This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu t;C::: CT I •'l • (T T ,, v . .._ ... ~._,,._, ~~- Page 1 of 43 OCT 12'94 17:19 No.025 P.02 BOB DOLE This documentID:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 11... n r ur; 1,..1,.11"11.1r<i:-::.::i F~E NO. : 410 296 8683 1 '"-" 1 • i:nr<.L http://dolearchives.ku.edu To: Suzanne Hellman Bill Ulrey From: Lori Kettiah Pam Kuechler Date: October 12, 1994 Subject: Talking Pointe for Senator Dole Attached are some recent articles on th~ campaign, an Ehrlich bio, and a comparison piece on Ehrlich and Browster. t~e 'f~ld ~ke Senator ~e; "'Nde 'rb! wf iAt tp t"lre .sU11tri2 c&:T afJ>r 0£ hav OS ISJ':1 i Qh \nR . Ao = one Republic~n Leader in the Senate, I know how important vote in the Houee ·or Senate can be. Much of the Clinton big government aqenda that has hurt emall buaineesea and middle class fArnil;AR ~8R passed-- or been defeated-- by one or two votes. During th& next two years, every vote in the House ls going to be ju1Jt. ftll: r.rit.ir.111. H•re are a few examples of where a handful vote8 would h~ve made a diff~rAnnA for Am•~,r.~~ tftY~~y~~~." --1993 Clinton Tax Hike•-· which rai&•d ineome tax•& for 13,000 social security recipients in this district, h.it everyone who drive• a car with hish•r 9ao taxee, •nd raised income taxec Qh~rply and retroactively for hundreds of small businesses-- poe•ed the Hou•• by one vote, 219 to 216. J:lenny JC;•oioh Spending Cllt•-- .,,hioh would .cut $90 'billion in federal spending (as oppo&ad to Clinton's propo;ed $2.2 billion in cut.•)-- failed by three votes, 213 to ~19. --Ko&ich tlll'lendment to c~t World Ba~k Fundinq-- which would h4V$ au~ $SS.a raillion from the U.S. contributions to the World bank-- failed by three votes, 210 to 216. --Ycu~9 motion t.o rocommit-- which would havo reduced !l4ndlnor.i rvi aongreeaion«l operations by 5, __ failed by tour vote~, 202 to 209. --Solo~on-Caetle Line Item Veto-- which would have given real Line It6m voto ou~hority to the Preeident-- foiled by alA vvt~w, 198 to 219. Page 2 of 43 No.025 P.03 BOB DOLE This document10:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives,OCT University 12'94 of Kansas17:19 FROM : EHRLICH FOR CCJl~GRESS http://dolearchives.ku.edu PHONE NO. : 410 29G 8683 --Cunningham rnotion to recommit-· which would have maclke sure that thflt NAtional J!!nc:\owmont for the A~t.1 did not give e.rts tJ.I:tsntl!J 'tO lll•qal aliens-- failed by two votee, 210 to 214. During the next Congress, lt will b8 more important than ever to ha.v• M•mb•r• of Conqrees c:ommit.ted tc;i l.aA.luy a t1rm stand against the Clinton agenda to tax and :regulate small hueine11ae and middle cilaeo £amilioa. Dob lilhrlich ..,111 jo.1.u Bub Dole 1n fighting theee key elements of the Clinton agenda. We can't afford aot to have Bob Rhrliah .i.n Congreee. IIore ore oome or Cli.nton'e plan• for biqger government: --Government-~un Health Core Sy•tem: Am~rican taxpayers narrowly avoided thia m9notrosi ty that would 11avu texed flncl regulated our health care system and killed over 25,000 jobs in Maryland alone. It will ccrtGinly be back 118.x.L y\'eu:-- no doubt big9et rind more expensive than ~ver. --Welfare Reform: Clinton' 1 campaign pledge to ''end welf~re a11 we know it• ha., been t.u1iu1 foz.1t1ed. into "welfare; bow big can we grow it". Hi• welfare reform plan ends up increaeinq spending on welfare by billlo.n$. --strite~reaker' OSHA ~eform: Clinton•u top labor prioritie~ will hurt Ameri~a' s cornpetitivenese and drive up the cost of doin9. bu11n1ss, which can oniy mean fewt11r jobs and hi<Jher priees for middle class Americans. --Reinventing Government: To date little subetantive rf!duction in the size or scope of the federal governm~nt hae been achieved ae a r&eult of the admini1tration' e much ~cclaimed Reinventino Government plan. Time and time ~g4in the adminietration and congressional Democrats have f a1led to reduce fed•~•l spendino or e11min&te any federal spendinq programa. Page 3 of 43 BOB DOLE This documentID:202-408-5117 is from the collections at the Dole Archives,OCT University 12 '94 of __Kansas .. !.?. ~ ?9~ No .. ;.C?2.~, P,: ~,4 ,. KUl'l ; t:Ht<L l l.1-i t- t:JR COf~GRE SS http://dolearchives.ku.edu PHO!-E NO. : 410 296 8683 ( Rir~ o.J) . I.in of Attendees Karl Aumann Attorney Zurich Insurance Dr. William Zitzmann Physician Carl Wripi R.ecruiter Dou Riobard WUlBaJl Executive Na.tional Soft Drink Assoc. J11m.cr. Donahue . Vice Presid..-t lndustriru Shows of America James Donahue Owner Industrial Shows of America 1111n• Hos1111 Executive Finanoial Services Steven Burch Ex~tlve Comcast Cable Dan Earnshaw Attorney Bamshaw and Wrljht nennit Math• Admini1ttator Group lnt1.mmoo Wholosaler Michael McCarthy President Riparlu1 Corp. Swvm Sllamon President Salamon Agency Harold Ratrie Accountant Jamie Gregory Lobbyist NationAI Realtors Association Steve ICre.oki Lobbyi1t Cosmetic, Toilotry lnd Fraarance Assoclatlon. Dr. David Watt Opthamotogist Milton Gordon President Employee Training Sc"'ice Page 4 of 43 OCT 12 '94 - -. -13.:.~~ 'No .;9},?.. p; o.~ ID:202-408-5117 BOB DOLE This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, UniversityPHOHE NO.of Kansas : 410 296 8683 r 1':Ul'I • C111'<L l \..H t- u~ CUHLiRESS http://dolearchives.ku.edu Liat of VlP'i Joyce Terhae Chairwoman of the State Republican Party Leah Buikstra Comcast Cable Sbe is trom ttan1as. Her granatether worked o:i one of Dole'• initial raoea. Page 5 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ~-~-'If (\] EH D ..soJ.~olvk w (_IJ <I CL Cl ID ...... N N <=' ~ \ BOSTil rt. Mil'. """~ litlmNI lard ""Cl z 3 5 6 7 I BOSTON, MA LOS ANGEL.fS, CA 4 BALTIMORE. MD LOUIS\IU.!, KY I Cl I IN 9:aD mTll: AcfdrHt '"'-"•nl Bnril Cl.av. 9--2: PAC Mlg. I :30: lllf. w/AJ«: Cl I IN ~ion'• Corlfi- for LOlI\S VlllE. KV Ctmpter 12: flv ta Los Angei.. j Wam9" 7: Hnltt. A SllfdV 11 :4S: Wiit Blood ~ Retfotl OD Canf. c.o Co> I I 10 11 12 13 t4 1tl ...c.o FT. WAY~ NII ANA BOSTON, MA BOSTON, MA RCCHESl'El,NY "" 12: S.,..., ARC Blood ~rd Sc:Mol of "',..,.,.. a(lhoa• of er..-11am-. Sem-.Anoual 3:3ct pm~ l'mai» l 1 :®' Pe nide I nrar..iew Pllbio Htihll l\lblla Hultll tiletillifng Mfftl!IO lll<l•nt- ROCtBTER, NY pm: VWt 81-* ~ pm: Cfuip1.er Dl111111 r 16 17 18 11 I zo 21 22 ST. lOOts, MO ST. LOUS, MO COl.UMBUS,CH i:ii.:t RI: \Alllt Neliana 1 ct: c Mpr.e1191«Ni THtlng~HUEl RIGl'a,, E¥11flt ~ pm: 1 5'111fc, Tru1 1 2:00: OfU(I Slllbl ~ YM!a Cc! n_.ri NSFRE Cortf. - 0=-' (ei I Cl) 13 24 25 26 I ,j. Q 8:00 ~ of Charlel .. o- llamedlCll LD ~"' (\] llllltlfllt• "I~---= I 0 co ~ ..-I I·"·-· ~ ~ CJ) 10 11 0 809rd ef GOVWMl'll L'-- ~ 0 0 ..-I" LD (\] ..-I 1§1 Cl Q 0 111:1 z ...... Cl w Cl ,_._J m LL Page 6 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ' ...... """ .... ,... .,, , ..... ('() w !t\RlnA"I:' ;\ll)M!lA\' l\Mll ""\' 1\'l'J~·~.. 11~\' lll Ulll'b.\ \" tlltnAY llAtullDA'" (.!J C) <I co 0... ....... 1 J 3 4 5 N N COLUMBUS, OH 4.: 3 5pm: D.pmt kl' ....... pm; Ay LP titlooY>u~ . Crtknllbus Pu1var U.aton,. ,,_IUgll, co 00 Brn;Kliut """' t-& 15 1 a !I 10 ,. u """' l<J:JO; Wflrai WAA II Vrti..rnn 's 011v - Helidlr\o N 1 :'J01111: AAIUVE USDON. C) llSBON, f'OATUGAL l'OATUGALIWASH. , DC C:<1111rr1ernt1 tatiY9 Ev1 rtl am: SPL\IC, Al)1 , 11t0Ci H.. ~ 501: i111y nf T t;JYul NYC ITTNrA llVEI & ~ ti::. : G11mv.u1 AwMlb Apl'111. W5B ClN G;1ll1 Q N -I 00 t3 u n; 1D 17 18 u \WllTERHA\IEN, FL " u 5 :Jct pn1 - spea.. ...u flurirbi Madir..al' S•"1.:CI' N -WSB 20 2T 22 2J 24 25 H C80-k!t11vl, EU'IP'· lllD lsrar.I. fffVIJI , 1 hmli.1"1 l"'i "ll O..v - flO· tBD-mul. Eyyp1, !BO-lat.... Emn. b1,a,I. !:'!f1111t, Jnrdffil ..... Jflrd4wil J .. ,.""l ,..... Jmm.t i 6 ,.,n 0 27 ;>II ~ JO ~ ~ IBO-lllr1'1111, E1t1t11 , 11111 i.o"11, l~';llt .- -n.t Olll l..,.ran~ Blf-i.ri ................... tit;Oil ............ J.fl1•'11111: "' 0 "' t:i"' Q <.O (IJ f;i 00 ..-1 ~ (}) i t'- 0 0 ..-1" LO ~ (IJ 0 ..-1 C) c.- ....... 0 0 z 0 w Oil ,_.__] LL Page 7 of 43 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 09/22/94 14:20 0202 783 3432 Al(BR RED CROSS ~~~ DOLE YVONNE 1Z10041001 Q "' - ~ (JI - ;; J ~ J iw '! t-4 IOI rL"'c: I :! N ""- !l~~f ~ !i ;~i:li ~ llOi 2·· 1 • -Iii 'I( iGI ,..
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