The American Herbal, Or Materia Medica
ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY Washington, D. C. \V'ii.LiA>i DiiFoRKi^T Thomson T. Diicri^:^AUX 7 American Herbal, MATERIA MEDIC A. WHEREIN The virtues of the MINERAL, VEGETA- BLE, and ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS of North AND South America are lajd open, so far as THSY A»?« KNOWN ; AND THEIR USES IN THE PRACTICE OF PHYSICand SURGERY exhibi- CO MPRE II ENDING An account of a large number of New Medical Difccv^. Ties and Improvements, zohich are compiled from the hejl authorities with much care and allemion, and promulgated for the purpofe ofJpreading medical light and information in ylmcrica. By SAMUEL STEARNS, L. l. d. Solatium Affliais. -^ (^ 9 f- F' THI COPY R.CHT OF THIS BOOK ,5 ^OUR.DA. THI ACT MRECT,.' fV A L P L E, Printed bv DAVID CARLISLE For THOMAS i3 THOMAS, akd the AUTHOR. iKoi. PREF A CE. ^ TO PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. AND APOTHECARIES, Gentlemtn, THE auibsr is a native of the common- wealth of Maffdchufetis, where he was inllru6led in the medical art, according to the methods that were in vogue in the younger part of his life ; but as there was no regular fyftem of pharmacy, phyfic, or furgery to be found, he foon difcovered that both the theory and practice of medicine, flood in great need of reformation and amendment in our Ameri- can borders. He obferved that the medical books had been compiled by different aa/;&arj, in differ- ent periods of time, as the medical artwajrif- ing to higher and higher degrees of perfeSion ; and that, although they had been judicioufly written, and contained fome things which ought to be publiQied from generation to generation, y«t they frequently gave different accounis concerning the virtues, operations and efftfts.
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