CovernorChristine'lbdd Whitman @

J:-ine 11 / 2Cli at


One ih.'ng has become aoundantly clear:

'nL^ €-v-Fa-r dhf 1--^ . F -l I r,tF^hdl Ille !d! I9rr L lra> t L af r wrvrr:J :

i'he!r exclusionarl; tactics, rigid ,1ii:mus Lesl-s/ ald sensefess frnger poinring :lar.redcne a disserrzice to the Repr"rbl:can Par|y ald demcc::ac5; in general .

Brit chelie is hope for our Parry Lhc: nernly f or med Lea.derstr!p Counc,t! (RLC-PAC)

I ha-"'e been sui:po r------L -rn g node.rate cartdrdaies since I was Goverrrc)r oi New iersev ani I an pieased to joln .former Misscu.ri Senator and forner Alrbassaooi' tc t.le U.N- Jack Danforrh, as wel as former j.leuienant Governol: and cur:rent GOPAC chalrman ]ullchaeI sr_eele, in creating a povreriul and infLuentra-L qrorp tfLat carl brlng cLLr parLy back to its rools while pronrotin 'ore ta*o conmors*on:e centris: vaLues ali hol.d so d-'ar.

i1LC-PAC'svrston ts a llepublican Party chaL is unrfied by the basic .e:rets cf fiscal responsibility and personai freedom, bL: rh.tL al -cu.'s iJr cii ve r sc opini.ons cn socral issues bY its nenoers.

In olh€ra worcs, tne exc]-t-rsrona:y and drvi s ive taciics oflen enLployei by Lhe far-righa -- tce very tactics that lead Lo the shift of power ln l,'lashingron-- cannot be a .1..Lowed to define cur 1^^-,^-- . IJct-r L y alry rlJrLVs!

RT,C-?ACjs r,atle up cf ftnderate Republicans commitied Lo:

Lor,i taxes wi-l-ii balanced buogtets; li---.1-n ^.-'nnal .r.f er_Se;

Cver, gfease

-lbdd llepublicanl.e.rdcrship Oouncil u (lovettror(lhListjne Wllilmiln, (lhniI Ser:.rLor]ach Danfonh;llr t (lovcrnor Midracl Steele,Natioual Co-Clhairs F;:.qe Tir'c;

-rEa 3 1eci f l:ei?r i:.1-i:,'; --he t ?::oie iiicn of en.;'i::cnment; ard 6 T,+qn .:rn;'er.nm+n- in.:e rf +rence 1n . :tclr r,rrdual li..ies

i :::.,.:te yc; to join us in reclaiminc c*'.r ?a:i:y and ensuri r:qf a :e i*r.:-, Lo -Lhe ccre ';alues t-he Repuhiican la::ty has -,1,.^^-{- -.--.1:^, .,^. c:,(JuC(-d LeU -U: !c:ltta-lilnS.

As sor,ecae rn'ith a long eni, prcltcl hisLoly cf ge::ernusly s:-.6;pc:t -a; ::.tde1r Lil Repr-ri:lican cancli dates ard cau$esr I neei you ilr c trr :r:-e: :,:: : -- r':he::e lr.cur advi-ce and f :nancia. backrng will i-1;=,;r;.hl= t-*.)1i.:y:vv1- LO R]-C*FAC.

1o"r:r:ra-i c:r contriirut,ion of $250, ;:rll, $:r 00C, $2/ 5C0 $5, otrI l,ii: -! i*Lp us EullcarI f isr:a11y cc]'lsealrailve, socialf 1/ i.ncfusi:re LepuJ:lican calrrciirlates aL. ni,:- -1eve:s of gcltrlqenl

' lr.lci t yo Lr ,l o in rti ih us?

: The Rep;bl"ir:an Leei*rship Council s d€'Clcatecl to ) .gupport:::g irscal-ly cDns€rvaiiire/ socra-11'1i i::ciusrrie Republica{t I can,Cl,Cates at a--: t erref g cf gcvernmeni:.

!'ie rreecl ycu: help in i,ieni-if :ting/ tra.i iri rgr s*ppor"l'ing' and t-:: elec-,,-ing a steacllt streanr of F.epu.blicans wl:c slaLe "'aLues inclu, tne l*cst iundamen:aI iialue cf al--L -- pe:rsc::al freedom.

j Y O LI:. .i L:-o;1c : nanr:ia 1 support ivi--11help ens.;re Lhe etuccess f ;1 e*ectrcn of Re-ouclicans iriho sha::e these val -res -in race:; al I ac:oEs t,!re c';ouu'-rY.

I,u.itn rr-.-pc:ta:-5. '-i;'1--i;-rns ccmingt up ne]:l yearr vo;: ll::n€-rous sua,oort is c::i: cai -- l-hani Vcu I


Go,.,'erncr Chrisrine Tadcl llihitr-an' Cnaii Republican *leaoership Council.

F.5 Help ris:ecl-ar::. ihe Republir:en Par-*.vl Flease jcin the Republ i can l,eade:s:ri5.i Councrl rvj.lh a ccn; of $5C:l' $1,ll 00, $:r:rll c: r.ore, iodalr. vour $up:cori iaiil he1.p u's ':,r:eper'.l i'ci ne,..;t l.ea::r s aLL irnpor:arr: elecliorig ' CiandidatePlolile: U.S. Scnatc:Michael Stcele (R) Page1 o1'6


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CandidateProfile: U.S.Senate: Michael Steele(R)

Postedon Novenber 0i" 2006:

' .... : : t ,' : , : :', : , : .t. ' ':. B) l.ll'llCIA l-lNN.Capital News Servrce :r:r'ilt.:ai;r:,:il i ;l:IIi i.l:;..:rrti: -: i:Ii

. i. r-:,,.r:., - ; 1.., , i tl ,.. . .:1... .. WASI tlNci f ON - It is very l-rardnot ChristinaC. Fischer Long & ,')1 'llr: ..,i.-.. 'l-rllarrd Foster 1:,:.::r.'r to likelrirrr. good-looking. Lexington Park 'r j ii l.t .: Letme helpyou achieve your ,., l.;l,,ir-li:r , - ,1, ' zrrticulatcancl energetic, alrvays with dreamsof home-ownershipl r lrror(lsn)ile, Vielracl 5tcclc is li :,.:t'I,,,1itI,r't , ..,r...iri. lightingto be the lirst blaoht.J.S. i:ir:i::l:: I :: rr,: ,,, . serlatoro1- Lhe state. r::lr.;i: :4. i, ,r:1::r:. l:i.:.i:i:i::i::: The GOP NeedsYouf HelpOne Mofe T me.Suppon Today .,': :',,, : r r, theGOP & Donare l:ill.l:::r;i::.: iitl.,i:,' " . - It is alsohald to clisooverthat Steele is tl.reRepublican candidate -- at ,' :irrt,.::,,.:r.ri.:i::, .:::,:t:I,.ii: a:,-:',lrr:, :'.'.r:,:.i-r...... Ieast1i-orl his aclvertiscntentsthat Obeythese 2 EasyRules & DropI lbsevery '1'l Days Effortless fhil to r.ncntionhis palty. FIeknows AnnsWeightLosscorn :., iil.i''l:..:,..:r'_i , r.:... that winning the lace in a : lrr'r:,:,:,,:.-.,ti:_:.itt: rtr,:..,tit ., r.:',i.,: l, : i .:, ,. : . .. .. ' l Derlocr-aticstate means distancing I lost20 lbsoffat in 2 weeks himselffronr any associationwitlr Readabout my weight oss successl :vl.rr'.,,. i : ,,:,_,:.i :.:, i' tlrcr rrrpolrl llll Brrslr ri lrrr irr islrc tiort.

: -ili I :ri:' Low l\,4onthlyPayments For Military Steeie.48.sirys hc is tl.rcoutsider Personel.Apply OnlineNow To Savel ::: i.,li :.; i l.r;:1 r.. chargedrvith bringing"real change" ShopFfeedomcom/Financing ,:i:t;, i,i,i:::;.t,. ,,r,.....r. i ':::. ,, :..a.,:..:a, '.....t :t l.:. to Washington,D.C.. becausche .,.1,.:.. i l , ,.rlr,:r :rl:.i hasn'tbeen in politicslong. L.r fact. JHU Institutefor Po icy Studies PublicPolicy Graduate Program l\l D he becar.neMarylar.rd's fir'st black t::: ..:, ..: . :.' t .1.' iier"rtenantgovelnor aiter Gov. RobcnLirrlicir pickcd hirrr as lris ')r:i : :r: I_:, ..:'. : u t:U1..|r:l i.t i i.l,;ar': ,,':Iiri;iiI .r',II I got tiredof strictdiets and runningmate in 2002.and belbre nastyfood thisone workedl NickisDietBlog-com :.-rr,:: :-].!,al that he led the stateI{epublican

http://somd.cor,T/r.rcu's/l.rcadliues/2006/475 I .shtutl 1|1912008 CandidateProflle: U.S. Senate:Michael Steele (R) Page2 of 6

ll Bexiicll Iiilil$tiat)r Party. lii**ir,r i$f **.n{rsiri}*!? Srlrc: lf*rr Get$10,000 in Freecov cfants r,'f rrrsi)trii;iifil :iiiv,..i - But he'srunr.rir.rg against a man -- NeverRepay GetYour Free Kit Now for llo ):rrbiil DernaeratsG |a[tK!!qrg lJer:e:salyiri.ri {lij ji,.; DemocratRep. -- with a 1:f ; i:r::.illlrl ]ir.:1kins , R*9ew.:tt i::rliriii 40-yearpolitical career,first in lliv "ic!,raril WantCCI: Johns Hopkins Univ info? Llctres ilarrr: i: Maryland's GeneralAssembly and Getlt FreelJust Fill Out Request. SlJxe i:; ftiili;:r i.lcr:;t:lui ComputerTrai!i! 'f ther.rin Congress. llef:e r r'::iiiif or liof The lieutenaDtgovernor tries to HelpIMake Wsconsin a RedState in i l{ah 3r*:! liii: l 2008.Sign Up Today to LearnMorel avoid getting into issueslike embryonicstcnr cell research. saying ,,;r,;"-;:iil'. ..;,, t*lrk y!ii't€ !il,efal? he wants to walk aroundMaryland - afteryou read this there will be j -]FHrd and listen to people'sworries before oneless of them,one more of us. leftsolutio! aoting in the Senate. Nevrr,\r,.iir!::: : ::li,;l-il AdYertiseHere i2nl7 I i illli) I : ?lr.1i):1l "I zrmthe product o1'loveand hard work," Steelesaid when urged by Word of the Day: : $ltfii l,rr.;r)i l Cardinto delrnewlro he wasduring em4encegrige one debate. Gi*si i'.i*!y.s l;$rl*ffsl fron He told l\* rl o r.tft i0 rIt * I lil l * WoCCirr;s Magazinein March: "l'rn black. I\n e 0i:illarlss a Republican.I'm a I'ather,a n !)-rlic !la:!,icc husbarrd, a [ormel sclnirreriarr. o ioir:rrrril a::rer)ii;f Steelehas also ra'orkedhard to erode itt.rillS one the Democraticpower i li't il S(ri:.lti.::, of bases -- l,jlil fy li) fi il in Maryland blach voterswho * lcwl l, f;;.i:'fi,;i:: i:..,i::tit reliably vote Democratic.Steele a lo:rtic! gainedthe endorsementof several Democraticblack leaders,and * d.ieall*r has beenfighting e Cir.riin Tilrf)t hard in his home i!*:w*lap*r courrty.Prirrce George's. which is * $::. f.;lri.Iir i ii l"t,:iir!; largely black and wl.richl.ras become 1i;ta!3Ir11* oneof the election'sbiggest battlegrour.rds. * ll*i-:nri i!l,r,s 'l-it l*r'l t: ,, iialitrlt l riiirf ii] fit.l He lives in Largowith his wife, lCil*f Andrea Derritt -- they net at -- and his two teenagedchildren, Michael and Drew.

Steelewas boln at Andrews Arr Force Baseand was raisedin NorthwestWashington, D.C., by his mother. Maebell Turner. Sheworked in a lzrundlomatto sr4rpolthel two childlen,Michael and his sister, Monica Turner, a pediatricianand 1.shhl rr/19t2008 CandidateProfile: U.S. Senate:Micl.rael Steele (R) Page3 of 6

ex-wife of tbrmel boxing champ .

Years later, Steeleasked his mother why she did not take welfare assistance,he lecalleclin an ir.rterviewwith The JohnsHopkins Magazinein April 2005."i didn't want the governmentraising my children,"she said.

Steelewent to St.Gabriel's Elementaryand Alchbishop Carroll High School,where he practiced theatrefbr sevelalyears and cultivatedhis Roman-Catholiclaith.

ht, 1977, he enteredlhe Jolns FlopkinsUniversity in with a partial scholarship,according to The Baltimote Sr-ur,and got a bachelor'sdegree in international relationsin 198I .

Dulir.rgtl.rose lirst yearsat the runiversity,he signedo.n for drama productionsand was freshmanclass president.I-{is studies suffered the consequencesof his active social lif'e, and the university askedhim to leave,Steele told the Hopkins magazine.

"Well.I dont calewhat you do- aud I dor.r'tcare how you do it. But you will be back at JohnsHopkins come September,"answered Maebell 'fumer, when Steeletold her the news.Ile enrolledin summer coLusesat GeorgeWashington University and got all A's, and then r-eturnedto Hophins.

SeeingSteele now in his sharkskin suits,pocket squareand tasseled loaf'ers,it is hard to ir.naginethat he once \,vorethe white tunic of the Augustir.rianOrder. But he did while studying for the priesthoodat a rnonrsteryalier he linishedcollege. rllt912008 CandidateProflle: U.S. Senate:Michael Steele (R) Page4 of 6

Alter three yearsat the order, he deoidedto leavethe habitbehind, altlrorrghrror rhe faiLh. oue of rhel

"lt camedown to, 'Am I calledto selvethe peopleof God asa priest or in a br:sinesssuit'?"' he saidto The BaltimoreSr,ur in 2002.

Steelechanged the path of his career to law. He got his degreeat Georgetownin 1991. He workedfor a D.C. law ollice anclthen for the Mills Corp.,the real estatecompany.

LIis choice of the RepubiicauParty was difficult lbl his family of RooseveltDemocrats to understand, Steelhas said.

"My mom, when i told her I was Republican,asked me 'Why?"'he (oldstudertls al HowaldUliversitl in May, accordingto ."l lesearchedtire history of both parlies.And whetheryou like it or not . . . the politicalorigins of the Ai}icar.r-Americancommunity are with the RepubiicanParty."

Oneof his mostprecious possessionsis an autographed portlaiLof PlesidentReagan.

"lf you listenedto the man, he made a lot of sense.IIe talkedabout the core valuesmy mother and grandmothertalked about.For me. the party was a very, very comlbrtableilt," he told The Sun.

BLlt it was not until the late 1990s that he got more involved in party activities.Wren Steelefirst joined the PlinceGeorge's County Republicansin a dinr.rerduring 1988, the welco.mewas cold, Steele I .shtml 11./19t2008 Car-rdidateProllle: U.S. Senate:Michael Steele (R) Page5 of6

describedin severalinterviews.

IIisdeterLnilatiorr propclled hiln to rlrechailm:rnship ol'tlre Prince George'sCounty Repr-rblicanCentral Committeein 1994.Four yeals later, Steeleran for the Republican cor.r.rptlollernomination, but he Irnished third.

While ire exploredother options,ln Decernber2000 Steelebecame the secondblack personto chair the Maryland RepublicanParty. He startedworking on oneofhis ambitions:expand the party across the state,especially to blackvoters.

Trvo years latet, he got the chance he was waiting lbl when Ehrlich ir-rvitedhim to be his lunning rlate. 'l'hey won and Steelernade history as the flrst black persor.rto hold that position.

His high profile as lieutenant governol servedl.rim well, and he was encouragedand blessedby the Bush administrationin his run for Senate,Steele recalled in theNew Yolk TimesMagazine.

Yet, Steeledoes not talk aboutthose contactsanylnore or even about 6r/*dz Bnsh policies. IIe just saystllat the LJ-S.Serrate race is againsthim, not Bush."I'r.r.r conservative, but i'm also Inodelate,"he saidto The Times Magazine."As I like to tell people, I'm a little bit hip hop zurda little bit FrankSinatra."

Michael Steele



Experience:Lieutenant 6/475 1 . shtnl 11t19/2008 CandidateProfile: U.S. Senate:Michael Steele (R) Page6 of 6

since 2003; Maryland Republican Pzu'tychairmar.r, 2000; Prince George'sCounty Republican Parly chairmar, 1994; Iawyer, 1991;paralegal,1984; novice at the Orderof Augustine.1981- 1983.

Education:Bachelor's degree, .IohnsHopkins University; law degree,.

l:rnri11: Wil'e. Alrdrea Derrirt: tr,voteenaged sons, Michael and Dlew.

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lrttp:// 6/ 41 5 l. shtml 11/19/2008 Steeleto conservatives:'Wake up people'- .comPrint View Page1 of I p*t!Trc* Steeleto conservatives:'Wake up people' fiy Andy Bafr la.eniLr.f il :r-:l)r:ili -i: ,:!i.rlf ai:_ FormerMaryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R) said Monday that conservatives need to "wakeup" and realizethey need moderate Republicans to helprebuild the party.

"Theyhave been beating me upsidethe head with it andlet me giveit to youstraight on," Steelesaid of conservativesduring an interviewwith the ChristianBroadcast Network.

"Wakeup people.I meanwhat are you goingto do? Are you goingto kickthese folks out of the party?| havewatched this partyself-disintegrate for the lastfour or fiveyears. l've watchedthis partyisolate itself from iiself."

Steele,who is campaigningto be chairmanof theRepublican National Committee, insistedthat Republicans have "a uniqueopportunity to builda relationshipor a bridge betweenthe conservativesand the moderates party." in our ( "We haveto electmoderaies in the party,"he added. )

Steelesaid the GOP hasto rebuildrelationships with the variousparty factions in orderto regainelectoral viability and regain public trust in addressingpolicy concerns.

"Thereare a lot of peoplewho would join us and be a partyof our effortswho are pro- choicebut they love our message on money;they love our value system on familyvalues, broadlyspeaking, so then howdo we cross-appeal,"he said."How do we makeourselves relevantto the 21stcentury electorate which is clearlyof a differentmindset on a hostof issues?" :r'.,': O 2oo8Ccpitol Ne\^'s Cor))pany. LLC l': 18FE-70B2-A829670D1059D980 12/9/2008 Youprobably saw this....

Subj: You probablysaw this.... Date: 11124120087:58:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time From: [email protected] @ To: jbspu@-aal-cpm

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008at L:41PM,Pafiick Sammon

There'sa battle gorng on for the GOP's is pleasedto be in themiddle ofthis fight, but we need yourhelp. Please support our work to canParty.

It remainsto be seenwhether our Party wili learn the right lessonsfrom the GOP's defeat.Not surprisingly,social conservativeswant to push the GOP further into the ditch. But there'sgood news-more and more leading Republicansunderstand we need to build a Party ofthe future, not a Pafiy ofthe past.

Last weekend,one ofthe new Republicanleaders in the House outlined a positive path forward focusedon what 'Ol unites us not what divides us. CongressmanPete Sessionsfrom Texas spokeat the annual Grand Party hosted by Log Cabin-Dallas. Sessionsis the newly electedChairman ofthe National RepublicanCongressional Committee Q{RCC). As head of the powerful and impofiant NRCC, he'Il lead candidaterecruitment and election strategyfor House Republicansin 2010. Hearing his speechto our membersin Dallas and speakingwith CongressmanSessions, I am encouragedby his message.He understandsmore ofthe sameis a recipe for defeat. At last Saturday'sLog Cabin event, Sessionssaid, "Our Paty rTeedsnew focus, new energy,and new ideas.For the RepublicanParty, it's been real easyto get elected...justrun on the things you alreadyknow about: guns, God, gays, get elected!The bottom line is that our Pafiy can no longer successfullydo that, and should not...dothat. "

Even Republicansfrom a conservativestate like get the message.GOP governor told his colleaguesat last week'sRepublican Govemors Association meeting that the GOP must do better reachingyoung voters (66% voted for Obamacompared with the 59% supportReagan received from young voters in 1984).Gov. Sanfordspecifically cited the party's intoleranceon gay issuesas one big reasonwhy so many young voters are supportingDemocrats.

Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steeleis gaining momentum in his effort to become Chairman of the RepublicanNational Committee.The leaderof the RNC will be the most important personin shapingthe Party's luture. Steelebelieves in a big tent GOP, He has worked closelywith Log Cabin ally Christine Todd Whitman at the Republican Leadership Council. In an interview with NPR this week,he specificallymentioned the importanceof reachingout to Log Cabin and other mainstreamGOP groups as the Party looks to chart a luture course. Even wrth this positive progress,our opponentsare fomidable. We need your help to confront people like Tony Perkinsfrom the Family ResearchCouncil who absurdly saysthe GOP must go further right on social issuesto win again.What planet has he been on? Exit polls show moderatesmade up 44%oof Ihe electorateand 60% of them voted for .Perkins saysthe passageof Califomia's anti-marriageProposition 8 showsthe potency of social issues.Earth to Tony! The Califomia results aciually prove the opposite.Sen. Obama received 61% supportin Califomia; even as the amendmentpassed demonstratingthat just becausesomeone opposes marriageequality doesn'tmean they'll vote Republican.In fact, 37o of the yes on Prop 8 voles camefiom Obama supporters.

Perkins also fails to point out that a similar measurein Califomia passedwith 6|0/o|t2000. This year, it passed with only 52%. Momentum is on our side. More Repubncanssupport basic faimess for gay and lesbianpeople. A:1ABC news poll shows 64% ofRepublicans supportallowing gays and lesbiansto servein the military, up from 32o/ol5 years ago. Another poll shows almost 80% ofRepublicans don't believe a businessshould be able to fir'e someonebecause of their sexualorientation.

Sundav.November 30. 2008AOL: JBoppir Youprobably saw this.... Page2of2


Saulius"Saul" Anuzis Chairman MichiganRepublican Party Secchia-WeiserRepublican Center 520Seymour Street Lansing,Ml 48933 TEL: 517-487 -5413 FAX:517-487-0090 emai| : [email protected]

Sundav.November 30. 2008AOL: .IBoooir Page1 of2

Subj: FYIAction Reportfrom RNCCandidate's Forum Date: 119120092,38:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time From: JBoppJI To; ne][email protected],[email protected]'ftaam, JQlyergl l, info@mngoLqqn,teedbalK@lngap aIS, smigli@pagop=ojs,[email protected], wysop@c,affey-_c_o_rn, [email protected], vtsop,@vlsep ors, [email protected],jhartley@u_tS..o_p,.arS, [email protected], i|r|q@njSop.,-o.tS, do][email protected].,q!:s,wls,sp@!ryssp.arq, jtimmer@nt!99.p,.9I9, infp-@msgap-aq, [email protected],webDasle|@.rpsiars, thp..!yp-@alsap-arg, [email protected], lararSh€ad@naSsn,otn,-6.pn1ac1@ri!, mcnulty@ohiogqp-'o-tS, Lnfp_@azgap-og, -c,!,[email protected], JMqGOf , a-dm,[email protected], amy_@orgop-arg,iulie@mainegall-eom, llfo@m-aS-sp'a!:S, [email protected],-o-m, [email protected],jhal.lo.-\[email protected], Kedalvsao, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected][s,DCGoP, t-ke,sle]:@rpaf.arS, inlq@nysap-org, jancs@lasap-'c-4m, elleo@lago-p,cam,max@$, [email protected],net, [email protected], ff-o,@n-e.g.ap,ers,[email protected], jlcffedy@ealqrg, pau,@g?gep,,sr:s, Legubli,canpedy@Xss,qp=g:s, [email protected],a!:de@m,s-g,sp.,a!:S, ap-a"l.met@porlalg, [email protected], iflsher@t,e,xas-S"ep,prg,pea,slee_@negop.,.olg, pr€[email protected], ohallman@s-eqop_-com, [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],Hubllld@4nclwplk aata, [email protected], tbenkiser@texasgop-9I9,[email protected], [email protected], smahoney'1 [email protected], drandall@nvg.!et,[email protected], [email protected], willes@gop-h€tuaii-aa!0, [email protected],BIauSh@rullaealp-gem, [email protected], [email protected],Oeq/[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], PLGOP, [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], brcd@nsSap-oleL, KimlRLC, tayEjndy,[email protected], EclljH,tll, p-a!:Lch_aner@sameast-nc1, steve@rp_K.erg, rcsj€[email protected],joelin1@wiklak ne!, rqbrD@lnSap-,.0-rS, Ddyawh-a!1., rlittle(, E[[email protected]!:9,ga!"y.,e!-nineth@ndgep.,arg, ade_m_o_nle-@g!es.!e1, VDDPq, m.h808.0.2@)4ahqo-aom,dremer@djamoldalL0ct, leaxdahl, ro-[@rcn-c_arcy=com, [email protected]=on,raraep@gcLret, .ieqppi1, [email protected], De€dccssp, aeweh@cs]ayiatign,so-m,kane.slra@veirzon nel, Ipulle!@!ryagc!La,t-c,i-Lc-o-m, ar.apKe!:[email protected]!1ct,[email protected], [email protected],as-com, JLambertir, [email protected],ji!0@usattolrey=cq0, eam, alqq@scminelals,pam,R-t-TAqQf_, errol@71, [email protected], [email protected], jryder@l:p[isshel"!,an,eam,G].ug$-e-l]@gal-d!-ers€rxpsa!-sonr, [email protected], J-Icrhcs, ,skrn-q)-v_@li-v_.e.e._o_rr0,JIIFREY,SENFTl HP2U, [email protected]. net, dcmarqsqallsorl@yalloa-ea!0,hally.hush--e-s.@mas-ter!, butlerkeit[@,gb.-cjj-sbaLneI, s,g-njas.:[email protected],Icp:r0uroiqd@qQx,ne-t, -c.yn-ihiacpslarnE@iatlrnal!.aam., atSapl@yahaa,sam, p,aficl@,,s,nell.ingm-e1l-s.,9pl]1 [email protected], jqU@-c-Ln!sncable.let, r.|:pli,e.b,t][email protected] est. qom BcC: rsbopp@tn-dia,na,9-du,[email protected], kathlee-n.bopp@gn0alLaao' ennb,gp-p' flanasm,n@lJmich,ed.u

In myshort time on theRNC, I havebeen invited to severalmeetings which were "exclusive," that is based on themembers' interests. In one, a groupof onlyRomney supporters met, at the2008 Winter meeting, and Betsysat right next to meand did noi object. lt is disconcertingthat some only object when conservatives get together,Further, I am shockedthat some candidates for RNCchairman object to conservativesmeeting and actuallywani to bansuch meetings. An importantFirst Amendment right of Americansis to cometogether to advancecauses they support in privateorganizations based on thejrcommon interests. My professional career hasbeen dedicated to defendingthat right and I havedone so successfullymany times, jncluding in arguments beforethe U.S. Supreme Court. lf we arenot prepared to respectthat freedom for membersof theRNC,how canwe be expectedto defendthat right for all Americans. Jim


Tuesdav.Januarv 13, 2009 AOL: JBoppir Page2 of 2

From:[email protected] To:[email protected] Sent:1i9l2009 2:09:43 P.lVl. Eastern Standard Time Subj:Action Report from RNC Candidate's Forum


Sinceyou left theforum earlieron 1/7,I arnsending you this summaryreport concemlng our steeringcommittee long-term viability.


BetsyWeronen of DC askedall candidatesthe followingquestion:

Thereis a conservativesteedng committee formed to interviewChairman candidates. It is a groupwithin theRNC, which useda litmustest for its membership.It is exclusiveand divisive.The RNC needsto be moreinclusive. Did you participatein their interview?When you areelected as the RNC Chaiman,would you stopthis groupfrom continuingto meet?

The followingis eachcandidate's summary answer:

David:I do not like anyoneto fom a committeebase on ideologyand litmus test.. .

Saul:We haveto be carefulabout foming this kind of committee...Iam for partyunity...

Katon:We shouldalways be inclusive...Ibelieve this groupis mainlyformed to evaluate Chairmancandidates. After the election,they may not havea needto meetagain...

Chip:Yes, I participatedin their interview,but I did not like the ideaofbeing exc1usive...

Ken:I ama strictconstitutionalist, but I opposeany exclusive club...

Michael:Yes, I parlicipated,but I did not like it. WhenI am electedas the RNC Chairman,I will stopthis groupfrom meetingagain. . .

Mike: I can't stop this group from meeting becausethey have their 1sIAmendment rights... My Centerfor RepublicanRenewal is designedto allow every memberto parlicipatebase on their interestsand expertise.. .

Solomon news. Be the first to knowwhat is makingheadlines.

Tuesdav-.Ianuarv 13.2009 AOL: JBoooir