St Barnabas MAT Director Profiles

Mark Lees

I am currently the Chair of St Barnabas CE MAT Board and have held this position since April 2019. It has been a privilege to work alongside our Heads of School and Sean Powers during this time, and to see how our schools are improving year on year. I have had a long career in teaching and have been headteacher of several primary schools in . Last year, I worked as the Interim Director for Schools for the Diocese of and more recently I am working as an acting CEO in a MAT in Falmouth. These roles have enabled me to support and challenge the MAT’s senior team. It is an exciting time at St Barnabas CE MAT and I look forward to my continued involvement.

Andy Venter

After seven and a half years at Oracle I’ve recently joined Microsoft, focussing on transformational IT projects (predominantly finance and HR) across local and regional government. I live in Truro with my wife, and I have three daughters. In my spare time I like to go for long country or beach walks, kayaking and keeping up with sport (especially rugby).

Geoffrey Postles

I became a MAT director in early 2019, and am now Chair of both the Resources and Remuneration Committees. I am also a governor of two C o f E VA primary schools in St. Mellion and St. Dominic where I chair their Resources Committee. Prior to this I stood as an independent candidate and was elected a local councillor for the parish of . I’m a retired Chartered Building Surveyor with a career in both the private and public sector, where I was responsible for managing a large capital and revenue budget. I bring to the role a considerable breadth of knowledge and experience of financial probity, building maintenance and refurbishment, health and safety and personnel management.

Jo-Anne Callow

I have been a Director since December 2018. I am on the Education and Standards Committee and the Audit Committee. I am currently an Executive Head Teacher across four schools and Deputy CEO for a Trust in Cornwall. I have over twenty years of experience in teaching in Primary Schools in London, Kent and the South West. In 2011 I moved with my family from London to . For the last nine years I have been a Head Teacher in a range of schools in Cornwall and Devon. It is a privilege to be on the St Barnabas MAT Board of Directors. I support the Christian ethos, aims and values of the trust and feel that I have the educational background and skills to bring drive and enthusiasm to the role. I am keen to support the upward trajectory of teaching and learning across the trust and believe there is a bright future ahead for the children of St Barnabas MAT.

Kerstin Lewis

I became a Director in September 2019 and have really enjoyed getting to know all the schools, meeting the staff and pupils and beginning to understand how our MAT works. I am on the Education Standards Committee and Christian Ethos Group. I am a retired headmistress and have always worked in all age girls’ schools. By training I am a secondary school Maths teacher, though as a head I had to turn my hand to PHSE and RE as well! I am Vice Chairman of Governors at Mount Kelly College in Tavistock and a local governor at . My husband, Andrew, is a C of E priest and a retired university Professor. We have two grown up daughters and four grandsons all of whom are home educated. We live on Moor. I am a Churchwarden, lay worship leader and lay pastoral minister in a variety of local parishes. I sing in lots of groups including Three Spires Singers, St Mary’s Singers and the Festival Choruses.

Bill Woods

Born on Merseyside, I began teaching in inner-city Reading in 1970 and progressed via deputy headship in Leicester, headship in Berkshire and Primary Phase Inspector in Hampshire. A keen offshore sailor for many years and lifelong cyclist I recently retired to Cornwall with my wife to be closer to our daughters and four grandchildren. I volunteer mentor at Liskeard School, am a member at St Germans Sailing Club and Churchwarden in the St German’s Group Parish.

Simon Bishop

I joined the Board in 2019. I first became a headteacher in Cornwall in 2000 and have since led a number of schools in Cornwall. In addition I have supported schools in Cornwall as a School Improvement Partner and also worked as an OFSTED inspector. Since 2017 I have worked for the Educational Development Trust as an educational consultant which included working on school evaluations in the United Arab Emirates.

Steve Morgan

I am currently Vicar of St Martin's Liskeard. Before that I served In the Royal Navy, was a Vicar in Wiltshire and spent more time at sea as captain of various Sail Training vessels. I think education is a top priority for any community and something very close to my heart. I have previously served as a governor in another school and led a research project for the Church looking into secondary schools. I joined this Board in January 2018, initially as chair and now as a director. In my spare time I like to build boats, go sailing and play music. I play horn in a local band and have just taken up the saxophone. I am married to Jemma and have 4 children, 2 of whom had a great time at Antony school.

Wendy Birkbeck

As an Assistant Headteacher I am part of the Senior Leadership Team at Liskeard School and Community College. One of my main roles is around primary transition – ensuring that Year 6 students progress to secondary school with all the information, knowledge and skills that they need. I have therefore a real interest and passion in primary education and am keen to support wherever I can. When I am not working I can be found spending time with my children cycling, at the beach or gardening.