Mr. Michael Steele March 6, 2009 Chairman Republican National Committee 310 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20003

Dear Chairman Steele:

As the leaders of the largest and most active Hispanic conservative organizations, we congratulate you on your election as Chairman. We are especially excited with your plan, as reported in US News, to extend media outreach to Hispanics and to a full‐time permanent basis. We have high hopes that with you at the helm of a “new” RNC that the Party will truly appreciate the need to open the doors and include Hispanic Americans throughout all levels of the RNC.

Having stated all the above, we were extremely disheartened that no Hispanics were considered for the post of Coalitions Director and that, to date, no Hispanics have been appointed to any other high‐profile leadership roles within the party. If the RNC’s outreach effort to Hispanics consists simply of appointing a Hispanic to serve as Director of the Hispanic Coalitions, then this plan is a recipe for disaster.

As you well know, Hispanics are a significant portion of the American electorate and are often the decisive factor between a winning or losing campaign. If the Republican Party desires to seriously compete for the Hispanic vote, it must demonstrate that it is willing to grant greater access and include Hispanics to the decision making process when it comes to strategic planning. We respectfully request the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the RNC’s ongoing efforts to include Hispanics in key leadership positions throughout the RNC infrastructure and how we can be of assistance to you and the party.

As loyal Conservatives, we share your vision for a more dynamic Republican Party and stand ready to assist you in spreading the conservative principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom and traditional values.

Danny Vargas Al Zapanta Republican National Hispanic Assembly Hispanic War Veterans of America

Jose Niño Mario H. Lopez Hispanic Alliance for Prosperity Institute Hispanic Leadership Fund

Rev. Miguel Rivera Mario Rodriguez National Coalition for Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders Hispanic 100

Luis Borunda US Hispanic Youth Entrepreneur Education