Case: 1:84-cv-01911-MJG As of: 09/30/2012 04:41 PM EDT 1 of 134 CLOSED,ECF−EXEMPT,STAYED U.S. District Court District of Maryland (Baltimore) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:84−cv−01911−MJG Vaughn G., et al v. Amprey, et al Date Filed: 05/09/1984 Assigned to: Judge Marvin J. Garbis Date Terminated: 11/26/1996 Demand: $6,000,000 Jury Demand: None Case in other court: USCA, 05−02096 Nature of Suit: 440 Civil Rights: Other 00−01076(CaseMgr.L.Jerniga Jurisdiction: Federal Question 96−01507 Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act Plaintiff Vaughn G. represented by Andrew L Lipps by his mother and next friend Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman LLP 3000 K St NW Ste 300 Washington, DC 20007 12024247500 Fax: 12024247643 TERMINATED: 07/07/2005 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Donna L Wulkan Law Office of Donna L Wulkan 1765 N St NW Carriage House Washington, DC 20036 12026823909 Fax: 12029551015 Email:
[email protected] TERMINATED: 07/06/2007 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Elizabeth McCallum Howrey Simon Arnold and White LLP 1299 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004−2402 12027830800 Fax: 12023836610 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Elliott D Andalman Andalman and Flynn PC 8601 Georgia Ave Ste 206 Silver Spring, MD 20910 13015636685 Fax: 13015636681 Email: eandalman@a− TERMINATED: 01/07/2004 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Janice Kay Johnson Hunter 12720 Halyard Pl Fort Washington, MD 20744 13012928570 Fax: 13012928571 Email:
[email protected] Case: 1:84-cv-01911-MJG As of: 09/30/2012 04:41 PM EDT 2 of 134 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY