

Present: Councillors Dr L Jones (Chair), R Berrett, H Bunt, D Lucas, C Smith, N Ball, A Bellringer, Mrs M Merrett-Jones, G Rogers, Mrs S Daniel and O Burrows.

Cornwall Councillor M Eddy until 8:30pm.

Sue Blaxley (Parish Clerk)

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:30pm.

Public Participation

Mr Christian Smith spoke in respect of item 20 on the agenda. He explained that he had recently purchased Ivy Crag and there is a discrepancy as to where the boundary line of the curtilage lies. He said that he has deeds from 1938 which show the small piece of land in question belonging to Ivy Crag as opposed to the parish council and a document from 1906 which states that this portion of land (0.6 acres) was purchased from the parish council.

1. Apologies


2. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2017, having previously been circulated, were agreed as an accurate record.

3. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

Councillor G Rogers declared a prejudicial interest in items 14 and 17 on the agenda and Councillor C Smith declared a personal interest in item 20 on the agenda.

4. To receive a report on any matters arising from the previous meeting

The Chair reported that she had contacted Ed Hart and Gary Harding regarding Remembrance Sunday. She reminded all councilors of the need to attend the service on Remembrance Sunday.

5. To receive the Chairman’s Communications


6. To answer any questions from Councillors, previously notified to the Clerk

Councillor Mrs M Merrett-Jones reported that the gully at the top of School Hill is full of mud which results in large volumes of water running down School Hill when it rains. It was agreed that Councillor C Smith would ask Arthur Hooper to check the culvert.

7. To receive a report from the Clerk


8. Councillor Surgery at Local Produce Market

To receive feedback from the Councillor surgeries on Saturday 8th August 2017 and Saturday 4th November 2017 and to appoint a volunteer for the next surgery on Saturday 2nd December 2017

Councillor D Lucas reported that Valerie Bunt had reported on mares foaling on the moor. He said that Julie Dowton is aware of this issue and that she is working across the whole of the moor to ensure that all horses grazing there are tagged. Councillor Mrs S Daniel reported that she had also spoken to Julie Dowton who has this matter in hand. Councillor H Bunt said that Moor Statutory Commons Council will have legal powers to remove animals from the moor.

Councillor D Lucas said that Valerie Bunt had also reported that the gate at the top of Tripp Hill is broken. Councillor M Eddy said that he would report this matter to the Highways Department at .

Councillor D Lucas said that Sally Mollard, Julia Holden-White and Anne Stacey reported on a number of issues which had been followed up in writing to the parish council. A copy of this letter was circulated for information. First, they are concerned about the prospect of the dangerous wall of the derelict cottage near Tremaddock falling into the road. The Chair said she had advised them to contact Cornwall Council Highways Department regarding this matter. Secondly, they are concerned about the uplights at Trevenna spoiling the dark sky area. Councillor Mrs M Merrett-Jones said this problem has been rectified by the Jonathan Rowe. Thirdly, they are concerned about the smell of effluent emanating from a sewage pipe belonging to Trevenna. Councillor N J Ball said that this matter has been discussed before and that the parish council had previously decided that if it was brought to their attention again, it would be reported to the Environmental Health department. He said that the original planning permission allowed for up to 100 guests at the site but there are often up to 200 guests. He said the existing foul drainage system cannot cope with the demand. The Chair said that Cornwall Councillor M Eddy visited the site earlier

this year and inspected the foul drainage system and reported that it is regularly monitored and checked and that the owner does his utmost to ensure the system works efficiently. She said that concerns have also been expressed as to whether the development on the site complies with the planning permission granted. She said that it is important that the issues raised by parishioners are addressed but that the owner is not alienated as a businessman. Some discussion took place as to how the parish council should proceed with this matter. Councillor N J Ball said that if sewage is being discharged into the watercourse, it should be reported to the Environmental Health Department without delay. Councillor C Smith said this is not the case as parishioners are complaining about the smell of effluent. He said that there should not be a smell if the system is working correctly. After some discussion, it was agreed that Councillors Dr L Jones, C Smith, R Berrett and N J Ball would visit Trevenna in the presence of the owner and investigate the matter further making it very clear that if further complaints are received, the parish council will have no alternative other than to report the matter to the Environmental Health Department. The Chair said she would report to the parish council on this matter at the next meeting.

Fourthly, Councillor D Lucas said that Sally Mollard, Julia Holden-White and Anne Stacey are concerned that the parapet on Tremaddock Bridge is damaged and said that they do not want it widened as it currently restricts the speed of vehicles on the narrow roads. Fifthly, he said they were concerned about the slow broadband speed and poor mobile reception. Finally, he said they wanted an update on the enforcement action at .

Councillors Mrs S Daniel and G Rogers volunteered to attend the surgery on Saturday 2nd December 2017.

9. To receive reports from - a) Cornwall Councillor M Eddy

Cornwall Councillor M Eddy explained that under the Local Government Boundary Commission Electoral Review, it has been announced that there will be 87 wards for Cornwall from 2021. As a result of this announcement, he said that work has started on defining the location of the boundaries for these wards. He explained that the consultation on the delineation of the boundaries ends on 9th February 2018 and the final boundaries will be announced in October 2018.

He said that Cornwall Council is currently undertaking a consultation on housing provision which is attempting to link the price of local housing with wages in order to ascertain how many houses are needed in Cornwall. He said that Cornwall Council is also currently undertaking a consultation on waste collection with one suggestion being that recycling will be collected every week and “black bag” rubbish will be collected fortnightly.

He said that he has started collecting information regarding the poor broadband provision in the parish. He said there are enormous gaps in provision and that a campaign to improve this provision has been started.

He said that the enforcement situation at Colliford Lake is being monitored closely and action is imminent. He reported that there are two new caravans on the site which appear to be non-residential. He said that the Enforcement Officer had attempted to serve a PCN on the occupier of the site.

Cornwall Councillor M Eddy explained that Brian Saunders cannott cross Tremaddock Bridge with some of his farming machinery and neither could a fire engine. He said that personnel from Fire Station are going to visit the homes that would be difficult to access in the event of a fire and ascertain their fire risk. He said that the aim is to gain their support for a campaign to widen the bridge.

Cornwall Councillor M Eddy said that he did undertake a thorough inspection of the sewage disposal system at Trevenna during his last visit to the site. c) Goonzion Commoners

Councillor H Bunt said that he is in the process of obtaining a copy of the grazing unit register from Cornwall Council. c) Parishes Group

None d) Liskeard/ Community Network Panel


10. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, including –

Julie Ball (Toilet cleaning – November) - £147.34 BT (Internet for Cott Yard) - £129.72 South West Water (Water for Cott Yard) - £43.49 South West Water (Water for Toilets) - £129.09 South West Water (Water for Pavillion) - £14.95 Penhaligons (Printer Ink) - £33.47 Julie Rowe (Cleaning in Cott Yard) - £50.00

It was proposed by Councillor A L Bellringer and seconded by Councillor H Bunt that all of the above orders for payment be authorized. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

11. To receive correspondence from -

a) Cornwall Council


b) Others


12. Finance Report

To receive a current financial statement of the accounts

The Clerk reported that, this month, we have received income of £431.50 from Heather Taylor as rent for Cott Yard, £1,197.17 from Restgarth as rent for Cott Yard and £136.50 from Post Office for use of the Pavillion. The accounts balance at £63,093.34.

13. Doorstep Green and Playing Field

To consider applying to Viridor for a grant towards the additional recreational equipment in the playing field

Councillor D Lucas reported that he had contacted Viridor and the grant awarded from The Big Lottery in the sum of £7,000 does not prejudice any grant application which may be made to Viridor. He said that stage 1 of the process has been passed and that stage 2 is complex. It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor A L Bellringer that Councillor D Lucas makes an application to Viridor on behalf of the parish council for grant funding of £7,000 towards the additional recreational equipment. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

To receive and consider a report on any other matters arising relating to the provision of additional recreational equipment in Doorstep Green and the playing field

The Chair said the aim of purchasing additional recreational equipment is to provide something new for all age groups. Councillor C Smith said that he had looked at the adult fitness equipment at Tedburn St Mary which has been supplied by Caloo. He said that this company offers galvanised coated equipment which gives additional rust protection. He explained that the equipment at Tedburn St Mary was installed directly onto the grass with matting acting as a safety surface through which the grass grows. He showed photographs of all the equipment installed and reported that the equipment is

well used. Councillor D Lucas said that Caloo will be visiting St Neot on 17th November 2017 to meet with him and Councillor C Smith. Councillor D Lucas said that, in order to proceed with the stage 2 application to Viridor, three comparable quotations are required. It was agreed that at the December meeting of the parish council, the precise details of the new equipment to be purchased will be decided.

To receive and consider a report on any other matters arising relating to Doorstep Green and the Playing Field


Councillor G Rogers having previously declared an interest left the meeting during discussion of the following item.

14. Toilets and Car Park in St Neot

To receive and consider quotations for the maintenance of the boundary hedge at the rear of the car park

The Clerk reported that she had sought quotations from Gary Rogers, Greg King and Greg Tucker for the cutting down of the hedge at the rear of the car park to ground level. Simultaneously, the contractors had also been asked to quote for trimming the vegetation on the other two boundaries of the car park. The Clerk said she had received two quotations. Greg Tucker’s quotation was in the sum of £360 for the cutting down of the hedge at the rear of the car park to ground level and for trimming the vegetation on the other two boundaries of the car park. Gary Roger’s quotation for the cutting down of the hedge at the rear of the car park to ground level was £180 and his quotation for trimming the vegetation on the other two boundaries of the car park was £80. (a total of £260) It was proposed by Councillor A Bellringer and seconded by Councillor D Lucas that the quotation from Gary Rogers in the sum of £260 be accepted. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

To receive and consider a report on any other matters arising relating to the toilets and car park in St Neot


Councillor G Rogers returned to the meeting.

15. St Neot Orchard

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to St Neot Orchard

It was noted that the orchard has been strimmed by Martin Eddy.

16. Cott Yard

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to Cott Yard

Councillor C Smith reported that the heating in Cott Yard had failed which, upon investigation, revealed that a switch had tripped. He said that he rectified the problem. He suggested that oil filled compact heaters should be purchased for the let rooms in case the heating fails again. He said they cost approximately £35 each. It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Daniel that three oil filled compact heaters be purchased and placed inside each of the let rooms. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal. Councillor C Smith said that the maintenance contract for the ground source heat pump has now expired. He said that Source Energy has been bought out by SMART Renewable Heat and their quotation for a maintenance contract for a year which includes an annual check of the ground source heat pump is £354 including VAT. He said that he had attempted to obtain quotations from other companies for a similar contract but none had been forthcoming. It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor R Berrett that the parish council has a maintenance contract for one year with SMART Renewable Heat for the sum of £354. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal. Councillor C Smith said that the parish council needs to have a reliable professional on hand in the event that the underfloor heating fails. Councillor N J Ball said that this is a specialist field as it requires electrical and plumbing qualifications. It was agreed that Councillors N J Ball, A Bellringer and C Smith would investigate this matter further.

Councillor C Smith said the disabled alarm in the bathroom is flashing and bleeps occasionally which causes concern to the tenants. It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor Mrs M Merrett-Jones that Councillor C Smith asks Daryll O’Neill to undertake the necessary repairs. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

Councillor G Rogers having previously declared an interest left the meeting during discussion of the following item.

17. Public Rights of Way

To receive and consider quotations for the PROW maintenance contract for 2018/19

The Clerk reported that she had asked for quotations from Cray Kent, Gary Rogers and Tobias O’Reilly. The Clerk said that she had received two quotations which she opened in the presence of all councillors at the meeting.

The first was from Cray Kent in the sum of £1,875 and the second was from Gary Rogers in the sum of £1,440. It was proposed by Councillor D Lucas and seconded by Councillor A L Bellringer that the quotation from Gary Rogers be accepted subject to him providing a copy of his public liability insurance and that any works over and above the fixed price quotation have to be authorised in advance by the parish council. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal. Councillor C Smith said that any works undertaken under this contract must be notified to the parish council within two weeks of them being done so that appropriate checks can be undertaken.

Councillor G Rogers returned to the meeting.

18. Grass Cutting

To receive and consider quotations for the grass cutting contract for 2018/19

The Clerk reported that she had asked for quotations from Cray Kent, Sarah Dance, Tobias O’Reilly, Dean Ledbury and ADK Services. The Clerk said that she had received one quotation which she opened in the presence of all councillors at the meeting. This was from Sarah Dance in the sum of £180 per cut including removal of the grass cuttings. It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor Mrs S Daniel that the quotation from Sarah Dance be accepted subject to her providing a copy of her public liability insurance. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

19. Parish Council Assets

To receive and consider the inspection report relating to the parish council’s assets and to agree a maintenance programme for the assets

The Chair explained that the register had been circulated prior to the meeting. She brought councillors’ attention to the assets that required maintenance before April 1st 2018: sections of matting around the play equipment, a rotten post in Doorstep Green, a rotten flower box in Doorstep Green, the oak door on the Holy Well, the notice board next to the village shop and gorse control and verge and general maintenance on Goonzion Downs.

Councillor C Smith having previously declared an interest left the meeting during discussion of the following item.

20. Ivy Crag, Tripp Hill

To receive and consider correspondence from Caunters regarding land at Ivy Crag, Tripp Hill

The Chair said that there is a small parcel of land within the curtilage of Ivy Crag which is still being delineated by Land Registry as common land belonging to the parish council. She said that an affidavit has been submitted stating that the parcel of land in question has been part of the garden of Ivy Crag for 30 years. She explained that the parish council has two options: raise no objection or object in writing citing the grounds and legal reasons for objection. It was proposed by Councillor G Rogers and seconded by Councillor A L Bellringer that no objection be made. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

To receive and consider a request to thin out some trees in the coppice belonging to the parish council at the rear of Ivy Crag

Councillor G Rogers said that the coppice is common land and consists of sycamores, oaks and ashes of a considerable size and some more willowy trees. The Chair commented that if more than 6 cubic metres of trees are to be felled, a felling licence would be needed. She also said that it was unknown if any of the trees are protected by tree preservation orders and that it is unclear as to which trees are to be thinned out. It was agreed that the parish council did not have sufficient information to make a decision on this matter and that arrangements would be made to visit the site and that a further discussion would take place at the next meeting of the parish council.

Councillor C Smith returned to the meeting.

21. Road from St Neot to A38 via Carnglaze Caverns

To receive and consider complaints regarding the road from St Neot to the A38 via Carnglaze Caverns

Councillor G Rogers said that he had received a number of complaints regarding the road from St Neot to the A38 via Carnglaze Caverns. He said that it is often flooded and becomes treacherous in cold conditions. Councillor Mrs M Merrett- Jones said that the adits have collapsed. Councillor A L Bellringer said that there are a number of trees adjacent to the highway along this road which are very close to the telephone lines and are either dying or dead. It was agreed that the Clerk would report the matters to the Highways Department at Cornwall Council.

18. Date of next meeting

To agree the date of the next meeting on Wednesday 13th December 2017

The next meeting of the St Neot Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 13th December 2017 commencing at 7:30pm in the St Neot Village Institute, St Neot.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9:40pm.