
Wiltshire Electoral Review: Further Draft Recommendations - in the proposed divisions (1. Sorted by )

Division in Draft Division in Further Draft Parish Current Division Recommendations Recommendations Alderbury Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Allington Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Ansty Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Barford St. Martin Nadder and Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Bishopstone Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder (Part) Copheap and Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster East Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Boyton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Britford Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Broadchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Chilmark Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Cholderton Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Milford & Laverstock Clarendon Park Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish South Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Dinton Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Donhead St. Mary Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Downton Downton and Ebble Valley Downton & Whiteparish Downton & Ebble Valley East Knoyle Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Winterslow & Laverstock North Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fovant Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Grimstead Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Hindon Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Kilmington Mere Mere Mere Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Laverstock (Part) Laverstock Ford and Old Sarum Old Sarum & Laverstock North Laverstock Salisbury St Marks and Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Laverstock (Part) Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Bishopdown South Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills with Warminster Without Mere Yarnfield Wylye Valley Mere Mere Mere Mere Newton Tony Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley & Farley Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Stockton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Stourton Mere Mere Mere Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Tisbury Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley West Dean Winterslow Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Mere Mere Upper Nadder & the Deverills West Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Whiteparish Alderbury and Whiteparish Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Winterbourne Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Winterslow Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Wylye Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Mere Mere Mere

Wiltshire Electoral Review: Further Draft Recommendations - Parishes in the proposed divisions (2. Sorted by current division) Division in Draft Division in Further Draft Parish Current Division Recommendations Recommendations Alderbury Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Grimstead Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Whiteparish Alderbury and Whiteparish Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Winterbourne Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Allington Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Cholderton Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Newton Tony Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Britford Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Coombe Bissett Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Downton Downton and Ebble Valley Downton & Whiteparish Downton & Ebble Valley Odstock Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Alvediston Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Ansty Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Berwick St John Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Bishopstone Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Bowerchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Broadchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Compton Chamberlayne Fovant & Chalke Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Ebbesbourne Wake Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Fovant Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Stratford Tony Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Sutton Mandeville Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Swallowcliffe Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Tollard Royal Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Tisbury Laverstock (Part) Laverstock Ford and Old Sarum Old Sarum & Laverstock North Laverstock Kilmington Mere Mere Mere Mere Mere Mere Mere Stourton Mere Mere Mere West Knoyle Mere Mere Upper Nadder & the Deverills Zeals Mere Mere Mere Barford St. Martin Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Berwick St Leonard Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Burcombe Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Chicklade Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Chilmark Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Dinton Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder East Knoyle Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fonthill Bishop Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fonthill Gifford Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Hindon Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Sedgehill Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Semley Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Teffont Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Salisbury St Marks and Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Laverstock (Part) Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Bishopdown South Steeple Langford Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Wylye Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Donhead St Andrew Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Donhead St. Mary Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury West Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Boyton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Chitterne Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Codford Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Heytesbury Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Knook Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Norton Bavant Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Sherrington Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Stockton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Upton Lovell Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster East Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Brixton Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Horningsham Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Kingston Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Longbridge Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Maiden Bradley with Warminster Without Mere Yarnfield Wylye Valley Sutton Veny Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Clarendon Park Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish South Firsdown Winterslow Old Sarum & Laverstock North Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Pitton & Farley Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish West Dean Winterslow Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Winterslow Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley

Wiltshire Electoral Review: Further Draft Recommendations - Parishes in the proposed divisions (3. Sorted by division in the draft recommendations)

Alderbury Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Grimstead Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Pitton & Farley Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Winterslow Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Downton Downton and Ebble Valley Downton & Whiteparish Downton & Ebble Valley West Dean Winterslow Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Whiteparish Alderbury and Whiteparish Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Alvediston Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Ansty Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Berwick St John Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Bishopstone Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Bowerchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Britford Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Broadchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Coombe Bissett Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Ebbesbourne Wake Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Fovant Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Odstock Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Stratford Tony Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Sutton Mandeville Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Swallowcliffe Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Kilmington Mere Mere Mere Mere Mere Mere Mere Stourton Mere Mere Mere West Knoyle Mere Mere Upper Nadder & the Deverills Zeals Mere Mere Mere Barford St. Martin Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Berwick St Leonard Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Burcombe Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Chicklade Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Chilmark Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Compton Chamberlayne Fovant & Chalke Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Dinton Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder East Knoyle Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fonthill Bishop Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fonthill Gifford Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Hindon Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Steeple Langford Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Teffont Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Wylye Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Firsdown Winterslow Old Sarum & Laverstock North Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Laverstock (Part) Laverstock Ford and Old Sarum Old Sarum & Laverstock North Laverstock Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Clarendon Park Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish South Salisbury St Marks and Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Laverstock (Part) Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Bishopdown South Donhead St Andrew Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Donhead St. Mary Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Sedgehill Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Semley Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tollard Royal Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Tisbury West Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Allington Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Cholderton Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Newton Tony Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Winterbourne Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster East Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Boyton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Brixton Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Chitterne Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Codford Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Heytesbury Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Horningsham Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Kingston Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Knook Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Longbridge Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Maiden Bradley with Warminster Without Mere Yarnfield Wylye Valley Norton Bavant Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Sherrington Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Stockton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Sutton Veny Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Upton Lovell Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley

Wiltshire Electoral Review: Further Draft Recommendations - Parishes in the proposed divisions (4. Sorted by division in the further draft recommendations) Division in Draft Division in Further Draft Parish Current Division Recommendations Recommendations Alderbury Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Clarendon Park Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish South Grimstead Alderbury and Whiteparish Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish Pitton & Farley Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Alderbury & Whiteparish West Dean Winterslow Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Whiteparish Alderbury and Whiteparish Downton & Whiteparish Alderbury & Whiteparish Barford St. Martin Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Bishopstone Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Bowerchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Broadchalke Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Burcombe Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Compton Chamberlayne Fovant & Chalke Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Dinton Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Ebbesbourne Wake Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Fovant Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Stratford Tony Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Sutton Mandeville Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Chalke & Lower Nadder Teffont Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Chalke & Lower Nadder Britford Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Coombe Bissett Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Downton Downton and Ebble Valley Downton & Whiteparish Downton & Ebble Valley Odstock Downton and Ebble Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Downton & Ebble Valley Laverstock (Part) Laverstock Ford and Old Sarum Old Sarum & Laverstock North Laverstock Kilmington Mere Mere Mere Maiden Bradley with Warminster Without Mere Yarnfield Wylye Valley Mere Mere Mere Mere Stourton Mere Mere Mere Zeals Mere Mere Mere Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Salisbury St Marks and Salisbury Milford & Laverstock Laverstock (Part) Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Bishopdown South Winterbourne Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Old Sarum & Lower Bourne Valley Alvediston Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Ansty Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Berwick St John Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Donhead St Andrew Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Donhead St. Mary Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Swallowcliffe Fovant & Chalke Valley Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Tollard Royal Fovant & Chalke Valley Tisbury Tisbury Berwick St Leonard Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Brixton Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Chicklade Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Chilmark Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills East Knoyle Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fonthill Bishop Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Fonthill Gifford Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Hindon Nadder and East Knoyle Nadder & East Knoyle Upper Nadder & the Deverills Horningsham Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Kingston Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Longbridge Deverill Warminster Without Wylye Valley Upper Nadder & the Deverills Sedgehill Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Semley Nadder and East Knoyle Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills West Knoyle Mere Mere Upper Nadder & the Deverills West Tisbury Tisbury Tisbury Upper Nadder & the Deverills Allington Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Cholderton Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Firsdown Winterslow Old Sarum & Laverstock North Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Idmiston (Part) Bourne and Woodford Valley Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Newton Tony Bulford Allington and Figheldean Winterbourne Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Winterslow Winterslow Alderbury & Winterslow Winterslow & Upper Bourne Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster East Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Bishopstrow (Part) Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Boyton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Chitterne Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Codford Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Heytesbury Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Knook Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Norton Bavant Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Sherrington Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Steeple Langford Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley Stockton Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Sutton Veny Warminster Without Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Upton Lovell Warminster Copheap and Wylye Wylye Valley Wylye Valley Wylye Till and Wylye Valley Nadder & East Knoyle Wylye Valley