We are Audubon. We live in hundreds of communities, spanning borders and boundaries. We are conservationists, scientists, advocates, bird lovers. We understand that localized victories add up to hemispheric impacts. We know that lasting change doesn’t need a champion, it needs thousands of them. We are what grassroots power looks like.

ANNUAL REPORT 2017 ¤ Contents Audubon Annual Report 2017

2 We Are Audubon This Barred Owl is in recovery at the 8 Our Network animal-rehab hospital 16 Our Conservation Work at Sharon Audubon 36 Financials Center in Connecticut. 37 Friends & Partners 59 Directory 64 Board & Officers

“Connection with the local community is key, and people connect to birds. This is not the Audubon of yore. It’s a brave

new world and Audubon has really impressed us.” Lisa Jaguzny, CEO, Campion Foundation and Campion Advocacy Fund


Row 1, from left to right: Daniel Row 3, from left to right: Dick Row 5, from left to right: Steve Row 7, from left to right: J. Drew Catlin, volunteer, Audubon Riner, Thorn Creek Audubon Kress, executive director, Lanham, national board member; Bahamas banding team; Allison Society; Deeohn Ferris, Vice seabird restoration program; Lisa P. Jaguzny, CEO Campion Whipple Rockefeller, founder, President for Equity, Diversity Marcelle Shoop, saline lakes Foundation; Emily Kearns, field Audubon Women in Conservation; and Inclusion; Tom Stephenson, program director; Pablo Najarro, organizer, Arkansas; Christine Lin, Evan Hutchison, field organizing Audubon Climate Watch Audubon-trained bird guide, Walker communications fellow; manager; Tatiana Galluppi, bird volunteer; Genese Leach, policy Guatemala; Atlantic Puffn; Allen’s Hummingbird; Vic Leipzig, tourism program coordinator, manager, Audubon Connecticut; Nolan Schillerstrom, coastal president, Sea & Sage Audubon Asociación Guyra Paraguay; Brian Merlos, field organizer, program coordinator, Audubon Society Yellow-crowned Night-Heron; Michigan; Tufted Titmouse ; Brand, field Jennifer Pitt, Colorado River organizer, North Carolina Row 8, from left to right: project director Row 4, from left to right: Tami Natasha Khanna, field organizer, Lunan, field organizer, Ohio; Row 6, from left to right: Snowy ; Barbara Walker, Gulf Row 2, from left to right: Anne Blue Jay; Glaucia Del-Rio, CBC Owl; Lani Walker, Clearwater Coast region board member, Durning, board member, Audubon participant, Louisiana; Samantha Audubon Society; Katie Percy, Audubon Florida; Black Skimmer; ; Boat-billed Heron; Scott Collins, CBC Participant, Louisiana; avian biologist, Audubon Heidi Hoven, assistant manager, Johnson, science officer, The Keith Eric Costley, volunteer bird Louisiana; Hugh Simmons, Gillmor Sanctuary; Coleman Bahamas National Trust; Doug guide, Patterson Park Audubon national board member, vice Burke, national board member; Bloom, Bronx River Sound Shore Center; Jacob Kalsnes, Fund II president, Chesapeake Audubon Marina Pita, community programs Audubon Society; Nambii Mangun, Foundation fellow Society; Ella Sorenson, manager, manager, Seward Park Audubon Wild Indigo fellow, Audubon Great Gillmor Sanctuary; Dominique Center Lakes; Kenn Kaufman, Audubon Lizama, conservation programme field editor director, Belize Audubon Society


We Are Co mmunity Bui lders

WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR conservation goals only when we engage the com- munities that live in, and rely on, the land that they share with birds and other wildlife. Through our nature centers, our local outreach, and our newly formed cohort of field organiz- ers, we work directly with communities, listening to their needs while collabora- tively addressing the issues that we jointly face. From finding bipartisan solutions to issues tied to climate change, to urban habitat and schoolyard restoration with bird-friendly plants, to crafting sustainable water policy across an increasingly arid landscape, Audubon leverages and elevates community strength and resilience as a key compo- nent of our work.

Audubon’s field organizers work on the ground in 10 states to coordinate advocacy for regional climate solutions.


We Are Staff from Audubon Texas Habitat survey an island in Galveston Bay for storm damage after Pr otectors landfall of Hurricane Harvey.

WHAT IS LANDSCAPE-LEVEL conservation? It means protecting and restoring natural systems across a variety of land-use types. It’s not just one river or one wetland or one patch of prairie—that approach will never be enough to protect the places that birds need to live, forage, and raise their young. Instead, Audubon looks at the entire regional landscape to find the leverage points where conservation action will be most effective at creating lasting, sustainable change. We’re tackling the factors that affect the water flows in the Colorado River basin and across the West. We’re analyzing America’s coasts to see where best to rebuild green infrastructure to help communities weather major storms and sea-level rise. And we’re seeding the entire U.S. with the native plants that support birds throughout their lives.


We Are

Ap Guided by Pevek pr S D ox t . S . a e ARCTIC OCEAN ep . 2 I g i 006 n L Breeding –15 Ice Ex g Wr tent Science IBA o ang s n el B Victoria I. Paly I. r e ava g k e d am S M Herald I. i t o l n n AUDUBON IS COMMITTED TO r t i n g g a APP a i ROX Canada Basin t . RA

NG B E EX following what the science TEN H T a Sachs an e tells us, letting it inform our H na pprox. Harbour S A Jul und e ho y 2 S So Staging r al 006– rt actions and policies at the a 15 Ic be ld e Exten Al B C t t Ulukhaktok e nc F S n r ri national and local levels. To A h h anyo P r o ow C u al LL Barr IBA Core o L FA f gain insights on the condi- e k IBA Utqiagvik Area IBA c y u u n d s L a A m e n G u l e h B a L f

tions that affect birds and i h e D Approx. Wainwright it L

IBA USA IBA L a d m B i r S A F Molting S Staging v June 2006–15 e r n e r l F B a people, we use best-in-class a y p n e & Molting a a o y i Vankarem Ice Extent y k K o B l B ase Atqasuk l in g e y CANADA al a uk o a B n Lagoon IBA Core Molting y G e h mapping tools, the latest a B d B g Point d u g i n y a r Areas n a e r P e g Nuiqsut S t IBA Lay e d S Anadyr’ M PR Paulatuk data, and—perhaps most e m IN N D a G d C e A I i n adh K Kolyuchinskaya g orse a Tuktoyaktuk n importantly—our network Staging kt d d i n Bay Point o Herschel I. e e e g IBA R v r r C ik B s Breeding Hope k Molting Mackenzie o Colville o n of volunteers who engage Anadyr’ h t k Mackenzie P r Bay u i g n Delta in our community science i n k a r v t e o S Noatak a e Karaginskiy I. n t Kivalina g i s a g Inuvik k S programs like the Christmas W K i K M Wintering u l f y o o n Aklavik G a y P tz t k i en e z c & Staging Bird Count and Climate r s . Uelen b e a k y IBAs t u b e d Molting i e R n a a ue z n Lorino r S s ie Watch. Our scientists take A t o K B r o o k y obuk y i Diomede Is. S u S a t a k g s i n B g n g n n that information and gener- e ri d B m e Provideniya g B i Wales r h S ate the most up-to-date c e e e S M Molting w e e PR snapshots ofI America’sNG bird a d k g FAL r ku L d i u y d Gambell P n o populations and habitats. e K i n. g R Savoonga This year we illuminated RUSSIA v USA Nome o h how birds use the network s Wintering r i of saline lakes across the & Staging St. Lawrence I. h Norton Sound Approx Unalakleet S West, highlighting the . Ma B y 2006 Ice Extent importance of these lakes –15 A Emmonak in the region. We tracked l wheree birds overwinter Yukon- RUSSIA e L Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) USA in Latin America. And we A L im p St. Matthew I. w Long-tailed Ducks are smallish sea ducks with elongated tail feathers u r p k r Yukon o o A k published a comprehensive x Kuskokwim s . that breed in the northern portions of the coastal Arctic. They molt M F u K t a atlas of the biodiversity in r three times, with substantial plumage changes throughout the year. i . 2 0 0 Delta i 6 Before migrating toward their summer breeding habitat, Long-tailed the coastal Arctic. Using – 1 n 5 Ducks gather in polynyas and leads to forage. They then make the

a Ic Bethel the data to tell the stories of e Nunivak I. E B Attu I. x journey north in small groups, arriving in April or May, well before the B t o birds and the environmentn g en r w t e sea-ice margin has receded or their nesting habitat has thawed. These e k enables us to create biparti- S a Shemya e Wintering d highly vocal sea ducks breed on the North Slope of Alaska, with sub- g t a r a i h S s g n u stantial populations also breeding in the Yukon-Kuskokwim (Y-K) Delta s san solutions to the threats i s g N as e n ir P B a g and coastal areas of Amundsen Gulf, Canada. After breeding, males

ld B we all face. Bu P St. Paul I. r

Buldir I. i Dillingham ak precede females to molting areas where they molt their flight feathers a h b ic Kv i

a l n o Wintering King before moving slowly south to wintering areas. After molting, they pre- f

A k I Salmon s S pare for fall migration, taking advantage of numerous staging areas to . St. George I. P s R replenish energy stores used during migration by consuming epiben- IN l i ay thic invertebrates. The Long-tailed Ducks that breed in the project area

G ol B Brist commonly arrive in November and December to spend the coldest A e PP n Wintering ss RO months in the Bering Sea, with substantial wintering populations in the a X. & Staging P RA a NG Gulf of Anadyr, near St. Lawrence Island, off the coast of the Y-K Delta, tk E E hi XT u c ENT Am and the Aleutian Islands. This map shows usage areas based on annual Adak t ay activity in varying levels of concentration. Also shown are generalized d B A map of Long-tailed Duck ol migration paths to and from their breeding and wintering habitat. i Atka Dutch U C n imak I. habitat from Audubon’s Harbor im Un a Umnak I. a PACIFIC k P Ecological Atlas of the General n Unalaska a ss Breeding Wintering Staging Molting Marine Nikolski Unalaska I. Bering, Chukchi, and Migration OCEAN I s Regular Use l a n d s Beaufort Seas. SEASON Concentration


By connecting the work of the Audubon network—chapters, nature centers, national We Are Local Everywhere and state staff, volunteers, U.S. and international partners, and other supporters— along each of the flyways of the Americas, Audubon weaves a seamless web of conservation across the hemisphere.


l U.S. Important Bird Areas l International IBAs Important Bird Areas are locations that have been identified as critical areas for sustaining birdlife. There are than 2,800 IBAs in the , and a further 2,100 in the rest of the Americas. ● Audubon chapters ● State offices n Audubon chapter ● Sanctuaries coverage ● Nature centers Hemispheric Reach International Partnerships Each spring and fall, billions of migratory birds follow Audubon is proud to be the BirdLife International partner the flyways of the Americas from wintering to breeding for the United States. We work with local governments grounds and back again. By protecting the web of life that and NGOs in the Caribbean and Latin America to ensure Our Grassroots Influence represents the Americas’ richest veins of biodiversity, that birds are protected at every stage of their lifecycle Audubon is safeguarding our great natural heritage for and migratory path. We collaborate with partners to build State Programs Centers Chapters Sanctuaries Collaborations future generations, preserving our shared quality of life, bird-based tourism programs, foster grassroots actions Audubon’s 23 state offices Forty-one Audubon Audubon’s 454 chapters Audubon’s 23 sanctuaries Audubon collaborates and fostering a healthier environment. on climate change issues, and provide conservation policy are highly effective agents nature centers introduce are more than our face encompass an incred- with BirdLife International and capacity development. at statehouses across more than a million across the continent; ible array of habitats and and a network of America, and many pro- visitors each year to the they drive community- protect iconic landscapes international partners that Argentina Canada El Salvador vide statewide leadership natural world—and inspire based conservation work. for future generations. serve as key contributors Bahamas Chile Guatemala for chapters and centers. them to help protect it As full partners in our to a shared vision of bird Belize Colombia Mexico The state offices deliver through education and strategic plan, chapters and habitat conservation Shorebirds Land Birds Seabirds Raptors Waterfowl Bolivia Dominican Panama on-the-ground results conservation action. are a powerful force for across the Americas. Brazil Republic Paraguay throughout the flyways. conservation.


Birds follow the flyways—the routes over and through North America—as they make Welcome to the Flyways their annual migrations from wintering to breeding grounds and back again. We organize ourselves along the same flyway model to best serve the birds we aim to protect. Each flyway boasts state offices, nature centers, sanctuaries, and chapters. These, and those with whom we work, help form the Audubon network.


The birds of the Pacific Flyway depend Spanning the Rocky Mountains, Great More than 325 bird species migrate The Atlantic Flyway encompasses some on a diverse chain of habitats, from Arctic Plains, arid Southwest, and western Gulf through the Mississippi Flyway, from of the hemisphere’s most productive tundra and northwestern rainforest to Coast, the Central Flyway comprises their breeding grounds in the north to ecosystems—and it is home to more tropical beaches and mangroves. nearly half the landmass of the their wintering grounds along the Gulf of than a third of the human population continental United States. Mexico and in Central and South America. of the United States.


To leverage the power of Audubon, we follow a tight framework of strategic conservation Maximizing Our Impact priorities. This focus allows us to most effectively collaborate and coordinate our conservation efforts across flyways and the hemisphere.

Strategic Priorities Goals Pacific Flyway Central Flyway Mississippi Flyway Atlantic Flyway

Coasts Increase the populations of • Arctic • Island Sanctuaries • Gulf of Mexico • Maine Islands Audubon’s work focuses on the most important 16 flagship species at 500 • Gray’s Harbor of Texas • Mississippi River Delta • Sound breeding, stopover, and wintering sites for birds in priority sites. • Bay • Laguna Madre, Mexico • Coastal Carolinas each flyway throughout the hemisphere. • Southern California • North/Central Florida Enlist 10,000 volunteers and Coast Coast partner with 130 Audubon • Panama Bay • Bahama Islands chapters for beach stewardship. • Chiloé Island, Chile

Working Lands Increase or stabilize the popu- • Central Valley, • Thunder Basin • Eastern Tallgrass • Eastern Forests Audubon collaborates with landowners, land man- lations of 20 flagship bird spe- California • Northern Great Plains Prairies • Maya Forest (Belize and agers, government agencies, and private industry cies in four priority landscapes. • Western Sagebrush Guatemala) across the hemisphere to increase the quality of • Chihuahuan Desert habitat on privately managed lands. Get 10,000 landowners to pledge to adopt bird-friendly practices.

Water Manage, protect, and restore • Salton Sea • Colorado River Basin • Great Lakes • Everglades Audubon engages and involves the public on is- more than 1 million acres of • Desert Terminal • Great Salt Lake • Upper Mississippi sues surrounding water rights and water quality; habitat in watersheds. Lakes • Platte River restores habitats along rivers, wetlands, and del- tas; and explores and implements market-based Get 250,000 people engaged solutions that contribute to the achievement of in advocacy on local water- our water goals. conservation measures.

Bird-Friendly Communities Address local threats to birds Using local expertise and creativity, the Audubon network identifies local opportunities to help birds Audubon protects bird populations in America’s and connect people to conser- and communities thrive through a wide range of programs and activities. Bird-Friendly Communities also cities and towns by providing food, shelter, vation actions. provides the expertise and platform to coordinate engagement across the other core strategies. safe passage, and places for birds to raise their young. Communities meet those needs through Grow 1 million bird-friendly individual and collective actions—actions that also plants by working with volun- contribute to more sustainable human societies. teers and local governments.

Climate Implement adaptation strate- Leveraging Audubon’s climate science, Audubon follows people’s passion for birds to create a greater Leveraging our climate science, Audubon creates gies on 300,000 acres of demand for change at the local, state, national, and hemispheric levels. Focused conservation and targeted far greater demand for change on the climate is- coastal wetlands and marshes. engagement initiatives that mix individual and collective action will bring 1 million Americans to the climate sue by tapping into people’s passion for birds. conversation over the next five years. Add 1 million new people to the climate issue through out- reach and advocacy efforts.


In order to make meaningful gains in conservation, Audubon has to be relevant in red Conservation Doesn’t states and in blue states, and in the places in between. We focus on science rather than ideology to drive us to conservation action, enabling us to reach a broad coalition Have a Party of people who, like us, love birds and want to protect them and the places they need.

● Audubon chapters ● State offices ● Sanctuaries ● Nature centers



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13,000 7,100 27,000 31,000 40,000 18,000 32,000 108,000 Constituents Constituents Constituents Constituents Constituents Constituents Constituents Constituents 80% 69% 66% 45% 41% 37% 29% 24% Moderate and Moderate and Moderate and Moderate and Moderate and Moderate and Moderate and Moderate and Conservative Members Conservative Members Conservative Members Conservative Members Conservative Members Conservative Members Conservative Members Conservative Members

20% 31% 34% 55% 59% 63% 71% 76% Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members

• Working with partners • With input from Audu- • Worked with Republican • Helped secure Senator • Local chapters and • Target state in the • Renewing grassroots • Recently extended to renew the state’s bon, Arkansas Public and Democrat lawmak- Rob Portman’s (R-OH) the state office fight to save the Arctic efforts to secure the cap-and-trade most important tool Service Commission ers to introduce the co-sponsorship, with have forged new National Wildlife meaningful emissions program for for land conservation recently issued an order Regional Conservation Senator (D- relationships with Refuge from drilling. reductions after another decade. to protect bird habitat, that guarantees cus- Partnership Program MD), of the Neotropical Republican lawmakers • Also critical area to I-732 was defeated, In the program, including climate tomers who invest in Improvement Act, which Migratory Bird Act in the U.S. House of develop water policies in part for not being companies must buy strongholds, and solar energy can lock in encourages conserva- reauthorization bill. Representatives. that affect the entire “progressive” enough. permits to release ensure cleaner water. their rates for 20 years. tion on farm land. Colorado River basin. greenhouse gases.

14 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 15 Priority: Water ¤ Project Spotlight

Audubon Focuses on the West’s Salt Lakes

THIS YEAR AUDUBON RELEASED its Birds and Water in the Arid West report, a thorough examination of the issues facing the Colorado River basin and the saline lakes of the Intermountain West. The report highlights that one of the most important facets of that habitat is the apparent connectivity of saline lakes— the salt lakes and wetlands like Salton Sea, Great Salt Lake, and Mono Lake—that dot the landscape. Using banding and GPS tracking data, Audubon scientists determined that birds use the lakes in a network throughout their lives, migrating between them depending on time of year. Also this year the State of California released its long-awaited Salton Sea plan for dust mitigation and habitat restoration projects over the next 10 years, of which Audubon was a key architect. The $383 million plan lays out a schedule for building thousands of acres of ponds and wetland habitat that will cover up stretches of dusty lakebed. Water From the Salton Sea to the Colorado River to the Everglades, 4.1M Number of Eared Grebes estimated A Great Blue Heron flies over the Audubon advocates for sustainable water-use policies. to use the Great Salt Lake surface of California’s Salton Sea.

16 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 17 Priority: Water ¤ I Am Audubon

Wood Stork Building a Future for the Salton Sea Frank Ruiz, Director, Salton Sea Program

FRANK RUIZ HAS ALWAYS sions wetlands that reduce understood that humans asthma-causing dust, offer and birds share fates. As a nesting habitat to birds, and child growing up in south- eventually draw tourists to ern Mexico, he watched his the economically struggling metals-miner father leave for region. To build support for work with little safety gear wetland creation in Cali- beyond a wet bandanna tied fornia’s plan for the area, around his face and a caged his team is reaching out to bird whose death would communities that don’t yet warn the crew to evacuate. understand how the Salton So for Ruiz, it’s natural Sea affects them. to seek a solution for the “You can easily feel blue lake’s woes that will benefit seeing a lake that at one time both humans and birds. was full of water and life,” “We shouldn’t be picking Ruiz says. But he knows that one over the other,” he if you watch long enough, says. “When you protect you will see birds. “They are the environment, you showing us that we need to protect people.” Ruiz envi- be resilient, too.”

¤ Water: Where and How We Work


works with Salin e La k federal and e s Great Lakes local agencies to manage one of our Great Salt Lake most precious

resources Colorado River Basin

Target Salton Sea Geographies Mississippi River Delta Securing Water for the Everglades and Colorado River Lake Okeechobee

Audubon’s Water strategy focuses on engaging Other Highlights Minute 323, an update to our network and technical and policy expertise to • In Florida, Audubon lob- the treaty that guides water Everglades Watershed influence water management decisions that balance bied successfully for the distribution across the adoption of Senate Bill 10, shared U.S.–Mexico border. the needs of birds, people, and economies in targeted which guides the construc- Both countries agreed to rivers, lakes, and deltas throughout the United States. tion of a reservoir south reserve 210,000 acre-feet Audubon uses robust data to better understand the of Lake Okeechobee. The of Colorado River water to 210,000 99% $1.6B trade-offs resulting from various water policies on reservoir will ensure that restore the Colorado River fresh water will filter south, delta, a vital habitat for ecosystem health and economies. By involving our Acre-feet of Colorado River Percent of Eared Grebes that Cost of the reservoir recharging the Everglades. birds and a critical source water set aside for environmental use the intermountain saline to be built south of technical experts and network, we are enhancing the • Audubon was a key part- of water for the people who functionality of habitats across priority landscapes. ner in the negotiations for live there. purposes in Minute 323 lake network during the year Lake Okeechobee

18 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 19 Priority: Climate ¤ Project Spotlight

Taking a Lead on Responsible Renewable Energy

CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE LEADING threat to birds across North America, as has been shown in Audubon’s 2014 Birds and Climate Change report. Because of this, Audubon advocates for responsible renewable energy projects by helping those industries develop siting policies and technologies that make renewable energy safer for birds. In California, Audubon and local chapters helped negotiate with the Antelope Valley Solar Project for more than $20 million in habitat mitigation for Swainson’s Hawk; in Montana, Audu- bon negotiated with a wind developer to relocate its tur- bines outside of an Important Bird Area, which contained nesting grounds for at least 10 raptor species. More than any other organization, we have the credibility, reach, expertise, and partnerships to support the rapid deploy- ment of properly sited and operated wind, solar, and geothermal energy facilities and transmission lines at the local and national level. Climate Audubon leverages people’s love of birds to help protect them, $10M Amount that Audubon will dedicate Wind turbines installed in and the places they need, from the effects of climate change toward climate actions over three years Altamont Pass, California.

20 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 21 Priority: Climate ¤ I Am Audubon

Mountain Bluebird Tracking Birds As the Climate Shifts Brooke Bateman, Program Director, Climate Watch

AS BROOKE BATEMAN SEES IT, these birds overwinter and birders are essential for bol- breed. Bateman then com- stering Audubon’s climate piles those data to track how science work. That work birds are already shifting as predicts that 314 North temperatures rise, and, over American bird species will time, to identify with more lose more than half of their certainty the places that will range by 2080. Of course, be most critical to conserve. the future is impossible to Bateman, who began predict with certainty, so birding as a child with her Bateman is engaging com- ornithologist grandmother, munity scientists to gather says the volunteers’ dedica- data to validate and refine tion is vital. “They know Audubon’s climate models. so much about the birds in Through Climate Watch, their area,” Bateman says. launched in 2016, hundreds “They're helping answer the of birders across the country question about how birds re- are surveying bluebirds and spond to climate change. It’s nuthatches, building an not something I can answer invaluable record of where by myself.”

¤ Climate: Where and How We Work

Audubon leverages people’s love of birds to help all species survive climate change

Key states Key states with Finding Climate Solutions at the Local and State Level field organizers

Audubon science has made it clear that climate change Other Highlights will double the amount of is the greatest threat to birds. To address that threat, Audubon chapters and state large-scale solar installed offices were critical to getting in the state, provide more Audubon’s Climate Initiative has two key elements: climate legislation passed: affordable options for roof- protecting the places birds need in a warming world, • California lawmakers top solar, and offer more and advocating for significant public policy changes, reauthorized the state’s clean energy options for especially at the local and state level. There, renewable landmark cap-and-trade the state’s universities and 631 60 264,000 energy and other climate solutions are gaining program until 2030, aiming military bases. Audubon to cut the state’s carbon pol- North Carolina mobilized Number of volunteer Number of target Number of climate momentum. By engaging our bipartisan membership lution by 40 percent. its members to ask officials climate leaders in the geographies in activists engaged to support solutions, Audubon builds essential safe • North Carolina passed a to make the bill more ben- political space around the issue of climate. renewable energy bill that eficial to renewable energy. Audubon network 20 states in the U.S.

22 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 23 Priority: Coasts ¤ Project Spotlight

Creating Resilient Coastlines

AUDUBON AND PARTNERS recently completed their largest barrier island restoration project yet, at Caminada Headland near Grande Isle, Louisiana. This 13-mile-long barrier island system offers protection for the neighboring oil port, Fourchon, and includes Elmer’s Island, a popular beach for anglers and bird- ers. The $216 million project was funded largely through criminal fines paid by BP and Transocean. Workers dredged 9 million cubic yards of sand from offshore and pumped it onto the beach, creating more than 1,000 acres of new barrier, dune, and beach habitat. The importance of barrier island restoration to birds was dem- onstrated this summer when tropical storm Cindy roared ashore: On Elmer’s Island, a quarter of the tern chicks and 67 percent of the young plovers survived. Unrestored sites suffered huge casual- ties; in some cases, the storm wiped out every nestling.

Coasts 1,000 Audubon helps rebuild the resilient coastlines A Least Tern chick on a restored Acres of new habitat created portion of Elmer’s Island, that protect local communities and birds on Elmer’s Island, Louisiana Louisiana. against the threats of storms and sea-level rise

24 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 25 Priority: Coasts ¤ I Am Audubon

Black Skimmer Protecting Shorebirds Through Science Erik Johnson, Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Louisiana

THIS PAST SPRING, ERIK JOHNSON Audubon lent its expertise expected to find Least to help identify locations Terns nesting on the newly like Elmer’s Island, whose restored beach on Elmer’s Is- restoration will benefit land, a barrier island off the birds hit hardest by the oil Louisiana coast. But he was spill. Birds aren’t the only blown away by the number ones benefiting from the of birds that flocked to the efforts to rebuild Louisiana’s island, which gained more barrier islands and coastal than 1,000 acres of new wetlands. Those habitats, barrier, dune, and beach which protect the coast from habitat thanks to a four-year, storm surges, have shrunk $216 million project funded dramatically due to sea level largely through BP oil spill rise and other factors. “Using fines. “The cacophony of a combination of features,” 500 pairs of Least Terns Johnson says, “we can en- setting up a colony has to be sure communities like New one of my favorite sounds of Orleans have a livelihood in spring,” he says. the future.”

¤ Coasts: Where and How We Work

Audubon works along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts

to protect Coastal sites bird habitats in the U.S.

International coastal sites The Bahamas

Making Coasts and Shorelines Stronger for Everyone Panama Bay

Audubon is protecting and restoring coastlines to Other Highlights chicks were released to the • Piping Plovers nested in wild in August. strengthen populations of shorebirds and preserve Chiloé Presque Isle State Park, • Along the Atlantic and the places they need to survive throughout their lives. Pennsylvania, for the first Pacific, Audubon has been Those resilient shores also protect coastal communities time in 60 years. Audubon critical in protecting forage against the threat of sea-level rise due to a changing and its partners, including fisheries; in California, climate. Audubon’s Coasts initiative focuses on the Presque Isle Audubon Soci- Audubon defended a fish Proportion of global most iconic and threatened birds, and the important ety, worked to rehabilitate nursery in Humboldt Bay the site. Two pairs of birds against the expansion of population of breeding, stopover, and wintering sites, in each flyway 1,090 100,000 33% laid a total of seven eggs. an oyster farm that would Number of coastal sites Approximate miles of Hudsonian Godwits that depend to enhance bird populations while benefiting hundreds Two eggs hatched success- have torn up eelgrass beds of other species that rely on similar habitats. fully and the newly fledged essential to Pacific herring. where Audubon works shoreline in the U.S. on wintering grounds in Chiloé

26 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 27 Priority: Working Lands ¤ Project Spotlight

Prairie-Friendly Management on Grazing Lands

AUDUBON’S MARKET-BASED, science-backed bird-friendly grazing protocols are being used in five states: Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Audubon has also developed a bird-friendliness index to ensure consistent and comparable evaluation of bird monitoring data for all sites across the Great Plains. Using these protocols, 40 ranches have started manag- ing their land in a bird- friendly way, and a number of them have brought prod- ucts to market at a dozen retailers across the Midwest, and in restaurants and farm- to-table and mail-order out- lets. A half-dozen additional ranches are set to join the program in Texas and New Mexico in early 2018.

Working Lands Audubon collaborates with local stakeholders to craft 200,000 Number of Tricolored Blackbirds Ranch in North Dakota under sustainable bird-friendly land-management practices saved to date in California bird-friendly land management.

28 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 29 Priority: Working Lands ¤ I Am Audubon

Golden-winged Warbler Protecting the Golden-winged Warbler Aimee Tomcho, Conservation Biologist, Audubon North Carolina

BORN AND RAISED IN NORTH management plans that Carolina, Aimee Tomcho make their parcels more bird- understands landowners’ friendly. Small changes can deep connection to the make a big difference, says land, and she believes it’s Tomcho, such as mowing key to bird-friendly forest fields to keep woody stems management. Birds like the from growing too dense. Golden-winged Warbler are Audubon is collaborating declining in North Caro- with federal and state organi- lina’s forests, and in order zations to provide assistance to maintain and restore that to landowners who adopt habitat for them, landown- bird-friendly practices. ers have to be on board: 61 So far, more than 200 percent of the state’s forests landowners have signed on, are privately owned. affecting some 30,000 acres. Tomcho works with In the end, it all comes down landowners, assessing their to the personal relationships, property and its birdlife, says Tomcho: “That’s what and crafting cost-effective leads to long-term actions.”

¤ Working Lands: Where and How We Work

Audubon works with agencies, industry, and landowners to create shared conservation solutions

Central Valley Golden-winged Warbler Working With Landowners to Find Sustainable Solutions Ranching Area Sagebrush Working lands represent one of the best hopes for Other Highlights friendly maple syrup proj- Territory Tongass conservation. These parcels of forests, ranches, and • Audubon improved ect works with local pro- National Forest ducers to make sure that farms add up to roughly a billion acres—or about half management of 147,822 acres of forest in Ver- their land has trees and the land in the entire Lower 48 states. Audubon mont, Connecticut, New shrubs that birds use for collaborates with landowners, land managers, York, North Carolina, shelter and food. To date, government agencies, and private industry to increase and Florida. Audubon the project has helped 67M 40+ $4.5M the quality of habitat on privately managed lands. staff engaged 1,513 land- bring more than 4,500 owners in training, site acres under responsible Audubon helps landowners and land managers Number of acres of sage- Ranches and retail outlets Value of maple syrup produced visits, and management management, resulting grouse habitat managed participating in the conser- in forests using bird-friendly apply bird-friendly practices on their lands while planning. in $4.5M in bird-friendly also remaining economically sustainable. • Audubon Vermont’s bird- maple syrup sales. by state and federal entities vation ranching program management practices

30 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 31 Priority: Bird-Friendly Communities ¤ Project Spotlight

Plants For Birds Is Backyard Conservation

ONE YEAR AFTER THE FORMAL launch of Plants For Birds, the program has grown to be a juggernaut for Audubon. To date, the searchable database of local native plants has seen Web traffic grow to more than half a million uniques. The site has collected email addresses from more than 130,000 supporters, a quarter of which are new to Audubon. But online action is only part of the puzzle— on-the-ground conservation is the ultimate goal of this program, and it has also been successful: Chapters, centers, and volunteers have planted more than 186,000 plants, logged almost 110,000 vol- unteer hours, and engaged 13,000 students. In 2018 the Plants For Birds program will expand its online offerings and also increase outreach into new demographics to Audubon, including young urban birders. Bird-Friendly Communities Together we provide food, shelter, and safe 186,000 Purple coneflower supports a passage to birds across the landscape Number of plants planted in 2017 number of seed-eating birds.

32 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 33 Priority: Bird-Friendly Communities ¤ I Am Audubon

Including a Local Community in Conservation Marcos Trinidad, Center Director, Audubon Center at Debs Park

WHEN MARCOS TRINIDAD FIRST ing this partnership that was laid eyes on the plant nursery able to breathe life into this in Debs Park in 2014, it was space,” Trinidad says. Staff filled with dead plants and and volunteers collect seeds, empty flats. But Trinidad, raise them, and plant them newly hired at the center, saw to restore local habitat. In an opportunity. He recruited three years, they have grown a small army of volunteers almost 5,000 plants repre- from the surrounding area senting 30 different species. of Northeast , The center’s programs where he was born and go beyond the nursery. It raised, to help transform also serves the commu- the defunct greenhouse nity, both bird and human. into a thriving native-plant “We’re not just any nature nursery. The project garnered center,” he says. “We’re a support from the National community nature center— Parks Service, too, which we’re working to restore the has contributed labor and connection between people dollars. “We ended up forg- and the land.”

¤ Bird-Friendly Communities: Where and How We Work

Together we provide food, shelter, and safe passage to birds across the urban Audubon’s Plants For Birds database landscape

Plants For Birds Program Sites Chapter State Bringing Communities Together for Birds and People Center Regional Scientific studies increasingly show how important Other Highlights in Guatemala increased Other human environments are for birds: They provide • Audubon’s bird-guide by up to 900 percent, from training program has made approximately $920 to crucial resources that support birds as they migrate a real difference in the $9,000. Gains were more through, breed, or overwinter in our midst. These economic standing of those modest in Belize, which has are also the places that people most often encounter who live in biodiversity a well-established tourism birds. We rely on local expertise; best practices for hotspots in Latin America industry; bird guides re- 26,000 159 130,000 equity, diversity, and inclusion; authentic community and the Caribbean. An in- ported a boost in income of dependent survey of guides up to 68 percent. Audubon engagement to find shared wins for birds and people; Number of students Number of sites around Number of people who had gone through trained 285 guides in the participating in the network engaging in who have signed up and a focus on system-level changes as an important Audubon’s training shows Bahamas, Belize, Guate- end result of individual actions. that incomes of bird guides mala, and Paraguay. Plants For Birds Plants For Birds activities for Plants For Birds

34 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 35 ¤ Financials ¤ Thank You Summary Report for 2017 Friends & Partners CONDENSED STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year ended June 30, 2017 (dollars in thousands) 2017 REVENUE* Audubon is grateful to the individuals, foundations, and $112,196 REVENUES, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions, grants, and bequests $90,548 businesses whose generous contributions have supported Earned income and other revenue 11,619 Investment earnings, appropriated 10,029 our work over the past year. We work with valued partners TOTAL REVENUES, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT 112,196 in communities across the Americas. 81% EXPENSES Conservation programs 10% Field conservation programs 61,346 9% National conservation programs 23,762 85,108 Fundraising Contributions, grants, and Membership development 5,813 bequests Other development 9,112 14,925 Earned income and other revenue Management and general 4,500 TOTAL EXPENSES 104,533 Investment earnings, appropriated RESULTS FROM OPERATIONS 7,663

2017 EXPENSES* Investment earnings, not-appropriated, and other gains 20,985 $104,533 Charitable trust additions and changes in value 3,871 Pension and post retirement activity 7,813 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 40,332 NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 415,582 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $455,914

14% 82%

4% CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION June 30, 2017 (dollars in thousands)

ASSETS Conservation programs Cash and investments $274,549 Receivables; net 25,169 Fundraising Beneficial interest in charitable trusts; net 40,007 Management and general Land, buildings, and equipment; net 147,101 Other assets 2,926 TOTAL ASSETS 489,752

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued expenses 8,586 Deferred rent, tuition, and other liabilities 6,524 Funds held for others 2,774 Obligations under charitable trusts 8,024 Pension and post retirement benefit liability 7,930 Atlantic Puffins *Dollars in thousands TOTAL LIABILITIES 33,838 NET ASSETS 455,914 Additional information is available at www.audubon.org TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $489,752

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SUPPORTERS LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Chesapeake Audubon Society Frances Beinecke and Paul Elston $100,000+ Trust Chesapeake Bay Trust Archie W. and Grace Berry Anonymous (15) Gordon and Betty Moore Carole Clarkson Foundation Aveda Corporation Foundation Coypu Foundation Trust Sharon and Randy Blackburn Gabrielle and Louis Bacon Duryea and Peggy Morton craigslist Charitable Fund The Brenner Family Foundation and The Moore Charitable The Mosaic Company The Cygnet Foundation Burdine Johnson Foundation Foundation, Inc. Foundation and The Mosaic Deering Foundation Eunice and Robert Burnett The Batchelor Foundation, Inc. Company Louis DeRosa William Burnside Sandy Batchelor, Esq. National Fish and Wildlife Georgiana DeShazer Wildlife The Caerus Foundation, Inc. S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Foundation Charitable Trust Canaday Family Charitable Trust Johanna Bell New Venture Fund The Dobson Foundation, Inc. Ms. Alice R. Carlson The Bobolink Foundation Craig Newmark Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Z. Duke Cedar Hill Foundation W. L. Lyons Brown Foundation Nextera Energy Foundation, Inc. Edwards Mother Earth Community Foundation for Dr. John Cary Brown and Steve Epstein Susan P. and Franklin M. Orr, Jr. Foundation Greater Buffalo Brunckhorst Foundation Trust Overlook International Ellison Family Foundation Darden Sustainability Challey Susan and Coleman P. Burke Foundation Margot P. Ernst Dillon Foundation Foundation The David and Lucile Packard France-Merrick Foundation Fiona and Stanley Druckenmiller The Campion Foundation Foundation Friends of Jessie Ball duPont Fund DR. JOHN CHALLEY, A SELF- The Margaret A. Cargill The William Penn Foundation The Gartner Family Charitable Environment Canada taught investor and titan of Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts Trust Environmental Defense Fund conservation, was devoted Caruthers Family Foundation Pocosin Land Management Florence J. Gillmor Foundation Russell and Carol Faucett Fiona and Marvin Caruthers PTJ Operations, LLC Mr. Joseph H. Gleberman Mr. Paul Ferber to preserving the grassland The CHG Charitable Trust The Rees-Jones Foundation Susan and Dan Gottlieb Carl and Judy Ferenbach habitats of his beloved home Mary McDermott Cook Resource Environmental Grantham Foundation for the Fiduciary Trust Company state of North Dakota, and Trammell S. Crow Solutions, LLC Protection of the Environment International CSX Transportation River Branch Foundation H-E-B Foundation M the plants and animals Dalio Foundation, Inc. David and Barbara Roux Ms. Marian Heiskell Phil and Nita Francis that inhabit them. A strong Barbara and Raymond Dalio Robert F. Schumann Foundation The Jacob and Terese Hershey Mrs. Katherine B. Garfield believer in mission-oriented David Darrin Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Schumann Foundation Gayden Family Foundation Disney Conservation Fund Steve and Heather Singh Terry Hershey GDS Legacy Foundation programs that yield tangible Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanback, Jr. Ms. Sarah Jeffords Melissa and John Gibbons III results, Dr. Challey was one Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Stanback The Jeniam Foundation Gila River Indian Community of Audubon Dakota’s first Doolin Foundation for George B. Storer Foundation Carlyn and Tom Jervis Allyn L. Golub Biodiversity Virginia K. Stowe & Wood Jud Laird Honorable James Greenwood board members, serving Barbara and Earl Doolin Thrush Fund The M. L. E. Foundation, Inc. Andreas and Diane Halvorsen from 2012 until he passed Duke Energy Foundation Philip A. Swan Kemper & Ethel Marley Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth in 2016. He left a $5 million Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Durst United Way of Metropolitan Foundation The Heinz Endowments Joseph and Barbara Ellis Dallas, Inc. McCune Charitable Foundation Mr. Michael J. Herz endowment and a $500,000 The Energy Foundation von der Heyden Family The McLean Contributionship Mrs. Jean Rogers Holt annuity to enable the or- Environment, Health & Foundation Leo Model Foundation, Inc. Honeywell ganization he supported in Community Fund of Resource Lucy R. Waletzky, M.D. Natural Resources Defense Impact100 Philadelphia Legacy Fund Walker Family Foundation Council The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell life to carry on its impor- Environmental Systems The Walton Family Foundation Craig Newmark Fund Foundation tant work. “John Challey Research Institute The Water Foundation Mrs. Margery A. Nicolson The Kingfisher Foundation believed in doing things that The Everglades Foundation, Inc. Wilburforce Foundation Open Door Foundation Mr. Steve Kress Explore.org, a direct charitable Wildlife Conservation Society Dr. Jim and Kathy Pickrell Mr. Craig Larson have meaning today and activity of the Annenberg Robert W. Wilson Charitable The Rathmann Family Ambassador and Mrs. John tomorrow,” says his close Foundation Trust Foundation Loeb friend Marshall Johnson, Ex- Fiddlehead Fund Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson Jenny and Lonnie Samford J.P. Mascaro and Sons Dean and Jenny Fischer San Antonio Water System Michael and Gretchen ecutive Director of Audubon Florida Audubon Society $50,000 - $99,999 Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Mavrovouniotis Dakotas. “For him, conser- Ford Family Foundation Anonymous (10) Trust Jennifer and James McCarroll vation work needed to be Pamela and David B. Ford 444S Foundation Seaworld & Busch Gardens Bill and Marianne McComb Fund II Foundation Audubon of the Western Conservation Fund The Purple Lady/Barbara J. enduring and to stand the Goldman Sachs Gives Everglades Ms. Victoria Shaw Meislin Fund test of time. He believed that George S. Golumbeski Beatrice Fox Auerbach Sonoran Institute Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer our work needed to outlive David Hartwell and Foundation Fund Cynthia Starkovsky District Elizabeth De Baut Gordon J. Barnett Memorial Thornburg Foundation Mississippi Power Company us. Dr. Challey’s gift ensures Hearst Foundations Foundation North Foundation The Ambrose Monell Foundation that Audubon will always The William and Flora Hewlett Mr. Thomas A. Barron Turner Foundation, Inc. Garrett and Mary Moran have a meaningful presence Foundation Battelle Foundation Fund at the West Monroe Partners MUFG Union Bank The Horizon Foundation Columbus Foundation Wheels in the Woods Eric Myers in this region.” Gretchen Hull Francis Beidler Foundation Foundation National Wildlife Federation Sonia and Paul Tudor Jones II David Winton Bell Foundation NextGen Climate Action The Jonesville Foundaiton Benevity Community Impact $25,000 - $49,999 Norcliffe Foundation V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation Fund Anonymous (11) Mrs. Katharine S. O’Brien Krishnan-Shah Foundation Mr. Fred Berry AbbVie Foundation Matching Laura and Kevin O’Donohue Mr. Leonard Lauder The Boeing Company Grant Plan Benjamin Olewine III Linden Trust for Conservation Camille and Craig Broderick Emily and John Alexander Open Space Institute The Lufkin Family Foundation– Judy and C. Frederick Buechner American Forest Foundation Overhills Foundation Dan and Adrienne Lufkin The Bullitt Foundation APS Foundation Anne and Chuck Parrish Red Spike John D. and Catherine T. Mr. Charles C. Butt Connan and Andrew Ashforth Patagonia, Inc. Mexican Hat MacArthur Foundation California Conservation Bruce and Billie Ballengee Kristi and Thomas Patterson Eugene McDermott Foundation Innovations Program of Lee and Ramona Bass Phoenix Industrial Development The McKnight Foundation Resource Legacy Fund Foundation Authority

38 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 39 ¤ Thank You ¤ Donor Spotlight

Gloria M. and W. Douglas Pitts Roger A. Baumann, Inc. Ann R. Elliman Lois E. and William G. Kelley Fund The Robinson Foundation Gilchrist and Amy Berg Mr. Kim Elliman of the Columbus Foundation Kit and Robert Rohn Marie Berggren Michael and Alice Epstein J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation Ms. Nan Schwanfelder Anissa Berry Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy Libby and Charles King Michael Sheridan BGE Eshbaugh Paul King Silicon Valley Community Mr. Richard O. Bierregaard, Jr. Dykes and Lisa Everett Warren and Barry King Foundation’s Donor Circle for Birdlife International Mr. Alexander C. Ewing Silicon Valley Community the Environment William Bloxom Holly L. Fader Foundation - Steven and Irwin and Melinda Simon Blue Sky Family Foundation Bertram and Betty Feingold Michele Kirsch Fund The Skyscrape Foundation Ms. Suzanne Blue Mr. and Mrs. Moses Feldman Knopf Family Foundation Joanne and Cyrus W. Spurlino Beatrice and William Booth Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field V L Brands Foundation Joseph and Kathleen Sterchak Walter and Phyllis Borten Firespring Foundation Iya Labunka Dr. Peter Swift and Diana Foundation Dr. Susan L. Flader Lamb & Barnosky LLP Lisa Jaguzny McCargo Boston Foundation, Inc. Fluor Foundation Elaine and Ken Langone Campion Foundation Robert and Patricia Switzer Ellen and Alan Breed The Foundation for Enhancing Nancy Langsan Foundation Ann Tandy Brice Communities Jose Latour LISA JAGUZNY IS CEO OF THE T & E, Inc. Brindle Foundation The Freed Foundation, Inc. Dee and Richard Lawrence Elaine Berol Taylor & Scott Kathleen Swann Brooks Family Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Louise and Lewis Lehrman Campion Foundation and the Bevan Taylor Foundation Foundation Kathleen and Howard Fuhr Martha V. Leonard Campion Advocacy Fund. Tesoro Companies, Inc. Christian and Kia Brown Robert E. Gallagher Charitable The Leon Levy Foundation The Campion Foundation has Karen K. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Brown Trust Diane Lewis, M.D. Thunderbirds Charities Mr. Ken Buchholz and James and Anne Gallagher George L. Lindemann, Jr. been a longtime supporter of Tucson Audubon Society Ms. Dale Shuter The Joe and Sarah Galloway Robert Litterman Audubon’s work—in Alaska Suni and John Unger Mr. Christopher Buck Foundation Pam and Tom Luce and throughout the Pacific Vermilion Gator Farms, Inc. Andee Burrell in Memory of Joseph P. Gaudino Luzern Labs The Walbridge Fund Roc Burrell GE Foundation Lykes Bros., Inc. Flyway—to protect the Arctic Mr. Richard E. Watkins Pinellas County Community George Family Foundation Steve Lynch National Wildlife Refuge, one The Weetabix Company Foundation - William P. Lile and John Gibbons, Jr. M&T Bank of the last great untouched Wells Fargo Foundation Bushnell Fund Gilder Foundation R. James Macaleer Foundation The Franklin H. and Ruth L. Mr. Gilbert Butler Goldseker Foundation Mr. Douglas J. Mackenzie bird habitats in the country. Wells Foundation The Campbell Family Amy Golodetz and Greg Leech Marcia MacKinnon Jaguzny explains why her John Wienere Foundation Ms. Julia A. Gregory Ian and Paige MacLeod organization collaborates Wolf Creek Charitable Nanny and Marty Cannon Geoffrey and Sarah Gund Mr. Anthony E. Malkin Foundation Carstens Family Funds The Marc Haas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John H. Manice so closely with Audubon: Wyoming Community Amon G. Carter Foundation Ralph and Louise Haberfeld Charles Margiotta “Audubon is at the vanguard Foundation Carlton M. Caves Darcy and John Hadjipateras Eva Markiewicz and of science. The structure of Xcel Energy Foundation The Ceres Foundation, Inc. George and Mary Josephine Spencer Ahrens Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Chapin Hamman Foundation Helene Marsh Audubon on a national level $10,000 - $24,999 The Chingos Foundation Ann and Jim Hancock Marshall-Reynolds Foundation lends itself to the need for Anonymous (30) The Chisholm/Thomson Family Ann Harwood-Nuss, M.D. E. McClure and F. Peterschmidt local engagement. Connec- The 1830 Family Foundation Fund Dede Haverstick Chauncey and Marion D. Achelis Foundation Ms. Suzanne Clary Anne and Hall Healy McCormick Family Foundation tion with local communities Jill Aesoph Dr. Julie A. Clayman John Henderson Gustaf Westfeldt McIlhenny is key, and people connect Mr. and Mrs. Chip E. Akridge III Clayton Baker Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ron Henderson Family Foundation to birds.” Over the past year, Alaska Charitable Trust The Clinton Family Fund The Hertz Corporation William and Nancy McKelvy Albuquerque Community Close Friend Foundation Josephine Daneman Herz Ms. Phyllis Meek Campion made an additional Foundation Grenold and Dorothy Collins Fellowship Fund Ms. Josephine A. Merck investment in Audubon’s Ms. Jane Alexander Communities Foundation of Lyda Hill Cynthia and Walter Metcalfe legislative work in D.C. to All Life Foundation Texas Nancy and Douglas Hinman Joseph Meyerhoff Fund Peter A. Alpert and Jill S. The Community Foundation for The Tim and Karen Hixon MidFirst Bank protect the Arctic. “Those Schwab Greater New Haven Foundation Brian and Heidi Miller guys are rock stars,” Jaguzny Leigh and Carol Altadonna Conservation Biology Institute Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hixon III Herb and Patrice Miller says, referring to Audubon’s Joseph T. Ambrozy The Conservation Fund Karen J. Hixon Evalyn E. and Stephen E. Milman American Conservation Cooper-Newell Foundation Holcim, Inc. Environmental Fund policy team. “Their focus on Association Ms. Elizabeth Crane Hollingsworth Family Mitigation Bank Investors, LLC a bipartisan approach on the American Eagle Foundation Elizabeth Crane and Richard Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Allen Montgomery national level is vital. This is American Meadows, Inc. McKee Linherr and Dana Hollingsworth Tom and Susan Moore The Katherine B. Andersen Diane Currie Home Depot USA Harold M. and Adeline S. not the Audubon of yore. It’s Fund of the Saint Paul Felicitie and Suhas Daftuar Cassie and Bob Hopkins Morrison Family Foundation a brave new world and Audu- Foundation The Dallas Foundation Horizon Foundation, Inc. Sandra Moss bon has really impressed us.” Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Appell, Jr. John and DallePezze Huachuca Audubon Society Stephen and Merrilee Nellis The Applewood Fund Nancy J. Deckinger Reid and Mary Hughes Lucy D. Nisbet Charitable Fund W. Graham Arader III Willis S. DeLaCour, Jr. Hummer/Bird Study Group Norfolk Southern Foundation Argos, Harleyville Ms. Louisa Deumling Ms. Gale S. Hurd Northeast Association of Fish Arizona Community Joan Diggs John and Ruth Huss and Wildlife Agencies Foundation/Summer Youth Cleveland H. Dodge Patsy and Tom Inglet Donal C. O’Brien, Jr. Family Fund Foundation, Inc. Ingram-White Castle Foundation Ocean Reef Conservation Edith Arrowsmith Dominion Foundation Johnson & Johnson Association, Inc. Ashforth Properties, Inc. Dye Family Foundation C. Johnson Mrs. Valerie Ohrstrom Dr. Richard H. Bailey Greg Dyer The Johnson-Stillman Family Gordon H. Orians Memorial Fund EarthShare Foundation Orr Family Foundation Ms. Donna Bailey Edhelper/ Russell Fry Mrs. Pat Jones Pacific Gas and Electric Blood Currant Sue and Don Barlow Laura and Walter Elcock Family JP Morgan Chase Company Barron Collier Companies Foundation Mr. Thomas W. Keesee III Roger and Caroline Paradiso Harry Bass, Jr. Foundation Walter Elcock Ms. Patricia Hartford Keesee Ron and Judy Parks

40 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 41 ¤ Thank You ¤ Donor Spotlight

The Pattee Foundation Shield-Ayres Foundation York County Community City of Lewisville The Peach Foundation Shreve, Crump & Low Foundation Claneil Foundation, Inc. W. Pearcy in memory of Stanley S. Shuman Marine and Alexander Zagoreos Joanne Cleland Amy Schoener Helen and Ritter Shumway, Bank Diane and Michael Ziering Climate Central Pegler Family Foundation of America, N.A., Co-Trustee Clover Hill Forest, LLC The Perkins Charitable Jason and Shawn Silletti $5,000 - $9,999 John and Bayard Cobb Foundation Smikis Foundation Anonymous (35) Mr. Edward C. Cohen Alexandra and Frederick Peters Marla and Steve Smith ABD Direct Colby College Phillips 66 – Wood River SoCal Gas/Sempra Energy Libbie Agran and Guy Fitzwater Kay Collins Refinery Bev Spector and Kenneth Lipson Albrecht Family Foundation The Edward T. Cone Foundation W. Douglas Pitts, Jr. The Ruth and Robert St. John Douglas and Anne Albrecht Connecticut Community Samuel Plimpton and Foundation, Inc. Karim Al-Khafaji Foundation Wendy Shattuck Donald and Dorothy Stabler Peter and Julie Allard Connelly Foundation Doug Judith Posnikoff Foundation Susan and John Allen John and Kimberly Conte Lynne P. Power Fund Julie and Dennis Stacy Mr. Warren L. Allen Frederic R. Coudert Foundation Armstrong PPL Services Corporation Diana Stark Dr. Carol and Dr. Michael Altman Ms. Christine L. Courtnage Elizabeth de Ramel Ms. Elizabeth S. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson III James M. Cox Foundation West Monroe Partners The Prospect Hill Foundation David Sterner Paul and Kathy Anderson John Crawford Prouts Neck Audubon Society The Sternlicht Family Dr. William T. Anderson Ellen Curtis DOUG ARMSTRONG IS SENIOR PS | PS Digital Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert R. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Dayton Managing Director at West Frank and Joann Randall Mr. Barry Sternlicht Arkansas Arts Council Andrea de Cholnoky Rasmunson Foundation Robert and Sara Stevenson Helen T. Arnold Ms. Barbara De Portago Monroe Partners, a - George and Audrey Rasmussen The Stewart Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. Arwood Pat Delemos based management consult- Family Foundation Melissa and Stuart Strahl Audubon Florida Raymond M. Deméré, Jr. Family ing firm that works with Rayonier Ann Strieber Audubon Society of Forsyth Fund Bayard D. and Elizabeth Rea Ms. Alice Sturm County Denali National Park Wilderness Audubon in the Great Lakes Recreational Equipment, Inc. Sustaining California’s Ocean Audubon Society of Greater Centers Ltd. region. He cites Audubon’s Mr. Nathaniel Pryor Reed Program of Resource Legacy Denver Frances R. Dewing Foundation community engagement and REI Co-Op Fund Bacot/McCarty Foundation Nancy and Jim DeWitt Wilson B. Reynolds and Stephen Tan Baird Foundation Joyce C. Doria Charitable Fund long history of conservation Juanita E. Reynolds Fund of TEW Foundation Ballard Spahr LLP David Doubleday leadership as the reasons the Minnesota Community Mrs. Anne D. Thomas Bancroft Foundation Brewster C. Doust, M.D. in honor why he and his office choose Foundation Carol and Bruce Thompson Bank of the Ozarks of George and Judy Weems Frederic C. Rich Laurie Thomson and Robert L. and Agnes Cook Bard Max and Victoria Dreyfus to partner with us. “Audu- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ringler Andy Chisholm Foundation Foundation, Inc. bon brings birds into your The Ripple Foundation TIAA-CREF The Barnes Foundation Duggan Cooley daily life via nature walks, Ms. Deborah Rivel Carol Timmis Jane Koechlein and Anne Durning Robertson Foundation Maurice and Teresa Tosé Connie Batsel Memorial Fund Edwards Aquifer Authority apps, and educational and Melody Robidoux and Elizabeth Jane Townsend Bay to Bay Properties, LLC Martin Elias school programs,” he says. Mick Thompson Toyota Motor Manufacturing, John and Gaily Beinecke Dr. and Mrs. William Elkins “There are many conserva- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rockefeller Texas, Inc. Rick Beinecke The Earl E. Ellis and Anne W. Mr. Peter Rockefeller and Allison Harvey Turner and Belgravia Foundation Ellis Philanthropy Fund tion organizations, but what Mrs. Allison Whipple Michael Turner Belvedere Community Ms. Bonnie Ellison makes Audubon stand out is Rockefeller Tracey and Jonathan Turner Foundation John L. Ernst the experience it brings to the Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Unger Publishing, LLC Jennifer Benner Mary Erwin Rockefeller Union Pacific Foundation Marilyn and Kevin Bernzott Mr. Mark W. Everson table.” West Monroe Partners’ Rogers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vennema Bexar Audubon Society, Inc. Frank M. Ewing Foundation Inc. staff have contributed their Ms. Gay Rogers The Vermont Community Annie and David Bingham, M.D. Exelon - PECO expertise to several ongoing Linda Roos Foundation Bohler Engineering Facilitated Solutions The Rose Hills Foundation The VIDDA Foundation Paul Bonderson International Audubon projects, includ- William J. and Tina Rosenberg Elizabeth Wakeman Henderson William H. Bowen Family Fairfield House & Garden ing grassland and wetland Foundation Charitable Foundation Foundation Company habitat mapping, our Lights The Russell Family Foundation Bob and Margaret Wallis Marsilia A. Boyle Ms. Lee Gunn Falchi Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Waterfowl Chesapeake Phyllis Brissenden George W. Fennell Charitable Out initiative that protects Community Wegner Family Foundation Don and Judy Brockmeier Trust birds from night-time build- Salt River Project Mary Sue and William Weinaug Brooks Development Authority Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Field ing collisions, and programs Saltwater UU Church Richard Wesley Ms. Polly Bruckmann The Fink Family Foundation San Diego Gas and Electric Western Digital Media Corp The Gilbert & Ildiko Butler First National Bank in Port Lavaca like Birds in My Neighbor- Santa Fe Community of Silicon Valley Community Conservation Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzsimons hood, which educates young Foundation Foundation The Ralph E. Cades Family The Fledgling Fund students about birds and John and Sarah Schmader Wiancko Charitable Foundation Foundation Fleming Family Charitable Fund Julia M. and Scott Schnuck Wild Birds Unlimited Gil and Patricia Caffray Mr. S. A. Flint, Jr. nature through classroom Julie Morsman Schroeder William and Elizabeth Williams Amy and Robert Campbell Harry Flowers and outdoor activities. Foundation Windward Fund The Campizondo Foundation Joy and Spencer Frantz Ms. Julie M. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. John C. Winn Cape Fear Garden Club Allen Freye Mark and Sukey Schroeder WM Foundation Cargill - Deicing Technology Valerie Friedman Mendon F. Schutt Family Fund The Wolverine Foundation Katie Carpenter Friends of the Montezuma of The Minneapolis Foundation Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. Carlton Caves Wetlands Complex, Inc. Jacob and Hilah Schutt Richard H. Worsham and Century Bank FWH Architects, Inc. Season for Sharing/Gannett Deborah D. Geisenkotter Ray Chambers–MCJ Amelior Dr. Rollin M. Gallagher Foundation Chris Wright Foundation Gannett Foundation, Inc. Marjory S. Seinsoth Fund of the Minturn Wright, Esq. Stephen Charles J.C. Garvin Burr Oak Indian River Community Wyncote Foundation Northwest Mr. Richard Chasin Karen Sinodis Gaylord Mary Jane and Frank Semcer David Yarnold and Fran Smith Robert Lee and Thomas M. Cullen Geiselman Elmina B. Sewall Foundation Chastain Charitable Foundation General Mills Foundation

42 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 43 ¤ Thank You ¤ Donor Spotlight

George Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lukens Pine Island Reserve Property Texas Parks and Wildlife John B. and Dareth Gerlach Susan Lunden Owners Association Foundation Foundation Bret Lyon and Sheila Rubin Pine Meadow Gardens, Inc. Mr. Steve Thompson Coley Burke Jeanine and Robert Getz Mrs. Marty Magpuri Jane and John J. Pittari, Jr. Mr. Holt Thrasher Allen Gibbs Mary Ann Mahoney Kirsten and Andy Pitts Mimi and Peter Towle Deane A. and John D. Gilliam Margaret Mahony Gail S. Port, Esq. David Tyra Ken and Rhonda Gilliland Elizabeth and Robert Mancini Mark and Robin Prak Mr. Bill Ulfelder Alix Goelet Susan and Stephen Mandel, Jr. ProLease Shauna and Eric Varvel Mr. Michael P. Goodman Jaime Renae Mann Olive Higgins Prouty Foundation Venable Foundation, Inc. Greater New Orleans March Conservation Fund PSEG Long Island, LLC Peter and Diane Vennema Foundation Eric Margolis Ms. Gail Purvis The Versailles Foundation Green Mountain Audubon Peter Mattis Family Foundation Mrs. Sally Quinn The Vervane Foundation Society Peter and Kathyrn Mattis Richard N. Ramsden Mr. and Mrs. St. Denis J. Phil Swan Diana and Edward Greene Rick and Linda Maxson Rheinstrom Hill Community Villere, Sr. Mr. Stewart Greenfield John T. McCarter Foundation Mr. John E. Wahl HAILING FROM PASADENA, Morgan and Joy Gregory Jerome P. McCluskey Riggs Benevolent Fund James and Deborah Walker California, Phil Swan W. Grant and Karen Gregory Mitch and Pamela McCullough Robert M. and Helen A. Ritchie Mr. Philip Walker and Cheryl Tritt Wendy Mills Gross and Marc and Marjorie McMorris Charitable Foundation Bob Wallis supports conservation up Mitch Gross Bruce McNaught Barbara Roberts Walmart Foundation and down the West Coast, Gulf Power Co. V. H. McNutt Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Walt Disney World Resort but Audubon is among The Hack Foundation, Inc. Foundation Roberts, Jr. Waste Connections, Inc. Emory Hamilton Ms. Friedrike Merck Rockefeller & Co. Inc. James D. and Jane P. his primary philanthropic Judith Hamilton Meredith Corporation Rockefeller Philanthropy Watermolen Foundation, Inc. ventures. “I’ve always been Harley-Davidson Foundation Foundation Advisors, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank conservation-minded,” says Penelope Harris Metropolitan Water District of Lolita and Simon Roosevelt Dr. Bill Wharton Mrs. Gene M. Hassan Southern California Tom Roush Victoria Rose Whipple and Swan, a board member of the Hastings Foundation - Middlebury College Juanita Roushdy George C. Whipple III National Audubon Society Lisa Peterfreund Carolyn and David Miller Adelard A. and Valeda Lea Roy Nancy and Ted White and former board chair for Ms. Sharon Hauser Ms. Phyllis Miller Foundation Mr. Edward B. Whitney Elaine and Louis Hecht Jeanne M. Mininall and Arthur Royal Little Family Foundation Janet Whittle Audubon California. “But William and Mary Heck Bass Rubendall Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson when I became aware of the John R. and Ann L. Helmsderfer Julia Mitchell Charitable Trust Willis Towers Watson quality, breadth, and depth Memorial Fund Jane Moline Fiona Howe Rudin Wilson Conservation Trust Mr. John A. Herrmann, Jr. Richard Monkman Samuels Family Foundation Mary F. Willson of Audubon’s organization, Joseph A. and Jeannette E. Harry C. Moores Foundation Al and Mary Anne Sanborn Mr. Bruce Wiltsie and Mr. Bill I decided it was the best Herron Fund Ranney Moran Doug Santoni Davenport conduit for me to give sup- Al G. Hill, Jr. Mason and Margaret Morfit Dr. Michael J. Scianamblo Winona Corporation James Hillegass Mr. and Mrs. W. Morris The Abe & Kathryn Selsky The Meryl & Charles Witmer port that I was sure would Anita Hirsh Mount Holyoke Foundation, Inc. Charitable Fund make a difference. Audubon’s Howat Family Foundation, Bank Carylann Mucha Daniel J. Semrad Ms. Hope Yandell very strategic and thought- of America, N.A., Co-Trustee Mark Mushkat Chester Sermak The Bill and Ginny Young IDB Bank – James R. LoGatto National Inclusion Project, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Sheehan Charitable Fund ful advocacy at all levels of Imperial Woodpecker Navron Corporation Susanne Shrader and Alan Lurie Stanley J. Zamo and Mildred L. government can effect posi- Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. The Negaunee Foundation, Ltd. Owen A. Shteir Zamo Charitable Trust tive change.” Swan believes Integral, LLC Diana Nevins Don S. Sias The Jach Charitable Fund New Morning Country Store, Ryan and Eve Simon $2,500 - $4,999 that Audubon’s science-based Jackson County Board of LLC The Skaggs Foundation Anonymous (57) approach to habitat preser- Supervisors NewAlliance Foundation Mr. Samuel D. Skaggs 3M vation is the key to building Ms. Carolyn B. Jackson NRG Energy, Inc. D. Snow A & J Saks The John F. and Virginia K. Michael O’Keeffe Jay T. and Tracy M. Snyder Adelante Consulting, Inc. the kind of coalitions needed Johnson Family Fund Benjamin Olewine IV Barrie and Nick Somers Claire Alexander to solve today’s greatest Baris Karadogan Ms. Peg Olsen South Texas Money David Altman Foundation environmental challenges, William and Barbara Kelly Clark and Kristi Omholt Management Carlos Alvarado Peter and Katherine Kend Omni Hotels and Resorts Southern California Edison Ambler Savings Bank especially when it comes to Keys & Simpkinson, LLC Tam O’Neill Company American Endowment wetland conservation and Jeanie and Murray Kilgour Orange County Community Spectraflow, Inc. Foundation water-use issues. “There are Lesley and Bill King Foundation Spellissy Foundation Andersen Windows Kitson & Partners Genevieve and Ward Orsinger Katherine Sproul Sumner Anderson major long-term challenges Klifa Club Foundation Ms. Betsy Stevens Arizona Rock Products that don’t have quick fixes,” James L. Knight Trust Overlook International Bill and Jarona Stevens Association says Swan. “We have a lot of Geoff Kronik and Imin Lee Foundation Richard and Sharon Stilwell Arthrex Inc. Kelin J. Kuhn Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd Phyllis and Stephen Strunk Aspen Business Center work to do—and Audubon is Judith and Christopher Lagano Langley and Douglas Partridge Ms. Joanna Sturm Foundation in a great place to do it.” Blanche and Irving Laurie Stuart Paynter Eric and Keri Stumberg Michael and Christine Attardo Foundation Karen Pell and Heather Lupa Norman J. Stupp Foundation Audubon Land Development Courtney and Mark Leary Dr. Dirk Derksen and Roy and Christine Sturgis Corp. William Leighty Dr. Margaret Petersen Charitable Trust Audubon Society of Central H.F. Gerry Lenfest The Folke H. Peterson Subaru of America Don and Pamela Lichty Foundation Foundation, Inc. Augusta-Aiken Audubon Thom and Marge Limbert Cemmy and George Peterson Martha and Krishen Sud Society Lintilhac Foundation Mrs. and Mr. Cathy and William Sullivan Robert and Margaret Ayers, Toyon of California Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Lorch Hunter Pierson Jim and Jonnie Swann Austin Community Foundation Christmas-Berry Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge Mary Pigott Nancy O. Swanson Jeffrey Bain Trust, LLC Pine Island Property Owners Swimmer Family Foundation David J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lucas Association, Inc. TECO Energy Bank of America Merrill Lynch

44 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 45 ¤ Thank You ¤ Donor Spotlight

Mr. Alan M. Barstow and Ms. Genevieve Dimmit Ms. Jeannette Hobbins Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Jennifer R. Clarke Helen Dimos and David and Laurie Hodgson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Dirck Bartlett Benjamin Oko, M.D. Mrs. R. Kay Horner Mennonite Foundation BB&T Mrs. Carol Dines Catherine Hughes John and Leigh Middleton Bedford Audubon Society Christie and Pete Dionisopoulos Peggy and Dan Allen Hughes Carolyn and David Miller Alexandra and Seth Bergstein Dixie Mills Hy-Vee, Inc. Jan Milner Black Hills Audubon Society Dock Street Foundation IBM International Foundation James Mitchell Henry M. Blackmer Robert and Kerstin Doherty Ivorybill Foundation Jane-Kerin Moffat Foundation, Inc. Eric Draper Jackson County Chamber of Mr. Edward C. Mohlenhoff Mr. Douglas Blonsky Ms. Cathy Drexler and Commerce Ambassador Hector Morales BNY Mellon Community Mr. Wade Mueller Jade Tree Foundation Ernest George Mueller and Partnership Mr. and Mrs. Noel Lee Dunn Clara L. D. Jeffery Charitable Frances Mueller Foundation Ms. Leona Boldt Eagle Printing Trust The Nash Foundation Coleman Diana Bolton EarthShare NY Robert and Shirley Johnson Mr. Patrick Nash The Boston Foundation EarthShare of North Carolina Rory and David Jones National Environmental Boulder County Audubon EarthShare of Washington Dale Kammerlohr Education Foundation Burke Society The Easter Foundation Mr. James C. Keesey Arnold and Hilda Neis Bob and Sheryl Bowen Eastside Audubon Society Dianne Kendall Liz Neumark and Great AUDUBON BOARD MEMBER Kathy S. Bower and Randolph Paul M. Egeland Joni Steele Kimberlin and Performances Coleman “Coley” Burke and Richardson II Mary and Jeff Ehret Kevin Kimberlin Newell B. Sargent Foundation his wife Susan are longtime The Gracey Luckett Bradley John Elting Kimmel Bogrette Architecture Charles and Dana Nichols Charitable Lead Unitrust Employees Community Fund of + Site O.A.R.S. Canyonlands, Inc. supporters of conservation Bridgestone Americas Tire Boeing California Keitha Kinne Oakland Foundation, Inc. organizations. Most recent- Operations Donald and Margaret Engvall Matt and Patty Kirchhoff Ocean House ly, the Burkes championed Elizabeth Brown and Hal Candee ePluribus Fund Martin and Val Kirsch Kitsap Olsson Family Foundation Mary Catherine Bunting Becky and Mike Evers Audubon Society The Orton Foundation Audubon’s new Plants for Glenda and John Burkhart Robert Ewing and Nancy Tosta Ms. Roberta W. Knight Frederick Osborn, III Birds program by founding Burton Family Foundation The Family Coppola Hideaways Deb and Charles Knudsen Otter Creek Audubon Society The Coleman and Susan Buster’s Bistro P. Shields Ferber Sarah and Bret Kovacs Helen and Rev. Edward Pardoe Alpin W. Cameron Memorial Trust Roger Ferland Ms. Marcia Kunstel Nancy Pasquali Burke Center for Native Peter Cameron The Fieldstone Foundation, Inc. Stuart Langton Linda and Nick Penniman IV Plants, an online resource Tom and Gloria Carlson FirstEnergy Foundation Dr. Joseph J. Lawrence Trust Ms. Michelle Pfister that inspires people to help Carroll Morgan Carpenter Howard Fischer Robert Leech and Pfizer Foundation Matching Louis N. Cassett Foundation Randi and Bob Fisher Diane Ross Leech Gifts birds by planting native Hugh and Freida Cathey Judy Fiskin Audrey and Henry Levin Fund Colin and Anne Phipps plants on private property Central Arizona Project Mrs. Thomas M. Fitzgerald III Catherine Liebl L. Lucinda Piccus and in public spaces. Burke Central Community Katy and Ted Flato Lincoln Community Learning Nuri and John Pierce Foundation Susan Forster and William Riley Centers Ms. Joan C. Pittman explains his motivation for Center for Car Donations Ms. Francis Foster Christian R. and Mary F. Ms. Veronique Pittman encouraging the use of na- Elizabeth Chamberlin Robert L. Fox Lindback Foundation Ms. Marguerite O. Pitts tive plants: “Feeding birds John W. and Claribel K. Scott and Icy Frantz Little Rock Development Leo C. Pivetz Chapman Family Fund French Foundation Company Mr. and Mrs. William G. Post, Jr. is a pleasure for everyone, Charleston Natural History Frost Bank Mr. Carl H. Loewenson Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Pratt from old folks to grandchil- Society Kathleen Fuhr Foundation Ms. Elizabeth A. Logan Ms. Patricia Price dren. Susan is a gardener, Ms. Lois C. Chiles Susan and Richard Furlaud, Jr. Grace and Rocco Lombardi Proskauer Rose LLP Christmas in St. Michaels, Inc. James Fuschetti and Judith Mills Anne Page Long Puget Sound Energy and it was therefore a CIGNA Foundation The Alfred S. Gage Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long Mark Racanelli and Helen Cantwell privilege and an honor to Civitas Capital Management, Bill and Annie Gallagher Kevin O. Long Clay Railey and Don Wooters participate in the Center for LLP Mona Gardner Lostand Foundation The Ramsey Family Fund Adam and Kate Harbin Clammer Nancy and Ron Garret Donald Love Anita and Roger Randolph Native Plants.” The Burkes Jane Clark J.C. Garvin Kate and Al Luzius Richard Rawley have installed native-plant Cloud Peak Energy Ms. Barbara Gass Ms. Diana Lynch Christopher and Mary Rayburn gardens throughout their Wallace A. Cole Trust Gail Gatton and Mark Wittow Anita J. MacFarlane Rebsamen Fund Misha Collins The GBH Foundation Lois and Philip Macht Family Red Development, LLC property in Bedford, New Commerce Bank, NA Julia Geer Philanthropic Fund Resolution Copper Mining York. “I watch ospreys div- Commonwealth of Virginia Mr. Bill Gifford Joseph and Gail Mahoney Mr. William Reybold ing for fish and swallows Community Foundation of Linda Glick Judy and Tom Maish Adam Riley Collier County Boo Grace Richard Marks and Amy Haines Mr. Eric W. Roberts doing acrobatics to catch Community Foundation of Grange Insurance Company Valerie J. Mashburn Linda Roberts bugs,” Coley says. “Birds for Northern Colorado Green Spaces Alliance of Massey Services, Inc. Terry Root me are a mystery that never Community Services Fund of South Texas Jan Maxted Cindy and Dana Rose Nebraska Susan Zises Green Mayor of Stratford’s Charity Golf Deedie and Rusty Rose ceases to attract.” Peter Cooper and Marguerite H. Griffin Tournament The Rosewood Foundation Brigid McCormack Mr. Guest Mays Family Foundation Jim and Patty Rouse Charitable Cornell University Thomas and Kathaleen Guilday McArdle’s Florist & Garden Foundation, Inc. Covanta Energy Mr. Kevin J. Hable Center Scott and Phyllis Rowley Dr. and Mrs. Clair E. Cox Kenneth Hale Malcolm and Dana McAvity Arnold Roy Brian and Devin Cronin Edward H. Hamm Edith S. McBean Teresa M. Ruddy Mr. Timothy Crowell and The Harmon Foundation Mr. Thomas E. McCarthy The Nancy Ruth Fund Ms. Patricia Sabalis Catherine Heald Bernie McCaskill Ryley, Carlock & Applewhite Lucy and Mike Danziger Jane Hedberg and Peter Callinicos Heidi and Doug McCree Sachs Media Group, Inc. Peggy and Dick Danziger The Hermitage Club Susan and Steve McInnis Mr. Arnold Saks American Beautyberry Barbara O. David Dr. Robert E. Hess, Jr., DVM James and Kathleen McKenzie Mr. Nathaniel Saltonstall Nathaniel and Lucy Day Tim and Bev Hesterberg Fiona and Andrew McMillan San Antonio River Authority Delicious Catering Sharman Hickman


Frank and Brinna Sands Beverly and John W. Watling III Assurity Life Insurance Co. William Bonthron Ms. Katherine F. C. Cary April F. Cornell Donlan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fischer Foundation Harvey and Bernice Weinstein Vicki Atkins Ms. Eleanor Bookwalter Ms. Joan Catell Corolla Light Community Christopher Donoho Bob and Karen Fisher Alexis and Chrissie Sant and the Graham Challenge William M. Auberle Holly Boone Ruth and John Cella Association, Inc. Dorchester County Karen Fisher Santee Cooper Electric Fund Elizabeth Aubrey Joette Borzik and Rich Parker Randy Cepuch Elizabeth Cosper Administrator’s Office Mr. Mike Fite Cooperative Herbert and Marian Weston James H. Averill, Jr. Nancy Boschetto Ms. Barbara A. Chaddick Cottages at Kirkwood Mgmt., LLC Maureen and T. Patrick Dore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fitzgerald Drs. Oliver and Sissy Sartor Foundation The Bachmann Family Rosa Bosher Mr. David H. Champlin Couture Carpets International, Inc. Holly Doremus and Scott W. Fitzmorris Dan and Samantha Scheiman The Wetlandsbank Group Charitable Fund of Vanguard Ms. Gwendolyn M. Bounds The Chaney Family Foundation Cox Charities Gordon Anthon Mara Dana Fizdale Denny and Lorri Schmick Mr. and Mrs. Glen T. Whitney Charitable Allison and Frederic A. Mr. Niels Chapman Dr. David Cox Donald and Brita Dorn Martha Flanders Kelly and Jan Schmidt Tracy Webb Widener Back 40 Farm Group Bourke, III Charisse Photography Ms. Eva Crane Ms. Susan Dorsch Ms. Frances H. Flanigan John and Mary Beth Schoen Deborah E. Wiley Jerold and Donna Bahls Marla Bouton and Roger Neil Mr. and Mrs. Chevy Chase Michael and Paige Crane Mrs. Deanie Dorwart Mr. John F. Flanigan Mrs. Christine Schwarzman Mickey and Karen Williams David and Susan Baker Bruce and Kevin Bowler Ms. Cecelia D. Cheever Thomas Crane Ms. Stephanie A. Doughty Ms. Janet Fleming Richard Scobey and Myra and Van Zandt Williams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Baker Ms. Lisa Boyce Barbara Chigas Mrs. Mary Anne Cree Dorothy L. Douglass Mrs. Joyce F. Fleming Bruce Ragsdale Fund of the Princeton Area Ballantine Family Fund Sara Boyett Carol Christensen Mr. James I. Crews Christine Doyle and Michael Yessik Dr. Chantal Fletcher and John A. Scully Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ballard Peter P. Bradley Claire Christopher George E. Crouch L.F. Boker Doyle Christine Miller Seattle Audubon Society Mr. Peter Williams David A. Ballard James Brady Adam Cirlincione Mr. Thomas F. Crusse Kelly C. Dozier Mrs. Deborah D. Flexner Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Seip Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilmerding Terry S. The Brainerd Foundation Mr. William S. Cita Jeff and Annette Cullman Bill and Rosemary Draeger Irvine and Elizabeth Flinn Paul Sergio Rick Wilson Mr. Frank Barker David Branton City of Ocean Springs Cumberland Area Economic Mrs. Kay K. Drey Brian K. Floca Phil and Mary Serka Fran Wolf The Baldwin Group Inc. Mr. Jonathan Brecher City of Pascagoula Development Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Derick Driemeyer Kristin G. Flood Diana G. Serrell Mary E. Wood Robert J. Barletta Cleeve Breedlove Barb Clague Cheryl S. Cummer and Jack Lyle Dale Erick Driscoll Ernest and Nancy Flores Seventh Generation Foundation Dr. and Mrs. William C. Wright Mary Barley Breedlove, Dennis & Ms. Rosemarie Clancy Mrs. Bland Currie Alvin Duemling Sonia Florian Dorothy E. Seyfert Trust Kirby and Mary Zicafoose The Barnes Family Trust Associates, Inc. Francis and Donna Clark CVM Construction Managers, Inc. Ralph Duggins Flyway Brewing, LLC Mr. Sam Shine Zurich American Insurance Molly and Andrew Barnes Ms. Gwen Brewer Jonathan and Priscilla Clark Jeanne Czajka Donald Duncan Food Marketing Education Council Jim and Jane Shouse Ms. Nancy Baron The Hal and Diane Brierley Lucy Clark Talbot D’Alemberte and Jerry and Nancy Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Ford The Sibley-Saltonstall Charitable $1,000 - $2,499 Kelly Barr Foundation Marguerite and Philip Clark Patsy Palmer Jacy and Darrell Dunham Ms. Lorraine Ford and Foundation Anonymous (210) Mr. William Barrett Barry Brinker Classic Kids Photography Norma Dana Brian R. Dunlap Mr. Sean Barnawell Anne Sidamon-Eristoff Lester Abberger The Barrington Foundation, Inc. Brinkmann Constructors Vidal S. Clay Gene and Linda Daniels James Ryan Dunn Fort Collins Audubon Society Mr. Hugh Simmons Michelle Abramoff Spencer Barrowes Barbara K. Bristol Clearwater Audubon Society Walter and Diana Dartland Joan M. Dunn Irene Fortune Kenneth A. Slight Mr. Richard S. Abrons Ms. Amy Barstow Linda Brittain Coastal Community Foundation John H. Davidson and Matthew Dunn Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Foster E. LaVerne Smith Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers Bartlett Griffin & Vermilye, Inc. Mark and Judy Brodsky of South Carolina Cathy F. Beard Duval Audubon Society Mr. Gregory J. Fowler The J.M. Smucker Company Edwin Aiken Barbara T. Bartlett James Brooks Beverly and Dudley Coates Karen Davies Jeff Dykstra Mr. John W. Fowler Ms. Shirley A. Soldavini Alaska Conservation Foundation Marjorie Bashor Jim and Anita Brooks Family Fund The Helen Davies Fund EANY Ms. Josie Fox George and Keiko Sorenson Elizabeth Albon Sandra Bass Ms. Patricia Brown Ms. Cathy Coates Anna Davis Ms. Jane I. Earle Ms. Barbara L. Francis South Lake Champlain Fund Patricia C. Aldousany Robert and Elisabeth Bathgate Rodney Brown and Joseph Coats John and Kay Davis EarthShare of Ohio Ms. Danielle R. Francis South Shore Audubon Society Lew and Dawn Allyn Family Fund Peter Baughan Catherine Conolly Ivan and Patricia Colburn Linda and Larry Davis Becky Easley Kenneth Frank Stainman Family Foundation Curt and Lynn Alpeter Mr. John Bauer Mr. William H. Browne III Mr. Charles Cole, Jr. Ms. Marianne G. Davis Paula East-Janicki Suzanne and Ramsey Frank The Robert Stephens Fund at Alta Resources The Howard Bayne Fund Ms. Barbara Bryant The Helen W. Coleman Helen and Derek Day Bronwyn H. Echols Michelle Frankel and the Community Foundation Nancy D. Alvord Fund at Mr. and Mrs. Pat Beans Mr. Ken Buchholz and Foundation Joan Dayton Diane and John Eckstein George Mordecai Santa Cruz County The Seattle Foundation Joe and Karen Bearden Ms. Dale Shuter Mr. Samuel Richard Coleman Ms. Sylvia J. De Santis Marilyn and Bernard Edison Franklin Fund Jack and Pam Stewart Amazon Smiles Foundation Eric Beck Jane Bultman and Barbara and Roger Coley Ann Decker and Marc Weiss Edisto Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frankovic Mr. Martin F. Sticht Ameren Missouri Paul Becket Frederic Dalldorf Jacob Colie Patricia and Michael Deeds Joyce Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Gregory Stoner AmericInn Lodge & Suites - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckhorn Milo Burcham Photography Kelly Collamore Ms. Callie L. DeHaven Nancy Egan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Freed Summer Rain Sprinkler Kearney Ms. Christy Beckmann Ms. Amanda Burden Edward Everett Collins III Mr. and Mrs. T.L. DeLashmet III Mrs. Pat Egan Gerald M. Freedman and Systems, Inc. Ameritrade Robert and Nancy Bedingfield Connie and Dan Burkhardt Ms. Karen Collins Delaware Audubon Society Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Egeberg Kristin King Drs. Edwin and Dorothy Sved Mr. Edward A. Ames Mr. Kevin Bell Peggy Burks Ms. Reba Collins Anthony Delgado Andrea Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin Frezza Charitable Gift Fund Col. and Mrs. Robert J. H. Michael Bell Mrs. Julie Burleson Columbia Audubon Society (SC) Joseph G. DeMarco, Jr. John and Shelley Ellis Ms. Twila Y. Frieders Tom and Sue Tallman Anderson Susan and Steve Bell Nan Burleson Columbia Sportswear Company Margaret DeMarrais and Kathleen Elsey David Froba Ms. Ellen Taus Anderson Family Foundation Virginia P. Bellott Paul and Linda Burnham Columbine Garden Club Charlie Paley Elwell Miller Fund Ms. Wendy J. Frosh Lili Taylor Ms. Anita E. Anderson Roy Belser Burnham-McKinney Dr. Cristie Columbus Robert and Dederia Demouey Embrace Home Loans Matthew and Lisa Fry The Robert and Jean Taylor Dr. Claire Anderson Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Pharmacies, Inc. Common Ground–New Haven Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dempsey Jean Engelkemeir Ms. Laura Fuhro Fund David and Gloria Anderson Betsy Bennett Ms. Ruth E. Burstrom Ecology Project Mr. R. J. Dempster, Jr. Rebecca Esch Cornelia Funke The Ruth & Vernon Taylor Mr. Frank W. Anderson John R. Bennett Mr. Roland E. Buse The Community Foundation of Jonalyn Denlinger and Jon Risser Donna Eschen Elizabeth Furber Foundation Linda & John Anderson Mr. Coard A. Benson Diane and Lee Butzin Boulder County Mr. William E. Derrenbacher Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ethridge The G2 Gallery TD Ameritrade Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Bent Calamus Outfitters, LLC The Community Foundation for Desai Family Advised Fund Rosemary Hall Evans Alice Gabriel Darryl Thurner Paul J. Anderson Paula Bentinck-Smith California Community the Central Savannah River of the Southwest Florida Mrs. Helen C. Evarts Ms. Babette F. Gade Ms. Emily L. Todd Ellen Andres-Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Benton Foundation–Fishman Family Area Community Foundation Evergreen Escapes Michael Gaebel Eleanor Morton Trask Advised Ralph M. Andres John Torrey Berger III Fund Community Foundation of the Detroit Audubon Society Tom and Maureen Eye Gager, Emerson, Rickart, Bower Fund at The Seattle Foundation Barbara T. Andrews Ms. Lisa C. Berger California Rice Commission Ozarks Deupree Family Foundation Fairfield County Community & Scalzo, LLP Trehern Charitable Foundation Patricia Anselmi Ms. Debby Bergh Ms. Kathleen C. Callahan JoAnn Conard and Dan Walker Tom and Nikki Deupree Foundation–Donor Advised Penny and Gregory Gallo Mr. and Mrs. William C. Truhlsen Carolyn Antman Karen J. Berkley Ross Cameron Jean E. Conley Katharine and Mark Dickson Fund Mark T. Gallogly and Vicki and Walter Tschinkel Aqua Charitable Trust Edwin Beroth The Camisasca Family Mariann and Chris Conlon Meline Dickson Stacey A. Farley Elizabeth B. Strickler Dennis and Elizabeth Turner Arbella Insurance Foundation Mr. Kenneth A. Bertram Bob and Candy Campbell The Connable Office Anne and Bernard DiFiore Mr. John Michael Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gamble, M.D. Two Roads Brewing Company, Abby Archdeacon Sheila and Frank Bettendorf Ed and Sharon Campbell Laureen Connell Marjorie Dimmitt Ms. Nancy Faulkner Richard Gams LLC The Arkansas Arts Center Charles and Marylin Bicak Mrs. Mary Jo Campbell Christopher Connolly and Stanley J. Dirks Mr. Wayne L. Feakes Ava Su Gan-wei Linda and William Tyrer Arkansas Audubon Society The Bird Watcher’s Digest Canandaigua Lake Duck Marjorie Liner Dr. Thomas Divilio Mike and Colleen Fearney Pablo and Jamie Garcia Union Bank & Trust Company Mrs. Jean R. Armour Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bird Hunters, Inc. ConocoPhillips Company Mr. L. Dockery Art Feldman Garden Center Association of United Way of Central Ohio Max and Louise Armour Anne Bladstrom Liesbeth and Federico Carballo Beatrice and Woolsey Conover Marlow Dodge Ms. Linda Felver CNY, Inc. Frederick S. Upton Foundation Peter and Ruth Arnold Wayne Blanton and Sandy Cartee Lauren and Ralph Carbone Deneise and Dennis Conrad Jean and Tom Dodson Frederick G. Fernald Garden Club of Orange & Val’s Putnam Wine Sally Aron Blue and You Foundation for a Lauryn F. Carbone Dominique and Misato Conseil Ms. Vicki Dodson David Field Dutchess Counties Roxanne and Hugh B. Arpin Charitable Trust Healthier Arkansas Maren Cardillo Conte & Conte, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Steven Doehler Melissa and Kyle Filipi Newton Garland Vanderbilt, Jr. Ms. Robbelee Arwood Blue Tulip Chocolates The Leo J. and Celia Carlin Fund Larry and Leslie Cook Alvin Doehring Ms. Deborah Finch Sallyann Garner R.T. Vanderbilt Trust Dr. W. Scott Ash Linda Gawthrop Boden James Carpenter Patricia M. Cook Marion Cass and Stephen Doig Mrs. Bailey E. Fine Virginia Gassel Vermont Transco LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Asher Margaret R. Bogue Mrs. Catherine Ann Carr Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cookson in honor of Joan Doig Mrs. LaJean Firminhac Buzzy Geduld Irma Volk Francie and Hank Ashforth Mr. and Mrs. John K. Boitnott Peggy Carr Dr. H. Paul Cooler Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation First Federal S&L Pat Geiger Wachiska Audubon Society Norma K. Asnes The Bond Foundation, Inc. Mr. Timothy G Carroll Steve and Dorothy Coontz Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dolliff Dr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer Larry and Suzy Gekiere Mr. Colin Walsh & Carolyn Williams Ms. Gwen Asplundh Jennifer Bonilla Ms. Marsha L. Carson Patty L. Cooper DonateWell Leah and Sam Fischer Robert Gelbard


The Fred Gellert Family Ms. Anne Hammond Patrick Huggins Mr. Sidney R. Knafel Mr. Dwight E. Lowell II Mr. and Mrs. John McStay John R. Munro Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hammond III The Human Bean Susan Kniehl Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Brian McVey D. Murphy Lisa and Rich Owens Patricia Geoghegan Ms. Paulette Hammond Col. Steven E. and Mrs. Charlotte Henry and Melinda Knight Society Tara and Bryan Meehan Michael Murphy and Cambria Cox C. W. Eliot Paine Katharyn A. Gerlich Ellen Hand A. Icardi Ms. Amy Koch Ms. Diane Luders Douglas Meffert and David and Barbara Murray Paker Hannifin Corporation Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal Trevor and Felicia Handley Indix Marjorie and Ralph Koldinger Nicolyn G. Lukin Lee Ledbetter Mikkalya W. Murray Racor Mr. John L. Gibson Hanford ARC Laura Ipsen Stephen A. Kolodny Marilyn Lummis Mr. and Mrs. Carl Megehee Kelly Myers Jack and Adora Palma Sarah Gilley Kathy Hannah Kevin E. and Eleanor B. Irwin Hannah and Isidore Komanoff Ellen Lundquist Michael and Ann Megler Maizy A. Myers Palmer Foundation Joan Gillings Robert E. Hansen Family Tamima Itani Foundation Adrienne T. Lynch Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Meislin Dr. John C. Naftel Gary and Jane Palmer Dorothy Gilman Foundation Derrick Jackson Ms. Lila Kommerstad Ms. Sydney Lynch and Mr. James Melius The Wilford Nagel Group at David and Kelly Palmieri Giuliano Richardson & Sfara, LLC Bruce Hansen Nancy McGregor-Jader and Alan Kornberg Mr. Craig Roper Ms. Eileen Shelly Menton Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Palola Glatfelter Sarah and Daniel Hardy Andy Jader KPMG Ms. Doreen Lynch Merchant’s Bank John Narver and Bobbie DeVore Robert and Carolyn Papke GlenArbor Golf Club Ms. Judith Hargrave Jamaica Inn Mr. William J. Kritzmire Mr. Kevin Mack Bill Mercia Nautilus Foundation, Inc. Len and Esther Pardue Ms. Sophie Glovier Alan B. Harper Mr. William C. Janeway Bette J. Kulp Scott R. Mackenzie Merck Foundation Pedro Nava Mr. Brainard W. Parker II Jim and Janet Glynn Harrington-Schiff Foundation Mr. Stuart S. Janney III Curtis Kuntz Lulu Mackey Gene Merriam James and Barbara Neal Mary S. Parker Charles Godchaux Mark and Blythe Harris Mr. John Janovy, Jr. Barbara E. Kus Susan Maclin Mr. Frank Mesa David L. Neel James and Frances Parnell Dale L. Goodhue Stephanie and Charlie Harrold Mr. Kevin Jarvis Linda and Harold J. Kushner Mad River Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mesko Nelnet John W. Parrish Ms. Sibyl R. Golden Pam Harting and Ted Marusarz David and Johanna Jensen Charitable Trust Kerry Madigan Roslyn Meyer Mr. John Nelson Parsons Susan and Richard Goldsmith Mr. Michael F. Hartshorne Jane Jervis Tad and Ann Lacey Madison Community Foundation Mr. Robert D. Meyers Marvin Nelson Pasadena Audubon Society Ms. Lisa Goldstein Haukedahl Financial Services Donald and Eugenia Jesberg Lynne A. Lagarde and Sallie Rose Madrone Janice Miano Sharon Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patrick The Goldstone Fund, Inc. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Jetblue for Good Bob Stankus Mr. John Magnusson Microtel Inn and Suites Virginia Nelson Randa Paver Andrew Goldstone Kay M. Hawklee Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johanek Jeanne Dawson Lalli Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mahaffey Mid Shore Community Mrs. Gerhard J. Neumaier Paypal Charitable Giving Fund Barbara Good Augusta K. Haydock Mr. John Johansen, Jr. Samuel W. Lambert III Jennifer Maher Foundation Inc. New York Community Trust Jean Pecor Elethea Goodkin and Dr. Ada D. Hayes Judith and Paul Johansen Ms. Susan R. and Mr. Warren Alice Mahoney Mid-Coast Audubon Society Arthur E. Newbold IV Molly Pederson Jim Gebryel Mr. Hunter C. Haynes Jennifer U. Johnson Lammert Street Landing Company Middlecott Foundation NextEra Energy Tom and Rhonda Peed W. A. Goodwin Family Thomas C. Hays and Mary Ann Ms. Suzanne Johnson Regina Lancaster Maitland Woman’s Club James Mihelcic and Jane and William Nickerson Robert Perciasepe Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon Hays Family Foundation Turner Johnson Mr. Joseph W. Landers, Jr. Trish and John Malin Karen Curry Moran Mr. Charles Nilon, Jr. Gloria Percival William Gordon Carr E. Heaney Walter E. Johnson Mrs. Millicent T. Lang Richard Malloch Drs. Catherine and Mark Rup and Biss Nitschke M.D. Perera Ms. Carolyn Goren Eileen Heaser Mr. William Johnson Jean Langdon Ms. Pamela Manice Milbourn Timothy Nixon Sonia and Adam Perillo Andy Goris Heights Neighborhood Olivieri Johnston Family Mr. Harold T. Lange, Jr. Manko Gold Katcher & Fox LLP Arthur Milholland and Ms. Elizabeth Noonan Ms. Patricia B. Peters C. and B. Gostout Association Foundation J. Drew Lanham, PhD. Phillip Manning Luann Mostello Christi Norman Roger S. Peterson George D. Gould Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Heineke Mr. and Mrs. Garry Jones Heinz Lankford Christopher Mansfield Millbrook Garden Club, Inc. North Cascades Audubon Ms. Louise C. Pfister Mr. John Wesley Gover III Peter Heinemann and Ms. Martha Jones Larimer County Kathleen Marders Dolores Miller Charitable Society Kate Pflaumer Donald Gower Dana Kueffner Debbie Sturdivant Jordan Sue and Peter LaTourrette Philip and Jennifer S. Maritz Endowment North Central Washington Dr. Nancy Phillips Elizabeth Graham Merritt Helfferich Mr. and Mrs. Ed Junker L-Brands John Marks Eleanor Miller Audubon Society Jennifer Pick Antoine Grayib Pamela Hemminger Meridith Jurkowich Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Leahy Dr. Cora Ann Martin Ms. Linda K. Miller Northcentral Mississippi Electric John and Maggie Picotte Mr. Scott Greathead Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henry Ms. Emily G. Kahn Ms. Patricia A. Lee Geraldine F. Martin Mr. Paul A. Miller Power Association Pilchuck Audubon Society Anne and Jim Green Lindsay Henson Dan P. Kammrath Ms. Maureen Lee Rebecca Martinez Mr. Tom Miller Ms. Deborah Novak Mr. H. Russell Pitman Janet C. Green Judith B. Herman Leslie Kane Eileen Leedy Shannon C. Martinez P. F. Wells-Minthorn and Lee and Darlene Nutter Fred E. Pittman Fund of the Peter Greenberg Karen Herold and Mark Isaacson Matthew Kaplan Mr. Jonathan Lehman Dennis Martino Larry Minthorn Erle and Alice Nye Coastal Community Robert and Sarah Greenhill Louis Herskowitz Leila Karkia Louis Leibowitz Charitable Trust Richard Martland Mississippi Export Railroad O’Brien & Gere Limited Foundation Joe Greenstein and Mr. Robert E. Hess Judith Katz Marvin and Isa Leibowitz Robert J. and Carol A. Mason Company Abby and George O’Neill Trust Kevin Poague and David Michael Rachel Sheinbein Don and Diane Hewat Kearney Visitors Bureau Dan Leonard Family Fund Ruth Misulis Beverly Oaks Bruce and Kristen Pollock The William & Mary Greve Lawrence Hicks, Jr. Mr. Terry J. Keible James Leonard Anya and Tom Mason The Mitigation Banking Group, Inc. Ocean Springs Rotary Club Roy and Barbara Pollock Foundation, Inc. Hiersche, Hayward, Drakeley & Robert and Jane Keiter R. Michael and Michelle Merritt Audreanne Matheson Sutton Brown Mock Ochiltree Foundation Aaron Polsky Mr. and Mrs. William P. Griffin, Jr. Urbach Margaret and Lester Keliher Leonard Scott and Roxanne Matkin Michele W. Moehring Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connell Amanda and Melvyn J. Pond Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Grigg Mr. Anthony Hill Fernanda M. Kellogg Mr. Norbert Leupold, Jr. La Donna and Richard Matthes Ms. Carolyn Mohn Anne and David Ogilvy Greg and Pam Porter Cynthia Grigsby Paul Hill Michael J. Kelly The Tammy and Jay Levine Mr. and Mrs. John K. Matthews Donald Jean Molde Ms. Jacqueline Ohrstrom Sarah Porter Marisa Grittini and Roger and Dee Hillas Sherry Kelter Foundation, Inc. Susan Maxwell Monhegan Boat Line Mr. James H. Oliver Ms. Elaine Powers Robert Friedberg Ben and Christie Hirschfeld James and Susan Kemp Kristen Levine Gail Mayo Ms. Sharon Monroe Mary Olmstead Richard and Emile Powers Aaron Gritzmaker Hobart and William Smith Marie and William Kennedy Tammy and Jay Levine Ward McAllister Afred Montana Lisa Olsen Prairie and Timbers Audubon Ms. Kimberly K. Conner and Colleges Pamela Kenney Verena Levine Mr. John McBride Mr. Cory Monty Glenn and Devon Olson Society Nicholas Groombridge Craig Hoffman Dr. Howard Warren Kessler Phoebe R. and John D. Lewis Kimberly McCaskill Mr. Jim Moody Ron Olson Suzanne H. Pratt Ms. Helen Groos Ellen Hoffman Dr. Ellen Ketterson Foundation Miles McClellan Construction David W. Moore Olympic Peninsula Audubon Louise Predis Thomas R. Gross Family Karyn Hoffman Mr. David Keudell Ms. Suzanne R. Libbe Pete McCloskey Mr. Michael James Moore Society Jill Price Foundation Robert Hoffman James S. Key Judy Lichterman Charles Mcclure The James D. & Kay Y. Moran Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Robert and Jane Pricer Ms. Gayle Gross Steven Hoffman Marina Killery D. Roger B. and Florence W. Curt and Carolyn McConnell Foundation Aquarium Robin Priddy Mr. and Mrs. David Grove Hogan Lovells US, LLP Peter Kim Liddell Mr. John G. McCormick Kay Y. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Todd Oman Timothy and Kathryn Priehs Bernadette Castro & Holbrook Travel, Inc. Stacy Kimbell Thomas Lieber and Deb McDermott Mrs. Caroline Morland Omidyar Network Fund, Inc. Prime Meridian Bank Dr. Peter Guida Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Holleman III Thomas Kimbis and Jill Prater Sheila Franklin Lieber Ms. Sharon McFadden Lou Morrell Ricky Oncken Sandy and Melinda Proctor Peter and Virginia Gustafson Danforth Hollins Kinder Porter Scott Family Dwight and Helene Linder Randall H. McFarlane William and Mary Sue Morrill David O’Neill R. Cynthia Pruett Stuart and Suzanne Guthrie Hollie and Jamie Holt Foundation Ronald A. Lipez Cornelius and Suzanne McGinn Cindy and Bill Morris Laureen Ong Richard Skwarek Terry Pruitt Gregory J. Haack Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Holton Ms. Jo Ann Taylor Kindle Litchfield Hills Audubon Society Kevin and Carol McGregor Leonard Mortenson Joel Oppenheimer, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Puckett Nicole Hadley Molly D. Hood S. Joyce King Mr. Doug Lithgow Ms. Jeanne McHugh Mosby Lincoln Foundation The Natural History Art Gallery Puffin Foundation West Priscilla Haffner Ms. Theodora W. Hooton Christina Kenan Kirk Ms. Stephanie Little Mr. Stevenson McIlvaine Mr. Albert Moschetto Orange Audubon Society Mr. Steven Pumphrey Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hagaman Melanie Hopp Beth Kirkhart Edmund Littlefield, Jr. John and Rose McInnis Mr. Michael B. Moskow John and Judy Orcutt Charles and Patricia Punelli Nancy Hager Dr. Karl and Mrs. Ruth Horn Nancy M. Kissinger Live Oak Foundation Don and Dena McKee Donna Motherway The Orentreich Family Foundation Hoyt Purcell Peter and Helen Haje Hortulus Kittitas Audubon Society Locke Lord LLP Patricia McKee Carl Mount Beatriz Orive Stephanie Purifoy Ms. Carolyn J. Hall Housatonic Audubon Society Paul C. Klahr Evet Loewen Rajalaxmi Mckenna Linda G Mowbray Orlando Utilities Commission Rebecca M. Pyle in memory of The Hallingby Family Foundation The Houston Seminar Carol and Ward Klein Dr. Ruth Lofgren Bruce McLanahan Ms. Linda G. Mowbray Mairead N. O’Sullivan and Robert Harkness Mr. Steven Hamblin Ms. Rachel Hovnanian Willis M. Kleinenbroich Mr. Adrian Loftin Ms. Diane McLaughlin Mr. Gary N. Mullard Arthur E. Landi Linda G. Quest Hamilton Zanze & Company Mr. Larry Huddleston Gregg Kleiner and Cathlin Milligan Gloria M. Lonergan John and Connie McLendon Claudia Mullin The Other Stratton Foundation Dr. Carolyn S. Quinn Rex Hamilton Stewart and Jackie Hudson John P. Kleis for the School Mr. Craig Lorch Meegan McMillan Dr. Thaddeus Mully Mr. James H. Ottaway, Jr. Mary D. Raae Kenneth Hamlett, D.D.S. Ms. Patricia L. Hudson District of the City of Holland Horace Lothmann Greg McNeely William and Kenlynne Mulroy Out of the Fire, Inc. Rainier Audubon Society Simon and Jenna Hamm Hufty Foundation Karen Klopp Julie D. Louis Ms. Janet McNew Munro Foundation Outlaws Unlimited Barbara Raley Ruthellen Hammer Shannon Hugetz Knafel Family Foundation Teddy Lovejoy and Tom Henkel John and Leslie McQuown Carol and Dick Munro Ms. Lori H. Overmyer Ron and Debra Ramaniello


Bill and Joan Randolph Mrs. Jan S. Sanders Sandy Elson Slemmer and Sandra Sully Ross Vandenbergh Hall F. Willkie Bayard D. and Elizabeth Rea Walter and Nancy Berger Carolyn and Karl Rathjen Jim and Patricia Sanders Dave Slemmer Gene C. Sulzberger Wouter K. Vanderwal Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Ms. Deborah Rivel Mary Bergman James L. Rathmann and James and Jean Sandrock Charles and Sue Sloan Ms. June H. Summers Vashon-Maury Island Audubon Wilson Rebecca Samaroff Pamela Bergmann and Anne Noonan Nona and Andy Sansom William and Carol Smallwood Summit East Fund at Society Ms. Mary Dabney Wilson Jim Shallow John Duffy Neal and Deb Ratzlaff Samuel Owen Gallery Barbara Smith The Seattle Foundation Vermont Gas Systems Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Winkler Starr Ranch Sanctuary Maria Biasetto Siva Raven Santa Fe Botanical Garden Elaine C. Smith Tice Supplee The Vestcor Family Foundation Melinda Winn Eric Sorkin Jerry Bidwell Scott and Patricia Ray Sarasota Audubon Society Elizabeth Laverne Smith Ms. Jean M. Sutherland Karen F. and Brian Vikstrom Mr. John Winthrop Mrs. Virginia K. Stowe Sunshine H. Bishopric Raymond Family Foundation Ann and Gerald Saul Gail E. Smith Paul Swigart Taylor B. Wagenseil Melanie Wirtanen Ms. Jacqui Sulek James H. Blackaller Elizabeth S. Rea Denise Savageau and Lisa and Brian Smith Autumn and Bill Taddicken Barry and Kathryn Wagner Andrew Wiselogle Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Richard and Diana Blair Records-Johnston Family Michael Aurelia Marianne Duval Smith and Kevin The TAG Philanthropic Foundation Ms. Carol Wahl Jerry and Marcella Withrow Frances E. Blaisdell Foundation Savings Bank of Danbury H. McSherry K. A. Taipale Corkey Waite Philip and Bonnie Witmer GRINNELL LEGACY SOCIETY Douglas B. Bloom Red and White Markets, Inc. Deb and Chris Sawch Ms. Monica Mather Smith Paul Talbert and Lizabeth Coller Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Waldman Mikel G. Witte Anonymous (239) Betty E. Blumenkamp Mr. David Redden Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scheerer W. Kelly Smith David Taliaferro Robert S. Waldrop Randy Hagenstein and Anonymous in memory of Ms. Billie Blytmann Dr. Colin Rees The Robert M. Schiffman Robert Snow Lisa Tannenbaum and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wall Evie Witten mother Ellen Woolley Trent and Norma Bobbitt Reese Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Kathy and Jim Snowden Don Brownstein Cynthia F. Walsh and Rene Milo Debra Witter Madeline K. Ackley Alida Bockino in memory of Foundation Carol Peden Schilling Charitable Fund Ms. Eleanor Tate Mr. Maury Walsh Linda Kern Woerner Sal Acosta and Joseph Bockino Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reeves Dorene and Robert Schiro Charles and Joyce Solberg Mr. James D. Tate Richard N. Walsh Linda and Michael Wolfson Suzanne Hutchinson Duane Bodin Mr. William G. Reeves Anne Schlagenhaft Joshua Solomon Bruce and Kathryn Taylor Ms. Cheryl B. Ward Louis Wolfson, III - Wolfson Alexander D. Adams Richard H. Bohnet Regions Bank Margaret Ann Schlairet Steve Somerville Donald Taylor Edward and Mary Ann Ward Family Philanthropic Fund Nora Adcock Martha H. Boice in memory of Ms. Elizabeth A. Reich Trixie and David Schmidt Cynthia Somma Lane Taylor Elaine Warner Alan Woodbury Charlotte Adelman and Marie Aull Wendy Reichardt William C. Schmidt Eric Sorkin Peri Taylor Roree M. and Matthew C. Mr. Edward Alain Wood-Prince Bernard Schwartz H. Abigail Bok Alan and Linda Reider Tom and Suzanne Schneidau Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Julie Taymor Warnke Ms. Lynda D. Woolard Jebb Allen Agnew Deborah Bombard Edward Reilly and Kate Wolford Linda Schneider Soros Fund Dr. Ronald and Mary Teel Nils and Sarah Warnock Mr. Charles Work Susan Bliss Alden Maureen S. Bonness Christopher Renaud Mr. Jim Schoenemann Ms. Stephanie Sosnowski TEGNA Foundation Kathy Villacorta and Tommy Ms. Carolyn Workman and Kathryn Alexandra Gail and Jesse Bonneville-Cuilty CJ and Lisa Rendic Delia Scholes South Florida Water Newton Teichmann Warren Mr. Kurt Wacker Phyllis Allan William and Beatrice Booth Renewable Resources Group Werner Schumann Management District The David B. Terk Foundation Diane Watson Charles and Marvis Wright Andrew Alper Barbara Borthwick Holding Co, Inc. Susan E. Schuur Southbury Printing Centre, Inc. Texan by Nature Dr. and Mrs. James and Gordon Wright Curt and Lynn Alpeter PJ Bovio Steve and Debby Renfroe Michael Schweiger Sandra Soye Tharp/Andrews Charitable Fund Elizabeth Watson Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Wuori Joseph T. Ambrozy Timothy D. Bowman Aaron and Bonnie Rentz Mr. John Schweizer SP Plus Parking Gary Thompson Agency, Inc. John Watson Mr. and Mrs. C. Angus Wurtele Barbara Anderson Patty Boyden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Renyi Miriam Scully and Ashleigh Scully Mary Anne and Tom Spann Judith Gaskins Thompson Robert Watson Mr. Lawrence J. Wurzel Roger and Judith Anderson Peter P. Bradley Philippa Ribbink Ms. Sally Seaver Special and Urgent Needs Fund Thomson Reuters Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Wye Gardens, LLC Ellen Andres-Schneider and Whitney Bradley Ms. Nancy Richards Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sechler Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Spencer Kathleen Tibbetts Weeden Foundation Harold L. Wyman Foundation, Inc. Ralph Andres Sandra Bramhall Brenda Richardson David Secord through the Tides Lauren and William Spielvogel The Tides Foundation Charles Weeden Jason Wyse Frank D. Andrews Rose Marie Brantley Mr. and Mrs. Craig Richardson Foundation Ms. Ellen D. Spitz Tiffany and Company Robert and Judy Weeden Yakima Valley Audubon Society Alan Angell Natasha Brenner Mr. Lemont Richardson Barbara W. Seeburger Bernard & Anne Spitzer Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Weekes Sherry Yarnell Dr. Carlos Araoz Patricia D. Brent Ms. Rebecca S. Richardson James Richard Semels Charitable Trust Tilghman, Jr. Paula Wehr Mr. Mark J. Yates Dr. Mary Lee Archer Eva M. Brinson The Frederick W. Richmond Lee Sendelbeck Greg and Laura Spivy Barrett Toan and Polly O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Denton Weichman Stanley Yee Lewis Armbrust Karen Bristol Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shackelford Spokane Audubon The Barbara and Donald Tober John and Hui Weihe George Yntema K. Armstrong Sandra Brooks Robin Richmond R. L. Shackle Vivek Sriram Foundation The John L. and Sue Ann D. Bruce Yolton Bruce Arnhold Jacqueline Brown Cynthia Rickman and Joel Texter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Shaner St. Vincent De Paul of Baltimore Audrey and Robert Tobin Weinberg Foundation Mary Jean and David Yon Lionel Arnold Miss D. Patricia Brown Mary Jo and Bill Riddle Phyllis Shapiro and Partha Bagchi Ray Stache Reed and Chana Tollefson Sue Ann Weinberg York County Audubon Society Donald R. Arnone Terry Bryan Anna W. Riggs Sharon Metsch Jon Stahl Madeline Tom Miriam Weinstein Amy Yormack Deirdre and William Arntz William and Linda Bubbers Mr. and Mrs. John N. Rigsby Ms. Alice M. Sharp Mr. Mark Stanback Tour Dem Parks, Hon!, Inc. Weintraub Family Foundation Carl D. and Mary Ida Yost Morton Lowell Ash John and Patricia Buchholz Dennis Riordan Shawangunk Valley Conservancy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elizabeth Trawick Advised Fund at the Seattle Younes Hospitality Dianne Woods Ashley Janis K Bucsko Julie Robbins Cynthia Tinkham-Shepherd and Stanback, Jr. Tom Tribble Foundation Doug D. Young John and Jane Aspnes Janice Robinson Burns W. Bruce Robinson Conner Shepherd Stapleton Charitable Trust The Trinity Trust Foundation Carol Welch YPO Empire State, Inc. Howard B. Atkin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns Mrs. Susan Rockefeller William Shepherd Stebbins Fund Victoria and Michael Triplett Wells Fargo & Company – Pamela Zambelli William M. Auberle Andee Burrell in memory of Dr. Lawrence Roël Douglas Sherk Sandra Steffes Ellen and Tom Tripp Contributions Program Dr. Sarvenaz Zand and Fritz and Ginger Bachem Roc Burrell Rohovsky Family Foundation Lucy Sherman Lila and Peter Steinle Mr. Terry Trobec Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wemple Kevin Spinner Ms. Donna Bailey Neil T. Burton in memory of David Roland Phyllis and Roger Sherman The Meyer and Jean Stenberg Walter P. Turkiewicz Fund of Bruce Wendorff Anthony and Julie Zanze Sallie H. Bailey Fern Taylor Pitzer Mr. Donald H. Rolf, Jr. George Shinners Family Foundation Berkshire Taconic Community Matt and Jennifer Werner Steven T. Zimmerman, Ph.D. Sarah W. Bailey Murrell Butler Daniel Romanow Jennifer and Tom Shoemaker Robert Stephen Foundation Western Ecosystems Technology Ellen Ziskind David and Susan Baker Mary L. Butler Mr. David Rosario Ms. Kristin K. Sholton Leslie Sternlieb Mr. Bert Turner Lyn Westsmith Chris and Art Zygielbaum Frances M. Baker in memory of Andrew and Lindsey Cadot Laura Rosenfield Shore Bancshares Judy Stewart Cal Turner, Jr. WestWind Foundation Dr. Carl H. Baker John P. Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Roslund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shults Dr. Peter B. Stifel Mr. Henry R. Turner WEVL FM 89.9 MAJOR BIRDATHONS George Ball and Dr. William and Alice Calloway Ms. Janet Ross Deborah Shultz Martine Stolk Charitable Fund John Turner and Jerry Fischer Stephanie G. Wheeler Curt Alpeter Amanda McBroom Guy Cameron Mr. Richard Ross Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sidamon- Mrs. Marion R. Stone Martha Turner William K. and Anne Wheeler Leigh and Carol Altadonna Linda Ball Anthony V. Camilli Sarane H. Ross Eristoff Mrs. William C. Storey Jane Turrel Whidbey Audubon Society Augusta-Aiken Audubon Society Virginia A. Ballou Geraldine Cammisa William Ross and Susan Gravely Linda Siecke Mr. Timothy Stotz Deborah Turski Whisper Yacht Gwen Causer Bianca Barbone Sam Kathryn Campana Ms. Molly T. Rowan Ronald and Gwen Siegmann Strachan Donnelley Family Twelveone Race Management David Wiebe Helen Dimos and Marya Barey Pauline B. Campbell Deborah and Charles Royce Sierra Sage Charitable Lead Trust Mrs. Elizabeth U. Ulbrick Mr. Harold R. Wiggers Benjamin Oko, M.D. Stephanie Barko John Canning Brad Rumble Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Peg Strahman Elizabeth and Gary Unger Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Wilcox Margot P. Ernst Barbra Barnes Jackie Canterbury Ms. Elizabeth Ruml S. Simar Steven Straus Union Pacific Corporation Wild Birds Flying, LLC Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari Steve and Caryl Baron B.J. Carol Lori and Jeff Runnfeldt Simmons Bank Ben Strauss Union Savings Bank Wild Birds Unlimited of Margaret Fowle Rachel Barr Teresa Carr in memory of Charles Russum Mr. Evan Simonoff David Strohm and Kathryn Reavis Urban Greenspace Fund Yorba Linda Andew and Gail Gershon Charles M. Bartlett Brian Daizell Brian A. and Kathleen B. Rutledge Beverley Sinclair Jane Strong and John Brett Richard D. Urell Willapa Hills Audubon Society Honorable James Greenwood Lou Anne Bauer John S. Carson Ms. Elsie Rydell Singing River Electric Power Dr. and Mrs. Richard Strub US Homeware, Inc. Mrs. Jeanette Willenbacher Kim Guertin Margye Baumgardner Debra Carter Ms. Cynthia E. Rye Association Paula S. Stuart USAA Foundation Williams Family Trust - Robert Steve Hagenbuch Charlie Beals Gary P. Carver Laura Ryniker Singing River Federal Credit Scott and Nancy Stuckey Iris J. Vail Williams and Lynn Peterson Mr. Carl Howard Steven H. Beck Basil and Mary Casabona David and Betty Sacks Union Carolyn and William Stutt Rosalie Valvo David L. Williams John James Gang Michelle Benash Sigrid E. Casey Foundation Dr. Tom and Mrs. Beth Singley Patricia Sueltz Greg and Samantha Vamos Ms. Elizabeth Williams George Jones John R. Bennett M. Louise Cason Sherrill Sagrera Hana Sirageldin Colleen and Steven M. Jim Van Laningham Mr. Joseph H. Williams Warren and Barry King Kathleen L. Bennett Michael and Andrea Cassidy Larry and Judy Sall Skagit Audubon Society Sugarman M.D. Ms. Elizabeth H. Van Merkensteijn Michael Williams Ms. Jillian Liner Walter and Ann Benton Daniel E. Castner San Antonio Audubon Society Gary Skomro Suggs Family Foundation Mr. Joseph A. Van Os Dr. Mike Williams Mrs. Katharine S. O’Brien Claudia Benvenuto Marilyn Catrantzos Rebeccah A. Sanders Dr. Keith and Kristine Sullivan Vancouver Audubon Society Phil Williams Bill and Maureen Post Todd and Betty Berens John Cederholm


Dolores Cerra Brewster C. Doust in honor of Deborah Gilmer Camille A. Helminski Colin and Sandra Kavanagh Anthony and Judith Licata Patricia Minnick James Percich Betty Chaffin George and Judy Weems Dr. Edwin Glass Jaynee Hemingsen Margaret Keating Dr. and Mrs. Bill Lidicker, Jr. Isabel Miraco Joanne K. Perloff June Chastain Shirley Dowd David Gliserman Mabel Hempstead Rich Kedrowski Bill and Jackie Light Jean L. Moeckel Norman and Dadie Perlov Mildred Chester Lois Drapkin Susan Moore Gobel Leslie Henderson Marcia Keimer G. William Little, Jr. and Wayne Mones Sharen Perry Beverly Newbold Chiñas in Gerald M. Droszcz Mary Pamela Feeney Frederick B. Hendricks B. E. Kelley in memory of Brenda Bailey Allen and Marcia Montgomery Andrew and Mariana Pesthy memory of Lewis and Glennie Wood and Sice Durling Doris P. Goff Thomas Henneforth M. E. Rosenblad Helen Louise Liversidge in Pauline M. Monz James M. Peterson Newbold Anne Durning Paul and Donna Golub Carolyn M. Hermes Helen Kemp in honor of memory of David Liversidge Trois Moore Judith A. Peterson Laurie Chinn Amelia Eads Patrick Goodin Caroline C. Herrick Patricia Buck Henry and Grisel Loeb Mabes Morrill Larry Peterson Lynette Christiansen James and Ramona Edman Charles I. Goodman William Herron Ellsworth H. Kendig, Jr. Dr. Ruth Lofgren Duryea and Peggy Morton Suzanne Pferrer Daniel and Sandra Ciske Bert Tvedt Edwards in memory Nancy Goody Wilbur Hershberger Steve and Rachel Patricia Lopez Irene Mostek Regina Phelps Lucy Clark of Geniana Rasmussen Roger B. Gorham Barbara B. Hiestand Janet Kiely Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Lorch Michael Mullins Elisabeth Phillips Daniel Linhardt and Cecilia Clark Edwards Mitch Gould Lore Hilburg Thomas and Myra Kijek Pierre and Christine Lorillard Denise C. Murphy Barbara Picardi Marshall Clark Margaret Edwards Ross and Maiya Gralia John C. Hassler and Warren King Warren Lowe Marcie Waterman Murray Lewis Picher Morris Clark Frank J. Ehrhardt and Garry S. Grayson Marquita K. Hill Mark J. Kington Drs. Linda Lowenstine and Mark Mushkat Robert and Susan Pilberg Robert and Joan Clarkson Ellen Leverette Richard D. Green Anthony Hill Darnell Kirksey Richard Lander Robert and Shirley Mutz George W. Pitcher Frank and Jane Cleave Todd Eidson Julia A. Gregory Gale B. Hill Paul C. Klahr Pamela Lowry and Allen Rozelle Nancy J. Myers Thomas Popovich Paul Clifford Maureen Eiger Janet Gremli Wesley E. Hills Mikell Kloeters Dan W. Lufkin James A. Percich and Beatriz Portela Catherine Coates Terry and Joanne Eldred Richard Gresham and Rebecca Himsl Donna M. Knapp Tom and Annalee Luhman April Narcisse Carey Porter Robert and Elizabeth Coffin Mary Jo Elpers Adrienne Dold James W. Hinds Jane Kniffin Ron and Marge Lumpe Jeane D. Nasi Mark Porter F. Craig Coleman James Elwood Leslie Grimes Loren Hintz Rose M. Knight Bernedine and Phillip Lund Gloria A. Nelson Richard L. Powell David W. Conley Helen M. Engle Ronald and Marie Grimm Karen Hirsch Doris-Ruth Koegel Judith M. Lundin Patricia Nelson Melinda Powell-Dunlap Doris Cook Ellen Enochs Thomas Grismer and Randy K. Hobert Milton C. and Catherine Koenig Cindy Lupin Francis Nestor Priscilla Powers Karen K. Cook Michael and Alice Epstein June Mackert Peter Hoff Charles Kohlhase Joanne Lusk Linda A. Neumann Robert D. Price H. Paul Cooler William Hardy and Peter and Joan Griswold Dale and Rose Hoffman Jennifer Kolmes in memory of Kay Lybecker Diana Nevins Rebecca M. Pyle in memory of Steve and Dorothy Coontz Barbara Eshbaugh Julie Gross Edith M. Hoffman Anna Marie Malinas W.A. and Nancy Lyons Polly Nicely Robert Harkness Betty L. Cooper Rosemary Hall Evans Richard Grube Jerry Hoffman Jan Victoria Kopecky Travis and Karen MacClendon C. Walter Nichols III Dorothy M. Quate N. A. Coppertino Marjorie Faes Marty Genereux and Sally G. Hoffman Carol Kosberg Katheryn Mackie Margery A. Nicolson, Ph.D. Carolyn S. Quinn Barbara Corbiey Phyllis Falconer Julia Gumper Jeanette Hoge Lenore and Eugene Kosso Pat C. Madden Ann Nixon Virginia Raad Patricia Ann Cornelius Mary Allison Farley Helen Gurkow Jean Rogers Holt Joseph E. and Muriel Jean Carol Maehr Sherrill Nolder David Rabenau Mario Corsetti Arthur and Rosann Faull Richard J. Gurnee Kathleen Homa Krause James and Dianne Mahaffey Andrea Norfleet Octavia Radu P. Michael Craver Linda Fauth Nancy L. Gutreuter Andrew Howell Karl and Mary Ann Krause William Maillet Richard E. Norris Mickey Ramirez John Crawford Susan C. Fawcett Susan Guyaux Carol Howell Richard E. and Sandra Krause Pamela R. Tuttle-Malasky in Jill North Harold and Dorothy Raymond Patricia Creeden Bette-Burr Fenley John Hachtel B. F. Hoyt Richard Krawiec memory of Rommel-Kaiser Robert and Keena Northrop Bayard D. and Elizabeth Rea Paul and Joan Culp Abbott Fenn Heather R. Hackett Donald Hoyt Vilas Krenz Gunthar-Dutchess I James S. Norton Susan Reardon Bland Shackelford Currie Yvonne Ferguson Marcia C. Hackett Philip Huey Stephen Kresge Edward Mallinson in memory of Harry F. Noyes III and Janice Reed Karen D’Alissandro Carl Fetzner William Haddad Gunther Fonken and Stephen Kress Mary Ann Mallinson Maria Falcon Katherine F. Reed Helen M. Dalton Sandra Fiebelkorn George and Joann Hagen Agnes Hughes Paul and Barbara Krieger Georgia Mally Kathleen O’Brien Andrew Reeves Laurie Dalton Kyle and Melissa Filipi Heather Hahn Reid Hughes Dianne Krumel Maxine E. Mandell Charlotte R. Odell Jerrold H. Rehmar Diane A. Dana Thomas Fillenworth Jeremy and Kathryn Hales Ed and Marilyn Hunter Jane Kruysman Janet A. Mangini Jacqueline L. Okorie Vicki Reilly Tom Darden and Ellen Wallach Louis Fiorentino Bonnie Haley Jan Hunter Dennis Kuecherer Phillip Manning Benjamin Olewine IV Judith E. Reiss Pamela Davidson LaJean Firminhac Sharon and Donald Hallberg Drs. Robert and Louise Robert Kuehnel Frank Marino Elizabeth A. Oliver Deanne Renfro Edwin Davis and Sharon Lynch Lisa Fischer Paul and Jo Hallingby Hutchinson Raili Sonja Kuoppala in memory Bonnie H. Marsh Glenn and Devon Olson Craig Repasz Donald C. Davis Helen Fisher Jeanne Halsey Steven E. and Charlotte A. Icardi of Alma and Axel Kuoppala Floyd and Jeanette Martin Alan Ome Elizabeth A. Reuper James and Robin Davison Dorothy Fitzpatrick Don and Sharla Hamilton John and Dora Ide Mr. David L. Kurdeka James Martin Jody and Thomas Onorato Linda N. Reuter Dorothy A. Dawson John Flicker and Jane Swanson Ms. Melissa J. Hamilton Patsy and Tom Inglet Kathy Kuyper Robert H. and Patricia A. Martin Oliver H. Orr, Jr. John and Helga Reynolds Rita Dawson Arlene Flisik Debbie Hamrick Mark Isaacson and Karen Herold Ms. Barbara C. Kyse Janet Mason Paul and Susanna Orzech Daniel Rhodes Len DeFrancisco Peggy Floied Dawn Handschuh William R. Israel Nick J. Labedz William and Mary Mason Frederick Osborn, III Carol Rice Diantha DeGraw Samuel and Judith Florman Joyce L. Hanes Margaret Ives Durga Lagemann June Mattingly Lynn Owen William and Helen Richardson Christine Deignan May J. Forecki Scott and Mary Hankla Inge Jaklin Katharine W. Lamb in memory of Carol Ann May Rae Ann Owens Stuart Richel Doug and Pam DeNeve Dr. Patricia R. Forni Virginia A. Hansen in memory of Sharon Jakobi Harold B. Lamb, MD Charlotte Mayerson Sarah R. Packard Anna W. Riggs Richard W. Denman David Morris Foster Dorothy P. Hansen Allen Jamieson Cynthia Lancaster William McBlair Herbert R. Padgett William and Vina Riley Emily DeRham Paula Fox Richard and Wanda Hansler Phillip D. Janney Mary Lancaster Edmund E. McCann Donna Paino Ms. Jan J. Roberts Dirk V. Dirksen and Jeanette Franzone William and Susan Harbaugh Sarah Jeffords Alfred and Carol Landess Cynthia McCarthy Gary and Jane Palmer Bruce Robinson Margaret R. Petersen Barbara Fraser Hal and Leslie Harber Edmund and Sarah Jenkins Carol Lane Joyce E. McClintock Harold and Hildred Panciera William “Billy” Rodriguez David and Lee Devine Bonnie Fulton John and Eleanor Harding Terri Jennings John S. Lane E. McClure and F. Peterschmidt Mrs. Doris I Panzer Gay Rogers William C. DeVoe George A. and Ethel Furness, Jr. David Hardy Carolyn Jensen Mike Lano Elaine McCoach Zack Papachristos Laura A. Rogers Nancy and Jim DeWitt Lena Gallitano Nancy M. Harlan Vern Jensen Diane Laraja Vena Mccoy Dianne Papet Bonnie and Gene Rohrbeck Thomas Dexter George A. and Nancy J. Gamble Bob Harotunian Bruce and Barbara Johnson Robert O. Latham, Jr. Claire McCullough David and Elaine Pardoe Bambie Rose Dolores Dickerson Henry and Mary Ann Gans Timothy K. and Lorraine C. Mr. Phil J. Johnson Martha M. Latshaw Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McDonald David P. Parker Ann L. Ross Barbara Dickirson Bruce Garlinger and Hartley Patricia Johnson David S. Lawrence Julie Mcdonough Helen M. Parker Richard Ross Janet L. Dieckgrafe in memory of Denise LaBerteaux Al Hartwick Richard Johnson Robert and Barbara Lechner Michael McLean Joseph and Bessie Parker William Ross Jean E. Dieckgrafe Nancy and Ron Garret Ann Harwood-Nuss Mrs. Louise Johnston Daniel Baumol and Sabrina Lee Elizabeth McLean William S. Parker and Jerome Roth Christie and Pete Dionisopoulos Wendy Garrison Charles Hasenjaeger Barbara B. Jones Angela Eva Leen in memory of Lisa and Michael Meacham Elisabeth Wells-Parker Al Rothenbach and Toni Wujek Barbara Divver Karen A. Gaul Jacob Hasslacher in memory of Victoria Jones Dale Leen Brenda Melstein James and Frances Parnell Juanita Roushdy Dale Dixon Garry George and Joseph Brooks my mother Judith Joy Evan and Diane Lenk Richard Menzel Nancy Parrott Graham A. Rowe Mary Jane Dockeray in memory Gail M. Getz in memory of Bruce and Karroll Hauseknecht Mida Kaelin Chuck Lennox and Dolores Merrill William Partington Roland and Devon Ruehl of and Mary Dockeray Donald E. Getz Wendolyn K. Hawkins Charles and Carrie Kahle Kenneth Kaufmann Janice Miano Charles and Debbie Pastors Esther Campbell Russ Anthony Doherty Allen Gibbs Bernard and Susan Hay Bruce Kaliser Thea Leslie in memory of Constance E. Miller Ruth Payne Bianca Ryan Brenda Donaloio Lilla A. Giblin Anne Gray Haynes Leonard and Sonya Kamsky Roger Leslie David Miller William A. and Susan J. Paznekas Nancy Ryder Mary Jane Donnelly Elizabeth Kay Gibson Thomas Healy Lois Kane Paul Letourneau Joseph F. Miller, Jr. in honor of Samuel T. Frog Janet Saevitz Holly Doremus and Gordon S. Gibson William and Mary Heck Judy Kaplan in memory of Audrey L. Levine Mrs. Pauline Miller W. Pearcy in memory of Javier F. G. Saldivar Gordon Anthon Mark Giger John Heidtke Max and Pauline Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Levine Samuel L. Miller Amy Schoener Larry and Judy Sall David F. and Cheryl A. Dornbert William and Gerry Gilbert Kashfinur Heine Joann Karges Betsy G. Lewis Stephanie Miller in memory of Fran Pearson Joan S. Samara R. S. Dorsey Candace Gillespie Aleta Heir W. Kassel Stephanie R. Lewis Adrienne Matthews Marlene Penry Patti Sandler John Douglass Ken and Rhonda Gilliland Marian Heiskell Theodore and Lucille Kaufman In memory of Dorothy Liberty Thomas A. and Linda Mink Susan Penry-Williams L. Alan Sarnowski


Jerry Sass Patricia Stevesand Richard E. Watkins Janine E. Betker Barbara J. Ovitt in memory of BNSF Foundation TX McKesson Foundation Western Union Foundation Suzanne Sasser Barbara Stewart Bruce Watts Jessie Catherine Bishop Leora I. Ovitt BNY Mellon Community The Medtronic Foundation The William Penn Foundation Laura Saunders Diane G. Stewart Lawrence P. Wedeen Nathaniel T. Blackburn Proctor and Ruth W. Page Partnership Merck Foundation The Williams Companies Tom and Linda Saward Donald Stewart Carol Weenk Dorothy R. Blair Rev. Edgar C. and Phyllis S. Peara The Boeing Company Meredith Corporation Wonderful Giving Shirley F. Scadetta Loyette Stewart Wayne Weiber Ingeborg M. Borre Edmund B. Piasecki BP Foundation, Inc. Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation Samuel A. Scarlett Laurel Stilwell Gary Weidner Leona Bothmer Donald C. Procter Bright Funds Foundation Moen Inc. Your Cause Corporate Employee Vicki J. Scharnhorst Jean Stoenner Norma Jean Weiner-Johnson John B. Boucher William J. Raflowski The Brink’s Company Gordon and Betty Moore Giving Program Harold Schessler Joanne A. Stohl Eugene E. Weir William C. and Mary R. Bowden Judith Beatrice Raskin Broadridge Matching Gift Foundation Mrs. Katherine Schick Judy Stoppel Zelma H. Weisfeld Elizabeth C. Brand Clara F. Remick Program Morgan Stanley LICENSEES John Schieman and Michael Yore Virginia Stowe Mr. E. J. Weller Robert P. Braun George T. Rhodes California Healthcare Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Abbeville Press Kelly Frank Schmidt and Mrs. Marilyn M. Strand Karen A. Wells Mary E. “Lee” Brenneisen Emma Ida Ricker The Capital Group Companies MUFG Union Bank Barton Cotton Janet Werfelmann Calico Stratton Marilyn Wendt Thomas Eldin Burton Eleanor C. Robbins Charitable Foundation Mutual of America Cornell University Press Joan Schmidt Mrs. Nancy Strickland Janet A. Wessling in memory of B. Bartram Cadbury Helen G. Robinson Caterpillar Foundation, Inc. National Grid DK Publishing Barbara Schoenberg Alida Struze John S. Wessling John R. Challey Barbara Roth CDK Global, Inc. Nelnet Duke University Press William Schoenherr Stacy Studebaker Michael West Martha K. Chestem Margaret B. Schilling Charles Schwab & Co. Neon Liberty Capital EBSCO Susan and Ford Schumann Robert A. Stumbaugh Janet Westbrook Peter J. Cohn Ruth A.M. Schmidt, Ph.D. Chevron Products Company Management Fieldstone Publishing Margaret and William Seneshen Richard and Teresa Suetterlin Jim and Donna Whalen Dorothy D. Conkey Maurice Seltzer Chubb & Son Inc. Network for Good Mark Feldstein & Associates, Inc. Stanley and Patricia Senner W. Burt and Marcia Sundquist Susan M. Wheatley Irma E. Dambrauskas Margaret F. Shackelford Citizens Charitable Foundation Norfolk Southern Foundation GEICO Jamie Serino Ford W. Swanson and Woody Wheeler and Lori Cohen Holly W. Davis Patricia G. Shirley City of Seattle The Pew Charitable Trusts Heyday Books Denyse Simpson Serrano in Mary Louise Muessel Bonnie White Norman H. and Marion P. Davis Edith B. Smith The Clinton Family Fund Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Holbrook Travel memory of Pepita Jerome J. Swienty Rebecca Whitney in memory Hazel J. Denhard George V. and Jean A. Smith Computer Associates PG&E MBI William M. Shepherd Karen J. Swope of dad Beryl Jane Waters Dickey W. Wenner Smith, II International, Inc. Piper Jaffray Penguin Random House Philip M. Sheridan Joanne Sylvia Jennifer Weber Wicker William B. Eddison, Jr. Jane Stamper ConocoPhillips Company Pitney Bowes Pomegranate Communications Sydni Ann Shollenberger in Carolyn A. Tamer in honor of David Wigglesworth and Margaret W. Edwards Grace C. Stebbins Corporate Visions, Inc. Pledgeling Foundation Quarto Publishing Group USA honor of William W. Morrison Mary Lou Serino Rayna Swanson Sheryl K. Evans Harold B. and Ruth C. Stern Deutsche Bank Americas PNC Industries Foundation Red River Commodities, Inc. David E. Shomper Karen Tarvin Steven and Linda Wigler John Ashby Farrow Edith R. Sternfells Foundation The Prospect Hill Sterling Publishing Richard C. Shott in memory of Joan F. Tavares Deborah and Robert Wigton Cynthia Faye Carol Louise Stoudt Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. Tilbury House Publishers Chester O. Shott Brenda Taylor Nora Barrett Wilcox Lydia K. Feidler Melda Strickland Foundation, Inc. Puget Sound Energy Wild Republic K&M Alan Lurie and Susanne Shrader Dan and Pam Taylor Thomas and Evelyn Wilcox Bettie C. Fenton Herbert H. Thiele Dolby Match Program Qualcomm Inc. Corporate Giving International, Inc. David Sickles Fred and Beverly Taylor William W. and Lessley D. Wiles Solomon Fingold Phyllis Tillinghast Dominion Foundation Matching Razoo Foundation WoodLink Joan Silver Jeanie Taylor Mercedes Williams Helen K. Fisher Otis M. and Maria E. Trimble Gift Program Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Workman Publishing Ann C. Simas John and Patricia Telfer Samantha Williams Wilbur F. Freitag John F. Weigele DonateWell Reynolds American Foundation Hugh and Kathy Simmons Joyce J. Thomas Rita T. Faruki and Kristine L. Gabel Aloah L. Welch DST System Inc. Riot Games, Inc. NON-PROFIT PARTNERS Michele Simms Sally Thompson Kenneth L. Wilson Nancy B. Gambee Winifred S. White Dyson Foundation Rockefeller & Co. Inc. Alaska Conservation Foundation Janet Sims Jay Heppner and Sandra Tibbs Jan Wilson Anthony Geiss Helen A. Whittemore Edison International Rockefeller Brothers Fund Alaska Wilderness League Thomas Skoloda Ms. Janet T. Timmerman Sigrid Wimberly Aubrey W. Gibson Hazel L. Wilbur Educational Testing Services Rockwell Automation Alianza Para las Areas Silvestres John Skubiak Jonathan B. and Debra Tocks Geoffrey H. Winn Robert Gilbert Alec Wilder Eileen Fisher, Inc. Matching Gift American Bird Association Linda Slay Wayne and Ginny Tolbert John C. and Mary Winn L. Paul and Iva V. Gilmore Rhona Williams Embrace Home Loans Salesforce.com Foundation American Bird Conservancy Pat Slife in memory of Elizabeth Jane Townsend Sara B. C. Winter Michael D. Gleeson Iona P. Zittrauer Ericsson Inc. Schneider Electric American Farmland Trust Courtney A. Slife Ronald Traub John Winthrop Henry J. Greene Erie Insurance Group Seattle Audubon Society American Rivers Ronald and Marilyn Slivka Alan and Cathy Troy Jerry and Marcella Withrow Robert M. Griffith CORPORATE MATCH Exelon Foundation Shell American Wind Wildlife Institute David Slobodin Catherine (Jeri) Truesdell Mr. and Ms. William Wittmann Lillian Groth 3M ExxonMobil Foundation Silicon Valley Community Appalachian Mountain Club Nancy Slocum Gene S. Ulen in memory of Gail Gatton and Mark Wittow Maribeth A. Henney AbbVie Foundation Matching Fidelity Charitable Foundation Arizona Science Teachers Terry and Christine Smallman Joan Johns Ernest Woodard Gary M. and Joan C. Heymann Grant Plan FM Global Foundation Stanley Black & Decker Association Melanie A. Smith and Barry Ulman Roger K. Woods Evan C. Hoogs Adobe Matching Gift Program Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Starbucks Matching Gifts Arkansas Advanced Energy Sarah Venator Helen Unruh Ann and Evan Wride Elaine A. Hounsell Aetna Foundation The Ford Foundation Program Association Betsy R. Smith Peter Van Hensbroek Edward S. Wright Mary A. Jensen The Air Products Foundation Freescale Employee Giving State Farm Companies Arkansas Public Policy Panel Dr. Sue Ellen and Jackson Kelly Carol and Steven Vander Meer Kathy Wright Robert L. Jevne Alexion Pharmaceuticals Campaign Foundation Bat Conservation International Smith, Jr. Jean VanKoughnett Chick Yeager in memory of Leslie F. Johnson Matching Gifts Program Gannett Foundation State Street Foundation Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Jack F. Smith Christie L. Vargo Nellie Yeager Nott Kay Elaine Johnston Allegro Microsystems Inc. Gap Foundation Strada Education Network, Inc. BirdLife International and 19 Jan Smith Ronald and Gaylene Vasaturo Sherry (Sutherby) Yeary Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. AllState Gartner Matching Gift Synchrony Financial partners: Jeff Smith Mark and Patricia Vaz Patricia L. Yingst Ruth F. Kiefer American Agricultural Insurance GE Foundation Takeda Millennium Armonia Joyce S. Smith Family Trust Carl D. and Mary Ida Yost Joyce Martha Kieffer Company J. Paul Getty Trust Pharmaceuticals Matching Asociación Calidris Karen Smith Fred J. Velri Jere and Mary Ann Young Virginia Klein America’s Charities GlaxoSmithKline Program Aves & Conservación Malcolm Smith Van Royce Vibber and Steven and Darlene Zanon Helen W. Klingler in memory of Amica Companies Foundation The John A. Hartford Foundation The TemPositions Group of Aves Argentinas Dr. Sandra L. Snow Julie Shular Kathleen Ziarek in memory of Martin R. Paulsen and Aptargroup Charitable IBM International Foundation Companies Aves Uruguay Margaret Snowdon Jim and Ginger Visconti Richard Forcey Mary H. Paulsen Foundation ITW Foundation Thomson Reuters Bahamas National Trust Doris J. Solberg Genevieve Wagner Charlene Zilius in memory of Florence Krinsky ArcelorMittal J.P. Morgan TripAdvisor Gift Matching Belize Audubon Society Elissa Sommer Leslie Wahl Stephen and Marilyn Zilius Billy Rex and Helen B. Leach Assurity Life Insurance Co. Janus Foundation Program Bird Studies Canada Barbara C. Sommerfeld Ms. Carol Wahl Cynthia Austin Zimmerman Mary Michelle LeCronier AXA Foundation JDL Technologies Truist Centro Nacional de Areas Sonja Sorbo, M.D. Joseph and Carol Waldner Dr. Edward J. Zipser Betty A. Lewis Ballmer Family Giving Matching John Hancock Matching Gifts Tyco Matching Gifts Program Protegidas James E. Sorensen Robert S. Waldrop Mildred A. Lillis Fund Program UBS CODEFF Nanette Spence Doug and Alice Walker BEQUESTS Rose P. Lishner Bank of America Charitable Johnson & Johnson Union Pacific Corporation Falklands Conservation Michael F. Spicer Valerie B. Ward in honor of Anonymous (6) Lora Ada Ludwig Foundation Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of GivePlus Program Foundation for Nature Kathryn Splinter Robert Zahary and Joel W. Ager, Jr. John Marukian Battelle the NW United Technologies Matching Conservation in Suriname John and Jennifer Spruill Margaret Hartman Arnold H. Agree Norma R. Maxwell Baxalta Kauffman Foundation Matching Gift Program Grupo Jaragua James and Karen Spurgat Ray and Susan Ware Paul E. and Idamary Andre Gwendolyn J. McCullen Baxter International Foundation Gifts Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Guyrá Paraguay Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Truitt Starr M. Burrage Warner, Jr. Elda Anelli Gail D. Meltzer Matching Gift Program W.K. Kellogg Foundation Program Nature Canada Sarah L. Starrat Pat and Jeff Warner Franklyn Barrett Mary S. Misura BD Matching Gift Program KPMG Verizon Foundation Panama Audubon Society Dena Steele Ann Warren John V. Barrows, Jr. Evelyn V. Morrison Bemis Company Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation Visa Giving Station Pronatura Noreste Marilyn Steinhart Carley Warren Harold L. and Olga Bates Susan K. Nelson Benevity Community Impact LinkedIn The Walt Disney Company Pronatura Noroeste Marsha Stephens Susan A. Warren Debra Allison Bathory Evelyn Aurora Nethercott Fund Lubrizol Foundation Foundation - Matching Gifts Salva Natura Robert Stephens Elizabeth Wassmundt Charles F. and Grace A. Nixon Berkley Insurance Company Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Program SAVE Brasil Thomas and Wendy Stephenson Catherine Pannell Waters Mary Elizabeth “Molly” Becker Andrew V. Nowak Blue Cross Blue Shield NC Matching Gift Program Walt Disney World Resort Sociedad Ornitológica Lydia Sterrett Regina Watkins Norma Z. Bennett BMS Foundation Marken-Imaje Corporation Wells Fargo Foundation Puertorriqueña, Inc.

56 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 57 ¤ Thank You ¤ Directory

California Farm Bureau Prairie Potholes Joint Venture Federation Rainey Conservation Alliance California Rice Commission California Waterfowl Association Rio Grande Joint Venture Rio Salado Canadian Wildlife Service Sierra Club Centro de Estudio Smithsonian Migratory Bird Audubon Center, Conservación del Patrimonio Center Phoenix, Arizona Natural (CECPAN) Southern Centro de Investigación Center Científica y de Educación Stanford Graduate School of Superior de Ensenada Business Chicago Wilderness Sustainable Northwest Clean Water/Jobs Coalition Teach for America Coalition to Restore Coastal Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Louisiana Partnership Coastal Bend Bay and Estuary Tejon Ranch Conservancy Program Texas Wildlife Association College of William and Mary Trout Unlimited ConservAmerica Trust for Public Land Conservation Measures U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partnership Universidad Santo Tomas (Chile) Cornell Lab of Ornithology Upper Mississippi Joint Venture Dairy Cares Virginia Commonwealth Defenders of Wildlife University Ducks Unlimited Vivamos Mejor (Guatemala) Earthjustice Western Hemisphere Shorebird EarthShare Reserve Network Executive El Jaguar Office Endangered Species Coalition Western Resources Advocates Environment America Western United Dairymen Environmental Defense Fund The Wetlands Initiative Fauna and Flora International Wild at Heart Fundación Cosibolca The Wilderness Society Garden Club of America Wildlife Conservation Society Gorgas Science Foundation Wyoming Outdoor Council Gulf Coast Bird Observatory World Wildlife Fund Gulf Renewal Project Healing Our Waters The Humane Society of the United States The Institute for Bird Populations Interfaith Power and Light Intermountain West Joint Venture International Crane Foundation Island Conservation Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation Land Trust Alliance Mississippi River Network Missouri Department of Conservation Missouri River Bird Observatory Monterey Bay Aquarium National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Geographic National Wildlife Federation National Wildlife Refuge Association Natural Resources Defense Council The Nature Conservancy North Dakota Natural Resources Directory Trust Oaks and Prairie Joint Venture Ocean Conservancy A guide to the national, flyway, state, and local Oceana Pacific Institute Partnership for Gulf Coast Land resources of the National Audubon Society Conservation Partnership Project Pew Charitable Trust Playa Lakes Joint Venture Point Blue Conservation Science


NATIONAL AND Arkansas Emily Winthrop Miles 3801 Canal Street, Suite 325 Centers and Sanctuaries Buttercup Farm Audubon Ohio Utah PROGRAM OFFICES State Office Wildlife Sanctuary New Orleans, LA 70119 Audubon Coastal Bird Survey Sanctuary Centers and Sanctuaries Centers and Sanctuaries Audubon Arkansas 99 West Cornwall Road 4200 Audubon Way Ramshorn-Livingston Audubon Aullwood Audubon Center Edward L. & Charles F. Gillmor Audubon Headquarters 4500 Springer Boulevard Sharon, CT 06069 Centers and Sanctuaries Moss Point, MS 39563 Center and Sanctuary and Farm Audubon Sanctuary and South 225 Varick Street, 7th Floor Little Rock, AR 72206 (860) 364-0520 Paul J. Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary (228) 285-0449 Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Center 1000 Aullwood Road Shore Preserve New York, NY 10014 (501) 244-2229 P.O. Box 187 and Sanctuary Dayton, OH 45414 3868 Marsha Drive Fairchild Wildflower Garden Perry, LA 70575 Pascagoula River Audubon Center P.O. Box 1 (937) 890-7360 West Valley City, UT 84120 National and International Centers and Sanctuaries Caldwell Sanctuary (337) 652-5496 5107 Arthur Street Craryville, NY 12521 (801) 966-0464 Programs Little Rock Audubon Center Gimbel Sanctuary Moss Point, MS 39563 (518) 325-5203 Grange Insurance Audubon Center 1200 18th Street, Suite 500 4500 Springer Boulevard Oneida Marsh Maine (228) 475-0825 505 West Whittier Street Vermont Washington, DC 20036 Little Rock, AR 72206 Hemlock Gorge Centers and Sanctuaries Constitution Marsh Audubon Columbus, OH 43215 State Office (501) 244-2229 Wood Duck Swamp Borestone Mountain Sanctuary Strawberry Plains Audubon Center Center and Sanctuary (614) 545-5475 Audubon Vermont Customer Service c/o Audubon Center in Greenwich East Point Sanctuary 285 Plains Road P.O. Box 174 255 Sherman Hollow Road [email protected] California 613 Riversville Road Hamilton Sanctuary Holly Springs, MS 38635 Cold Spring, NY 10516 Pennsylvania Huntington, VT 05462 (844) 428-3826 State Office Greenwich, CT 06831 Josephine Newman Sanctuary (662) 252-1155 (845) 265-2601 State Office (802) 434-3068 Audubon California (203) 869-5272 Mast Landing Sanctuary Audubon Pennsylvania Chapter Services 220 Montgomery Street Todd Audubon Sanctuary Missouri Jamestown Audubon Center 1201 Pawlings Road Centers and Sanctuaries [email protected] Suite 1000 Guilford Salt Meadows Sanctuary c/o Maine Audubon State Office and Sanctuary Audubon, PA 19403 Grammas Island (844) 428-3826 San Francisco, CA 94104 The Meadowlands 20 Gilsland Farm Road Audubon Missouri 1600 Riverside Road (610) 666-5593 Hen Island (415) 644-4600 330 Mulberry Point Road Falmouth, ME 04105 301 Riverlands Way Jamestown, NY 14701 Popasquash Island Development Bequests Guilford, CT 06437 (207) 781-2330 West Alton, MO 63386 (716) 569-2345 Centers and Sanctuaries Rock Island and Charitable Trusts Centers and Sanctuaries (203) 264-5098 (636) 899-0090 Center c/o Audubon Vermont (212) 979-3033 Audubon Bobcat Ranch Fields Pond Audubon Center Kaler’s Pond Audubon Center at Mill Grove 255 Sherman Hollow Road 25929 County Road 34 Sharon Audubon Center 216 Fields Pond Road Centers and Sanctuaries P.O. Box 865 1201 Pawlings Road Huntington, VT 05462 AUDUBON FLYWAYS Winters, CA 95694 325 Cornwall Bridge Road Holden, ME 04429 Audubon Center at Riverlands Center Moriches, NY 11934 Audubon, PA 19403 (802) 434-3068 (530) 795-4116 Sharon, CT 06069 (207) 989-2591 301 Riverlands Way (631) 878-5576 (610) 666-5593 Atlantic Flyway (860) 364-0520 West Alton, MO 63386 Green Mountain Audubon Center Audubon Flyway Office Audubon Center at Debs Park Gilsland Farm Audubon Center (636) 899-0090 Montezuma Audubon Center South Carolina 255 Sherman Hollow Road 1200 18th Street, Suite 500 4700 North Griffin Avenue Florida 20 Gilsland Farm Road P.O Box 187 State Office Huntington, VT 05462 Washington, DC 20036 Los Angeles, CA 90031 State Office Falmouth, ME 04105 Wildcat Glades Conservation 2295 State Route 89 North Audubon South Carolina (802) 434-3068 (202) 861-2242 (323) 221-2255 Audubon Florida (207) 781-2330 and Audubon Center Savannah, NY 13146 336 Sanctuary Road 4500 Biscayne Boulevard 201 W. Riviera Drive, Suite A (315) 365-3580 Harleyville, SC 29448 Washington Central Flyway Glide Ranch Suite 350 Hog Island Audubon Center Joplin, MO 64804 (843) 462-2150 State Office Audubon Flyway Office 36355 Russell Boulevard Miami, FL 33137 12 Audubon Road (417) 782-6287 Audubon Center Audubon Washington 2201 Main Street, Suite 600 Davis, CA 95616 (305) 371-6399 Bremen, ME 04551 95 Prospect Park West 633 King Street 5902 Lake Washington Boulevard S. Dallas, TX 75201 (530) 768-8518, ext. 134 (843) 340-8673 Nebraska , NY 11215 Charleston, SC 29403 Seattle, WA 98118 (214) 370-9735 Conservation Office State Office (718) 287-3400 (206) 652-2444 Kern River Preserve 308 North Monroe Project Puffin Visitor Center Audubon Nebraska Centers and Sanctuaries Mississippi Flyway P.O. Box 1662 Tallahassee, FL 32301 311 Main Street P.O. Box 117 Sanctuary Audubon Center and Sanctuary Centers and Sanctuaries Audubon Flyway Office Weldon, CA 93283 (850) 222-2473 Rockland, ME 04841 11700 SW 100th Street and Audubon Center at Francis Beidler Forest Dungeness River Audubon Center 3801 Canal Street, Suite 325 (760) 378-2531 (May–Oct.) (207) 596-5566 Denton, NE 68339 134 Cove Road 336 Sanctuary Road Railroad Bridge Park New Orleans, LA 70119 Centers and Sanctuaries (402) 797-2301 Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Harleyville, SC 29448 2151 West Hendrickson Road (225) 768-0820 Richardson Bay Audubon Audubon Center for Birds of Prey Scarborough Marsh (516) 922-3200 (843) 462-2150 Sequim, WA 98382 Center and Sanctuary 1101 Audubon Way Audubon Center Centers and Sanctuaries (360) 681-4076 Pacific Flyway 376 Greenwood Beach Road Maitland, FL 32751 92 Pine Point Road Iain Nicolson Audubon Center North Carolina Silver Bluff Audubon Center Audubon Flyway Office Tiburon, CA 94920 (407) 644-0190 Scarborough, ME 04074 at Lillian Annette Rowe Bird State Office and Sanctuary Seward Park Environmental 220 Montgomery Street (415) 388-2524 (May–Sept.) (207) 883-5100 Sanctuary Audubon North Carolina 4542 Silver Bluff Road and Audubon Center Suite 1000 Blair Audubon Center at (Oct.–April) (207) 781-2330 44450 Elm Island Road 400 Silver Cedar Court, Suite 240 Jackson, SC 29831 5902 Lake Washington Boulevard S. San Francisco, CA 94104 Starr Ranch Sanctuary Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Gibbon, NE 68840 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (803) 471-0291 Seattle, WA 98118 (415) 644-4600 100 Bell Canyon Road 375 Sanctuary Road West Maryland-DC (308) 468-5282 (919) 929-3899 (206) 652-2444 Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679 Naples, FL 34120 State Office Texas STATE OFFICES, CENTERS, (949) 858-0309 (239) 348-9151 Audubon Maryland-DC Spring Creek Prairie Centers and Sanctuaries State Office Wisconsin AND SANCTUARIES 2901 East Baltimore Street, Box 2 Audubon Center Donal C. O’Brien Jr. Audubon Audubon Texas Centers and Sanctuaries Colorado Florida Coastal Islands Sanctuaries Baltimore, MD 21224 P.O. Box 117 Sanctuary and Center at Pine 2201 Main Street, Suite 600 Schlitz Audubon Nature Center Alaska Regional Office 410 Ware Boulevard (410) 558-2473 11700 SW 100th Street Island Dallas, TX 75201 1111 East Brown Deer Road State Office Audubon Rockies Region Suite 702 Denton, NE 68339 c/o Audubon North Carolina (214) 370-9735 Milwaukee, WI 53217 Audubon Alaska 116 North College Avenue, Suite 1 Tampa, FL 33619 Centers and Sanctuaries (402) 797-2301 300 Audubon Drive (414) 352-2880 431 W. 7th Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80524 (813) 623-6826 Patterson Park Audubon Center Corolla, NC 27927 Centers and Sanctuaries Suite 101 (970) 416-6931 2901 East Baltimore Street, Box 2 New Mexico 252-453-0603 Coastal Sanctuaries Anchorage, AK 99501 Lake Okeechobee Sanctuaries/ Baltimore, MD 21224 State Office c/o Audubon Texas (907) 276-7034 Connecticut Kissimmee Prairie Sanctuary (410) 558-2473 Audubon New Mexico North Dakota 2201 Main Street, Suite 600 State Office 100 Riverwoods Center P.O. Box 9314 State Office Dallas, TX 75201 Arizona Audubon Connecticut Lorida, FL 33857 Pickering Creek Audubon Center Santa Fe, NM 87504 Audubon Dakota (214) 370-9735 State Office 613 Riversville Road (941) 467-8497 11450 Audubon Lane (505) 983-4609 118 Broadway North, Suite 716 Audubon Arizona Greenwich, CT 06831 Easton, MD 21601 Fargo, ND 58102 Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center 3131 South Central Avenue (203) 869-5272 Tavernier Science Center (410) 822-4903 Centers and Sanctuaries (701) 298-3373 1206 West FM 1382 Phoenix, AZ 85040 115 Indian Mound Trail Randall Davey Audubon Center Cedar Hill, TX 75104 (602) 468-6470 Centers and Sanctuaries Tavernier, FL 33070 Minnesota and Sanctuary Centers and Sanctuaries (469) 526-1980 Audubon Center at Bent (305) 852-5318 State Office 1800 Upper Canyon Road Edward M. Brigham III Sanctuary Centers and Sanctuaries of the River Audubon Minnesota Santa Fe, NM 87501 2646 90 R Avenue SE Mitchell Lake Audubon Center Appleton-Whittell 185 East Flat Hill Road 1 Water Street West, Suite 200 (505) 983-4609 Spiritwood, ND 58481 10750 Pleasanton Road Research Ranch Southbury, CT 06488 Regional Office St. Paul, MN 55107 (701) 298-3373 San Antonio, TX 78221 366 Research Ranch Road (203) 264-5098 Audubon Great Lakes (651) 739-9332 New York (210) 628-1639 Elgin, AZ 85611 17 Street, Suite 1690 State Office Frederick L. Wicks Prairie (520) 455-5522 Audubon Center in Greenwich Chicago, IL 60602 Mississippi Audubon New York Wildlife Sanctuary Sabal Palm Audubon Sanctuary 613 Riversville Road (312) 453-0230 State Office 2 Third Street, Suite 480 118 Broadway North, Suite 716 P.O. Box 5169 Nina Mason Pulliam Greenwich, CT 06831 Audubon Mississippi Troy, NY 12180 Fargo, ND 58102 8435 Sabal Palm Road Rio Salado Audubon Center (203) 869-5272 Louisiana 285 Plains Road (518) 869-9731 (701) 298-3373 Brownsville, TX 78523 3131 South Central Avenue State Office Holly Springs, MS 38635 (956) 541-8034 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Edith Leopold Sanctuary Audubon Louisiana (662) 252-1155 Centers and Sanctuaries (602) 468-6470 182 Ringerman Hill Road 5615 Corporate Boulevard, Beaver Meadow Audubon Center Trinity River Audubon Center East Hartland, CT 06027 Suite 600B 1610 Welch Road 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way (860) 364-0520 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 North Java, NY 14113 Dallas, TX 75217 (225) 768-0820 (585) 457-3228 (214) 398-8722


AUDUBON CHAPTERS Santa Monica Bay Audubon Tampa Audubon Society Little River Audubon Society Nebraska Ohio South Dakota San Juan Islands Audubon Society Tropical Audubon Society Louisville Audubon Society Audubon Society of Omaha Appalachian Front Audubon Missouri Breaks Audubon Society Society Sea and Sage Audubon Society Venice Area Audubon Society Big Bend Audubon Society Society Prairie Hills Audubon Society Seattle Audubon Society Birmingham Audubon Society Sequoia Audubon Society West Pasco Audubon Society Louisiana Wachiska Audubon Society Audubon Miami Valley Skagit Audubon Society Mobile Bay Audubon Society Sierra Foothills Audubon Society West Volusia Audubon Society Baton Rouge Audubon Society Wildcat Audubon Society Audubon Society of Greater Tennessee Spokane Audubon Society Shoals Audubon Society Stanislaus Audubon Society Orleans Audubon Society Cleveland Cumberland-Harpeth Audubon Tahoma Audubon Society Tennessee Valley Audubon Society Tulare County Audubon Society Georgia Nevada Audubon Society of Mahoning Society Vancouver Audubon Society Ventura Audubon Society Albany Audubon Society Maine Bristlecone Audubon Society Valley Warioto Audubon Society Vashon-Maury Island Audubon Alaska Whittier Area Audubon Society Atlanta Audubon Society Downeast Audubon Chapter of Lahontan Audubon Society Audubon Society of Ohio Society Anchorage Audubon Society Wintu Audubon Society Coastal Georgia Audubon Society Maine Audubon Red Rock Audubon Society Black River Audubon Society Texas Whidbey Audubon Society Arctic Audubon Society Yolo Audubon Society Columbus Audubon Society Fundy Audubon Chapter of Maine Black Swamp Audubon Society Audubon Dallas Willapa Hills Audubon Society Juneau Audubon Society Yosemite Area Audubon Society Ocmulgee Audubon Society Audubon New Jersey Blackbrook Audubon Society Bastrop County Audubon Society Yakima Valley Audubon Society Kodiak Audubon Society Oconee Rivers Audubon Society Merrymeeting Audubon Chapter Atlantic Audubon Society Canton Audubon Society Bexar Audubon Society Prince William Sound Audubon Colorado Ogeechee Audubon Society of Maine Audubon Bergen County Audubon Society Clark County Audubon Society Big Country Audubon Society West Virginia Society Aiken Audubon Society Mid-Coast Audubon Chapter of Monmouth County Audubon Columbus Audubon Central Texas Audubon Society Mountaineer Audubon Society Arkansas Valley Audubon Society Guam Maine Audubon Society Dayton Audubon Society Coastal Bend Audubon Society Potomac Valley Audubon Society Arizona Audubon Society of Greater Denver Marianas Audubon Society Penobscot Valley Audubon Chapter Washington Crossing Audubon East Central Ohio Audubon Society El Paso Trans Pecos Audubon Desert Rivers Audubon Society Black Canyon Audubon Society of Maine Audubon Society Firelands Audubon Society Society Wisconsin Maricopa Audubon Society Boulder County Audubon Society Hawaii Prouts Neck Audubon Society Greater Akron Audubon Society Fort Worth Audubon Society Aldo Leopold Audubon Society Northern Arizona Audubon Society Evergreen Audubon Society Hawaii Audubon Society Western Maine Audubon Chapter New Mexico Greater Mohican Audubon Society Golden Triangle Audubon Society Chequamegon Audubon Society Prescott Audubon Society Fort Collins Audubon Society of Maine Audubon Central New Mexico Audubon Tri-Moraine Audubon Society Houston Audubon Society Coulee Region Audubon Society Sonoran Audubon Society Grand Valley Audubon Society Idaho York County Audubon Chapter Society Western Cuyahoga Audubon Huntsville Audubon Society Fond du Lac County Audubon Tucson Audubon Society Roaring Fork Audubon Society Coeur d’Alene Audubon Society of Maine Audubon Mesilla Valley Audubon Society Society Llano Estacado Audubon Society Society White Mountain Audubon Society Weminuche Audubon Society Golden Eagle Audubon Society Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society Monte Mucho Audubon Society Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society Yuma Audubon Society Portneuf Valley Audubon Society Maryland Southwestern New Mexico Oklahoma Prairie and Timbers Audubon Green-Rock Audubon Society Connecticut Prairie Falcon Audubon Society Audubon Society of Central Audubon Society Cleveland County Audubon Society Society Hoy Audubon Society Arkansas Audubon Greenwich Snake River Audubon Society Maryland Deep Fork Audubon Society Rio Brazos Audubon Society Lakeland Audubon Society Arkansas River Valley Audubon Litchfield Hills Audubon Society Chesapeake Audubon Society New York Falconhead Audubon Society Rio Grande Delta Audubon Madison Audubon Society Society Mattabeseck Audubon Society Illinois Prince George’s Audubon Society Audubon Society of the Capital Grand Lake Audubon Society Society Milwaukee Audubon Society Audubon Society of Central Menunkatuck Audubon Society Champaign County Audubon Southern Maryland Audubon Region Indian Nations Audubon Society Texas Panhandle Audubon Society Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon Arkansas Naugatuck Valley Audubon Society Society Society Bedford Audubon Society Payne County Audubon Society Travis Audubon Society Society Audubon Society of North Central Potapaug Audubon Society Chicago Audubon Society Bronx River-Sound Shore Tulsa Audubon Society Twin Lakes Audubon Society Sheboygan County Audubon Arkansas Quinnipiac Valley Audubon Society Decatur Audubon Society Michigan Audubon Society Tyler Audubon Society Society Garland County Audubon Society John Wesley Powell Audubon Detroit Audubon Society Buffalo Audubon Society Oregon Winnebago Audubon Society Hot Springs Village Audubon Delaware Society Michigan Audubon Central Westchester Audubon Audubon Society of Corvallis Utah Wisconsin Metro Audubon Society Society Delaware Audubon Society Lake County Audubon Society Society Audubon Society of Lincoln City Bridgerland Audubon Society Little Red River Audubon Society Northwest Illinois Audubon Society Minnesota Chemung Valley Audubon Society Audubon Society of Portland Great Salt Lake Audubon Society Wyoming Northwest Arkansas Audubon District of Columbia Peoria Audubon Society Albert Lea Audubon Society Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Cape Arago Audubon Society Red Cliffs Audubon Society Bighorn Audubon Society Society Audubon Society of the District of Prairie Woods Audubon Society Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis Eastern Long Island Audubon East Cascades Audubon Society Wasatch Audubon Society Cheyenne-High Plains Audubon Three Rivers Audubon Society Columbia Sinnissippi Audubon Society Austin Audubon Society Society Kalmiopsis Audubon Society Society Thorn Creek Audubon Society Brainerd Lakes Area Audubon Four Harbors Audubon Society Klamath Basin Audubon Society Vermont Laramie Audubon Society California Florida Society Genesee Valley Audubon Society Lane County Audubon Society Ascutney Mountain Audubon Meadowlark Audubon Society Altacal Audubon Society Alachua Audubon Society Indiana Central Minnesota Audubon Society Great South Bay Audubon Society Rogue Valley Audubon Society Society Murie Audubon Society Antelope Valley Audubon Society Apalachee Audubon Society Amos Butler Audubon Society Duluth Audubon Society Hudson River Audubon Society of Audubon Society Green Mountain Audubon Society Red Desert Audubon Society Buena Vista Audubon Society Audubon of Martin County Dunes-Calumet Audubon Society Minnesota River Valley Audubon Westchester Siskiyou Audubon Society Northeast Kingdom Audubon Central Sierra Audubon Society Audubon of Southwest Florida Evansville Audubon Society Chapter Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Umpqua Valley Audubon Society Society Conejo Valley Audubon Society Audubon of the Western Knob and Valley Audubon Society Mississippi Headwaters Audubon Society Otter Creek Audubon Society Eastern Sierra Audubon Society Everglades Potawatomi Audubon Society Society Jamestown Audubon Society Pennsylvania Rutland County Audubon El Dorado Audubon Society Audubon Society of the Everglades Robert Cooper Audubon Society Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapter Audubon Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society Fresno Audubon Society Bay County Audubon Society Sassafras Audubon Society St. Paul Audubon Society North Fork Audubon Society Society Southeastern Vermont Audubon Golden Gate Audubon Society Cedar Keys Audubon Society South Bend-Elkhart Audubon Wild River Audubon Society North Shore Audubon Society Appalachian Audubon Society Society Kern Audubon Society Choctawhatchee Audubon Society Society Zumbro Valley Audubon Society Northern Catskills Audubon Society Audubon Society of Western Taconic Tri-State Audubon Society Kerncrest Audubon Society Citrus County Audubon Society Stockbridge Audubon Society Northern New York Audubon Pennsylvania La Purisima Audubon Society Clearwater Audubon Society Sycamore Audubon Society Mississippi Onondaga Audubon Society Bartramian Audubon Society Virginia Los Angeles Audubon Society Duval Audubon Society Tippecanoe Audubon Society Jackson Audubon Society Orange County Audubon Society Bucks County Audubon Society Audubon Society of Northern Madrone Audubon Society Eagle Audubon Society Wabash Valley Audubon Society Mississippi Coast Audubon Society Putnam Highlands Audubon Conococheague Audubon Virginia Marin Audubon Society Flagler Audubon Society Okatibbee Creek Audubon Society Society Society Cape Henry Audubon Society Mendocino Coast Audubon Society Florida Keys Audubon Society Oktibbeha Audubon Society Rockland Audubon Society Gifford Pinchot Audubon Society Northern Neck of Virginia Monterey Audubon Society Four Rivers Audubon Society Big Bluestem Audubon Society Pine Woods Audubon Society Saw Mill River Audubon Society Greater Wyoming Valley Audubon Audubon Society Morro Coast Audubon Society Francis M. Weston Audubon Cedar Rapids Audubon Society South Shore Audubon Society Society Northern Shenandoah Valley Mount Diablo Audubon Society Society Dubuque Audubon Society Missouri Southern Adirondack Audubon Juniata Valley Audubon Society Audubon Society Mount Shasta Area Audubon Halifax River Audubon Loess Hills Audubon Society Burroughs Audubon Society Society Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Richmond Audubon Society Society Hendry-Glades Audubon Society Prairie Rapids Audubon Society Columbia Audubon Society Sullivan County Audubon Society Lycoming Audubon Society Virginia Beach Audubon Society Napa-Solano Audubon Society Hernando Audubon Society Quad City Audubon Society East Ozarks Audubon Society Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Ohlone Audubon Society Highlands County Audubon Society Southeast Iowa Audubon Society Grand River Audubon Society North Carolina Society Washington Palomar Audubon Society Kissimmee Valley Audubon Society Tallgrass Prairie Audubon Society Greater Ozarks Audubon Society Audubon Society of Forsyth County Presque Isle Audubon Society Admiralty Audubon Society Palos Verdes/South Bay Audubon Lake Region Audubon Society Upper Iowa Audubon Society Midland Empire Audubon Society Cape Fear Audubon Society Quittapahilla Audubon Society Black Hills Audubon Society Society Manatee County Audubon Society Ozark Gateway Audubon Society Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society Seneca Rocks Audubon Society Blue Mountain Audubon Society Pasadena Audubon Society Marion Audubon Society Kansas Ozark Rivers Audubon Society Great Smoky Mountains Audubon Seven Mountains Audubon Society Central Basin Audubon Society Peregrine Audubon Society Oklawaha Valley Audubon Society Jayhawk Audubon Society River Bluffs Audubon Society Society South Mountain Audubon Society Eastside Audubon Society Plumas Audubon Society Orange Audubon Society Leavenworth Audubon Society St. Louis Audubon Society High Country Audubon Society Tiadaghton Audubon Society Grays Harbor Audubon Society Pomona Valley Audubon Society Peace River Audubon Society Northern Flint Hills Audubon Highlands Plateau Audubon Society Valley Forge Audubon Society Kitsap Audubon Society Redbud Audubon Society Pelican Island Audubon Society Society Montana Mecklenburg Audubon Society Wyncote Audubon Society Kittitas Audubon Society Redwood Region Audubon Society Ridge Audubon Society Smoky Hills Audubon Society Bitterroot Audubon Society New Hope Audubon Society York Audubon Society Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Sacramento Audubon Society Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society Southeast Kansas Audubon Society Five Valleys Audubon Society T. Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society Society San Bernardino Valley Audubon Santa Fe Audubon Society Sperry-Galligar Audubon Society Flathead Audubon Society Wake Audubon Society South Carolina North Cascades Audubon Society Society Sarasota Audubon Society Topeka Audubon Society Last Chance Audubon Society Augusta-Aiken Audubon Society North Central Washington San Diego Audubon Society Seminole Audubon Society Wichita Audubon Society Mission Mountain Audubon Society North Dakota Charleston Natural History Audubon Society San Fernando Valley Audubon South Florida Audubon Society Pintler Audubon Society Dakota Prairie Audubon Society Society Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society Southeast Volusia Audubon Society Sacajawea Audubon Society Fargo-Moorhead Audubon Society Columbia Audubon Society Society San Joaquin Audubon Society Space Coast Audubon Society Central Kentucky Audubon Society Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon Hilton Head Island Audubon Palouse Audubon Society Santa Barbara Audubon Society St. Johns County Audubon Society Daviess County Audubon Society Society Society Pilchuck Audubon Society Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society St. Lucie Audubon Society Frankfort Audubon Society Yellowstone Valley Audubon Piedmont Audubon Society Rainier Audubon Society St. Petersburg Audubon Society Jackson Purchase Audubon Society Society Waccamaw Audubon Society

62 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 63 ¤ Board and Staff Audubon Annual Report 2017

Chair of the Board President and CEO Vice Presidents Audubon PHOTO CREDITS: Maggie Walker David Yarnold Matthew Anderson 225 Varick Street (Cover) Row 1, from left: Camilla tina Eastman. Row 8, from left: Camilla Bonnie Block/Audubon Photography bon Photography Awards; Camilla Cerea/Audubon (4); Thomas Jennings/ Cerea/Audubon (2); Beth Diggs/Audu- Awards; (39) Saxon Holt/PhotoBo- Cerea/Audubon (2). Row 4, from left: John Beavers 7th Floor Audubon Photography Awards; Mike bon Photography Awards; Camilla tanic; John Challey (inset); (41) Saxon Graham McGeorge/Audubon Photog- Vice-Chairs Chief Marketing Officer Shannon Callahan New York, NY 10014 Fernandez/Audubon. Row 2, from Cerea/Audubon; Mike Fernandez/ Holt/PhotoBotanic; courtesy of the raphy Awards; Camilla Cerea/Audubon left: Michael Lundgren; Camilla Cerea/ Audubon (2). Campion Advocacy Fund (inset); (43) (5). Row 5, from left: Camilla Cerea/ Susan Bell Jose Carbonell Eric Draper 212.979.3000 Audubon (5). Row 3, from left: Camilla Clint Farlinger/Alamy; Alex Garcia Audubon (2); Mike Fernandez/Audu- David B. Hartwell Kevin Duffy Cerea/Audubon (3); Mike Fernandez/ (Page 1, 2-3) Camilla Cerea/Audubon; (inset); (45) Lo/Flickr CC bon; Camilla Cerea/Audubon; Mike Audubon; Camilla Cerea/Audubon; (4-5) Julia Robinson; (6-7) Daniel (BY-NC-SA 2.0); courtesy of Colorado Fernandez/Audubon; Sandy Ashley/ David Roux Chief Financial Officer Deeohn Ferris Kelli Westfal/Audubon Photography Editor: Martha Harbison Huffman (map); David Allen Sibley College (inset); (47) Eric Hunt; Mike Audubon Photography Awards. Row Awards. Row 4, from left: Camilla Mary Beth Henson Gail Gatton Creative Director: Kevin Fisher (bird illustration); (16-17) Mike Fernan- Fernandez/Audubon (inset); (59) Bill 6, from left: Camilla Cerea/Audubon; Cerea/Audubon; Kathy Brady/Audu- Photography Director: Sabine Meyer dez/Audubon; (18) Lorraine Minns/ Timmerman; (64) Peter Mather. Hillary Eggers/Audubon; Mike Cul- Secretary Greg Goldman bon Photography Awards; Camilla Associate Art Director: Kristina Deckert Audubon Photography Awards; (19) livan/Audubon Photography Awards; Cerea/Audubon (4). Row 5, from left: Camilla Cerea/Audubon; (20-21) Mi- Joseph Ellis Chief Operating Officer Sarah Greenberger Production Director: Felicia Pardo (Back cover) Row 1, from left: Camilla Camilla Cerea/Audubon (3). Row 7, Camilla Cerea/Audubon (3); Amanda chael Macor/San Francisco Chronicle/ Cerea/Audubon (2); Jessica Carter/ from left: Lynn Tennefoss/Audubon; Susan Lunden Heather Hahn Video/Art Production Editor: Mike Fernandez Photo Editor/Photographer: Camilla Cerea Ubell/Audubon Photography Awards; Polaris; (22) Donald M. Jones/Minden Audubon Photography Awards; Ca- Camilla Cerea/Audubon; Mike Fernan- Camilla Cerea/Audubon (2). Row 6, Pictures; (23) Camilla Cerea/Audubon; milla Cerea/Audubon (3). Row 2, from dez/Audubon; Allison Slomowitz. Row Assistant Secretary Lisa Hardaway Associate Photo Editor: Lia Bocchiaro from left: Christian Hannig/Audu- (24-25) Mike Fernandez/Audubon; left: Camilla Cerea/Audubon; Mike 8, from left: Camilla Cerea/Audubon Karim Al-Khafaji Chief Development Officer Alison Holloran Field Editor: Kenn Kaufman Contributing Writer: Mike VanHelder bon Photography Awards; Camilla (26) Melissa James/Audubon Pho- Fernandez/Audubon; Camilla Cerea/ (2); Courtesy of Maggie Walker; Rafael Sean O’Connor Mark Jannot Contributing Designer: Paul Naughton Cerea/Audubon (5). Row 7, from left: tography Awards; (27) Camilla Cerea/ Audubon; Scott Dalton; Camilla Cerea/ Cardenas; Anthony Goldman/Audu- Camilla Cerea/Audubon; courtesy of Audubon; (28-29) Mike Fernandez/ Audubon; Brian Kushner/Audubon bon Photography Awards; Camilla Assistant Secretary Marshall Johnson Printed using vegetable-content inks on the Campion Advocacy Fund; Camilla Audubon; (30) David Stimac; (31, Photography Awards. Row 3, from left: Cerea/Audubon. Terry L. Root Chief Conservation Officer Brett Kincaid paper containing 30% post-consumer Cerea/Audubon (2); Marylou Hanna/ 32-33) Camilla Cerea/Audubon; (34) courtesy of Jane Alexander; Camilla Audubon Photography Awards; Bet- iStock; (35) Rafael Cardenas; (37) Cerea/Audubon (2); Jake Zadik/Audu- David O’Neill Stephen W. Kress recycled fiber. Assistant Secretary Gary Langham Phil Swan Chief Network Officer Robbianne Mackin David Ringer Porter Mason Treasurer Douglas Meffert George Golumbeski Brian Moore Molly Pederson Assistant Treasurer Sonia Perillo “If you take care of the birds, you take care Ajay Shah Karen Profita Sharon Richardson of most of the big problems in the world.” Jane Alexander Brian Rutledge Peter Alpert Rebeccah Sanders Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, Leigh Altadonna Lorraine Sciarra George Mason University Christian T. Brown Stanley Senner Coleman Burke Brian Trusty Michael Connor Peter Vincent Michele Crist Nils Warnock David B. Ford Jeff Goodby James C. Greenwood Bill Heck ON THE BACK COVER: Joy Hester Row 1, from left to right: Alana Row 3, from left to right: Jane Row 5, from left to right: Erin Reed, Row 7, from left to right: Sally Jeffords Phan, Walker communications Alexander, national board education manager, Patterson Suzanne Langley, executive fellow; Mike Fernandez, video/art member; Susan Elbin, director of Park Audubon Center; Tom Tribble, director, Birmingham Audubon J. Drew Lanham production editor; Sharp-shinned conservation and science, NYC President, Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society; Ashley Edwards, Fund Richard H. Lawrence, Jr. Hawk; Chad Wilsey, director of Audubon; Jennifer Johnson, Wild Society; Samantha Pitts, volunteer II Foundation fellow; Yi-Shuan Stephanie Little conservation science; Hannah Indigo fellow, Audubon Great coordinator, Pickering Creek Chou, human resources manager; Waters, senior associate editor; Lakes; Blue-gray Gnatcatcher; Audubon Center; Heather Dove, Trammell S. Crow, founder of Alexis Maybank Veronica Ferreiro Ramos, rancher Jamie Huson, North Cascades president, Great Salt Lake Audubon EARTHx and Audubon supporter Hector E. Morales, Jr. in the conservation ranching Audubon Society; Harmony Society; Pete Salmansohn, Susan Packard Orr program, Mexico Hamilton, social media coordinator education coordinator, Project Row 8, from left to right: Frank Puffin; Snowy Egret Ruiz, Salton Sea program director; R. Cynthia Pruett Row 2, from left to right: Richard Row 4, from left to right: Bald Iris Banda, northwest Chihuahuan Hugh Simmons Lynch, St. Lucie Audubon Eagle; Marcus Cole, Fund II Row 6, from left to right: Gabriel Desert coordinator, Pronatura Heather Singh Society; Lili Taylor, national board Foundation fellow; Kristin Willow, naturalist, NYC Audubon; Noreste; Maggie Walker, national member; Robin Irizarry, Important Lamberson, interpretive garden Amanda Pachomski, Long Island board chair; Chris Pollard, Fund Jack Stewart Bird Areas committee co-chair, specialist, Strawberry Plains bird conservation manager, II Foundation fellow, Debs Park Stephen Tan Wyncote Audubon Society; Audubon Center; Nick Lund, Audubon New York; Wilson’s Audubon Center; Sandhill Crane; Lili Taylor Dianne Forthman, Audubon TERN board member, Audubon Society Warbler; Walker Golder, program Roni Martinez, chair, Belize Bird volunteer, Texas; Jeremio Cucul, of the District of Columbia; Gauri director, Atlantic Flyway/Coasts; Conservancy Art Wang park ranger, Belize Audubon Madhok, youth leader, iMatter; Charlotte Goedsche, Elisha Mitchell Society; Great Horned Owl Virginia Stowe, board chair, Audubon Society; Dave Curson, Audubon New York director of bird conservation, Common Eider Audubon Maryland-DC

64 | AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 AUDUBON ANNUAL REPORT 2017 | 3 Join the flock. www.audubon.org