Maiden Bradley Parish News 366 December 2019

Stop Press! on BBC Countryfile December 22nd full report in january news

Diary for December 2019 1 Sun No service – No catch up 2 Mon Black and Green Bin and Black Box collections Welcome Club Bingo at the Hall 7.30pm for eyes down at 8pm 3 Tues Welcome Club Christmas Dinner at The Bell Inn, Weyhill 7 Sat Christmas Wreath Making at the Hall 10-12pm Night at the Hall 5.30 to close 8 Sun Matins at All Saints’ 10am 9 Mon Household Waste Collection 10 Tue Parish Council Meeting in the Hall 7.30pm 12 Thurs Luncheon Club meal at Hall 12.30pm 13 Fri Film Night – Fishermen’s Friends- at the Hall 7pm for 7.30pm 14 Sat Horningsham Christmas Market – Horningsham Hall 11am to 2pm 15 Sun Communion at All Saints’ 10am 16 Mon Carol Singing in aid of Dorothy House Hospice at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm Bingo at the Hall 7.30pm for eyes down at 8pm Black Box, Green and Blue Bin collections 20 Fri COPY DEADLINE FOR JANUARY NEWS TO [email protected] 21 Sat Christmas Church Decoration from 10am 22 Sun Lessons and Carols followed by mince pies and wine at All Saints’ 6pm 23 Mon Household Waste collection 24 Tue Midnight Mass at All Saints’ (Please note new time) 11pm 25 Wed Family Communion at All Saints’ 10am 29 Sun No Service 30 Mon No refuse collection 31 Tue Blue bin and black box collections (No Green bin collection) JANUARY 2020 7 Tue Household waste collection 8 Wed Housing Development Consultation in the Hall 2 to 8pm 13 Mon Waste Collections return to normal Prayer meetings every Wednesday (not Christmas Day) at 6.30pm for venue details please phone Celia 01985 844817

Dr Harding’s Surgery every Monday at the Memorial Hall except Bank Holidays 5-6 pm. Please bring your orders to Memorial Hall Surgery the week before they are due for the Doctor to process. Refuse & Recycling Collections every Monday, for Bank Holiday changes see Wilt- shire Council website. Mother & Toddlers every Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 noon. Useful telephone Nos: Memorial Hall bookings – 845303 Dr. MP: 01225 358584 or [email protected]: Mere Link Scheme 01747 860096; Rev. Carol Wilson-Barker 01747 861859. Bell Ringing every Tuesday 7 pm in the Bell Tower at the Church. Beginners welcome 844475 Coffee Mornings every Friday in the Hall 10 am till 12 noon Maiden Bradley Parish News – contributions are preferred in editable text format. Email [email protected] Magazine available online at Editorial What a packed News this month, so much going on in this very small village of Maiden Bradley, we hope you enjoy the read. The Editorial Team, Nev, Sheila, Elaine and myself would like to thank our distributers and ad- vertisers without whom there would not be a News. We also wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year. Kindly note that the January issue may be a few days after st1 . Pat Kennedy 845397 [email protected]

Carol Singing for Dorothy House Hospice. Memorial Hall, Monday December 16th 5.30 pm.

Please come along and support this local charity whose work has touched the hearts of many of us. We will be singing many of the well-known carols, and if you can remember any descant lines now is the chance to give your vocal chords a good airing! Any other instruments to add to the piano would make the event more spe- cial, so ring me and I will give you the list of carols and the keys that they are in. Refreshments will also be served by members of the village hall committee. Sue Priestner 844244 NEWS FROM THE HALL - Lots happening throughout December - see list inside front cover of this parish news for all dates. There are 2 lots of Bingo; 2nd December, Welcome Club and 16th December, Hall bingo. Both 7.30pm for eyes down 8pm. On December 7th there is the 2 hour wreath making workshop from 10am to 12pm, then in the evening there is the inaugural “Pub Night”. With the closure of the Som- erset Arms, this is a chance to have a “ get together “ organised by “Tim the shep- herd”. There will be beer, cider, wine and soft drinks from 5.30pm to close.

December 13th is the Film Night. The film is “Fisherman’s Friends” based on a true story about a group of Cornish fishermen who achieve a top ten hit after they are signed to Universal Records by a cynical London music executive. (PG) 16th December from 5.30pm is the traditional carol singing with a collection for Dorothy House Hospice (yes, followed by Bingo at 8pm). 31st December: No need to travel! See in the New Year with cooked supper, drinks and background music. Bar until midnight, party until 1pm. Tickets £5 per person available from Old Kitchen Store or contact Mel Thomas 01985 845111. Pam Thomlinson Please remember your hall is now the hub of the community and make the most of it! Christmas Decorations in Church Saturday December 21st 10.00 am. If you would like to join the team who decorate the church for the Christmas candlelight services then please come along to give us a hand. It would be lovely to see new faces again this year. We all have a very enjoyable and productive morning. If you can, please bring along greenery such as evergreen trimmings, holly, ivy, fir cones etc. Hope to see you there. Sue Priestner 844244

CLIC SARGENT STAMP APPEAL Thank you! The response to the appeal for stamps in support of Clic Sargent has been wonderful and a bag of stamps approaching two kilos in weight was handed over to Clic Sargent recently. With Christmas approaching, please would you continue to collect your used stamps to help raise vital funds for young lives against cancer?

All you need to do is cut, or carefully tear, the stamped corner from any enve- lope or packet that you receive in the post and start a collection. You can put these in a container at the Village Hall, or in the white post box at the front of the Old Dower House. When I have gathered together another decent quan- tity, I will send these off to CLIC Sargent.

Many thanks for your help Victoria de Maré 844695 Christmas at All Saints’ Church Maiden Bradley

Sunday December 22nd 6pm Candlelit Service of Lessons and Carols Tuesday December 24th 11pm Midnight Mass Wednesday December 25th 10am Family Communion on Christmas Day

Celebrate the gifts of God by bringing your favourite Christmas present to show us! PANTO DRAMA The Maiden Bradley Pantomime Group announced recently that they are going to hang up their costumes, script writing, gags etc. Panto has for many years produced a very entertaining week of performance in Febru- ary and provided the village with live entertainment at the Memorial Hall. It was a successful fund raiser for the hall and sadly for the time being will be no more.

However, to fill the vacuum, there is the possibility Maiden Bradley Play- ers as styled may put forward the idea of a Drama to be performed in the autumn of next year. To launch such a plan would require a team. The team needs to be made up of enthusiastic participants that would bring a skill into that circle. Therefore if you would like to know more, contact me James Kennedy at [email protected] Looking forward to your contact. James Kennedy LUNCHEON CLUB NEWS Phew! After 4 weeks away we are back home at Horningsham Village Hall. Our thanks to and to Maiden Bradley Hall for accommodating us during the Strictly Dancing Rehearsals. Special thanks to our long suffering cooks who coped so well with different kitchens and their facilities. We have said goodbye to Pat Hooper one of our long standing members who died recently. Pat and her partner John Gooding (a former Horningsham resident) travelled from Trow- bridge each week to meet old friends and enjoy a meal. We shall miss Pat and send our love and condolences to John and their families. For the first time we have decided to have a Christmas Meal at the Royal Oak for Luncheon Club. This means that all the cooks and helpers can sit down with members and enjoy the meal together without any work involved. Our last Luncheon Club meal at Horningsham will be on 12th December and we will start back again on Thursday 9th Janu- ary 2020. For anyone new to the Village we meet at Horningsham Hall every Thursday for lunch at 12.30. The cost is £3 for a dinner and pudding plus tea or coffee. We would be pleased to see any new members, please come along and give it a try. From everyone at Luncheon Club we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Christmas wreath-making and mince pies Saturday 7th December, 10.00-12.00 Village Hall, Maiden Bradley

Come and make your own homemade Christmas wreath together, eat mince pies, have a cup of tea or coffee and get into the Christmas spirit! • Bring your own materials to make your homemade wreath • A few experienced wreath-makers will be on-hand for advice • Donations to the hall gratefully received Recommended materials to make your home-made wreath: • Wire coat hangers for the frame (or buy a metal wreath frame online) • Bring wire so you can attach decoration to the wreath • Secateurs/scissors for cutting • Evergreens, fir cones, moss, ivy, berries to decorate • Christmas ribbon, Christmas balls, material etc. to decorate Please email Alex Channer on [email protected] if you plan to come so we have an idea of numbers. Welcome to Community Speed Watch News, compiled and produced by the Maiden Bradley Community Speed Watch Volunteers to keep the village aware of our activities. Firstly thank you again to all the teams that have carried Community Speed Watch duties who suffered cold feet getting wet Activities since our last report 23rd October 07:00 to 08:00hrs 61 vehicles noted and no registered speeding 30th October 08:00 to 09:00hrs 233 vehicles noted and no registered speeding 31st October 07:00 to 08:00hrs 172 vehicles noted and 7 vehicles registered as speeding 7th November 07:00 to 08.00hrs 172 vehicles noted and 6 vehicles registered as speeding 16th November 14:45 to 15:45hrs 388 vehicles noted and 3 vehicles registered for speeding. Again the figures shown do not show a high percentage of speeding, they do reflect the known national averages for speeders through 30mph zones. It has quickly become known that Community Speed Watch Teams are Active in Maiden Bradley. As soon as we appear drivers flash their headlights to give other motorists warning that we are active. Which is a good thing as it slows the traffic to the designated speed limits. So happily all our efforts in the cold and wet are worth the effort. To keep everyone completely up to date the teams plan to go out during the winter months with short hours of daylight and inclement weather once a week at least. It is very cold weather standing still for an hour. Of course should there be any kind souls willing to take pity upon the speed watch teams and ply them with hot drinks, I feel sure it would be much appreciated. In our last article we still need more volunteers to help with this important duty. To which we have two more volunteers who will come on board in the New Year. Thank very much indeed to both of you for volunteering Never the less there is room for more, so if you would like to join the team just call me on 01985 844848 and start the process of being a Community Speed Watch Volunteer.

Simon Wager. Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator. Vice Chairman Maiden Bradley Parish Council Welcome visitors to Maiden Bradley Watching ‘Autumn Watch’ and ‘Countryfile’ on television recently reminded me of some visitors we had in Maiden Bradley. My husband, Carl looks after the churchyard and returned from a visit saying that he had found a small hedge- hog. He went back to finish the grass cutting and told me that he had found four more! All five were spread around the churchyard by the gravestones. When I went down to look it was obvious that they were very young and there was no sign of their parents. They shouldn’t have been so visible. Sadly a day later Carl found the remains of one of them. So for the next few days we went down very regularly to check on them. Carl built a shelter and we gave them cat food and water. There was still no sign of their parents and they couldn’t walk without stumbling. Having seen a lot of hedgehogs in our garden in Bristol when I was a child, I knew that they were struggling. We phoned around for advice and handed them over to ‘Secret World’ – a wildlife rescue service in Highbridge. They only weighed 109 – 119 grams. They were looked after in intensive care and put straight into incubators. I phoned a week later and they had been well enough to go into foster care. As a child we regularly had hedgehogs in our garden. When my mother moved house she again had families of hedgehogs visit her. In the 1950 there were more than 30 million, by 1995 this had reduced to one million. We took it for granted that they would always be around but the number of hedgehogs living in the British countryside has reduced again by over half since 2000 We have had a few hedgehogs visit our garden. Early one morning Carl looked out of the window and couldn’t make out what he was seeing- something yellow and brown! It was a hedgehog with a ‘Mc- Donalds McFlurry ‘ plastic cup stuck on its head. It was trying to shake it off. Carl spent several minutes before he managed to hold on to the cup and the hedgehog was free. Though dazed it was unhurt and scuttled off. In early October we had a call from ‘Se- cret World’, two of the hedgehogs were released back into the wild. The other two were well and thriving but not heavy enough for release. So a happy ending for four of them. Liz Warner Greener Maiden Bradley Corner (GMBC):

This section of the Parish News is to gather, generate and communicate your ideas to help our community reduce its impact on the environment.

The village shop now stocks environmentally friendly wash- ing up liquid and refillable bot- tles, which helps to reduce the amount of plastic used. You can bring any litre or half litre bot- tle to be filled.

Climate Stewards are still developing their group facility but in the mean time if you want to offset this is the link for the simple calculator:

Please pass other ideas to Kate on 01985 844305 or [email protected] Update on the Parish Plan The Parish Plan is complete! The Plan includes the key findings of the three consul- tations and the survey, as well as a detailed action plan that will guide parish council actions over the next year. This action plan was reviewed and amended by the com- munity in our final consultation in October, attended by about fifty parishioners. The final version of the Plan was signed off by the Parish Council in their November meet- ing and it has now been published. A huge thank you to everyone who participated by sharing their ideas and suggestions in the consultation meetings and in the village survey. You made it a meaningful and useful document with a series of practical actions designed to improve our village. We’re especially grateful to the young people who joined in the consultation and gave such an excellent presentation to the community about their key concerns. Where can I read the Plan? A printed copy of the Parish Plan is available to read in the village hall library. A digital copy is available on Facebook, and on the village and parish council websites. You can also email Alex Channer to ask for a copy ([email protected]). A monthly report on progress in the action plan will be available in the newsletter and online. What happens next with the parish plan? Volunteer meeting, Saturday 11th January at 2.00-3.00pm in the village hall. Come along to learn how you can get involved to help implement the plan. Free tea and cake! The parish councillors are already at work on the action plan. For example, Simon and Ian, have been investigating how to better manage traffic on the High Street. We have conducted a Speed Watch monitoring session there too. But the Plan is far bigger than the parish council – it is a community document, setting out the community’s collective goals. It needs your enthusiasm and knowledge to bring it alive. Over the last year, many people have said to me, Ian and Elaine (the plan Steering Committee) that “the Parish Plan won’t change anything”. Our answer is quite simple: It is up to all of us to change things. If we all get involved, doing as much or as little as we can within the constraints of busy lives, then activities will happen, decisions will be made, money will be raised, people will make friends, and community is built.

Only you can help us transform our collective ideas into something real. So why not start the New Year by channelling your energy into your community! Put 11th January @2pm into your diary.

Thank you from the Parish Plan Steering Committee: Elaine Lavender, Ian Ferguson, Alex Channer Volunteering opportunities in the village

It doesn’t matter how much or how little time you have – we need you to support these activities: Speed Watch join a team monitoring traffic speed (about once every 2 weeks) Weightwatchers (traffic) support advocacy efforts to enforce the weight limit Village hall helping to organise events in the hall Village shop serving in the shop Newsletter writing articles for the newsletter Noticeboard creating notices about events etc. for the noticeboard Annual summer fair organising a summer fete in the village Bonfire night organising a village event to mark November 5th Footpath maintenance set up a volunteer path maintenance group Mobile phone researching options to improve coverage Recreation ground researching options for improvements e.g. outdoor gym Environmental activities coordinating climate change activities in the village Map of the village preparing a map of footpaths and historic sites Conservation researching photos and maps of the historic village to share on the website/or in a display in the village hall Cycling activities coordinating cycling activities and ideas Under-18s advisory group collaborating to integrate young people’s ideas in all village activities

If any of the above sound interesting, please come to learn more on Saturday 11th January@2pm at the village hall. “The Interim Measure” PUB NIGHT at the Hall 7th December 2019 So it came to pass after weeks of rumour and gossip, The Arms in Church Street has been closed for a full site refurbishment. The work is likely to take 12 months before the facility is again up and running as a hostelry.

The initiative of a Pub Night at the Maiden Bradley Memorial Hall is that of Tim White, a former regular pint man at the pub. After a number of ideas having been kicked around by the regulars of the pub it was obvious that an interim facility was needed to keep communications going on a regular basis between villagers.

Therefore, “The Interim Measure” has been created and it is hoped that a regular pub night with Bitter Beer, Cider and other delights will be available by licence from 7th December 2019.

The doors will open at 5:30pm until close. If you want to prop the bar or sit and chat come along. Table tennis and pub games available.

To encourage you to come along there will be a free raffle for a 1st Prize of a Christmas Turkey, 2nd Prize Christmas Pudding and other prizes. However, you will need to bring with you this page from the magazine and present it with your first order over the bar on the evening. The draw will be made at 10:00 pm and the Turkey Prize available for collection from 19th December 2019 other prizes available on the night.

This is a non-profitmaking event and after all costs any surplus will be dis- tributed to the Memorial Hall. Please come along! r

OurOur veryvery ownown VillageVillage HallHall ‘Pop‘Pop upup Pub’Pub’

OpeningOpening on on SaturdaySaturday 7th 7th of of Dec Dec

fromfrom 5.30pm 5.30pm untiluntil close...... close...... Buy a round of drinks in order to enter the free raffle! Prizes: 1st Turkey 2nd2nd XMASxmas xmas PUDDINGpudDing puding 3rd JOINTJoint OFof LAMBlamb Cutcut outout andand handhand inin thethe vouchervoucher below:below


Contact Number: Vacancy on the Parish Council!

Being a Councillor Maiden Bradley Parish Council needs a new team member; if you think you would like to take the wishes of the Parish Plan forward are over 18 years of age contact the Clerk on 01985213436 or email [email protected] for an application form. What is a councillor? Councillors are elected to represent an individual geographical unit on the council, known as a ward or - parish – in Maiden Bradley it is the entire parish. They are generally elected by the public every four years, but there is a Co-option space available on the Parish Council at the moment as Councillor Patrick Nixon has given his resignation to the Parish Council. What do councillors do? Councillors have three main components to their work. 1. Decision making - Through meetings and attending committees with other elected members, councillors decide which activities to support, where money should be spent, what services should be delivered and what poli- cies should be implemented. 2. Monitoring - Councillors make sure that their decisions lead to efficient and effective services by keeping an eye on how well things are working. 3. Getting involved locally - As local representatives, councillors have responsibilities towards their constituents and local organisations. These responsibilities and duties often depend on what the councillor wants to achieve and how much time is available, and may include: • Going to meetings of local organisations such as the Rural Police Neigh- bourhood Tasking Group • Going to meetings of bodies affecting the wider community (The Warmin- ster Area Board) • Taking up issues on behalf of members of the public As a councillor representing your community you will help keep it a great place to live and work. You will be supported in your role and will be expected to under- take training. You should be comfortable working electronically. You should have a positive outlook and a can-do attitude and be willing to work as part of a team. If after reading this notice you are interested in applying please contact the clerk to the council using the above details. The closing date for applications to be received by the Clerk is the 9th December 2019. Parish Council November 2019 Sydenhams Development Consultation – The Developer has confirmed with the Parish Council he will provide information on the Sydenhams re development at an open con- sultation, at the Maiden Bradley Memorial Hall on the th8 January 2020 as requested by the Parish Council. It will take place 2.00pm to 8.00pm on the 8th January 2010, this gives parishioners an opportunity to come along and view the proposal and speak directly to the Developer. The Parish Council hopes that having arranged this open consultation that parishioners will make time to visit the Village Hall on the th8 December 2020 to give their views directly to the developer. The Parish Council will comment on the Development when it is formally received from Council Planning Department as a formal application, so it is not seen as prede- termined as per its policy. Parish Plan Consultation - School Transport – the below response has been received and noted by the Parish Council following the Parish Plan Consultation Action request. Received from via Fleur De Rhe Philipe regarding the question put to her by the Parish Council following the Parish Plan Consultation. Thank you for your email to Terence Herbert dated 14 October 2019 regarding the query from Maiden Bradley Parish Council. When the government changed the law to state that all 16 to 18-year olds must remain in some form of education or training, it did not introduce any new law about councils’ obligations to fund transport to enable students to attend their course. Instead, it main- tained that local councils must simply publish their policy detailing what assistance was available through any channels such as the council, the colleges, employers and local bus companies. While many councils have not provided post 16 transport schemes for many years, Wilt- shire continues to do so. However, the level of assistance available is much reduced owing to austerity and since 1995, a charge has been in place. For many families this is now £781 for the year and so it is usually more viable for the parent to purchase a bus pass direct from the local bus company or college which may have arranged their own bus service. Unfortunately, in some cases, there is no alternative bus for students to use and some parents may find that the council’s scheme is the only one available to them. For low income families, whose gross household income is less than £20,819 per year, the charge is much less, currently at £231 per year. This fits with Wiltshire’s commitment to assist those who are most vulnerable. Additional funds are also available for low income families, through colleges and school bursary arrangements. It is not compulsory for young people to remain at sixth form or college and they can also enter an apprenticeship or employment with training attached. As such, it would be difficult for government to legislate that councils should assist with ensuring students can access and attend post-16 education. While many parents find this situation very difficult to understand and find the cost difficult to meet, regrettably, the council is not obliged to offer any assistance but does what it can in difficult circumstances. Sorry this response is not good news but hopefully clarifies the situation. Emma Knight Exec Assistant to Terence Herbert, Executive Director including DCS Corporate Leadership Team Highways Parishioners are asked that if they see any highways issue to report it as soon as possible to Wiltshire Council the Authority that deals with Highways Issues: The Wiltshire Council app can be used to report any Highways issues form your mobile phone or online at waysstreetcare/mywiltshirelogin.htm Or by phone at Highways 0300 456 0105 Church Street Railings – the railings are still at the factory. Following Bill Parks, the Service Head for Local Highways, Streetscene, Parking Services and Winter/Weather & Emergencies visit to the Parish Council meeting. Councillor Alexandra Channer mentioned seeking volun- teers to repaint the railing still in place so that they match the new railings when fitted. Notice of items to be taken into consideration at the next meeting in December. Precept First Draft Figures - 3 budget columns will be drafted for Council to view and discuss at the meeting. The Parish Plan Consultation requests will be added to the proposals. Parish Plan - Action Plan moving forward with the actions Litter pick date/dates Litter Bin in Church Street Church Street Railings – Project to arrange for Volunteers to refurbish and the provision of cones to cover Health & Safety requirements for volunteers. Dates for Council Meetings May 2020 – May 2021 Date of the next meeting- Tuesday 10th December 2019 is the date of the next Parish Council meeting. All are welcome to attend. As always, the Parish Council meeting will be open at the start with an opportunity for mem- bers of the public to ask questions or make comments on any matter. The website www. can be accessed to read a copy of the Agenda and minutes electron- ically or copies are displayed on the Community Notice Board at the Bus Stop. If you have ac- cess to Facebook, there is a Parish Council Facebook page do sign up and join the Community Information Board. Sarah Jeffries the Clerk can be contacted by email: [email protected] or phone: 01985 213436 or by mail to Maiden Bradley Parish Clerk 9 Beech Grove BA12 0AB Look after yourself this winter As the dark nights draw in across Wiltshire and winter really starts to bite, it’s worth thinking about how we can all make sure we’re looking after ourselves and staying well over the cold winter months. The NHS recently launched its annual winter campaign – Help Us Help You– which is here to help make it easier to understand the things you can do. We all know hospitals and surgeries can be especially busy during the winter months and it can often be tricky to know the best place to go for help, so here’s some handy tips to see you though until spring: It’s not too late to get your flu jab The free flu vaccination is offered to those who are at increased risk from the effects of flu, including people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, those with underlying health condi- tions and children aged 2-10. If you’ve not had one yet, it’s not too late. Call 111 or visit online If you’re unsure where to go and think you need urgent medical attention, but it’s not life-threatening, contacting NHS 111 can help you make sure you reach the most suitable NHS service for your needs. Ask a pharmacist for advice before minor ailments or winter illnesses get worse Community pharmacists are qualified healthcare professional who can offer clinical ad- vice and over the counter medicines to safely manage things like coughs, colds and sore throats. It’s quick and convenient to see a pharmacist– you don’t need to book an appointment and can often be seen in a private consultation room. See your GP in the evening or weekend if you can’t see them during the day If you need to see a GP but find it hard to find the time during routine hours, appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare profes- sionals are often available in the evenings and at weekends through many local practices or other local NHS services. For more information about services in your area visit:

Welcome to the latest update from AONB to keep you in the loop with our news, activities and events. Regular updates are posted on our social me- dia pages and don’t forget we have moved offices - our new address is Cranborne Chase AONB, Tinkley Bottom, , Wiltshire SP5 5QA If you’re after a few walking and cycling ideas around Cranborne Chase this Autumn, we have a selection of routes that can be downloaded as pdfs from our website. The Tisbury Footpath Club also offer regular group walks that people are welcome to join, lead by local people. The next group walk is around Rushmore Park on Saturday 7 December. For more details about their walks or to buy one of their local walking books visit their website. The value and benefits of our dark skies were explored at a recent event with Bour- nemouth University. Talks on dark skies and health, nature, tourism as well as a fascinating talk on 'starscape ' were on the agenda. Children from Dinton Village School had a trip in a planetarium with Bob Mizon from the Commission for Dark Skies and they kindly sent us some fabulous posters about light pollution. The event came a few weeks before the designation of Cran- borne Chase AONB as an International Planning a night out? Dark Sky Reserve. Are you looking for child or dog care?

Experienced child and dog sitter available. Based in the village - can do overnight. Good rates. References available.

For details call Millie on 07871 530755

Christmas and New Year waste Changes from and recycling collection changes 23 Dec - 13 Jan Your normal Household Garden waste* collection day and recycling Mon 23 Dec no change no collection Tues 24 Dec no change no collection Wed 25 Dec Fri 27 Dec no collection Thus 26 Dec Sat 28 Dec no collection Fri 27 Dec Mon 30 Dec no collection Mon 30 Dec Tues 31 Dec no collection Tues 31 Dec Thurs 2 Jan no collection Wed 1 Jan Fri 3 Jan no collection Thurs 2 Jan Sat 4 Jan no collection Fri 3 Jan Mon 6 Jan no collection Mon 6 Jan Tues 7 Jan Tues 7 Jan Tues 7 Jan Wed 8 Jan Wed 8 Jan Wed 8 Jan Thur 9 Jan Thur 9 Jan Thurs 9 Jan Fri 10 Jan Fri 10 Jan Fri 10 Jan Sat 11 Jan Sat 11 Jan Mon 13 Jan back to normal back to normal

No collections: 25 December, 26 December, 1 January Check your collection dates and household recycling centre opening times at House and Garden Maintenance No job too small, or indeed – too big.

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MAIDEN BRADLEY MEMORIAL HALL New Years Eve Party Tuesday 31st December DOORS AND BAR OPEN 8.00PM TICKETS £5 to include buffet supper under 16s free