Studia Antiqua Et Archaeologica 26/1, 2020
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“ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” UNIVERSITY OF IAȘI FACULTY OF HISTORY INTERDISCIPLINARY CENTRE FOR ARCHAEOHISTORICAL STUDIES STUDIA ANTIQUA ET ARCHAEOLOGICA 26/1, 2020 EDITURA UNIVERSITĂȚII „ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” IAȘI — 2020 EDITORIAL BOARD Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba (editor in chief) (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Robin Brigand (French National Centre for Scientific Research, Besançon), Ashley Dumas (University of West Alabama), Alexander Falileyev (Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sankt Petersburg), Svend Hansen (German Archaeological Institute, Berlin), Martin Hose (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Gheorghe Iacob (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Ion Niculiță (Moldova State University Chișinău), Attila László (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Ioan Carol Opriș (University of Bucharest), Daniele Vittorio Piacente (University of Bari), Alexandru-Florin Platon (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Adrian Poruciuc (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Alexander Rubel (Iași Institute of Archaeology), Ion Sandu (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Eugen Sava (National Museum of History of Moldova, Chișinău), Christoph Schäfer (University of Trier), Wolfgang Schuller (University of Konstanz), Claire Smith (Flinders University, Adelaide), Acad. Victor Spinei (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Dan Gh. Teodor (Iași Institute of Archaeology), Nicolae Ursulescu (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iași), Mihail Vasilescu (“Al. I. Cuza” Univ. of Iași), Olivier Weller (Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris). EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Roxana-Gabriela Curcă (chief secretary), Marius Alexianu, Neculai Bolohan, Vasile Cotiugă, Iulian Moga, Iulia Dumitrache, Andrei Asăndulesei, Felix-Adrian Tencariu (members), Ștefan Caliniuc (web editor). Postal address (materials sent for reviewing purposes and other correspondence): Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza”, Facultatea de Istorie, Bulevardul Carol I, nr. 11, 700506 – Iași, Romania. Tel.: (+04) 0232 201 615; Fax.: +(4) 0232 201 201, +(4) 0232 201 156; Website:; Email: [email protected], [email protected]. The responsibility for the content of the materials published falls entirely on the authors. This volume uses the free open-source typeface Gentium by SIL International. © 2020 by the authors; licensee Editura Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) license ( ISSN 1224-2284 ISSN-L 1224-2284 Table of Contents ARTICLES Ana DROB, Petre COLȚEANU, Viorica VASILACHE, Interdisciplinary Study of a Bronze Hoard from Gorj County, Romania .......................................... 1 Sergey M. ZHESTOKANOV, The Corinth-Corcyra Conflict of the Seventh Century BC ............................................................... 15 Larisa PECHATNOVA, Spartan Elite and Corruption Scandals ........................................................................................... 25 Peter FRAŇO, Cicero and Clodius in the Work Stoic Paradoxes (Cic. Parad. 27–32) ............................................... 35 María Pilar MOLINA-TORRES, Historiography and Lines of Research in the History of Women in Antiquity ................................ 45 Ivo TOPALILOV, On the Perinthos-Heraklea 37 .......................................................................................................... 59 Nelu ZUGRAVU, Ancora sulla Dacia restituta .......................................................................................................... 69 Milan KOSTREŠEVIĆ, Die Antike Biographie als Hintergrund des Evangeliums ............................................................... 95 Marian MOCANU, Late Roman Tableware from Argamum — ‘Faleză Est’. African, Cypriot, Egeean and Pontic wares ................................................................................... 119 REVIEWS M.a Pilar González-Conde Puente, Las provincias de Hispania en los años de Adriano (Nelu Zugravu) ............................................................................................................................ 131 Bruno Luiselli, Romanobarbarica. Scritti scelti (Nelu Zugravu) ................................................ 132 Paul N. Pearson, Maximinus Thrax: From Common Soldier to Emperor of Rome (Pavel-Flavian Chilcoș) .............................................................................................................. 133 ARTICLES Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 26(1): 1–14 Interdisciplinary Study of a Bronze Hoard from Gorj County, Romania Ana DROB1, Petre COLȚEANU2, Viorica VASILACHE3 Abstract. This paper presents the study of bronze artefacts resulting from an accidental discovery in the Preajba neighbourhood of Târgu Jiu municipality, Gorj County, Romania. In addition to the presentation of the field assessment and artefact analogies, the objects were analysed using optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray (EDX), in order to highlight the morphology of the corrosion crust and to determine the elemental composition of corrosion and soil contamination products. Thus, it was possible to establish the nature of the materials used and the manufacturing technology. Rezumat. În lucrare se prezintă studiul artefactelor de bronz rezultate în urma unei descoperiri întâmplătoare în cartierul Preajba, municipiul Târgu Jiu, jud. Gorj, România. Pe lângă prezentarea evaluării de teren și a analogiilor artefactelor, acestea au fost analizate prin microscopie optică (OM) și microscopie electronică de scanare (SEM) cuplată cu energia dispersivă de raze X (EDX) pentru evidențierea morfologiei crustei de coroziune și stabilirea compoziției elementale a produșilor de coroziune și a celor din contaminare din sol. Astfel s-a putut identifica natura materialelor folosite și tehnologia de manufacturare. Keywords: Bronze, corrosion, OM, SEM-EDX. Introduction Systematic research, as well as accidental discoveries, reveals a rich archaeological material that leads to a better understanding of the prehistoric communities. Study of whole or fragmentary artefacts, from different historical periods, by involving non-destructive (preserving the integrity of the artefact) or micro-invasive (the need for sampling or cleaning a very small surface due to the formation of corrosion layer on the artefact) analyses methods, aims to determine the composition of alloys, the mechanism of chemical, 1 Faculty of History, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași; [email protected]. 2 Faculty of History, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași; [email protected]. 3 “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research–Interdisciplinary Sciences Department, Arheoinvest Center; [email protected]. 1 Interdisciplinary Study of a Bronze Hoard from Gorj County, Romania electrochemical, microbiological corrosion, as well as the compounds formed by the alteration processes4. On the territory of Preajba locality, Gorj County, was discovered a bronze hoard and two atypical ceramic fragments, which are the object of another investigation5. In this study were analysed only the metal fragments consisting of: three fragmentary bracelets, three fragments of a sword blade, a pendant and a celt fragment. The artefacts were analysed using OM and SEM-EDX methods in order to establish the raw materials and the production technology. 1. Archaeological context After the accidental discovery of a bronze hoard made with a metal detector, in Preajba locality, Gorj County, a request was made by the Gorj County Department for Culture to conduct a field assessment to determine the archaeological potential of the region6. The area under investigation is located in the Getic Subcarpathians, in the Târgu Jiu Depression. From an administrative point of view, the area is located in the north of Gorj County and belongs to the city of Târgu Jiu. The site where the hoard was discovered is approximately 2 km west of DC2 Preajba, in the forest, between two streams, the Holdun River to the east and the Gornac creek to the west (45° 04'55.00643 "; 23° 22'36.96681") (Figure 1). Initially, the research focused on the perimeter where the bronze hoard was discovered. To determine the archaeological context of the discovery, was drawn an archaeological trench (T1), oriented NW–SE, with dimensions of 5.30×1 m and with the depth of -0.60 m (Figure 2). In the trench profile were identified the remains of a pit, noted Context no. 1 (Cx. 1), with a depth of -0.30 m and an oval shape (0.60×0.40 m). This complex represents the hoard pit, largely destroyed in the moment of the discovery. Following the field evaluation, it we decided to expand the research area because there were some clues that nearby were located a previously unidentified archaeological site, as well as a tumular necropolis7. Both hypotheses have been confirmed. In the point called "La Fântâni" was discovered a settlement whose level of habitation begins during the 4 ROBBIOLA, BLENGINO, FIAUD 1998, 2083–2111; ROBBIOLA & PORTIER 2006, 1–12; SANDU et al., 2008, 256–266; 2010, 1054–1058; 2012, 1646–1652. 5 From this deposit, two other celts were handed over by the management of the County Museum "Alexandru Ștefulescu" Gorj for analysis to another institution. The information according to which all the objects were in the same deposit is based only on the statements of the discoverer and on the report signed between him and the Gorj County