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Mountainside Your Want Ad 075U6 !s Easy To Place- just Phone 686-7700 U/ C An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL. 10 No. 49 Spcsnd Clyit Feitggs MOUNTAiNSiDE, N.J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1968 Published Each Thursday by Tfymar Publiihjng Corp, SubicMpfian 3aim 15 Ccnf s Per Copy Paid ill Mounloiniide, N.j. 3 Nsw Pf_gvid>n£a Road, Mouniainiide, N,J. 07092 Jh Y.arlt Council forms new Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Step follows Deer Path controversy All concerned citizens invited to help in work Recent protests of Deer Pam residents against the 50-miIes-per-hour ipeed Limit there have triggered the formation of a bor- ough-wide Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, Mayor Frederick Wilhaims jr. told a somewhat surprised gathering at Hie Borough Council meeting Tu ssday night at the Beeehwood School, The committee met Initially last Thursday in the library, Mayor Wilhelms said, and is headed by Councilman Robert Ruggiero, police commissioner. Councilman William Brandt also represents the governing body on me committee. The nucleus of the advisory group is die Mountainside FTA safety committee. Others invited to the meeting were Deer Path area residents Robert Shields, Louis Borchert and Thomas Knierim, Councilman Ruggiero invited oAer interest- ed borough eltiiens to contact him for de- tails on die committee, He said, however, that no date hid yet been set for the next meeting. Mayor Wilhelms ej^lamed the committee would act In an advisory capacity to die council on safety meaiures it considers vital, Included, tiie mayor said, are safety educa- tion, establishment of reasonable speed limits improvements to Intersections, direction signs and sidewalks. In turn, Mayor Wilhelms explained, Ae coun- cil together widi members of the commit- tee, can better present their recommenda- tions to county aid state authorities. The commleee will also devote time to a report by Abram Slmoff, a traffic consultant and die 1967 PTA taffle survey, • • • FUND DRIVE DROP-IN—Fred Feldman, right, WQR traffic reporter who got the Com- HAPPY LANDING—-Fred Feldman pilots hi§ WOR traffic survey hell- annual Community Fund Drive, The drive continued with a house-»- THE DEER PATH ISSUE of lowering die munity Fund Drive off to a flying start last Friday with a helicopter visit at the Deerfleld eopter to an impromptu landing field at Mountainside'e Deerfleld house cinvaas throughout the borough on Sunday in support of nine speed Limit to 25 miles per hour remains in School, receives a plaque from Mayor Frederick J. Wilhelms, left, and Tom Phillips, School as the highlight of ceremonies held lastFjriday to Initiate die community service organizations. a state Of limbo. It was indleiteel at fte meet- campaign chairman. jff (Echo photos by Bob Baxter) ing. The council deferred acting on an orlgmfi resolution proposing the speed Limit be dropped so 40 when a petition signed by more man 200 area residents was presented at its last meeting. The petition demanded the speed limit Phillips thanks on die state-controlled road be lowered to 25, Members Children's Book Week observances More petitioners* signatures were given to die council Tuesday night. planning to conduct volunteers for Mayor Wilhelms explained the state re- quires a maximum of 300 feet of occupied designed to aid borough readers frontage in every 600 feet of the road right canvass Saturday drive efforts of way before the area is considered-resi- A house-to-house candy lale on Saturday The Mountainside Public Library Is cele- designed by Ellen Raskin. The poster depicts a streamers—Anita Label's medieval castle dentiai, and tiiereby a candidate for a 25- will climax this week's observance of Bank brating this week the 49th annual Children's young reader on top of a weather vane, being climber, Harriet Pineus' amiable beasts and Tom Phillips, chairman of die Mountainside miles-per-hour speed zone. The mayor said Appreciation Week, honoring the Highlander babes, and Charles Schulss* Snoopy, hard on Community Fund Drive, this week said he die borough engineer had made a survey of Book Week. "Go Places With Books," the transported to the four corners of the earth. Deer Patii and it was found mat "certain Band of Governor Livingston Regional High slogan for 1968, appears on a colorful poster The Children's Room is decorated with fte heels of the Red Baron, all urging "Go wishes to express his appreciation to all die School in Berkeley Heights, Places With Books" In bright red, blue and people who were community-minded enough stretches" there come within the state's Band members will conduct a house-to- yellow-green. Also on display in the ChUdren's to volunteer their services for die fund drive. requirements. house canvass in Mountainside and Berkeley Room is a commemorative calendar for 1969 He added: The council is also preparing to fight, Heights in die drive to raise $2,200 for future prepared by the Children's Book Council* "Although it is impossible at this early widi Ae aid of the new Traffic Safety Advisory band prQjeets7inoludlrig the exchange concerts 62 Gov. Livingston students Each month features a photograph of a dis- date to estimate just how successful die drive Committee, a road proposed by die county with the Maiden (Mass.) High School Band, tinctive Book Week poster from an earlier was, we also want to thank all diose who did through Watchung Reservation from Mountain- The Maiden band is scheduled to visit Governor year. connlbute money for these worthy causes. side in die vicinity of die Trailslde Museum, Livingston March 28-30, and the Highlanders inducted into honor society Many of the new children'sand young adults' We wish to urge tiiose who were not at home connecting wiA Olenslde road in Berkeley will travel to Maiden for the weekend of April. publications have been added to die collection. during the drive to slip tiielr eonmbutions Heights. Sixty-two seniors have been Inducted into sidered in the selection oi new members. The council sees the road as a potential 18-20, The newly inducted seniors then elected A library spokesman commented- In die self-addressed, stamped envelope re- Groups affiliated with the Highlanders, In- the National Honor Society at Governor Liv- "Among the outstanding picture books for ceived in the mail and return tills envelope feeder artery dirough die borough when Rt. 78 ingston Regional High, according to Mr, Clif- Edith Klingsberg, president! Douglas Tallamy, 1 to US. Is completed. cluding a total of ISO members, include the vice-president! and Amy Harris, secretary.. the youngest is 'Talking without Words, by inarching band, Scottish Pipers, twirlers, ton Robinson, advisor. Marie Ets, a delightful presentation of com- "For me distifiot leaders and their cap- "We will make an adequate presentation of The students all rank in the upper IS per- Following the induction assembly, the mem- our objections" to the county Board of Chosen color guard and Scottish Dancers, bers and their families were guests of the munication through gestures. This book was tains, we give special Blanks for die extra The" Pipers competed In the Scottish Games cent of their class scholastically, with service chosen by the New York Times as one of the time and energy spent in finding field work- Freeholders next month. Mayor Wilhelms said. to the school, citizenship and character con- school at a reception and tea prepared by die best illustrated picture books of die year. ers and to the door^-to-door collectors we are He agreed that the proposed road, which is held in Delaware and in Scotch Plains, earlier girls from the home economics classes. part of the county's master plan, could be a this year. Those inducted were: "Another book noted by the New York Times mily grateful. We hope to be able to let the Band activities to date this year have Is 'A Kiss for Little Bear,' by Maurice Sen- community know how the drive turned out at Short route to.Gov, Livingston Regional High John Adriance, Ellen Agee, David Alsberg, a later date, School, but "1 think we'd rather follow the included marching in the St. Patrick's Day Pathways concert Sheila Backfisch, Elliott Belnfest, Cynthia dak, This is die newest addition to the easy reading books about 'Little Bear,' which are "The turn-out to see Fred Feldman was bucolic path through the reservation" to get parade in New York City and In civic parades Blair, Stephen Brown, Doris CarUok, Louise to die school,1 '^-adier than have another in Chatham, Berkeley Heights and Sterling, loved by beginning readers. A first science endiusiaaHc to say the least, Feldman arrived Carlson, Harry Coletta, James Demro, Gary book is 'Lucky Ladybugs,* by Gladys Conklin, heavily n-aveUed road" in die borough. The band also participated in an exchange set for Sunday by pimmick, Alan Dixler, Martha Francis, Mona at 3;10 last Friday at Deerfleld School, and program with a band from Alexandria, Va,, Brian Wildsmith has captured nature's bril- almost die whole school turned out to greet Freedman, William Frysingor, Linda Gibson, liant colors in his- newest book-,—'Fishes,' Mm, Many were interested in ebttinlng-an- last spring and performed at flie Middlesex Thomas Qroceman, "Roger Hale, Allan "HOI, IN"QTBER TiDSr County Festival in New Brunswick, woodwinds quintet autograph from Fred and he was more than sioners William Dletzel and Harold Nelson Martha Hoe, Cynthia Irwin, Judith Klebaur, gracious as die crowds rushed him and his The Band Appreciation Week is being spon- Donald Kuehne, Robin Mailer, Paul March, "BOYS AND GIRLS willweleome new books told die council strict penalties must be Im- "Pathways in Music" wlU present a pro- helicopter.
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    ATLAS of CLASSICAL HISTORY EDITED BY RICHARD J.A.TALBERT London and New York First published 1985 by Croom Helm Ltd Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003. © 1985 Richard J.A.Talbert and contributors All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Atlas of classical history. 1. History, Ancient—Maps I. Talbert, Richard J.A. 911.3 G3201.S2 ISBN 0-203-40535-8 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-71359-1 (Adobe eReader Format) ISBN 0-415-03463-9 (pbk) Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Also available CONTENTS Preface v Northern Greece, Macedonia and Thrace 32 Contributors vi The Eastern Aegean and the Asia Minor Equivalent Measurements vi Hinterland 33 Attica 34–5, 181 Maps: map and text page reference placed first, Classical Athens 35–6, 181 further reading reference second Roman Athens 35–6, 181 Halicarnassus 36, 181 The Mediterranean World: Physical 1 Miletus 37, 181 The Aegean in the Bronze Age 2–5, 179 Priene 37, 181 Troy 3, 179 Greek Sicily 38–9, 181 Knossos 3, 179 Syracuse 39, 181 Minoan Crete 4–5, 179 Akragas 40, 181 Mycenae 5, 179 Cyrene 40, 182 Mycenaean Greece 4–6, 179 Olympia 41, 182 Mainland Greece in the Homeric Poems 7–8, Greek Dialects c.
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