popular color Plans aad projects will be pre-Branch. 1SSS in of the Mil. Direct access to s here. Joseph Ssrpiee, the chair- sented to the general member- Proceeds wiH be used ta pro- _ STANDARD A SODEN-S FLOWER SHOP" parkway street would hsve been msn of the local Shade Tree Com- el YIAU tnr All oaatttant VINCENT'S COATSHOWJ ship at a masting to be heM vide a SBM two-year scholarship Udl.i' Uatwr Oatlt ^aaa Ta from Riverside Ave., Msple Ave mission, has beta put in charge tonight at S o'clock la St. Mary's me anil gives simuaHy ta a Mm> DEAN'S FLOWERS nrd.r Al RaaamtMl Vrkwi Broad St., Wharf AAvt. and Spring of a program for hundred* of J H rlrwa. An. iUd Bank Church Hall, East mouth County high school grade- Rasatttaa^iani young trees to give shsHsr from front Si. Keyport tie, enrolled In a coarse lead- PARADISE PETLAND. INCT Death 01 A Vleita ths sun to future gensratlenj Of The budget for ths year, pre- ing to a dental hyglsnJst't de- M Mmmmik m... B*« Bank The vision wss that el Herbert led Baskets pared by Mrs. Oute Donat, Mrs,Sree, MuttJHos of Rtd Bank 1»lH-b~*7ill6f¥ 11 YlAM BTBPHAN'S ISW. SViM oar. fw dlwrliaJatlNia turn. I. Bwaa. New York City, a pro- Oraas sales loag have shown Uchard Craadall. Mrs. James will show fall doth**; pto Joy's BAIRD-DAVISON Mall SI., Btlrard, KB MSS*. feaaloMl planner. Cost for the Raw Bank among the leaders of Phtmps aad Mrs. WllUam Me- ITS W proposed M«Mcre park-astd* retail business Is the nation. Laae, was approved by the *s> 2Vi VUIS from buildings, curb, pavements Mayor Gray expressed confidence emtlve committee. Mrs. Donat Lin, OtNaa gradiag. planting andMandscap- that this municipality will maw- president. Assisting th* chatrmea PERRY'S an Sf YIAM tl WaMa St. Kg-was figured between I2M,» tain its prominence u "the hub ship dues are payable at the Sep. Mm David Ahsrmaa, tnoTTS of Monmouth County" dttpttt tht tsmber meet lag. Branch, fsshkm ovordlutor; t (Irmtmm Snna buildup of out-of-town shopping Mrs. Donat Introduced the fol-Mrs. HsroM S. Tambour, But Ihe plan wu voted down tin- eiRt - r 1IM, when Ihe Lyceum centers. "Esrh of our sell lowing officers and chairman for raft, reservations, and Mr*, burned at ths foot nl something dlffersat," he said her tMMO club year: Mrs. Craa- Tansabsum, tickets. THE COMMBRCIAL PRESS •road St., Merest flsrsd for the "Business hers has growa bt- ill, first vice president; Mrs Mrs. Alvln Metier of Red Bank OLIVER SHOES _ j of Bread St. to ths river fore, end It win go on growing.'1 obert SUeerberg, second vice vteo president In charge of mem 'Sarruif_UM II YUM At ttwt ttass, Th* Rsgltisr noted Brsed SI. Plea prseMsat; Mrs, Phillips, treas- bersMp, Is making plans for th* OVERHEAD DOOR •ROOUCT CORP. ... "topte ht oema u.p .piom New professional mastar stsn urer; Mrs. Josspph Mackln, re- nrvi mi nwntssrsBtp ise SI YIAIS naaiaaiuai"- TwT FAIRIC FAIR hsantly Mere the psopl* sewral nlng may rsststs what the' cording secretaretaryy, and Mrs. Ku- thaee SMM Mss past M or aii iurs ef Bread si. is i» h*. i I#C Ths nellcaa gets Its name from ENGLISH AGENCIES ^*£L.. •save. . . R was tslk*d sbm.i m storsge ton h##n s series of rettry, ths Graak, Its hug* !wak Is shaped •tat* AN. hag Hire Red leak had been master aisas for th* k-y huslaess Mrs Wllllsia Esau, member Ik* th* Oreek psleku*. an aae 19 YIAII set elf Irem «hs township of «tr**t that would havt mads ha ship: Mrs. Uoyd Kelehtr, civil II YIAII IVi YIAIS ghmntwy aa a espsrst* town lowsr rsacbes th* sit* of big defenss; Mr*. Wsrren Hsw mtnns; Mrs. A. W. Norris gar CARDNKRS BARBEBER SHOP . FLFLOO JOY'S HAT BAk IS Uartam-• m tU4 Btak IS WMtWa at lud BanS Oaee owners vehMteerea* to giv* iton* Throuirh rarani yssrt, thorn*, art; Mrs. Alwyn Dodga, d«n; rh**l*r R. Johnson, pu Sk ISM s... mjrwSH I MSS C Ijnt tt MlllMtarr ISM the property lor a M- to M hmi liar* hss been an "ln< limn south- uslr, Mrs (i»rsM T Romarn lllrlty. Mrs Msurlcs lynch, w*l Ml Ummmuth m Rad straight Hae oassnaisa of lima. MORRIS BKCKFR »SON f MONTHS in (Void" wifnroi Mrinhait's. r, Amflrsn llomr. Mr* WU •ir. Mrs. William Parry, rlrs ' t!M av«r II v.ara" SERPICO'S II YIAM St as tfkt river, la snnthrr pnh N,H*.'N. « (luat F.ftra %tfm JUNIOR HAZAAII ho Aimr. M*i(hanti | rust (n Him Httiart. funds appropriation m« and Ilinrstur*. and Mrs. Mnw jti milivf »»» a <«ltia>in* Si Ue MSbKriptlAn ftan for prnpfrl' t»rllr>« liirnltur* am) ,.^i*r Im Mri H»rn«rrt Klernun, «tav* uii1,ird Ktiurll, aduratlon. ^ t4 A w r4M4 MIN if ,v >E?i*!2Jr -

SPACIOUS COLONIAL RANCH Congratulations REDRAraREOISTER 50th YEAR ANNIVERSARY ••DAILY" Stop a*, aee rfcem faeiayl TELEPHONE • ••• 9m^ Wl WBaT TOOtiUIHiailJHI -JNaUae M a bate UMBUKX, Mr. Kare^ Ra* a* lletter SURVEY WORK r ajiieTtain- -JBeUM WALKER & WALKER •W EVKSK, 44r *—rtr *fTota. Fltfjt aai Heater FART TIME RSwrTnl REALTORS U87 DESOTO. 4*. Hat**, Itfli wi Heaaw, Fower Steering DAYS OR EVENINGS rota eowWwaiiwi Shrewfbury, N. J. aptnntal ar dlalai ana. 1*7 DODGE, Mr., Radio and Heater If you hove at least tour hours tana tearaa,arateft . r Two Dow»tr« Agoney tour twiavalaad K. L. Walker, Sr. DM lUaMafa 1167 FORD. 44r. Cooatry Satire, BAH, Fower Staeriag - •i g da• y or evoamiev» , you can ar aad tare* ataraaa ana, , H & viwat» - - - K. L. Walker. Jr. AU the above can hove automatic traasmlsainni. ^MwmaBsarBBaa REAL ESTATE Work la done from local Red ntlKm - Baak offieo or rromyoor own > FRANK VANSYCKLE, INC. home. Call SH T-ORT between STANLEY K. DOWNS CHARM. KRfONAUTY AND MUd%UmalP G MOORRN SPLIT LEVEU-Four Baddn Aeaaer, SH Maate Ara., • |HN to aw «M «Mk. •ar. Bariaa II 8H 1-OaH todroomt, two baths, TV room, OUR LITTLE COTTAGE IN THE VALLEY aalraMaal , Call CbMiflcd AdaU|htr«l BMda ranch Uvlac raaa, dkwat laaaTalaa M is Top vahel 81, aat&aad *arwTA#aaa f rte SH 14010 «r eomalstltte with larta IWBS wttS" SH tJMW.' ABBBJa 4aamwta>.^awaBwl BBwawt^aawmawhal CvfO IwlRrwUSEl DEJaM^WNaTf w_ lODOLoROWlf' raaaa ayHt. OS 1-0523 nOaZOIATB POSSBSSION - iMdm Uttihisi wUh #Hates ttWt , aat water NTS ANt UVUTOCR ritaaferreii. Two-year4ld full deep cellar and a moat do- raach home — like new. Four alnble overstaad baUMa oarate BBtatfawBmlt , two tiled baths. Many with ready w private Call AVTHBNTIC aaaur aan aalaaltl BS5T i SmiATMNB WANTED, WrM<4 Haaaf TruIyairoBderfulwry at waU tenaaaaaaii (Towaaa wMkiatt ' Bp^*^H*w**i ••^a^pBB^ patio, barbecue. BasemeaBamnaatC, ptae al Stlraar. lirlaa raaaa, taraiil aoattai room, anack bar. lac- ui 8R k b MOST ATTRACTIVE RANCH aVwatmaa. kaekaa. a»a, twa bad- Ico-tMJN. And real baraaJa, tovaly Bytng aa ant aaar: aaaaad naar, tana RIAL ISTATI POR MNT COLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL — fOOflla wtto-laW fOOB Ili •MMal UlrnaM, IH balk*. WalHa-waB tin.; alao APARTMENTS _ room, Utehea, three family bedrooms rial i ANNOUNCIMUfll WBBT idD - AtMttU' _ diahwaaher. asTffiadbath. Full cellar, fw aw ftnat. rnMlgt tMattea. Ml* i aara rar ehUdraa aaarlmantei twa raaav ' ML Badaaa Aaaaar, >M ataate LOST AND FOUND with arlirala antranoH, porch, landed family bath. H.al aad WUMM I room. FBar bedroom*, ihree Wed A«*., aac. aMtfta «. aK MM fcoaT-Orm parakaat wHk now Mlshbarhoodd. lditl lor taaeatr or 1 bate. O^t^MeaakAeaamIN eaa. e haad, »>4 ltd tul MI tof. U rtten- to auto M Hosle. Kcaaaaabla tn aateat tea- DISTINCnVE NKW COLONIAL «toHt «l Baa BMafct.. BawarT n I- FINANCIAL anu. Until Jlima. CA t-tm. 4U« of IU.8N. RBD BANK-BtauUM aod rsaclouf la fine residential ana Bear rata. LOST—Bad waltet eootatolnf moan RUSMESS OPPORTUNmES nva-room aparlmtat DUUnf room, BRAND NEW COLONIAL - An Attractive living '*»«., living room, two DMroom*. Mtctaaa. MATAWAK-Maw wktek Man* to or matter. Oa U fln.rt and btM local** avdaa with Moaawatk BL lUward SH ram ESSO STATIONS apartnunu. 113*. IH 1-4TH. Nearly an acre. Plaastdoe co> ~^^K ^k^^^^^^^^L^^aa^hai MIUI RID BANK V1CUOTT—Thra. raoou ter hall. Spnctoua Uvtag room, eta, Mo bedrooms and bathiwiaj AUTOMOTIVI furalUwd. Comfortablt. All ulllltlaa. fireplace. Diainc room. Bin Matma atttc. UrHtf torn. FOR LEASE OM monthlT. B<«BU>H, an T-WaV cabmets m the kitchen, wall AVTOi AND TRUCKS llcaUar. Lowtaua. Allmje UirMjidulU In ATLANTIC HIOHLANDB — *U room* oven. Powder room. Three large Caajaataa "black _ l». m «ak. Lira la. RED BANK AREA lunuhad: •melaBcy aaarliBanl flnt forfiMla. floor. AT 1-OtM-j, • Third Ara. bedrooms, two died baths. Base- aadao. Radio. , at, Had Baak. attir II a. m. ' B¥ tint MODERN AS TOMORROW SMO* mUaa. Call HUnter S-7M BCUIAR—Two. Ibraa aad teorroom meat Two-car saraga. Excep- taaar- CO 4-U nrr r*r MOKBT W« tmum OOCTOII'I RBcBrnoNiaT — ttcn avaitnanu. All lumUhao. All uUlt- tional - $»,SOQ. turn ew M i«, M BMBIM. Vlten* twtal tnlBtaa MMaUtl. D»n OBIT. tlaa aupsllad' ". T Taarl. y laaaa or t» Jasa Lovely colonial oa aaofl ateed .. U t»>d caaattlem. AfMMy. AH UaM of InmraM* *M n-Write to "Dwtar." m ill. iSd Buk. SERVICE STATION MEN lat. WJ EI«»«nUi Av.. UV 1-44H. nloL .i—i-- • ••— M iTUBtDttea at., Badum. «H i«M. co 4-im. ACRE SETTING - Colonial Buik. s -_WTW0 AND DBCOrlATWO—< WHY PAY MNT ? IWO-ROOM lurelihad aaarlajaat •»> farmhouse, stately a aral eontraetlnf. call aiata and Jo HELP WANTED-MALE Owa and oaarate tall thru-bar. TO.-•ouatt. N Waal B.rtwT n. (tod bedrooms, JUod apHt MM. Mft BVICK SH 1*4*1. a p. A. — MM«ic«a«> *w> «wMO lallaa, amooar-maklai ataltoa. Wall bath, faster walU. FJfflIM nucsm ••uEuInad. Ovteida Had Bank. RUUMN-dataU Matloa). OUIMC* rVmT'iaiit CALL M 14Mt LLDznro ANAND BXCAVATINBXCAVOO — Inc.. Iirtwwtad la lauraal aodtta riNAKCINO ABJUNOBD 1_3S, "A SLv Nothlni comparot at IIIM9 rill dirt J»o Jov_b looo bibuc *ir Is* nun. aai autlMKal irark. BUU aalarjr •«• •own apanra.nt with tU iwHai aid alter <"aT»."aad waak^aada. goad nanlac condition. ril MMd aa4 qiallflutlaei W -Andtli," bath. tllS moathlr. AvaJiakl a*aat Three spadona bodroomi rr« SH 1+tft, •till. Rt4 Bank. HYMAN KAOESH, Broker laatambar Ulh. lUfaraMM naalrad. LAURBNCB »Ua*O»-Oaair twe baa- IK 1-Ufc- HI Oitord Sarvlco Stallna awtaiM Writ. "SaUta taat", •«• aU. Bad ma boau. laaal (ar aaalrwaaa PAINTBR DECORATOR and f water ^StTlww, _ ELWOOD A. ar rattrad eoaate. Mlea raatdaaUal ana. k>r. u 'OUNO HAM wtth drlrara llemao. S4t aoraanat at rUlaa.ld 4444S Bak Outatandias v*mo — ttt,wM. tm POKTIAC - Print* owner in- > Mtrioi »r.a »>urk>r. SUadr war*. tMUnrr an) atert B«anlBca-PL a-USS ana PL «-J»4t Olr UN dvwa aad IBIM a amaMk *ip«rlinc«. dM*r- k Write "fttadj RENT FOR HX MONTHS, Sept. B| w ft Ohlif OUHna htnllop. R«d «ndtnllr glranl . LLoull Ua CaManBMI, WH ad Wtf~ Ben all. Aad BaalBskL l PURCHAaiNO email MM, M.0M mini, rinal prlet B.IOO. burr Ar. IU4 Bank. SH MM, amalaua la Moamewb Countr. Writ. 15th to March Urn - with option ARMSTRONG &*j£°at;Jr * ' **"- CO 4*TOM. MARMED MAM agt Bt to tt to work '•Snail Bualnaat," Boi gjl. Had Bank. QUARANTBKD TSLBVinOI) Mnn*la« la aukas* Uanar Kara at aU-arauad — laraa ramama aad to buy - tttf a month. Colonial IMt PLTMOimPLTMOimt BBILVBDBRI X fourfou - within two boon from iwr OIL A.cterk. Rzaarlaaoad ftattmd araal aa bmtri. Upatmtra asanaMat. Aaatr M home, eight rooms, four bed- Agency «s*r atrdio*adi . rullrullr MUPPUIPPMM AAAutot - C. Radio and T«MTUIOD Oanpaar. Ar- aebar awlakla to ba aaadaa. Naar Waaalaston St.. Kad Baak alter 0. . - - . a^^»A aV^awWam amAamwa> awaf laaaa^l— BMtl*. WIU nil rraMUbl* or k nana A. Ciulpl. awaar, IM Rat Bank, « £*>• asaarteata, ral- rooms, two Dona, acre oi nap- 555 Prospect Ave. MM W» «.«"• « I-41M. awacu an dwrK lit.nr ta atart. "H". IT MORTGAGES uimnunamtD AFARTICBWTfar REAL UTATE WANTED «H Ml. Ited Baak. imu larta raoma. bath, aanaak,. aar- srapad froBadeTExceOeat aol|> aaalabaat --- " borhood. Convenient for ^com- ART-TUIB MAN awM kt ml Bat- CASH FOR YOU all .mad- Little Silver, New Jersey AtTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS d *mU Upl k muter. Uatad at $»,•». Often .Mr vi Mtraaaa. aB mattered. SHadyai* 1-4500 ta ran Mwiaiatk aad aa. rafts* •AUHMAN WAHTBO — •mMMwd banaa Ara.. O«iaa»arL ti U WIDE SELECTION Orm dailta* aalM trmjaaa te a«U M t MIDLAND COMPANY JS! UN AaBUHT AVI. AUUltr PARK OF EXCLUSIVE HOMES n 4iai TO BUY OR SfcLL Phone SHadyaide 1-1017 TUi Imiiaaiil awawoai awaVAdMam amatkawa Omatam. faa^BBwawaOBal | WEART-NEM6TH •wSmTwl ^PBRRt «•• >* ammmmm;ia^^k^^am_ eajfjak Vfh*.

AGENCY i at a 102 VEST FRONT STREET SHadjratdo 1-2240 DURIN6 OUR MHourSenic* THRIFTY BUYER'S SALE "HOKUS-POKUS" "RESULTS COUNT" STOP • SWAP . SAVE aVOTtia •0 NEW CARS IN STOCK &SrS&Jr THREE-ROOM OUTFITS Fords - Mtrcurys • Edstls • Lincoln* FOR "MISSILE MASTW" A-l SAFE BUY USED CARS HELD INSTALLATIONS An.. M- HOT WEATHER SPECIALS IN NEW JERSEY ARIA [wvn aapanaaaaa araajrrac a!^ °° *"* '14 MERCURY 2-0r. Sedan. Air Conditioned 1310. art araaaamrr. aate ta taka •>•• FOUR-BEDROOM homo of (kite •tortl. Drawtsc ataamat taalaM aai teat iaajajliala.1 ataa •varrtaa. charm lo lop Fair Havoa aokh- 'II PONTIAC Catalinb 4-Dr. 1MB. rtamttr te> am? liaataatial tetenat SINGER SPECIAL a^aaala^^kafi knaka^akaa litkwtaaaw) aaatAaMi OBaUl Hardtop. Fully Poworad, Air Conditioned MratjQB* ¥w/wt% HWSO-M !*-*• wW SALE.A-THON Ireplaot. Coay imaSa. Eketrlc FIELD TECHNICIANS 'II THUNDERIIRD 4-PaiMnejer. FOM, PS 3310. dtch^oMwaaikw. Two KM tt! Fll lt Low heat FORDS fcb AND SERVICE ENGINEERS 'SI FAIRLANE "100" 4 >. Victoria, FOM, PS I Ml. AUTOS AND tRUCKS SHREWSBURY- Ifoattf '17 FAIRLANE "S00" Victoria. FOM, PS I4M. ^^^ dl A&^^^auai aiaigk ••§• amRa^aamv are Baa WOW wjOwawawB^BBwBwMlwU wR^BawBwRsBM EflEflH air '17 CUSTOM "300". o-Cyl. Tudor ItM. i. Sis-naaa. llfk Ca a_ _ll FOM Good lay •PpiW v pw M \Sav mi lvMWE> 'I* FAIRLANE Tudor, Fordomatic I0M. SINGER LOW iwi MStt M MAINLINE Fordor Sodan, R 1 H 4tl. CIRCLE SEWIN6 CENTER 1 12 CUSTOM Tudor. RAH 22S. CHEVROLET CO. f HIADQUARTERS FOR STATION WA45ONS Yoa wM Mva m tat i i Now Jaroey area which NEW CARS wi*M»iCl waitk ^lartebl. ra>- Sunday by Appointment '17 MERCURY Colony Park, Fully Powered 2291. _»te»ad la Utoa attm. laraa tod- "OK" Uuo* Can aJMTAtmAirr surruM — )a» tnaaiag program will be STOP akiawr WANTED TO RENT fireplace, forma! mntaf 'II FORD 4-Pau. Country Sedan, FOM 991. TWO UNIFORMS - M. Jamaa Calha- Ha aoaaat aa» IJ-ii. BteaaWrs * DOO Lovaaa •*•* \» MM aMati 14 MERCURY Monterey 9-Paii., MOM ISO. SERVICE O'Bara artflaala Vanr eraa aaadlwa. •am ar taaaM hooai ta ha«. atam L iutlle bama. Jaw* RISIOINT SERVICE rary raaaaaaate. U l-sam •tea Iw JajidaaiHtei •> aaaaa a*. MERCURYS LAWaON SOFA BBD-Oaat aaaaWtam; aaaarr. Twa » auaNr. U «•••» EN4MNIHS —21 NUOE0 'II MONTCLAIR 2-Dr. Hardtop 2291. wttli MOM, PS, PI WJaMoW-la»a taaa., II aawarl Central air V. a. Navfdaak afnaafisroT. Ilka in, tadapaamwL radar Mnhjleat miUmaaaca. with aboat • yean ea> '17 MONTEREY 4-Dr. MOM 1491. FOLLOW YOUR mm kin—id. Ma. iawMO. AT l-Me, Truly BBwawBa^BwaaaamOi aV aawaawMmawh awB awawat 0aB^BnaJflkRmH PMBNDSTO 0 aiaanmi. HRjVeVm^aRaTt f% ^a^SmjR^BOjf oV RF«"O o^aammjg^^Bf Powor Stoorlitf and trains _ OaaraateaT WALKER A WALKER SENIOR MELD TECHNICIANS —4 NEEDED '17 MONTEREY 2-Dr., Moroomctic 1191. •JJJJ* "W SraSSi* IBIBT CIRCLE m. iSmti tatater. SM t-e REALTORS aVaafcaawl Rawa a% daaBBBBwaaawkmaaV aaaV aVaawmwaOV w^BBB^aB^aBwadkAaawm BBVRBIBH B% Batfmimdj '14 CUSTOM 2-Dr. Hardtop, MOM 1191. BJISJBSRJ R^Rj Ea> w^affelwB^SaTwRHfl ^Rf I^BRJBWO lft^*^Bw*ta^mlgBmja, ^vvvvw B* •mfliSav Chevrolet Co. Highway SS Shrewabury mlmary or aoaivslont emttroak school twdujrwrnd. 'II MONTEREY 2-Dr. Sadan 3M. No fograa » aecoaaary, bat man Have M yaara ( SHadyalda 14212 MOM, Vary Clean »an»ii3i r Open Sundeye hy Appointment ' m mawtenanee of radar or computers of OTHER MAKES 'II OLDSMOIILE "91" 4-Doar M Powor, Very Nice 1191. TELEPHONE COLLECT TODAY '14 CADILLAC "12" 4-Dr., Full Power IIH. •t*Jlw» AWD TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS 'II PLYMOUTH Savoy 4-Dr., Powor Rita IIM. OMABkllM ROOM far taa ar Mr. Goodwin •TUrtTIO mONUNM - AMraalln '14 IUICK Special 4-Dr., Hardtop, DyM. 1391. flUdBaak. mTlSi** Ikraa aadraaw). lw» kalk IMMS, tarat M. maaarate laan. m •attaamwtea k tfa Robtrt Tract Hottl '14 JA0UAR XK120 Roaditar 1091. irt II 'II IUICK Century Hardtop. Dyne., Sporty 191. WELCOME il) VkrVkraaa raaau tad iut aal waf ta»ak>i. Ntwairk—MA 2-1010 'II PONTIAC Heretep, Hydra. • 191. FIRST ISSUE READERS CO 44*al aaate, a»W«m amaa fR HMD YOUR RISUMI TO '13 PLYMOUTH Cranbreolr 4-Dr, Nlao 391. YOU'VI LOOKED OVM THE laaateaa, iraia, aa*aru NEW 1919 FORD TRUCKS RMMSTW ... NOW STOP IN AND fPW» wVRR vi VvlllffEjf Vi TON Pi«k-Up, Oil Filter, Heater. Lilt 2117. 149*. LOOK OVER OUR HNE SILECTION UAL OTATI POt laUl 77 Vi TON Panal, Oil Filter, Heater. Llit 2411. 1914. OP USED CARS. MtLOTOWN IP - aw RUMfON "^ MM MMMI Ml OrlenoW, Norlaja RED lANK'S MOST ACTIVE LOT 101 AND DICK MATTHEWS Maagj aidj BVSWimjgB**W^ BBBwfdajl#* imi ~ '^Pamil" 'maadkdlaamdfcaai BBB^BTwBwBwB• kMn— riaah, 6aa.«mia«4 !• atkaaM. •tnaalae ami twa Una H •«»» M«»Hr wawM aa^wMMaarf tit* Utp H» ifir^^eV'^S. ENGLISH AGENCIES RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS IM raa*raaa)i wltiwHai aaaaiaaaaaiadd " llf.WMNf.WMa. wall, a»iaM< mMani biifkaa wHk an.Vf.at kai AIMMi. NiaMaMi AT • Ail. SILLING FORD PRODUCTS FOA II YEARS NIWMAN SPRIN0S RD. RID lANK MtiLMuaU Twaatetf, at* faaia I Ford • Edstl • Mercury • Lincoln SH MM/ OPEN WEEKDAYS 'TIL NINE SALES AND SERVICE MONMOUTH ST. lOppeilto Carlton Theatre) RENAULT . VOLVO - PEUGEOT ri» ia« kaiM. a SH L6000 RED BANK SH 7-4545 •• a*. 4>M> i •«•>• hi ••« •a..m«»4. M laaaf1 Uall tin liiaa aM (Mt M M AV [ MIW juurt oitMtn fTMi, em or AMmexrnNm

Five chee/s for the Register from Bamberger's

Isn't It great? Keeping up with the world will be five

times eaiier, with everything that made The Red Bank Register

tuch a superior weekly paper at your fingertip* every

evening, Monday through Friday. ' That'a progrtu for you.

Keeping up with the world of fashion for you and your home will

be easier too, when Bandkerger's Nonaiouth store opens soon at the

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to reeogniie the need to ghre «ore of iuelf to its people—and

• vital eonmunlty to encourage grawth like this. As nV

Register's fint daily Issue goes to pms, our adnUration and

beu wishet go with it. CoofrstnlaUoiu, Monmoulb—w Naw Jeney'a

•reatett atora and Naw Jency't aawMt oUly go on growing,

that's progrees for yon*


Bayshore Seen MONMOUTH COUNTY Red Bank Area MEVJIMIY Fastest Gro¥fth Future Is Called Area in County Exciting, Vital Monmouth County—the county with a future —will tee its greatest surge during the next 15 The words "exciting" and "vital" perhaps yean in the Bayshore area, a coastal section con- best describe the future of the Greater Red Bank area. sisting of 10 towns. Its past and present have been marked by Growth in this area, both residential and in- steady, healthy growth. dustrial, will be nothing less than phenomenal— But its future — that is something that will for it is already well under way and the signposts be nothing short of exceptional. are unmistakable. Experts have predicted it and the signs are Since 1955, more than half of the 9,000 new already pointing to the progress that will take homes built in the entire Monmouth coastal re- gion, from Matawan to Brielte. have been located to the place in the area in the next five, 10, and 15 Baythoro—the area from Matawan to Atlantic High- years. lands. Other counties and areas In the state have grown In this tame lection, two choice Industrial ratable! tremendously since World War II. The flight tosu - will locate within the next 12 months: Bell Telephone burbia la still taking place —' and hasn't even begun Research Labs and Bendix Aviation Corporation, both to hit its peak. In Hobndel Township. But nowhere in New Jersey does the futun offer to much as it does in Greater Red Bank. BeU will construct a $20 million plant, to be ex- Par this Is aa ana that HteraDy has every panded within 10 years to a 150 million installation, •aaag* ABB WKB uaprovea lorms ow snafyona* and Bendix. a 12 million plant HOME BASE — Map area above will be the Register's daily newa beat Within the boundaries Thta, however, pnmtoes to be only the be- shown, staff reporters will provide full coverage, in depth, of daily hapi gs. Correspondents toga of what the ana can ghre them in other areas of the county will cover events of broad interest there, while state, national and il d The growth of Greater Red Bank will take many Ia the I^»bon «rf iaysa«re.frinte ena, bt- world news will be covered via Associated Press wire service. Daily Register readers thereby forma — residential, commercial, industrial, agricuN dostry la hatog wooed la Mstawaa, Marlboro, Rari- will be given a broad picture of the day's news, with emphasis on local happenings. oval, and recreational. tan aad HOJBKM TowntWpe, wM1e> waterfront Housing developments will continue tomultipl y — but instead of being the stereotyped dwellings of post-World War II, they will be batter looking and more expensive. others, a Industry and aA New Register, Still Hags snapping canters wM rise aa the Hah- are, at this considering lo- The i ago of new homeowners moving Into wfl riee to _M ia the lowest in the county—32 to i the range starting at 21 The Home spape ,_ tmdUm an moving b-prtadpally from of the rich ^»^— ^J*a> 1^4M mM Industry — something the ana never really knew North Jersey and New York—with an avenge of al- aVI M WHal Wmm ft Mpis aaost two chUdren per household. The avenge in- ftoe kawtlt Md Utto noMy befon — will continue tolocat e plants in the ana. creases to tivee fatles s than five years. 41 MM aWfe) MfWeUQa PlVf* Aa Greater Red Bank grows, so will tha labor Tha average cost of homes, since 1950, has been TIM Mo, Joha H. Cook ud market — and this will induce many industries to coma Italy day, Uttk tamr DM that hen. $14,000, This average will increase to $16,000417,000 HW IM auk testator ttwy during the next few years. i to Proximity toFor t Monmouth will result In more nxanxanaf InVha* and men electronics and communications firms seek* this year by — wy wwn; mwin ie e> day whoa the domaadt ef dMir ing to build plants in the ana. This ii an example of the "clean" type of light industry Greater Red Bank would wants. aad the Bayabsre lobe Of came, tha mlliallal growth wffl fJai " " Ndsfcr from HMN to$%•• • Sf aje aawaaagwr nest Bs June ». MM. as re- To aid the new population la disposing of Its Bret edMariel. led to the even. wH take a laag, herd look at sprung op hi abundance and new canton an to coma. Banks, for the ffrat time In this county, an locat- The people of Bed Is, ""* _ia>Toui»f accorded as • warm to ing branches in these centers, and along the major welcome ia advaaoe. ud It ttw highways tht latest planned for HolmdeL Another fotore It shsfl at ear smut «MMmHw«NNw ww eII.IQr Jcontinue aa the county's and tha ana's major bust. Wl BJiT Jersey counties as Essex and Bergen, when a three- "^eteese ofttmo ha t boat fhat " '—...^. -.WJJ.V.WKef liter'. ws «*«iimii«dtitribetienn IIVWfleetI voi f •trueki» aj**»ei,| •••vwlinewd ejup awrabovwe in fron>IW on it — will be sold more and mon for housing de- peee preii, itereetypo department, mellroem, and large paper iterate room. Atvelopments and industry. At artssat, a faatottk at par cat of all Bay« tndlttoa ww be preoerved with ii railway freight car wrie«diai platform for paper. But all farmers an not expected to yield to the honor. The KagMer will remain lag to New York Ctty towork ; U per east to the "Home Newapoper." high land prices developers pay. They will continue lasex, Hvdsoa aad Morris coaattot, aad 2t per Both the welcome aad the enTher- e alto hi aa office to Bw tilling their soil and raising livestock and poultry. eeat toMiddlesex , Union and gtetoa Island, deavor segreww alonatoag* witwttht m*e• poppop. Freehold Courthouae. And through modern methods, they will enjoy a pros, tettM of the Red Baak area Worklag oa the regular staff, parity they have never known befon. wiimn nve w it yean, aaw inomswy WIOHB Protreoi of mankind, la ttmr In tht tevertl depertmentt — r wU tower these flguna> al. broMfkt forth ttw latredoo- advertltlng, accounting, bntlatai, Oaa of the ana's chief aeseto — resorts aad Baa of att aorta or aew prefect* drcultOon, editorial aad me- rermtlea will be taxedto a aatot aaver < One of Monmouth's gnat assets—the waterfront far the people. Theaa, la turn,chtadat-are 71 emptoyeee. Ad-' 111 continue to help the coastal regions flourish. te can fordedtottiU are a village ow- rotpondentt regularly cojMnbati The Naveatak aad te loath BnTa«ahai| gJv At present, a "year-round'' coastal ngion popula- FopulaHoaialasledtotlM tog to tha newt output. en aa wen aa the AUaMk Oeeea will be Mied to tion of some 300,000 Jumps to a whopping 580,000 on enatton of aere The RegMer Is printed ea so peak days la the summer. M+ag* high opted, ttnlghMtoa a gnat extoat by not ealy ana nsMaato - hat Scott prtti, located la a pttat those who come from North Jersey aad from out- This 250,000-person Influx of vacation visitors tortUKfuttyy wftin toto rea read dmer mere openee d at Chntout and Watt Sto. side the state for reenaaoa plsaearss. our coast will Increase each year, with planned Im- «ssa> lespeaeMllttN of throe yean ago. At many at «V provemsate la the highway system and the widening Ml newapapen can be prlalei Resorts will be modernized and beautified and •here wat prognaa. u hour, although normal tpted persona will flock tothe m — serving as another means of sections of the Oardcn gtate Parkway. When tht late Mr. Ccok aid the 1 of boosting the ana economy. Increasingly, vacationers will come hen not only toto Mr. day, wao beouM bit IlhiitraUve of The Rtgiiter ! from the East, but from all sections of the country. hroNior-la-law, etortod The Bet-progrtat It Its growth la circula- Of course, its people will continue to be the later with II.US ef B " tion. It had reached IJ.elT in Greater Red Bank area's very heart Aal §&t B^MaanVtV aaxmTC aal fa^mafeeamsaamnnVnixaxaY ftafs ~ Baakhada ISB), sad that lumped to aver- aad wrwamst age 1M» - for a gala of HI As risldiato flock te the area frcea North MaumMldoi were bay, toeetdTper cent, eatdlataaclag lacrtatet Mi Ml ItTfVt Theae two aea emprlsei ttwtar mott papers la the United Jersey aad New York, graetor desaaaai will he newapaptr-i otafT. They put o*Stotet. Now, aeoerdlng to tht psased ea tnwsnortatiea facilities to Mlddletown will continue to lead both the county •ouhpai tdlttont. annxSmt BB% ftftnol axffnatoxl fMannxVam inWdttf annnVmi ^kp-f-* lateet flgurea by the Audit Bu- T and the Bayshon ana, with an estimated population At tht beglaalng. bath Mr. reau of Clrcutatlooi, the picture to^aeeajom) anaa aexemj sxajmmmnj nvamanjmj ajaaajw nnKajxg anxnaaw/ j Ma-ease from 36,000 now, to 65,000 In 1975. Cook aad Mr. Clay had their Is stilt brighter. The ABC aver- Railroads — their chief form of transportation — turao at Mag editor, the for-age at the end of ISM wai 17,. an suffering from high taxes, old equipment, and In order of alst, Rarltan will go from 11,000 to mer ultimately taking oharge be-71). The by-word In MMUMUHI poor service, and their futun remains a good question. an estimated 21,000; Matawan Township, from 6,800 caaeo Mr. day became III For f tontwuM: "Juet every- But aomething will have tob e done — and fast — to 16,000; Holmdel, from 3,000 to 13,500; Keansburgman, y wart, Mr. Cook wai edi- waata to read The Baguv tor and publlther. In l«l he toltor.d for the commuter, with his high average Income, rep. from 7400 to 10,000; Matawan Borough, from 5,600 to out hit Inttmt to Thomit Irving — The Kef liter buildlnf «« 40-41 Iroed nsents an Important part of Greater Red Bank and MOO; Kcynort, from 7,600 to 8,200; Union Beach, from Brawn. Mr. Brown terved at i Where, until now, TheRttlt- his relationship to the economy cannot be overeav 6400 to7,200 ; Atlantic Highlands, from 4,400 to6,000 , llther un II hit death, April ter't nter-total wnphul!i• hi, St. It the "heert" ef the newtpeper't opereiion. It ofthltyetr ben upon covtraao In depth of nouiei Bttiliteit and aleiiiflad advortlilna oflleei, end phasited. and Highlands, from 4,000 to 8,400. the newt of MonmouM county Orowtb Of Pleat aitfitiretldenti'rfeteertahihtl •#miwll|e reem, en llrtt fleer, with newtreem, dlipley Mlddletown is slated to have an "ultimate" popu- The Retjiler't plant It locat- Greater Red Bank Is on the threshold of tomorrow. lation of more than 100,000. ed In two lorae R«d Bank build- turet of immediate laterett, tht •e'veftlilnf, slrsuletlen and other butlnoit efflaet en Progress Is the keynote — and all the require, last plui an office la Mlddlelown. (Continued on page V IltM "J fl*'f- mrnts are there for a stunning futun. SVwtth ceavtrtble eoUex ajd aita ttHeh. The ctacealecaaosaled tipperitaoer,. laemdad la (feetotlha Historiail County Is Gay Beach patten are trim aad a i bamaldrlff top. hup mm *«w au hoJoiEvaahHttoMOBBhoobo sewei d rmSef art makmg tht tap aad Accessory tmtka to match, with eoatrastmg M hN v —"fr*ammm^naeaaaw— t aaloo^^»^^a» the" • "y• are Moving Ahead Fast paaoho. Favored fahrteo are «m> tta ohaak wrlew. By DOglOTHY BOS FREEHOLD Moamouth Cow-are ecoaomic. poputotioa, hoot- Evan oa anatom- may be made eat ef tony doth ty. • cradle of Amertcaa histaty, ing, transportation ud bad AP Newsftawree Writer wUl have ae trouble with the oTbUaket fabric, to do duty b Bader • full head of •team to treade. 11M exports also are try poncho, since it to mads of onlyaboard boats, on the beach aad sto drive forward. lag to map out a rali«f artaiy THE LOOSE-FITTING, com- fortabk poncho it the most dr: tvt> major patten pieces, tad weB into football Mg things art happcaing swift- for buiy Rt M. r quires no fitting. Just cut it ly wrtMa the confines of Moa- Moamouth's recreation sdvan- Bear Mr. Sallys Moot bikt riden • acddenU moaa'a M7.O4 •peak* lor themselves. with oaotor vshlcleo are vWottng Itwiiwr thus. HM Iadiaa There is the Atiaatk Oceaa along It la ceiag Oa ba tllffiealt to smcka, Barmudu or a bathing for tt addi a dramatic note to tnffle tows, a Matloatl fafoty was happy hero btfon Europe's,whic - - h- are dotted a complex st- break aa eld habit ef caUlag the Bel Boo* CeaacU study revealed. KMt Mke •enters earn, to die Into Moo-1rict of retortsw, beach tad swim- leglater oae of the tsaly eapatie* aaakttoe wardrobe. collar. Mddtats. occur during AprU4ep- noiith'a rich toil, battle for free- mlo| clube and other pleawre in tht united States. X asapote, theagh, that dem of tbe land and enjoy hi centers. There art the rivers and you ami yoar etaf f will hara year mm txoablea To make the butteahnUs. aet lember. eceaafront, riven and green incrtasiag aambtra of mariaai with old cuetoea that aaat give My la rear Held*. At a tjukker pace today, tad yacfi ebbs. There art golf transition to a dally. the move tato Monmouth ooa- dubi and toaals courts. From the tinuei. southera part of the county, la this graiaatioa ef etatao, jargely, fleets of sea craft take you have aqr varatat coafratalatleaa eat heat la the of UN. popular fishermen out to the deep wa- wisbte. Tb« have dona saUfaadlag earviee to tta of the eootty stood' it M, ten. Legitimate theater is wa- yoar circulation ana ami tht State aa a «hela. W. Ttet compared with 1S1.H0 aim crowds. Ever more epecta The eoammity growth that oases tide thoosjsavar ia 1M0. Since MSO. the gala has rion art flocking to school tportt ben 1M.000. County fathers look event*. Monmouth Park attracts poeaible ttacet la no eaall degree to the civic for m,ON residents by ITS. Both fans by teas of thousands. leaderehip aad eaterpxiaa of The Rag later* Mow hurry sad taetUtat ptannini But county officials racogaixt Jtrsey Mlcoaes the aadtiplicatloa of yamt pea- art musts if the aewcomera are all tbit is far from enough for «ence and yoac iaflatace. to be kept content and economl- the future. So they established tht catty secure. Monmouth County Recreational g latently SHREWSBURY These needs have been Committee. At itss head it •ised for years by the Thomas McCllnluck, Lung County Board of Freebeidera -Di Branch. His aides are James rector Joseph C. Irwin. Red Henneberry, West Long Branch; WE ARE PROUD OF OUR Bank; Victor E. Grostinger, Mid-Howard Stokes. AUenhurst; W dletown; Walton Sherman. Long R. Kiery. Long Branch, and Her Records in which other business Branch. Abram D. Voorhees, ry B. Crook, Jr., Avon. The task of the county is transacted with Manaiquan, and Earl L. WooUey. ahead is to keep the program efficiency. Modem business ma- Neptune. "Planning." says Mr. fluid. chines now proceis the heavy PROGRESS Irwin, "is the key to progress." The search is on for potential volume of official records. As farmland acres recede to recreational areas. The spotlight Emergency equipment—attach- PLEASURE and PROFIT Historic Shrewsbury, while keepini pace with progrees. hu maintained make way for colonies of i bomet, for shopping centers, recently was put la fresh focui ed to police units, the Office of the charm and graciousneti of early American year*. Progreu and profeulonal buildings and indos- oa Sandy Hook-at present an civil Defense and Disaster Con- Army-Coast Guard defense res- trol and the county road depart- growth haa been steady and orderly, alwaya moving in the right, well- w^tyment-today i. directed quickly planned direction. stantry for work opportunities, Ata park. Standing in the wsy u con-u kxatiom through the munlcitlon, education, recre- *!*«*»*& police and highway ra With progresa came new and larger school facUitiei, lovely new homes, easy access. Ocean Ave. in sum- 4k> iyitem-one of the beit in a modern road system and a shopping community. ation, all things to be molded oa mer is congested; a bottleneck the East. This is important. Mes- PUBLIC AUCTION SALE a pattern for the future. eosld bo at the See Bright-High- sages csa go out to oMre than With that n mind, tht free- Yes, we are proud of Shrewsbury because it has taken PROGRESS in ' " Rt. * bridge» . Still »petal - MO cars oa police patropatrol as welw l te htr toiita MO stride. Moamouth •»* «*«*a. to tructomaimaintag MO road that might prevent milei of county roads. Vital min- When yea attend a B. G. Board, * tod) that would exam- lamming. utes or hours can be saved. crowd may wel prompt yea to "Why dose ine end constantly re-cxamuM tht StggtsUoui advanced have en- As regards tow enforcement, county for what It has been, to -_ a regional"network of the freeholders saw more than a MAYDR BOW and likely win become m parks aad other tattatto- ased for cracking down on vio- Tie reassa It every capacity. Men of that would be linked into toton. It saw big advantages to spirit of a atamc BERNARD B. WHITE attributes, and experience the aew poputotioa cantors aad criminal correction, to the reha- pemvo sMsang* iaay enjty ma named es members. existing facilities. All are being bilitatta of prisoners. So aow to ptase • * • me avaata of maayv tj ThtPmaai examine• d• to tha~ t futaro gene- progresressi to the establishment of COUNCILMEN E. Donald Sterner, Atlantic rations of county resldenta always the Monmouth County Rebabutta- Every day, more aad Township, former stati will have ample space to rest tkn Center on the former Kara- and one-time New Jaroay Mgh- ghsuston property, Maai JAMES W. BLY way Department Ave., Freehold. It will be Ml named chairman of the Monmouth Couaty* has' had to ated in unison with the couaty JOHN W. VAN BRUNT board. With him work Howard keep Itself geared to the element Jail. This new property also af- EDGAR W. HELLER, JR. W. Van Ness, Asbary Park; WU- of health, human behavior and fords space for storing bridge de- Usm H. Oliver, Neptuae Town- 1—,, eattnglement Huge addtoddi- ptrtment vehicles aad county vot- KENNETH L. WALKER, JR. ship; Wsher Sehoefmor, Leonar- have been built aad splea- iin g macbJaeeachtaee. I. •. COAH do; William B. Daryee. Upper dtdr/ equipped at both Rtvenrlew The of rawing Moo FrcehoM Township, the former Hotptttl sitd the Monmouth Med- mouth county no fottjtr WILLIAM W. CURDT tttte Secretary of Agriculture; ical Center. Many new doctors, meeting periodically to the free Armour S. Ifaltart, EagUsbtowa; uses, dtatttts aad other ape-holders. Much full time effort (Mrs.) LOIS M. JO1GE Leo X. McKoe. Lmeroft. couaty aUsta have moved mto the goes on these days and will in engineer, aad Freeholders Irwta maty tooffe r skilled care to mt the future. But the work to betog and Voorhees. Charles M. Pike, ousting awnber of residents. to stride as Monmouth 4ft la* Aft. Matawaa. ia the executive plaa- A fiat aew courthouse was built Ms it which Not oary hat It been the plan- bstf-doeta courts can try cases quest goes on for aew mduetry ning board's aim to nap out a " Its construction and business to ease the tax bur- W# Makt Capital of kUt Asstfr future course for the county as aa ia meant that the former court dm for the resident, aad to make entity, hot to work es closely as MIS was turned into a Hall of county Hv > Pie possible with governing and paaniag officials withia the 13 municipaUtlts to see that har- mony win exist m each sector of the overall pattern. Tht freeholders also recognised higher education as a special field la need of pvotjreseive os- velopnent. They helped la the re-establishment of Monmouth Junior College aa Monmouth Col- taje, todsy a war-year, fatty ac- THE MOST MPORTANT PERSON IN OUR BUSINESS IS credited institution that echoUra from throughout the couaty aad hundreds beyond Ms

Moamouth College hu i » r-old history. Started ia ltM rLong Breach High School at a two-year college, It acejuired four-rear states alter to Ha present a**ert a tenser Shadow Lawn Hubert Paraoas, a one-time tea executive et F. W. Wootworth 1 Co.. at Norwood aad CeVar Avet., Watt Long Breach.

.sYftMhiat) ttm\ gjaaAkaaAaa ^k^^^ J^ Whtn quality and dtptndablt courttous itrvict it calltd for, you nww ivjaj pranMOfa mWW Mm Struct 1.M1 day and night tt» •ants. Possible caaatnicttoa ol can raly on tht right aniwtr all th« tima for whatavar your mowtr two mere major buuauge a« another smaller structure wttha the neat three years may rain problam. May it ba itrvict, rtpalri, parti, or a brand now mowtr, the student population to ].•* aad expand courses offered n MVwWU MyOeM tato pfMWt dmW you can ba sura of gatting tht btit possiblt on tha marltat today. Tht freeholders also have con •eraed themselves shout chit So, as in tha past, makt it a habit to makt Mtrritt's your first ena of future residenu who, ffn eat reeion or another, de no aspire to complete higher educe stop mowtr shop. Hon. They have set up a Voca ttoaal Board at Education • study and cooperate with exist mg Khool systems in the mat tery of industrial arts. Aa am Mtiovt goal is better craftsmti WATCH OUR ADS FOR QUALITY MOWER SAVINGS for county progress, Marvin A. Clark. Freehold couaty agriculture agent, Is prat Went of the board, aad Earl B QUALITY • PRICED SENSIBLY EVERY TIME Oarrlioa, county superintendent ef ecnoole, Lloyd Cnnttlaatoa Long Breach; F. Bum . mayor of Eatontawn. and Gilbert MOM* H. Van Note, Spring Lake altar SM 7-IUl Sty, era monibon. k i g, whlrh must alwayi he heat movwg ahead, is eet a gMag to ho atttmatod wtthoui smtsammmm emfma» mVmmaMtlat aaelll *- •**• ••jBjpM wowi tjirvmy, will MMtH BerMB traVMlw aVJ^wwTVlnvlIWi IlMV 0 advke from a gruwtag 9m oMVKeWJf OOMRIntM wO Mf awsaiag board Mam art s^ialisu ut many mm. mi they come from'all walfea ef N*«. They moat AAM LOOK FOR THIS EMILEM ON OUR PRODUCTS attak lo meirspislaWy la reader mg atMoe. These groups have IT MEANS DEPINDAILE SERVICE maav sOadtes la the keener lahmoe atttatlen. far maUnee. • gives to reads Mng ttudir are aostlMo routes through the eauld ejualify for cunairuciiim ii»i mrs under the I'^nl UiUn Oraal fsim .' 'SiYEl* r -.,-> A Major Industry in Area Serving Monmouth

fWT MONMOUTH - One ofher] e hi U17 it was in lad laak ana's Btojor Hb> tha HgMi corps Caanp. to tkto Any Signal WAAaaW Maaaft elalOMal ajMhajgi M anaMnjai ranamed Castp AHnd VaO, aflar CUM IHM OF TMIt UwfttD SBWM tha Mew J( •JtOF MMSSgllVinvu Tto •forr^a It to «a\IHINOTBN.&C ' aarhaps the area's aautoyar aad Its ant F. P. RISTINE & CO. pact oa Rod Bank and aarrouad-• tatography. tag communities to OBOODOB 39 EAST FRONT ST. RED BANK Fort Mnmouth has always sum tha "Homo of tha Signal caap at that tlao waa the avia- Corps" aad the key tatti Mca MiUua lUmiaiir of (to of that branch of senrice. present day U. S. Air Foret. Mtmben a/ And as the rale of the Signal Tho secttaa rawahiail ai part Corpa and electronics aadeoav of (hhoa Signal Corps aatfl the municatloos has incnasod ia thelag BMBths of World War L To- New York Stock Exduugje • American Stock Eseliaage aaatia^aiaMHk aV Manasa * ^^ a^» tV^a AUVA day. oae of tho fear old nvmvrn junj •— n w ana msused by tho UM Aero I. mission of Fort Monmouth. cbtof Service attU stands ban aad toi a •» X ottpr paa ay aaja) OlMM a^patojlnajnna M akt Today tt ranks as tha daily use as the Fort MMkafl paat ajaaaa aaaaaaaat> ataJMJBjJaJaBb «• • Philadelphia - Baltimore Stock Exchange signal research and development Army Field Printing Plant and troop training center la the Tha poet was renamed Fort CWtaaa Fayral Monmouth ia lttl Tha annual civilian payroll at *«d a permanent military garrl- tha fort to W.JOO.OOO-and the Major portJoB of that amount Other AdMtfas lads its way Into me area aoon- In addtttoa to tho Signal School STOCKS-BONDS-MUTUAL FUNDS aad tho Uborusty. Fort Mon- "Taka Fort Monmouth away mouth contains n number of tram Moanouth County and it other Important aetMttos. could moan disaster for all of Tha Army Signal Board ad- M." many ana merchants say, vises tha chief signal officer oa Telephone—SHadytide 7-1414—WX-1200 Kaai tta mat number of tham rail- •>• 4wli O( wrrffliaHH^t CTumnift^* Cor t tie*. Many ot thorn are tachalcal LESTER R. ROSS, Manager aearch aad Devetopmont tabora- to the anted arnicas Than an aauatty about and to the aaaat miLABaWHIA«NIW YMK-aUXAMTH •flam aad MM caUsted i FWI BaWaBaaa^^gwaw 4W Bll ~~1 ~Z. „• M a^n* MM HIJ1IIWI aw Tha at VMeyto titoaVoriahaBMaaad i to Cw ana. TbaStgaal tacts tho totai

to Signal Corps oUctroaics, photngraphy. aad fcanfor only a few weeks while Tha Hgaal a year Fort atoatratoahaa> itiorMi aad radtoBstoa oaft dress of ADtod National eoMton tha Army. Air Fort* and ken each year. Moat at tha tries of the Free World an rep- Tha Uboratary Ft nsantad. tOfBea at «w 'Signal Corps training to car- Sap"'

A^L^^I ^^^aVia^Baai Ikrin^n^aa^aa elaan^Ba daar aasav ^^^ ^^Br^^^^^^^^^^S* ^^^^^^^^^^g*• . ^_»^^^» A^^UAI^A |^ a>k^nk i^PJ^Pa^B^n^aW e^P* fa^nv g^a^Pt^PF Boat modtn facuttm • "^ment and ac^aMatrattoB at n-

VMAA AaV^aa^aak VtoM# fta^aaatnalMaBBMl •^PnWB3I aukw ETtB TTrTjH FOR MOHDOMB was tha recant vtettai of a re- acttoa*ta-krca krtaMag 1M^—7 T:-g» workws. tti roto to aot nsaetof n*"n" "* Fort I areas I UO acna Utt «i Mi , a Jenat acaM.

1* "* OW

Than an aha I •LAIISTOWN. N. 1. Laa haa •too. na aU nanan. u. ^an— a 4Uto- v ^•'ham^i ^w^*haaa ^•*aVBannM^t ^h i™ h takea can atlto awa." toiav *V* - "M"* •*•>••* an Han anjoBjB»j BBB BBBV' W ^ ~^ MONMOUTH COUNTY

«a kto Am. LBK *VaaaJbj a IMBW bat It to aaw tha alto at a Cap _ • anaaanl ak» ikVaa aVaaf Bafjaaa* Baaam sMft •RMHC tjVMIa^BMti ADOW INMo•M VJPJPJ Wm Www oaPJPJ waalVV tW l aaihi km alnidy poay.i dA utiMts o a d«j ta a atractod and tka AraQf saya ajon > As • VMaWI HMQT M VH7 an ta tha ofBag. llaltalI fcuPJMil at tho tort ON M0BaM V CHKAOO Araqr Maakal Joe and Jerry Dal ( Ian no tot- fat • aatta! tig with each haini eaabaai. Thabarbartaghn a flf tno • tho htoamaat their (hop. Tka tna tnw aa \ Oaatral madlcil, aaigkal, aad j—^-— --. ^-^^i^y^ y^ •a BBTPJaholej waaarmasj fjsaacujt gaalaj fajaaanj floorHOT*; «Jaat] Vjaaathaj atSeMITSSetrl «•«»• TW troai toema aaw na m •aHMHRIWnF- - •_*_-.» v *gw* *•_Haw. I1flMMutM Wmamf #1BHawA tawflaTa^n^aVBntaaaaB/ f anVf Tka harem' fig tna an* MOVI two MMMIS of fnftt s ynw< iJWMaamoaawaaboraDurlag me fig haaitag aaa


9inee 1891 B. D. Wolcott*! 9OM km becti eoaitiaaalljr aturlBj tkw pafetto. Tbettfji ear BUM IS •!< «• offer 7M the »MMt aaodcni tad eoMpleU ttoek for all your bavdwir* unit. ANt VMW OP BfTIY PUNT ONE OF THI LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF MIM a*. •AINN SUrViMI MfTAL LWRARY IQUif1»1INT IN THI U. S. UWNT00U1 fOrfOB Eitty Mcjfal Products hat bttn growing wMt Rtd link ilnco 1943. Storting In DUTCH lot rum METAL PRODUCTS ono imull shop, H It foday • plant of mtnumi • IAIOTI 78,000 iquaro Ifoot producing metal library NAR1WAM •I00PWM •hoMng ana) oqulpmant for public and pri- vata librartai all ovar tha world. B. D. WOLCOTT'S SONS U240M 27 MAIN STRUT IAT*NTOWN %"•''.*


SHOPPING CENTER j. 3'- at Mi^riietown H. I Middletow. Jersey FREE PARKING FOR 1400 CARS

You'ra alwayt ahaad of tha erowd whan you thop MIDDI£- You'll find avarythlng you naad in tha twanty larga storos da- TOWN SHOPPING CENTER. Tramandoui lalaetiont of monay- votad axclusivah/ to quality mtrehandiia at low pricas. Park- taving valuat, ntw mtrehandiia turpriiat, and a larga ehoka ing is' navtr a probltm with pltnty of frtt parking tpaea for of your favorita avaryday naadt for ovary mambar of tha fami- all, and you can park for at long as you lika. Rapid growth ly await you. This isn't all; yau'll saa ogr sparkling, colorful, in this eantar it tvidtnt in tha numbar of naw butinass opan- spacious, naw intariors and andlass, medarn, naw shopping ings. In tha naar futura thtrt will ba important naws about eonvanianeas. All ara dasignad for your shopping plaasura. ona of N. J.'t mott rapidly axpanding chains. Watch for HI SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING PROGRESSIVE MERCHANTS BARRY STATIONERY SHERWIN WILLIAMS BASKIN FABRIC FAIR SHADOW LAWN W. T. GRANT SUN APPLIANCE GELHAUS BAKERY SYLVETTE HOUSEHOLD FINANCE K.& A. LUNCHEONETTE THOM McAN MURRAY'S DRY CLEANERS MEN'S t IOYS APPAREL NEISNER'S YOUTH CENTER m n$%: MIDDLETOWN


\ - ' TM» phwowMol orowrti cdted for cowfd plomihn —4 Hw> * > V IS ^HmJ ^i^LglM^iaBfl .A^gajLttAA ^MMBABWIIBMI IBM i^A TJMMBMBVBW iv ON MIMff wPMillV V^^VMIfMI Vj IM IwWiWtlifp

I • • • 10 flM

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brory provMoo by CoBuwuloii* IT /

VI WWP IWW OTIln MH IVMVHVllV wwM| Oflfrftfctl

0V0 MMOOJ M nWt H00 WOfKt WO I Or IM OOfl ^Q s to PROMISS » ovory woyl rS: S ^ $s$ ^ \^«'


What it the attuatttta to dM evae though ha U faced byy nsw way. Four thousand or J.metrfctiy Ju , by tha farms of County bhMpp TThhe fllfollowini g articlticlee acroa of land a yaar have been way. tha spread of wai prepared by Mr. Clark for fob* into auburbaa housing, wld- .... iTIIIIIMII ttimr The XagMer: OBUMJ aaa nuiMtag at ugnways, Colonial villages ware usually tryaMs? Marvin A. Clark, county CkBBfM occurring U Moamouth and the construction of new ta- aa fettfe laa* Mo* s«ric«Naral steal teotdag at thisCant y. eo rapidl. y. cannot help bat Nat an of tbi* eouM loan a let by pngrese, attt appomatty aad have aa affect oa our agricul- tram the farats, but most looking at history. Our tombtan chdkMt ahaad far tba farmar tart. TIM tncreaae ia popuwtMn of tt dew. and eariy Httlers were aot dumb auaboutt thtaa qualitqyy of sol aid they by local taxes an real their picked out good mad torUkod puts a greater burden . bo near together tor astf-pro- oa ft* tamer. Ha tecUoa. this was the etart of tha Worden Funeral Home py village. Obviously, these vilages rropof Uiailiily large abare of theexpanded into larger towns aad M I. HONT ITIMT RID IANK rani estate taxes. cities, no Ta« FTIIIII this all means that some of BecauM Ma taxes must comethe best agricultural land is being •AIM AND HOMO —View across what used to bo vast acreeao of farm land In! from the tale of product! of thepunched full of cellars and paved Raritan Towaship shows typical ancroachmant of now tioutinej into aorieuHural aroa. SHodytM* 7*0557 land, the fanner linos himself in with blacktop. People who love Houses baywid cabbacja field and orchard ara of North Contorvllta's Flootwa^d «V a tight spot when the product* land can regret it-end like the do not sell for enough money to volopmont. Such prajocts ara wiping out moro and moro farm land. Desalt* these- Tno Wordea Funeral Homo would liko to tako this county agricultural agent, can provide his living and pay Mvoics e sorrow about it-but we can acreega lossoi, planners say agriculture will continue to bo a major factor In opportunity to aittad It* ooo|ratulatiou and wish COB- Ia order to Increase Ms not atop it. It ia called progress mouth County economy for many years t» come. ^^ tolling success to tha Red Bank Register oa IU un- Marrh) A. Cksfc ha even when we see a good n greater hv farm going into some other use, dartaUm aa a dally publication. aad the growth of small iadustry veetmeat m land, or hiring more bring opportualtias to farmers wo have to accept it u the in- and In other cases i change ia our country's additional expensive equipment growth. It aggravates their problems. In some cases It means all three HARRY C. P. JAMES A. ROIERT F. Wo sea a decrease in the land of these things. Driftwood farms, particularly in the area Aa aany farmers aay. "It U Among the opportnaitiee that like having a bull by the tail. this change offers to agriculture BY SCOTTO He has to invest so much to are more nearby consumers for produce n crop that he hi forced food products, a greater varia to invest more to protect It tioo In the demands of the prod 9 against failures because ha can't ucU of the soil, and probebl; afford to lose tha original Invest- additional opportunities for part "Nature's Creations' raent This moans more peat con- time employment by those farm trot equipment and such edotioo- crs who must supplement theh al tooU of production as Irrlga- -com* HI6HWAY 3S, OAKHURST 2 Miles North of Asbury Circlo Won. Tho past few yeara have wit Tslspnsaa: KaaVfej 1-4419 Monmouth's fanners now have aassed tig""***** changes ia tht a) about IMN acres under Irrlga- coanty's agricatture. We hive THE WORLD'S FIRST tioo, which ia five times tower potatoes, aad we have may had baton World War n.man flowers and son nursery stock. Farms an larger ant COMPLETELY The fanner has "greater compe- mon intensively cultivated. They titiaa tor Ma labor aad greater •*• •—> •»"* highly specialltad. famf tfmr" n .Then an fewer workera aad pliaa that are so _____ to nson macMnes. Then an vary •I of us.'Ha finds that Ma trtaa nw farms now that an what wo to market an slower becauseoflused to call "general torma." ha to Even though people who move by. men stringent I from the city to tha country do bottoms refljulnar jits. Fnqaent- aot have an understaading aad b- ha comas up against a lack appreciation of the problems of ai ayBBBBBay nan uasnvaianojBg ON farmer, may no acejuin an among Ma new neighbors. interest • tha workings of aa- 1 To a bora cwmtrjmaa. It Is tun. They become hwaase hi "Noturo's Craationt' is ffca shora's nawttt and mocf a paradox tor paojtt who have a** oppoasttoa to ihowroom . _ . foafurincj PrlHwoed al of their ttvea aaMaatt* town .__i >»- J » «- t *_It —_ „, >tawt ^ .knbbary. matariak boufiif for your own arrancjincj. *j2mr' !i?± T1>e farmers of llnsaiwrti ??? County have, hi past years, osn- ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES INC. • LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY floMiatncSd nearly M farm panda no segment of tha Com* out ltd orowM . . . EAI do not has contributed JnQ«.—UF^H WWA ^HuTiauvMsaa_^^WtmMJmn WVIftTVIllVa_i^^_^v^BBas_BBB_too' otHttw feat, and tha conservation. The pmswwhich h look so attractive are CONTINUING JOI OPPORTUNITIES FOR IN6INEERS, TECHNICIANS. an maintaining most of tha land tTOKE HOURS - Maov. Wei* Fit * lat, property which rain TECHNICAL WRITERS, HELD ENGINEERS. not tha OoOghren the deeper eoQ layers to be MsSS A. M. ss S P. M. thaflrat tor futan eee by an* of •d Thara. tl S ». at The interest m ripe fratt is not

BEAUTIFUL FAIR HAVEN On The Picturesque Shrewsbury River /j




COUNCILMEN EUGENE M. MAGEE JESSE J. MelLRAY h keeping pace with progress. Fair Haven has developed In JOHN C. DAMICO aa orderly manner, keeping the disUncUveneis thst has made JAMES L. DAVISON It one of MM most popular reaidenual communities In Men- mouth County. It* beautiful riverfront, a mecca for boating I0R0U6H CLERK enthusiasts, Is a "picture card" of lovely homes. ROY W. NELSON •rogre» in Hit Havea has brought a Urge increase la popu- IstkM. New schools were built to give IU children ana of the ftaest educational lyitems ia tha county. A larger po- A TRIIUTI TO FORMER MAYOR lice force, tiro and first aid departments were established. Fsir Hsven roads were Improved to handle the extra traffic EDGAR V. DENISE Mat progress hss brought. A new municipal building has FAIR HAVEN'S FIRE a FIRST AID DEPARTMENTS Then U a MI* to whan much of tho credit muat bssn caatracled for. YM Fair Havea Is proud of IU pro- tHI$ HANM0MI §a tor tha pragmas that has takaa piece hi Fair gressive achlevementi. MM "" Haven. That nun la Edgar V. Denies. Councilman alace INS and Mayor since IM1 until Ms recant neipaUoa upon tha advice of Ml phyaklaa. Pi 3,200 B.C. By DAVID MNNAWI CAIRO (AP)—Women will be women, now or S,MI years ago. It appears that Egyptian worn- « as far back as 3.200 B.C. ware old hands at the art of hair dyeing. Remains of mummies recently discovered In t tomb in Matty Hehran had golden htir while others had fiery red hair. Since genuine Egyptian Maudes and In a picturesque setting. redheads are a rarity today, the chances are these ltdies of an- cient Egypt were no strangers Situated among thee trees and overlooking tht e beautiful Shrewsbury river,, tho to the tricks of hair dyeing. MOLLOLLY PITCHEER HOTEL offerff s completl e accommodationsdti . In keepinki g witithh Ancient Egyptian women also PROGRESS, we have recently completed a renovation program that included the air conditioning of our Main Ballroom which Is used for private parties, seem to have been experts on banquets, etc. The Riverview Dining Room, with its panoramic view of tho all kinds of cosmetics, particu- river and our Cocktail Lounge are also delightfully air conditioned. An inter- larly eye shades, or what Is esting feature of the dining room is its new wallpaper mural depicting In color known here as kohl. Pots of Important events of the Revolutionary war. b'.ack, green, grey and brown ^^^^^^^^HHM^HB^^^^MWIVHVM^^HIHIH^^ ^•OTPOM^BVH^B^BuaHSMBlOHEOHUyiHiOlc^^^^BHBlO^B^BB^^B^BTiM^MKh/ ^^^BHHO^BBBBBBBBH^B^H kohl were discovered In the Hel- If you are planning a party, a banquet, or a wadding, come and see the un- HOUSIN* DIVtlOPMINTS — This it an indication of how tho Monmoufh County wan tomb. excelled facilities available at The Molly Pitcher. Or, if you are planning aa Numerous vases were also evening out you'll like the gracious atmosphere and the delicious food served •ountryiido hat changed In tho last 10 years. And tho ond ii not yot in tight. found In the tomb containing sev< In our Riverview Dining Room. The Molly Pitcher Cocktail Lounge features Matt homing developers have bought up opon fields, farmland, and ottatat and eral kinds of perfume and cos- Incidental entertainment nightly, except Monday, plus hot and cold hors d'oeuvreo metics. Analysis showed the cos- for the Sunday Cocktail Hour. The next time why not make It The "Molly"? •onvartad them into homo coloniot. Now Shrowtbury wat ono of tho flrtt munieU metics were mainly composed of pafities to experience rapid growth. Hara tho Fairfiald and Shrawtbury Park hom- fatty material mixed with red oxide of iron and ground lime- ing dovalapmantt, off Sycamora Ava., thara, aro shown. stone. This composition apparently gave the face a rosy color due to the presence of the red oxide of Iron, and the fatty substance contributed to a glowing com- plexion. In the HIM tomb a copper mirror was found with a wooden handle. When well polished, the copper apparently gave a very good reflection*, and these mir- rors were much superior to any used by the ancient beauties of Rome. Ancient Egyptian women were also sticklers for Jewelry. There were many varieties of necklaces but a popular design was several rows of small cylindrical beads covering almost the whole upper part of the bosom. Each row of beads was a different color. A! so popular were semi-precious stones. An average ancient Egyp- tian lady apparently had as many as seven necklaces and nine bracelets. The Egyptian ladies of 5,000 MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL DOWN MMIORr UNI —Son., but far from forgottan; abandonad. but with yoars ago wore long robes on the beautiful Shrewibury onough lifo remaining to koop ravival talk going on yoar aftar yaar, it tho National reaching to the feet. The upper part of the robes varied in de- Swaapitakat Regatta—a key sports event that kept Red lank on America's racing sign. Some had sleeves while RED IANK map for 21 years, aside from the World War II period. Cheers rang from the Mrs were attached at one bank* to tho barge and along the "spectators' row" of moored craft as speedsters shoulder, in most cases the left like 6uy Lembarde and his Tempo VI, above, roared by, in quest of Sold Cup hen- by a ribbon. The shoulder knot does not differ from the bow ors. Veterans insist that for the course available, tho Navesink is unsurpassed. knots we make today. Some of

Shop In Your Fair Haven Store Where Your Dollar Does The Most Good For The Growth And Progress Of Your Community

SPONSORED BY 1 Fair Haven Chamber of Commerce ALLEN BRM.. INC., HI Mm Read The dollars you spend stay in your town RICHARD H. iARNETT. HI River Bee* THE CELLAR. INC., HI Uiw Rood CELL'S PHARMACY. Ml Mvar Rood ... so make your community a more ELMER J. NOLL, «» River Road PAIR HAVEN ANTIQUES SHOP, HI Rim Rood FAIR HAVEN IAKERY, W River Roe* prosperous one by shopping arid visiting PAIR HAVEN ESSO, Catealal CL. Rayaad Mater PAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS, PiNirwaadh Ava. JOHN A. FELSMAN 1 SON, III Rim Road RAYMOND R. JANNELL,« River Road with your neighborhood stores ... make LAVES COAL CO* Mt Mm Road PRANK MORAN, JR., Ill Pair Ham, Road MACOMY DELICATESSEN, HI Rim Road your dollars spent, dollars to build your MERCHANTS TRW CO. W. R. •„ Fair rhwoa OMUa PALMER STATIONERY. Ml Mm Road community... not someone else's. EUOENE PATTERSON. (PtwaMag), JM TMrd Stoat PRANK J. PERRY. HI Mm Road STANDARD AWNING, III Rim Read TOM * FRANK'S TEXACO. Mm Road WtLLOWMOOR INN. T« Mm Road MY VAN HORN AOENCY. M Rim Read DORM AGENCY, Ml Rim Road PRANK LESLIE, ElasarisJaa, M Prtaoetee) Road FLAIR CLEANERS, HI Rim Road RED RANK REOJSTER,« Rread Wrest, Rei Raafc MUTE CLEANERS, in Mm Read NELSON? PRIMS MEATS ft POULTRY, SM Mm Road PAIR HAVEN RARMR SHOP. MT Rivet RMd WILLIAM MEROANTHALER. Ill, US Pair Kami Raid Highway Shopping Centers Haffey School, af subart •JurieJ s suffered y Ms client fataped • curb, . Wbmetka, KL wheh n Juror Arthuh r McCllntic col- small tree and aomt shrubbery Pose Challenge to Red Bank Tht 14-eaismt* film win be lapsed in Dtcttur Circuit Court. and stopped when It slammed In- available tree to organisations in- McClintic mi revived and al-to a home. terested » bttadaeas. The movie lowed to go home after he ex- When police arrived, Moria was Had Baak'a positloa aa em of "II parallal atrccu to Bratd St. the story of Hsdley School. plained that he simply couldn't •fill asleep. htnaianiilh County's leading «hop- become a reality" then large national —*—i of tufflon-fraa stand to hear of someone being He ia 1 a $20 fine for laattca- stag tows* taeaa a aerioni cbal- store* will locate oa the fide amveMsnajSMH t ansavant'S] ^sa> •jtasJtsiMtfvBjV^v hurt. itive driving. lease m tha next M yean. streets off Broad : Mr. Bolduc study counts for the bund. The chantage comet la thebelievet. tern of highway shopping een- If large stores corns to the side tin. streets, then maybe Broad St Based on estimates. Rtd Bank's will become a mall, he adds. rttail ssies more than doubled in As a hopeful prediction Mr. a four-year period, from S17.210.' Bolduc seas a mall on Broad St. NO in 1044 to |3t,30S,0H in 1047,from Front St. to Harding Rd. but estimates also show a con- by IMS. siderable drop from 1957 to 1951 The mention of Urge, name SbstpiagMaB stores on Broad St. or side Francis J. Bolduc, executive streets can provoke a heated dis- vice president of the Red Bank cussion la many circles. Community Chamber of Com- Tha "Broad St. Plan" as ou merce, says the shopping mail lined by the Planning Board "is the solution to downtown few year* back would have i USA's shopping problems." toned Broad St from Leroy PI. A preliminary experiment using to Bergen PL to allow large Broad St. as a mtlMhe Festi- food and department stores to lo- val of Art last June—was general- cste along the street. Eventually ly successful, Mr. Bolduc said. the plan was Shelved, but there BID lANrS tlOAOWAY' —What Broadway it to New York, that's what Broad Mr. Bolduc outlines a basic ere meny in Red Bank who feel three-point plan for keeping Red that tha borough's future st St. It to Red Bank. It it the major commercial center and thoroughfare in tht borough. Bank in the lead as a sbo| business center depends greatlj This atrial vitw lookt north toward tht NavtrirV River. Tht largo building »t tht on opening Broad St. to business. center: right is tht now headquarters of tha Ntw Jtnty Ball Ttlephona Company. Three 1. Increase maximum access Parking Problem parking. Parking — maximum access recant additions, which hava completely changed tha Broad St. and Harding Rd. cor- Our many years of construction work 2. Eliminate "T" streets and parking, to be specific—is another ner, art tht Mtrchantt Truit Company, Sterling Furniture, and China and Glait provide for more through streets. problem feeing merchants and Shop buildings. The Monmouth County National Bank building it in the top right. I. Improve traffic flow. shoppers, havo qualified us for the ranks of old "The best deterrent to shopping Nott tht incrtattd number of off-itreet parking facilities, celled a major answer to A survey of Red Bank's busi- centers" is free municipal park- tht borough's traffic problem. timers, but when dealing with new ness district being paid for bying, Mr. Bolduc believes. the Borough Council is a big step Maximum access parking to apparel 13,427,000; general mer- OH JOHNNY, OH JOHNNY brought along a picture of henslf (a the right direction, Mr. Bolduc merchants means providing plen- chandise. $9,039,000. SAN DIEGO. Calif. (AP) — A run in the paper. Everything problems and situations we employ Auto salts dipped to $10,563,000 feel*. ty of room close to tha business poung woman came into the so-seemed to be in good order, ex The survey-being conducted by district for shoppers. last year, compared to 110,701,- iiety department of a newspaper cept that the picture was Urban Associates, New ON fat 1*54. but much of this drag the latest methods and most modern Construction of aa sects* road scribed, with ad her love York City-could lead to an ur-from Monmouth St to tht Whttteta be attributed to the general » announce her engagement to ban renewal program for RedSt parking tot Is expected la the nation's econoi man named Bill. She even Johnny* Tbs poatibllitite watt pmtds • boost for bustatae along Mr. Boiduc "Although •quipment available. i from such a pi lthat atratt. Borough Council hasRed Baak'a I an wain***, iipprapnua^N^ mg BOBHf AuW QB *> ROM •oft* a bufldng to mate way pok* casters. amrUag com- to** Another toate which caabtattd itfaai off tfco jowofatim£ to to help curt Red Bask** ttel business ftJ* to the geaanl pabUc cat provide tha ftffl to tbs works art pitas to (ton. • stabUsh a parktag lot behind top as the shopping bub at Mas- "Yea hava to auk* your amis store* oa tht south stdt of Mot> street tttractiv*," Mr. mouth County. If s got to be a ad effort on tht part of • iioiie • • • • and exterior modereJxatloa pro- gram. Although Rod Baak'a estimated PARTICULAR POOCH C A 2-4400 {retail sates dropped m the past NEW BRUNSWICK N. J. (AP) and residents discuss eomnertist 'two yean, may are atiU above — Mr. and Mrs. WllUrd Per- Wastaidt. 'ththltMe MM soarsk . ao doubt have the cheapr - Patawls Rebirth A five-year comparlsaa la three est food bill oTany dog owner in While the area has generally re- ^ iy taits ana snows. town. mained unchanged in the past 30 Rex. their 1-year-old Eskimo gtatral atrcaaadit*. dog. spun* meat, instead thrives 15 WWtt St., Rtd lank INI, food. %amm\ on let cream and spaghetti. Bolduc says. Some stores modernised outside and la-l The 21-acrt park which la stow- |y bsoassag • reality at tha foot of River St. eouM provide the OUR PROGRESS •park for bttsfaMia giowlli on tbs Westside. Once sgam, Mr. Bolduc says, arbaa renewal could go a tag < aa tat WaeWde. Fed- TODAY.... MAKES ml funds coaM pravtds huge artss for ptririag sad atwstor WhUe there hi UtU* astlre. nom, for baavy tadsstry hi Ras Bask. Mr. Betdsc eaya a p •feed research castor caaM fad FOR BETTER LIVING aapte room a tht hfinwgh

hi Red Bask to sat if ft* targa, avmritoj typstaMd to North Jtrsty, TOMORROW IN THE

Ettty Metal*. Catheria* ft. hi " """ af library

Paspray Corp., BOROUGH OF tM tf the top ttx commercial

Thass, sad auay other sa tadsstris* sea mimosa af dollars year. WEST MOtV Off utOM MflUttnOO WO OBttd 00 tnO WtftfMt. The population growth af Red Bask tnd tha surrouadtog eras* which Its business district serve* The Community Hall renovated by Wrai I^ing will continue to mount la the seat W years. LONG BRANCH Branch retJdenU, I* the meeting place for all Apanmaal* Issa eivie aetivitie*. It alao feature* recreational fa- Apartment houses arid the key to the borough's populstloa cilities for all age group** The recently new growth. There are few single dwelling lots rsfflsinlag is Rsd MONMOUTM COLLEGE I* rapidly burning oni» Frank Antonidea Grammar School in a model Bank. of efficiency and high academic Manrlnrdn. For- The borough Plaanlsg Board Is ef the larfMl eollf>«ea in the East. Establish*^ nuking plans for sa aptrtatett ward looking planning ha* assured thin rom- house was ia Rtd Bask. Oa* la 193S with only 265 iludenta, it now boasts ftnury apartment hi* already munity of well planned housing development* n*ta sieag tnt nsvesna Ktvtr an enrollment of 1,961 student*. It has a wide Rtd Bask* ahsppisf district of individual styling and largc>*iied plot*. asm* a buyisg public eMsMtod curriculum leading to degree* in Bachelor of aaw st WON. A* ft* aosalaUus flaure* at the** tttoMe ares* av Seienec, Bachelor of Arts and Ataoeiated Arts. araass, Rtd Bank'* mall sales vshisM caa alst teens**. Students atlend both evening and day class** in h Mflasacitl batw waa high- a aetting of elastic elegance. ^"•y ^^"^B^pisaBj wSBBJvWiBJt P*ta* npBJI* due ssys. Rtd Bank provides the .•M • advaataas at

Centers are more than "shop] sad ma" are**, h* bsMt.

Ooiag back to the MM at a| auli M ths center tf tht bu*i-l aast dtitrkt, Mr. Boiduc petotjl sat that ft* idea tf clttiag thai

The *Mjl has awt wWh aagrtatl OBJS r%* I Wsrta.T*B., sail ».J • wift ft* MAYORi IHEI) W. STHAIVTZ to Mr. aaMuc. Muy tthtr BOROUGH MOV «.. IV\HM»>S HHMHIei la the couatry sr* using| MM IS j. HAUBOl H •hoppint malls oa an nperimen- WINCH. tol beili ^ ! M'OIIGr: M. CONWAY Parallel Streete ItAJ I'll \mH>|.|>O. jK. An important k«y lo * thop-j] A^IMIKW j. KIIOMI g mall la Red Hank Is psrsl- CI.AIIkSOM S. USHIH e sirtttt There hu httnj • grMi deal of discuHloa In th»i BOKOIIGH CLKKKi J. ill^ni wonim past few yesrs of extending Hud-! •a* Av» to rroat tt Itiia, alnn« i BOROI'(;H rx)iJ.Mm>K IMAiMlS I.. T(HNSrM) wstfi Mspst Av#, would KNGINKKIIi persIM traffic flow. IIMMM I. I \HMMVI K PROGRESS YOU CAN COUNT


Our naw Oakhurtt Ranch wai aamplataal In Juna Tha Laanar*V>MiaUlatown Iranah Offlca dad Its af. af 1919. This camplataly naw 6aarfia Pink Marbla flalal «f«ntnf January I, 1911, In tha naw MIMIa* Drlv*-ln Office, an Manmauth Raaa*, «ffar* tha ut- MAIN OFFICE by Ht ultra-madam l«panal wlra mural divletlnf th* in community larvica. Tha ar atant tw«.itory "haina •Him" «f th« ihara'i Urjatt and mat* prafraiilva hlttory d MlMlatown Tawnthit, at wall ai all Saving* and L*an AitMlatian was atlflnally kulH In 1941. Sinaa than It hat ihawlitf Hannwutd Caunty't rural landtcan*. aipanWta* to toMa h«tn fha kmlWlnf «• *a watt af It ana* tna b«lW>*f to tfca Mutn. TJta thraa kulMin|t cwnblaarf — plui Ida baiamant af fha arlf Inal buiUinf n*w •MawBaii avaf 4,000 »f. ft. af afflca ta««a and H«UM« th« matt madarn kaakkaastftf maahlnai and afflaa aquipmant availaMa. An alt naw aasantian afaf rant ii naw vna'ar way 111 Monmouth County's Largest Savings & Loan Association

SHADOW LAWN SAVINGS & LOAN ways have bttn, dtdicattd to tht ASSOCIATION rtiourets today total well-being of the HOMEOWNER ovar $26,000,000.00, making Shadow ASSETS MOW and WAGE EARNER in the commun- Lawn tha largast Savings and Loan As- ities in which we serve. Our entire sociation in Cantral and Southarn OVER staff is qualified and anxious to help New Jersey. The record of progress you with many of your financial prob- has largely paralleled the growth of lems and will extend to you the most Monmouth County as a whole. Our $26,000,000.00 friendly and courteous service pos- resources and services are, and *U sible. Shadow Lawn Savings AND LOAN ASSNa BROADWAY I NORWOOD AVENUES—Long Branch YOUR SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10,000.00 MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER—MicldUtown Twp. COMING SOON—DRIVE-IN BRANCH—Monmouth Rd., Oakhunt MCMDCKa. M«itl *«M U*« li*k «t MM VI MM J«fMf a*«ta«« A I«M i aHh ate Aaea to • amela wtod W* B. IfMttfjejttd AM tve a»te hag. to aa-a mart ana, • to aMp badhtj aad efr a MM far tha loadtag of a*- toe many people would be die- Autocaobila Clio at Virginia re- tha depot has the cs- Normaady Rd.; it wai over •QMVQS •onwwncra is uw nn placed. ports these among many requests pabiHttaa for tha renovation of roadwad y thathtt ranchh of thha am- of New York, a focal point for Tte Nav_ y Board carried its from tourists: major ammunition item* a* weU muaitloB wed In the liberattoa all Important rail Haee of the study one atop further, and In an A woman who wanted w atty limited of Europa wu transported. Other owatty. aerial reconnaissance, feuad a only la rootela with a swimming ttaae. TWi. la effect. allows tha road* aa4 atraata are named Tte Army and tte Navy in- larg.e area of swamp and scrub pool for her peodU dog; a couple depot to constantly eoovert on- Eaperaoce. Tarawa, Wake. Mid- dependency established boards forest about 13 miles south of' who> wanted to atop only In dt- aorviceabla categories (or rail- way, Tulagl, Oraa, Burma, Gua- to aurvey Naw York Harbor aad tte shore. Tte board recommend- lea with oxygen oorvioa la hot- dalcanal Saipaa, ate. to recommend a aita for ouch a faciUties tebe to- pltalap ; a motorcyclist wko wanted The atreets tad roads of the Losg before tha opening hoattl- bane. Both letacted tha aouth catad on tha and that a map route to Alaska oa I by an n»m«i to HIM o» WnrM War If, »wlor of- shore of New York Harbor. The magaiinc, Industrial, tad admintte- aI Inch cards so te oovkJ keep tha memory of son* of tha gnat Bern at both tha Army aad the Amy rejected the report of their Utretive areas to I oa tte handlebars.

SCINI AT EARL! — Pictured it »n unloading operation at tha Navy'i ammunition depot at Eerie. Tha pier i» in Leoneid*. Al ieft it ana of tha uilroad cart which will transport ammunition to tha megaiinet in tha depot1! mein eree. 7 GREAT On Coast STORESTO SERVE Depot Is THE SHORE AREA! Largest

"Complete a*rvtr» The Naval Ammunition Depot for tha homm . . .* Earle, located in Monmouth Coun- ty, covers an area of about IT square miles. It Is tte largest naval ammunition depot on tte • Laundering 'Diy Cleaning Atlantic Coast. # Tte depot is divided into two RugCleaning 'FurStorage main areas; the Main Station and tte Waterfront Area. A U-mtle Navy-owned fenced highway TELEPHONE YOUR ROUTEMAN FOR paralleled with twoseU of standard PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE gauge railroad tracks connects tte Waterfront area and tte Man Station. Tte Main Station comprises Hum I nil in more than 10,000 acres equkHs- tantly located about nine miles from Freehold. Red Bank end PRospect 5-N76. NEPTUNE CITY Asbury Park. In this area are tte (UID». the intluttriel iacili' SHadyside 1-3065 . tOIANK ties, and the administrative head- quarters. CApltil 2-5014. LOW HUNCH Tte transshipment area, re- ferred to as the Waterfront Area, TWinbraok 2-5000. POMT KEASAHTi la located near Leonardo, on tte 1-4332. south shore of New York Her SHadyside LITTLE SI VK tor about 1H miles west of At- 3-1100. MANA500AN lantic Highlands, and comprises CAsHe about 700 acres. Otter than tte 2-3*2*. EATOMTOWN piers, this area contains only Uberty those industrial and administra- tive facilities needed to support loading and unloading operations, Tte primary reason for tte ex- istence of tte depot in tte be- ginning wai iu three piere, con-

HERE IS REASON TO INDUSTRY STRIKE UP THE BAND! Is Welcome in the RED BANK BOROUGH OP OFFERS SHOPPERS MORE! HMWttURY NEW JERSEY TWO SHOPPING NIGHTS 219 RETAIL STORES Th* prearau that hat com* to Now Shrewsbury, both in SHOP HTHIR WIDNISDAY PI FRIDAY NlwHTS industrial and residential growth, it tho ratuft of o pro- tease aad faanUy In Red Raak 9,ram that is constantly planning for tho future. New steree — awre dwa M a» asm yaw titet for industry, research and growth have been re- 5 HUGI PARKING AREAS I served in areas best suited for their respective purposes. • ENGLISH PLATA Planned progress in New Shrewsbury makes it a better • WHmt iTREET • WALLACE STREET place in which to live and work. • LINDEN PUCE FAMOUS IRANDS • MARINE MW When yaa atap la Rod Rank yea are a* INQUIRIES AM INVITIO BOX Itf. HAMILTON ROAD. ft.D. BATONTOWN, N. j. FREI 1-HR. STRUT PARKING NO Mimf ON ANY UD IANK ITRHTI Courttouf Strvk* RID IANK RETAIL TRADE M BMP |fMl IOARD MIMHRS DISPLAY FREE DELIVERY THIS MAL Free deNvery Is available al a MI NEW SHREWSBURY COUNCIL SHOP THIM MAYOR KARL BARON FOR RNIIT COUNCILMEN VALUIS EUDGH ACCOUNTS . H. Mayer, Jr. ••.„, L. MeCall Daniel E •at* tariM art taajewtd at astat Red ^Clarence E. Unterbero Herbert I. Wlllerl, III ALWAYS! IORO CLCftK • Jerome S. R.,d •..?** • VML ••ttfi Woali yaa Itoto a »to Bapt - ^a^aW ^ato Vatil *Watl Saa^f) to to at PM «. a» Heart R. Na- itftoi . • to Mt erfy at BUFFIA present, tat af JCNL1 PROGRESS M It siaWM* to •M* to MM to |* M IK FKST OF MHO IVMIS to to

• e • M lag to

POWM MR TW SHOW—Niw 131,000 Ulawatt teaarater at Jarsay Central •ewer * L*|ht Cempany's Sayreville Can *r« ting Statien. The unit, whlah went ea the llae last fall, b «he taraml 111,000 gentrater. te be ImlalM a* *e SayravKIa ttatlaa lalfce Bast five yean. JCP&L Keeps Industry's

ktoje Wheels Turning Here

i^aiAiA M AMiatla^AAak Mu V1W 4BVA ^avAaaHflMai •^Mfjajaj sj veTMSVJoTM^Pi e^erSMj ^ mv % IV Ta^^P MnjMj^arBM^a^ Amort MMC - nw mm N UnnttLMr. AaUar aotadl MJ beards .. . te a reality, ear pianniaf b acaetats. b aisstrlaiWy ewe to past It MOM tor to adto M l at aB.SSI Uawatts, yam at a nto at tattsr I Md giowlh of Mm 11 per eat par yaw, Coaatv at won as forto i to ef «HS«H haepa THOMAS PHOCTW CO, INC asy asrveS by JCML ate art toa Id: Tta •—"—'-g toOM ta (Mini la abreast with the aeeas ef ssedani tiaies» v naldMoi aad tta lacrsaa* Hflb Rk* IS < ID ooftv Mg MS as OMomcMy par caa> aaattaastl AnttarsaM. M faetoia bna rasuttad to 4^T •••• l%MBMMf MfMBM) M^ KTMM la eanaad « to sMMgar, JCMLto e» r to atfUty*i ntlou fnei a puaans MCI nanm w MMMkOomtta la W$ to " fawmM BMjto (apply ef alae- MS Wowatts la 1S9S. Ibo i taa oatlatatsdtot to aa - BUFFIA (teottotran I Mto syata mta U K wB Tta rtttsana.Mr.Am. to SS),Oeo Ulowatti, THOMAS PROCTER 51 HWY. 31 IATONTOWN tot la ISM NMtoaL «MMa todays flfua. lbs to Larrata* iatataMoa tol Ut-IMt tad mm ol ate to M to Dsktmra Uvorl COMPANY INCORPORATED .Today toaffllty ana la 1MI M.M) tstohaHiWa. TUstea. Mr . MMMMMMMMMMMMJMMM] kUewattt. By to aad of last tor MM. Isto fliat yasrto flgura tod riM Bto ls > irMMMJtaa BMta to) «na | MS kUomlta with u antlolpttad «aoBonei tamaad la ISM ef M,Mt. iaadiaawMi a Ta stoy ahead of ttis tapM By. U wffl gtve General Contractors olaetrlcal froMh. JCPaJ.ta to toa robaWtty Md pwtMa farl PMt five yauttaa addo d Ma now aaltsto It s laymllla Ooa> ta MM. Tta aawjtas ls| CApttd f4M4 aiattaf KatiM tor M ta eapaeHy of ZN,MS apriag of MSI. 21t H Stt AVEMi, Mr. AaMar said ptaM an aa-l I caaaoltjrto SU . way to MM aajar

The students, faculty, trustees and alumni of MONMOUTH COLLEGE offer congratulations to those who have made the RED BANK REGISTER a searching, leading weekly newspaper and who now undertake daily service to the public.


WAS A GIRL Ueya) S. CaMal

Grandpa took her courtin' In • bugqy. He also cam*to Rt d

Bank in • buggy to buy hii courtin' dotfiing. And thet buggy

could be found waiting right in front of thit ttort whiW ha ^^vliavw^n v^Vc epv^W^H mad* hit purchasa. Evan bafora grandpas time, man's and

boyi' wear wai baing sold at this location. CLAYTON & MA-

GEE has its roots in the vary beginning of the town of Red Bank. •a «* ^ Tbemat I. Hareer Establtihad 1846 Dr. Harry S. Hill Jeseah C. Irwln Trading as ALICE LUDLOW Wayne 0. MaMarray Purchasad by her son-in-law in the year 1193 Oale I. Otte

Be Traded as HENRY N. SUPP

Purchased by his son-in-law, Jamas Clayton, In Partnership

With Harry Clayton and Eugene Megee in 1924 Or. Uware* •. SaMae. Trading as CLAYTON I MAGEE fer, rVaslrfaNt ef tfca Selling Man's and Boys' Wear at This Location Continuously Cellef*

Since 1146 Oaalal J. IvNIvaa, rrasleaat ef the atv* 4ent

RteMtk CeKeae Aleev Men's • Nvs' Outfitters Sbee 114*


OPEN WED. ana1 Ml. NIOHTS 'TIL • P. M. SPCA Stands R«a< Humane Cause at All Hours EAX0NT0WH-1te can badget is raised by vokatary do- could eonw at any hour, day or nation, fuads frost area asatt- the SPCA as • preeseflre orgaa- still iarlsa aad It could be a boras being beat- carrying k*tred or! lat aodetys ta»_ en or a dog left oat ia the aaow Centrary to popular beBsf. the "ttm err- cat ia a sewer pipe or some Nlety for the Preventtoa of ', M hsars • day. baby squirrels la a garage. InnHy to Aaiotals is not a aa- Whatever the time or the pros- loaal orgsalsatssn. Natteany «p to the ladMdaal note are niaialitaii by ttst basMaaMHft f^Waata? fflai score. «Uy aalghbor'sdogbaaa't i Prevontte of Cruel- KB joifcr three days? "Tatt ty to AaJaiale bu a repot tfaaa tts asm lor coming

Now. after yean of strrtce to loanoathCoaaty.thspttbUcwUl me to the rescue of the out- dated eoaaty shelter whoa ground is broken within the aest two bonlhs oa the new. «tt,Mt abaV wr hen* Located off thermae,*&. ths pajaftojgfrv flDoMaVa* U GQIB8O04)fl three bsadaqnate ^irtMNgFi phsi the combination bone and offlei of the co-managers. Mr. aad Mrs. William Sneddon. Modem FacOdes NIW SHUT!* — Albert R. Hochster, SPCA president, holds the roof of the scale When the asw facilities an modal of tho Society'* proposed $M,000 shelter to bo built off Sherman Rd.. Eaton- completed next year, the local town. Looking on aro Mrs. Blancho Snoddon, right, co-mana«er of tko shelter, and SPCA will be aUetoofhr tot Mrs. Arnold Wood, Jr., co-chairman of tho building fund drivo. Construction of tba first tint) % modtra tntinii hospital aad shelter for the thou- tha shaltar will start within two months, although tho fund drivo Is not yat com. of lost, abaadonad, sick platad. Architect for tho fctiiding is Craig F. Hoaren, Rumson. Harold H. Alaxan- aad injured animals la the conn- dar, Little Silver, constructed the model. "Ttm asw absKar- Mrs.

the first of a aeries of atepi asedsdtebrlMMaamcumCona- ty tbs type of bumaae aerrtce ft 1931 - 1959 seeds." ...J.J._. SINCE 1932 PrOfNCtt IB Rut* SMOOOBI opinion, wfflbrmg modem ken- •els wNb issiatta tor skk aai< 28 YEARS OF SERVICE • laaMaat vetermartaa i WE HAVE BEEN SERVING THE RESIDENCES vie «y boroBgh aad town, let. adoption department sad in- AND BUSINESS FIRMS OF MONMOUTH vestigations. COUNTY WITH THE FINEST CUSTOM MADE For. as Maainouth County's popalatte costlmios to a» AWNINGS AND WINDOW SHADES FOR 2S , wit ia a rimfltr aumer- Last year atae, YEARS. imdM over 4.aM dots and pop- pies, dose to MM cats sad kit- All OUR PRODUCTS ARI MANUFACTURED a aood>y variety of . bJokaaa, birds, IN OUR SHOP AT 117 WIST FRONT STREET. pet squirrels aad tajvred wUdUfs. la addKta, the SKA rsetored OVHl THE PBUOD OF 2S YEARS huadnds of lost aafaaals to grate- hi owaers, * WE HAVE iECOME FAMOUS FOR trees, birds from oil aad tar. aad wild aaimab) from traps, as.weil RETTER WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE. as fatvostflgattag l

. tbt SPCA GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO. pushed an this with a staff of four aad a badget aUghtiy ks ac- 117 Wtst Pmt St. RID RANK Ttt SH 7-3M9 MeoftM.om All the more aaatiag whaa realises that tho entire


THIS IN 1W fc**

Ovtr 47 years ago, a dream was born . . . • I dream of serving Monmouth County with tha vary finost in laundry and dry-cleaning ttrvieot.

That draam bacama a reality with tha start of

Uon'i tn a small itora on Front Street, Rod WHh tha thought of serving you better, our progress has been con- lank, tn 1912. In Itlt thty movod to WhHo stant. Today, Leon's, the largest independent cleaning establish- ment in Monmouth County, offers a variety of cleaning services Straat, whara thay ara now Weattd. Starting for the family and home. We invite you to get acquainted witl» wHh ana amployaa, today thora ara 70 paoplo, our facilities; we guarantee that you will be completely satisfied. Including six drivart, at yaur tarviea. From tha vary itart, Laon'i plonoarad tn tho uta of now tquipmont that would maka its Mrvlcoi mora complata, mart latitfying; until today it it ana af tha most up-to-data plants on tha oast coast. SAME DAY SERVICE STORAGE


8 pPMNMRa OV tartar b« MT


64-76 WHITE STREET A^m • ^AJUM p^AUH^^^ r^^BaMa^a^u^ai I^^J^_^ aBa^B RED IANK



"Rome wasn't built in a day" and as the photos above will testify, neither was Red Bank. Just ai the

city has grown from a humble, sprawling village, so has the Register, down through the years, in good

times and bad—since its founding in 1673. That's why Steinbach's (no Johnnie-Come-Lately itself) is

proud and happy to congratulate the Register on the publication of its first edition as a **daily news-

paper19 and to pay tribute to its very tangible contribution to the success and prosperity of the entire

Red Bank area. Surely, an independent newspaper that has served its community faithfully for over

81 years, deserves to go "Forward with Progress." We doff our bate to you—firm in the belief that

your greatest achievements lie still ahead!

COMPANY1 ASM" Ml* IID •ANl NNCIIITt I **i Kcgister TiMltf.SeBtl.19S9- Electronic Miracles Come From Labs Monmouth Home The Space Age Hat Arrived Of Signal Corps At Communications Center FORT MONMOUTH - The U. Among them an: *• Army Slgnil Research and UN-MUitary Surveillance Air- FORT MONMWTH-An Atiu vision and military tunrettlanceiare tte ktou and bench work Development Laboratory wa* •»• craft, Before the Army Air Corps mtottto, Si fast long, rotred generally. ' of actoathtt and engineers a» tebllshed under a sUghtly dif- wu founded, aviation wu a Sig- away horn Cape Canaveral last extend to the tending back through the dec ferent name in MIT (daring World nal Corps reeponslbilHy. and ear- Dec 10. swung eastward high need for more refined synthetic War I) here at what wu then ly Wright BiotherHype atrenft over she Attaatie. circled tte quite crystals ud otter aspects The Signal Laboratory, al- Camp Alfred Vail. were Outfitted for "long-range" world and began talking and of frequency control; to dec- though it hu historically oper- aerial surveiBaoce.,These craft From Its Mar— - • -~ t» ^^in» ^av a.fe^w •• «••fram> maen aerial surveillance. .These craft . teletypewriter keys at tron tubes and the array of solid atod on tte frontiers of electro* buildings the Uborstory hu be- were the hm—sri of today's stations flung tcroes the »»«« *vteet replacing them for let, hu put new accent on tta come one of thn world's foremost pUtMess Army tawiiaro drones. Jnited States. many purposes. mat centers in the science of elec- The satellite — moving nearly Teletypewriters, now reliably In the mud of tte scientist tronics. five mHet • second it t height sending 750 words a minute, In- With thto u a criterion, tta The atmosphere surrounding IMP Radio equipped Weather ranging back and forth from HI stead of 00, are getting still laboratory tea created wlthto Its the laboratory has contributed toBafloe&Ahydresen411M balloon to HO miles—carried a tape-re- own framework tta Institute lor the general growth of Monmouth carrying weather tattrumentt corded holiday goodwill menage 'Electrealc Bralu' Exploratory Research. . County's important electronic in- and a radio to, tend back data ITODl fnTMlddtt "Electronic brains" to store, Here, some of the beet talent dustry. analyse, decipher, reduce and wu launched it the Signal It wu the first time In history and genius are given tte oppor- Over the years, the laboratory Index a growing stream of dttt Corps ItM to a tuceeesfml pio- a human voice wu beamed from tunity to and its parent service branch, in becoming more sophisticated. neering Ofht Today thto to a outer space. g p research.wi the U. S. Army Signal Corpa. A host of div electronic to meet the dendUnee of crash oBVfi oecn rfiPOMiDii lor nlfly Some IM pounds of electronic ponent parti ire being developed program! Jtalemw mWl MtaUe scientific "firsts." tSUT* equipment, operating over one or improved for new uses. omar wn tw"'-'--'o wa y aUtot-"/ pac" k Thneew tintort voice and seven teletypewriter At observed by Col. Harold tUa to channels, continued to relay the we ta tte boat finis. McD. Brown, laboratory Com- "Tna to to Space Probe IMS Altaian Detoetitn Radar. Presidential greeting when so mander. toward, the roe- The Snt 0. S. aircraft detection command*! until tte batteries "A gnat deal has occurred taAla^a^i^i^afBft^afB^Si L SHBB^BBiV' ttMBV^ttBUa BBbSBHBH SSYajPaWtBtWlth tad aarty wantog radix. went dead 12 days later. tte scientific world within tte atery leuarch.«• nut ta gjvea Seen Job For U41-FM Feck Radio. The Sig- HBUeON HHfH — Heee^uerters and tka center «f activity of the U. S. Army Tte success of the experiment put few years. equal toujtiluBi wtth tte prob- aal Cent wu as early pioneer u a major accomplishment for. "We have witnessed tte nt>twaanwl gfgf flfc* sBfAMBft." It tMI to the dSatgn of frequency modu- Signal Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, are in this geometric the U. S. Army Signal Research vent of tte Space Age, with to mmmmmttatt}d ojsrecesttp tjmmi y togjsm«v«wa* aa articlf ae* writwane*, All Notions Mtoftchvaito. structure. Two .increments ol the butMIng, m the Camp Weed area, hava been •ad Development Laboratory, large Impact on national defense ten for e scientific Journal by LONDON (AP) - A Retoy Link. The completed, the mott recent in March MS. Money for the third portion, which "i had designed anTdevel. ud the world u a whole. At tta Dr. Harold A. Zahl. Fair Haven, nesting of specs FMsw fotay dtcuit tte orbiting commualca- tame time, overall technical tta laboratory• Director of Re- WU set up to North Africa dur- would fill in all six tides, hat not yet been allocated. The tw» Incramanh eoit $11,. equipment tad five ground progrett hu ndded search, and Dr. Edward M. American ing World wu n by a turn of 750,000. Whan completed, the Haugjon wilt hava I.J47.0I0 tquara feet of fleer stations. Tte laboratory to one revolution ta our concepts af RetDty. New Shrewsbury, direc- future of Steaal Corps laboratory engl- tpaca, including the real where equipment retts are made. . , •» of Fort Monmouth't major ac- military tactict and strategy tor of tte Institute. too vast ami expensive for try nesra. Since then, radio relay hu There to hardly a single area of science without tome tearing on Organization Chaage aae country to handto. one of the mott import* ant mUtary electronics. It Another major change ta tte "There to every Indication that Ukeiy ft*jme mittta of orttatatlon_ rf tht_ Itboraiory the task may grow beyond the If Rtdtr Signal to tht Moon. and tte U. S. Army Signal Research also wu made ta receat mental resources of tay single nation," Ike Signal Corps took the first tadmtotou blued tte wa-y for' and Development Laboratory will takl Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, deputy electronic step into apace ta 1140 •• *•*• become even more importtBt tameeting tte dtmaadt ef tte administrator of the National when It bounced a radar aignal "'««»future." present and tte future. Thto Aeronautics and Space Admtato- off tht moon. The lubiiausni For example, one approach for wu creatiou of the Astro-Eleo- tntion. program hu re- obtaining new sources of stable tronics Division, directed by Dr. "It Is a task that challenges energy was to go back to tte Hen* K, Zb>gW, Riberen, and ppeoprap i oi m* «t • how radto waves behave ta tte designed to consolidate laboratory wholel . It lla a task demanding upper ttmoephere ami to outer A highly significant advance!'WOfk OS IpMO pfOJOCtle many skills from nations large wu made when tte small Van- To carry out ita mission u a and small" IMs-Weathsr to Ranch guard I satellite, only 0.4 tactae major research tnd dirilMmnt Dr. Dryden told the Mth u> MlJW^tat tUt aMttsdt rowrd ta diameter, went Into orbitleatetttahment for tte V. S. Aim, tematkmal ArtranauUcal Con* March IT. Hot, reacted an and other mnitary bnnctee end grese it It essentUl to Signal Corpa Mgh^dtltade NHrwn apogee of 3,411 miles and may I government sdMtlfk tge» world cooperation ta maty areas attained an anode of over 14S,- stay aloft for a thousand yean. Iwhca dteocted. tta Mgaai ta> of space research. ON feet Thtta .fflghit yielded Vanguard I has two transmit, bontory staff to compoatl tf Only a few yards away tat ton. Ore. powered by cornea- earn 471 military personnel ami nrctlovtot vertical linear*.af UQBSJU DtlfwTlejelt WMJMJB; QnwM «W|dblBgf CtVUtewB* Joined 800 tdaaoeto and sag iMith't bat ttata la me aattoa • JJf. by ta Dr. Dryden to to tend Iti hlth-pitcted United Statu and tht . requiramento •d will do so tadtf-| tWon had MCfitsaralry pet 4W.* amWaakltmiMMl Amoosj Ita tnotoytu an paved the way for today*! i MMIKeaJn^arhtt and two sa_- mg oirOiupoa of nox-parttsan local fmms$ MM WKtfJay M «sfmitt- proba reckett era now circling Army of today and tte tuture- boarde, dvic ctoto and tary. and being adopted by tte the tun. a highly mobile. terdVhttttag, Tta success of tta power tup-1 virtually every da- "But to U. S. Wtotter ~ widely dtaperted force tied to- resulted la a broader a whole world tor Its gether by communkttioas of the Otesmat highest capability and reliability S vOI* IVftaMr Mess.-he teal "Uses are aatt y eater converters, wtthl tttJ- Site and weight reductioni , bbet- ito aeeda to tta tocality are flnt totga crystals cells tat matt cone (ran every pert alflcnnt ta tte of me worid when neaare » plex function SCHOOL — TWs eeriei view thews the heart af the U. S. Army Sig- an among tta vehtctae are gated ta atrleat manufacture nal School at Fort Meamewth. Myer Hall, Ht hoadtjuarters, and the open air the. lent requirement! for same oombtaatioa couM to end, Dr. Diyden tati Bto s for instance, to power automtticl"1^ " •" ""••• ^ni|MJ en. ndettog tte cost af quarts ater is in the toratjrawie) at the right. Behind thero are the clattrecm buildings dton and commanders tathe to* tat V. S. largely to- fteM u wen u for exploration weather ttttiou ta remote area*. - ta_ tharp oontewt to Met start tag about US pant- ""*" while dormitory.type barracks are at the left. Tho quadrangle in the canter it tta tobontory'ili* • nlMT. orbit 300 miles ftem it of foreign imports for of outer apace. thto Otwctl •toeral for many Hemphill Paradafrtjund. Rt. II mm through tho top loft of tho photograph. The These qualities Dial radio station hu tracked -waa expected to be mode avafl- every utellrto launched to 4 able ta the early states of aa Signal School, ana af Fort Monmouth's major activities, trains theutandt of offleert in ef ttatottnance and repairp , ot Printed have direct American and Ruattoa. International oMperatieu pre- and anliittd men ytarly in cemmunlcations, electronics, weather, and photography bearing on radar, Tte recorded radto signals grem. Circuit. A IstJstkpa lor anem- infrared bltog electronic parts on • print- subjects. anatyied to throw "It to economic - not ed circuit board proposed by tte than H million dollars for fir- Signal Corpt ta IM to now wide- ing. It will senary many but not ly end to Industry ud bVfabri- Thto to aa area ta which me! ' toboratory hu wide experience;11** te fid.""* * * *"•"*'COJPOB. Of MMOJWWBVM CttTVNS Mr one The Scout is the vehicle to wu which the first British tatoUto Mortar Locat-| aattou'i A major electronic off tte noon with Radar Diana Is expected to hitch a Uft toto to 1MJ. laboratories of no i Konea conflict* dustry. orbit undtntandtag of tte Radto. A military On any given day, Stgui Lab- Dr. Dryden said other ntttou amtl enough to weather, which tte Stgul Cent y. Signal oratory partonntl could bete in the space ____ At toto a tahftr*! cenbtt helmet hu been pursuing even before nay to i atton program by providing fn- mlnta- It established 1171 what became Ing torn special iaspect af red* efflt.es for seMlite tracking or at V. S. Wetter Bureau, to commuaicittMB tan she Antarctic, atmospheric electricity to me Fewer to Space, being attained on a wide front to u the tavettifttiea ef tht Arctic and Mgk-eJtitadt wtoda Tta stoctrictl power for tte IGY Tte laboratory tht Vatm^aWMAmad) ¥ U^UaA • *. - • tint bat along tht equator. The eta aevtr vaagatra I tsmntc launched ta im, sets on one or another of Its March IT. MM, wu sU soUr radar ta IM, tedtotnfcesO a They an still revoluUoniry mum ef ttotrvt- are waa a year. tton when tte Vanguard II cloud power Itr space """" of aotar cover satellite wu launched tost SPEBSQSA Up In MM HH-'Talktag" lataUrtt. Tte Feb. II to tend back data on Freject SCORE utoUito wu cloud formations. Forecast Convention Set NEW YORK-To what extent MtelUto may em day to ft home building coatributing to pieced ta orbit by an Atlu Mis- ASBURY PARK-The mld-At> Ule Dot. Is. INI. Tht satellite the Red Bank economy? lantic district of tht Society for brotdcut tte first human voice en cutting the Preservation and Encourage* does the local rate of •pace when it transmitted construction compare with that tins and weight wu pointed up of Barber Shop Quartet Btaeatowtr't Christ whoa the Signal Laboratory and ta other communities? Staging to America wl'l hold Ita mu greetings to tte world. At me Radio Corporation of Amor- Answers to the questions come annual convention and couv tte NUM ttate H proved that petitkMi hen Sept. »V. from the Bureau of Labor Sta- voice and code signals could te duced mlero moduln to tte pub- Man ttea 2.SO0 IPEBSQIA tistic* of the U. S. Department He taet spring. of Labor, which hu just Is- members are expected to attend by uteinte relay nation. soil It toah en- d compete to tte quartet and sued its annual report on tht reduction la number of new, non-farm dwell- Fair Haven Man ings that were authorised far construction In the put year. CoL WUnam Btolr ,„ ••••••• tawnai aw>^SB»eie> • Fair Haven, granted tte basic More than 7.0M localities ire wjpr Pjp^si w n itjmji vf sjmjt} eta totems} w^B^BvasjsmH^tnayet . , Dttowara, covered In the nationwide survey. U «• patent ta radar ta races- Virginia, Maryland, Weil Vlrgto* nittoa of Ms work tt the Signal computers, uvlgation devices In Red Bank, tor Its site, for Army aircraft, to name a In and the DUtrict ef COunwia. mere wu men home building lebontory prior to World War Tte local etapttr. headed toy thin In most psrts of the Middle Ttemu Cameron, will beet w* Atlantic states. Tuba. Thlt revowUonary tube Micro-modules are one exampfcj 74 premltet iodtrmHe Me and far of the advances being made to The report shows a total of 74 bwer power drains. It to expected COVI Of rHOtMiM —Ai teen from a plane, hare It Hod link's thriving wtterfrent, arthed around a large cove solid suit electronics. I'M "I- new dwelling units begun or Door Device to hive trsmtaaoui impact aa of (he Niveiink River. A harblngtr ef things likely te tame, It the new Colony HtMt iMMjry apartmantt, lower Uputlan cubes, only a third of u authorised loctUy, mitttery^aad dvttlaa 2T Inch square, are not merely public housing, for i rate of 4.1 left, near the Molly Pitcher Hotel. The many deckt reiehlng out te deep water thaw hew Important tha river !• Patented units per 1.000 population. and itt retreitlenel Utilities are to Red lank, Iti people and vititert. Job of a complete circuit—#ome- MCKEESFORT. Fa. - Aa to> This wu atom (to times several circuits ret* nf 41 units per 1,001 popu- amL.**« '*• >».. »•». Their disciplined gotmttry for ewvaton hu beta lavialii lation «2 makes them Ideal for eon Patcrton Plann Va«t Downtown Rebuilding Job Mr. ted Mn. Stanley E. vo by i MMMIttowa, N. )„ maa ami Although tht Mttot wu tttil la Thto type of teal automated production, In- Mil midst nf the Lefca ef l« Battoawood Dr., Fair aaslgned to Elevator SuppHet Co., •ATERSON, (AP)-One mil- Mr. An.lerson wrote i letter to t seed moaey idee whereby Urn- tpsctlon, handling, thlpptag tnd Inc. Ing the first helf ef. toil year, chambers, saying • drive will be Ited tmouau ef moaey are ac- Htven, tova returned tram Rus- aaeef tttomatorio tlon dawn to private capital will tto, when they tttsaded the storage. They would simplify home building showed p f made next month tor IJOO.ON m nimutated to stlmutote tte flow equipment ind repair and milate- A patent graalad It Joaeph V. IMIOJMi. ha sought to rebuild downtown opening ef the Amerlcaa Nation- ed strength. It wu t trig fac- INI - Mtora-Medutol. A «..Fatertoi. , H was innountsd yrs »l«ned Mock purchaie s«rer of greater amounts of capital nanct; t mtlfunctlonlng circuit O'Orady Is for a mechtnlem eke> tor In the recovery, producing technique that shrinks tin ttot ments prior to formal Incorpor- al Exhibition, whin Vice Free!- block could bt quickly replaced, pie In coMtructtoa yet rugatd I.IM.OOO privately-financed dwell- of electronic circuits taoMd or ation. FAIR FEATURE dent Rlohard E. Nixon wu thert or, In the c«u of satellites or enwigh ui withstand thoutandt of John F. Anderson, president of In iuly. Mr. voinLenm wu ta Ings with a market value of $17,1more by using sundtrd me«eh> Onto formed, lh» mrpnratlon AI.I.KNTnWN, Ps. - The Roy remote equipment, standby cir- openings a day for lon«g portodg the Greater Patersnn Chamber RUMII M business for the ling- billion In the vear. slied electronic \mtu mat are will aim for the Ml* of II mil- show will he the fee cuit • automatically cut In of time. It comprliu suctuehh ntrtputt of Commerce, made public *•« 11« er lev/tag Msohlne Co. Tht Fair In Red Bank, th* 74 private tucked to make tlsv compact ef the proposed Pateriwn Com- lion* worth of ihim at 110 a ture altractlim at the Allentowa While they are • tangible at i direct current motor ted • dwelling unit* schxduied for am- units was announced by the lab- Hivea couple also visited Aus- mualty Development Corp,, whose share Kalr ti|ienin| Motiitay, Kept. 21. tchlevement, micro-modules tlen • *inetlc clutch. The srrangsmst utrurtlnn In thr ynr reprnented oratory. It has produced tte tria and Iwltiorlsnd. first ventur* would hr « 200 mill Said ,ln«rph Mailrlln, diiri t'u I Im fair will run «i» nlklii) wltli may be viewed is symbols of la deelgned for linearly movmg $1,91*1.000 In vilur, hiiod on the electronics for • sli-trantlstor rt- m.ilini***!! on 'liifwtav and I'rlitay scientific effort Synlheslied In elevttnr doors u dlttitjutohii of din (hit li imellrr than a sugar mlddle-lnromo apertmrni prn|prt of lommtinliy trlillmn and s« median pricr in the >i«Unt »I«Inlaty of 111" Nrw til A pi"> inv of lli« fair ''III .,lll«l.i. lial.ll I., th* tiny rulwa, on whlrh much from those which are hinged or lump. within easy «nr» ol ih< r unit. town area. hank * 1 mat Co "llm lilii'til SIIIKIIV, Srpl ?fl I' 'dt-v«lo|>mrnt rroialni to he done, pivoted k I Seat 1,1«» MDJAWKUdfTTl Local Firm Major Garden State Parkway, Red Bank-Middletown Area the ptaat aow hat 7UM brary ahelvlag auaateemnri to fast of worktag Estay Metal ProdoeU. he., ot '-*"' del MM aad racks tor Are Serving Each Other in Phenomenal Transition ta MO ta a email aboard ahtas. Later, parti MM, Mldtag M Bridge Am., the firm ' ' ad tocfcen to aaw a mater lector ta fta TM Gaiwa ttoto huHBb* Kami* aontamaat ttoU. lftlM udflSag area of Monmoum [Paiat std.,~ Oceaaport. preakkat County. And vice vena. the pleat Open shelf Bles ara apodal The m*nlte aaperl into a new bufldhWoa 1 CalMr- aalto ot aataa tointae shetvee which traversal Moammrth Coua- too Bt ta lMt. Bnaadod twice, high ea which tttag ty ta Ms north and •«««««"• along the ontlro atato to credited with ptaytag a majorjote lathe development of me new jeney areas aemd by it Whoa achaowtodgtag thto. New Jferaey Highway Authority _*Mch built aad operates me parkway-taa atop* give credit to local the unprecedented

IbrM by fta paikway. arataMa to ttaliol tha Where a* tow Joan ago fte trip ot aoapayteg traffic from Had Bank to Newark or •stag tM totVfna secttoa ta Is. New York was M hoar or two Cooaty. It may so (or awn) MdirtaMag. Ife aow a N or •Vmtooto or (leoi) rou- s tbiie ttet th# pij tine. wflB aot eara the tacnaaM a> gach a dUfonaco ta by 1IW- apaa «p fta Jeney The Aathortty. of count, hat anaareasi aBl abas fta at imMMN bonds to pay off. Aad to aaaaal aparattag aad MW vton Siaw 1913 tkia Umk km wmit it • policy to f» farwavd Evidaaco oat fta AD of whkh calif atttattoai to the wwlmweMlMj pontli of popalalloai in tkia vaat mtm. Toahy a fact about the pathway Ihu to IMS MM — may act t» wMrty hmw* be fond to the fact w*t the loo, to Unogtrt «MI bi wctioav aMMh b bciaa; OOM to Aumorlty baa, f y bwnkitM fgjnlltrioi to yotj who warraat UM figwat, gMjat Wl^MMd tial Q id ta aperato tha paifcvay Moamotrth Caaaiy ta a parMraa, part-toil m... ate, Baaat ctWfail kaaUaf aenrke. It to oar 4a«aaot UgaJin to ThJa compla> aitoetioa baa V tfifllc* Ma but IaM. Only tot J«M,JI af a lag tkia ANM m Mojer tmi aaore awamtifbl plioe ia wUek to Ufa. COHIpMMQ law wMH AatbarHy aiyi H to aaateu to affer reduced ntee far stiver and fte Asbary Park WB bat lit Ptasa—aa hwi baaa Maabtoito WATCH POIOW NEW 1MCMFT OPFKF distance. as hilfway ptctan points. by tMtokVfree areas . And thto widening I On fta after side of fte coto. done gnduafly M fta ti It a pictan of crease heightoaad aad fNI Oft* iOAJ-TWs h twa ttaraW Stafa Parkway Leiden h Progressive Bankinf First tM ia tfce Chaat«ajMk« Sfaf* *arw afta. fa«f narfk wf ffta third tone to Maaaiautfc Mla1dUi«» «^Mtn Ife* «--«-«-- -- ** «••-- rosfiway from wwevvwweivej ftirafJiejamK V^PVWViy PfVJV ^PWw^P^ tWvwvIe V^wTO to tha river. p tha larfa aumwar af bavibtf aavaUaiMiiH that bava 71MM it apat aleag tha paikway to Ito •pnmf *p near 4h t aouthbouad lundnay. im T«Hgnah HIH Park ta HotakdaL In 1MT. In l»a, itjhiidtaaoi tttt MttthbONM fe9MMQf nMI TstagnabMBPaifchaa UNUMAL UNCMM PHftTO Keyport-Matawaa to fte Albary Park Tea Ptasa aad thto yeayawr diractty fraai the parkway aeir . H. J. (APM>r. tPPJNOPIBLD. 10. (AP) - Of completed the aorthto ritopoat 1W. the park < Charles A. Phimower Ma tha awre tea ISS known poaad tag. much of hto II yyean n «t Abraham Ua- Iadtaa raUci aad ttadytag oaia, aaly oaa shows him wearing fh# AlnlMffity HM FWMVtS flaV VKlM Mm htotorhtotoryy. _—^~» irlag tadlcattoM oaar ejaya, aa apamtM Naw, ha to giving hto coUec- ft at tha Aebary ftatowar Now Yaw CHy aMtoe Bat-», vm. whan M aad hto % * Tad CMMCM AMft fjAlW Park area win i gen UaivaraUy. They at a book ta the •H-Bayt. a aafvareJty where ftw w«__< be White HOMO. TM photo was MtMIU Of THi FIOWAl OlPOSIT IHSUtANCI COMOtATfON alflcaat la the report that ea- The New Jeney Highway A* avallabto tor eojdy.- PhOhowM by Ff** P*J ™? "*k ftartty, fto paikway'a panat hie aoato far ad* a^iacv hi o thiaa^i^Bnhar kaaV SMNtotod by fta tiwtf TM three pay, an Mrs. m Wktto, chalnaaa; JeM B. it a i CHy, vtoedN FOR A BRIGHT TOMORROW •Ml fBC PMaEwMV MP MSMM Ml aWa^aaaail a^a^aa> ^m f^b^k^^K^^^gV •*• and aytvastor C. MMftlW POT* OT aWaVJaWJeWJoNI* l» ay_^ ^^^^ av^^•*fw»^ aaaiggV g&* •VM (IVm aVNJMMai WM W Mn. at *a M at a toi nad ta i Man, WM a former mayor at Bad A NEW HOME TODAY!!! ta It dote op la Bed Bank to pai&wtorty Iden AaiaK tkfa^BM fa*MM parkway Earn County, road afflciah) aty. I general There the paikway faeaa a g offlcet ot the igeaeige y an at U tfiraet to IU overall fucceat aad nadtt. aolveacy by vlrtweaf thelacree*- The eiecutive offices of tha au- Ing load of traffic using a kgls- fW^A aWM #^«A ^^^ata^kak d^^*a —-*-* thority ara ta Now Shnwatwry lon-riM wcuoa, nwy MM""•. Iln • termerte farf m housh e righiht along fto paikway nest to Port Mve waraeil tM MoammmVe Hasagon milldmi. I Kan Hible "Bom W

CXODUI 14:11-The Lord Mid to Moees, "wV eJa yaa cry to m»? Tell tha aaoplo of lertel to |r farwart".

Mow typical! Tha pcopla of larul had followed Moaaa and thay hid come into difficulty with PMraoh and tMy «rl*d out to the Utrdandblamad Mosrs for their trwuble: Moaea, locking help, turned to Ood, WM iMtruclod him to tell tMpooploaf larael to go forward). TM wiyoutofanydifftcultylanaverbncb> wtrei-H la alwaya forward. TM value al tM pait and IM praaoal lies in their contribution to IM future. TM patt cannot bo changod but IM proaaal CM mi nuwi M faihlonod and used In auch a way that it bullda an even Mtiar foundation far tomorrow. TM fow»datloH owtarmlnei ih« kind of Mperttrur. lure you em erect upon it. Today Mcomea tM NEW JERSEY SHORE BUILDERS ASSOCIATION foundation af tomorrow. Live today ao that you ran MONMOUTttOCIAN COUHTW live with Ita memories without regret tomorrow. Oo forward with Oad) today, OP NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 0» NOMI BUHMftS •ev. T. A. Jiegor. Jr., aall far a aapy *l lit »aa»bar»M» rattar. Yaa aaa a«IM ana) bay fWglajiil Director af Chrlatlan rdoration, with confidence with bulldori ana1 suaallert ailialaylnf tkia eaal af Maaflty,. •ynod of Mlaaourl, aarvlao ana) iklll. B Presbyterian Church, U.l. Ill MAIN STREET, MANASQUAN, N. J. CAitU 30502 T r Progress is the Best Proof Of Monmouth County's Growth Builds A 1 Greater GAS FOR HOMES GAS FOR HEATING Amerka JMM

1911 19M 1911 19M 191? 11 RESIDINTIAL MATING CUSTOMBtS

In tha Dait fivo yaart tha itumbor of famlliat In MawMtik

. IV ItM. Itiva that natural aai U bait fa

than ho 44 In 1911... . . fartllor ovMtnco that natwol it 4ii ini*)#fT#*T ^"t #f wv #v#?yvAy iif#« GAS CUSTOMER GROWTH GAS FOR INDUSTRY 1IMM

iwi KM ifn \m TOTAL CUITOMWI ^M 9%9m\ W ALVA AAAAI AMAILV Wi •• •• *w «iw ••••• Rnnv |flf| •• *fVV WIT pffVVf W ••••fITIAA^MAWyM AA•*•A• AwyvjaAIAMAJ^ aA^A AV C

. New Janay Natural *ai Co«wtawy'> IMV* ft«« nf) a raaaf** IN% In H»a yoart. inmn

NEW JERSEY COMPANY 88—Ttmaav. Sapt I. MW KED 1AHK HECT8TCT .mis lof the creative society MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The poarruND, ha. . _ Thorns* Fralinghuysen, Douglas way officials wtto sordid m am medical profession is about to SNAKE'S (NOT) ALIVE J. Gessfort, and the late John bo introduced to a "party-Use" that oss of their railroad cfasimi From /ro/i Flour to Mozart And Moliere Held, originator of the "flapper" tscope that will allow as FAIRFAX, Okie. (AP) - Mo- signs had bam painted wm> sad drawings and an author, many as four doctors to listen torist Joseph Scrogfta* was only InacribaInscribed with ne name of a TINTON FALLS - Th« Old "Many don't realiie it." Mr la on a patient's chest sounds •lightly hurt when his. car turned nearby resident sad sa arrow Mill her* has many facet. deVegh said, "but John Held led st tha same time. and planed him in tha wrack- poiatlai the way the most significant revolution over p Built in 1(74. it U the head- Malco Electronics. Inc., which age. Bat he was extremely anx- Said quarter* of tha Old Mill Amo- 1 tha American. Ha leianed tha atsnmcops. tottt fOC TH&Xt* He) WomV "This Is earryhaj INa '' eiatiOB. a noa-profit orgaalutfcm represents the complete emas- tt is trsaalslariiad Is too far." of 3N memben, who ara develop- of our culture from on top of a make. Ths make dM. prim ing a program of cultural sub- European thought." atanca in Monmouth County. With the society, the four It if aUo th* exhibition place hoped to attract professional art- for many profeMknal artist* and ists to the Shore area and as* the launching pad for hitherto tablish a focal pomt for ideas. unknown painter*. •An art forum," Mr. deVi " It* wall* hava echoed to tha stated, "where these Mem •trains of Mozart and the Dixie- receive stimulation and dJiseml land rhythms of tha Walter Peo- Ination." ny Trio. Branches Out •liwsaiiaww s* •• In the top floor theater, drama What started with art. how* groups have produced playi by ever, quickly branched out into Dylan Thoraai to Moliere, who music, drama and poetry. Soon was (till alive when the building workshops were being offered In COUNTTS HOST was being constructed. dancing, drama and photography. | Professional and amateur dano The various interest groups be- ers alike have worked out in tha gan to organize In 1993 until, two specially constructed dance stu- years ago, they were amalga- dio. mated into the Old Mill Associa- On the floors below ground lev- PROGRESSIVE el, which formerly housed tha State'* first iron mill and, later, Headed by a board of 14 di- a flour mill, ara tha kilns of rectors, the association has a two- Geza deVegn, resident owner, fold purpose: who turned the mill into a ceram- 1. To offer tha membership the DAIRY! ic showcase during the IMO't. opportunity to participatd hi a Historical Landmark ssrio* of workshop programs vn- der ths direction of profasslunal Nothing could be finer for your Hie mill itself, of course, is HISTORIC LANDMARK —Built close to 300 yasri ago, the Old Mill in Tinton Foils artists. an historical landmark. fajnUy'a health than plenty of is still an architectural wonder. The solid oak columns, resting on a bedrock founds* 2. To provide a receptive an- Built by the first colonial gov- tasee for a eycla of lectsne, bodytlrilaimj, eool, clean milk ernor, Lewi* Morris, the building tien, extend for five more stories below ground level to the mill pond where Seven* concerts and njirlals avaoti by sits on a bedrock foundatioa, Its teenth Century ironimiths discovered large ore deposits. Later ussd as a flour mill, llftad pannimafa. ... ami IWM «t Puritan Dairy solid oak Umbers reaching up- the building is new headquarters for the Old Mid Association and contains a tha* As the msoclstloi yam aro smwafsj «f tbc finest in saven stories, each with 1,901 ktcroased. so dM ha square feat of floor space. ater, dance studio, art gallery and tha kilns of Hie resident director, Gaxa deVegh. aatU, In tha test • BBJSBX ami tattk pradawta. Your Large Dividend* one of the foremost ceramists in and other notable buildings, all Pnrhaa ajaJIk la delivered to your the country. in the Gothic tradition. These and other safety pre- bosno IM the newest refrigerated Born In Hungary in MM, he Mr. deVeghg . who became an cautions ppaid large dividend* last delivery trucks to asaore you of ( fi received what ho calls "a das- American dtiian in UN, next yyear when fire, burning (or five sic, humanist educa- toned to industrial deals* oolf Btunbtr of getting your milk farm>fr«ah al- Hun before being discoveredd. Uon," before gradaaUng from the ceramlca. glass, metalI ami nor failed to cause any serious dam- University of Budapest with aceUin "a waya. An additional number of law degree. By the early UeVs, ho began colony came in for added tbeae moiern refrigerated trucks examining the fire on tha Itgal Mating absat in march of a la- aJUoa last year reported that the struc- Turning his profession, be me boratory of his own whara he of America ssJsetsi tha ami lor are to he delivered aoon to guar- were still ffive wU ho taMTtasd all Budapett Academy of Paw Arts«**—"» P*****— MaaJIJi s foMr marke^ t mm whioh wU bo f-*—•—•• -- antee the moat modern, up4odate as strong as required by where he studied arcMtseture over the world as a showcase af law for a public building and soUpturin.. , ^ ^ cuHnral activities m th* UsJmi aervke to afl of our customers. MAnerici/"America," hs SUtes. entered a parlod of Th* explanation for this sac- , and la the living There wm n growing demand forcess is. according to Mr. dhVasjh, a New World in pottery. very simple. Lettcue of NatttoM u at yird* a design which included the utili "Where else." he asks, "can tnrian." a noted Shakespearean actram|| By the UIO's the mill, with its sticlt ,or itI education program, adjacent dam. had been convert- lujiw Bind* Sattinn up ahop at th* Old Mill, try out a new paatomto* raarle*,{ ad Into a flour mill, but opers-| ., w ?•. 4-.. hu__a put- hi t pilo' t plaa into• opera—- or n classical vtoUmtt Uons ceased when ice smuhed! Mr **Vtth »P«at *• Wo*- tsaa. A swgtag demand forth ement with Jaa variatkaa? the dam in 1H7, and the mill ">8 two >«"« in Vienna where results led to the opening of a "And where ataa can a at renamed Idle, untilMr. deVeghjhU work taIIKM**" M {W £ ^A*ay employ wife slip away from her hit GeudeVagk him llow hi purchased it In 1943. * '« « P for further study lag 300 to HJ persons. long enough to perfect a In addition to the superb co- w y Production on one item akw technique in water colon Even more amazing than the! I"p " . lonial conetrucum. Mr. dsVagfc eonstrucUo__»_..», n an..dJ kit...history. -o>f th.k.ei «n Rome ne met Gordon Ber- leeJ-platet-reached the UO.OtO modern dance?" has. for the past six yean, ooa> of ths Institute PURITAN MILK CO. mill, The Old MiU tinually coated tha entire stnta> id through Mr. Ber- An outlet store, haadkd by 1st*, b* explains. turt with sodium silicate, knows u 1330 Mrs. deVegh, was opened in the a need for expression atiaU, an 14ft MtOAO STREfT I as "water glue." colony. mill to dispose of surplus prod- outsat must be foaad. The solution, which bat a IN to a then at work, on New York's nets, and, in MM, Mr. deVegh's SH 7-0484 per cent sealing effect, is highly Drlviag Farce Cathedral of St. John the Divine, book. "Craft of Ceramic." now Italy's "(wtostraoV OM fire resistant, and therefor* pre- The driving forte of the cultur-j As Mr. Angel's assistant, he used as a textbook by many IMS. waa the world's firstas> | vents fire from spreading quick- tl experiment is Mr. deVegh, | also worked on St. Paul's School, schools sod universities, was pub- liismwsy la separate fast, ly. sculptor, painter, architect, and the Princeton University Chapel, liahed. distance traffic and local traffic^

V M$w Jm$y's Lmpst Mmk* Supply H$m§ FOR tit BOATMAN '



r> • •• Kt r*

of tot Dr. Hammer Recogni: ^ Matte. m (Mi a^^bw^ «fl atM «Bai flilai ill t£ —- • '-^ -' - fc^ J "I As Great Businessman :;v^=r Mt'FtnH aad BBM. JMSBM C. ABV^MBM at I could thow atto1telha».TkavWt«* catnmaccA?)-htodk»i| Nnr Y«fc Cft/tota UtoJ bat It aWt "atort aatfl wr laid watt Vt tt iMt WttlCS BMtV I bad nad oftoo tor- Tit WTto thatbt gwliilil, ht htro. Natt •BBS B^gflHBBl A BJa)pW afjlBWltaM dMftoft I tale la yw Many htaopt M. 1 Of lip ta UwRw tag to Atdaw Mt AIM, CO*• hto7 BBMh 0aM tMBT NtekRd MI to M£«* kit at cat of tha wocWt imMt MIMNL Aad a doctor who IM MW Warld War I 1 toad agmlf • km ovar- M+t.1 wat totted to Haicuw atamd to t Ltato. I abtaawd tht "Wttapaadtd Congratulations ht taps. "I tgrttd to

i •2y!!I w» Ptrd Motor Ota«aay aad 91 tad ttadtod at alght I goBttt BW --« - * --• - - iu. •DnttWu ha* to t MMIMI *~r sow hai a vahw of SU,< "TW oO biMtont It foaaatk.1 • T«l STATI ONIVIttlTT "I toad oat that tht govom- toawr aqn. "tt gato Best Wishes For Success Ibtotd. I Ifto it battar thaa CauMcolaMa.wKhBqr dag I htvt mr btta to.1 _ffctor.whohad •at Dr. Rtaatr Mm to N.UN too, aboat tht tot , Artntaavta «Wh tht art trtMBfl back. Amaad. good axtor." ho As A New, NtwYMkCMri iflM Ift |WMltT§ IfRJf yisV« 1 if tht art eMe to Id hack oa." art drcltt. "Bat woflgorod tha t N yoa to FetOure «• tfaatiatt at tfta Nata MtMralty. it gtva ptoptpp e bargtiat, they wB Daily Newspaper •PPA^^.J a^VVA VA alB^MfJpVJHe* a^M••••& vAa>f alaMaM^••JBBajBtMv Aa*%^ vaMaiiBalMfeB^a^t laMa^^mml IMftaaanali vat#i BAat^^^ro" Dr. Proper Pioeednre oBaatd whit wo thmght wsaM bt a taowatk ttlt at Man' fPMNO LMOt HEIGHTS-^ notfitaCUcafs.lt wort to Kiucuoa la panav a^B ^aV^ Aa^^^ ^^^^^^^ ai^^aka^ 9 ^^^^^b ^^^^^& ^ ^a^^^^ •actdaro wffl boa 9a>> W ^aWV O»W MW WM m WV WB A IPl* two yarn." ^•^^^Bk ^^B A^^^^^^^^^^L^ Ja^^^^^h^ V ^M^^M ^^»^h^ a^avW a^aaBVIA ^baT a^a^ai fta^^as of Mart aiitHagi ^BkHV »ap •ja^'^a'a^a^alaw •J^^^awy ^ V• a^a^^^p VVHB ^Pa*a*ai aa^aaw ^^ai ••••• w^va Uttr oa. oat thlag ltdto aa - aaMftt 4a aalak taa aartMar ta aiU %f taa taa>ta aat aaaaMl^t tht Aataqr Park Chapter Itatovaa* St ta a pal aaaaajaf * *Ut «*Ulta artaaqr Ja» I hid MM tfaara of' Joan Kbkjtoa aa- a^ f^aa^ASM iate a^a%tial tBAa^a^aA a^ 'aAft MaWMll t^^^^i^g^ |y. Aanricta Dktllkfy Co.." ht ro- 1 aWttaaBtajr. Wbttalot btUtt.a fiattoactetaaof otrrto t fta ktat. "la IM3, tht compaay da- tht f ** at tht chBBttr*a dartd a dMda* at aaa banal «tAag. II BMtttag ta tht I whMqr to tach thtro of I Mvago. hfortta Martoo rocol "Ihotltodarywhiatriad ar award to • ««ttly to OtoteTt DapartoMBt Men aad itethuawai >tt«Uli at *» a. m. ta aatty otavttt i amagtd to thf to atM It. Ifciga. FOUNMD INI to itn btocka eatatdt i hawtr wttca. yea I I tjba aotlta a( tatwataaloa of vatt la i nlaa. iaihamt "I rwliatd I would ami ht oat tbtt It MM to> 27 SOUTH ST. FREEHOLD, N. J. tfwbHkyatttatnto.A«l

«••«• Tvaaai SMBW «*w«aji BB> v«a« cat At btadt, ttvtahMBttlB dtaajtto. hto 9N tmn too*



•APIUY OtohwMkint

nMMRATURI CONftOL ICONOMrCAi AUTOMATIC MfMUY MWtl "A" Stflti Matklna* war* OMRAHON MAXMUM CAPACITY MONMOIfrH OOUlflY tUOPflNC CBfltt LOW MAIHTIHAMC I COfTl MSMAY ho* Tkt atrHMftotHoa of MM tort) COMPUAMCI WITH •f TnNttM *f ffht NoflaMl Nwaiaftoa Tttt- laf UbjWBrofy, AM ArWr, Mitklftn, to fabj short of fhmumml. A sB«JU«tiniM M. HEALTH CONI plM* Nt rntH *f aBtwaval Ml MMM iwooMatt. *lu—^aaBB^^BV ^BS)B^Btt SI •HB^Blfea^SB^B^BBAsB S^^tB^BSflft W BvBBVBa/B^B^BV^BBaa^BB WJ^W^^BW^BVBV ^L Bvaa^B^^BB^HBVBB^BBlVtBB) ^Ba^B^^BBHBV 'BMHBV (^BMBnaHP Jto BaWT flUtflaMP atflSsilBT^HaivlBMI %VttH atB I ^•^^^^^^••J ^^^^^^H^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^v^^ ^^F ^i^^^^F^^^^^'^ ^^^^^V^^^P^^^ V^'^^'^^^r^^r^^v nnH WW • gglbSaHd# tai tht BMSV twttu%

• I'-..

IIBMB% ftfiUP* /CHICK THI ADVANTAMS OP lATONTOWN AS AN INDUSTRIAL LOCATION! ON —WHO OFFICIALS— t tALtH L UWtS • •OMIT A. HAIWi BiMIV ^PawaBBBBBBjaj • UOM I. IMOCI. Jr.ANNIW •• HeOft, tsfsaslk < X has to gtvs. V Had __ _ s gDH Honry sys- work tavorved ia provMtag this te primarily s SspL 1,1M9 tem, it wlB be op to tha pabttc, Maay an tost btstaaJsg is oamir. aad the mVarlan is Good Libraries: A Civic Mutt Ia the msaatlms. the work goes to ksn of mt saw horunst a sttsshaTStt of sfl people. AeW eKsawMtJ tjespaamam ?«em«m« oaavwaew OK sortiag, shaMag, balldmg, Ubraiy hu to offer. at Provtoeaee pat oat of tht tosr sary per- tat tint of maty pragmas to-servtag tha needs of tha legtoat For the character aad rote of The progrest of ltd Beak sad ds* to famOiariM tomorrow's msnte domes as tbt sstht sst ^ _f eM SjmjmtjpSjB atOtUjf aayitim^^o^pws " who come lor knowledge pleas- Iks anseat-dsr htrary and li-liimntrt Oosaty wi be gnttty MISSIS wim ns pisaaana PI stkan hstatmsTaJ Msasl to bnrits «Mdad to baeoaM rtngtt ure, mtofwitttoa, rswiatiOB aad _ierntid tad earkhed by e cor- tedta, gt Patort at Itoms. tad DOOI Jeneyt tamvtoattsly, growth. responding growth of bigger ssd lbs Mmsstats Hato CtgetaJ st dM smtcts aad abtt- Once tht Ubraiy was primarily Red Bank •eat lagged aatil this with tht gtPssi. ity of »• staff lor raftareliqiMt- Tbaa.dtriaftheWis,aa« P p is* started whfca was seas to Tht resalte .^M^w MOM »*i arohlMM tabartttod by •yoTbem la tht Cett- There It the adult reeding at) ta cumnl harlttgt sad servtag At! state's tjoUsctfw kw/aty system CtroHaa'srado KHsr wn ss oasvtoaf k Library Us (or someone else's) pronot d W^ Jk li si Mimirlit ss Mtrth change th» entire cornptoatoa tf ranks vsry tows ose eases every Opaa Daar PaOqr sloa, the student digging mto nsHeatlM. to wsttr obost UMt* six New Jersey retMeau ess use _j jgw— •^MMgSMsVtwM iskmao aaawnal j mitet of srid landta Art . tha library system and taluk* jeaod tht front door of msdleval arcrdtactan, me cMM Tht ttbretfitfe wtt tti^iif A 1 • tmsBuan Today, a Ubraiy it aot a MM- a watt eooipped tocal Ubraiy. la search of the food of Imagm- oi t wtyBswnp "T J^ Cotondo, Utah, Maw SftaV the library aa a symbol of rtady aat aaQaBatan' flRaga aisv^SeA^u^l WMsl BffHaVlwaS •*•* isMV Progresses Ing, but a atrvjct ofgaatoatloa. Aad, ta a tow rsalrlsi sti w% HbfftUjf) whw fflv'**™5 ~ eotadw^ommg. * ita uppoiluaKlet*to th eMMUBOBB Couaty's library facil- For the 1MN card boldtrtrf Than wn a day, out too many ities an listed Uth among tht tht Ked Baak PubBc Library, in voiumet BIO, wtato anyone who Beyond tha pubUe tcbool syi-11 counties. this It tast tht bsgbmtag of a *ouM raad and liked book* mi ttm, It ia tha only permanent ed- UN* move dtttmsd to bring to tha l aai at tht ditpoul The situation it bleak. If not Red Beak area tht modert U- of tht community. gbt ruled bar domain with aa desperate, but sot without brary ttrvtos it so bsdr/ on fcoaftst, sad her image was Im- Indeed, It U thttest of compto- nys of light Much of the credit tor the B- trfated upoa young minds, Hand* daa lor aay cJvlc adueatiea tfl- ftutgen USrvanHy opened up bran's recent progrost goes to h« tight-lipped aad austere be- counts leadtag to a matter's de- Mrs. William M. CtWaaa, who seam a taiga "silescs" sign. PROGRESS Lmrary grot ta library science ta lsM, reHgaed last week as bead U- Tht library, of count, wai a Tbt sad this year has oipsadon1 Its brariaa to start a famlb;. nftoction of her personality. brary tdenee-'wts designed ft program to Include a doctorate Mrs. CaUinaa wu employed at Sunlight fought Its way through put library work on a profwiloo program* ttn Fort Monmooth hDrtry from windows shrouded with hcsvy al basi* thru education... In 1H7, tht state's professleatl INI to 1N7. sad was respm "" draperies* Thick cMptCs AbtortMd Acnaa MM country, collegaa and librarians ia communities over foi rcfenaco, tafomttioa daV* MIUMI! nt #111 n^«li«« £^ llnJn • untvenWss hsgtn to offar gradu- QM IQUnO OC lOOCtWwysl «• UjXM* 10,000 wen letjulred by lew to be pobBctty jperattost. ata degress ia a prof ttttoo rapid- certified. Oatho haste of maa- People thought la whispers. PubUdty programs the dtvtotd Sines wir hocjtnnlncj Is 1947 with s slats of 21 boys, The librarian purchased tha ly TTPtwPt to mttt the inereat- dttoiy CevTUflciflOoi liis cone for ns »,0M>vohimt Mbniy tag pressures of modern life. soaks people ou*U to ba naemg, uxrt received (he John CoUoa wo have mads tteoeiy pt*>yu* fn odutsHnf soys aad usually she was meetly oat Owdssflly, aa library and strengthea New Jersey's II- Dans awards from the America* aw Dnntt. Library Assodattoa ta NM aad one) proparUf thorn for some of ths aowrtry's leaoV M, counties Md municipali- INS, aad win cited by aw Do- tng wilvonltfos. Our present enrollmesr «f III k«s Sha was, aatsnny. tsrrtbb; of- ties movjd to crate tha necet- While New Jersey staads oaths psrtmsnt of the Army ftreshoM at torprorag Its libraryMM-se. mads It Nsssttsry for further exsanties . . . rtcts Hw Rw BMK PIMIC Lr Joining tbt Ktd Bask library DffUJT FtpOaTK eT Msltm ..'. this It artfrsu I cuiatedoaeha ^^ MoBBaootk Conaly Airport it growing It**** iasBBaaiatw^eai s4ssssslaa»awl mfh vide Red Baakwta a basic cur- o do W wwCttVtv, tot II" witb th» vaat growth of Monmoudi bruy wttt mtto thU ytirattt- County and the groat demand of mod* it mom saaa Bs^ssa, wasca m Ooa. U.m sns that mo Amerltaa li- en air transportation. -initiated aa effort to Ml thebrary AtstrtsUta says wfl pro- * rllOIIC Of lrVnf# rO Urge gaps m tha library's rsf* Wo aro building extra hangar*, offer CrrDCfJ COlWCUOwai 10 •ttll IDT FaV taxi •arriee and flying instruction. March by students aad inquiring Still, lbs. . adults. seats progress. Two yean ATkmflc Htghkncb 1-1576 -prorlded a shelf Uataad per- budget was closer to todic baokUsts and atartsd cross More money, however, will bo rGftreacts for addtttoaal oonvsn- needed ta the near futun If Rod TAXI SERVICE ieaee. Btak hopes to continue to —ineratsed the awabar of aewa- toward adsmuto Hbrary facuV am ALL Annan ON ngt BAimvi COAIT papsn, journals aad tits. CROYDON HALL ACADEMY —launched a number of pub- Perhaps tht biggest Mem oa the A Boarding School for Boy$ oft gJko Jortoy Shoe* Croio licity programs (e,g>-boy scouts it tht Henry carrying sandwich boards aa- bstldmg. Uoastod to MM by tha nounring r may aignt optstagt) Efsaar famlty. mt tormtr tsaV UEONARDVHIE ROAD, LEONARDO ONMOUTH COUNTY by the of theUrary. ""** of me last M -changed the Ubraiy hoars to fit men closely the coaveoiiutt to at s efmepabnc with HWY. 34 immer resdtagtag tato ctoeet t sad oat oato saa for youagstsn, portbasi


tgh aattalaiAM --•**- J-* •--*•— A.

fstftiro osfy ma Amir of mortkssdtst ^ f«tr mi rMsssaWa oricst* WHf policy Ml #lw0yt aM#R# •UtTaWMH' MflsfMfiM* TtVwtyi Jv

WTvflaitBaao i aataWVh WihltdBBtarvPlwrTVA JnmfALAA asrdWhf RiraaJaatm* i VaaUaaatmaTvfffflvafVi 4aVl«nlffli gfttnattaMyWwiwfta

fwrfltlflOt W


4* M •# 4t*t, ilrtf

McKELVEY IS PROUD TO FEATURE COMPLETE SELECTION OF FINE FURNITURE You'll find ow funilmrt doosrtwsst, fssrarmf asaiHy MUM brands, GULISTAN RUGS It eomtjists M aflaa rsasj# sstj oslottloni vf$ lavifs you ta MASTERFULLY MADE IN FREEHOLD t» ssd brtwtt srovad.

Our dMMliriofl wlfK Ttw Ksfafuotlon Mtk ntgtofi tf w^kMamow OuftttM CST- poh, ooat back a good many yam. Tha ftufiitsn Carpot, masJa in rraohold, h « fofur. Horn #f McKalvay'i. W« fW It to b« on« *f tU fifmf m«W« «*rp«tt •fi tHa fMrfeat today, rtprstsnflno aafraordlnary vaKial UnfimHsd toWeHon of colors ifM) pttfofM In a wids cKoJcs of w«m li yourg In HWM Woly carp** *i McKoVty'g. Do Mother's Habits Affect Unborn Baby?

i ef tat aid foBBora bet gWOVM ID WTO 09aora thi fast that to baby tro* Aad yet wbaa ft to__ _%«yi f^iaBaaVlBvJoia* la> t*ki aSMkSmv to tntafc does so la ta aa* ft soMoOi* irlfjpHwOjMd by o __BOOJ_ I . far baa. Hm% SlPat pfOOBBO ft CsUld with Tbit tnttoonjaeat wattita of to tore to dirk tale roceatai of air pjfjrji JIJ HwHB*ovQ evlaev teal data that ahowt '*u raw material for grow* from bar •a deep to to mother1! body tad bar toad. Bat It tooa > OajlvfJOaO OJHC 0901 OOJnfYMOMK Ok* aoiadudea to to tote- of her way of Ufa. MaMilTOWN OPPICI in Allan rVafaniaaal IttiMinf af Hva Corn.fi. haum (MM. Tata*? of oourae to wty MMdlatawn-Baythora nawt cevaraoa aparatian. Far aonvtnlanea af raiioW* ta cttd to amrtsbsd. Wa •ayihara, advartliln«, circulation and athar butlnau mattars alto ara handlad la «fc» (rial I) •ffica, which was attablithad two yaart ago. • paper's newt it enters dtOy Jodgad. Pot ton la tepid water tnuggiaiQ« Baksars Joba a> dkt la quite apt to give Urn Tbt ftdlttSai of The AtoMtottd DMICTOU—Wroctan «f Tka Raglitar dltcuu prablanu ia ooaaoetlaa «•• not tooW A fin snd Itfwp HMt P KellyKll . DealDl; WObr lt*MB toacafld fftbi monttne ad- MD Drive WHN tha tramitton from woahty fa dally aparatloa. Standing Is W. Harry *0Mma> ia to basement 'anntagdale; Mm W. TMa I* something wt wortc of Motypo vrifos tid ndto «ag Branch; Mayer Jottpb^A- tan, praddant pro tarn and production maaagw. Saattd, Jamai J. Hagaa, laft, other cool apot aH alght qpnummlcrtlOM w Hod ~ Before to ahow make a fresh Is Planned Jhafto. Neptune Towstbto} Maf v *aavnr aeeajew •aoratary and aditar, and M. Harold KoHft troaniror and batinaw managar. Mrs. Helen M. Dunn. Neptune am cat of to stems. ASBURY PARK - Local Post- nationati l aad world aaparl Alia* Applagar Farr «f latwi Rauga, La, is a ttaekhaldw la tha firm la additiaa to Byron Holmes, Ocean af«« Conditioning ia Important ba-matter Louis T. Wlftott«, eo-rt^y Mrs^. RoberRo t Walker. Watt chairman of ta Ml Maiealar Bjtach; Mrs. Dtatel ~ tat teem able toata y fresh a Dystrophy Appeal aaid todaytoday a Wa naly do aot know tor sure. tf ta eabMt tat to hat aad of HowaU Towaabto; nan hem for ta YOUR GARDEN acbtdulad for Sept St ta asbaldaget Bflattoa,taabBefta . ""fry •*» ,- . eHiaeton V to gtva • wt ft OHOW, OVOB S you 1000* D#* Atbury Park Prato Auitoihiia. Mrs. Harry C. aaitototo THIS WEEK yOB Map to flHSO IbO OBOW r or aot toy do harm wa"taeb . _ Mr. Wlgdorti ate do aot know. It would Et wanaatod aocardbai tofa t dk> BataJadajeiaaotataBllMty a partial Utt of commuaay cfaab> mat of r to mm Novambar baaiyadviettatbeai TANBXBINUJ. ldraktagbo •wltWtaAPiha ifsaBtoyoatowlptttaff,Be I or reduced to tobar - Tba Uba to baow bow to wm Mat NEWPORT NEWS. Va. (AP)- bMteter ""* mjaiyto1" Tba Nattaaal Dafeader, Urgast wOl be to "MarchSgSli JS at a Sowar atew? Agate* Mas-**••* Pint Mai y« bwo todd a to fly to American flag cular Dystrophy*' to ptonatag to conduct work i . . editor aad atcrattry, tad second oaly m dit to to weak m NOvambtr to sJcounty ia British Ooitaa dadda toto eatareatar. .O O rr a atttt tt» tt» na aaatoato fiafiadd fhrfhra uatfom OMB. T» gagatt M. Harold Kelly. ' Uaar United Slatat, will aooa be who wol to tpia na wbaal af a*, auutgoUa to atow, yoa aaay ara Italy to ghre » Koyport. to faaprova church property at 0001* OJM OOOHaTir* <% at at toto cantval arid, aaaadd « aMy aot am a batteL oa to Ugh tats. She is 104 feet There, to appeal to to I or who toao t a y to . ll feet long tad buadead- ducted ta October. aoa?attw»:"Yoac«twlttw»:"Yoac«twlB B Ad f dt b *a bbibg Is Mm ABce . f JOB doit brn weight af «,» tons. She can at Aba & you am a haach Mr. Wlgdorti Hid tat fgf fggi yttf. plaaptast w p fe imn «u.vuv.wje the community cbtlrmea ire: BrWak Ootoaa wffl tola IbalaBM.ItdiMa't tat yoaH bam more to ftOona and each of bar six cargo EdmondFette, AOoahurst: John to WtOK to flilak tbat DUB BBtUBN wbabaaaadlotoataa tabs is taller ton a aU-atory B. Martin. Atbury Park; ~Tbomu scape church yards. NEW YOBJC (AP) - "1 « a flowar abaw J Cmk, Avoa; ~ John ecto win ba obtmlnali ttnd their way SMe Story** Jast caat tana ti , a> «i • WBI ^v j^ tato tba womb. It bat been i Tbt toag-rua muiical ooa good IT you dadda oa yoor owa hat tort to aa racaatty wound up a attot tot tot yea bavaat got a ebai la fatal ataitod Sept M, 1K7. ia go on Padawtatta ~* '~ m awtoaa* A mfawjtjaJfU* tUU* A OJOBDIIlOft B, Laoty. •*• j_to ta motor. Oa •» ww^aaar wajajiwaaaaitejaa Babert B. OrwlMh taagbt be cauJd tod a retaaea Harold I. Prtoea tat at tarty or to* waa atppy to tol whtt|| to MOlM) A WlBB0r» waaeadtoi waawaa «tt aMMaAtk^^ ^A^as mtag a twtog to Let Aa- •••awj lawal VJI mmfmtmw VFJbMy flaw, laa Prancieao. Dtaver, idaad Chica*. MM btadtofbaekto

ptmnBi (AP) - B? ta ratot sty taw apaavn aw daft pat la fear baatagU tattalaatawatawtjti la «M btood.

Harta Mai toaffar wbaan toytrytodsddswbrttowtoT bli Aiunltoj to Jata> taaty. caf-H

1 Progress BY WEST 1869—1959 It WM March, 1MJ whan Gwnml Uly»»es S. Oraot WM bunifurtiad M prawfciwt of tba Unltad StatM. Hut urn ymr • yoaag Iriah Uaw w/Mvar by tht) BMM of Kobart Watt rwntad a snail baaanwnt ston is Kayport sad fonnowd tha fUritltura ahop thtt baara fell aaaat today. Ffognai waa "Rob" Waafa big aim, and ha laft no atona tmturmd la Ma aftarta for growth. But aura important than growth waa progrtM in cuatoaMr ralaftna. Ha addad to, (rather than daduetad from) tha old aayiag, Iba customer U atwaya right" Here Is where his prograai waa tha

Today, nlaaty yean snot, • • • our store has not only grown to seven fun floors OMtaJamg a wMa selection of name brand fundtun, hut our d-l M customer ralatJoaa ara better thaa aver. Our reputation proraa tha fouad- aal wBwW A IA attOB for your ooafldaBca. Vfjfawmw/wjfgj


vaae/awa\gfeJPamtwf a^^a^BltBMma1jaAi^BmwjBBBw^wmBBj^tjjwwtmai\g Iy fl • a•V• a^^saJB^aiABaftBmwaWt^tT^ff^amwwS ag

^^^ * flfw Vvan*fMwJp)V 0*Vwlle***BafdJtw wBHJ wPlwJ ilnlf ^r ^^ W|TS™W/T#

^taa^eaaaa'•"•lejllMj •UJTTaStant | ajPlejAsaal ejIfyftPl-.aV»I awH ^ OlamamaukatV|BeaBWfaw|eaam|a | afaiaaWjMvfjajfvryd ent, eWoMtrate the maahlne. Faiprty hei •aareted la Red lend II yean. BUY IwfTAtl af I Catharine St, Red lena. h ene el the tap arediteen ef N. brary ihelvlnf In tha country. Thli tlr-aantroMed deuUa erank proit li one of the step* far e plaae of oale* railed itaal an tha way to eotemlne a library ihalf. The aamptny turned eut mere than 400 mllai af ihalvlnf leit year. F. Philip Tinker, Oaetnpartinaart, li the faundar tnd praildant af the etmpany. Hancock Army Garrison Or State Park? • *', :-»Ate»i they straek tt the Aawticaa reb- of Now Tot* •to. 1 Ftdmlcoatntofthahookht- •X faataUH iBtf ( tholhJM- Utoaal kwd mtt R mm* «H «M httdaarth of tfct lataaad treat The woodea forto erected, about Near tba northtra tin, the fort Into time ware replaced en the ttettt ataadt at panda rest to eve of the War orderly nan,'* straagt mixture States with a saga granite waD af n years of archttoctoral a mae to

wan aat la placaJtaM did, .Theaaet weMn vvar( aad, attar laawHac $!•,• the •aaaslraa am MMM, tha wftariahial tort wu I •* Iba wind swept apsamti whicwaasha reacasreachess oat as a syas- boJ af the ocoaa'a power. By tha isWs, Pert Haacock, Ptoa the tap at Sandy Hook MaJorO ri Wia- field Scott of QvU War 4D L_ -... Weatern Hemtophere - the oc- proving lad asak, I. *. casional visitors U truck by the ptttOfetttal Of RI4UI 0 CtoHVU PKp* nraaon for war. aaarby Fanatoadak by North of the light are Iha MHsB. was Brat triad out bare crumbling remttos, buOt with by tha Arasy to MIL forgotten millions, of the old em- placements for the disappearing Tha turn of the ctatary, how- rifles* which have fhemswvee ahv ever, brought Fort Hancock back appeared. into perspective as aa important To the south roe cog ia 'this couatry'a military launching pads for the N&e Her- defeaae system. cules ot Battery "C", 4th Mis- "•HOiTAL" AJmiXIIY — Only tha ach* of huglat and fha quiat ttamp of in- Ciaat nunparta to house the sile Ba., 71st Artillery. At various vliiblo foot Inhabit tho crumbling romaint af tfca Fort Hancock artillary ramparts, disappcarlM) rifles points, radar ecreene add to tho contrast araatad itoar tho turn of tht cantury. Oneo alWo with activity around tha rows of fucted.p ittyfn itkeromatos of thee old granite fort, aad Han- Still, as aaa enters tho dltoppaarlng riflti, tho amplacamant now fiftiti a losing battla against tha alt- cock entered a nMasont af "spit age, the range aad monts, ttrippad of Its aunt and abandoned by tho Army. Waadi eraw in tha atm sad polish." of tbt Nike to hardy as walls, and a forward obsonror post, laft contor, keeps en endless watch en the ocean Bugles sent the gua en etvo as the SMnca scurrying to their poatttoaa; tough •tha base of the hgM- for an enemy that ntver aamo. "gunny" sergetats, thttr wrin- itself together to defy the pound- building of buttresses to the last hook, the lighthouse was dark- kled ayes shaded by weathered tog force aad fury of an ocean 71 years hu kept the caprtcfcMS eaed durin" g »*~rthe Revokjtto— a as a campaign hats, watched as the BumtolaUtbecasUroalUMi- tog power nil the way from dacomfttare ta the British fleet hnge thefls were hoisted tan Gua represented die nuud* Atlantic ta check." Spate. Geotogtots find Sandy Hook Erected to 11M at the tip of the Later the Tories converted tho (CoatiButd oa sect page) ryatsaptotooxptoto; observers •imlolnadlin. wwoth hora caa- thout benefit at geology find H a marvel. "Long age than was no hook. BJvtrs flowed directly into the Its investor to orbit bat It cedd aaa oast of the Higalands. Stow baft a shot to the vktoHy of e ry, grata of sand by tiny grain target MM yards away. of sand, prevaOtog Icngshwe cur- ~i thongs* BO sad of rents poshed a Barrow spit of toad to tba aorta, aacertataly moving across the rhrer estnarles aadwU tooot--akhoagh not complstslj ctoslag Mva tha ef •am. Tho spit leagthaned and. II W oat beyond the fcB taftoaaca of Congratulations, etaek -• - |a> •aad to aataf, aad « «B atU ImW sTIVnSt IX MMd whaa tt» Mkt it a Thsa toeradWy. tha

Before the l Waf fjAato a_|aMJ^B^B^M esmt tht Hook nattt I/} 19 tfltV As John T. , to ah) Shrawebury BJvera aad closed Red Bank Register! book. "Tba Ken fenny

to 10- "Nntaia Hook,* ••SMHsaanBAaasVmall 1adAWW e^aamaTOW> ••••nailmaW• waWDIaaaanaaaaaMV ta tha amna agato. Oato «5 BAKD-DAVTSONI COMPAMY. INC. Serving the «otmtiuiiJty 31 years s a . LAWN-GARDEN amFARM SUPPLIES OUR POUCY IS TO 0PM fOR SAU IM HMIST QUALITY AVAaUUI COMfUTI STOCK Oft MEAT

warn urn nun uom



iJMsvlSTON ftMAIW SAWS Momnouth County ana. And in tht second ring of our yean ait crowned by still another achievement, than it's 3-Ring aign k tht BaUantint Newark bnweiy where the PARTS .traly a special occasion. largeel setting beer in tht Baft ie brewed, Tiiat'a why wt'rt makinf $pecid use today d the hhf We a* famous Ballantine 3*Ring tign-to mark the debut of a UWMMOWtJ new daily newspaper. After 81 yean as an oufrtandlnt weakly.The Red Bank Regiater is now a daily newspaper. In the first rim is Mr. Sal TrenUcoste, manafer el a bow to all of our Monmouth friends, we eay.. .MOood AN, Work Dane In Oitr Own Shop the plant from which P. Ballantine ft Sons serve the luck to The Red Bank Register". • IAIY CHARM SH 1.2300 17* Wtft front St. Rodionlr One of the world'$ largest brewtrie* BaUantine 9 n ft Mi i. N « p. mumm » MM, mm*, a. i I t AdfJUAT RED lASK 1EGKTTJ TuaaaV, Si*. 1.Wt-tt From variant parts of the state coma rumbltngi of discontent re- "Administrative weaknesses of tout proposals for revision bavo sulting from the action of Free- strengthening county administra- the commission-like and usually been on the increase." holder boards in* voting themsel- tion by providing features similar It may very well be that the vet Mg pay boost! in accordance to the modem optioaal charter part-time Freeholder boards and Freeholders, through their legal with permissive legislation recent- formt of government mode avail- the lack of a responsible executive ^ undoubtedly Imprudent salary ly patted at the State House. able to New Jersey municipalities head have been cited by Gover- grab, have let loose a boom- "Contemporary discussions of through legislation in lUt," sayt nor Meyner, among others, at a erang that will return forthwith le possibilities of revising the the New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- manifest weakness of county gov- and smack them right in the face. long-standing concept of county ciation. ernment in New Jersey, and var-—Trenton Evening Times. Anderson 9s Show Expanded Department

RODMAN «UN — The bUit alone from this 20-inch Rod- man Gun mutt have been enough to tend the enemy run- ning for cover. When it wet catt in 1161, the gun repretented the maximum development in smooth-bore cannon. Tho sitellt themielvei weigh 1,010 pounds, and could bo fired 1,000 yardt "in tr\e vicinity of tho target." Actually, tho Rodman it a hangover from the dayt in the lato 19th Century when Fort Hancock wat uted at an ordnance proving ground by the Army.

(Continued) to reactivate it once more on •UlDifUfr U»HT-Still a beacon to thipt approaching place; ramrod stiff artillery of- July 1, MM. ficers paced the forward wallt, No New York it tho old, white-washed Sandy Hook light, ROW manned by tea gulli. September, 1MI. however, has houie, built in 1744. Tho oldott in tho Wettern Hemis- Some sty the guns were never failed thus far to provide aa phere, tho lighthouse can bo toon IS milei at too. The answer to Sandy Hook's future fired in anger, but, on August 13. light originally ttood in tho lapping wavot, but shifting 1118. the Army announced that role In the progress of the Jer- they had answered a German sey Shore. tandt have tinco addad a mile and « quarter to tho tip "U-boat" which had dropped It Today, the Coast Guard is en- of the hook. Now manned by tho Coast Guard, tho trenched in its bate on the bey ahelit on the tip of the Hook dur- light hat been darkened only during tho Revolution and ing an afternoon fog. side; the Nike raises Its launch- One More Mystery ers defiantly, and a group of World War II. Navy electronics men move se- Why the Hun wasted hit am- cretly and unobtrusively around About 5,513 miles of canals and Forty-five dlesd locomotives, munition on the sand dunes of the Spermaceti Cove area. the Hook when he could have navigable rivers now cross costing fMNJOt, have been or- Questions bring only raited eye- raited havoc in New York City France,, carrying more than gf dered from United States manu- brows. la another of the mysteries sur- million torn of materials and mer-facturer! by the Rand railroad Large barracks areas, complete rounding Hancock. chandise annually. system in South Africa. Above it interior view of Andorton't Mutic Shop, 30 Iroad St., Red lank, showing TV and record departments. with men halla and recreation In any case, the guns did nocenters, squat unused on a fort Tent, Louisiana and Oklahoma Eighty per cent of Canada' Alto on main floor are radio, itereo and repair department!. Pianot and musical instruments, guitart, ate. ara more damage that day than the whose strategic importance be- are the nation's three leading oil production of newsprint goet to on the tecond floor. ceremonial cannon fired today comes more and more tenuout drilling states. the United States. at "retreat." each year. Actually, the 7,900 men and ©f- Pressure on the government to flcen at Fort Hancock during release Sandy Hook for a peril World War I did little morei to^ wiloTifepreserve was Malted disturb the local quietude than^ng ^ ,93,., g^,,,, ttme| the 1.000 Coast Artillery troopi of Washington has indicated a will- World War It. ingMtl to do to. 1 Although it wasn't declared ob- Abrapt Halt solete until 1942. coastal artil- We Salute THE RED BANK REGISTER On Going Doily lery lost most of its significance Indeed, In 1950 New Jersey with tho advent of air power, toward n well-organixcd swarm of mos- long-sought park land, only quitoes could probably have neu to be halted abruptly by thi traliied the open gun wells War. Hancock. This year a recreation com' mission headed by Thomas Me- Clintock of Long Branch again Thus, by the middle of the war,made overturea en behalf of Moo- Hancock waa primarily con- mouth County for the leasing w cerned with the training of anti- sale of the touthera-moet sec aircraft gunaert and the guard-tion. Ing of German priaonert-of-war. Preliminary plans call for the Today, the bugle has bean re- construction of a S5.OJI.MI bead ptacad by a record played over pavilion and marina, with park an empiifyinf systan, and theing facilities for 3f,M0 cars. emplacements, stripped of their The government is reported tt gguns, art falling apart before htvf 1%ymTMy received the re time and weather quest. Through a steel door left ajar. Also under consideration

pointed their ranks and flnti _ names on tho whitewashed wmH. I**J» J»J £* I. a corner lie three rutty Th*£.e militaryS '. , the£y say, will aevei beer cans. give up the land; an inlet is no Safety sound from an engineering stand "Our biggest problem today." point. an officer said, pointing at the Even park advocates admt mstatlstioas, "It keeping the that there Is not much point ii children out Sememe could get developing the hook for recrea hurjrt tom therewere. tional purposes until the traffli On the beaches, sand-bagged „«* )^ „ maehinegua emplacements have But, whethem r it bo military oi collapsed, barbed wire "concer- civilian, the shifting tandt o tinas" now lio half-buried in thttime and circumstance hold ford Monday, Tuosday, Wodnosday, Thursday, Friday • • • now rosidonts of tho RtVor lor- sand, waiting in ruin* for thea future for the Hook. iavader who never came. la place of the invader, con-! The Independence of the Unite* oughs Arta havo thoir vory own dotty nowtpapor. Wo sahitt Tho Rod lank Roabtor atruction crews arrived in IMC. States was finally acknowledge* and dismantling operations quick-iby Great Britain on Nov. M for its progrosshronass, eonfidonco and forosigbt hi making ono of Amoriea's fore- ly removed the tting from the, 1711. "hornet that never got mad" most Wookly Nowspapors a "Daily". This bold forward stop wM provido a groator sorv- New light gauge. Ugh-strengtl Hancock was deactivated in tteeU now nuke M possible * March. UN, but the advent of ieo to roadors of "Tho Roajstor" and our bost wlshts for addod suceoss art oxtondtd airlift or parachute ouch wai the Korean War brought back the sound of marching feet the Mlowiag year. More tbsa a third of all bur Two yearn later fte Army rtcaaes since 1HT have oceurrei again deactivated the fort, only hi Monday. Tuosday, Wodnosday, Thursday, Friday ... Tho Morchants Trust Company provhJos ovory modorn banking sorvko to tho Rtvor Rorouahs Arta. For wo, too, short TWIN-BORO tno confMonco in !fct futuro and art always onaoavormg to provido tho ultimato m banking sorwieos... in our boatittful now Mam Offko with its Drlvt-ln and Wdk-Up Rambler focWHtf ... with ampfo froo parking. And, at our compUtt Fair Havon Iraneh. Day- HAS THI Long Ranking Hours for your convonitnet, too!

AU THUJ MODIRN IANKINO SttVieiS AT MKtCHANTS TRUST md Wa*.Up merchants CAR 0MMF/ (fM/J((/tf/ Tho Amorkon Economy Cor That Hoi Sot Tho Poet For Tho AufomotWt Industry. the RAMBLER ISO MOAD ITRin HoM-nJUm la^als MD IANK TWIN-BORO RAMBLER BRANCH—Piir Haven Shopping Center 411 IRQAD ST. SHRIWMURV Mrmlir, fntnnl Run,, S^lrtn Mttnhrr f,-7«".V*y; GOLD STRIPE. CHOOSE FROM LARGE SELEC- development aad the prtaciptes SERVICE IN TRAVEL SINCE 1946 TION OF COVERS of family ttviag." 169 Member* of ASTA, a world-wide PRICE 2*9.00 Laiathaalpercaatatsaltotod msa m World War I had ftahbed organization of travel agents, bonded and au- TRAVtt AGENCY high achaoL Ia World War n Rtg. N#w » per coat were high thoriied to represent tour operators, steamship, It MCRUM PL 2-Pc. Kreehlar tube Covered k Sesfoam Green Nylon. rail end air carriers, hotel and resort areas, who 100% ream Rubber Cushions. Choess from Urge Food rnssuaipllua ttadJet show also v ASTA members, represent the hallmark Selection of Coven _- 249.95 179.00 that families spaa* mare money 78" Danish Wain* Sofa la Choleo Fabrke and Colon by for meat aad meat substitute! of travel. Baasett Foam Soak and Baelti 129.95 R9.9S he™,*"'' '*"' "iJ°r •"• " Matching Arm Chain for Above Sofa. Foam Seats and Bark* in Choice Colors 49.95 39.00 Karly Ameriean Wing Sofas bv Ceaover fa Deeorator Fabrics. Htad Tied Cad Seringa. Webbed BoRams. K»O% Foam Rahber Cushions 219.00 149.00 Matching Wing Chain lor Above Sofa in Select Fabric*. Hand Tied Coll Springs. Wahbed Bottoms. 100* Foam Rubber Cushions _ _ 89.95 49.95 Lawson Styled Sofa by Valaatia«4eaver. 90" Deep Tufted Back. Kkk Pleat Skirt Cevend win Brown Matefeae. INTO AUTOMOTIVE PROGRESS 100% Foam Robber Cmmtoaa 299.00 French Pnvmsml 82" Ma by Breyhil Premier. Covered in Turquoise Mateiaasa. Hand Tied Coil Springs, Webbed Bottom, FruHwosd Frame 239.00 119.00 Frenoh Piovineiel Ladies' Chair Covered in Gold Tapestry. At Monmouth County's 100% Foam Robber Cushions, Frukwood Frame 94.00 49.00 Maay Omar Lawson Style, Modern, Contemporary, French Oldtst Imported Car Provincial bit? AaMtan^ Danish Modem Sofas, Chain . Dealer

leaeuse we are Heiima«th County'* •^ faraifM Mr .eeler, we have had the ••*•*• SAVE 100.00 • twiHy ever the year* te represent almost eH EXTRA SPECIAL el vke Imeortad ewHmeblles. WehevoTrlee' thorn eH and we have eheiee vary aerefaNy. ITALIAN PROVINCIAL BEDROOM SUITE The retalts era what we believe te be the S-PC. BEDROOM SUITE IN SANDALWOOD MA- •ream of the era* — the finest in quality — HOGANY, CONSISTING OF DOUBLE DRESSER AND MIRROR, CHEST, FULL SIZE PANEL BED the best in entmeerSna. These are the ears AND TWO NIGHT TABLES that sell — these are the car* that have e REGULAR PRICE 349.00 hieher value when trade, in, anal if the re- sale It hither yea lave mere $$$. What we aU have eta in the east we will ea \* the Rtg. IvvW future — teH only theio aars that we believe RarheW Chests, Hand Lacquered, hy Vaughn, In !)«•<*• will meat the hiehast standards ef ewllty ator»* Color*. Limited Quantity 49.95 39.00 KPr. Bedroom Suite, Consisting of Double Dreessr. Shadow Boi Mirror, Full Slse Bookmao Baa? with Eleetrk Outlet. Shown in White and Gold 159.00 119.00 Solid Maple Triple Dreiser and Mirror, Cheat m Cheat, Full Sire Bed by Kling 359.95 299.00 Solid Cherry Triple Dresser and Mirror, Cheat on Cheat, Full Siee Bed. Chwyhroofce Group by KHng. Floor Sample 462.00 342.00 9-Pr. French Provincial Dining Room Suite in French Wal- nut. Con»iMln* of Rreakfrmtt, Table Buffet, Two Arm (liair*. Knur Side Chairs 519.00 419.00 Nationally Arfverti*r

f ft; i. Natural Gas Company Is expected To Double Its Business in Five Years Jams* NsJaral Oat aa a warn* to Jsasdag ferwera* •ease la tat years I IBB ,^S SB^^^^BSBJ Be ^^^^we fti vofejaia af baamsas la tkoaeat Hva years. las company's caafMeace la aw Mw* af ami anafeaa ba m Hi laalfhnlfflna •re for now mcfl- ..... la noaat years and its ta- teattoe af sasadmg f17.NMN la the neat IN* years for at aaw SSftVID. IV OAS—The Freehold plant ef the trackway Glen Campany It ana af the naw industrial euttowari af Muck af ft* flnrt growth has tha Naw Jeney Natural Cat Campany added In two patt few yaart. _ _ IM Btysnora •rat* • uagreastd cookie sheet a hot Tte OaO t school aad aoBtaa cups sifted flour, ft cop en-CS degrees) ovaa II la » mm- fires m thh e UaSedStaaaUSdStaaaii m UtT Cooking is Fun riched yellow cornmeal, 1 tea-itas. Cut ia 14ch sHcas aad spoon baking powder, Vi cuperve hot with a Cream Sauce. mfflloa donaw, the WaMaaal ByCoctty shortening, M cup milk. lakes • servngs. ty Couactt reports. BAMY BAY SUPPEB Method: Cook beef ia butter in Nice tor the family whea It Isskillet until it loses its red color; OttB\ pQT P cool enough to tun on the oven. remove from heat; mix in onion , taM the addtttoaal fadliMei la mast the bfevy COSJSOaUflM Ma^fUaMaf 1 teaspoon or the salt, pep- JACK ARNOLD Spicy Beat Ron Big lalad Bowl per aad catsup. Silt the flour, cornmeal, baking pow- HKL ON. - OIL wmm% m SJSjf OiSjt OT BM aWW m this area are being Wedges der sad remaining H keaad by aatanl gas. Ia ad-COWS NfiTAUKie elfto-kek ajaj Beverage salt Cut in snorteamg until It SAUS a large percentage of is m small particles. Mix m a [€wo] gesfer f witk a«»aw>Ba an4 ratlraaJ SPICY BEEP BOLL Ugmty. Tun out on prepared fraffie. Thlt It typical af tha many fat AifrlbiiHaii mafnt fntfalM by tfca Naw tagndiaats: 1 pound greuad beat pastry doth; kaoad gantiy 2 ar erymg. eUwr 1 tablsspoowi butter or mar3- times; toll out ta form a U SH 7-2741 Jartey Natural ©at Company In thharaa ta talta cara •( Hia tncraaiad damand garine, % teaspoon eaioa salt, by IMach rectangle, tpread fU of tha la-far fas. 1 teaspoon Worcestsrshire lag evenly over dough; tan up WIST e»d W AU ST. Iha eomptny • salt, fate jelly rofl; seal Vtmm cubic feet daily mlM per cent Its ptossas supplier for this sale ef gas., With the aad tor this year hu eb-County Plaanlag Board tamed a dafly anaeattaa of 43,mg a campaign ta attract «MM eabfc last Hsgottatimu dustry here, H H eaptctsd are under way with the Federal industrial gas saws la MM wffl Power Comatssioa and the pipe-be double what they ^aaw are. Baa sajsa.ii te substantially b> This nMt^T1 volume of sales CTBaUaT MI n luiiiri yssrs. and the new consbwetkm by tha company have ita effect on Ia addWoa ta the greater sup- municipality it serves in the ply of gas piped cross country, form of gross receipt and fran- A Record of Continuing Progress the company hu Increased Hi chise taxes. In MM the own manufacturing capacity to pany paid $J7».OOO to municipal- meet m* peak demands of winter ines in the county in those taxes, weather. It hu just completed and by last year the figure rose a mater project of Increasing to $150,900. It will far the quantity it.can produce for the million dollar sum ia the next these peek demands ia Its Atlan-few years. ta the pa* four yean the As part of Ita policy of employ- ing the newest facilities to pro- company has doubled Its number ~ L koe* - - '• - - gW— 14. jaemv smff eMaa4«MmmM«k1 *•—'*'- - ^M«SH*^U I DOTK mWlrlCV iUT n> «ajsae •• nSMBanUU Dfimf CIIMPPH ftflan MMnfmtJIV tMai to the pomt where It now hu became the first utility lathe t3,CI. In mat next five years, United States to order I this figure Is expected to go upUnivac Computer, the first meg- another IN per cant and it is ei-nttic amplifier, solid itate pected It will have M.sM residen- meitial data processing s. tial beating cuitomtrs m 1N4t.a actual operation. The new machine, to be used m Similar game have been made binmg and statistical ofoswakMtaflmcaaat/.taeh 1948 16,003,958 ered to the eomaeay's tabulating Minnetota Mining aad Maim- Company, Nescafe, section in Long Branch In Oe- BeadU aaIi omeomen have resulted 1954 21,874,536 FOR THE FINEST IN 1955 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 23747,636 AND SUPPLIES 1956 39.197.853 SERPICO'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1957 38 007 027 101 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK SH 74485 1958 40628094.82



TO PROGRESSIVE III MIMSIR FiMRAL DIFOSIT INSURANCI CORPORATION • ALL OFFICIS OPIN 4.J0 TO 0 F. M. FRIDAY IVININvS IATONTOWN AND VICINITY M «* 9RQ^ a,^. H RED IANK LinLE SILVER KEYPORT ENftLISHTOWN 11 SROAD ST. tow AS smiOvfJ OoNveroal 111 CHURCH ST. 1 FROSFfCT AV|. SROAO 1 FRONT STS. 11 MAIN ST. BUFFIA MOBILE HOMES IIBY|J SH 1-1000 SH 1-7400 CO 4.0100 •1 4-411! •1 HWY. 35 IATONTOWN |I| U 2-1020 Ili. B^BHB^BVHB B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^B^B^B^BB^^*^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bfl RED BANK REGISTER 46—Tuf«hy, Sept. 1, '""•> I Paces Electronics Devebpment WEST LONG BRANCH - A manufacturer here has figured out the direction to take along the road of progress. The way was shown by magic brain computing systems. Electronics Associates, Inc., which has production facilities here and business and research offices in North Long Branch, makes those computers a lead- ing profit item. Progress has been amazing since the corporation was found- ed in a small West End store in 1945. Sales amounted

»™ p™» „. * „ m „„ 'NWISTIY FOft-MS AH1A0-Electronic Aneciet... Inc., maker, ef an.lo, computer,, date preceiajf taei™. TR-10 transistorized computer, ments, plotting equipment, electronic volt maters and other super accurate devices has had a decade -et reel "fir*™-!!! "*!!l I" Kt progress in Monmouth County, Its sales grew from the 1212.000 level in 1*41 to U.S million last year end *•!• . ""' " """ uma still heads upward. Above is a large section of the firm's still-growing production plant in West Long trench. today's scientific processes. This Below are many ef its associates at work, use often does away with the need for the build-up of pilot to afford buying machines out- Loa Angelea and Brussels, Bel the Navy. It wsi in 1932 that the per cent of afl the general pur- plants, with resultant saving of right can bring in their problems, gium. company shipped out ita first gen- pose analog comLiputiaf equtaqulpman| t time and heavy expense. rent the equipment and have ex- In the early years, EAI devel- eral purpose analog computer. sales in the Uniteited States. So fast is EAI going forward perts help work out the answers. oped computer plotter systems That speeded up progress. (Continued on next page) that production rooms ahead each These centers are at Princeton, for the Army Signal Corpa and By 1954. EAI had captured 48 time another section of the huge West Loot Branch plant ia com- pleted. Planning for the structure be- gan inW57.The first 57,800 square- foot section was finished and made operative in 1958. A second section of the same size was put service this year. The third and fourth sections will be ready in 1960 and 1961. Shares far Associates Behind all of this.output today are mora than 1,000 skilled work- en called associates rather than imployees. Associates are per- mitted to buy in shares of stock after years of service, sharing •n tt>» mfrtpuny profit*. That makes them sort of junior part- MSOftT IN ACTION — Saa Bright, a leading resort, teams with activity in tha sum- ners with the executives. mertime. Here, from tho middle of North Beach looking south into the business sec- EAI business does not stop tion, is shewn a variety of facilities . , . several beach clubs, a big motel on tha there. The firm operates its own' Shrewsbury, clutters of summer hornet, and boating en the river. In the upper loft computation centers—where in- dustries which do not hive enough hand earner is part of tho busy municipal beach. laboratory arithmetic to be done PROGRESS PROGRESS thrives in tht. American tradition of fret enterprise. It is to better serve you ... an integral part of the American way of life in which men may rite to heights denied those who live in the valley of shadows.

Progress in the electrical way ef life hat bean outstanding. From the first electric lamp, which tha genius ef Thomas A. Edison gave to the world last than a century age, to nuclear power, electricity hat helped bring thit eeun. try a standard ef living never before known ... and tht age ef electricity It still in Ita inlency.

Today your electric utility efferi ALL-eleetrie living. Electricity te heat eittf light the home, eeek and preserve the feed, launder the clothes, heat the RED ROCK'S FINE FLEET wetar and do every household job quicker and aetier than it hat aver been, dene before . . . end more end even better electrical marvels ere premised In tha decadai ahaad. Progress in the beneficial utat ef electricity ii • eon. tinuing precett.

We at Red Rock have kfrn modern* laing and expanding- our organisation JCPStL, ikruugk men*/ yws, Act nattd milk pleuutt ninee w*> iiegan In 1946. There haa ike ,pl,n4U pmfffu «/ THE RED BANK REGISTFR been great inereaae and improvement wttM\ nrutfmptr.' Tftimy, ih»t profrru ru/mineln in the firit fiifmn r>/ tht daily RED BASK REGISTER. In our plant and warrhouee. Jnat ICPfcl. txtrnd* >inrrr* ctmgtitultiioni lit iht men wtf recently we purehaaed five (5) brand women uhn Aerr mmi* Mil prngrtn pniu'M*. new trurka. due to the ennlinual in* rreaae In the ron»iiiii|ilioii of »nr fine product,

We are alnaya atrivinn fur heller JCP&L and more modern' imprmrmrnla .,. AN. TO HrlTrH MCHVK YOU!! JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT RED ROCK BOTTLING CO.. UK. RU 1.1171 CARTON S1RIIT RUMSON PHANtHIIKD IY THI RED ROCK CORPORATION SIRVIN6 QUALITY ItVIRAGf? MNCI Ilia pnsMent: Fred L. West Long Branch, vtos araaV engineering; Charles mi- Mg move ahead OUM laat SchedltMraer, Pair Havra, cNef, \ with thatatfodacttoa of thaqoaUtlity controll; JJoseph h BBryaa. t-» traastotorliid analo—g • ' OCaMUapOftf CoVflf, daltal BfOCMliBf • Through its oat, 'it to ao gnap; Charles Capan. Bradley necessary tor Beach. cUer. Md englneerlar. S. A. Vosfcar, Now Shrawsbary .. Sherman Oaks. tor aclMdnUaf aawCalif.. Western area sales it bdty laboratories. ager; Walter Heath. Neptune, electronic engineer, aad eaatty: "Wa expect to UM every H. Hattnun, Etberon, plant en- p manan* giiieer. atactariag. Every waek new ap- pflcattoas ara befog foundtor ou r Directors for ltSS are Mr. Ohrlarltasos. aresldeat aad Haw It Through thm ymn it hm, mid a* Ae way the tivo vtot irasUsap t aaadd " tree* nmy$ will bt, oqf gofd to to this: Say y chemical orp petro-nrar: Chartts J. Marsh, Shrmn- bemidful gomu wedding bobom producerd tt! toto ttry ahary. — The recent ceastraction of • "juo. handle" rood oon. . If flaw CM to am Mr. mdd, motaW of th» brldi* K wtt work. Thadata to II, Irooel St., and Uwli St. falls Mo 4M rtalm of praevow In Eaton* 4aafl ——-* taaMBBBWaai Asaaam a^at tmU md formml. tfc atpMially etainf tho MM track SMSOU, WM aoasietoroel a ma{ar trof- •8 ••B BvBB OvWB BB1 Thsao an fed la tha fcoHtaatofc h fwt fcorowth. M «•>>«*" MMIWDM IIII W^torf. Oat comes aa> OM«Hsa. In tW ooator of Ho pootoorooo. h M. tt\»Ub to tfca rlfht K whka, what partaapartaer of Wyar. Dickft Co.; to that Dr. Marsh W. White, physics kandH" MMMtiiif Into IreMa! St. latoRtowa't bmitaw efiitrict k at !«• •^ *• Sato See Our Latest Fall Fashions Jamas It Bataoar, Loaf BraatB, prasMeat of tha tha potot at error caa batoud Now Jtrtoy Traot Co.. aad John ~ FMaatriak, New York CHy, 23 W. Front Sfratt REDIANK raprovad. Tha aavtag to tramaav to Joha Molr ft Co. Man Hnu ItM AJL laf fJal NOB AT WQM fm pAiitm* m WaaV aad VrUay m * f. M, CUFTON. M. J. (AP) - Dr. OUvar L. Martoato alway s attok- tag ato BOSS iato i He's the chief :•>?.'-' caDad tha "saiffer" - for a perl f I Pay to Use Clarified Display GET ALL T flT LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER... MWMUM SYSTM — On* of Eatoatowa's »iffe*t pro]octo ia aMRy yoars has boan «Ve •*Mtn«tJa« *f a |l,«OI,tOI sawaraf* ayttom. It Is now ptrttalty la oparattow ana1 MW komas a*d MlUInf s ar* balnf aa^ae) to «h« KM avary dty. Haarl of »U •yitom is tho treatment plant, shown to «ho rlo>t. To tno left ore tho filtor boaV. Tho plant Is off Tfcisaaamisa A«o. UM I. Smoak, Jr, h tfco SMMMT tkaro. LVALUE Tou CM •#p#od on unto SNWf ALL EYES dnOBOinfl wWf vllv OvSv Ifl nvnfv BvvffO

•f^^toMjBjS wo^aV MB^BBBBBB'P WaaaaU AA|| A L^ba*Aa4 VP^*a^9rV^nr V^aW^ TJF^O^SV^BT/ W^B^V %pa^BJ| y ^a^^rViV ME ON THE ItaUaU *glfJ MiTlw eJfJT» TRUE VALUE. 2.C0NVENKHGE TOWNSHT OOvfA p9 rfww p tvtr 1,000 can. On* stop «Mp> ping Miurox you «f firaitrsf

ibiiMl MO W POT* 3. SATISFACTION TA ^Ma^a^^h o^aSanv daalal 19 pfpV WfTI? TWf Y«ti wi ktv* complttv «w*JsficHwi Nl kMWtoNj IMt WMH ywU ###l WlVR frW VftnOus MaWWIMS IR Utfal Mv#f Cw*ry, •Wy

Iflaf* 4LnlV* ——»fMVT• IW9 WTBjV SHOf LITTLE SILVER | ftHMv D#* IT pWnT SHOWN* CENTER TODAY LmftJ 'OIBVA A^^akoaa^^klgav \

UdaVJaaV IMM 4^ha% J>daUHAa^hMJhdk a%v lLa\ t^aaa^ VitT WBv Tflw WflipiwTivn VT TUV n«fW

pmfta) farJrwfurt prtfrttt in «yr • -TOWNSrW MAYOR WBMTS JlwlBn • JOHN MARZ, JR. * Vlifi Prtf Sup Aha Bad laafc, N. I. COMMITTIEMEN STEPHEN J. KAUETA - PITER J. WATERS TOWNSHIP CLERK SNtfvtit totar Skip ROSEK. WENZa l-achwoaiirost • W. T. 6m* 0. UK MMsjfll * Antstmii AfMcy Mhn z^ms Tana* f 1 »». BID BANK flBGISTO BlafaJtfMoaamatoM tto awp AatMtoi at H •AStWhTHW

ajajau a> •«•••»• ^ wa^w wm *m nwp^ gp>vHn^BHv« ^W^B ^W^H^^W- a panoa ai aoaanaaa BIOWI proad oao. It wao laeorpoiatad ad oarviea aaJU ttatr daotbo la oavtoja atoa aia fodoraay Lam ha* la 118 INT. od. aad tor IT yaora. aodl _ vm. Matonay. which today hao a Assets Of Tho tota rrad P. wTfcott oortad *107 Million lyaowa at teM THE HNEST UN) wan fodaralb' torn taday*o It la Mnnmoulh, M ahoad aad battar and by tho Fadanl I arataflMhaetteaaattha • Loaa Iaouaaeo Corp. IN FORMALS..» la thotr pngrooahre ae>iaatnaaoatoUy paiMBta fMti aaoarHy. wp to s »,m, OVER THE YEARS LOVE LANE ft WM to hob Mck poopta hob frees a a^BM^BawaltJBwa t^Bwft tBBft |^M|BBBVB>T Sfldj a tho TUXEDO SHOP HAS ACQUIRED A Lot* tad la^lagi M4 UM A* tal roanafor mombi tel A •ooovfljtai tat thei •nkBaftotor NAME OF DISTINCTION. THIS NAME l to dw Both Bod Bosk S ft L aad Mate- , they biva baoooM to>atey am aaUtlod thtir mambon OF DISTINCTION GAME TO LOVE t flat tor tbo ported oadtag Dae. The ranlti an toaad hi thoSI a IK par coat dMdnd wU LANE BY PROVIDING THE FINEST IN noordi of twa aach flnno hi I Baak aad 17 othan through MOB- FORMAL WEAR TO YOU. WDUam T. Corttoa WM ahwtod CkMttOnR* nis Sad Bank Syrian tad LDM at mi /or aw* wSTptW which HaroM B. Mfflward, I Tho ewu*f| • — -«-—-«• i. a*a^aaiit*aBa> •d by ttiMm ftnton ft Loaa H i nslswaiiaim m*tm a . TIMI* MMOMIIIf • pnWHKi i ltaat aay lam at nor* datoa ttaatf back to AprB 1. Uff. Phone SHadyside 14819 II eoaaporoa Mi naoutaioffMlv la 1M1. wtth baalaaaj «vai iffaOaWLir i M7, t*a yam tram tta«. It naaodotod Ma M Bread St _ M b at ftMV qaarton to prorate awro ado- at «t lut JMM N. ejaato tadUtioo. Aba to WX. tbo FaJaial 8aviaai aad BMraadwMhthaCM- SB> OBBBUOBW lai 4ja ajaaaMW awlaf LOVE LANE TUXEDO SHOP •Kat WRBl • •* J1W SJBBj hao Stowart Cook, at Hai p Mm wham, to ISO. it woo «o>a«a to bafld v a mam totol- 23 W. FRONT ST. RED BANK tag VnjH». la dw yoan alaeo SSM Ha Juaa » at- • n.4n,m jliaaljf^autai •*••« (a»KHaMB» Nil Mr. MlUwaroMi wtohathaadod la taa aarHar part Much, UN. at this ctatan thaa today. Bat Bawla R. Caaovara who w afea•D M ^a^laWN>I tavtlWRJLi IdaiSMSa ) MBJto>*aBMHHyt* WWiarlJvr tao aaaociatloa • board wi wnamir. at flii rnt irf ITTf rim ho boeaaw praoldaat hi VUt, fBa^alW ^a ala^MM*tA4fa^a4 ^B ffaal atwchataMofihaboan ty waH total MOOJ of an Loaii •ML Ifca Jaaa » npott flawa wara oaly M a awn Mtrtta Vaa to MoaaMuta cooaty bat Nod J. Laitaad, Going Foward with Monmouth County totol aawta at W. Vaa Noto, _^ . aad wrnan Aba, . tta M aa- d OtWI had 1M* an- Mncton aow an Edwla R. aad aad Uniwrtaj Lotdo S. OoBDvar. Mr. Mfflward. a |JNt|14JN,tMM to to Mr. SaMck. Edward H. Coaway. tlUHJN la toartmakTU Williai m H. Rahr. Ibaodora D. , A. AMa Vhtttox, Da- *M W. ROOMO aad Pnak F. todtyam laPanaaa.La- k aman aad »•> PMderiek B. Loaterd. a aaitaar. Itenai v ^ania m mo law mart




foil a cowfliMioiii supply of Spsar, Lwwdi It Kwllogg •xttnd an InvHation to en* and all to malt* us* of our compUt* $ facilities for investment. THESE FACILITIES INCLUDE:

til Tnau Ln N. Y. Stock Esckaafw Ttekcr IM Trama Los AaMricaw Stock BTdaMagw Ticker tM Tnuu Law Daw Jonea Ticker 141 vn RegwJar Dow Joaea Ticker IM SUM OMIO Bowi of Over IM Stocks 171 fiJM Ov«MlB»Coantor Oaotatloa Service I1M

StaJMkri ft Poora • Rick • Forboa • Kiplbafcr

We extend a special invitation to those of yon who have never seen the •F "aBw» inside of a brokerage office to satisfy your curiosity. Yon will find us most cordial and happy to explain the operation to you.

PlaoaaM S41N OBolywawtlBOWottairhaMtt Robtft D* VbcoiNito

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Raaldrata witk Telephone KxrhantM with PRoapcet 4, 8, 6, EEtleff 1,

t-Heehold 8 May (ill WX-2I2O—No for WX Calla. ©•y

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velier you •«,

Skrawibyry Hiarmaey baa • o>od• «t j .at-t I^I to .OMWOT your partial list fallow** Lonvhi, Chanal, Ravlon, tloiw Rubinttoln, Mas Factor, Caty, Antolno af Parti, UMMWMJ iilmta *».J ^ug^-^t^^I0M k MMVMMMJ AM and many otharo. V^'^^^PWJP fVVnW WW M^BjMMMMMJM^ «t>l ,M* afyllaf. ayo HMMM> «HUk md many


Shrewsbury Pharmacy 570 BROAD STREET SHREWSBURY It Pays to U$e Classified Display


M, KM Mb- to

Coiyarli! Years of DCICB WBUIW4 K W ttai ot Broadway mi Ubttty It sssu TM BHfe WH HflW VHN 0MB to AUM* l Progress

mem. • ft* MHli ««• and Service ^•^A u, aMMi MVMIM VkMY BMMVBM) ft Ari«*«9 MTVICO irioMW Mi oo> {aoaat prtvata paiMag •»

Am,d*» tt» urn KI •l *•

T.UMB—.._. Of «M MHtltlM. MlMNWl liiK •j* WpBaT •


*t« to 1M. !• HMl MMtf. Mania Economics Mainstay Federal Mw yo* MIK yior iMMy QQiy jM

Lena K. Wklla. Savings & Loan Association's WM in ywr flrlir An dMrom> i lunnymn a»i at MT> wportoj of Ifcoiioi >• any la HM ojMtttoM bahm ata MMIMi VyM fottnr aorMolooV New Home at 36 Monmouth St, Red Bank mf Mf$* IfMO H« WOIMOJI MMM tf 0^ ML Jtui ^^M okIM at RatMft IMvogl/, a* gj^SMfclMU Incorporated in 1923 as the Mainstay Building & Loan Association, • awfla aaMMi of «MUM TOMjOJ MTMOJ Ml 4nf> o^tyamk for OMMoejr. If jrn I M Mt MMkt • Ml 0MM1 AMffJMJMP fJOMl SB #•• MHMIM Mainstay Federal Savings acquired its own building on Monmouth Street in February 1958 . • • and the current assets are well over toooto MM Ol M« OMh MJT, W^JMTO tour or owraf seven million dollars. Da OMM Mt MM or SBT BMMSBM aj|MM OMWMI MMOt MikMMMff •• MMMJIV aT" oTSVaji

*•••••/ •••* pa frwro^AoMoMotrJ Dividend at fht tnnual rat* of anticipated for tha lamt-annual parfod Of trvM aai IMI g tr f ftoojnnlno. July 1,1919, with tha continuanea of latlifactory aamtngi. mi citnai frKt, feb ^ "^ ^ a V/WMB MM ^4 INSUMD SAVINGS • MORTOAGI LOANS • IMrHOVIMINT LOANS sr If yflMf M«w«r U no io i«me •f Iht* jiuMtlont, you W||| |Mj N«r!v - pfootf bottwdti Tho to a toawr aa me braJa. fjrvtag a giri the air suy bt a Daat 0* It Yaanaff of "diHt-yourteir1 can BB_I^___I^_K 4W ______anbtam to some maa bat it's ^venca • anpany Missile Progress The "oW^yoaMtlf • lad which davaitatlag and *i (My a faa_fl*d payeMaa wha mato Harr y Fana. HI HU A REAMff if appliedto th e Aad Harry. HMM* gHaa tha» the cauatry it pro eaa brlag obftcttv* aad bakncal It I* «_» pan of wWn McALBfTlR, Ohta. (AF)-C. lag aoeaomlcaUy pwfluNe bom can of one's health. Judgment to the ' " to lee*a Itto the m ssadsar gMs th* air over ** Then hi aa nuk* tha-diignoalf aad djald* S. Newjeha, MJ>. past M years. MM OWMft ftQafl to ^ (tow aad than, be admits. h**s ceavktodaf JaHBnab1as,fa-tm* Is Noted by Army oi oaatcncciOB noit aao male- «H* wha upoa the tnatmoat. Aay ether basa sochoi, madmi __A a rMsn ha fled tram the Qatatom rlala aad houtehold tuppliet of a feel tor a type of indMdaat court* ttautar A tnhv of $tm can hag la a fltM w*en alattk* or da> fraaNowYott t . ja..., _._._i tvon lashs1_i_,i___dJ witMlafhc askaa ftockap _ _ wa • *. .___*_Itwa. t FORT WADSWORTH, is putttag ap a gym-afl bad*. th* maiority of Tremendous prognsa ta Abv4)a> Many people an faadiag kUentt It lay caa be fatal, when each a toabotaadki* •g dteteg fa-W- girls have beta good sports faaat to Mcamonth Coast; b) ba-thwforaattiaibo- d they did not know Vhey poatee- familiar aad conwawailara *ymp- totraaapMt toi It, htsays. Hag- tog made, accordiag to Goa. Rat. * a gsasnj'baadag plant a haadart* may mla* » market each day. A. Hewitt. Commanding Oaten] The Mtrtta Compaay win In- of the ttd Artillery Brigade. staB electroaic coaaaln aad la January. 1M4. th* first Nik* radar sojUpmsat. aad tht Bsl Ajax WM iasf-Osd at Fort HM-Tatapbaai way wa IMaB at the alto aad atioaal to May. IBM. Th* Nike ealargt tha cooummicatioa* fa- YEARS OF SERVICE Ajex wat America's earUeet com- dlttkt on th* bate at Wghtaads. bst-retdy surfae*-to*ir goMsd Neither tha Mtrtta Compaay aor missile. By aow, than hava ban Ben TeMphone Compaay caa three "|e-era_one" of Army air defense missilas whoso family the Mltttle Matter boffldtag It BUILT ON MANY, MAI Dime. Nik*, to takaa from the far advanced. goddM* of Victory ta Greek Brtaade to Btaw mythology. Gea. Hewitt says the Od The supersonto Nik* AJas has Artillery Brigad* Hsadqu-rters a range of S> mOes aad can de- FRIENDSHIPS and Headquarten Battery will stroy targets at attitudes which to the Air Fore* station surpass fie coiltags of today's , . _ Tba Ata* Fana wm bomber aircraft. It caa combat bo tht hosts to tht Army all types of msaosd boa-bar ab> #11 win DO nspoasfhl"e- fo"r pnvidtag AND QUALITY I craft kaowa to bo of etaUl 1 day by ottdtafata|, • « •*J___*__ aad. if nsrsastry, c for the Army psfSoaasL tag mem. Mk* AJas to aa aBAppModo_Uc!. y tH Army psfsoa- ai win bt **slga*d to th* High- an attack from aay oncth*. carrfaa a Mhal f tatlmated 111 cMldrca of mtost type, f Which MOd BOt 90019 ft Wbea me nd Brigade Oper- hit to dtttray Its t*vgtt. Caatar movta to Moa- IIMWIII Mm* la it wm become aa Two Nike Ajax oaitt at Fort Haacock are bang coaverM tor the apirtt of the men pottat Nik* Hercules. defeatea m The HerealM It the flrtt combat- ready Mrface-tMUr mla-le wNh GH» Auignmtnt as atomic capabilityto eate r the active air defaaie of the Uaitad States. lt*a ifficrlveaatt it many tiraee greater thaa the Ajax. What the AJai caa do against tingle targeu. Mereulet

formatioaa of aircraft aad do it With greater lethalMyr at greater nagee, aHttudai aad apteds. The Herctdet hat a range of more thaa 71 alias. Ita ahitudt capabUrjr I* wail ovtr Tha UWM Caal Company, l«e- wat arl. Jwlly ••«rW by OanaU E Uwa* abaaf

a____|A_ |__k __. thlrry-faw y#ari if dirtribatinf eaal which waa utad tjanarally at that tima far panana aoti me Hercules aad Ajax to be find hem* antj a»mmef«lal haaHnf. Mr. Lawet waa bora In Shrowtbary %ni after from the earn* Is tpendiaf'taam at thtt location. Thti wat done H have at MM Atr Fane air control at Edward* Air unit atop Calif., ft a datar approach ta tha poopU m thit fatt frawia. •»•*• gt binn It ty at a Grauad laajaraa. Matry aattamaw fted » aaavaiitawt H pay tbalr Wklla aa optratiaaa Ecjulpmtat Repairmaa. Ha re- _LJ__U _k_. -_«-^: *-« —1---^ ______1 -JLJ- • a*— f_ Af|

crable period* time wm bo MO. rborott* traiatog hen. at aa »_ a> • astary to tastaD aad toft the Mb> He I* a WEJEaa#_^Hf CfBAAJ c__nH flaMisB_aBai I J^ajl W_hJ f Flajamm a—•*__*j• aile Matter system. It will tanjan Hal* imi ailiar af aaa of thna of ttt kiad to be the RCA coastnctod wtthta tht 1st Region Now York CHy prior to hti *a- V. S. Amy Air Defense Com- mead. Tha othtrt wUI be lo- __i__k|i_Me Alrmaa Browa wa* cated at Lockport, N. Y.. aad 1 at Fort Heath. Mass. May by T/Sgt Joteph T. aoboul ntOPUCi* Mistito Maatsr Is a complete of the Red Baak Air Fore* Re- for the semi- OLTKcv* • ESSO FUEL OILS atioa of Ow Bra of large aum- FIVE BOgSEg TO) ben of a-Mt* aaltt. With the NEW YORK (AF) - Frn pro- Tha a«toriorM«* aAatawfflee btiiMiaf het baa* dwaajad vaty MtHa *4*b baOd. Mlttile Mattor. aflecUvaaeii of ____. ^MKI—-. ^_|_ - _____ ta*j It baaaajpajej on# 9f tka ala; MAOJ aMrkt at vha Baraaajh at •ajnjwaajdfy. p#aay • GULF FUEL OILS •cere anorvaa WHa a atagw Army air d-kaata la lacnuad yoan a§a H* was aaad far a whaarwriajht and blaelnmlrh tbap and at praiaat It by provMtog todMdaal battery how an gotag to pick oasboss. Th* play It "Ytt MM" by Jsha h palatod a ban rad ta pratarva tha aid dwrttar typo af Ita buttdwt, Tha tink • GULF GASOLINES AND MOTOR OILS Frtti, aad tha apoasan tactait tlautag laforMttaa coacantag flaar «f MM btjlUlitfl k mad far dliplayhtf a «*mpl*t* liaa af fardaa, ttabla aad Wlmam Weed, Dsaglaa Cramer, the air battle attaattoa ta taak avajajliatj and ntany athor products aisad aa attatta and fame. Tha tjajtnirt sectors. Through the use ofDaa Levia, Jack Barry ami Oaa • GENERAL ELECTRIC HEATING AND ndtr video scnta* like those of Earlfht part af MM jbaildinf h Mtad a>d«sivaly for aatanntia., aradH «ad MNftf wadu a TV set each Earlght, who atoag wMh Barry has btea active ta TV pndae- Tbara h ah*i an thl*/ praporry MM arif Inal Shrewsbury tthaal baa**, pMvros af COOLING EQUIPMENT aelect th* BM*t thnatsalag tar- Wm» MM IMC HfJOQQ IfaaXaVMM whloh hava bjaaii takat) many times by Hlstarlcal fraNw*. tor th* stag* sattrprtos weaJd be HTM oat by havtag • ESSO-GILBARCO HEATING EQUIP. la b ether mlteile aait. Th* syt> oaeof the toa ate • COAL AND FIREPLACE FUEL ly portray OM toadnta ,

through th* early waramg ay» M hj tha < • WESTINGHOUSE AIR CONDITIONERS

Geaenl ooatnctor Is li Dagaaun Co, lac.. alaadbyllparcoatbyim.**- • FARM FERTILIZERS Fark, N. J., wha ta addtttoa st'trmattf the Pnmtattaa IMSSR- way ^^^^t^^B^t^t^a* v^^^v ej ^p^^^vt^a^^^^ptjtj o^BWr^t^BBt)^paw Report. • STAILE AND TACK SUPPLIES TM YtAI AUtMOWIWt tA a^Bti-t-f B^at-Bft t^_rf 4 • • • W SEfiVf EjEjtrVV yVH • SCOnS LAWN Mid GARDEN SUPPLIES VINITIAN ILINDS • HAY, STRAW and GRAIN IH 0)wwlTtw*l ^B) wrfw) IWOJv w9 TH9I vvlOJi Tnv y Qeaned and Repaired tar* af Parfcta Chawt hi this araa- far abaat twonty-liv* yoan aad dattvarlas af G COMPUTE OIL IURNER SERVICE MMM pradi»att bava b**n mada ta «»ars Mvarlnf * twanty^nlla radhtt, Tbt rVbta Campany hava faadt far avary typa af llvastask, paurtry. da.s, fatM bird* G FUEL IUDGET CONTRACTS TAPES and athar sptMialty faadt. We Service Everything We Sell! i


• • • Everyone sgnts ths Had id MiddMom aa<~ ~ * BMaal in tkm midt 0/ our anae ham s bright Man. BW NSMSKI 01 BW Cmgratidotions af It Is a* ao ADVERTISEMENTS to Jobs hi North Jersey si hmklotehool activity s gnst big York." ths staty stows. Of (Ms BMBbsr, "7M fsr csat of OMM to Join with The Bwasirtty of the rskiBli by ear. with only 84 ana, in amny raapitti, To the staff of the the Red Bank Register tha auceoJaful aotatfM to tfee be raaulalBg 1.1 par cast utisg problem. fat obaenrinf this Aayaaa was isais tha asm* RED BANK REGISTER pHght of 0» Nlimd important, event, not be ovar- ••d bmr ka ts gatag Is gat is of additkBal wotk, not only la the m wttl in your splendid news like The Register, or II yarn, but tow The BMRbsr of tnias that taka Ths Is abaoMaiy vital *e, too, a»w dedicated Mat towor t am baiag cat rightto tha atthiaanaaad service to our community. out tram aeser Mm by the ooy-aUaded railfoa*. p to serving Tha atrvlca sot always at thsBfrtaMflB ftrftttttt" We hate to say goodbye basMigettlagfacnutagiy worn the people of as Tha asms ssa be said for ths ataa, aeoordlag toth a to your weekly, for Moa«o«th Cooatyt Fata* oa Faft cools COMMM to ajo 1^ "Tha .pattern is aw and like The Register, _ chanctariotic of the it was the voice of NEWS= aaa MB-wWi tha rank that ths r family haa to ttgbtn laak area," lha npwt aiya. wo, loo, are always its spasdlBg belt avaa suns OJBB it is already area la that man of Monmouth County . •. WOfat IS NlW XOfK •Mftef to BMk* More and moreore, commuters eie° rt*m MB>M >_41MM in Narth Jar- bajUftg at the rsl IIUIvllV'WB SIW uy BBBWA B4B£ iaa getting to work la North Jersey but we are looking forward la nil oar eerviee better. or New York by can or bases. HUB asasas as evon greater rev- wtts «M lay- Wo are proud of low to, the hard ptm%i iafr £^ to more effective news Tfes study the prfress of DVD^BSJBWMB IBV ^BBav fast has baas atudtod todaat h by Mtt osa alao he said that the service to our citizens through tjmiaaJ comenatar la the Red 'Mottmoiith County a ton from areas where there to a Daily Red Bank Register. apd look forward a heavy commuter population "This to further ftf*«*tlittd agree the condition munt be by ths oMsr ags of the fsmiliss, to an evea more wived. tt hljl ne§ taooiB> per HUB* Ail they immediately tack oa Uy mm) BBd the avenge pries progressive future. a bit "«r OIM" to that Bhsaaa-otth* s m« that an baiag pur* Tha "or etas' coojd tho new devetopmeatt oDonomie diatster for say — WIHTOL ana of the ans. which is home to commutata and their familiei. Op*ft Friday Nit. Till • "TUa price of $21,2M 1$ the Area residenU who work la higheet average price for new INDUSTRIES North Jeney or New York freely of any of the areas of the admit that iTthiaga don't gat bat- PRINTING Monmouth Coatfal Region. ter they win hava to leave sot- arbia and go back where they Became of the importance of PRECISION MACHINE WORKS came tram. raaxB SJBJMWS aaaSJsjgBaj MQ a^n3BH«^^BiBBBaigm ^ml attract thii type of perm to tha •afja Prattlag Moaanoth Coastal Region, it Is LEWIS ST..IATOMTOWN. N. J. ' * that a remedy will eooa ha toad to the problem of the they haar tafe Kko that decline of rail service. So w$ fwMP aWMOWI.— — flf the) y type of par a»sn of the taaaa Wt by thaan to tha y of ths Coaatal UalBlaOaft COeMtttttatf aaUatUy* RiglOll 00*1 MV Bar A popvlopoonpoft wot tko MOB* U an the yean of studying the •oath Coastal Regie* mate* notani. ontpmnnm ttria year by ths conaty Ptaimaag t Faysto Us e Classified Display BWImVmnkn^t aaiwia^B*I*IWWy ^B^^mnaaaSwil amBmanfwMt .n^B WmA (ConUnuad oa page M) PROGRESS


Tha above photograph was taken at old Monmouth Park in 1870 - sight years before the first iuua of tha Red Bank Register.

In tha II years since its birth, tho Register has earned wide recognition for tho excellence of its coverage of tho many interests of tha modern community. Not the leeat of these interests are the diversified sports and recreation activi- Thast smart, food looking European ties af the Red lank araa. cart havt b««n winning th« ha«rti of many tconomy min«M pooplo Monmouth Park salutes the Red Bank Register end extends best wishes for yoar afttr y««r. Europo. through Hs continued success. Hi modlarnixation and au-

In the spirit of tho Red Bank Register's thsma, "Forward wMh Pregroae," tomation in car manufac- Monmouth PM, has Inttttuted Innovations in thoroughbred racing that hava turing, has mad* it pas- 1 at race tracks throughout the country. Among theea siMy to supply tha can- _ 1 ere the Installation o» the film patrol, a two way intercom system •tantly axpanding damand far mora anal moro trom stewards to patrol Ml" and tha electronic taletimer which automati- ffmily-typo, small-budgat automobilai «t at- cally records fractional times of all race*. Monmouth has been a leader In tha tractively low, low pricas. Stop in and com* introduction of many Improved facilities for both tha public and horsemen. para these prkts against tha prices af many othar fina autamobiloi on tbo markat today.



sksnt of our ana and to.properl . y Water Company, serving .— usd fully supply that of any all of» municipalities hi ear wefdential or industrial c mty has. through a coadausl •rises. This fact has made th_.e. rprogra..% m of advance praaniaptaaniagf anandd irea especially attractive to construction, been able to tap* tome builders and industrial de- ahead of the growth tad require*

11M Monmouth Consclidiled (Continued on next page)

10 YEARS STORAM TANK with a capacity of 1,000,000 aliens located on the Monmouth Consolidated Water Com. pany's pumping station grounds en Newman Springs Rd., alang Swimming Rivar. Water from the tank can PROGRESS be directed into the pumping station te wash filters or it can be pumped directly into the mains. The pump, IN ing station, in tho foreground I this is only a small part POWER MOWERS of tha main plant), it capable of drawing 17,000.000 gallant a day from tha reservoir. MOU WATO—Tho dotted lina outlines tha plannad ineraaia of tha Menmeuth Consolidated Water Company's reservoir. Construction at tha Swimming Rivar dam will increase the reservoir storage from ih present capacity quantities. Of course, tha newas than ever was. but we an ef 170,000,000 oalloni te 2.000,000.000 jallem. WeWsir iftu MIB| funoformed'toM H ofsttaaattgg it. and reusing It • great- too tmail tod «M_ er quantities par parson thaa Itty tO CSttM CMCtfB W tO tM we dM N, 29 or eves M yean SHOP ttual floadtag ef the World, VKTOt WI1W and AtVAN WTT^K but It doea point out the fallacy la our section of New of the cry "We an runatarunaiag ouoat tJersey Is aa abundaat supply of Plenty Water of water." water, ample la bask quality Hf WfrHWAY II MtDMJTOWN Truly, then Is Just as much and quantity to meet tha require- 01 M*7I rater oa the face of the Barm moats of any growth and develop. SINGE 1897 County Asset Thsre has boas aa increasing ways created supply aad storage aunbtr of article]land state- difficulties, but In ov section of ttteti ia racoBt yean the country, and particularly Is sad printed la newspapers and Moamoum Couaty. to cry "Wo- quality flowers msguiMS oa tha subject of ' tar Shortage" is somewhat mh> PROGRESS OVER THE YEARS "Water Shortages," Oscar A. Newquist, general manager of Water supply is the most vital tha Monmoum COnsolidsttd Wa- and essential of the public serv- and service • • • ter Company said this week. "Un- ices and the American people are fortunately, many of thtsa writ- becoming Increasingly awan of lap an by people not close this because of the publicity gtv* enough to the subject of water ea the problems of storage aad supply; professional festure writ- distribution in irecent yean which •rs. aspirants to psblie offices in some cases has necessitated and in some casts holders of pubpub-- a rationing program po«'«-i-:— lic office whose Jobs sre only tha use of water for sprinkttag ramotery connected to water sup-lawns and gardens. pry." Actually, there is no shortage Hie overall, or tos-eomprehea of water. It is undestroctibte. In CONTINUOUS RED IANK sive term "water shortage" is tact, aacn oay more aao snore 2* tread St. frightening, aad is probably so water is being formed on our DIVIDEND tateaded to an undue extent by earth and in the surrounding at- DIVIDENDS SH 1.722* some writers and so-called "au- mosphere through tha inevitable thorities." It msy ba Justified to combination of minute molecules LITTLE SILVER use the term la certain South- of hydrogaa and osygen which, PAID SH 7.1132 western or Far Westers sections once combined in the proper for- of the United States where an mula of H2O, follow the lafe* SINCE 1187 RATE tatuffideacy of rainfall nattera of the




1ft? . in.1ffJI



MD IANK, NIW BORO BUSSES CO Mtmbtr Ftitrd .fttinji md Vnm Inmttmn CorporaMon ittmkr ftitni Ifome Ism rlswa Sytt4m MD IANK y 1-0211 AtMMTS MIDDUTOWN OSbornt 1-9142 IATONTOWN Ubmty 2-1SSS J— WILBUR'S FraamaMwt THE REGISTER M taw* thatoddter aa a aad w* w> cMM aota to tehtai. ba| on progress in -Tata.wjr k batter taanwf a gnat Mr al MML CUMTM I Mi la thalr ftiat ftm MM Journalism w* tfctjr da al My attar'ttote. yoar TaatUag a ebJMto natt y bate- tagbte to laan. Wbaa panata at tha hate tfeair child laan eoMtrac- **tj, thqr cnate a tatwg an i tot," ha eeatbvthat kantef takta place It la Md. "la a* watteMf-fact aan- daw by arouaai tht cbJUTa cu- aar a «Ueh Tha it vary aaay to d» lotwattrttrvkt.

AMW. ^^^M i^M ^^k-wM) ^M ^__a-M^^^

lpof< ti BMI wiyi Mi MM tf «MMiM Md MfiMM M» MB IANK, N. J.

MOVAOO then ana at GENERAL PROFESSIONAL Caaaty. Ue water aopoUat. INSURANCE APPRAISERS at tha "An bMMflts ranltMt frooi Ite ,tttwlle at Ktrwwl Iw ww Mik tad NMtrck of HMN pub- TheWatchmaker'i It to H-feat atovawa. lic tad print* IMKUI an b»- 50 YI4JIS OP fHOGKtSS IN TBt afltet «i •• MM arauiow ID nt wi Witch at our water FIELD OP GENERAL INSURANCE hi B Stfcww. i, Ntwwww, dwM far UMT an u ca> (W- A w» dam Mlmmb an tat itotan fMM-WMat,tbai Swrk Khar. Wife addttloaal par- •f Betto, paMpiai aad larta pipe- I fadHHta, it if aateated to ahlt toba at tital aati Is) M wWaHHaJ wf |fHnn I nwwi 9t tha eompaayt 4M wW oWnQV •!•• W« oi VwMalawT - " " at IMan yaan. TIM water warka hdaatiy b

to dw KA Ntwajaltt aaM, "datenriatet jifflha nejulnd to naat bMnaaMK daauada to ba far TftM* Www MMMHto Art Pntkm »tor anpla aappHaa ef goad OCEANPORT ' water by tha paopla aad WILBUR'S JEWELERS at na anaa K tarvat. TWO tioan TO mm mn YOU "The Ideal Place to Live" IN RIO IANK IN UTTU S0.VW athvl it MOAO nun wi tha Vwl *M | MM tltfti wdtunwa Locatad on tha South Shrewsbury Rivar *hara bopttng, atOMawaya ttrhrtot to wpn OfM MOAT NKMT TIL t mjota. by Uberatory 0a«mttMl fishing, crabbing and swimming ara availabla dur- ing tha summar, taa skatino and lea boating in tna wintar*

OUR RNE VOLUNTEER RRE DEPARTMENT, undar tha di. ractiwi of Rra CMof Lastar R. MocK«jy, Is at your sarWeo day HA ntqht. OUR POLICE DEPARTMENT, hoadad by Paliaa Chiaf Rob- GENERATIONS of art 6. Rarry, givas you protaction around tho clock. OUR FIRST AID SOUAD, with o fully ospiptad ambulanea. is always at vour sarvica in casa of an amargoncy. SERVICE OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM is ana of tho finost In fho stota. OUR PLAYGROUNDS ara undar paid supervision for your children's ploasura during tha summar months. IM May w your tevorlte OUR WATER DEPARTMENT is borough ownad. oMttsctor or ks vsy As a commuter's community H is tops—lor from tho din of YOUI tha city, yat clasa enough to commute by outo, bus or troin. Oceanport is truhr the community far ouiat, eesv living, ojrocad with wooded orees, parks, fine streets, a mn nnmciw IUCBWB iy HHB BHUb beautiful river and many fina hornet. • •r art, w CM IM> you too It Is else the homo of the Monmouth Pork Jockey Club' n ow pm our oniown> where racing is at its finest. , to •rmqrt ttaiUbk to YOU. A large oart of Fort Monmouth, tho homo of Mia U. S. Army Signal Carps, |s located within tho borough. 1)1 THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL BID YOU A HEARTY WELCOME ATLANTIC W6HLAN0S AND INVITE YOU TO BECOME NATIONAL BANK A RESIDENT OF THE A1UNK WHAMS, N. J. BORO of OCEANPORT MAYOR OMICEf EDWARD C. WILSON, SR.

COUNCILMIN ^1 •• w^a_^^MuV—^a^tBa^^^^B BVlBaB^B^BaWJaBBWjaV aha^Haal ^B: BYt^aiSj S^^IBWJI at a%t) Ora wa »wn^PaaT^ATf rrgM^^m fJnOJ | (III \grffIVV* HARRY S. KOCH HUX J. POMIA J. JMMA MaVay. Vlai rV»ilw«»

aMla^BUBWala% M B^ialAtBawa^alaVJ JOHN D. RltCK FIANKUN INGRAM rTvnmifi o>t vriwrvre'i CaiMaf anal AiilManf Trait Offlaar LLOYD N. SfCKLfS ADRIAN C. MR KaMk, Aialitant CatHlat


We are proud of oar enviable record of progress. In just a few short yean, LITTLE SILVER LUMBER has become one of the largest lumber yards in Monmouth County! Customer satis* faction has always been the foremost policy here and the extra services and merchandiae that we have provided over the yean has been in keeping with that policy. If yon are planning home improvements or repairs ... or if you anticipate building . , . bring your plans to this modern lumber yard. We will be happy to give you a free material* estimate at no obligation. August, 1959 Air Photo Of Little Silver Lumber Represents 1860% Increase Over 1946 Plant!

There is a reason for such a spectacular growth!, That reason is keeping pace with PROGRESS, in giving customers' quality, value and service! The next time you need building materials or garden supplies and equipment, come to LITTLE SILVER LUMBER for complete satisfaction. Thousands do!

fi'¥\?Z\ w\

* t: *;VN>»;


SYCAMORE AVE. («t the mb* itith.) LITTLE SILVER h< V 9BCTI0W PROGRESS EDITION Tuaedar, Sept 1.Ml Schools Expand to Keep Pace With Population New Buildings More Focilities, Fail to Holt Housing Curbs Double Sessions Ease Shortage Al • sat wad win tteechoe t to meet Its owa ased*. bu Voten la ttfblandi aad At- petitioned both tta total board teattc Hicblaada gavg a papprovap l aad tta state to to relieved of ia tta ntfoMtf proposal proposal byl by aUa tta Keaaatarg burden. margiM of 21 aad H votaa. ta- Time aad again la tta teat tour years tto local board has oommittte which e> been thwarted la efforts to ee> vatopad ththae regloaal ptoa aa«- tabUth a rational hlajh school-,. a »daiarooB acbeol dUtrlct with aaaiby mualctpaU- *|tt S7» tiei* Dfuy MM ft be* bNB Said MB* BtoM A Keaaatore)Haitian TowBahlp ba built ia Ualoa Baa** ngtoial pin tot w lar aa ttatataraadaa i ataga a Much, UN, wkaa it waa «a> a HI 9ead by Uaioa Baaeh votara. from SMI BOW go tote d Baal; aad Leaf 1-ONeba* 'aa plan waa acreppad when mtaSN Karttaa decided last year to m strike out on iu own. __^ OVT — A $111,000 addltioa to Rod laak HlflK Sebaol it boin« sompleted. The buildiafl to the L*!tSg! left is tbo farmer Iranch Ave. jasJor Mak stheel, buttt la 1901, end new pert ef tke lonlernlcjkscneol. Coinpletion fiiJwtWAUMtk" HlghUnda ^ Tto mcorporatioB of tts kg sr at km* etov M seventh aad eight gndae tote fmATadaiTttat ISM aftsr •* *• Bros"** addttisN is sxpsatad to sad eemtnirfJen at tfce hl«k sckeol for wme year*. Fsturs coaitracHon will sioiial plamdng but wu ruledtto saw Ugh school would mate out P^P^B^BB^BBBBj WmV m^^prfl •• available more Tto board now is Involved la tte K4 grades. Tto area alaa feaiMj.i—-ji- a rational itudy with KSyport aad Union Beach, tat la report- ed reraetaat to go too deeply County oMdalt have Mkatad tato the plea uotll a doctotoa la that the earHeat the saw made by tta otter two towns woujd be ready tor V£U», ea aa alternate propoaal which would link them with Hoh»M mstaad of Ksaaabarg. la Adaatte IBgktoada would to uaivaiiaa ior ina 9n PMM* Three ilimiatary claaiia are be. lag bowed la a New Jersey Na- tot torn taral Oaa Coasaaav toOdtog.Th e sas of tta biUdtoj has ads* Mr ft reoora »fkssk> of MB) Mda fal. tMab ham aaM that Georgge C Ma* tea* said flat "at laaat ttree wffl toaaad- ed at tta start ef tte1NM 1 totte tchool ytar to baadw aapsctod i-a^^t-- ^^ s>^^b_—gv am •aAU. AOOORHf • JOHfsl K* IWIp "^ J^^^P^S* NWall Msf MSataaV laW B^B^afitf ••• M|M| BBMU IvQal WamTCml • BK WfJaw* r£?i»T!!2£L"2! £ 21 •*••••• •Wl1 •CHOOl—kapfstsd to b* ready lor «««ipa*«y is tfco now $441,000 Swimmlaf Wvor HMiisinn reomato tt Martfa llslBJQ m lot MMMal • Oaf MW m>_a. I |_ aJ a>l •. *^ t^.tiJ* *-t |4 -t • ill • «M«tMI HI rww eMIIVwlalVJryo ItwtJ B^^ga^BawaTgWlWIWrVj V^B^aajaB^BBasWWTflHnj !w ea• WVJb^aWTa^^aBsaBjaWiwmmW1Bm%j M ^ •eweB^B^pBaa^BBBBarw^BBBj^ < ^BBB B^f4^vf^a^vV^VBjag# V^WVVvg Virjaaj BBJ§• om^aaa^ ^^^^^JB M^^^A M^M^M *>B^P Tto raaoH-wot oaly m me gMMtoj Wat llBBiaBMa^MaBBw MBW •a»a. tor tte totora. tte *s*d«» ISSKHMS. SebooJ aUkials aav said It wW -Wo the doabU «aoUoa priMiiii it Uart fat »Be Hme wajej Thi toarTL^arasllpllBg a tor tta board to ao*aMatmg aa oath* _fa tbo Skrewtbwy TevmWp Ssbaal district, wbkfc ««tiMi «f M HJ Sbrawsbary TmnisMp. Tko that ft may to abto awto 'M vous. M ttt ll^Cffe atife atfaiitii L.._ * -— -»* - - ,,lt ,1 • ajaj. a- tBApd) atf • f^bajgl #» fcda^B i^iMaa a^^^a^aaU- M ia.^7. » * . .. a mam at awNBaaoara Jtma4 ttat tta eVM> •WUBaMsf V W BMsl MM coavart total a^m ttaa to asw USUto maay asaity i ^•"•^•, **u^^an-mBi a Bean sstomtsd BoaamHoa sad BO gnat tacroaao to pupH toad is totoMtwtMi .... ""wvssi oaiSB WMBBWMMIBV ••» nbwjjMBwjsJV sjMHIa Jto Halmdal Board of Educa- Ttoaa waaii to Matted aft aa DOMt IAMBT. BBafaVaOfla SBB^Bfeais ^Jak^i^J^^ a^aaat aa^Ba^Ji ^^^a^^^. g^^^ «A^^^^ traeto are tatt sa. a asw asksal ttatt ddaddHtoM a fo fi at x rtanroomsrt toL Last year, a plea to aotve tta s aaw alemoatary echool com- claasroom atortaga by means of ptotod taatyear. a H-room aaatioa to tteMg a School offldala aotad ttat tte setoot was stoadoaid wtoa bMa **• amWrnMMg M|MCt fjf ftM eatra rooms would to aoededtor tta project were IMMM mfammtammfl fc* mktt ••••• MBttmw jMBBBBk- by September, UN. ThJs school sjore ttaa BtoS.toS setlmato. o*w—wjmiBBBi as* BBBBM BflBmmTj MflWW fjQHBBp gmCjr CIMS> Utds Uvar w« have aa li- J MMaatj are trytof at feard win to pnaaad lato aaa 11 ad nillmiW j dstoars ftsm awallag tore. Tto'tollrd " *i," - Ml IKM MMOI Bshgbattt>a ssst'sf of at least Mwhadaiaaa atari Isrto- toxeaaM hi MM Isfffs. But tta problem ia a ANOTM01NIW SCHOOt- ST. Jams* Catftolia CksMh kai afartad work toward tho tag oaa, aad thai tall actoal

M to eaaaala II Is tts fltat to+ s la TT7TT-..—r-T- •»-..—-. WBto gmasains satosl asaa- M*'S>u eaamna pv amjBalBm tovaa hi am HWBW hi CH • mo aaai ui featSa ism toa a M4 &^^^ ^ w ^^L m*^ mi aoamaa BHwa^H •( jaa ^MBBJ^B ^^^ ^^^^^ HP ^ ^w pHn^ v mga K^—^^^a ^_ a^ar *sa eaajBiy, a> tooBBsnsasto g a

to aMd tttt evaa at a aast sf watt, amimTw* am* MHamt amtomv mW. a^i Mi WmV HP amW Wi mtag hi MM am. Mr alaa - tttey

ware added ta IM aad tta Para frsai Ma) tNvMoa ef PMd Isrv asd leis aad Kaaaank sf lutaan last UaivarsHir ait Oak- yaar. |akgjaj gafhal M sot to asai after tts son M Oaa private Kheol la ttaare a which li eapectiag to lacreaio A roaart alas IttH da*iarilaaa# aVnitu Aa atkA .„. tooaaw af tta age af tto raw aaUdtogt aad ttt alaa af liver yesrs li Rutnioa Country Day Sdieel. •treat teasel, aa a**** tout II H a Uaderaartoa ttrwa> Kattar, tta raasrt atghtt trade sotosMrltt sa as- aual enrotlmeM sf HI stodaaH.

^^ aa avwaw^^pgw^^^i Bat raalltlag ttat there will to more pupila letting ad- mittance, actoel officials have aaretoaed tour acres of lead aad sre slrasdy plaiuiiai tor wtoa mat day conm. Tto ana's Mm aareaMal

of tto tormsr iinmsfii Parma. let mamma Mmm# amf mmm) Mgmmmmttm Bmmal ^_^_ *3^* ^^^^ «.^^ B^mUmTaW PmW

Pour touasaatn-M.ll, Hand Pleat are soar aa tto drswiag fCNOQl — Tkli •oriel vftw ibawi tmnMa't •arroitdaU Ssbowl, N Men PI. wereton dawa totoard tor^a tyiWissrBMaent TNI 010 AND NIW - Tkat'i wkat tka srskltsstiira ef IUms««.B«lr Heron wklak w» p«t litt* tefvlae two years efe. Tke arlflMl bvlldlnf eo*talned If gffJgg h'*l'lt

•lsisrs*m»—but tke need for tests teuied tke losrd af Idueatlan to kevo als %Taudliori«nvgymnaClttm will by leBtemtor, INI. "*** elauia eolenlal deilfn. Te tke left li the new modern addition Ntoro built. Tko llf kt-aelored portions at tke left and rtejkt end* of tke bulldlnf are be able w HDUN I.JOS A frtehmsn dan of about IM bath typet ef dat'on blend vary well, tie edditlon, wklak wsi tbo t«b|*st of « tke nsw slsitroemi. Rumien'i elementary sdusatlan proffam kat been praltsd at lllnorittrtiMi4«fi1iry "**" llMtr '•••'•n^um ••••••• '• sipeeted t«i take sere of tko reflenal dlitrlat'a one ef tke llneit In tko A total of I4H.99S WM pM«*4 needs for many yean. J Buttles at Booting Booms

P MK It OR •OHOWiOJO-OT iO •f tke keetinf industry in Menmeutk County. Yfce HI* beet beiie wu Mthrn •(HUM**. $110,000. In Ht second year ef eperotten, tke marine it te betted n> prwvwe oosy HUM n iw Mnn *I well tt Sandy Hook ley. FaeJflties «» the beam lajehtde a eeefctaM bear Mr, end perUnf hrNOiwi. •••

prattMj wH ba • i lor t prcpooad aaw high school hi OrtnNr. The rVf1

A private aches! It Mdda» •OATINO) CMTM — leetino. enthusiasts in the Red lank area use slips at tke Marina Park batin, left, or town — wkMIH phasing aa ospoAsiiM pfocrani Is Craydoo mouth leat Oik, right. Tke Marina Park basin it municipally owned. At the tep ef Mia picture it the HU Act*asy. LtaaafdvOtM. •nd ef IrMai St. Between tke beet club and tfce baiin era the municipal twinii courts. tt-eadMa ia about IN

oratory hat been coaatnettd tad M an bahuj made to broad- fadtttfct * can fer m fta

buoUmtaa lor ftt in oil Ctthottc trft^f^tt to Boyotofo tfoo Aft IMYVV MATIN* FAtAMM — Tke Neve.lnk River elweyi ket bten end prebably al- ways will ba a paradise fer beaten. Tke sport hat increased tremendously In tke Oar Lady o( Ptrpttaal Htlp lest five years aad aspertt ley the trend will continue. One of the most popular ilMMii Illaitiliajiii aWfmWtci —i ajjka at abaat m [i oa ac ; spots is tke Nevesink River in Rumtnn wfclefc ia precNceRy the faraway to Sandy Hook ley. Two ef Rumten't most popular hevom fer beets ere Feueb'. neer the H. »• L of Mo two it loo RHOJM otvoj Ojoov or

byacrt.*. Joseph's •OATNN> AT RIYFORT—A new 140,000 marina, the fint mcjcr beet basin te be cemtructeel m Keyport, it in wU have aa aamflmeat af •N. The tchool hat II full operation. On Metewan Creek, less than e mile from Reriten ley, it aaaemmedatet 110 heart end wttl be expanded te take care ef IM. Future plant, eccerdlna te owner John F. Feitlnf, Atlantic Hifblandi, include oonttruatien ef a clubkeuse. There it an outboard meter shop end e refreshment stand an the premises. A Key* ft. Mary1! Haw Mas- pert Waterfront Commission, erfanisod lett month, will enceureoa private Investment fer mere marines. At up* \ wUhtnfte per left is Matthews Fiskinf Station, Matewan Township. af CaftaMc

•are anpttt MM slaai Schoolg year. The pariah hat a (Conttauad from laat pate) •L Ana't, Itoaatwafg, hat a Mas ef aoBuUUoa, which more Udtg an* tssacit ftaa doubled m the first seven at ftt ttttt ti tth years of this decade. It UN the township's population wu WJM. •teen tract at ami af Haded h INT M WM uMfflclally com- Rd.. Middlttaim, which wlH puted at HIM. e^ te tha aMaaf •!««*» The board1! new milldmg pro- gti C*i%ggMe UgA tKam^amL Aamf^kOl gram it geared to that growth, et fta achaal it net and It designed to allmlnatt hi me isunadlsta IMsra. apUt-eeatloa needs far at least a few yean beyond the data of completion. Tha program will ba spread across four yean ef atructioa work. At the ted of ftt last school year, m June, there wen Draws - • - - a aMM • -^—_ M • _ OVOf T,Mt MPOIMO 10 At uncncoR •tudaatt la the next five yean li gHRBWgMURY «• fngnm — That't whet the Shrewsbury River Yoeht Club, Fair Haven, •Hary. Family aad ChMdraa't Aatk fja beard wM bulM - tt Mi at a k 4lka***Vl e^naTw/wjajajanmMiMtldmtlgejVi Btagdmfwyaaj)t IBWllfffAf Tl**tt0jp »i-*—-*-W i VeaTVvmFtwvm^aiMntmaail •m*A *V*iLawl HaTVItOa . pttir ammmmt fatal O^gm dJ^haW 4W amamMdmft Atmtmlam tma aawdalamlamamajai Tfatm et laat «atk at ftt mreiFUT V" WOW •^•^kw Iw ^FwvTraw w^nww Wt lOOtlvOWwvW IveV Ava. MM OlAtVmaBt Vjadka*»m 1^ Rifle HmWOn T'JOOJOTg IdOl BBBBu^goV^grn^^fliaaBBHgOH ^^^^K h^^BBB^dbj flsmBsa^sSi as^sa^sa^dfl ^h^aa^daaaiav eaasuwjggttVtfp * ^hghdH aoisi t^anjoas mut\astias^tn^aatAaaus^B^si t^n gjTalgsajm/s^gtsan^ngmw/ ^^^^^ ^as^ewo! vveswowaj ^g^ps^avaBj sn^awowsfftj ws*s^pajvuwaj SB,I*UBJ Vvnj ma7wt* VTveouanpavs/sgTTvtvg/anjm^ ggj v~> -.—»————» ->^y^-^• -• --^^— ™™- •'—'— • —— fwO 100 IT dOOJOjt OVOC «nO 90TT000 Of TffO trlOVOftlMef f IVIR^j t^neT TO l00vO0T0i*t %Vi*O gia^hmm^ ImCmV af^m^MkgMi MdafMkmmm. Jff> thrill te their tpiart. Here, a freup ef entkusiettt ready tktmtervei fer a livery race ^^ ^^ it Kttaaburg, atvta et skaters wetek the preperatlens. Tke sport diet deep Into tke katkareund af lo- clajsroems tech; Navettaa, tte Oetatt wan Mn.WIBJam Cm> cal history. IAH f^ fsome, aad River Pleat, flvs, t Mile BO> Lang range astaamg celt) fer C ailtamaii tanam avaarutl ooavanioa of one ogreatesf t scSCHOh M taronmtni pro- mm IWV Union Batch, Keyport, Hcm> Mn. Jotted rnwrtt aad Mn. Sam of any JfOlfO IfOM OOW* del aad Ketnsburg have ttarttd any community m ftt t^evtsstwatj ws ewntWtfani a enavanaj wan} ananaB uatyt . wilUil bt ftt oily munid- wUUI to htve two saaantt studlti aimed to- - at hRftliiewi tmerefl paMty In i with Mt to-J&TZfhuadal tieebttt at a ward tto fermatian cf a ragmaal t. - M t high tire klndtrgartsa remit ef two budget de/tttt last high tchool dtetrtet, •hint Hartaaj, Mn. through lift gnat, an tattt aat- WOJITJOaTrt OMI QM OMMOmOOOI fw* There will be aprrosimattly Ptcharlag. Mn. Meary Mini ill, the* l.tM chllChU-liaM- . dactlaa of budget fan* by at- ijm supUt M fta I3MKH system l ll ffjUtA d gmfOB. Of OHOt OOaV*llMl a4aO OH* (Ms year, of which about >,. annaannainnK aaafli O^m a^ga. aHaJIg) aijka^B^gjjhB •peacer Cast, aR Hew Than «MI bt about m[ Ml wlK bt m ftt grammar gauam* mttma m±M^ fla^aamW mftmm •^•••••^nM »fw» ^»n ^^^^ttaa fer several yean la •Vfl/I efaVli grOnOJ fJOOTOOj ImWVt ST- ht R. CarbtataadMn.lUehard AM wtl he ataaMatan i la ftt Daft Nsed • *y A^^^g^^^g^^gU^^L. atjan^ nss^agh OradN I through U win he aa fa October, residents win vatt dtttrteh) cf UaJaa Robert kraay, Lktcnft and Mn. •teaa, Hehndal and RarMaa •pUt attalua. Tha district an a men ctaatfooma tt Oaorga gshutt and Mn. Arthur I « ^ Fay, la* Red teak Tha fint ttagt, fer gradtt ttvta ThaBaardef eeVasavftr^ p^msmmv ajtai avwostjt^a^avaaj w^aaj aswatj Mn. Cast aad Mn. tt Mam- It win bt 'a year ef •Ml Mtrt ftt eda btek wiN be tattaiaat at fta aeat id wIM mt owincit top erttl lahaal hMt maetiag • ftt termer idllSl.eil. ef ftt U Itratford Rd., New ha aa hamHag Mm year. A msvt hi under way tar ftt Than will be appmslmaltly wilt at 4» smdsnM who «rlN tttend"*" faaaat nnVtsBBaBBB^dhaaaW lgtiejj>tl** Am The minstrel show, Hi format JMkaaftft mmA amWAaisnaaiam ••a*antsk^misai k being Negro lining MdHstiag. Keypart Mlfh loheal. an Increase M OlMntl tOOM itf O9W 1^ There will be an ettmealary OvTA Ongmi PiaWeTwmml I V/WisVamw* I rTrr wuni OfiHrnOlTV^H trV H ^t^FfvTOl FlvVtV ef about He ream MMN cemral schset an school papuulttiel n of about I,JM iTn • • - Thomet 0, Rlct. la U-K»llk, ^^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ Last year, two grades were nn greed M puplli, IN more than laat year, . uujn #< m% ftM% |f| )||# |f larley M MseHin. This year, (her* will Ihe high strmtl. rMiwrvrr, will lorn* IM high trhool student* Imyed 'at best Rve yean. ,, | Feint, one of tw» Itlandt In tka Navatlnk River. It Is eait ef tka Oceanic I W none ronimui> nn doublf Mtiinni un will mend Keyporl High School Unless the proptoenu of at t »r«nMM« MW K M Th. Pi The Inwnahlp, which hti th» III Ranlin T(iwn«hlp puplli gel nn dmihl* Miilnn peraiinn find a w*y to line It 4 l» Ml | -'i Femtllei live en the lil|««d and It it a rendoivsus ipot fer beaten. North - Sduth - East or West Every Area of Historic




111 dust i' v


MMMMIIHI CflMitv IUM MM Mbd IHMMMMNT tfvrf faluitrv That fact, plus MM many dtsirabla burinaw loea* •vAbd, VACATIONLAND far M» PH9I HM #f UTILITIES UMlMwTHnwy p WHft M fM#flf yMTt In A Mlf9 UNI" ROM Ww B9 'panT M Yn0 IHJAT TUTW9 secve ifw ne^vs or U ^ Li IW TRANSPORTATION I_TL IfMinrtaAlnIfvmpVrf•TfWiI MwMtouth TlaA AaV^AB tAaja taiiiiiu I vnv vw«vn wffvfv rmwiy HN WWITy AGRICULTURE

•f fKtai farm art amanf fdaat In Hw natian fkat hav« ab«vt avartft

LABOR Mire 19ffM9| PfiMlMi Nt J»

VT wvfavrv nflw wvn I I- A-J I l_ IWI MtlN ttmw HI WL196* RED BANK REGKKft _—I wm uaw BBBI I I - aaj ' ,—•• on tad oa. FtaaBr ha atrode aa to tha platform and reastaded the chairman he wta to apeak. Mn. Talk Is Cheap Wilh Speakers Jamea recalled. NBW MtUWWICB-Tlw Jtot- . The street •ddreteghren reuamn Upeaktr for a recent eagL. la North Jtnty tumad out «t bt PROGRESS •M fiMt r an lmprttaivt estate-flOed wHh N yiw and about 10/ people la bnprtr — —*~ CURRENT ANNUAL QMiMt VtlrQXIMtt vJOfwl A0O» tM dorata. THAT HAS CROWN "Our apaaktr, twttdi and aQ. waa made to fed right at homo," DIVIDEND hu Mad MM ttaa 4.0* Mn. Junta Hid. WITH YOU IN MIND.a. BaeaaflMBta f©T MOM Another of tht burtaa'i com- 3,tN onanliilloni tai 171 differ- mon proMami to the bookmg of • DRIVE-UP SERVICE WINDOW eat Nnv Janey localitiai. film-accompuitd Itctunt in • LARGE PRIVATE PARKING There it ao charge for tht aerr- room* without tloctrical wtltti fce of ffea bureau. or without alroondlHoitlm. FACILITIES However, the bunts eipecti iti "Of count," Mn. Jamti add- nemben to bt reJmhuned for td, "wt havta't left all of tin • CONVENIENCE FOR RESIDENTS - travel npiitiia and to nc overtlghU to our cuttomtn. Natt honorarium from onantaatJoae year, for extmpU, tht burtau OF THE AREA which aonnaUjr pay apeaken. brochure will carry • panatha- At (be twi* of a telephone dial Ucal explanttloa aader tht topic • COMFORTABLE LOUNGE fte bureau to pnparad to fur* •Geratotogy." alah axpert opioloa on atomic en- Sat nM the wat tort that «i • PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ergy,, tho U. S. Sopremt Court, Kientlflc atudjr of tht plmiaii hurricane*, Juvaoilt delinquency, of old ate, by aay other aamt, • HOME LOAN MORTGAGES caiifar rettarcli. praparatlfia for would havt produced at ' ~ • FHA HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS •araatbood, Italian Optrap , prob- ont rtquett for a tpaaker. lemi of ipact trawl or Jt • HOME REPAIR LOANS •Mm 9Mj • SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10,000 yaar •US AM MMNM — Mn. Frtyt Jenrn It ihawii «t f bar fMtt la MM btny, 10-yoar^ld Raf«an UnlvonUy THE NEW HOMI OFFIC2 OF MARINi VIEW SAVINf* Saaakan luraay. which ika bat run ilnea If SI. In tht Q yoar andmo last July, fht bvroau'i ipatkon filltd 1,013 Mr available tor Aaotbtr IN faculty mtnbtrt onfagomonfi boforo a Mai audttneo of moro than 200,- art alto oa can. 000 p«n«ni In all parti of Now Jortoy. Altboagh tht burtau to not la \\ire- coBtft bond to aHoflta tomattmtaa : rtqottU tor nuttdans and me., thttt aapaep t raco and tht im Bypaottota as bttttng. tor turn- pmdmi nationail l electionlti * crowdd lot to tht people of New Jeney." pit) it doai book tht Qutentmea tat for attention, the bureau a Quartet, a atgarng group, and fl-pecti thla year to handle anothe range in age from youth group*, kMtrated tato oa toe drew and record number of raquetta her such aa the Cub Icouta, to re- and at K» offlcta oa tha Ntwarl no.1 specialist lira. Fraya Jaaat, wl aad CtndtB remptme of tbi thar and ton fanctkni aa an ex- ametlMS, •port State UatvereMy. ample, thty oombmt aga groupt WMBtUf. "We expect to be awampad tht to a dagrat which rule* out vir- in storage I geat la tha baraaa'i hbtuiy wlibfall with requttt* for aptakin tually all of tha Hatad apaaktn. l.WI aaaagemaata fDM for a to- oa the Nov. 3 referendum on col tal tuaHaei a aataat of JM.oaj lega buOdhaa," Mra. Jamea itM "It to m thto tort'of altuattoa, addug that tht "wfflnti avBjv9v waaa^aw m^ai^Kvt anaavv wf^y a^^aj^B* for oar drew aad aatroaomy mea aad oar athletic coaches." Mr*. Jaaat atid foreign ttu- denta and the uaiverilty dcbttert are curreatly popular mamben of tht Burtau. BEST WISHES In addWoa to their availability (there are moro than IN foreign itudmtf at Rotten and aa am- TO THE aki^feh taAs#^B%^^a^a} M^B ^a^^^h^BA^^^^^ A^^^hV pw auBotr oi otoaian, tooj, ANDERSONBROS.IM. thtet youagften provide a form MARINE VIEW SAVINGS me LOAN RED BANK of eaUrtilamant atom with their Doae the Ipeaken Boreaa ever l1.MMnliaalt».tadl ASSOCIATION REGISTER ran to*} aay uapraocUble aupT TEL SH 1-0030 •74 HIGHWAY 31 (Bfi Corns! MIDDLITOWN Mn. Jamea retted off a half nMgi wtdmit httf tiriBSe ATUMTK NWNUNBS OfPKI L W. LANCASTER "Mora than once." ahe recalled, ni aawuv AVMVB MMUT BaACM 'our man hu arrived at a meet- M. HMHII 0-aMT 33 PRST AVINUE. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS CIVIL ENGINEER Ing to discover that another •paaker had beta aaaaged to dU-!«». 1 m V. I. 64 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK. N. J. cutt the aarna topic." On one occasion, the tpeaker waa Introduced aad then forgot- A PUBLIC SIRVICI ANHOUNCIMIHT! TO J. H. KELLY COMPANY Res'Mknts of LITTLE SILVER... 40 YEARS OF PROGRESS KNOW YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT

COUNCB1 MUNtOPAL CURK ft wot In tho spring of 1919 that two young World War I vaforans, PRBD LAYERS John H. Kaly and John A. Nicholas, formod a parrnarship and opanod an MAYOR P. PAULCAftJPI automotiva aquipmant stora at 3 East Front Straot, Rad Bonk, undor tho COUICfOR «i IRBASURflR nama of Koly A Nicholas. In 1922. duo to M haalth. Mr. Nicholas sold Ms COUNCILMEN CAIVW A. ROM fnforast in tha company to Mr. Koly. Utor that yaar, Mr. Katy's brothar, Edward Ckerits B. Pahaei Bdwtjro P. Tone. M. Kofcy bocamo assoelottd with him, and tho fJrm took tho namo of Kaly and Co. UwfcA.lewry Daefflaa C. VWfM AffEffOff aftafcavEUMt. ^ef •ajattaAejgajei M^^g^ B^ AfJBMI Thoy acquired tha doalorship m this araa for DuPont Housa and Marina Points, and VOJBWVBJBJ ^rVe o^EJUJB^BJB^EBBU) B^r^P^EWBEal OOTO ^VJ^mW LOWS S. VAN BRUNT lator bocama distributors for this company in Monmouth and Ocaan Counts. Tha COUNCIL MifTS 2ND i 4TH TUESDAY OF business prosporod from tho start. BACH MONTH AT ItlB f. M. AT TH8 CHBEP OP POUCE BOROUSHHAU PRRDBBMAI In 1929. John H. Koly, founder of the company, died and hfs brother Ed* PERECHBP ward took over the operation of tho business, ki 1930, Mr. KeNy incorporated un» JOHN BACNMUIPI oor the name of J. ti. Kaoy Company, wftn Ms sitter, Miss Margaret A. Kooy, as PUNNBNGIOAU sacretary^roasuror. end he 9t preaidont. Ck^L^^K. ajAaaaH • VMHaANB 1 niBUIMG MSfBCTOR rlANNINt* BOARD MEETS THB 4TH THURS- ROBERT T. HAVER In IT4O ttie company bought the Zooel bunding at tho oomer of eroeo Street DAY AT • P. M. AT THB BOROU0H HAU and Harding Road. • After eitenslve alterations they moved their business from East PlaWDINT. tOARD OP HEALTH Front Street to their now buMing. where it is stM located. Over tho past 4Q years WALTER B. NMRAM, JR. the company has grown to bo tho largest automotive equipment company In Men* BOARD Of ADJUSTMENT mouth and Ocean Counties. It has branch stores at lelmar. Freehold and Toms River. qgtjajaai iOBBRT L. BANfTON MGsfiRAR OP HATISnCS fdMAftAafJM BMI AatiBBttB^BBBBrV ' Edward M. Koly died on August 2S, I9S7. His sons, Edward, WflRam and BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT MEETS AT THB John §n now conducting the business and thoy ere proud of the service their firm BOROU4H HAU WHBNBVBR A MHTIM4 IS HEALTH OPPICBI NECESSARY has boon ebb to render to the people of Monmouth end Ocean Counties over tho ARCHIBALD M. FlTXHUNtOlPN pest 40 years. | TBuVHCUfa yijejMM 1 lereMb NaB SM 7*BfSS CMI Pofaes• IM laifatJ M.afMaatOi IM fjaOO gM • V ••• Bfl 9W9WWW , O^BN WW TWWWfWW •w.WTI V*|TfP EBBBfO W

E^EEVovV EEr^k^BP»§ • - i.*.»«ee»B**«»o^^^ t'^^P'o^o^^P w^Baa s^e^Po^aTe^e^B 0 III VaJUMal ••• at Ra^Hi l^a^MMteej Ul fLaUAA T ••.>O^n ar^oTv^iV BMtva ™ e^t^a^pa HHVowW O^Rrv W^&w^^J PlrtAPIratAM SHI4SI7 ToiCetMfifcf ftM VaMaM eha> 1 a^Ba^BBaV C^k MM V^Mal BiBHeV ft J H. KELLY COMPANY | W •>..BBEff r^aYVW BaWe • BBVfWtJM WfOTol ••oWI l BJfBJ Wm% M COR. IROAD ST. I HARDING RD. RID IANK CU* AND RBBf TNM NANDV RBFBRBNCB IN YOUR FNONR BOOR Ttl«f*«M SHaaJyiMJ* 7-3900 BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY BILMAR MIIHOLO TOMS RIVER < H Pays To Advtrt^st In Hit PTA Theme Ready MH1UUIIUWH - "OotttoJi to1 congratulations Kaov Yoa" wffl to tto ttosaa of*. Fair-

Datta. to THE RED BANK REGISTER Ttojr Ml at tto bm «| lfn. I. J. State. IS Mtotoa Pt MM. Rotort A. Bajuloa, pra» on your GIANT STEP! Mattaf wffl to Ifcaaday. Sapt IS. Pad F. Lofavar, towaafcto l^nj fMfMrlnt^Bi^NMl. wtD ffa#Mi> Welcome to the important ranks doe* faculty •ambsri to par- 1 HW •upartntaadsnt aad C. Laa- of a daily ...from die store that Ut Rica. Jr., a board of adaea- M^b. wffl spsal o> tte KB0OI hat been a "daily" since 1863!

ui IBB school 1km Htatwyt Mov< 7. Dtoonttas v^n npfijMk B Historic Iron Site Unearthed J. YANKO

of a 90 MOAD STftUT MO BANK •mnc flNHMv inn tto Mk eaatarjr i CIRCLE CHEVROLET IS PROUD TO tbte waak at (to . •MM. A raport and now.*.new shopping hours HAVE BEEN THE DEALER FOR THE * »A. of tto Maw Jamy Da-

af a* MOST WANTED CAR IN THIS AREA!! •tol OPEN WEDNESDAY N1TES aoatotoattUtatto Poadoa tto Wtort Tract k Caatral4oata Janoy. WI AH PROW TO ML AND SaWRCI A KODUCT (CMVIOUT woroi with th« Register's greatly improved service, Yank'o's AUTOtfrOMUI. THAT MIAMS AMOUm UTHFACI10N TO IIS OWN*. CIIMIO|ICBH flBCSVMMHI DWBf COB* CMVTS TNI HOTTtJT ONI ON TW tOAD — ITf THI HOTTBT LOOK- joins with other stores to improve shopping hours for •Nfc HOTTBT SAVIN*. NOTTBT SaUIJH) OP TW UAMNt L0W4WCD by tto Dapartewt jot Caaiinra- the public. Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 2, THML TrUTISWrfYCHITrn THI MOST WANTaVCAt. a SMoot you can shop both Wednesday and Friday nights 'til 9. •ooara a* tfaa Drcbabla aHa of tto nlMGBa A ABJIVy Wlfl MS MM STOP IN TODAY — J a— 4lMjM««kA AW BBO M TTWWgm V DUNN* OUR FABULOUS THADMN IVINT! part of tto tomttOm. It to pot- •Ma that part of tto Bridea HOUM fotssdatlai bu aln ton ^a^^^^^sw W* hn* thm moat complete line of genuino Bontampo's ra- WEDNESDAY NITE SPECIALS f ^V ChmtroUt part* fe Monmouth County port said, "Ito shotfua atoO* Aft DHWVSJQ tB BSVB OOSJB fltttH nfactured prior to UU. It to also from 6 to T p« HI* ttot tto won madsjaJTTI for aaa dar* Mafthafarisy, Ire* parthf Srm*/ hi raajr «f Mara tto Kovotattoaaiy War. Tto soa ttot wta feaad was avt- ( CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO daady dkeardad for ttora ss a*. Idsaca ttot It tod OBptoasd. Parts lot tools, atovasi, ana. aad V J PHONE SH 1-3130 later* af pottory taomrad at ^—a^MAPLE AVENUE RED BANK FALL HANDBAGS £ 2.98 Naw handb^i, «N «ko Ufatt t stylos, ««r regular ttMb. Hack, brawn, U Startoy. a rod, tan and tapostriot. aothteg «M vlaUa a* fto §ar- faoo of tte groaad irhat tto ar- 4 »• t f. M. Oary. iwtor at Vtestoasi Htet Sfltoati riaiita aariy thss Hactorg aaMa, "¥of •tt firso tdapartaat'a ana*. At tto faraaea JOYS' SCHOOL SLACKS an waa nrra oona

by s cttarm. Itoia, wa anar 3,98 ky Joaaph Wtartaa to tappr/ WE SALUTE water to tto grist mUL It wiO Majcnaa* for addod waar. Irown, fray, aavy. Sitat 4 fa 12.« IBGUlwVO m tocarrisdoaat * M • P. M. Ovf.

Ctoftaa Raad aractad tto •* THE NEW •to boa Worto te 17* aad 1* s I* GIRLS' SCHOOL CARDIGANS Umajllnasry War aad (to War of Ma lotsto ifoa aada tto 3,98 RED BANK REGISTER ihta'a aar rafvlar itack. Whlto and ealars. arts far oaa at Jota FHck'a •arty Sisai 7 to 14. WNldi» tifN OMn. TnBftlfBBOSj WB C 290 4 H t f. M. Oary. WBMA Wt AN S-jt Wl BecMM AM of tto Badtan ara plaiars af Mrs. Olga 0. AfMaa, Oso * kmrn&t LADIIS' 'ALL DIISSIS tetto

AAET Hn.Atktea aaM ttot affldala aad tto BatMo Ctttosaa aatlan any I0.9I aVass (aasj aar BOW avaataaily top* to Fall tMpmoatt ara in) ara (fMalaNy fjpjv ajriaasj. Janlar, mtitas ana* patita slias. M AA Reading Center * H t P. M. OaJy. # oW Completes Season KLEIN PUBLISHERS, INC UNO HMNCH-Mrs. X m. •^Bjva^P/a VJVJBT< VXIIBVJVSH M PACKON UllID QUILTS VJB fJBvJBBJ vVaWVBJlv: ew grjfj gajaj

HJ V0BV paaraaj fieasJ ^aHttf rraajaa Laaa Braaek at tto YMCA toid- araaa aavarlnsj, small flatal print, nril 14,500 Gmnrt-i JaiPrldiy. ThU was tho sad of •ha. CnoUo al whlto, yollow, Wua or avj % Mia. Uafcy latrodaesi (to ft*. WE LAKEHUR5T STATION BKEAK 4,906 Gmn*mi «Hy to tto paroala. IVm of tto 1W HONE NEWS (OCEAN TOWNSHIP) H staff sMaitofa ara actoai I tot P.M. Oaty. avf.00 af tto ostrdiai MM •Ja tto osatar's "tte THE SENTWa(EATONTOWN) to tto atedati aad par. IB wBfB BBMSjBBB IB Mip SBrvlcB for 8 DINNIRWARI THE ATLANTIC HIGHLANM JOUINAL aam towar tndrn^ hi tto Ms. •at df dlshas, 41 ploaat, THE HIGHLANDS STAR tary af (to ooator. Sto told af 1J5IAJ.C •arvlta if I, naw wild •trawbafry Hsnail fMVJfaVafBjfV^PFiBsi fikVifWJMe tfejfMawt faviffttea•nsVJavavlJ VJajBjIdMiF. lag • fMttam, whlta fraund. Oaan itaak


Soeuu Seeanty Amendments Mr*. V( h* wal aw tha a o Hold Benefit treaaurer. Mr*. charch Oot a. w*» ltd tht gnap ia «fltotto Parfcar aaiMr*. ~ LONG BRANCH - Mr*. Mor- Mr*. Fray gave a report of Affect Adopted Children loa A. Baraca U Sea Girt Avt. the exoiutlve board aalt «* ha Ocaaaport, ii general chairmaa wbea dates wart tat for a an tha'parith aal aaiar «ka ASBUKY PARK - R toat*- of Mr*. - " - for aJepUm of a tricky tray party to btkeldber of tal acthrWta. Oa Sept. UvWaa ay It Mar/i Guild of It Jaaaa the fan lagarharlag of the aadtad with a thowlaf at fan by at atfaet far three thank oatfteg will be receh " Hotter Far tab* at Ualg ~ 2 Qammers Epiacopal Church Tueeday yaara for aa adopted child to Oladyt Ayhftrd. wto 1*1** aanal saywi sajaar alas, Stpt ». Plant for tha af< a fftfl%liit tour of tha elaetiooa ooff afBean wM taka | Face Hearing fair wtra naat at (hia moath'aUattad State* before retaraiag toiNsv. t. lyaoeaaataftht whs at racoiftag PAal HAVEN -Heariajt for or wartttbtbtM 44faatt*aaaa> waaaMaalaB^BB* fhf la Mnaicipal Court Social Security offlco at CM Baap Tbt Ava. by tha Haw Janty Daparbseat Prior* the UMchaages * la the* Cooaemtto. and Ecoaomlc lawm., aomWMa radpiaati^iniMtai ottf anatuty* MnwaasBt aa SINCE 1886 ttaiMd Ht tM ftfi chilhild at **" ** aMot r.asoxsM could sot qualify for baaeflta un- aMWth ragulatioM. til the adoptta had baaa ia effect Itoae complaiBtB havt for three full yeara. Now aatiled Loult H. Halatck. let SutMBit Ave., Belford. Hit It's Been child caa qualify August 17; 1969 boat it have baaa ahOHld ha filed. A claba for authorttea. Mr. Halaack was Aug. btVMfltR of toil typt Is TOtnMCttVS Mr. J«M» J. HOflan to SeptemberSb , % if dJ 13 for allegedly oataa; power took pUce a or before that mart Punput ia Mdat from Editor •ad tha appttcattoa U filed ao r — — Rtd Sank Raglttir later thaa iiufalir. If*), Mr. Rod Bank, New Jaisay

at tha Dtaz Mr.- Hogant

it tht aw wUeb My Mtttl'vit ««f»gtttuljtkn« tt you» at a chOd who wu IMai and all of th* awn and woajan who hav» sada ththaa • workmg para R«d Bank Rtoiatax « srtat waakly ntanpapar and aapportod by I whoaxa about to Utlna it Into Ming •* • ahOd bad aot baaa kgafly iraa^onslbl* dally iMaraptpkr.' tatii IfigMBfidta wart i If tha wait aaraar eta* aad the Aa our county .growtv it* naada lncraaw. widow adopu tht child wtthta You art to bo congratulated for your couzaga f b 3*'~ in undertaking, this new challenge and for you* recognition of civic duty to sexvfe aha eare. «• hm tatny crweds In th« Itoited Ifthawagtaar Ptrhapa th* only on* unlv*r*al it th* belief that ou» fx**d.ea ia th* aost valuable poca«s*ion «ttaiXa»l« am ba aayaMa if the for fats to) thia" *aith. aasBsi HMcaua wnia iweytera af Aagaat 91. ISM ' Th* karston* of our fwado* 1* the public Jaw wat rhtagaii during July. Mr. Bonterapo pr*»t. It U a. sad daV whrnevts JI.newspaper c*aa«* Quettioat oa either of the above taid to publish, or la unable to.-But, likewia*. It la • FOR FINE DIAMONDS tlnue to bt patrolled by tht De- day for xejolcing when a new paper, particularly en* ba directed to tha i of aanaged and dix*ct*d by *xp*rlenced and proven Security office. SooMnlc DvvvwfMMOt ID IS> wn and woa*n» COM* aliv*. AND QUALITY JEWELRY p^ I for Armory Dedication On'bahalf of th* Seaocratie Party In Monaouth *tate't M.7M Uceaud daraner*. County, I wiah you'success not only in e business Slated Sept, 12 SCHOOL RSGBIMIION venture but in th* undertaking of keeping a aubstantial LONG BRANCH — A aodem SHREWSBURY - Registration aagawnt of .th* population fully infonad on all subjects National Guard Araory will be for MbMMuth Reform Temple of public interest. dedicated here Saturday. Sept U. religiou" s school win ba held Sun- Tlit bulldog hat a • JSt equare- «* Sept 13. at 11: IS a. a. la ^KEUSSILLES* foot drill floor with aaattag ea- J^ Presbyterian education and pacity for about MOS penoa*. (eDowthip btfldmg. hare. Albert la. New Shrewsbury, re- Included hi the Armory it a J Ugtoui school committee chair- caliber rifle range. Vwk»r mnrni will ba ia charge. Utchen, clanroom, aad adraiait- trative office*. County ChaixBan SERVIN6 THE PUBLIC FOR 73 YEARS Tha battaUoa hat 11* vehicle* TALK ABOUT PROGRESS! PROBRESS FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY

1852 1959 a af at cat MM raaMatbar wh thia. We wart praad * I*

oar It FREEHOLD RACEWAY New Jersey's Only Pari-Mutuel Trotting Track

May, *M*t ft* k) aa lasaatrjr, CaryHtr Carptra. NOW RACIN*) DAILY

M tk ttrHag, tint tat la away tacaafcal advaaeta. Talk pntrtat, Caryaltr earparatlta pradwcU havt M lha way! 2 P. M. Ikdhi B^ala d^*< • • •^•0) Wif •Br^a^awPW ^BaPi^a^aa^PtP SNCML SAU NOW ON! We yaata M aad am d* af dettari darlag AM^ONDITIONID MANDiTAND ttffl avtttaMa wtth ADMISSION (INC. TAX) SI JO MMHHCE SCHWARTZ t SONS "Th* Building teitk th* ffmf Front" 141 Wttt hm St. RMI BM* Every Thursday h Ladies9 Day



Junetlon */ Monfm :'* •:•*&?

, ,, n edwtao MMTiruri thaw aad other Ooff course, tho proposal still hat ._ ! cara u wot u adapt KLLSVULE, N. J. (AF) - ecu are the board a long way to go. ttons of present ran fadHttat. The Murvale and SUvtrtoa EaaV They Said It Couldn't Be Done of directon which alto includes best to solve the situation. commuter* aay they It mutt be approved by the vot- d hu decided to mark Hg Harriaoa E. Row*, Little Silver, It is what has been labeled the en la a November referendum. frankly don't can what IalMlaUttiegUvermaahad Larger FaeUWe* "Turnpike-Trantot Bill" - and, trantportatioa to provided to get tint aaaiveraary with a "gateaa treasurer; Mrs. H. M. Killmar. It la alto contingent •P- •a Ida* which bt thought would UM, however, atteodance Fair Haven, corresponding sec- while being far from perfect, it proval by two-thirda of the turn- them to work. spike"- - la this cats, a ami te tad wrkh the cultural had outgrowa the previous fa retary; Mrs. Charles Laadsiedel, teems the only concrete They aay they aad their fam- l lam pike'a bondholder*. gilded aail. ciliUas, pcrtormaacce Red Bank, recording secretary; pproposap l forth to sayye h ilies like to live la the quiet of "The Route of tht Geldea il Interestingly, then are many wen" m th Carton Mist Jeanne Wlrth. Rod Bank, railroads and other forms of penou who uy other form* of the country—awi watt to stay Spike" is a aarrow gauge Haw akepttci, ef court*, uld It Theater, publicity chairman; Mrs. John L. transportation which need saving. then.. , aniMat ka tee, aad yet today transportation will someday re- with a M-yard circular track hi The board of directon wu n- Montgomery, Fair Haven, scho- Weald Divert Faada place the railroads u cWef AU they ask Is a meau of amos Mumyt back-yard. ttftfy thnuut of local red- paaded that year to lacfude aew larship chairman; Mrs. John N. deata partidptt* la the variety The plan would divert what to means of travel for commuters. tnmaportatloa that will get thorn momban imbued with artistic Parmly, Rumaon, art advance- to New York aad North Jersey Early age cave aaoa aatf eavo of coacertt, lecture* aad ethlbi- Ideals aad. plau for the county, ment chairman; Milton Aroaoft, said to be aa estimated H30.0OJ,- Day WB Coma ttou apoaaored by the Moamouth 000 in New Jersey Turnpike aur- oa time, la tome semblance of women had a sample method ef aad tha program became more Mrs. WUlard W. Boetwetter, Fair They say tho day will come comfort, and safely. doing their hoqtokocplag. They Arta Fooadatioa. diversified. Haven, aad Robert Baakla, Little pluses. when the Pennsylvania Railroad la additkM, the Foundation No one knows whether their simply spread fre*h earth over Resolving to aid non-profession- Silver, members at large. These funds would be, placed and the Jersey Central Railroad the debria oa die floor. sponsors a aumber of coUege al groups, the foundation added The success of the foundation in a special transportation fund -both of which serve the Mon-dream will be answered-tart •tbolarsMw which enable local to the n'a series such per- thua far rests oa the efforts and which the Legislature could tap mouth Coastal Region-will want then an certainly a tot of hard- "We An Coming Father Abra- high school graduate* to continue fbrmancoe u the Moamouth imagination of its leaders, put to give the railroads tax relief to get out ot the commuter busi- workiag people trying to make it ham," wu a. recruiting aoag their studies u art, music and Player* production of "Tho Little ud present. " "" solv"'"e" othe**"r" "transportatio '"""n ness entirely. come true. when Abraham Unas* catlad drama. Foxes"; an orchestra concert by problems. As replacement* to rail* have No »r»»lim fludliif tnanta irbm Tou for JOt.ttt volunteers la the The need for auch a founda- dotnlM TIH lUgbUr «>r.—A4TW- Art appndatioa courses now the Monmoulh Little Symphony. tion, of course, exists within the The measure has already been come such idea* u nuclear-pow- Union. Army. __ an batag offered in rural schools. ypy , For adults, a similar series wu and "Tho Pirates of Penxance" background! and appetites ot the planned la art. painting and by the Civic Chorus. residents©! Monmouth County,. aeulpture. cttaliThe, I»5Mone oA . — Waahiag dishes la a big way After providia«..sg. tho.. tattia^ l la«.v The fall of :& wuaow mmiuai, in reamre nuiaic, tttora- petui. Mr. it a challenge well met by on< tar* awf erearhre art. aid a ma PtgdSa htaded tht dadsioa to tiga a thne-yeer coav Fouadattoa for several years, ( ------*-• Jar youth concert neit seam. along with tho CMe Chorus, aa- for all comers. with choral or opera anialc, or a aoctotioa to efctim arttots of aa- Ul the toad became too gnat tioaal aid iatoraarJonal reputa- The Faapray Corp., Ill Chest- Meanwhile, work oa the foua- Ho resigned u chairaua a nut St., makes dishwashing ma- dettoa's 1MNI aeaaoa goea a- UM to that he could devote hit The aubtcriptJop a drivee. closed«*•closed» **•""•. °LL*?***'? ! full time to the chorus, but coa-that with members ItrgeItrgettt restaurant chains Fint oa the acbedule is a aub- ttnued oa u a director. aeriptta concert aeriaa whkh Mr. Pagdia wu succeeded by vioUnltt Isaac Stern, the Singing serve millions of hungry people. will iachidt the Mttsburgh Sym- Dr. WUlard T. Somerville of Boyi of Norway pianist JacobTh* cl«*nuP J<* » Immense. ahoay. Nor. 17; Oaudio Arm, Cooaey Ter., Fair Haven, who to -Lateine r and contralt" - o Jean Ma< -But , says Jame- s "H . —Wilde• •, 12 January. IMS; victoria da la a research chemist for the Vu sera. Wiafleld Dr., Little Silver, the Aagties, February, UN, and the Amerlagen-Haebler Corp. ot Ua- After auch u auspicious atari, general manager, and ton of Alex National Ballet of Canada, March ion Beach aad New York. the US74I aeaaoa taw member* E. Wild*, « Woodburn Ave.. Llt- INt. Dr. Somerville, now vie* chair- ship* laoreau by •». eaabUag tie SUvcr. th* preaident. "thafs Alao tcbiduled for the faU to a man. wu succeededdd la tun by a the appcarai of th* Detroit our buiinett." Pictured it an air conditioned, 41 pestenger AIN atries of chamber muiic eon- fellow chemist. Dr. Ernest T.;Symphony Orchestra, tho Rabin- Fatpray machfaiea now an hi Ride but which it uiod on our there to Now York ran. cert*, limited to a membership IMmer. raearoh director of «*, piaalst Jaaa Casadeaus, oae throughout the aation-m the of m. aad tadudiag auch per- the firm. Mrs. Thelmer also Vienna Choir Boys. P. W. Woohvorth Co. stores, How* formers u the JuUliard String beadt the membership drive At aucmaful aa tha coaeerta; ard Jobaaoa natauranu, New Quartet, tha Alberrcri Trio aad A winter aubacriptioa aarlat .. York City's 21 Chib and Brats thhe NewarNk Wind Quintet wuu laitiateliUated lhai INIltB. coatMincoasisting| have been, thaa foundatiofoundati n la everlReil, the Hot Shoppe*. They an The divert* activitiet s at ththe of recitals, plays, concerts anandd working toto exexpanp d its contract found in hospitals, hotels, Foundation, naturally, require thlthellecturesl . witih many civiii c organll- witihh thh e publicbli . schools, cafeteria!, clubs and atrvicest ot manayy hard-workinhdki g zattonto t andd clublb* participatiniii g iin PoMc Art Shews many, many large restaurants. people, but the on* person prob- the. promotion of the project. Four public till straws were Founded in Brooklyn in 1921, ably moat responsible for its es- The first two seasons featured promoted during the .last year, the manufacturing company PROGRESS tttence is William Gordon Pag- performances of drama by the beginning with the Marina Park moved to Red Bank la 1S23. It of Little Silver Point Rd. Monmouth Playen, oratorio by exhibit, moving next to the Mid-hu been in continuous operation A Greater Love the Monmouth Civic Chorus, lec- dletown Shopping Center, return* for M years. Production is mas- Founder aad director of the ture* various instrumental ing to BaUantine's China and aged by John E. Simondi, Jr., 57 Monmouth Civic Chorus. Mr. Pag- recitals. Glass, Red Bank, for a Jury Winding Way, Littl* Silver. MODERN WATER and YOU TRANSPORTATION!

In 1930, we started with a few leased bustes and began operations. Water, the little hoy said, is that which it Our home port was an* open lot with a small shanty that wu used u altar bolero you wash your hands ia h. an office. Today we are the largest bu* organisation in the county with 24 husaes in scheduled operation. We employ upward* ef 75 people TVs Doatar aaye, more simply; Water is that drivers, mechanics and office personnel to help you have a safe, com- which you cannot live without. fortable journey.

So Water hat value beyond price, being We were among the first 8 bus companies in the nation to introduce v£tal to life itsdt. Diesel service; our line wu the first class one passenger carrier in New Ae a public aervic* company, wo do not at- Jersey to be completely Dieselixed; the first to introduce air-conditioned tempt te> place a value on Water. We onrf huMf* in Monmouth County; the first lo lease telephone lines so that our price the amice and facilitiee needed to get it | service to you could be swifter, more convenient. We were the originator lo you, immediately and in pure, healthful form. of motor tours from this area to Washington, D. C, Canada, etc. We have the greatest frequency of any mode of transportation into New York City from Monmouth County, now featuring limited service from the Bronx to the Shore.

like all other aouteholden, you have prob- ably noted the fire hydrant located tear your ] home for your protection. 22 ROUND TRIPS DAILY We have installed more Mm 000 new fire I hydrant* in the water works ayttem in tha past ten yean, supported by tho eonatruction and inetallation of more than 170 milts, ef new pipe | TO NEW YORK CITY

Merely being available for safety purposes, ' All CONMTIONW. 41 PASMNMa) IUSMS UAVI MOM CWTIAL the fin hydrant favorably affects your fire in* eurance. And the hydrant near you minimise* your worry about lots of life of property [ LOCATIONS THROUOHOUT MONMOUTM COUNTY. through fire. Water for fin protection is a necriMry ele- ' ment in the Community growth, and the pro-1 tection you receive it ttill another value pro-1 vided by our water service, a value beyond \ CHARTER BUS SERVICE estimate in dollars and cents. * If your Hub ,or organisation is planning a trip, call Asbury Park-New r York Transit, for charter service. Large, comfortable air-conditioned , hut**, manned by skilled personnel, an at your service. Rates apon re- The raindrops forming tha background for ' quest lo any part of the United Stole* or Canada. this mtaaage an remindful oi'tha fart that rain water it not pun. In falling through the at- ajatgthera to WM ground. It thswht hanteria, minerals and foreign eubstsnre* which tend to PIONIIRS IN IITTU IUS SUVICIS dispel whatever purity it once had. In our processes of purification and treat- ASBURY PARK - NEW YORK ment to make sure tr-«» »U Wittr served you through our lyntem is germ-free, pure and wholesome, we.mtke mot* ihit 150 baiter- TRANSIT CORPORATION lologioal and chemical teett of the water nch IAPMUATI Of ROUO TIANUTI ity, in laboratory and field.

Thit area A( prnlerlinn taium ynur* heing 401 UKI AVI. 271 MOADWAY amired with the hiihttt powihle qualitv n( HI 4-2727 CO 4-2222 wtlrr, without wrd to worry ahmit it* purity and ttfety, another feiture of ttrvir* hating AMURY PARK KIYPORT Inestimable value. m in IANK NIW YORK IUS TIRMINAL MONMOUTH STRUT SH 1-0211 mmm cousouomo WATER CO. JAKM MANimABI, Prep. ^ga) ^BBB^SBSBW nts*Vaam_4 s^tsBtaaaa* ^^^glJ^nhaxtxa fjf^f^gtdl f^gaj , Saot State Studies dsots7bss*ld. Al of thssMsrr/ fleers tadods one la ON marine patrols win be on Inlet where a boy feB from duty during the coming week-end, back of a power-operated boat Artificial Boat Accidents however, in order to extend as- and was slashed by the propeller, TRENTON — At least n half- sistance where needed aad to causing n collapsed lung, rib In- docoa serious boating accidents the touch of curb reckless operation. juries, and other bruises Insemination within the last two weeks, in- The hit-and-run boat operator cuts. At Point Pleasant cluding one fatality caused by a was responsible for the death of year old boy ran over a boat, For Cattle "hit sad rea" speedboat opera- a man alone in a rowboat on cutting it in half. Fortunately, ._._. ___ .__. .tor. have prompted aa extremeluacocss Creek near Delanco. the two occupants were seated quality that ATLANTIC CRY —- ArArtificiat l caution warning from Salvatore accordini to Peter J. Gannon. st either end aad were feMomiaatta of livestock, ptinct- ("chief of the Conservation De- seriously injured. ~ ** pertinent's Bureau of Navigation. A second boat was cut in half a coKnouuoa to Conservation and Economic Do-A speeding motorbost caused a at Cape May when a commercial agriculture parallel ta that re- vetopment. in anticipation of the backwash which upset the raw fishing boat struck a sail boat makes a home p aulting tram the long Labor Day week-end, occupied by two elderly people. of hybrid con. boat and toned it* one occupant "Boat operators should made into the water where he drowned. They were rescued from So said Dr. John W. Barttett certain this isn't their finnl It is possible that the boat op- water, suffering from shock but head of the Dairy Science De- week-end of pleasure on the we erator and his passengers did not severiy injured. partment at Rutgers University, ....carpeting ter," he said. "A sensible ob-not know they had caused an While the majority of in n speech prepared for delivery servsnee of boating regulations accident, Mr. .Gannon said, as accidents recently appear to have at the 12th annual convention of and an extension of common they continued to speed on their occurred in tidal waters where Carpeting gives a home a great many touches of quality the National Association of Ar- courtesy will go far to reduce way. Since the boat -carried no the laws are less stringent, cau- tificial Breeders here yesterday the increasing number of boating visible identification, witnesses to tion is also called for on the that provides the warm relaxing atmosphere a home should afternoon. accidents," he sdded. the incident had no way of help- lakes of northern New Jersey have. It offers beauty in the many different types, patterns In ISM. when Prof. E. J. Perry With Senate bill A-1S pending. ing officials locate the craft and where boating activities are heavy oT tot Rutgers Agricultural the state does not yet have an its owner, (throughout the summer. and designs that are available. It offers comfort—the soft first prom the practice of artificial "drifting in the cloud" like feeling you get when you walk of dairy cattle » New Jersey, on it. It offers styling in the many different siies and shapes •early every dairyman owned a dairy bull, Dr. Bartlett pointed it comes in. Carpeting offers many other features that give out. The average was about one the touch of quality that makes a home. . • . aire to every Today, he said, United Statos eet eaaee avs««s SHOP FROM OUR FINE SELECTION dairy farmers are bsceamg 10.0 per cent of their cows artificially through about 70 co-operative private studs with over six mil- featuring: lion females being mated to some 2,700 bulls—an average of ever •LEES •MOHAWK 2,000 cows per sire. Each year •FIRTH fewer and fewer dairy fanners •AXDON own bulls. •BARWICK •MAGEE Artificial breading has ssads U •HIGHTSTOWN possible to spread the influence •GULISTAN •BIGELOW of superior sires, with marked Increases in milk production per •STEPHENS •ARTLOOM. tic cow, Dr. Barttstt cxpiasaetf. In New Jersey, for example, the avenge annual milk producttoo per cow is now well over 0,000 Can us tor "At Hsme pounds, which is 2,M0 pounds Over M yearn ef carpet aid) iatsrisr more than It waa 21 years ago whoa artificial breeding was In- SHREWSBURY troduced. Oa a Mtional basis, daughters SH 1-6272 of proved sires used in artificial May X etfor w «iaeare) best vUbj* • IUD«ftt TOtMS insemination exceed the produc- tion of their dams by 671 pounds upon your entry to the flolft of daily grt • Fill PAIKINt of milk and 37 pounds of butter CARPET SHOP • MWNDLY SftVICI fst. They stand about SO per for tana 60 years, tba Bad Bank cent above the average produc Itaclatarbw to* raaamlty u a viekly (formerly the Weave Shop) tion of all cows. mrlto* a rojutartioa for lit Bartiet dsclsred that research objontlta SBXI tfeuongfe has produced great improve- ments in artificial breeding. "In Bov, M * tma gyajbol of the growth of RT. 35, MOAD ST. SHREWSMIRY the early days, s conception rste our area, too Bed Bank Itagtater la to be jubilated of SO per cent on firs: «srvice flail?. I assure you tbtst the public you aefre ulU was considered good. Today we look ftmcoA eagarlgr to'rooelvljng ouch an excellent NDtTTO are not satisfied with less than . report firs tlmts a voek Instead of once. TO per cent," he stated. "With fmen semen, planned mntings are made at any distance from Sincerely yours, the source of the semen and even to five and more yean after the passing of great sires." According to the Rutgers dairy professor, the percentage of dairy OUOIB. OltO cows being bred irtificlaNy nng- es from 0.2 la Mississippi to 91 per cent in New Hampshire. One of the Shore's most Popular... A PICTURE OF PROGRESS BEACHFRONTS, SEA BRPT WORTH FRAMING...

Since 192* DINDiR'S AUTO SALES h«ve been orawlflg with pro9rsi. tlve Menmeuth County.

Thru their tales they have been arevldinf the best In modern auto- mobile trenipertetlon, »LYMOUTH.CHRYSLEK I IMPERIAL. DENDERS AMVKW if $tk Umt PliUC KM* (fWHrwtij art PRIVATE IUCH CUItS •arts I Servlse departments offer tfie best in modern equipment and Mllet of clean, attractive beaches have made fer aver 400 cars. Snack bars and fountain! are • template line •» frtt. Theit eJepsrtmsnti ere operate* by dlajhly SEA MIGHT o most popular MSHMIOT retort eree. conveniently lecete'd alone; the beech fer patrons. qwsliflee1 eersennsl, ens) have been «ia«4yliif the constant tfemana* fer In addition to tterot of private booth and pool For enjoyable bathlna, mere and more poople arc beHer quality, service, and satlsfaetle*. •Ivbt, SEA MIGHT hoi o loroe pvMle beach cominf to SEA IRI6HT.. Parking let and swim. OUR YEAR-END-SALES ARE NOW IN PROGRESS 111 ... STOP IN which Is open to the public ot nominal rotet. The mint »Mton aatondod WEKK-INDS — woothor TODAY FOR 110 SAVINGS. Itrae, pavad, tuporvltod parking area bat room There's A Big Difference New Motels, Marinas & Private Beach Clubs Any story ebewt PROGRESS mutt include SEA well as the smaller craft. Several new motels Between Talk And Proof- MIGHT; there tro the numtrout private leach and hotels, seme with swimming peels, heve been Clubs that htve tpontd or expended their facllU erected In SEA MIGHT. They arc top rated end" ties in the patt few yean. Many have added •Mratt a welcome clientele. PLYMOUTH PROVES ITS BI6 DIFFERENCE twlmmlnf pooli for adults and children as well. Air in all. SEA MIGHTS stery of pretrett It an A new f 100,000. Marina will toon jeln the others imprettlve one. Inquiries at to facilities available already eitablltned In SEX* MIGHT. This latest' art alwayi « *lceme. Address the Meyer's Office, and larfctt will oocemmedato laroe yachts ct Sea Irlfht.

DENDER'S AUTO SALES Joruf Shore's htHst §nink§ hoetk i htkh§ fedtths ATlontk 1-01S4 II) 1ST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS SEA BRIGHT IAY AND MACHPftONT POR SUMMIR RICREATION over Went coast tamer tracts. Of Way of Life in County Builders'UnH will e is tPRINO LAKE REKHtn - A RaUghns gmrtk has kept pact dauth to •Mper-* doable feature program win take piece at the New Jersey Ikon la growth in the A Electrical SuppUet, be; Ray Bank aad MkkBe- cafeterlfraodal kail and living Reade Managers Builders Aandatta Tuesday, I, at Bom Riven* Frank. Freehold pamtmg eon- towa tad Bsyshore anas. quartan tor tba Sisters of St tests, tractor, aad Alex Goodman, build- Not only have tha tag art*. Franci* alas art plaaaad. Meeting Today' there. or sale* manager for Die* Hahad churches aad synagogues Chatch Apodo Distributing Company, Newark, wholesalers for major trOwting Co. New builder mem- expended their facilities to meet OAKHURST - Mora than fifty a-_^— — *- — -Sk.l—J «M •MMkm4emai Jbanett- Tha «Q4 Bank Katfata* appliances wUl be boats to the the gnat influx of aew residents, noHacad fcr tba new St Beoe- theater manager* and awlttanta dential* are Benjamin Wemtraub but many a«w ones have tin membership at a cocktail party dlct'e parish. Hadet. are attending a home office eon- and Joseph Knrass of W ft K coma into being. Ra4 Bank, law nmj from C:M ta>7:» p. m. and fol- A» a remit of baniiag develop- ventkmetto at the Walter Reade Construction Co., now building hi The area la fortunate to have lowing dinner, will display the meoti, the Raritaa Township? Mayfair House headquarters here Freehold, and Harland Alexand- practically every religion repre- Holmdel area hat grown tre- today. Oaar Sivtt Norge line of dryers, water heat- ers, built-in gas ranges and in- er, now building Greta Lawn aeotedhere. meadoutly. la the last five years— Main item on the agenda win Acres in Oakhurst. It iijwt uacommon these dayi rewlting in the need tor ad- frared vertical broilers. wncement of the circuit'* X want to axtand to tba lot Baak •agtotav* on. tba atapft of In other business, Mr. Schmerts for reUgiooi lattitutioni to con- ditional Catholic church facill- be an The other presentation will be annual showmanshishomap drive start- will name the nominating com- duct fund-raising drivea-mainly tiei. publieatlon aa a tally, •» »wy baaTvtabaa for tba aanMan a sound and technicolor film AA|A»kAm Sk^P ojsnmnojsai ojaa^SftsasBWiisaiOMa^aa) mittee for the November meeting in the hope of getting enough A recent census cpaducted by ,,,„ prepared by Weyerhseuser Sales ,„ ^ ^ ^ expense paiid tritrpi Company of St Paul Minn, and to be held at Beau Rlvage. money to build on or build new the perisparish pastor showed there for two to this year's convention for •lcnty-etta Twara it baa, aa a *» with tha facilitiee. are 1,100 families and 2.193 chil- being held in Chicago, starting wamnnty whlah It baa ae faithfully It Many church official* aay the dren there. Nov. I. knots aa ant of tba Boataat>' wakUai and of their growth U not The parish ta* a tt-acre tract, The all day sesdoa will la- art X am aavtaia that ltwUl •ejoaUf laall eight As tha area continues off Hillcrest and Bethany Rd*. screenings of trailers of a7a telly. grow, aa will tha demand for in- Plans were announced mil year proouct AT THE OLD MIX, HNT0N FALL! for a aew Lutheran church in manager will receivi e a kit of ad- Middletown. It will be called King vertising — exploitation acces- CHILDREN • ADULTS One .heartwarming characteris- of King*. sories on aew product supplied tic of spiritual life la the area Church members are looking by aM the film companies. has bsea tba ability of religious for a buOdsag atta. AftflfWKM MflUMIV Will M COaV tlna«r«l*, groups to cooperate and work la the meantime, 'they are the first*** CLASSES BEQIN SEPT, 8tK wtlh each other aad come to one searching for temporary quarters another's sM when ne«o>d, so service* can betja Sept ». theaters. Virginia Johnson Brotherhood Is an Important Offldeal CREATIVE DANCE STUDIO word to tha churches and syna- Far laferauttta Pbeae SH 1-SSlt gogues here and many fine, at- tempts have been made by re- ligious groups to understand each other better. The growth of religious insU- tutlons la Red Bank during the last year alone hu been some- thing to behold. "WITHOUT HEALTH... LIFE IS NOT LIFE Rod Bank Presbyterian Church recently constructed a new ed- •cattoa and fellowship c* its Tower HU site, . u growa ta l.a». I Bank Methods* Church M THESE AREA PHARMACISTS ASK YOU TO CONSIDER: ta have Its aew OMV i chapel and educational build- ing ready this month. 1v Cental The chapel is expected to aeat about IN persons and a number of classrooms will also be in the building. Church membership is reported GRESS to be more than 1,500. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Red Bank, recently purchased a two-etory house at River Rd. and Throckmorton Ave. It will be con- verted into a parish house. • A US.** annex to St. John's Episcopal Church, Little Silver, mi completed last spring. The building, containing three class- rooms, can house IN student* PHARMACY and MEDICINE A $*).«• fund <2r;v» got under way teat month for a new Tin ton Falls Methodist Church build- ing and fellowship hall. The present structure at the church site is expected to be BEFORE THE DAWN OF HISTORY: taken down to make way (or the •ew building. FROM BEGINNINGS aa simple and remote aa tha caveman days, before the Shrewsbury Presbyterian Church la aaother one met is undergoing dawn of hiatory, pharmacy wan f iret adapted. Ancient man undoubtedly f iret YOUR PHARMACIST IS •earned to aaaoage hie wounda with materiala at hand through aheer inatinet. . . thtoyear aa the yonth educatlon-feUow- THE ONLY MERCHANT When Injaved beeanae of a fall, a cut or a wound from a dub or atone axe, aMp aalL- ^^^ Tne i^asoeo. twa*aeory struc- WHO ISST HAVE he inatinetiVely dapped a leaf, mud, dirt or cool water over the wonnd to re- ture waa hillt by private con* lieve pain and alauneh the flow of blood. Recorded hiatory aa It pertain* to tractors, but tha iatarior work A COLLEGE DEGREE MI accomplished by church the art of apothecary takea na back bat 40 to 45 centuriea. The thread of Embury Methodist Church, Lit- knowledge of drags and their preparation ia woven faintly bat firmly into the tle Silver, has renovated its unc- SI tuary aad the work it expected1! developmental pattern of mankind from the dawn of tuderatanding and by to be completed today. I the time man firat began to record hie deeda and thonghta ... it had devel- TI• •aUw eiuamtfMMA#a^*^newwaHPJaBl |HUa^ouit^m**^m^^ml 1III^ * Bm••l eluded interior painting, refinish-1 oped Into a atrong cord of experience and undemanding whieh throngh the ing the pewa, aa weO as carpet-1 lag aad other items. eenturios hat never been luodered. Rumsoa Presbyterian Church recently added an educational kuildmg to Ha mala structure The modern red brick building houses clmaroomi aad Is also •eed for fellowship purpose* by church members. Expoadei FadBtles PHARMACY TODAY . . . AND TOMORROW: Members of the Jewish faith Have also expanded their facili- ties. The sum total ... the reault of practical application of the beat of thinking of all After many years in' Red Bank, Congregation Biui I*r«tl 1M> a arirnrra to the problem of diaeovering, creating, teaUng, evaluating, producing and modern synagogue constructed in distributing diaeaae*fighting and life-aaving drag produeta it the apecialited eontribu* Rumson. The building, of striking design, lion of the profession of pharmacy to the public. Pharmacy embraeea an entire gal* houses religious as well a* class- axy of apecialiied aervieea related to pharmacy . . . and include* reaearch with chem- room and fellowship facilities Congregation Bnai Israel fol- ists, bioehemiata, phyaieiata, phyaiologiata, biolojrjata, mycologiata and men and women lows the conservative branch of poaaeaaed of knowledge and experience in many fieWa of activity from atomie to ano> the Jewish faith. Coagretation Beth Shalom re- logic. PHARMACY TODAY AND TOMORROW . . . «Uf continue to be m grrmt pro. omtly converted a house on Maple Ave., Red Bank, (or its feuion AND TO GROW, AS THIS GREAT HERITAGE AND TRADITION OF SERVICE •se. IS PASSED ON FROM PRECEPTOR TO APPRENTICE, FROM TEACHER TO STU> The congregation, which fel- lows the traditional or orthodox DENT. AND FROM FATHER TO SON. branch of the faith, uan ths building far religious aad edu- cational purpose*. Moameuth Reform Temple came into being this year, also PAMH.Y PHARMACY tfaMipOMQ Of JtWMn NeTMMtt ©I These Pharmacists Are Qualified To «w Greater Red Baak area. Tha eoagregatioa has a amall tH 741*4 FH Your Doctors Prescriptions snemberahip, but has hope* of Increasing it la the aeart few years. A receatly-formed church n Efficiently!! New Shrewsbury Is Luther Meav erlal of the Missouri Syaod. Tba ClMIKn QOM HOC MVet manent home yet-but plau call for a bulldng to some day be U+MTTMXAU. UNCROFT PHARMACY bulH In the area. PHAtMACY PHARMACY Eatontown Methodist Church MUOg and COaatKTICI recently sold Its building 7* lraa.lt. Ml Ua« IraMh PBEE, PROMPT MUVMV Broad St. and hat piaas af put. "Traty • nrwasar*/* CAM4M up a new structure aa Wye- PMM IN M444 11 WaffgM t*. Rd., there. OM I A. M. la II P. M. Dal; » IN 7411* tA7M. TO II P. M. auNDAY SN L74U It. Marys Catholic Church New Monmouth, aaaounced plant In April to construct a aew mul- ti-purpose buitdlnt. The bulldng will cover U.9M ssuare feet aad will house a large audltorlum- H. Y. YOUH* DIUf PHARMACY gymniilum, three large mtetlng TOWN PHARMACY MARQUITS MOORRN PHARMACY rooms, kltchrn and other faclll- PHARMACY RKMARD ITRVKER, R. P. r«.. Havea'i Madera Dm Man PHARMACY IM rraMfipilMI mprYtfv tin. • lit Cm AnMM RWWBIIH •ft llvor laajsj It |a inllclpetH (hit tht> txillH- 114 Maw) It. N•aataara UITI0 aw will be completed In the 1st Uah> • to l« P. M. Daily I A. M. ta lift) P. M. trr part of the year CUNE6 tVNDAY I TO I Opea DaUy t A. M. to II P.M. Open DaHv I le W P. M. Opaa T Days 11 A. M. la II P. M. lUNDAY I TO 1 KUNOAV II TO I Conttrurllon In unilrr wiv for LI 14M7 Prat DaNvary — Kl 4•17t1 Prat Dtw*(»y — Kl 4-!t4t Mi 14171 a $700,«W rnmhinilliin rhntrh Pre* Oatlvafy — Pwaae IM I-1444 and Kh<«il (or St I >•<> thr (irmtn Catholic Chun h, l.imrnfi rail for tlir rtfiinm of s MD BANK HEGISHH Mew Peach fttNtw Jer- m, special award; Mn. Ji sey Agricultural Experiment Sta The Nestle Company Joins In the Salute To Ready Pet A. Enright, Fair Haven, plants; tion. la South Jersey .it ripen* Mn. Edward Feakei. ftfMdla- For Jersey la early July and beata Sunrise to market by several days. towa, poaies; Miw Emily I* NEW BRUNSWICK - A new Show, Fair Mtrcbe, Rumsoa, hayride; Mrt It is a firm, attractive, high- ... _ , ... early-ripeninearly g peach, bred by the quality peach of medium aiie Monmouth County. Nestle Is Glad To Uldor Perlman, Imlaystown. pro- SJ in- which is semi-cling when picked ment Station, has proved its su- At Lincroit Mn. Richard CoUens and Mrs. at optimum shipping time and perior qualities in extensive field a freestone when fully ripe. It UNCROFT — A dreua motif ap- will ba carried out la decorations hat practically no fruit with split aad entartatnmwit at tha annual pits. L Council. Be Part Of This Growing Community Pet Show and Fair which Moo- {tin. Chapel Hill, trash and ' It is one of the most productive mouth County Organization for treasure, and Mrs. Joan Beat Dr. W. H: Martin, director of early varieties developed at Rut- Social Serviea wUl atage Satur- Connelly, Little Silver, beveragea. the experiment station, announc gen. The original tree produced day. Stpt. II, at tha Llncroft es that the new peach will be six full crops in succession. School grounds on Newman SORRY, WRONG CITY christened "Collins," in recogni- The tree was bred by Dr. L Springs Rd. tion of the many years of service Fredric Hough aid Dr. Catherine MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - rendered to the peach industry The plant tor the day call for The Chamber of Commerce in H. Bailey of the Horticulture De pet classes which will offer chil- Vermont's capital city strives by the lite Lester Collins of lament. it brings to more than dren an opportunity to exhibit to please. But it has one request Moorestown. 50 the number of peaches and every Imaginable type of animal that Juat can't be handled — a Mr. Collins was president of nectarines introduced by the Ex and vie for silver dollars, rib- letter from a New York City the Peach Council from the time periment Station. bons and special awards. One woman asking for information it was organiied in 1911 until his Nearly 10.000 Collini trees have pet will be selected from first about house Ms in Montpeller. death in 1957. been planted in New Jersey or- place winners as the best in show The lady specified she wanted The new peach It the station's chard* under the introduction and the Bunny Fox' memorial a lot with frontage on the At answer to a plea from growers number of N. J. 200. Trees will trophy will be awarded to this Italic Ocean. for a good shipping peach that be available this fall (ram the pet's owner. During tha show, MontpeHer is some ISO miles would ripen ahead of existing New Jersey Peach Council. RD dog obedience trials will be In varieties. Collins is the earliest- 3, Princeton. progress, with special time sched- from the teacojst . ules worked out so dogs can take part la tha pet show aad the trials. At the fair, home baked goads THK ASSOCIATED PRESS and preserves, plants, produce, nearly new clothes, trash aad •o fteexirfUM PLAZA treasure, aad other Items wM be NgWYOM,N.t; told. Aa auction Is scheduled far the afternoon and several coua- ty Institutions will tet ua a» hibits. Puppet shows will be ttagtd during tha day. and children's games will be continuous from the opening of the •vent at It a. m. to closing tima at 4 p. m. Pony rides aad hayrldet are al- July 16. 1959. to scheduled. In the event of rain, the pet show and fair will ba bald Sun- day. Sept 31, beginning at BOOB. Co-chairman for tha event are Mrs. Edgar Heller, Jr.. Sycamore Mr. Jfcmaa 1. Ave., Shrewsbury: Mn. Law* Sdltor, rence A. Carton, Jr., of Wigwam Rd., Locust, and Mn. Harry Craver of Chapel WO Rd., Mid- M. J. dletdwn. Committee chairman la date Include Mn. Anita Miner, Rumion, dog obedience trials; Mr. and Mn. Albert Smith, Mid- that you plaa to go to daujr pablicatloa dletown, pet show; Mn. Irving Tha Feist, Shrewsbury, antiques and zaoat gratUh/taf. Flaaao lot aa offor exhibits; Mn. Alfred N. Beadles- boat wiahaa. ton, Shrewsbury, auction. Andrew J. Lennert, Liacroft. Boy Scoots; Mrs. Jamas Y. Dun- Wa aro flad to bo ablo to participate iayoor pro- bar, New Shrewsbury, baked gram through garatahtaf aapaaJail Aaaodatad Fraaa aarwicaa. goods; Mn. J. G. Beatry, Keaas- burg, candy; Mrs. Rldgewty which X aaa coaJMoat will bo of graat iataraat to your voadara Moon, Middleuwa. nearly new clothes; Mrs. John RJpiejr. Colt's Neck, occontjons. With boat wiahaa Mrs. Jest Jordan, games; Mn. Ernest Voarhtat, Little Silver, gate: Mn. T. K. Graham, Middtetawa, halt; Mas Bunny Heller, aad Mist James, Shrewsbury, packages. Mrs. Arthur Coat, Little Id-' McGUIRE'S GROVE THE MNEST PICNIC GROUNDS IN NEW JERSEY. CAN ACCOMMODATE UP TO 10,000

Mstocy off McOvko s viovo flotos bock to tfco RovowlioRajfy ooys* Copt*

i • ^* aaV^A >!•• • a«J a>& ————a— f— •§>{_ III-IMISJII tti NPncj CJT TMn sllnv fJIM Jw pvoptv In IHIS Vldtlrry IT PROGRESS

MOYHR MC«OW oc^oirtd Kit loud in If 34. ond In 1937 ho optntd It to IN

aatsaVaW laW •!••• |jBlakB^iaaAj Sj. ^j——s. «!^»A aV^* SJIBBA * ••- -* — * p*JB*ti«« rww SVBJB) sjRgHvntj IT ajfjsii ysjfjsr witcsj nesBT nnssj esjnssj rvsjssjw Htm) ocnt wlrii csmtlstt ealoriirf sonrleo for tjroopt off SO to 10,000. HIGHLA NDS HOME OF THE "TWIN LIGHTS" •MOO NNOjO MHbSJOCT ROM OTO OBM m# y#Of•FOMIIO fOT OH typOS Of SOCiOli DO" HifhUntJi. tha Mghatt point fram Miina to Rarida, the IHICOli sMMMoMe WMOfMHi OM OfwOT fMRCtlOM. COtOfOd W#flfllRfS O SBOCIOlty* cjartJan ipet of Amerlea, ii the ejateway fa Santly Haak, tha Afltntia Ocean ana) tha Shrawtbury liver. Tha mauntalnt, OTHER FEATURES tfco river ant) tha ia«, whara can yaw fine) all three ? AT THE GROVE: Tha lara tadty, thraufh careful pragranivt planning, naw affars the matt madam canveniences far iti raiidants. A high- ly fralnea) pallce elapt., lira tleat., firit aid tajuad, and many municipal facilities tuch as water and tawaraga, a recently the Grave aamplatad pragram far preaerty ra-avaluatian hava kaan tha many itapi In tha grawth af ma aammanlty.

Freak Water lake Educaiianal kanaflti hava alia aiaandad with an ua-ta- WMfc SMtov WaOteg data puMla grammar and] aarachlal tcha«l, public library, prt> tahaal clinic, ratrattian flaldi, parki and playground* and public cammunlty oantar.

Matt Impartant af all It tha raitaratlan «f tha Twin Light* LagMtf f«f —that hlitaria landmark with iti untquallad vlaw and tha marina "THI OAKS"-Off N TO THI PUMJC AIL YIAR muiaum which Ii ant •( tha ihaw placet an tha Jeriey Shara. tot COM 1* A. M. H I A. M. it*!. OoMlaf Sotarttey tlmm !•* IU. » -" * I-MJI-- m RfTi Itv* ItJM •SJtJBjnrat B>tJ1SBJtJlf| WPJ aefll I Oia LantMnic - BORO OFFICIALS - CORNELIUS J. QU1NEY, JR. NaMHM Par Maro Tlaa I.IM Can Mayor 'll A* farfttof UM ROBERT G. DIEBOLD, HERMAN J. BLACK Ow Crete at me Orate JOSEPH R. ROLGER. ERNEST A. VAUGHAN ' Councilman FOR RISIRVATIONS TIL f H 7-2253 • MRS. ROSEMARY SHIELDS Municipal Clcik HOW TO tIT TO McOUIRI'S MOVI:

MffHtlrt's („•„ |« |«caM ea lha west tide •< New Jtrtty gists Highway M, aBM| MMw.y betw*«a MM«a*m VUlaga

Nr. V.,h aMl N«rth.r.. S,m J.rwv, l.lln. V. %. RAU|, | (Stm Jrf.i-y »••!•• Nnuir II Mulh I* Mrl.ulr* a «.eo*r, In M\&'Mnmn, N*tr Jrttr) a, JOHN L AUEN, ON WE LEFT, AND M. HAROIO KBtY, lUSMBS MAN-, A6tR OF THERH) IANK MGBTBt. AM nCIUMO AL0N6SIK THE NEW RESIST* MESS-AU BECTMCAL VMRM» >Y AlUN ELECTMC YEARS OF ELECTRICAL

' w s^w^^nTniojej^^' wvS^vpppvsjs^^p ^^o^pv^prf •%•# ao?i n ITa^v WWW •HW^wW ww Ojpojoj rVBi have HM. It wM hav* parlthf far 4.S00 «*rt and M ttorai fn 14 different SERVICE wWi nor* tiian 420.000 «Mra faat •» rW HM. Allen Electric started Hs business in 1916 In a storeroom and shop which was located in part of the oarage building at the reor of tho Patterson Building, 60 Broad Stroot, Rod Bank. In 1922 Allen Electric opened a retail store at B White Stroot. In 1926 our location was 65 Broad Street, In tho old Mer- cantile Trust Company Building. Other tenants in the building were Public Service Co., Hanard Shoo Co., a ladies' wear shop and Monmouth Rodio Co. People think store rents are high to- doy; we poid $375 per month on Broad Street. Allen Electric moved to its present location, 18 White Street, when the depres- sion started. Types of work done: Traffic control lights throughout Mon- mouth County... installed submarine cable for chongoover from steem te electric drive on old Seo Bright bridge . . . new moin service in the Molly Pitehor Hotel, Including air conditioning pow- er outlets in every room and emergency generator. ALLEN ELECTRIC II WHITI ST., RID IANK 1 rawvwwi^aj r vwi nt Ov aj V^^HsW OT vv h flftW •iMi«MA _SL e_- ---•_- a—,•_• K" ,> SH 74612

1929 1959


Since 1929 the Rfvervlew Hospftel has takon mam/ profreisfve steps the generous donations of the public Today jUvervlew Mespttel as- In accommodoting the needs of KM vast trowing population. Foro- sures te every patient tho most modem, courteous tervfce offordod sfgM on the part of tho administration brooght te thUarta, through by hospitals. Those modern services Include: A highly trained staff on the years, many odvoneod steps on Ida way te modem hospitalize- duty 24 hours a dayt tho most up-to-date labs, X-ray, emergency ,ond •Ion. In 1951, rtelWn^ the tromondous need for more and larger hospital facilities, a completely now hospital was erected through tho pediatrics services: control supply system, cheerful solarlums, Cobalt efforts of tho building fund committee, who woro successful through treatment and many other up-te-date services—SERVICE TO YOU. ARCHITECTURAL WORK DONE BY FERRENZ & TAYLOR 14-11 MOADWAY HiW YORK 34, NIW YORK RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR-MR! JUUA TMKOCKMORTON PRESIDENT-MR. JAMU 1 PARKIS TREASURER-WWWUCK J. MM0>NARD SECRETARY—MRS. RUTN IB UNION AVBNIM Freehold Entries

Killed In Accidents

sad a Oaaa Rock aata w*ra Haaf

Mfhc. a. of m Am., Otoa Rock, waa kfflad whaa aoartowhkhhawasrldtocwaat oat of ooatrol oa Ocaaa Ava. sad dais, Mm. Whtto atkj ttwy foaad * off a earbaad tort t of a k* nad lard to aalitaliail" Tbto was a taste

of I af BNOaiwaa Bright,CT, o f m • aw aaBBH of COUJH TALK — Dr. Maion W. Gr#M, coater. Rutfon UsrvortHy ara«Msii». duts was fatattytojand whaa wrHi mamban of tho MsnmswHi Csawfy Exoowtivo CommrHa* for Ho Now Jonoy ha lost coatnl of ha car sad CoHaaa lonoi Itwa rsfsroaJam. They are, loft H rlabt, J. RvatoM Waalloy. aoaaty toto ammrd rat oa y ••w OaVoMat MBa) oraskway* Ht Cw toHHvvt* dtoi kt Moaaiaath Matteal

TOJO traBjthjBBtoBy oaaaiBt BBJ Hance Cops Wood-Pussy Race BankHearing College Bond Issue In Navesink Sailing Series Will Resume FAIR »V» - tab Compttitioa wae keen for boats to eight with aatont Gets More Support awichampkKOfWoo*Paaty »ha)f BdmttM oovertsg tho On Sept. 9 Mflon hi OM UH, OBCO ififa TRENTON — Haarlaga will ra> FREEHOLD — Coaaty The of the order la- •odety to Sunday's IBM SaptlatSta MM be anrtlftftw of tho State Prison •- -* •—* ' Hlml. Bill Roman, Jr. BaoklaHMg C to Reft Cook, aiath; bSktaSaM ', Mtt; Bryoo Hadar. 11th. _ CtBtor. Rt M. Seeks toPlu g 8a- I WtamUl. 1Mb. Stan Tht bask chartar la sad Howard Hath- Jill OUK* dMgalmlB by a gnep of M away took third, Tkto was tho 11th nee of t jhaadad by Wajtw•Rsada. Escape Route was forth, sad RtoUtttoad, of the society. TIBtTON (AF) ThsRT.Btoto htiid. sad Inrlag J. Faht. •Vawa- topk«a DUfyt pCP d» Jimmie Foxx Fraser Ends tha Nawark rashy flm whkh is 4 ba oat tar < Ths trclliit. he ssM, took by Dr. AMaaa HottoL wka r» Davis Cup Win promotiat ths aboppiag place la traat at tha haaaa of ttaod reesatty at daea at waajsa In Hospital Tha applicatfcaiKbalappg g Tha prlsoa's 1MM1 badgot n- atapabHe "Bat I fail tha Is OALBSBURQ, BL (AP) —FOREST HILLS, N. Y. (APb)y ttbb a AUhAUaaharst t NatteaNtte l 1 Jimmto FOBX. - Nesle Fnaar, weBfe* eoa TrusT t CCompaay, which has Mask to back it right aaw, Finer, hat baaa to aof promtosat MeAaune Judge, breachto Batoatowa ; the Loaf a bBsahL F. hoepltolfor after b» waited six yean for a chases to iMsuata aaaw ••arvifti aj/aa) hinted hi a phyetcma'e ofBee. a play la a Darts Cup The prlaoa, parts of tt Mf» aaa aaw* QaHaW Tha 11-yMMiid former Amarl- tha New Jersey Trust Gsapaay, MM hi LongBraack. 1M yean old. aquats to Ma, aba. \Maa> Bjchat HgM eaa League ttaggei had brought Whaa tt cama ba madt the L Bh midst ofartoldtaWali Haariaga wen held last whan aas left sir hi bar « Mi wlfa to ths ofBca of Dr. How- of tt Just at Aha Otmado Tnatoa.Tbe ard Graham yesterdaytor treat - practically day and Friday. They won high* sm OWvontty aadla " ?*gl f' f* BMflt Of bif BpfMBM WRSt* WBM tha coveted cup—symbolic of lighted by the taattmoay of PhO- 1 t th# doctor wat trttttteef 1MI% Horn CasBon. vice pnajdeat of Bar-Uettnat nstdBBt. ssJd "the *> ..**• "VR. *** The budget *^*Ba**SBB *BBBBBpjmBBiaBBBBi aBB OVBpBF ^—^^^^»^_^ ^^k ^4^^ A ^Bk fainted. the Uattsd Matte last yaar, ABMCMtefa rtew Yofk. g Dr. Graham reported. -I dost «• snatched it hack virtually Ha threw cold oa~ihe "•••«* mdo a eseeatsful aocapa an by himsttf thU year. ly wrong with Jimmto. Bat ho le the proposed aaw Ha completed a M Auotraaaa Mr. CaaaoB told M Buffering from Ugh blood ha ouro and great fathjaa/ whipped Barry MacKay of Day. Pan bod ton. Ohio. M, J4- M «-t ThsThundsy that tht baak would aot operate to the black for at toastIlt was the first break over Cat toward the formal of a first two aets won payed Sua- rcftaunat which ha fr*o yean aad would km aearly *»Hto 2 S yean. day hat darkaomtotanrsaed aa dM a^Mh v^BBBmauBi o>kmmk of four months ago. The r*>the net of the match hadto b e AppUcaatt for the baak. BKBM- taurant wat to havs tta formal put off uatU yaotorday. opening hero Thursday sight lag Mr. Reade. had Fraaer thus woa both his ala-would have dipniaa af tumm et the ead aftta fbs t "Doat 1st ysar apathy daftat wit of tha hoapHal la twa or fewaadMaeKay. N •MB aBBaU Mr. of the •Iff RAWUCAFfOOLF aarjrhaattlm Neighborly Wins WATERLOO. Iowa (AF>-M. $lJN,ttt. a i MBBini, ••• jomoBi v. nwB. Mr. Rtadt asM K Mt KatpiftJ. whan Mrs. White to wte the Tlhato Watortoa Wom-ta,aa a yearto ra a tba roof at oat I Race Feature 1 ' Mb said they an stnagty hi an * Opta wt* a total af K. Mr.CaaBOBtsidMr.Rsads la BMS ana oka aha to •Ha said it waa a vary paar FREEHOLD (APHNeighborr/, mVBBmT BBBBBI ffBBmal OaaBa) tamaA ** Bamtol UtoiadudothQcootat aapricl gL oignvywinHa cmwjmn, emmo paoat satoMe aw prtoBB aooat he let as I faat oa tht outoMe to win tha WBwJ AT HEW TRACK Uoa oa the baaYs ^ """ FLORENCE, xy. (AP>-Bn- ma strait trma tba sjahi oa- BBv* aa^B%BMMm _^^^^ WAMJAJ m on At AadwltfiMto future pace hi tha rala Md Md aaWawtV WfJaTV owSWIWol 4WS9 31 SH attttog tato ton swat, Mrs. Mrs. •t Freehold Raeaway yaatarday. BOB eaptarad the fastan at me veottt.Hesaidatltattia. Ctty. Mn. Brtttoa It tht Whtto to already making pleas Th» geMtag. owaad by Mrso.w Latoma raoa track bars yea- a year ahoaM ba hha. Cobas Rrtirttia af coat flgun. at too •ad Mrs. Haary Icott of WaaV at BMtoa. D. C, woa hb) aWb *k> HetaidthebBBk'a Mr. aad Mn. Mr. aid Mrs. lary • M atarto this yaar. BBBS> IBBBItI iaam%BBBma As^a^BBMoB^mmBBl amm AA If* . Mrs. Jsaajh H. COB- HaHsfiwIj paid MX » wta. AIBURY FARK - FroaMaat oV IW« w 1*1 B^*BTSTBJI aaBtoBaflaamf aa Frisky Break, whated aVoagb -Jos L« af fta Jaroay BMTO BMS. Dopotttt by tba aa hi paMte Mt - a •*»> of tha rasa, RaJahsd ball Laagaa has alatad a mtatUa Kiwanians to whtoh sat has bJaj hota Major Ovy raa third.of dto circuit for Thursday at I *• *"*• m- FMtr Eft> p. •. at tha Prasa AwUtoritoa at the oad at koatlNje yoars, Mr. Caaaoa said. Hear Talk Hs said emstoyea of tba •fly for ROYAL HATTVB WM CiaajNn. Mr.,aad iaat mm Cat On Taxes very atpe shoot a • ATLANTIC an (APMtoyal ••^•yt "W BTBTaVaVM BMBTBTB4 Warriors Sign Wnavo woa the armWidor "HW mere Pane fealun ban yattord 9 ha*a to Bob Vernon The whmar paM *»to wta . Candidates PWLADHJ10A (AF) -The Warriors of I Drunk Driving Meeting Set Mr* MM Mn. Mr. asd Mn. work lor hiahty. ths start* af Count Potted Mr. former Duka Ual- Mr. aad Web EATOfrroWN - A Fort Mo*. By Leagpe mouft MWtr waa chargad with Mr. aai School ilWBBVR' _ •. K-SBsTrKk. Mr Tanas of MM waraoot dnak drivtai thla morning after Caaaty ha almost raa two oilier motor Mm. WbJtomM. •They . W. aai Mn. Mwars BBiaf toMV MVP MOB dab twaar Rddto Osttllah ate iats off ma road. Chtef William «f Mrs- Mr. aad Mrs. mueBMMBa a• taWe yea9BMnV oasttaOVt BBO thai ths Wanton M. •,.. Mr. aaajtri. Arthmr Raate. Ht MaatWad him at Ntwby gBtggg^gBafi ^aVa) (BBBBI aaml'A Agm^^^aamV Mrs. Whrto't toh wM he to Hot " ofaa Oydoa. Ml MHcbaU Dr., Ettoa- arnife day, toataymg sa bo> BwBL HB- «a« af Mr avlar toaVtUaasd of four haako whs saaote Ht was to be trralgaad this CPBCAOO, IB. — FONT naV .•^^ Man Masjstroto Pater I. Umrdairda a to MaalelaiMlll CM* JteehM tsid the twa motor- i • the 4M rlattoaal Sm- UTTLE ROOK. Ark. (AF) - !!«•. . «*» wore baabaaoa t bit by Od' L •TM8B BBTS . • • Oct. IOydsa'. s car spotted MtTja B. Fmrkar wM bt Mr jftoajias oa MB «MiiaBB rbilrmat of a teajtoaea tech- IFBW aTTjBmFajB BBJW BBVBBWSVB BW BVI BMats, sad Mat Mania Ftia- ajMB^gaB^dBaf f* BMamam BtomB^aVJA^aBBBBm I berg, Copt. O. A. Imer sad Via- cant 0. T. OToaaeU win bt aar- raton. Capt. Imer to chelnata at a seesion oa "Command tup. -The Prieetoae Ingredient." far two years,to a Harry SlndU UabMtra ir at jkt Ashary Park Laaaaa. la 0HKA00 (APMtany HadM, Boat Ctab, OBHIMMI Mn. H A. Malta. J.. Wart _^ gflbm la Mo Plyiag fji ffjsj sfrtst tt tht ffimaaai ffmamm MM. He pan. eioaa JiM Mrd stnlght race aa* Mn. P. T.

aa by tevrn miaulae. ttadh) has },«• aoin iDOBBld'S IMI •oh Wood. MIIT. la far Slndif Had Baak Laipo

4. a. am\ BVaftllalA hata%#b UB* SBIMSBA Cm^MA MKmBBBBBmmia>m —B^ BWA« ffl pVffffl W#fp Wll fJIrVrl TfJVf Ptl^pAB'Vff #T ffjf f T»oo» 144, Now Msamarfk, M afesaratlen far merit btrffs tsrh, by twa mamatrt HURT M TAVSRN FKJMT al MWaiafswn aalloa waaarfmow). AT "fttaVotlaa." mile* Ittt waak, froof) loo«* AVOID iTilWwTH-Hirry M. Sofa, Ml, oat Albert 0. Csafc, rnaad left, ere KKAN1BURQ - John PHwnl. A|u MM* &&^4^a1 i^ Nvf/i* wll MvaawaWj |PJ •rt fava fosafwrHas. fa MM afftmn, It. Ja*apli MaCartwy MMI MraJmaa Osatat Mvr. •worn In as proaorloflory aefrolma* an the Mldalatawn aeltse lerae by Mn. ilia, aa^aaaaBidaii aTaBlmu^tf aauv rtnB***jBJBj| l*rifJB|J/ IT** •oak, la tha form el eltatlen ala^.o*. Loft fa rlfftt are lawH TVamit Parrtih on« both Hubai, enlitent »a fke fawatMa elerk, si Mayor Frank P. tlelidell, aollee asm* faet euto, Pottee told he waa out Klehara* WefieJ, Lt. MoCartfcyy aaol MtfralfMii MrraWi, Troop Ca«mrttaam«R Haw. mlHss chalrmar), heldt tho llble. The new men brlna tho fores »a II. They warswuh a hraken gloss In a tavern erdWdW . RbRebofftf , S«a«fmoitaSftr MinoM r MayorM , mii U llaborb * VV« » DDeaf f an. Johhn appointed t« the deportment lair week. flaht. They said he did not name I rlwfnB'ttffe raterSuppl llwue Still Unsettled Sets Raritaa

„ . I* BaiMta Hrajud to a* IMoa

Hart- to Jta. M. wtl aot kt r». AT VH. fTAtT-Har.'* to a 1 atairviai, tta laafea. laat «ka» N yaan •'-—> *MBAA 1ft t-"< AB 1-IkatiMVfaMal fat (daaaii •^••Hy B| BfOy 21 ay Oatoajaawa) tor watorfr iBaf*•»•t' BAi*Ww OH tot UW a jwar. IBP HHOM IITI7—Katared It the daaei-eftd lettien ef Nirhwema U. la Halav •aL TU Qarcait Stata Parkway aaflaaarlpf aaMaHaah are aMulaViaf H» aauf. f PMIB *STITUTION_U Rl»er»!ew, fttd lawk beasta ••• ef Hi* faettfcftpitab a* bflHy af 4 mil W pVfBI TMJfJMpJflMMJ TO* ^V WWW BBV *V IBIBBII TlhA AI To ha aotad. •Itfl. Uit Fehreary, • «rln«. Mtttaf 12,111,000. w« aamfttateei. Taa areaear •*•' 1 COUBCU wffl •aeHyef aUet IM b^ wfl^ toereotea to 111 wHfc tfct e«e«laa e{ e aaw p««. Marlboro tht W«wattt K««n.'4*i water aa to HV about It" •AAAIAA lak aaV^ ^^^^A a »^a^^B • ••• ^M»M A ^h&*^ AYA^^BBVA ^K^^AA a^h ^J • fcl ^^T*^^LABB\ a\A^ to tote <>'<-:- flw'ftaa- Mr>.. Mclaaaa comaNadtd tka SoMior MOTNH M IN* NOT MlWrW wSMBb A Mw WCMTy NW •) MM It v9Mn •• URU aUVn -Maputo of UM-I Aaawtaaa LaaJoa aott torto tta atoad rajtrdtog the otatro- * totfto •••flat '"••^a' MMHMJp HMM^ vony ovtr Mteo Ctptala Walter • •eta* 8m ___ A.HattOa. a> JOBB J aa aaNBBra aoani at aa> HarrnMB • a) aa) paapw ia ^•HBy HHB HO» HH' HHHBt aftor hto ear Awdaary aMt hdleack. aad I waat to anke aaaUtHaaatoea •aaaaaefl "Maat BAaaT VBfJf CMaVi aWoa that awh ditto KNOW YOUR "We do aot latead to bo loft to tat H, ,,, »,, tatawi, GOVERNMENT Capt''Freak Peer aald fa) •in v% provM ^._-^. Proaorto by M. J. Couacfl rocoady piawitai a pa- twct tkelMl pe- Uaa Ctrpt, lahmmt «CM •» dand d«t aadtr pnaiat dr> tntaaaa, Joha f. Coaroy. to pa- Uaa I k ctnytocanytojt «aa*t to Ife*a «aaan Otoad agraid tkat V te oa»- AaMtateACaA Ml thai mnltria. daHHUdu ttet Haitoa wkoaraitd by WHiaa J. ••MVaW ^BtaaaaB. HlBAfB B BBBMBBT BBB^aaaBl ASA Maaat B1 vaffi aaMkaa MM art** k dw kMMyd »t ^••MW ^••HB^^f w^^W • M^^MHIHHPIHH HIH HH| H> win HHnv •MR. "I bay* a» ckum to aav * — Lm*m. bar * Mat toaMal Nav dra-fcaat Ina- tylUrltoa nd Urn dapartawat tor atyadf." H* tad bk hadly a% aVavfaal^ WaM a^V ^^w^^ •y^'^i ftoa to am to noridt. day. Capt Fear aabJ Jeaaa w«. "Iliat but mart of Mr. IMFPEMNr www aip, aan^r adttaiy ektnjto Mt •aa'•aat awlaaM. A kra* part _.. Iny'i waa nafortuaat*," Mr. ATLANTA (AP) -Tht prael. - Q« wa.y at hiadtoi hto aato aa jaat .aaMaiaaMaiy aaipt toto anand to a detaaaa arid. "Promotion! an dtat at the North Aawrkaakht beet. The FnaHial af OK UMtodMd Mt by aaUortty ahwa buttof a Chrtottaa Ceavcaaoa baa waraed toSS Staauattaator* laHM.latotTaMi aaaa* " ttetaa recently epplitd dria NBWYOIKCAf) ^. .-«.. Ira Co.. lac. «t aa Ma this thug an em that church ualty i to fto fabsbua Itoaaee el «V—^» ataai aldrit aBaaaMlflal wrotttht at tht bttaf ant a aMaaar at fto wa* "*f ".!HHHH? I W BSI HHHHHHH . waa amidad • t).ltt «w PMml GotmBMBt WWk CgagraM artwto* "«k NaMMl tutor. *** 2* Uatraet, «a law bid, tor ooa«to- Grro ban trat dactrtoo. Mn. . , ttoa at tat water Hat loop la to ae> Couadtmaa Matthew J. Htaaa. •T-kattoLaa. nolorof i •Nddttlr-Rtnto OardHa. Ibc-iMh ptot teraatotothe «w «t dM|wa ka aiai. ekatrmaa of the poUct oomaittoo, m afeaMy to *a. Ma wto Cavadal. reported that aarwbaltbtaitby - to aaytht |M «* ft* la "AlUtokliiM MayMr Mufctt to Bad laak, baa CMSMVIM "aoaoy fcr thM. IK** H •haa tat anttuy caitoaa of Couadli Hae hoadquiftft uatU Sept U unity for wblck Cbrut prayadi •toea 'at Mi «adc aad tkat aa Boot II ike Mate ty p • H —I wM«at k tt bat. to MHL kt hae bate aa> af tfct CMI fanka PaHce Chwto Ataotttttoa wffl ad-Oar plat is fir Ckrtoaw aatty MCWMKIM to itoy wtthto Ik* tothtr fttotof *• aal tte J * a^M Mn. Jeha Haatob, ComoUttM. ta < iCMt: to all ladto at DM taafljr af real tetoto tot patttkaa. MMAtwnptoeoai Tat attoettoa of tho atw pe- i aMaia at *a NaN teaaaa wffl be auoe by tktaNav It aaT w taato aai-ncktoH" eonm af itnarr b • aator a)aaMat, PROTECTION and SERVICE TO THE SAME CLIENT SINCE 1872

Palmer « c


nefuraa at toft It pktte af J. Yaaka

traalnf ei AeVem t Cole ai H leakeel IT yeart afe.

la 1172 fa Alaira Aaaaay wrata the ikm laear.

aaee aeliev ... aad It ttM latarlaf J. Yaaha taaay. PRINTING

Tke BjletarH abava enei rlfbt dtsltt J. Yenka at

H toakt taday »ni Die •alley **4f wdlek (key are

HVVwTwraTf fffv a^vTvVlFv MJ da%HjV/Baafw HJHv "IHJfvp T*IW V#m^

aeay every year tiaet 1172 ... and with the tome

htoaraaae eematnyl It It thlt eeatlaaeel aeaflaeMe

aaei eaeaeratlae wklak Hat alette* •Mi ef may aad*

rh adanh hi tfce Iaae1a#t(ila> ef thtlr fMaeetlve field1!.

*'" , CHURCH AND ALLAIRE*SON AGENCYJnc ESTAIUSHED 1172 " BROAD STREET SH I -3450 RED BANK I *• 0 viz :• t "•:• • • '

s P E r. o WAV P K o v r n




If S M TV l»ilif» in tfci «l tte iadwfey. We purchdsod tho $tO Down disploy morchondito ot o rtctnt doolor's show ot oxtra UgMBulb Te/ev/s/on by •FCCIAI PHIICO discounts... YOU con MVO now-buy now PMctTMTV $5 Down '5 Down IQfifl RADIOS HUMY, QUAMTmtt UMITW -OPIN PttDAY NK»m TW. 9 P. M.- White St&MapteAve^ Red Bank SHi Savings on Dealer's Show Floor M