Geography, Exploration, and Fiction, by J. Romm
Please do not remove this page Review of The edges of the earth in ancient thought: geography, exploration, and fiction, by J. Romm Brennan, T. Corey Brennan, T. C. (1992). Review of The edges of the earth in ancient thought: geography, exploration, and fiction, by J. Romm. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 3(5), 397–401. This work is protected by copyright. You are free to use this resource, with proper attribution, for research and educational purposes. Other uses, such as reproduction or publication, may require the permission of the copyright holder. Downloaded On 2021/09/29 19:49:10 -0400 Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3.5.16 James S. Romm, The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thought: Geography, Exploration, and Fiction. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. Pp. xvi+228. ISBN 0-691-06933-6. Reviewed by T. Corey Brennan, Bryn Mawr College. "Nearly all geography, in antiquity, can be read as a form of literature." So James R [omm], in his introduction to a stimulating new book on how the Greeks and Romans attempted to describe the lands (both real and imagined) which lay beyond the fringes of their civilizations. R. has set out to show the formation and development of a geographic literary tradition on the PEI/RATA GH=S. His study ranges widely, from Homer through Seneca, Tacitus and Lucian, and beyond (there is an Epilogue on Renaissance discovery literature). They are all here: fabulous Ethiopians, Hyperboreans, Antipodes, one-eyed Arimaspeians, Dog-heads, Shade-feet, even Deinias of Arcadia, the lunar explorer (that is, in Antonius Diogenes' novel, Wonders beyond Thule).
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