
South Park: & 25 upvotes | 24 October, 2014 | by easyrandomguy

The Hobbit s17e10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXYzDSkiwk8 http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s17e10-the-hobbit The Cissy s18e03 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srxRyvXLM98 http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s18e03-the-cissy just saw these two episodes recently and thought they were extremely red pill. both poke fun at feminazis and sjw's while providing hilarious social commentary. i'd like to get a discussion going on what you thought of the episodes and if anything in particular stood out for you. if you haven't seen them, please do. and are fucking genius.

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Rainymood_XI • 7 points • 24 October, 2014 02:41 PM Oh god I forgot how fucking hilarious southpark is

So has us in a bathroom checkmate?


It's more like a - royal flush oh god my sides

GunsGermsAndSteel • 13 points • 24 October, 2014 11:18 AM I have always wondered how we justify giving women nicer bathrooms. And I mean WAYYYY nicer. Sometimes there's couches and stuff in there, even. I know this because if I'm in a place and the men's room is locked, and I strongly suspect the women's is empty, I use the fucking thing. If someone complains, I don't care, I was just about to leave anyway.

mordanus • 9 points • 24 October, 2014 03:22 PM When I was in high school all the boys bathrooms had the stall doors removed. We weren't allowed privacy

GunsGermsAndSteelcomment score below threshold • -15 points • 24 October, 2014 08:41 PM To be fair, we all know why teenage boys can't be allowed privacy in a public restroom.

Diabolo_Advocato • 14 points • 24 October, 2014 12:25 PM The couch is presumably for women who want or need to breast feed, obviously guys can't so we don't get a couch. As for nicer, really depends on the place, I high end clothing store will cater to their clientele. Also you see women and men on reddit complain on how disgusting women's toilets are for the most part. I'm willing to bet some places try extra hard to over compensate for the fact that women shit and piss all over stuff cause of the one inch hover.

GunsGermsAndSteel • 9 points • 24 October, 2014 12:42 PM I wasn't aware that women breast feed in the restroom of a bar. Oh wait, they don't.

MHOOD01 • 2 points • 24 October, 2014 01:37 PM Girls are disgusting. You got hair everywhere, makeup powder, Bobby pins and shit. Sure dudes urinate all over the seat, and whatnot, but we're simple when we go to the mens room. I prefer to lay toilet paper around the seat, cause some of y'all don't know how to wash your chiliholes.

twistedbrother2 • 3 points • 24 October, 2014 04:22 PM I think that manhood includes a clean asshole, amongst other traits.

Iramohs • 1 point • 25 October, 2014 02:02 AM Only the asscheeks touch the seat. They're pretty clean compared to our hands and whatnot. www.TheRedArchive.com Page 2 of 4 Philhelm • 3 points • 24 October, 2014 11:56 AM What bothers me the most is that they have more actual toilets. Sucks to be a man and have a case of diarrhea only to find the one toilet occupied.

GunsGermsAndSteel • 3 points • 24 October, 2014 12:43 PM Do you expect them to have urinals?

MHOOD01 • 2 points • 24 October, 2014 01:28 PM I'd take a whole row of toilets than a row of urinals and one toilet.

Gold_Mouth • 2 points • 24 October, 2014 01:52 PM Fuck that. Men can't aim their assholes into a toilet bowl for some reason. Too many times have I walked into a stall only to find shit everywhere but the toilet.

JustThrewUp • 4 points • 24 October, 2014 02:01 PM Seriously, how do you manage to miss a fucking toilet?

[deleted] • 1 points • 24 October, 2014 02:56 PM [permanently deleted]

Gold_Mouth • 1 point • 24 October, 2014 06:01 PM I just don't use public toilets, period. In elementary school, we thought it was funny to beat your ass if you happened to be in a stall. I was a victim of it once and swore off of public toilets forever. I hold that shit until I get home.

Fzed600 • 2 points • 24 October, 2014 02:45 PM But only one or 2 is being used for relief. The rest are for gossip.

[deleted] • 2 points • 25 October, 2014 03:47 AM Thats another gross thing I've been told about the female restroom experience: the chatter doesn't stop just because you're shitting.

skoobled • 2 points • 24 October, 2014 09:42 PM But on the other hand, urinals are life savers at music festivals for number ones ;)

easyrandomguy[S] • 3 points • 24 October, 2014 02:01 PM i dunno man... i keep reading on reddit how disgusting women's bathrooms are...

dreckmal • 5 points • 24 October, 2014 02:54 PM Former janitor here. Women's restrooms are fucking disgusting. Guys, in general, are less 'clean' than the cleanest women, but dirty women are fucking atrocious. A guys restroom might have piss on the floor, or all over the urinal/toilet. The women's restroom will generally have all manner of the most disgusting shit in it. Like women who try to flush sanitary napkins. Or those that put the used tampons on the floor. I have seen more shit smeared toilets in the women's room than any men's room ever.

www.TheRedArchive.com Page 3 of 4 Atrocious.

AngraMainyuu • 2 points • 24 October, 2014 10:23 PM Back when I used to do janitor, I always found that the women's trash bin was always less full than the men's. In other words I suspected more men washed hands and tossed their towels in the trash, than women did. Also I concur with everything you said as well.

garlicextract • 1 point • 24 October, 2014 09:03 PM

I have always wondered how we justify giving women nicer bathrooms. And I mean WAYYYY nicer.

I've never seen or found that to be the case EXCEPT in clubs, where the reason is obvious. This is actually false 99.5% of the time.

GunsGermsAndSteel • 2 points • 25 October, 2014 01:59 AM What's the obvious reason in clubs? I've never been to a club.

rebuildingMyself • 1 point • 25 October, 2014 11:37 AM Because you want pussy in your club to attract guys who spend money on them. If it means kissing their ass in a benevolent-sexism way, so be it. Women are not the customers of clubs, they are part of the product being sold.

GunsGermsAndSteel • 1 point • 25 October, 2014 12:37 PM I guess that's a fair explanation of why I've never been to a club.

forgetful_storytellr • 4 points • 24 October, 2014 07:12 PM They're not genius, they're just real as fuck in a completely PC fake world where we pretend reality isn't reality.

[deleted] • 1 point • 25 October, 2014 12:09 AM Watch sp from start to finish and you will notice tons of RP truths. Amazing series.

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