
FIRST SECTION 12 PAGES WfcATHKK KUHMJAMT WHICH IS MERGED THE cmcc Karel 9t.. 1*1 IflT7 I.ATION -LAST WEKK pair tonight anmidd Sutimlay Hnturday.. t DAILY PRESS 4001 puikni SBVi JKKSF.V, FRIDAY, MABCH 0, 1017. CE TWO 0EUT3 THIS CONCERT Y.M.B. A. WILL SAYSAYS.S GERMANGERMANYY STEPstepsS TAKE takesN TO to CLANDESTINE GERMAN WIRELESS A REAL TREAT PLAWFIELD MEET T0N.GI1T IS PERFIDIOUS GET ARMORY SITE STATIONS 4)1* BltAZIlilN i COAST Tonight at 8:15 there will be n BtepaBtcps havhavee beebeenn • Oake nTaken by theby I N«wNew YorYorkk SymphonSymphonyy Orches Orches-- ing ot the Yourig Men's Hebrew I'nlooiion.'Catyit Coloury HoarHoardd o f ofWeehdlder Pr—baldis BBy y UniteUnited) PressPress:: 23d Chapter to. acquire title to ibe Bolco j-r i|;- tratra PlayePlayedd BeforBeforee Crowd Crowd-- 5|wly Settlers ' to acquire title to tba Bolro ir> •rlyerly oonn KasKamit FrontFront, street , Mlil-o root,n up RioRio ddee JaneiroJaneiro,! Marc Marchh 9.-ijClandes 9.—Clandestit stations ed Home in High School ■i ThisThis VicinitVia y frofromm DatDatee 129 West Front street. In talking ;to ; briom Were Not Broken : stations ed House in High School whicwhichh aann armorarmoryy To forr Compan Cotyoanyy K ofK onon ththee BraziliaBraziliann coas coastt ar aree believe believedd to tobe be in byGer- ofof LanLawd Pui. hase reporter this morning SJr. Schw tblathis cmcil») iala t o tobe - beereote rr-ofdd 'in (hine neathor mans.mansnr . . j | fntaro,future.. UndeUnderr tb ethe Jaw ,|a«, an approan - nppt "I am earnestly and sincerely Inn {\ [prtatiott ot 120,800 , for tbeipur-j OnOn FebruarFebruaryy 88 ther theree wa wass an an engagemtji engagert beiween Brit- damroschDAMROSCH CONDUCTOCONDUCTORR ealed in this campaign, prlatlori of IfO.OOO . for UK pi cbrbaor>M oofr Uat landl mU8 mustt Iwu!».- e madeb the !b>ish th- wawar r shipshipss an andd Germann vessel vesselss off thoffe theife di ' 'hathatt ththee Britis Britishh cruise cruiserr Anjethys Amethystt ha dhat; feet three r,-aiders r I »r receivreceivee a atraining mining,, which which,, und and 1 MKl Inltill,-.] All Expect*- I ""'• " presentit clreumittAnceBelrrumnrancra.. Is lan not w< ihat effect . offoff ththee coascoastt an andd ha hadd tee beenn liink spnlc!.U ■ within their ranch. I am very enflnl It is-now the purpose of the free- lastic about the providing of the qua holders to advertisa tie sale of 120,- With a crowded house, a most tera for th« Jewish children ao Ug •ntkristastlc audienee and an »lw- This I they may receive their training i liated that there win :t>e mile of no gather delightful program. the uie early settle Hebrew history, language and traf Mlas Janet E. : it Wasn- ling the bonds. [ In GERMAN PLOTTER ARRESTED IN 10S ANGELES tlona,tlona, supplementasupplementall to the public »ch«i Dufc*' Arm" Band rounded out a • ten by Oli vc Ington, D. C., •d her '"Talk J addll amount for land] the p ,: couplet* success, and fulRlled ex-jelly. The » training,training, whicwhichh la ao excellent : the HarErldge, i Stat«•«e willwill t pronrlaiappropriatee |2 51006 SJS.OOujBy Unite d™ Press : ' "* a*it Francisco. &$ Cap&ins Boy-Kd pectations In presenting ttie New : itshod an th 'towatd'toward ththee e r erection•-Inn ii f pfan arm-naa armoryy I** | Angeles*-“• . MarcAna-la..h 9 —March Allege d aiW raiAlleged Papen ^ also said to hava Tort Symphony Orchestra under the Fridays: Sot imuch of a'Uildinj buildingg ca ncan be be *MI-to b e “>eounecte he connectedd with plot withs to H««r.,plot# vto deetroycsla l Tort symphony Orchestra nni-r lh th. Friday, i the — directiondirection ooff WalteWalterr DaDearoech.m roach, i nIn «|th.171 4 ....i> mvid . .. ; »...«..irj•*d tor?i thatt°^.. sum.. It midla paid,. and Cfa.ptand . Onpt**• Wel*»•l an d WetlandCanal Cnnal In Canada npd ftatafteld High School, last night, j H Chari-s A. P.tcraon laryln tryingg ta neto- SttlitSC-,y SBUtyof anaeutro of nnheutrnll a act. la America. flalaflcld Hl«h School, laat night ‘ d urging j Charles A. Peters, w Bv IIIt wawaas tbth-e larges targett undertakin undertaklnxg the tho FORMALFORMA' L OPEMNOPENINGG O OFF with tbe!curi curee anaa addition additionals aoproprlatloaipriaL'.on of Cantof,Cast.. Alfre d AlfredPritten ,Friuen. a German a- oftOerman- Pniteofl-d 1 fecallocal organisatiooraaBliatloon hadbad attempted attempted,, ABHA j MABRAM _ I.AB4Ghand and matter of ac-l*. 115.000is>oon frofromm the thn' Hlfl [<*'.. *a« arr««te! d. toda*arretedy by a*«.to itoday Ne wby York.^m agents h afUjtlfred A. 'bubatt IIff tbU»e member »“kns ba badd an yaay mtogt* mtaglv-- Mary ) M.ryjwas born'17-... boraflSS5 irriep i 17P0 STATESTATE TRUSTRUSTT COMPANCOMPANYY and A majoritmajorityy ooft (be lb. member ia-mbens ot thofe \°tthe th eof Departmen «b. menfDeparftt otof JusticJuaticee i n InAl* - Al- Frfjne Frlttetn rfrre«tfM In iXs Angolas •»(• at tbi outset, In esaaylng so 8imann»h Thorm at 1 rtlyeity councilroaocll.. It ul a saidI. , arid.favo r favorIhla- bambrx r tbla , bambrn.nea— r here acar. hThere. e arres Thet f*| -errant mky^ bf.l-« brough may t j bacb k tS New York taca at the outaet, la essaying ao Susannah 1 horn,id atI be Jol- special com- action, and It la quite likely that the lowelowedd aa searcMarchh o t of«l xeti months month.. \ for trial afora ontrie o t tbe pjotters i mock.amcb, theth*yy coulicouldi easil easilyy hav e b.».felt • lowinfait g lowingchildren :children? 1 Be BUILDINBUILDINGG TOMORROW 1 that's the measures ■«Uo». aad It ta qalte likely that the amendistursd whewhean ftieythey presente presentedd tb«ji7»l the., marrie17*1. d married; Uart dangi appropriationappropriation willwill beybe made mad-.. This , TblaReretaUoaR«»»latlo n ooff actlvllltartlrltuaa l n lasonta aontk-- att»jrfipie a«*4pd t o destroy lie Wetland Mai of Walter Itemrosch aa thejater LtUog. bor»?lT9i, jtarrlcd : been*.* «>• *o«t woaldwonld nrovldpro-id.e a afun Madd bf ofI40.009 Ito.aoa; torie'n -mfor CaliforniCaliforniaa anandd i n lanorther north.n Me*™ IIa- CJutal Cattaf.. Frl««n~ ' was .tdlcted Barn# of Walter IV* to row h aa tho ater Lalkg. bora! 17? Tomorrow, from two. In thffftftsr-.; people of tbla SUt*;|*;|lke th< the bmtding, whleh, It la believed,|lco ar» said,to have caused the Issue) March. 1&16, , keyootekcfaote o,of" theiIhtlrr offering offerg . I ns. garet NotNo«,, ancaretd h* 4No*, Ob-ferine aad .Imd ion. until ten o'clock ln thj> $T caaaad the Issue I March, cf rif woald•' nupatt upup a strwtdrn stroei.lr.e thaa t Ikatwould' wouldawouldof ordwr —darna foforr b! «hi. arrestr arret.. A conn«JA conneo-~ and" jHo and:i H,n fyr Golti, w._. Th.Tse bolBaldd thathatt tr"" iafmtiafee" of •a of»iihigh < a» .' *Aujtu.tu*n bleb_~_*_ | ~Augustus. . *»_»_BdenTaiBafe_ Kden.-..., W_. S Ing. The State Truat Coffitifcr will the bad people are alvbys organised. p h. a -y«dlt to PUUSnld.Captai nCaptain | ««ttoa• betwee betweenn FriUePrIUenn ap dend Oerma. Germann 1 net)pen rp-;~ ln>cl. Kritzej wedm'«rd*r has,oha. noa Flalnn Plalahald> d ia laproverbial proverbial.. Edgar Ediar.; Emma Emma., Not; INo., uJQnna b >us«,;In New York State, she added, under | be a credit to.PUinoeW. battat wawass nawo mmorei ivrel .arelyy »tt«ataatt atteataddd tban|bob thanI m born1T9 K 17PS.marrie dmarried' Oilwrn; for the Inapvetloo of the HtMtc. and ' ths maaniDeant ivtvtHrrahip of Os- ,PstersoqIPelei hha. offend lbfu fnrnlalilih fre e frsoOoomtlConsu l BoppBapp.. recentlrecentlyy convicie eda-lrledi In e»oiIn—hri been bI qiMthiTtt tr&. kyby Walaatt nightClgbl'e-i rwnr-rt. r torIhe fha andl -aodl-; Rebecc Rebeccaa L.I Lalas. -bor i Bdlth '•II lb- mad a—d-di fo r, thfore lb. ooa t confined to mu«ii William ■•triton wark. aad baa beoo 'tr* familiar with the great produc- Mow 800, The building, as fine aa It Is ei-! Taking up th* avenlabf the laat two '“r.PI-d by th. Put. military an- fdsas of the metropotlUtB atatre. forirled Liockey Uanalng *':rlba Lai icriorly. ta «nrpaased in 1U intarlorfi weekj. the speaker • frminded bar; thorttlsa. SENATORSENATOR STOIffiSTONE,, SELF-SAtlSFffiDSELF-SATISFIED,, WHX'NO WlU lfOTT It Included not only them, but thoaejborii 1802; Pkebt *^f"fe l"ra 1 finish and equipment, and the pub.lc,H»udi«ce that on Feljhi»ry 2« Mr. |^,_ ,*koM Mr 1* Just as ke«n, and whose , bUTled Mr. Ruti .«' Abraham -o ar. aura, will not fall S, aspre-.. Wllaon «k»d Congre^ to arm t*« TO SPEAK OF WOMAN'S ByBf UniteUnHedd rr—:Preeai -; luttiy.'fitwtM«i%1ifrwiltrtyVeaoUant; heKUly" willl ynoc.lld.nt: reUlne ahe? will •pportBoltlea for hearing •omethiDg j l^iug, born 1807, «i-*rrled Mr*, 'fiate the efforts that this ioili tut km American merchant meB, now tied Washington. March 9 —“I n—r Wf>»l positionehie position?r th. ty the •noMklly good but ton r«atrkt«d Jone*. {has put fortu to provide the com-; because of tbe subinft'rlne menace. WORK W THE WJ«i«SS^^»^fc^^'aiplain what I aay or do In theS Be.\ ranlriSlon. j. 10 tie local B«ld, | ISAAC LAINQVl f toavid and|ninnlty with a banking houae of the J so that they might b«»Treleased and , • '- ataat* ooan aa grea kreatt publi publicc question,' question,'*1 sai d said"In- dneToi tims'^ do.l wilttm>Hl i will Tat orehfrtra of stxty-flve piece* Mary), born 1JS», r&rrlcd 17S3.most modern type. A great deal ofih* aaked for auUiortfy'to uso'aueh Mlm Kla( sm>atar8 1 wuuam J J. ., today. ■ pearl, of laat J.turdey Mlaf Ki.l« MrKentO a Red Ctoaaiwh *""*n Mke" ^M'*d tor " - Stone, today, .ppwd of last Jaturday. i'%lth"utM-. stajad as one maa * t*«-part pro- jGr*c Moore •*• poSiter. uidjtsata bu been dlsnU7«^ U HlMtiBB j other LttStrumeotalUlefj aa mighB, t «D• i nur-urme frotrx>mm ih «« p-«n^iMcKtnsto.t hrrOrri. •» hRe4..rt jwheiOomwhen"n sakenakedd fo forr ' a »tat«n«naUtemenn statementtt abouabou tt nbontaonaa t Hoornremarka^«Mc cork,h ~wkick£'• am na« grtm Of *-ne nnmb«rs. nil from the t,»d eblldrvn EJdaraii fad Mlrlan.itbe interior mrrble work and ..nlab.-1 necessary in order to J|«fegaanfTt sthis nurae ii-om tne, a renetr border«**', anKordnr.d 'th Urna .it,^!stucknndta0k ,m mad*madea M hloahim m tQrouhim ikmiriw. throughout. .aW writing.i WJ.™ before,E ____!• thtt- .pec ™ " »*nl (BU belonnlnwbelongingg l a |thD e th#beginnin beginningg of th of lira " * ^ «»oUi writl^ finaier C*mpe»ers and some from hr>rn 1784: Jatooa,; Him 1787, Botiulno. a new Italian marble, batf 'country. The Utter clause was Wi »',r "," Land Srrvir th. conalryuatry foforr hi hies fllibaterlng atlbslerlng la thIn# sourithe ,sourt. from whom .J my fka graste't. It was the one oppor- j married 1*11 ~, B*iBy" baa been utiiUtd for theiby i fr* I *° Wogta’i' Lnod Servicedeante. Stonelwl1 1will dlsroard tha comaqThat wiffThe' wile tfb my W*b»ur, ay to be a Waakt-i uthor!ty□tborlty... j CorpCorpss ofof Orea Grantt Bri tBriula.wil l will gp«mk ur . Ta tnaity Ibat Pl»'.un-l,lerri had for • ,n In color with the counter provmj Ih-m»elrp. markimen thikno MrsR*m. S . 8S.. Carvalbo8. Carvnlbo,, on Wes oqt ske wlt f wttlpreavn prewentt ; fftCt « fortethaC that rant was greeted with decoraUona of Lbe huk ha tronble f* mat thi» cmatry* ha"—* eott" Wi ~her experience-AFhiKBtt ad anaatmer-ntton uuMriuunX la! VILLAin, CAPTURED CITYv •lactation, and It was carried oat la rulor» thai wt,oog* M tMaj »y m«ay fkogflgnn«.(Bouaan■-He.' tngleadRnglswd axdned■ Frantw.Front*, dnrinedqrlng thethewl VHXtwotwo ] A CAPTURED CITY ™COU J»iT ZEPPELI* N 1HES tlfttnU U determine whirl, tbe IU- completely, the Only contrmst being Conc«r»lng the Zimmerman«ggnn nnote.o 1 nod a hg|f ysnra of tbs grrat Bufo-; that there ponn cooOlciyear ' of thMbse g"reawtOt IJZtell j of theOOFF DURANGODURANGO,, FEBFEB.. 2288 AFTERAFTER AN OPERATION w.p. «o«, .ho Mr. Wtt- »or« iw» n! REPEATSREPEATS STORTf OF Uo^ed Pres^TT PUlDflold mMBfw BW.- taut b«in In-ti I in the trenchea, and altar battles a*d Clf *•»Pa bo.• >**«March» ».—Thre e.—Threee thor nihouw -mpt^rdam. Marctt ».-pArrang» and .lied »t the rear of tb« public f. I Zeppelin raid*. the French hoenttal and ^nJ'*bandit," commandecommandedd b yby Vill Villaa li In its have not. he** mxaMetcd foi LTHANLYIUN flIBBARDHIBBARD I INN VISITVISIT TTOO THlthe;! CIT CITY i;pace s . and la aepratcd (^nly by a^ work.-the munition making, and He r pernon.peraon. capturecapturedd thtbee cit ycity at Duiof —Daran- fBjj«r«i r |5it ^ Unbaitution of women fdr Ko. February Zt2S.. accordin aocordtnrg to *to leta -let- f hojaJMhllp baring bit I men are at the front, • ' terter receiverecdlrrdd herheree today today.y. Tbe Thelei ta rletter ight.ffor AHBDLANCE CORPS Bald ththee CarralnsC.rranaaa garrison, parr!,on., undername , vho died ELIGIBLE FOR PENSIONPENSION 'GenGen.. QarlraGa-lra.. poPOtt •• up a .tubborn Ta- yef m attack ,„ . „ . j Tamer Were Here ±i "Gfi- worked out. RECRUITINGRECRUITING BOOTBOOTHH A ATT il.tail re before belnx overpowered. , for i#Sfi«h an Operation Ucl Man in Actire Sannce (Hborneand fe' a directoi^' There Is a lot of loose italic on tbe Villa'a- folio eie ra eaekrd The city ary. ,Vfmiaa con- i.-uftf. a _Jft <& Bttperfletatly adTlspd persons STATSTATEE TRUSTRUSTT CO CO.. . and executed eeveral cltlxena rom t^'f operation lhHam- « French Bmttle Front, Plirthpr tMtlmTj" ;al]. icrou the r of the bankba - iabout the attitude of the Board iofl - . L_ ' ebaraed witbwith' aidinaldlaxg .Carra (krram,m tbe- th IMf dl&d Further leg y*>s- rutur t ileaUh ln retiring WlllUm Addts, 8r-j Throu>uplEni IheIhe hindnetja of" a if. letwr aald. Vl1 iterdaterdgyy 1in ththee ser o Wag:, of ' R«e =__ \tllla theo ondercd U*r(orces Utter States looker rootua and nn•n »a pensiopenatonn «ftr afterr havin ha-tasg sftri- eerVrdd t«m twvki'- Frkkerr Felckerl.', or th eof Fta(vthe~ TrusRtdletTreatt Coni- Com-! m,B'* ordered bif forced tot r tor iring that'isnch room, ; • Ti'h on Torrei>n. In addition, a Ime tiyT yPXrfyea_ re.anf jand attaine aftalnedd th e agthee ofaxe pany , ofih epony, .Nationa tbel Spe4la Nationall Ai d Fpailals..- -Aid So- “ "■ Torrnon. . HenrRssryy D.D. lllbbard Hibbard,, of 14of4 Bas14t 4 Eastes W James. Osbor W. Osborne• an who large cuslon perenty yaare.1. anandd appointin appolntlnxg as hiaa s (lethi.y wi' letn conducJ will t toadurla irecrWin a greertilllnif booth booth -I ' •eveath•twilb streetstreet,, hahass reced receivese th etbe foi -fol- mpanieaccompaniedd her her t r, thl- an d opening from which are large n * ' guccesBor Isaiah McVoy, wko Is pracU-'lto. enroll male members SENAtfe CLO'gURE MAY lc xoeeraaor laalab MeVoy. who Is prartt- i to enroll mala membera tomorrow-PRESIDEN PRFSIDFNTT STJLL INST1IJ IN levinflawlag letteletterr frofromm A .A. Flat Ptattt Andrews Andrew,, misepromieedd to mator marry ter.irk s H. silver storage vault*. . A paeuma : panycally thtbee aammnu-axe.e age. an andd »iio who.. it InIt i»f-t. pop-,• afternoo afternoonn and andeveblng j ereninwwhen the .hen lb> kmdatad oofl ththee America Americann Ambulanc Ambulance,e aborne," Um«o’ ""n carrier h:.a b«en provided Ojnlarlularlyy supposedeuppoecd., willwill als alaoo b ebe retire retiredd on onTrus True!t Compan Companyy will .holwilld In.hold forma If.l formalBED . DOCTOR ORDERS NOT AFFBp CA Cwya ID France, which Mr. Hib* upled the stand! mr.it >'4ay, convey checks dfrect from the » a pensiopenatonn soonsoon.. [opening for the public.openlnx' Ih efor boot theh pubUe.-t The booth Cerynlarfs ioIn n France,Lyman recentlnk.cby Joined*r.: j^a H,b-.--^•“fcj ated hia • i t th" men's teller on the left band aldi FoForr tbtbee benefibenedtt o fof tbos tboeee wft whoo fee lft-el C^n ctb, w) H] willbe I n becharg tne charxeot -Mrs .of Morri Mr*.s J . Morrta J. hlri-e eon Ionian recwntly Joined ,, ,.| „f Franklin 0

ETOTg OPKH tJD:j.. M—CLOSES 6 P. M-, EXOBPT SATURDA j Hpedal ) A. E.F#RCE 111., k H ,-,' 15c 115-117115-H7 WESTWEST FRONTFRONT STREET STREET 50c "TH£J|HITE STQR SHOWINGSHOwfaiG()F OF CORRECT STYLESSTYLES FORFOM SPi SPRING fit ng Fashions In Correct Spring Fashions In SUITSSUITS,; COATS,COATS, DRESSESDRESSES Womens Dresses and Shoes and MILLINERY of models fs . newnew colorings:colorings: Gold,Gold ,chartreuse, chartreuse, corn,' corn Burgundy, Burgjind yand an d highhigh clansclass material*,materials , andan dthii tlii i sen-sea - navnavyy andand black. black. MadeMad eup u pin i mostn mos tbee becomio omigg gmodels, models , A Great ?4li ton’«son 's newestnewest ahadea.sliadea j • . SILK J?pj||SES mostlymostly beltedbelted withwith fancyfancy largelarge pockets, pockets shotting, shoynn gthe th in-e in- fluence ofof thethe military military design, design ,and an dvery ver ysmart smar int iappear-n appear - •nines. SUITS ance.ance. ;• j 414.98 SPECIALLYSPECIALLY PRICEDPRICED FORFOR SA' SATURDA Y NEW SERGE !)KESSES Only a $5.0few left in . odd aiaej0 ainl SJ49S\98 $1898 $10.98 eolora.Only ft Don'tfew lef miaat in Hus . od doppoil aize unityf and HarvlaocncHamtMmwne gobggolJl . »idered. colors. Don't miss tdiis oppoiftunity braidbraid embroiderembroidcr.,i).roid.-r.-r h!l ; ifif yonyou wantwant tot osave sav einonfy. woiu-y .jfjrter 'Mater - tailored;tailored; mariemade ; JaitV iala: Poplin, serge*. in blael^ • and plentad affeetaiai rf collars •ialBblue,: Popiinincluding, serges 39, #1,. W 43, blac( agitable| • an. ] ofof eonfranfing'contrasting' *]»»el .welted welted ,eoio, sole , Speei.lspecia l .... . Vomtn'Vomes'it Shoe,Shoes in i it-i kid, law, plain j tonj ami oredored oror Fancy Fancy SportsSports Suits, Suits ,pleated pleated models; models ;go goo d selection of Women's Shoe* in graygray buck.buck, l.«*r,lace, plainplain tye, tot- .I, !• leatherleather Loui.Loum bejheel . Spfdal . ! | .$4.00 LouisLouis heel,heel, weltedwelted I sole.aale.sole . SpecialSoeeialSpecia l .....,}... il.,. . styles,styles, fromfrom 16Ifc to to 46. 46. ;Priced Ppce dvery ver yreasonably- reasonably — Growing Girls' Shoes in gnu metal eattj wellwt sol». WomanWomen' ’as ShossShoes inin dull.lul lki,t kid vimp vamp . and gray, buck Isee,lace, leslherleather LouisLouis heel, heei ,welted welted s sole, lowlow beets.beels. SpecialS|n-cui l . .^....—j GREATGREAT SHIRTSHIRT SPECtSPECL Men'sMen'• Foar-ln.HandFour-in-Hand Ti« -^•pil.ir :wh Saturday only. j--j Of welveill knownknown ‘'Columbia"Columbia Brand."Brand. "specially speciall ypJ pL->^ - Saturday only. NeweettTewert ShadesShades Ini»fov.ltyin. Hovelty SilkSilk for S«tiir.f,iSaturdayy only.only . AUAl sue*l size sand an veryd ver gttractiy atttaetij k gat ■letot from. Rubber Door MaW-Hf—m! for Saturday ' andand Shetland Shetland FlowFlow Ladies'Ladies’ Sweaters.Sweaters . 8TOKB tl?I» 8,90 4 MC—CLOglB « P. M. EXCEPT BATCKDA JustJiat ReceivedReceived nilinimiiiniinniiniiiililtiiiMiiliiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiK'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lumuill IMIIIIIIIIIflllllU $5.98,$5.98, $6.9&,$6.98, $7.50$7.50 f ._ • -. '' • t \ ^_ ^ EXPRESSEXPRESS COMPANYCOMPANY THE LAST CALL SUESSUES FORFOR $950,300 $980,360 THE LASf! CALL NEW SPRING MILLINERY THISTHIS WILLWILL BEBE THE TH EL^STT Li|l| TCALL CAL LTO T OOUR OU R NEW SPRING MILLINERY\ NEWMtifrDIESNEW M0DIES Baltimore and Ohio Railromd j •' • | AT LOWEST PSIOES IN TOWK. HewNew collectioncollection JustJait receivedreceived Acca«d of VioUting : Collection embrace. iMortaent at the Mmi Itjle. tor Spring is f»ncy trimmed or the new Noyelty Sportl rtftdy- ofof manymany spuriasports itylaa,stales ,am embrftc brac- - Great To Heart Shoe Sale Its Contract Great Heart To Heart Shoe Sale ing thethe neweet newwt andan dbeat bes tnovel-, novrf- mdnctlon at the parcel $1.49 $1198) $2.98 $3.98 tiei in «no k» and brited mod- « by the Federal GoTfrn- tiae in smocksC and: hatted mod- We hav^ nct^ rfacheichedd theth etime tim elimit limi ont o then th Big-e Big - meet Is saiS to te «tit* th edirect« direc musst e»u M New COLLECTION ofof BOYS’ BOYS' SUITSSUITS sis.els, inin res.,'rose , tentmn and! an d(rasa. green , bra^gut in the 3u- lor SB iaetloa« iud last to bbreagtite th la lh« Be- JotJon racaivnd—Alireceired—AU livestint fromfrom 88 to t o16. 16 in. it Fancy. rus jWaal Weo Mix.l Mii - from gest Shoe Sile i^e pavavee everever conducted,conducted, andan dwhen when prvmcpremen CoortmetioCournt byJUK!>> •Ich» bih ^United- Unite dbt»te» Bute * tone,tnres, patchpatch pocketspockets andan dvery very dreeey Jimj style.ttylet . VaryVer ■yportal— special— ExpressKxprVsa CompanyCompaar tot orecover rernvf r 9950,-|95D,1 f TO we close our stars Saturdaiturdayy evening,evening, thethe sale sale will wil lbe b e | 5«0360 fromtrutii theth eBaltimore BaUli^on -and an Obisd Ohio $3.9$3.988 $4.98$4.9 8 5.985.9 8 RailroadKallroad Company.Company. ; .$1 n.98 InIn August.Anp'ist, 1RKT.1SST th», HI cpressP eonw ] i«o)iwoy aallegea lie sea. . ItI purchasedt juirilimpi ifrom from tha th e railroadrailroad rowcompan pan y y It* ItbaslasSa.,s bnsiaesa , knownknown aaaa the tb e“Baltimore 'B«ltiraor* and. and Ohio. Ohi o : : iT H E ::: BxpreM.' 'loeetbfr ««fa a contract SaturdaySaturday isis the th eLast Las tDay Da y Kxpreoa.' together: w

Tepper’s ^[Tepper^fepper^ W^Tepper^^lTepper^ £”&, Tepper's ^jTepper's^fegper's ^lTepPerVi..^|Tepper!s THIS CONCERT

Sports Apparel Btill Growing In Popularity A REAL TREAT Sports Apparel ftill Growing In Popularity (ConfinM* from tK* U, \ A Brilliant Display/ of This New Vogue is Featured at dience liked best. The program Was A Brilliant Disp^oMpf This New Vogue is Featured at not Bt-ranged t« MVO the I best lor the last, for after the, overture "M)g- M The Paris Ston, 143-144 West Front St., Flainldd. Tepper's in Sluts, presses. Coats and Skirts for Spring non, by ThoraM, the inrco £>y n» Paris Stan, 142-144 Wfit front St, Pltinfl.ld. Dvorak> froni ''The New! Worli," Li. 'JS ""T *T aild '•» ««T Mm* •h«Ti the mart fashionably dressed women found spontaneous responae. LfOvsrs ;»>. ftodWmd,, youJOT willwill w*«e thawthan garmentsgatm«ntt worn.worn . TkisTils ui snot no titiup, rtrang., wh.nwh.« one on econ* con d oofT TsehalkowsUTscfcalkowskl foundround aa delightdelight .iInn NeNeww BlousesBlouses atat thids.CTitrlnefruutaeaM ofof stylo,style, endsad adoptability adaptability forfo rU-nronnd all-around os■»» j ththee andknlnandante eadtablle.r.ailtabile, theth esecond second L ' S* PPO*n*1'°' ■"* wxelualvwueae•»«•»»"»»•» endand individuality, to4hridnallt7) tbo*,these MewNew Spring Spring StylesStyles willwi n; mor« l>arpartt ofof thathe third third! ' number.number. TheTh eorer- over- ;»w»eeijpowtt yonryonr wzpaotattona.expectations. ' iturs "Finssi's Case,"Cav 1 byby MUendct,e SpeciaSpecial| PridesPrkies 1 w isohaisohit metme t aa hs*rfyhearty >reception, and j fcrftane and "Jsee these **new “»*»»>» arrivals •*a tTopper'* Tapper't i HenHen yon yon eon ca ngather gattie rthe th emoe mos t in- lovers, ofof Boelbo.esBeetboven foundlonnd completecomplete ThThee charmingtharming sijsimplicit y of our •troAST*;TSe Ideasides, ofof thethe season season' e snewest newes stylest style whiohs whte hwill wi helpn hel yonp yo inn ithen th ehoicoe choic ofe o f yonf satisfactiosatisfactionn InIn the.he allegrettoUlegretlo Tramfram ;»wSi SpringSpring attire.attire. .SymphonSymphonyy No.No . *J. 7 . TheTh e lUkocay: Rakocxy i NewNew Springftpting ModBlouse s will im- * MarcMarchh byby BerUoaBerlioz waswa s highlyhighly appre-Bppre - mediately attract, the attention • ^Exclusive1'Exclusive SportsSports DressesDresses ~ ciated.ciateil. Inin whichwhich thethe 'cellos 'cello* wereVere con-ccin- medigiely allracl forfar Spring Wear Wear ! Bptcuouspicuouss InIn somesom* ofo fthe the strains.strains . of buyers who Jfeejt exquisite *fw.yinns« thethe dnlnlleetdaintiest dressesdresses forfo r sportssporU wearwear arare« OtheOtherr numbersnumbers werewere the.the !Garotte Gavotte //fnfuilh l\ I finishingfinishing touches,touches^ theithe * cleverclever ;tno*eIpmhlonnl ItpBhioned ofof thethe sewnew sod and popularpopular meter!els.iqaterials sSrhitch V. toin E.E byby Bsch;Bach; "The"frhe.Spinnin Bploolngg WheelWhee l ■ Pon ofof Umpkele,O rap hale, ' " bpb yBelnl Salnt-Saens; Saeui: prise. prii e t* $**?^'•ffd*. Poo«** See,- KhkklKhaal-Kool Kool.. CrepeCrepe dede Chine.';Chine . JerseyJersey N tfl JN collarcollar effects, effects, thethe graceful graceful lines,lines , "Slllfe giti a variety ot novelty stripes and plaid "Ilka, •ong-froeoug • fromm "Diet"Die 'Melsterslnger." MalBterBinger," bbyy yid a variety of no.elty fttnpee sod plaid silk,. ff W VVaK">er; "Dance! of the Sylphs." by witt J.sUf;aln coloredcolored OeorsetteGeorgette totoo match. mtmatchh . !Floured FigureFi d Sad«nd fi H Wagner: "flanml of the Sylphs." by ancand tfie pretty lustrous silks, plalbi armblnationst^inbl nations arearc alsoalso Inla vosoe.vogue. . TheseTh$ee arear ebetas being H BerlloS'Berl;-ox sadand thethe-concludin: concludingg numbernunibtr- ■ I * pretty lustrous silks, •ho*n.,i'O inn thethe mostmost effectiveeffective coloringscolorings forfor Spring.Spring . •; HejL .. g ' B a waits.walti, "The"Th e inArtis let'st E Life."Life," bh>y / “Iasi I «chsuch as a sCrepe Crepe de-Chine, derCftine , PussyPuss y The^JresaeleQlreenraa Inin Ibethe coat coat effeeteffect areare faetly ipstly growingtrowing Inin tn- la - B *vr /■ H Straaaa.dtrauss. *11Al l werewere mostmost hewtllyheaWily ri-1r|- JfVill>p; Soft fMfeta*, Uoe, Jor.ft**lt+;roete, coats ransingranging fromfrom J737 toto 4545 Inches inches InIn length,length , H ’PL-'' Jk ff eelredcelyed withwith nnldanedanC^stied eajoymeat.eoJoymciit 1i 11 I JMUow. Soft Taffeta, Lace, this BMng a suitable length for any figure. W finst a suitable length for any Ague. r» JBHI /MR. » By-thiBy Ihlea coacestconr,-n theth fMulch dutdh Arid.Arran ' Chiffpp, etc. >ai ejr- - bolts,belts, pocketspockets andaod collarscollars verrvcrji prettilyprettily nni-em - B»t,iBardl haslua estahlUhe*eBtabItched aa .eoaddsdea confldeioe (nin kiid orir trimmed,trimmed, areare smartly smartly featuredfeatured onon mostmoil ee-iv- dyW. Tl/ ,'W fiEn thIhse locallocal publicpublic ; forfor belagbeing iahleiable ttoo ia2pent.it. PricesPrices rangerange fromfrom ^tV'th. j Iff km frW brinbringg herehere such,euch-, anan aggregationaggregation ofof . SaturdaySaturday wewe offeroffer TwyTw^ Lots Lots ata tSpecial Social Prices—Price 15.95 n" 45.00 noinuslclansmusicians. apprehension. ThereTif7 iabout neednee d a harehavpublice be® beejr«- i CrepeCrepe dede ChineChine andand PussyPussy Willow—Prices—Willow oonne tqtq ththee nnnouneemedt of e Distinctive Stifles Styles in in Spring Millinery DamUamrbac roachh concert, out there:h.ere wawas* "New'New Spring SuitsSuits A NfaNew Collection erfof VeryVery CUc somssome .surpriseiflurprfle thhtthat aa'dat datee couldaould bbee $3.50 and $3.98 inrkableliable Catherinegathering ofo f ultr*-*m*rtultra-smart modal*models iInn Creations inin aa Splendid Splendid Van,*Variety obtatyedohtttinoci forfor Itsits productionbroductlon hers.(ere . '. $3.50 and $3.98 tnyiy andand moremore tailoredtailored styles.'styles , groundground which»hicl i OurOur Milliner*Milliners ereare nnwnow bue-bus - ThThye namename Damroscl!naramn-l! IsIs sW Srnonymsynonym itrnS ,ic exclusiveexclusive airair thatthat everyevery well-dreaacdwell-dressed aomaniwoman llyily engagedengaged makingmu.klcg newDew ere-cre - for th. best Id kitrumeolul musts. beU j^riiciayy depictdepict thetbe aulhorllatfrcauthortlatrvc modemode;correctly cor racily,, £ aattona Mona,. smart,smart. stunningstilnAlng h»hataU and LQ see him as a condjnetor of * The rnatirlalaterlalas thatthat araare receivingreceiving moatmost popularitypppularity at#tire thatthat willwin atrtk#strike thethe fancyfancy a*dand concert was additionally tileftsing to t MILLINERfflLLll&RY y SerEt*s.Vdabardine«ibardtnra.. PolretPolret Twill#.Twills, vigeraux.Vlgeraux , JcrrayJersey thethe eyaeye of of thethe womanwoman whowho ap- ap - most ewt , tether of id Summer wear. I fromfrom 1£ toto «.6 . 77 to to 1*.10 .and and « 9 to I 1# Price*;.IVlcesi i it i Childrenctiiiilr»n fromfrom «0 months monibs toto 1010 rear*years oldold.'. Th#The price*prices willwill pleaseplease yo«ryour Mr*.Mrs. fflisa19Ua 8.S .Taylor, Taylor, ofo fWsstgeldi W>stneld, TTO pocketbQokpocket book.. madmad#e byby hiabis dhughlsr.daushter, ttheiE|he l V J TO Loaw.Loew, Ofo f .NewNew , York.York , andad dtlid tli 4 AlwayAlwayss TryTryJfVarlo Varley’sf s First 2.502.50 ~" 18.9518.9 5 F 98C 5.95 TitleTitle QuarantceQuarantee ;anandd TruatTru*L Com-Com* pany.piny, asas executor*, exMulori, waswa stoday today filedfiled ItIt MeantMeans SatisfactionSatisfaction andand EeorEconom y The New Neckwear InIn thethe surrogate'ssurrogate* court.court, NewNew York. Yorjc- It IsIs Quite a a FadFad To To Wear Wear AprilApril IS10 IsIs the the date date actset-b byy theth eaurro- surro i from 50c5Oc toto $2.98 $2.98 gafegate forfor approvalapproval'o orr dl#apprpediaappr^vaB|l ofof Inexpensive JewelryJewelry SurprisingSurprising whatwhat as . daintydainty plerapiece th■h*e document.document. TheTh* estate estate lais divided divided NotNot thathe coarsecoarse Imitations,Imitation*, hutbat ofof NeckwearNeckwear willwill 4ado Uto helphelp Im-Im- amongamong aa Urgelarge numbernumber ofo frStaUvra relatives thethe daintydsjntv -bitbit*s ofo fcolored colored effectseffects proveprove thethe look* looks ofof aa fires# dress oror salt: suit; livinlivingg lhIn N#wNew York York andand vicinityvicinity and . thatthat displaydisplay ihemselveethemselves veryvery effec-effec- andand whenwhen fashionfashion decree*decrees thattha t Wratfield.Wntneld- Babv'sBctbv's Friends tivelytively withwith thethe new npw coloringcoloring ofof the th* NeckwearNeckwear isIs toto be be wot*worn exten-exten - InIn th#lrtheir accountingaccounting lb#the rtMHnexecutors And )fur rrtettds out bay nni fhin2 you>uwr pbuto«reph.photograph. - MekeMatte Ihrthe kpirolnimmi '*in*oinlment n««*«t the Htndlo or hindkind nownow on on displaydisplay m(n ear «nr Jew Jewel ai-- somethingsomething thatthat willwill pleaseplease yo*you ot Hie principal, 'credit them selves' jo«r owe hums. - ■ ry Section. For Instance:, and look attractive. of the • principal, credit theptmmlrmrn U-( W ..ur KODAK kMiHlMi. It L not an nnlm- ry Section. For Instance:, and look attractive. ,wimwitk 1116.000»iiF,.i.r>tj ofr.f ' •!,.,the . realrea l #»Ute..estate, 1«4 ee do your KODAK VlMHHINa. It MnhatoneBirth'tone RroorhM—o-off finefin e OurOf aaeortmentassortment ofof Neckfixlag* Neckflzlnn |«.&T?.»g$e,lTT.»Q forfor funeral,fuiij-rnl. administra-iidintnistra- portant side line «hfi »«. .'-, nelllTquality goldgold Oiled.fined. gpe-fallrSpecially ' forfor SpringSpring constatsconsists ofof prettypretty hanhand1 tiontloa andand otherother expanses.expanse*, **dand Show show a pricedpriiceided ttomorrowotomoiTow ata .. S5®eB embroideryembroidery Georgette*,Georgettes, trimmedtrimmed balance, ofof t5S.S34.SJf58.K34.S2 forfo rfurther lurth ' CameoCimm Ring*—ofKill** of sterling Sterling silsil-- withwith newnew filetfilej lace.lar*. Kbakl-kool.Khakl-kobf , STTOPWEZ & LUClKEY ver; special at ROe voile#voiles andand organdie*orgsndleaH inn whitewhite oror dlatrtbutlod, aubject, however, flrat , •• PHOTORR.APHERS • rRegent; apeoia Peartl at ,N cck Uerw-50 Spe-B color*]. toto thetbe deductionsdeductions ,ooff theirtheir cOmmia-cotum KrKt-nt I"'""H Necklaces)—-Spe- •lonsslons and»hd the\h* expensesesiieiiBeB ofo fthe (h e ao-i 120 EAST FRONT ST., : PLA'lNFIELD, N. J. cialal atat *. '.' SORSeC Spring Fashions Necessitate Necessitate New Corsets HEAVENLYHEAVENLY RESTREST MEN’SMEN'S IItf youyou nn are Ptrtlealkrparticular amthat pooryour ASSOCIATIOASSOCIATIONN MEETINGMEETING SpringSpring garmentsgarments shouldshould fitfi twith with thattbat stylishstylish gracegr«ce ofO f figurefigure naoo TheThe WINNERSWINNERS fromfroni thethe rnpehmuch desired—Itdesired—it lala efaentlalessential thatthat TheThe Mena.Men's AModatlonAssociation ofo f tbe youyou givegive thethe questionquestion ofat a a cor- cor - ChurchChurch ofo fthe tbe HeqvenlyHeavenly RestRest held Let Your,Youripoy Choose His Own rect!rectl y designeddesigned corwetcorset duedue conooo-- on*one ofot theIbe largestlargest - raaetlagameetings 1-i n its Musical Shows of This Season sideration. historyhistory lastUs t eveningevening InIn the tbe parish MusicalShows of This Season house of the church. Durln AnAndd ItI t laIs Inin otir ou rsplendid splendid as*•-- house of the churfh. During Spfing-MuitSpiring \ at Tepper's sortsortmen mentt ofof newnew 8priqg Spring model*models oroI meetingmeeting aa resolutionresolution ofo fsyrng syn IWI JuM M«Siat be wantsiota,, andand dellghUdelights Inin thathe )plraaure pleasure thethe betterbetter gradegrade coraetacorsets suchsuch shaa withwith RuaeeORuBSed Vail,Vail, oneone of of th#(he i SecUoIonn lala bownow complete complete withwith !apleadld aplendld Redfven.KwJfrrr,. Rianee.Bioner, Mrae.Mm* .I.yra. Lyra, BoBoan ben. waa passed on- tbe death i StiltsIta., Inin Serges,aerges, rheoka.checks , anfian *novelty novelty TonT«a,, Neaao,Neano, etc.,etc. , thatthat youyou willwil l slater.sister, Mrs.Mrs . George.tjeorge, MuirMuir . Wanted shade*.shades. PinchPinch-bac h*ckk anfiand beltedbelted dafindd thathe coraetcorset mostmost sulUbl#suitable fdrtar -ThThee mattermatter orof purchasingpurchasing s WWee carrycarry *a complete complete lineline ofof die*site* youryour figure.figure. TheThe assured assured cor/XS-corr*et> tabltablee tdrfor Ibethe associationassociation w. nessness ofof etyte, style, thethe destrabllUydesirability of01 caaaecussedd and«nii aa committeecommittee waswas a a p modela tn our stock, and our BB- eedd toto lo*klo^k after after pr^r#*prices andand [ p a New Blouses perior fining service have com- lara.isrs. Refreshment*Refreshmrnt« werewere setserV ' d at bined to make this an exception- the clone of the. meeting. ally satisfactory plac* to pur- th* glora of th* meeting. Bjpys^Wpring Reefers chase corsets. New, not only 1B* the #ense th»t • gfnerods sMM>|bs)eot of billed and pinch-back models—m AID HAU they have Just arrived, but In the black aid- wblte 4b#ks. grey and brown mixtures, aerges and The various models to ra< * th* t truer sense (hat they were creat- i rioth. SlxeTEfto 9 year*. A *Q »" 7 QC requlreotenU of dllttM-ently pro- KTY ed and mad" Immediately preced- Prioes 9 % w ' portioned, women ara' here in. a i vj» 'L-|W fr • * ' complete range ol MsM- Our ei- ing this shipment to tta. They Hitherothers. haWhbseha^^bMDn coarlnceconvinced Uthat tbe full cut, line perietieed corsetlere Is at your A birthdayMrtadar partyparty Waswa shold held y*#ter-r< eter- embody the newest style feature*, jimmyS'J and exc«tl#eice?l«j»-tt workmanship oof the ••Mother-' Frie-al" service to select the RIGHT Cor- dayiou>reisi —•-m«.k- « .a-^ia*Eth»*m' tM*e moo•t i__i,«logicail 'bloase* for their boys. set for, yon. of th*the Monro*Monroe AkenudAvpnue MetMethodist! son« most paputar shad**. Styles cbureh by those members ot •re so Taxied tbat you'll be sure We h#e them hete in a complete rrange of sUe*. Prices. Bettor grade Corsets raage la church by thooe members of the We U.4..S0. T"*. price from SS.OO to •!«.©«. ; J \ Uadi#*'Ladles' AidAid SocietySociety whom)Whoaa birthdaysbirt Isy . to find one to ple**e you. Price* fallall Intn on#one of sf tbo th eflmt Br« ithlwo thre emonths : rang* from «&M to m-OO of•f thethe yearyear . J \\ You’llYou'll Enjoy Enjoy TheseThese Victor Victor Recordsi CREPE UK OHtlTE BKJOCSU Brassieres Special ThomTherp werewere aboutabout forty'membersfort? me ben present.present. Mrs.Mrs .Anna Ann* WanselW&nael andand MraiMrs . ndid assortment of the at 59c5 9c JohnJptan J.J. PrsedPraed gavegave readingsrpartloirs ant]an tboth e WinnerWinnerss EveryEvery OneOne ofof TheraTh^ni I newest Spring styles; in the pop- A lovelylovely assortmentassortment ofo fprotty pretty Vlctral*Vktrola wa#was playod played byky Mr*.'Humble, Hr«. Hu ble. j "HE•HERE BONIERSOXDIES BOY”BOY" ; ular shades of riesh, white, gold Brassiere*,Brassieres, ofo fIin*n linen finishfinish body,body , A pleasant social hour was fnj ved. ll( n and chartreuse. Prettily trimmed withwith daepdftep armarm shieldsshields. - VeryVery *f.ef- i during which . refresh men t« : 1IH1OTl«SS9k-~PM Packk UpUp Voai I«D Tronble^'bi Tnnibl(#iB iowrYour OldOl d KtfKi i RagBa xand and with lares, embroideries and large fectivnly(actively trimmedtrimmed withwith lacelace lIqa ed. • • T] Smile. MmllO, Sni»:« M«M" " tWw- hematite hed cottars. Regular I frontfront andand back.back* HonkHook front.front . price, 13.49; special tomorrow Biles 34 to 48. lMi*_p.rii r,, Your TronMw in • our Old Ki* Sag and f Smile. Swiile, Smile—Medley One Htep—Victor MUI- SHOSHOWW WINDOWSWINDOWS tary Bund ' . •./nry Girl—Medliej^ Fox Ti-ot—Victor ffllllert,'lilimrj iniie becaaie tho report of the ry, loss. iB-i-k, SCHOOL TEACHERS OuOurr InvitationInvitation \ Ij.. 1 I ttuent and th< SCHOOL TEACHERS • ralttee provides that all limreaa- "WINTER 'WINTER GARDEN'GARDEN" WN0PSIS OF LECTURE | SSSeSTt-Tw-r “S shall first be sanctioned by the I IBSia—NaucEtrty! Naiifflity! xViijehly!—Mai-KueHls i^nrpeil— eqoent lU>eraUo? AFFECTED BY H.C OF L WhenWhtii youyou in>pect,inspect, th«;the ; hew'ne w Cangl.t, ! Vft.ghly!—Mar i ; BYBY WALTERWALTER Itft WESTONWESTON •mittee and the «uperintend4nt,| \VI«-n You HearH.ar JivkiNoft Jurkwrt l Mo.nMotrt ion m 1i His M^ciiinc— iHHf3B of jualty w' lelther .could hold jut) an lntreseel bnildinbuildingg ofof th.the \Suit State TrialTrust •Murroy ... •. .' If. . . . • 1 - -V, •" i Source cofe oallf alFro.iwrttr.1l prosperity . Phtllipaburg. JMa eb 9—P Company,Compsny, dodo not,’fall nc.[tfai l tot o riall' visi t Tk. follo.lqari.lluAluK Is1B s aajnou.ll of a I-....,>r. h«>MkJ health, !alUfvU* BatiBfi oar offices at tha same lime. ,(n N rg teachers are . >!■'“« but ftkJ AtAt preeentprese: thethe eolariee of f theth e | our often at tbo some lime. • I :j'roixb FOLLOWw MKME"" letiur.t ili -y wallerWalter NeNewellw Wealoe of )i. dlwor.re tkat th- PJ" fled with iroposerdi inert.minorea In i,.cl,ere^acliers lnlarre.ee< .utom.thallr eae*|ra-li, We believe we can show yon For? the bum Wa believe we car ahow you \ il«9Ea4-H\Vhat I>o Vonw Wan,Want U.W.m&Iako Tie—TIKWKJB Cl—. I ."Jfe F"r? link,.,.,, It,, lun.r v of »" Inn U oatno t «*., . ry. y;wr.-.*f. 1l.w of hie on O betnk jt'dtty night at the .meetinirelinkg ofof tbot!i •that f;. ;;-,,.. they. are, ,-. not.,,, ;auhatajillal s , -.=—-...I,T =-•« J en.ukli.•••,., ;n , ity, where any -business Jyou "CENTURY OIBt'' Pro; 1.. . fi.-n • ,aider, whr I he'li^j ar..ar '.hill. shal t beb ehlms*f. hinis* He did i-'Board of Education and Uid ov^r The C|llh lB aim(n] to havp e.oojth- ity. where any business lyou ntflbuti the teaching i • ad laid Oder. The tint. I. rappeled to heve a.olh- may hive in these lines wil|', re- i-y (ilrl—M«U*j;irl--ll4Mii() "' FoFox< Trxii—VIrtTrot—Virl rI k>B, suffer .'off eontrlbula .he te.cbluff at Je.u« Cl e'without ac).lon itntiT, n.nex «tt niouUlmona.| rrer meetlnameeting Ihbthi» weekweefc '.Mfciae] ^MWUiflfM M.- J mayceive have th ein mostheset . lints carefu willl i&p re-d Vrr\, ... (1 ana.isr> ttu oro rre- re - thdelUcellonlofe d^lflcoMnn eufferli [They e*p~fe»eed this «isp.ea«nre at.p ioaey has beeii cnoirn temporary, 1 iose pt f,,rin«-sfl of Jo apleaaor. .t- k loney has b<«n rhoftrn temtiorary courteouceive thes attention.most careful land Vp Your Troiibl^in Yonr OIil Kit ee-... • .1 God Thehe vxpair 'perpeev of feOaew of Jo* He di» d meeting of the t«?achln1Cp corpacorps Toll-Tu*is- i.belrraan <>hairmaii andand RalphBalph ;Thoma* Thoma s teen-•teni - courteous attention ■ J: e,.e, - . , ... ,pel UB la bjllhcolialane e)„y. ]oy the, t f-l*laerd of .11 ;_;day dfternoon, when tbey Iormcd;j» p(,rary secretary;. apel -us K forth "desir 'bey formed, f, pormrf ^crpurt. Valuable souvenirs to all yisl ^Kdtfcle ouriklvee.ve«, *ato bring T, forthb - deeireat' h of all notions.' 14 njjt organization to be kno^U ' - _.} _^^ trrta.ti. dotiior tutui Et.cultl®a ultkui ofor tot curb .ai neallaa ifflnolple, le the PhllUpatPhlllipsbni- B Tcacttlng ClubJ' CAT-Jiip wker ly over-.ulked. When , d ledeMrueibla Me BUlary of • grafa — , I»o*>r IfcillMfl)—Krtn4 .flrovtn i y n pndrr ad« | coadl- The minim, «Y*ie gc-p loo *«r»;(870 ;of ol .omanw**w^» «y ofof .peelalspecial leaehuputeachars toto Uatax the the let. cat .eonvlcted convicted brby kffrtcwl- agricul ' the, lacreaBes, Lewitarij authorities as the;most deatruc-) Aljshfm < s nrtt a mere physica■ l1 oror mmentnlje —ril II the Inereeftee. hov-itnral aulhorlUee ae Ibe moel de.truc- ivsniiMK s. li;ii a Hi.iritoal being,being. po-i vr. A.W. TOJf jltWI livee enemyenemy ofof Vftlo.ble valuable bird.;blrde ; r»-cofi ' Any Kln4 iij; a Body mid a mentalitEcnlnUtyy for. ; Th. «e. t makeke tn.tne obJectMaobjecti«n demneddcroned byby eporUmen sportsmen a»as, a »porklatent perBlsten t oji.-i uf ".-If r\pv.*slon, fflre • to lb. pch ion thethe kroondegrounds Ibal.layertb»t|slayer ofo famkU sm&U *kme.«8tne , bothboth InIn mod and ' I TRUST BUILDINf the larmr wnse °mWits UI. bln Th. tv. ^Wrr emrnt the lurrm ■.alarylary a.kedaeked forfor Is,outi»,out ofo f«ft«n: season; Iftbetollabeled byb yState State ' .a wen- dwnea lonlabtU la leave needed at Jt boen.Keaaee ofof th.tbe lb-’healthli^[fae«.Uh .utborltle.authoritle* *.a s anan aetfr.active dll-bneM, I I II Lr I I I llf.il . li li il . PIONEERS OF 131-135 W. FRONT ST. 1 fre^eliveryjTo, More Than Three Months Ago Phones 690 and 691 | otiCity and Sub PLAINFIELD W« learned of .. opportunity. . to neouro en rxi'rptionully- Ine M of Bpring. felirijo,- e then, lit■ ■ thetaprio* oonaiderably below- what' the- mills wore thru asking. Wo bo*ht «he goov-ry^ —ono ot thornthird which QUEEN ar,mil smalll oorr aa Wlarge, ..vine saving.. Th,The- «m aimn . totatotal l ooff thetthosee -vrng,savings- ItfjthlsT-ilioe add.t additional, ono A-ilt.y'fs L.. MosherMoaner:; WllllaniWilliam,. borbornn 1780, 1 ISO. you qaamustt papayy els«ifh»relsewheree forfor) gart^ntgannrntaa no bettortetter thathann ounioutsl I ‘|v marriedlarrled RtbeocKebaoraa WebsterWebster;; RachelItarbel., BITfERINEBtTfERINE BUTTER, lb 45c hornorn I7B2(7*1:; MaryMarr., bornbora.. 1794 17»4:; Ed«d-- ard, born 1716; David, born 17&8. Quality and price that bsate ward. born (7*«: Uarid.: born 17»«. Quality and price that beats JOSEPHJOSEPH LALAINdI NO (of(ot DaDavid rid'an andd aD;all; SaturdaSaturdayy onlyonly,, A g Direct fo Stsryl.Mary), borhornn 1762174!. , luarricimarriedl ITS 17SI* met models (trottsdrs,s t rtoo) ITexecuted S ■ nniah serge. Fancy Selected, t$». SarahBarab MnrxjiMarsh,. anandd hahadd M«ryMarr.. borhorn,a fa bar dine, jvrney find «'do*cn other ‘ ‘ ■j»" materials. till),0, whwhoo niarri.'imarriedi iBftatIsaacj Laingtains.. have great, bi;over-coUarover-collars» ofo£>lai plainn oorr »pOr sportt silk. How to Reduce • 8LaA.NNAIIBL"SANNAHLAIN I.AlNOG lot(ot I>av.Davidd aJntandf Lra ot plain or spori. BIIIB.. COFFECOFFEEE Mar7Mary ThorThornn L*lngLalngl) wawass borhernn 1765 I7«s.. High Cost of U« TEA,TEA,lb39c,51bs$1.8 lb 39c, 31b* Jl.855 marriedmarried 17817S7? WilliaWilliamm WebsterWebaler.. $11.00 to $35.00 WoWe herewitherewithh introducintroducee aa goodgood,, CrackCrack ChopChepes ooff FinT ele Teas—50Tens—BOoc ', Hemalnln(Hema.nJjig childrechildrenn Ooff DaviUaridd *n andd economicallyeconomically pricepricedd Coffee" “ , Is the problem MarrMary l,a)nglalnt:: (2(>)) DaviDavidd hslnLatMg (o f(ot andand «0c60c selectioneelectiouis tit price pricees fo forr blendedblended frofromm choicchoicee Soot* h and the economical :John and duaaanabl was hern 1770. a week lower thi wholesale. (3(1J) JosepJosephh Lslnftainst (o(off JeliaJohn. an andd Su-Su-; CentraCentrall AmericaAmericann uplanuplandd day. The only u week lewer Ih* wholesale sannab) was born 1773,, married: The Tea market j * advanced sannah) was born 177 J, married growgrownn CoffeesCodecs. OuOurr ow ownn roast roast-- proble m to: Buy sSwir fi The Tea market is advanced •17SS•179S AnnAnnaa WebsteWvbauu-r »or-oran 1777^777., anandd pLy b»cks~and plain bae^; wide, bell-sbaped cufc^-and iningg bahasa aann alalll rounroundd greategreaterr th e Queen City Hft-ket, sharplysharply,, bubutt witwit] customarcuitomaryy had four children: (1) Siitmnnah.i Ph-aled backs—and plain backs; widp, bull-shaped ruffe ■ hadmarrie tourd Reube children-n Dunn. (I); IB Susannah,) John, aefftre cuffai'moilisli double titflts—aiid single belt*; Worty qualitqualityy valuvaluee thathann pricpricee indilndi- every item is redt^ed foresight I » ave ample married Reuben Dunn. (!) John, severe rulfs; modish double brill—and aiugle belta; !■ lowest possible cost H foresight ws avs ample bornborn 1800,1SS0, marriemarriedd MaiMaryy MarsMarohh (o f(of paich pockete—and invluble ^ckt-ts; novelties and atAl« of cates.cates. IItt iiss ooff stron itrOngg bod bodyy an andd stocks. This op; ntonity is Samuel); bad Ann Elli*. Margarel- patch poeketa—and invisible pockets; novelties and elA excellentexcellent flavorflavor. QuantitQuantityy iseconomiz e without the stocks. This op; irtumty is Samuelta. 13 l;) Rebeccahad Ann, bor EUaa.n 18»3 Marsaret-: mar- eljveresclevurrstt desigdesignn araree oonn displa^display.. BurrellaBurrells,, poplin poplin,, giinlV&url gun ft , therefoi i a most' ta (tl Habecea. born IS*!: mar-1 limitedlimited ttoo 1100 lbslbe.. Ofttlr.l •s t difficulty.and ;*ithoift?, thsrsfors a most; exceptionaexceptionall ried Abram Vail. (4) Nathan, born setge, ;wool velour, gabardines-tilesa are only a few of ;the ried3806 ;Abram marrie Vail.d Eunic (41e italban,Dunn; ha bornd surge, wool velour, geberdine*—three are only s few oi 5 1b*. for $1.00; lb. . riflcing food goodness in > theoat.one. YoYonu cacann purchaspu ihaaee youyourr Use; married Eunice Dunn; had cltftha. The'very prettiest shines, too. are here-^Rose, fi6l*, process. By registering yonr four children: Suaanna'.i. bora 1796; cloths. Thu*very prettiest shades, too, are here—Bose, Hotel Astor, Yuban wantswants fullfullyy aatt aa decidedecidedd savinearingg jfonrmarrie children:d Reube nSueannaV yunn; Johnborn, 17tS;born] Qiialiir Grey, Apple Green, ijitney, Magenta, Hague ^luo, 'phone number in .our GroMry married Reuben Dona. John, born Quaker Grey, Apple Green, Honey, Magenta. Ilague Coffee; 3 cam for.. : ISOO, married Man :;.. wh ando mar had- Chart reuse—not forgetting the ever popular Navy. yon up dally »t a ^ecifled ^at Postnm Cereal—A Coffee for -Annried Kllaa.Jonatha UarsarMian H. Vail anM.d whohad'LJI marV Imported Mushrooms—Eicep to receive your order. AmuB- particular people. There is a triedireti aJonathan M.. wh oH. marrie Vail d aodRufu had'a JE Ui.- $7.00$7.00 ttoo $30.00$30.00 \\ rCamela, anM d. hawhod Anna amrried, Kitty llufns. *U« -X tionally Use quality of beat ments may b£ made to£ sjiit reason; large pkg., -f Q.r» eic I. Emmaand ,had Rufu Anas.i an dKlttr. H*rold Xas-; French Mushrooms; your convenience.-. -J^ 23c; mill pkg ltfV, Hi-beccaEmma. bor n 1SOSRufus, m»rrlel*r» —Bottle, 9c; 3 for.. OFF O8ITE TROLL E Y fflS T A T. I O N Sauce; Red or AbrahamAbraham L*ingLain*., ooff JacoJaooiE and and! ; Dot., 9c; 3 for Rfrrhei,Rachel, borboran 17SG178S;; marriemarriedd 1807 1S»1, Bird Food—A treat for 94rah94r»h WebateWebstarr (o(off JonJohnn anandd JUaryiMsryi.. your ; box..... 8c Chicory—Franks', addand badhad:: ' ' - j J Bird Gravel — Cranbarriat— Ha*h Loin*, bora 1*0*. marriedrfed Rebecca McCarthy, . sa* hadSABBAT *HH SCHOOSCHOOLL '|K*GLAJO> CALL*FO RFOR . 10 roll! for 25c Cbarlwa. Carrie. Jam**- HORK WOMEN box 3 qU. for ... •; I <33 UaUsbidUm Gutlener. of Mexico, 4c Salt—Pine Table Salt •* *»„ andand habadd EmillanKm Ulanoo an andd Marta iieiico. • JohJohno wW. LaiBgLain*., borboran SS17 1817.. 6wnOwn-- PURIPURIMM SERVICE!SERVICE, aa.OOOj.OUK WOMKN Scotch Style Kippered Her- L,iirinda Lalng, born erIT ofat LaliiR'La lag*#i HotelHold.. LENTEN FISH 'fa —7 lbs. for 1W, Lucinda Loin*, bom 1811.", MARY LAINO (Ot JoBtoand 8a- ^/fTrrartqritv. lLri,.d Pvra. Slag ringi; none better; AnnAnn ElliElisaa LainaLain*,. bo borar ISIS, mar- MARY LAI.vn (of Joab sod Su- I Correspondent) Extra Fancy Ifeportisjl Ho L"^**'^*«.sannah, ooff JohJotaun *L «n« - Elisabeth!,...... bol d a Purlirim. n festivafeatlrall 1In room 101: f*****^? * . Blue Seal Sensed Mackerel— riedried WilliaWilliamm EdgaEdgarr MundyMundy., anandd ha-hadl ^ London. March 9—EnElaud wanta dos., $2.26; ou ... Herring-SpeetH l>| dosen, $2.25; IMuc Koblaaon. Sarah. Susan. Mary.bora 176817*8., m»n-Iemarriedd ITS1787? Isaafraaec Web-];Bal>coc Weh-f a buildingilldlaa., WwWestt FronFrontt itrettMl,-**e London. March S—baxlud .aats Herring in Tomato Sauce—B. stcr. wsadd h%Ahad L^mLalagg wA«tepWabate*.. Ed-'.O Ed-B aonday nexBfil,t aatt 33 o'cloco'clockk to ta t thWj'Sh.OOO mors women for her second for this sale, k«g ll can A««; I Althea and Wallace O. Brand; dos., $1.85; * 20c Jstnat 6. Lain*, born I* 15. mgr-mund Webster. Rebecca Vfcbeter. I ‘“line'line ooff advance—theadrauce- the? munitiomunitionn tac tac-- Extra Fancy Mackerel— Elisabeth. -Who marrldd James 11 »’al will consist of tbq 40r|*s cial for this i Kippered Herring*—In Tom*- | Had Pbllrita Roll. and bad cbJl-La(ag and had Mary. » tu> married’ Th ,r bT Sauce; heads and tiils drtni JuUa. married Janies H.-Leris M. Korcr and had, Sarah R.I ITZ* • : The first' appeal" , sent out “«by th»■e* Salmon Steaks—Small tins; lb Forr*: Hath. Mary. married WUllgm|Kofce. «bo married Datih J. King I ectlon*. Presents will be-Ministr Ministryy ofof -Mil.Munltloa nit ion earl earlry las t Isrt dozen. $1.45; 4 Op Sordines in Oi%- U Port*; Emms, married M Cap; t can man Dunn, and bad CUrrte. Addle,and had Kmraa U.; Jtm« H.. who* to tns children Kvory-jnontb inonih.. whic wSlehh calle calledd fo torr 8.00 MM0 won.- voa-. dos., 76c; can i.. 18c married Julia Lglng and ^isd John. lbuleH to the thtlilren. •- Ev«ry 'fn, waswas i«tmediatelMamed la lelry m«mat. TodayToday,. I Dla • Ray aod Jounle; william, who mar e Large round tips; Salmon-Fancy ill; Fancy Boneles Her , Mldnlc and hlabcl;1 Will lain U who; weliome. . •« big apart for the last do*., $2.60; can .. ring; 1-lb. ca 23c married Mary L- Lain*; Albert L..I *# Plan Rummage Hale , Red: doi, »2.1(,; who married Clarlaaa Hr# atiajv and' he Karneet Workers of GR-ace. yhas e that will carry tha men at the I •44 Oh! thIhee CharCharmm had UUIe aad Josephliie. laaan W..I 5. church. Ihe borough, are plan-i^ront . Into rictbry" the Ministry * ho marrletf I/cwia a. dqi i and had to hold a rummage sale Ttairt-Uj»-ant s !0,000 more.. Fred. Harry and Willie Joseph want rich and poor alike for IJndley. killed la the ardiy; 1mm.:, „ and,na i,Friday.r|dar. ManMarchn JttI anaadd l3.fS. ; YouYou CaCann WelWelll AfforAffordd to>EalotE#i Mea Mealt a tal Thes Thesee Price Pricess oolf BeautBeautyy who married Mary Harned and had plaid for th# aale will he an- Prim#Prime RibRib Boait,Roait, QualitQualityy BeetBead;; QAp ifr? JkiVNearb Nearbyy Capon Capon*s and Turkeysand #.. >t StoarfBtaart'is OalcuuCalciumn WaferWaferss E.-Rel^-J . Phebe.p . who married William «and- lb 20c S&djage—^*de from the choicest cuts of lean forcl. Amelia, who married Charles, ■torere thethe ColoColorr ttoo YouYourr CheekCheek*s :s,Sandnjt(,ra ford,. anandd Smut8mlth w.W... i»h whoo mar mar-- with ans Cnoice Milk Fed Leg» of Veal, PoiS, and' seasoned just right; andand RemovRemovee ththee CausCausee ofof rfedri^ i phebPhebee FF. RandolphRandolph.^ EdwardEdward.'. •ei*tt wbicwhichb unfortunatelunfortunatelyy l aIs dliold’ Min., Ixiysboys,. ttoo who whomm the they; entrust as raSable statemenstatementt aaas ttoo whawhatt uoulwool*d b»be ththee ! HATSHATS (ing, aekllng,. lorrying and ac- .. -a 4 •nan aeae assett ofof thei theirr bnsinet buainewsa at- as jh.Hr mi-Tunw of the situation, f lj pU'-e the Roods in railway - Boy Scout* and Mrs. outcome1 of the situation. ; ' 1 Boy Scoots and Mrs. H t horse*boraea.. Isis asto-nlBiilnR astonlahlng.. SomHomee of off pm | A cammlttee of three has-been ap- NowMow Jtmdy.Beady. ka for the front. ' AjL.fr boysboys,, anandd nonott onlonlyy tRthee boys boys,, bu but*t cue . pointeA committeed by ear nof othreer th hasibpsae two 90m ap- - VaVann HoesenHoesen BUY SUGAk Aft "* ooff itilbec me menn ar aree simpl simplyy vicious vlelous.. ' pointedpantej, makinby eechz BI Tof repreakntattyethe two com-s Th*The latesUteitt anandd mosmostt bebe-- ManM yny -probablro, yh, dr odo no nott know kBow, 4PpoIntepanies. dmaking to.wor k si*ou t ptann^drepresentsr lucl tl yesi TheThe followinfollowingg l»*ttpletterr frofromm HtmrHenryy r*cf * »» * > *,-j*' ! appointed to.work out plans-for such comingcoming shapesshapes iInn alalll ththee neneww .%n>AID Me Sow Is Prtl\jyf thtbee causcause» oofF ththee lanUndd o off th th^e free free.. f i • >,j •• abuse. pl)wiil IHllH canes of cruel- Less than 7c a pound for your help, past, present And f i-^or we fear not a race, from abuse, prosecuting cases of cruel Thing, for I Have Made. All Skin By United Press: tYor we fear not a raep. ly HDCCeBsfuUy, llironih tbe Indefatig- With * Pound of C,,nW<>r a. if | for the S. P. C. A., WeffearWifear notnot aa nationnatloq— — ly aucccsafullj, llirough the Indefstlg- With Fr.*Wi- a Thins «( tbe PMC" ; Los Angeles, Cal., Jl;in!i ;i. K ,t $3°o $2°° J] able - -11 • > - -. dud devotion, of Mrs. Sincerely youra, ; WeWe- feafearr nonott ththee wholwholee ooff thi thlas civl clvl-- ' aWe eoer*y and devotion, of Mrs. HENRY NICOLA V Yj^u muat not belieye that dru| chocolate tor breaktast; battia pound $000 $000 $150 S'. JINCII G. Van ii"i -• ii tbe society's . * Illation Bicppeft tl. Van Hoesen. tbe society's 510 Bast Front Si Theicause. in Impure blood filled wil ^of them will -make you -:-<-\ better! wgra['•re a hundrehundredd milliomillionn sfnuiestrong., . *-,'> •••i.il oflfrer. liotile. self-«acrinclns Plain flelt and put you In cheprlrr sj>lrif tn«n a s[W>etal officer, rtoble. self^scriflcla* fsuarantrwtT MrlrAl nil ncimiT of refuse matter. • B 1 |ODgon*S anandd fathersfathers,, oloiqd anandd young.rouag,, ; worlLwork, i>ratllcallpracticallyy aa labolaborr ooft lolore.< 5th. 1917. j Stuai fs Calcium Wafers cleanse regular brtiakfasf -of bacon .jnii «gga AltAJi.crsvln*; craving »too fl^hfikbtt foforr Pom.yon OO I.lb Ub-- j landlctear the blood, driving ouil all and srapefruit. That |a AUat MISH I wonder how many of your re aders Fjuhlbfe Hughea advocates ii».l does, New\Spring Caps \ Sr erty! wers Internal«■*! enough, to haw* Klven ! poiso:ns and ijnpiirlties. And you'll any tbou*ht or attention, to the re- Y.W.CA.Y.W.CA. NOTENOTESS 1 nevtar have a good complexion until kept U^iLt^iylJ onon.. ColtipihlaColumbia.. I the piood la clean. . ;- and likes h .early I For Men and Boys #5T you we stand: porfpm f ufut Ih(bee sociel)society- foforr ttithve yenyearr o oft IVK. 1*1€. \ d'*- jr-wr of but Think of BUTTEBUTTERif? R IU ^42c S TUTTI Fqf your sake we arehaj*py lo dla aboutabout *2C2 1-1-22 centcentss aa Any,day. certainl certainlyy no nott | The Juniors are planning for a< Free Trial Coupon :wxiv(.ri;wuiv , Patrlck'a Day party to be held' oQKTiwrtalcoxTixrie* TO PHOVE mmh of a showing for the human.* the association rooms on Saturt V. A. Sdinrl Co., SAO Ktuart spirit•pfrft ooff PlatnfieldPlainfield,. generougenerouss tlalnl*laln- Ret Candii Hiilhllnic. Manhall. Mich.. , trand flflld, r«r tbe people of our city are I MarchMarch IT17. . whewhenn aann attraetattractiveh p Wff7 self^respettrnaelf-respeqUn*g mamann Hold, far tbe people of our city are gramEr.ini wilwilll bbee presentedpresented.. me nt once by return mail a tree ; ThaThe conditioncondition ooff formeformerr cbngresscj - RMujfhout this great land, penerotM,r*nrrom. . munlflciemlmunlfirlentlyy BO.so. InIn theirtheir' trial packace of Stuart's Calcium raaaman WilliamWilliam BE.. TuttlaTuttlo., Jr.Jr.., rf COURlKR.il EWB, FRIDAY, MARCH Jt, WIT. DOCTORSDOCTORS SAXSAX COLDSCOLDS f^TT PubHc Serrlo* street cars entering Ihe new germinal action, at JPark placenee., Newark,Newark, bringbrine yeuyou^Ibs e to tbls liig ARE CONTAGIOUS OF 01 HANTMENT'V *if-^^*JE«"~«tore•^•C«~~ store., n-liiewhich iti on BtoidBroad. **eNew and4 HaUeHalsty ureels; Newark, diagonalldl y across MilitaryMilitary ParkPark fronfromt thtk|a iTerminal station. SpsdsfatoSpecialitts DeclareDeclare Germs ooff Lecture Giren Wu Oivu nnd^ndetn;1 Surety Store Open Saturday Until CommonCommon Cold*Colds ScatteredScattered -Mt Night in the Wub- UntilUntil 9-30 P. M. by Sufferers Are Real “T” Danger .^M^HAHNiSc CO • “ meat/' ind of Enchant- COR. Doctors have recently declared • peck I r—tlagred b> ArtIllustrated ho r K. |C0R- BROAD, NENEWW anandd j 'HAJLSEHALSEYV STS., positively that our common «olds iee,ar* ; tU« Washington t—L pneumoniaare really orjuat scarlet as contagiousfever and -that as ,*Bc|100| | [It baing om of the sufferers from colds should be iso r ei Oanrafaaj-fota Education.under the latterIs ted Mdiseases. carefully They as victims say that of theIn:',” Th"r1 w? ^.hoVTd a remark 1 A GalaxyGalaxy ooff SprinSpringg BlouseBlousess WOMEN'I COATS •nesting tha victim of a cold scat- * **“ 1thfa ngfct His.subject. collection ex-of Style Af&r Style tar*which millions all of ofus germsbrsatha Into and (he when air to*»*», ■ • I HO counties# his- In the Modes of the Moment wonderful))' Hivurie in line— these germs lodge In the noss or ^«* irarf. d In this Pity, ttie Modes of the MameM in color—inwonderfull fabric.—iny Hivsrse inline treatment.— throat of aayone who fa weakersd **> i-be fifthly instrur mn.nin coloriKivt —mevtin fabric-—inhpr cbnj nrounri- treatment the corner,. for

or rtia down they nnd another vie- «lre (o number of people , 1 --No Womar.- aren fullno*> d.trai*lil meet he tineCT

(la and another cold la started It present v'MO"' ■ - " Ishi Important,imporfanr. therefore.ih-n-rore. ttoo kekeepc Thf i»Jd some of the . theratlase art;withwitli ful, nafdozl dozenstraighe nnirk.t Hn.-f^in ,.) i ireniinent"modifieutd barrels'tofof belbeltt! or yosrselfyour*. If builtbuilt upup byby usinusingg FathFatherc fnmous I -«l’ arftl works of tk-l. h f. ^.■ John'sJohn's MedicineModfilue mhlebwhich Isis a piirpureo «andn sculi tv cl y Angelo and wholesomewhol" bodyImdr builder,1 , :•! r. nnandd yyono Rapba. mfcny other fam- ManyMany NewNew CostfCo^Sj atat $19.75$19.75 —Qatarfinea • —Whipcorjj —Wool Velours wilwilll hebr ableable toto warwardd offoff thithiss dangerdange trlitlng examples Mines - — Whipcorji —Wool Veloura because the cold germs manor iiv* irrtycs. cathedrals —Poplinus —rMenl—Men'se --rgoafc^rges —Englis— Englishh CoatingCoating*s Is lbs nose or throat of a person Ibllr buildings in —.l ool..™ mtljrat, bull llo^s are plenty of [iluiils and ta aormsl health.throa Remember,t of a pe rtoo. so . .Mr. Peck ex- Color, are best, but this;' are plemv of plaid, and coldsthat Fatherand throat John’s troubles Medicine without (reals off- these choice tbs use of slcohol or dangerous fxxA damaged to "London" and '^arii" Coats ‘drugs, so ft Is a safe family tuedl- I>*,trom Austrian ;4-Tlmt is, coals with the "'effef^Ve louHjes" 01: Taris nnd rlae. ffne for the children as well as alrshl v tftany Instances Ijondon origisnla, but ijlivor£jd from Ilieir liiKh prices. elder folks.—Ada. aafei*they for |.n j'sfc to places of Thb views -•Bolivia Cloth —Bnrellk \ —Novelt-Noveltyy CoatingCoating!s and Iffioricfr. —Gunnibiirl ' —Veloiir —Tricotine-Tricotinesa —Solid i-oloni. .triking plaids, BjSoohig ohtckU*ck*s antiand atstripes ripen. . P*r#>Tt>ntncfVrJrremnece Lodge.Lodge, K.K ofot P.P.., wilwflll pfctnilslinn of Pi $86 to $66. FT?; g BH■sett (histhis eveningevening atat the(he lodglodgee nmotroom*a throne room A soan WestWeal FrontFront street.atre*t. J 0rOlheOther'r «lld*slldbss i Rain or Shine Coirts, .$19.75 k—j canal ed and shov.cr proof |§ig.jfili and Sootch tweeds Tour applications for members bin raved, itx! nnMK8 byby thatthat organization.organisation SuitablSaltabloe Drlwprisesa *• MIL*MM: MKWtnv M()WKN were swardedawarded andand aall th(bee cloaclosee coffee 1 Wr- ii>and4 cake«ie were»«• servedMnreo. byby a committeecmnHM | Mr an*ndd MrJ \.-=•(!!.He' Rremble.Bremble, fcerfrtheaded byby CornelianCornelia* Sheets.SheetB. FrankHnFi-»nkrfn '1of g*.! Slglfc NetheNetherwood.r wood, And Hahne’g alone have it at CMBHI eapeets lo move to ths Club * *. «: 7575 Stylet—plainStyles—plain whi|c.wwL all*allr SportSport lilousrslilnumis fitof atirijHiAstrij FiueifulPiuciful inodedH|odes i ofot ■s^uuarters the trst of April. ]d*UBOUIgbUr.e 4ar*.fh ee ofof theirtheir U Sari ove•verr embroideredembroidered andan«l;atrip ^atrip,- ailknilk inin assortedassorted ffolors;^olors; caiift ' broideredbi-oidercdt>fp Vrepce Ide\^e -Ch;< : AtAt thethe e(a»^cUss, Initiationinltlatton ofof MlMfantono-_ . *«« »l>- MoWeaL Iso offotLthl thisB city,city, oosn ffd«d voijea.vkijea. Tucki-dTucked., |> homhem-- andand GeorgetteGeorgette CtepeCrepe ;• , A«Aikk fo/orr ';Th“Thee WalkeWalker'r meMe Tribe.Tribes tO.H1. 0. It . M..M . theIhe otherother wen-even- SaturdaSaturdayy nuott,noon,* 'el-rusrl>ru*yy J4.14. atat theth e dyiiy stripesstripes andami; clusters;clusters; tatai| - lagtafc thethe membersmembers hadhad ththee pleasurpleasuree ooff . ChurchChurch ooff lh«ithi lasun|ui-aUon figuration.. NeNeww atitclied.stitchid. triramedtrimmed witlfwitll Vitl.VtL,, plic«,plice, bolerobolero andand | ttipa j JustJust atas SketchedSketched ersetingtnettng PastPut SachemSachem AndrewAndrew J.J. Stlgstlp- ! YorkYork,, bbyy \he[ r. Vf.tit. Houghton,llonghton. Filet.Filet, Veniae.Veniw, andand npvelfyf orrdorcd stylestyle ofof PussyPUBSV Will,Willofl r •'fTe«it*;effects; white,white, uidiffa.inline, I| NUb •MtiiBiaOs) c!X with pay r ntwBID whowho •a quarterquartT of'aof a centurcenturyy actago MisMiass JennJenniek Tfc lai wks**% • bridesmaidbridesmaid luceslacea ; atripedstriped modelmodelss fcft with tea tose- ami oop^ t^lwf rail He bead of the local tribe. Mr. anr) Frank contrasting collars %I and withwitll clusterclutter tuck*;tiwk* j Crej*Crepfl ^e tea tuse and coped jt taji •U|i|wr. lVs-uwh arnlliU v •as at ike head of ths local tribe. Mr. and Fr.ank Hop wasfWst man. Contrasting collars j and style of natural Pprtgee; silk ■Ititll(Igiiuu sMH•till takestakes a greatgreat InteresInterestt iInn j; AftpAfterr aann eii irl;- tb«j»uple Cuffs;Cliffs- JapJap Silks.Silks, TubTnb 'Silk*ISilks Chine,Chine, flealiflesh andanngee Seel. Perforated vamp am theIbfrorde srderr .and..ind cancan alwtyaalways bebe dependedepend'dd wilwjlll residresidee * Street, North and Lineiiizrd liitistr; threadthread lneelace oveiorej ! etjc»):i •pan is a royal BUD porter of the local Plainneid. aud Lineniard liitiate; Sport Blouse wilh suitor col- p ' day. All »iZ'-« and n idtha span ss a royal supporter of ths local Plainfield. j black.1 white and fe>*«-ly Sport Blouse with sailor c albo jnany smart bla< k = r|apoDBt.t>le 1|.o- black.* white and lovely albo ynany smart black: jcial $8.96. trllg. • I I MrMr.. Mownn Moweni | ipousttle -p© SpringSpring Rhadca.Bhades. < j larlar andand WindsoWindsorr Itictie.. . sition. *ith th«* „, ,'rer- MsnuManutBCtur fsrtur-- Hahne'Hahnc’ss Tm-ShapeTrd-Shape raOTO i'l.W OP THK flng company itt brWe andand blMfbride- In our Blo«ieB!onse SectionSection yonyon willwill find daintdaintyy stylestylcus at'Sl.Oat'$1.00O anandd Li|(kLiffle Men’sMen's GunmetalGunmetal HVKlUaSD TKI.KI'HOVK grDOD) hari icifuainlaulaJntancci •<.• ooff ShoesShoes forfor »CaU Tru-Shape ' many fHernia . all the wayway upop toto $11.98;$11.98; ththee abovabovee araree merelmerelyy suggestivetnggetlivfe.. Calf Tru-Shape One of the FP*1S (shown In the Pialn- Hahnt'i—SecondHahne's—Second FloorFloor - Misseses andand ChildrenChildren ' Shoes, $2.50 BcM Theatre last night, was "Speeding g Shoes. $2.50 Ihe Spoken Word." a picture of con- I>EKKATHA ANT •vteensible footfoot TorniTorn! • lastlaala* --llfeeher f atyle.style, withwith ever-ever- •tnctlon of the telephone line avruss; ,;that M tc-t Krow us na-j ,'(ihat let fed grow hr iih- >ak soles. Sizes the continentoollnmt., .howlnashowing th.the surve.ur.»>y ooff [ MariMarl'e !£chr4eyer, Infan jture•ture intended.intended. JuJn Itiphhigh; wj£ior oak aolea. 'Sire* lh« landand., in*ihe stringin■trtnidagg of/2 to 11, $2.85. nd Itlnchrr Shoes. to produc•due.e Ihl.this Pietpictur aree herehere h**K .In,in Sehark.Schack. ol JU akl Sues 11V to 2, $3.25. soon, forfor thrthe beurarbenrOt ooff Ideallocal loverlover,s of , luaeralfuneral will tfj TUB DRESSES 2 1 lo 5%. fboto-playphotoplay.. It--furiisheaIt-ftir.iinht'S anan hour'shour's In-tti- nfternfionaltprnflii and i»V It Will be NENEWW TUB DRESSES ai Itrtttinmung* scene*scenes. . jrnadmadee i nIn St M4fy/«-; tery. •iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiinNNiiiiiiiiiHiNijiimiiiiiiMt 11111111111*11^ HahnHahnee “Marvel”"Marv#" HatHatss 89C At $4.95 NOTICE! Reflect Fashion's Laifst Whims 5 - ~~ • = MADE OF OUABANTEBD TUB Reflect Fashion's Latest Whims [at akfirheeichvdd uppernpj.fr left— -Hl«s Hlsh Turksn^Wler*Turban^lapk nnd white—purpU -: Having taken over the L&nghorne Stuoto^we With to ,= PROOF GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAVS cosnblnailone trltmivog with piloted r at >•;.••-!:•cstrhed 1 upperuepsr right—dpoVt. "u •>; • .-^.dt-i ■sitn,-te«8# Ofof (peanu t MI ; announce that we have negatives taken by the former z AND REPS. • ad purple—flnlnh**! with tstlorwdjtendn-c^OHnd and bow. 1 photographer for the p«at 40 years. = slrstipti-tied—tgwsr rlbben bands romer— tn r^*e Hlark <-o)nr4gr»W0i H^ug> wl : PerhapsPerhaps wewe hava hare a negativenegative ofof whicwhichh youym£ jjjbnld.like to = '—1,306 Idres8e3 planned 'And boueM esJ 2 hae*have aa print.print. OomaCome Inin anandd le1stt um shoehoww yoyonn picturepil ! fsmiliar = / 1/ J peciiHperiallyy ibr for thi thins SHle sale;; pver> pvery- ,bv. s apiclc = toto yon.yon. WeWe,, nono donbt,donbt, havhavee a platplatee ooff youyourr ffai attia r or mother = 1 [ V K \ • anandd fB|>a apan^ new.Hew. ; ChoicChoieee 0^’ | plaidu.plaid-tj E oror any relativerelative deardear ttoo yonyou,, oorr perhapperhapss *yot'you( pfeuld ^ike to = J i ) V \\ checksrherka., stripepthpeis anandd solisolidd coloeolotn alonalonee oror, I Z find a photo ot yourself when yon were mer«g|f:|| child. Pay E find a photo of yourself when you were morel V* *** 'A inin ple^ainpUtainirg comhhuitions eomhinaiinno.. = usm a visit—itvisit—it willwill interestinterest you.yon. E • Mori-dorc. thanthan a soor.^ ojfeifiVieiemitH alylea—fourf.|yl<-s_four rtK.whichlir whieh arenrv , illnatrated.il *trate.i. NotNolee ; new ,nd other >fl pooketspoekelarj pi(|ue co.J4rs. nattynaHy helta.belts, eontrv^lihecontr^tihg trimmings'trimmings and other altraeiivi pa PARISEPARISERR PBOTPHOTOO STUPIS' O turtesturea.. AlA l giz.-s, G&> 1.4. On t*ale Saturday only; chdit>4, *

j 10T EAST TBOHT STREET 5' ; T Eppo Petticoats •'llllllllllillllPIMIKIIilullMIIIIIFIII.IINIItlillllllllllllllllllllllllltliailllMi‘ HiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiH"i"iiiiii"i iiiiAiiiiiihiiiiii'l I." Eppo FitFit asas TheyThey ShouldShould WithouWithoutt BulgBulgee oorr WrinklWrinklee JIII..I..IIIItllIIII.IH.III.I.I«.ll.l».l)>III.IIIIMnilMIMII.HHinilt — EppEppoo Petticoat,PettlcDAtt huehug th.Oic kip.hij>s ILkflikei aonolherp akinj JM patentedpatented buttonbutton andnnd elasticelastic arraogeraantarran at|#idf nblfn one to Blip in or Out of them • i H ablea one to slip in or oat of them tv f»»r aw a cot 11 with others SPECIAL SALE Eppo Petticoats pie U nalionnlly known skirl; tbeir[ | Our "Marvel”"Marvel HatHi Ise atat 14-•1*.9. 5 campsr*i!cfimpare^tavo r Eppo Fattlcoata ere a nationally knows «Wrt; own work- Z We are placing on sale for Jjulck »pllii... pricepricess werewere establishedestubllBiied htforbeforee thethf presenpresentt hiRh.-higheri prl-j aroundind towntow'n atat mucmuelh higherhlgHer priceeprices MgdMrfii' e ID = line of sample Beds totnprtsinc Brass. White Kranfaled and the - roomsrt• ms byby aa,Frenc Preachh d«tjealgner llgner,, theytbey eembodyCfc tbeMic style-points•trle-poluu ooff 2 new Wood linlnhe?. Only a limited number In B« Int. so act —i cmC*B ofot alikeatlks andand cononicottons.. IInn EppEppoo Fettlco«jtiPetticoat*,. orktlthfre- i the m»ny model a I c ? for**fore,, youyou getKet thethp awmasaino Roogoodd nmteri«vtmaterial*h anandd i*workniar.- tbe(bei smartestemarlelt crcatloficreation *l fromfrom Paris.Pi.rN. Atutfs the many models | EiEL*r^.*!°"° •""'*'"- $4.98 «i$ft.98 I ship•blp atst thetfae oldold lowlow price*prlcos.. atej.tbare'thee | > —XEW—NEW BRKHTOXlit.L:\TO\ K%IIA>RBAILOR J—I—TKK ICOHNS Eppo Petticoats la cotton', black and —MUSHHOOM—MVtWKOOMHS ' —MDE--SIDE ROt.I> AIR HATS MATTRESSEMATTRESSESS andand SPR]SPI&M» S The trimmings consul1 of b^iticbes ich flowen. before manufacturers as ced prl and »$-oo- ; -; ; . ' Tho trituuiliiKH II1O b. reguUrjmonihly i»ejpF^lln. linge ato( IhcIlio j •mill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiii""""""" TO W. W. STRATTON rhe«•* iate C. W. Boyatoe.°; ' ? | olie beid next TO W. W. STRATTON Klght years ago h«* renioi.*doved frfrom*i The ttrvlce at th iRescue i out CoUncH Is lo V■ held . next U Conrter-Nm:Gourler-Xewi; • . } Eight years ago he rV tonight,! di> < \ etilng.niijg. March.Marcti. 121 . all iSc-tU >| : tI - rk.k . MarchMarch ».—Oold9.—{Jold toto thethe , this city (o Elizabeth, s alo , ;Hcaddduartrn*c iiariei* . : AsAs mklierynVatlersi ofof impor*-Import- $300,000 has been with- Gas. Electric and Combination Fixture^ V«lvet William W. Btratlon. aue '<4t thlThea cit deceasedy to Elizabeth waa .keenly ; lalereat- I alonbe , Ma« nature. 5 $300,000 has been with- Gas, Electric and G>mbinalion Fixtures will )<• —re to10 .be, b«i taken'taken' up.up. ItIt ISla honedhoopd U. (yearn,Wltlla n mformer W .resident Stratlon of, thisag eclti i> . The d«.eased waa keenly loterestjibe or ail ,• Irijm ) ? wlllj-be a full (.itendane. --1drawn { tn the sub-treasury for IInstr invL I ere will; be a full ac iv-ndan.-- of •hip men to Spain. Oold to the GlassGlass IndirectIndirect BowlsBowls withwith silsilkk insertsinserts,, arej&wsar. f ar- rIdledlied ofol tmeumonlapoeumoTiUforiner residen. ia.Ittrt B:BHn:*htof thiI s»at I Ht'.'e thth< i piep.Embed tuberin thr eofo patriotif theIK OO.c . orderIIt».. »As . anM.d. J«Jf.was. :O..II.J8!o. a ScripI2-4H.t. ^"JJl ™ jj^' ™'""^ ' ln> m mbprshipiWlfct.. amount $100,000 has beenv taken Elisabeth GeoeraJ Hte-rHel. wjjeri. .i.4 U.^^h*.~ A. M.. A nndf t wDaughters /} IT -k of\f Liberty,Ii»''O 1and ">- Ali vocal for ship mt to Tuba. being at one lime n mffmher of Lu- MAS RKt-APSE tistic and effective for home lighting, le had been a iiaUent tor aeverij It) MKntMK T tistic and effective for home lighting. he had boeu a patient for aevenl cetta Coun. II. D. of L„ of this dtyl I ( lf»»W 1 days.laya. HeHe wawasa managemanagerr f.tUS'r th«.tb^ ; DDuringurin(t ththee paet.fepaal.feww yearyearss Mr-Mr.’' i VZK.K | Elizabeth•-lizabelh MooseMoose Home.Home. HlIliaa widowldoRw Stratton'Stratton s firstDrat wilewife,, ijiihisa daughterflau^hter TnThee Ohesqhe s players 4ff thethe Tltitka-T^. Dr. tp . B.B .rjegar, Cjegar, ofof (Jrantdran Avenue, I survives.„„,„„ ! .. f. andand mother.mother. MraMrs. . «W.S EK.. Ke»yfcrKeeyir., buehebntrheee clasrlasss *IIWill1 «» atai :hci»e pome|i rho tfuderwcnt on operhtlon In New Mrs. infyseriously Frazer, III. ofwas South taken ave. to Mr.'StrattoMr.’Strattonn waawaa a nativeritlve ooff Eli»; havehave died. MraMrs.. . KeoyeKooy*r diediedd jiInn ooff JameJamsss MeClymMcTly o . 931 West 'ork ioepitgl a»‘»eral seeks ago. hafl'nue. w Hospital today, for treat- J. W. GAVETT, ebeth.ibeth b-itb-i t hahadd realderesidedd herheree mimmaajy MiihlenberMuhlenbergg HospitaHospitall toIn . snettie p^opgutt 81»tSlzthrt h atNetstteet.. tonighttonla . a preparation nd a relarw and is quite 111 at his IMuhlei yagffa.-•an. HeHe badhad alsoalao resideresidedd aatt OceaOcea d-ilt phf.ii The one thing you e*n't af- One Waj) 1 CHAHLUCH1HUUI HAMILTONHAMILTON IHOtl'FROtT.. U*n«*UnlUi ford not to know aWut ii the U. S.S. MintMitjf milk yon give your children. NeNeww SprinSpringg FootFootwearw (T" jT7 It it't CERTIFIED, that / j Another^Anotherl br tta* mw&ns a board of physiciuu 4 ,w. Pabllahlo* C-JB foforr WomeWomenn ) ,M/ •I »I" Park A.M1K, who DO know Merit that it Plalnaald. 4*w JtrMt iiaafe. - .The.The smartsmart,, fashnniablfashionablee neneww stylestyless forfor earl yearly CQMECOME TOTO BECK'SJfECK'S at ih. f'lalnflolii Post offlc* M U lt'a CERTIFIED, that's SpringSpring weawearr araree nonoww arton sal salee a tat price pricess tha thatt ar eare consid consid-- J l **' all yon . erablerablyy leslesss thathann whawhatt linl willl prevai prevaill late laterr ow Wood Brook milk Is .CERTI- The World War a Year Ago FIED. ^ 120 WEST FOTTBfltH ST, N«ar Park A mm Today—March 9. Price—14 cents a quwt. SpeciallSpeciallyy FeatureFeaturedd araree High-cif High-cutt S ™ Harahar' V Bait*!'* Cbac WOOWOODD BROOBROOKK riBAUMS N Du TwTwoo YearTear*s AgAgoo TodayToday. Plainfield, N. i. GreGreyy KidskiKidskinn LaceLacedd BootBootss Qennsn crolscr Eltrt Frledrlch PlalalUld. H. I eimwd 80.000 mile sea raid «t 'Phone No. Metuclun 178 Well arched with Louis XVI. heels: modeled on slender, aristocratic Newport, Va. Crniaer bad mi 'Phong So. Mstuchrn 179 Well arched with Louis XVI. heels; modeled on slender, aristocratic !m$s: board S42 passengers and the light welted soles. Pticed at "Efbt DoBwt." crews of eleven vessela sunk by light welted soles. Priced at “Eight Dollars.” hep nt sea. Including the Ameri- upon the public mind. icWch ls too can ship W. P. Frj«. alow at beet, to concent rate upon math' ' oda for proper defense. No'jpne In Dus- Ineas life would close hi* eyes to High-cuHigh-cutt MocMocoo BrowBrownn Cal Calff | 'breakers ahead," tbat U>rea.lcn his FRIDAY, MARCH 0, lt>17. tBslneas.' but he prepare* ^o weather , the gale by throwing up aMy possible LaceLacedd BootBootss THE PACIFISTS barriers against a flood of bhslnesa dis- aster; in other words take* .measures" j On custom last. One and a half inch military heel; imitation wing tip, welt. Pacifists will not down, and still per- of preparedness; tbat will frrotect his On custom last. One and a half inch military heel; imitation wing tip, welt •tat in contending agaldst prepared- Priced at "l^ j ness. In tile'face of the gravest dangers •ay, who eh iirecautlor that ever beset this nation. They are ia their own business,. 1Kai ill thoa probably honest, or most of theih, in woo hare taken steps to thwart thi their hope (or peace, yet no more so President's ellofta to safeguard tin than those who advocate preparedness. nation, show an amasing tfteongruly ThThee PiimpPumpss anandd OxfordOxfordss hotbut theIb«ry probablprobablyy ddoo no oolt realiz rails.e tha th*lt in theiIn Ibrlrr idea sMm. ot busines ot I s a/nac. win 1 theilhairr attitudattltud.e Isla reallraHyy pro-German proGrrman.. the ythey tal k ulkthe bareelb. bar.y tha t would leave "The ploys the I Tbey-^maTh.ym.yy claiclaimm thatbalt thosIboaae wh whoo dis 41*- u s u.at thale thrabsolut ab>»liit.e merc y ofj;»ny otbei Are AlsAlsoo ReadReadyy MRS. JAMES GARDNER^tOSSMAN •grotagree witwithh thetksmm ararae pro-Ally pro-Ally.. ThiThlrs natio nationn tha t (bat might aoworrr.however. Ilas nonott necessaril nacaoaarllyy a fact.a Cart.It IsIt no lat atonnot e alonett in*ent[grl m out In all leathersithers.. PrigBrighth jjkid ]tid,, du dullB kid kid., paten patentt leathe leatherr of whiteor white:; Spa tSpat Pumps , DRAMATIC COACH WhenWhen an persoparaoan oorr natio nationn adopt ndopus BUMS maaa-- loo lookk tba tthat should:l .houldi li nres of preparedness in a time when 1081 Arlington An. won n( prapnrognroa In n Uni whrnbu t butth e Ibnoufioo outlookk fur f Colonial PumpPumpss oorr OxOxfords,l ords. bristlinbustlingg bayonetboyoortas anandd burstinbn tat Inig bomb bombas future rum., whe .bonn thl ethlao r shall'have *4 '— assail half lie world, and threaten the J ed, and soi or anoUter of the , Priced froromm "Fou“Fowr ttoo Sixix Dollars Dollars.”. 9 anxious foreign nations may look i is but natural, an easy thing worth conquering. Which evident* of fnt ever .nation comes out vlctftf In thin * ININ ADDITIOADDITIONN TTOO THTHEE ABOV ABOVEE it such dangers. war, will And something tempting In Carrlwm Villard. prealdei . of the N«e an unprotected country Ilka our?, the' WWee araree showinshowingg completecomp «te lineliness ooff Women'Women's* BootsBoots.. PricePricedd fro fromm "F» “I« • . Tork Evening Poet la making speeches, richest In the world, tap a-feharj1 PLAINFIELJ la which he is credited with saying | »u nation*. In Usese days UttQe scrupl* TeaTen Dollars.Dollars."" »rlca's proposed military sys- is held by any of them in t&« face ot TODAI" ' ' .K.\TIKI>4V tarn U worse than Germany's." Sucb a extremity. With thin tact ln'mlnd. wt remark unchallenged, can have a W may assure ourselves that «e are not OLGAOLGAPETROV PETROVAA CHARLIECHARJJE CHAPLICHAPLINN depressing, even demoralizing. ttt> Immune from tha greed of a*v country ! whicwhichh iUa powerfupowerfull enough,eotmgh,, to .lu b ebe a * BCBBEBSFOR MAKEMARIE DRESSLEDRESSLERR l Dam. ThereforTherefor#e It Itbefioore befooTess us, u». VOMKI AKB I: eacheach Individual]Individually} anandd eolleklvelyeoIUotlrely., to to "TiBK'iiWtiire“Tiffie’g •Punctiiredd shoshoww a propeproperr patriotispatriotm lam VIf bein betasg {readyready . AAas t oto method method*s o fof preparedness preparedneaa.. LOUISE HUFF - 'I Romance" Preaching I; InIn adoptinadoptingg measuremeasure*s forfor I militarmilitaryy I! trainingtraining,, thertheree mamayy bbee som aome!e 1 argumen argumentt "Th“Thee RewarRewardd EDNA.:EDNA GOODRICH(GOODRICH iinn |*i batnut thathatt evereveryy ctllxerltlzenn O fof Ui thUl t republi republicc Services ihould be American to the jeore, and • :i ooff Patience Patience’" “The"The HomHousee ooff Lie.Lies”" >e willing ttoo stan.,-da foforr hihs„ American Jnrt„.l(IIWt- difficult t o toIdentif IdrnUfyy peo»l pr.pl.e wh owho ihro wthro.! i ! H t OKThe 8orm 8OHK SOME "IIWJ X“Wo* CROSS cuoiw-" —AT— »U no, br uurmlontd. That i lb aklna on tb«,b “ .'he wM,ul> bold , »rt ol « ; cr7BUlll«4 at this ] - MlEslaslpplans are surely ."roaMsnn** ' MONDAV A \V"\»KKKri. KHfUV'— a aplnt cry.taUlwt at IhUla menaceu '“ “d b•»“«•y a few “carelea * a■ o"»«• ‘ “*l Ml»l—tpplan. ar. aumly •'rwrtng- tim«, wilIIIl beabaarr fruitttnlu, anandd »Jl-HIl b eba :h lb.« I '•'•‘•a*•thei r one* pridIthefye; and onoaJoy, "Jimprlda" Vard-and Joy. -Jlm“ V.M- Grace ChurchChurch :*mln for his attitude toward the ad- ALICE BRADY or <* the peec. that’* ...ryonc -— — >n policy *“»n, in whic(or hhla h e Joineaultodad toward tb. nd- u 7th and SycamoreSycamort StreetsStreets bot noma do not kLy. rtw'WOCLDEtOOl'MUK SHIP TAHDM .miBtatrulon fmllcy. In wbMb he Jaloeg in AHUNGRY HEART" miry Arnold do lo'brtn. It. . ters Ijl**»n th e dUbimwr.Senate, In loth *tb. Somta. In U.. | l«presentatlTHapraaaotatirae Georg Ooorcoe E ,E. Fosi Vow.. of dotinof cloatnlg tiou bonran of tb of« «lity-fourttb. almy-fearthh Con- CowBdJtoEditor r of.tlof thaM Conrter-NetraCourier-New.:: . I MRS. VERNON CASTlM Illinois, U a champion of the privat*. ., SutifJar. and helped to defeat th«| bear Sir.—In jour export of the pro- _ I ' | Illinois. la a champion of tb. ?n prt.ato pna, Monday, and b.Ipod to degoaltbo Sir.—In tha yoor rcporl of tha pro. •-la In "PATK1“PATRIA-A ' <(N Nint h Bpl*od4) iblp yard as agalnat th« Government armed neutrality bill. A Mlailaalppl j coding,ce*dlnga ooff thtboa Commo Commonn Counci Councill on oa : Beginning Sunday TMARlAt CUUCLlASMMU .hip yard an ngnlnnt tb. Oorarnmaot nnytd n.ntrnllty bill. A Mlmteelppl -SOCIA“SOCIALL 1'IIUTEHPI KATUN-" (HI(FindM ooft th e K«piOB« ifoi OotMdlai) _l .vy yard: nary. H yard.e thlnk a H.It IIblnkns a grea Itt blacksmitla a groath ha bUckamlths sent hltn abaat tb Mla brties himt [ MondayMondaat tbay baliaateveninarming g lajitool.L MMyr ilapa!)<> Rapaljr,'. Evening that the N.TJ- Department::^^ * i admirer of Vardamaa, an wfc, .„„.««,, *„,, _ ^j Evening [b maay poopl. hari bad bad dob>“Wk« ,uuthat ,orthe theNpry Drpprtin.nl of a onr-Um. admirer of Vnrdnman.who an appoorrd and 8pi>k(apbkai w oto orga tUe fo ; encourafemqnC i' Iron cross." welghins fort; pounds. thatthat toiletoilett conditioncondition,s bbae remedie remediald : it S DAVH—TI KSI»AY. WEDNRSDAV, December 10th10th .rasping on oranac dr banana *» •» * «»""■■ ra*mootE Inscribed • Iron: "Loscroee.~t th weighinge Kaiwr fortyforget. 'poonda, dr—. of prlrata ahlpbolldtng plan la, and laacrlbW: -Law tba KaWar forgot.*tbtb** CentraCantrml l RailroaRailroadd StatkgaHutl^i,, islo tiuoi «uot-- to reject their t>l a Itossa Poe.!l , ,. favor ol thos from; navy yards. Ac- enough to be noticed, and sent day Evening at 8 O'clock. bit of throwing fruit akin, no °< 'boa. trow nary yard.. Ao- ruougb to bo noOord. and oast; bilit yIt otof th e elty ieaatng apportion of MME. NAZIMOVy day Evening St S O'Clock. wording to M FOBS, thi remind tha recipient of the wi bllity of tha city l.aalng a portlon of MME. NAZI\|OVA d» . N p Um company* land turroitnding thi ■a daoa not obola Tbo promt cording to nMr.t wor Fow.k la keentb. ,ooofeotlUon whlcl) double-crosse ruinlnd d lb.the Presidentrodplwl . ofI t Ilb.s lit - w.ytba b.company', land aurruending the I >■ *• #»—«■■> ThMlrv, W. with the slippery Ifeondltlon with th. allppory Vondltlnn (or Oorornm.nl work ta h««n. whichtle wondedofolir rrnwidthat Mlssiisipp tba PraMent.i took thIte deriola llt-t tor a Fablic Comfort Statlon- of (be sidewalks, 'affords enoil*h dang-! aaanres inal price* lor the workj depot for a Poblte Comfort Station idrwalba. afford, .ookgb dang aaaorw nominal prWww tor tba work,actio tian o t woodarju Senato thatr wit Ulaalwlpplh anything balookt tba •r to thme publipublicc withouwithoutt addinadilbgg frult'"l fruit n" In* "a «m.» "* Ilka thla." a.ya ha. -1 bo- atUoo of Jt. Smmtor with onylblug Ihot hophop. * thertheree II.s naoo vali ralldd reaso ramn fu i for “WAR BRIDES SUNDASUNDAY, Y, MARCH Uth11th the great • happy mood, for such pacific Is in thlathis aMertlonaamwttou,, foforr 1I kwwihhnowthae acntl arntl-- "WAR t ikln», but yerterday, a man£on Park'»«'« w« should BS- K1UIIT-PART IT»O(> '• < TIIW ■ot yaotarday. a wauloo Park 'Haro wo ahould bar. thoao groutwan aan unknowhappy nmood, trait Iforn th eouch Stat e podddaa -ivate nhipbulld- 1 DD«nt of U>« Buatnau Men'* Asspcla- PREACHER hod aoocwofully magdUaim kb "klpo buUt by < tbo prlraU ablpfcolld. ■+0 an unknown trull lu tha Stata PREACBEtt steps ove,.rr titbae lce Klug concerns. concern.."" Bh«-pb. differenc dlffcrucm.e in thIn* th.wkSc h-Rich sent sentth« fanotba u tamoua Xlaalwlppltlon. an d no doubt lha majority of our Rev. Geo.Geo. A.A. OldhamOldham steppeappadd oonn aunn orange 1-ikl nakin tha t thatapparen apparentt cos t coatof buildin of buildingg ship. injRWeskips aIn, t oIOSw the Civi to ltha War Ctrll. War. ettlaeaa would be very mute oppostd had been carelessly throw* on the private and Government yards Is| of New Tork ao rorrUooly throw* oo tbo prlr.t. aad Oorarumaut yard. Il, -a—— to. tnl, s location, for It Is njot nntrat. of New York walk. NaturallNaturallyy hh.e anandd evefifonaroigoDae els .laae due due., i nIn th etha opinio opinionn ot Mrot . Mr.FOBS , Fow.to lo SAYB ITHA WA VSS ITTRBA8O WAS XTKKABONani l the fact that the Cettlrtl Railroad would thinblnkk hiblns faltalll warus th thfi faul faultt vt otdifferen dlffwrwutt method molliodis of bookkecptngof bookkooplog.. 1 officials are about to remedy present ex> the conditiodlUoan ooff tBtiroe sidtwalkaldowaik,. unlesunkoas {th eIka principa prlodpoll Item Itomss at variancn( rnrlancoe bein gbringBerli n B.rllnnow amybows I tany. was Ittreaso waai trwaonistln g tocondition * at the station would irerhead costs, which hare to1 laung condition, ot tha an Come and Bring Tour i happMMtp-imdi ttoo taktakae noticnolle.e ' 'o fof theUm i nIn tka orarbaad coata. which barap«nni to t permitthe exposure tba aipoaurw- of her intriguof here »*lteIntrigue— " A Public Comfort Sutlonf' ht DLAWFIELn e skin; Property owners are the;be dig I led among the snlpi under. ajainst the Unltsd SUtes. by letting ■*k*—“A Public Comfort At Randolph'sRandolph's Friendi. akin. Propwty own.lt arc th. b. attributed among the tblpg undar.g|ainat tbo Unltad Btatm. by leulngthla poin t svparfluoua. nrst to bbae blameblamedd foforr accidentaacclddhtall falls tatu' comtructlo conatructtonn l a lua privata prlraUe yard yard,, but | thbuta knowleduto. knowkdgus Intende IsUDdadd lor th elog Meil Urn- M.iP * THlvATRE^ The Church Needi Ton and The Business Hen's Association at Ton Heed the Church. on the sidewalk*, and It it often a;are largely thrown under other can government urglnfaj question difficult to decide is to thp' heads In a Government establish- twewi Mexico and Japan, against the mmyr soaollrltatlon.l (citation, appointeappointsp d a a'comm I It w City PharmacyPharmaqj real blame In such CSMS. it Is very j m. lit. UniteUnitedd State*S La lea,, ttoo falfalll Int intoo ou r hands. oa Public Comfort Sutlon; l« laatt year year.. But it shows that we an somewhat Thl. commit tea weal Hun tba gutter pr«tt]>- t Provide* for Health »nd alert to her secret missions la which prwttly thoroughly, baring-^ aevemeer.nll pe pu-- titions signed by hundreds of cUliena, we are concerned. tltldna algrtU by hundred, of rlHurm. Enjoyment. 0b0b0^0 tb»theaa petitionpatlHoafs beinbringg Dresentepnugtrdd to'thlo'thre CommonCommon CouncilConnrll.. ThTb.p committe romptmaae sls alaoo KDITORIAI, !XOTSS gatheredgathered valuablrnlnabWe datdaua fronvexpertfrom .xpartas I nIn thin,thU| lineUna., anandd alsalaoo sough soughtt InformatioInformationn Chocolate a FoodFood iron other cities, all of which Ves Is considered all right In Europe, from other tdtlen. all of wblcb we. Only mention names mads placePlacedd beforbafbraltb.e 'HIP 191lug6 Publipobltec AffairAffaires Only mention munag made Committee of the Common Council renowned by Candy of excel- be thankful not to be suffo- Coroltlee of tha Comm™ Couaril renowned by Dandy of exoei- with additional reasons " from tech cated by aaphyxlaUnc cases. with additional reason, 1 from eachlenclenoe: e : HuyleHuyler'a,r '•, Pa«Pag*o A S A TALKTALK toto COAl COAL BUYERS BUYERS umemben»f mbt rr ooff th Ibme Merchant* KcrcQanti' Associatio Asaodatlonn as t*0o ththae cryincrylDRg nee oaadd o fof thl thlHa comfor comfortt Bhsw'a,Shaw's , ApollApolloo BrandBemad,, Rob«rRobertaU This company, in its advertising, ha: endeavored to impress upon the ' Perhaps Uncle Sam might pass on to station.■tatIon.- WW«t understooundrratoodd tha thatt aotn aom*e ac -ac- aSt Co.Oo,, ParParkk &* TUfordTUford.. Thin company, in ita advertising, haa endrdvored to imprcaa upon tha Congress that can? he was going to tion would betaken at til at tlme.lbut cnsl buying public, that by virtue of itsDrganieation and wholesale connec- tion would be taken at that ttma. bot MONDAY coal buying public, that by virtue of ita orgnnfeation and wholesale eonnec- I pat Villa In. as a suitable place In aa tar as we know, nothing has bc*o tiona, it is in a position to rende^ Berrice aa far aa «• know, nothing haa bc#u SATURDAY SPECIALS aud Night it ia in a position to rrnde* service)f ofa particularla particularlyy efficien efficientt kind , kind,a a !j which to incarcerate the stock market done . : •er7ice not possible to every dealer in ct.aer he baa been ttending a p Dualnru. Man’s Commute. I nished eoal to other dealer* aa well, and we pAint to our ability to care for a Republican-Proi Pro- portnnltPOrlenltyr ofof : beinbeingg benrd beurd.j Fro i ourour tradtradee undeunderr ththee exceptiona exceptionall l-conditioi renditionsu thai that' hav havee presente presentedd themselves themselves,, griteslve barmon7 dinner. common senssensee poinpointt ooff vief tle|- the IJORI- L. W. Randolph withwith considerablconsiderablee pridepride,, foforr w wee feel feel tha thatt ou ,ourr el$ el4n«m to btoe abll»eo ableto serv to e servothe tho cul place foforr a.stationutationn o rof taI tas kind L. W. Randolph publicpublic satisfactorilsatisfactorilyy aatt alalll timestimes; anandd undeunderr al lali ^conditions (conditions,, ha liass bee beenn ampl amplyy rHIch ; ^Inih. (w Ihohally-thre- centracentrali—l i mopping—or bUBi•.—. bu.ln..a_m ; and jLs.:.AtI PRESCRIPTIOPEESOKIPTIOHN DRUGGISDRUQOISTT demonstrated.demonstrated. Prom the unmasculine way Jn which tj)(, dlty—the sho ''• liavr stood up for our rigbjts In> thH>«ttr».e ir,, , Rtmlneu men are peri lUWoat143 West FrontFront StSt,, : If we are not already serving yon, would it'-ott be wise to bec< ecsnt crisis, ptftaatn Un^le SamSam ,bet, bet mg^ po^,position^ to |odgf ^r of'^ ^ If we are not already serving yon. would it’not be wi»# to become one hpuld be known a ( to iMRt Plainfteld, N. J. ooff ouourr regulategularr customerscustomers,, an andd thti thttis plac placee you yourr eja dall burde burdenn o n onresponsibl responsiblee necessitnecegajtyy ooff havinhavingg thithlas Ria all ion Plainfield, N. J. •houldcrvl ' •! IKrau tralljt locateplo^atfdp d UiaChann ththae aversjg aver*e cftj Tel. CU1109 High Grar^ei Monument.Manumeutis shoulder*! i t fts dp Tel. 0*11109 tt'allJl streestreett mighmlahtt nonott fee feell s oao ftverselFeraenverae “ “ the»k y*k r arTare eore i nlo dall lodally y dallytouch toucl^ ]toiKi* wjt n with eri ( Ot KveA DMrrlpUoDrorrlplloo* GiveGiv uni ththee opportunity ;i we|wiwe willU nervservee yo yonu I' Veil. to War If they could have six hours' i C«BncM of Itofs needltd .need, advance “leak" on the tnfomaUon. «t us hope-tha“* t withthat tha with lha apDfowch johnl. Brown -or spring, when travel ond n«td( Sunday Houra: . of fifinBR. when travel aud -gtdoor fee- ' Kmtt 4ih irwl Hlrhmond M*. again r.'-om<-c1. "thTb.e girl whoho buybuy.s al .1,l thes ,he»e extr e,ta J --j—') t o 1^ o'clock 9 30- 5 to 8 P. M. Pt>on« 140. Ih?22? BOICEBOICE,, RUNYOISRUNYONf COMPANCOMPANYY »lOT styles ftli per- h brttllautcolor .prlng nyl« will P*r- ft©H» its, eittwmsj and !th« * EstablubeEstablishedd 18371837.. : bap, bb.e ththee urn. on.wh whoo knock knock,s !'• -be-, , . [J" “ '* ' * 7 U_ ■ caupo> thostbooee horrihorridd mm,lo onloo Ibe ath,r reel n?' . ^= PARK at NORTH AVENUE cornemniprr twisi.tmit theithf-irr rm-c».;ks t om loo k at her•> .h. j^J L* Ladd no wrelf In need. If (hi* b* ae- PARK at NORTH AVENUE r .! for. a. T. TJ, TO HAVE “ f “ compll.hrd Plain ft.Id tbo ciy Denull- O.v. to Have HEWNEW YORYORKK HjySDRESSINCHAIRDRESSING, PARLOPARLORR —— - I Ui. fuL ran bout of hnrlns likn brr rliti.oii Mi:t:Tl\u "•» «« Pbnc »oa-» Coal, Lumber and Masons’ Materials ng the PAHIAJK MEfcTLNu! Kor real eloquence now don't look PULCO Coal, Lumber and Masons' Materials > much to Congress sa to the den cities of the State. Toots very tk-u There will be a; parlor meeUng of 1 e ^omen's Cbrisdan Temperance JOHN i: nloi) at the horn*) of Mrs. Charles Public Comfort Station. Force, ot* Mountain avenu«, on Ths spring styles for men nhow uslness Men's ABurtciafKm March 22. An interesting program coats cut close to the body, but they i of Plalaneld. la being arranged. Want Ads. P»7- rLAMpUCLD> CunUKHillWBCOUBIBB-NXWS , HUD.4T,1 K1I> MAIMU 1 ►, 1*17.

' WAIfTED— FKMAM £=== SSISS ==£ =J£=~=r~ 35sSSj ~-_rr7~iz.ni.~-.iTr"' -•••- ’ W AKTCIl—KKM A LI SONSONGG RECITALRECITAL ■| ira IIKS ORDERORDKB TOB> RECKIVKORCEIVK CLAKMIPIICLAMNIKIt ATIOK.ATIO*. COKVCOPY MLOMLST HKKH HM.KIVKbIlKUKlVKI- HOTMil LITKHl.m:HTII».M TflON IIl A.A.' M ; FORFOR SASALE—Hous I.E—Hod—e —onseven rorodm..o i OPIKATORB on .!< ■« *nd pl«IR Ibttolarge garaKegor»«.. -Illwill nch.ngoeselunge fortoe lou.\ I "tag'# OuSton: Knm UkmK TUKKDAY.ftMUl, MA4UMARC IIH l*TH.ItTH, ATAT run.(MM) r.P. H... . AddreuAddress "lost"Hast End."End," oorocaro Courier-1Coin ■'"X' Ify »bn« l~™lng. ScbOlof- , M1SMIS.H RETRYBETSY LANKLANK HHt.l'HP.KIi.SHEPHERD, Soprano, * •'•', NewsN.M.-. 2-2>-2B-1f ! Rroo.. /20 Went From. .mol. twd Assiste'“‘—•Id **rby Mr.Mr . Kod.SH,Rndolpta MlPolk, VMM.I.Vlotinl.t ! flight* «>: l—k for o.oio on door i. PI.AINKIELI-I.AINFIELDD HIOIIHIGH SCHOOLSCHdOL AUDITORIUM.AUDITORIUM," • * 111 CLASSIFIECLASSIFIEDD ADVERTISINADVERTISINGG FIFTEEN-ROOFIFTEEN-ROOMM i; HOUSE.HOTJaB, «oiflbt) , : ■ . IdoU'lo,itn'-lon byby r«r\ DIAMONDiiitMitM, HKDISC HTtHTrni DIOo III; KALE MLM I.LI.I.UOI, NdVa^ 2-27-1 * jjjsio CLASSIFIEDCLASSIFIED ADAD RATES! —— OPERATORS on muslin underii. SIO »W . »'"•*Fwrt “*•St. ; "Pi>Opp . PfcntFlmi M.M . k. (bothChun* J3j DRESSMAKINDKKS8 MAKINGG byby tb*In* day<\V nror j . batbjto- eOPEKATORa'"on"*muxltn^ under^- Coll. Write or 'Phone 2880 , FOR SALE—LotSALE—Lot otof farmfarm; Implc-iiupk- BELL 7-room h0ua*v bath, !m ear. Nat Levy A Co., 315 Wat£ C«ll. Write or 'Phone 2680. workwork home.home. CallCall 401«0S BastQu t Fifth>iltta O** cent . wordword fforo f«A Inerr-15 aenta, consistinconstatingg ofof Wagons.wagons, carta,carts. proremenw '"EstatF,"Eata Eatatf.''i " ca«rcn " "' Nat ^Levy A Co.. 2S9 Wat< streetau-aet.. TeLTel . 557-W.967-W. 1 2-21-lmJ-lU-lm tfc«. Ixm«t ch-rgs Courier-News, • ! 3-J-|l hung_«>enue. 10-5-tl.10-b-tt. cemte aa ad. By tlar mouth ’ plow*,dawa, harrow*.harrows, cultivator*.cultlvatr>ra. mower.mower. Conrlor-Newn 3-1-In TOCNOYOUNG Q1RLOIRL. desiresdeelres :«lac*Uoos aaas *1.0* a- reaper,.-eaper cornCorn shelters,shelters hhrneu.hkrness, aa v*r-var - WANTED—Cook and laundn chambermaid.chambermaid. LorettaLoretta fiaUman,’129Salsman,-139 ;7» (W«» a line. lfltl«tyy ooff tools,tools. blacksmithblacksmith for*#,forge, anan?!l Til., also ^hambermaid-woltn-ma; gi SeminarySeminary avenueavenue Rahway,Railway, .fcons«>. J WiHUinWilliam A.A. ScborbSchorb & Cb. Co . take home; referent work;work-** smalltniBII family;family; goodgood wageo;-^YounWAKTEI)—Youngg whit■ hiree girlgirl a»"r YA SS?1 n week. Address Miaa H. Swi Aa FOLLOWS: niturellure RaiseSales Room.Room, 331331 WatWest FrostFront FOFORR SAL*SALE OROR REST—NowRENT—New 88-- ehoiabferfnold-wgltraochaml»ermald-waitress InIn f»mjly(amjly _ot.i . .= street, opposite. Grove street. I three;;, foust be experienced and have- !47-B West Front street. -;. A. „. Bo#Jtf. BMB ; B4Tn; c O; street, opposite Oreva street. rooln bouse, all improvements; in-o thre4:L|OU.I bo expurlrmeed Aod hor*. ■ TO LET—HOUSES A M; Boaq); Box B; Barn; C 0. room house, all ImproiemenU; two good, rftference; wages (30; Swedish; e; Bo 5 : c ff B-S-lm acresacre3 ofof land,land; largelarge bam,b&rn, .chickechickenn good pUbroaco: VTAgAA 880; Swedish; *H. 110* w COLORECOLOREDD WOMANWOMAN wisheswishes day'sday's£°^ £oUle; Itox“ * 5;“ Co*##;“° “«» : BoBox* BB;; K■EM; U:M ; househouse;; allail kindskinds ofof - fruit,fruit; 4545 ulc-ruin- prefem-flpreferred.. CmllCall oflorafter 7:107:30 p.p . m.m . Atat-I . . John K. Ht*h TOTO'LET—Flve-roo LET—n * house, nart work.work- . *: aimalso errsuderrand ' aNCMori•accessor* toto Oeorg*Georpe W . ColoCole i •*: Pocket Honey; A O: Sal*; 8 W; East Third afreet; Price twenty- ••' West Si«h street. 3-«-tf *; funFUN krai.KRAI. dikkctoraIKK rXTORS FOUR BOOMS. UJ3 West Third •arrea parties aud lunch**. l-hon. •t. Pocket Money; R O: Bala; B W; FOR SALE—Comfortable home, ,481 Wrol Hr lib • rivet l-Mflj POUR ROOMS, till Wool Third rphnlsterer;Upholsterer; T 8;S: A>xBox 144;144; BexBox I;1 ;eighsightt hundred.hundred. . , 3-3-•(«'m iM«rood Second StHC. •tree«r— tt - 113.00.J13.00; •S room,roomi. oilall Iin.roro.Improve- Boa 5; Box 733. Answers will ~ allall Improvements:improvements; sereacre ground,ground, JTED— White chambermaid- ; ments SIS Arlington:' avenue. In- Box 6; Box 782. Answers will be ED While chambermaid- :* Mn . T.T . ofitce*.offices. 1*10 RutEast SSd22d StreetStreet toom* >71 Arlington aronoo. la- held 15 days only. ; FOR SALE—ElK>ht acres, fine B- bam.bam, fruitfruit andand shad*shade trees;trees; fourjou? Apply 920 Park avenne, * quire Israel, 423 JohuVatreet. S-7-6t held 15 days only. :iuht acres, flne 2- minutes from Nethenrood station or wAltrpAA. Apply .10 Psrk siepue * • TeL.Tel.. OraOramere mercyy 20*42OS4 qMra 423 Jobu.Mrool. l-748t HELP WAMKB-M.1I.E >om 'house and bath;bath; ’all]all Improve-Iniprove- minutes from Netherwood station or «-7T« J! Private Funeral Chapel lenta; good outbmlldlcgs: elepant UnioUnionn trolley;tn»lley; bargainbargain forTo r quickquick §7 . «-T-M i. ment*. good outb«Udl9ga; elegant sale. Address "Desirable." tfaije Aajto Cortege tvh«w oVtdrcd FFOR RKNT—3II raiini and bath, shade; large variety frftit in rjunn- sal*. Address ''Desirable.'* care ipetent cook and ;, c room* and bath. MEKINN WANTHJ-WANTBT>—T Tobnyo buy JIBIII . „.|IK.„ FOR BAT.B—MMCMLLAllsKHW shade; large variety frBlt In quan- Courier-News. ,. 3-27-1 tb WAffTTED—Compelust cook And Oeorge W. Cole's service* will r.t «all 2WK£S“,improvements, tra*.frutt . largelartre yard,yard. $3•>»0 »«,usample -II.suits .1at h.Hhalf pate.pries. cmm,Cam* titytity;; malarnatn' streetstreet , tenten minutes'ntlnutes' walkwalk Courier-New*. ^ 2-27- lAundyMs: email family.ramlly. CallCall »1 * . t when requested. 4S1 Orchard pl»ee. ' Inquire M from station, '• Plalnfield. Address 3-7-lt ,•' c«. ' Inquire M. convince s ji>or—K.yourself SampleSample inoeidng Clotlilni ANOTHER BARGAIN — Attctioi_ from station. ' Plainfield. Addre** Hrrlla aranoa. J-7-81 , ANOTHER D ARO AIN — Auction "Sale," care Courier-New*. 3-3-61 8KVEN-ROOM HOTJ3E i Abrama' Shoe Store.e.- ff 3-*-3t*-9-St Mot.,Store, >1*l SurnameSomerse tt KmLstreet, PlaUgrid.piaina.ld. sale Including two Ion of storage ••Bale." ear* Courl+-N*»a. 8-2-«t SEVEN-ROOM nOLSR m troU*Jrf sale Including two lota of line, all im or, iveiu-!V*.. %' ™>^ I W*£•* 4 MN T EDE D —-v CompataotCompetent wbltowtlt* i;1 > |_"i-I*-U good«, tomorrow, a ' p. nu.. at S2S line, all lmern?*m*a»*. $700 eaalt. ch goods, tomorrow. 2 p. m, at 222 "FOR 3ALE—^CouijtryTnome of (0 mart gage. fZ.SOO. Harvej Tin 'chapibermald"BiHprmald andand waitreswallreses foforr *A: -A "BAST iEND"' boiA* has been West Front street, near Oro FOR BALE—CMltxyTbome of 20 mortgage $2,200. Harvey R. Llp-ff tihorjt,tlmehorJ,tlnie;; refiwenceareffirenced required.required. Ap-fAp- \ BOY. over 1«, wasted 'li Weet Front street, near Orore. via arreatcres onon RiverRiver road;road, mainmain autqauto road,road, bargerbarger.. l»7ill NorikNorth avooue.avenue. ‘ 1-ll-tf ■ BOT, over Ig, wealed In auto OneOne OneOn e toned,toned rtraewooraewoodd aquar two miles Bound Brook; 800 feet plyply'jyrs tijr*.. F.F . D.D . Warren.Warren, 9«8»66 HlllatdeHillside '' Minttaint .hopshop(, np,one aalth•with —m.some piano,piano. luIn goodgood roodcondition It Ion;; ttwo.w rose two miles Bound Broo#t; 800 feet avenue.avenue. 2-2-lt3-8-2t >I TJ.&CA.HIGGINSl—1J. J.& C. A. HIGGINS | _ nee preferredpreferred.. Vm.*T,m . E.E. ' 1Rnnlb frontagefrontage., RaritanRarltan r^verriver rearr^a r bound-bound- — =w ; l atthnt and ary; 11 rooms, 2 batha.'all iriiprovt-- ivANTEi>—xWANTED-TOo 1M7Tnor UNDERTA TO LET—8|K room,. Howl, print- 14-36 Somerset street. Z-3?-tf wood piano player. Attachment and ary; Ll rooma. 2 bath*, oil tmprov«- aod papered. port ynpro »*-*• Som.r—I ,lc—t I-gl-lf a number of mu*lc roll*: one cabinetcabinet menta;nienls; InIn rwllenitew«lteiuf conditioncoiiditlon anaidd ,- three writing desks. Including parUy fnrnUhed; i,barns, poultry WANTED—OifWANTED—Oli- falseraise teeth.teeth. DonDon't' WANi'ku—Apprentice Cot" l*ii organ, three writing desks. Including partly furnished; bams, poultry -W... «T KlllTITH STREET '^L'^Ll^P I«n . ononee lady'*lady's desk.de*k, tvo.ehJffoaiere.two chiffoniers, twtwoo rh 1 nc matter If broken. J pay J1. plumbing mnd heating tmda houses, modern machinery, gara-:#; $6.00 Dtr aet. Mail to " . di Apply almost, dew extension couches, one cluj>, Mall to I, MA/.KR, Plalfifield. top floor 2-8>9t y Private Punrrnl Chapel. *3 vimVine tfraes(n»t t.. I ' *ft-£ Ideal ; foforr country club, boarding 2007 S. Fifth street. ., EH rate Ka acral dispel. TO LET—C-room* tst 959 flouth 3-vif foldingfolding screen,screen, oneone foldingfolding .DOnew* road ideal bouse or road hoses; Ideal locaGoB; Pa. Win rend ca.ih "ay return roa.il. W ANTED-^-Co,m peten t girl for 1 j F steamer chatr onvt cooking range, A«tomr.M!<- Service. _ -cond stre-i . 6-ri>om bouse, 1*24 >rlce (18.000; term _ DEBKJNEBB.DESIGNERS, dcUlIrrKdetailers moiland Iratrrat steamertwo sideboards chair, , onetwo rookinghall racks rang*,, two price 112.000; terms; closed ter eeneral housework; no washinwashing.g <00600 5,I winter. KoeUer, « 1 WflleveWill—r ilnmt;street; g-roo*6-roo* horn.tiouie, SO107T w*ni.dtnted byby lArg*large company.company, 1».Mloca* In twohot watesideboards,r heaters two, twballo sewinracks,g matwo- winter. KoeUer. 49 Third atreqt.streat. FrankliFranklinn placeplace . TeLTel . 1«471&67. 3-S-St ; Eastern Pennsylvania: experi hot water heaters, two sewing ms Weebawken, N..J. '.• ' • \ Mnn—n pirn.placep . jAdhJicib *apArhar.c gn lnH»m«rn P.nn>,Irani.; .«prrl chlnes. two extension tables, twi Woebnwken. N J. • .ID hoavy machinery nreferrad- ehiaee, two extension tables, two 3-28; 3-2.7, AfTTWO HENS -onlod; will p. WASTED — CbsmbanDAld sod | SArh.rSacbar pin—.place. ? S-17-lm2-27-It bonry m—bln#rr pr.fmr—: centra stands, several runners; car 2-21; 3-0.7,0.14,12,21,22 i -i •««,age experienceexperience and salary Wan* centrepets an dstands, rugs, twseveralo oa krunners, bureaus , tcar-w good price. Address III Orvi : wsltmt 7!1 Caatrsl sranoa. first letter. B pet* and ruga, two o*k burea ta. two FOFORR SALE - -SmalSmalll i farm,farm, fiveflte 3-B-« I Box 52. care Court almost new enamel »hl;e bedB tw res. house outbiilld4Bgs; Ideally 8AI-K—AlTOMOBi News. iprlngImosts newan denamel mattresses bhfts, one pie rea. houae. eutb^Udlpga; Ideally located, three miles Plalnneld sta- WANTED TO BUY^-Hoose. 7 fir » -C1R1-R to worl factory; good • glaaaugs, on ande carpente r tool chest, tools located, three mile* PlalnBeld *U WANTED TO BC7—Hon. J- in Watchiing;! transportation; jonrs with . Improvementsp . Apply . pajfr clean work. , TWO. CHALMERS, rt»16; King, MILLING 50 lls of wall papechest,r severa tools.l tlon. In Watchuug;j transportation; rooms, with Improvements. py; clean work. 8eMlier Broe.fstO F »l b.r _ . . : TWO CBALMFRS dill; King, __,ro*ementa. Details and terme, Fifth street. 3-6-St|Wf«t Front ttree Oak Tree. N J.. onon Saturday.Saturday. . ud*ono«laoB.. IP141*14; ; Oldsmol.ilesOldsmohllee.. wanted. International Motor over 0 b «nd**r GTerythin( severalK Improvements. Detail* and term#. 4 0 3* Eaet Fifth,.street. WVet Front street, two (lights up. ‘ okk ti—. n. j.. ltlJm3; H WilliamWilliam DetaroeheDplarocho Andaaoa.And^-, Plala-Plafn- "Mi Mt • March 10, at.2 p. nw Jnterment 1315 ^A l916 Appir. 18o But Plain Held. N. J. 3 7-31 everything " rid, N. J. 1-5-7-9 i Hillside “* intmrmmnt i»i5 and 1*1*. Apply 1«® East p asd span, and eld. N. J. 2-6-7-* COAGOALL BURNINGBURNING ColonyColony broodbrooderil * ry. aamptowu. Front' atreef,' e*t .or or *15915 So^thSo;itb sreeueavenue . WANTED—Boy about IS to 18. hone particulars Stout Fans: J WANTED—Competent whit*white girlgirl - K. J. ' , WANTED—Boy. a bout 1C to J*. sold. We need the hone particularsan Stout ^“Farm, - K. J. _| 2-14-1*- loi drivedrlrt milkmilk wagon andand helphelp withwith C FORFOR BASALE—Tw LB—Twoo .lots;[lots; 25x12525*1 JS rtft., 2535-M. 816 West ' 1 OOBCORAK^Jo'.^r 38 years old, Add "Milk/ met ion per. 'Phon a Siimner uvenue, at B bargain. fu'.-as 3-9-3t : AX—Jo—U, 22 years “Mtlkl n Sumner avenue.- at. a bargain. SITTING 'HENS—la large I •led at his home. 279 Avenue C. PORD touring car, been used by 6I.. A.A . Reed,Reed, til911 Softh South aveaua.avenue 78—lu large nutu* -fcr glad at his home. 27* Area ’c!! FORD t oat ring ear. Baaa t her*. Slate variety ami price, which' Bayonae. N. J. privateprivate familyfamily forfor plafeurepleasure riding.riding. FRR8HFRBSH ' COWSCOWS andand springers.spring S-17-tf «ty ana pries, .WANTED—Yeung which *r> * woman, light pT must be reasonable. PorsKHte Cl r au,rwashing. I Paoeral services will be held at In (in* rr ininc ordt*r;j no nsfl for WANTED—TTaefulWANTRD—TTaefD) manman notnot aftttldafiaild Holstelns UnerncayaT and Jam. moit bo raooonobls Forral- Forma. b>«a»»°rV. plain took, no ■•■King —CTlr— .III b. held .1 i> »r* r.nmln* ord—no Holatelns, Guernsey, and Jersey *. FOR SALBI—300 building lota OB tore. 2S1 I IMS Saturday morning at St. ofof work:work; week'sweek's workwork coealai.coBsiats ooff ComaCom* andand ***:a«e; a goodgood lot.tot. B.B .L. L . VanVan FOR SALE—see huiidtDg lota os DooallAB.ellen. Trl.phonATeloobon* 11MC-J, . !«» »«”" «» *. 11:41 Saturday rooming at BL «•»: oaa b. aa— from A a m anur itsilments, Sv« dollars down, other 'ri"Went Front street S-t-tf3-9-U ' Mary'' Cemetery, Plalnfield, N. J. B p. pi.; price *SS6. Vlth license. 5HS>4 dayu;days: goodgood pay;pay ; referwacareference Esf-- noren«.. iMtEast MataHate utrvet,street. Bowervllleowrvuie., Install meats, five dollars down, other Mary-. Camatary. Plalntcld. N J. - ► nr . Ijlca g|J». .Ith llr—. quired. Address " Position," cure *" J. ■ 9-JB-tf payments to be arranfed. ' I alao have MrsMra.. VL . W.W . BloaoSloan 111333 UnionUnion aarnna.avenue, qulred. Address "PoalUon." care I. MMf payments to be arranfed. ' I also have WANTED—t*te model Ford runi| WANTED—Oood ElisabethEll—bath., .-4.M . J..J./nea nanrr Ilia’Klks1 Club.Club. Courier-News.Courier-News. 8-&*t a towlow housesbouses thatthat cancan hebe boughtbought oonn easy payments. H- F.Oano. 31S 'A'at- about for«aak. lUx>4 U Robins, l?0 ; 'P>ooe 299-R. . A B»ket of Spring Flowers - ; . - TtJ : »-»-i-i-it^ FOR SALE—Buff Wyandotta e«« easy payments. M. F. Oaao. 215 Wat- East Front street, , '3-93t^^ A Build of SprW FLw«r» WANTED—Foer non union paint IT hatching. 1245 George street. chnachuagg avenue.i«nu#. 19-I»-»-tf- « WANTED—AANTED—A whitewhite maidmaid forfor gen-gen- •aksBahaaa aaan idealid«al alflgilt . WeWs harehav* a > FORFOR 8ALISALE—5-pauettge -k-paaaeggerr touringtouring -rs. Apply New Poet Offlce, )-H( 2-E7-1I aevc.ieraerall bouaework;housework; smallamall family;familyfamil ; goodgood WANTED tO BUY Al» or roundMvao-] wage*. 946 West Sevent'"h istreet. karglarge* varietyvariety toto 'el^trei-ct fromfrom . QeanQuan - fltodehaker:Studfbaker: Suise conditioncondition . Tele-Tele- MECHANIC*L DRAWING CLAS FTKMSIIE0 ROOMS TO LET roomii house,boua«, withwith twtwoo acre* grbund; wages. 945 West Seventh street. MECHANICAL DRAWING CLAflB. FOR SALE — W*T1 esU FURNISHED 3-8-81 MUa■his ofof allall atadaKinds ofof CutCu t Flowers,Flowers, pfconephone Tll-M.71*-*. 1 2-22-18-t 8-tff Ierr'« School, 171 East Front strStt. etatek B fullfall particularspurtirnlars iIr fifet letter. 2-8-21 rWvering Piantr. Palms and Ferna.1, . . "2"V ftoesrlaa P^utr faima sad Pern.. iJ-27-Un TO LET—Fumlated front loom. '••G.'G;'' B..*'Z,' ear*care Courier-Newa.Courfer- Vaidlac BouquptJt. Floral Dcalgna WANTKD—Child'WANTED—Child* s "whit*. Waddlag Bouquem Floral Deeigaa , ON ACCOUNT (rcUinar 7-paasensar ped For particulars call or address In private family, North Plalnneld; with'good reference. lj nperta, »Islt our store and con- BFJ—1915-1*16 nicd.-l with good reft kf aaparts. .talt our atore and con-‘ •M wlQ Mil my Ford -toorine car. WANTED^Handy man. familiar rrpnc4 required. "•Jackson." care WANTED—1915-1*1® roodbl Ing, 1027 Prospect • 3-7-31 sanator j at win reference requin»—Male BBMI Pesnala , JaUndard.tandar dmake, almost tlew. &«* out*. outBld f iii»-f-9df on.t. twotwo aetsacts harneaa.harness plow,plow, harrowharrow ET—Two or three for? id cultivator, alt for 186.00: a bar- u , forfor lightlight •' houeekixhousekeeping . ___ . _ _ - _ top beingMM little worn: f»*. motor WA VTED—Boy, about aod cultivator, all for 115.00; a bar- B. FRAWKEL * SON p*y« hie WANTED—White • couplei , wife M mT WANTED—Boy. about 16. to Jn: near N*w Brunswick avenue 'Phone'Phone 520-M.53S-M. ; | 1-Mt . B. rRAltKRL A BON pays high- WANTED—White couple, wife as tparti himself usefu ; near New Brunswick est cash prices)'for old jutoa and i chambermaid aitr) wa [tress, hiiBband If .In need of a . taka himself uaef il about school. F. W. Tallraan. S. Ninth St. est cash prices for old autos and all chambermaid and wa I treat, huabanf CHAS.CHAS.L.L STANLEYSTANLEYS^ . madl toreare afteraftei school.school. NagleNagle *i PharPhar - pehed TWO farnished rooms, heat and kindskinds ofot Jsah.Junk. 215S16 PiatofivldPlaluA^d avaoo*.armof, as useful man; do onele withoutwltboi ref- and i t-l-Zt on — .... I car for bualneaaluslnes sDr p^aauro icy. as. of bath' private family, Vnian Telephone 2122.Utl . <-lt-H-t 5-tff eiVnceer«nc« aan add experience-cipprlent:et needneed apply. a - u.rneew iiM mi don'tdon't wantwant |oto lareatInvest lin'ai new DM, rolley line; breaa-fat^t if desired. 311 East SnvenCi it •eet, * 3-8-21 ; KITCHEN*KITCHEN*,. bed-roo1-roomm furniture.furniture, 212 East Seventh at root, t 2-2-21 Aee. T.iMt llI ean>ioo<-t!»can 1i on • :•! I y recomn Address "West Xnd," rare Cou>fet<- : his car dishes. Addr is "Bargain." car* MITVATIONUVITIATIONS WANtKIVWA\TK'.i—HAL S ;; l WANTED—Mill hands and glrlt being cxBcUy as thy ad dishes. Addre "BargaU." «.. * H $-9-21 WANTED— Ml)I hand* aod glrb and willill prove ft to yo^oJi r Courier-News.Courier-News. 1-17-2-17-1m1 '(faforr pneumaticpneumatic work.work. VoteyVotey OrgaaOrgaa FLORISTT ««• KBd >•« • rid. KiX CM .bo. hoowl^lg. if KArd.olnc. -gl-d*." FURNISHED ROOBfl to> letlet . 421 CHAl'FFFI'RCHAUFFEUR wantswants positionposlUOn Int Ce..Co.. Oarwood,Oarwood. N.N . J.J. 1-5T1-5-01* —rr - >»».*> —IVe"*** .V-^LWle CourUr N... J-.flt FOFORR 8ALB—Gun.SALE—Gun, beds,beds. bbeddinc. East Seventh atree*. | 2w*-2t privatertvate family;family: reference*.rpferences. ''H."H .R.." R..-"h— -r-:™' •• - -' •• — ,"-'™^— ■ ■ m pillows,pillows, stands,stands, chairs,chairs, etetc.c Inquire ire CourtertNews. »-7-3tj ROORK AMI BOARD j *IJ0. B «Robison. 5“ 1Jefferson I Saat Fifth street. LARGE fun shed r.-, ,iTi and kit-car# Courier-News. 2-7-31 RDOMB AND HOARD •TKIM. Ell—both.. N . .I,! "! roc- . WAJ.TKD—Eiperlencpd ACin- iir. East Fifth street. 'Phots* AROE farsUhAd ( AOme agrt 2S4A-W.2569-W. l-t-lt ..en "Ipsni hi t(. 348 jEast Front FIRST-CLASS PAINTING and aud a tor's Theatre. Tel..>!. . 66,1. '-*' ' Gridlrr automatic ocers : FIR8T-CLA8S PAINTING and Det day or night.night. street. Mp.3-9-3t pape perr hanginghanging ddon e at most reason' FOR SALE — Parlor furniture, able prices. Send a postal to O. F. ruga, dishes etc 243 Somerset St. FOR RENT—Front r«< able prices Bend a pobtal to O. F. FOR RENT—Front worn, nicely Pearson . 10l« East Front stcettf A PRIVATE boarding bouse, hai i HIGHHIGH GHM’Kr.Hfil'K auto u!f> and seat S-8-*t rnUhad; allall Improvements;iraprnvpuin exeeD .'JT•PhonPtl e 1814-J. t' 2-10-lm A PRIVATE boarding houar. bai ( j coverscovers ParkyI'lfkn rd! eo r Cadillac style,style, CUTTINGCUTTING tooltool grindgrinde orr (wawantedn #nt location□ :; gentlemengeoUeniea ionly. <02, ' Superioriperior aeeoir'oodaGonaaci-on-.modationp 'forfor roomiroomi |L . mad'madf toto orderorder byby NewNew TorkYork meme-- internationalInternational MotorMotor Co., Plalnfleld,Plalnfleld, POOLPOOL TABIJBTABLE forfor sal*,sale, cheapcheap foforr MadisonM»ae*k**plaK TOP I.KT Apply 124 Madlaon hone 712-M. 10 11-tf il11l eonventenoes.conveniences, withwith privateprivate Camfam-- >-8-3t p DESIRABLE BOARD. —."t.Msrt of Cat. KS-Flowers LZZJTZ.tresu ev«i lyy:; breakbreakfas fastt IfIf dashed,dM^ed, AddAddres s Fifth BtroeL Floral Work a I EGOSEGOS Whir*Whlre l^ghoras.T^eghorns. R.R. I.I. Reds.Reds, ”N— T..-T-," ear*(*re Oierier-NewaObvrlei^News . 2-7-tf3-7-tf CARPRNTBR-CARPKNTBR—A , Wll»n. 125 TWOWO commcommunicatin unseatingg rooma.rooms, sdad-- 8TRONO color— boy to m«>» him. Whit#Wnfte andand BarredBarred Rocks,Rocks, 75c75c set-set - ilmwood place. Jobbing. 'Pbone jolTie bath: Mlao other rooms. Mrs. —If K-ful Id fgutory BlMgmu. ting; f4 50 hundred,hundred, delivered.delivered. Llm wood place. joining bath; alao other rooms. Mra. Ill18 W—1Weft FrontFront «r—t.street, PlAInlleld.Pl&lnfleld, 1207-M.IB07-1I. !!-»-« A.A. L.L . Waldorf.Waldorf. 13413« CrescentCrescent avenue.arenue. ir. ! S-7-«t Stout Farm. Phoa# 1525 M. •. it On 2-19-1 m PUBH.LDrUKVFMD NURSERYNURSERmY i;.N top Boor. _|_*-T-*t MMj *^ J3S78. TJ. t': . ''"' TO LET—SilSCKLLANKOTJfl SCOTC•corcilH PI.APLAINS IKS., K.B, t.i WANTED—On plaice In country FOR SALE—Copying press, ».M>. 'ock j *"OR BALK OR RKNT—Attr. WANTED—On place la Ooaniry FOR BALE—Copying press. M.00. TWO furnished rootns tn private MOTORCYCLES AND BICTCLKS Cat Flowers aad Fkjmd W~. nearnear PlalnBeld.PlalnOeld aa singlesingle coloredcolored mamann . D.D . LolsesuxLolseanx LumberLumber Co.,Co. , 6*<2*0 family, ell iraprovemedts; board op- —Store. ^K>mers*t and . 'Mve modem dwelling near Ora 1 . LET-—Store, LaAcHr)i[tr1——pu> r«r«l.MContractor* tlv* modvm dwelling nsar Orant whwhoo understandsunderstands earncare ofof hprsea.horaw, eoff,cow, North aveaua. *-«-tf tional;Uonal; goodgood locaUou.locatloa. "N. W..'*W-," durecare >na« suitable (or drug-fe avanu* atatlopataUon, teca rooauroom*R; Ubrthrom* ttil: * att - a good place for a good mad. Summit arenue. sulUbld for drug etc.: a good place for a good mad. Courier~ >urler-News News . j - J-2-2t3-8-21 11-30-tfF >1N our «>ub plan and 'save II Mu.**s. 1411I4at nnd»»rt I2IB-WI2i«-W Fi—AdFanwoad t balhdbaltift,, sleeping perthporch, totmt wawatel r '1 X. L.," care Conrier-New^B. PERSIAN kitten 12-30-tl dvuY uur «>ub plan and save 19 heat, pa aad isleciriclty; lanre lo "I. X. L-." ear* Courier-News. cent. Exr.elsior anto«ycles and ,I heath— l. g—CM —da»4 oloetrtolty;ulecirlclty; limlarwe lolot:! 1 3-7-$t East Second street. LAROLARGEE frontfront roomroom .for,rentfor rent;; pripri-- per rent. Rxrelalov aatocyele# ynd —rymry -.1—o.bloreaaonable prl—prlea. fiarveyR.rr.r RR vatevate family;family; businessb'usln i manman preferred;p SmithSmith motormotor wtoeri.wheel. SecondSecond-han handd LlBbarger, 197 North av*ou« T*to- FOR SAliE — Vrry [ reaaonsbl*. reference requlr« 1' .machinemachine*s tromfrom 230J3Q up.fup. t AlaoAlso blgh-hlgh- Uoborgor. 1.7 North IMJM ToW- WANTED—StronWANTED—Btrongg boy*boys asaa help,help- FOR BARE —Very reference required. >22 Somerset «TBd« blcyclai, cash or lusta" ash or terms. One Hardman concert treet. grade bicycle*, cask or Installment. Mo.. .45. PloluKoM. K. J. ra; good wages. 18» North avenae. rash or term*, flne Nardn met. 2-fi-2t Haverford Cy-M« ~ " " 7-1-1-f-^-t re; good wages lit North area**. prleht piano. llk» new, s« uaed WliAMZti* >8M »!-*-* upright piano. Ilk* new. FORWENT—Handiflfnieiy' furnhh- FOR RENT OR I.KASB—Up-to- mostlyaostly forfor recitals.roclUM. CallCall 810 West FOr 'rENT HamlMaelr furnBh- ate Wftinfe room, steam heated;' TWEl.V*-ROOM*T>TW ELVE-HOOM ED HOUSEHOUSE foforr Sixth *(?eet. T l-«-4t ed1 roomroom Inir i privateprivate family.fairly. SR38 'Wanh- Waah- SLTUMUlUiA BWAUUAtA, WIG.KTU. _lao afflce. £04 West Front street. —I.*(.!- oror root.rest InIn b—tbest portpart ofof PI.U-Plaln- tngtonngton avenue.avenue. NorthNorth Ptalufield.Plalnflfld, opOP-- Inquire Bernstein Outfitting Co. TO I.RT—ROOMS ft*M:(i-1.1: everythingfvetytljlng modern^modernf twotwo bathbath TWO-OVEN gas range forfor aale.sale. poalteposite Homes'cad.Homestead. TeLTel . «>1-W.6J2-W. THTHEE rooms.roor.i*. uad«*rarouadnad'-rarouad • eNetrlcel^etrlc anandd ALTOSaOxULM pWailag amAud ulw-trim. tS.OO. E. Carpenter, 205805 EastKaat 2-20-tf2-20-tf tp)»pbocs* »IY1C«. buUer's paatry. •nsndr* ruU>nuit, topstoua atat price*tvlcaa ta«ttiajt wllwill| imh street. \ «-.-nS-9-1S telephonelaundry, garageaeivdee., butleVatwo 'atre pantry,a of it yon Automobile lettering A » U tna Froai riRSFIRSTT laundry, garage, two acre* of fluii you. Automobile Utisrlqg 4 MWinJAXM18* "Kl JiANBOU S KTOcndsgronada.. ete.;etc ; extwptlonallt«xc«pttonall)r lowtow rentrent specialty.specialty. EstimatesE»UnuU*» cheerfullycneerrully girgir.. FOFORR BALRAI.K—TolaI —Tale m.lorrycly,motorcycle.: imn Ualldlng. Uojalr* Courier-News ^ FORFOR RENT—ThreeRENT—Three room*,roome. ahadea.'shades.- (,• laketi at onee. Apply "Mntletnftn'a u A. A. King. tt-ll. Bourse* ._ order; also household I - • T-«-tf jtcreens, fruit, chickens garden, car- if taken at ooce Apply "Ghntlemaa a •a. A. A King. 2* 21 Somerseta fierceos. frail, chicken*, garden, gar- NATIONALNATIONAL K^id-nc*," t»re Courler-Kews. \ reet. Pnone 2686-M. «-«-ly- , must sell quickly, AMATEUAMATEURR PHOTOQRAPHERS—PHOTOGRAPHERS— «e Address "Rent," care Courter- Rcald-uce." ear* Courler-Bewa. •treat. Phone Sttd-M. 'ore. South ajvenui Fan- Developing, prtndns and eniarclni. 's r« Address "Resit." care Courier- |i 2-20-tf Developing. prlnUng ahd eelarglog. LOSLOSTT ANDAND FOUNDPOUND bankBANK 2-20--tf |TreFredd E.E . Behring,BenTlnc. atnt WUlahWilsh' *s Central-Central -WANTED—TO RENT , .LE OR RKfrT—Brick WANTED—TO RENT —-1. 1—I 1 'PharmacyPharmacy., NorthNorth andand Watehungflfatchiing aveave- LOST—White Prench poodle, Fri- FOR SALE ON FOR SALE—Rhode Island li.-ria . "particular Work for Partleu- TO LET—APARTMENTS OFOr FlAl*fI(l*PiAln" 1HU noufc. 13 rooms.•onu, *Z batbaths , s^eam hent. cnPlanas. “Particular Work for Part leu day. Liberal reward If returned to TO LET—APARTMENTS parquetM .floor*, flrat ~ 1|AVE~CLIENTSHlAVE CLIENTS forfnrh houawo in alj %a tot hatching, 11.0(1 a Betting., |,r People." S-lJ^tf A. C. Thompson 730 Sberro&n BTe- 7 partsparts ^off thethe city.city. WhatWhat ha>f you Ft tt 3Sl ' 'Phone E228-M. ' 3-3-tf '; TWOTWO completely"completely rvdac®ratedre-decorated sjiAlK-- A ComnurcialCommeraai BaftBan-' stori-i; I rat class eonr thatthat youy«*U waptwant rented? W. F. W!l- — ■; MI :-BRAY'IIRAY S EmKmployr O lagtalr room aniland bslbbath Absnmenu.apartments, teolrgllycentrally win BeaK Estate. 1225 Weal front FOR SALE—Ninary-bert Murray, general aukilonr^r. ritpCitp property. HHarrya iiijoi), nil Improvements.imbrovemenls. 313 0*On : ivligrivipf ? . tcoBiittccasnts yofcf h»naipna laylay now;ne she "Louis.” CArt CouH?r- rler-Newa. 3-7?3t | real estate «nd genffaapprnltvr.t a *Phon- Fir*ftrot Rational Bank vOhint. avenueavenne . 1 «or:h.real mrmey; It ton|a up the andd appraiser.appraiser, [, ’Phone | Flrat Rational Dank Daildin 12-7-tfW dormant .« orgoo.; It bifagg b.. WANTED TO RKNT-Pi WOUR UOOMB, city water, gas "'WANTED To"rKNV—For' ’|Apl-U rp^i t—. arid idiot near Saurer's: ton dollars. Ilho fcrnlcb And oo*»•». *. J iBirda. n.h gag.ggg, aa.a., ufiiy:urlty: greperty eealr.lly lo- LHirvey B IJubarger, 187 North BV«- •your B:t yourdc.I.r sow will rofnndof Or. roi7‘ -Sags Z-.4-lm .aim.lg heafla. robsa. rug*.i ,faW.lpllAml. uL. A clamaat altemay iiiae. . " 1-20-tf CEDARCROFTCEDARCROFT Poultry Culluro al ouco , Briioka. FoST BALE- -Barred ftock gold j ' - * Hsbeoek*1 bullgbullglbg.- I-Mf- Of Ibu foUo*.nt df ale— T4I I.ET— FI.-YTS ! Jrlxe wtpner -mu*,»«Ks. seltliaetlin g of 55 QEOKGK YORK. I'liello: ,5d0.00~OX! -first"mortgage, city I XL. D D A C QQC -sir ;o4 Watcbung av-noo: , Grain Union avenge. • 3-3-lm 11.8sio.no ? 10031003 ParkPark AveAve.. Ho 21C E—t Third air Joseph FOR RENT April lit. Asy fl.a- 1.00. 8*0 Clinton avenq „,:])-. 'Phone'fhone 2549-J. W. P. WilsonCr:. ^7\ B.P.O.E.D»r«U»L. 885*OOaV ^ u— olfarlos I,»r-!*ah. 40 Borne—cl el Nlaeh ..wa (lAl. all Improvammiu. In$nir» lOTt^ES for safc. Joseph liitt m !-«*» ‘wi't J& Bon;So 53 Race al H. W. \|urray's Auction Roouu. 32< West due. 2-26'tf A4ME.MME. bHbB CHESCEVZO.CR«3CESIZOJ= dreag.dr™8 DOST POIU5KT and tha ad- phlPhillips,„p. . KoolbSouth . PlPlalnOeld:« . Mar-. Kraut alroet. Phone $« 3 <-*f mtker andI flral^lagaflrst-daEs , ladg-lallny:lady-tailor; MONETMONEY TOTO LOANLOAN 0.on bondbond anandd V (In. Wgtebung1 w 4» - prim moderate. I >6 OrBT* meat. mortgage.e. AddrroaAddress ''Private,”"Prlva;te, -Tire J WtWAKflNEWARK niUtlNIGH TI MarVet, r W Kills BounEl; B III SINKHH MMMTKitli FRESH COWS sad ,ptlag«r» far Oouriar-Naw..News. ■• 1-14-uI .njESDAY. MARCH 20TH Meyer B: , Scotch'Plain * •Ale. M. VelloiKy. All VNI Third * ^TUESDAY, MARCH 20TH 4t reel- 1-77-tf JOBJOB FBIN7INGPRIN'TING ofof flijalltFqtiality IUs oar MONEYMONEY TOTO LOANLOAN ol Dior7*Aga. ,j WANTED— A‘ good laying bual-, Job too biz. HO too tieafsRl rortor "Land of* ~m~bw‘ nwTAjffJEoi-BE . pmpoalUon that can be beught. •paclaliy. No lob loo big. aoo. too HB.. R.R . LlBbargag.Llnbarger," 1>7197 NNortho — ent M'.ndny mgbanight. KILLER kills lire RKD EGGS p Telephone >BB, : KII.ITR kOli Urn on poullr, and broker*. "C,” 10 4 ■mall to raealra oor osrgrul. prompt Talar boos >88. lt-l-tf utoekstock . Congenlfnt.Consenif-nt. guleK. ajre. Any • 3 • Bt i * Sherman avenue. \ \l-9-Vm1“ altentlou.attention. QlraOi»e **u AAann >pporluBlt» tfopportuaopportunityl ^First rehearsal for children, Toe* of Ibe ubovi! Jeaiei r.g“«i '"** Sbermsa gyenoe. f Viral roboortol for eblldran. Toe* of Iba aborg d—le— CM anF.ly yon. flgnr*flgura «oun yoayourr prlnt|Dprln^gj.g r«qulr» - MONEY TO . LOAN OS FIRST *y March lS.'at 3 oclo€k In lodg. cksinitn shop. : HORSE FOR SALE—Very iaaa m ffiubti MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST 18. At 3 ■ FOFORR SAUC—BlackalollbSALE—BU shop. HORSE FOR SALE—Very’goad meal*" ThaThe Oourt^-NawgCourier-New* PublUblngPublishing ORTGAGE. UULFORD. OPPO- DOm Olrla betw»an 7 and 16 yaan li avenue, South for any purpose. KornAeld's Bak-^C, ., "Pnoi MORTGAGE. JtULFOHU. OPPO- OUP u»* Or. His Koi Peter L«ech, Lehlgb cans South lor any .purpoaa. KoroAald'aa Bak-.ComgABI,Sik-. Company. INKM ParkPark »*Adaa.avrtus, , 'PhoalPKoaas Kat* inviUd. ' Ob beingbriag iI FORFOR ROUPK u»« Ot. «»”» PlainDHd. 3-3-1 m :«ry. I-18-U SITE DEPOT. ItJUf of: Aga inrttad. P—ad»id Oat tt from mr| fleolors H- 111-; I- I coinuuuasws. rviDAT, KABOH •, IM

ARTHURARTHUR EMPEYEMPEY WILLWILL } SAYSSAYS GERMANYGERMANY DESCRIBEDESCRIBE TRENCHTRENCH FIGHTSFIGHTS NEUMANNEUMANNN BROS.BROS. ArthurArthur OurOuy EmptyEmpw willwill !lecture lectui* :at at IS PERFIDIOUS thathe ParkPark ClubClub TurodayTuesday avaolng.evening, Bfato givegive Ibetbe sourc* source ofo fthe tb euy of Vent .tier* man man obeli shell hithi ttha th ehoms-plale home-plate and and Mew blew combinationcombination toto restorerestore strength,strength, Vital-Vital- aa Ion tad wheat Thin moat healthful and dollcloua article or Information. There was a'conjec- a'pla Is food'can be easily cooked In many pleasing ways— turInformatione that th e Thereletter hawaad beea conjee-n found JJJJI •W* off a play er a arm It moat (rtDblt. itityy andand vigor.vigor. ItIt hashas given given ninety ninety ;per pe r rood cap bo rosily cooked la many ploaaln, waya— tare that the letter had been found «h.i m» hole-l The publicpublic lal a InrllcdInvited lo! taka* tak «dj In Hernatorff a mall, and there m gjftj '™» vantagnvantago ofof Mr.M r Kuipey'sF.mpey- s Bratflral rltlt visi tlo to centcent satisfactionsatisfaction forfor sixteensixteen years.years . :'SSS±Si 9C• ,,,kngepackage 98C .loaaai another- supposition.supposition, thatthat thetb e In-in -be< . gr.liiil le’ily yW ' Plainfipld and attend the lecture. \ ! small admission v.ill be charged to formatioformationn hadhad beenbeen en(runtedentrusted toto a s JSffJSSiU.I; .;,".;;. '.• .... '"'">' messenger who was taking It to Car- tb» rtxh alatabl* cover expenses. Tbe lecture v.lll )Ae- WhiteWhite IsabelIrfbei teviiic-4.-—Th offee—Thisi fa- Royal scarlet < Olives—CrispHires—Crlap, , meaeenger who waa taking It to Car- the rt«M1 ' gin at S:80 p. rantarania bntbat wuwa s apprehendedapprehended onon thet h f '' I, ,',,. "./ 1^1 wimdermdsrfult moumouss brand'brand ofof coffeecoffee hsshtu -jt- largelarge Queen*Queena oror stuffedstuffed wit*with erajwar andand thethe Utterletter takentaken fromfrom himhim .i**w r..-i ,imui ]•• ..> H Wn.[* by iA|ri« i. i • • talned great scics In this Pimentospimentos;; regularregular 25c25c bottle*, bottles , However, the truth was not known J}10,*"'1^, >f ililllii-fprrin (>rfur<> I simpllalnedy grealon tta agios merits In. \bl»The TO However, the truth wan not krowo il.i tu .Jj:-,#t|.m ., - simply on fta iperita. The fleti specialspecial SSa2S a toto thethe generalgeneral public.public . i . r>-I rieseirengi m ' PLANNINGPLANNING FOFORR arorfujiratfu andand dflHgbiful(JHighrful * ' flauprfiaw» r p p 111"' ii* rt'i* ' Bi'l ltojulItoyol SiSfarlc aridt TunaTuna Fish—4Fish—A MiasMiss RichardsRichards readread thethe not.*note andan djHfuUHiT J?f"£{ ~ ];l™; make ft _ fasfastt favoriteUvorite withwith Ullall showed•hawed InIn herher reading reading andand comment commen t Mnii.i-f COMPANYCOMPANY K REUNIONREUNidN who tfy Hi popularpopular delleaeydelicacy unequalladi onon Itit howhow dearlyclearly CarraaraCarrania waawa sto to Mqnnmouth mouth OiOrphans bans’' Courtourt numbern.omborss ofot th»Die company co m 111 all kv partpart ofof GermanyGermany therethere couldcould bobe no |„ question, for the note bore the dati waM rr in arc.-,.: 'iifg ththee Ifl*914 invitedinvited toto attend,attend , and prominent Fancy Onllfomim Rngllali Walnuta—Fine big question, for the note bore the date „j|| 0f |be Batsice primsprii « ana. Ulilan si>eakersspeakers willwill gracegrace fbe orcisloa. ■oft abell budded: a lb. of ofOf JanuaryJ'•""•nitl 1*.. and»nd Ihla thla aountrycountry hndh» dNordics Nordka V.Yoiin ng.g wltbovwlthou f proofproof thatthat sanitaryAo-60 nlie; carton*. eatra tbeoo are worth trying; »•% notnot waredierered diplomaticdiplomatic rclatlocarelation* withwith :,, [ ( WM, a , leiltimat[iiimatee do^ment«lc . Geo. | pkg , □armanym»"7 al« thatthat lime,tltdj. andan dnot no tnotll npU I »[w Voqtroyo^ , jihthee latlatee ppr|ai » donna-s; HOWE'HOWE’SS MOVINGMOVING PICTURESPICTURES HEREHERE THISTHIS EVENINGEVENING 60-60 *Ue. .pkg. . February 3, t».b.^\PHggpVHDeal, teal WhateverWhatever ml.himlgkt ha.aha»e browb**n lb.th nied an .iWl with lha£Ifarochllv. Prraldant’aPresident's rnaaonreason forfor aprln.lc,nprfnglr.i! Ih-th Co art to have lha aciiso a-t aald- I* A jutnp in F16or has riot made us take advantage. We qiiote affai*"*"r «"on *»'the CongressCongress ata t thattha t per-par 3>d oI ,9io. Inlwhicb h. n to on Gold Medal, one of the bast all-round family Flours, a UcnlnrUcular lima.time, Itit certainlycertalnlr broughtbrough 0,m,led d thbaoaBci.ry.e fc Admitted tc price that every housewife who does her own baking should Congress to rowhon, for> r thathe rota rote ofo fprobate. probate .The Th e|,ie pnpcf maaaa Ih. lake advantage Of no*'— 1h.nrn.ln,the arming ofof tb.th .hip.s wuwa s. a racoyd record dcccccddeceaseceased singerainsfr' .a staler*Bister* her!. her hen-' bene - *c#. Unfortun vt#. Unfortunately. tbw(He Bllbaator-filibuster- Brlarlronc. $1*35 ,H-ri!M'i-lb. aaeftgj $10*75 per bbl.. l«e lbs. Ing.lIwrJnn tb.tbe RenataSenat ...... en led ted |Uits proa pase - pf.dwmMiidan iNdrdlaa NdrdlM draw drewWe Mar rIrtll iil lIt in Iw,Ing thatthat body.body. Hera MlaaMis s Richard.Richard s ,1,0„„ ye a„r],„e. acrorefle, to Ih. an acaonwttat ofof thathe BHbnrt.rltf,BUbuaterlitg hn.haod,hli and h. 'charafr ih,| IU. fdgier'riff*— I-»r«« methodmethod,s andand denouncedUrmdenounceShd thetbe wctlonictin. i ,,,.,','14 j ! ... „„t proper,, choice Callforr-a I IQ no measured terms. She also ei- ,,j in POLAR WONDERS FROM THE Very tiny;, packed In th plained'lplaine d thathe lylUnsyste. m ‘nfo t ,clnwnra. closure* *'*° . **■ *dand; aniIn j [I'rorincen withof two Ihc wltnroro. .tntotet B lb*. finest Olive Oil. JoHlis —Hoyal Scarlet or Bar- Mnrasehfno tbmiA. Largs. Nellie. Royal Scarlet or Han- ANTARCTICC SHOWNSHOWN EgEg LYMAN LYMAK IH ing'sing'a;; truetrue frailfruit andand sugar sugar lbstb RECOVERS FROM II -I.M-'SS criep Cherriesi laiu hegvyheavy syrup;*s onl7only ,n|frringredientdlentss i used iuse dla i nthese thes e rekular'SSc bottles►ottlf*., 22 forin 4Be dellcloaadeliciou sJeJIles. jelliee . C-C- B.R . HofnsenSorensen Jr.,Jr. , ofo f I*utnamPutnam .Mr*, Voangjhad a sumtBcr h f HOWE in AMAZINGAMAZING FILMFILM RedRed Currant.Currant, Jar.Jar . 10cI Be: : avenue,...on.. who»bo haaI... beenbra . detainedd.,.incd at. t p,^,:'Port-au-peckJ? near' where rldas: fancy thin dozen home with aa affection of the hear- Plain fie Idem Ispend the an mi emit; 13 for *5c Cra*rabb Apple,Apple, Jar,Jar . IBr;ISc ; ing. Is able to be out again. He la . . .33c, 40c. 4Bc dozen 92.00 associated with Eva Tanguay In her LAIHFS A Ilf HKhll Vj ' Quince,Quince. JarJar lBc;ISc ;dos. dot. *4.00: 90.00 r,r,rvaudeville, aact. anffs becauses ofs hlix "»•*• •«•> «•=•(•> r l\wilrr Kslmon—Finest cuts Grape.Grape. JarJar . ... . IBc;. I*k- : do*.doz .B*-00 »JLOO Illness,Illness, MlaaMiss TangusyTanifuav waawa sobliged obliged j wkintri:MJSANrm ! * 4'olutobla Hirer; large can 20*' Assorted. toto gfv#gtve upup severalseveral engagements.engagements . RheSI TocTecoo 1‘anrakrpHnrnkr Flour—WheatFloor—Wheat oror wilwilll resumeresume herher workwork loIn Now Now York Yo i Tb# Ltd lea Aid’ Borlt Small tsu IBc lluckwbeatBuckwheat mlature;mixture; aa regu-regu - onon Monday.Monday. Nctbersood Reformed ch tiapie Syrup—Obr larlar lie12c packagepackage ofof goods,goods ; wewe SuccessfulKach meisurli It to he strictly hofferoffa'kg r forfor FridayFriday andand Saturday. Saturday»c . Cents per foot of their t ig pure Sat Syrup. PH-e*ti<'v C'ocoa—An absolutely FIRSTBROOK’SFIRSTBROOK'S one cent forWl| odd Inches jii.il Gallons BULLETINBULLETIN art'cles and nowcrs.werc Tke-AUROEA' ^Douglas Mawsoria ^-gallon- ... rtfreshm-nlsDorlug the Lereevening nerved M i. William VerVeryy Bert Creamery M IL Morris recftcl. Miss M Ifirtle Town- Batter,Batter, peperr lk “ill. ley. Miss Iteidjand MU- L*. suU B«tK- Pineat Table Bntterine, man played |IUno »ulo«. Finest Table Bottsrlne, UA„ Mossla sang a solo and .t i >k4Isa part Belle In per lb. ... * voeal duct With Mrs. i. >leClell«n Graunlated ' 24-Hour Eg 8UaU. tlm Ctffnrailea' Clu Grautdated SUGAR, 8c IB per dozes erai amusing fonga ao4 Pea Beans, Adam gafe a; monologue, per lb tor, the Rev, tMa ard f Fratta MM.I Vegetables of .(In—flm-st—soln-li.ms beintt ntado spoke briefly. with the nlmost core—VarlWjr «iio be tliey will 2 Iba jiST* fully came np to }«ur evpertatlomj. Yellow Split Peas, 2 lbs. At Ilia Oilnmhl CUUChili BeauBeam (Uarrowfat)(Marrow-fat) AU Heeeropa rolilWill hrln,brln hlajh perper lblb.. ■shohonw toto thathe I’oJunihUil'ojumti 1)i SYDELL'SSYDELL'S LONDONLONDON BELLES HERHEREE MONDAYMONDAY NEXTNEXT Cal.Cal. LimaLima Beau.Beast, weakweek commentingcommenqing Mond.fC.Monday MarchMarch 12.IE .and and JT.-.n! present theihe n ft|»jin- -A bu. perper Tblb.. A Mushroom Lee 1: lesque [pfTfornijimi wlinlthb (Wliicb LK The Hone b*yd#llSydell PamouaFamous IaondonI^ondo Buckwheat Flour, Buckwheatr lb Flour. name has fur M> ntany yeacffbi'cn.i •-,, td*n- 1 Uell?s prosentlngprceeatlng htgh-claaaMgh-cUsa bur-bu per lb tlfle*. Tl P* Icaquo. andand apecialtleaspecialties wilfwllf bebe the the at- a [ YellowYellow andand WhiteWhite TableTable ! traction atat tlratbe ’lainfield.^latafield TheatreTheat HealMm),, perper lblb . Monday, matinee *nd night, Xlarch BasSeatt BoiledRolled Oats.Oats, II. TheThe companycompany thisthis seasonseaao car- 61b*.6 lbs jI rleeriea flftyfifty peoplepeople togethertogether w^thwjih a com- BntBest WhiteWhite Potatoes,Potatoes, C [" plc a aconstant consLan tdas- daz - Becker'sHecker'i Flour,Floor, babagg 4 r- ,-U) and TonwrclJ. Matrh V and lo. Matinee I tally _ f •lln, effect. The glrieBlrJs arear epicket! nicked "R*mpmtM?r ¥*ur Old 1 !rom the awaeger otf Broadway,Broadway , aniland PridePride olof FlemingtonFlemington C(g- | OA (imdlpal supi)l| o( originafiy design- Flour, per bag- «^ntVd at ta* Straml LOUISE HUFF AT PROCTOR'S Olga Petrova, erstwhile *> stage atar -Ward Chnlfleld. Arthur Delmore,Delmore , Mr.Mi Extra Fancy Cape Theatre where the ' i rio-ljil photo- Brall.b. Kd Wright.isht. IlgrryHrfrry Waltjen.Waltjer Trepionl. Miss Pullman and Kota Sy-' Extra Fancy Caps and now one of . tho mqat beautiful Krancea Cornel).I), Lww.L*w . Thall.Thail , (ieareOrac BrntonBreton Maekartl.Mackerel, Ib . \ dramatic feature•in- will"-il lbe b ef *"Saplifi. •.‘laplio.’ ' and talented screen a#tr«-sura. ap del).)herself. aa adaptation ofof th®tin -farnoi# ramoiLf FrenchFrench pe*ra in hur latest Metro sue Durysg'iDuryea'i CornCorn Starch,Starch, , author, Alphon#.'l»e Ihaudet'aTlmmortalniaude!'s.f5mmorta! lltled "Brldgea Burned'''in i SPk**3 pkffs » tlory. In whli-H PaulinePaulin e FrederickKsderld i emotional role. Also today, iron, o»~re~s sa'sssmn Amerkan-Vmprira stage.n stage For. almost sa rotltv MidlanMidlandd CornCorn Starch,Starch, played th- IHM rolertole b.befor for.- e Iketb e Oral- ' - ' - year ityear-It'attract attracted aadleocroe Blllng tha ' camera.camera. IfI t IsI stuid tald thattha t ’Sapho""Sapho "la l i run Paramount ofTerlnn, *" r Ky- AtAt theth ellroad lir.vn. 1Strro, HiriH tTlirnlro Theatr e ■'•torAato andr an llarn.d Harri Theatress Th lo their e» Miss Fredericks •greatest screen ward of Patience. ' In which popular tlr«ieaUng capacity. Mlaa rredcrlrlj a greatest acreen Theerhere ...ore IndeeI d . fe w. .produrfntirog ssaUng^ capacllr. which most servs arhjevementi add she Tiaa bee* aur Igouise Huff is -featured, f * lh There,r are Indeed few prodncBtg „ |(i ,tron, „ pUy- Extra Fancy Jersey Tomatoes •rblevcment, a re I alie baa »ur- neat per can, loo; d dSC roundedrounded byby anan *xc#llentexfllen cg> l manager*manager s l«in* ibethe L'nli^dUnftvd goertjlngoeriA i otherothe parts of the country- ^ per dozen inglog FrankFrank 'Loneeleoa«w , JohnJoh BhlnpoliR. Charliei Chaplin.Chaplin. MarieMarie ADregala renterr andan dStates States Who wh oat a toinrt eoW tfme tfm e or otherolher ha\qhave. Mr.Mr .Sflblo Nlblo Jb i known to be an Pedro de CoiUoba and I Mabel NornandNormand willwill bebe Been wei |in In "Tl|-"Til - rothot metmet:thei ihelrr Waterloo.Waterloo .There There" arc arc *v e» P**P'ileh*■*»•*> **ctor acto rof high attainments Standard Com and PedroMelghan do. ThC'ortJobar Hiir J andediil(| 7 >Thoroaa bU Melghan The third cdl:l.*i of the |lle* PuncturedPunctured Roma*ce.RopUn/ ' EdnaEdn a ^epHonbuls bu lht ._th Pv . has been prominent In hla profession. Peas: can, 10c; doz. , Goodrich,Goodrich, thethe l.l.nteJtalent«d hc.tl.y.beapjy , wt|Iwil l ^' ...." ,d' ,h. " rr d, of i " (As a •wmedlan NiM Extra Choice Peas ; wonderfnl •*Pr^mla•• .pfep-- c&1> Km mu t. o (h,h. e “ As a comedian Niblo Ib unique. He U 1 colors iwiil appearappear inin aa powerfulPowerfut ParamountParamouna.-... t ^ ** ^ •* "*° " e"^lt-o" « f Ocw^e-.M* conaujered. consfaere dby bthoa#y thos whoe wh areo arcompetente competen t natural colpra will ronta ohfln h 2 cans, 25c; doz... 9 rul pjct«re>qn * resting dramatic1c productionproduction entitledenlltled "Thi'Tliipe :fFOhan,. Who* 0 sUndastands todaytoday aaa s.one .on eof o f«o * oJudge ludfl ea* anone on ofe oibef ih clever**e cleveres “**t *n * beautiful plcrurqaqoe and lo House of I Jen.'* wlt Fancy Peas; small and sw view* ofof thethe Grand(.;r.i:.»tRiost versatile:versatlle players player saMocbited associate d * | The program for lias coming week fci the B can, 16c; per A ly arrivedived lotioi ojo l Frenehtt - will he:progra Montim sy. for Alton tbe Brsdycomin gIn wee "Ak , has never writtewrmenn a playplay thatthat iraiwa^ nol no t tage, do«en ... [ lures taken on the West. Hungry Itnsrt": Mrs. V<*n.tn Csstls a aucceegful one. | willwill alioalso bebe ahpwnshbwn . RaviRayifto'nc J L. ll "Purls.- , ,hr Brsj of th» Messru. Cohan and Harris, who hav# 1 IHtmara.UUmare, cilrato*tUratol of*f Ihethe N. N.lV . Zoo- I worltl-fumose Fovnd comstHeel entitled hero equally soerrosfnl as producers VEkS(ji\Al- WE OIVB 8. A U STAMPS J logicallogk'al Society.Society, ' *rtr.»r*Bcnt utas aa » rfcal mon- i keykey comedycomedy whjeb^ he haa | "The Social PI retro.— this season, will present Fred Niblo in •QrauKon as Pit^nber.- . Tttesdsy.. Wednesday and Thurt, Ihe sensations] fares "Hll-The-Tmtl- MlrfMlsaV DorothyDorothy Butler.Butl Topical Review Smfln day Herbert I! ran on Will Iprenefnt hi, Ninthntfl rffreet.Street, I*is 11111 1ai nb#rt FreFredd ft.H. FirstbrooKFirstbrooK r*|)tlonally InterealtinK -lAaAMQGHT .| eight-partBrides." with plcturlistlon' Mme. Nasligosi, qf In-w, ther ■cadottfever. 11«116 WESTWEST FRONTPE0NT ST8T.. J leading role, s part made, famous by Mr. god Mr*. Gilbert J« Ptaona 1754 : her pn tha sneaking stags through- .One of] Ihelr children gi lout tha country. Clio•carlet ton' .fi bveauu. ver «l their /li PMDrmajjD ujiuuuinti,U)liUKM,»«, viuuav,MUMf, mahohMIRCH e,», mir.1MI . '‘ - fJ* ■ raoa suS

^ ANDERSOANDERSONN TALKTALKSS , LetLet RetinolRebel MakMakee TowYourSickSltinW.i Sick Sldn Welll ABOUABOUTT CIVICSCIVICS Fancy.nth BUS wm n«That Mekiac,itching, burninterm g akin eM al- mosnclt KUU)certainty bebe bahhealed ! The firit.>. « : DeliversDeliver, AddresAddresss BeforBeforee ai o!olaataatf naiaolretino l oinlaiaatointmentW.th rfWDmd* fail! AgainAgaia SATURDAYAY witwithh ItItss SPECIALSPECIALSS I The Legislature LargLargee AudienceAudience inin WhittierWhittier Ik.the brtphtlp ofol ' re-JiUnMi The Legislature tliip soothinf, 1 ointment u*u- TheThe Special ConsideratioConsiderationn IIss GiveGivenn ttoo thfcth School,School, DwsellenDueDen _ lorrrerribeda rr rralopl ointment rtgu- 1 1 larcalarge nnumbe amberr ofof papupil* pile., teachtrUvu-hfr*a andand'* ™;- f. ' t f*** NEW SPRING SUITS and COATS 3 parentpar.aus laIn tbth.# WhittleWklul.rr schoolSchool.. DunDun-- iSOS!. *** ** 9 ** bill into law! ellea,el len, yvgtordayyesterday afternoon.afternoon. ; ! . " ' FORFOR THETHE BOYBOY bill into law'p M*. Anderson Mid.>pj part:' i' J _J . I Mr. Aadereon aald.'j part: tv —. ,, rf - "Our"Our formTorm ofOf cavernmengovernmentt Ilas thathatt *»• TOUIOWT lotleToilett SoaSoapp epresenUtlT* dtmiucrMr, It Injuring YoUl* Skill ? OnOn Monday,Monday, Mirj:Marrhh 1212,, a vitallvitallyy importanimportantt bilbilll iiis ex-ex- Of a raprnaauur* a.n,ocrac». ii Injuring Your Skin ? POVK’BOYS' NPlUNti or |tasted In. or rather out, of the Many toilet aoateia bar*, ia- ,- also vartou. novelty i-hrrk* and .plajd tidea (blac(blackk anandd whitewhlta,. Untanaa an. pectedpect«l toto come up^ foforr volvotpt beforbeforee ththee NeNeww JerseJerseyy As As-- old-timetd-tlme tow whlo jnrknu alkali. r tiwbrown*), wo rated*. fujImWnor«M andand ljichtweijlight weightM ehevioto—excellachevtof excetlei semblysembly.. j [ } I h.Uheld 1la: thth.e ™rlrarlyj da,Sark, ooft .1all1 Am.rlAwerl- ihrt«&I.W.j „a. ,,hi„ .itanTH nlkaB.'Sl ™ uT“'“« 5 // i linlfiKi-S. to l'a yra,-*manb. -manyy havehav« exlrextraa trouaeratroueere—— ~g ( can rumaniaUM.lUDltll Wb.dWhoii .traiagainn lieIh~- ,aiMadd»d thIi.e nainomiaoll nni.cationwdk •• . Thi.. Our .reg. 17 ffb.. **nKan toto taktakae a fcroadarbroader scopeierop*.. thesthen*-e .fta. it aoothiq,, hrall«f prep«tiW? •%TtlH OMt»—n.vy urni, •ays' Hr*. •HIM—pur- fp This bill affects DIRECTLY every business and business town meetlnga wer» not sufllrlently which cl*-ar the eonlpl^tnin, comfort •psx•rornted*I ad a. . cheviotctievlrites and tw *No.Norfal r foTkh ~*tyT«•!)-!*—n». y blue This bill afiects; DIREGTLT every business and business towa meeting* ware not ■ufflrlently t«id*f akiai and keep the haU hmlvnj. '. In nsiiT color*—Nor talk uid p man v expraaat*aexpressive ofof thatb* willwill ofof tbthae majoritymajority Ala. —d kwyth. hair keal£. . . . . oelrire—Norfolk «nd plain. i var.ouevkrlnutt pleetedpleated moiltla — man—every—« <^y ,» farther—every farther—evtry manufacturer—EVERYmanufacturer—EVERY .because busy man .failed to attend *elv.t oollar—fuR or half belt flos And medlam wile— •because boar man failed to attend f—•er« aarge« aror alpaualpacaa I1nln«»lining*—— >«McHbSvl.—KI-. lininglinlnr— CITIZENCITIZEN inin thethe entireentire Stati}Statq.. tnttka» meetingsmeeting* andsad participatparticipatee ilan titbfe ill tato I1 yra.jjrs.—Ou Ourr MSreg.. - tl.It M« . .4 99 tn>u»«rin i lin#d throuihou. conductConduct ofot theirtheir government,governuiPni, a• o as- HONORHONOR ROLLSROLLS OOFF 7/ T “.TT,to II jTn.—unuaus i val IItt isis aa.sound,. sound, sensiblesensible,, workablworkablee measurmeasuree ttoo givgivee th thee aamMlaasemblies ofot groatargreater proportionpraportlonas were PUBLIC SCHOOLS Maya'•H»'- Wrebeege -chevsete, aomeSa Wke. mixteredj thanthen organlaad,organised, andand ttoeaethese IInn timtimee esaa-- PUBLIC SPOOLS andand cacoeearcree,a ta verlety of novelty 'etterne, eergeaP BoarBoardd ofof PublicPublic UtilityUtility CommissionerCommissionerss authoritauthorityy ttoo deterdeter-- tabltahadtablished thatbe , neenaadd 'i. oofr co-oco-oparntloqi •trail-fit an rietjr - -etde or bee pleeteg among the nrloas ronamunitles. w lM—7-t minemine hohoww trainstrains shoulshouldd betmannedbetmanned.. IItt empowerempowerss thithiss among tha rarioaa com muni tloa. The following are; ebeett teiiorleglaiioH > SpeciaSpeciall 1.3J 377 ptgu« «-oilers— to I yra 1 wnawas Iinn thlatills wawary ithat oar politicapoliticall of the public or bools tb« honor roll*! BoardBoard toto COMPELCOMPEL railroadrailroadss ttoo crecreww evereveryy traitrainn aass thethe •Bb-dlrtalona werawere araatad.wealed, anandd *04 Of the public schools for.lant muni YOUTHS' .KUrrs—flong troueers)—33trousers)—33 ttoo 3II8 ehnt—sicheet—elngle-broaetedn (I e-breasted sacl Grammar SchoolJtQr —worrtedM, chfcvlota, ftomMpum «n• tk. siu. hr i. c Hits Holmes, Te- A SATURDAYSATURDAY S-A-T-U-R-D-A-YS-A-T.U-R-D-A-Y O-H-I^O-II-L-YY /; hell*.halls, *ndand.th thee StatStatee Iinn ththae nation, f"** Kr***y-^ CIara“«*.| Moorbnoon.. RutKBthh very things for which the “full crew*'law 1 : GLOVE SPECIAL very things 'for which the "full crew*" law "‘RoproeentotWe* Representatlrm are electeeUctedd tt<>o j Bchwartaflchwarta.ta.^01, A -■ ance VoqrheesVoorhoea., BenBen-- GLOVE SPECIAL SILK HOSIERY tbeae various brjih-^es of govern- jsmln Hftdle; SILK HOSIERY ? Wlli. llrln. Hn«- ' OuOurr ragres . ,Tlr ,50 was enacted—and inin whichwhjch it hashas failed:—failed:— ment and they art suappoae. d to pre- «rd JOK •ent tb* wishes PPW- ard Job**. Russell•ell Ilynn,Isynn.. borcbeateI*orohogtsrr V-wo-Cfeap Clm __,_ Glovta. 79«u jmbreldei ed backi.,. - , MakeMake suresure anan adecfiate,adequate, butbut nonott excessivexcessivee crecreww foforr evereveryy ~r.:r.zz?r..Tr^"In oar polltlas.1 derelopment wi "Ualih■•**; Fischer Howard,«oi»*r*.! Olg«i«*a Phir&l :ractiv« values: They ara'meondae'aeconda otof ll.B|l.b»t quality—^quality—. ! freightfreight andand passengerpassenger traintrains; \ - k»».hare: lost a> valuablT.lnakl.e assetuw., anas*d thaih»tt llpgrfn"nW«., ("harlp<*■>*i ■ PMaPe<| KlmKUka AnrlprAp*»r-- •econd* bwauMbecause theythey didn'tdldn" paaa thaf lk «*• rwUutlM ot rwouikimr •ori•<*“•, Sarah JohnsonJoho.ok.. ' . JohJok»n DanielDnliL, p*rfv< tlon toot of »h* factory. Hof InM by an cl Use ns. Ppople are eatltlody Harold McCuakar. Harold Bcrlbaer. r--.y R- a* daranu a* p«rf*c«| Completely protect both trainmen and public. by aU ciUsens. People an entitled Harold MeCnaker. Harold Elcrlbner, Completely protect both trainmen and public. toto aaas goodrood a goTernmengovernmentt aass thetheyy getget/cMftcm, Siagglla. Robert Bplcer In black and colors—Hale aole. haalj but when the affair* o*'» small r.ota'- and toa with IUe garter tops GradD e1 S-H —LoU 8-*-.B^knu, frothy wnleft «iironly tu>o tbolb«Bw wh»(kio Ilkltk.. to ^r- **‘ *- Rolmnd Bplia. Blal*“'•e Clark Ctart. j Railroads exist to provideprovide adequateadequate andand MNHtidp»u IiIn thtk.e conducnUMt oorf theitlwtr'iwT-r (TOT- Gradl Pearl Tllle>, Rlaa W ingingss ofof ththee "ful'‘fulll crtewcrew”" lawlaw;i ThThee proposeproposedd bilbilll carriecarriess this old-liroe Interest )• chor. Pearl Tilley. BJea Wlchatmtn Ula old*tiro* interest I. now man! .4* 7-1—Albert Alien. Marth SPRING CLOTHES FOR GIRLS j outout thethe recommendationrecommendationss of; theitheirr reportreport.. footed only ■ poem .Mil rally Orada 7-1 -Albert Allen, Martha AN cltiaea eOoald ho latareeted 1b the ’ Orke Chamberlain. Lorn kOrilea NEW—PRETTY—PRACTICAL FROCK5r-NEW MIDDIES! ItIt isis aann adequateadequate,, effectiveffectivee anandd workablworkablee measuremeasure.. coat of • old pal govern n is. Grade 7JI ' (Eleanor r. NEW—PRETTY—PRACTICAL FROCKS-NEW MIDDIES .Manufacturers, business organizations, the Grange, the ould . I ThiThia. SpringSpring. CoaCoalt . . . . . 3.9. 3.988 and s Manufacturers, business organizations, the Grange, the , . (Ire Not t. DTMT (or School—Yet Smart E.ou«fc for AH press and the State Chamberfof Commerce ALL OPPOSE cost in otht-r =! Rat as Ors~T •-> »rtiaat—Va» Soar, E..s(k I.r AM . tk ■‘ST Grade*e 7-1I 7-|III <* W.\ W W.. R.«u^ 1U|.«. te.rheri Uarhtr),, I press and the State Cham hereof Commerce ALL OPPOSE ■^ .—1^.-'.an “.d *..^^!then by Dorothy Moor., Alma. Black andind vhlfvhllse cBiRkacnVcHs. mrdhim^iniam six»lirf—snm. with ml* .omblfialloa*— 'I DorothT Moore. Alleyne | Macna-b. fil with icolrt'ot foppahagen h THE EXISTING LAW AND EAVOR THIS NEW BILL! prowss of aritbrnetlFal dlvtslon IHiam.fl with rold'-f Gawcahaien Mu. >Uk Po.lt. 1.IM1 .nd THE EXISTING LAW AND F&VOR THIS NEW BILL! Florence .MfHardy, iJli d bark erTecls—lined—good 1 hP will be able to determine the ex- gathered bark effect*—lined'—good button* kahg ■ to 11 yra. 'he will he able to determln Readlt% Vajn actict gmonataniimat thathatt fallfallss upouponn evereet y ah PrwM nm Srirln« belle O. Ross, fa.hen. Job •ZZ.XT, ragjffi.. YEJtsIn- larSfkv;,;l variety In Olnsnaifl man.nan. wcaaanwoman sadand chilchildd ilan ththee comea - belle G. Rosa, teaefeogy, Jdhn Mar-( pretty »lyle«-hl«h. notroaf-or lonr amhray«ilkd colors or In • nunltf. When eltlsena do thai aer, Paul, Vail, Morris-Pftritk, RHod — latlln* modfllti—rulTlpa. avlhered sitgr»gr%rtrif a . Every legislator mlm thisthis state willwill feelfeel the the mualt/. When rltfiena do th Willis. Miry Pattonr , Kthfl Wfnn. B- plain sk^rtn-^wlth B-tid without tkwbey -111will bb.e takintaktaag aa prope,™p.rr Imerlam-- '^:. j?J.“ rlbhaog—sarBctlvely irbrrel mih flnlshnl with contrasting- ••it la' tUe public affairs. Tn«.f*cta vs Wlgstnuu. Dorpthy Mannon. ^i-monlilttK ••' wh-lte o.illa responsibility that is placedpldced squarelysquarely onon m ta th. pa kite a If air. Th. f..t. '*Ev e rft r ee a—^ G rad ..T* A f»ll* and pallet.—Empire W tonf theybry willwill dtacoverdiscover. wilwilll btbeo saflkleatlyaatncteatly f.. A-l—(M. c. •"u^'yS1 *»»• ll.oo his shoulders when thethe titnecomestime comes toto vote!vote! / Iiitereatiog to Btlmnlat* a desire for Anna Cooney. Fraa- am*whit* WlOdymtdiv lUMIBI#w-af-t. hiit-d Ha tote*. rose Vllhor ««*etbe more suoaieggeknoa ledge orof aaairs.affaire, innand oeen0.n 1Cuttrldge, Rererdy; Johooon.. .. NA-]vg.i blue nrrtped nklrt collara to mat.-e 7 t in Ru , aklrta in froat—meua HHee shoulshouldd bebe givegivenn ththee expresseexpressedd wish—direct—owish—direct—off hishis o Ariaiivon* la .h*who hare...» a emomuotty v-w.of , o?' ” n. Marion Rolfe.S^fe laabella.-h^li :- .'4ii.; constituentsconstituents,, eacheach oone. ie . f UmTs^HUUlan ... (tom. *ill '°al-ar. .“* .lx * *>* Wary VaVsn„ Cteec,f f Vara.imkth, A.lph Wood.., Vail. ha., lhl.es (o rt*ht.” Emma Ro.th.Ir,Rwthply. MORNINGMORNING SPECIALS—Tomorrow,SPECIALS—Tomorrow, Saturday,Snturd-y, UntiUntill 1I r.P. MM.. ! Whlttl.rWblttler School—Grid.School _ J-lfl, TV. prevent d.B’.m buying, qiwntltlcd re^rWtM. No Moil ur Telephona Order*Orders. hemUert rolllna;rollins; Russellfiuasetl Conaaj4'onwa/.. WiWil-t Write or telephonetelephone or or otherwise otherwise communi- communi- PUPILSPUPILS ESCAPEESCAPE SCHOOLSCHOOL liamUam Cartwright.Cartwriiclit. HatxeHa*e|l \Vlnan«Wluant,, UN»•* TeragTMI , •••'I...• S«ltfah.,.. 7.8S7«* . $17JI7 M Mim.'Hiw. ' 4& J..ior.Ja»ar»'' MilSuit... . Bdilh Brodhead. Kllra D.-]i f ra> nor. Navy, black, gold, graen—novelty BOILER EXPLOSION Edith BrOdhead. Rllrabcfh traynor. Clujiikti. —' i-«ssliji«r.*-)J-Blv.1'.> , pockrlaN.vy. hlachbait*. Koid and. «re*n—noveltlop collars—y cate with your representativerepresentative inin thethe State BOILER EXPLOSION Josephinejiosephine Traynor.Traynor. MildreMildredd flJeckfe*Docker., madi'Jm «nrt ilnrk niii'urfH—r»iiey I poi-Tt.Ms. IHIU Und top collars— MildredMildred1 Dunn.Dunn. GradGradee i-Vl4-^14^1 (i((Agne*(A?n.> Agneas •at-lf- nittef-SltaM. llnii-.(r-Tw»ll j rawsw^ss^DUiaai-J- u%rT—sei-OKD rumFLOon. Jersey City, March fl.-i-Under ihi A- CJhCAeever tnr., teacher).teacher). OemimfOpnilmf Harri-Barrft cianiiou-rTltnw rtuoa. *roo$2 03 Oct.q^Ht . 1.31J44 Legislature and 6ell\tell him him that that you you feel feel that that 1 son. Myrtle Harretl, Es»Ue llomann. White bat l*t*-~-ti>*y. teacher)tmrher).. JohJob}n \irhum-kNirbunrh,, "SSTT*arnmire m»*> ruioa. incrolorad tailored or ■ ion bf(if a hollerJwller Inin thethe bueiucatbaaement. ThThee MprriMprrlgs TraWlskyTraDHaby.. Alj>nonAlphtmae» Wondk*Wondlf,. Ir- g th- w*—Btted band*—all ThThee timetine iiss shortshort;; gegett iinn communicatiocommunicationn witwithh hihimm TO-TO- schoorhooll hadhad JusJoelt Ineebeenn a*sen>bleoaoemMedd i,DLoclllei 111" N-»l«.hl>orNeighbor.. KIIIPEthelI OlscnOtaen.. MaheMabell Wmciurv-Bin*in nnot . DAY.DAY, T • t1// when tne concussion came, rockinrookingg Rhode*.RbodFi. ViolViola* ParsoiPawaob.. ' Oertru^Gertrudei M ft Grb* Gtahaa Diwm .74 I:h bee structurestrnctnre andand startinatartlngg a panicpanic.. SteerSteer: , • :, haav y nap Banr.eiell*—niJi froga ouffaTrtrr.mad -E to with i« nrra whlta collar* and The bill has the hearty endorsement of Boards-of Trade TheThe BraBra drill,drill, vhlrhwhich liaa practicebraetlcedd iInn JfffprsoJefferson—Graden —Grn.i1* VNVO., Clarpr.a*ClarwDC** uotr rruriikHiNna—rmw n^oa. ami.*- rraaiafftwca-uuivti nxynu The bill has the hearty endorsement of Boards-of Trade the .schoolschool,, waswas immediatelylmmes>atfiy orderedordered UowenMowen.. JsmfJamesi BroxaBrown.. JohJohnn Elliott.EilioU ' ■ andand ChambersChambers ofof CorjimercCommercee hiiii ththee leadinleadingg citiecitiess throughthrough-- n everyevery room,room, anandd InIn a fef(ww minutemmatess Flor-ncFtorencep ChathamChatham.. fillialnMHKltxalwuh CrulcliCrulrl- 3SN «*-H. OiUraa'BCtWr.. • CeHmmtc«B. "k.,ill) nanortaMBt of molt**. l>re*- lie children were marched to safely.. shBiilt. Ethel Miller. LnciUc Vryrr. Kihha#tistiJ UuJwwow....Uxtennar. . .. J3JJ I baw"•« aad^gatmp—foror mdllnsrr v aaah. hair* outout thethe StateState;; iitt hahass ththee stronstrongg supporsupportt ooff intelligentintelligent,, the children were marched to safety. Marlo»bnnk.n Q'llppEthel. Miller.Grade Lacille*I—Plorenw Pryce.? There was a alightslight fire,fire, bubutt thithiss »•»»a** Mhrlnn Qulnp- Grade Yl—Florene* Madiumll*dlBR> wat|htw«iihi—hlje highh nKlcnec*.. iihoabortn ' *irn.jVsttiRiu>V5 *- MAILi N ruoi. OoodPrnttrh. Httdrea Haffmann. Ar- ■Imvm ar medium roi *IM> 1 public-spiritedpublic-spirited citizens.dtizeiis. . { [ out quickly. Qoodcrourh, Miidreo Hoffmann. Ar- 11 -lUMrkutw... noldnold WoodWood., BprcsfordBereeford; MatMatthew*.t ho wi, St!m~-dM4liw™-".*"r to i 0^''* yra ''^ irt^t'h ;\ nVarloun a. (Mi colarUM rag IMUT airmen-. . i M ItIt shouldshould bebe enacted.enacted. f NormanNorman Carter.Carver. Chariot*Chsrlotw WenselWeaiel.. ' i» BWTc IAI| f NT)£ST H— WEr A R _-'-to i AIM * r ux >uSO l *~SL$KJgSSlSit^jrer'B t-yrr gumrmnt**. I TOTO ooxrviCONCUR IINN CAIili(t.11,1, Irvine—GradIrving-Gradee VII.VII . EarleEarl« Adam*Adam#.. msar CNn«awB*R"M*irf rwoii ' miTioNKkT—THISD Ftooa. IItt shouldshould paspasss ththee AssemblAssemblyy withouwithoutt delaydelay.. ErnesErnestt JeffreyJeffrey.. KenncittRenuglhi OsliornOahora., Newton.Newton, MarchMarc* I.—The».—The icslcalll ooff tnthee Rfni«miRon lamian SpmerRenter.. O«o(fGeorge» Stevensfltrvens., WeWe urgeurge YOYOUU ttoo let!youlet yourr RepresentativRepresentativee knoknoww thatthat,, iinn . ffrvlev . J.J. WW.. BlshofBfabofff ttoo ththeq pastoral-Doatoraf*-* Le«ltI*aallae AndersonAndaraon.. StP^tegteghenn HaffHaT,, If th« Hamburg Preebytertan cburohl Gladys Adleruan. Resiaa .'Bills. Grac* supporting this bill, lie is voting as you would have him pf the Hamburg Presbyterian ebumh Ooldaack,Gladya Adleman.' Jomslf RegLoaGre-fti. Rills.Sant Gracea U supporting this bill he is votirtg as you would have him WillH1I bebe concurrecoaciifTOdd IInn MohdaMnhdayy atat Ua Gohlaoch, Jeaate Own. Seals U peclaJ meeting of the Newton Prt«- >kf. HKttle Wusaer, Edlul Pound. . j I vote.vole. I | ipi'dal meatiug of tha .Newton Pren-.Vokl.Irving—Grad Hattie Wuaaer.e VI. GertrudEd pa Pound,e Ayer , ' >ry In Washington. ^tery In Washington. Doroin] Irrlng-y Bird Grade, . Corlnnp VI. Gertrude, HelUtr .Ayer. ha He*. Ward C. PeaDody of tHs 1 The Rev. Ward C. Peabody of the BlsiDorothyp Hunter Bird,; JIas« Corlnn*;l McVoy HellMrom,, Klea ItIt TakeTakess a TailoTailorr TToo MakMakee Murconotoong Valley cbnreh win Jtuni'diuElsie Hunter;. RHth .Ma**l lVawk McVoy., WlnKlesaori resent a petition to be dismissed of Commerce rarrsent n petition to be dlamlasetl NewcombManning.. KensetHath b Pearock.Houseman Winona. NeNeww JerseJerseys y StatStatee Chamber of- Commerce froma thetk« PresbyteryPreebytery.. HHee wilwilll ggoo ttoo Newcomb. Kenneth Ho igman. . Newark, New Jersey he PreabyteryPresbytery ofof Utaego.Otsego. -VS.. TY.. ThThee -- —-j. '. Thomas Houston, the blind. Men’sMen's GooGoodd ClothinClothingg L '*! 4 ' f . ieSrs.i'srxrvjhaaaswltat. will ask to be dlsmli senateSENATE EMPLOYEemployesS NONOTT A PRINTER.PRINTEa. h 1NVARIOUS STATES ’" I VARIOUS STATES PrintersPrinter*' inInkk cacann ddoo wonderswonder*. IItt cacann makIn*k.e cottocottonn loolookk PI.ANT 1KARLT «)MIUTW1 Home Westerw nrw*Q#pera have likelike wool.wool. BuButt iitt can'can tt makmakee cottocottonn givgivee th'fth*t servicaervicee woowooll —zr ni rompariau netea on f he number givnagive* . IItt i;»li.-“7 mpuleory"‘."M k...service .. mand for twi Hie.-1 CorporatioCorporationn .Ha1msa af>Qiiaboutt he°be°aa at gtore haa about atx men to look h/tor confidence in hnman nature. Any clothing tailored by ni* WHUSIASTI C PATRIOTS ™'.,«*,.! tallitla or«..l.all"0... dto "at r f "•.hree yoare tb*r-aftef training c impletedileted. ThiThlas MnMlo«rca»;aH ththea caienj;] hi blas law-making welfare, j' chi*erychinery wilwinl nonott holholdd itiu« shapeahape., nonott eveoxenn «if yUyoun hohott iroironn i tit too*. M.r.u ».—A am-:this'mlliti . th.yorganisation- h.d ,.1.^1.. i*--' »along|"' thw llaea of the fMfUiffiirg! pfclty of the company.ro pBf^y toto’more^ ill ore . thanii H n ' " The Kanaaa Senate, with iurty oxery•very dayd»y ofpf ththee year.year. Mtlnu lu .men tk.- ai^l-lvhj.tral -m^ £>-poo-1■ camp* for thirty as ye ca-h year, .ooe tone peri moi)thmedth.. oioijj appro;Jf.approxlt- • nimember*,e ha* dffkty eui#lo>ea. two far b-yond a volunteer any of them, had e»er before j ‘in thla ptrlod. ha e»u.oald^ » tha «»oji tely 700.01)0 toiwipeton* perr apnnaiabnuyn.. /foforr each member, town )ouata that StrictlyStrictly allall woowooll hanhandd tailoretailoredd clothinclothingg foforr memenn isI* 10 great u**d of Ihia .-oua- aegaed 2,-qulra btbtfa of Ohcdlen rills. I*i OB*c ofof thethel Iftrpvilarreatt cspacicapacl-t iil sa Benale ootf flftyIfty 'rapmbo^inemb-f*i haa Only right. Tbeie'There■a« no; getting-awagetting awayy frofromm ththee absolutabeolntee facfactt thathatt Ing to Ormaby Mcliarg.j •Without ex eption, the irfaii j.-m. temi*'ranee. ct**nlloee ofof vany'any ainglrsingle pldnplantt iInn bthee coouroarrjj iighty^elghty-alti em#1dffea thatthat iais ththee standard.standard. YeTett priceprice,* araree BnoO highehigherr thathann Bornsomee l lielng*being-locate loeatodd odoij " levaless khiu(ban. IIOQ30«1 ' 7]iT|ie^ f Hartfordford CpnrxnConran*t :polntsjou; points'outt atonestores aakask youyou ttoo papayy foforr tbthee otheotherr kindkind,. 0»©nrr neneww SprinSpringg .id labor, .nd a Mll-hnown; tlon and tW inkh^hm i.A.t.Uoo *"‘ ,* ““,1 mf or nrffv Ie s Of Iland. - that Conrc tlcut’a Senate’gets along line- hahaas arrived,arrived, Jthereither ready-madready-madee oorr ttoo orderorder.. "a,tonal no., -ho of th. ' JJ,. ln -“..t rl„*-„.. j , : «er.v well withitKa-do-ie a dCM*-uu cnfployes••rdployea.'j In lo-- flis^ilsin. svt\\ wonrl^rs If »«w«nul thla1 *^kb ,arton bl. .bm-dl,mry o«•*f ih■*»e militia. ' —4 ! 'c1nd-i.Hclarti.!igR tih»* r ha plain, and |wondera If Burhjuik Xnw, * s- more able ti take mm :n in one bt t*^ Btoachids, O«p. CougU snd Cold*. .. "blow.". Tne; **._b«ent. th. Mrr|«. bad re..--.ouW devolve uponJh- und^ mod- cal thead *. he' appeal “-.“■t. - hT.. _, of Mtaal warfare; condi - bad:. SoW ud et»er»tced L- » large number'of aunerlntjendrnUT'» janito ofr ^^^^^. l W, I;\MI:>L.-H ,-,i,di<*l u entHatton In the MHMuourl flannti ■«- C0UR1KB NXWS WANT ADS BUHfl Q0t» RMOETS * bad inIn manmanyr taMntfdedjInsfatfAMj Ifr MrtH^ff M. l/fp to tha,farm. ' ao unmarcljulij that al lai PETE HERMAN STARTS BRUNSWICK TEAM PlainfieiPkainheldd Courier-NewCourier-Newss |lbe whal* u» up the Ushl and Ji HOPE COURT TOM1 SPORTING NEWS DBPT. WITH THE RIGHT "PEP’ iie with tbe nhaie. We know lly how he felt. | We've eaten Peter Gulaito. otherwise known I TTheh.-, -Knlgbt. ooff StSt.. Johnt'John.’t TOMORROW NIGHT CLEAR LEAD TITLE Gathered From Here, There as Pete Herman, the new bantam->, a'swlck aggregation or bail dinner* i ^hkthut t acteacdt j ult like Jonah Gdluf* From Here, Tier. I T Brnntwlck aggregation of bal and Everywhere in tne ;ight chaini)ion, is of f to a rrun'nfn — ,0tcasora,g , iera bare, hav ebean bee sboohed booke d t«t o i “«* E»«rywV«re « tfco irt In the dafanaadefense ooff hihlas acquireacqdlrad~ d * , tals city ritomorro,T icmorroww ^TQQI ] Boroofh Basketball—. Teams to Tabst., HoweverHowever,, SprinSprintg Sur Sur-- Sporting' ArenaAren*; I ;ieItltf*. H e ;lHea on ;toe oneooff ththae bojtboy*a to to, Managerlager DeHar DeHartt o f ofHop eHope < • PIXMIllNlii . * i 10whomm newspape oe we paperr -writerswriter s poinpointt |wltwithh fj Tb, ’Knights bare a good rat BorougClasClashh hiin nBasketbal BiBifg FeaturFeaturel Teame Con Con-s t-o prisiiee ooff EveninEyenimg iinn SomSomee who -Isn’t roaum- ,„ , , , ,ul ro, Bpanalon, In , ... -..••• ,-It I , DoeDoae-s ypur plumbjiplnmtfngg gi grnmbla*. *•' Tork—The Brook};. ,»***-; pr|de u . „alb IU or _h B ill* a narrow I Onrs does.1 It's had .a grc ball Cidb has aecur^I walvtra o» IB- |g( iulliu natll and la o.herwl»* ,bmiM b« able •quires thin w : Ours decs It’s bad a grouch on testtest aatt SaenSaenterbundg erbund ExtraExtra HeavyHeavy ScoreScore*s ■ - — i pot ap! rite. The r. I ao small yo,uu eveaverr sincalnc*e wwae rebuilrabnlltt an andd leleti It on^ fleldara O’Marn abtl Mowroy. tba — ldPa, ctop. game against the locals. Tomorrowrrow nightnight.. IInn SaengerbtSnengnrblBndl hold-out twins. O'Mara hga baen M'halhar ha'll ha abla to'Hr* a UfaManager . DeHart., annooai UTS to walk aidewaya when yod K t|ie year will pa aUged. Tb* ^Irla I pearpaaras anxiouunionss 10 tan.Kpwre Hn*i»yy o(T off|fo r forMin gull| dollar dolliras "** a beda isbad la K.—— of BT. J. /3 1 ;e. bathroom It baa. aprrod IU.lt aU hand*, 1 ex LCS S,"il •S*. .'"^." ".".o i.""™irr. >,."kandT..T3c.^^;-j; Arlaycuaa and.. ..,r»»ti..roptroenUng« *N.. p P.. * H.s. 8. on the «*»- CITY BOWUMfii LEAGUE Ilka manager's hand*. It ",la aapaetad^™|thin (h|g „t o, b0 « developeM dty,|d0 pe.|g. Chicago—Claronca Oraan. ago 6«. blank. Bring a natlra of I it'll sh and ^f Scbram ..'. shut up., Both taama will bar# lb air regu- Sgntafor anora in billiardthan 10 an* nan bowling a prominent rtrelro. binhro countrymennolklng on adraralwho araihoi■shin lug Karl.. Highlit eldedlar lit—-upa. about Ulabat Blde-cenlratha boys arepo*U»n uitgtc la daad bara today/ Ha whs widely ibolr way tb fama In tba lan_ _ There*, not n sir hypocrite AW„ ,nd UPorta '111 bo oppogad known Ig.KIkdom. : (raa and Iba bom* of Iba brara. I irine[none ofall the IbeRod worsblof go n at tha by Klalo Wyckoff and May Doug Illy I l there r|i a bad. though bold. ■ Taro McCullough tb.or pivotNorn positionMtDpo- Hoi flprlags-Jeff Pfeifer, I ha alar characlar In Naw Orleans, where. Pew Y. I -4f-—Y\ir l. o«*buadnirt will Andy pl*7 McDonouKb. . Capta. n tvirler of tba Robin*, who la ,til| g.iOarad lo iba alckaa. *ko us-d. l fit Seidel Will ba oppoaed by Captnio ofunsigned tba Brooklynworltad outsquad «lin at thatb* raalball ■and“ make arounda ooilacllon about boo*of anleheln; wock I BL’TTKK Ot irU nUIlUlUlifkNADC "By" j,lroSpencer Chandler, sod Willettthe oUier;wll) for-*p- Park yaatarday morning Ha bad a and dimes pff iba bootblack*. They Why do raatanranm keep up the wardpo>p for Ibe fair roa. long with tier. Roblnaod and *» P*'* "I Bka.IH-l. man-Pala ■ tratenaa of aervlng butler? In Uaa < Special eii i Professor Stewart and hta three- ■ andPresident said Ebbetnyaatarday Wednesday that ba nlgblwould alndod.Ooa day Pate, derid'd ba warned . Tnaad list place the etulf they aerg. woold w„„ .-Ifrhe Baptist piece orchestra will [urnbb mdnlc moat likely com. to an agreement nil .the money be mono for bln y.i* ■irromary.e an Inanlt aad toIn anyIbe aelf-reapectlugsecond place leanl,’birch „ lake, Schoolof second and forbetween dancing. halve, and after tba galna with tb. club before tomorrow. NO own. and ha laid for .be youth *ho ' hay don’t rorr. enough of II lo place In I latbword Wheatlaa yetand be Casey™ received Stengel from cam.ral.aad around to Mil after out. tbawith dlmaa. tb. reaullHa * naka worth while ahaalng with a ,ba Epl, 1 I ! ‘ cilnthatnd the youth camtkl Pat. on. on mile A pa< of r-amuraat butler on tl)* Zt "," GRAMMAR SCHOOL WWS \i& —™ I Paaadvna Cnl i-Tb. CUwco w">• * Pulrerlladh br blnr. . helaathese dayday.s llaa abouaboutt aa big u a germ and tbt Cuba left her. yeroeVday for bL »« *° " V*»* “J To ,ndU)J almosalmostt uaas visiblerisible.. It IIts laa «o lh„„ „ OVER LINDEN HIGH Angela., .bar. .bag *m wl¥ w' gS?at"2E!id «7d“ ^ntb^' »m mall,mall. Ilan factfact,, thathatt itIt ca rann stan standd i In The ■ hl lhaihe middlmiddlee ooff Ititas chichipp an andd b e bai a ] leld Grammar Soh«ol their training In Ihla Stale. Han- **° ‘°““ Mid ydnth he oom- ^ lar'a Journey from, Ua edge In any BAPTIST agar Prad Siltchell thlaka lha trip i° j?« Tba routb of lha ^ lay’s lonrnay front tb- edge 1)4 basketball flre traveled to Undsn lirectlon. There was a time when .1.. Id* IMPERIALS '.III .1.4 HI— ew.vih. n.h.r lodim* andh0 ,,ulfVSk^ 1 rolUrtlon wai ■rot . , * Urartlon. wro a time when "_ ’ ,33 yesterday to play the team of that 1 I Ava M that ti restaurant batter covered a malti- 144 place and won by the score of 26 to roren clubs In tha Hague Pete ' ha s» hi s niciTel*l s anP""d di m">»< »ma oo ®**’ iwtuaranttude of bread bolter. corarad a .moltl- J acoro of Id lo Voorharo 1*1 «IJ 137—117 ** fw hn Ul nlrTela and dime, and 757 15. Mowen of the visitoriallorss playeplayedd aa ToConnollyrolly ... . Tit ; —111 Newark.Newark, NN*., J.—ItJ—It: wawros announcea.nou.red*d i fightin«*“•'»«g reputationreputation^h . Th Thee10 latter latter, ,0 IS3 great game at guard, while Branca tl Ml 1lB5 187—ill *-att so good he decided to put It ta! RIFLERIFLE CLUCLUBB NOTENOTESS while Rraacatl Miller .. |165 1S7—171her.her e yesterdayeaterdayy afternooafternoonn - -thatthat JackJack! ■“ “i*?* “ f> S 1 " ' baske■balt shootla^:shouting..' Con Conorer...... IflI«l 2(1-*»S, 11-115—no. -1 G i> Dalton,Dalton, ththee formeformerr j staalarr outfieldeoutgalderr ! ise "**h. whic■ h >e did wit?*»h sac *"h success' ■“<»** . —: 1- JOHANJONAH did most of thetha scorinscoringg folorr :McKeasle . 181*11 11813*8 170^—16170—1*33 ofo f tbatbe BrooklyBroohlynn SuperbasSoparbaa., whwhoo Jum Jnmmp *‘,h ™d ,b Rai tin's e*«v JonahJonah wawaas aa vi-rveryy indigestiblIndigertlblee ges - GateCairo. . . . . 131181 MlidS 169-UUld»— 1112 aded ttoo ththae FederaFederall L#e*gueLaagua,, ha baas signed slgaad; n bi“ s clas‘’ s “«o tti•“e eiteat-tha* 'kl""' t 'kalhe nohaw itlg at Compan. y K armor '- Report The score: ' •leau.Jeman. ThThee whalwh*lee deserve de*er*«ld a ■lo lott otof. a contraccontractt toto managmanagee thtbae .Trilli Jbpllnn .» champio'" 'bamPlon-n j I ot, the site toonr atb.n outdoor t ireditre«iltt foforr swallowinswallowingg hihimm HHee mum%fy PLAINF-TELPIaAINFIEI-DD G. S. 855 J8S7 77Si-S23' team»m ooff tbthee WesterWaatarnn Leagueleague.. | HermaHarmann 1* Just.il I* Iuat.il. He haHas i>i*e baan ]„ bean. maile bc. . Applicationmi s fo lavekave beebeenn aa Hnfinee prophetprophet,, bubutt h bee wawa«s 1 " • T)?«l | iflghdiignfbtluK six-jreara ■li'ffam.. We Stand Jlrs 8glands feet 8n jBp frrtwm „j,|p j,<" received. i bubumm squaraqaaree mealmeal.. FoForr thre threee day day*s learabrrt. f Brooklyn—I.Brooklyn- wa-h.s -. learnelearnedd h bareI 2 linchehIlofba.s ksj^ dand weigh weigh.? 11 G pound111 sround. In th eIn us e of military rill' tad nlithU he teratrhnd. lurked aad 1 yrotarday aflarnoonloon •if,.. ">.L: AAll Miiuiaunt.H I righ'*t along.* ’*«', Some"oma, day—of day l offIn (hIne jIbaov ,(n.e , formal meeUi pommeled thai poor brute in the Bran. all. f . ftitiire—Petd is foinK to have! a membe0r should be pommeled that p<*or brute In the Randolph, i < i ^’v* • • • - 169 i*3 l«3--17lf»taralar- Pilcherpitcher ooff thoIbai| PIra(ea Plra(aa., i s Ig *o- B «uing to bare Job.: McCusker. 0 ('a u lb rook . 179 ifi". 178—t7i-*agegagedd ttoo intirrmarryj AlicAUwe JohnsonJohaeo#., of 'ofcaf e«'• In X«w ; Orleaiw^O.le.nb. Also , oAW.n top on! U . . ^,_ ...I, 17« B39168—ltYsl- Mark's avenue, this city. IMIna' •ing to i>e a gymnasium tie' ^*t'l»->-l»l;[byl MisMlaas McKeeverMtKro.ro.. daughter of an *". nItn • — ' ' tenitto n to Twicinncrs. As msny of of the •uklyn clyb . irncfon to bealnnera. At miny I.OilrEN owner of Ibe Broohlyn elnb . . <‘ ' ' \m"[ ' •; • ' !I!I:tho P mi-mbermember-n aaas possiblpossiblee sbofllBboaldd M vtolent one toto thesthesee practicpractleee shoot;shoot .9. Ol»yr d pg,,! f . . Milwaukee, Wto I*s Ba^y; and DOUBLDOUBLEE HEADEHEADERR TTOO BEBE Mike GlbbciDB are at last matched. I Martin BB.. StutaStutsman,i ittoattorneyn ty fW « - BpUltager. according to Prank! Mulkcrn. tha 0NATV.M.C.A.FLO0ON AT Y- M. C. A FLOORR theth r .club, steppesfeppi-dd IiIntoto tbthee ufiiJ'." offleb1 v«e j - Tbe sensation of tbe Tbie men will box trrdar toi reminremindd i*ne thafhati he mi Rill Creel of O Fal B 0 0 :^ 'he evening, however, pas staged by^Aurll 10i Mulkern ;s«Id: Si harel Adouble-neadole-$cad«*rr Hahass beebeenn t boohed4 9-Urget* oat of a poaalble 50 been eaira*ftl la active _: — _ fe Tab . losing the !d rat two-Hits r&elved » telegram from Darcy -tnat1 for^^tbe Y M C \ flooT ton \\V.| ■(■,.!»>• eveolBK practice. Oi for df. yp«rt. aad he « of tb B 1 . 3*. C.. A. floor tomorrow 7 I I JS * evening by marpjina .of 11 and be would be In the^West iW ihre* pvpnlng tbe'nnhe firstt teateamm b.beingPIn- srhed- k.'old lop. good work. IVf ter than t« foe the t M targets he tfiot at in I ;|°-24 pins. respecUvely. the AteUJners [days. Governor Wurman/a* tldn ulT to'ent*r1 iertaln:u7n l5™tw!nthe strongS F ItecrelaKefrea-- ^ ' ^ ajipoirB u . „„, ^o*w of thehe uKKreMtlonagcreeittons* --Judsiag from tho activities'|l IW rontQBt. ninninx by tin- ie[m-. Vork nas had ita L'rt''i:1' B-nd rijrt-y it which plays trie diii-ftlon of loc^I nrganiiaiios during: the <;ourM inft major!tr of ISS. < vcr-il adxlous for a nuiir. Thej Hari'y- tbe Public ' roromtltae. ot' the past Iwn weA'B one Cnlgst •weeks past the Taba , iJilibnTis bout will-be -~ Th,*-* two I of oqn.il jntlei' that It is\trTTng to ratish Of themselves for Just surh aHr arranBed for April in'wlthTim- ntrcnK - -.f the in- to' ine Wpstnelip Rifle Club. Well, SATISFIEDSATISFIED!! demonstration an this, even though t'othf O-Sulltvan. maufcger, of[ Darcy, door b* staged iat tTjist that Is possible. comes a little late In the seaaon. j,*nd which I** repntilaled." Jj \uiat»; FreeVrrr fn.'fr»«mm do*h.M-that'sn Irt—(tuat'n tl U»oi Stadler'Stadler’ss '• Saturday afternoon Shoots, wagway hhee ntep-.e weUJonuk- jcratiMrd:^ratiflpH! SPRING OPKNING s the sale Of the St. Louts CirdlnalsChape The TwoVlnt!^ bin fnore, the merrier. (l|g*«n-Mtting« faelikmablenhli- Onr Prerions Showing*. riflora. The ni.ro>> atyllah torMorhk Our Previous Showings. . now f«Jt Tncancy in the worthies of th* In U>wn. At m apai pairr lie' h**as vi( ant-- ^22to'e local rln-b. There is no doubt' bat " SUITSUIT$$ anand.d TOPCOAT TOPCOATSS 1 be ibat many loml men will visit anck aeinv vn or* a n n to a raORp, especially Saturday after- I BEADY TO WEAK ,H.>:i noons during the spring, siiraoa KEYSTONKEYSTONEE $10, $12.50, $15 and a f the Knights wit and fall montbe. $10, $12.50, $15 and a l for hln nfjEhf* - Plenty of room for new memkeri Men'Men’ss OutfittersOutfitters K. or o] , Fresno. Cat It now look* a« If fat this orgaoiaation. Sucb anVor- 126 E. TROUT BT few at $18 P 126 E. fHONT ST. . 1S2 168 135—1S*ftGJ-D«ich Leonard, the Heston Hed Sox THK MHOI* WHERE Ql tUTV few at $18 Daffy going to lie a veil Qina by PUY EASTON GIRLS 'ftTJiS-"-^ a *membership *"' " ;* of.^: RILKA Balllni . IBB TS1.144—IT 1 «* least GOO. “Royal" Custom Made Wilson . 170 **B 17«_^T«4 ihe.tfm tlie ot>ena. A party ot ten Wilson worked tbree Innings; yesterday lu embers of the.^f th« club foi HowHow#e . . 112 19« 1S9--20S local • Toung Wooi' r Christian As- ^n fOn>s, or "Royal" Custom Made Taylor . 1»< t»5 16S—1CI practice and his effort' made an !lm-| $18 to $40 Tayh/r presslon on Manager Barry. | Leon- sociation will: ton BOYS- SUITS, $3.60 to *7 60-Unpamll.l«d Vslnsg. ard was down with annual visit to the $18 to $40 i 8oz—.ses Inter. soeiation, retiailni home Sui BOYS' SUITS, W.50 to »7J0—nnpai»Ilel«d Value.. Total pins—8.CCI. evening. A baaketball name I. The oQloers report (lie attendance tbe Wednesday evening practioe fl T. A. B. S. f D- *• Ius-nata Auguata.j Ga. — TGa.—Tj y Oobb.hO wfcot members oT tin- Baston *Moclatlon. io signed yesterday. herehere (olorr themthem.. WWee mak makee I rtiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMitiiiifiiniiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiitiMiiiiiniiiiifiiiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiaH HateHats.. ‘ I NONO ADVANCADVANCEE iina PRICPRICEE ooff 19119177 I OpenOpen Lveiling3Evcningi.. HEADQUARTERHEADQUARTERSS --FOR-- | BICYCLESBICYCLES 1 CLEVJ5I,ANDCLEVELAND, COLUMBICOLUMBIAA : ;■ AnAndd M.M. HH.. HINCHCLIFFHINCHCLIFFEE : A ComplateComplete LinLin*t oOff NeNeww ModelModels! ' : FLYINCfMERKUT L YIN O'ME R RLEB BICYCLEBICYCLESS E MEN’S,HEN'S, LADIESLADIES'' anandd CHILDREN'CHILDREN'SS -f , D? SpprtjinSportingg GoodGoodss § BIOTCLES 1 LI L U. \ 18.(iO ',| WeU Btnown ^0- xnleedneed MakesMakes.. IV^R-JOHNSTOIVBR-J0HNST0NN tAIU;i;AT BTOTK OF .AVTO TIRES BICYCLES = Our Btoclookk iI*s ththee LargesLargestt inm th thee City City.. . FrfisFrtthh Suppl Supplyy 'Alwwyj B|CYCLES *S| I .jj oonn Hand.Hand . • j ; ij OtrAEAKTEED (k An UP TIREat xm VOI.K ■■l.lcS is TRUNKSTRUNKS,, I TRAVELINTRAVELINGG BAGBAGSS sr?*0..... 2.00 AT STHW VnuK I8K1» TIRES...: Z.UV PHILIPHILIPP IViECHANIMECHANIKK MUSICAJtMUSICAjL, INSTRUMENTSINSTRUMENTS Expert ttenalH«K. Indian Motorcycles ear. wnn i HUM >ntKi:r Indian Motorcycles ! Now ib the time to have your Bicycle put in shape for th« Complete Stfock Prices Right BicycleBicycle »ndand Motorcy.dMotorcyclee RepairRepairss an andd Soidrir*, ' ridSiig season. Let UB do it , Complete Stock Prices Right f WEINMAN’SWEINMAN'S i LEO ZEISEIi GEORGGEORGEE LL.. SIMOSIMON:N 1 CAFE HARkY DREIER 222 WeA Front Street, Plainfield > 171798 NOBTHAVENDNORTH AVENUEE . 0PP. DEPO0PPT DEPOT 222 We* Front Street; Plainfield Everything foe thehe BicycleBicycle. , 237-239 WEST FROfljT STREET. PH0KE 896 Two Doors From Proctor's. . i COlTIUEK-.ViawS. FRIDAY, MARCH •>, 1917. """*" A CHILD DOESN'T ESTABLISHESTABLISH SOCIASOCIALL WILWILLL DESCRIBDESCRIBEE ACTUAACTUALL NURSENURSE GETGETSS MONEMONETY CAPT.CAPT. JOHJOHNN HAHAYY B0TBOTHH CONDITIONSCONDITIONS OOFf THTHEE WAWARR ANDAND THTHEE WIFWIFEE LOSELOSESS A T ONCE! STOPS “"IA IANN HAYHAYM ”• LAUGH AND PLAY CLASS MEMBERSHIP Captain JUSTJUST RETURNERETURNEDD PROFROMM SOMEWHER"SOMEWHEREE IN IN Hay),Hi?r.: tutt .i^. •?;. zs?. c *•* c«*.*— •«*•—•• 1 droddrod Thounand.Thor * will ' lecjuife onon' *'"»»•'«»raid* •hfr-luld oofI hl »l,la *«" wife« an danil was.tak >u.takeni FRANCE. AUTHOAUTHORR O OFF "TH "THEE PIR3 FIRSTT *U HSUN. Important Action Taken at IV- 1 " »h«" 'B By. e none who DREDREDD THOUSAHD,THOUSAND,''" •QETTIK"OETTINQQ T& TTO- IMPUTED "Tile Human Sjrle of Trench War-.!arch "li~>Ae« hand wheSftern ill himby. a nursunli!e whheo died, GETHER," ETC, Annual Session of A. 0. U. fare," on Fridaf evening, ^Marcrool.h "lookeJClartd o.afte rSlmpsdo. him un.tiae l Inventor.hi; died , left AND INDIGESTION OETHEB," ETC, IfIf PeevishPeevish,, FeverisFeverishh anandd Sick Sick,, 23. at the PI a infield Hlnh School, ^Clark O, Simpson, an Inventor, left •- WILWILLL SPEA SPEAKK A TAT TH THEE W. Grand Lodge ' irtphfes oC the Nationaonall Ms.life111* life, insuranc Insurancee polic policyy o f ofU.00 15.0000 to lo'Pape' s Dtapepsin" Makes GiveGin "Californi“CaKforniaa SyruSyrupp . . tpet-tal Aid i of Important changwa were made lu ,r well-known; man. an“ I «. Louign Seeker, the childSick , Som, Gawy Stom- , PLAINFIELDPLAINFIELD HIGHIGHH SCHOOSCHOOLL of..Fig, Firs”" .|T. the !*%• or the order at tho annual; **nd has sald.'i "to >'«*'•Th9 »"ree m the pirbile schools, he Su eme •eMlon___ion ooff ththfe GranGrandd - Lodge, Lod*e,' A . A.O.' O.•T o • riste"Ton * 10ftsfen: thi s l*t«oldf this« whosoldle r supremo^ Cour Courtt sustain euelalnas th eIbo be bo-- achs Feel Pine < V.». W.^. rheld In Newark yesterday.!' >h tits comtuiBSJon in (he r« truest, agninst the contention pi the March 23rd ^ ?j Mother! Your child Isn't naturally V. W.. held la Newark arakUcday, *®« »*la eomosia^od la (he•ent n quoat. against the contention of the March 23rd .1 Mother! Your child len't naturally mg which waa one providing fori* d the Military! Cross for bravery widow, j TUBS siiz'l t -. ,••!> See if toitgue Is taooa ahlch was on* prodding fori and Ike Mllltar/ Crow forr*ry widow, i J | • • X.D o s• ic foodB you eat lilt back— UndeUnderr ththee AuiptceAupiceai o fof th (hee ^4;ll cross and peerlab. See If la the battlefield, will be a great . Simpson left 'a lett< NATIONAL SPECIAL Am SOCIETY. i coated:roaled; thithl.s IsIn a asur turne sig nalga its littllu e llltlo» aortal acial claselarts ofof membership mrmbernhlp.. The !The! on th 00e I he battlefield will bereal a SlmpMn loft •. let,,., W,„Etast he. good, bat work badly; ferment Q object of thia la to Uke care! privlle • the iwii]..} of Plain-feared personal vlolei B into acld8 ia NATIONAL SPECIAL Am SOCIETY, •tomaeh.tomaoh, liveUreyr anaadd bowelabowel,, nee dneed a maina object of thle Is to take earej privilege for the peog-s aln-of feared personal violence »mfrom hia i hla " ***** » "><*• '•«•'. ronderful gift a.t speak- Wife, and said he had Bt Tickets ore now on sale at Miller's Drag store. cleansinglean sing aatt onceonce.. ef thosIhoeee membermember*s whwhoo hav ehere bee n beenHeld , Sold. HU wonderful giftjak- Of wife, and Hold he had boonittur* liberal. • ***** <"nachT Now. Mr. or Mrs. Reserved Seat! »1.00,;75Ci Mo WheWhmin listlesslistless,, palepale., feverisfeverish.h ful lfoilrtmoertedconnecte d witwithh tbthee orde orderr fo rfor man meat;y Ing Ing m make,Jie wather fflop»».r iraalistimorela tiec|l MtMthh herher.; 1ltler*\ Dyapeptlc. Jot this down: Pape's ; i Ofof coldcold,cold., breatbreathBreathh badhad.. throathroatt • sore , sore.y«*r.. , buhut t whwhoo o non accoun aero.lott of lasoft anla.td closande anotet han «at tha bantn eve thanr beforo or".erer. , SimpsoSimpsonn wa waas .„.take „ ntaken.„ III. onDiapepBi thel B helps neutral!** the es- doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, 'ear's advance In rates, are unable toj Telling a story of something he hag ! •treet Boioe time actakeo ani l on the \9Utiy, wlda ,n the BK,,,,.^ »O your mmmwl doesn't eat. sleep or act nalorallr.year's advance lo rale., .re noabte to;Telling a glory of something •rr*rt sou* timee aeagoo an andd Mia Mlaa. Beok- Beck-j roo d won't sp.ir and upset you. has .stomach-ache I has Stomaeh-eche., diarrhoea diarrhoea,, remem - rememnd- pUced «JId hospita a,' hoapUall wher e whoreh« Iquick ha. 1s o certainly effectlTe. No iU- will .Implymply papayy lodg lodgee dues dona., it eBe abl ablee to 1 Ilo' ant.ent heha lala abl ablee to 'to[ mak makae bi shla listener listaaarms die d aboh,la weeks twolate r weeksHjferenc later e Mean,how jbadl y DKTHUIT Nothing* annals "California gyraphold office,fflce. bobutt becaus beeaueee the theyy wil willl not aol! {pefeel l whawhatt 'war’war’" actuall artuallyy ;meana." meant.’* i whileOTer heF ' « ladhee himadea persona pi* l pcraonaljctsj upseaffectat yo u usualllly get happy relief Corporation Notice. ] of Figs for chlldrra'a Ills; gtmbe a assessed they will not reenlrein hla lecture ('nptatn Brttti de- to tke aura*. 1 laIn Or.five minutesminutes,, bubatt whawhatt please plsasaas : teaapooaful.,h foal and In a few hours earan beaeOt. unless the subordinate•lacrihea mow vividly a day in the ——— you most* 1 ltaa thathatt I tIt help halpaa to regulatlo regalatae niauiel at nl9n* ln *"■*• *>*r •»!!« sad lodgefer- •tabs to pay sick beneltla. ironrheo, commonrlnn oqe-hnlf honr LEAVES $10,000 TO your stomach ao that you can eat . Bra that i ' S »®od which la cloggad In thethe reports showed that the 1 or-before dawn. nod ending »t I ofclock J Jyour favorite" foods without fear oc me De- o. hare a w.ll and playful derchUd la In heller Buanelal condition! in the morhlnn. When the Illumine- MUHLENBERG HOSPITALMoat remedies give you relief 1 anarnoon. again.7 All nhlldren lore thla tara-■ ban It baa erer been during tlonthe Id the aklra fram riHa *ra dlea sure.omellnea— Pape they . Dlapepalnare alow, " Ishut positive not or grain, lean, dellrteua "fruit taiatlrw," haringtbtft.r-glnnand Its yearnper eept.of mornIts thanentateace. thesway. He raplafcia the dtflrulty The fl*el eoroenttnc .of ■la the oealrallilngee- the aridity, to the iarrowdestroyed. ea- Itaide" aarer eleapalng. fall, to effectDlretftlooa a good fed reaerre"la-bo- required hi law. Kp gland eiperleneed lo settle: the Uleqof the Into Mag Muener. ofmlaery thle won't come back eery quick- per atorira Wee, children of all agon and atown-la the election of nfflrerri themachineryDr tore million to trnlh. men honeewho eoaad prompt feed rity.Judge tookJ placec. Connolly this forenoon nt RllWheth. ly.Before You feel different ae toon - aa - upa areK plainly11 on lha bottle Ueorge B. Beading, of Woodbury.If answered lo the; oil of their coun- In hie will the decenaed beqorethed"Pape's Dlapepaln" comes In con- i net under Hftle g'rrO**» today B»»dy Bares la arour slak home. child A .try- He tell! of the tremrndom tank to Muhlenberg Hospital Jir.noo;vanl.hec-yourtact with the stomach—distressstomach gat. .waet. Just W&12 yourtomorrow, druggist but forget athe Bo-cent genwlne. bottle , Ash oft ,11 W1I to tranrform one hundred Charity Aid Bortaty. this city, | gi.oog.ao gases,1 I ao belching, no eructations U,li|y "California Byrup of Finn." y,-n I thoukandKitchener's British Amt workingarmy. men CaptainInto andYork the City,Childrens nlklm. Aid 8ort.tr,an. of Monger. Newundigested food, your head clears KKXt-HicKm»-b ,0‘'California°* *"4 ■ **Fig Byrup" Company,"—'* ■"•«VBy lha Helth It known ton hla keen tones of ' widow. received **M*0 conk ud j Adv. humor ond hla leetur* It Intemper, the Interenl or •loo.eee. which le a ledhat withhid ithumorous the Iront. eiperleoeee be •portal (and.H. V. Condlft la me attorney for tb^P«""Sled! Berlin. March ».—I* -violent flght- Iflre. minates now needless It Is t> [1»K on the Champagne-frost. French 'sns-er from Indigestion, dyspepata o I troops penetrated Isolated German ! r «ni KLomach disorder (TUP to acid fei kt*d OarmiD Sjtocfailiai t oto Courier-News Coart*r-N>w*:: re-elected chairman of the commit- *«<> - *»* aa bis Ujna is :UUon.—Adv. • < trenches on hill No. i8& butbut werw*r*e sf»f-- J New York. March 9.—81 tee on distribution; Heretofore thai ***•»* UniiLed. thia will In all prub- rch I. I»1T^ J tsrwiKI eapelted by a iarman• erman conncoua-- arrivearrivedd sinc *lno*e morning morntnt:: Paloma Palom. rrom grand lodge baa held a two-day BPS- ability be the only Opportunity |ter-auach. it' was officialofficiall Iy r anaa Cubaa (’ubaa ports porta,; Eliio Blrlo., froi _from Gal sion. but this year It was confined Plalnflelder* will have of hearing AIlORtMWAWCBTOVACATWA'w^RIF-jatMitMreAM OftWHAHCB TO VAPAT9 AMl> ■»*- * today. j» j(Delaware Dolawar*., frofromm PhtladelpPhiladelphiah to one day. The business ofthe d«y!this remarkable sojdler.; ' RATIONAL BISCUIT CO. UKVKMKVK OorF THTUBE PUBLJPUBLICC UiU UHICE " —AND was: fallowed last night by a ban-l JaUe Moller. frum-«hom be separated UCAIi FklsTC IN WCU7 VADIT iRTK In.19X2. according to his vfll, iljed y<- -1 ntAU UlfcA 1W flbW TOKIt atmDRN THAT PORTION OT CE E 8 THORNTONTBORM (N AVBHITAVRW BR L*1N(I.V1N'». BB -HH- W ™ PASSAGE OF tertay. Mrs. Voller lives at Nfc 2QU TWKKN HIU-SIDUIUAUDRK ANANDD WOOD WOOD-- H Urand Concourse, ihe Bronx. Mr. Moll-1 Adolphus W. Green, founder and LAND AVUmO,rianm*. BEINMKINOG A NAN UN -ITN- CREW MtASURE „ ,, !90 Madison n«iu°,; President of the National Biscuit HKII ANDD> UNAOCBPTBUNAOCBPTHDD PORTIOPORTIONN Or 3T.1BBjT ON PROPERTY OF M. er a good part of theworld, TARDT HBAL ESTATE CO. IINN THgHELTHE FIELDD O OFF SPORT SPORTSS Ma,™ 7 , at. the age y-ronr 1 of a bill tn rears, at bis borne in New York. Ha ik£f£%rvt PlalnflaTi ""*ih.' a Pla.Dfleld. attended; reaterday'a was a native of Boston, via grad- 1 JL.,i» DOJDKO CUJBHOL'SK t OTH wtbdrltauthorityT ^to d««»nludeterminee ho howw traln trainsa on un MJI\ \ Hr NflL A :63. and became a lawyer, -having- „. _f Baid City ha* not bwfi opens4 the railroads of thfa State a!i*Il be """«' *" UnUlU stadiad In the law oiHce.s of Evurta, a aablk- me far twaniy yeim or mar* EAST VS. WEST GAMES N.N. PP.. HR. S.S. NOTE NOTESS the roll roads or thla State shall he t EAST VS. WEST GAMES ”2*!° * °f“ manned,manned, anandd IItt <-' nf of tbe lit IT outdoor I , three. Tbe Ind*-i>endent-Firei clmr st this vv taw will «i'i-om- " Of th# III* outdoor i an am .C.wuil cb'Brose The ludependeat-FIremeoifeedford MarshMarsh, , memett yesterda yesterdayy noo noonn l ata th »tha ! •■*"* "«■' >»*• "" >»" *"l acrom- ... .Je'P" ° * ^"test waa or short di pltol ifIf youroarr BacBackk HnrtHartii o arr Bladde Bladderr •• star.tor.s ooff thtooe Eas Kornt yesterda yoateeduyy me t met U. tanoeMr eontqat imd byity-thfrd tha ,h. tw which 11 has tailed. . o^ Ks-t-WeKnat-tVestn taaqnamenttoornament.. ^wbK- whKhh i s tat©!' Ur‘*?" '''f'* ° **"*••°< wordg"" Th« Parcnl-Teachet Association of ThlaThis WtrillU IBIs enpe^te" erpeated! t o tocom comee np ip of water roatlnaecoiUnue todatodayy anmidd tomvrrotomorroww a tat Bo- Bo-i JooJohnn StnalleBmulleyy chaperoneehaprroaedd a up i.partyth e ,hborougJ’** h schools will bold a eake, loror aa votrolee beforbeforee th e|he Assembl Assemblye on on h •_** th* Ct*_y o< PUtn- ' ±ft Field • '**' *Hend» to a plare e«niewhere candy and apron •alp tomorrow after- londay, and attenEloB li called to i inimi»a Council, VAv*rd F1*ld Mooday. and attmOon ta called lo T| \ InIn addition, Addition, th eth* meet m«*l>> •ttrs4lng' nttm^lnc1 ^*jWntckangI« ^t,m# ^»Vfd. rMorted r^ "^^ noon In the Somerset school. The pro- an advertisement In, another, hart ol unbsuat a(t«ntlpo b*cnu*P lir». >4»rj Tne Tl1 > rands of Ibr ^. .li ^a.r'i^l' in ««l»N€wa Belt Ing fdrth M do- of rsfis mm* wwdi.'nd May Sutton Bundy; fomer world's lo SiinBower Bana Is lurnln* ot o( druK* that excite ththee kUaeykUaeyss craokfr-makf&KK. nl when the Na- > o l l 1 l1 M*y Button Bundy: for»*r world's'to iy * • he Hereto. taU fand <•“ -*•' Ohgmhdclot o( of Com- mt of drum that -sett. th. huger, Bm organ- " ~V i i»r 1iTt l? i"i.*.iiri obampleo.<*ami>ien. wilwilll mertMF

Made-to-Measore Shirts Our Specialty THE COMMUNITY STRONG BOX The Men'sShop 114 PAKE AVBMUX That Id m umc w birh IIM been applied to oar niiunKe •ittiurli M It sfitfartla • plM'f where rverjrone In th« ily m»j- nfcoifatrd hla valttablca *t a minimum cowt. REAREALL ESTATEESTATE 1910 1917 The prOMMtfoM of OMV V.UJM I- MtfrnwntM. hy that of our fireproof INSURANCEINSURANCE bn l

LOINLOIN JERSEYJERSEY PORK.PORK, SMALLSMALL .... . PAINTING FRESFRESHH CUTCUT JERSEY JERSEY PORPORKK CHOPSCHOPS 23c The Lead i ng Auto Paint Shop T^HTheE bestBEST reasonREASON Fresh Chopped Beet, Porterhouse Roast, If- IINN THE TH EWORLD WORLD n.. ;,.. I8c ib r na 25c LANDSCAPING |FOFORR BUYINGBUYING AA CADIL- CADIL - Choice Flank Steak*. Prime Top Round Roast, li.lHOKMM;—I*LA NTI \«i Ib [B. mil br»ocli«s. G«nenl conir.rt- LALACC ISB WHAT WHAT EVERY-EVERY - 26c Ing. «tc. Eatimatea gladly fartUatied. - !'-•••" Work promptly attended to. bNONEE THINKS.THINKS, ANDAND SAYS. SAYS , Sirloin Steak, Prime Round Steak, VAVanN arsdale’SARSDALE'S 127 L FVont'St Ib. ...;, R D O N A T O j\NANDD KNOWSKNOWS ABOUTAjBOL T Ib...... i .!. , v . . \- *•' ' 28c 8U RICHMOXD.ST. THTHEE CADILLACCADILLAC it :: EAT MEAT EAT MEAT 5 Pas.Pas. TouringTouring 4Pas.Roadster AutoAuto DistributingDistributing GCo . Fancy Foreqmrten of Lamb, $985 $985 AllenAllen B.B .Laing. Laing . Mgr.Mgr . 25c I 41MI6410-416 SycamoreSycamore StS t HINDQUARTERSHINDQUARTERS OFOF GENUINEGENUINE LAMB,LAMB , A carcar that that soso thoroughly thoroughly covers coTtr stjie th $685e $68 5to t $1285o $128 car5 ca fieldr field that tha t no bnyer in this classclass willwill stop stop at a tless les soor no rpay pa morey mor aftere afte seeingr seein thisg thi beantiinls beautifu Six.l Six . B>. Hi ..I ;..„.. 23c

BIGBIG SHADSHAD DADAYY SATURDAY SATURDAY Extra Fancy Roasting Fowls, DRUGS Each.;....ij.Each . l •..;;.; 45c I Ib. ....,....; 30c STRICTLSTRICTLYY FRESHFRESH BROOKFIELDBROOKFIELD EGGS, EGGS , aLivert Cu Oil a tmpol«- Price . a Cod s I oo PM|AMie vrfYe*. romp.Com p. . .*• dozen 1.11.1.. i !...:...[ |Se Humphrey’s Sperlflce 1 39c ««rIV J>..n4*rUeFletcher • Cantor). L .. .« HEADQUARTERSHEADQUARTERS OFOF NUNUTT MARGARINEMARGARINE BUTTERBUTTER ; $*C I.*m«et«»i»e rhoepb.tr.. • . 1 nono animalanimal fat;fat; ib.Ib . i...... 1.... ;..].. i1 lr CoroIopgiBCprnlopttJ i Talo.Talc . .:.,-.. I .fa 28c l A**. J. ^i ,hy PtxrderMW. IBri FREEFREE!! FREE!FREE ! 6 cylinders,cylinders, 116-inch116-inch wheelbase. wheelba>e,|33xJ 33x44 tirestires AUTOMOBILEAUTOMOBILE [ORGANIZED IB7sl OneOne ofof the the most most prominent prominent of o fseveral severa louUtandi outstant^i \gg featuresfeatures ofo fthe th e ElginElgi n Six chassischassis isis itsils it sspring spring suspension. suspension . T__I heTh Elgine Elgi SixnL Si improved, x improve cantileverd cantileve rearr rea sprin*r sprin g sus- CONTESCONTESTT pension,pension, thethe result result ofo fexhaustive exhaustive tests test sand an dexpeiime experimentimeilts s onon the the part par tof o fElgin Elgi nI Engi- Buy n I>ollar Ticket, cood fur SI.OU ln trade, >ad n-n- TheoryTheory andand Practice Practice neersneers., hashas setse ta a new new standard standard of o motoringf motorin gease eas eand an d komfor:omfortt ata thigh high speeds,speeds . The \hf votes f(tr->i>ar frl«n

= Courier-NewsCourier-News WantWant Ads.A4s .Bring Bring Results Result s rrfeulli Veire want ; ads. bri Courier-NewsCourier-News WantWant Ads.Ads .Bring Bring Results Result s I I 1 ,\ 111 1 ! I • I Ul 1 : I I V'T—^ 1 I .) ... I. ■ -- --- i ■ •■ SECOND Lin SECTION 8 PAGEPAGESS Paittfidto Cmtricr-ZCcUJS. Ad*. In th» t^atAOKi\!KRAfrf; DAIL/MitvY CIRCi:enter-- cn* Work tor 4• LATIOL.%TH>NN LASI.ASTT WEE IVKHKK Ton Promptly fc-J Oiw, WHICH IS MERGED THE Ont a Word. LAFNFIELD DAILY PRESS 8,0018,001

K"l»*>lnrt»rt >U.y 10. im. I'l.AIMIKIKLli li:i.l), SEBMWW .IKKSKVJKItHKV., FRIDAY , MAIil II », 1»17. KKIDAV, >L\RI II B, 1017. PRICE TWO CENTS himiav w maiL in dunci FOFORR THROATHROAT■ *■ TI UtllMI ANANDD ALUNGS Mil S »vxi>AV K OK kVILMNU HKKVK’K ThThee BiggesBiggestt Pro Pro-- blemsblems inin mosmostt home home!d Eckman's The Sunday eohool oE* lue Temple areare fuefuell anandd service service.. Whe Wherin Baptist church took, chart* •of tb« mid- thethe servanservantt leaveleavess an d and All-WoolAll-Won! PopliPoplin SatinSatin StripeStripedd AlterativeAlterative week service In the churcb ' thethe fuefuell is islow low,, happ happyy is is DressDress SkirtSkirlss I.fcAlJINO DBCOQIfTI ththee housewifhousewifee whwhoo know knowss TalietaTaifeta SkirlSkirlss hlcb the school Is to jbondui Shredded Wheat Biscuit, SmartSmart modemodell witwithh g(itb gptli?- leetings tbe ;flrst Wednee£|ay ei Shredded Wheat Biscuit, AttractivoAttracti modemodell 1 witi withh ANNIVERSARanniversaryY OofF THtheE thethe wholwholee wheawheatt foo foodd tha thatt rrctiered bacbackk amandi cnisjhei miaht-.Ji tratlicfvd poeketokof inin knap knap-- i each monQi. The alt«ndanc isis ready-cookeready-cookedd anandd ready ready! •belt,bt-lt, iinn navnr.vyy aim tuull black— blar#c—.', sack atjeJe— deathDEATH OofF Hh.. Ww.. beecher!^"±-^ to eat. With these crisp! I and yo (nen took part in the s to eat. With these crisp — I *“•' 7°un* *(-0*n look littlelittlpane in loavesloaves til. «ar' o off bake bakedd whol wholee TMlriiUrYeslerd ««a IS. thirtieth nnni-[ «lr«. Oror*.Huff. secretarHuff, y .•nj.i,of I ot tko Ik- d-atb of ll-nry Ward[ ai-hool. l-d. -Off hla loplc paa "Awheat wheaUfa t ththee housewifhousewifee may may* nrsary of prepare in a few mom-nts Berber. I ft- DOt-dted j-rr.'.i(Ir-ach-r. !i--r o f ofth elb«| Pleasin IM-a-lnjg lo Clrlst. lo r^rlat."" prepare in a few moments a delicious, nourishing meal vkurth.rch, BrUrooklru.klyn, who!Tne r Th-lrs A wa«c a: soliStcomety Capta-oMtfcrl Caplalna delicious, nourishing meal 142 and 144 West Front Street. . .jasd■ad«o th1ft-e namnamee o fof er.a ,-iatt irhire ckftrchh and rVteandi •’-tapCrUpellio llCrtapalljofi f th SalvjsV' the D8alv«a\uD Arm aatArmy,t loweslowest t costcost.. . yaf .Ingjto BrooilvBrooklynn Hsellla-lff fa r 1011famoaas by hie'anby hlad and a vlolia aod piano dp-i by Mlaa rfoqnence.•lofta-Do HeHa is recalla rwoallrdl •il by manyby 1 inauy'Beef H-a»l-arson ! Caraonand Frede andi r k Fr-d.lijckBorn Borrup. tMlpi-ld-fpm»BHd- r- whwhoo bearheardd hi mhim either -llk-r;, °' tbe ofTb- Sundaylb- Sunday!] »chi aeb Women’s and Misses’ Spring Ci ' is iolplt or on the lecture triform. I Theservlc * ?** P»«lcul|rly gmlfy- Women's and Misses' Spring Coats lh. la-Uir- nuwformj lnKlOU1 ' eBU rlntendenlF" ldIhWlooiirlye arallly- *£.||. .u« onon.e of "6f tb eIk. mo, moatl"e«l, oelnonliem! ^ ' ^ ”* ‘ " pd Hr. pey |Ml.>pr«*th*r» anandd on•«-e of thofe greatestthe (Mitral: ; Smart New Misses' A)J-WooJ Serge Coat. {Bought leaders In this country. Hel \HlilV M, OF Smart New Misses* A}1-WooJ Serge Ccfats •as born In bltchfleld. ?rvjf6nn.F Jua-j *» - 14.1», 1813l»»S-. He»« die■ ddi»*d In X«fa wNew York PeauPeau ddee CygftCygnce lined—Sillined—Silkk ove overr collar-r-Dee collar—Deepp separat separatee cuffs cuffs—— J-| OSO Mirrh RW.. 1 1*87. ; Special to taei CourieJSpeclmli to lb*, Courier Ni HI* •occ«**on. m Plymouth) Aon Prandgro.d 9.—TheMarc . NpNeww hal hallf moo moonn pockets—Comer pockets—Comess in blackin black,, navy , navy,copre ycoprey and ta andn tan JL^Ml . (kmerhchurch havkawe be>ni the Tallallb*ie RevI*}*. Dr.WarneHer. Ur.'timmwrrr WaJkitw a haWaJka-at m« dbaa wit ha T. DeWitt Taimageige wh whoo wa swa* born ' $2,500,00bom' fs.Jpo.ooo( I gol dIn Irogoldn _ _Australifroi a aBea earr BonnBoead* BrookBrook,, an dand th eth« presen pr*s»ntt consigne consignedd h e to3. Ptfc*. Mo J.i gaP.n Coiia. CITIZENSCITIZENS COMPLAICOMPLAINN O OFF Women’sWomen's VelouVelourr CoatCoatss MissesMisses’' GabardinGabardinee Coat< s New.li; Gold to mcumbnnt. Ik# Rev. Dr. Hawaii! Gold• amoun to tthe o f *5,000.00amount 0of SilkSilk linelinedd toto hipships;; has , hnn HuttonButton trkntnetrimmedd belbeltt and\ P"l*bt UilltaHIIMa.. whwhoo spok spokee befor beforee the'receive th- r«v|vHd from Canadfrom aCanada hi* bee nb. de - OVERCROWDEDOVERCROWDED CARS,CARS j aemi-fittedili-fitti il shirred back] Men') Club Of the C'ongreKatlonal posited at the assay ofTke o the < red- d bk sleeve*dleeves anandd detacijabldetachable/#e Ban'i Clnb of Ibe Congregational f porltrd al the |m>t o«<* andnd poarpearll l.i.i-kl.buckle- trim-'14 A * $ 9S cNurcktburen Ilan tbttklai cit cityy a fea wfew week weekss ago. ;ago It o ;l Itth eof J . tbaP.; MorgaJ. P.n CoMorgan. O [ PatronPatronas in to tbla city of the Malatried, led, doubldoublee belbeltt in in back. * I /I * hameaaharness stitehfistitchedl silsilkk col -col->^ Dinel.lnc trolletrolleyy ca rcars ammplalnta complainingi ningl.ngle belbeltt inin fron frontt ; eolfl'1 4A « ,l«rInr;; black'black,, navynavy,, ta ntan an andld 1 4 .'4«5O5«56«995e*0'»3agi99g*S0000g99e909Si5i&990902&9Bb999SB^;aboutal>out Ihthee l»i»Inadeguat#e servic eervlcee provi* provf*- on green, mounr, plum I rookirookiee \...... ,\. •d•d byby thtb*e Publi Publicc -Servic Aerrk-ee Corpora-." Corpora-1] inj brown ... 1 J tion.tlon. especiallespeciallyy durinduringg "rus "mahh boors boors.. ThtaThis Ilas particular!particularly; noticeablaotlresblee In th«la j lb# Women'Women’ss VelouVelourr CoatCoatss '• MissesMisses’" Coat Coatss peratiou of the east bound : operation of the enatbound trolley ('ouvcrtibJeConvertible collarcollar.. de - de*\ , IInn velonrvelour,, tweedtweedss an dadd h^r bpr-V- [.which ta B'-hedulfd ta reach i Wat FUR SALE which Is scheduled to reach the WaW taehabletaehabl** bbelt.f It, ne_uc«-w barrebarrel)^l , iliajHa clothscloth ,a anandd blaek black'' an d/« ml FUR SAL© { ebunschuog arenuavenuee stanataadd I at o'cloc8 o'clockk I la whitewhite checkschecks,, convertiblconvertible!,.e ^ pockets, peau de cygne $ 7S I the evealng pockety penu de ' $ # | Q I collars and new gatintlet lined;liln-tl ; goldgold,, ajiplnppluc ar'i-ii(rent/ collars and new gauntlet/ II TnThisU ca carr ge Ugets to towto n townlo t.._la .time foi* 4 » 18 culfs;cuffs; 4{r blaekblack,, .aavy , navy.j18 TOMORROW ORLY [J ththee variouvariouss en Certaientertainn me nmeot* Is a t thate • jtbdj.and•n d dardarkk greegreenn an andd BurBur-1- TOMORROW ONLY theatres and Hie where, and In ton- * gundy J;. 7 rookie, tan ., '• theatres and elsewhere, and In con-J gundy I I1 sequencsequencee 1*la lonaldemblconsiderablyv ov«rcrowd-'overcrowd-, * * «edd frofromm th thee tim etime ft leaveIt s leavesClinto ni t imon Misses'Misces' WooWooll VelouVelourr Coat Coatss DON'T MISS ITavenuearenn e untiuatlll ItIt arrive arrlvens ID thIn e theheart ;heart Women'Women’ss SprinSpringg CoatCoatss DOK'T MIS$ Itr ofof PlainflcldPlainfield.. OnOn Tueada Tuesdayr nlRh t nightOfO f gabardingabardinee oror PoiretPoiretixK P.»uPeaa ded. cygnrygti.e lftpng iiqinr\\ wbewhenn ththee SaureSourerr minstre minstrell sho wshow KI Swas ‘ twilltwill witwithh neneww gtitcherfglitched)*j - .throughout;.throughout; hahiws contrast-rontnuit-/*—/ — A. We are sacrificing prices now and the bargains given at the Plalnfleld hlca school! Drecoll collar, larg^ patch! $ inging collacollarr ofof faill faillee i*ilk;( .ilkC.$ IHJ We are sacrificing prices now and the bargains RiventbU conditioat then waPlainfielda eren morMahe pro*school* .Dreeoll collar, lar^t; patch!fOC l 1 color,colors snuffnnuff,, SharoSharonn "^» Th-e.ln /.d fi tbla nounred condition. and a largwase numbeeven r moreof peo pro- "pocketspockets: ; iinn blackblack,, na ynavy/ r.^\ viewe offeofferr araree trultrulyy wonderful wonderful.. YonYou ca ncan ur esave 60' * 60^by by* nounced. and a large number of peo- and taupe;'several other' 25 pliloi<] goldgold,, noveltuo.eltjry gr^ egrvenal! 25° ° | ple being unab' - to get oB tbe one) and taupeseveral othtrl ple being unabi to net oh lha one,model s L anandd golgoldd mixturemixture,s ^ ./, purchasinpurchasingg FURFURSS aatt thithiss sale sale,, becaus becausee nex nextt season' seasons s ArllBKloArlingtonn >v«nuavenuee trolletrolleyy tha tthat con- .con !, mode In ! f pricesprices wilwilll bbee greatlgreatlyy advanced advanced.. J car.nfflfd was wllh obliged Ik. loI 0-rlockwalk to «UiIke highUn.1 I 2' school.school. I ThThee operatio operationn O f ofwha whatt la know fa knownn aa| aaj 1 J a "tripper‘tripper" ’ea earr ahea aheadd of thof* Mainthe ] Main SpecialSpecialss TomorroTomorroww OnlyOnly Umle trolletroUsyy woulwouldd hal phelp w remedyU> remadj,. BILL S PASSED BY tbla trouble. The "over-crowded Maryland Tarings 1 Eeal Tr»t SealReal BeaveBelverr SableSable ConeConeyy condition" la now a nightly occur Dry Picked; 1b. !k Duck, e«ch renceB InsteaInsteadd ofof th ethe excepilon eireptlon.. and and'HOUS E AND SENATE Wagner Market Co. therethere ararce a anumbe numberr o f peoplof peoplee wh who Wagner Market Co. I bellere that the trolley '• «»npan I j ' I ,'• believe that the trolley company,\: TrentonTrenton. . MarcMarchh 9.—Alte >.—Afterr bavin havings 36C --- Plainfield’s Popular Market S1.00 MUFFSMUFFS SETS I I shouldshould trtryy toto affor affordd relie frelief to thlobeen the defeated last week, the Sqn«te --- Plainiield's Popular Market --- ' travelingtraveling publicpublic.. beeon nTuesday defeate d nightlaat weekjusased. ;th ethw S«n^( bille In- o| rodn Tuesda a red y bynigh Senatort passed thRichards,e bill in- of ^ GERAGERANN LAUDLAUDSS troduced by Senator Richards, of l $12.50$12.50 $9,00;i AtlanticAtlantic,, whicwhichh changechangess [h thee percen pcrc«n- DoDo yon|knoTJByou knoy| wha whatt th thee \ Wagne '* Wagnerr Cas hCash s||tem System" ” ARTHURARTHUR PItKMJN lagt-tage ooff votervoterss '. i iaeceasary- f-.ii-> to tobrin gbring bn bn : k recalrecalll electioelpctlonn i n Incommissio cotnmltaionn gov -gov- meanmeanss ttoo 70ayou?? IItt mean meanss tha thatt ever everyy dollar' dollar’ss wort worthh Real Lynx Real Mink Spwclal to l-ourletvNews: ernmenternment citiescities.. ThThee bill , bill originally Trenton. M.rcMarchB »,—W«9.—With* Demo Demo- froid.proride., i loforr «040 pe pert ce» cent-l of the v*t- of meat bought at our Plainfield Market is a real cratlc I-eaderer OeratJerann payin payingg a tributa tributee ]***era BfgDionlgniag^ lilihce ji fpetition illon iar forth e the*e - tt- of meat; bought at our Plainfield Market is a real SETS J toto ththee woworkr of Assembly man Arthurtall. and thU was thecaAs ra*s«e for (tform (t* SETS} ! N.N , PlersoPierson,n of Union county. In mu-sot back. ick. TuesdaTuesdayy niBht.uiiobight, uponn nnitio motionn savingsaving ijfoforr jyouyou,, an dand als o alsoan effectivan effectivee way owayf of ' nicipalnicipal nifinancel research, the House of Assembly passed the seven meas-of thee AtlantiAtlanticc Senator Senator,, tb ethe measur measuree ure* Introduced by the Union man • asas ret'creconsidered,n sltle red, an d and thehen then reducinreducingg ththee highighh cost cost o fof livin livingg $35.00 $5S.oqi the result of theuveatlgatlon of wmeaded>ded It sIto thaao t thatInstea Instaadd of 40 the Many Other Bargains in All Kinds of FURS, the commission otof whic hlchh MrMr.. FtoPier-i percentageBe wil l Iwill 30b«. A30.t IbeAt the pree- Many Other Bargains in AD Kinds of FXJRS. FURson Is thechai chairmann «nt titimem !523 pe rper eent . cent,. Of thof e the voters "ETS°ETS,, FUFURR COATSCOATS,, Et Etc.c j|.-The"Tb e i name of isemblymaAasemblymain Pier - • tbe in-1 il Legs ot Genuine Best Cuts Native Legs of Prime Jer- -f Q** i be Forgotten by ] Spring Lamb, lb; i"• people oriif New Jersey' for Cfc* ' tillt — 23c Bib Kout, n.i-. • sey Veal, lb...... 19C eat work whickickh LHre hab.as don ilunre In inat -al-khe 'Housih» ellou.. were war.approve dapprarag by ti e by it. nptltiR to fflao.plaoe thfh.e financesba.nr.. of at datflu lb. fa. I !ba»Shoalde Oo.-r of Bprtjg 4 O,A > DiuniclpaHtlen of tbls State Rumps of Prime ChasChas.. KurtzmaKurtzmartn Itln of Ihla Slat, oi • iTnol ^mo.'r B(!« oKdff. bad senbadt Iaonln bl a Inflrst hfa vot eUral »o4#Lamb , lb...... IOC PorterhooMPorterhouse BoastBout., LargLargoe Jerse y Veal, Jb... ],i.irti- of fai on a billb ot tblof s characterlb cb,. r,Amoar g Tondorloina. 91c 171788 EASEASTT FROKFROffTT ST ST.. • Next to DrNext. Pitti to* Dr.lor,aa;for n on. MakoaInfected It witha mtad^cer- tain dlaoaara to mmrr,. EoUed Pot Boast,- HindquarterHradquarUns Large Boiling Mr. I^Maater: Gives first-class BO bone, lb. . .. SpringSpring LambLamb,, lb. lb... Chickens, lb. .. countyreceive courtsalaries attendants not theIn rightetctmrn u» of B|.2to for the first year and notNu t Margarine—^ontaina no anim&l fat. :h« second LonLongg IslanIilandd DucksDocks,, Larg L&rg#e Boastin Roarg ting ThThee LeadefLeader- StorStoree iiore than $1,300 for |he secondYou'r e the winner jf you try a O7«r» 9 : Mr.«r . RandallKandall:: PutPutss th thee member roemb-rss of ot pound I lb , 1...... ! ' I" • V| Chickens,Chickens, FancF»oojy PhilaPhila., Capons Capons.. * EntirEntiree StocStockk o off fcthe EngineersKngfneers‘' UcensUrcnsce BareauHorcau., o t of Oie ImborLabor U«{iarti^entDepart Kent., InIn th «tho com com-- ; petitiveuctl'tlve clasclasss ooff thI eho Civi Civill Servic Servicee an dand Coats,Coats, SuitsSuits,, DressesDresses,, JFurs Furs,, Waists Waists,, increasesincrease* theitheirr salariesalariess fro mfro* |1.2o tl.tOffO !tttoi |2,(""$2,000J annuallannuallyy wit withh expemes eposes.. Men’s, Women’s and Children’s i Mr.Mr . RobertiRoberts:: LengthenLengthenss ter mterm an dand TheThe HomHomee ofof Qualit Qualityy Mea Meatt Men's, Women's an4 Children's I Ibcrcaaeaincreases salariesalariess ofof connt countyy colleo colleo-- | Kti*r», stawarits wardd ofof tli e ?h*coun(t countyy poor - poor- ' furnishings I liousiee anandd ththee count countyy audito auditorr of ofth eIho ; FURNISHINGS !COunty countr ofof BurllnglODBurlington.. Will Be Sold [ Mr. Wolverton: The puriiosa Is to WAGNERWAGNER ]\kARKK:TMARKET COCO.. providMr. e Wolverton.a ready mean Thes of supporpurposet fo Isr to lprovldaa deserte ad wifread?e o rmeans childre nof andsupport. give* for Will Be Sold I ath edeserted court th wlfoe righ ort tochildren nx'an amounand givest ’ ;jJ 12,1244 Eas Eastt Fron Frontt Stree Streett ' tbsto !iecourt paid tbIhoe wifrighte o r chilto dfls fro anm th amosnl* At AUCTION • totint ?be 'impose paid d theupo nwife th eor desertin childg husfrom- the bandbanOn*d Imposedanandd fatherfather. upon. the deserting hus- At AUCTION ! I i-MrMx. . WolvertonWolverton:: PermitPermitss Camile Camdenn EXPECTS QL'RR TOR . causecause pfeventlopreventiona an«n44 cur ecure of thOfe havethe enlistehavo d enlistedprominen prominentt physlcia physicians, Beginning Saturday 11t$6 IncreasIncreasee ththee ealar salaryj o fof it aIts 4xcls osrlsse to- In-EJLPBCTH OIRF. FOR dfseas'p Which caused so many deaths [ bacteriologlete. . ? nurses, wonie •peelorspettor toto a sua msum no t exceedinnot exceedingg INPAXINFANTT Pil(Al,V.SlPilR.ll.YHIg S disease which caused ao many deaths bacteriologist*. nurses. Women’s ahdahd ssoo siucmuchh distres did strees lan l dlastsummer summer,,^ ^clt^bH cland qbs- clviand^ organlsatloncW? organism!a In ions In a BeginninAT g10 ASaturda ML y 11,6(10. "Iho"the microbmicrobee whicwhichh pause ysuaess infantil Infantilee concerte concertedd effor t effortto chec tok thchocke dU the« disease , Mr.Mr JohnsonJohnson,, foforr Speaker Spanker! Schota Schoen,, By VmlPil Pros'- parftljals ha8 been, definitely Isolated before It- gets a Mart In Chicago t Increases the salary of . juvenile .United Pfrews paralysis t kas bees definitely Hoisted before I* gets a start In Chicago this increases the salary of juvenileCbicago , March B.-^Drl Maxlml)J anandd experimentexperimentss arpiee bein beingg madj madee to yearto .yenr. R4 Cbwrt( uart officerofficersM InIn first-clas first-classs Icountle {countiesa I'hlrago, March 9.—Dr locate air.antltoxtaf*ii!cn effectively; .. .,; ».- WM- A.A TSCHORB, 10 A. Auctioneer from |l,2ua to I'» .J'".' a v.-ar. llan Ilenag exptecta to Siavi perfecteale,, trans^ trans-CLOTUR i E RULE Intoxication.I UI\LYello^ Won^rj, $16.75 parentparent varnishvarnish.. Its clearIts , brillianclear, t brilliantfinish I finish f Indigestion. AppenAcUla. Women, $16.75 : and other fatal ailrten** » AnotheriAnot|ier| shipmentshipment;; o(off thos th«e Women—$15.75,W6men—$15.75; $18.7$18.755 bringsbrings ououtt th ethe characte characterr of th eof Wood the. wood. £ Stomach (l„loTrouble Thr ™ A.rainc.Tho- Dol l ,r Only Three Against Debate Stomach .Sufferer*'I prettprettyy liirfesse'.ilrjtscis whaehwhich h* ha Picked dressesPicked, dresr-e:-.signed fo r designedyoung foren . youngin 14 t o 20women, in I, cau-cdd MMh^ai41>h ' a furoa hfurotn amon g :tmoyears ' sizes. 'An -value offeig f Limit on final Test.; our tU'IMAer*.4i>rticrs Thfc'twThbUwOo f mqdets at 4\SJ5, in crepe de chine,- pU'i (1 "pnrts stripe yorite ' 6io|Iclatolelss ar e Id-epare e crepetaffetfl i pongee and crepe Georgette, . ii Li nation MA' chine. |Ai|h outathsoutachee taffelae , crepe de chin* or wool jerSe^ lodela at $1875 broidery \ and taffeta CO ^orgette. IXTRAtXTRA StSSIONSESSIONi WA Y WAYCICAB . CLEAR. binexbitiedl 4t+ltf)^ crep crepee CWgett flJirgete embroidei P-ssidsat Orsti««d at Aolion o< M,P«' Haase, bit Miln M. Annooecamwl All -.Ik Li'i-' M.niManyi -•< i. r:«T>lora-s Ab.nl Spiel.I C.ll ^ae Ne» Coopr™. i-i-i .jn.i riour. uiir. i uwiiniiiiimt - tuitdioc. i* rant ml frrr from ro-jn. lo M..I — La FalltjUa. Oranna *•** brnuhp, naptha and other adul- Sh.rm.n V.U Arg.i..t Rala. SpringSpring 5uitSuitss .> terants. WashlhKtrti. ManHiI It.—'The wax lot forfor WomeWomenn AtAt-Sli 8Iff.tt.K (»i on on*e mode modell eft« c*ffraHk«- nu r*tniiT«Iinprr *-**-Ion of com-Tid* to IIvv trimtiernimCiedt with wltkMBUrtw" b b braid, DEVOEDEVOE is isth e onlthey only varnish veat PnWldrnl OkHUw with Pill >1.1 Fourtcdnjrlotni tnterr.sti ig mod-nklr.klrt t js/miiLon Tvine pa pwnefe in apron . r.snplric, BUthorlq t ds of such excellent qualitieseffecrffrat t l>uoh..rkk an d and frost, dainty bearinbearingg ththee manufacture manufacturer*’! Guar- boler►olaroo fwaiBt•wale*.. AnotftoAnotherr I modal anteeantcc Formula—that'Formula—that’ss why we ah If* a rat protect A« snf material^ and line tailoring.iliow* kneeltn-^t*s of paisleof y Palnlry / silk recommend Pale Interic mw In « Lwir unit open. . that it i< Nrd to realise partlythey faltWonBidden untfe runder thre three ai- recommend Pale Interior above ; t aMiud aid* the tr$dUlonB of more ttitles "andband"* aroundJ rtl aki*. allall otherotherss fo r forinsid einside trim , doorstrim,, doors, IMD a «wmur>. the rap*»e by «n «Wrf- are V). $2.< S-*--*).; wainwatnscoatin sc oatingg an andd moulding moulding.. hlxlniini nitf _nmetwln! . «i u» It- rotadl 10 $35 anti $3^50. MajWtyare,br«w*d hoOr. Old’ Hukllnr. - provideprovide foforr * l.n,nsttI.J.a |HnlU11ofcI on delon det*t* t**t pr.VOEPF.VOE PalPalee Interio Interiorr wil l nwill not tom •= I w.iulil prfrelt any mihumer bjr Two niodctk pi i ar■ r--Htti littlee 1 GirlsGirls’- Blouses— Blouses—r SmarSmartt SuitSuitss fo r for white, check or crack. Can be v. j.hol would prWrtt any flilhfirtra by a ***f#*»«* whirr, check or crack. Can be w*thed griiiii of willful" men. mich ■b«*ri of amp*'’'* withwith soasoapp an d andwater water.. Can be rqbbeCan d be nibbed grunp *»f willful" am. aorh aa 'W uten’e weak* spry •U ',%Z SmockSmockss : : YounYoungg WomeWomenn or polished. oi*nniTrrrui'iii'iiv.'r «rhli-artitehh preventepreventedd tti the ejiH-t emartly bSItejl or 1< kKi-rx, ,.i habuul: Boit»>."^irlvRoiv.ill prrtvrf ever everyy r!ay . day 0»t meatin. iir ofof tU'- the tire"idina In Pal« Of flip laat topgrvis. j u f Bond e. 18.71! Harh.Bunch,. - psndrand,. slmdo n•hade* -" of grran, about DfcVOE product*. of the laat cmipr*-**. bstt-n-* AS*. . and full of good arrvlee. mrc.91.78. blue , and tan, anc In )r* rwmot' nt4 temp lit atUi'kiujr'Bie r Btjlfl wlta *t back rime, blur and tan. and deep rich In hl« receni «tdtrmr‘nt attackiuif lfc« From a hew rr fine cnarlzeHtinUSrd pofrlStylel ,withn st/alaht bark. Nppakpf"w,)«(,.!« whwhoo Hotte Irladk'sld (li e armwHie larm.*! Ml eti||W suits of »4r^r w a«s~ ifeSiisr'14-ito <0 yi^. "TutAll t«*r•*war* e de^lsne dealsnedd fi r YOUNfor Q YOUNG wra'tirrmpa^tiri- tilthee |>rp>kl the hulIbrl fcnltwft- silk 1 iniiifr.. SiS lUtotherS ,, ,C dA h,ndainty,nb l shirtf>,Bh bloaeeco,or women.won.enofn , crepe. wh,Dftalln Detail",. nrp aiiletwler ra Wrul«- of Ih..fe jsrtiatibr e WAartiatrB waa Ibr In withwith grfi* reeli car* care.. Par t Parle modal*— rcn*"" which w,,iil.I ruukpHnPxti braid-lMdjnilj w «lrifted’* » V smartly; taltoria'' * rallortakh In In rape*-tallyea»«DUc«t.• ‘ » butl^nvlns—a‘* Lanvtne—are' KadHd rrawai which would makr an r*lraw^i- [i\.>n a Halnty femlnlti clonely. . (n theH suit PLA1NFIELP,. 1 NEW JERSEY nary n'si.-iion ef;lhe xtafo-flfth ™ lining. $35. • \n a Hal rlonely. In there suite are on nary ef the Sfyf>-fifth ' «>n*rtwa tiantr-woffcentr-woffced eyelets cm pocketspockets 4nandd coHftrcollarsa an dend new Ideas PAINT DEVOE PAINT to .-...isliU.r tin; MM fu tie. Sow Ufa 14 andU ffi In •ktrt£-- AH the Sprl PAINT DEVOE PAINT re*-mito •■«tnskier no Insigdrtlu, ciUH-bill fuflle Now tlfat r andUn p^^ 8*1.Mla all trapfc» AU»7» »0.Che Uprlixg faBrtea Three VolV«<*. Aga ApsifMti It.. : Third IttHi'r. Old Bnlldiitf. *.see 14 to *0 years. A frw briefH . mhUira «f ••( diaruakion o^W-' Spring" Footweaootwearr (K> Vffl' k\m\ : jtiw"threw1' lh|thr1 flrao? himorpf honoredl *enat«> |»rlal- . Womo, *i»4*pe- -.tor*ahne, t>Hcplica» h. Wta Jewelry—Saving8$ s Swiss- NeckweaNeckwearr DO VW KMftfV itetmU wBIwill finfindd herei na v«rl*lvarietyy of j iton<>f d aondTh e little things almost ev Irr*|pp- of ofun l uniiiuitr'l debate—a prlrll^te lo*kin*tookir.it slyltB.stylos. al l ijlth. l»(p plate- womanm>miui iif*i!nr*d%^ f r forth m^iOrthe a*tanlflra< ihe Joy and coptrnlrnO^ of electric !•-:>. I iHi.li. ' PricedPriced HalHalff Les Lesss whk-b bad anrvhrd altatwt ronatast at rial*rtaln amandi makinntak]Cg Wrute irVtiH upon. touchtourD toto lle perr c costume. Priced h toaster*,OS an*percolators. copvenlenW of • electriuc . wnta*|,., andk , \la ^etts'r ap-, t Irarlthe? duearlyW *1«|W of the re- and which fanml monr/i-yurth lowlIn w Hih Mise Usua usualil i cost. Dainty Ik f. for embroidered BeH era, percoialors, \foT\,\, and at1 r..i, :,- Since nfcd with th EasterCaster «r> too. collar* end foliar and cult **t* pliance* too numerous!to mention*puMle. «'a8fr<«i|.sl with the president** 1 m«h baca. 12. pew to4?y An Importer who' c( s tob niinii'Tfuist ro dH'iitioii ' puhlleJiwnaml, <' Alienn l(.f.aini Ik ;l^tnc Co. • Co.But til few ernatora. ta F.llrtte uf a *5.6vj. *TitlB i <>M> KTREET YN IweiU'in. Crtinni of North Iwkdta ut. htttbnwd. 1ST WKHT HMOMi kTItKKT icreaaiiiili' c»a't A SaturdaSaturdayy Grou Groupp of , of •ina. nil 8hrrmim of isyalnalIllinois rb.all Hciniidjf-Buie. MenattMi Lat FoilplfKollctiee ami ;ami G t.r .••leniky. tneoepan- IINIT. i*ith the Special $6 Hats the» rfpvcnelrrcu fleimsiHcl- by the preeldt*UMfix ' re. vlvrd tan atlvb)M lu.llcalin« Special $6 Hats 1 Hi.- -llttl* gnnip of W tlist they h.id Ifro rrk—*rd. aud Auer BUrk mid tun nslfakth. I bul- a So good hi-line, how.o la«tofnl in the "little group of willful urn rex> - I'.n.'.l. J- ^Patent -leather, with So good inline,, so tasteful in reorutiiic iao opinio opinionn bpt th*lr1-wa nail.rvpfWH««ui[|vr* at $la,J. j Personal Loa moil of tho rnltcd Ktaf*W hHplews sad toship * theat once beantlftil, dtspit e modelstheir lo wall cost about., fn PLAI.VFIEI.E S rmfclrsl ruatem|4lblp." thmocti their flrOtYarrowUsle^crtxotter* M »»*- Iweii de- Our •a.l«aUt>l« »r* Btif-fiBlly •"•»!', H'll'.-. V-! >btpl H. tained ever liln^r the bm^lc In reUtldtiB tratneil tn thw itrtlna- of .hllilr-ns to Manythe beautiftisport*i model*»<■s areall aboutmolf. «hem. Tlde-I TIT 1»» tin tbo erme.1 neutrality MIL Sen .tor Sbor-befwren the two .vniBirtri*. Stkt* de-•diaesfo r . ..r — M»'nyihowlm •iH.rt. 'hita s *rtrlffee imo Bioron them trlmmln*—crepe, DM* T mar. who hno the arrped ncntralllypartment .dltclal* were ...nil.lent that Httl A^\ showinor g astilt trlU e fae-ln*.more trimming—crepaaptlqw*d flowsrs.e ed«ss uraxurc. rot*-l irainW olnture <«. the or "Ilk f»cln*. .KPPllqued flower*, edge* pf l$ll §£ IS SliiS bgaLffV ribbon boand. ; The> II «» «b«o oweli- ooff fil ethe rnlp rule.. - ; P ibr re will lie no further flHN> In Hwlr V y ribbon nerd*bound . as-They'l welll Htas. int>port»o otne w*-rr pHcsac. but tliey were mix Ion* |o re. need* aa well mm JrporW wear. Women'sWomen's UnderweaUnderwearr DressyDressy hatth*ts' "ilso-^large »lso—Urge// gracefu gracefull Tlw arimtfysls «cn»((*i who rof*Idii.juWMlne report* a* ifft the c.H»dl fndrrrc*14,V*4err>~tti}»X-o*i*, sdrosds. merj Iiifht shapes, with . ^simple trii for the dot are rule: , . • tion11 -i, of..f !•'!• the• r):.)i[.;U!i tbowsand! or HIMor! •• nswrA i ,N \.;tAmerk-sutl Uele. a deU«M fully Sn«. Ildbt V L * i charming small hats.ith All with a AsbsrM. n^-khsm. Pr».|vmdr-cfi i rvfueeeareriiKPPs Inta A«t Aalaa Minor Uiaw, hi Turkis In h'I'urklsk ter- ter- woiaktw^.rhi liiiiilitytriaHly.. hichl yhtahly luatroua . luscrou* charming small hats. All : 1 8H«hiK1i«ht impetffertl'iImpsdfretli.nn In ' »-c«vIn* weave \W lot olotf styl ofe an}Stylea das h andby ndash by reason of Hrtuakard. • aMer. «-ha. nf •'"(]kerlal* ;rltorj'-ritur n. y rearhe«‘oreadied d th ethe de|Krtliueiit drpaVtluetif.. fhos u These Seconilii of Me; nnrl GOc rndes. MUTUALMUTUAL FINANCFINANCEE COMPANY COMPANY,, ftic. Itic. X=r•’Mualna , ^iT™' tirtl* Tall,". ^ nance.h FnHIn Seconds of 8ScC and Me grade* . line, color-hlending nr unusual trim- ■uyaen. Cscry. Hale. Hard Irertw'^ llardwlr-f report*report * sesett fortJ forthi tin t thatIbfe ADic-rfc-ansiLr American*, nrl* I t l^ -rtr. mil*. \ line•i , color-ble^jtiming note.g or unusi Mitrbeork .Moll* HlCtM , HiwS**luKilnM largelyl«rB»ljI " lust lnl*.liiii*rte:mHhlunartec. in . an ; art?smlTerin !*vffer1ngg for for Combination Bulls.i. j ; Sftc.c Htbhed ming note. 9 Jar*f* Jod"Jnpo** o r Ne,*w K«wMMioo . Ms*Ji lex foodJi>nss and that 'he> h«ve |wen eap.we.1 rO* *0*. Whit* j delightful variety of other models Wa*dn«tno.rt.T. KHKWsKHIo«a.. Ken4rl(* Ksndrl.-a,. Irivattoiia iTi tho prlsnn > to S25,sdelightful variety of otKsx models mam* fa» :irbv. Knnjt [Jii., lls-wia, t«» werloua invalloo- Iti the priannYh* NiiehWM combination Kin*. Kirby. Km* I .an* L-«U.1 C IMIa-1* 1 ■nit* rut to IV fmoothty ovet the s&rs.is. 5Tt.j«5ssa ss .r. HMmrvrM.-umbr,.. ST. MrKsllar.Cellar. UH^an, MrC^an.M"™ !?*' - Marti.ramp** 1> * "herwheree the I yhey h* h«ve l|«n detailed hip* ribbsd Itsl* 50e. r\iE£*M orincelt, the tilt of • *'lm. 1Mysr* NA-nNH*w . Vs*NrwtaiMta .Nswland* TheNorr department hna onleted radoktdH 'tvown, OwenOwsn., r •*/,r««r. J-*UT.IF* Jlnm*. r Ptttnyneffort* to mw-OTe frotB Turkey safe rOfi- Both loW aecl. sleevelea*., ht tl*htlln rlrhnen and aoftnea*. Every one PuMdciter.-. Vnmtrrnr.Komsene. l!< . -•]•Jtansd-U. 1!. Hi* or larsd at the; kne* Y*«ra fke G.160 Laver DCEB STREETe jMotibMMB. Hsul*liuf». Sliafrplh. Shs|>i>aid*M*t through the Mediterranean warrkr*/mlrtrtfml rnaJtfeffmmktmeJ and e-dfinUK-^tHat finish l**t 160 DUER STBEET •h^ld* Simmoaa. Smith of (2*>rab<. Rml*ooe for the rrulucf l*va M«>ln.-* sud A Lovely Box of Woman’sWomen's WhitWhitee North PUiafield. T«L 334 .thetbe culller •A»r(*at%ar., bol d beklaL Alexandriat Alexandriaa A Lovely Box of NorthFRIDAY, Plainfleld . SATURDAY,Tel. 334 no I bfir wayin rejtoto nrrllrv* thf«c rutuifee*.tlir*e reflMfeea. Flowers,Flowers, $1$t Gloves,Gloves, $1.1$1.155 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 5k. »<*»« i»- hasi-.- n beenilpr|[j«red from atrfQad. and Ono y,-lb. can of Prindne ! nyklmit W Hanti I* praparad t.,nc(>>(iaUoom m.iva will a'.idoabtnlly!•• • \'T Amark-gd y p pair- J.velvetyvelvet y pansiespansies,, charmin charmingg Fin e 'Quality skins, good •How Aim-iit *, i roted] InIn th e tk«bop e hopeof ar«ajt1n of gaverting a break a break Fine quality skins, good BakingPtaBakin« Phosphitg PowdePowderre fo rfor #*•^^.40 *”TheseThes e neneww stylestylei* W«In- tnrn'toanltnaaWo- and allow Atnrr!> an • withot» AmtAtatrta.l Pvwtty t brand >llk Blocking*sweeteet peaspeas,, an d andpur e whitpuree whiteatitchinpvexpertstitch'm'fe;exper t catcot., i s ashere here-- man a in raatuaaB waItaj f.iwayi tl> e iB-i'iinhnz: tba, mv*m navy bluo and #ray atripad With 24ya-lb. bag of Union County ___». BMtwM- TrtwaoiiTreason otiarRcLarge*M wil wlUl bc-imCiTr« b«. prefel brredy by i tofore. sPlenty of all sires in MV,-lb. bag of Union Coontjri e r whlta; whlta •tr1r*c<1 with black; tofore. 3*lentY ol all sizes in mvmen’*a Footwearkce p defyingkeep Ilia liarftian -uhtnarlna ratal and {Main bttcft ai FlourFlour anandd On Onee V 2-lbV,-lb.. can ocanf Prijn- of1 Prin * i '1 f'^ wM^iTTri federal* * " P«*«M«pr«*--Tjior»" »S»lu» agaluNtl CIIIW clllzcnaM of of a ad plain blaca and tan ^th white,white, «&Katoo> whit whete wit h withblack black Fditfn. WUI, (beLflSff way fur iM«iNiaik*i ththoo CnlteHiI’nltfNl d Ht "State*" KQ O "^mhor »*may wugh bet Vaughtwhlta while olorksclock*, Mfl M«r earl nad tap. and tan itr imxle color. cinecine PurPuree Phosphat PhoiphaUe f "01 OCapaceapac e witwithh th e worthek oWorkt r<*» *«•*oi !<• grant blm fall anil •*»«; toca Mid hf«l». |i | and tan br n*sie color. ■ ---•alisil thai d r JIQD ththeP '*" vastt drm Cdracistet *Wrll.tll which« dirt«l« the i <11 vision taaa and bralg. |1 pair BakingBaking PowdePowderr fo r for• stiVtf 1 plate|.lptP nutn.)rit.vnatburfty.. i t it waa «tatrd that rtafi Main (I.-™-. Old Hulldlnf. ^ loor. Old Bu lldlnc. Nature, for thejr reveal the liift-1 aud rtwUlvi a,tloi!f WM of In rest Igatkis Of the d.-purlsw-ta of White Rose Baked Nature, for they reveal themil- aud dedalVf action; waa* ji.-.ti..but . iiig- si't to.trap l«jmh plottvra White Roee Baked * Gft ran it IT of Lours. JoatW ha* «•( lo trap band, plotter* at Ninta, matter of b«>ura. Ijl and i li.- .if...,i i, , of .Icsi riKTi,.ij of tbe Beane,Beans, spec.epee.,, pe rper can .can . newneJ.VVw vogurogue e tha thatt is isunfoldin foldingg i WlwrhtT Ilie [,ri-.-i<|pri ■ tul tho B|antlea of ilestnirtion of thr York. U-hatbar Hie prraldrait Will move™: propertyprofiort on y ooff America Americann .^onctiri ctm.wrrmm eu^agt etucacodM WhiteWhite RosReeee Kidne Kidneyy rdliiary > acaalcaaUili ,,' .«.f .-loan-aa '-"i:*o •,.aara within PETERPETE‘tbs R DELGYEDELGTERR spec.•pec., 22 can conss fo r for.. 25....c J Vtilted Blate- feSae Hwlr ffiilvIUr* Tlie "Nine,, Bus," White Rose Catsup, JEWELER ISttle Were Is still.mov- White Rote Catsup, UnderUnder N«Neww Sp y%py Bill . Dill. IBS stock from Us •pecspec.,, peperr bottl bottlee ...... 15 c It inla fel rfrlf Itm l thatthe rimithe- toiripeflnu* foIsr anripe \ for21921 aa3 WesWsstt Fron Brentt Stree Streett •Selves at prices Itial arS WhitWhitee RosRotee Pumpkin Pumpkin,, exampletuple tuto be bemad Bind,e ot theof Lrs tbst \nn-rl Brat i Arnvrl m> spre sllns uo ore re- L Opposite Proctor's qt.qt. cancan,, speciaspeciall 14c prelervpil lb fa, enu Liiii.hitnHicate.1. M'T.I "i n ^llhvin rHtbur ID * -s^0*'iut^.a a * ««p|ouag» Opposite Proctor's fuses to buys, 1 White Rose Datei, iiiii-.r-rrni'i I trf n>1>Br-'>is (^ir the step .orI qr a.• .lc»triicilu) i lent runi plotloti . plot.A tnass-n fA «vthum- • of svk White Rose Dates, 'detiOp la a!ren putllfbinfiilbs punlskDinitt foforr !.•:,.•--infraction*. o f ofth e ;,••;••:•:the bsutrdllty I \ at ih e Iof the , *nd «( yen with shoes YSS?*^ TallTall cacann Brav Bravoo Bran Brandd rnHrd Slates and Tor fren train hie ar- ikal are by far mseh PinPinkk SalmonSalmon., 2 can2 s . cans15 c tlvitiew agsiuat lls> fnlfed Ktstes guv j lowerreally Inespert price forthan yonsarh ’.' Mb1-ljk.. bricbrickk Fanc Fancyy Cod - Cod- **ftinWnt Bu cat thr other bandDR many. H. solid lestker. asat appearing footwear. flah, special 15c ! Whit.Whits RosRosee Corn Corn., InIn the4them mC„ i s isauthoritativiautfiorit I a ve ac- IMPLY? WQLL, DO n BEIilir "• activltlrs eTen (n thn faoe j SURGEON special,special, peperr ca ncan ...... 15 cIdvceptanceceptanc e ot ofth e thevore d fkvored; Peopleopiee NoticNoticee It .lu DnveDrive Them ThemOff Off ! DENTIST White Rose Peas, White Rose Peaa rogu-Ae Cpby women who' withwith DrDr.. Edwards Edwards’' * . " j its1T1 KAHTifAHT F»O!S MtokTT STR »Tits:srrI •pedal, per can. 15c vogue by women who : special, per can laHe OliveOlive TabletsTableta ccturnruturn ,l_nn an-- RMIB,hr cairlneedM tha t thatthe wiythe t o wtyI WoodbulWondSullto l & aMarti Mu-tinn J.Bui H iunllStn* 1 Large pkg. Self-Raising Buck- knoknoww smarsmartt dressirtdrcsiiitgg for for f!nd the •• • I,..:-;,.-.- -iT. 1 Hoiiiiii."-. in to Large pkg. Self-Raising Buck A pimply face -iQ etrAiarrasnetrlharra,. err(s yyua '"' . TslrpbupsWoriina, riftl. to srfa«twheat FloorFlour;; reg reg.. pric eprice •!(• »* whatwhaf™ „t iitt reall realtyy is . La.A t $3.5At0 $3.50 packagEaee ooff ISJ! wnk*> n» cTamDle of*" the : "'»ni|.lrUnit

M • • FLA1NFTR1.D OJVR1KR XKWS. FRIDAY, MARCH 0. 1017. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiilliiiiiiiniiiii^ STEADY WORK HOME RULE MEN 1 STEADGOODY WOR MENK ip ASK HELP HERE because we know we are right. Every Veek we offer you attractive furniture ••''right prices. _If Good mmGOO cm moor*D food ME pMtiouN u molomnI you investigate you will thank us for being so persistent and realize that "what '%* say is so," for or conductor*Oood men on ca nPubUe •Mur eSonde* good position Railway! ibjf.npplyln*n motorraeo Irish Nationalist Leaders Aj>- We Sell It a Little Lowet in Price—We Have Always Don^ It—It's Our Way i Irish Nationalist Leaders Ap- Tuna Mahogany z o*tr conductorWaiting-Room,'* os Publi Witcbnngc Sen-ic e AnnuoRailwa y andby .applyin Fonrthg peal to Race In U. S. i Tuna Mahogany Tuna Mahogany ■atnot,t Waiting-Boom, Plainfield. any' Watehtui «o*k-dmjf betweenArarat RStFhndand Fourt 10.00h DRESSER peal to Race In I). S. DRESSESprriaUpR = A.Street M. , Pisinfleld. any week-day between 8.30- *nd 10.00 CbiffonmefBSft r | A. M. STIIL FI6HIIM6 tLOYO-6tOXGE AD-yoM Job* at (odd pay. Sick and doatb bon*. STIU FKHIR6 IL0YD-&E ! All-year jobi at good pay. Sick and drtth bens. “■MO* and Ocher Chi.'. el Pert, I* E flu paid. RedmonridiiMid an d Othaloau.r ChiefMen. feel*, of Part Wh.thy )„ and Two Pillow Outfit PaHs.m.r.t U*u* ManiUits Which Will 3. S»ot to Pr*nd«r Swell front, •75 s Swell from, I '' i ' I • lar** bevel ~“' sSHf. lerie bevel ^itnimiillliimtiutiinmiiiiiiiiuititiiiiHtiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMniriiiHiiiiiiiir ror.plate clegint- mir- pillowsrsmferubU: nr* f.UsJ & *or.plate elegant- mir- HUTKI^I A.\<> ItKSl.UltAM.I HCvCSl -in if r*>, ly polished «'*Mn'.iarv c*»v*r#d f.alf' ly polished

WalnaWain!! FrothedFmisbed Meta'.Metal BeBrdd Rug Dept. Specials NENEWW PIERROTPIERROT ROOM ! SpatiallySpitidlly PrlctdPiictd at \ i HOTEL MARTINIQUE HOTEDH(IAnW*IL MARTINIQU AT Ml. STREET E 17.98 BROADWAGUS EDWARDSY AT USD sTUKK I q iwri. •GU Hr.S -Mtvi-c EDWARD of »»ntS | Q m “MAIDPresCTit- O’THE1 a New- "HKVf MARTINIQUE'K OF HKFINMMirvT ' . ^ A"MAI Itoauact Dof Mmrd.'O'TH Beeqtlr.E M and AUSTI m Belch ofN Nr*1J0UB Edward." hd 1 ife ] A Jk.u.juW o*»P-Af Edwards »«ol»>' Beaut feny holMlon nftri lnrtiba Itatra hPen of of Ne .w Edwards' 1 Fetchls* (toun. . * Songs—A FetchingBroadwa; yCostume*. Frodnrtib, n Full ot | I;KM lt.\i, DAKCISQ rounYOUR plrchasssPURCHASES Mahogany Library Table Quartered Oak Dining Table tuAMAY y BKCHARtHE CUAH'— ED MahogansfMty y Library Table JKK3 -iBttf-nfanptsTKvmAfTtim PrWnt at t-. - V —-g

HotelHotel WaldorfWaldorf'Schoo SchoolI of ViKal Music jth^inihp.rt>-an|$£Vw.# Heavy '-Joi'jni.l - - - MnKhoolMaK(trtlament " liked •a*I3O lUhcu*Babcock rBuildingHu!I.liiiK | The ^atl«iia]b|H-nran» *lien thf, sjmak Quartered Oak took hi* 'ir.tr in thp h'tunt* »r Quartered Oak Mahogany

N«tl.ti!ni!-N of the Wllfln - Buffet TRkJUVlLLE k r.>u|> and UnHM (ifnnrll, Buffet Sewing Rocker pendent XothmitlHir: Tor Vrjrth Specially Priced at SpeciallySpecially Priced atat m™th, were. Ih,- ..iil.f occniiaiira Specialty Priced al 57.50 I v.tR COXCKBTE ROAD. al!v •!)>!(•<) liy (tic Kid Gloves 1.98 bldi will .mv. rliflnrpilnr of I'II* 2-98 ... —« nud mem tier of the Bridsli ikon <*«unty 1 PerfectPerfect Jnin ti. (..id the nu>u:t-crsi iij. tlip Impruk luntalnllorougl-. Av» of Mimamn tluit br aaw mi a elegantlyelettan finiahed; Co* finishedfinished »ewingsewing rockerocker . CIDH>.. OAMLOAPB, , HOOKA.MOOHA, WAS!WASH- i J", if the Iri«U[dcliate. lonial desigp; ma»- HighlyHighly polished. Hi ABLABLEE DOESKINDOB&KIN uvelyinnial desiKpbuilt; l mdoablea drawerdrawer atat side.side. VeiVer y cabinetsiveiy center.built; doubl ,durablydurably constructed.constructed. SolSoldd at$£ '’ cabinet center. BRITISH CAVALRY BONN’SBONN'S BRITISH CAVALRY Nine-Piece Colonial Npvs ISO160 EASTEAST FRONTFRONT STREETSTREET Quartered Oak Dining Room Suite or JlM"' P™- ALMOSALMOSTT ATAT BAGDADBAGDAD

frenchFrench WinWin BackBack PariPart;o off Made ofof elegantelegant quartereerteredd oak.oat goldengolden finish; ColonialColonial design;design; veryvery attract^*atlrtcl^e eu-te; allall largeUrge pipieces t*.. ConsistsConsists ofofr Buffer.Buffet., 4848 inchesinches wide;wide; . ,,,. . — K bu»inea« )"""• Trenchefrenchess alat Verdun.Verduih l m rnl*hecl wllh • c RYE WHISKEY .Extensio. Extensionn Table,Table, 4545 inchesindies wide,vide, exex-- J bl l vide;tends roore fl6 feet;armfeet ; andChinaChin fivea Close*.Closet aide . chairs 4242 Ineheeinche s 7W■ f. J/ _ _ fflfLI E. 4 i^ l»n inn»tli TheyThey foundf- - • SptnaUvSpecially Pric'dPrictd atal Kltaabeth. X. J.. and muat Cleaning Co. thethe ruflrdruffli-J tloW WiiM abdniiit* sttwi.g -mnig ftfottiB led by * certlAeO ckwk of BH.. MKItHTRira.MKIWKKH. Pro*.Prop. j ratb'i.s••>:I-I.- aUn..l..k..|niniu.h,!,.,] in-hy the(lie BeelugTiiiaItwluRTiBfcu . lam Man «f.*0« *• and be Store*. CMHce*. Private H.-Ulcrv Tliln in<«lry. jmrt uf the atlrtfniw the jMace and on U»e h<»u« I This riU-r "of*"^»mmTiteof fommlttee ,oo on County!Coun | markmark ofof UaneralGeneral TownaWnd'aTon-nMbpnd'ti IIIIII rafr&nt^il guardrii BENJAMINBKN'JAMiy KtSO.KINO. I r*l+'UHatifXIXXlitluil agaluetIC.il^t Hagrlatl.IUH-l.1.1 IHalablllninb Lla- «Tlerk. i Bed Bugs and Roaches onlyoiily el«i.|fUlft mile*in.if* fnmrniiu thethe'ontskln outskirtsa ooff t-i.». 1-. u. i».i*. ts.si.n.is. ii. ».«.£« s«. tt.• »si» tbthe« lf willwill 1he* f KdVin M, DinUl, DMM.M od«d . lain BritBrttia tabh bandsbands InIn aa fewfew daya tbat almoM th* entire ••neat h*» -* i ooff folk*folk* buybay herohero forfor ca*hcash beoauecteoiUM tticythey havetiavp lejutied that Yon will need QLAS* i« PtJTnr for r°* Ret B«i IA, Ptalnfl.M. It J wl br * . ourour (00dagooila m**lmu»t bebf dependabledepcDdsble toto holdhold ouroar frediten ^ultonien. Buh. Ltt in inpply yoor naib. On tbelr nart of tke front the British THB TIMB TO SPEAY (j right now. Our Mode o< ha*e crept forward a littl* mon oa the OurOw prire*prices arear* aama lowlow *au anyany eaaltcash atore*.stores. , luectiddai, Fna/rloidca and flprayinff Apparatu i» com- Anrr». p»»bBblj toward Acblet-1«-P*et " h Dew BrttUh front, •oath of tbr plate, r JOHNJOHN S.S. HASKARDHASKARD 9«mM. ntdln* a<-ti*tty bas bc«D 1I*B- WeWe makemake nono estraextra ehargracharges ffori creditredit aceonpiodationacci)iiuno*> EGO HARB0H. 10ABD UPHEIU. .It 4ES' 10 .0. ill.IS P. m 8«ii.**a— boncst in" return. M •. m U.ofl noon, t.M. (H, 1», A. M. OtB&FEN C0~^ 1 B lrnIn Idweation OftUlalOfficial ftulaeRulaa TamMaPmTaachar'a pr»OM-- | THE BEST OP KVKRYT^ING IN HARDWARE. Sat." "i "'* '•••••"•• • mieeelm,«..l WasWaa LogaLL.B-I. = 41»-121.iaS*K*.llblSMUII M Front St. rUlatVld. N. J. 'S»lur-]i(ipri'il an opinion holding if. A. LAURIE & CO. B»nnt.l,:fc SinrtHy. f-h. 18tb, 1 right boo rendered an oftnlr>n hoklUt* 7tiitinimmiiiimiMiiiiiiiniiiit.iiiiHiiimti}iiHiiHHimiiiinmHifiiininiitiinm»in'i }«. until dirlhor nutlc. . Bu« b«W that]«t MImMIBB KdnaEdna Hreder.«rpder. :a tearliertea'-hPr aatt . 304 WEST FRONT STEEET PL AINFIELD, N. J. KggKp llarlwrHartKtr City,<^1tj-T hadhs1 >■s Hro«1erItretier *«.was . engkgert.rnBhPil. byby thdtip? u IrfwnlLmiir.1 MayMay 15.i5/1ftt3 11*15.- TheTlii> icoatrartcciitra.-t atlM-ttp- ; A.A,PUB PUREE LINSEtpI.INSE^i) OILOIL PAINTPAINT nlakad that elib.tr joirly r«ul«l tcrtnjj Goesl JPurfheFurtherr LastsLasts LongerLonger ■j S LooksLooks BetterBetter IsIss BetterBetteBetter tes nftth the •vuutrflci Mm «|\ ing a oaunthM limni' otiifOtlilr *r j»«pa&ils■**«.. bceolis.-Iw-falis,. ifit A.-mafle#niBri<- fromI'roin inal.-iinl*m.-it.-i H.IH - thattli»t ; j oil Jan iK lf*lM. tb -Sinn.)M»t! lg**lpVlp Injth,i t prOdluc-pi-o.lu— nn s.it^«.»lory Hiiii^artl«rj- rpaint. Other pr«»|>-prop- VARIETY MEAT MARKET CO. ^yphnUn ti yoalTlocaKty life.- found : the;teacher thnr 1/ «tN- ill ; flier reulgnatlon die w-4ild la- 31 SOMBR3ET STREET, CITY, Hear Fi out Street. lj,K«.,to wi-iitv ft»ri<:.*aiKlpoi 19119177 WallWall PapersPapers Sil^^^W] i nailed Tif !•»« her \-to.i. | bad! aifrf l-vii Bl'fn ;i U>eUae Moor*’*Mcori 'Muresco'Mnretci " •nrio- .(ib-ei A«r.i»i.t *>nuni Kurlutr LOWESLOWESTT PRICESPRICES ININ THETHE CITYcnTT FORFOR CCASHA li.-v.-thi' bcs1 wall f-Ofttirif: I[ twMaJ».Kla Humtl'xr .rnderni»I,.r IJn.iju- «. s , lim\ law; niilpxtl .- I C. Conover & Co. ( A FEWFEW SPECIALSSPECIALS IISH Itr^ler b d i|, lb.. .2Qc-22c20C-22C | Tnylor'* lioo.li.u.; Ili. Also line iJf-Feint. Kel'ii'jiwr snd.nl StuccoStucco Krueliea,Brushes, LiuLiu-- Banda;- UMdtfh'anf f«»tli-e. 8 aied(I Oil.Oil, -Varpnli.VuriiiMi. Steins8« and t'ijjiianc Paint. ' m« p * OwnOwn Makellslui UfJ,L«r. lb. ..j.., . sKwittri s Di.i ])). : XtLi'iLai il1 Urdus*• wii■=< FreshFresh Qhiu|.IlHuiti. Il>..H.. , . .22c-3422c^c |s' ,fl"'» !>«■“ H^ol I j . FouFO! SAlllj BY lefovc Yoa Build Why Not Be* Hi-* *- * **“ *& p potPotat .too Inquirylnfl^ry.B<9in B#»in»» lcIn M..«o,Main* Jersey Knutlinnitt I'orU.I'orli, Ib.i»..,..22CJ24 22c-24cC BMfl'" ’•a KnClarin^.lint (I> haluidaya lloultniuuLlto... Me..Me- . »htr.USHw-h Ue.^FedPra 4F«Icrmtt OwnOwn KilledKilled ('lirk'TOGM6fejh& lb.19. -30c^330ct13cc Itori*'Morris* pupremrfoipiWll^y | Mai iis , lb. . . M. H. MILLER “£• ii'-'o." opectore*ctor« beesnlH-««n nunnj- liuiukjImiulfy [herUtece toto i LambLamb forfor Stewing, St.'w'jiig.llb lb.. .J . 1010cc llr»rri.' Siiplvm,' l‘.l - H.HE E.. GayleGayle HardwareHjwxlware CoCo.. tcrtnUir tin- .ni.mtu ..f;~*t t*tal. flaw Fn>sli or Cwnodj lb. 10c Florida QrangpH, ldhz.1 GENERAL HARDWARE AND HOUSEFOBNISHINOS CAIIITI.VTER AND Bl'II.FBB Ari Plate, Freah or i’flinr*); I. 10c Florida Qranir*. dor GENERAL HARDWARE AND H0U8EFUBNI8HIN08 rotuSInliiqwmaliiliiR la1" Arenotou*?" iwuity s r 10 08 1 4 .[is. Yfllowl Turnip^ • EI,K«TKirAI, jifel'PLlES. nvftilulilp for Bhilir xid -Oealen re»|P/Vrrntf''" Mb^" ' Rotihl,T* " - lb."> - .- •. 2222c0 4 -iI” Velloir Turmc ■ j; KU'TKKSI. *■ fl-I.IK- tWnul... 1-ur.i.hcd. orellotuc for .lill.mcat} u-olrn. " large Grape J-'ri ' ' Telepl>on« 889 Price. Iteaaonahl*. imrieOlK>rtP«l tintthat titertUpy wtverc•'..ff.Tl .UTfrUisI1)r.S IT7 1 njRrnnRumpp Cornedfonied Beef,Beef, lb.lb. *"" PBOVFROSTT STREETSTKF.KT ANDAND PARK PAIIK AVIiStR. Totcpfcoee SSI terrcltmrrpl forf»r |sUot*c^p"t«t<'«l ftn tillfi^s^tberoWi etntnern — j TalkedTalked of—Bebaaldnof—Scheelein' ai 8Superio r Sau»as»—S. 8. fi.—lb. .t'. 25c 1« BARI, ST. PLAINPIKI.D. It. A sell uc tarn dally ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES Quick Deliveries. QEOItGE A. SCHEELEIK, MGR, Telephone 1974 lU UulUAUUAUJt AJUHJt.1*a*f"''*"'** "mmW : i '.HI •,' i ii .lr.IL' I: ./II 1,17 PAQI rod PI.AINP'IKLDI.1IVIIH, COaUSK-XSSSWUDAIT, MAKCH », WMf.fit- **■# »■ LEBANON WESTFIELWESTFIELDD BOUNBOUNDD BROOK BROOK CLINTOCLINTONN LEBANON I NEWS FROHEWSM NEARB Y P FROM NEARBY PI POTTSPOHS APPLIES FORAPPUESPETEPETERR ALPAOGB'SFORALPAOGH’S LADIES’LADIES' CIRCL E CIRCLEANNIVERSAR Y OF ANNIVERSARY OF- UcK*Mtmw » of III.- the Resdfngton •Refo ilie *uburi>«. AMI wfiU the Readlngton Reformed-Ctiurrh. hat uflrn lluil «_ I. rc-orgnnized a®»rsby ot tbelr lo«m la re-organlxed by the elect!** of the fol other column- ofof II I (he Presidepaper i— and*ANOTHER ' lowing L officer*!TRIAI FUNERAL Pr 2525 TOMORROWYEARS OL— D YEARSSEWIN — G SOCIETYOLD • —' SEWING SOCIETY beadbonding *Inga from -thei r lowu(nuns whe n each* Utrir (unut - Iwhen Smock;»urb ANOTHER TRIACole; L FUNERAvice L TOMORRO| * W ~ ' * e president. •ens U I«H> Isia for the.regular cat-j recording sei for Iho . recordrepilar I ng col- secretary. Walt< Tha Ladies! SewlBG Society ofBf 111 tba 1 aunn. correspondcorrespondin g In* secretary, nli- | snow cause' whhyy nm Thanother’e fun Th. embersThe of the J.adlea' Horfan octal aersleea for Peter A. The members of the ?-ad lea Homo Tba.l-adlea' Sewltc Society o' should not be granted will be- Alpaugb, eighty-two' years eleven , the Kcforuif't church o 'reebytertan I churqh lield Its . | Conover; treasurer. trial woui. not W "^an'tcdC]rp e -III innualhe meeting In Alpaudb.the paris h You cl,ht,-l.oWill year, olekck Clrc„ o( ReformW church of nI10- PfeahyUrUa church Ml Kd j WyckoffWyckoff. arxuedargued tomorroHereafterw befortomorrowe Judire the(i^rs^ . imonthbeforeI s an d Bight dayJuddes oltf O-orgt on are makingotooths «(tenslv a plani and el«Bt days ohl. will he ^ alakla* cll-aalro plana * * “*Ta‘. . ! ing Sllzer In the mailer of the verdicl of' irnld at his home, south of, town, tor louse y«Bt«rday afternoon and it wa* Never Regret 101 SOMERVILLESOMERVILLE NOTES NOTES Sllaw115,00 0 granted bylb a Juri»,y In tbe lb.Sotn-Jinorro wmailer afternoo n xm.at .2 o'clockof . : lD*the " e celebratioserdlr.n mo f thei r 25th an ofittende d W in.•> larg helde numbe r ot thate Nevehlar Regrehome,t south of town. to. _ ’ ‘ ' _ houn. yeeterda) afteroooa and It was Church w (1!- ooo maud by a Jury la the iif Marchsotn-. A j members . Themorrow? report s of the officerafternooas at I o'clock Church will begin .1 7: celebration or fjtelr I6lh an- ,Ueo4ed by a lard# nuanber or the 7 o'clock. ] • erset Circuit Court on Wednesday, Jan. ] Rov, Thomas J. "Ciark, ' pastor ofjnlyer ilty of tbe Ml ^havingShaving your teeth' pnyourt In co teeth put In w_ 7 o’clock. areel10, In favorcircuit of Mrs . HelctCourti O. La Rue,oo: the ClintoWednesday.n Methodlu t EpiscopalJan. I! lunch ill th- members anKov.d j of tbo society ShoweThomnad tha t It' was'ii CJ. n. tbeClark, romfett . _ Think pastor of of.the nly.rsltycomfort. of- the llth Of March. A : members. The reports of the other. Wblle removing 10. la thror od Mre. Helen n. la thKite.'thee aoclty lafactlonClinton and theMolhodlet benefit to Kpleeopul'| luncheon to all Ihe laemhers and of tbo social, >*ho wad the! II ... In While removing ofof South aBoun Southd Brook tin, agains t ClyCBounde church . Will Brook,conduct ! tha gervfceanalnst, I their •bandClyC#s will be -ser tchurch, 12 flourishing conditioo willn an d that It cooduel Ibe bepeflt to bt the ecrrlre. | their buebaode will boderred at 12 a flourishing cpatHtloa and that II TABLEAUXTABLEAUX BY portionportioBYn of hii of hlaPotts , a sanltai-yhouae engineer , of New;BuriaIn l will be In Evergreen ceme- o'cXot >n Wednesday In the chapel, ad had an excexlletl nt'year' . .oerlvedtved frc ring soundfrom. having sound, - placeplace It with It withYorkPotle. . a a fiery heresanitary. new j eualneer.ui*A me bounteouGarrets repas ott will be inQ. New. Burialf t!i< - secreta tractivetra will teeth. be la Erergreen oeme- o'clock on Wedaeaday In Iho chapel. , bad had a* ekcellent year. Baird, who li< York. The report 3| Food Ilery here. A most bounteous r.p*t will be la The report of the secretary Baird, who On Aprinearl 25 . IP IS, KarxhneK.taflngton.r UlMe; Mr. Alpaugun- h died at his homomoo j! evMevidencee . .After Che luncheon ad- howed that the ciety has an acti naetlcated by poor teeth LOCAL coveredSCOOTS a On large April awarraIt. 1016. dt Ksrehaerhoneybee Ui'i d laHue;dresses will be given hy former pas- Mr. eightAlpaudby - an diseas'ddied»s"(t gums becomeata gumsa^ hie home eeldrnec. After Qte luncheon bd showed that Ihe society hsi an active waa hilled la an esploeloB la a sewase membershiIVednaaday.p . of death belnstoetrd th bacteria.due ; theawith*to Uke n blood bacteria, dreoeea these will Ukga beI Al»0n Dy former pad membership of oldhly and LOCAL SCOUTSI I Wedaaadayamnvat rt: *’«• L in- torn ot tbe charcb, invitations havjalx rs. Curing th but red about disposal plant near Ocean tiroes, while ix honorarpolsonlnay mem b Ha•«to stomaxshadh theseriousl y fourload- stomach been seriouslyan In-lour. I torn ot tho church, lo«Hatloaa bat- ela honorary members. Oaring the beinbeingg disturbed!disturbed, butMr . La Rue and ot&ehr r members, : lut ;-,|i d quite seriously 111 for sev- ing been Issued for th*n to attend, puutl year-'two me bers HundredsHundreds o lends ofof Troo p N< friends of TroopMr. LaNo. Rue1 ot thirtyd Bnand poundsother idmembers bne of bon the ' mil d and Aire quite nutrition, withb«cmutaerloqsly « tbey nutrition.HI for Imeaue see- I ok been Issued for thorn to attend, past year, ’two members, hake died 'thirty pounds of nne honej, , sewersewer committee Of thcommutese coun crsl weeksof. He was born anthed raise d Following the addressed theoucelle aociet j . annd five mein'licrof a ved .JiVtnrb digestion. The result weeks. He was htjrn and raised Pallawla* ihe addressed the society and dse members hare removed 1_1, Boy Scouts tendeBo, d the tables* i. Seoul*.1 attended Whit- the „„tableau. 1 „. me Bsew* of Mr. PMts on„„„ „„Jjsturb 1^, . , f„ digestion. whlcVbe diedThe The —in hold Its regular and annual Irom Iowa. Mrs Benjamin ITeraoo sadand puiitontlm psatoallaies;lven last nlgbt ui given Mis s Marie lastNaylor , of ntghlWhite-! 191£ W#Mua- ,h e guestt of Mr. Pol w""-/in the farm on wiiicirhe died. The [ will hold Its regular j and annual trot jinin Pleraoi RannotCannot > anythinIB g bebu t 111 hetltkm anything. OB but Ul I h lr house., will lakewill par t In a take ..•give n | ^part ingpecUo n Inlrl p of th. e plant. "ol d homestead was severa•» l years agInapecUooo , meetin g for theIrtp ejectio n ofof officers , winthe: plaal. ago was- the .id homestead eaa several years a»o meellod for Ihe electing of o«cara, .ho died a abort time ana waa Ilia IV ' ; ReymonRaymondd Stoker; whStryker,o first brought replacewho d by adrat moder n home, broughtwhich tbe By-Laws bein,cp|«edg reafl before the oMbyt of the a ortety. Mrf. to odeConsultationCoiumltatloi re i Free. • Fro®.home, rr"! which W 'ho .he By-LawsPlana pap.b being rest before the oldest member of Iho society. Mrp. Theatre. r UndquiETbs t in theproersat Secoi suit agains,Ul1 wsat Mr . Potts for permanenas t b- occupier told with hiaP son.,or Frank A. '"lection. Afte1 r the business of the Ann f ,h, Miller IB ihe oldest living mem- All Work (liuu autced. ta. W. f. ^ --efts"' InjurtoaInjuries 'sustaine d Inaoal.lned th*•*!"*e sam e «xplo- Alpaugh** In. _ ?‘".the samesocietPf ™y ha”™s bee neerlo- dispense hed with, a : heoccupiedr AlpauKhlow, sft e being nearlwithy S O yean hla sue. Frank A. sleelloe. After the buUanss of the Ann Miller to Ihe oldest living mi society has dlepeeaed with, a her now. .he belo« hearty to yearn Tenure-Bo, Bcoula. sion, was unablW.e to recover and dam- r. reDc>rt *' RichardsRichards charge; Troola op 1, of S«ittchar*.- Troop elon. 1. wasof Soto-unabls Another son, loLewi s Alpaughreeover. wba ; ' coverinend g the society'dam-s m-tivt - old. MrB. WillUni Hart, whllo waXn#0s ter (or aon Law to Alpeurh. who report. lovbrlos the aoiloty'e act let old. Mrs. WO I lam Hart, who was t oaih, law. to Stewart A. Ken: Bleualso lives onlive, the same roadon , stir BB.:Ihe tie a for twenty-flv«seme - j fars, roed,wil l be i preeldisurvives.at ot tli e .sot '* tweety-llve- years, will he preeldent of Hie AOcloty Ihlyly years. ervllle. Scoot oslh. law, lower build- Mrs- Stewartread. At tbe close -thereA. will be an j tuKrnne;i livin g and i * DR. WHITE DR. WHITE ing, pyramid; TroOD 12. of Plain of Soroervllle am tbe I CurbEach baa one -daughterhue. one daothler H s laUilleWa I'alnloM Dentfat; 'o»« *1 the chme'tbefe will be aa I. aim ||v|*( end resides lo Uroo*- lad. .lo, Miss Miapyramid;- Mrs . Samuel H. Skli Troop II. | Mrof. Alpaugh marriedPlain- Miss Jan. j,. opportunitof y offereSonterrllled lo r receivinateg lyn. Ihe . l-l.laBcJU'. PalaleM Oeattob Sold,Held, first aid wdrat. aid work. solo. l acUlmedMias Mia-Mrs.Mrleflera 3amuolAlpeuih ho.' new marriedmember*Di . MUBIC wilSklllmaa;Mbsl b e Inter - i JuneTh e Aa- opportunity1O S EAST FRONT ST. offrre|l lor fecelvta* j,n. nle Maurer; - . house SUtion. j • d.leoa.derson, native of thu nativevicinity . of thin ; .lcl.lt,, who. ><* EAHT KKO.VT 8T. m-mbors Music *111 be Inter- The report of .the treasurer. Mrs ala Maurar; TheThe following letters rfmalfollowlnsn un - di?d several yearletterss ago . Both lerseremaind during the proceedingnns by eiaren ;* (Ove' r , l‘*y-#| Uchwed. , o. Beoa.J hooae Both I rStationrf ware aP»raed durloa the pr«eeedla(a by cUrcaee H, Smith, showed that the Jacob's Georie L MrBDream—Jacob,- Predeti. Mrs. rlerbetDorothyt ElwpH.,0 . Golz. I ofCarfe larg' e family,a , havinDour.g flye lark* broth-l*| oermanlown.0™8 °family,' th e male menft>ernbarlaa- presen t , to the trusteeflve s of thie broth-rhurch I **“» ^e male members- present to the trusteeswUI of the rhoreh PSOO m«ntown. ] . Pride of Pioneer ers and Connell.five sisters . Ko. «S. Mrs - and had spent 1150-iti repairs to tbe CaUaarlae Dow. Margaret of list While-Ohnamao.1 Karl Perry . Charlrt Boehej Carl dre and a»e alafera I i l and had .post IlSd la repairs to Iho llurrel Van Mater, Elsie Slemsen.' IM Edythe Sltryke Karl Perry. Charles'- TwTwoo of eacRoche,h survive of . MrsCarl. Rache eachl InSiren tbe etealn.arrive.g ms. 7.S O an enter-i Mrsi mans e and bad^Bpient variouRachels sum s In “• ekcnla* at T.lo aa enter- manse and had spent various suaea la Ruth BoesJger. Marlon Boeslger. | (.house.' andand Mrs. GilcherMrs.. (illcher. tsininent entitled "The Old Pea bod r r different wars for the church, and ADVERTISE5 D EDMAI L HAT- MAIL I P KoephartKasphart.. of Hamdenot. and Mra. KnHamden,- and Mrs. R»- >Aini»entp w entitled "Tha Old Peabody different way. lor Hie church, and Tableaux from qrimm's Fairy, _" : - Otala Livermoor,, ofI.lvermoor Ro«ev[lleMllei . Illlnw, Pv4", willof b e rendered lRoeevlUe.* the church . ; ,t,tm had lUlnota;a balanc e on han! d of (92.* -'’ Th- Baker amatoa Rav. Z«pp aad baa While. ukea aMlee _ieyW..; NnMrs. MillerMiller, , wifwife e OOf fDeac Deacoo n Dr.Or. W. I. 8t*anp. w.th e pastor, madeI. a- [ 9',jB. Staaai.D« Lau w 2 tha pastor, mad# r a ' “ * Ramsey. Mrs. Millar, wit# of Doacoa twistle;twlstle; queen. Mlas Ada Richardqueen.- William P. CatlinMias. Sr,. rvtumed lo j tbe AdaAccounting ' DepartmentRteaard- of the wald »o Wants who are laqalrlnk far brief address inMOler. whlcb be congratu-tha j 'H seats.. Ha Las*Mra. Aaara Ham son: dwarfs, Elmer Smith. John W tilt am a. P. Sr. th« Catlta.teiuraed Aocoaatlcr 10 P^rtmaatefnoilringfa r MHlerof. the sexton, Mrs. Agnetba a Ram- brlat addroaa ta Mr.yj. DavldaonwhkUDavidson be comgratu- w >ob : dwarfs. bn Wbltehona* yeaterdayootrrda|kWhl^Ekaer afte r a JaraayJersey afterCentra l Oflics CaatralaSmith.t thae Jersey Offlca John at tba Jaraey latad tha aanlwn »,r Dl ofSeroat o tba nodaty aad Maurar,Maurer. Kenneth GroveKraaMh. Roy Ohns - Grove. Roy City terminal. Ohne .11 H IX Bernato “f* UarEknt. a rulace itotort- nan. Adolf Neutnan. John Nasal. *tslvtaltt to Tampa.to Florida . Tampa.I C4ty Florida. IM and »M. ha, whwl Ot. baapokaa'^rar for S^KBE3war *quulfS“dU»bward F. Engle . I F. greater Engle. work; la bid. Adolf NeuiBBO. John Nocel. tha future. M^ary Elliott Mlm Ruth Reger aaag HenryHenry Ahlf: Hip Van WinkleAhlf.. Mr. swell Hip CoraalL Vu PovtmmaurPostmaste•» r and MasBound. Winkle.aadJ. V . O . Field. Mra.B Mr. J. T. . K.D. Mrs . WUllam Flald.B. Bird ; Miss Hgery Elliott and Mra. Thomaa Georie Orabam, and Kdwird S. Hoax- . sereral solos. A socia l houaoloa.r fol - casmaaCft*man Ellis ' A aoctal hour fol- Bird; Mtoa •adnd Mn. TH Mr*.i Thomueat'Mr Edgar and Ororga MmOr*bam. A.and Kdvard»: •aysaays a loca& l reaal •» swHoagIsral, Wont-orth ,raal Wh o has •»waite d Nancy Wratwerth. who has walled sear ■ReadlngtotaadlasTon.i landland returned yesterdaretariMdy from Wash- .. yrot#vday-a--. from Wuh-.-e, lowed.ara durlni*nasally; whic h refreshmentscarce.-durlags forwhich refreahmaata ,ra»a. Mtoa Ella NationalNational Tsblmui—SpiriTakl^aa—Eplrltt of '71. of lorton’7P*. where they baa attended :ba for her romance ten years. Miss Ella. were r-d byeerred n comjuiu* c censlstby - a rommiuec con alat- rinlryFIUIFJ Wyokoff. -John Burkefyrkof.. er* of PlrMde Council. - «h la a Bupreow „id Peabody pow. atfford Hoffman. John T. Leahy;; Columbia. Miss SUDDEN DEATHEpiscopal Churc h laat nlgbt. I?*** '" ""* * * • Supreme old Peabody pew, Glfford Hoffman. Thei Dcmharamemtoww of FlrowideF Couacil. Jobs T.SUDDE N DEATLeahy; H OF Mr. andColombia. Mra*. Coart Grorg*act looJaaevh I rlbetaHeadrWk. Tomaa RoyalaraRoya l Arcanum, Pollowla.who attendeArcanum, d th e £*£=£■ whothis attendedeatery.Inmcat the | LorettLorettaa WKales; UnclWbaton;e 8am, K J. Vnele MrSam.. and Mrse. George VX. ToBan ara 2Ete?iJ.rof*i£l^ IJjJHoaryWrade.J^[n^J *i 'utw'oairtnpimnUff. " """<1 ****££***** *Ml.or logIng held laae«wl.|t nighheld t In Arcanuwillm I lagtJ. »be1World *»«. 2night taken, World,a la treport Arcaaum racalvlDg coagratulatlaBB apam tha ar- K ahauxbnenyShaoshaessr.; Un*rty. Miss Mary Liberty. rivalrival oMtoof i IOIL Tbofe little lad ean>.Marya« JZ^t*!,^??!",'r. aon. d"*™!!^"ParralL' .^ ot lbTba* tw *»*l'-*™ y|»r»Ifttla readWidaal.d an« hall, wertade w«l| repaidwere, earn#as ThoOrato r | W.t Kelleofr A well . Keller* Iho ropald. Iwoaty-ffre aa via Oratorre read sat BrutcberBratcher;: America, Miss Brntch«rAmerttm.i SAMUESAMUELMleeL OOFfNABratcher.N Tnroday.TiiMmA I juaimertiI ana costaads amonrite c tocaata IJ4*. - an IMPamonnied^• U th « &««by. » h M. ahooUagLATObruaki M. n . and Lambrasl bag- -•Esthe"Estherr the «••«•.Ihe" T. P. SocietQoees."y W rnnwraT.l servloas foforT.r si#nuri P.Society j Marray,Morray . SlWioelof Boun ofd arook, »isit«d ofr. BoaodFonersl , place.place.drook. seyrtess atelle. Thosvtaltade Wh o participated la Hurt...Run^v Undentbai IJadsatbaJ FoorthFourth Reformed cburcfaReformed. Quoen . i Hoffman. rorty-sU yeaear.n ol