This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

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Page 1 of 43 BOB DOLE This documentID:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives,OCT University 12'94 of Kansas 17:19 1 '"-" 1 • No.025 P.02 i:nr<.L 11... n r ur; 1,..1,.11"11.1r

To: Suzanne Hellman Bill Ulrey From: Lori Kettiah Pam Kuechler Date: October 12, 1994 Subject: Talking Pointe for Senator Dole

Attached are some recent articles on th~ campaign, an Ehrlich bio, and a comparison piece on Ehrlich and Browster.

'rb! t~e wf 'f~ld ~ke iAt Senator tp ~e; "'Nde .sU11tri2 c&:T afJ>r 0£ hav OS ISJ':1 i Qh \nR . Ao t"lre Republic~n Leader in the Senate, I know = how important one vote in the Houee ·or Senate can be. Much of the Clinton big government aqenda that has hurt emall buaineesea and middle class fArnil;AR ~8R passed-- or been defeated-- by one or two votes. During th& next two years, every vote in the House ls going to be ju1Jt. ftll: H•re are a few examples of where a handful vote8 would h~ve made a diff~rAnnA for Am•~,r.~~ tftY~~y~~~."

--1993 Clinton Tax Hike•-· which rai&•d ineome tax•& for 13,000 social security recipients in this district, everyone who drive• a car with hish•r 9ao taxee, •nd raised income taxec Qh~rply and retroactively for hundreds of small businesses-- poe•ed the Hou•• by one vote, 219 to 216.

J:lenny JC;•oioh Spending Cllt•-- .,,hioh would .cut $90 'billion in federal spending (as oppo&ad to Clinton's propo;ed $2.2 billion in cut.•)-- failed by three votes, 213 to ~19.

--Ko&ich tlll'lendment to c~t World Ba~k Fundinq-- which would h4V$ au~ $SS.a raillion from the U.S. contributions to the World bank-- failed by three votes, 210 to 216.

--Ycu~9 motion t.o rocommit-- which would havo reduced !l4ndlnor.i rvi aongreeaion«l operations by 5, __ failed by tour vote~, 202 to 209. --Solo~on-Caetle Line Item Veto-- which would have given real Line It6m voto ou~hority to the Preeident-- foiled by alA vvt~w, 198 219. to

Page 2 of 43 BOB DOLE This document10:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives,OCT University 12'94 of Kansas 17:19 No.025 P.03 FROM : EHRLICH FOR CCJl~GRESS PHONE NO. : 410 29G 8683

--Cunningham rnotion to recommit-· which would have maclke thflt NAtional sure that J!!nc:\owmont for the A~t.1 did not give e.rts tJ.I:tsntl!J 'tO lll•qal aliens-- failed by two votee, 210 to 214. During the next Congress, lt will b8 more important than ever to ha.v• M•mb•r• of Conqrees c:ommit.ted tc;i l.aA.luy against a t1rm stand the Clinton agenda to tax and :regulate small hueine11ae and middle cilaeo £amilioa. Dob lilhrlich ..,111 jo.1.u theee Bub Dole 1n fighting key elements of the Clinton agenda. We can't afford aot to have Bob Rhrliah .i.n Congreee. IIore ore oome Cli.nton'e biqger government: or plan• for

--Government-~un Health Core Sy•tem: Am~rican taxpayers narrowly avoided thia m9notrosi ty that would 11avu texed flncl regulated our health care system and killed over 25,000 jobs in It will alone. ccrtGinly be back 118.x.L y\'eu:-- no doubt big9et rind more expensive than ~ver.

--Welfare Reform: Clinton' 1 campaign pledge to welf~re know it• ''end a11 we ha., been t.u1iu1 foz.1t1ed. into "welfare; bow big can we grow it". Hi• welfare reform plan ends up increaeinq by billlo.n$. spending on welfare

--strite~reaker' OSHA ~eform: Clinton•u top labor prioritie~ will hurt Ameri~a' s cornpetitivenese and drive up the cost of doin9. bu11n1ss, which can oniy mean fewt11r jobs and hi

Page 3 of 43 BOB DOLE This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ID:202-408-5117 OCT 12 '94 __ .. !.?. ~ ?9~ No .. ;.C?2.~, P,: ~,4 ,. KUl'l ; t:Ht

( Rir~ o.J) . of Attendees

Karl Aumann Attorney Zurich Insurance Dr. William Zitzmann Physician Carl Wripi R.ecruiter WUlBaJl Dou Riobard Executive Na.tional Soft Donahue Drink Assoc. . Vice Presid..-t lndustriru James Donahue Shows of America Owner Industrial Shows 1111n• of America Hos1111 Executive Finanoial Services Steven Burch Ex~tlve Comcast Cable Dan Earnshaw Attorney Bamshaw and Wrljht nennit Math• Admini1ttator Group Michael lnt1.mmoo Wholosaler McCarthy President Riparlu1 Corp. Swvm Sllamon President Salamon Agency Harold Ratrie Accountant Jamie Gregory Lobbyist NationAI Realtors Steve Association ICre.oki Lobbyi1t Cosmetic, Toilotry lnd Fraarance Assoclatlon. Dr. David Watt Opthamotogist Milton Gordon President Employee Training Sc"'ice

Page 4 of 43 BOB DOLE This documentID:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives, OCTUniversity 12 of'94 Kansas - -. -13.:.~~ 'No r 1':Ul'I • C111'

Liat of VlP'i

Joyce Terhae Chairwoman of the State Republican Party Leah Buikstra Comcast Cable Sbe is trom ttan1as. Her granatether worked o:i one of Dole'• initial raoea.

Page 5 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ~-~-'If (\] EH D ..soJ.~olvk w (_IJ

z 3 5 6 7 I BOSTON, MA LOS ANGEL.fS, CA 4 . MD LOUIS\IU.!, KY I Cl I IN 9:aD mTll: AcfdrHt '"'-"•nl Bnril Cl.av. 9--2: PAC Mlg. I :30: lllf. w/AJ«: Cl I IN ~ion'• Corlfi- for LOlI\S VlllE. KV Ctmpter 12: flv ta Los Angei.. j Wam9" 7: Hnltt. A SllfdV 11 :4S: Wiit Blood ~ Retfotl OD Canf. c.o Co> I I 10 11 12 13 t4 1tl ...c.o FT. WAY~ NII ANA BOSTON, MA BOSTON, MA RCCHESl'El,NY "" 12: S.,..., ARC Blood ~rd Sc:Mol of "',..,.,.. a(lhoa• of er..-11am-. Sem-.Anoual 3:3ct pm~ l'mai» l 1 :®' Pe nide I nrar..iew Pllbio Htihll l\lblla Hultll tiletillifng Mfftl!IO lll

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Page 6 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ' ...... """ .... ,... ,, , ..... ('() .

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Page 7 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 09/22/94 14:20 0202 783 3432 Al(BR RED CROSS ~~~ DOLE YVONNE 1Z10041001

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9 38tld Page 10 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

Vl n :c m 0 c r m

Page 11 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

THURSDAY, OCTOBER l3_..1.22A Page 7 10:50 am PEPART Minneapolis for Baltimore, MD FBO: Signature A iTcrufl: Sabreliner 65 (Coastal) Tail number: N921CC Flight time: 2 hours Pilots: Ed Donahue DanDeBose Seats: 8 Meal: Lunch Manifest: Senator Dole Haley Barbour Kirk Blalock Mike Glassner Contact: Lucy Harris 713/877-6760 (o) 713/877·7260 fax 713/280-8489 (h)

Time change: + 1 hour

1:50 pm ARRIVE Balthl10re, MD FRO: Signature 410/859-8393

Met by: Bob and Kendel Ehrlich

1:55 pm DEPART airpo1t for Press AvaH with Diivcr: Bob Ehrlich Drive time: 20 minutes Location: Semmes~ Bowen and Semmes Law Firm 250 W. Pratt Street

2:15 pm ARRIVE Semmes, l3owen and Semmes T,a.w Firm 410/539-5040

NOTR: A priv"tc room will be available for your use before the Press Avail.

2:45 pm- Press Avail with Bob Ehrlich 3:05 pm Location: Conference Room

Page 12 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas


3:05 pm- A'ITEND/SPEJ\K Ji'undraising Reception 3:55 pm Location: 19th Floor Attendance: 50 @ $1,000 per person Event nms: 3:00 • 4:30 pm Press: Closed Facility: Podium Format: 3:05 - 3:20 pm Photo- op 3:20 pm Bob Ehrlich or Joyce Tehrcs will introduce Senator Dole 3 :23 pm Senator Dole gives remarks Mix and mingle Contact: Lori Kettish 410/296-8683 800/727-4434 beep - ext 8222 410/296-8 716

3:55 pm DEPART Reception for???????????????? Driver: Drive time: Location:

NOTE: I'm workini: on Maryland event and will forward a scbedulc to you this afternoon when I have finalized it.

5:35 pm DIWART ????????????? for Fundraising Reception for Bill Hrock Driver: Drive time: Location: Mount Washington Tavern 5700 Newbury Street

5:55 pm ARRIVE Mount Washington Tavern 410/367-6903

Page 13 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

JHURSDAY, OCTOlJIGB. 13, 1994 Page 9

6:00 pm- A ITEND Fundrnising Reception for Bi11 Brock 6:30pm Attendance: 300@ $25.00 per person Event runs: 6:00 - 9:00 pm Press: ? Facility: Dais, Podium and mic Pommt: Mix and mingle Dill Brock introduces Contact: Therese Long 410/267-5543 410/267-7595 fax

6:30 pm DEPART Reception for Watergate Driver: Wilbert Drive time: 1 hour

7:30 pm ARRJVR Watergate

Page 14 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

OJ 0 C) :;o )> "C ::r: m Vl

Page 15 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT . 10. 1994 4:40PM FROM P 2 EHRL!CH FDR CONGRESS PHONE NO . : 410 296 8683


pYBLIC SEBVI<;g Elected on November 9, 1986 and re-elected in 1990 to t he Maryland General Assembly. Received third statewide highest vote total of a l l House candidates in 1990. Serves on Committee, Joint the House Judiciary Legislative CommitteQ on Ethioo, Governor's Council on & Neglect and for Justice Governor's Advisory Council Administration. Past ~eltl.ber 1 of the Covernor $ Panel on Drug Addicted Newborns select Chair and The Hickey School. House co- of the Joint ~ouse-SenatG Tack Procurement Laws. Force on Maryland's LEGXSUTIYE AWABDS

Selected "Legislator of the Yeflr'' Association by Maryland State's Attorneys' (19S9 ) . Seleotod as a 11 the Gucrdian of Sru

Of Co~nsel with the Dclti~ore law flrm ot Ober, Kaler, Grimes Shriver, 1992-present. Associate & Obel:', with the Baltimore law firm of Kaler , Griroes & s n rlver, 1982-1992. Baltimore law Law clerk with the firm of ff, Russell Smouse, Esquire, 1981. HIGHER, EDUCATION Wake Forest University School of Law - scholarship student received J.O. degree in June, 1982. , Princeton University - scholarship student, received"' June, 1979. Majored B.A. degree in in politics, captained the football team, actlve in Fellowship ot Christian Athletes, scholarship. received post-graduate


Born in Baltimore on November 25, 1957, the Enrl1ch o t son of Robert and Nancy Arbutus, Maryland. Attended public and private in Balti more County, graduating schools from the Gilman School in 1975. July, 1993, married I


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Bill Brock lives in Annapolis Maryland with his wife, Sandy, a third generation Marylander. For 30 years, Bill Brock has worked to improve the l quality of life for all Americans.

He began his public service career as a Congressman and then Senator from . In 1981, Brock became U.S. Trade Representative, initiating America's free trade agreement with Canada. Since then, Canada has become Maryland's largest trading partner. Maryland exports have increased more than $190 million creating thousands of jobs for the state. Brock later became Secretary of Labor under President Ronald Reagan where he led the way in education and employment training.

Bill Brock believes in more jobs for Maryland; a quality education for all children, and a return to safe communities. Brock who was ' raised in Tennessee is a Marylander by choice. He is here to stay. Bill Brock has a strong personal commitment "in making Maryland a better place to live, to do what's right for Maryland and right for the country."

P.O. Box 6646, Annapolis, MD 21401 4 10-267 -5543

Paid for by Friends of Bill Brock for U.S. Senate ~ Inc.

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Joyce Lyons Terhes Chairman

Present Chairman, Republican State Central Committee of Maryland, elected - December 9, 1989 Commissioner, Board of County Commissioners, Calvert County, 1986 - Author, Editor, Educator

Previous Outstanding Maryland Republican Woman, 1983 Campaign Manager, Williams for Congress, 1984 Member, Calvert County Republican Central Committee, 1984 - 1986 Member, Electoral College of Maryland, 1984, 1988 Outstanding Calvert County Republican Woman, 1985 Chairman, 25th Biennial NFRW Convention, 1989 Who's Who in the East, 1991 Chairman, Victory '92

RNC Activity Delegate, Republican National Convention, 1988, 1992 Member, Committee on Arrangements, Republican National Convention, 1992 Member, RNC Budget Committee, 1992 Chairman, Family Values, Education & Health Subcommittee, Platform Committee, Republican National Convention, 1992

Personal Education: B.A., Mary Washington College


68 9/93

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Helen Delich Bentley National Committeewoman

Present National Committeewoman, Maryland, elected - August 16, 1988 U.S. House of Representatives, 1984 -

Previous Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission, 1969 - 1975 Finance Chairman, NFRW National Convention, 1989 Reporter and Maritime Editor, The Sun, Baltimore, MD, 1945 - 1969 Columnist and Shipping Editor, World Ports Magazine, 1981 - 1985

RNC Activity Chairman, Maryland Delegation, Republican National Convention, 1988, 1992 Chairman, Maryland Bush - Quayle, 1988, 1992 Member, Committee on Call, Republican National Convention, 1992

Personal Spouse: William Education: B.A., University of Missouri at Columbia

408 Chapelwood Lane Lutherville, MD 21093

(202) 225-3061 (o) (202) 225-4251 (f) (410) 337-7222 (o) (410) 561 -1777 (h)

66 9/93

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Richard P. (Dick) Taylor National Committeeman

Present National Committeeman, Maryland, elected - May 13, 1983 Senior Partner, Steptoe and Johnson Previous Member , Presidential Advisory Committee National on Arts Finance Vice-Chairman, Reagan 1980 for President, 1979 - Member, Executive Finance Committee 1981 , Presidential Inaugural, Maryland Finance Chairman, Reagan Member, - Bush, 1984 50th Inaugural Finance Committee, Maryland Finance 1985 Chairman, Bush - Quayle, 1988 Maryland Finance Co-Chairman, Bush - Quayle, 1992 RNC Activity Member, RNC Rules Committee, 1983 Delegate - , Republican National Convention, 1st Assistant 1984, 1988, 1992 Treasurer, Committee on Republican Arrangements, National Convention, 1988 Member, Platform Committee, Republican National 1984, 1992 Convention,

Personal Spouse: Barbara Children: One Education : B.A. and J.D. , University of Virginia

(cont.) 67 9/93

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2:45 pm- Press Avail with Bob Ehrlich 3 :05 pm Location: Conference Room

Page 22 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT. 10.1994 4: 40PM P 3 FROM EHRLI CH FOR CONGRESS PHONE NO. : 41 0 296 8683









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,, ;;o :::0 ('!') (') ('!') "tl

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3:05 pm- ATTEND/SPEAK Fundraising Reception 3:55 pm Location: 19th Floor Attendance: 50@ $1,000 per person Event runs: 3:00 - 4:30 pm Press: Closed Facility: Podium Format: 3:05 - 3:20 pm Photo- op 3:20 pm Bob Ehrlich or Joyce Tehres will introduce Senator Dole 3 :23 pm Senator Dole gives remarks Mix and mingle Contact: Lori Kettish 410/296-8683 800/727-4434 beep - ext 8222 410/296-8716

Page 25 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT. 10. 1934 4:41PM P 4 PHONE NO. : 410 295 868? !="ROM EHRL I 0-1 ::-OR CONGRESS EHRLICH FOR CONGRESS Quality Leadership for Maryland

Ehrlich On Business

The Federal Gnvernment must learn to stop micrormmaging the private seclo1 whenever it seeks to achieve some social or societal good. Much of my time in the General Assembly was spent dealing with legislation that enjoyt:d some degree of political support but which would have cost jobs in the private sector. Accordingly, I would follow a similar path in Congress in order to chill the ever-growing tederal desire for additional tax revenue and regulation. Real economic growth is achieved in the private sectnr--r.ot through growth in the public sector .

•i\s a delegale in the General Assembly from 1980-l Y94, 1 became an opinion leader on business and job creation issues. My record has earned recognition from business groups throughout MAryland, and T wa~ nlimf".rl;, 11 CT1.111rdian of Sm~l :SumnQe~" by tho NPIB nnd rc¢t.ivai 100 po1~ul ui~lugs !lorn the Maryland Retail Merchants A~~l.". fation (1993) and Maryland Business for Rea.pensive Government (1993 & 1994).

I have worked to create a business environment that would encourage job creation and economic growth, and I will do the same in Congress by supporting the following initiatives and proposals:

Tax Policy l. Reduce tu penalties against 8avings and Investment. Risk-taking and. entrepreneurial initiative should be encouraged. Legislation should be crafted that would expand IRAs. lower taxes on investment, and reduce capital gains taxes.

2. Cut marginal income tax rates. Such a move would return money to consumers and entrepreneurs and encow-agc: t:l.iunomic growth.

Regulatory Policy L Requir~ t'OstJbenefit aoalyse11. The EPA and other regulatory agencies should be r~quirnd to perform an analysis on each regulation in order to ensure that the cost of complying with a regulation does noL ~x.~~ed the benefit.

2. Subject all existiog regulations to reauthorization. There are countless regulations that are outdatet1 t-1nd biwe c.ompleted their original purpose.

3. Oppos~ prupusals to tunher empower OSHA. Some proposals before Congress would expand the power and authority of OSHA and remove the courts from the appeals proces~

4. Deregnlat P. $pt".dfic industries wh•.-e possible.

1527 York Road• Lutherville ~ Maryland 21093 • (410) 296-VOTE ~ f!! Paid For By Ehrlich For Congress Conunittee \.1.. ;m.oicd on. R'.C'jded paper Page 26 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

Page 27 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas

6:00 pm- ATTEND Fundraising Reception for Bill Brock 6:30 pm Attendance: 300 @ $25.00 per person Event runs: 6:00 - 9:00 pm Press: ? Facility: Dais, Podium and mic Format: Mix and mingle Bill Brock introduces Contact: Therese Long 410/267-5543 410/267-7595 fax

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October I 1, 1994 To: Senator Dole

From : Richard McBride

Re : Maryland Briefing Paper

Rt:l'UBLJ<.:AN: DEMOCRAT: Bill Brock lncumhent SP.nMor:


• The only recent activity in the Maryland race has been the television advertising

• Sarbanes began advert.i!ling 3 weeks before the September 13 primnry. Ho has aired 6 ads, all of which talk about his accomplishments (such as they are) and position h i~ as a quite man who docs hi~ jub ttnd doesn't brag about it. They end with the tag "Paul Sarbanes. From the people. For the people."

• For his part. Rill Brock went on the air (with the NRSC's $200,00) im111cdia.Lc:ly the primary with a positive ad about his accomplishments. A week ago, he began airing a negalive ml. It is described in the attached Washington Post anicle


Mlson Dixon (9/21-23/94) BALLOT Sarbanes Brock

Mason Dixon (7/17194) SARBANES JOB Excellent/Good 42 % Fair/Poor 51

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Caudldate Rlt1"d 8/24 Spent 8124 PAC$ Jrd Quarter CUH 8/24 Debt Brook Slt321,9S7 $1,218,581 $65,050 $388,166 $103,375 $5 10, 150 Sarbanes s1, 846. 901 $669,865 $617,063 $246,731 $1 ,180,560 $0

Page 30 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Tit WAM11~~-Pos_r ______------______VOTE'94 ____.._.1_T_~lSD4\'.SU'l'UlllER 29. l994 Cl. The --Region __;·- ~7 - •' ~n Notebook Brock's Camp Begins ~eze on /t.r.; Spending Ad As.'iault on Sarhanes : Jbll Slwws GOP Senate NrJminetJ Far &hind "l lhuuriht we were P'l't th~ et, : i" whicl1 wumllll ¥lel'C di::fintld hy 8y CNrlet llK' Stµt. to whl'lm th~y '""' rttlated ,• Cwnn IWlirlatoo 13 primary 5how.d Su- · oald. ~ ...... ~ lwhg ~ bv an even IM1er rnar11io; 58 percent ------Maryh1ud'1 U.S. Scn.etr. tn ~ petc.nt, llW.•nl TafftV~l -- rue 'Tm wry. eonnc to lif .. yftleu,!.y, W:l1' lllCOUnl't'd. be- • with Re- C&LM it ehow& ~ poaili~ Montp.nery Tax pul:Ucau nominee Williant ~ u1>- rnomell- • 111ilin11 t11111 for 111," said HoWlrd Dcii1•, ' S~m Abr~m:i his tint TV 1d oiliWins . the Rrpnhll• ~tic Jll't'd'HN11pairill chaimuin. '. c~n oomilW"I' tor So:11 . Paul S. Sart>aneA, Mo11L111111111ry 1nd ~anea Brock'a O'lnlmen:ill uvs &arlllneA , WlllllV execUt.lvc dill(lar1gLDg a1ua'i; ~•t . iR II ~ with ~rllltOrd, "tli;, MidiAr ~DIC fftf Bill Cbn- ' his p01 Ly on a key IWIC fac1ni: t.on'naxinm.111t. tlie~ln~ 1\e ~ 11\0k . murtty voteu. whelhttr to support pace •• ;i Dt!W ry • Cliuwn'• l~ ~ flllll lhoww:J ~ leading Bw.k ot a., ill· · a propol\Cd 11'\Aruh tocy CUL iii pcop- 96 purcellt creues and eronOllll~ 1n<:utlvu. to 3.'l ptrc-ent 1>""11111 df...-.~ urt ·1 or l.'lCOmc t!W'.11. ~rylalld tu r.Giwe the federal dtficit, •vltn. fhe IS/\'C'f, tM• passed Al.>ra11"1 Qllll()l1eS l bftllnt by a 51 Ill :;() ~1:. l'litll Vice ttfer• by Masnn.Dnron ~· ~dentW. ,ntlum a~l!d ~ ~ . bv l~·cr 11.nh- knnfc:h, WQllllli that Brack Ml w. ue. Sub&lca iui1d the ln rickr.r' that woulu rwqllire the • sweper bill 10 dirnh than pmy'a puk•te ha& , w.. ~~ ii1 reducin& tlll- County Coiln<:tl M fflh1cc- the luc.:;il gnh.-rNtorw 1llll!linlle. Del. Ellen R. ddial. The hlehcr ~ tu. r.i. applled inro111~ ~ r~te by 13 pr.r .~ ,nt S.L!erbreY. MuM.Dmm' 11 pol · or Ill tha Mly tn thoie i11 the l.S pctulll In m~kt' Mme Mat·)t.Ki 'Hit.en ~ho™ hp , ii cumparable Cllt In prllf)- ~ .... 1111 lllQOllte lnckH, M !t&i.J. Cft}' rev~n~. brey trailing fll\mocra , t:sx t P•rrii; N, Tiroc k "w.ttli C.1t.mk11i11g 47 IO 40, to reptai tNt bf. ; ~ma. a Mn"tgcmery !mm1l~ voted w .• elfu1 I' with the Tue:l- nqwilll ~ ~ "°*ral boJFL Brock d.iy night tn fttd •v~ ail iuh"'nml ooo- COP Cheirm1111 R()l)ert . fn:m1 lcllwnl 1nco111e lWti1111, wu Hia camplli'" 1idn CM m (lffi'V>moc1 ~t-<:11mrolled llil• lllllited In &1118 hi.<\ lay plu!6 tt~iW.ia i rwlbl,i- Artnmey County 111;~ 1963 . Cnundl lo H192. fliiljl of W-wirhout rh Tyle1, v.hv would snooll'I Ill' forced Ill <.111 Al !!rod! '~ i fee TV ~d cnticizinil IK1 B:tlck. llilc many ~rMt·-· ·,i) It l!cnnrtr w11u , •nd ~ilJIO, N lvi~ Cmllfete to cut f>,.t,1O'M:ille~. wiU1 Abr;im c. tiM. 'th ~y ' re co11ii111t lljll!!Mhla. up ariamst a SarllM<'s d11111iull wa• pobill a1ory, Md thcy'rt. ol>v>oo&ly unaware oi yi:i;ttmlav. "Tl\ty critlt:dt. the bi~· ,_,,, c·ou110i!I tvk flt lh11 cijnirnl commi ttcr. ·~ lr'.tinr to do a diver.;.-., l..-1 ~ .- vn4C' , 5il1ci 1111&1 C ehc1 t-re~11~11on ptufltillll m •1.1nrmr. b1~· 4uJ c ~t­ t.v ruti e"" r1\11<1liv will sarba110:• lwk hi£ 0'111 digs Al be l)OSSiblr. h11otory." '"" IHlid, alludllle to Clin- ;,;uoii. !I th1: cnunlry l!fotk. G;:iyjng the R"'PUbhun ton rl"s 11!11\b1111. 11iiucll '~ l9'J3 tu rwhg(', •autl 011 l.lw I (··· , ~~puu... •:, Abnm~ :.!II rercftlt uf II"' Curran · ~ l>cmot:rAhc oppy· rull-G:lll votea talt- nllv:r hand, ti~ iaY we ne<.11 a bal- mrr.c wllen lie ~-Y.11 an 1nr!.-fl"nde11l n~nt . lu1111~1 Rockville m1ynr '° 11'<1 Tt1lllh"-="' anced b\ldcet a-.""1mmt ." ,tuul UY i~ !~ U.S. HQIM 11111 ~le hlf opullun . Douglft:l M I luncau, <1lw oppoie'.; from ~ roane. i\ tcmmcrc11ll 1~310Hm . mg TV IXl ~ •«U(' with &•n- the lxlllot illitlllltW! th:lt make nD m•."llnn ot Urc.ocll.. liroclt'i. ~ !Nt J PQ6klve A.Jkiid 111 ot Lurnirn'• t•the1 . Char~ spin on if later ~0111111wrtia\t mlaht - ilAb&Dgtoa lhe poll ttsuh~ T~y atl.llt l< noted llal 3 Brock'& rtmrri, Sarb&n~ ~id ; "W~ Mil\Ol)o Iv>{,..., l!ljy W1:U do 60, We'te rCDdy fftr 11111 • Robb Returns Fire in Battle Witl1 North llQH, Cl r,.. ____ "'''"' bec3~s c ol hn. fan>1l~ l•"" 10 • ~I aide to In Ii 1e le phon~ 1nt ..rview aft .. r the White HOk a may hArt tw.n a l.a(Ulflll Manne. 1111! '"'ii"' ~\ Rubb in remarka wr~ Rkhmondhe tiUi. CIJnjMUVll thll ltl\'I ahnul ~~cd by th<' _w~ 1 Stt"""' J~11r1Mll. hi•-""°" H ~ M.Mft, 1;,,,,11 n !in ,, IL '• •buut tit" face tl\at hc'a been •

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~SA !t ~SUN

W.. ~'( Jl.1'1::1<. P.Allimer and ·~EO J)f-N S. {'A =>ROll.. Ecb J. •.t.. SlE"!"E. Edt.criel =a?" Edltm Sauerbrey Close; Brock Not ct~· but are be:,ind in con~attve . W :'.n the ~member electloo~ '. ros5 t'.1an stx Balllmore Macyland and U-.e Easlem Sl:ore weeks away. U1e po:is !.!:Cleare that ~p :bllcan WestnTJ M!>. Saua:>rey $.1r:J1ng mc·mmtmn. thtr: &.l!a1 S:ruerbn:r l;; in a. clo!;e race wHh :lcmoc:ral With Glcndentn~ car.,paign will tx under increasing ~ants Glenrknlng for the ~or MalJ'- ~to blr:w holes in her cax-nale candidate Bill nroclil t1<1s a laur1'5 that tt.e Prtna- Gtage· s C'.ouuly ;orig way Co ~ n hi!> qt.:e!( to unseal Demncrat.:c rountertr:i:: I!; pi aootber lax-and-5pC11mocraL maJ.Rlbffit Paul Sarba nes. f!.1(ecutllie ~ e «x;flher a dct&led iSl5ues bwk. l::tJt in a Fill' Jllar/larul ~·c(ert1 this l ~ lfJ Man- 'Vel)f'S of Dr:mocratlc i:onlrol or the prol::aN)· roast b anollir:- ~:lctory wtl.lw.1t haV!llg w ~:or aA9o plc.ys into thtr: publlr.'11 ck-sire !Or change. defeml his re.:ocd. Mr lbx:.< ha2 yet to come 1..'J= the Senate nK~. the pffS:Sure Ill ~rsed It ie wltL an ls..<.ue ccmparatle to ~8 - Se.uerbrey·s Jn cand' ~k who has to nnk~ It a piro,i;-e l.ot.d sr.ate income~~· 2.4 percent 0\-"ft' ){ teral ­ afiIT havmg Yfrtualr i 1h" lw::• ~is for a sa1es of si..'I pirne tiln~ ·~'"'s Ms. So.uerbl'C\.· haR big taxer. but UID GOP c "-.1dldates s'.i tl1at for by cdJales ()'ltf' C(ll]llllC"I:;al lelev1sicm. paiC puied w1thiJ1 UW"n pen...,nta~-e points o{ ~er-lllpo­ ':lath carxld:1tes. hal! hem snubbed .lnst.eail. Mr. nc,-,f wtill~ ~r. lr·:.dl 1~ 2.3 poir::;; behind Mr. h ~·.-e to .seltlt for a pul:JJlc ser"1.r TV Sa,-hi;rte5. This 1.6 mainly dnr to a Sauttbrey tde l'1. Brodr: will OD a 5aturday ~.Oct. 29. plus an.e othLT hor.e-turf B&Jti:::<.'tt {)(nut_y, 11ot-,,-.1e s:1e .Is~ dthtte apptr:arance yet lo be ckkrmin.....C. He lil111 have lC> Mr. Gkndlf.lting ~· l:J poilts. >1rc .n the cmtral m ira.::le oo rn~baC'k to IJ'.>r.11.alre hJs ~-poru:nt Maryland 11 uhUJ':>s. whrre :-i~r <1uvantage is a p:ill a l'tm!c, ._.f ·~-sc. are early daJr& NuthlDg ls !St'l- w!'lCIJptlg 19 ;Jnts. ln cootrast. Ml'. Flr:vk l.s las· tJec. Vole~ fat\'~ vlenl'j :;f ttmr In as5:{ 13 poJ!ll.5 - and therein 'lll:idt tbei::- c:n-dentJa:.s and rrtake their •-c~ Ues the ctlll!'f dilJl ,,.,.or. .;,,,. A ,; .:," cld saying ~s. :h e onl)· r:dl :ha: Tlckelmat~G'1'f0,11ins; and 5':1rbaresar-· both decisions means anytbtr,g :s ttv: one on etectio:1 day. strurbs and in LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Th~::J~tr.r in the Baltic

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HOTLINE 10/5/94

*22 GOP CONTRACT: TAKING IT TO THE STATES "In an unusual display of party unity," close to 100 GOP candidates for the MD state legislature joined GOP gov. nominee Ellen Sauerbrey to sign a five-point "Contract with Maryland" that "would cut income taxes, require a two-thirds vote of the legislature to raise taxes and shift construction spending from so-called 'pork' projects to schools and prisons." The contract "echoed" the GOP "Contract With America" signed by GOP House candidates last week (Waldron, Balta. SUN, 10/5). Similar "contracts" were signed in AZ, CT, GA, MD, MN, NC, ND, IN and WV 10/4. GOPers in MO, SC, NH, WA, and PA have already held similar events. In all, 26 states have either held events or plan to in October. RNC Chair Haley Barbour: "Just as the contract signed last week was drafted by the individual candidates, each state contract is being drafted by the candidates in that state. Each contract is unique, based upon the principles shared by all Republicans and the challenges faced in each state" (Republican Contract with America release, 10/3). Ex-DE Gov. Pete du Pont is coordinating the state "contract" efforts for the GOP.

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HOTLINE 9/29/94

*l MARYLAND: SARBANES "STARTING TO RUN AWAY WITH THIS" A Balta. SUN poll, conducted 9/21-23, surveyed 829 likely voters; margin of error 3.5% (9/29). Tested: Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D) and ex-TN Sen./ex-RNC Chair Bill Brock (R).

ALL DEM GOP IND BLACKS WHITES FAV/UNFAV ID Sarbanes 56% 76% 17% 62% 87% 46% 51%/ 24% 96% Brock 33 13 72 24 4 42 27%/ 19% 80% Undec. 11 11 10 14 9 12

Analysts "saw the poll results as gloomy" for Brock. Mason- Dixon' s Del Ali: "Sarbanes is starting to run away with this." Brock "emphasized the positive, pointing out that he has risen" 10 points since August. Brock: "I'm delighted. I think we've come further and faster than I expected." Brock added that he believes the number of undecideds "is much higher than the poll indicated and that there are many he can still woo" before the election (Langfitt, Balta. SUN, 9/29). Brock begins running an ad today "criticizing" Sarbanes for "disparaging Brock's congressional record." The Brock campaign "had anticipated the poll results and hastily released a new 30-second television commercial that criticizes Sarbanes." The ad "chides" Sarbanes for opposing a balanced budget amendment and voting for Clinton's economic program. Sarbanes, on the ad: "It's the beginning. They've started down that path, and it sort of reflects, I think, a certain element of desperation. They're coming up against a polling story, and they're obviously trying to do a diversion here" (Babington, W. POST, 9/29) . DEBATES: Brock's camp has accused Sarbanes of "ducking" a Baltimore debate set for 10/3. Citing "business on Capitol Hill," Sarbanes has declined to debate until after the Senate recesses next month. He will, however, hold a luncheon fundraiser on 10/3 in Baltimore. Brock spokesperson M.J. Jameson, on Sarbanes: "He's hiding behind his incumbency. Otherwise, why wouldn't he debate?" Sarbanes manager Michael Davis, on debates: "We will do them when Paul Sarbanes is done doing the job he was elected to do" (Langfitt, Balta. SUN, 9/26). SUN editorial: "Brock has a long way to go in his quest" to beat Sarbanes. "He will have to pull a miracle comeback to overtake his opponent" (9/29).

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HOTLINE 9/14/94

MD 02: In the Dem primary, state Rep. Gerry Brewster narrowly defeated state Rep. Connie Galiazzo DeJuliis, with Joseph John Bish and three others trailing. State Del. Robert Ehrlich defeated banker Bill Frank and John Fleig in the GOP primary. Rep. (R) ran for governor. Results with 98% reporting (AP, 9/14): DEM PRIMARY GOP PRIMARY Brewster 26,335 38% Ehrlich 20,803 57% DeJuliis 24,525 36 Frank 13,822 38 Bish 13,157 19 Fleig 1,779 5 Others 5,058 7

MD 06: Frosh Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R) won over minor opposition. Ex-state Del. Paul Muldowney easily won the Dem primary over ex-Dep. Asst. Sec./Trans. Neil Dhillon, prof. Steven Crawford, ex-Fred. Co. Commis. Galen Clagett, Hill aide Don DeArmon and two others. Results with 98% reporting (AP, 9/14): DEM PRIMARY Muldowney 12,920 30% Dhillon 7,782 18 Crawford 7,748 18 Clagett 7,647 18 Others 7,534 16

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HOTLINE 9/14/94

*3 MARYLAND: SAUERBREY STUNS BENTLEY AS GLENDENING ROMPS SENATE: Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D) faced only nominal opposition. In the GOP primary, ex-TN Sen./ex-RNC Chair Bill Brock defeated Montgomery Co. official Ruthann Aron, Ronald Franks and four others. Results with 100% reporting (AP, 9/14): GOP PRIMARY Brock 79,603 38% Aron 54,886 26 Franks 37,084 18 Others 39,770 18

ANALYSIS: Balto. SUN editorial: "The GOP can best win this state with Eisenhower-style Republicanism. The person to accomplish this is Brock" (9/14). W. POST'S Babbington: "Brock's nomination would give Republicans a wealthy, high-profile candidate in a year in which they hope to make significant gains in the Senate. Republicans repeatedly have argued that Sarbanes is too liberal and passive for Maryland voters, but the Democrat has never lost an election, and he easily defeated his previous two GOP challengers" (9/14).

GOVERNOR: In the Dem primary, PG Co. Exec. trounced state Sen. American Joe Miedusiewski, LG Mickey Steinberg, state Sen. Mary Boergers and three others. In the GOP primary, state House Min. Leader Ellen Sauerbrey upset Rep. Helen Delich Bentley (R-02), with '90 nominee Bill Shepard trailing. Results with 100% reporting (AP, 9/14): DEM PRIMARY GOP PRIMARY Glendening 286,625 53% Sauerbrey 120,569 52% Miedusiewski 97,977 18 Bentley 87,155 38 Steinberg 80,588 15 Shepard 22,671 10 Boergers 45,794 9 Others 24,861 5

ANALYSIS: Balto. SUN editorial: "[Sauerbrey] could give Glendening a fit." Although Sauerbrey has the "advantage of being a conservative Republican espousing dramatic change at a time when voters are apparently dissatisfied with the liberal policies of the Democrats in power," this is still an "uphill fight." Glendening is "well positioned" to pick up support from traditional party strongholds in both the Baltimore and Washington regions. That's a tough combination to beat .... His surprisingly strong showing yesterday illustrates the difficulty of the battle that lies ahead for the GOP's new standardbearer" (9/14). Glendening: "This is a victory for positive, vision- oriented campaigns" (W. POST, 9/14). Sauerbrey: "If you want a governor who will lead our state without promising millions of

Page 37 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT. 10.1994 4:47PM P10 FROM EHRL ICH FOR CONGRESS PHONE NO. : 410 295 8b83 THE SUN iHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Hi. 199.:1 State Congressional Shootouts Tuesday's prtmary elecUon results set tl1e stage Mr. Hoyer, meanwhlle. has a fonnidable foe ln for three races In Maryland that Republl- Donald ()c<\·in~ . a former Rengo.n pc~nnel chief cam; uadly need to win lo make substantial mld- who would benefit from a big conservaUve vote' ln tenn gains In Congress tl1is year. November. Tllf' Filth Congresslonru District (SouU1· Two or U1ese closely contested seals are held by em Maryland and Prince George's County) incumbents. one likes its a Democrat (Steny Hoyer) and one pvliUcs rieh1 nf center. That's a .- Republican problem for M1 . {RO$Coe Bartlett). The otl1er ls an Hoyer. Two ~·ears ago. he seemed open seal to win over his (Helen BenUey d~cided on a losing run for new conslllllents. R111 ln a conserv::\tlve :.t•.•\'<:111urJ. year, that They :;;hnpe llP as hard-fot1~hl cam- might not be~ ~;1sy . pai~ns wilh some sha.rp pollUcal

Page 38 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT . 10.1994 4: 48PM P11 FROM : EHRLICH FOR CONGRESS PHONE NO . 410 296 8683 OQ / 26 / Q4 17 : 21 "Zt20~ ssa eo34 CUNA WAS.HINGTON 11J00 2/003

BlPAC September 1994

:,MAm.ANo ··.· Posr-PRJMAiv REPoRr

. . Morytond Flllng SUmmor1 . - . .. ·'· ' ~ -:::"' :: • t.' ·: • .... '' ~ • ' ' ·. ·. .~.::' . ·;.;, ... 1' • • . '


Page 39 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT.10.1994 4:44PM P 7 _.,..FROM. : EHRLICH FOR cm~GRESS PHOl'lE 1'10. : 410 2% 8683


-. \I ,\I:' 1, \\ti . =:=: In the Decidedly.Middle-Class 2:r;td, Candidates'Run to the Center·


._ ...

Page 40 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT. 10. 1994 4 : 45PM P 8 .. FROM EHRLI CH FOR CONGRESS PHONE NO. : 410 296 8683 - lrlO l ~L ~ I llPOIT , :• \":. ~ ~ . .. . . ·. ... . ,• • : I;••.~· .. I ~~- /"/ \/l./U: /', iCT\ \IARYI-\NO


' ·. '

CQ AUGtJSr 3>, 1994 - U17

Page 41 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of KansasOCT. 10. 1994 4:46PM P 9 FROM EHRLICH FOR CONGRESS PHONE NO. : 410 296 8683 THE WECNESOAY, AUGUST 17, 199• SUN. Robert Ehrlich: 'So honest, it hurts' GOP' s leading hope Mr. R11smus!e11 grr:w up !n Essex to hold Bentley seat nt n Ume when Ea$l5ide Democr:'ll~ (lomJnaleti Ba!Umore County pollU"-' By Glenn Small l>y always voUng Ute party line. ::iun 5taffWr1ter Sul. Mr. R11emu:i:icn PY:'· ·rvc come lo n polnl. In my life where l'nt going lo support Uie When i,,. was 11. Robert t.. best pmon. • Ehrltch Jr. announced to his 'Far and away the best' mother that when he gr~ up he Mr. Ha wanted lD le snld of Mr. Ehrllrh ·or ru.a for puUucaJ omct. all lhc people "l said, 'You don't rve seen running. Dob want to ~~ lg by far nnri aw:iy U1e that. PollUdaM are crooked.' best. one quru· • llled to nu (Mro. ~Ucy':if .51~ • He Nancy Ehrlich realled tl'118 week d~lbet! at a $250·a-head Mr. Ehrlich as •a good fund·r.User ror man - you CM her llOO. ~h111 la now 36, a veteran go lo sleep on hl11 Qf the word· - wt~o ~e:sff5 ·a lot of Hause of Delegates and run· common sense.· nin& for Congress. "lie looked at As me and N1d. ·Mom Mr. F.hrlleh can1p:ilgm In Ute . I won't be.' pl"l.l~ry. he s~ses And he won't. He's so honest. his conservaU\'e lt Y~WS - strong support for busl· hu.I'U Sl.IUIC• 1~e:1:1, a tough :ilarn:i: an crtn1e and ttmes.· fiscal conservaUsin - while also Many Re• polnUng lo his elli1t years In Annap- publican~. olis nniJ how he managed lo worlc AL age 3S, Del. Roberti.. Ehrllc:h a.nd quite a well lVllh Den!O<:nlts. Jr. wanl:i to go t11 Wa1hington. f~w Oemo-- •t :lvn!I !llleo<:CW(ui bceuu:ie I bulll crat.t In the L>oalllluns bclwi:tm 1..)ctllC1.'r.lls :ind Mr. Ehrlich 2nd Congre5· l{epubllca.ns." he said. ·1 never $ald he al50 Is eager lcl lo debate lhf! fMu9 and 11tona1 DIS· I'"' 'Y :ilop me, t( I c.huuglll !l was la conildent. trlct, belleve right: but not overconi\dei1l of winning Uie CON CRESS prlnwy. 2Nn nl'iTRICT that Robert Lcizt.slntors who worked cla!l!!ly IC lib bcio.;kgraunu :. Ehrl.lch of Tl- w l U1 Mr. Ehrlich !J1 /\nnapolls agree ts any guide. l1e moniutn ls one of the with I.hat will be dlfncull lo cJe(eal In the pti· be$t and asscss.n1i:nt. nmry btiehtMt In the COP and hop<: 1,¢ •1111: 11blUly lo wock elccUon. t1ml he would be a bllc:an In re- UQn and opi>05lng viewpoints a good sludenl, and an cmt yean. eleding co 18- excellent :iU1lete. who. Mrs. Bentley to •uea. but U,l'll he atul rc:ipedcd him at age 13. Ove tenna in Congress. Sixty· three as WM G reel and 175 pounds and a "ltard·woristel- foolbaJI coach, Mr. !hrllch all.ended egate Poole said. · the: tne former 13alt1more County Cl(e<:· pre.:sttg111U:J prtvntc K11ool on a ut!Ve wl:lo IS now a lobbyist. among A GOP roe is crlUcal scholarship and was captain o( U1e those Democrats football team. who Wl'lt tlt.l l.lkr. to A not-u11e1tp~-lcd crlUi;: L-, Wtlll,lJ11 see Mt. Ehrik:h In Congrese. J. Frnnk, He attM!ded Pnneeton UnlvmllY a Towson ba111I~ o.,!Nrnmt of Mr. lthr· "3pcdill lut e~~ ~· 11111m:y. Mr. rl1.ibllc:tltta ·rt~ ulr.l w\11 square idl of this an lllS O\VI\ ,~ off In n debate In Harford said Rol>

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