. • r JRimSDAY, OCTOBER 2«, IM t Av«r>f*.IlaUy Net ProM Ron Far tha Weak Eadad Thd Weather Aanrhi^Bt^r Eai^ttins Hi^rallk ’ Oetahar 81, UNIl Faraaaaf of o . a. Waathar MMBB Clear aad aaMer tealgM. Law ^ 13,400 near 80. eetm dm r moatly aongr About Town f/" Mboabar af tlia Aadit aad Bonewhat nlldat; Blgli Bt Iha Bofaaa 4t Olreolatlaa 80a. TIm I<f«w«(icn*r’« d u b <it the • f t i m * MadahMUr TWCA will hold a ■OS!" Manchei$ter~^A City ViUaiife Charm fariilon abow tomewow a t 0:S0 p.ni. in FeHowahlp Hall o t tiie VOL; LXXXL NO. tS Sacond ObaftaeaUanal Chureh. (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER J7, 1961 (Claaatned AdvarttalBg ea Paga 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS W hy Pay Rafreabmapta will ba aorvad aftar the abow. iTkskata xemy ba pur- cbaaed ftwoi any manbar o t tha t-OOn/r^EARl I club or at tha door. State News A apdal aariaa oT Bibla atudiaa Another Crisis I wUl bagin at 7:M tonight at the j Salvation Anny church buUdiBC- R ou n d u p More Mra. Fkn-anoa Stavanaon will con­ duct atudUaa in tha booka o f Ihuiial U.S. Lofts Rocket Larger and Ravalationa relating thair Over Adenauer I prophaciaa to praaant dav and fu­ Woman Found ture *wt>rld oonditiofw. Ttta public ia invited. Bonn, Germany, Oct. 27 (A^)— ^Konrad Adenauer today was Dead in Road At “So CallecT’ eonfrcHited with a hew crisis in hia struggle to remain chan­ Hiaa Diane Naktania, daughtar Near Hospital of—’ Mr. and Mra. Petar Naktania, cellor of West Germany after the breaking off of his negotia­ 125 Adelaida Rd., who ia a Univer­ tions to form a coalition government. Than the Statue of Liberty sity of OonnacUcut student teacher, Obaarvera hera expect Adanauer.O Bridgeport, Oct. 27 {If*}— will be assigned to an elementary naw 86, to ba re-elacted for a The b<my of » young woman fourth term by tha Bondeatag Discount Stores? school In the Willimentlc vlrinlty. who apparently died of an (parliament), but th ^ do not rule S carh eck All mambara and friwda of the out the poMibillty of hit downfall. overdose of narcotics was Nikita Forgives Guild of St. Agnes are invited to Negotiations between hU Chris­ found in the roadway outside Shot Tests Get All The Facts Before You Buy attend a membership tea and tour tian Deipocratlc party and the Bridgeport Hospital at 1:10 Red Ex-Lieader of St. Agnes Home at 211 Steale right-wing Free Democrats be­ Convicted a.m. today, police reported. Rd.. West Hartford, Sunday from came deadlocked yesterday after Saturn for 3 to 5 p.m. an agreement appeared imminent. Detectives Identified the woman Washington, Oct. 27 (J^ — as' Joyce Roebuck, 28, of Father (^^Prem ler Do You Get • Free Deliveryj-and Installation? No resumption of talks is in sight. Panlk Village, a low rent houeing i Former U.S. diplomat Irvin C. President KlemenM V. \oroahl- Guests at tha homa of Mr. and Last 4 Days Pinahurst The present deadlock means a project. She was an employe of an i Mra. Joseph Thompson, 101 Hem­ continuance of a lame-duck gov­ Scarbeck was convicted today aerosol packaging firm here, po-1 lov his aatlpaiiy sins today. Moon Race # Free 1 Year Factory Service On Parts and Labor? lock St., are Mrs. Irene Jennings 42nd Anniversary Sale ernment in this country that of revealing American embas­ lice said. | The congress earlier had heard of Blkton, Va., Mrs. liens Kite of makes it difficult for a final agree­ In the woman's mouth was a note ! a letter from Voroshilov In which Stock Your Pantry sy secrets to Polish Commu­ he confessed be had given help Cape Canaveral, Fla., Oct. Shenandoah, Va., both aiatecs of ment among the western powers nist agents. printed on brown paper. The mea- i 27 — Saturn, the world’s # A Cash Plan or An Easy Budget Plan? Mrs. Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Shalvas on how to deal with the Soviet sage, aaid, “ She took too much; to the group which tried to oust (1^ ’The federal court jury of 11 men Khrushchev in 1S57. Hie letter bifirgest known rocket, scored Fred W'ay of Bentonville, Va., Union in the Berlin crisis. and one woman returned the ver­ drugs,’ ’ investigators said. I brother-in-law and slater of Mra. Lt. Domenlc A. Conte, detec­ made the whole thing sound like complete success today in its Jump At This Chance Adenauer and hia party had been dict only half an hour after start­ Just a tartiral error. Thompson. They will return to Vir­ ruling West Germany alone until ing its third day of deliberations. tive bureau commander, aaid Misa :’irst test flight and gave the ginia tomorrow after a three-week • the Sept 17 general election, cost Roebuck apparenUy was transport-1 United States a mighty push visit here. Shop Pinehurst ’The jury found' the 41-year-old ed by auto to the hospital area^ them their absolute majority par­ Scarbeck guilty on the first three in the race with Russia to put Self Sei'vice liament after she became ill and was' You Get It At GOODYEAR! counts of the 4-count indictment. dropped on the roadway near the men on the moon. Grocery Dept. For These Lcksing about 40 seats, the Chria- It found him Innocent on the fourth hospital's emergency entrance Unexpected One scientist said in advaaca AXVTAL 42nd Anniversary tian Democrats were brought down count, which concerned the physi­ drix’eway ao that someone would that the performance would ba to 242, just 8 idiort of irniajority. Specials cal removal of a classified docu­ see her and get her medical aid. ^ 160 per cent” of perfect. That forced them to turn for out­ ment from a public office, namely, Detectives said the woman’s Shortage in It was a tremendous demonatia- 12 Pound G-E WASHER Plus MILITARY No stamps, no gimmicks . side support to either the Free tha American embassy in Warsaw, movements were traced back to tion by a rocket which pra-IaoiMh to c<Hifuse you . just Democrats with 67 aeats, or tha Poland. 10:45 o’clock last night when she calculations had given only 80> per­ Leftist Social Democrats with 100. SHURFINE “good things to Scarbeck, a stocky bespectacled left a girl friend after taking a bus cent chance of complete auccaes. A12PoundG-E WHIST eat" at low pricea, . Adenauer got the Free Demo­ man, betrayed no emotion as he to the downtown area to go to a Flu Vaccine With the massive 8-englne pow­ crats to give up their original re­ stood erect to face the jury and grill. er plant generating 1.3 muUon Sponsored By fusal to serve In a government un­ hear the verdict. Dr. Harold Doherty, medical nnE HOUT NAME SO dE TT Shurfine Fruit Cocktail y pounds of thruat, the Saturn DRYER-Both Only der him but the Free Democrats ’The jttry deliberated 15H hours finding of death from probable Washington, Oct, 27 {IP)— thundered ifway from Capo Can­ ST. JAMES 3-21/2 cans 99c then demanded Heinrich von Bren- since receiving tlie case Wednesday overdose of narcotics and ordered Unusual and unexpected pub­ averal at 11:06 a.m. EOT, spew­ ‘ (Case of 24 $7.85) tano be d u m ]^ as foreign min­ morning. The trial took 3 ^ weeks, an autopsy performed. SCHOOL HALL Blood samples are being submit­ lic demand for influenza vac­ ing a tremendous tall of fire and No Tricks—All Treats ister. They iMd he was a weak­ and, for the last two weeks, the sending an unearthly roar roUng mOAY, OCT. 27 Shurfine Bartlett Pears ling with a defensive and negative jury had been locked up to prevent ted for laboratory analysis on cine has caused a nationwide 2 large cans 79c FOR YOU orders of the medical examiner. across the test center. 8:30 PJg. shortage in the product, the (Case of 24 $9.39) (OaaUiiiiad aa Paga Tan) (Oenttamd mi Page BSevea) Lit.. Conte said Mias Roebuck With almost unbeUevable pra- Refreshinenta—Donation 15c A t Pinehurst*s was not known to police u a drug Public Health Service said to- ciaion, tha eight englnea putoed addict. da.v. the 162-foot rocket, which la larg­ Shurfine 42nd Anniversary Sale Mias Roebuck, lived with an The serr'ice said manufacturers er than the Statue Of Liberty, ap­ aunt, police said. They reported have produced twice as much flu Cream Style *Spedk for Yourself^ Eddie^ proximately the 95 miles high to ANNUAL her mother Uvea in California and vaccine this year as in recent years the edge of apabe. Then the rock­ YELLOW CORN she has a sister In Oklahoma. Her but still have been unable to meet et plunged back to the AtliUtlo Delivered—Installed SWIFT father is dead, police reported. the demand. 6 cans 89c Ocean sind sank as planned more Harvest Sapper Choice PREMIUM Rib Oven Roast Production during the la.st three than 200 miles southeast Of tha Serviced—Demonstrated (Case oF 24 $3.50) Alsop Launches Bid Chiefs .4tcai( Orders months, stepped up somewhat be­ launch pad. NO MONEY cause of suggestions from the serv­ The National Aaronautlca, and CHOICE. This is fine quality beef from grain-fed New Haven, Oct. 27 (A9—Con ice that the nation probably would SpoMortdl by North neclicut Chiefs of Police have de­ Space Adminiatratton raported th e , DOWN ^ 25 "^***‘*^ 13 75 ^*"^**^^ Shurfine steers.
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