Remarks at a Reception for Senatorial Candidate
1796 Nov. 30 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 that freedom is the destiny of every man, former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq; senior woman, and child on this Earth. Al Qaida associate Abu Musab Al Zarqawi; Usama Before our mission in Iraq is accom- bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaida terrorist organi- plished, there will be tough days ahead. A zation; Lt. Col. Todd Wood, USA, commander, time of war is a time of sacrifice, and we’ve 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, Task Force lost some very fine men and women in this Liberty; and Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., USA, war on terror. Many of you know comrades commanding general, Multi-National Force— Iraq. The Office of the Press Secretary also re- and classmates who left our shores to defend leased a Spanish language transcript of these re- freedom and who did not live to make the marks. journey home. We pray for the military fami- lies who mourn the loss of loved ones. We hold them in our hearts, and we honor their Remarks at a Reception for memory of every fallen soldier, sailor, air- Senatorial Candidate Michael S. man, coastguardsman, and marine. Steele in Baltimore, Maryland One of those fallen heroes is a marine cor- poral named Jeff Starr, who was killed fight- November 30, 2005 ing the terrorists in Ramadi earlier this year. After he died, a letter was found on his laptop The President. Thank you. As Maryland computer. Here’s what he wrote, he said, ‘‘If builds the bridge, you might as well make you’re reading this, then I’ve died in Iraq.
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