
Sixty One Days to Go! Republicans Wrap up Convention

Posted by petehurrey On 09/05/2008

After altering the schedule for their annual convention because of concerns over Hurricane Fay and the Gulf Coast states, the Republicans finished the process of nominating their candidate for president – Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Once the speeches were done, the partisan rhetoric began to fly from both political parties. The next 61 days should play out to one of the most interesting presidential races in recent history.


Sen. McCain

Prior to the convention, McCain shocked the political world by choosing as his running mate for vice

Gov. Palin

president, a Washington outsider and self-proclaimed maverick, Gov. (R-Ala.).

Then, after opening day delays, the convention was energized by ’s Michael Steele, who spoke at the convention on Tuesday, Sept. 2. According to political consultant, Kevin Igoe, “Michael Steele is like a rock star. He was mobbed everywhere and he energized the convention. When he spoke passionately about America’s energy crisis demanding we ‘drill baby drill,’ it instantly became the mantra of the convention.”

Del. Anthony O’Donnell (R-Dist 29) agreed with Igoe stating, “He lit the place up. When he said about energy ‘I just have one thing to say, drill baby drill’ the place went wild.

Both O’Donnell and Igoe echo the sentiments of many republicans in that they feel the party is not the same old party, but that they should be seen now as the only true party of reform and change. “We accomplished two things,” said O’Donnell. “One, we took the mantle of change away from the campaign and, two, became the party for reform, energy independence and personal freedom,” said O’Donnell.

On Palin, Igoe stated that she was effective, told her story and established herself as a true reformer demonstrating how she reformed Alaska.”

O’Donnell said about Palin comparing her to Margaret Thatcher, “She has energized the party. I have always said that if we Republicans could find a candidate with the strength of character of Sarah Palin – strong, tough, determined and confident, it would change the face of politics.”

With 61 days left to the campaign, there are debates and whistles stops planned by both candidates across the United States. By Nov. 4 the race will come to the finish line - perhaps with either the Republicans or Democrats winning by a nose.

“If anyone thought that we would be in this close a race after Labor Day,” said Igoe. “They would have pinched themselves. We have an excellent chance in November and the battle is on.”

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