
14/01534/LBC ST942831782 Jocelyn Sage Replace cedar shingle tile roof on existing single storey Perry House Tollard Several bat species recorded extension with second hand welsh slate Royal Salisbury nearby. SP5 5PS

14/01582/FUL SU169252870 Matthew Legge Construction of detached carriage house/garage at front Clarendon Marsh Clarendon Grange Meadows CWS of property Marshmead Close (priority neutral grassland habitat) Clarendon Salisbury SP5 nearby. Various notable species 3DD recorded nearby.

14/01682/FUL ST907062443 Ben Hatt Replacement agricultural building for storage of Berrywood Lane Orchard Brown long-eared bat recorded equipment and agrochemicals nearby.

14/01781/FUL ST887142651 Matthew Legge The conversion of an existing outbuilding into ancillary Seniors Cottage Semley Common CWS and priority residential accommodation to the main house Wiltshire SP7 9AX broadleaved woodland within 40m. Brown long-eared bat recorded nearby.

14/01821/FUL SU059934497 Tom Wippell Remove existing farm buildings and erect a terrace of 3 x Manor House Orcheston River Till SSSI nearby. Brown long- 3 bed dwellings with associated access, garaging, Salisbury Wiltshire SP3 eared and serotine bat species parking and hard and soft landscaping 4RQ recorded nearby.

14/01844/FUL SU144413148 Tom Wippell 2 storey side extension 1 Feversham Road Dormouse and bat species Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 recorded nearby. 3PP

14/01952/FUL SU157194449 Lucy Minting Erection of a terrace of 3 x 3 bed dwellings, sheds in rear Land adjacent The Brown long-eared and serotine bat gardens, new boundary fences and new vehicular access Nursery House Andrew species recorded nearby. Close Durrington Salisbury Wiltshire SP4 8EJ

13 March 2014 Wiltshire and Swindon Biological Records Centre Page 2 of 11 Data held by WSBRC is validated as fully as possible to ensure such factors as geographical and temporal accuracy of each record as well as formatting or inputting errors. Validation is done by manual checking as well as by automated routines within our database system. In addition, WSBRC staff and County Recorders, in particular, undertake verification of records ensuring that notable species or new records for an area are correctly identified. However, errors cannot be completely eliminated.