
Fit and Active In this activity you will , and your way towards improved aerobic fitness and muscle strength.

This module is intended for training and fitness purposes only. Never use any of these techniques on an opponent unless you are under the instruction of an expert in a kickboxing class.

Kickboxing is based on and and is practised for self-defence. It is a stand up sport built around kicking and punching and offers a full body workout. The benefits of regular kick- sessions include, muscle toning, stress relief and improved endurance and stamina.

Basic Kickboxing Techniques

Strikes There are several ways for a kickboxer to strike an opponent. Click on a specific move to watch a demonstration video and try these moves at home. Repeat these exercise to develop technique.

Jab strike

Kicks There are several ways for a kickboxer to kick an opponent. Click on a specific move to watch a demonstration video and try these moves at home. Repeat these exercise to develop technique.

Side Kick Back Kick

Distance Learning Activities must not be used, copied or shared without the written permission from the Association. The Perth and Kinross Duke of Edinburgh's Award Association is a Scottish Charity, SC021937, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) Defensive Moves Defending yourself from an opponent is essential and can help prevent injury. Click on a specific move to watch a demonstration video and try these moves at home. Repeat these exercise to develop technique.

Parrying Slip Defensive

When you have become familiar with these basic strikes and you can start to practise classic combination (combo) moves. A combo uses speed, power and surprise to overcome an opponent. If you are interested in learning these advanced techniques you can find instructional videos on YouTube.

Kickboxing Workout

Before you start a workout make sure you warm up with these kickboxing drills. There are lots of kickboxing based workouts on YouTube that will give you a great cardio workout as you practise some of the moves you have learned in this module. We have included a few examples below:

 Bodycombat Invincible Workout

 Cardio Kickboxing

 30 minute Kickboxing Workout

Now do this cool down video to stretch and help your body recover from a challenging workout.

When you have learned some kickboxing moves and enjoyed a challenging cardio workout, please email [email protected] or text 07591 915416 to record your achievement with

‘YOUR NAME and Kickboxing Complete’

Distance Learning Activities must not be used, copied or shared without the written permission from the Association. The Perth and Kinross Duke of Edinburgh's Award Association is a Scottish Charity, SC021937, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)