CovernorChristine'lbdd Whitman @ J:-ine 11 / 2Cli at uear One ih.'ng has become aoundantly clear: 'nL^ €-v-Fa-r dhf 1--^ . F -l I r,tF^hdl Ille !d! I9rr L lra> t L af r wrvrr:J : i'he!r exclusionarl; tactics, rigid ,1ii:mus Lesl-s/ ald sensefess frnger poinring :lar.redcne a disserrzice to the Repr"rbl:can Par|y ald demcc::ac5; in general . Brit chelie is hope for our Parry Lhc: nernly f or med F.epubli.ca.n Lea.derstr!p Counc,t! (RLC-PAC) I ha-"'e been sui:po r----------------L -rn g node.rate cartdrdaies since I was Goverrrc)r oi New iersev ani I an pieased to joln .former Misscu.ri Senator and forner Alrbassaooi' tc t.le U.N- Jack Danforrh, as wel as former Maryland j.leuienant Governol: and cur:rent GOPAC chalrman ]ullchaeI sr_eele, in creating a povreriul and infLuentra-L qrorp tfLat carl brlng cLLr parLy back to its rools while pronrotin 'ore ta*o conmors*on:e centris: vaLues ali hol.d so d-'ar. i1LC-PAC'svrston ts a llepublican Party chaL is unrfied by the basic .e:rets cf fiscal responsibility and personai freedom, bL: rh.tL al -cu.'s iJr cii ve r sc opini.ons cn socral issues bY its nenoers. In olh€ra worcs, tne exc]-t-rsrona:y and drvi s ive taciics oflen enLployei by Lhe far-righa -- tce very tactics that lead Lo the shift of power ln l,'lashingron-- cannot be a .1..Lowed to define cur 1^^-,^-- . IJct-r L y alry rlJrLVs! RT,C-?ACjs r,atle up cf ftnderate Republicans commitied Lo: Lor,i taxes wi-l-ii balanced buogtets; li---.1-n ^.-'nnal .r.f er_Se; Cver, gfease -lbdd llepublicanl.e.rdcrship Oouncil u (lovettror(lhListjne Wllilmiln, (lhniI Ser:.rLor]ach Danfonh aitclf.it:utcit;llr t (lovcrnor Midracl Steele,Natioual Co-Clhairs F;:.qe Tir'c; -rEa 3 1eci f l:ei?r i:.1-i:,'; --he t ?::oie iiicn of en.;'i::cnment; ard 6 T,+qn .:rn;'er.nm+n- in.:e rf +rence 1n . :tclr r,rrdual li..ies i :::.,.:te yc; to join us in reclaiminc c*'.r ?a:i:y and ensuri r:qf a :e i*r.:-, Lo -Lhe ccre ';alues t-he Repuhiican la::ty has -,1,.^^-{- -.--.1:^, .,^. c:,(JuC(-d LeU -U: !c:ltta-lilnS. As sor,ecae rn'ith a long eni, prcltcl hisLoly cf ge::ernusly s:-.6;pc:t -a; ::.tde1r Lil Repr-ri:lican cancli dates ard cau$esr I neei you ilr c trr :r:-e: :,:: : -- r':he::e lr.cur advi-ce and f :nancia. backrng will i-1;=,;r;.hl= t-*.)1i.:y:vv1- LO R]-C*FAC. 1o"r:r:ra-i c:r contriirut,ion of $250, ;:rll, $:r 00C, $2/ 5C0 $5, otrI l,ii: -! i*Lp us EullcarI f isr:a11y cc]'lsealrailve, socialf 1/ i.ncfusi:re LepuJ:lican calrrciirlates aL. ni,:- -1eve:s of gcltrlqenl ' lr.lci t yo Lr ,l o in rti ih us? : The Rep;bl"ir:an Leei*rship Council s d€'Clcatecl to ) .gupport:::g irscal-ly cDns€rvaiiire/ socra-11'1i i::ciusrrie Republica{t I can,Cl,Cates at a--: t erref g cf gcvernmeni:. !'ie rreecl ycu: help in i,ieni-if :ting/ tra.i iri rgr s*ppor"l'ing' and t-:: elec-,,-ing a steacllt streanr of F.epu.blicans wl:c slaLe "'aLues inclu,C.ing tne l*cst iundamen:aI iialue cf al--L -- pe:rsc::al freedom. j Y O LI:. .i L:-o;1c : nanr:ia 1 support ivi--11help ens.;re Lhe etuccess f ;1 e*ectrcn of Re-ouclicans iriho sha::e these val -res -in race:; al I ac:oEs t,!re c';ouu'-rY. I,u.itn rr-.-pc:ta:-5. '-i;'1--i;-rns ccmingt up ne]:l yearr vo;: ll::n€-rous sua,oort is c::i: cai -- l-hani Vcu I $lncere1;,r, Go,.,'erncr Chrisrine Tadcl llihitr-an' Cnaii Republican *leaoership Council. F.5 Help ris:ecl-ar::. ihe Republir:en Par-*.vl Flease jcin the Republ i can l,eade:s:ri5.i Councrl rvj.lh a ccn;r:i.brJ:j.cn of $5C:l' $1,ll 00, $:r:rll c: r.ore, iodalr. vour $up:cori iaiil he1.p u's ':,r:eper'.l i'ci ne,..;t l.ea::r s aLL irnpor:arr: elecliorig ' CiandidatePlolile: U.S. Scnatc:Michael Stcele (R) Page1 o1'6 iSeaich!1... IHeadlineNews ]lDiscuss News in the ForumsI I LocalSports News ] [ SubmitNews lt,am ] | SubmitLett€r to theEditor I I BookmarkHeadline News ] Searchfor: SearchSo. MarylandNewsl lAdvancedSearch I I SearchHelp l C ickto VisitOur Website CandidateProfile: U.S.Senate: Michael Steele(R) Postedon Novenber 0i" 2006: ' .... : : t ,' : , : :', : , : .t. ' ':. B) l.ll'llCIA l-lNN.Capital News Servrce :r:r'ilt.:ai;r:,:il i ;l:IIi i.l:;..:rrti: -: i:Ii . i. r-:,,.r:., - ; 1.., , i tl ,.. .:1... .. WASI tlNci f ON - It is very l-rardnot ChristinaC. Fischer Long & ,')1 'llr: i.la ..,i.-.. 'l-rllarrd Foster 1:,:.::r.'r to likelrirrr. good-looking. Lexington Park 'r j ii l.t .: Letme helpyou achieve your ,., l.;l,,ir-li:r , - ,1, ' zrrticulatcancl energetic, alrvays with dreamsof home-ownershipl r lrror(lsn)ile, Vielracl 5tcclc is li :,.:t'I,,,1itI,r't , ..,r...iri. lightingto be the lirst blaoht.J.S. i:ir:i::l:: I :: rr,: ,,, . serlatoro1- Lhe state. r::lr.;i: :4. i, ,r:1::r:. l:i.:.i:i:i::i::: The GOP NeedsYouf HelpOne Mofe T me.Suppon Today .,': :',,, : r r, theGOP & Donare l:ill.l:::r;i::.: GOP.com/Recounts&RLtnoffs iitl.,i:,' " . - It is alsohald to clisooverthat Steele is tl.reRepublican candidate -- at ,' :irrt,.::,,.:r.ri.:i::, .:::,:t:I,.ii: a:,-:',lrr:, :'.'.r:,:.i-r...... Ieast1i-orl his aclvertiscntentsthat Obeythese 2 EasyRules & DropI lbsevery '1'l Days Effortless fhil to r.ncntionhis palty. FIeknows AnnsWeightLosscorn :., iil.i''l:..:,..:r'_i , r.:... that winning the lace in a : lrr'r:,:,:,,:.-.,ti:_:.itt: rtr,:..,tit ., r.:',i.,: l, : i .:, ,. : . .. .. ' l Derlocr-aticstate means distancing I lost20 lbsoffat in 2 weeks himselffronr any associationwitlr Readabout my weight oss successl :vl.rr'.,,. JamiesDietJoumal.com i : ,,:,_,:.i :.:, i' tlrcr rrrpolrl llll Brrslr ri lrrr irr islrc tiort. : -ili I :ri:' Low l\,4onthlyPayments For Military Steeie.48.sirys hc is tl.rcoutsider Personel.Apply OnlineNow To Savel ::: i.,li :.; i l.r;:1 r.. chargedrvith bringing"real change" ShopFfeedomcom/Financing ,:i:t;, i,i,i:::;.t,. ,,r,.....r. i ':::. ,, :..a.,:..:a, '.....t :t l.:. to Washington,D.C.. becausche .,.1,.:.. i l , ,.rlr,:r :rl:.i hasn'tbeen in politicslong. L.r fact. JHU Institutefor Po icy Studies PublicPolicy Graduate Program l\l D he becar.neMarylar.rd's fir'st black ips.jhu.edu t::: ..:, ..: . :.' t .1.' iier"rtenantgovelnor aiter Gov. RobcnLirrlicir pickcd hirrr as lris ')r:i : :r: I_:, ..:'. : u t:U1..|r:l i.t i i.l,;ar': ,,':Iiri;iiI .r',II I got tiredof strictdiets and runningmate in 2002.and belbre nastyfood thisone workedl NickisDietBlog-com :.-rr,:: :-].!,al that he led the stateI{epublican http://somd.cor,T/r.rcu's/l.rcadliues/2006/475 I .shtutl 1|1912008 CandidateProflle: U.S. Senate:Michael Steele (R) Page2 of 6 ll Bexiicll Iiilil$tiat)r Party. lii**ir,r i$f **.n{rsiri}*!? Srlrc: lf*rr Get$10,000 in Freecov cfants r,'f rrrsi)trii;iifil :iiiv,..i - But he'srunr.rir.rg against a man -- NeverRepay GetYour Free Kit Now for llo ):rrbiil DernaeratsG |a[tK!!qrg lJer:e:salyiri.ri {lij ji,.; DemocratRep. Ben Cardin -- with a 1:f ; i:r::.illlrl ]ir.:1kins , R*9ew.:tt i::rliriii 40-yearpolitical career,first in lliv "ic!,raril WantCCI: Johns Hopkins Univ info? Llctres ilarrr: i: Maryland's GeneralAssembly and Getlt FreelJust Fill Out Request. SlJxe i:; ftiili;:r i.lcr:;t:lui ComputerTrai!i!gSchools.com 'f ther.rin Congress. llef:e r r'::iiiif or liof The lieutenaDtgovernor tries to HelpIMake Wsconsin a RedState in i l{ah 3r*:! liii: l 2008.Sign Up Today to LearnMorel avoid getting into issueslike wLsGOP.org embryonicstcnr cell research. saying ,,;r,;"-;:iil'. ..;,, t*lrk y!ii't€ !il,efal? he wants to walk aroundMaryland - afteryou read this there will be j - Eool+.lr]FHrd and listen to people'sworries before oneless of them,one more of us. leftsolutio!s.UOtClptess.com/ aoting in the Senate. Nevrr,\r,.iir!::: : ::li,;l-il AdYertiseHere i2nl7 I i illli) I : ?lr.1i):1l "I zrmthe product o1'loveand hard work," Steelesaid when urged by Word of the Day: : $ltfii i..lu:j l,rr.;r)i l Cardinto delrnewlro he wasduring em4encegrige one debate. Gi*si i'.i*!y.s l;$rl*ffsl fron Diclionaryt.com He told The New York Times l\* rl o r.tft i0 rIt * I lil l * WoCCirr;s Magazinein March: "l'rn black. I\n e 0i:illarlss a Republican.I'm a I'ather,a n !)-rlic !la:!,icc husbarrd, a [ormel sclnirreriarr. o ioir:rrrril a::rer)ii;f Steelehas also ra'orkedhard to erode itt.rillS one the Democraticpower i li't il S(ri:.lti.::, of bases -- l,jlil fy li) fi il in Maryland blach voterswho * lcwl l, f;;.i:'fi,;i:: i:..,i::tit reliably vote Democratic.Steele a lo:rtic! gainedthe endorsementof several Democraticblack leaders,and l.re * d.ieall*r has beenfighting e Cir.riin Tilrf)t hard in his home i!*:w*lap*r courrty.Prirrce George's.
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