The Geography of Strabo. with an English Translation by Horace

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The Geography of Strabo. with an English Translation by Horace THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY tT. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D. tE. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. tW. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d. L. A. POST, L.H.D. E. H. WARMINGTON, m.a., f.r.htst.soc. THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO VI THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY HORACE LEONARD JONES, Ph.D., LL.D. CORNELL DNIVERSITT IN EIGHT VOLUMES VI LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS MOMLZ G SI Mil' '' First printrd 1929 V. G> lirprinled 1954, I960 I 4 10952?O rrintrd in Great Britain CONTENTS PAOl BOOK XIII 3 BOOK XIV 197 A PARTIAL DICTIONARY OF PROPER NAMES 887 THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO BOOK XIII A 2 2TPABnN02: rEOrPA<MKnN I C581 1. Mexpi' fJ-^v Bevpo (K^coptaOw ra wepl tt)? ^pvyCa^' eTTavi6vT€^ Be irdXiv iirl rrjv WpoTzov- TiBa Kal TT)v €<l)€^ij<i T(p AlcrtjiTM irapaXiav Trjv avrrjv Tr}<; TrepioSelat rd^iv (iTToBcoao/j-ev. eaTi Se Tpwa? Trpdyrr) tt}? Trapa\ia<^ TavTr}<i, »^? to TToXvdpvXrjTov, Kalirep iv €p€nrLot<; kol iv €prip.ia XenrofjLeitjf;, o/xo)? TroXvXoyiav ov rijv Tvxovaav irapex^'' ^fi ypa<f)fj. 7rpb<; tovto Be avyyv(op.rj^ Bel Kal 7rapaKXr]<Te(Of;, 07r&)9 rrjv alriav rov ^ ^i]Kov^ p,r} rjfilv pdXXov dvintTwcnv oi evrvy- iroBovai, raw Xdi'OVTe'i 7j T0t9 a(f)6Bpa Ttjv ei>B6^a)i> Kal TraXaicov yvwaiv irpoaXaix^dvei Bk t^ p,T)Ket, Kal TO 7rX7j0o<i tmp eTroiKTjadvToyp rijv Xoipav '^^XXi]v(ov re Kal fiap^dpcaVy koX oi avyypa<f)eU, ov^l to, avra ypd^ovre^ irepl rwv avToiv, ovBe aa<f)M<; irdvra' mv ev Tot9 rrptoToi^ earlv "O^rjpo^t, eiKd^eiv irepl twv TrXelariov irapexfop. Bel Be Kal tA toittou Bianav Kal tA * iivi.Ttr(t!(Tiv, Kramer, for kvaitrwtlv F, kravroitv other MS8. ; so the hiter cilitors. * The translator must here record his obligations to l)r. Walter I^eaf for his monumental works on the Troad : his Troy, Macmillan and Co., 1912, and his Straho on the Troad, Cambridge, 1023, and his numerous monographs in olassical THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO BOOK XIII I 1.^ Let this, then, mark the boundary of Phrygia.^ I sliall now return again to the Propontis and the coast that comes next after the Aesepus River, and follow the same order of description as before. The first country on this seaboard is the Troad, the fame of which, although it is left in ruins and in deso- lation, nevertheless prompts in writers no ordinary prolixity. With this fact in view, I should ask the pardon of my readers and appeal to them not to fasten the blame for the length of my discussion upon me rather than upon those who strongly yearn for knowledge of the things that are famous and ancient. And my discussion is further prolonged by the number of the peoples who have colonised the country, both Greeks and barbarians, and by the historians, who do not write the same things on the same nor subjects, always clearly either ; among the first of these is Homer, who leaves us to guess about most things. And it is necessary for me to arbitrate between his statements and periodicals. The results of his investigations in the Tread prove the great importance of similar investigations, on the spot, of various other portions of Strabo's "Inhabited World." ^ The reader will find a map of Asia Minor in Vol. V. (at end). 3 STRABO T(ov a\\(i>v, v7roypd\jravTa<; irpoTepov iv Ke(f>a\ai<p Trjv ra)P tottwv (pvaiv. 2. 'Atto St]^ tt}? Kv^iKTjvij^i KoX roiv irepl AiaTjTTOv TOTTcov Koi VpdviKov fMe)(pi W/SvSov Kai XtjaTOv TTjv T?/9 WpoTTOVTiZo^ TTapaXiav elvai av/j.^alv€L, ttTTo Bk A^vBov fiexpi' Acktov to, ^ Trepl "IXtov Kal TeveBou koI AXe^dvBpeiav ttjv TrdvTcov TpcodBa' Bt] tovtcop virepKeiTai t) "I^i; TO 0/309, /J'^xpi AcKTOv KaOrjKovaa' diro Acktov Be fi€)(pi, Katxov TTOTa/xov Kal rtav ^avtov Xeyofievcov * earl ra Trepl "Aaaop xal ABpa^vTTiov Kal ^Arapvea Kal Yli,Tdvr)v Kal top 'EXam/fOV koKttop' irdaip rSiP Qb%2 oI? dpTiirapijKei rj Aea^iotv vrjcro^' eld^ ^^V? Ta irepl Kvp,7jp fiexpi "^pfiov Kal I^w^^ta? ^(OKaia<^, ijirep dp^V f^^^ ''"')*» eVrt, Trepan; Be tt}? AtoXtSo?. toiovtcop Be rSiP tottcov opTcop, 6 p.ep 7roir}T7)^ drro tmp irepl Ai<Tr)7rop TOTTCOV Kal Toyp Trepl rtjp pvp Kv^ikijptjp ^a>/}ai/ VTrayopevei p^dXtara rov^ T/jwa? dp^ai p-^XP'' "^^^ KatKOV TTOTa/ioO BiTjpijp,€Pov<! Kara Bvpa<TTeia<i OACTO) et? p,epiBa<i rj Kal eppea' to Be tcop dXXayv CTTiKovpcop TrXT]Oo<{ ep TO?? avfip.dxoi'i Btaptd- /j.elTai. 3. Ot 8' vcrrepop TOv<i opov<i ov tov<{ avrov^ Xeyovai Kal toU opop-aai XP^^'^^*' BtTjXXayp,€Pa)<;f ^ aipeaei^; pep.opre^ TrXetof ?. p-dXiara Be al tcop 'EXXjjpcdp dTTOiKiai 7rap€cr^?;«ao-t XoyoP' ^ttop fiep TrXeiopi i) 'luipiKiy yap BieartjKe Ttj<i Tp<i)dBo^' rj * later editors. H, Corai», for U ; so the * Muineke, following conj. of Corais, eniencln aipta*is to iiaipfotit. GEOGRAPHY, 13. i. 1-3 those of the others, after I shall first have described in a summary way the nature of the region in question. 2. The seaboard of the Propontis, then, extends from Cyzicene and the region of the Aesepus and Granicus Rivers as far as Abydus and Sestus, whereas the parts round Ilium and Tenedos and the Trojan Alexandreia extend from Abydus to Lectum. Accordingly, Mt. Ida, which extends down to Lectum, lies above all these places. From Lectum to the Caicus River, and to Canae,^ as it is called, are the parts round Assus and Adramyttium and Atarneus and Pitane and the Elaitic Gulf; and the island of the Lesbians extends alongside, and opposite, all these places. Then come next the parts round Cyme, extending to the Hermus and Phocaea, which latter constitutes the beginning of Ionia and the end of Aeolis. Such being the position of the places, the poet indicates in a general way that the Trojans held sway from the region of the Aesepus River and that of the present Cyzicene to the Caicus River,^ their country being divided by dynasties into eight, or nine, portions, whereas the mass of their auxiliary forces are enumerated among the allies. 3. But the later authors do not give the same boundaries, and they use their terms differently, thus allowing us several choices. The main cause of this difference has been the colonisations of the less Greeks ; so, indeed, the Ionian colonisation, for it was farther distant from the Troad ; but most of * On the position of this promontory, see Leaf, Ann. Brit. School at Athens, XXII, p. 37, and Strabo on the Troad, p. XXXV iii. * See Leaf, Strabo on the Troad, p. xli. 5 STUAliO Be TOiv AloXewv Travrdrraa-L' Kad^ oXrjp ycip ecKehdadr] diro t?}? \\v^LKrivri<i fie\pi rov KatKOV Koi iireXa^ev en irXeov rr)v fiera^v rov KatKov Koi Tov "lip/jLov TroTUfiov. Terpaat yap Br) yeveal'i irpea^vrepav <f>a(Tl rqv AloXiKrjv uttol- KLav TTj^ ^\(i)viKri<i, Biarpi^cLfi Be Xa^elv koX Xpoi^ov<i p,aKpoT€pov<;. ^Opearr^p p,ev yap ap^ai ^ TOV aroXov, rovrov 5' eV ApKaBia reXevrtjaavTO^ TOP ^iop, BiaB^^aadai top viop avTov UcpOlXop KoX irpoeXOelp p-expi' ©/oa/t?;? e^tjKOpra ereat rutp TpcoiKcop vaTcpop, utt' avri}P Tt]P tcop ^HpafcXci- Bmp eh lieXoTTOppTjcrop kvlOoBop' elr ^ApyeXaov, viop eKeipoVy TTepaiaxrat. top AIoXikop (TtoXov ei<t TTjp pvp Kv^iKTjprjp 77JP irepl to AaaKvXtop' Vpdv Be, TOP VIOP TovTov TOP vewTUTOP, TTpoeXOoPTa fjiexpi TOV TpaPLKOv iroTapLov Kal irupeaKevaa- p.€POP a/jieipop irepaLcoaai to irXeop tj)? aTpaTia^ 6t<? Aea-^op Kal tcaTaax^iv aunjp' KXevrjp Be, tov Acopov, Kal MaXaop, Kal avTOv<i uTroyopov^ ^ 6pTa<i Ayap.ep,POPO<i, avpayayelp pep T)]P <TTpa- Tiap Kara top avrop )(p6pop, KaO* op Kal XlepOl- Xo9' aW^ TOP p,€P TOV YlepdlXov (ttoXop <p0rjpat ^ nepaicoOepTa eK tt)? %paKi)<^ eU ttjp Aaiap, tov- Tov<i Be irepl ttjp AoKplBa Kal to ^piKiop opo^ BiuTpiyfrai ttoXvp xP^^^^' vaTepop Be BiafidpTa<! KTiaraL ttjp Ku/a>;i^ ti^p ^pLKwpiBa KXijBelaap dnb TOV AoKpiKov 6pov<;. 4. 'Va>p AioXecop tolpvp Ka6' oXrjp cKeBacdev- TUiP Tr)P xcopap, rjp e<f)ap€P vtto tov 'rroirjTov ^ X^yeaOai TproiKijp, ol vcTepov ol fxep iraaap AloXiBa TTpocayopevovaip, ol Be ^epo<;, Kal 'Vpoiav * 5', after ol, Corals suggests : 8o tlie Inter editors. 6 GEOGRAPHY, 13. 1.3-4 all that of the Aeolians, for their colonies were scattered throughout the whole of the country from Cyzicene to the Caicus River, and they went on still farther to occupy the country between the Caicus and Hermus Rivers. In fact, the Aeolian colonisation, they say, preceded the Ionian colonisa- tion by four generations, but suffered delays and took a time for longer ; Orestes, they say, was the first leader of the expedition, but he died in Arcadia, and his son Penthilus succeeded him and advanced as far as Thrace sixty years after the Trojan War, about the time of the return of the Heracleidae to the Peloponnesus; and then Arche- laiis^ the son of Penthilus led the Aeolian expedition across to the near present Cyzicene Dascylium ; and Gras, the youngest son of Archelaiis, advanced to the Granicus River, and, being better equipped, led the greater part of his army across to Lesbos and occupied it. And they add that Cleues, son of Dorus, and Malaiis, also descendants of Agamemnon, had collected their army at about the same time as Penthilus, but that, whereas the fleet of Penthilus had already crossed over from Thrace to Asia, Cleues and Malaiis tarried a long time round Locris and Mt.
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