Meet Bill Brock
This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas t;C::: CT I •'l • (T T ,, v . .._ ... ~._,,._, ~~- Page 1 of 43 OCT 12'94 17:19 No.025 P.02 BOB DOLE This documentID:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 11... n r ur; 1,..1,.11"11.1r<i:-::.::i F~E NO. : 410 296 8683 1 '"-" 1 • i:nr<.L To: Suzanne Hellman Bill Ulrey From: Lori Kettiah Pam Kuechler Date: October 12, 1994 Subject: Talking Pointe for Senator Dole Attached are some recent articles on th~ campaign, an Ehrlich bio, and a comparison piece on Ehrlich and Browster. t~e 'f~ld ~ke Senator ~e; "'Nde 'rb! wf iAt tp t"lre .sU11tri2 c&:T afJ>r 0£ hav OS ISJ':1 i Qh \nR . Ao = one Republic~n Leader in the Senate, I know how important vote in the Houee ·or Senate can be. Much of the Clinton big government aqenda that has hurt emall buaineesea and middle class fArnil;AR ~8R passed-- or been defeated-- by one or two votes. During th& next two years, every vote in the House ls going to be ju1Jt. ftll: H•re are a few examples of where a handful vote8 would h~ve made a diff~rAnnA for Am•~,r.~~ tftY~~y~~~." --1993 Clinton Tax Hike•-· which rai&•d ineome tax•& for 13,000 social security recipients in this district, everyone who drive• a car with hish•r 9ao taxee, •nd raised income taxec Qh~rply and retroactively for hundreds of small businesses-- poe•ed the Hou•• by one vote, 219 to 216.
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