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U.S. Lofts Rocket Larger Than the Statue of Liberty

U.S. Lofts Rocket Larger Than the Statue of Liberty

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JRimSDAY, OCTOBER 2«, IM t Av«r>f*.IlaUy Net ProM Ron Far tha Weak Eadad Thd Weather Aanrhi^Bt^r Eai^ttins Hi^rallk ’ Oetahar 81, UNIl Faraaaaf of o . a. Waathar MMBB Clear aad aaMer tealgM. Law ^ 13,400 near 80. eetm dm r moatly aongr About Town f/" Mboabar af tlia Aadit aad Bonewhat nlldat; Blgli Bt Iha Bofaaa 4t Olreolatlaa 80a. TIm I


Andover IndlcfiUfig the Bumber of atunpe A *Coiawegi Id o la t r y ’ I n ih e t to bSAfflxed (slnvlee, |Alrs, b lo t^ Oaorge mnrn. pastor. w«M chsiwf- u s u u s etc.). -An cm^Muze of medium one. EUington Church to Mark Stam ps wrelght' ahould. be placed In each SheiHwold on Bridge Vata an Bndgat envelope and the flap either turned tio m Qiib A ii^ p p ■ Members of Columbia Congre- Scudieri-Mankey la God Always on Side Reformation Day in or aealed. The outside envelopei !gational Church wlU meat in busi- Ry LOUIS MANOEIX to the IHMtmastar should be clear­ ‘ > Ofiprg New Items nSM ■aMlon" at noon Sunday to ly n u ^ ed ’’irtRST DAT COVERS taka action on the propoead budjg- l^lan School Wing The Andover Oongitgationat MAK* South fissler 8o PSRSHJNO STAMP.’’ Orders f o b b A d b r e a k s et' for 1963 or $14,8^ This la • t k / QiurOh observe ReformaUo.*. TUoM-OWb w4U offer new’ $380 lees than that of 1961, Brok­ Mencheater architects Scudiet-i O f West in Cold War? for first day covers .must not in­ By Alfred Shelnwold MOM oofitrtbutGd' meroliGiiti Sunday this weekend. The- Rev clude requests t o t uncanceled A K 10 7 en down, it calls for $1,200 for and Monkey have been selected by RD Bad breaks are not as umieuai o« CkihjmWa .and WUMoiantlc bensvolsnces; $7,403 for leadership the Ellington School Building Ootn- Willard Ttiomenis sermon will be atampe.’’ 0 9 7 dthong the large aatortment of « o « « i cial protdems cry for quick aolu as most bridge players Imagine. G fi S S 2 aad ministry; $3300 tor adminis­ mlttee to plan an addlttop to the tionk and where governments arc "Why Protestanta?” 4bAJI5 ipode to be auoUwied off hy Bob tration and operational expenses; Center School- MIR Make allowance for them when aunts srlttiln tlwir MciatiM, not we^k and unstable. Sunday evening from B to T p.m. . w m MAST Bendriduan Saturday at Yeo- p.178 pnmerty maintepance and The proposed addition will prob­ Invs that WB suy be i.ble to du ’‘Cbmmuniam is one way o ’ the family school of missions and Nixon Repeats Aim you can afford It . . . 1 j.u A « 2 A 3 4 OMUki Hall. The auction will begin repair; $1,076, capital investments ably Include 13 additional claae- « cMnnumUon in bnher counU-y bringing about needed changes—a a potluck will be held. The first South won the first trick with 4 O 0 1 10 at 10 am . and continue until' and debt retirement; $300, mlscel- rooms and expanded •stfeteria fa- O I t everything is aoM. clliUea. an nxMftal attack or by en costly way we would avoid," he hour the Rev. John deSousa will To Serve 4 Years the ace of diamonds and led |but 0 KQ J 9 4 0 10 I 7 laneoue. jOA/ilcodC. 1 iff' aoueacinf sount«r>ravoiuUnn." ssdd. show slides and tell of the work he the ace and king of hearts, Intend- A 9 6 4 3 2 _ This is an annual event for the School Lunch The firm, Town Counsel Rou- rTha areas where communism is A K Q 7 ert King and Joseph Oirardinl The only way in which some ns has done with the American In­ Uone, who tiw the proceed^ for (Omened fron Page One) ing to scold his partner for not SOUTH The hot lunch menu at Porter tilt giaatast threat today, he eaui. tions will be saved from commvi- dians. The Rey. Mr. debousa is ^ d ln g a grand slam. - A A Q<7 9 I i community service work. , School next week is: Monday meat chairman of the buiidmg commit­ a n a n a s where economic and i6- nlsm is. for them to develop al­ minister of men and missions tot Among the Hena Meted ate a tee, will draw up preliminary piaiis Ilcan preeidentlel nominee will be. it was a poor Idea for two rea­ O A K 6 5 3 and' noodle casserole, green beans, ternatives to it, he said the state conference of Congre­ sons. First, any attempt to reach 0 A U-foot boert: and a 1960 Otdamo- carrats and fruit; Tuesday— for presentation soon at a town i!H Dr. Bennett askkd: 'How often gational Christian Churches. Me said no candidate is likely to 10 bUe; lawn furniture; aporto equip­ witch’s brew (cream of tomato fiieeung. a rr&nd slam had to ®tart with A During the past several weeks, must it be said that tne failure ot Pilgrim Fellowship members are be •uccessful without Califomla'a South. For all North could tell, SoMh West Netth B «t ment; household furmture, storm soup), spring boats with loUypop the comfortable nations to realize urged to be present. An e.\ecutlve windowe and paint. the committee held preiiminary in­ Camdng to New York? support ’ the opponents might have sn ace. 2 A T«u 3 A 7Si4 sails, carrot sticks and ice cream; terviews with 11 arcnitects and the depth ot the neglected social meeting of PF officers and com­ The second reason was even 4 NT Pan 3 0 Pass tunch may be obtained at the Wednesday—schoolboy sandwich, STOl^ATTHE problems of half the world is the mission chairmen will follow. Nixon also made these points in a final interviews with two llrme be­ day Jampacked with neWs confer­ more conclusive. West ruffed the fi A All Pan haU. The liohaaBea, headed by lettuce, celery, spinach and tomk- fore making its ' final dedeioir. H otel chief ally of communism in the There will be a Boy Scout com­ O p ^ l lead 0 K M n. Howaid C. Bates end Mrs. to salad, lemon pudding; Thurs­ li:l cold war?” ences, seeches and personal ap­ king of hearts and returned a Scudlerl and Monkey .lave served mittee meeting on Monday at 7 pearances : . trump. Now South couldn't make WMliam 8. Burnham, will furnish day—chicken chowi mein, buttered He said he believed this was un­ p.m. U.S. Hoaore Fenhlng as architects for nearly 140 pruj- •L 1. He thinks it is time to re-ep- even a email slam since he had food. rice-noodles, celery' sticks and ects'since 1965 and hold architec­ ( KXTl KY derstood by President Kennedy ' On Tuesday, the Rev. Mr. Tho- A new '8-cent regular pcatage trumps that are sLlU out and then Chany aqiutrea with hot cherry and many of his associates, bu^ praise the policy of shipping U.S. three losing hearts and only two Burnham aud Eugene Dente are tural r^iistratlone ih five states. I III WRT4«HiSmir men will attend the Ministers’ Con­ stamp design, portraying General cash the remaining top heart oo-ohairmon in. charge of the af­ sauce; Friday—macafonl and there (Were many circles "in wh'ch ference on Problems ot Alcohol to planes to Yugoslavia. He said h'e trumps In dummy. Besides Girardlnl, othet mem­ NtWYOKCHYM o f the AJtnlee John J. T’erdhing favored aid to Yugoslavia while in Shocked It's a cautious way to play ths fair. Any last minute donations cheese, stewed tomatoes, vegetable bers of the committee are Mrs. E it is still assumed that the con­ be held in New Haven. (1600-1948) -will be iaeued Nov. ON FAMOUS NAME BRANDS ‘ ? hand but, nobody will blame you riMiMt n o n 7-7300 flict is primarily mlll'ary.” the Eisenhower administration be­ South was shocked by the bad will be gladly received by them. ■tlcke and apples. Gertrude Shanahan, secretary, ano The Women's Felkwship will 17, to coincide writh the opening for playing a elam hand ca r^ lly . Buelle-Head South CeeMr ef TImtt Seware Dr. Bennett spoke on "Ouistian meet Tliursday at 8 p.m and on cause he hoped it would help split heart break, almost as though he O-Teens Eatertaln. • Werner Kupferschmid, Rudol]A Lv- of the 13th Annual A.S.D.A. Show Yugoslavia from Russia. But re­ Daily Question Mr. and Mrs. Luther Buell left glnbuhl, WUUam Wltloock, Rogst* m e » k CNttlMh|-TV-Rai« Ethics and Foreira ^ U cy.” The Friday, the women of the church had been bitten by a bookend. Ac­ The C-Tesns o f (Columbia Ocn- conference, which Is in session at the 71st Infantry Refriment cent events, he aaid, indicate an tually the 5-1 break should be ex­ Partner opens wltti one spade, thls week for their home in Sara­ Aubrey and John Zahner,,, anMesWs SefM * Porklnt A«ellebls will attend the World Community Armory, New York City. Poatmas- and the neoGt player doublea. You gzegational Church will hold a sota, Fla., where they will spend through Sunday, brings together Day meeting In St- Paul’s Church appraisal is needed. pected about once every seven Halloween party In the pmisfa The committee was authorised to Write for various government officials, mem t(r General J. Eld ward Day is ex­ hands. Nothing shocking about hold: Spetdee K 10 7; Hearts 9 7; the winter. engage an architect for .the project SOOKUT T a SKClAl N. Y. EVINn In Willimantic. 2. He hopes all canadldatee—in­ houae tonight from 7:30 until 11. New York Visit bers of university ‘acuities and pected to participate in ttie first cluding former Gov. Goodwin J. /0-S7 that. Diamonds 6 5 3 2; Clubs A J 8 5. in August. special group! famous name Hallow-eea Parade dey ceremoniea at the armory on What do you say? CTlgrim Fellowship memibere from Members of the 46-Club had a others active in intenutUonal re­ Knight, wrho has accused a Nixon To guard himself as much as Hebron, Mansfield and Lebanon j The Andover saementery School that date. Answer: Pass. You arc too day's outing in New York (3ity lations. Other Protestant scholars supporter of trying to lure him out possible, South should lead a club churches are invited as guests. Haitians Own Land will serve as panelists. will obaerve Halloween with e pa­ This stamp ultimately will re­ Strong for an lmm«,te raise, not Wednesday, and stopped off for Read Herald Advs. rade on Tuesday at 2:15 in the up­ of the govemor's race—remain In to dummy at the second trick In This is not a centume party, Tom d ^ e r at Patflcla Murphy's in place the 8-cent Statue of Liberty, the GOP primary. order to lead the first heart from strong enough for a redouble, and Port-au-Prince, HalU— Haiti cut girls' I sup'jDort hose per playground, followed by parties which now appears also on the too short in spades for a Jump Roberts, preeldent of the C-Teens Yonkers on the way home. Mrs. for the children in their rooms. Par­ 3. He expects support from for­ duipmy. If East has no hearts at aaid, but dai\cing and garnet and Pauline Lohr and Mrs. Laura L. her ties with in a euccees- 3-cent and 11-cent regular de­ mer President Dwight D. Elsen­ all, he can ruff, but South will be raise. The best couoie is to pass ful involution in 1791. ThY es­ ents attending the parade are nominations. and hope that you get a later refreshments will be the order of Squler drove. asked to park end Its time imploring services as areas in which "we hearts In dummy. When thatj,j|ks (Copyright .1961, regularly $24.98 The Bchool will not be a collection must move with our own .initiative point this year on that evening. came Involved in World War I. the federal government for aid in been done, South can draw any General Featurea Oorp.) regularly $4.95 He insisted that American solving problems" wiiich Nixon to the greatest extent poeslble." G O O ^ I ^ E A R Dbuier Set tixxqw should fight, as a force sep­ said are state responsibilities. He OrtH DAILY 9 AAA to S:30 PJA The Andovers Mothers Club an­ arate from thoM of Britain and cited Civil Defense, agriculture, SERVICE STORE nual turkey banquet for husbands and health and welfare h o i t i l ' s OfGH THURSOAiY TILL 9 PAI. and wives will be held at the ele­ France. On Sept. 3,'1917, Pentiing A very special purcha.Ae <718 MAIN ST, MANCHESTERr-MI 9-9523 mentary school all-purpoee room on was given the title of "General of B U S H N E L L FIRST APPEARnNCE IN HARTFORD! the Armies of the United States.” of girls’ winter coats a \ Nov. 4 at 7:15 p.m. Sheer all nylon de­ nt:H will follow the dinner. At the close of the war he became m pric^ low for our 3rd An­ Anyone who has not been con­ chief of staff, U.S. Army. In 1920 niversary Sale! Choo.se signed for support . . . looks and 1924 be refused to allow his EAST ■erk Bedios Glee Lellobriside tacted is asked to call Mrs. Robert from| dasaic boy .s Jones on Pine Ridge Rd. for reser- name to be considered for the "COM E SEPTEMBER" DURING like any other nylon stocking vaUcMis. Reservations must be made presidency. la Cater 1:SS-S:M HIE KINIi.STON TRIO with orlon pile linings, The forthcoming itamp wrlll rep­ Alts S M ln M by Monday. tweeds and checks . . . yet gives you wonderful up­ resent a variance in preaentation many with fur tirms. The Maaoheeter Evening Herald An­ in relation to other portrait atampe TONIGHT ONLY! lifting support. Proportioned in the regular postage aeries of "W IN G S of CHANCF* Arncriru's Most Funious !olh' smaller sizes have match­ dover eorreepondent, Margery Mon- PRE-HALLOWEEN la Cater 1:80-0:40-1:11 taadon, telephone pngrtan 2 ^ 1 2 . 1954-1961. The portrait will show SPOOKARAMA ing slacks. lengths of short, medium and the General’s portrait in full uni­ “llie Spook eSuMers” at 7; Sinicin}!: C nnip WOODLAND GARDENS form. Only four stars are on his *Tlie Hypnotic Eye” at 8:29; extra long. Oil Receipts 7.9 Billion shoulder. Though permitted to “ Frankenetelo 1970” at 9:51. Sizes 3. to 6x. For Thoio '*Flmnts That Ploase" wear five. Pershing never wore Free Cider and Doughnuts SUNDAY . OCTOBER 29 • 8 00 P M Sizes 7 to 14. W BVE O rn d B OENTEB OF TOWK OK WOODLAND ST.! New York— The United States more than four. SATURDAY and SUNDAY oil industry spent $6,908,000,000 This stamp will be printed in “ Suddenly Last Summer” and finding, developing, and producing khaki on the Cottrell presses at the “ Anatomy of a Murder” Prices inc. tJi Orch. or 1st Bdl. S^.85, S^.JO, S3.75, j?nd B.*l, S3.20. oil and gas in 1959, the most recent Bureau of Engraving and Printing, DANCING S2 65. >2 10. (O ia ffo d ilA . year for which figrures are avail­ electric-eye perforated, measuring able. But the oil companies’ 0.75 by 0.87 of an Inch in dimen­ A t Added Attraction: RONNIE SCHELL gross receipts that year wear sion, arranged vertically, and is­ Brilliant, Young Avant-garde Comedian $7,930,000,000. sued in panes of 100. women's women's nylon slips Collectors desiring first day can­ ChHclrMi's MotiMB GARDEN Make Checks Payable to and Mail to; ■leg Alfred DIES AT HOOP GAME cellations of the Pershing stamp may send addressed envelopes, to­ FrMoy-Serturday 1 P.M. BUSHNELL MEMORIAL, HARTFORD K. CONN New York, Oct. (Jf) — A man ALL IN CXILOR! RESTAURANT tentatively identified as Benjamin gether with remittance to cover the Big oomlort fer tiny badG oto• 2.39 2.69 A /fo Tortera, 54, of 127 Chapel St., cost of the stamp to be affixed, to “ 3 WORLDS of GULLIVER” 840 MAIN ST New Haven, Conn., died ls«t night the Postmaster, New York 1, New “7th VOYAGE of SINBAO” in practical, washable ! York. Dotfntown Manchester values to $5.98 regularly $3.98 aalUIr after ooUapeing while -watching a o Everyono 50c o baaketball game at Madison Square Each envelope must be marked, Tuck-in and overblouse models with long, short Famous name nylon tricot slips in snowy white, tlibta,ete. GArden. in pencil, in the upper right comer "Tiny Barton PLATFORM , SW IVEL or roll sleeves . . . solid colors or prints. Sizes lavish with lace trims. Sizes 32 to 40 . . . in 32 to 38. choice of 8 different styles. I ‘ Trio". RO CKERS .nd RECLINERS J ju iip A , e FRIDAT, SATURDAY SURPRISE PICTURE AT 7 e C N U -SA T. f ff DANCING EVERY THURS.. FRI., SAT. misses' reversible . I^T.iPM^UIIllAIITIC j^ SUM. You’ll be glad you dined when you taste our misses' proportioned length Bj .ieithor o* FRO*m 8:10 6:30-10:00 fine food and enjoy our courteous service in our m e r l ro e t e r n it y pleasant atmosphere. slacks FR A M m um Read Herald Advs. DEM MARTIN TEL. Ml 3-1415 FOR RESERVATIONS doz. MWLEyilaeLAHIE . eeesiweiiae. ewBHif TWiJsT*-' Banquet Room ,, Buelneeemen’s 8e90 Excellent 'SOME CAME RUNNING" Available For Parttee Luncheons Served Dally 530 Accommodations > Knicaii J f ' A. Y o u C a n H ave... regularly $11.00 SUNDAYS START AT 7:10 For your favorite dinner and ooektails # Weddings Solid color wool in charcoal gray, H-U! SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED Solid color poplin on one side, reverses black, brown, loden or navy . . . all deity !•:::! T N ju r U u e Banquets 12 NOON to 8 P.M. to floral print on the other. Beige, wil­ !;;iH fiMhty dug, gay and on Sunday and any week day at.. e Parties tailored. Proportioned lengths: Short, ffilU eelors to enjoy i PHONE Ml 8-7832 low, loden, blue or black olive . . . sizes average and tall... sizes 10 to 16. ill;:! It the rail eea- H«n*g A bic platform rocker 10 to 18. iliili plants. TONIGHT RESTAURANT that will St ptrfoctly into a ONL.Y AVEY’S STATE RT. g and 44A—BOLTON “ FOOD FOR Colonial dacor. Salem maple : MI S-2S42 finiefaed arme and baaa, with ENGLISH HOLLY Special At n . 9 9 EVERY MOOD” •>neA»OU> FI.ANTS. TWO SHOWS ONLY AT 6:30 and 9:00 P.M. • Saturday Night Dancing • authentic priatad linan cover, coodiintd iwith plaatie. Deep, playtex men's sport OHffW illlM . 2.yMT-«ld T t c wide and M|^ $• halp 70U ralaz all evtrl ^Ntriy halts PHONE MI 8-7882 S 4 9 A 5 for $ 3 .9 9 2.59 J • iM ft WHIIans Thie ewivel rocker looka w ex­ regularly $2.50 each regularly $4.00 I i : :iii pensive, eradlee year hedy ee per- ♦ laattitiry Mh STATE Choice of three models . . . all with double elastic Our own Fair brand long sleeved sport shirts in a liliil SATURDAY ONLY xectly, that it’a hiurd to helicve the in the back to give double wear. All in sizes 32A wide variety of fabrics and patterns. Small, me­ ____ iiniie' medeet price. FULL FOAM re­ i l l to 40C. dium and large sizes. ill* lilWDEHIj “ OPERATION PETTICOAT’ and “ EWlTA'nON OF LIFE” versible aent cuaKion, M ft Kapok :::::: • f t u k R will NOT be shown Today due to Frankenstein stage show. ’ 6Iled attached pillow-heck. Leather- i i TONIGHT — SATURDAY — SUNDAY Y like plaatie cover. S fw cfo // PMVer HEDGING SHOWN SATURDAY AT 4:80 and 9:00 PJ)I. IS -ir—14c Each IM 649-W FOR THE YOU WILL 8EU8VE IN HALLOWED IT n r Spoohlf 18.24".19c Each ADULTS entire ^stpek! Plaat 1 foot apart lam iwowc AFTER S6EING THIS SHOW! ■ entire stock!# 1 lU e Weekend “OPERATION PETTICOAT” and “ IMITATION OF LIFE” CARY GRANTS TONY CURTIS n*e FaB. Feed Four Uswa i m i N T aiA WMh Hebbard-HaU will not be shown tonight due to above show. The GREAT^TJERROR TALE EVERTOLO! boys' men's jackets i b d b a m i i m Lawn Feed te-«-4 ^ A A wrmSIlvIliw M Hw...... 2 . G 4 ■ Aegrew ihaae 4 A . and ap Seed...... 4 > 7 C 20% YEWS ^ ...... 59c FOR A 20% off ■ « , t J 9 ^ N 0 W MWDMATEMALS IFe fan to browse ameag ear CHANGE AT their regular iaige selectlae ef gay aad NEVER Before At This Low Price! ealoifai Strawflowers, Bitter­ , Tew INH • mm miiu • iene mk . m mn their regular sweet, laatenu. ladiaa Oom, HINKEL'S marked prices Oeords, Baybeny, Wheat, Oats, Osttslh Bcauty-BaiTy, M fl,m m O'GONNEIL ' FOAM TV RECLINER Our mo«t comfertable etc. See ttie lovely >HIk Olaae COMING SOON! marked prices : bny: fer year arraageaMBts. PLUS THIS COLOR HIT SATURDAY AT 2:10 and 6:45 PM. •V Swivel Rocker! Men’s nationally known makes of r w s i r r Ipeti, M o ^ Plae, Speaee,: “PIT AND THE PENDULUM” Shown^t 9:50 HeBy, Floweilag Siuwbe, Trees. VtaMe, Onaad yfe Feature ALL NYLON & ALL FOAM That’s righ t. . . every winter jackets and ■d Bprlglit Tews, Aiberritae, Breoatsla • BAKED LASAGNA boy’s winter in , . . now 20% our regular stock is off their regular • HOMEMADE ITALIAN RAVIOLI : LANA TURNER So much more for your money! 100% $ 79.95 Hiiii Ceaadlsn Feat Meee, B Beaee, Be^weed nylon cover combined with ^ plastic, now marked 20% off marked price. Ideal I and Clay Pete, all sImb. • BAKED STUPED JUMBO PANAMA SHRIMP JOHN GAVIN cushiony foam seat, kidney roll to their regular price. All for cold winter • SEAFOOD AND ITALIAN-AMERICAN FOOD SANDRA DEE rest your back, high back to rest your Every inch of tha covar aurfaca is nationally known weather wear . . . m rr w ira a s su r a n c e a n d satisfaction a t head, plus a special TV reclinmg that 100% N Y IA N —easy to claan, good brands . . . all from our and a thought for OUR SPECIALTY 111 DANOWHY keeps your viewing vhile your to look at' and hard to woar ont. regular stock! Sizes 6 Christmas! Don’t Tho entiro aoat and back art in to 18. miss this sale! SUSAN KOHNER body is stretched out. Never before daap, thick FOAM — for a miracla WOODLAND "CAPTURE THAT CAPSULE” Shown At 8:$0 at this low price. o f comfort. An axcaptional valna. RODERTALDA *Mighty-Mac jockela are *Mighty-Mac Jackets ■ uj; "THf CkVOUlU 6F7 not included. not Included. RESTAURANT JUANITA MOORE CHOOSE FROM OUR FOUR GARDENS MAHALIAiAa AsaanMisMNMit ■ CREDIT PLANS: HINKEL’S I'M bdi.ew r «n O lf GROWER TO YOUP SOUTH ST., GOVENTRY— PI 2-739J ( i) SO-Doy Beivlar ClKWEB. ti I urn tin r ^ JH I WOODIANDD 81L MANCHESTER— MI S-S4T4 1 MILE FROM NATHAN HAILE HOMESTEAD (3) to, 60, M-Dny—4 Fnymeat Ckarge OPCN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY M G H IS TILL 9 • OPEN DiUi.T U N m 9 PJL • I I I 1 M /V 1 N b I M A NC H ! b It M S T A im SOON! n a a \ OPEN 7 DAYB— LEGAL BEVERAGES MONDAY, TUESDAY. SATURDAY. 10 AA4. to k fM . X'l SUmkAT' *Werth « e Alaeka” •nom HnnUerO" "OAT BURGUEV’ Showt^SViOO ($) Up To Two Venn To Fay (A), Tonag Homeinnkova Lo^A-Way. AMPLE , ^ E PARKING i i i i 11. A. ■y:y


BIstwr oC M any to ontar thb mod- Tbonus Hobln, Mrs. CSiartia Me- RockviUe-Vernon Duane Jones. 809 Adams S t ; Rich­ Talcottville reunion w ard at Camp Wlhakowl Nun to Speak leal, pcotaaloa. Bho waa g n d - Cooe,’ Mrs. William MoReromeiy, Qaims by Jobless poi ftwr AboutTowii I ard Feed, Glastonbury; Kenneth this past stunmer. uatad magna emit laudo from Uw Mrs. Potter. Mre. James t awd IS AMWf BMlssisis GrilBn, French Rd.-, Bolton; Jane ’ Kilpatrick Home Womoa'gModlcal Ctdlego of Pena- Reardon,, Mrs. Frank Ruff, Mrs, Contviiie to Drop .•wSMBS4«rfi*i«s%rSlM •b r i r . LaPointe Expects Surdek, 45 Northfleld St.; John Campers Reunion Krsn Kilpatrick of Elm Hill ’ S t ^ P a m d e TV-Radio Tonight aytvahla In'Fhiladolphia in IMd. A lb^ BohMo, Mn. Margaret S un NNW Mlaa Lola Anno Morelll, daugh­ Von Deck, RFD 2;' Brian and Rd.. who suffered a severe ,heart At Breakfast ter of Mr. and Mra. Victor Morelll, Bho wag awarded five of tho IS Uvan and Mra Henry Wlttka Idle claims in Msaolustsr dljmsd Prosperous Year Karen Plnney, Hebron; Mrs. attack on Sept. 30, returned to his special priaog confined on honor 82 Munro Bt., a aenior at the (3ol- Helene Potter, Wlllimantlc; Gary Set This Weekend Sister ,Mlchsel Mario, gtatt by 4d during the week ended O ct wnboN otu« eb. home this week after spending AttraiOsSikt membora of tho elaas. She intem- AHAOOifDA RESEARCH 21 from 1 ^ to 1,S1», it wss re­ Ml Mala St. lU. 10 M tti the Elma, Desinarals, >Wapplng; Oscar Wil­ nearly a month in Manchester Me­ phyilelan a t MercylcnoU Infir­ Waterbury, Oct 27 UP)—Ana­ Chicopee. Maas., haa completed Stockholders o( LaPointe Indus­ Nearly a dozen teen-age girls Television od at St Vineont's Ho^iital In ported today. tries wore given an optimistic re son, North Coventry, Mrs. Either morial Hospital. mary, West Hartford, will ba a seven-week practice teaching will be gueets at the home of the » r K « E n 4 a « K Now York aty. conda i^aoricaa Brasa Co. is stop­ Statewide, tho downward trend port on the business outlook for Ceryinl, 297 S t According to his wife his condi­ t:00 Big I Theater (in rrogrcM) SiraiAtawar 40. guaat speaker at the annual Cbm- Boforo onrriliag a t Womon'o period at the Lincoln School In Rev. an

' j ; ' ' fS’ ,* ■ ? J :A A \

r ■ H i B ' E l ' ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAN^RBSTER, CONN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 MANCHESTfcB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. PRII)AY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 PAGE aad put tha ailada ha maji^ ba try­ 2(^5 Library .^des rlea” Powell Is working on his Fellowship Plans i ing marriy to dlaorgaalia to w oA . A Tboafht for Todap fourth book. Service Set at Concordia Czechs to Get U.S. 2 M in or Crashes W m io i Ifrralil on something alee which did edi^ Spoaaorad by the Maacheele* To Meet at liling Raeh representative to the.meet- Harvest Supper IS CAPITAL GAIN POTENTIAL yflur o b j«c tly «? DtpENiftMb tala rhyma aad reason and logic. Ceaacn ot Uhmehee ing wrill wear a (iame tag B)ade by Union darbido Corporation Apprara to offgr *qod Radiation Material aids tha Soviet bloc., Rring'3 Arrests Red Ptemiet Refuses Miss Betty toilrd, an iTllng a r t fay Ofllctals said Yugoslavs had More than 300 high school U- teacher. Russell Methsny of 11- The Womsn’a Fellowship-of the proq>octa.'Th« company ia the country’i lecond Usftd REfricErM iri W e think the propheta are too (OoBttomd from Phga One) been trained to peaceful atomic re- Three arrests followed ran Cora And Consetnenca stern. They talk of the alns of Jirary aides and their teachera^wlU ling, an eight grader, designed, the flsoond OongrsgaUonal Church will largest chemical producer and ia a major supplier _^WerM Oonnunlto Day, aearch to tbe Untted Statas alnoe program cover. minor motor vehicle accidents last To End Nuclear Tests OveiluMiled and Tsztod people and the judgment of God. attend the autumn meeting of sponsor a harvest rapper on Sat­ ■qt^by.toa Itopcbaater OouaoU fled behind closed dbora, aaimred 1956, using nonaeoret materials. There ia ao mere feselnaUng to the steel industry. In addition to chemicals, it night to which no one recalved in­ But there is a reason. If we would the Nutmeg 030 Association next Mias Daisy Pilcher, new Man­ urday, Nov. 4, at < p.m. The sup­ o t Women, w«U ba ob- the committee the radiation equip­ Tower aald he was opposed to all chapter of modera aelence*than have strength and. know the power chester reading consultant, donat­ makes metals and alloys, eiectrodes, carbons w d foreign aid to Yugoslavia, military juries, police reported loday. (Conttoued from Page One) for negotiations on the German sit­ Thursday at lUing Junior High per will ba held In the Fellowship t o r ^ Friday, Nov. 3, with a ww- ment was a low-yield, purely medi­ uation after talks between Gromy­ that stlU unfiniahed atery o f the of our religion, we must be faith­ ed a harvest flower atrangement batteries, industrial gjases and . T alk w ith tolp stsy too a t 1 0 :lfl am . at (ha and economic, and to the training Shortly after 6:80, a car driven School, beginning at S p.m. for the punrii table, at wMch li- Hall of the church. cal device that could not be con­ of Yugoslav peiuonnel to the the Invasion of the Hitlerite ko with President Kennedy and Potterton's ful to the demands of God. There antlbietica in medicine. ***^ «S 2 *“ *toa DutheMo Chnwh >y Richard C. Whltter, J6, of 99 Secretary o f State Dean Rusk. ISO Center S t —>06?. o f Giiatelk. are conditions to our spiritual The group, representing sec­ brarir volunteer mothers will serve. Those wishing to attend may us about Union Carbide stock. on P H U n S t verted to any Industrial or mill- United States or abroad. fortnan 8 t., to attempting to make hordes.” It is a atery in which miracle ta iy use. The firm refusal to end testing, contract. "They who wait for the ondary schools from East l^yme. Mrs. T. E. Metheny, PTO library make reservations with Mrs. Ros­ aarrioa wiU be pcocadad by i right band turn off Oak St. into He said the Soviet Union had z«- ...... 1^ ill frilowed by partial diailhisionment chairman, aasisted by Mrs. Harry ■ X - . The Ucenae application is pend­ all based on the German situation, Lord shall renew their strength.” well Crane, 91 Baldwin Rd., or n coffee period at 9:S0 to the aoctAl Norman St., struck tbe front left ceived no satisfactory reply from appeared to take a new tone. Mood us, Hebron, Old Saybrook, Baskind and Mrs. Hugh E verett ing and the AEC la making no ob­ or alarm la still being followed by (Isaiah 40:31). Ia prayer and Mrs. Milton Tedford, 65 Broad St. OpenThur$de^evoungs6KX>to9Mp.m. baU of tiM ohuroh. Guidance Clinic fender of a car being driveh by western powers to settlement of a There still remained the ques­ quiet listening a preparation for Rockville, Wallingford imd WUll- win pour. Reservations close Wednesday, jection, KItchin said he was in­ Lawrence F. Baxley Jr., 17, of il85 P J 2 S L — ...... miracle followed by new alert. . to ta Schubert o f OonOoiflla formed. German peace treaty. tion of whether Khrushchev would Aluminum your daily acUviUes? , Manchester High School Refreshments' will be provMed Nov. X. CArthevan Church to chalnnaa, aa- Florence S t, police said. Instead, he said, reinforcements First, o f course, there was what KMchto said there was no men­ Gets $1,000 G ift PoUoa arreatad Bagley on a order canceled the explosion of the ■ • P W e ••••»«•«••••• I J j l A Harvey K. Moualey, and Barnard Junior High School, by the library mothera and Mrs. ■Med by Mm. Brneet Benaon o f were sent from the United States b ig 60-me^ton bomb which he seemed the clear miracle of the & tion to Seaborg’s testimony about charge o f operating an uninsured Windows $11Ji5 Superintendent, was Invited by Mrs. Evelyn F. Brown. P U T N A M C O . tonaaual Lutheran Church and to W est Germany and American said probably would mark the end Cypress 160 Feet Around a reported agreement by the Unit­ original diacovery of the anti­ Brown, a library teacher at 11- Atombar* Naw. York Stock Esehongo . A gift of $1,000 from the Man­ motor vehicle. Also arrested waa OF Norwich District Mrs. Michael Gusulano, Miss Mra. RuaaeU Orannlea o f Com­ ed' States to sell atomic reactors strategic air bases were put on in­ o f experimenting on Oct. 30 or 31, ltud PRuas biotics and their marvelous power. ling. n IAS7 ca m e tr. • m a n c w h m munity Bopttot Church. chester Mental Health AssociaUon Mrs. Myrtla H. Bagley, 185 Flor­ creased alert. The Methodist Church. Bemiep Hall, and Mrs. Neil Maxico City — It would taka X' to Yugoelavta ami to train Yugo­ ence St, on th e . charge of allow­ Doors $29.9$ M is szelusiTsly Membei^s are from the associa­ , The letter seemed to put a new m cvpuMlestioii ol Then came the alow, painful dis­ Lawrence will direct the library men with their arms outstretched Jomt T. Hair • Mobort H. Storkol - ‘TVeofloon to Know” to the theme was preaented to the Community ing a minor to operate an unin­ tor 19S1. slav scientista in the United complexion on the tone o f nego­ ersdilsd to It or covery' that there were limitations tion's R e^on i n in eastern Con­ Bookmlnders o f IlHng at the reg­ to encircle Mexico’s Cypress of States. Child Guidance Clinic, Inc. at a re­ sured motor vehicle. Both mother ^lllsd In tills osuei necticut. tiations on the German and Berlin ostrt (Mpllshsd here. istration table in welcoming the Montezuma, a tree with a circum­ O o » t apaakar w «l ba Dr. Irven Sen. John G. Tower, R-Tex., on cent rneeting of the clinic board of and eon will be presented to Cir­ Jal. Doors $59.95 and:gaps in their performance, and Deaths Last Night Guest author for the event will P aaA protoarar of Latin Anwitean situation. ■ “ ol apedsl aidea Bruce Reinohl la chairman ference of 160 feet. It is still living: vnxmtion in , had announced directors. ' cuit Court 13, Mtmehester, on Nov. Pins In.tallation, the challenging discovery that be Theodore Powell of Manches­ of the student guides. and was alive long before the time atudtaa at tha Hartford Semtoary 6 Khrushchev said, the United By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the r ^ r t e d agreement through The presentation was made by . Stotes and leaders 6f other west­ FALLOUT osmtus eIMm or N K. A. Ssrs some germs were either drug-re­ ter, author of three books, who lUing Principal A. Hyatt Sut- o f. Christ. Ita age is estimeted at iFoundatlon. New York—Frank W. Miller Kr., hie oflloe here. He said the Inter­ Miss Ethel Robb, Mental Health The second accident which oc­ ern powers ‘and their aggressive MANCHESTER sistant or capable of developing will discuss "Telling True Sto- kffe will welcome the group.' 6,000 years. Kapnaentattvm o f Manoheatar national Atomic Etoergy Agency curred on Hollister St. at about itallses: Hm 68, president and board chairmar cfipivhea parttrinding to the aerv- Association representative to the military blocs” are "not simply hmtmef — Ksw resistance. It was also discovered o r MANCHESTER had approved sale of two atomic 7:30, brought the arrest of Waite. SHELTERS A W N IN G C O . of ,the ,K . A M. Publishing Oo Ipi are Mira. WUHapt Ooatea of clinic, and accepted by Leonard threatening with war but are say­ - ___ mo Bostm FLETGHER BUSS BO. satciMn reactors and 8,000 grama o f urani­ A. Aitken, 48, of 96 Pearl St. PHONE an 9-8091 ATJorr BrntBAU o r tliat the use of aintibiotics, to died Thursday of a heart ailment United Meihodiat Ghtacfa in Bol­ Dr. Irven Paiil Yarensky, executive director o f the ing this will be a thermonuclear event of emergency, fe The company publishes the ball f-3Sie um. clinic. charged with operating a motor war." —sas. If any, are as good i eliminate some dangerous germs, ton, Mra. Kenneth Ogren o f Cov- vehicle while under tee Influence River (Mass.) . Herald-Ncws and ISS WEST BIIDDU5 TURNPIKE ______I t was announced more than a The Manchester Mental Health The tone seemed In shsirp prepsired shelters. They ar I t a SomM PitBOus Ooinpsiir, Inc., also had the effect of promoting to anant Oongragiational Church, and year ago that the United States of liquor or drugs. He will be pre-, MMAm Oo ItaAAClAl rasponsIbflnT (or the Schenectady (N .Y.) Union-Stai CORNER DtTRANT ST. M ra Robert Dunflald of Second aiatant minister o f First Presby­ Association was a prime influence contrast to the speeches made a necessary Insurance. Pre dominance other not aus- Miller also was president and would supply Yugoslavia with sented to d rcu lt Court 13,,M a ^ otTOfs amsamni tn s » Congregational Church. terian Ctourch to , N. Y., in the fouiuling o f the clinic. Chester, Nov. IS. by Khrushchev and Foreign pare yonrs now. I AM otbor rsadlns matter board chairman of the Kelly Smith and as mlniater o f the Congrega- some research reactors for peace­ easstsr Baronina Herald oeptlble to the antibiotics. LARGER QUARTERS TO SERVE YOlflt NEEDSI Utoars wlU ba Mra. John Buck Yarensky and Theodore Gurney A complete report of the ac­ Minister Andrei Gromyko at the Naturally enough, this was a Oo.. newspaper representatives. Uonal Church a t TerryvIUe, Coim. ful uses. recenUy represented the cUnlc at Commimist party congress here LEON CieSZYNSKI St. Louis—John H. Lyons, lO In Person bf Second Oongregaittonal, Mra He was formerly profesaor of In September 1960, the AEC cident waa not available at poUce aSvery iBS boina: now well into its second week. challenge to be answered. PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARXINO Edward Kirkham of Community an annual meeting o f the Connecti­ headquarters, but an accident re­ BuiMaiwMl 9<4291 genet al president of tne Interna Ctorlatian Education at the Union announced a grant of $350,000 to cut Child Guidance Clinics. Gurney Both Soviet leaders have said P-Bi Mcndar And, just the other day, there Uonal Association of Bridge, Struc Bapttot Mra. Albert Robtoaon o f port noted that Altken’a car struck -1 p.n TUnesr. Theological Seminary to Buenos Yugoslavia for a reactor and a is chairman of District 1 o f the the front left fender of a car driv­ that the way appears more open 2 tural and Ornamental ironworkeis AUTO GLASS INSTALLED Emanuel Lutheran aad Mra H. B. a m Wcdneidsy. came at least a partial answer, Aires, Argentina. He has been laboratc ry assoedated with i t The regional council o f cltod guidance en by Daniel E. Renn, 31, of 74 m. Tburadar. since 1949, died Thursday of com Carr o f South Methodist church. professor o f Latin American stud­ Prldsy. back in ths miracle department transfer was negoUated by the clinics. Cooper St. r pUcaUons after und3rgoing lung GLASS FURNITURE tOPS M ra William Kloppenburg o f S t ies at the Hartford Seminary toternationel agency, which has BSadihM: te:S0 am. Mu_ again. There has been discovered -----xeest Satardav— surgery. He al-so was vice presi Maiy*a Elplacopal Church will be Fomidatlon alnoe 1952. He alao headquarters to Vienna. Hl*. a method for taking drug-resistant dent of the A F L .^ 0 Metal ano AL MARTINO MIRRORS (H raplae* ami DoM*) organtot and Mrs. Norman , served as an officer in the U.S. In response to inquiries, the Oonstruction Trades Departmen‘ s alao o f S t Mary's, wUl be zolobit W a a y , OetQbn* 37 germs and treating them so that Arm y overseas. State Department said there was and had served on several jomt Women of Concordia Lutheran nothing secret about the agree­ their structure changes in such a labor-industry committees under SATURDAY, OCT. 28-11:30 P.M. PICTURE FRAMING (oH ty|Ms) Church wlU aerve coffee and cake, ment Press officer Francis W. way that they then do become sus­ appointment by the secretary ol COME IN AND SAY HELLO TO ONE OF THE NATION’S ' RcMwrOif No Reason with Mra Louise Kohls aa chair­ TuUy said the Yugoslavs did not DEVELOP YOUR labor. GREAT RECORDING STARS AT WINDOW and PLATE GLASS man. Donatlcnui for a collection o f South Windsor HOLIDAY FAIR ceptible to the drugs. Western Springs, Hi— Peter L. use the $350,000 grant but are ^Mapli- C. HATSeh. a Christian But, by this time, medical sci­ clothing and ac hool suppUes for now proposing to build two train­ COVENANT CONGMGAHONAL CHURCH Jensen, 75, a co-lnventor of the CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK South Amarlca should be brought ■dSBOA . Monitor analyst rriio ence is no longer taking its mir­ loudspeaker and a pioneer in U.,* ing reactora valued at approxi­ to Concordia Lutheran Church by Traffic Lights mately $200,000 each. FINANCIAL MUSCLES TOM O RRiOW 10 A .M . to 5 PM, asnally and Osnerredly commands acles for granted. development of sound reproduction MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS 10 am. on Nov. 8. Yugoslavia also has aaked for NSpact, liaa h ^ his try at srap So the full report o f the effect died Wednesday. Jensen and a RAY BELLER'S MUSIC SHOP A free-wUl offering wiU help SPONSORED BY THE WOMEN’S GUILD partner, Edwin S. Prldham, de 1013 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENIN 0 6 eight kllograma of eiulched uran­ pUBa with the qiiestion of why of the new process, 'as given by rovide training for women from' Activated on ium to be made available through Proceeds to the Church Bolldlng Fund. veloped their loudspeaker in 1914 Exclusive Disk Jockey Interview by W INF at 11:80 AJW. la our atora, ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN irazU, Chile and Peru. C hur^ Khrushdiev has, at such obvious tl:e research specialist at the Oo- in California, later built one of the S the international agency. This Featuring: Handmade Artlclea, CSirlstmas Items, World Service haa received re­ risk, taken to a'aving first public address systems and request is under study. Baked Goods, Swedish Coffee Shop, Etc. lumbia-Presbyterian Medical Cen­ quests from Leitin America for Rt. 5 Stretch Hm M g bomb. ter in New York the other day, perfected one of the first elcririr W hile Yugoslavia ia a Oommu- phonographs. He was bom in Den 579,700 pounds of children's > Jia eomas up with three possible was as much of a warning as it mark. clothing and a plea for 15,000 Commissioner Howard S. Ives of naaOBS, oaa that Khrushchev is was a claim of victory. pounds o f school supplies t o r Chile the State Highway Department an­ alone. tijdag to praetioa nuclear black t nounced that starting today signal In one laboratory teat, the new Allergy Forecast A nursery will ba availatoe dur­ asaO OB the West, the second that lights recently installed by the de­ O P EN method o f changing the atructure ing the service. trim ent in the towns of South ha la using the bomb as a status of germ cells to make them vul­ — A te*t to forecast Pear People. Dr. Paul haa served aa a mission­ Windsor and Blast 18nndsor on Rt. Nothing like the habit of severe allergic reactions has been EVERY S|.Mibol, and Just showing o ff how nerable to antibiotic attack trans­ ary of the Preabyterian Ctourch In 6 will be turned on. SHOP FRIDAY developed aa a result of studies saving regularly at Man­ M g and groat Russia can be, and formed as many aa seven of these Chile and aa student pastor at the These fixed time signals, which Pm glad I called Benf bacteria which also happened to For six yean, Dr. Paul was They are the red-amber-green is N O W I and la the world Communist bloc. be lurking about. And these, which secretary for the World’s Sunday type signal lights. The department And HanOh then inclines to his had hitherto been something the Falcoh coming ^ School Association to South Am eri­ calls attention to the oversized red awn third reason as the “most antibiotics could murder easily,' ca and travelad extenaively or "stop” which is 12 inches in di­ throughout the continent. ameter while the amber and green plat^bls o f the three.” One of the now suddenly became invulnerable. The professor was born of are 8 Inches in diameter. This over loouaa' on which Khrushchev and No doubt, in time, this alight BARTONS Armenian parents at Fresno, emphasis .of the red is a safety fac­ Ms Ptallnlsts at home and abroad situation of diminishing, inverse o u t partq\ Chdrlie Calif., May 14, 1894, and spent the tor which is being adopted by many CURRENT ANNUAL OPEN TO D A Y dhridSk is that of whether the his­ rvturn can be handled. When A is early yea n of his childhood in an facilities throughout the countey on high speed highways. toric communist priority on heavy handled it may, of course, uncover V orphanage at Vallejo, Calif. He has UN TIL B PM. CHOCOLATES ■ These traffic signals cover nine CALL tedastry can and should be relaxed served aa chaplain for migrant some new problem. The progress AND workers under the Greater H art­ miles of Rt. 6. There will be single to provide mere consumer goods 0rc?iA/n will go on, seeking that eventual ford Council o f Churches. traffic signals at intersecting roads production. Khrushchev, then, balance between cure and conse­ PASTRIES Dr. Paul earned his B. A. degree crossing Rt. 6 east and west. •on* OOOld: be demonstrating how much quence which ia most beneficial to from the University of California, The system was installed after B. D. degree at the San Ftanciaco study by the traffle division of the baag Jtuaria has, and arguing that man, avoiding those cures which noiv exclusively Theological Seminary, S. T. M. de­ State Highway Department and OILPOWER Itnssis baa so much nuclear power happen to leave consequences gree from Union Seminary in New will not qnly control the rate of J A 9-8287 and B A S-2717 that It can afford to alack off on which might be incurable. Only a at York, and Ph.D. from the Hartford speed on Rt. 5 but will allow vehi­ DIVIDEND ■ > O ' Seminary Foundation. He alao amrs Conventional military - blind cynic would ever toy with cles entering the busy highway an athdied at the Divinity School of opportunity to do so in ^ e ty and ratlOaa and devote some of its en- the possibility that the final, ulti­ the University o f Chicago. within a reasonable time of reach­ BRANCH OFFICE—ROUTE 8 L COVENTRY s q y ,* capital and factory space to mate balanra might somehow The speaker haa served aa aa- ing the intersection. C aeasumer productiim. prove to be pretty close to the bal­ IM s is a well developed theory, ance nature itself originally pro­ WESTOWN Now at your Ford Dealer’s, 13 new Falcons with ______and, o f course, no one can reach vided. ■ ■ PHARMACY 935 MAIN STREET-TEL. tato Khrushchev’s mind or into 9 TO 5:30 - THURSDAYS^^ MONDAYS 45* Hartford Rd. — M I l-OOto any aserct source o f inside infor­ Friend John And The Book mation and prove that it is wrong, CANDIES AND aay mens than Harsch can really You never really know what life more to love in the car America loves most! prove that It is rig^t. Is i.oing to hold. PASTR IES Barsch, like all the rest of us, We have been following the ca­ ' FOR A LL TOMORROW ts trying to find some logical ex- reer of John D. LaBelle, and, we ■. OCCASIONS (U) ^aaatibn for what Khrushchev hope, enjoying a reasonable does. n>at la his job, and our Job, amount o f friendship with him, for just as it is also the natural query a considerable span o ' years. Aa LAST DAY s f day Individual who thinks everybody in Manchester knows WATKINS 87th about the state o f the world at all. he ia a pleasant, intolligent, toler­ But after alt of us try every last ant, civilized gentleman. It was poasibls sensible ana]3rsis, there is P'.^clacly these qualities, in fact, sas other possibility we ought to ANNIVERSARY which first made an impression for aeaaider. Ih a t is the possibility him with the voters o f Manchester, that Khrushchev, now and then, and which then, in the General reaebss deep into the well of Com- Assembly at Hartford, impressed s ★ SALE^ anadst ppychriogical strategy to larger Connecticut public. And ecBM v p wlOi some action which when his atsmding and reputation aadsOrs and recommends itself to finally reached what we hope will Mm precisely because there is no be merely one of the mid-pinnacles aaarible or rational explanation for o f his csu*eer, with hia appoint­ •M , M 0« S O M t-W * 'IS.';*'.* “‘W t t ment to the office of State's Attor­ WO snqiect that, somewhere in ney for Hartford County, every­ Drying clothes — ii— °fJront Nat the Communist psychological in- body who knew him was pleased is easy today... attact, thsrs la an idea that the and proud. They still are. bast kind of war of nerves to wage sun, one thing never occurred ag ainst the world, the best kind of to us. It ne\'er occurred to us bninwsshlng that could be in- that there might arrive the day ' usatsd, would' be to commit the when this same John T>. LaBelle act which defies all logical exr would be telling ua, his friends and plsaattoB, aad which gives its nelghtors, just what we can read. apeebstors the lost, baffled feeling W e know, even if, it does hap­ that they are living in a world and pen to feel that way, that this la dssitag with forces in which there not a personal command from John is BO rityma or reason o f any kind. to us. We know we should really Bsqqme confused enough, gone think of it not aa the act of an in­ flaatfe sMugh in our search for dividual, but as the act of an o f­ asatty, wp might presumably be- ficial, who found himself confront­ '62 FALCON FeUOON «DAH-the family-size compact that puts your bud- *ei FALCON FVTIMA-tha compact cousin of tha ThundarbirdI Most CCiBOthe ovenlusl helpless victims ed with certain exhibits and with so*s home heating gat firtti Big trunk for tlx-passengar traval and vacation gear— luxurious vartlon of tha car Amtrica loves most. Spirited performer. . . fsr aay bill of goods anybody tried a_ state law which might apply to our vroyi cu, tt. (k)st-saving features by the score! handles with and precision. Traditional low Falcon prical to sell us. The strategy which had them, and who then, presumably, I Msosgaalxed aad confused and par- may have felt that he had no You get premium quality alyasd our thinking might then be choice but to do hia duty. Mobilheat with RT-98 . . . the f Save on around-the- FORD n a m e able io.take It over for (u. But explain and raUonalize as most completely effective fuel WIDEST CHOICE . . . LOWEST PRICE . . . TOP ECONOMY That Is why, every time we sit we will, we can’t get away from oil additive in use today. And CHARLIE BROION ^ ,DROPPER'. More models from Falcon— you're sura to find one that you right down to 6 6 NTV 0 U. corner Old Ipswich Maple 4owa and try to analyse such an our I feeling of startled uneaalneaa. you get premium service. Au­ your budget! And now there's an improved version of the Falcon Six angina that Last day to tomatic deliveries . . . a bal­ act as that of Khrushchev in J < ^ LaBelle telb us we must not last spring turned in the best gas mileage (or a 6- or 8-cylinder angina in the full anced payment plan and many bresMiig the auclear teat ban, read a certain book. His reason 25-year history of the Mobilgas Economy Run! other extras designed to make HlllilconISZ1 KOWOMrS fVR I Tomorrow ends tho store-wide savings In effect WMih be himself originated, and is that he himself has Judged that home heating rea/Iy etuy. It's Open Stock! to detag It at a thae when be prob- it la "filth and obscenity.” And, make store­ for our 87th Birthday. No matter what you ably bad to wait only i. few weeks even though he is a sUte’s attor­ SEE VOUR FORD DEALER tsxr. I CI^MMM o l«0 UwM (Mkira I need for your home . . from carpets to the to r Brssiitoat Kennedy to run the ney, he is also a fellow human be­ Mobilheat I7>9> fMki of being Ouf fb a t to break ing. Shall we confess it? We Ik. chaiMKimm final lamps . . you'll save during the Anniver­ tbs baa, aad In than grihg on to don't like to have anybody else de­ sary. (Open tonight toi 9.) Thd Old Ipswich tba .sdantlflcaUy bssdloss explo- ciding what we can or cannot read, wide savings SpIce-Box pieces shown here are jncluded! gesw or tba Mg bomb, we have a not even our fine friend John. that, even trying to We happen to have no parUcular WE GIVE Note how they're designed td snuggle close to GREEN STAMPS -are playing the instinct to read the parUcular book each other. You can adapt tlie various widths game, and that what in quesUon. But if it must be ' sugM .to do would be to banned, then surely Uiere must be like these! to fit your room. They're solid northern rock to ignore hlnu othars which should suffef the MORIARTY DILLON SALES and SERVICE, Inc. maple crafted the quality way to Insure you ':de t o m . - a powatfUt, same fatei or at least he subjeetto years of proudful ownership and enjoyment. |V wbleb would to somebody's taste and Judgment BROTHERS 319 MAIN STREBr tichev hlm- as to whether or not they -me' f it MANCHESTER! Beds and mirrors available to match, too. I Jlljtos and raaot if the to ba read. W e prefer to have that M l 3 -5 1 3 5 S toB M aboaldt .oaa day. taata and Judgment our own,'not •C a M s a d . 301-315 CM ttr St. 1 ^MANCHESTER EVENING HEkALp, MANCHESTER, CONN.,. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 PAQB MlNfi m iiMyiityij .Wednesday calls for temperatures Independent Party’s mayoral can­ ■ ■ -- policies. The British feel that cut­ to average a few degrees above didate, Richard F. Brennan, and ting South Africa off from the rest 816 NSudaer St. their three chil­ WUUdm Woarle, Joaeph Patti, Gold and silver arrow points Were ond Oongn^tkiaal CBurek, held a athleUes: Oavu Sheffield, oeok- Junior eeslelient ecoutmester, end y>S. Tndtts doerrilliis State News normal. Milder over the weekend its other office seekers. ’They had Red$ to Ignore and the rest of the week, then pos­ of the world might do more harm dren. and Ourwttod Miller, we'n Douglas Dennett, Gourley, preaented to Jemaa Schrieberin Court » f Honor Wedneeday night ing, and life saving; Stsphen appointed athletics merit hedge hoped to overrule a decision by than good. s a w T instructor for the troop., Donald sibly tu n ^ g cooler toward the end the saerstary of sta,te barring dneaed In authentlci Indian cos- Robert Robinson, Charles Boott, end David Maloney. The opening candleUfht ceremony Wells, rowing and swimming; Sd- Wuhlngton — Bow onooUvo u of the penod.' UN Appeal for bomaa, and performed an ihdlan Paterson was made aenloi' petrol them from the ballot Albuquerque, N. M., OcL 27 r n d N e m t Steven Kimhall, Rtmeld Trexler, ' John Romanowios, chairmen, was performed by the Patriots win Ssge, cooking and swimming; KUorrlUs wsifaroT In ( ^ n i i tho Roundup The normal moan temperature in dance. The C^b advancement Steven ’Tamshen, Stephen Robi­ The secretary of state said the (JP)—Sen, Hugh Scott, R-Pa , pre­ pnmented the den mothers with Crews one and two bf the Senior Philip Minsr, rowing: and Glen ^ *B i^ Benjley pisysd guitar soloa Britiili needed M,000 men to' put the Hartford area during this, pe­ candidates faiM to meet the re­ awerda were preaented by Chief son, Alan lisotte, and Ralph La- riod is 4S degrees ranging from 80 Big Bomb Ban dicted last night that Communist pins, end the Pack 47 emblem. Scouta ’Tracy, Srenumshlp. In thd intermlealona between the down an organised band led by (Oonttmied from Page One) quirements of th4 sUte’s election China will be admitted to Says There Isn’t Almla at hie campfire. zotte. Dene one, three, end eight won court of Honor and the closing to S7. In Hew Haven the range is statutes. West Haven Is holding 1 Bobcat pine were given to De- Denner stripes were awarded to Merit badges were presented to David Shsttlald was made 68 trained guerrlllaa. Today the United N a tl^ . attendance banners. Den three the following scouts: Richard Junior esalstent ecoutmester, and ceremony. Stephen Wells was pre- to rule directly on the constltu. 88 to 80 and In Bridgeport 88 to 40. its first mayoralty election under (Oratfamed' from Page Om ) The sen«dt\told a mass meet- k tM Schmeddlng, John Lawrence, Don Cornell, and William Gayer won the parents attkndaqce ban­ ainUd with a ater scout oertldeato, has about xattle or no precipitation is ex­ a new charter. Paul ItomanowlcB, Vernon O rl- Berkman, rowing and ewimming appointed as Srst aid instructor for tlonallty of the law. The court f i S r S . Steihedlst Otaroh. Assistant denner stripes to Jsck ner. badges; Alan Hutdiinn, wood­ the troop. Alan Hutchings wee te- and was issued the star aoout badfs 2,000 aetlve-duty men trained In pected except for a chance of some resolution Wednesday by a vote of « d lb s . WsUm * Gtfftr.% eon, Don Cornell, Jeek ’Thornton, Thoimton, and John . Garaveiita. guerrilla warfare. described the Connecticut law as think it was cowardly for the A Santa Claus? Boy Scout troop 133, of the See- carving, vwtmining, Srw aid, and aued e warrant making him aenior- during a candlelight ceremony. showers late in the period. NUBSBS FSOOBAM OUT 75-10. but only after a stormy United States to abstain on the Just “dead words" and said It New Britain, Oct. 27 (g>)—The overtime session in which a parade vote oh admission of Outer Mon­ was ignored by the state and its NHRR Deficit Dipt New Britain General Hoapital of dommunist and neutral dele­ golia to the United Nations. That residents. School of Nursing has received gates fought it every step of the is (Soviet Premier) Khrushchev’s Just in time for Christmas, givings to the family—or for that , Oct. 27 — iTie New w ^ . And the court noted that no one Haven Railroad reports a deficit permission to reduce Its S-yOar oldest ally, and not even . rec- favorite man on your list. , had ever been prosecuted under of 11,632,868 for September, 6148,- nurses training program by three Thr assembly vote was expected egnised by the American govern­ the statute. 960 less than the deficit for Sep­ to four months. The school said to be still stronger than that in the ment___ By opening the clinic, th^ tember 1960. The bankrupt carrier yesterday the stepped-up program, committee. Nigeria and El Salva­ “I think the purpose was to pre­ league hopes to challenge > the said yestertey its deficit for the which edll serve, as a .pilot plan dor, two of the 15 members absent pare the way for the recognition MICHAELS g ill state Into making an arrest. This first nine months of the year was for posBlble use elsewhere in the during the committee ballot, indi­ of Red ChlnA” Center Motor Sales Is state, had been approved by the cated they would cast yes votes Scott said Red China “will either would open the way to a new ap­ 616,685,201, compared with 611,- today. peal to the courts. 366,367 in 1960. Connecticut Board of Ebcaminers bu admitted to the United Nations The league opened Us first clinic tor Nursing. Registered nursing Soviet Delegate Semyon K. next year, or...after the 1962 4n Connecticut In 1938. Within five dipiomas will be awarded in 33 Tsarapkin has made plain the elections,” years, nine were established in the Accuted o f Piracy months in 1962 and in 32 months Kremlin wotUd reject the appeal. state’s principal cities. Geneva, Oct. 27 iJPi—Robert 8. afterwards. He* told the committee that ma­ g However, the state raided the. Airies, Stamford, Cbnn., has been neuvers by the NATO nations Rockville-Vernon Waterbury clinic and arrested iwo released in 200,000 francs (646,800) INSTITUTE COSTS UP would not . prevent the Soviet LIQUIDATING physicians and a nurse. Although bail after being arrested on a com­ Hartford, Oct. 27 (ff)—’Ihe per Union from perfecting its defenses. Northeast Wins they were never prosecuted, Uie plaint of industrial piracy. capita cost for tuning and The political committee contin­ case led to a decision by the State Police said ■ he set up his own teaching children at the Connec­ ued its nuclear test debate yester­ Supreme Court of Ernrs upholc firm when he took up residence ticut Institute for the Blind has day with the United States accus­ National School EXHIBIT WORLD'S FINE Ing the old law. here about a year ago. risen to 62.863. Frank Jehns Jr., ing India of trying to put it in the Aires was arrested several days manager of the institute, told the same boat witt the Soviet Union Safety Honors Their ENTIRE MARINE LINE Negro Initiated ago on the complaint of a Swiss annual meeting of officers and as far as violation of the mora­ chemical firm alleging he had sold oorponators yesterday this was torium on nuclear teats was con­ The Northeast Elementary ' a New Haven, Oct. 27 UD — A cerned. Negro has been initiated by the them an option on a patent for an increase of 6300 in one year. School Safety award for the sev­ Yale chapter of DelU Psl frater­ a poultry disease drug fraudulent­ Much of the rise, he said, was due U.S. Delegate Arthur Dean as­ enth consecutive year, placing the CHINA. nity in spite of som'd University of ly obtained from an American to salary increments for the 94 serted that India’s attitude sound­ school among 70 in the state staff members. Virginia members |who flew 400 drug company. ed much like that of Khrushchev which have won the award seven ’The American firm, Merck tc Co. who has declared that American years in a row. 30% to 50% off miles to lodge a protest. Inc., Rahway, N. J., filed a mil- auctions in Berlin forced Russia to Five Renwick J. Lewis, principal, said llon-dollar suit against Airies in resume testing to build up its de­ the school is also one of 255 Hon­ members of Delta Pai chartered a the United States last 'year in con­ fenses. plane and flew hens yesterday to or Roll Safety schools in Connec­ ON ALL viri/ nection with the patent. ’Ihe com­ Local Stocks The Indian delegation has a per­ ticut. There Me about 1,000 pub­ attempt to persuade the Yale pany claimed his drug was based fect right to take this strange at­ chapter against Initiating Wendell lic schools in the state. on a formula he had stolen from titude if it so wishes," Dean de­ Lewis noted that Northeast was A. Mottley. them. ituotattoos PuiaMied by clared in his reply to speeches They were given a hearing, but Cobnm e Mlddlebraoli;, 1m the first school to conduct the Bail was set by a Geneva court made earlier by Indian deleg^atea. new Junior Traffic Safety Pro­ the chapter later announced it had at a preliminary hearing Wednes­ Hawk Btoeka “It also has the right to equate Boats-Motors-Trailers gram, sponsored for the first time accepted Mottley and the 24 other day. Airies was released after Bid Asked a 50 kiloton device exploded un- Q •g g men pledged Oct. 17. posting bail yesterday afternoon. dergum^ with a 00-megaton de­ ISLSt year by the Rockville Rotary Hartford National Club and the Vernon Board of Ed­ Note: This SALE Extends Only To Merchandise | Mottley is a sophomore from The case comes up in court again Bank and ’Trust Co. 86 60 vice mtploded in the atmosphere. On Hand. FIRST COME— FIRST SERVED! Trinidad. He runs the quarter-mile at the beginning of the month. Conn. Bank and Trust But I subscribe that it should be ucation. for the Yale track team. Co...... 60 done with some accuracy.” • NO DOWN PAYMENT! • LAY-AW AY, PICKUP NEXT SPRING! Officers of the Yale chapter Apparent Suicide Fire Inanraoce Cunioaiilea Elsewhere in the UN.: declined to discuss the situation U Thant of Burma told news­ • NO PAYMENTS TILL JAN. 1st! • E-Z TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET! New York, Oct. 27 (ff) — John Aetna Fire’ ...... 120 128 further or to comment, on their Hartford Fire ...... 88H 90V& men that if the big powers were meeting with the University of Wrinn Jr., 30. a photographer, of still deadlocked next week over CHOOSE ★ SCOTT-McCUUOCH MOTOfiS 3V2lo75H.P. 46 Chester St., Stamford, Conn., National Five ...... 150 160 Virginia delegation. Fire ...... 116 121 getting a temporary U.N. secre- IPilgrun FROM THE ★ CHCTCK BOATS 16 to 20 FOOT Delta Pel is also knowm locally was found dead last night in his tary-geneial, he might have some­ studio at 39 W. 46th St., Manhat- life and Indemnity ina. Ooa FOUOW1NG: i f UTTIX.IHI TIIAILEIIS as St. Anthony Hall. There are Aetna Casualty .... 148 185 thing to Say about the stalemate. seven chapters besides the ones .tan. The United States and the Sov­ On a table was a note saying: Aetna U f e ...... 143H 149V& ittslM DECORATOR GROUPINGS here and at University of Vir­ Conn. General...... 290 805 iet Union have agreed that the CHENEY HALL ginia. “I love you all. Johnny.” Burmese antbassador Should suc­ Wrlnn’s body was found by Ro­ Hftd. Steam Boiler 127 Hartford Rd., Manchester Mottley and Stanley B. Thomas ’Travelers ...... 185 161 ceed the late Dag Hammarskjold land Rojas, a photogrrapher who but they are still at odds on how of New York City, who was ac­ shared the studio. Rojas sum­ Pnblle UtlUtien CENTER ntany principal advisors he should OPEN TONIGHT cepted by Kappa Epsilon frater­ moned police. Conn. Light A Pbwer 31H 33^ i i M i nity earlier this fall, are the only have and which regions they Wrinn lay on the studio floor. Htfd. Electric Light. 72H 7SH should come from. ^ TILLS Negros admitted to Yale frater­ Also on the floor were bottles of Hartford Gas Co. ... 57 nities in recent history. “I think it might be helpful If MOTOR SALES, INC. photographic chemicals. Southern I came ■with miy own tormulatlon,” The university has a policy Police listed the death as “ap­ Telephone ___... 52^ 55H OPEN EVENINGS • EASY TERMS against fraternity practices that parent suicide-poison.” An In- U ’Thant told the U. N. CJorre- SATURDAY smack of discrimination. Richard Manufactartttg Companies spondents Association. 634 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER—MI 3-1591 vestigatioif was undertaken pend­ Arrow, Hart, Heg. . . 59 63 C. Carroll, dean of undergraduate ing an autopsy. ' He added, however, that he 10a.m .to6|ijn. affairs, said yesterday a fraternity Associated Spring .. IIH 13 would do this only after getting guilty of discriminatory practices Bristol Brass ...... IIM 13 the endorsement of a small middle “would not be welcome on the Yale Barred from Ballot Em-Hart ...... 82 87 group with which he has been campus." New Haven, Oct. ,27 Iff)—Su­ Fafnir Bearing .... 52 56 working on the problem of setting perior Court Judge Louis Shapiro Heubleln Inc...... 27 30 up a secretariat. has rejected the bid of the Inde­ N. B. Machine...... 17 19 A British source said Britain la Mild Weekend pendent Party of West Haven to North and Judd .... 20 22 preparing to fight any General As­ Windsor Locks. Oct. 27 (;D—The get on the ballot in next month’s Stanley Works .... 19 21 sembly move to impose a world­ Weather Bureau’s extended Con­ election. Veeder R o o t...... 58(4 62 _ wide political and economic boy­ necticut forecast: The judge yesterday denied a The above quotations are not to cott on South Africa for its re­ ’The outlook for Saturday through writ of mandamus in behalf of the M construed as actual marketa fusal to abandon white supremacy THE MOST ADVANCED



For PRINCE 2 For 45c 2 27c 2 For 33c ONLY *0995, »7995, »8995. SCOTTIES OOELLO SPONGES d r ie d b e e f SUGAR HEART 2 o«. 39c HANDY TWIN ...... 81c MEDIUM SINGLE ...... 46c 29e JUMBO ...... 41c TETLEY TEA P k , .,«»,,.65e BARGAIN PAK ...... S6e ZIPPY LESTOIL BAKER S VANILLA EXTRACT , 2 o«. 45c U0UID STARCH Pint ...... 39c P u a r t ...... 23c PAYMENT TERMS Lestoil Sparkle scent pt. 39c Qt. 69c V2 GoHon...... 43e Quart ...... 69c B LESTAIR Oz. raETi 10 49c INTROVIGNE ‘1^ -/ke RED HEART d o g f o o d 2 For 29c R&R Bread Crumbs O C BONED • Os. a 9 C NOW ON DISPLAY ONLY YOU O’O’ SUGAR HEART p o p c o r n 9EMPIRE, 8 U W ...... 86fl 10 OS. 88e 68 LBa ...... 62.18 Woatlag M ixes...... reg. 61a Pack 99c 8 UM. BEUf BISINO . . . 87e HARRISON ST., NEXT TO TOWN GARAGE-Ml 3-4000 The jKnouin Name, The Knoun Quality Since 1900., JEWELERS Leaf Fresttaig M ixes...... lOe \ : m MAIN ST., MANCHESTER— Ml 3-2741 / .. . ft. ^ K


Wm&m-’WWm UANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONM„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, ^961 MANCHgSTER EVENING HERALD, HANCpESTElt, CX)NN,. FRIDAY, OCTORER 27, 1961 " 3 - lOUer and had Uvtd la RoekvUla dicated many ait IndlvMually dpt chester last night and charged with IW' all her life. Rock^Ule-Vem on posed. ^ S p is s k . fot Y o u r s e l f f E d d i e d and If he was oonvictsd 'T will RoehviUe-Vernon Mrs. Frey waa a marnber ot The board of selectmenliaa pro- U.S., Russioii Tanks Fojdhjt 12th Circuit intoxication, today waa given a 10- wait for him, .We had many won­ DO, Town Piscuss O bituary day Jail sentence. the First Lutharan Church, Hope poaed locating a aanitaryt landfill Scarheck derful years together.. I plan to Chapter of the Eastern Star, and Dump Abutters disposal arsa on tlia raar alopa Fach Other onBerlinljihe Russell Saunders, 28, of 180 Bran­ stick by him.” Legion Ladies the lauUea o f Maple Grove, of a 50-aera tract off R t 88 near Court Cases ford 8t., Manchester, pleaded Pertiapa the moot unusual ele­ Weekend Eid^tisio^biirse Plan Death Claims Surviving bealdek bar husbend, the Hockanum. Atoop Launches. Bid guilty to a charge ot operating a Convicted ment of the trial waa a 10-hour P lan Vets’ Gift are a son, Ronald M. Frey, at UuBble to Vote They Aava prqpoa«d tbs sani­ (OtoSMto foam Pago Cm ) without to tho motor vehicle while his license was tape recording of Scarbeck'e first home; three brothers, Herbert tary landfill on Engineer’s rscom- ■atlsfactloa BarilB po- BIANOHE8TEB 8E88ION under suapenslon and waa fined Interrogation last June 5 in Ger­ Shop Program Specials! V A fnnwii ICaadiMter branch Ot Of another branch, according to Kin of Soap Miller, Henry MUler, both o f Rock- mendatlons that it la tM o n ly type tourard the U.S. ieotor within on Uoe. Thursday Oases $102. A second charge of evading (Coatomed from Pago Ooe) many by State Department secur­ nnlvarslty policy, lh a Manchester vinc, and Edward MlUer of Wap- Residents In new subdlvlilons In of trash disposal opeimtlon out­ hour oftor threa U.8. Army Jaepa U.8. Ambaaaador Xilowallyk Mrs. Grace Btlilsr Pallckl of 182 responsibility was nolled by the ity officer Kenneth W. Knauf. tiM Vnlvarait7 of CaoMctlcat will ping; and a slater, Mra. Lawrence To Head GOP Slate court. ita being influenced by news re-1 Christmas gifts for hospitalizKi division would ba closer than that side of Incineration vdilch can be ’niompsan filed a. It on this t e a t to wah, but OKtamtai couraea Vernon near the proposed R t 88 bearing military poUca escorted 8t. was fined $60 for reck­ Cases continued: This was first played in the to the branch on Asylum Ave., Staiger ot RoekvUla. malntalnad without causing a iaauo with Soviet V^reljto Minister poru o f too trial. veterans will be turned over to the Co* Founder dump slto will be tmeUe to vote on a atnall gray ear carrying Amer­ less driving. She pleaded nolo con­ Until Nov. II, In Manchester, the Judge’s chambers during a wsek- ’ll OLDSMODILE aMn probaUy ba offarod btro in th« Funeral serWoea w ill be held nulsancs. A qdiei Oroinyko ia Mooeow, and Hartford. (Conttamed from Page One) case against Anthony F. McAllis­ Tho story developod by govem- long hearing without the Jury on Rockville uAit of the American Le­ «an «C IM t, aooonUnc to OUbert However, Barnes said, it appears Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Ladd Fu­ the dump eppr(q|>rletion Wedneo- Movlea providad by tha State ican clvUlaiu into tha Bast stc- got In turn a protaat ovar U.8. ai> tendere. neral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. ter, 28, of no certain address in mont prosecutors waa that the whether Scarbeck’s signed con­ gion Auxiliary at a membership Super 88 HoU- $ 0 4 ) 0 6 BaniM, chairman of a commlttM that the univM ^ty will establish Herbert P. Robertson, 78, son of dey. Health Department on sanitary tor. Thqy ,wsre reaassrtlng the Uons at the vtoll Nparatlag tha the economy to kem Jobs within the Assessor’s Office The court action waa toe result The Rev. David Jaxheiraer, pastor Manchester arrested last n ^ t on Communist agen t■ blackmailed fessions were admieeable evidence. supper NoV. 8 at Legion Home. day Sedan. ^ * ^ 4 3 X 7 0 •tudyliis the plan. an extension service here instead, Town Counsel Robert F. Kehen, landfilling will be shown at the Bast and W est sectors. state and add them. of a June 33 head-on collision on The Judge decided they were. the late founder of the former Or- of First Luthefan Church, -wUl rights of passags that the United charges of intoxication -and breach The gifts will be given out at die Th « committee mat thia momlns at least until the policy can be enswkring e berrege ot questions Wednesday town maeting. Late In the day U.B. Arm y offi­ Concerning toeto revaluation issue, Open Tomorrow W. Ocntar St,, involving cars driv­ SoarbecK into giving them oecrot Another high jioint in the trial ford Boap Co., died at the Litch­ States claims for Ita forces, civil­ of the poaoe. The court set a bond With Dr. Albart Jortanaon, presl- changed. official. Burial will be in Grove Selectmen have been told many cers and Jsepa began gathanpg at en by Mre. Pslickl snd Robert Wil­ UJS. information. yeterana* Hospitals in West Haven.' HUl Oemetei^. on voting eUglblllty, stated that ian and military. be said “ I think the laws are good. of $100. waa Miss Diacher’s testimony, dant o f trOonn. to eonsldar aca- Dr. Jorgenson is working on field County Hospital yesterday reeldenta living In town lees than M p le think of dumps aa opan- the' border, Indieafing tho poMbU-- It Is a question of whethar they are son, 89, of 49 Arch St. Rocky Hill and Newmgton this Friends may call at the funeral For today's border test the UB. W ith the deadline for per­ Until Nov. 87, In Bast Hartford. D iey trapped him in bed With his translated from toe Polish by an year during the first two weeks ot HI OLDSMOBILE damio requirements, the possible having the law changed to allow a after a long Illness. •lx monthe are not eligible. faoe, burning, aromatic rat-tnfeat- Ity ot another armed thrust Into being followed.” - In toe report of the' accident, po­ home tomorrow, from 8 to 5 and Army brought up seven tanks and sonal property tax declara­ David Boyd Sr., 84 at 10 Depot 8q., 8S-year«Id Polleh mlstriee, Ursula interpreter. , , December. aiac o f the student body and the two*year accredited branch in Mr. Robertson was bom Peb. 22, CiUng the state atatutei, Kahan ed areaa. A properly operated Communist territory. T h e state Civil Defenae ig “ total­ lice said Mrs. Palicki was drivuig 7 to 9 p.m. three Jeeps fUled with miUtary po­ tions a few days off, Assessor Manchester, for plea to charge of DUcber.'-photographed the pair and The thin, black haired orphan Quota for tha Rockville unit u Super 88 HoU- gaaeral profram. Mancheater. 1883, In Glastonbury, the son of said residenta who own $1,000 landfill la clean and nuisance-free, People w h o 'fo t a gUmpoa of tha ly Inadequate.” •astv-and croeaed a doubit. white lice. Only the Jeeps went across P. Joseph Murphy decided to­ non-support. Boyd was arrested in threatenM to-expoee ScSrbeck to excl-anged glances and smiles with 64 gifts, 26 for ladies, 16 for men. day Coupe. OMYC* Jorgenson said after the maet- Batnat said he and the commit­ the late John T. and Jessie BYee- worth o f property or more, but who according to sanitary engineers. Soviet tanks after they were Aleop an 0.8.8. officer during line Into the path of Wilson, who the American ambassador and to mont Brown Rcbertaon. In State Coaoeii the border but one tank day to keep his office open to­ Manchester yssterday. Scarbeck and reluctantly told the 8 for boys and 10 for girls above • ig made no oonmatmants had tee, which also includes CSirisUe have moved to town aince Oct. l, brought up to within a mile ot tha World War n . said he considered was westbound. The crash occurred Scarbeck’e wife. proached the border at such a morrow from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. an incline near the housing for story of her affair and the raid on 10 years ot age, and 3 tor . been made. H e said ha told the McCormick and Dr. Merrill Rubl- John T. Robertson founded the 1960, cannot vote imlesa they are Three Rockville High School border Isat night aald thsy wera there la a ouDatantlal danger of an After the Jury’s verdict, Judge Orford S o w Manufacturing Co. In F u n era jla students . will participate In the speed that It went 10 feet over A skeleton staff will ba toe aged project. her apartment last Dec. 22 by The dtmation of Christmas gift* local group he la 'Iperfectly wUl- now, are alao atlll conferring with reglaterCd electors. manned by Russians. This was nuclear war. there to accept declarations. Leonard P. walah said a pre-sen­ Red agents. through shops set up tai the vet Isg, vrith them, to oontlniaa to 1884. He developed his first cake AU-ConnecUcut High School band the white line marking the separa­ something new, since tha Russiina He said individuals ahould do Both were hospitalized with in­ Yule Decorations ’60 T-BIRD Trinity CoUega More diecusslons Clarification of the eltgibillty They must be in the aosat- tence report would be prepared, She said she was "completely erans^ hospitals is an annua) •tody ways and means in which cleanser In in the kitchen of his Daniel Renn festival at Buahnell Memorial Hall tion o f the two sectors o f the d ty. have cmitended.that Bait Bsritn is their Job towards protection and juries, Mrs. Pslickl with Aultiple have to be held with the college Issue foUowe reports yesterday, sor’a hand or poatmarlrad by juid that ho would notify counsel kept” by Scarbeck. Several times Christmas venture of toe Legion the university can help.” Glastonbury farm house and The funeral df Daniel Renn, 9 tonight. „ It quickly withdrew. rimarlly tha responsibiltty ot ths that too towns, state end federal bruises and cuts of the face and later of the date for sentencing. before any declaiona afe made, he heard by a number of residenta in Wednesday. About 1,000 decla­ Offered at Bazaar she soMwd softly. Auxllia^. j Barnes said he la "(vUmlaUc” peddled it from door to door In a Chestnut St., was held this morn­ Marjorie Stavens on oboe, Eliza- The Jeeps and the gray ear — Slast Oermah regime. Postwar government “ must pick up their body and WUson with severe chest The counts on which Scarbeck $3295 said, but ha Indicated that Trinity the Vernon Hills and adjacent new rations have been turned in The Rockville unit will furnish that there's a “fairly good chance” market bwket. His product met ing at the W. P. Quish Funeral both McLeml on clarinet and Linda carrying three American civilians agreements call for Sovlot respon­ respa^blUtles.” injuries. Mrs. Pslickl was in Man­ was found guilty carry a maximum a|meara interested. subdivisions, that a resident, even and about 500 are still due. chester Memorial Hospital until Chrletmas decorations Will be wrappings, ribbon, tags and boxes daesas will start in the fall of Barnes said the number of ex- with such success that he waa Home, 225 Main St., followed by a if he is not an elector, can vote in Knoff on trumpet, were chosen by — drove about 300 yards Inside sibility. A disclosed that he haa built a penalty of $0 years in Jail and a ' Truoe^g Oriaiii Lost Hospitalized veterans pick out forced to expand and moved to June 80. Unison was discharged offered at the paper and decora­ J»62. tension courses to be offered will solemn high Mass of requiem at S t the town meeting, provided he competitive audition last spring. East Berlin to the first intersec­ The Frledrichetrasse croesing fall-out shelter at hla own home in tions booth at the Holiday Bazaar fine ef $M,000. In practice, how gifts at the shops for their fam­ Manchester. A group of local James’ Church. Avon and also ia having one built July 22. A formal branch of UConn can* depend on the iiilerest shown In a owned $1,000 or more in property For the first time In festival his­ tion. remained toe focus of tension. ■anda o f jroung people polaed on o f Center Congregational Church ever, such terms usiuUIy run con­ The white fiag o f truce is so ilies. Contributors may contact ’60 CHEVROLET businessmen ga-ve him financial The Rev. Joseph McCann was for his e ^ lo y e s at hlg insurance toe toredhold of careem, yet Jobs The state’s only witness in court currently, eo that tho maximum old that its origin has been lost not be established within 15 miles poll o f prospective students. as of Oct. 1 thia year. tory, the concert will be taped for A s soon as the convoy passed On the Communist side ot the was Dr. Abraham Stolman of Wednesday, Nov. 1, from 10 a.m. Mrs. Mae Chapman, rehabllltatio:i backing and the J. T. Robertson celebrant, asaisted by the Rev. office on Woodland'Bt. are not being created fast enough probable impriemment would be 10 White ie the emblem of purity chairman, or Mrs. Elsie South Im pato"8” SOQOC The property ownership require­ television. Channel S will telecast through tha zig-zag harrier into border, Vopo patrols carrying eub- Bloomfield, state tbxiccdogiBt who to 7 p.m. in the pariah hall. Mra. Co. was fom ed in 1891. Daniel Foley as deacon and the Now that he has formally enter­ to offer them toe bright future years. and there may have been some wick,, unit president. 2-Door Hardtop. 9 ment, however, refers to people the concert on Simday. Commtmlst territory, a truck con­ machins guns were posted at every said that the blood sample he re- Frank Hadden is chairman o f the In 1868 the company was in­ Rev. Richard Foley as subdeacon. who are owners o f record as o f the taining sight East German police comer la toe immediate vicinity ed the field, Alsop said'he plane “ to they deserve,” he qald. booth. Defense lawyer Samuel C. Klein connectldh with the white samite Gloves, tumdbags, , sweat- corporated as the Bon Ami Co., in The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Han­ got going right away” moving DeacriWng the problems of toe ceiw d from Dr. Nicholas A. said he would appeal the case. which covered tha Holy Grail from era and handkerchiefs are among UeSe Lofts Rocket Larger last completed grand lis t Vemon news Is handled through (Vopos) appeared on the scene. of the'chedcpolnt. An armored per­ Marsialo, town health officer, was New Jersey; this corporation waa non was seated in the sanctuary. around the state, talking to the A 40-pound wheel of country Throughout the trial, defense the eyes of unbelievers. gift suggestions. The town’e last completed grand D ie Herald’s Rockville Bureau, 6 Six of the military police dis­ sonnel carrier and an armored future o f toe atate as ‘VMInUe dated June 23 at 10:50 a.m. The later dissolved. . A new corpora­ The Gregorian quartet sang the party and the people. He aald that and dlIBcult,” Alsop continued: cheese, to be sold by the pound, counsel contended that Scarbeck list la dated Oct. 1, 1960. W. Main St., TReraont S-SIM or mounted from theli^j^hieles. water cannon hiiked bdilnd build- accident occurred at 8:46 a.m Dr. will be displayed at the Country ------1 _ _ ’60 tion, also kitown as the Bon Ami Mass, and Paul Chetelat waa or­ bigs, out of sight of the American he haa a “ considerable volunteer "In approschiitg them, we must acted only to protect Miss Dilcher Than the Statue of Liberty Reading from municipal gov­ MItefaeU g-6787. Two of the soldiers immediately Stolman 'said he found ".29‘ pef Store booth. Advance orders are Co., was chartered in Delaware In ganist. ernment sections of the statuteA checkpohtt on this West. organization” working in hla be­ be, not Itoeral, not conaorvative, from the threats of the Red agents 1609. During the period 1909 to Burial was In St. James’ Ceme­ got back into their Jeeps. The re cent alcohol by weight in blood on being taken by Mra. Richard Law. and that he gave no information Kahan outlined the eligibility re­ ’The Vopos end the Communist half and that Hartford public rela­ but progreaelvc.” analysis of blood soecimen.” 4-Door Sedan. (Oontlaiied from Page One) tery, with committal prayers by malnlng foqr took up walking posi­ Mrs. George Smith announces that that could harm toe security of toe 1915 Bon Am i est^llshed manu­ quirements this way: customs guards seemed In an ugly tions man John M Hurley would Ha promieed that his aim would The dav Mrs. Palicki was dis­ Father Daniel Foley. tions by the American vehicles. spices in small apothecary Jars United States. RockviUe-Vernon facturing and distribution in Aus­ A resident can vote in a town mood. Some ot them eomplabi'ed of serve as his campidgn director. be to "erect a standard o f dedica­ charged from the hospital. Man­ ad to be ready to hotet the manned Then the entire convoy wen* “The rate of exi^aion of toe irtll be sold along with fresh sau­ tralia and . Bearers were George Mc- meeting if he ia either a register­ W eddin g “ Americsn provocafione.’* tion to Connecticut’s future to chester police placed two charges Scarbeck has been in Jail since craft into Earth orbit By ’ The Manchester .operation be­ CgiUghey, EJdward Winzier, Harold back into West Berlin, at walking cost of government in recent yenm sage and bacon and maple syrup. his arrest, unable to post a $60,000 i ANNUAL BALL ed elew r, or an owner of $1,000 pace. Die four mllitai^ police re For the first time, t h ^ laalstad which all Connecticut ottiaena can against her — operating a motor T SPONSORED BY LADOBB OF WT. JAMES ’56 OLDSMOBILE IMS. an advanced S-milUon to 4 came known as the Orford Soi cintosh, Francis Mahoney, Leo haa far exceeded the rale of ex- Advance orders for whole pecans bond..' Presumably he could not G>iirt Rebuke or more In property in town as of mained on foot the entire way, on asking foreigners toe purpose repair.” vehicle while under the influence are 'being taken by Mrs. Rod Elia- 3r SEMI-FORMAL mllUon pound thrust Saturn should Co. in 1916 when a sulxiidiary Colburn, «md W alter Baldyga. the last completed jrrand list Goehring^Pomeroy pension of our state economy. An hope for any lowered bond on an ’Ibe wedding of Mias Phyllis but their guns were a i the ready. snd deettnationl ot toetr VtoMs to In a phiiosophiGal note, Alsop o f intoxicating liquors or drugs, aon. “88” 8-Door $ 2 Q 9 5 pany waa formed by Bon to Delegations from Campbell People who moved to town six inevitable consequence in this appeal. ho geared to whirl Apollo and its Elaine IPomeroy to Donald William The East German police both on Best Berlte. When tte vieHore re­ year’s enormous increase in state discussed the need for active citi­ and reckleas driving. J MAiNCHESTEil COUNTRY CLUB handle the manufacture o L ^ e pro­ Coimcil, Knights o f Coliunbua, and months ago mr more can renter Arrangements composed of drift­ Scarbeck’s German-bom wife, Aman crew Into lunar orbit W ill Shorten Goehring, both o f Manchearter, border duty and in the truck made turned, toe police demanded fur­ taxation.” zen participation in politioe and Prosecuting attorney James Hlg- duct The name -was clufeen from the Britiah American Club visited at the voter-making session In wood and dried plant materiala Karen, 37, stood by him in the ^ SATURDAY. NOV. 4— 9 FAA to 1 Manned landings on the moon the funeral hOme last evening to took place Monday, Oct. 28, at the no attempt to stop the . ther information, whera toe for­ Alsop, the first in tne field for defined a politician as ‘‘a citizen in glna told the court he was dropping will be sold at the plan* booth, court room throughout the trial. the former Orford Jwiriah. In Town Hall tomorrow, by-paaaing The purpose of the thrust, like eigners had been. action.” Will be sccompUiuied with 'the 12 pay respects. bride's home, 18 Creetvmod Dr. the party's nomination, empha­ the first charge because ‘The state which 'Will also offer Della Robbia But after the case waa given to the Pebruary 1659 tha/^ name was any need to meet the property those that took place Wednesday yL BUFFET and REFRESHMENTS AT 11 million to 20-mllllon-pound thrust Bartlett Case changed to the Bm Ami Manu­ The bride is toe daughter of An Beat Oeman poMea general sized that ConnecUcu'i. “ needs a feetf a practical impoBaiblUty to es­ wreathe, candle holders, smd potted jury she left for Dusaeldorf, Ger­ ’59 OLDSMOBILE ownership requirement and ’Thursday, waa to show that tablish Mrs, Palickl's condition at BOB MURPHY and HIS ORCHESTRA Nova rocket, vrhoee development facturing Co. The Bon Am i Manu­ Annlveraary Mass M ra Ellsabeto F. Pomeroy and and other senior officers were seen state administration vdiolly dedi­ plants. many, where their three children People who have lived or owned the United States refuses to ac­ cated to qolvlng the twin pron- the time of the accident.” The blood J DONA’nON 17 PER COUPLE Super 88 H depends greatly on the Saturn pro Common Pleas Court obaervers facturing Co. closed its Manches­ An anniversary requiem Maas property In town less than six the late Austin C. Pomeroy. ’The examining toe Anherican pcoitions Park Department Fancy Christmas , chil­ are staying with her mother. Super 88 HoH- $ 2 2 9 5 gyam. knowledge Ekist German control ot through field glaaeea. Icms” ot providing a heatthy test was taken more than two day Coupe, today expressed hope the drswn- ter operation Oct 31, 1959. will be celebrated for the lata Mrs. months are Ineligible. bridegroom is toe son of Mr. and dren’s aprons, both bib-type and She said that if Scarbeck was There were voy few who ex­ clvlltans moving back and forth A t one point a Vopo threw a economy and providing Job op­ hours after the accident. acquitted she would return to him Mr. Herbert F. Robertson was Mary A. Morlarty, who lived at 25 Kahan and T o ^ Assessor Mon­ Mrs. Fred Goehring, 155 Autinnn between East and West Berlin. Will Plant Trees half-aprona, will be available at pected such overwhelming succeait out Injunction hearing brought tear gas gmnade Into toe weotoni portunities. When Judge Searles Dearington ccmnected with the Orford Soap Hollister St., tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. tague White noted that even if a St. ’The Russian tanks moved into another booth. today. Dr. Kurt Debus, head of against the City of RockvUls by a at the Church of the Assumption. Ihe Rev. Percy Spurrier of sector near toe crossing point. “ Connecticut needs an adminis­ rendered hla verdict, he said "There Co. o f Manchester, and waa a resi­ person has bought a new home position In East Berlin overnight. Park department workers are NASA’s launch operations and top demoted poUce sergeant would be South Methodist Church performed tration which accepts the logical ia no question that at the time the dent here until 1916. He then which waa assessed on the 1960 A few hours later. Premier digging holes in preparation for specimen waa taken at the hospital ’59BUICK $1995 man in the launch control center complete by nightfall. moved to Syracuse, N.Y., Where he grand list, he la In the ineligible the double ring, ceremony. Idea that revenues from the state Special 8-door hardtop today, said before the shot toat he Khrushchev served notice the So­ planting about 140 streataide trace the defendent had an alcohol con- Mrs. Goulet Heads was president o f the J. T. Robert­ class because he was not the own­ The bride was given in marriage and Jobs for Its people can only would consider 80 seconds o f fUgl-.c Judge James P. Doherty’s mild viet Union has no intention of Fire in Woods throughout town. t ^ t in the blood. The .29 per cent son Soap Co. of that city until his About Town er-of record as of Oct 1, I960. by her brother, Gordon A. Pom­ come from a healthy economy,'*’ time “ 100 per cent success, snth reprimand ot Atty. Harry Ham­ guaranteeing indefinitely the weet- he said, "and a healthy economy The trees were requeatod this reading la one of the highest I have W B A G uard Club Save 20% eroy of Hartford. Mns. Gordon aiwthing above that 180 pet cent. mer, remeaenting former Les­ retirement in 1933. The HarUord Chess Club -wriU Tax adjustments made during em powers’ access to the city. He spring by property owners in front ever been presented in any court.” His brother, the late William sale o f property do not affect the Pomeroy, sister-ln-law of the Started in Hut for Connecticut is an -economy lUchard B. O anr^it. a Saturn ter P. Bartlett, gave a boost to hold open house tonight at 8 at told a Moscow audience the West which la competitive with the res'- of whose homes they will be plant­ Mrs. Palicki waa represented by ’59 FORD $1795 Warner Robertson, a former gen­ town. bride, was matron o f honor, and ItoB. Joseph Goulet, 320 HiHiard project ofBelal, told newsmen In a the speculation that the case would the Hartford YMCA, 315 Pearl St. is threatening war to back up its of the United States and the ed. Some will replace trees toe- A tty. Joseph F, Ryter o f Hartford. Falrlano 500 eonverUble The quesUon o f eligibility has William A. Pomeroy, brother of Eighth District firemen yester­ St., waa elected president o f toe F rid ay and pre-launch briefing that the rocket end today, or. at the lateat, Mon- eral manager o f the Orford Soap All Manchester chess players are poeition here. He insisted, however, world.” department was forced to remove. A fine of $25 was paid by Mrs. day. been brought up by resldenU In the bride, served as bmt man. day afternoon spent more than an Guard Clug o f the Women’s B «ie- had a SO per cent chance o f com­ Co., died here. In 1640. His sister, invited. that the Soviet Union has no de­ He contended that the “ present 'The varities include pin Oak, Cecilia Herbert of 54 South SL, plete Buocess, with a 70 to SO per Judge Doherty late yeaterday the late Mias Grace Robertson, died Bubdlviaions across the Hockanum After a reception at the bride’s signs on West Berlin. hour putting out a fire In woods on Rockville, after being found guilty fit Aaeociation at Its annual an­ River from the new dump site. home, toe couple left for a -wed­ and past Democratic administra­ Schweder maple, swamp maple, cent chance of achieving princi­ called on Hammer to epeed up his in Manchester in 1958. She was Members of Memorial Temple, The main issue in Berlin at the the Hackett property in Buckland. tions have not measurou up to tnis following a court trial on a charge niversary banquet at toe Marco N o organized opposition has ding trip through New England Norway maple, ehedemaster honey ’58 OLDS. $1395 pal objectives which were lotion | u m it of testimony or face a mis- prominent in church and civic af- Pythian Sisters, wUl meet tomor­ moment was the right of the Unit­ The fire apparanlty started in a challenge. In the place of forward of failure to stop at a railroad Polo Restaurant laat night. been forthcoming from the nearby and New York. They -will Hve in locust, Crimean linden and tittle “ 88” 4-door o f the 8-engine cluster , and lift-off faira of the commimlty. row at 7 p.m. at the Holmes Fu­ ed States and its Allies to pass ci­ hut children had erected ia the thinking they have practiced ex­ leaf linden. crossing. Other offleera elected were Mre. A n\lstrial would throw the case Mr. Robertson was a summer residenta, but homeowners have In­ Manchester upon their return. vilian officials into Ekuit Berlin woods. ot the 482-ton vehicle. neral Home, 400 Main St., to pay pediency, which Is already prov Now 10 years old, toe tree plent- EAST HARTFORD SESSION Harriet Oleaver, 'vice president; NASA repmted the lour inboard over to another Common P lew sea- reaident of Platt Hill, Winchester, respects to the late Mrs. Mary Ing a costly substitute.” ing program got started becauae Edward Miner, 46, of Railroad Mre. Lawrence 'WliHe, aeeretary, slon, where It would Ixgtn anew. Oonn., since 1933. His winter resi­ engines burned today tbr 100 sec­ HiUs, who was a member. A member o f the State Board property ownera wanted toe town Ave., Danielson, arested in Man­ and M ra WilHam TYriler,' treaaurer. Himimer, seeking to enjoin the dence was In Pine Bluff, N.C. ’58 DODOE $1215 onds. The tour outboard engines, of Eduction, Alsop traced the to replace trees which had to be which are movable to help control city from deipoUng Bartlett, haa Survivors, include hUf wife, Ger­ Anderson Shea Auxiliary, VFW , population explosion that started Coronet V-8 8-dr. h’top examined witneases tor two and a trude Cadman Robertson; one cut down for various recutona- fUlht. burned for lU sooonda will sponsor a public setback party in 1942. This year the program is delayed Both figures wsre wltUn two eee- half dayf, going into details of the daughter, Mrs. Jeasie R. Weaver tonight at 8 at the VFW P o a ’' "W e now hsi'to literally toou- two ciW hearings which ended somewhat because the trees are onds of the intended time. of Chariotte, N.C.; one son, Herb­ Home. not yet dormant and they must be Ih e laisK-Wng was onfy a little July 28 with BarUett’a demotian. ert P. Robertson Jr. of Norfolk; CARTER TREE EXPERT A tty. Leo Parskey, special coun­ before they can be dug up for over half an hour behind the tar­ four grandchildren and four great­ shipment. '61 RAMB. $2395 get time, set back briefly sel fo r the city, has objected on a grandchildren. Couverttble. Radio, heat­ number o f oemuions to Hammer's Park department foreman Wi<- brief bolds while cknida c m Sm Private funeral services will be PubKc Records “LOVABLE” Does liam Andrulot. said he expects most ComplRit Fall Traa Cart er, Hydramatic, power line o f questioning, aaying all the held Monday in Manchester at the away-to permit photographic cov­ ot the trees wlll arrive by Nov. 16, • V •teering, tinted glare. erage of the fligh t information Hammer la uying to convenience of the family. Burial Warraatoe Deed Wondere Far Your Figure! elicit hw been entered w evidence The Saturn sent an unearthly wlll be in East Cemetery. Green Manor Conatructlon Oo., PTurinf, CabHnq, Faadlng and is already before the Judge. The Tonant Puneral Home of Inc., to Samuel' H. and Joan D. '61 OLDS. $2296 bowl rolling over the as It The Judge haa sustained ntoat of Martin Reported thundered skyward, trailing its Norfolk Is in charge of the funeral Teller of Middletown, property off and Traa Ranioval F-85 4-door. Radio, beat­ the objections, saying Hammer's arrangements. Tracy Dr. er, etundard tranemlartou tremendous tail o f fire. questions are not pertinent to the I The rocket screamed on its pad Mechanics Uen More Comfortable case at hand. Mrs. Frederick H. Polowltxer tor nearly four seconds as an elec­ Alanchester Sand and Gravel He reprimanded Hammer late Mrs. Mary DeCarlo Polowitzer, '60 VOLKS. $1695 tronic device made certain all en­ Corp. against A. E. Williams Con­ General Manager Richard Mar­ yesterday after a discussion o f the 89, of 34 S. Whitney St., H art­ CALL Ml 3-7095 S-door. Radio, heater. gines Ignited properly. struction Co. of Hartford, mechan­ tin Is “ more comfortable” todav. length of the trial. Hammer took ford, mother of Gary Polowitzer ics lein for. $1,236.70, attaches Then massive steel arms slipped exception to Parskey’s having to be at Hartford Hospital, although his and Allan Polowitzer, both of property off W. Center St. condition Is bUII considerM crit­ hade to release the rocket out town today and Monday on ot Manchester, died Wednesday at Marriage license ical. '59 LARK $1495 It hesitatingly at flr a t other bualneas.' Oedarcest Hospital in Hartford. Leo Molocks Jr. of Baltic aiul A hospital spokesman said the 2-door hardtop, than picked up s p ^ as its 600,- Judge D(dierty said the length of Elaine Bernice Podkulskl of East general manager, recuperating the trial hw Imn Hammer’a re- Mrs. Polowitser was bom in 000 pounds of fuel were method­ Hartford, Nov. 4, St. John’s PoUsh from two open heart operaUo.i- ^xmaiblUty. The Judge skid he Hartford, Dec. 2, 1921. She was a ically consumed. National Catholic Church. performed on Oct. 13 and 18, is 'S B O P a $595 would conduct the case today and communicant of Our Lady of About 20 seconds sifter lift-off, Building Fermlta allowed to ait up in a wheelchair, "RED HOT" SPECIALS s-door. Monday, not normally a court day, Sorrows Church, in Hartford. the rocket began a gradual are Survivors, bcaides her sons, in­ Tyrol & Wethey for Lewis Cod­ but “ he's weak.” in hopes o f ending the hearing. The spokesman said he is stlli and sped toward the aoutheast Partkey notified the Judge he clude her husband; Prederick H. ding, alterations, to home at 73 TOMBHT THl P.M. Inud^Mskeni at the press slto, Falknor Dr., $2,300. allowed no visitors except mem­ '56 RAMB. $695 would postpone his other business Polowitser, of Rocky Hill; and bers of his family. A T BOTH station Wagon. where 117 newsmen were gaihered, aister, Mrs. Anne Higgans of Day- Leon Ciessyiuki for Douglas In order to iq>pear the extra daya. A M All Day SATURDAY STORES annoanoed about two mimitee A short calendar aeasion this morn­ ton, Ohio. King, alterations to building at after launch that there waa sp- ing delayed continuance o f tha c The funeral will be held tomor­ 276 Oakland St.. $2,000. pisuse to ths Uoddiouse indicat- until noon. row at 8:15 ajn. at the Rose HUl R. E. Wandell for Arrigo Aimet- tog a togtoy aooesaMnl sh ot Asked thia morning If the case Puneral Home, Elm St„ Rocky ti, to build a four--family dwelling PEG. OP 50—PLASTIC COATED Slnoe tha end Of fiw first hold, would end Monday, Hammer said, Hill, with a requiem Maas at Our at 149 BisseU S t, $30,000. WALKERS ’57 CHEV. $1295 toKctly after 7B0 am. the great ‘Tlefinltely.” He skid he mky be Lady of Sorrows Church at 9 a.m. R. E. Wandell for Edward P. , 810 4-door. I'Yiny equip­ Coltman, alterations to home i t NEW “L I O H T-H E A R T" Ref. 98c rocket bad atood alone on Its pad able to wind up proceedings t ^ y . Burial wlU be in Rose HiU Me­ *'DO WHAT WE DID” HOT CUPS ped 125 Baldwin Rd., $1,200. LONGLBO PANTY GIRDLE wKh ths 8104OOC aervloa tower Hammer seeks to get Bartlett morial Park, Rocky .HiU. rolled away. Michael Russell, for alteratloiH reinstated w sergeant and to en­ Friends may call at the funeral We got a Homo Improvemeiit loen from The Coiineetlettt Bank . . long OR control and on PEG. OP 25—’TRICE OR TREAT BusMb. meanwhlla, haa uaed ve- join the city from interfering fur­ to home at 690 Woodbridge '8t. cmnfort. N ew Lycra, DuPont’e home tonight from 7 to 9. $600. Metas wUh an estimated one mil- ther with the sttgeant’s duties. Vfe knew our Idtdien.needed lemodeSitg; Irat oar bodget wouldat pennll woivderful apandex fiber does ’57 OLDS. $1995 Hon pounds o f thrust fo r ssvoral Alao, Hammer seeks a declara­ Colonial Empire Inc., to build a It! Double Lycra front panel Ref. 10c For Mra. Aritinr Frey fallout shelter for display pur­ BAGS 3 24c “ 88” S^oor Itdssioni, Inolodlng the orbitel tory Judgment determining tKk •leeks your tummy beautifully. RockviUe—-Mrs. Florence liOUer poses, on Harrison St., $1,060. such a laige oadi ontbqr. &>« we dedded to take oat a Home Iinprowemest fiiglita ot Cosmonsnta Turl Gagar- validity A the City Connell's ac­ Frey, 60, of Terrace Dr., died at Ask fo r Style 601. $5.00. la and Ctomnan Tttov. There Is James and Frances aiillo to Zjoaa fnm.The Coluieclieat Bask and IkiBt On^aiqr. Now we are et^agdng ENTIRE STOCE tion tai sumndlng Bartlett 80 days her home last night She was the build a fence at 103 Union St. itoaculation some o f the oucrent In June. He Is also asking $2,500 wife of Arthur Frey. $100. gmr beaotiM new Idldiea lAOe ps]dQg back oor low ooit loan. TVlutfii moreb Charge Acconnia Invited I ’57 CHRYS. $1095 Soviet rocket liigbts into the Cen­ damages. Bom in Rockville on Sept. SO, James D. Gleason for Irene G- Pin-Up “V o r 1.88 Saratoga S-dr. hardtop tral Fadflo ocean are teste of a Hammer’s principal witnesses 1901, she was a daughter of the Johnson, additions to home at 4 The Coaneodcim Bank fcoleets car loan with free lUb iiwifane& If yea sre Our reg. 13.99 BOYS’ HOODED Saturn type vditde with upper have- been Aldermen Clarence J. late George and Hattie Winkler Grandview St., $700^ F O R S A L E stages McCarthy and Thom w J. McCua* cootidering remoddiq& DO WHAT WB DID-«ee The Coonecticot Bank The meet pcwatfid VS. rocket ker, the latter the chairman o f the aod Trost for a low ooit Home ImpeeiemBiit Loan. CBT-Oaotihig eBetlgr O R R E N T aperatkmal today Is the 400,000- City PoUce Conuniaslon and one of M A R L O W ll PARTY SUBURBAN COATS '56 DO DG E pnund ttmist Atlas interoentinen- the defendants. Ttmionm9„,ifyhelpbtg you make the most tiya trm n g y. Far Everything e PYee Parking mCDICRL $175 tol miaaUa In a momant o f ire. Hammer “Our 50to Year!” HALLOWEEN 4-door. Wednesday aald McCarthy bad Mala Sti, Manchester been “ insulated” from testifying Bn 9-5881 e Open 6 Days PHflRmRCY In the July bearing because o f Us THE COMNECTICUT BANK • C A N D Y COSTUMES '54 CHCV. $95 Mercers Observe position w presiding officer. D IA M oM d S • PLATES MASKS 2-door. Hammer termed the situation & AMD TRUST COMPANY / Silver Wedding the “groasest inequity” but Judge so 08leae.*.saf«lag8l OomeelleeleogMmMniet • CUPS ¥7IGS Doherty ju id to him that he had '55 FORD $145 • NAPKINS MAKS-UP 4-door. Ur. and Mrs. Raymond Mercer, been allowed to question McCarthy ' 16 North Main Street • B A G S H i Summit 8t, were guests at- length In the current hearing, MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER' e OPEN 8 DAYS CAROS reUeving that inequity. 893 Main Street honor at a dinner party last Satur­ Determining whether or not you get •CUT-OUTS > CANDLES lile lined body ond fcood^ '53 FORD $75 day on tha oceaskm of their silver Shopping Parkade ' ' •STREAMERS JEWELRY Station Wagon. wedding anniversery. The party your money's worth when you buy • SKELETONS PINS :0rlm* acry^'^ P WM held at the home of Mrs. Helen diamonds is not easy, unless you Wright, 49 PeiidnB St, a aiater of Another Crisis • TABLBCLOTHS PUMPKINS Ura. Mercer. happen to be a diamond expert or RAARLO About 50 friends and relatives • SPOOK-STICKE d d c o r a h o n s .gttended and presented the couple Over Adenauer know a reliable appraiser who never with gifts of silver and a money makes mistakes. On the other hand, • Single and double breasted modelsl hook. A suitably inscribed cake (OoBtinued from Paga Ooa) waa a table centerpiece, and tha ■— - it is quite a simple matter if you • Fine selection of patterns and celorel home was decorated with fall f o ie i^ policy that was handicap- Ref. $1.00 Sowers. know that the Jeweler with whom you TOWELS 66c Ing West Germany In the present 1962 CALENDAR • Many fur-look collar modoltl Mr. snd Mrs. Mercer were mar- tense international aituatlon. deal is one who values his reputation, (ted on Oct 24, lo s e . They have tw o sons, Ronald Mercer- and Thia was regarded as an Indi­ has.a high regard for integrity ^ LADIES’ BRIEF • Sizes 6 to 12. rect way ot gettiiw Adenauer, ANNIVERSARY Russell Mercer. Mr. Mercer la em- and who bs.cks every sale with an picyed fcpr the Hartford G w Co. since Brentanohaa the reputation ye si of carrying out hla orders without A ja ■ niai f so «« Ref. 59e For criticism. .unconditional guarantee of quality. 2 66c The situation has given,, .new Then, you get the very utmost for your 8 ^ A h e . ’ Five Donors hope to the supporters o f ' both I H I H H M Under Same Fantily! CHRISTMAS DESIGNS Economics MliUsttr liudwlg Er­ money in quality, style and beauty Boy’s 6 to 18 Gabardine and Answ^ Appeal hard and Defense Minister Franz- and some good solid peace Josef Strauss. Naw SF0CIALS Ara Ra^ag Put Out Ddly! Gift fte(.i5e«i. 3 r.r29c Erhard, because o f U s espousal of mind. W e are that ' persona have already an- o f old-fashioned free enterprise Flannel lean-look Slacks " “ appeal from the Man- economic policies, is the favorite kind of a store. WHATARUY! AT DOTH _ r Red id Cross ofllee to give of the Couervatlve Free Demo­ 18"x30" Whod fo r an 1 1 -y^ -o ld ’s open cratic party. marLOW ALTERATIONS FREE MANDHOTER •urgery, but D more donors Erhard yesterday aeemed to be ■■ MiHled- discreetly making a bid for tto SbOeen SoBon with T>pe B chaacalknsUp by aaytaig'the polit­ re blood a f aooded at ical deadloek created • baricaliy FAIRWAY MOTOR SiALiSi Havas OoBimunlty m new altuatloo. A t the oame time, EngMsmani ring Nov. 9 at 7:10 ajn^ the SCATTER i t i i be ruled out a Christian Demo- With iplandid diamond UfO pur convoofeef eiaUc-Social Democratle ooaUtioo. 512 West Center St. -» *f T in U K gold . STORES UPMrt, oaoo Mcre- F o r Strauss, eager to escape foyHnroy pfoe... I vb o with to give the political handicap o f being MI 8-1511—Ml S-24U 4the oHoa la aaooriated too long with tha da- RUGS DOWNTO1VH I j PLAZA SHOPPING me oxfro efeerfo' w ill to f a s t anlBlatry, the ouster o f Von- i WMh foam nihfeer base; atbne- Regular $1.19 OPEN EVENINGS Bteotaoo'oould mean Us taking tone dseerater pnttonu. Mondajr thru FTtt t mlBlster, i la m U - •17 MAIN BTREET— MI f.B814 ' WE GIVE WORLD GREEN STAMPS ROUTE 5-S O U TH WINDSOR, CONN. ttau to to s : ig odmittsd to to Sptorgay tlR A VJ pifvste. KamMr FaSwtl IMpoalt Inaimitea OorporatlM MtBdMr IW Untl: PLENTY OF FREE PARKING P


I Coventry missionary groupt. women ato top length, although three of rid­ smdlng games to children In Point Made at Style ShoW j ing habit design fell low In bick'. Greece and would appreciate dona­ Long evening were NO TMCKS HiMEw. tions o f new but not bulky games for this cause. shown only for resort wear, and they were a ‘mostly modest group, JUST GOOD, WHOLESOME ' he IGH Food Side Bcialaier T H dipping lower In back than in There will be:a food sale atart- Unicorn Silhouette To (^ntinue ing at 10 a.m. tomorrow at Trem- front. V«L X X V L fip. 8 Friday, October 27 Mr. William C. Coe, Faculty Adriaer blayt store on Rt. 31 conducted Compiled by Stadents of Maneheater High School V St. Mary's St. Germains GuUd. U TREATS As Assessor trs, Walter Slwek, chairman of Police to Sponsor the^guUd’svways and means com- --No One Offended? niittee, will be in charge. Parieh* Minus One on Ground Boys’ Leaders Holidny for Students Mrs. OhrisUne Woods h«s bser. lonsrs are reminded to bring their Halloween Dances • CIDER appointed fis contlnuicg asseaeor donations of homebtited foods to ^busted,, hlgh-walsted Empire all by the board of finance- She wU’ the sale. ABDOM EN'S EDITOR over again. Maybe by this time Three separate, non-, serve in this'capacity pending the Elect Officers School Meana ;^ew York, Oct. 27 The uni­ Miss Trigere hsid forgottan about HcUloween dances, ^xmaored by Spartans Blast MHS appointment of a building Insi^toi the unicorn's horn, and Instead • APPLES Teachers to Study ”1710 school hot lunch menu tor corn, that favorite mythical beast by the selectmen as authorized by was concentrating on the grace­ the PMicemen’s Mutual Aid As­ The Senior Boya* Leaders Club, the Oct. 16 town meeting. the week includes: Monday-^ of the middle ages, was supposed to fully gowned maiden usually pic­ sociation, will be held Tuesday chicken rice soup and crackers, tmder faculty advisor William J. Walter 8. Keller,'finance board havs looked like a white horse 'with tured on old tapestries in the pro­ With 34-0 Barrage' Dowd of MHS’s social studies de­ chairman made the announcemen: t>eanut butter and Jelly sandwich, al the Flost Side Recreation Cen­ • PUMPKINS a long horn on his forehead. cess of subduing the animal. partment, haa hMd two meetings today. coleolaw and Ice cream cup; ter, Dling Junior High School and In Special Fields It seems somewhat unlikely In any event, after all the build­ ALSO: COLD CUTS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, BAKERY so far thto year. Mrs. Woods was first appointel (choice at the high school only dt Manchester High School. GOODS, PRODUCE, SODA, CANDY, ETC. H w net remit oC the Indian of> A t the fln t meeting Sept. 29, of­ as assessor on Sept 1 due to the the hot entree and sandwich or therefore that a fashion designer up only a few unicorn dresses were The dances, to be held for school femeive was two yards via both -«> who knows better than anyone how shown. ficers were elected. ’li^ey are Bruce ”In order to inspire, ■timul&ta resignation of P. Raymond Broga. corned beef hash and brsad and children in their respective school the air and ground. Hiose are part Junior Prom Stavens, ’62, president; Pete Han­ former assessor, because of ili< butter): Tueaday—witches chick­ touchy women are about being There was one startler: A tmi- areas, will start at 7:90 p.m. and oC the statistlca which aoootnpan- and renew the aspirationspin of the equated with equines, would name OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! sen, ’62, vice president; BUI Whlte- teaching profession" — That 'la ness. en and cream gravy on buttered sleeve dreas. One long sleeve and end at 10 pro. Boys are requ^ed lod the Indian Football team's 34-0 ssU, ’63, m retary; Richard Berube, Krnest J. Starkel of Upton Dr. rice, carrots. Jack O^Lantern salad Heads Podiatrists her choice new silhouette fitter a one bare arm protruded from a to wear ties and Jackets. FYee defeat Saturday by Maloney High Slated Nov. 4 the reason for today's school holi­ horse's relative, howeyer Imaginary. ’62, treasurer. day. The Connecticut Education has been named by the finance wiUi mayonnaise, bread and butter Dr. Irwin Kove, 202 Henry St., pale blue fragonard knit. It Seem­ refreshments will be served at School of- Meriden. The Spartana The purpose and services of Uie board as field agent for the as­ and spook-faced doughnut. recently was elected president of But Pauline Trigere boldly intro- ed just the. thing to give a split each dance. currently in second pla^ with Association Convention benefita sessor's office. He started work ''Whiapering Wisteria” will d ob were discussed at the second throughout the state. Wednesday — meat loaf and ths Hartfor

, . j , MANCHESTEB KVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 > 'fAM :JknnsBiff MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 PAGE FIFTEEN 4— Hebron beans, bread and butter, mdrbie BUGOS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE HEALTH CAPSULES BoUon cake; Tburaday—baked beans, by Mirksi!l A. Pem. MJ). sliced bologna, ketchup, must coleslaw, com bread, pears; 3 1 SCH NOOSU^ Church Elects IF you HAVE ARTHRITIS, day—tuna-noodle casserote, AiMMwr t » PrwIoMS WILL VOO Be BETTER OFF GYO R itu a l tered peas, bread and butter, gin­ Joe Sullivan says: "Due to the _ . EOSH,PWOPBaWO« IN A WARM CLIMATE ? gerbread. [ACILALPUN--‘ »?A>lO/A iMen ond Women A iW ^ a d m g 4-H Event A F W ? THREB VBARSTDOHAF a t lABT t ) All 4-H Club members and their ACSOM aOiNtlAlM K.ATED OCR VALSe OF DER BUMBLCSB I S H ^ ^ U ^ W A S Ofricera e l ^ e d at the annual families and friends are invited to splendid rece/itian of our Ramhfor FROMBBBlNHlN&TOaJT.MlDOOTA A solenm reception oaramopy fpr the annual ToUand County 4-H s s s t f s r medtinf of TIrat Congregational o I M»TAIIOW WHKICHA THIMK S4N«ue|odS4N«ueiod^ SSAacefle _ nominating committee, Mra. Ever­ the Boy Scout fund drive, has W&L.'tHAr BlBafora SSCamiHng S7SUU*Ted droiberwiae ■ adult advisors for the group. HIMSEIF,1D0U THOSE BXVBI SOYS ett B. Porter. SOMETIMES THIS HAPPENS, called a meeting for all team cap­ W m C U TR A D ^ OUSHTA FROM TEXAS CENTRAL^ SSIndUnpoto et|ulpment 88 Enemy dOBegr All parents of CYO members are MUrgM Representatives to the county BUT PEOPLE ALL OVER tains and workers at the Commu­ OR BUXXERS SHOW UNtVERSnYU. DO YYNBJ J urged to attend the ceremony. A f­ nity Hall at 4 p.ni. Simday. The SO Fruit drink! r T n r n association are Mrs. John Bell THE WORLD HAVE OR NOTHINGI \OU WHAT THET SET TK BAU^ Stltemmad ARTHRITIS, SO PON'T ter the reception, there will be en­ annual drive for funds will offici- I K1CN4. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith; evan­ JX3ME SAtURDKW? SSPotm IT A tertainment and refreahmenta for aUy end with the meeting and all IT nr gelism committee, Mrs. Albert A. BANK ON CHANGE QF SSFutea CLIMATE FOR A CURE. parenta and CYO members in the donations will be reported. JOSEPH SULLIVAN 34Ulni r r IT Coolidgv, Mra. Donald Griffin, Week’s Specials IT church hall. Information and litera­ Scout officials hope to reach SSHaiDMefth! John M. Ball, and George T.. Al- H«akfc Caeiiilw sivn k*Wul InlMMiiML Sales Manager . BlaxiMgrElMi! . It II not kitwidaS to b« af a ••■fWfNc M tm ture -on colleges will be on display the quota of $750 which has been IT den Jr.T mualc committee, Mra. I- SODIuMroonriM for parents and prospective college aaalgned to this town. The amount Dannie Burks and Mra. Emery students. ’ aaiudi IT donated as of last week was $460, aoHMd T a y lo r ; mUaionary committee, All CYO mefnbera are expected Stile in chsupge, Louise Porter, Grunsks said. 1957 De Soto 4-Door Hardtop wotnbewno HrwF Miaa Alberta Wallin; religious ed­ ta be present, Juat as at their regu­ ______& doKidridlitt a n Laura Lunt, Deborah Wright, ' I BuUettn Board Only 5 1 9 5 Down ucation conunittee, Mrs. Mildred lar Wednesday night meetings. ' SHARP AND FULLY EQUIPPED. m a s t e r e d rr- to-ll dlFtonalee v Carol Patterson, Georgia Smith. The Woman’s Society of Chris­ Fillmore; floWer committee. Miss Aissssore Hearings diAanimptim Irene Yaokachonla, Donna Sink- tian Service of the United Meth­ 'dSScedveael Edna Xatham. beil and Lee Ann O’Brien. The aaaeasors w ill be at the Com­ dOCoBfedente munity Hall tonight until 7; tomor­ odist Church wUl hold a rummage 1955 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop OBavsKs Boaday Food Sale Set sale tomorrow beginning at 10 »•»» CARNIVAL ftntnl row from 1 to 7 p.m. and Monday Only 5 1 4 5 Down BY DICK TURNER BOSecrediiaafl! The Bverymember canvaaa of This coming Sunday, there will a.m. at the church. It is reported VERY NICE. FULLY EQUIPPED. Gilead Congregational Church through Wednesdav from 1 to BlFridt be a food sale in Phelps Hall, im­ 7 p.m. Wednesday is the list day that a large variety of good used 4 •BSKinielAidih win be held Sunday. The first can- mediately following the 10 a.m. clothing will be on sale. BY AL VERMBER 88Dedinaldltltl rasB training aesrion was held that property lists can be filed 2 PRISCILLA’S POP n r n r servloe at SL Peter’s Episcopal Bolton Grange will meet at 8 MSnffWTehim WV Wednesday evening at the parson without ^yment of a 10 per cent 1956 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan Church, sponsored by the choir and tonight at the Community HaU. Only ® 1 9 5 Down IT SySfYS M A N 'S DUTV^ 8SDo(othy*a age. A meeting of the Gilead penalty. BEL AIR V8. rU U „Y FvQUIPPED. nldniRiM the Women's Guild. Anyone wish­ Bolton couples are invited,to a IS TO SHELTER AND Sunday school teachers will be Hartford Invitation MlMenUalhelDg ing to help by donating something square dance to be sponsored by FEED THIS r 52 held 'Thursday in the church at 8 Bolton young adults between 18 ANIMAL/ DOWff in the food line, is asked to leave Bomarco community couples club, p.m. and 35 years of age are Invited to 1955 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1 Hebrew ntophct I it in Phelps Hail prior to the serv­ join Protestant young people in a tomorrow from 8 to 12 p.m. at the 30Deot*lJttto I Open Pariah House ice. The proceeds will be used for On/v 5 1 9 5 Down TFomen" The newly acquired pariah house series of Sunday night pro^am s to Commimity i HaU. 6 CYLINTIER, FULLY EQUIPPED. SHARP. choir needs. be held at the Immanuel Congre­ of the Gilead Congregational Church News Church will be open for inspection gational Church, 10 Woodland St., Manchester' Evening Herald Bol­ tomorrow a t 4 p.m. Church services in Hebron Sun­ Hartford. Programs will begin at ton correspondent, Grace McUer- 1957 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan day include: St. P eter’s Episcopal S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK 0*NEAi . Articles fo r the rummage and 8 p.m., with occasional suppers to mott, telephone Mitchell S-6S66. Only 5 1 9 5 Do^n Holy Communion, 8 a.m.. choral be scheduled at 6:30 p.m. FULLY EQUIPPED. food sale tomorrow may be left Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.; at the parish house in the early Protestant men and women un­ church school, 10 a.m; Young Peo der 00 years of age, single, FRATS - CLUBS aftemon. Items for the children's pie’s Fellowship, 7 p.m. evening 1957 Ford Station Wagon HMM- table may be given to Mrs. Mil divorced or widowed are invited prayer, 6:80 to join the "Friday Nighters" for CAR CLUBS-TEAMS Only $ 2 4 5 Down ton Shaw, Linda Harrison. Lois LOADED AND IMMACULATE. W W PLANET The Brotherhood of St. Andrew interesting programs and discus­ \s-mis I’ve Braman or Mrs. Robert E. Foote. will meet tomorrow at 7 a.m. Ask for FREE Prankster Warning sions, also at the Immanuel Con­ tAN O eD O N P Congregational Church services: gregational Church. The meeting IO-J.T e im >t IHA. !««■ T J t lli». UJl oil. Halloween Franksters have re­ Nhistraf«d Color Hebron, 10 a-m., Sunday schooi, tonight w ill be a discussion on 1959 Rambler Station Wagon ceived a special warning from 11:16; Gilead Congregational, Sun Only Down political campsdgn Issues. VOffnOQIW or rllV SHARP AS THEY COME—ONE OWNER * 3 9 5 BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL Washington against damaging day school, 10 a.m. Morning School Menu mailboxes. It Is noted that many Prayer, 11:16. The Rev. John N. KWI. V- A Pat OBw The menu at the elementary LATEST JACKET CAN you S i complaints are received every year Cross pastor, will officiate in both M«N«^ SyeAwKl* school next week will be: Monday DESIGNS 1956 Ford Club Coupe GUE&9 WHAT of rural mailboxes tampered with pulpits. His sermon theme will be: —vegetable soup wlta crackers, Only * 1 9 5 Down TUNE I OUST or injured, and contests sometimes The Reformation Of History," la veal loaf sandwiches, apple faces; IH EY COME NO NICER ANYWHERE. stolen. Chief Postal Inspector H. observance of Reformation Sun Tuesday—mashed potatoes, egg NASSIFF ARMS CO. PLAYED- ie-« HOUSE SPO B T8 B. Montague states that the law day. Baptisms will take place. salad, buttered carrots, bread and or provides a maximum penalty of butter, orange gelatin with marsh M l M A IN ST.— M I 9-1647 1956 Dodge Sedan $1,000 in fines or three years In Manchester Evening Herald He mallows; Weibiesday—shell mac­ MANCHESTER, CONN. Only * 1 9 5 Down prison on fo r such offenses. bron correspondent. Miss Susan B aroni caaserole, buttered wax NEW WHITEWALL^TIRES, TOO. Hebron Boy Scouts, Troop 28, Pendleton, telephone ACademy started today on a three-day camp­ 8 8464. ing trip, on the property of the Rev. Reginald Hefferich on the Pa- These and Many More Fine Car Values permiU Rd. H iey were to leave the town hall at 9 a.m., to return Sun­ And Some Fine Low Cost Cars On Hand Too, day afternoon. Sunday forenoon church services Getting Married? y SPECIAL l»e wUl be held at the camp for the Protestant boys, and those of the Door and Bath Size Catholic faith will he taken to St. T knew money Itn't everything, Dad, but you'd be sur* Venetian Blinds Columba's Church in Columbia. - DeCormier Motor Sales, Inc J U D D S A X O N BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDKIELD prised how many things it IS!” it-n An Honor Council fire will take W a s h e d Rent 0 OHEN. MANCHESTER’S OWN RAMBLER DEALER W H O -I DON'T KNOW. III III ■ place at the camp Saturday eve­ WHY* y ou , yOURSCLF, ning from 7:30 to 9. Awards will At Regal 285 BROAD STREET— MANCHESTER FLEW TO HIS DESK TO be presented and there w ill be FINDELL'S 485 E. MmOLE TPKE. SEE IF THE ONE THINS LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON etunts, singing and story telUn;; One O f Connecticut’s Largest OF ANY VALUE WAS around the campfire. Scouts will MANCHESTER. CONN. com. W6t lY CCNCKAL RATimfS M I 8-4865 Formal Rental Stores ^OtP. TM WOtLD UGHTS USMVtO ~ 7 be on duty at the Papermlll Rd. site J 7 I 7 ^ to help about parking and to show Offer Expires Nov. 4,1961 guests to the council fire. NEWEST STYLES TO About Town The staff o f Douglas Library and FIT ALL MEN Dr. Charles M. Larcomb attended C the regional library meeting at •TUXEDOS •CUTAWAYS H ANGF Rockville yesterday. GARDEN 1 'TOLLAND TPKE. Cub Scouts and Webelos, Pack • STROLLERS MANCHESTER 28. will attend the University of /^>n rUFL Oil mimiimSSLm Connecticut Buffalo football game CENTER VERNON TOWN LINE INCORPORATED at Stom tomorrow, leaving the GASOLlNf. EVERYTHING IN STOCK elementary school at 12:30 p.m. BY JOHNNY HART VITTNER’S B . C . Flay Opens BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE ■nie Podium Players’ production NOTHING TO SEND AWAY FOR H e R E s w y c m a n c b u p •asiX'W i^a’* TO PiRDie TRIS of "See How They Run,” an Eng­ SOMEHOW, lish , will be presented to­ B AN TLY OIL X KCWCMBB? nZKEPT TIE SMUmil EtlRDie THifr MOUE. H O L B i X THOUaHTIT WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS T f«0RDM N6IM OMTWS WHO, BUT night and Saturday night at I . iMI' \ \ \ . I \i WBIUDE HIS ROOM MTO A6UEST//IIWrac WOmOlOOKMOK T h l l W f R.HAM High School. Backstage ■ M 1' \ I 1)1,1.1 R00MYBAMA6O. V-YDUPUT OTT workers include: Make-up, Mrs. George Mtmson of Andover; Rich­ TCL MIfrIicll 9-1595 Q ard Clough, assisting David Ursin with lighting; uafhers, Mrs. Philip KOCKVIU.E TR 5-3271 BUY NOW AND SAVE



O K K i , <3UMU irM PkMMM CUSTOM Mark! eii fwiMn Uhl whh hutMt.cliM fiMM. Uh m inM fer cIm b cwrfwl, bw KmI bills ffffd freebie free perfeneaiKe

Com fort IF YOU CANT USE IT NOW, STORE TILL SPRING CAMTAIN e a s y BY LESLIE TURNER With the Iron Fireman CUSTOM MR. ABERNATHY HV RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDCEWAY cox MianLIPYDU CM WMTUU. HESCRVEe PTI5WRK5 , .MESSKK SAID K6YS Mark II furnace you um a super- r _ ^ ^ V n iR H MORE VBMt5 FOR EMBEZZLINe EAVY. t Mownwiiifti brother works HBRE.A ■cntitive thermostat which opcratM Birr; PENELOPE, X NO BUTS! 7 ia a a g in e ! oueoiTLoeeiN'TOwoRK HOWIWy learned THE TELL US HOW TO find., the famaoe with the slightMt varia- BRCfTHER# rrfe 10:30 AND RiHseuav PLANNEPTOSEE YOU HAVING 70 JSm ie T » l i S i ^ w p w is t tycoon named jorkim i PRwaPiE OF uwr Hoisr / provlY! HOlUS IN lioo o f room tamperaturs. Tliit MESTERNPME e x tr a THE LAST SHOW AT SNEAK OUT ..AND rATENTIP IT F II^Ty OUR ONLY 'vsa you remarkably uniform 5Q ■nME>OU W ERE IN BED ' 10-3.7 MOU MENTKMIDu STRAW FLOWERS THE HOTCHA CLUB! OF MY ASSOCWnONE Rdoor tcmMraturs. N o matter OWN MOUSE' one AND. COX. 5AW M IL L S . hew often the furnace starts there m ULPY H no smoke, no soot, no fouled REDRUSCUS combustion chamber, no snuted oiL CONES-WREATH FRAMES Cloonlinoas STAMPS With the instant clean flams t_ are no flacks o f soot blowint fa ARTIFICIAL FRUIT With Any $2.00 Purchase Or More Of Holland Bulbs our chimaey or stcapint into yo _ Soms. Hundreds of tests made with smoke-detecting instruments show hta W»»w»«fc iwr. r«i'fc« wtUlMi DRY ARRANGEMENTS n flams that’s absohiMy clean from iMaUui w tmmm .UiwtM md U TULIPS 12 IiV>r 9 8 c the very moment it's turned on. •ImS fw tail. M ISv. .fMli. WE HAVE SILICA-GEL TBB STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS Down Ko fuol bills OpeiiMes wHhoul CROCUS 25 F o r 6 9 c chim ney drsrfl DAVY J O N p BY LEPP and McWILLIAMS Qwosn report nsnarkahlt fuel ssv- nfl*. There is no smoky warm-up The CUSTOM Mark U fiimaos / MOVE BACK,' period to foul the ftiniSGe and provUtt. Ill own poHlM ImhieiJ M ARCO... THE wasta cB. flatvioe esUs arc cut to ifrqfr srith nreoition control. No DAFFODILS 10 F o r 8 9 C| Hoe'S COMING : the vsnlehbiJpnlnL IN FA S T . Y O W U ^ natural chtnuiey draft required. BOTHP/fOtYN/ • RED EMPEROR ' NIAINM ANB COOUNB AFRICAN 7 0 TULIP 10 F o r n i 9 F06ARTYBR0&,lnc. VIOLETS n HYACINTH ' 5 For^O O 319 BROAD ST.->MI 9-4539 rp E L onu r a n g e o il . c o nneo t icIUt c o k e 3 9 ® each SAMUff HARDY LILIES DAY LILIES dBDO HIGHLAND COAL

, f ' rS ./ f '

) UANCBEStER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.* FRIDAY, OCTOBER t7, IM l l^ C ttE B T ^ BVENINO HERALD/ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 PAGE SEVENTIBN ...... ' " ’"Rugged Test, for Indians Auto O m iaf School 7«A HoaatiioUl LARSON’S Connecticut’e flm 0- ______Of f m a \ t . K Herald Angle in censed driving school tiralned — GRUNDER’ff uptaolateziag*^ 20 Dto CLASSIFIED . Certified *nd approved 1* bow of­ pot Square, Ebepert wqrk. Anttflussj Alter Lineup fering iclassroom and behind ■y Or modem. Fine selection fabric*, wheel instruction for teenagers, leather, plaaUc. Antiques, love, E A R L Y O S T MI 9-6076. „ seats, chairs for lale, m 3-4892, ' « ■ ' , Red Raiders MI 9-5064. ■porte Editor Aerial Minded ADVERTISING MORTLOCK'B Driving Bcho(fl-Of- < "■ / fice, 443 Main 8t.. Manchester. AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reuphol* Learning correctly "May Save From Colgate CLASSIilED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS . stcr 3 piece living room set; stoa Extensive Weekend for Yale Coaches Buffalo, Band Your U fe." edueaUon and 2 chairs, $146, Choose from SA.M.to5PJM. College football heroes are bom every Saturday afternoon classe*. Member, Connecticut Pro- group of tine fabrics. Work done At New Haven fesaional Driving Schom Assn, Ml by expert craftsmen on our prem* on the gridirons but the men who help these All-Americana Day at Storrs 9-7398. / COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. iaes. All work fuUy guaranteed. By FRANK CUNE day in and day out, the coaching staff, never get any praise or 'Mill Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine MONDAY Ykn nUDAT 19M AJHei.-«ATDBOAV • AJL It’s almost a case of out of the frying pan into the fire for credit, unless a team goes undefeated or wins some form of a Yale pauMs tomorrow in The University Con­ St., exclusive Cheney' Fsbrio ’ ^ \ , , Manchester High’s beleaguered football squad as it heads for the defense of its Ivy football necticut footbell team, seek­ Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 salesroom, in Manchester. MX \ ;- championship or state, sectional or national laurels. There are 3-7332. Budget terms arranged. Hartford tomorrow afternoon to take on strong Bulkeley. few winners in football, the losing teams, and coaches, far title and, instead, will be call­ ing its first win of the eea- PLEASE READ TOUR AO ed upon to defend the league to *W«rt Afle** ere gtlna stor Mm pitoa* es • m b - 1946 HARLEY DAVISON motor­ Game time will be 2 at Dillon Stadium. outnumber the winner*. Qh«rlle|> ...... 8on after losing a heartbreak- cycle, Model 74, like new. 25,000 FLAT FINISH Holland window w iB—* The Bfivemiw ehwiM raad We afl Mm PIBffI OAT IT The Indians, who have beeh^ Loftu*, in this man’* book th* best prestige in a game with the mile*. MI 3-2951. shades mad# to measure. All er to (2-0) for it* AYPBAM aad BBTOBT BREOM Hi MM* fto Ike wnt taMto* metal Venetian blinds at a new plagued with injuries in rei»nt In an effort to.improve the In­ *port* publicity dirtetor in the rampi^ng Red Raiders of country—an opinion shared by fourth loss in a row this year, N**, H m Ber*M le leapowIM* ler onto ONE t—e ffr t er saaMtofl low price. Keys made while you weeks, carry a 1-8-1 record into the diana' offensive blocking Coach Oolgat*. clashes with the aeriai-inlnded contest against Bulkeley. The unde­ hundred*—reoently detaUed in a huerMo* fw **y effeerMeeineto **4 toe* eato to Mm eestaat to a 24’’ HIGGINS boy’* bicycle, fully wait. Marlow’s, Tony Alibrio has mowd Dave An­ A Parents’ Day crowd in the University of Buffalo Bulls at msaka gaoir I— rMia. E m te srhM do ato leesea toe vala* *t feated Maroons are leading the recent Issue of the Football Y neigtaboriiood of 80,000 la expected equipped, like new, 325. MI 3-5495. derson from tackle back to guard Btorra in a Band Day attraction; toe affmvMscaeeat wU Bot fee eem etod Iff "Mahe gato Capital District Conference with New* what the BU coaching staff to be in hietorie Yale Bowl for the Saturday. Kickoff is at 1:30. two victories and two ties in four where he played a year ago. Bob does "behelnd , the «cenes,” on N o w i c k i will get Anderson's 2 p ^ . kickoff. Buffalo, primarily a passing Rooft^ff—Sidlnc IV starts. weekend*. It made' interesting “ Everything points to a very in­ tOUE OOOraKATION WDX tackle slot and team with John team,.may be ready to apring a Basiness Services Offered 13 A. A. DION INC. Roofing, siding, Defense has been Bulkeley's reading and is passed along for teresting afternoon, one which the better balanced attack againet BE AmSOIATBD Dial Ml 3*2711 Haugh. Either, Don Oolas, bother­ further consumption. ALL KINpS of clock* repaired. An­ painting, (jarpentry. Alterations strongest forte and the Maroons ed by a pulled groin muscle, or coniparatlve score buffs have had UConn than Coach Dlok Offen- have yielded only 12 points while a field day cofitemplating. A tan­ tiques included. Work guaranteed, and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ Bob GuUano, who missed last hamer’a aquad used against pre­ m 9-1962 ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. deadlocking Hartford and Norwich gent la that Cbrnell in its opener « vious opponents. fMenhamer’s and beating East Hartford and New- week’s game, will be Anderson’s Study in Relay* Ml 3-4860. running mate at the other guard month ago punished Colgate by a Bull* hed tneir ground game work­ C08MA APPLIANCE Service—R*- London. But the Maroons have also Weekend* are especially busy margin o f 34-0. Last week, Yale’s BIDWELL HOME Improvement Herald Photo by Pinto. position. Sophomore Roger Par­ ing with precision while dumping paira all make* refrigerators, had trouble getting their own of­ times for collegiate coaching stalls, reurgent forces spoiled Cornell’s Temple, 80-3, in a Homecoming FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE freezars, washing machines, dry- Company—all types of siding and fense to jell, scoring but 82 points rott will be at center with Tom not only because of the game itself, homecoming with a 12-0 win. So, roofinr. Aluminum clapboards a Raiders Ready for Plainville Here Sunday at Memorial Field Kelley and Joe Prignano at the Day game at Buffalo last week. er*. ranges, oil and ga* burners. in four games, with half of these but of the scouting assignments the impression is that Yale is 46 This victory sets the Bulls ledger MI 9-0058, All work guaranteed. speciaity. Unexce’Jed workman­ coming in the last week’s 18-6 vic­ wings. and then the assimilaUon of the points .better than the Invaders. ship. MI 9-6495. Ready for battle in the Pony League home finale Sunday Gary Sullivan, Bill Pohl, Dan SuHivan and Pete McCar- Junior quarterback Nick De- at 8-3 with three games left. The A 24-HOUR WANT AD ANSWERINQ tory over New London. material. Now let’s look at it the other way. CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. afternoon at Memorial Field are the Manchester Raiders tan. The locals sport a 3-1 record. Kickoff will be at Paolo runs the Bulkeley attack. Bulls have, wine over Gettysburg, The Indians have also had con­ The Bcoutlng deployment at Yale Harvard, cuffed .Cornell. by 14 Boston University and Temple and Reasonable rate*. Call PI 2-7558 against Plainville. Starting lineup shown above, left to 2 ;30, The Raiders are sponsored by & Fire siderable . trouble moving the baU The Maroons, who in their earlier points. Add to this the 34 that Cor­ between 1:30-4:30 or any time games have concentrated on a follows a pattern. JV Coach Bill have lost to Delaware, Holy Cross SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS Roofing and Chimneys 16-A right, Les Dowd, Jim Sheldon, Bruce Eagleson, Barry Athletic A.ssociation. and scoring showing only 28 points Simon is the first to pick up an op­ nell whipped Cfoigate by," and, the and Vlllanova. Saturday or Sunday. in its first five starts. Manchester's powerful inside running game, Crimson on paper anyway, , had a Want iafomaMoa ea oa* to our elaselfled adwMeeMeatef N* ROOFING — Specializing repairing Smith, Steve Grant, Don Hubbard and Dick Moore. 6ack.s, look to fullback Joe Hourlhan and ponent team and makes the pre­ UOoan Change* SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired five opponents have tallied 92 liminary observation. Art Rlamo, 48-point edge. What happened? Hoping to improve his rushing answer at the telephone listed ? felmpiy eel] Mm roots ot all kinds, new roofs, gut­ points. halfbacks Mike Pescattanno, Bill from the shop. Can take care of defensive backfleld coach and form­ Well, two'weeka ago Colgate com­ game, UConn Coach Bob Ingalls all your upholstering needs at ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ Still bothered by a bone bruise on Reilly and Frank Kelly to carry pletely shackled the Cantabs and paired. Aluminum aiding. 30 er head coach at Vlllanova, and JORDAN OUVAR has made several ^changes in his MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE great savings. Call CH 2-2378. Radio, TV Sports hla shoulder. Co-Captain Dave Ma- the mail for them. end coach Harry Jacunskl, alter­ recorded a tidy 15-0 victory. offensive lineup. Gerry l^ ite , who years’ experience. Free eatirastes. I lausky will get the call at fullback Fullback Bob Blanchard and de- nate as the ‘‘pick-up’’ scout, or the Impreealve Showing OLD PROS— Charley Conerly, left, and Y. A. Tittle share is averaging 8.2 yards and block* Ml 9^500 HOME LANDSCAPING, lawn Call Howley. MI 3-6381, MI 8-0788. 1 if he’s ready with senior Bob Cote fensiva end A1 Spencer, both of Mark All Players This waa, to be sure, an impres­ maintenance, lawn fertilization, Ansaldi Records Goal Saturday— final man to see the oiH>onent team the quarterbacking on the New York Giants. Conerly well, he* been moved to the start­ and leave your BMaaag*. Yea’ll hear from oar eflve whom miased last week's game hedge pruning. Contact John E. ! behind him. The Ihdians’' other co- in action. This, naturally, occurs Meanwhile, Ctoaches RIarho and sive performance by the pupils of is 40, Tittle 34. They prove that old hands are needed. ing assignment at fullback; while tlm* without speadiag oil ovoaing at to* tolophoa*. 1:15—UConn vs. Buffalo. I captain, Tony Allbrto and Karl with Maloney, are still out with Holgate are working on the de­ Coach Alva Kelley, but not nearly Whftham, MI 9-2660, Heating and Plumbing 17 WTIC 1080. the Saturda.v before the opponent’s Dick Boudreau, who finished last ! Then will both see duty at offen­ injuries. Another defensive end, game with Yale. Freshman assist­ fensive breakdowm of the films. as impressive as the one last Satur­ season es the center, will open at 2 p.m.—Wrestling Channel 8.. sive right halfback with Erie Osols Dick Daley, is also sidelined hav­ day when muscle-fiexing Colgate LAWN MOWERS sharpened and PLUMBING AND heating - re­ 2:80—Pro Ba.sketball, ant Fritz Barailasukas works with Similarly, they mark every play­ that position. repaired sale* and service, pick at left half and Dave Tupper at ing been injured in a motor scoot­ er on every play. If a player is th* (1) blunted the usually-splaahy at­ Miami Set to Start All Over Ini^la has mad* several other modeling Installation^ repairs. As Rooters Triumph Pistons vs. Lakers, both. Lost and Foaed AutomobilM for Sale 4 up and oellvery. (fomplete line of All work guaranteed, 3n years ex­ quarterback. ^ er accident last weekend. During a Yale varsity game the first one to touch, spin or slow tack of Princeton, (2) gained some moves in an attempt to shore up Channel 22. SO. 323 yards themselves, and (3), Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, perience. 24-hour service. Call 8 p.m.— NCAA Football Kickoff, observers are Jerry Neri, backfield up a ball carrier he earns a 6. the badly battered guard aquad LOST—Black, gray and white tor­ 1957 PLYMOUTH, *•* passenger garden and lawn supplies. L A M Earl VanCamp. MI 9-4749. Hartford for first place in tht^ The -lineups: Channel 8. coach; . Jack Prendergost, line Peu-ticlpating In a gang tackle i* presto, had another 15-0 decision. which found its numbers almost toise shell 2-year old female cat, sport suburban, excellent condi­ Equipment (3orpomtlon. Route N, Pressed right down to So only Yale is left to defend Central Connecticut In:er8chola.Si.K ManehoBter (1) 8:15—Ohio State vs. Wisconsin coach, and Gig Holgate, freshman worth a 4. Others are such as In­ Ranking Teams Choice depleted in that rugged contest at vicinity Bolton Lake. C?all MI tion. MI 9-0386. Vernon, Onn. TR 6-7609. final minute of play by win Mslone,. (t) the honor of the Big Three arid League title race. Hall nipped M cCurry ...... ,... Bandock Channel 8. coach, who serves as “communica­ dividual tackle 7, pass destruc­ Maine last week. 3-2075, Reward. Radlo-TV Repair less Maloney of Meriden, Man­ Bristol Central, 8-2 v and the t«-u ■ ‘ g ‘ tion 5, pass interception 7, block­ wouldn’t Kelley love to make a Marty Blumberg goes into the 1955 OLDSMOBILE Super M. power AUDITOR DESIRES to maintain Andrulot ...... Rafferty 4 p.m.—NFL Game of Week, tions director” or anchor man. This Services 18 chester High’s soccer team co-leaders have identical 8-1-1 Channel 3. Maine Special Target ed kick 7, recovered'fumble 3, good claan sweep of the hallowed trio? left guard starring poslUon to re­ FOUND—Large brown male part brakes, power steering. Beat offer. booka of account for both large trio is stationed on top of the press You he would! Boxer. Can Lee Fracchla, Dog Call MI 3-04S1. and small busineis. Call MI 9-6008 C d L records. King ...... Oloughlln 4:30—TV Race of Week, box and has open telephone lines to pass rush (for linemen) 3 and In W eekend Grid Tilts lieve Captain Fred Stackpole, had to settle for a 1-0 victory " f b ' Warden, MI 3-8594. to arrange for appointment. TV SHmiaClE—All makes. Honest, Conard, which had also been ii> Channel 18. (for backs and sometimes ends) He’e an Ivy Leaguer himself, a who’s banged up knee may not be over the vastly improved M cCarthy ...... R.van Tris Carta, a freshman assistant, Ciornell graduate, a former line 1961 PL'YMOUTH 3-door, exceUsnt Economical. High quality parte. contention for the crown, saw it' " l h b 5 p.m.—All-Star Golf, who sits in the end zone, and JV proper pass coverage 3. ready for full-time duty. Another FOUND—Buff Cocker Spaniel, Guaranteed 90 days Famou* for Spartans at Memorial Field yta - Poarson ...... Aldridge On New England Scene roach at Yale and a head coach at {/P)— running condition, $85. Ciali after OUTBOARD motor, lawn mowers, title hopes go down yesterday as Channels 22. 30. Coach Stu Clancy who mans the What would the average mark New York The Miami Hurricanes, ■who have won only move finds Jim Brunelle forsaking male. Call Lee Fracchla, Dog 6. MI 3-5724. tuned and repaired. Have them re­ aervice eince 1981. Phone MI terday. Jack Ansaldl’a goal with CHB 10 p.m,— Fight of Week, Brown. He haa served notice that his station ss altsmats left tackle only 45 seconda remaining to play the Chieftains were upset 3-1 o> Ansaldi ...... David bench phone, relaying their mes­ of a player be? About 2.75. An two of five games and have lost their last two, hope to begin Warden, MI 3-8594. paired now. Pick-up and delivery. 9-4687. Potterton's. 180 Center It. Platt of Meriden. It was Conard'<> ' RHB* Salim vs. Wright, Channel 8. sages to Head (loach Jordan in less than three years at Colgate to spelt Blumberg's ^tem ete role 1964 STATION wagon, reasonable. Manchester Cycle. MI 9-2098. prodded the winning m ar^. Manning ...... McGiilneM average of 8 or above would be the Chenengo Valley horde is not the college football season all over again tonight.. They meet third lea n e loss and lett them twr Boston i/f)—Unbeaten Maine, The toughest small college OUvar. at right guard. And John Angeski NO’niTE IS HEREBY given that Call MI 9-8029, or MI 1-7913 after TELEVISION antennas and rotor The victory waa the ninth aa '' OL ‘ considered quite good. only ready and willing, but able to a .strong University of North Carolina in Miami’s Orange systems Installed and repaired. games behind the two leaders ChurillA ...... Blum 1:46—This Week In Sports, all-Amerfca candidate Ernie test of them all may be played The scouts start arriving at • moves from center to alternate Pasa Book No, 58139, issued by 6. FALL YARD CLEANUP — Don’t against one loss and a tie for the with only one game tc piay. ’ * IL ” Channel 8. The actual game movies are tangle with the bigger boys In the Bowl Stadium; '1' The Savings Bank of Manchester ■pend hours raking leaves. Let Serving Manchester and eur- Davis and Bulldog Drummond at Medford, Mass., w'here Wil­ processed by 9 p.m. Saturday. The a.m. and begin to assemble their with Blumber at left guard. Indians. Maloney dropped Its 10th OdHI ...... R.vatt 2 p.m.—Giants vs. Cowboys, are all special targets in New Order of the Ancient Eight. But for teams like Michigan has been lost and application has 1956 FORD 4-door sedan, good con­ me sweep your yard in a matter rounding areaa. Modem TV Serv­ Manchester and Hall each ha.s ‘ ■ C ' liams and Tufts risk identical coaches who have been with the material. Under an Ivy League State, ranked first nationally in Miss is 5-0 so far and has not lost Listed as a question mark dtu'- declslcni of the year but were much one game to go before ringing ...... Channel 8. England college football ac­ 3-1 records. Williams has per­ What’s he got in his football in 20 games. The Rebels are also been made to said bank for pay­ dition, $275. Call MI 3-0834 after of minutes. Cali MI 9-2660. ice. 405 Center St., Ml 8-3306...... Potter team, plus the scouts as they strag­ rule which went into effect a year the current Associated Press poll, Ing the week’s preparation for th* 6:30. tougher the second time than they down the curtain on their regular ’" IR ’ 2 p.m,—Forty-Niners vs. Steel- tion this weekend. mitted only 18 points and a larder? He has returning letter- tied with LSU and Florid* in the game is left halfback Dave ment of the amount of deposit. were the first time when Man­ Teshler ...... MIgherra ers. Channels 22. 80. gle back from their a.ssi^ments ago there is an in-sesuion exchange men at every position, victory- Mississippi, Texas and Alabama-, TREE REMOVAL, pruning and lot RADIO-TV REPAIR8, any make, season. The Indians host Wethers­ " o r Revived by its upset over mere 89-yard rushing ai'er- SEC with 2-0, and the-latter two Korponai; but he remain* on In- chester routed them, 6-0. 4:80—Titans vs. Raiders, throughout the league view the of one game film by the league hungry operatives trained upon the the winning habit, should continue 1983 CHEVROLET, automatic, clearing. Frank C. Nome, MI free pickup and delivery on small field Tuesday while Hall closes Scorer: Man.: Ansaldi. West Virginia but riddled by age. meet in Tallahassee, Fla. galla’ U*t e* a atarter if hi* bruised In winning, the Indiana re Manchester Substitutes; Karpuska. Channel 8. game fllma informally. members, usually the game the pain and punishment o f only four this weekend.’ P cnion alt 8 radio, heater, good running condi­ 9-6053. rauUos, phont^aphs. Houra 8-10 out Thursday against crosstowi: injuries, Boston University Tufts counters with on# of Alabama, atop the SEC with 4-0, hip improves. tion, $200. MI 9-1468 after 6 p.m. p.m. H A E Ramo and TV. MI malned deadlockedleadli with Hall of rival Conard. Whilesell, Hudson. Crowell, Lavery. La-i This session Is done mostly to opponent played the week previ­ wins In the 18 games played the For Miami, idle last week, a Pond. Smith. Trotter. Brannick. launches the program tonight the nation’s top ground gain­ ously. Scouts u.sually review' this new start is contemplated. is out of the conference against Leading th* Huskie* in ruahing ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, STEPS, sidewalks, stonewalls, 0-5582, Ml 8-1479. satisfy individual curiosity about two years previous to this one. 1* fullback Ralph Rinaldi, who ha* fireplaces, flagstone terraces. at George Washington where ing attacks headed by Ron film and check their own findings George Mira, the flashy sopho­ (2-2-1) while Texas (5-0) brnided representative, Alfred JOE SULLIVAN SAYS, Deveaux (588 yards') and a particular play or. for the away He has a flashy quarterback plays what may be its laat obstacle 142 yard* in 32 carries for a 4,4 Amell, 206 Henry St. Tel. Ml Work done at reasonable price*. CjONNIE'S TV and Radio Senlca, halfback Dick Drummond is scouts, to see how the squad actu­ against it. more quarterback who has been rated a one-man team. sophomore Ralph Doran named Dan Keating In whom the for the Southwest Conference title average. He’* followed by Korponai S-0450. "DUE TO THE SPLENDID RE­ MI 3-0798. available all hours. Satisfaction ally performed. ■see team believes. -More Important, hobbled by injuries sine# the vic­ CEPTION OF OUR RAMBLER guaranteed. Call MI 0-1815. Holy Cross invades Syracuse (334). p tory over Kentucky, la expetced to when it meets Rice (2-2-1) In a with 126 yards in 29 trie* for a 4.3 GmKng-dff Period for Knieks Then on Sunday morning at 8 says Kelley, Keating now believes average. Danny Gervasi 1* next WANTED—Ride from Twin Hills CARS WE HAVE TAKEN IN HANDY MAN SERVICE — Home, where Davis, the jet-propelled In local battles. Rhode Ls- Scouting Report see action. As Mira goes, so go night game. The third ranked Long­ a.m. work starts in earnest and a In himself. He has only 15 players horns, which easily beat tough Ar­ with 19-76 and 4.0. Drive to Hartford Center, working TRADE THESE FINE CARS. stores, offices. Floors washed, 210-pound halfback, and his land threatens to spring a The scouting team for the next he considers as the core of his the Hurricanes. He has not play­ hours 9-6. PI 2-8781. THEY ARE PRICED TO SELL AT waxed, windows washed. Attics, Millinery Dressmaking 19 Saturday, O ct 2S New Tork — New- York's >vamped lineup and three straight mates are anxious to atone for spread formation offense long and trying day it is. The ed in the last two games and saw kansas last week, are 2-0 in the Quarterback Joe KHma* lead* coaches split into groups and Oll- week's opponent then proceeds to club, but everyone has, Kelley will SW e and Rice is 1-0. the passer* with five completions THE BEST OF BANK TERMS.” and cellars cleaned. Lawn main' Mandieater at Bulkeley, Dillon Knickbockers. surprisingly one of home victories. last week’s loss to Penn against Brown, which has yet draw up the report. A verj’ thor­ tell you in terms of deep admira­ only limited action in a 25-8 vic­ MAN WOULD like ride from Union tenance. Odd jobs. MI 3-8946. SEWING TO BE done? Dressmak­ to score its first touchdown of var, Prendergast and Neri grade Notre Dame, ranked eighth with in 19 trie* for 130 yard* and two Place to East Hartford Aircraft, FMd. 2. the hottest teams in the National The latest waa a 120-117 come­ State. Winners of three ough job is done and often it is tion, an exceptionally fierce desire tory over Penn State. TDs. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS ing and alteratlms. Reaaonabla. Sunday, O ct 2t back affaif over Cincinnati last straight, the Crusaders’ task 1961. And Springfield faces the players on their offensive per­ after 5 p.m. before the report Is to win.- His sub, John Bennett haa also a 3-1 mark, meets Northwestern Gate 6, on first shift. MI 9-8744. EXPERT FUIWrrURB refinlah- MI 3-8688. Basketball Association, may be formances. The filni is show’n in (2-2), ninth-ranked Georgia Tech The young, eager Bull* are quite Cruisers vs. Devils, 1:30, Nebo. night in the feature of a New York of trying to stop Davis is com­ American International for completed. , New Gimmicks Improved but whether either will 1957 DeSoto 4-Door Hardtop ing, repair, and touch-up, MI heading for a cooling-off period. doubleheader. St. Louis rallied the Mayor's Trophy. its entirety and all of the plays (4-1) plays Tulane (1-4) in anoth­ anxious to make up for the 1960 WANTED — RIDE to Asylum St. 3-7287 after 5:30 p.m. Fighters vs. Slaters, 3, Nebo. plicated by the return ot regu­ Scouts on other opponents tab­ Colgate has some new gimmicks be a match for the Tar Heels’ Ray record of 4-6-0. the first losing cam­ from vicinity of Buckland, work­ Sharp and fullv equipped. First of all, their next game is from 13 points behind in the final lar Orange quarterback Dave The rest of the games in­ are recorded. Then, the pictures ulate their material for future ref- Farris, is questionable. Parris has er SBX; game and Big Eight lead­ Moving—^Trucking- Plainville at Manchester, 3:30, In both its attack and defense. er .Colqrado (4-0) plays wtnleas Ok­ paign under th* tutelage of Offen- ing hours 8jlS-4:30. MI 4-0293. Only $195 Down M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv­ Memorial Field. on the road, always a tough propo­ quarter and edged Syracuse llO’ Sarette from Manchester, N.H. clude Massachusetts at North­ are, re-run and every player is j erence and often check It against They employ a "lonely twin" of­ sparked North Carolina (3-1) to a Storage 20 sition in the NBA. Second, their 107 in the first game, the Hawks' Following are the starting times, eastern, Southern Connecticut graded as to his performances on lahoma (0-4) in a conference tilt. hamer. ice-commercial, residential, in­ Moaday, Oct. M Maine (5-0) Is the favorite the previous year’s game film with fense which places an end and a first place tie In the Atlantic Coast Ground Mover WANTED—Ride to Pratt and Whit­ 1955 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop dustrial. Attics, cellars, incinera­ Saturday match is agrainst the flrst victory of the season. pairings and handicaps for Satur­ at Quonset, R. I., Navy, every play. that particular opponent. Conference and haa completed 20 In the conferences, Princeton AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- Cross Country—Bulkeley at Man­ day’s Member-Junior Golf Tour­ going into the serious busi­ halfback in semi-exile. On de­ Pullback Jack Valentic 1* the ney, Gate 2, from vicinity Hilliard Very Nice—Fully equipped. tors. Leaves raked. Brush re­ mighty Boston Celtics, three-time Tonight, Syracuse is at Phila­ ness of the state title series. Bridgeport at Central Con­ The ratings range from 0 to 5. The grading that the coaches fense the Red Raiders use three of 49 passes for 220 yards and one and Dartmouth, co-leaders in the S t, hours 8-4:46. Call MI 9-7028 moving, packing, stor^e. Low chester, S:U, Memorial Field. league kingpins. delphia, St. Louis at Chicago and nament at the Manchester Coun­ necticut and Worcester Tech prime ground mover for the Bulla, Only $145 Down moved. Metal, cardboard drums. The Black Bears need only a A 0 is for a miased assignment. I work on is usually completed tackles and flay their fullback at touchdown, and has gained , an­ Ivy League with 2-0 marks, play after 5. MI 9-9757. .rate on long distance moves to Itesday, Oet. 3i > The Knieks, le'ague doormats last Detroit at . try du b: at Coast Guard. Cornell and Harvard respectively leading hia matea in ruahing with 48 states. Personalized service, MX co-championship to clinch would be for, say, knowing what about 3 p.m. Then OUvar, who •nd. other 149 on running plays. 208 yard# in 42 attempts for a 4.9 Soccer—Wethersfield at Man­ Reason, have come up with a new Richie Guerin struck for 35 8 :6^B?aulleu S. Parmakian IJ; Special Defenses to do but having poor execution. has been working on the offen.siv* while Duke, 3-1 in the ACC, takes RIDE WANTED from Parker and 1956 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 3-5187, CH 7-1428. Prlndle 9. Barrett 14. permanent possession of the Best backs, other than Keating, BU Hit Hard yard average. Bel Air V8. Fully equipped. chester, 1:15, Memorial Field. coach in Skidie Donovan, a re- points in sparking the Knieks to Coy 12: McOurkin The reasons special defenses 2 fair contact. 3 good ccmduct and mark, goes over the defensive on North Carolina State (2-1). Woodbridge to vicinity State Of­ 9, S. Hilinaki S. Barrows Trophy. They are are Jim Heilman, a classy soph, George Washington (3-3) takes Quarterbacks John' Stofa and Household SetTieeo MANCHESTER Package Dtolvery. their third victory against a single at Bates tomorrow while Colby must be built for Drummond follow through. 4 what .the coaches breakdown, paying particular at­ and Jim Deegan. The best in the Utah, atop the skyline with a 3-4) fice Bldg., Hartford, hours 9-5. Only $195 Down loss. It gave New Yoric a half- 9 :1»-Jarvla Sr. 9. Stone 11; Connor- and Davis are obvious. or. Boston University (1-4) in the mark, has its work cut out against Gene Guerrie are the mialn offen­ Call MI 9-0347 after 3:30. Offered 13-A Light trucking and package deliv­ ton 12. Poe 4. Is at defending champion like to see them doing and 5 is tention to the defensive calls. primary are Ken Kerr, captain and night’s other major activity. BU sive weapons for Buffalo, however, ery. Refrigerators, washers and game lead over Boston, though the 9 19 18 13 GW’s Drummond leads the Starting on Sunday afternoons Wyoming (3-0-1). 1955 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan : .Coy S. Reanik ; Beauchene . Bowdoin. well, just superb. center, left guard Stu Benedict upset West Virginia last week having pitched for 702 yards be­ WANTED—Ride from Manchester stove moving mcla)ty. F

/ ii — niMJBuBTEMSit )MANCHESSTEB EVENING HEBALD. MANGHB8TBR, GONN^ PRIDAT. QCT019(BR 17. 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 ______A r t l d c s 4 5 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY SHORTEN BwiBfiiMi Fiopfiriy F orB ak 70 H ooififi for Salt » f i e i g h t JIOOM colonial^ 4 bed- ROCKVlUSBi-i-A 6 room ranch re­ WALLPAPER and patitt aal»-aon rqoroa, tamUy room, attached 80. -WINDSOR—Attractivb 8 room AN EXCEU41NT location and UBBAN o r suburban — Ranch, BUuilaiM AMD inwiBe p ro M ^ lIANCBB8nBR-4k fiXlf blook off cently repainted Inald* and out, ranch, fireplace, i/ combinations, EXCELLENT VALUES BUILDING LOTS In all zones for yellowlag idoaa w l^ $4J6 $««•■*•. J ’ *"'*®*' a rea, B eech ler- 87x198 lot make tola 6 room cus­ Cape, Colmiial or Spilt Level. single and two-family dwellings. ioefitod on Center St., realistically MalaStreat. T rbom O alei^ 1% floors reflnlshed. is available for attached garage large lot. Owner tom built ranch that much-more Ion; ceifiiig white, $8.96 hatha. 4 room down, 8 badroaoui SmiW, Baalton. 50 8-8993, 50 immediate occupancy. A few of Mbdern 8 bedroom ranch featur­ Prices from $8,700 'to $75,000. For Oiarles Pontlcelli Agency. Phone CLASSIFIED priced. Box W, Herald. anxlouaUo self. Asking $18,500 JA desirable. 2 bedrooms, but toay're ing oil hot water heat, tile bath, A as. Morrison Palat Stora, $66 oaater 84969. ■ a fine home call The E. J..' Dupre m 9-9644 or 5U 8-8109. ot^tober, 1961. up. klodara Utchen, 8 powlwa. toe features Include oil hot water ,8-6854. ' large. 2 fireplace* and attached S t wau shaded lot, 8-car fftnum, heat, aluminum storm windows fully plastered, aluminum storms, Real Estate Agency, 5II 8-1900 Present, Hon. Jolw J. Wallett, Judge. e a s t HARTFORD—6 room ranch, garage and breezeway. Attractive basement garage, asking $16,300. Estate of Robert Lennon, late of Mao- $16,900. PhUbritt Aganey, lO near Alrcrift. For quick sale, Md screens, city water and sew­ BOLTON RANCH living room with, knottyr pine ASSUME 4l4 % mortgage, $1,800 in said Dtetrict. deceaaed. TV ANTlCilNAS. tnbaa, parts and ATTENTION ers, and Is close to shopping and BOLTON—Large wooded lot, near Oil-motion of Ellen Lennon of eald $14,900. For ^wointment call 50 paneling adds to the beauty of FamUy Dellght-8 room colonial down, $102 monthly includes MaiwhMler executrix. AD}^RTISING aeceaaociaaaala In our famous *‘Db bus service. Priced at $11,900. This five room ranch has had center, resumnable. 5fl 9-3498, $-1865. this home. Jack Lappen Agency, In excellent condition, extra large everything. 914 room ranch, fire­ •** ntonthe from It youradf dapartmant Raosivtog MANCHBSTBR-6 room rano|i wiOi Only $500 dow n. F o r ad ditional in­ love and care and' needs nothing the 24th day of October, 1961. be and tubas, 40% (A AST pieturo mbea, INVESTORS garage and pxtio, $ or 4 bedrobma, 50 9-4808, 5 0 4-1894. ■ “ rooms, modem tile bath, rec room, place, cellar, large lot. Carlton W. TOLLAND—Extra nice lot with the the same are limited and allewad CLASSIFIED AOVERnSBIBNT DEPT. HOURS^ formation or appointment call Me. but new owners. The lot is 77x280 new oil conversion, 2-car garage, Hutchins, 5n 9-5132 many shade trees, high elevation, moat **tr* siaa, $2l.9e,.aiid up. In­ Attractive Baat Center Street of­ nicely landscaped, fireplace, ples^ for the creditors within which to bring I 8!|S AAL to 4;80 PAL earthy Enterprises. Inc., Ml and has on abundance of trees. The centrally located, $16,400. choice surroundings, 140x176. S. A. in their claims against said esute. and door BBtaanas from 8$e and up. ter waUs, fuU cellar, alumfinim MANCHESTER said executrix is directed to give pub- Outdoor aataanaa from $1.99 and fice building. Fully occupied — P«nclera, 50 oversized garage can be entered Manchester Beechler, Realtor. Phone MI storms, tnermopane piotun win­ 9-189$, I through toe enclosed breeieway Better Than Most! Oxford. St.—Buy of toe week. 6 3-6969 or 5U 9-8962, Ho notice to the creditors to bring in COPY CLOSING TIBIE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. up. ChlmiMy mouats only 90c. choice tenants. .XhcoeUent Income. dow, asking $30,600. Robert i room ranch, large Uving room, thslr fc alms within said time allowed VHF wlra 8e • f ^ Also, aaed without getting yoUr feet wet (and 4 room expandable Cape Cod, room oversized Cape. 2-car ga­ by publishing a copy of this order in MOMDAT fSIDAT MM AJI^-SATDKOAV t AJL For fuu particulars call Wolverton Agency, 50 8-1914. large brick fireplace, attached ga­ It makes an ideal play area on some newspaper having a circulation in TVs comi^ataly ovarbauted. Sae MANCHESTER sidewalks to Buckley School, rage, extra lot, exbellent location, Resort Property Por Sale 74 rage with Bundeck, combination rainy days.) The . present owners Salters Pond, bus. Hot water heat, priced for quick sale at $19,500, Colonial Ranch! said probate district within ten days us first tor the best deals. Open VERNON—2 bedroom ranch, high Two-famlly duplex, 6-0 2-ctr ga­ from ths date of this order and return windows, lovely high' lot. Complete hadn’t planned’on moving and have plaster walls, ceramic tile bath, COUNTRY CULONIAL .... 8 make to this court of the notice given. evenings tOl $, Saturday till 6. (me-half acre lot with trees, at­ rage, bank appraisal $16,^. Selling BOLTOIn —F irst take —waterfront Dial Ml 3-2711 THE JARVIS city utilities one block to bus line. recently redecorated as well as wall'to-wali rug and atove included. Words cannot describe this beau­ rooms with 8 bedrooms. Living 6-room cottage which can be JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, c Pricea m sffact till supply la ax- tached gxrsge, enclosedThilo, pic­ Asking $15,800. ing price $16,800. Both sides com- tiful 614 room custom built Cape, ture window with a real view, 1% added many extras. We have And a garage too! 114.600. Evenings room, dining room, kitchen, recrea­ •asUy winterized, Marion E. Rob­ haustad or replaced by sirallar pletely redecorated, good location, priced this home at $18,900. 114 bathe, spacious bedrooms, for­ U5IITATION OBDEB items. SataUite Blactromo Sarrioa, yMrs oM. Owner aiudoua. Robert Ray Holcombe, 5 0 4-1189. tion room potential, and basement ertson. broker. Mi 8-5953 AT A raURT OF PROBATE h»M S atUBWO/" REALTY (X>. Older Colonial home, 8 rooms and la ^ e lot. Shown by appointment mal dining roomj modem large . 114 baths. Garage. Center at Manchester, within and for the Om Hm M Fna friNihii Pagt 165 School Street, Manehaatar, SCI Wolverton Agency, 50 1-1914. sunporcl^ 3 acre lot, 3 blocks from •only. Call the kitchen, aluminum storm* and District of Manchester on the 24th day 268 B. CBNTBR ST. 50 84112 JACK J. LAPPEN WARREN E. HOWLAND hall, ^ v e ly terraced, landscaped of October, 1961. 9-1786. AN0V5MI% Main Street, good condition MI 9-4508 511 44149 MI 4-1894 screens, garage, ameslte drive, Wanted— Real Estate 77 MANCHESTER—6% room tanoh, throughout, exceUent location for $16,900. lawn. Convenient commuting, near Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. 'THEORMC 1% baths, plus exoeptional leerea- R. P. DIMOCK CO. REALTOR MI 3-1108 schools. 118,500. Call Annette Hunt­ Estate of Barbara Perk Breltbart, Blaemal Scrnc— 22 Help Wanted— Female 35 children. Asking $15,900. ASK US about our cash offer for late of Manchester in said District de­ STORM WINDOWS, IS various Land For Sfilo 71 Uon-room, with buUMn T ^ MI 9-5245 BOLTON—Immaculate split level er, 5H 9-5306, 5H 9-3695. your property. No red tape. Hon­ ceased. Barbara Woods 50 9-7702 on lovely large lot. plastered J. D. REALTY ntBK nmCATBS—Prompt m t t - HELP TOUR neighbors do their aisea. M I 9-10S8. ' THenw and bar. ^ell landscaped eotner EAGLEVILLE est value. H. J. Bradley, 5n 3-7379. On motion of Robert D Peck of said WUJUDfOTON— 26 acres, mostly lot. $19,t00. PhUbrlek Agency, 50 Johanna Evans 5 0 9-5658 walls, fireplace, garage. $15,900 470 MAIN ST. AH 3-5129 FRIENDLY RANCH .... living Mnmhrster admini.sti ator. lc« OB oU tjfpaa of elootiicai wir- Christinas Gift Shopping during SNOW BLOWERS — From $79.96 nm m wooded, approximately 1200 feet for immediate sale. Belfiore Agen- room with fireplace, dining room, ORDERED: Tliat six months from ^ Uconaod aad liwuroii, WUabn U & R REALTY UNHEARD OF ONLY $5,000 WISH S054EONE to handle youf the 24th day of October. 1961 be and the next few months. Offer AVON l O 'Z T of highway frontage, part-time SOUTH WINDSOR-7 room, 4 bed­ cy, 5n 8-5121. birch cabinet kitchen with formica real estate? Call me at Ml 9-0320 iM ctiieal Oo., MBBcheator, MI and up. Parts and aervice Capi­ the same are limited and allowed for Service in your neighbortiood by tol Equipment Co., S8 Main St. brook, $8,600, Shown by appoint­ MANCHESTHUV—4 bedroom horns, M I 3-2692 room, brick Colonial, oil hot water For a- 8 family home, cold flats, counters. Admiral 'built-in. 3 bed­ for prompt and courteous service. the creditors within whirh to bring In M U T , CUiuttaDbunr. M E A 7 m . JMning our staff of successful ARE YOU THIS MOTHER? Hours 7-9 daily, 7-9 Thursday, 7-4 ment, weekends only. RiMcoe Tal­ exceUem clcsat end storage space, heat, extra lot, enclosed sunporch SIX ROOM frame house with large income $128 per month. Mortgage rooms. 1>4 bath*. Porch, 2-car ga­ Joseph Barth. Broker. their rlaima against said estate and women who have earned with R. D. Murdock MI 3-6472 kitchen, living room and dining said administrator is directed to give Saturday. bot. tetScer. PI 3-7023. large enclosed poreb, 2-car ga­ West Side Realty, Ml 9-5315. can be assumed with small down If you have experience In rage. Immediate occupancy. public notice to the creditor.s to bring AVON for 79 years. No exjierlence rage, $19,700 PhUbrlek Agency, 50 room and bath. Second floor, bath payment. A real moneymaker. $20,900. Call Dave Douton, 511 HELP! DUE to many recent sales, in their clalma within said time allowM Private Inatmctkins 28 $9,800 — West Side.' Immaculate P.T.A., Scouting, Church n eeded. CaU B U ->-4922. ALL STEEL 6 cubic foot storage 94464. MANCHESTER AND and 8 bedrooms. Priced to sell. activities, etc., you may 9-5306, 511 9-3111, our listings are low. Buyers are by publishing a copy of thla order in cabineta with lock and key. Ibc- Huoses For Sale . 72 -L 4 room s on on e flo o r . BuUt 1948. Charles Pontlcelli Agehcy. Phone qualify for unusual posi­ waiting for all types of property. some newspaper having a circulation tn f. WOMAN TO live with and care for SACRIFICE;-4 room cape, full Near bus, stores. 4%% mort­ MI 9-9844 or 5U 8-8109 MANCHESTER REALTY said probate district within ten daya PIANO AND AoconUon lenonB. cellent for Unena, toola and other VICINITY tion In your community. If selling buying or trading call from the date of this order and reinru aged ii^ . Swedish descent pre­ uses. While they last, $9. Klein’s BUSnOCas 8 room boms In shed dormer, front vestibule, re­ gage, Carlton W, HutcMna, 50 CO. at once. Free inspections upon re- make to this court of the notice given. Export Inotructlofi. MI ASMS. ferred. Write Herald, Box U stat­ 9-5193. EAST HARTFORD—7 room Co­ Hours 9:30 to 3 Mon. thru BARROWS M arket, 161 Center St. oxceUettt eoadlUaa off Bast Center cently redecorated, garage, patio. If you are buying, selling or look­ Pri. Comm. $300 Guaran­ <]|uest. Cairthe Ellsworth Mitten JOHN J. WALLETT, .fudge. Wanted— lBStracti<«i8 SO ing experience. Ideal Manchester Green location. ing to trade, stop into our office lonial, 4 bedrooms, modem kitch­ Agency, Realtors, Member of MLS Street Good loeatkm fOr dootor, OAKWOOD RD.—914-room ranch, en. 2-car garage, vacant. Must be MI 3-0000 or MI 3-4348 tee Call Mr. Odess MI AT A COURT OF PROBATE held TYPEWRITER, Underwood Stand­ .hairdresser, ote. $28,000 For tim Beechler-Smith, Realtors. 50 and look over our many listings or 9-8619. WALLACE service, MI 8-6930, at Manchester, within and for the ard, exceUent condition, $69. Call Honnehold Goods 51 Wantsd—To Boy 58 Apartments—Flstih— 9-8962, 5 0 8-6969. exceUent condition, large living discuss your real estate plans sold. Beechler-Smith, Realtors, District of Manchester on the 24th day thor Information caU ths PhUbrlek MANCHESTER 55 E. Center St. 5II 9-5306 of October. A D. 1961. WANTED—Tutor ta ol(«bra. CiOl Help Wanted— Male 36 M I 8-9219. Tenemsots 63 Aganey, 50 84464. room with fireplace, 8 bedrooms, while you relax with a HOT CUP 5n 9-8952 MI 8-8989 CASH WAITING for property own­ M I A6S2S. G(X)D BUY in comUnatton gaa WANTED TO buy for a n tl^ TW0-FA5OLY ranch, 64, anelosud plastered waUs, forced hot water Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, Judge. stove, Glenwood; Serve! reMgera- OP COFFEE, $14,500—6 room Ranch, plastered (Office open 9 a m, to 9 p.m.) ers. Please call us Mfore you buy Trust Estate u/w of Nathan T. Rubin, MACHINIST for maintenance de­ CHRISTMAS ’TREES (wholesale). fumlfiire and any brle-a-brao, All SEVERAL apartments. 6 romn breezeway, garage, two furnaces, heat, one car garage, Bowers MANCHESTER—Centrally located Or sell. Sucedy serrice. J. D. late of Manchester in said district, de­ tor, best offer. MI 8-T019. $11,800—8 BBDROQM raiuXi, flrn- new two-family flat. Plaster walls, walls, full basement, conven­ MANCHESTER partment. Apply Main Office, Best selected fancy trees, that sell things I buy are for sale rear 42 duplexes, single housA and four place, aluminum storm windows, aluminum siding, fireplace, 248* School district, $18,900. PhUbrlek Hours 9:80 a.m.-9 p.m. iently located. Realty. 5Q 1-5129 ceased. Amerbelle Corp., 104 E. Main terace St. MI 9-4886, VUlaga ready for your decoration. Live NEW LISTING TWO FAMILIES Upon application of Leon R. Rubin Bends—Stoeka M ortgages SI cm sight. Renowned quality. Mod­ room apptment. J. D. Realty, large lot ceUar. Carlton W. frontage, trees, greenhouse; excel­ Agency, 50 9-8464, and David Rubin. Truiteei. praying for St., Rockville. erate pricea. Ebctra early sellouta. Charm Antiques. Tuesday. Thursday and Friday. "rent free” on this type of deal. $16,200^ — 14x18 maater bedroom, r . CULUER atroUer-carriage good 5 0 841W . Hutchtne. 50 9-6182. lent condition. Only $19,BOO. Carl­ Six room Cape, 6 roomg com­ 8-8 duplex on Foster Street Legal Notice authority to sell certain real estate pap- SECOND MORTOAGE menep-W o Write for prices. Hughes Farms, BOLTON—Practically new 8 bed­ T. J. Crockett. Realtor. 50 8-1577. oversized 8 room Cape, rec tlcularly described In eaid application I WISH I could find a man with conditlan. 50 9-9618. ton W. Hutchins, 50 94183. pletely reflnlshed, one partial, beau­ on file, it Is eaa oiq^p aop amouBt M duplex, oil furnace, place, hot water beat, cellar, kitchen cabinets, formica count­ 6-8963, 5 0 84969. MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, fire­ $18,900—6-6 duplex, 2-car garage, '^hat six months from In said district, at least seven days bip AND OTHER ACCEMORIEa place, oil heat. 2-car garage with 19 THISTLE ROAD—9 room 2 bed­ MI 3-1577 the 24th day of October. 1961. be and please contact this omce. J. D. COVEREID STORAGE for boats ROOM FOR lady or gentleman. central location. Writa Box X, $10,700. Carlton W. Hutchins, 50 ers, aluminum storms, csntral. large lot. the same are limited and allowed for fore the day of said hearing, to appear EXPERIENCED dump truck driv­ E V E R Y T H IN G $228 CUSTOM BUILT Cape— excellent room ranch. Price reduced for If they see cause at said time and place Realty, 470 Main St., MI S-BIM. avaUable. BU 9-9099 or BU Kitchen privileges, quiet. Inquire H erald. 9-9182. Carlton W Hutchins, 50 84183. , attached screened patio, trees, the creditors within which to bring In end be heard relative thereto, and Inaka er. Apply Thomas CoUa Co., 291 condition, fireplace, bay window, nicely landscaped, with extrk Iqt. $26,500—A large 8 room home and quick sale. Owner. MANCHESTER—6 room Dutch Co­ tnel^r claims against said estate, and 9-9188. 224 Charter Oak St., 5a 8-8868, Elva Tyler, Realtor return to this court. Broad St., Manchester MI 0-9224. $ ROOMS FURNITURE FIVE LARGE heated rooms, resi­ CHOICE LlsnNOS Include 8 room large kitchen, basement garage, dwelling In very good condition a separate 4 room home, 3-car lonial. living room with fireplace, aald administratrix Is directed to give CH 6-4788. MANCHEkfl'Ek — 6 room Cape, 5 0 9-4469 public notice to the creditors to bring ______JOHN_J._W^LECT,_Ju8ge. HostiieaB O pportm iities S2 $10.16 MONTHLY dential area, first floor, hot water, single on Bigelow St. for $30,000; large yard beautifully landscaped. throughout. Quick occupancy. MI 9-5051 garage on a large lot. Ideal for BOLTON formal dining room, family size FULL AND/OR part-time me 80x180 lot with trees, basement kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full base­ In their claims within said time allow" AT A COURT OF FROBATs'held Bofldlng Materials 47 WE8TTNOHOUSE REFRIG., LIV- E la rg e garage. 5a 8-7287 after 6:80 p.m. garage, fireplace, plaster walls, big colonial on Pitkin St.;°deluxe 192 G reen R oa d , M anchester. Asking price $17,600 Charles Les­ in-laws, etc. Near center. ed by publishing a copy of this order at Manchester, within and for the chanlc, experienced in heavy con RANCH—Suburban setting, 3 bed­ $8,900—9 room winterized cottage, ment. oil heat, aide porch, garage, in some newspaper having a clrcula- District of Manchester on the 24tll day ANDOVER—Grocery and general ING ROOM. BEDROOM DI­ room next to bath, privata home, $18,900. Cali 50 8-1914 for infor­ $80,000 plus ranch in Lakewood perance, 5 0 9-7620. Store doina a fine buainesa. Own­ Btruction equipment. Apply in 2% ROOM apartment, furnished or MONTAUG DRIVE—6 room front rooms, ceramic bath, large kitch­ new heat and utilities. ameslte drive, nicely landscaped llon in said probate district within ten of October. A.D. 1961. ASSORTED USES) lumber, build­ NETTE, RUGS, LA50>8 TABLES 2 1 Church'St. 5a 9-4966. mation. Robert Wolverton Agency-. Circle; new 4 bedroom colonial en with oven and range, garage, LAWRENCE F. FIANO days from the date of this order and Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. er’s apartment over store. Sale in­ person at the Thomaa OoUa Co., AND OTHER ACCESSORIES unfurnished, reasonable rent, to back’ spUt, built-in appliances, BOLTON — Custom built ranch REALTOR MI 8-2766 lot, desirable location. Call Mc­ Estate of Ellen Miller Grant late U 291 Broad St.. Manchester. ing and plumbing suppUea. radia­ with 2-car tor $27,900. T. J. immediate sale nrice $15,900. $9,500—Economy 5 room, ranch return make to this court of the notice trudes land, buUdings, and fix­ tors, pipes and flra bricks, doors E V E R Y T H IN G $297 parking. Adults. New Bplton Rd. Manchester Crockett, Realtor, 50 8-1977, waU-to-wall carpeting, finished rec home In sji area where people are •Ed Crawford 5fl 9-4410 Carthy Enterprises, Inc. 50 given. Manchester In said district, dMCaSed; M I 3-6389. Beechler-Smith. Realtors, 50 type home, privacy, 9-9391, John Panciera, 511 9-1898. ______JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge Upon application of The Connecticut tures. Good oRwrtunlty for couple and wlndowa. Open dally 8:90-6 ATTRACTIVE R(X)5L gentleman room, attached garage. Next to young at heart and living Is fun. Bank and Trust Company praying that PART-TIME architectural drafta- WALKER STREET—8 room Cape, 9-8952. 50 S-6969 EAST HARTFORD—29 Concord St. wanting business of tbelr own. man. Contact Shirley Buchanan, p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Tard at Stock $ ROOMS FURNTTURK preferred, parking. MI 8-7748. new school. A beauty. Must s e ll- Features 3 bedrooms, pine panel­ $10,500—Economy 4 room ranch, LIMITATION OBDEB an Instrument purporting to be the last Priced to sell. Evenings Dick Place oft North Mato St. Cboman’a $14.74 MONTHLY owner transferred. Call 50 8-1865. ed kitchen, ceramic tiled hato, ga­ Open for inspection Sunday, 1-5, or Lots For Sale AT A COURT OF PROBATE held will and testament of said deceased be M I 0-9224. SEVEUf ROOMS, furnace heat, ga­ Delightful MANCHESTER quiet dead end street. 73 at Manchester, within and for the admitted to prbbats as per application H ayes, M I S-0SS7, W arren E . Houaewrecking, Ml 9-2882. NORGE WASHING 5CACHINE, rage. AH of this on an acre lot Q' call for appointment, 3 bedroom rage, 50 8-0821. 88 North Elm St. MANCHESTER—Custom - built Co­ District of Manchester on the 24th day on file, it is Rowland, Realtor, HI S-U08. E1XPERIENC3ED oil burner service WEBTTNGHOUSE REFRIG., BED- ROOM CENTRALLY located, enhanced by nature's wooded sur­ Owner transferred reason for sell­ rahch, walk-out. basement large $12,400—Lake. 2 full baths, 6 room TWO B ZONE lota with city water. of October, 1961. ORDERED: That the foregoing ap­ R(X)M, LIVING ROOM, DINBTTE, parking. 5a 9-6815. .> CUSTOM BUILT lonial, landscaped In fine taste. roundings. Only $17,500. Call The lot. Don't mlss this buy.! Middle Cape, plastered walls, shed Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. plication be heard and determined at man. Ehccellent working 'condi­ FTVE r o o m duplex redecorated. $ , (K) —^>JtOCKVlUjE. 6 room ing this Immaculate 6 room ranch, Union St., $2,400. Call 5U 9-6495. Estate of William John Lennon, late Ihe Probate office In Meacbestes bl EXCELLENT tions. Write Box T. The Herald, DISHES, RUGS, LA5fP8 TABLES 12 6 This home features center hall, Jarvis Realtv Co., Realtor, MI teens. Montpetlt Agenty, PI dormer, fireplace, basement Oiamonda—-W atelif 129 Cooper Hill St. Call after 6 ranch, large living room, cabinet 3 twin size bedrooms, beautifully of Manchester in said District, de­ said District, on the 3rd day of Novam- listing experience, etc BLANKETS AND OTHE^ ACCES­ VEUINON—One room with private living room, formal dining room, 3-4112, 50 9-2919, 50 3-1023. 2-8726. garage, privacy. BUILDING LOT — 100x281 feet, ceased. her. A.D. 1961, at two o'clock in tbs J e w e b T 4 8 p.m. 50 8-2284. AvaUable Nov, 1, SPLIT LEVEL kitchen, beautifully landscaped finished recreation room with bar, INVESTMENTS SORS bath In private home. E’m park­ modem kitchen, paneled den, 8 fuljy treed, .-city water, city sewer, On motion of Ellen Leimon e( said afternoon, and that notice be ^ e n to ing, 5a 9-9991 after 6 p.m. High with view, 2-year-old, 8-bed­ lot. shown by appointment. bedrooms, 114 baths, garage. Call WEST50NSTER RD.—New 6 room one-car garage, near bus. shop­ EAST HARTFORD—5 room ranch, $17,800—Vernon line. 2 full baths, 4 Manchester, administratrix. . all persons Intereated in said eitate of CLERK-MAILING DEPT. E V E R Y T H IN G $898 ping, school. Selling for $16,990. sidewalks, curbs, excellent loca­ ORDERED: That six months from the pendency of said application and tha Several pieces of commercial room, 6-room apUt level. Features Marion E. Robertson,., Broker, 50 The Jarvis Realty CJo., Realtors, colonial; 114 baths, attached ga­ 3 bedrooms, nice yard, near new possible bedrooms, 7 room split the 24th day of October. 1961. be and HAVE RENTED one room to y o u M Fnniished Apartments 63>A 3-5953. tion. For additional information time and place of hearing thereon-'.by property witieb should net better Opening for a clerk in the Mail­ PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY, Include hot water oil heat, full plas­ 50 8-4112, 50 9-2519, 50 8-1023. rage, fireplace, don't be late on school. Priced right. Ix>w down level, large carport, storage or appointment. Call McCarthy the same are limited and allowed for publishing a copy of this order in soma than 19% OB capital inveetment. businesss g irl. Can accommodailodate this -one. Beechler-Smith, Real­ R. F. DIMOCK CO. payment, .lohn H, Lappen, Inc., area, large, high, treed lot, ex­ the creditors within which to bring in newspaper having a circulation in m la ing Deputment. Full-time posi­ SET UP, SERVICE, GUARANTEE SOUTH COVENTRY—Four room ter house, 1% bath's, picturebook Enterprises, 5fl 9-5391. John Pan­ FUr further Infonnation please call another. Call 50 94288 after 5 89 LYNESS ST. Very good buy. WEST SIDE—6 room single, A-l tors, 50 9-8962, 50 8-8969. MI 9-524,5 MI 9-5261, 5n 3-5219, 5fl 9-7445. their claims against said estate, and district, at least seven days before the tion. Would prefer at least one y w evenings. 129 Spruce St. MI 9-4887. I5CMEDIATE DELIVERY OR furnished apartment, lights, heat, kitchen, dining room, rec room cellent location. Owners out of ciera, 5fl 9-1898. said administratrix is directed to give day of said hearing, to appear if the; High School education Apply Em­ with flreiUace, 3-car sarage, large Drive by» Coll for details. Carlton condition, 3 bedrooms, large kitch­ Barbara Woods 50 9-7702 state. public notice to the creditors to brim FREE STORAGE UNTIL NEiED- ^ a g e . PI 2-8494 after 6:30 week W. Hutchins. 50 9-6183. see cause at said time and place ant. JOHN DeQUATTRO ployment Office. shade trees, beautiful lot. House en. fairly priced, $13,900. Beech­ Johanna Evans Ml 9-5653 MEADOWBROOK MANOR Coven­ their claims within said time allowe be heard relative thereto, and maka I FURNISHED Iqvely room in pri' days, also weekends. by publishing a copy of this order In return to this court, and by maiUnil on Fael and Feed 49-A vacant. Priced to sell. ler-Smith, Realtors. 5 0 9-8952 50 try-7 excellent lots. 60x125. Own­ J. D. REALTY SBE rr DAY OR NIGHT AT vate home. CaU after 5. 5a 9-8819. BOLTON 8-6969. Neat Two Family MANCHESTER—Headquarters for STEEP HOLLOW LAWRENCE F. FIANO some newspaper having a circulation in or before October 26, 1961, by certuieo FIRST NATIONAL STORES, CLEAN 8ii room furnished apart­ two tenements. Whv not call us? er leaving country, will sacrifice said probate district within ten days mail, a copy of this order to Alice A. SEAflONElD CORD wood, sawed A—L—B—E—R—T—’—S M I 3-6273 12 room sturdy duplex In good Quality 6 room Cape with breeze- REALTOR 5H 8-2766 for quick sale. J. D. Realty, 5U from the date of this order and return Brabason, B Highland St.. West Hart- INC. 43-48 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD ment, first floor, heat and aU utili­ Country living and privacy, 8 West Side Realty, 50 9-5315. make to this court of ths notice given. ford. Conn. 470 Main St MI 3-5129 any length, top quality, free de­ 69 DALE RD. condition on lot 60x167 (avg.) Two 4 3-5129. 470 Main St. Open nights Till 8 Sat. 6 p.m ROOM FOR RENT. 50 8-9874. ties furnished. Suitable for two rooms for the grrowlng family way and garage, II baths, dor­ Ed Crawford 5H 9-4410 JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Park and Oakland Ave. livery, Edward Teomana, PI adulU. CaU 5 0 9-9608. Modem kitchen and bath, 114 acres Richardson built ranch home, 1>4 steam oil furnaces, practically new SPLIT LEVEL—A lovely 6I4 room mers, big wooded lot. Owners are WIU jIMANTIC — Package store 2-8002. Brae-Burn Realty anxious to sell. Let's look it over for sate. Currently grossing, ap­ of land, selling for $16,800. baths, 2 'fireplaces. 2-car garage, roof, hardwood floors, enclosed spilt level placed on a nicely PORTER ST. SECTION East Hartford LADY WILL share her home with landscaped half acre lot is avali- and make them an offer. proximately 190,000 a year. Legal KEINMORE automatic waaher, 10 SIX ROOM ranch, 6 years old, Immaculate condition, reduced to porches. 2-car garage, ameslte lb. capacity, $89. MI 9-8615. retired lady or couple. Beautiful Bnabieaei Locations R. F. DIMOCK CO. able. This beautiful home includes flours S a.m.4 p.m. However, WANTED—Part-time male help for Garden— Farm— Dairy Bowers School, all rooms better $24,900; drive. Built for present owner by home in suburbs. 50 8-8482. For Rent 64 many fine features as living room T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor THE RIGHT PLACE WITH THE present pwiier operates from 10 Cigar Department. Phone Ml Products 50 tiian average in size, entire base­ the late E.L.G. Hohenthal Sr. 23-25 ENTICING RIGHT BUT! a.m .-0'p.to.’ Owner retiring Ex­ MI 9-5245 R. F. DIMOCK CO. with fireplace, wall-to-wall carpet­ S-1909. Ask for Mr. Luppachino. EU R s a l e ;—R eclining chair. CaU ment finished off Into large family MI 3-1577 cellent opportunity. Busineu can STORE near Main St. at 26 Birch Griswold St.^ one block from bus. ing, kitchen, dishwaaher, exhaust U.S. No. 1 GREE9T Mountain pota­ 5 a 8-6390. Apartments—Flat»— St. 2,000 sq. ft., parking. Apply room. 4H% mortgage, priced for Barbara Woods 5 0 9-7703 fan,'Separate dining area, 3 com­ definitely be increased. $16,000 E0CPERIE91CED auto mechanic or toes. Mealy, baked or boiled. The quick sale. $16,900. PhUbrlek MI 9-5245 CCLCNIAL J. D. Realty, MI S-0129. reliable person willing to learn. Tenements 63 Marlow’s, 867 kfai^ Agency, 50 0-8464. 5 0 9-9898 Walton W. Grant Agency fortable sized bedrooms. large kind all like to eat—^not muahy. Johanna Evans Barbara Woods 50 9-7702 recreation room. II4 baths, laun­ Clarke Motor Sales, SOI Broad Delivered to your door. Call Hath' FIVE PIECE chrome kitchen set EAST HARTFORD — Excellent 7- 7 room substantial flawless Co­ BUSINESS MEN attention! Sun Oil OEUlEUtAL RSINTAL agency, J. D. SnCCEUjIENT STORE for any bust- HOLLISTER ST.—6% room home Lillian Grant, Realtor 5 0 8-1153 dry room, full basement, breeze­ year-old, 6 room Cape Cod. Con­ lonial. (Justom built by Hutchinson. OiHARTY BROTHERS St. MI 9-2012. away, MI 9-6488. Best offer. CaU 5 a 9-1759. RANCH—6 rooma first time on Johanna Evans 50 6-5653 Company ha« a 4-tay aervlce sta­ Realty, 470 Main Street, 50 ness or office, apartment mclud- market. Bowers School. Plastered no park-llke professionally land­ way, 2-car garage, a 20x46 foot venient location. Hot water oil Three bedrooms, 114 baths. For the ed. 476 Main St. 50 94229, 94. Member 50J5 tion for lease in an excellent lo­ EXPERIENCED carpenter, own BUR SALE—Baldvrin. Macs, Cort­ BABY CRIBS from $29.99 to $49.99; 8-9129, walls, cast iron radiation, hot scaped 100x150 lot In prime loca­ patio with fireplace, and many heat, 2 full baths, fireplace. discriminating buyer. Shown by cation in Rockville, Conn, nus tools, good pay. steady work. CaU water heat, choice setting with tion. 2-car garage, concrete drive, MANCHESTER more. For additional Information Usable 3 or 4 bedrooms. Easily appointment only. land and DelidoOs apples at the crib mattresses from $14.95 up; THREE R005(S and bath, heat TWO R(X)M office with private hall REAL LARGE 6 room cape with station presently doing a good Swift Builders, TR 9-2714. trees, 08,000. PhUbrlek Agency, enclosed porch, formal dining Or appointment call McCarthy En­ financed. Quick occupancy Phone ANCHESTER farm. Louis Bonce, 629 West Cen­ baby Jumpers, high chairs, feed­ and electricity. Centrally located, and lavatory. Approximated 825 Reduced for quick sale to $14,700. 114 acres of land, living room Volume with • high income. Don’t 5 0 0-8464. room, fireplace, roomy kitchen. terprises. Inc., 5 0 9-5391, John 5II 3-6273, Brae-Bum Realty. PHONE MI 3-6273 ter St., telephone MI 8-8116 ing tables, , etc. 20% off $80. Phone 5a 8-2497, 94 only. sq. ft. Ground floor, front. Jraone 6 room Cape recently redecorated, 15x22, other rooms at least 15x15 mias this opportunity to tnvestl- on cash sales; 9x12 vinyl rugs 5 0 34812. Full cellar, warm and comfort­ Panciera, 50 9-1898. BRICK H05IE)—6 large rooms, 2 3 or 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, each. Great opportunity for the COLONIAL IN choice Porter St. gate thejxMslbillty of owning your Salesmen Wanted 36-A GREEN MOUNTAIN. pofaUoea, good $4.98, $9.98, $18.90; lamps from THREE R(X)M ground floor apart­ ably finished—Price $18,900. Rob­ Aluminum combos, large fenced in growing family. Beechler-Smith, and mealy. Pasqualini Farm, 246 hiU baths. 2-car garage, exceUent BOLTON—$2,300 and you can as­ section, well maintained. large Brae-Burn Realty own huainesB in an expanding $8.98 up. Chamber’s Furniture ment with private driveway. Re­ ert Wolverton Agency. 50 8-1914. lot. Realtors, 50 9-8952, 5 0 3-6969. communi^. For a]q>olBtment call OPENING for salesman to replace Avery St., Wapping. Sales, 5 a 8-5187. condition. Between one and two sume the first mortgage on this rooms, 2-car garage, landscaped man who was earning $70 per frigerator and stove furnished. Houses For Rent 65 acres of land. Fruit trees. High real nice 5 room ranch with ga­ lot with tree*. Selling for bank ap­ VERNON—7 room split level, one or writs Mias Zelonls at Sun Oil Near bus line. Ehccellent tor elderly R. F. DIMOCK CO. 293 SPRING ST. Company, P.O, Box 71, East Hart­ week in commissions, maMng elevation. Six mUes from 5Ian- rage located in the Bavberry sec­ praisal. John H. Lappen, Inc. MI year old, 3 bedrooma, 114 baths, j couple or newly-weds. AvaUable RCX3CVILLE —Recently built 9 tion T. J. Crockett Realtor 50 ford, BU $-0291. wedding appointments two hours Pertilizerb > 50-A UNTVEUiSAL 40” electric stove, room ranch, 3 bedrooms, no ob- chester. PhUbrlek Agency. 50 Ride by this beautiful Gambolati 9-5261, 5tl 9-7445, 5U 3-6219. recreation room, full cellar and ; nighUy. Apply Loring Studios. 86 <5ct. 80, $88 month. Tel. 50 9-8464. MI 9-5245 3-1577. ' garage. Nice lot. Assume G.l. i GOOD COW MANURE $S and $10 good condition, $89. CaU 5 a 9-9624. 9-7819. jeetiems to children or pets. Avail­ Barbara Woods 50 9-7702 ranch, has been reduced to below MANCHESTER—ExceUent 6 room Pratt St., Hartford. Open ITiurs- able Oct. 27, $129. 50 8-7819. market value at $21,900. For ap­ mortgage. 1 Contact owner, MI i day night till $ p.m. loads. Delivered. Ehcedlent for MANCHEBTEUt—Charming 6 room New 6 room RANCH, for-, Johanna Evans MI 6-5653 MANCHESTER—7 room Dutch Co­ custom built ranch. Features in­ Help Wsiited— Feoule 35 SOFA, TOAST like new, 8-plece DUPLEX, 8 and 8, large bath, ga­ pointment to see call toe 9-2992. shrubs, lawns, etc. MI 8-7804, MI sectional, $169 with roimd walnut Cape with garage. Four finished mal dining room, 8 large lonial,, fireplace, oil hot water clude 2 full baths, 2-car garage, 0-6781. rage oil heat big yard, $95 MANCHE®TEUt—Single 5 room bedrooms, living room NEW SPLIT levels. These attrac­ heat, wall-to-wall, 114 baths. 2-car TOYS—TOYS—TOYS cofiee table. CMI 5a 9-0614. home, large lot garage, near plus rec room. Plastered walls, ex­ large lot, convenient location. COVENTRY—4 room ranch, storm Help Wanted— monthly. ExceUent location. CaU haust fan, new awiUngs. private with fireplace, baUt-ln tive homes, unique in design, offer R. F. DIMOCK CO. garage. large lot. many extras. Phone MI 3-6273, Brae-Bum Real­ window*, oil heat, large lot, $7,900. 5 0 8-1878. Highway and Plantland, couple the finest In split level living. Ex­ Here is your last chance to Male or Female 37 40” G.E. STOVE, $49. Call 5a yard with fireplace, good location. stove and oven, located West Side Realty, 50 9-5315. ty. Joseph Barth, Broker, 5II 6-0320. Hometiold Goods 51 with one chUd accepted Call 50 on a beautifully wooded cellent location. For additional in­ MI 9-5245 9-9684 after 6:80 and all day Sat­ NEWLY DECORATED 8 room 34046. Up top condition. Robert Wolver­ extn $$| for your BUILD TOUR future, grow with urday. ton Agency, 50 8-1014. lot near new elementary formation or appointment call DINING ROOM set, combination apartment, $99. Call after 6 p.m ., Barbara Woods 50 9-7702 Mott’s. Help us bufid anl open 8 school. Selling for $17,- McCarthy Entei^rises, Inc., 50 Christinas season — demon­ radio and record player, 200 rec­ 5 0 8-0808. COVENTRY—Single 4 room house 9-5391, John Panciera, 50 6-1898. new super markets In one year. with garage, furnished. Cell 50 5IANCHESTER — Attention Mr. 900. Call the Johanna Evans MI 9-5653 strating our toys — highest ords, refrigerator, washing ma­ COUCH and matching chair with Professional-^If you have been Experienced and above average a v a i l a b l e Nov. 1, 8-room apart­ 34484. MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, 114 men and women will advance chine, two radios. Call after 9, 29 sUp covers, $45. 5 a 8-4981 after 6. looking for property near the Cen­ R. F. MMOCK CO. NEW TWO-FA5DLY house 4-4 lo­ commission. No collecting or F oster St. ment with tUe bath, heat and hot 5 0 9 4 2 4 6 baths, garage, excellent location rapidly. Openinga available in all water, refrigerator, stovs and ter, We have a fine 2-famiIy home cated on Hilliard St. $20,500 50 delivering. Don’t delay, call to­ 17 FUOT freezer, Ben Hur. Reason­ for sale In a C Zone. Adequate Barbara Woods 50 8-7702 and condition. Close to bus and 3-2573. departaienta. Apply Mott’s Super gaa furnished, free parking. Sobqrbfin For Rent 66 shopping center. Charles Lesper- Markets. 987 Mld^dle Tpke., East, able. CaU before 6 o’clock, OV parking. EhcceUent investment pos- Johanna Evans 50 8-6668 m 2 MERCURY COMET day. OR 3-8455 or OR 8-9829, TAPE RECURDERS for rent Mar­ 4-2342. Adults only. Tel. 50 8-9694. ance, 5 0 9-7620. MANCHESTER—8 bedroom ranch, Manchester. low’s, 867 Main. Cal) MI 6-9221. THREE RCi05IS, heat, hot water, sibiUties. Call The Jarvis Realty CUSTOM 4-DOOK SEDAN. Avon, Conn. FOUR ROOM duplex, automatic bath, parking; $76 a month. Coll Co., Realtors, 50 84113. garaige, good location, $14,900 ; 5 PRICED FOR quick sale — used FIVE ROOM ranch, city water and room older home $9,450; short way Sgg . . . and Drivt If Today! COUNTER HELP, experienced. 2-9 MOVING—Wm sell 17” PhUco con- heat, hot water, near bus line, after 4 p.m. PI 2-6976. sewers, within walking distance of JEWELS — BEADS — p.m .. Includes Sunday; also, part- ranges and refrigerators. Tel. 5a out—two bedroom ranches, like Btde T V , c o ffe e ta b le, la m ps, din­ 8-6863. adulta. AvaUable Dec. 1, 50 stores and schools. Private back­ Ume Sunday help. Apply Home ing room furniture and chairs. 8-1894. BOLTON—^Beautiful 4 room apart­ new, over one acre land, $12,900 yard bordered by hemlocks, and $13,900. Many more all price BAUBLES Maid Bakery, 699 Main St. Cdl MI 9-2669. NINE DRAW rods $9, ETuorescent ment. heat, hot water, reft^era- $11,600. Tel. TR 5-1472. PICK UP A SAFE-BUY USED CAR desk lamp $5. Ebccellent condition. SIX ROOM duplex, oil burner, auto­ tor, atove, ceramic tile bath, and ranges. Call the Ellsworth Mitten Earn extra $$$ for your UCENSEJD real estate salesmen Three Rooms of Furniture matic hot water garage, avaU­ kitchen. Tyro private entrances, Special SOID’H WINDSOR: Treat that Agency, Realtors, 50 3-6930, 50 Or saleswomen, Andover. Bolton, CaU after 6. 5 a 9-0360. 9-5524. \ Christmas Season thru Jewel­ FROM MODEL HOME able Nov. 5 81 Wadsworth St. 50 parking faculties. Immediate oc­ nest-egg With respect. It will buy OPEN HOUSE OCT. 28 to NOV. 6 Coventry. Manchester areas. .Of­ 8-4568, 5 0 9-7244. cupancy.,'CaU 50 8-7104 after 9 ’56 CADIlUC ry Fashion Shows. you tma comfortable 6 room BOLTON—Large seven room co­ ’58 WlUYS JEEP ’68 FORD fice facilities. Mcmtpetlt Agency, Mnsleal Instmments S3 ranch, with carport, full base­ P I 2-8726. Cost Over $700 THREE ROOM duplex house with lonial with an attached two-car ‘‘62” 2-Door Hardtop. Radio, Complete with cab and plow. Falriane 600 2-Door Sedan. Ra­ 1. We pay 30% commission ment, hot water heat, with 414% garage. Beautiful lot. Owners heater^ automatic See this one dio, heater, standard transmis* PIANO TUNmO (electronically, no automatic gas furnace available ANDOVER—8. rooms and bath, Bssum^le mortgage. Price FREE SNOW BLOWER to Director. NEVER BEEN USED guessing or mistakes). See it done Nov. 1, $70 month. Tel. 50 8-6773. ground floor, idea] for elderly or moved, priced sensibly. T. J. transmission. elon. Color; Black. Sitnatlons Wanted— $14,900. About $3,000 needed to Crockett, Realtor, 50 3-16.77. Ebccellent! »1395 tpday! 6 cylinder. Ebccellent CG dL A C Sals Price $388 at Mayers Plano, 91 Center St. working couple. PI 2-6694. aasume mortgage. Glenn Roberts Gasoline Powered 2. Noinvestment, no collect­ F e m a le 3 8 5IANCHE;STER — Very desirable con dition . Open 4-9 p.m. weekdays. AU day Agency. Realtors, Insurers, 50 MANCHESTER—Unusual 2-famUy ing, no delivering. Pay Only $4 Week Saturdays. Lots of upright and brand new 9 room duplex apart­ ROCKVILLE—New modem 4 room ment. $110 monthly, 21-28 Ash­ 4-1521. PI 2-6301, 'grand pianos on hand. apartment, tile bath, new appli­ centrally located, 7-7, 3’4 baths. 2- Wifh Every Garage worth St. Available at once. Tel. car garage. West Side Realty, MI 8; We pay commissionB WANT TO care for child days. MI Sacrificing complete bedroom, ances, garbage disposal, garage. ANSALDI HEIGHTS—Six room Co­ ’68 FORD FALCON ’61 LINCOLN 8-2043. complete Uving room and kitchen Bristol LU 8-5820. $95. Available immediately. TO 9-5315. Open Hotise Bonus Offer Good Only WUla weekly. ACCURDION, 8 months old, like lonial, 4 years old. Consisting ol 3 4-Door. Standard transmission. Continental 4-Door. Blue. ’57 BUIGK decorator furniture from model dis­ new, Italian 120 baas, best offer. 54485. WANTED—Clerical work 8-4 days SIX ROOM duplex, one-car garage, large bedrooms, living room, din­ TWO FA50LY house 4-4, gas heat, Supply Lasts. Buy Now and Save! Radio, heater. Low, low mileage. Special 2-Door Hardtop. Radio, play home. We will give you free 5a 9-4709, after 8:80. heater, dynaflow, power steer­ weekly. Experienced, mature lady rooms redecorated, coal fornace, SEIVERAL furnished 4 room apart­ ing room and kitchen, built-ins. good condition, beautifully land­ Real nice! Full power. Don’t delay, call today OR delivery and free storage up to

FRTOAY, OCTOBER *7, IM l iHattrlrPBter lEtt^nittg Hi^rald Aearaie JDallj Net Preas Rwi ' >W Ske W M kIM M « n a W M tlM r October Jll, IH I i-«c o. aUTMikt*

« DAYS MAIN STREET 13,400 fWr. wrt fiat* m U taelght. ^^VUlll.«oS:4BP.M . Aadlt V m im WOk nomtmf aWMIjr «( Owilatl— u M v n f l i l i ^ IRiwtdbiyt till 9:00 P.M. AUNCHBTER M m u h 9 »i«r^A City • / VUUigm C harm

m iE PJ^KlNGrMref ster* Phone M l 3-4123 VOL. LXXXI, NO. 24 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) BIANCHBSTBE, tONNn SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, IM l M P ea t MJ PRICE FIVE CENTS ISfsht^U D us Undue Alarm State News For Mast Soyiei Fallout Near Roundup , U.S. Withdraw On l^Ban Pacific Coast Today 3 Persons Hurt Waehingrton, Oct. 28 (JP)— Prime Minister Jawaharlal In Danbury Firc^ STAMPS Washington, Oct. 28 ( if)— the resulU of a S-day confer- Nehru of India will be told - . * ' ------l e a * 4 l * A .1 * A cloud of fallout from Rus­ ence on fallout called by the Pub­ Danbuiy, Oct. 28 (JP)— during his talks with Presi­ lic: Health Servlcei satd there are Three persona were injuiurad___ in Tanks at Berlin Line ’s big nublear explosion is SATURDAY ONLY.... ALL CASH SALES dent Kennedy of growing U.S. no: Indications that hesdth protec­ a fire which raced through a Impatience wi(h India’s stand due to drift over the nation’s tive measures will re required A Pacific Northwest''today, but even if the Russians stU'. explooe S-story apartment house early In the United Nations for an a CO-megaton blast. this morning. One, a 69-year- uncontrolled moratorium on U.S. experts emphasized there Soviet Premier-Khrushchev said nuclear tests, informants said is no heed for undue alarm. this was the way the Soviets old woman, a semi-invalid, C47 Circles I C O LD RUSH! today. The Invisible concentration of planned to conclude the series at owes her life to a plucky fire­ Nehrii ie due In New York Nov. radioactive ash from Monday's the end of this month man who carried her, uncon­ t LADIES' MEN'S detonation is expected to reach Some scienUsts thought M m- scious, from her third floor in 5. The foUowing morning he travela Washington and Oregon this morn­ day’s explosion was the 50-mega­ East Berlin, by plane to Cape Cod, Maae., where ing. Weather Bureau specialists ton test, but there have been mure apartment. he will have an informal talk with said the fallout appears to be head­ Russian tests since—mcluding ore Hospitalised from smoke in­ costume WASH 'N' WEAR the Preaident, Three days of wide- ing into a rain belt that might car­ yesterday. Also the U.S. Atoinlr halation and cuts was Mrs. Clar­ W o 6 l and C A M E L ranging talke on ail of the maJot< ry some of the debris to earth in Energy Commission said tha' ence van Valkenburgh. Her con­ Defies Reds world criaea will follow in Waah- Oregtm and Idaho. while Monday’s blast may have dition this morning was reported Ington. to be good. Her husband, 62. was By CAKL HARTMAN jewelry PILE LINED T7.8. officials are showing Irrita­ They said it should take a couple (ConUnned on Page Two) treated for miner cuts and re­ tion at -what they consider Indian of days for the fsllout mass to leased. Berlin, Oct. 28 (iP) — Soviet BOY COATS efforts to equate some 24 Soviet cross the United States and that Also admitted to the hospital and American tanks withdrew atmospheric tests, which have re- it probably would ksep to a path was Mrs. Lucy Bini^am. 76, who from the touchy Berlin border , made to sell for leiksed radloiactlvs fallout, with over the northern states. China Radio Talks is under treatment for smoke in front lines today after con­ three annotmced U.S. imderground Spokesmen for the Weathor halation. Seven other persons 2.00 and 3.00 JACKETS explosions, Which involve no fall­ Bureau and the U.S. Health Serv­ Of Fallout Danger including three children Under S fronting each other all night out. ice said they saw no need for un­ years of age. fled by way of a long at 200-yards range.. More importantly, the inform­ due alarm or for any immediate lire escape on the front of . the Tension was eased for the mo­ 23.94 action to protect health. , Oct. 28 UP)—West­ ment, but lees than two hours a; « f IUSi^ • e e ants said, the -Ilnited Statee is con­ ern intelligence sources here today building. cerned because India is pressing “We don’t think the levels of were mystified—and suspicious— Fire Lieut. John Lynch entered later the United States sent an 1.59 for a moratorium rather than for radioactivity will be signifloantly about a reported broadcast on the the smoke filled third floor apart­ Air Force Transport plane over a nuetear test ban with inspection higher in the Northwest than they Peiping Radio wavelength warn­ ment of-Mr. and Mrs. Van Valken­ the Communist section of the city provision, which is ths U.S. pro­ have ben after other major soviet ing Northeast China to be on guard burgh and carried the uneonscldUs in defiance of the Russians. * orlon pile lined 10.94 posal. bomb tests,” said Dr. Lester against a heavy nuclear fallout. woman to a window where others The flights appoared intended U.S. Impatience spilled over at Machts, Weather Bureau fallout The broadcast purportedly from aided in taking her down the 8rc to . underline what the western Al­ 2 for 3.00 the U jr. General Assembly earlier specialist. He added: Red China’s official station was escape. lies consider one of their rights in / * blanket plaid lining this week when U.S. Delegate Ar­ “Most of the debris went into reported heard by listeners in The blaxe apparently atirted Berlin—the right to fiy over any thur H. Dean charged that the In­ outside of the rear of the structure part- of Berlin, on the basis of the stratoq>here and will not come Hong Kong, London and . postwar agreements. * golden chain • orloh dian stand favored the Soviet Un­ to earth for months. Only a little AccordiAg to tapes of the broad­ and quickly ata its way up out­ * junior sires 5 to 15 ion and that the Indians had sin­ peeled off into the troposphere cast played back here a Chinese side ponies and stairways. He The tames had confronted each pile lining gled out the United SUtes for more (the air layer below the strato­ voice similar to that of the regu­ said the cause was no determined. other last night at Friedrich- criticism than any other country, sphere), and it is unlikely that the lar Peiping Radio announcer was The loss was unofficially esti­ Btraaae — Cheekimint Charlie— * gold and peaft^ * misses' sizes 8 to 18 including Russia. radiation measurements will be reading a atatement on Albania mated at above 3226,000. after the Americana for the third necklaces / • hip length U.S. offictals saM it wiU be maule frightening." when he was Interrupted in mid- straiiht day had reasserted an­ dear to Nehru tn the ta^M hme Deputy Surgeon General John D. other right claimed by ths West, that unoontroUed moratoriums bn Porterfield, summarising for news- (Oontliiaed on Page Two) Turkeys Plentiful the right to move Into and out of * gold b e ^ s • light testing which may be broken at atorrs. Oct. 28 (F) — A bumper the eastern sector without being will not bnly jec|Mrdiae U.S. oe- erop of turkeys in the stats — the checked, by East Germane. * gold pins * second floor weight curity but that of InAa and every largeot in eight years — was re­ As soon os the tanks pulled / other oounbry. No Exhibits, No Activity ported today by a University of back the' East Germans relaxrtl U.S. oOclala OM sold to be dis- Connecticut afwcialist. their stiff controls at the border • warm as toast outer shell of winterweight, water-repellent poplin niomas C. Morrison, extension and waved border croesers \ pleseed also with Indian Dedouse through with a smUe. k *1 • ~ ' poultry marketing specialist, said Listen to Kathy Godfrey Miniater Ktdahna Menon’a posMlon A regularly scheduled U.S. Army \VINF-CBS, Manchester, • designed with convertible knit and poplin collar at Geneva in urging a weak rather about 322,000 turkgya are being than a otrong eontrol oommiasion Vice raised in the state, representing sightseeing hue passed into East 1:10 p.m. Monday thru to supervise the iMutraHty of a 87 per cent increase over the Berlin, without being stopped. It Saturday. Contest Every • heavy duty zipper ^ toos. I960 toUl. carried 22 officers and men, ^ in W E GIVE Despite the increase, he said, the | uniform. Lost Wednesday two simi­ I However, U.8. oOciais oay It Day.. cro^ will provide less than two lar buses wore refused entry by wwAd be a mioUke to infer that the East Germans and the Ameri­ • tan or olive— sizes 38 to 44. the United States is shokiiig up On Shelias, m iout pbunds of turkey for each Con­ necticut consumer. The national cans declined to' make an issue ot or reviewing tts general policy it, saying they did not wish to ea- toward India.- average of turicey consumption is By ntBSTON OROVEK about nine pounds per person. Americum Army tanks, foreground, and Soviet Army tanks face ea(^ o ljtejit dMjptr. women:Aboard. Secretary of ^tate Dean Rusk ^Imperl 'endangers The'ItosslaBa wero tbs first to is reported to have painted out Moscow; Oct. 218 (JP)—Come out pe^l^Avmf thdugh explosions Friedrichstmse checkpoint in Berlin today, ^bth sides had their gung .st!^ of your abeltor |Uft'ar seven dqys pull , hack the tanks. Ninety mln- that on W> per cent of the issues take {dace ,for from inhabited New VAC Unit roed-in wi each other at a 200 yard riinge; , (AP 'Photofax vja radio, from 1 ^ . a which have come up at the United and wash everything, Inaluding regions. • tktft Hartford, Oct. 28 (JP) — A Berlin)'. ■ -■, ■ U.S. Air Force C47 fleiy into East THE LADIES' the-Comily |dg gnd av«n the fish This correspoB^t has mads a new divialon for ths production in Berliiii end drrted for to miiiuUs (OontlaiMd on Fog# n v e ) you oftt. sustained but ,Bisuecsssful hunt over the ores where 40 toaka a n ... quantity of roekst motors using -wm*■ ■m.r wr .*.***-«> -.« .* * . to find either it baoilb*alMlSssHtv|w M f i f e o n psrtrtdF, ■ '■■■' CLASSIC WASHABLE viet oitixens who want to survive anybody who hat seen one in the TMs plsno flew at show fciO fiSt,' nuclear fallout. Soviet Union. Ths company said yesterday th* Auto Workers bonkiar steeply for better vision. It appears in a pamphlet that Attaches from embassies who now division will be known s» the Its .vriag tips were peinted a DEERSKIN Hattie Curves sella for 10 kopeks — about a have looked around the country for Solid Rocket Divlsipn (SRp), and bright braage. The pleas circled dime. There are no indications it sagns of shelters have found noth­ will work with a U n lt^ Aircraft Set Deadline the Immediats area hehlnd the 100% pure lambs wool North, Possible is a best seller. It tells how to ing. One reported that a building subsidiary. United Technology Pentagon Will Drop FriedrlchstnuHM checkpoint eight S-T-R-E-T-C-H build a simple shelter, , but there near the harbor a t Riga, on the Corp. at Sunnyvale, Calif. The new For Chrysler to 10 tim es. are no exhibits around of such Baltic, mi|bL be a bOmb shelter, division will also include faculties It was watched by Bpig. Gen. Threat to Cuba shelters, nor doss one run into leased by United. Technology in O. Hartel, U.S.' troops oommander ght M EN 'S CLOVES anyone who has seen a aheltsr; (Oontiaiied ea Foge Two) O yota, Calif. Big Bomber BuUdup Detroit. Oct, 2S (F)—Chryeier 7.38 Miami, Oct. 28 UPl-Hnr- Villagers are advised to > use United’ Technology will continue Corp. had today vriuft amounted to (Ogattoaed oa Fags F in ) rlcane Hattie curved slightly more cellars. its work in development aiid pro­ a Thursday strike deadline from W O O L A N D Colored posters, on sale cheap­ duction of solid-fuel rockets and the United Auto Workers Union. • full fashioned to the north today and developed Back! Back! Back! other advanced-design missiles and Waohington, Oct. 23 TlMeRobert 8. McNamara. He said j&e into a potential threat to Cuba. ly, tell how to dig trenches and hod President Kennedy's approval. ^ The union gave every indication cover them vHth ,loga and eiuth. space vehicles at both California Kennedy administration announced that it would attempt to avoid a • hand finished 2.38 Conditions are favorable for an Turn Oock Back! ntes, a company spokesman said. In announcing that the funds CASHMERE Increase in its intensity. They also detail how to wash a lest night that the miliary buildup would be Impounded, the DefenOe walkout at plants of the only The storm, eighth of tha oea- cow: Do it soon before the fall­ will give the nation “a nuclear mOney-Iooer ammig the auto in­ Bulletins The hour that “disappeared” Department sold: • dyed for easy matching son. was attended early today by out on the outside gets inside. Un­ Pipeline Hearing Set capablUty several times” th it of "The progress of the administra­ dustry’s Big Three, but the UAW C oM from AP Wiras * oatmeal, , 75-miie winds—^Just above hurri­ til It gets iriSide, the milk can last April, when the state went international executive board said • complete with 2 extra TOPCOATS on daylight saving time, is re­ New Haven, OCt, 28 (JP)—A hear­ Rueala'B and thus the Pentagon tion’s accelerated defense buildup black and white cane force. It was moving toward be drunk. Or the cow can be eaten turning to you at 2 a.m. tomor­ ing has been schednled for Nov. 13 will not spend extra miUlone ticket­ makes unnecessary the use of addi­ last night it was postoonlng until buttons and extra yarn the north-northwest at seven if killed early enough. , row. in -federal district court oh an ed by Oongrees for big bombers. tional defense funds appropriated 8 p.m.. 'Diesday a dedalon on SAIGON BEFfWTS CRASH miles an hour. The pamphlet, one of a oeriss agrsemsnt between the New Ha­ by the Congress above the amount whether to serve 48-hour notice of SolgoB. Sonth Vimt Nam, OoA * handsome and practical So, before going to bed to­ The decision not to use the $780 28 <1F> — South Viet Nam and At the last report, it was cen­ dealing with air. raids and the night, just turn the clock ven Railroad and Jet Liiiee Inc., million Congress voted' for the requested by the administration.” contract termination. • black, white, coral, tered near „ latitude 13.3 north, like, bears the date Dec. 21, 1980. Bloomfield, to cmutruct a pipeline Notice of contract termination Orinbodtan troops exehaaged 33.00 * fine deerskin leather with BACK — repeat BAC3C —’ one bombers and for pushing work on The Pentagon originally opposed aaaflro tor eevaa this red, turquoise, heather longitude 81.8 west or about 120 No mention is made of Russian hour and. you’ll awaken on frmn New Haven to Bpringfleld, aircraft of the future was made buying more of the long-range B52 normally means strike notice, and nylon stretch sidewalls miles east-southeast of Puerto bombs. It says testing “by some Maee. a union spokesman said it would week, govwnmeat oftleWs said gray, brown, hunter Cabezas, Nicaragua. This is about standard time. public by Secretary of Defense bombers and a speedup in devel^ today. One Ornnhodhui a winter weight 4 The agreement calls for con- ment of the 2,000-mile-an-hour B70. be in the case of Chrysler. green * size A (6 to 7) 810 miles south-southwest of here. etruction iff a 12-inch pipeline on But When the Berlin crisis de­ The UAW executive board gave and three eop- Hattie was approaching .the the railroad’s right of way to carry a number of reasons for delaying tarad In the ftehttng Wednesday • finest virgin wool blended size B [ Vh to 8'/j) track followed early in September veloped, Congress not only ap­ and spondie &lng emthMes In • 34 to 40 with soft cashmere fuel. proved all the additional funds until Tuesday a termination no­ by hurricane Carla, the storm Because the rellroad le in re- News Tidbits Kennedy requested but added more tice for Chryeier, among , them a the border nren nbont IM mnee which, wreaked tremendous de­ ceiverahip under the Federal Bank­ request from William Simldn, di- eoafim est o f SnIgOn, offM ale e harris tweed types, UN Urges Russia fron the AP Wires for another 45-plane wing of the eald. They ohnrged the Osmbo- struction in Texas. However, fore­ ruptcy Act, the line'rtrustees were B52a plus money to speed develop­ rector of the Federal Mediation subdued checks, plaids, caster Raymcmd Kraft said there required to ask for spprovsi of the ment of other projects. and Conciliation Service, “on be­ dinas crossed the border la nan herringbones ia very little likelihood of Hattie agreement. Judge Robert P. Ander­ half of the United Statee govern­ of a aeriee of oontinnlng Uffiiap- moving into the Gulf of Mexico at son set the helming date yesterday. During night 22 East Germane Since then the bomber program ment.” lag and haraaemerit raids. • raglan or set-in sleeves this time of year. Cancel 50-M Blast The $100,OOq paid to the railroad «ape to freedom through «on- has been imder study in the De­ Delay was decided upon, too, the At its present pace, it would crato and w in borrlen encircling fense Department. - union said, because of “the real FOFE MARKS ANNtVEBSABY • .36 to 46. THE MOST FAMOUS NAME IN take Hattie two or three days to (OeatUued m Faga.Btovea) West Berlin and ewlnunlng canals, There had been rumors and progress that has made boto Vatioaa OKy,\Oot 28 (JPj— "SOFT-SHU" reg., long. reach Cuba. If it should strike ths United Nations, N.Y., Oct. 28 (JP) fo t a direct appeal from the a^- police in West Berlin report... hints that the Pentagon might re­ with respect to national and local F « ^ doha XXHI, moch tan- Island republic, the blow probably —Racing against the clock, the sembly would lose the Soviets AJr Force still looking for 850 verse itself. But yesterday’s de­ negotiations” on a now Chrysler I»eved fron a sBffat attack oC would be in the western part of General Assembly today confront­ many friends in the Aslan-Afrioon mllUeu needles in on outer space cision was. foreshadowed, even contact. inflaenaa, oelebrated Masa la hla the country. Eastern Cuba still ed Russia with a solemn appeal to group and elsewhere. Herbin Doses haystack sent aloft week ago when Congress was considering The corporation offered approod* private efaapri today, the ttdrd indoor CHILDREN'S ... has not recovered from floods call off Its 50-megaton test set for The sponsors had hoped to get a aboard Midas satellite, Washing­ the bill. McNamara let it be knoym mately the same economic pack- Baalvenary of Ida elerttoa to tba brought by the disturbance which month’s end. quicker vote on the appeal, but a ton reports... A. Webber Botch­ 8iq>rei»e Fbatiflcate. Votleaa later developed Into tropical storm The international bqdy approved lengthy debate over admission of Above Nprmal, ers, charged with boUdlng foUont (Ceetlaaed oa Page Five) (Contbiaed ea. Page nva) seuiees said toe Pope ae laager and Gerda. the resolution by a smashing vote Outer Mongolia and Mauritania as shelter la Decatur, UL, wlttioat has any fever aad was w«0 ea Though neai^ly 1,000 miles away, of . 87-11 -with one abstention, but the U-N.’s 102nd and 103rd mem­ -efty pasmlt, wins oe^ttol in court (he way toi ooaspieto recovery. Hattlo already is., influencing Flor­ the Russians indicated before the bers delayed the action. Police Report The Peotm eoetlnned to rcatrkiS outdoor ballot they would turn down the The two countries had been ap­ after defending himself and testi­ Us andlenote to a meeting with to ida'# weather. Stiff winds raked proved by the Security Council two fying that “this nation is In the Ms aeoretaiy ef atete, Amleto 6.50 the Miami area during the night appeal. Bridgeport, Oct. 27 (F)—The midst of on undeclsred war. All 10.99 days earlier in a package deal Voter Sues Politician Qtovannl Oorffinsl Ctoognaid. as air flowed across the .peninsula Fued with the Oct. 81 deadline announced by Soviet Premier deal that broke a 10-month dead­ State Police Narcotics Squad re­ men have the right to defend to tlw low pressure cell surround­ lock. ports a more potent type of themaelves os they see fit, city left BOYS' ■■ i' ' ing the hurricane. Khrushchav for touching off the SWEEPSTAKEiS DEAD BEAT monster bomb, the eight sponsors Communist Outer M ot^lia won shot is being illegally peddled in laws notw lthstsn^g.” For Breaking Pledge Newmarket, Engtead. Oet. 28 Rain squaUswerefrequent with of the appeal pressed the assembly unanimous consent from the ss- the state. Some 20,000 troffie ttebeto in (JP) — Vkdetta aad Henry the ALL-WEATHER as much mm two Inches falling in into an overtime session to get sembly despite a biting attack TTiIs apparently has caused the Yonketo, N. Y., have been Ignored Seventh today ran a dead heat some parts ot the city. from Nationalist China which an- five recent narcotics deaths ix| the vote before the weekend recess. so far this year, and guilty motor­ By JOHN WEYIABG) soon in Bonn’s lowest court to ia the hdurioag OambtMaeehire Hattie’s gales extended 140 noimced n beforehand t would \it state. State Police oeld lost nlgbL ists have been given two weeks Horse Raoe Handicap. Iflaa miles northeast of Its center and' The only nations to vote against take part in the vote. Bonn, Germany, Oct 28 determine if there ore legal the proposal were the nine Soviet The latest oceumd in Bridge- to pay their fines or fact war­ grounds for the complaint. BIffla also Sanred In the photo COATS ' TO mllsf to the southwest, bloc countries, the new Red mem­ Tha former French coloi^ of pmt, wbero the body of a 28-yeor- rants for their arrests if they (JP)—It has happened at lest: anish. Mlae Biffin wan ttdid to “This la a very small but grow- Mauritania got in over strong op­ old womstn was found near Bridge­ A voter li toldng a politician Dr. Freiee said be 1st not ber, Outer Mongolia, and Cuba. don’t, Chty Court Administrator seeking damages but . only to the Held o f 27 stariare over a Mali abstained. position from the Arab states who port Hospital with a note in her Edward Nugent says... Five New into court on a charge of fall­ Newmarket Inrf eonrse sMtoned When your baby ttorta teddltno I (Oeattaned on Foga Five) argued that the new nation was mouth saying “She took too much ing to keep a campaign prom­ estabU^ the principle that a Just before the balloting, Soviet York area Negroea denied ser­ politician can bo held to his by rain. Henry the Seventh with uncertain steps, * '■ ■ J - ■ ...... rightfully part of Morocco. drugs.” ise. wan 100-S la the bettlnm Vlolei- Delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin de­ The resolution to admit Mauri­ A member of the narcotics squad vice at diner on U.B. 40, just out­ promises. 14.88 help him to the -right start . clared that “nothing will obstruck side Baltimore, ore arrested and The stunned politician’s to sa-1 aad Miss Bttn It-t tania was adop|tcd by a vote of said ths narcotics smuggled into reaction: “Why, Tve never A spokesman tor Monde In the face on which the lost with 6ne Koli-sten-iks Dealers Challenge the Soviet Union in its efforts to charged with trespassing and re­ protested the anti-Adenauer strengthen its defenses or in its 68-13 with 20 abstentions. Cyprus Connecticut, principally from New leased in $108 bond each pending heard of a ease like It before. Irish SweepatskiM Is based. baby shoes. was absent. York City, contain a higher per­ It can’t be legaUy possible.” promise had never been made RsohsI aniabed foorth at bet- * zip-out orlon pile lining efforts for peace.” a Friday hearing... Icelandic in a completely unequivocal • blaok Fomous for their craftsmanship County Book Ban Tsarapkin denounced the appeal The assembly also gave qu(ck centage Of heroin than formerly. Dr. Manfred Freiee, a dan- ttag odds el 1684. approval to a 254nation resolution As a reeult, he eaid, an addict Ckmununlrt Party niltta on pnrUo- tlat has filed a complaint in form during the campaign. and all-over comfort, as “NATO’s propagandist arrow mtaty oondemnatlon of Soviet This, he said, happened only • bone s outer shell of heavy Hartford, Oct. 28 UP)—A day launched against the Soviet Un- calling for a speedup of reports taking what he believes Is a normal court against Erich Meade, KIPNAF1NG s U w i i CTffiD these shoes hove ' has passed since it became a dosage Mdll actually be getting nnolenr toots, according to report later, so there could bo no duty cotton acetate lon,” from U.N. experts on the effect of from Reykjavik, Iceland. head of the Free Democratic UaoelD. MaMk. Dot. 2 8 (85— • red NO SEAAAS in bock crime in Hortftwd County, to oell The vote came exactly one-week radioactive fallout from nuclear more heroin in each shot. e ^ y whilch won 67 seats in real breach' of confidence of Ihveettahtow hegna liawhig the controvendal novel “TTopie of Such an overdose can lead to Margery Miehelmore, 28, ine the kind Dr. Freise meant. to rip or tear . . . After it was introduceO in the as­ tests.- The ballot was 74-0 with 17 West Germany's parliamen- stTMtedy today tosn rd th e the­ • pink * fully lined in jacquard Cancer” but it woa a day without sembly’s main political commit­ abstentions. serious illness or death. young woman whose poet cord taiy election last month to ory thaS the mystorirady wiaa- NO NAILS to hurt tiny fe e t any arrests. .< tee by Canada, Denmark, Iceland, A rival resolution by CsoidiOBlo- T^e Bridgeport victim was touched off furor about Paaea gain the balance of power. Manila, Oct 28 (A — VkM • dark green pattern acetate State’s AXty. John D. LoBelle Iran, Japan. Norway; Pakistan and vakia which would have had the Iden^ed as Joyce Roebuck, a Corps in Nigeria, will stay wltii Dr. Freele said Monde prom­ President Diosdoro Moca- warned several days ago that any Sweden. assembly agree to wait until next packing company eniploye. Medi­ corps In Washtngtoa, Waohington ised him and other West pegal, running for president in dealer selling copies on or after The committee approved it year for such reports foilod to win cal Examiner Harold Doherty as­ headquarters reports... Anthony German voters that his party next month’s election, today they hM| tsaned , • genuine leather * english balmacaan Friday would' be arrested under Wednesday, after a stormy *10.4- the required two-thirds majority. cribed the death to a probable (Tony Pro) Provensano, an inter­ \ would never enter into a coall- was quoted os saying: that link Jbaa Rlselh 81, styling the Cmmectieut statute on ob- aion marked by Communist deiav- Tire 25thation resolution calls on overdose of narcotics in a pro- national vice president a t Team­ Jtlon government imder Chan­ "I authorise any cltisen to lift kyiaa vafenhurily.. • plastjc senity. ing attempts, and sent It on to the Uminary finding and ordered en sters Union, fo n d innocent at shoot and kUl me or may mem­ ' The. warning MiP^UKutly had the the UJ^. Scientific Committee on. cellor Konrad Adenauer, and aaU .V assembly. the Effects of Atomic Radiation to autopsy. gorsoy City n charge he took on this basis got four million ber of my family If and when, • tapestry desired « ff^ , because when La- Despite Russia's threatened tuu.- Brideport FoUcejteid the women $2JW0 bribe from trucl&ng firm to (having, been) elected pmel- * continental flap pockets Belle appeared in U.S. District down. supporters of the appeal consider reporting to the assem- prc^i^ty had been driven to the votos. )>ly -in advance of a comprehensive ensure labor peace. I Now, the dentist said, it dent I tolerate graft and cor- . Court yesterday afternoon to meet, held hope .world opinion Would area after she became, ill end left ruptlon.” . i l " . . • corduroy studjf to bb completed next year. Navy Oomdr. Alan B. Shepard oeems that Juat such a coali­ legal challenge advanced .by op- have some effect on Uie Kremdn Oi. m roadway loading to the hos- PhiUppine News ServlM * black olive and tan popenta of the ban, he- reported he: Impasslohed' an>eals to Russia It also urgus the World Me­ pitolTi emergency entrance. Jr., who made notfon'e first nub- tion government is about -to • sizas6to9'/t: ahoe aaloB ^ bad heard of no arrests. not to trigger the bomb already teorological Organisation, a U.N. Isedbre L. Kotler, Fairfield ortrttol ffiioce ffight May 5, soys be formed. This, he said, con­ corriod the statement Tin a The purpose of the court hear- mode IQT many nonsUfpied nations speciaUxad agency to improve its Cjounty. coroner, sold Me offtee ' I WM **vw7 ptotewd** to learn of stituted “breach of faith with dlHAtch from Osbu in the * sizas8to20 f main floor, foor must have been heedisd In M04- reports en foBout tallied by. a net- oueeassful tib a g ot Seitum socket the votazs.” Central FhlUppliMS, wlHra (« I) eew. Diplomata noacned reJoetleB woilc ofststUms oramd the world. (OsaaSiaea aa Fafli Viva) a t Oope Osmoesal, Via. Aa oral haoriag will be hsld Meeafegsl Is coaipaignlBg.

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