Chesapeake Sustainer Bulletin Fall 2008

National also in this issue… Page MD: Incinerator Campaign 2 Clean Water Action Endorses DE: Obama Picks Biden as VP 3 DC: Stormwater and Lead Legislation 3 For President In July of 2008, at a time when new choices for America are critical, Virginia Clean Water Action endorsed Barack Gerry Connolly for Congress Obama, the Democratic Senator from Illinois, Clean Water Action has endorsed for President. He is a Gerry Connolly for Congress to clear choice for voters represent the 11th House District, interested in a leader which encompasses parts of Fairfax who will stand up to big and Prince William Counties. polluters, protect Connolly, the Chairman of the Fairfax America’s waters and County Board of Supervisors, was fight for a clean energy endorsed by Clean Water Action for future, and will be a President who believes the environment that position when he first ran for it is an issue we all have a stake in. Senator Obama’s history in 2003, and we endorsed his reelection in 2007. In Fairfax reflects a commitment to science and his values put the County, Connolly was instrumental in getting Fairfax public good, our families and our health first and ahead continued on page 2 of special interests. Senator Obama supports the full funding of clean and safe water projects to help communities protect and clean up their water. His opponent, the Republican Senator from Arizona John McCain, has voted against the full funding For Congress of such projects. Sen. Obama voted to restore funding in Frank Kratovil, a State’s Attorney the 2007 federal budget that would help states reduce in Queen Anne’s County, has won pollution of lakes and streams from contaminated Clean Water Action’s endorsement stormwater pollution coming from roads, bridges and to replace longtime Congressman- other paved surfaces, while Sen. McCain voted against it. Wayne Gilchrest to represent On global warming and the new clean energy economy, Maryland’s 1st Congressional Dis- Sen. Obama voted in 2007 to end taxpayer subsidies for trict. Kratovil’s grasp on the complex big oil and to support clean, renewable energy sources challenges of protecting and re- like wind and solar. Voted for tougher fuel efficiency storing the 1st District’s natural re- standards so cars can go farther on a gallon of gas, saving source treasures, which include a big part of the Chesapeake consumers at the pump, while Sen. McCain missed these Bay, were clearly on display in his responses to the critical votes. Sen. Obama voted to get more of our questionnaire and an interview that are part of our endorse- electricity from sources like solar and wind to help reduce ment process. For example, Kratovil supports the Clean global warming pollution from burning fossil fuels like Water Restoration Act, federal legislation that is a national coal, while Senator McCain opposed this legislation. priority due to the Bush Administration’s attempts to continued on page 4 continued on page 2 Maryland Incinerator Campaign Frederick and Carroll County Commissioners are considering building an extremely expensive incinerator (euphemistically termed by proponents a “waste-to-energy facility”). CWA members are urging their Commissioners to place a five- year moratorium on such a massive, long-term commitment, until all alternatives have been thoroughly considered. Outmoded landfill and incinerator-based waste representing jobs and financial opportunity. management continues to ravage the world’s natural • On a per-ton basis, recycling sustains ten times the number resources and wreak havoc on the environment. of jobs as landfills and incinerators. • In the past three decades one-third of the planet’s natural • Current technology alone can help divert 70% of the waste resources have been consumed and/or trashed. stream, while an additional 15-20% requires more effort. • Americans constitute 5% of the world’s population, consume • Food and yard waste is a big component of a city or county’s 30% of its resources, and generate 30% of the world’s waste. trash, such biodegradable materials are a liability when buried • The average person in the U.S. generates 4 1/2 pounds of and burned but an asset when composted. garbage daily; twice as much as we churned out 30 years ago. • Expanded recycling and composting can have the same • Waste disposal is linked to more than one-third of all U.S. climate protection impact as closing 21% of the nation’s 417 greenhouse gas emissions. coal-burning power plants. • Landfills alone are a top source of methane, a potent Short and long-term waste disposal recommendations: greenhouse gas, whose global warming impact in the short • A 5-year moratorium on construction of any new incinerator term is 72 times greater than CO2. should be initiated to study and implement alternative The 3R’s — Reduce, Reuse, Recycle — are as relevant strategies. today as they were when first introduced in the 1970s. • Communities should implement efficient recycling systems that are easy for to use. • A resource recovery and recycling approach to trash is the fastest, cheapest and most environmentally friendly way to • Communities must stop sending biodegradable materials to reduce waste. landfills and incinerators, while eliminating subsidies to landfills and incinerators. • A resource recovery center can include all recycled materials, including compostable materials such as food scraps, paper • Communities must demand a strong commitment to an napkins, yard waste and other products that can break down infrastructure that supports waste diversion and recycling like in a compost pile to make topsoil that could be sold to a Resource Recovery Park (RRP) in which materials would homeowners, farmers or businesses. be recovered and sold. • Rather than viewing used materials as garbage in need of • Communities should set zero waste targets, focusing on a disposal, we must start looking at “trash” as valuable resources, long term plans

Connolly continued from page 1 Kratovil continued from page 1 County honored by the National Association for County diminish the scope of the Clean Water Act. Organizations (NAC) for its policies addressing climate Kratovil faces Andrew Harris, a Republican state senator change at the local level. Under Connolly’s leadership, who unfortunately defeated Congressman Gilchrest in the Fairfax County has been a regional leader in developing Februay 12th primary earlier this year. Gilchrest’s record watershed restoration and protection plans for its major of strong support of the Chesapeake Bay will be missed, streams that are tributaries to the Potomac and Occoquan and it is no surprise that the Republican Congressman has Rivers. Connolly’s campaign has crafted an impressive endorsed the Democratic nominee Kratovil. Kratovil’s ten-point environmental agenda. opponent has a woeful record in Annapolis. Frank Kratovil CWA staff have been knocking on doors and calling promises to be a much stronger advocate for protecting members to mobilize the vote and get Gerry Connolly and improving the quality of life in Maryland’s 1st District, elected to Congress, where we are sure he will emerge as and for championing the environmental treasures of the a strong environmental champion on Capitol Hill. Chesapeake. As a proponent of reducing “greenhouse gas” emissions and promoting cleaner energy, he will help create If you live in Virginia’s 11th Congressional District, we jobs for a sustainable economy that protects the planet. urge you to vote for Gerry Connolly for Congress, and

2 Delaware Fall Update 2008 Clean Water Action is a national citizens’ organization Obama Choice of Biden Puts working for clean, safe and affordable water, prevention of health-threatening pollution, Delaware on the Road to the creation of environmentally-safe jobs and businesses, and empowerment of people to make democracy work. White House Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect Our endorsement of Senator Barack Obama preceded his environmental candidates and to solve choice of Delaware Senator Joseph Biden for Vice President, environmental and community problems. but it adds excitement for the Chesapeake Region. Biden This update was prepared for our has a good environmental record in his long career in the Chesapeake regional members (in Delaware, Maryland, Senate (as indicated by his 83% score on the League of the District of Columbia and Virginia) who contribute at the sustaining level of $60 or more. Conservations Scorecard), and can be expected to play a role in a dramatic shift in federal executive branch attitudes Chesapeake Regional Director: about a host of water policy issues. Andrew Fellows Maryland Program Coordinator: In the current session, Senator Biden has voted to emissions Andrew Galli and energy efficiency standards, to protect Virginia’s coastline Chesapeake Program Organizer: from offshore drilling, and to repeal oil industry subsidies. Carla Brown He has spoken repeatedly on the importance of addressing the climate change crisis and protecting the environment Field Canvass Directors: Margo Coruzzi () during the current presidential campaign. Andrew Grinberg (Washington) If Biden becomes the next Vice President, Governor Ruth Phone Canvass Director: Ann Minner will choose his replacement and we urge her Mary Carbone to choose someone who will equal or even surpass Biden’s Assistant Phone Canvass Director: commitment to sound water and environmental policy. Steve Moss Canvass Supervisor: Meg Haenn Office Managers: District of Columbia Sadea Ramsay (Washington) Tim Barnett (Baltimore) Potential Votes Loom on Canvass Managers: Robin Abelson, Ryan Anderson, Juana Camacho, Stormwater and Lead Legislation Lauren D’Hollander, Meaghan Elliott, K.J. Feulner, Adam Fischer, Melissa Foster, Michelle Patterson, The District of Columbia Committee on Public Works and Sadea Ramsay, Andrew Swanekamp the Environment heard testimony in September and early October on bills that could be passed this Fall that will reduce Washington Office 1010 Vermont Ave. NW Suite 1100 stormwater pollution and reduce exposure to lead in the Washington, DC 20005 nation’s capital. Chairman Jim Graham expressed his support Ph: 202.895.0420 • Fax: 202.895.0438 of moving the two pieces of legislation, for which he has [email protected] long shown an interest. Baltimore Office 711 West 40th Street, Suite 209 Clean Water Action testified in support of both pieces of Baltimore, MD 21211 legislation and urged their speedy passage. The stormwater Ph: 410.235.8808 • Fax: 410.235.8816 legislation will raise fees on impervious surfaces (paving or [email protected] other material through which rain can not penetrate, but runs off into storm drains). Stormwater pollution is a significant contributor to water quality degradation in the Anacostia, Reproduction in whole or part is Rock Creek and the Potomac, creating erosion and permitted with proper credit. sedimentation in addition to bearing a host of chemicals, oil Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. continued on page 4



website at at website Washington, DC 20004 DC Washington,

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Avenue, Pennsylvania 1350 For more information, please visit our visit please information, more For

Write to the Mayor and Council at: Council and Mayor the to Write



4th, and to help us mobilize the vote in your in vote the mobilize us help to and 4th, fees (Bills 17-980, 17-935) and reduce lead exposures (Bill exposures lead reduce and 17-935) 17-980, (Bills fees

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For these reasons and many more, Clean more, many and reasons these For

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On human health and toxics, Senator Obama supports Obama Senator toxics, and health human On and trash from city streets into local waters. In the District, the In waters. local into streets city from trash and

Obama Obama D.C. Legislation Legislation D.C. continued from page 1 page from continued continued from page 3 page from continued

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