C.Ptl(Gen) Doc.lO 18. J Sudan. About 1825 he obtained the cession of this town from the Sublime Porte o.nd Egyptian troc.ps occupied it uninterruptedly up .. to 1885 •

• 0 0 0

A ter the revolt of the Mahdi in the Sudan, took advantage of the trot; b~es which afflicted the Sudan and of the diffi.cul ties with which Egypt was trying to cope, to stc..rt her policy of aggressic in East Africa. With dreams o:f settling on the Ethiopean platoau.x, she began by occupying the Red Sea coast. T_he 1andi.ng of the first Italian t:?:"oo·ps in East Africo. took place t awards t hle; t :t~e latter entrusted the Turkish J,egation in Rona to protest to the Italian Government, having in h1in( the promises made by It.aly. The following is the COBplete text of this protest_, submitted oa March 11, 1885. "In mmerous statements, Your Excellency has given the Sublime Porte a forrlal guarantee, tbat the dispatch of Italian troops to Bay­ lul and Ma.ssawah does not imply an act of s.eizure, that Ital y was firnly resolved to respect the r i ghts of sove·reignty and t erri to:ria+ possession of the Empj.re an.d that the continued presence of :tts

\ troops in these t owns v-ia.s of qu:'. te a temporary !la i.111re. In the prese1 document, on the instructions of his Governnent, taking note of all these statet1ents , the unders igned, the Tur}dsh Charge d'Affaires, ha:.: the .honour of i:r..forming Y01u- Excellency, that the Sublime Porte, fro: the loyalty and friendly feelings of Italy,. expects that she, putt in h er ~o~ds into deeds, will be prepared to recal~ her troop~ ~t the earl~est possi~le nonent from the two aforenent1oned local1t1es, as the Imperial Government has already requested"o An exchange of notes took place at this period, between the Otto~an and Italian Governments. ~ C.Po (G en) Doc .10

At t h i s sane pe riod 1 the Italian authoritie s wanted t o t a k e a census of the popula t i on of Mas s awah ~ the inha bitants prot e s ted, declar i ng tha· L~ t h e taki ng .;:;. census wa s an act of s Ov er e i gnty, bel ong­ ing sol el y t o t hu Egyptiar:. Governnent . The que stion was brought be­ f ore t he _C,_IUlXil of Min i sters in tho s ession of 1st Novenber 1 885, the Coune; i.:!.. of r~i nistern con:fi rned the point of view of the inhabit­ ants of Ti[a s ;;;e'.v a~'l o..nct. wr ot 8 t o t h o Gover r,wr of the Ea stern Sudan charging :hin wi t h c;allinc upon the Ita lian authori t .i es in this ma tilcr l

Fi ua.ll y 1 Lhe LYl[). o~ It al J.an pr ot ocols of 24th Match and 15th April 1 891 i 1,vht cl-: f :i.xe::d ·c h~ fr ontier be twGen Arie;l oi.Egyptian Sudan and E :;.~i t r ~ a 7 :f ) :~::q. :~_ :L y ::...ays C.. own that "t l:le dr-aw i ng of this froniJ:l,.er dOeS n o-1:; i :C~:y ol ~ r e i:; he C{L..~C:.:s t j . o n Of SO Vereignty and doeS n ot ihfJ:"iTige the r:l,.0'(', cs o.i' I ~ e; y :p·: i:Jn [.; over c j_gn ty ~

Si.nc e the:r' ; no n "-''N f


0 0

At t }lo pi'E: s e;:nt; t i 'J.o , I tc.l ian don.inatiom i~. Ea st Afric a has cone t o an cn :l ~ i t is 't}lerG:'ore cr1l y righ t t hat Massawah should 1 ~..L..-'etu.. ...1..~n ·t \....r1 -I-L .."'CJ.. ·• .._C:., +\... (-·.,~ ..Jv..c. .~ ~ .P..J.... ·.....,.-.o r-J• • "'1"¥· 'n• l· 1'"•_, h T...1... +.u ur >'.l.., y UnJ' Ustly s ·l.•1· .....:t. +u ched -'-~ +V •

]\::rt~ ::;~ci:1-o ro 1 :Zl"'O~ _.:.: he aconon ic and corrrJe rcial point of view, Mas s mv2:h is in d. i s p e n s 2.~~ l 8 t o the Sudan ; it is the na tural outlet f or the Y CJ.d. :s i 'r r_':.:J. Ko:rcl.0 f a n and Da rfour 1 and throu gh it fore ign g oods · c e.n r e ~~11 t 11c G1..1 d a 11 ~

Ti gy :t: t 9 wh~.:: h qffordecl ~.; he AJ.lies such i np ortant h elp against Italy, h2-~J t :-:.e f.L ~c::~ h !J:Jc ~h>_.;, t s he Yvil 1 b e gr a n ted her r e v est an d t hat h GI' h j_::;t oTic ricJr !~.s t o Ma zs o.'.vo h wi l l b e c onceded.

Palais du Paris~ C. ? . ( Q-:01: . ) Doc. i 1

Luxe. .,~),o u r ~: :? t< l ..- .ce 7 P0.r i s .•

/ C. ? .

The Aus ·crL-:-_ _._ uo l e:, ~ :·cc ' s ~-~ ' "'.. · :'_ :c'c ~3 to ·c l1.e ?lenccr y Se ssion of the Confe~e nce o • Aucust 21st, 1946. 1 •

II. Pro :;>o s~~ l G oy the _. -.. ust :c• i c:.'.~l Deleg c, ·c :L c l1 concerninG cc j~ L:. i 11 cl ..: .uses of ·chc .;D :..~~ ..L' ·ii _::e c...ce T re ~··:c y .;7_· ch Ita ly. 2

:rr . 8 t <.-~ ·c uJe . ! t c o nc ~r ~in g t he question of the South T Vl"Ol. ( 7 a n.11exes ) • 14

IV. S uc ~ esti o ns c o nc c r 2 in~ the cues tion of Trieste. 2L~ ------

1 • 1 •


,_ C..J • n.;: • ( a-.ul_-.,-·")~ D oc. 1 1


The - ·~ustriaa Gove:..-nment still cons::.ders th ~.-e; the l'l;: tur8.l solu-ciol of the cwestion of the South T~n·ol lies in the consultation of ti1B ~.?o:.;m1::'.tio.i1. of th.. '-t reJion O.i1 the nationality the:r desire to have and on ·cl1e: reg ime -(:,bey vJish ·co see estaiJ lishecl in their te.rri tory. If the Con.ferea cc •;Je re ·to fir:tcl. it i rl 1J ~j s ;. ible to a.do) t thls solu·(;ion v hich is bo.sed on ·i:;i1e Uni tcc?c l:"' atio21a Ch::;rtcl', there shouJ.cl Zl t leo.st 'Je so1.1e ~: u <.:c j:'C.nte c easuring frcedOJ•1 of economic lif e a11d the free exercise of l ~nGuaz e ana cultur ~ l traditions for the }Goples of the , ere they to be o.tta che d to Ita ly.

De·c zdlec1 2c l"'l'a::1z; e;:Jcnts sllould ~)e nEtc1e ~)Gt -, ,cr:m Ita ly anc't. -.us·cria and ·ci1ese o.rl".:tnz;er,l811'GS f3houlc1 forJn the t.:Ul) je c t of Ito. lian: legi slo. tion, In orde :;:- th·': (; their £oplic

1) An r.mtonomou2 adminio·cro. tio.c1 si i~l:i.l c-·. :i."' ·c,o th .·c gr n.irce c1 i)y It2,ly to the p oj;mla-C.i on of' ·che VCJ. l d 1 ;.os to.. l'hiG <:c clii1inistr,:..ti ve uni i woulc1 :u1c::..ucle -che lJrov-ince of :C ozel1 ( :.;o:Lzano) and a i:um~x'< r of nei [)11)ourin~> com.1unes·, i.e. the G U ' ii1G. 'l n .i. u..:~ Ladin-s~)e akinc di.; tricts, and not tho ;;,holE; of ·chG ·cc:.- i tor y for,,:.Cl' l;y i)olonc; inc~ to ) .. u s tritJ.~ :-lt.\iilel~r, ·(,he l)I'QVi.il.CC of :aozc:n and the T::."'e.ntino. 'l'his -~J oul e. onsul"e ·i::,h ._,·c the 3-errJc:U-G)c ;:Jdnt~ elemu~ . ·c c1.oe s no·c. 'become a r,1inori t y ns com·. ) <--~ i.' ed .,_;i'(; l1 the I ·ca lim1 >)Oi)Ul::t -i::,ion. A c -t~1e s ame ·c iiile, rae as ur es .:::houlcl be taken to a.i1nul tl1e-" e f fects o:f · -che. l)0}_1ul .::, ·cion t:i." ans:Lc rs ··1hich l'Osul·cccl f'l"'or.l ·i::,ile Hitler-l1l U0DOlin:i. a.:;.l" OCi'16... 1t.

2) Up tJ the :pr-esent the econoLlic l i f e oJ:"' the South 'l'2rrol populatioi1 h t.•. S be..;n lXl:..'·ticularly endan c;e; :L ed b r the s yster,latic int:liJra tion9 SJ.)Ol1.80r·ed ".:Jy the :r.:·asci:; t G ::Vc:i."'l'l..ncnt of Italy, of r-c .::.~ liuns fl"OJJ1 It:.:..ly' -::rho enjoyed prcf'e r c ;;.ti.J.l ·ere a tment ove-r the Tyrolc3e both in the .JU"vlic' s e rvices cud pri v ;:: i::,e business. r·~ ~ muld O~)ViounJ.rtJ bo necesf:lcry to :J:ro·cec t. tl1e r:::~. rrol')an I>Opt1l2.tion a0aim;;t ·Gl1c c:on:Gi-,1U<-:tion of this ~x;licy, by iiml';:il1G any furthol" influ~:: of Ito.lia n elC.iJ1Gl1'G8 into thir-; rc .-.; io ~ l su".Jject to t l1e ap)roval of -~he ,_.mtoaomous 4"ct~ iona l ;:D.A!linis·cre:Gi on.

3) The autonomous rE;gion shoulc1 ~) C put Ul1.d.c r a Sl)ecial Cus -Goms l~ e13h1e, ·;1:1(; n::oy both Itali.l. ,l e,Dr:1 Aus ·(;1 i<:,.i1 im)orts ';mule"!. l)c f ·r;_.e of Cus-~omn duties and other duen while the export of South Tyrol/ C. P. ( ():::_;H) Doc.11

Tyl.,ol )I'oducc t :J It~:is and ..:-'~ustrio. Y'lou1C~ "'.Je likerriso exenqted. on production of ccrtificntes of origin.

1 1 1 !-r ) . .:c '' l1. o.:.•.~r0 · lt::.-H·., --r··1en+ ·• ,. s,"' 10U.L ... '·•, "·!.).,;, '-''"'One .L • ·.L Uder'd. ""'c-·c1..10 ··•:,c···~ e· ,- 1 r+~lvc. J1 r c}r1". . L· c ..'· ; u··7-r-,;.::>v -'-C.. ·1 on t l1c b;·'.sis of the l)rinci:Jluo ou:ci. in0rl ia ( 1) ·i:;o (3) c.·:.Jc -· t:; <. nd this c.~;recmei1t shou.lu ·..;e .tiled 'iii ·(;h the United 1Jations ,::; .;·.:.c.L .i. c:; c.i.n"'or·.:GiilC)n·c gua::--;:•.ntucd 'by c:~.:.1 in·ce;r.i:to. tion2.l "'.Joc1y •

.- . ti:ae-liE1it should i1G 5-noosed on tllG Italia.i1 Gove:....,l1i,lent for

·fur\.I (~._ r., ·::~ ,• ·...._C't l' J."1"'" •...J or"" ,._)"'iQ')Q'-"' .4 ..a,;: L:,) .'1,....,_ c•:J• .l.""'OI., +\,1 ;-1""'~ ...._, e .,!.'1 fo r A\.• t>J ..;·lc-1 \,.1 "'1+ U o·".J,. .;lJ. he.-. L."\c:•e l.>"'"Uar~ <-•l~ ·1+ \..1 "V ·c·· s , and .:m e;h :;> ro~:~osnls should Jn oo CLra:c t cd. :1s to 1i1:.;et ··:i ·c.h the a:._)~::, rova l of the Au:·)·crh"'.!1 Govcr.:Jli1unt.

Itt the al)s.;nce of a.2:recr.16!~t, the -··us·i:.rio.n Gove~n•iW.i1t should be • enti·cled to .:lX)Gtli to ·che Uni tccl Fat.i·Jns, v1ho viould decide any outstand in~ diffcYc~cen of o~inion.

:,_ctuc>. ted 0~7 the D.~)ove c Oi1S ic.l.e;r ;rcions, ·(,he .\u,:·, trio.n Govc r .ilfflCl'l"G proposes, if ·c.h.:; C L)n:Lv~ence is unD.0le ·i~o agree ~6 .the plo0isci te p:;.' O~)OSE.id a:c ·cho outset, th ..... t .h.J...,tic le 10 ;;ovcl'l"'. i.il[; t he frontier a r ro.a .:~ emea·cs ·:) ct·,Jee:~t ~·i.ustria and Itu.ly shoolc.l ,;e amended ,.,_s follow·s:

Article 10 ----·· - ---- ~ -- ·;;ithi.:1 a pe::.:·ioc1 of oae ye2l", Ito. l ~...- sho.ll concl ucl_e c.c: r r:; cme nto Wi th AuGtri2 so ~G to s uaraatcc, irres)cctivc of the H!tlGr- . Mussolini ac~ re e1'1c.~1t of 1 S39, fJ...,cedor:l. of e cono1ili c <:-.ncl cul tura.l c~cvulo)i'l1C.i:.-c by ·che z; :;," .m·c of c.n autonomous r ogionc.l adminis·cr:rcion tor the nativ ~ po)ul~tion of the proviacc of ~olzano a~d the co!~uune;s enlliile::v.tecl L1 ·ctw ::. ·c i:o.chcd c. :1nex, c.:..ncl. ·co ensur-e the free c ·· ·1 .I.,..0'.u 'J·.· V.-,ll·1 v~' ·'1 -.-.'-' Of ··j;)as' ...:;r· c ..:.'lru·, C; VJ.. cn·1rl.. ~ ..\...... (.'J..J. ...,C , ;..I.. ~~r-· I·.1.·;· u .J..._,Ul ;. ~-"'Jr'.A,J.. .. ;r...L ~ ~-e-1-;:..J v ..:.J vvl -i-hcv ..v '"-•:·' \...4..L....r ocluce OI'it;inz.. tin-0 f rod t,h,:;:c resion EL1d i·c.: nort.1al i:m:Jor·c rcquLL"emeh-ts.

Annex to :~:..-ticlc: 10 - ··-- .. - '~- · ·-· -·· - .. --·- -.-. - -- 1I'he COli1JmnoG ·o elo~'l[; i.ag to ·i.;~lG :pr·o rincc of Trcntino c.n;: Prove is ( ~ ~eves), Laurein (Lauregno): Un s e~c ~iebe ~ rau iw ~J alde ( Sennl e ), Gt. Felix ( San Felice), Ald0in (Vnldacno), Altrci (Antcrivo), Auer (Ora), L; ranzoll ( Brcnzolo), GfrL.l ( CaoPi.:.l eli ::Jt:elorno), Kurt J:i~sch ( Co r t accia), Kur-ciniG ( COl''Girta a ll1Adi c;c ), I,l['.rtrroid ( i·L..U"grc nil 1Ad i ge) ; h oat :.1~1 ( Mon ta3ll;J.) , Ncum ar kc ( :2; G:i.1P.) ? J alur d ( ~ :1 lc rno) , ~.::rc.. min (TermGno), Truclcn (·rro cle.l~'- ), Uncerfennber;; ( I·c:tVO,SlU. eli Sotto) : Cnnazej_, '!igo di rc..sc:·:t ut hlOO.i.!J..

1fhe cor:li.ilUnes bclonzin,_4 ·co the :._)r ovince of Bclluno 0. re: Cortina d 'Ami)ezzo, Colle G. Luci2. 11 ·c Buchcnsts il1 ( Li vinallongo).

Finally, tho i-. us tri&.•.l Delcgv.-(;io.il cl81:s to 'Jc nllOvied to make an o:ral ct.a·ccliWnt of i·t;s viv1;s on t:1c se 1aa-tters ·co the coi:I:i_xtent Coilii1i.:; s ion. ·""' .;. q _._ en1 , ,..., .:;) UL • V .• l;i .. L +jU :,)oc. 11

'I'yrol i 3 D. J·, lO unt 'Jil10Uf; COU11U:' y , I 1 t:1 i s :J.y , it j~cse.-J:Jlcs S Yl itzc::..~ l c. ~ l ci .; i ·t o·. ,cs i ·ts h,n r)~ ·t ._'c!.1;:.,c ·co ·t he · tr c:~:C' f ic ·clJ.rou()l t l1e p 2sses of t ho Alp s .

'}.'he scccl c::Je~1 t o :!:' ·c:10 ~~o~wL: c ·Gi o . il L. ·cllc ·.r.J. L~cy G on ·.:ot h si cl.c~ of ·ch c :::)J.s .. ec is ·t he ~ )' -. Gi D o:L' c xi .'_,·t c.lce c:: n (i_ proS) Gri·c;;r of ·t hese mo un:c o. L 1ouc l a n cL8 , .:h i c't l j_c ~..;c c .. v c_ ·~ ·t he n,;tioi13 l iving Ol1 1Joth sides of t he ~ l p s .

Fro : th8 6 t;1 c c,:~oe ury ; ·chc s ;.}l",lC n •. ~·ti o .i1 s ec ci cC. o .t1 t~1 G ·c ,.r o slo ~J c s of -c. hc :J ~ · en .i1Ci" . :t_:'rol,l t lL ·c ti1:1c :.1c i ·t; l1 ._.j· the north 'I'yr•ol no:c ·chc Sou·c> 1':rrol ~ Jc l on, , o c:. t o I ·c . ~l ;:,r fr o. ·ch e: l in::;uis tic , 11 ::.. tio~1 a l , econo"Ii c oi' c ven ) U li ·ci c--.1 )oin·c oJ..~ vic'.! . For 600 yc ,-:: :c•s u.ai ·ccc.1 'I'yr o l for ..1cc1 ) O:'.l~ ·t; of .. u . t :.:·i a .

Be.forc 19H.J ·thre;c lL1 :~. ui s ti c.. · p,ou:cJs coul c1 ~J (; d i s·cil1 c; uish ce~ L1 ·c ~1 e; ~yrol, o11e c-, , ,r ,~ k.:1 - S ) C q)d .i.1i.J, ·chc o t iLI' I ·c ::;. li o.~l - G j! c aJ : i .ll (_, cuc1 1 ·c'hc· ·Lr·· !.11· .J..., ,:1--. ll o" ' l' ·l1,.:..)r.· -'IJ_t;;-11 r:, I..1...J ,·~ - ."J"- - 1' _;· 1 l u..., ll~"i Uv.c)"'"C· ( :U· '1l. 1· u.,, ·G.·-h l-· .L-.. ,C.- 0r; l.'"OU .t-J C0lluc' 1's -'L· •s Of s m· vi-v<) lt; of ·tllC; firs·i:. Celti c Llh,,:J i'i:. s. ncs, such c.s one f i n cl.s in Fr .:.~ 11\...v aacl i.i1 ::.:; n~; l .:, :ac.L ) ~Jut fro1i1 tho ) oli t i c o. l un ci. s cn timontal poi n t of vic· . ~ one coulc:. fL1r1 i n ·chc Tyrol only -G >.i o lJlocr:s 9 the r -i:. c.l l iai1 ( ·cr idcnti n G) b locJ: a cl ·chc GcrLl2n-Lc-,d in ~J lock ,

The 191 J f r ontie r ·.;.:. _s ~1 o · i:. tracccl. a l on L~ t he line; uis·ci c l L1e ne :J. r ·c ~1c . S.:.< lUI'n ) ;:~s s; ·chie- lL;.c c o~13·ci·cutc s un oth.ni c a l frontier :)et·,icen I t ,•_ l i an- ;:, )ea: ::i n .~ '. Tt i c.l.c n tinc s ~1. n c1 t he Ge r ,nan - La d i ne ·I' yrolcai1G,., The reu ion ·c o the HO:i."'·ch of t h e ;.:lur n ~J D. S G , to ·,1l1 ich l' e .:::, l l y the ·ce r 1·11 " So u·ch ':i.',y- r o l·; i s coni'ine c.1 ,' 1,io.s Ct llo·ctec!. ·co It.J. l y ( ~J~ r the ·i'rc . ~.-c -- oJ.."' S·c. G...;h1a L t) for co t r,·:ce e_; i c l"' e a so11s .

'I'he Ito. ll..·.:1 il.Zl.!!lO 11 Vc ze~1i..:t 'l' :c i c1e J.1tina ;; , used ~ ) Y t h e Ita lic.. .il.S , CQVCl"'S , o ,·; tl1C one h :t il ;~:_ , S OL.l 'i:. h ':2y r ol c u .to .:\ cl.:L ~S<::; ) c. n c1 , on the ot he r ha.ild Tl"cat ino 7 ·chc cec; :.; i o ~1 ·Jf 'J l1i ch t o I L ·l Y '.KlB· co,~r_)l c tc l y j usti f i ed.

--Arc--2 ·-a nd-·- - ·---Frontie·- --r-s Soutl1 Tyrol (r,.l i:.o ;:~c~ i ;::;c ) c olE "Gi ·cu·cc;s ·c hc rc ~, i o i1. to th8 Nort h of t he I ·c.:.'l lL'.. .: lL1.t; Uis·cic line :ce-:·c c h in ~_, GG f.:;_r :: ~G the ~Jr c SelTG Au .::ci' o-I 'C c:.l i a.n f:con'Cicl' on ·chc :J l•o n~1 C l" . Thi r3 r c ;;i on is qui 'G c c l c a l~ ly GCj_JH .·:ted fro!;l c ~1c 'I're.atin::; t o the Sou·ch , .ltlc :c e It c-.lio.11 i ·- spoke n , ·:; y li10 uD·c ::l.i .n l" c:.: ~1 _:; c s -,i hi e; ~ l ru11 L:. ·cvro c.-;. i :cc ct. i ons froul the .3 c:. 1Ul''l1 ~x · . c s .

Sout ~1 'i'yrol co:..' r c c :p on,-;.;::; .::.Q) l" o xi l r~c:~ t c l y ·co the c. c"1 JL1i s ·c l".:·.·ci ve r c,,ion of the .:_::> :eov L1ce of ::Jozell. Th e c'.:.·c,:, of ·c his r c : ~ i on L :; o.iJout 8 , 000 sq. ku1. The ~J O) U l..: ·ci on i s -~c'J o u t .)00, 000. :Cco:1omy/ . .5.

Il.r;J.'icul-GL1 .!_ ~...; J. s ·chc ~:-·lo.J-~ ii:IJor· ,~ i.~J·c 'j:c::.'.~lC~1 of ucono;;r;;· L1 .>:mt:1 • ·r :·' r o l. 'l'J.e ,, rc ~t·c c J.' ..J -'T 'G o f' ·c~1 , ~ .)'.-')ul · ·cion c.:tPnc i ·dL 1i vil1;~; by ;::t,~; : ~.' :·L c tt."L ·G uJ..·· t-~ .

1:•:cuJ.·c ..;. .tlc~. vi~1e ·_. :c·o . in ,, ·c:L y.· LlC i :J :~ J. :.! roc~uct r, of j~ c~~:LoEiJ. l ''·l.~ i' ~.L 9 uJ. t Ul'G, j~' o r. - ,-:1.11 h l) o i ' c~ :1·c .. :. ;·~ ~ it _;_ o:1 t o .• u _.·c. r L1 .1 c c o ~l·Xl1 ~' . Ii11~J o l' t s o:L' ·c h·J '-' c ):Co O. u c t :.> L:rco u '-" ·c i' j_ . c:'l1d Ylu! ·c ,. ci ·c. o ,::1. yc .:.:r l 3r a·v ·c. :c ;:.c:_;.J uf 19 1uilli o.Ll sc ,:· _:;_j_jJl~~ s ~-;,_. ·c c.;-: ·she yc,_-_;_':.. 193L!- c:ti1c1 'i 9j6. 'l1 i1c lo _; G of ·cllL-_ ,Jinc. ~JroC.uc·c::.o.:"l ,,oulcl_ iLc: cLly b lc - {-~)-'lo·:.. i :.1(.:; i~1t..1U -_ · c l~ ~\ - -... ,oti1 c:. ::;c of 1i ttlc

Ll) or·cal:c;:; . 'l'h ~ 2. .tlu ;·tl ~11.' 0c1tlcticu o ::. :C'!: ui ·c. ..1. l.10 U.TG _ to only 3,c 7 -:til.~~ ·c ~L.t o:i.' 'Iinc ·co 1, _, o::C ·dL t o·~ ·-'1 :;n~ o c1uc·Gio"~ of r·c ~.t ly . A l i:10 U 'C aJ.1 ·chc ·,,it.lE; ::mC:L t h,J f'l'Lli ·c CI'OIG or 301.H il TyroJ. C!. I'(; exp ·Jr t ec1~ ·co ·c. :1e l.or·cll ,,s ·c hc : · .' olim ; L:l~, fi[;urGs sho :

Yc ::-~j: ~ -~.' CL vc 1.., c.;-r 0 s -·---- ' -----·- ·- " - . -- ,, · . ---···-·- - -~- . -- - . .. --· -- ~cfore t he A;t 6r t he _ 'i 9E.t.::-. t~.~i ..8 ___., 1_c.±> ___ . _. _____1 _9_-i_~~ -1 ~J.Q. ..:1~£

::8x)Ol"''G:J ·co _,_ J. u. i~ -c~") 1 . · ~ .1.::>o . ooo hl. 6o.-ooo hl.

II H .:: .ii tzcrL t.Ild 1-tO . 000 h l. 80.000 hl.

II II GCI'Ji1i..L1Y 20. 000 h1. j O, OOO , hl. ''' :.1 II r·c. c..:ty 10. 000 hl.

These fi[;L1.T'CD Gtlo'.t ho ' ·t :1o o e·Jc·~ r '.'.'G l on o ~ t he .sou·c ;1 'l'yrol :trod h;s :Lc tu:.: : .l L1,:rket h ~'.S o.rtif i c:tn liy ·t; s .

t~1c c s t .:~0lishdo11'c of <:. Cu :.. iJom_e -~ ) 'L' :t• i cr z:.c~-:,i n. :; ·c . . u.s·cl"i c.. ):o c'l uc oc'~ .._;, crisis i n. t ll(,SO r i c l1 Yl i ~·lc - ,; ro · ·. Ly; :ee -; i ons , ·)'-'C C..l. use t hey V·J' ··.·, '"' o ··- 1·.,1·,,, )0 "'i ··--l·O.l ·c'· o co' ··1-,)e··- o· •·;/ .(_.. ,,·., -'·',~ ·· > 1· · 1c~>ro · .. l' ;1'.i I., ..,r,. i OI1.'' 0';" . v .. lJ ..a.J . G - ·· ~ .:r... . ,_) -- lJ l - 1 1 :..a: L t:, . w- G ..L L ':.L "-' . . l ~ ._.) - .. _ 1...> v (.-::~ - ..::> ....L.. 0 -'-l<.c-',-.., .1.T-'- i.J c·,. 1·vV- 1".IL'1l ' c'·1,_ , I'"' <.._.;. VOU .1.'''CO "-' 1.. -."'1J ..~ 7 L~'-...r --1 c·ll'...... - l '1J. v•",.lJ"' '"v ,; ..!.,;') l"O cl'1....\._;v~. . ,,.,,\..,,~t' '...,~,. +v lo · ·:o-. .L~ C0 _'';_ ';-u •

I:' ores "Gl"T i s of l:.t ·c. tlc iiu Jol~ t cLJ.c o in. ·c~1c -c o ·t:.tl • ou-'G?U ·c of :-jo ut h 1 1 T..,'rru - ..l. ( ,-· __ ~..._.,.- -· co·~.L ;-~· ·- 1· ~.i.J.... l.)~- -;v· o J...-; .·-U -~\..., -1- ~-: (.l,.J...... ,. 0" '~ l;:- . ._,- , .. -·-lL · u" ...u_l.C' u' ~&t ·t... .L c· ~o'- · ~..)-: · 1.--.1 · v-,ul·;·ur" v C...· l- l L._··· ...·1L ' :•- .t"~rJ.l· -'"''r: ..._, u · ·v;.. I"Y

1 1 ~· Jl 0C,L'·lc·L, V; · --i o .....; l .._.....· ~ r-'-' coW· l·- V;-cr.; '·-' --,-"Q;->_ 9· ~: L,-)c'.U c o-;··-, l 'J ..··.,~...... ,"' \...J c't- . ,,' l·.;-,U ,'1 lJ.S, _.; • .L''·'Ol T'Oc1..;;, .,._ Uc-i::. io-·1 Of fru:L ·c 2.."lCL ·.. ii nc ). l '.L ·c h\.... J C..:'.:,-s ·j ~~ :-~7 ·co ·i9 ~> 9 , :~· ou·c ~ 1 •r;;rol :.Ji.,oc1ucc Ll U.. ..·1 ~...";-: ...... ~ c·; .• >;- v.l~...., .'~ '-_. \J"· l e :·._ __~- )· -V~ L'1 ,_ ·· _ ___.,.. ··1 0 o _i' ·iu J1. r.-v . -v;- l· .~,_···1.,), 'v.J.. '" 1· -~·1·1;.Jr' ....;-~.. ·,.., ·;u· c· o~.- L:'·;-u o ~J.- ·c ;~ ·. l v·' \I h i c h 9 f:'cc co:e( LlC:; to ·c ~lJ .C' i ._:u:. (,f; L1 the :r1'c.i.1i1U;..'..I'io :3t:. .- C.i s 'Gi co;; "--> ve:~ lu ,,c.l.. c>: i:; 2 L~ 9 .ni L.io} liTe. /

,-..!..nn ..... Ul-~1 u..~ o"' -~/v 6.

20;v of "C i1e i nhc.. ~J i·b _::ac : c ..rn th\JL:: iivi1.1:; ::. :~ o ~.: ·c:.-lc ·co u:;.... i r:J ·c inlultry, ~cto~a 1910 the u outh~y~ o l c~joye d a ~r c a t rc)ut ~ ~io~ L::. ~ u ~:o)c c.:J ::. l1ol i d::: ~r :::.ncl. ·cr::. vcl cc.ll·c::·c. :Jet·=! , 0c ~-1 'lSi:) c;:.acl. ·j 9j9 -~)J.e ~1lli.i1~Jc"~ of llO·ccls clid .:1.yc L:t:::::'u,_L:;c ·:)y !i1u:cc _• GlEt T!. 22 c .:. ·c =,"'.Jli shr!lcu·cs \Ii t l1 96o ~JC:c"':.o. L1 th0 -~<:l"ic ) C:C'loc: , 1.:. ·c t1.e co ...m:: L of :'3ozc :• - c;::;."ie;s ,-,1o:1c;, 27 cc·c. a:J1i;;::h-.:Ui1"cs , ·~o·c : J.J.L1::; ·1, 722 "Jed ., , h.;'..CL to J C; c1o r;;e cl. c~o.:,J.,. ~Je;c ,-::. usc ol: ·c t1c .:" eo.t10Llic slu.il:_; Que co t~10 : J.~:- . c1c1ir;li:G c.i.tio:1 o:i.:' tl1c :c:' ro:1ti .:. r.

it h ·c.: 10 o..~J o1j. ·(,io;1 o:.. ·c :10 :t:"·1 on·c 10:2 ; ..· i1i ch .,_,, -.~ c: ~~0) ·c. :::.. ·c ric ·c 1y c lou -.: : c~ b;Yr r·c ~:1y for l.li1i·i:.:ll" T l''·~· · ·-~::·::J ~1 :J , t i1C ·courio·c ·cr:.l.. ,:·:L' ic il1 fjouth ·I'Jl"'ol ,;:;u1( once -~ · Ec.li.i.1 J.'it L1 ::te~! ~liX' =-'-~~) 1 ~ · ,_j_·cb ·ci1 .. ~ c. o/ . .u :.·t r'iD., Vi:.:; . ,. f3)I' i n ·:; ;:_tj 'LC:L :·. utULiL':. SC ..'. UO G i. .iou·c '· · ~.T•'0 1, ·::i.i.1tCl" !~:\('~ 3 UL1i:ac r Oc2o~ s ia North Tyrol. ----'I'r ~). :Cf- i -c

Ollc .:,;;: ·c ho )r Lwi:)·.. .J. :buro~1c ~ - ·1 1L~c..J o:• .' co! .~ -m~uc :cion ~J.:.; t \J c cn r;o:.:·ch CL1(:. South i s ·ctr.·i:. ·i:.hr•ou,:)1 t~·lc ;::;ro.;il1LI' :?aD:J L l Soutil T;rro1. No:c ·ch-O .J. ;J t o:L' :;o~O ]". ( no.:..L:c .L:;::•,-:nzcnsfc ;:::; ·co) ct ~1 o·c-hcJ .,~ l:i.~·w ·:n ...

L1 1 Sl~2 , ·c he:; ou·c:)Ut o:C ·chG olc c·t :~ i c :J·J ... c:c' ) l ._1 ·..:. ~, L1 (~;ou·ch ·:~·y r o1

I . c::tL •WLu·cc C ·c o 1, 708 t liL.ion l: - ;,·~1 . or G. S _, oi.' ·c~1c.. ·coto.l r·t ·. 1L~:1 ou ·i:._JUt. ·.;:•;10 i' i :.;u :;..~c i j, ~ .~1ich a)~Jc:.::l: L ·: I·i:..~~1L.,~·1 s·c .. ·.-~L:J·c.lGG is .~,: ri vc c.l. ;:,~ t 1J:\7 :~ ,: : . d ing ·cl"w ~Jroo.uc-tion of Sou·i:.h '.ryr>J 1 ·co ·cb ·c. of ·chu noi ~)ibom" i n.z provi~co o: TPcntino.

IIo·.. i:::~ clcc'Gl'ic ' J 0\.' 0i' COi.iSUiilc-:.:. L :. 3outi1 tvrol? ·------. -· .... " .. .. ····------·- -·-·... · --· 12;.)

-j ..... I nc1u. ·cJ.•ics ·-lk Sou·cl1 ·ryro1 16;.;

100'~ I .

·1~1· '' () wnI "(,· ;J. -,· ll l.;C [~ 1· \J.!.!.D·~ · ) . k:iec..- r.~ci: .: ·l · ...~:; '.-' -; o· ,.1..... ;.v ',1 ~J.·,y·.t.-.0 1, ·.~..ru .L·"' ·-..· 1 1. ,-,...... 't1 1·1;' ·_-; v·u r• '.l.1 sur_;_J1us of u1vctl"'ic .:.;Dc:i." c2 • Ju.-·c -:. cG )i. u ::>·i:; l.,i.::t CLcBL'8 s l."'Ococ,ni tion o:t hci.... oconOJ.iic. Pic; h ·i:. c i n r .:.<~ ~·~::cl to t;hc chio:i.' :l.Jl.,icu1-Gur,1 l ) i,oc-:.. uc ·c s/ :r:r:eod.uc -L s (- f rui t i1 il.d .: i l :.e/ ~ so Gh ~· rc c o ~·, .: l iB GG · i~ll c i mpo:;:· -L; :_·,ncc of I"C ~1 ly 1 s e c ono:Ji c: i a·Gc:.:r cln; :-5 .:.~11d ,J•. · . l she h. --·8 c'.. o ~.1c L 1 coa.-::c c-Lion iii·G :l ·c:hc ll ydr o- e;lc c·c l~i c )O'.-.cr of ·c:1 0 8out:1 'l'yroL ·

i'.u s trL :t . h __ t G - :orlcccl ou·c c o1:.c l.' c t c ) :C' O)'J ._,z,_l D c o,J)l .:/ccl y s o. i'e- 8 U 'J.l'c;_L 1[; I ·::; a l L t ~-:o :~Yi "O)D J.." t y . · f) i' :_:,:;.· .'. :_; c;:: _;_, ;;-c in::., i.rtr:, t :1l L ·:ci Dl1f.i ~'. J " C c onc C:." i1CC1 2..:1c-:'.. i_, U ~l J..' , _, ~n --.: c L1~ i1,~ J..' · c ~l c f utu:.: v o x p loi·G.x i::.i on of' hyc:. r .•.ulic ) O' ·; ur ,

L :. ·j 9j 5 , t l1e ]:i·, __.:;c.;:i.c t -~.. oV-.; l.':.li!lc "YG d cci cl.c o. ·c o crL".J: cc ,1.!.1 i nc'- u s ·Griul

C":O _I_(; c:l. -.- T' 0 '·7 U·'·l. 1' ; ~ \-'\ . ., , ., .. -;- 0 "' ' ) ,-, C"L U-) -'- ~ 1 ° l. -:· n } l' 'l 'l .; ..-. ,, .;- " ' "l o··· ~ - ou ·: -'L1 - # _ v ,..J:J L..l - _ J. ..1...1..L ~,.,._ , _... ..1.. v D ..:., v _; U ~.v V c.. .. L-- • ..1..0 "' .• v .l ..) l J. - v

Ty r oL. i·Gil. ·ch i s c;d i n v1 e·,17 ·e lK; :1\J ' ·;l y - c s·GJ.;J l isilc cl_ f c,c"C o :.."i cs 11 erc ~ , i · v cD a l -'- k i :J.::~ s of j_J r· i vi le ~;e;s, d :. . Ll.ly ·cc n --yc o. r cxc tJ l:,_Yc i o ~l. f ro!:l t ~ x ~ tio n a nd l : ~ sc ~ t du c ti on s i ~ the c rc~1sp o r t ~ ~ t c s fo r r ~\ J

1 F: · c 4 '> .d•1L::-:. -;v-..-v... · . '1. a l s ;=·- ~ ·1.. /v - J.,. l. _:11_. ·iJl·· 1 V~ cl... (::r'J o o r~. • <~-·i..Jfl ,...L,.., : -.-,)'""V s ul,_·Jv c· ...~ .,.;..; J.,. \,;,.1... o ...... , .~. ·i_ .._. , ·icv t..J-, :~1 .-:- . .L C"' c.;-Ll ,-·~ ....t: o·.L·"' t hese 111C c:t Sure J i s s hu:m i ;l i:.lL ~-lot :.; s ·co o..D;:cx 1.

~~ cfo:....,c ·chc ELE~cz ,:L ·c io n ;) ~T I ·c. .-:-. l J ~ , jou:c ~l. "ri/T' o l, Ho:;_··c ~:J. o f f.) :.lur11, !."lO n ...·c,j _ o ~l .) li · c f l_J r o ~.J l c, ·:1 . · ) .. c c or-.".. i :t11:s t o ·c,[-:..c ce ,; Dus of ·Ghe p o:,_)uL ·. · cLJ ~ 1 L ·t i 910 , ·C. hu :l.W .1~) t.... r o:t :::-c. ·. l io.i.1 >3 ii v L~. '.) i _ ·chc I' (-L·;i o n E.li•lOUlrccd onl:· ·co ). :r· 'l' hc I t c.lL.:': pDlicy of c".:e ;.., ::':ci oil :d i zcr. t ioa :2 0 s ul·c ccJ. i ~l a ctlL l ;~ c in t he ct;h no :J' <-~)h i c u-cruc ·su :co c , i)ut t h i r.:: c ll. f1. l1CU9 a l t ho u :~; h nu1·.1u l." j_c L~ ll ~r l o. r r; e , onl ~;: a :.Z' :f ;.:; c •~ s ·c ~l.G torm s . T o - d :0. y t i1c :: 0 a r e ~ t i L L 4 00 oi ' ·ctle -: 0 9 c o r11i,m ::,1CfJ of Sou t il rl'yi'ol \1i ·c h o.n /.uc tri.:1.11 1'll:J.j o ri -!~;'/ ; o ~1l y 9 c o,·u.,J.u no r:; h :-: . ·_re an I ·L. :>.. l :i.z-:jl J:l.;:•.jo r:i. ·c.y .

,, __ __ ···-- ·------·-- - 4 ~-- --·-·- - - - · -· ~ · - - · · ~ -- -·------·------·- ·- ·--- - ·--- ~J 0 ~)1..i. ~L ':.' . -t; ~ . on Gc r ;o;J. n- or·- I ·c, .•li a 11- s::)8 ~ ld . :1 ~

19 21 25i, 720 82 , 9 ~ 5

299,222 i 92, 7 6L~

The/ The cl..i .: -G r i but io.n n ~ 1 cJ. CO!ll:.;:>os ition of tl1c It ...1 . l ic4~1 :;;:J O) u l.::.l ·cio::l i n :3ou.- c ~1 T;:n;o l :) hods t lv :c the I·iJ,llia n s 2rc i ~1 ·ct1c ;!mi.n ·c hc fluc·cu:.. tinc o l c~c nt i n t h~ )op ul ~tion.

C ·Jllt l'c:T · ·co all the 1romiscG ;~1CJ.L1o . the j_Jol icy of nc::, ti.:uo.l, c u l tural J. :ld ocon o;:lic O ~J~)l"Css i ot.> of t l1d 3ou ·CL1 'l' yrolc:.-..:1 s h. ~· ~c:. c. l r~20.~r begun ~ oforc t~ G ~ dve~t of F ~ s ci sm . T he p ri nc i ~ l c s of t he c;ro :~ r C.ci:LilC of i t ,:~ lio. nis ... i:. _iun \'i CJ..''C o:C:i.' i cio. l l y publishc c1_ 0 21 July 15t h , '1 92~_, unclcJ: ·che ti t l c of 11 ?rovvoclir.18l1'Gi :.;>cr 1 ' Al ·co .\ di .:-; c 11 (rilu .:.G urc s ·co 0c ·i:; l:on :!:'o r .:,ou·cl1 '!'yr ol).

A~ J~) Pev:L c" . -c. i uns . --- ...... -----·-·-- ...... - D - ("c1ccrc·co" ) ... clo c roe

( il clccrcto C".L l. · _;;.Lv·J·" ·' r"·,vv ---·iu· u·.l."''C.:C '') - c'..ccrcc

L - ( ''lo ~;, e" ) lmt

:::-'ronrJ i ·c_i O.i.l of ·ct1c u:... c of ·cht;· n c.::. i!lGS Tyr ol, -ou·ch T.:' rol, Tyrolean, etc.

I n tr oduc ti o ~ of It i li._ a~ of the .::.C:t!JlL.li S ·cr c"c·c i on. •

P rohi~ i tion o; )r iv ~ t c tq ~ c h i ~~ i n ~he Qo t h c r tongue .

5) j)ocrec of tho ~~ cl ue ·:cion ~ \. uttlO:ri · cics of ·cho ':20'./l:. of Dozo:1 ~ ._)_~~1)~gJl:Jr9_! __::; JJ~-=------

6) I. '

3outh Tyrol is p:t•o cl cL i D1cc1 n illiJ.i·i:. ..::t :r·y z one or ::~:;...,iL·n ::.· _:.~ ::,r i11UO.L t o.nce.. Hili ·c ct ry o. u·i:. hori ties ol) ·i:. -1 i r~. v v-r y e x t c ~1 si vc :c i clrcs of cx)ro ,_J:,: L~ · ci o1·~ . ?rohi~ition of tho tra sf0r of t i~J. us t o ) ro pc~ ty o. ~ ~ of titl0c to ra ~ l es~ a te without thL a u thoris..::t tion of t he Prefec ture . These me a s u:ce s o. i n1 i11ainly c. ·c trnnsf orl.., inc; r c2l cs ·c :~ ·.-c c into I t a l i 2.11 h c:m c~:::-> - .

Provincia l ~ a nd M ort ~~~c I rrs titutio l c ~ -~ c n over ~Y t he 11 L~1 s · Ci tuto eli Credi to ?onc1ic,rio 11 , t hus mo.k i nc i"i.~s debtors do)endcnt on this !tali ~~ ins titution . ~xpe cially during the 8cotwmic crisis, the lca s·i:. C. Gl et ~r il". ·chc ) -J.y,Jc xc of intcn'e s t ·.u s seized u jo:·1 2.s an Oi_))ortunity for ccJ.lL1. , UJ ·chc fn1";,1s of •· ou·c h TYl"olc :.u1S. Unc1er tho r·c c;uL '. ti o~ w I"ilClYGi one(~ in ~)G.~"ug:vnyh 6 , f ...: .r!!lS could. not ~)c bouc;lrc i)y TYl'olco.ns.

9) D~...£ - of ·cho su]~..:E:ofoc"C_~~f__ ca v0_l9..9.£ ...1.b.:8.tj.,9,..4.!3, .. J'fpL .1__6jl±_._ Exclusi vo use of the rt ~ _ lL-.. ·_-_ l a nG UC~8c i.i.1 roligiou's instructiol1.

Compulsol"y licence f'o ::- ·c :c> o. cUng. 'I'hi s nov1 r0gul.~ ~tion ',j;_· .. c .:Jainly il1"i:.t:~1decl ·co f c' cili t,.,·i:.e ·chc LllJ1i :.:)-" ::. :cioa o:C Italians. 11) --RDL ·-----6.11.1926.---- Jlcgulc. I'izcition of tho Etsch. ExpropT i ~ -·cion of Tyrolc<..cil l o.nds in f ~-:. voui' of r · c a li c~ n ex-s ervicu;acn·i:. c. .:tcl \lorkmoh,

12) D.P. i6~1i!__t9._27._l1C?_~ - ~62 _2-

Official b uildinc s to be ~uilt in It ~ li ~~ style.

14) I. •i o.

lv~ un i ciinl s o crcc a. ~ iG s co ~Jc .x_x:)Q L1t o d o:..~ c ~1 c i :r a) •oiJ.J. t r,wnts COl11' il'IJlGC!. -ij _l t he :?J:ci'cc t s . r- ou ·c ·t_ ' .C yro l ~_, _._, ;_;:, :o ulC. 0 ~1 :l_ y ' :c a~)) OLTc cc!. i :C t h i il ·c hc It =~ lL ~'- ,:~(~., t ::.r'.. i c·cr .~ -d. o ~1 . T ,1c so c o11c.1i ·c :1. on s ,·1t. .c:L8 t ~1 -..; c:::.~J ~Joi1L"G· ; L :n o:t.' 3 u Ll·c h '2:yrolGO.llS )::.· :c t i ca:L.ly i rJ r,Jod:; i -. )l c .

I ntrodu c ti oi.1 •)f r ·c a.li.J..,I civil l e;~-; i sLo . t io~l L 1 j_·c i= Ci1 t i r c·cy. It ..::. li o. ~1 f:L sc .l I .2i s l ·Ci on t;;1fo:c cc, ;__ s o ?.s t o r_, vo u:.."' J:·cc.,_.ii ::.c.il i .ii"!lil i ~, r .__i1t a g Ct:O)c ciall y t he :·,::1di ·ci •.J:1D.l i n coJ:to t ax · ·:~t1:Lcl1 , ·j c. Llg

o. sse .._. Ge e'... o ~...' s u ··l1v . -J.~ · ~-,.v.; - h ,'-'- 1~ 1--,...... p ·. .. J . ...t..v-; ·;· r..,.·~ . . ,..~.. ".J r ·.L" · __ c·G· o''J. "'1....1 t..-I·.--. :.J ' .L·"'o l'_' -,l· - ·1c:;)--iu-.'c.~.. ·_ __·c· " t:·..J) ·1:, : 1 J. 'ri o ·? l ·L l·' r;·J.cr ·;r ·;'. .·L ,. c• r"Ll. ,. C -l~l· . ; ") '' ·c h. e., 8 '-·~ -'lCl- '--"~ -- ...... J:.,J.JJ '1.... ~)"'· ? Q \..I .l--,- -u···]- -:..) - c·l· ll-' -;-v- v ~ :.) '- u !l.l. . '• .!,. ._ .. __ ··w· i 0'1J. •.

. 16 ) RP._L_. __2_~ ~..2. • ..1 3)_Ll: Jlq_._ _621_ _..:. 1 ~c ·c z:l.J l ishrac;~·G of ·t;l-·h .. in cl u c -G r i ::~ l z on .. , o:L :sozc:..1. Tho Co uncil of : iL1L ct GI'G L -:: ·cl1L., c1c crc\_, of 2 6 . 2 . 'i 9>5, aosc ·c s ·c ~ 1 -:; ,_;:;:ct.t ·b :)oli ·ci cnl i m::_Jor ·ca ncc oi ·c hc i ·cc.. lianis .·ci o11 of ·t he l."'G i: ~ i o ~ l . · r ho u s -~~-1 c1 f.> of I -c ~-~ lL:u e .·1 c :..·c _,_ :::..lo ·:!e cl ·co en t ~_,:;:- ·ch c c ou n t r-y . •r he l o c c•.1 L1h ,·.~ J i t r.:.n t s ,,,ere no·[~ ..::tl l o ·.vc cl t o ·<)a}:: c 81!l.) l o ym c _~- c. i.1 '-C hi.. ..a c..· fac-co:ci c c; .

The; I ·c '-l l i Cl11 L1o ·c i ·c u-G j_ o n i i ~-- • ~( . J,_ ;' , .<:.. s <: uthor _i s Gc!. ·c u C X ) X' O)l" i :· ·c c c, D] l a!1 c~s it r,12y T•c c__ Q j_ p (; ( s '-c,·dco 8nt oi' I ·c ::.l i:i. n ) C :H:o;....IEG ). :C:1 'i9jS ·ch i s -J.u.ihol"'i s :l·Ci on '•.. zL:. a l Go ex·c. ::. c!.c cl ·co coveT· u r ~J~l. n )royc l•ty ,J.~ l c'1. c 9uld Rl s o be ~ i vcn on j_Jol itic 2 l a roun ds .

I ::.1 s )j_·cc of a L •. -c. hcs c li1C c,_s uJ.."cs ·c

~~;o cncour c...:.; c ·etw cm i :~r:.-.-cio.t1 of ._u:; t! l 0.. ~'1 Y :..iou·c ~1 ' .

0 ~., 8 ·J• el.., .,~ .·~c1r•- 0 .L- 0 ""J. "Fl'./ . -;)·:- V· l...C'l-1.(-· :J '-' . t_..!.;, -.•c.l.• - f· J..·" u l· .I.Jc 'L1 .-'.._. 'J_"' Y/VU .r. .--U o·.1:-) \..J·• _. ·:·~_. -;-u .-j-..J ·-' ..1 ''U ,;,•;•"'.l .. t. "-J .: I'Ohi iJitc c:L . ?olitic o. l ·J e; rsec:uti on o c.w .Icl:i.. .:.u l oc .~·1 1 cx·.~.· wo · Jr ixcio · l o.n c1 cvictio.ilS, - ' ~

Under t :1e: prc8SUJ..'C of ·c:1 .. :J c ·f , .cts 1 b ~ c L c cL "Jy :t: · :~. od. ::o ·c :,_ ncl N ~: z i

) l"o:p ago. ~1 d <·. 2 'i j 7 0 00 Sou·cl'l. •:brrolc ec nc ou·c of 247,000 olJ ·c c c"l. for emi3 r c· ·C,i oll ( s co /L :c11ex 3 ). ll. c . ~J l (': LN ) D 0 c; I ll

!f't~~ r the N:.zi - P : -~ scL.t clsfc.:- ·. t~ the:- Ik • li c. ns~ on T.:::-.y 3r L'. 9 19!!-5 tool{ ov . r the; ~ ~dmin i s tr r . ti o n of SouthC::r 2'"1 T~rrol 9 first unclcr ;\12- i cd con t rol~ c,n ( fron 3lc t :SccE:r1ocr; l SL:- 5 om::u"G.s, on their ovm j:' cs _;o nsibil.ity . The r .::-suj_ t ;_;.nt GituC'tj_on ii1C c ~r be ourmiiccJ U=) briefly :::~ ;:; foll o-.rs;

l) I ·.l•itE:di e tc; J..J c.ft e; r con i n e:: into pow:; I' 9 th8 It e.l i ::-:.ns u.GD troyed tho ~nity of 3outh Tyrol; ex ~ ctly c. s i n the d c.ys of £c.scism; they s e l1 :~T~1 tcd fro ;·, t he --! rovincc of Bozen clevd1 communes of th<:; " Bozener Untcrl2nc~" cn 1... c lso- the four C:> onth- Tyrol crn comnunes of Honsber :_ ~ encl. 8.C[decl the,_: to t he ) r ovincc of 'r:ennto. I n t hu sor,w v1ny: they :1 c1cLed the thr ce L ~:~di n -spcr ~:ia::; CO!:Bune s of Cort ino. d ' .iJ11pc zzo 9 Co lla S:=:nt r LucL:: c.ncl :Ouchcnstcin to the ) r ovincc of Bulluno.

2) The I tc,lietn authoriti es or :onisud the syoteliwtic i1mi1 i :;r a tion of c. l a r {~· t:;, numb e; r of' Itc:.lic-n s into Soutlh.rn Tyrol; in order to put the I,JCO~) l e of Southern Tyrol in· a mi nority . Frmn M<:cy 1 94:3 to' the end of J uly 1 946 9 betv1cen forty-five ond fifty thous c.n(j Ita liDns vve re settled in Southern T~rrol. T:1. is 2rtificio.l i:, ,: n i ·: ~ r c.t i on is still r·oin:::; on Rt the pr esent moment; it is c.lso encour2 ~', ed by the I t;::..lian housin .~: on d. emp loyme nt c·.uthori ti c s to such on extEmt tho.t even It nlinn vvo r l<:crs not Drofe.3siw no.tiono. list view s h ave been he c:~ rd to voice the:: stronccst ~l"otest s~ ( s co c' nnox 4).

3) The adininistro.tion of 2outhern Tyrol is exclusively in Italicm h ands. In the hich c r ~Jos t s; such 2.s the Prefe cture~ consist in::; of 60 offici2ls~ there are only 5 South 1.'yrol6mu;$ nnd thEW hold only L1 inor posts . In the S 2r.lf.; Yiay~ ~-·. 11 the other ~Jrovincic~ l services s u c h ar::; the fore::>try d O}.) C.rtmcnt, dc:_:;c'.rtments of healt h 1 ndm inistrnt i on, tro.ns-_p ort, buil chn: ~ $ posts 2nd tele :; rc~Jhs, labour e t c .~ Yrith the Dolu cox ce;;ti on of the Chamber of Commerce, nre controlled c.n (l manned by I t e l i nn:; . Out of 14,000 offici nl s 311d public seJ.·v o.nt s, 13, 000 are It u li .'_~n s. ]H!c:ny South- Tyroleo.n offici2 ls 1rer.e once c., a i n d isrnisscc1 by th0 clemocro.tic It alian Gov e rnment, '.•rhich :;_J ut It o.licms in their place. The It c. li::m civi.l service in the Sout >1 Tyrol consists for the most p a rt of notoriouS' F o. scists. In mo.ny L tr (:::.e cornmunGs of the Souther n Tyrol there ore I t c,li u.n mc.yors 9 0{J o i nted by the Prefect even thou:.:::h the . over'ivhelmi n:_:; mo. jol'i t~ r consists of South Tyroleans . (./.nnex 5 j •

.~ e ll t he r,lc~y ors' sc:; cretr r- i c s, \tho ure nl so Cy) point eel b;y the Prefect, r;._re It c.li ens 9 exc cl)t olcvE::n. (sec /lnnex 6)

P.rorn. the c;conomic i_)Oint of view c. l so? the popul a tion of' the SouthE:.:rn Tyrol i f_, very bc;.dly hc:mdi co.pp ed, the rtw. in rea son be in ~. the system of licenseB s o l) revc-t lent in It c.ly. f'o r exc.m:-) le, in Ap ril 19Lt6 o. t Bozen, a l moo t 80~ .; of a l l t l1e licens e s for trade nnd industry wer e e i ven to Itnl j_o..ns: the o.pp lic c.1 tions of the local popl,.l.l:'' tion be in:_; rcf'us eel. · 4)/ C., P • ( GEN) Doc • 11 1 2.

4) The security and police services nre exclusively It o:L icn. The Y!hole police system has rema :L.ncc1 as jt vvo.s under tl1e P n: ....~icts end the Uezis, for the most pc..:.rt ~:vitl1 the snme personnel, wbo fH'e incapnbh') of maldn[.; thcraselves understood by the po~:mJ.atio:."l, In the fiOTile way the whole judiciarJr is Ito.lio.n; in the· whole of Southe rn Tyrol there nre only t'.'lO 3outh-Tyrolt.an jud.:?-:os and they holcl minor posts. As unrJ.er Fascism,- thE: entire counJc.:ry is once morr; occupied by military forces j_n quite unnecessary 1-:umbers • .? ) In complic.nce with the rcqt1ests of the Allied Cm;-1mic.sion in Rome, the Italion Euthorities, it is truE:, he.vc just besun to treat the 1•opul2tion more f2.vourz.bly in the cultural sphere. Thus the people of Southl:.rn Tyrol vvcre a:.1or1ed to attend schools in which instruction wan ~; ivan in their no.tive lansuace P.nd the use cf both l::.n;.;lw. ~~es sanctioned in the casE: of public noticeo and for public · depnrtrnent s.. But in prncticc it is ir.1111ossi ble to use both lanr:r,uages in the ~; c depart1:1ent s. Tho Itc:llie.n officials are unable to denl with a:pplicntions c1ra1,1.rn up in o. lnn[juace other than Italinn, o.s they d.o not und.erstc.nd the langua,::;e of the South Tyroleans, and there is no lcc;;r, v1l1ich compels them to lc::arn it. (Annc:x 7)

6) The situation of Southern Tyrol j_ s partict:ibrly aggravated by the fact that the It2lians have t:spt in operation the Nazi -Pas cis t A,:::rcement of 1?39 for the tra:-lBf'er of the :tJopulation. The Italians refuse to allow the 75,000 South 'l'yrolcans, expelled by Hitler and ~ussolini to return to their homes.

f,_ll the emit:~re s from the Southern Tyrol, who have mc.ncc, e rl to return to their n3ti ve lcncl i~1 Uw last d<:ws of the No.zi re~: L ·e or soon after the liberation, a!'e treated as enemy aliens wi th F.~ ll the consequences which that implies. The maintenance of the Nazi-Fascist Transfer- Ar_;reem.snt c:::rries With it likcwis(, the z,ravcst conseC'.Luencos for South Tyrolo2n prisoners of vrar. J';.s th eir nationnlity is.? accordins to the ItDl ian interpretc.tion of' this Tr·e:.::.ty ~ inG.eterminate, they are .either s or rcfust.d entry at the Itnlian frontif;r if they hl:'Ve been liber~ted abroad... The intentions of the Itulian Government, as far · as optrunts are concerned, justify the a:pprehension most of the South Tyrolc;Eil 0mi::;res vvill not be able to return and that thousands of South Tyr::>lu:ns will in eddition be forced to lenve the country.

'.::H:G IT!..LIJ;N PLJJT FOR ~) :8LF-GOV:[:;RNMBNT. At the beginning of this year, the Prefect, of Bozen, State Counsollor Innocenti, wo.s asked by the Itclian Goverrune.nt to drnw up u plan for Gelf-r.;over-xmE;;nt with p. view to f'inding a solution for the question/ - . ( "" ·--- .. 1 j. C . 1:- . '_;r_,_:_;_l' J Doc . 1 : ~

que :c: tion or the ;3out ller n Tyr ol. .\ \; the end of J u l y ~ t his· scheme YWS su:bmi t t oci to t he I tcl i o.n Govcr nine nt ·. 'r l'li s scheme f or 88l f - [_ OVcrnmc nt is un o. cc tS}.J t c'.blc to t he '.:Jo u t h Tyrol t.ans fo r t he foll oP i ~· r eas ons:

' l ) Un c1c r this schc1n8 t he Souther n Tyrol <:mel Tr entin o \vill form iEl j o j_ n t c~u tonomous 12 r e n, knm1n a s 11 re ,,_ i onal 11 • l~. s c, r csul t 9 the Sout h Tyrol ,88ns Yl i 11 ; 8. p riori, f ind t hems cl v e s en. obvious minor it zr ( 200 ~ 000 aL: a ins t 50 0 ~ 00 0 ) in t h is ::_:J r o:) os 0d self-s ov ernin.r ; t erri t ory, to su ch en ext~nt tha t it would no lon,c:; er be pos sible to sp e nl\: of s el f - ..: overnmc.; nt for the southern Tyrol ond its inhebi t ant s l ~-r: or eo v t.. r ~ t h is s chCii1e m<-i. ke s no pro vision Rt al1 for ihchidin:_· t h e old T::tro h : on cortunutl.tJ s ~ Y-1 l1 i ch at pr oseh t form part of • t ht; ) r ovince of Belluno (Cortina cl ' .~Jnp u zzo.? Colle 8Rnta Luci £L p and Buchen s t e i n ).

2) The sche;me affor·ds no p r o t e ction a;:::ainst the intrusion of It ali ons into t h e Southern Tyr ol. On t he co ntr nry r ather P i.rticle 54 of th0 s chcwc depri v c s t h e 8.U tonomo us terri tory of all pos si b ili t~r of hind(__ r i n ~~ t 11e s e ttlement of p e rsons for ei :::;n to the district.

3) No _uc.'- r ant ee is :. i ven , ci t hGr o. s re :~o. r C. s ~J t Q. te offic iuls or of fici nls of t h e uutonomo us udm inistro. tionp ·wh ich 17 ill ensure t ·o tho South Tyrol onns r ej) r esento.tion in j_J r op ortion to the nwnber of t he pop ula tion. On t hu c ontr c., ry ~ 1\rticle 29 provides that the new s e lf- ~ ov l- rninr.; o.ffit1in iotrat i on vroulCl 1ave to t l:lke over the staff of the p resent pr ovinci nl nc1n i ni strut i on.

4) Ther e L :; no pr ovision f or uni f orm fiscal and p olice or ;~o. n is o. tion in this pr oposed s el f - ;:ovs rnin•:; terri tory, thou2;1'1 t his is ind i spc ns c~ blc t o c:.my r eal me rsure of self-government. 1.11 lc s isl ~ ti on de al in'.. Vi i th t nx es en d du e s - 'iv it h the exc0p tion of :) rovinci Pl t c.l.X es, up till no H o f' small i mp ortcmcc- rema ins r e s crvud t o the Stat e . Under Article 40, t he r~ will be o. St ate police forc e in t he Gclf'- [; ovcrninr:. t erritor :r 9 snd the Presid ent of the area is only 8. llmred to s ew h or; it \V ill be uf; cd, but lJ. Ct s no power to decide its numcrico.l stren ~ th 9 its composition or the vvo.r in '\lhich it is r e cruited.

5) Throu :_)1 the c- overn-;w nt r e~::l r cr:l ent C::' t i ve Ctpp ointed f'or tf1e self- '.:. overn in£.:. terri t ory, the centrnl Gov ernment mc:.y, [J. t ony moment run end the Statute of' the autonomous territory, or even sus pond it, so thc. t, neithGr the extent nor the dur c:. tion of this me o. suro of Gelf-r:; ovc rrunent ~Joul cl a com t o be ;__;uo. r o. nt c ed in Dny wc ..y what soever.

III/ c. P • ( c_:;N) Doc. 11 .. !!I Annexes to the Statement of the Jmstrio.n 9-~Q!..~Lr:!0.9nt co~C§r'~ing the Southc rn Tyrol ...... , _1-~hnex_____ N cH 1 Decrees conc e~{d.n ; : the ere at ion and functions or the 1ndustrial zone of Bolznno

1. Mu a sure s for the industrial development of the Coimnune of . Bo lzc.no . Royal Decree No. 1621 of 28.9.1934 (Offici 111 Bulletin 1 of 16 .10.31. ; No .243). This DecrG0 establishes the following pri vile::: e s for the instsllrticns cree.t e O. in 1946 and put into oper c.tion. n ) :Sxem:Jtion from i mp ort duty for machinery ond mate:rial which cannot be menufo.ctur ed in Italy;

b) Exemption fr01.1 income to.x f'or o. perio d of 10 yc c:.rs o. s from the sto.rt of operations;

c) No increase in income t ax i f the concer n expands;

I d) State subsidies totallins 25~000p000 li~e in 5 yearly instalments Of 5~000,000 lire e £l. ch,· included i n the bud ·; ct of the Mi nistry of Cor:Jorati ons. 2. Subscri:ptL:ms , r ented under Royo. l Decr e e I'To . 1621 1 and Hinisterial Decree of .4.6.194 5 (Of'ficial Bu::_letin of 18.7.1935 ~ No .l66) Fixinc of terms for the subscri:ytions me ntiuned under l.) 3. Tre.ng_:Jort facilities for t):le· industrial zone. Ministerial Decree of 14.4.36 (Official Bulletin of 2.6.1S36 9 No.l27).

Normal rate:.: to · npply to f nst and slmv ::;ood s trn:ff i c up to distances of 75 krn.

Trnnsport c:. s e.bove over dist ance s from 76 .to 260 km. char ged at r ates fc:::> h alf the disto.nce 7 \V i th n minimum of 75 km. On distances above 260 ~em. there is e. r cducti on of 130 km.

} .NHEZ No, 2/ Doc . ll i 5.

co-) '! ~m el ·rrc=u:1 sl ''· ti on - ...... _"'- ~ - -- · -- --·~- - -.. -... -,- - ... .. -·-·- ··

XXIV - No. 2S

Gc::::- vi::; io Inter' no e CurmnuL:t. i vo I tnliuno

No . 703

·Trcn s .~)O l' t of lJ!"lf~ GC11L ·. C:' G ' n C•. r,;oo ci s 1'0 r• ~ . ccount of the Comm i s S8. ri o.t f o :;:' r:::·,: i :: :c '~ ~t i •J ll r.ri d. colon i.s:' tilm

Th0 tj:r.r:::::;x,.:- t of j)c•. sscn:"c l.' C; <'nd r: oods f oro the COl t n n i :: ;s c~ ri c. t of Bm i c :co.".:i on ::nG. Co ~~.or.i r::<,~t i on '.'Til!. ;:; ocn b e~·. in. It ·,rill o ti_;~ in n t e from ctc. tium; i n t i.lC lJ 2.~ ovL1C Cf; of 13o J ~;2nO <:mel Tr cn tino an cl be d ire cted 9 i.YI1_~_r_ : t_o~ "a _f_r ~o .r:: t.i ~T. _E:_ t~c~t_i,.U!l __q_ r'.._ .. ~:flY _liilfll_t OE...L . l~ a t_lyi_~ __s _ tj ~_~i_?l:~ yv h E~_:tJ?.O~ _V_~ _l"._ _C}{__C_G_:") t _... Si:!_t_i;' •nG _O_J2 ...~ ~1~ .c- J'r ~n_~_Q._:-]3/~ .~ ~}].1 C£ . _l,: i_Q~. •

(The c;YJ._;t:::L··s, " n ~ r i cu l tura l i mp l emGntc, ·p l a nt 9 t o ols~ c a ttle o.:n c.:. ).::•ov::. .::ii :nc; '; F~ I'G r.o t ·.lcntj ._) nc C.i. h ere ).

7 hl·, Tfi _-I --.L;1x N 0 o :J / .i§<::;x l;:"o. 3 _ _,, ...... - -»Y - -~ ...... · . ~

Gone Itnlinn opinions. - . .. ,.,. _, .. ---..... ~ *""·· · ,., ~-- ...... ~ ~~ .• ---.... - - .- ...

i'Those rvho f' a:L ~ - to to.1::8 o.O.v :~ n t ~\..... e of the po ssi bili ty of opt in _, f or German:./ unl. bt; -r.:.'"'<='n :::ferred to the lJrovinces south of the Po. (The Fc. c ciut ~:J r efect I.li ;-l·::::tromat t ei to t he representatives of the comr.mne e. of' Con thern ·f~.: ~: ;of ":- -J·u~l:'c· -~1 ~ 1939. )

"HG·, who wi shes-. J:::o r <:::mc.in c.s mernber of the It2 linn fcru ily,

1112·.3r do so ._, #1. (· •• ,. . .. ,. ., , ,

A:f'ter the fl' r~ o c!.!o i cc o ffer0cJ. to the people of the Upper .f., di ~ :-; e~ who arc of fo:c>e is~l. ori ;:).n~ this very iden will lose all meo.nL'1:-;, Iienccforth tr'.C:> e vi i 11 only be citizens who o.re 100~,~ Itcclian; com:·_):Le t E.: l :: C:cf>t::>imJ..} ~~ ted vri th the other 44 million Ito.lians ~ vri t :1 t~1e: sc:;mc f ee~~.i.n:_: , 3.o t h\.: s z..:11e: s ense of discipline~ ond the same it 1 1 1 f'J- Oll'd'-'...... ,...... _nl·tv .Jv '> fo:c\ ·o-..-- ' )...."ir-Y'r:. ~ - - ,._ '- ,-'1,'"'-' · ·1 \""~ '- p--.~ ,--,._. .-...·,~ ...... " ;, '--''? Octob~V - r ? 10,39)...., •

"The c ou~ '-~ r~r '. rhj_ cl:. ' 'J itn e r~ cc d the ~~ ren t de8ds of' t he Romnns under Dr usuc, 1:"fill ·I::G in ~w.b=:_t cd by n o .;.Yt.her ~J e o•_; le tho.n I tc!.li o. ns . 11

( 11 St m11:;:::>c, 11 , l cp:9) 22 Octob:;::.'"' 7 -- _; . .

" Subtcr :Cu ~; ec 02."' mc:r:.to.:. rsstricti ,_:; ns V!ill no lon~ er be tol erated.. :.::n I to..:.. :; there r.ril1 b e none but authentic and loo:.:, It a liGns,,.

11 Any onr:; ··: r~-" o c armot make up l1::. s inind to remni n a br o t her .J runonc; b r ot l-1~ 1'"1 c; &n ~tn. 2 . i Cl l c__ ,l·Jnr·: ~t o.__: i [: ns::: has tl1e cl1c.n Ce of choosinz c. c1.i t · ~")ei)E.:.l1t :eaten _

1939 9 at Brizen,)

Onc E:, t he ·~· ~::- :: · j1', .2~ ofi. ::.c e c :Co:• the tro.ns:fcr o:f Germans who wish to emic;rc.tc .'J.l" :.; ·-=<.::: tec-oJ.ishod, t lJ.~ re w:Lll be; :n r. : ·~~ :' >': to prevent them or ~:,a nisi:1:··: s ;~· ~ >·· o- ":t' dc:t'ir . '" ·· ~~;("\:-1 - tu .t-'·1 + i.t bluntly 9 of intimicl. o. tio'": . l'n t' 'n.-: ' 1 "i o, - ~11 ....., \ L- ~ .::J .,

( i.rchi vio ~JGr Auc ust 1940).

"In/ 17 C ,. _:v • ( a~--Dl~' ~ I' Doc • 11 •

i: In tht co.sc of 80, . of the popul2 ti on, such o.r ~;ument s v-rou l cl haVL ho.d. no suc ce~:3s , if the option d i d. not offer them the op:~ortuni ty of ;:, · ~;o nt uncous r e c, ction n::. ainst the met hod s su1..:L coted by Sen ator Tolomei o.nd a}?p licd by Prefect Mas tromatt ei, me tho ,j s r ecog nised to-day, 0v cn by the Itali r.n o.uthorit i e s, as mistolum."

(Extract from a me;n orcmdum of 10 Mcy 1940 , of the It Eil i cm Bishop of Trente, M.:.::r. Celestino Endricci.)

1'There are nwnerous co.seu of l)eoplc \Vho p pre1ctisi1~; Co.tholics, or Socirlists~ ho.d no sympathy \V i th the G-e r iiHID Heich. lend yet tl1ey op t in f o.vour of thc t Hei ch to escape from thin hell".

( "Il <..-;uo tidiano", Home~ 10 July 1S45) ';He re also we 1nus t understand our Germo.n-speaking popul ec t ion. The attitude of thm:: c , vrho opted in f'nvour of Germany, on d. of whom only a smo.ll numb er have 8i11i c rn t ed, was determined to o. gre o.t extent by the pressur 8 brout;ht to benr upon them in a thousand way s~ and by the frame of mind i m.Qo sed on them11 •

(The It c::.l ian Socialist lender Lucio Luz e. t ti 1 in a speech nt Bozen, July 14, 1940). r

C.P. (GEN) Doc.ll 18'

The Italian offici:-: ~ 1 o ~.:: o.r 9 "JJ. t o Jldi2, e", of t.he pl" o-\· :l. nce of Bozcn, p ublis he r~. on \".'ucU.1e:;clc.;:.r o . :r!.' . r.e:i.!.~ , 191+.6, a l ' f·~o ::-· t on t:r"c; fi::.st J:::::' ov inci :1l C O:l f:.:~ e c s of t he, ;·, :;+, 1. 1. ·,vrJ:c· ~ :: ~.:; rs 1 Unio:v1.

On t 1:l j.s occo.s j_ cm, t:1G worb; rs c. dopteC:. a mo.ni f'r; sto puttin. .:; f ...,r ward;: int er n:. in, the fo r .. u'.)'i nr:; sir;nifica:nt cl oims :

Pn::.... o..9: ''In view of the cU f:t'i ~u lt lJusition of rep atri ;;.ted persons. f ornt;r int cr·n c. eu a nd nnam}Jloye cl of th:i. r:.i W' ov:i. nee, vto ;:,_:mc;. n d thc.t t.he r:.'~ ·chc rlt.i.:;;c sl101: l d bG c in ~·ri th the trid [~ e 2nd r oed rrorks of t he 00r.1r:mne s Ett th0 e m•1iust p os s ib1e moment : nnd shoFl

Po.rn.ll: "In vi e w of the Un) r orluc t i venc£!S of this J)rovince as r e :::; c.n :. .3 c Pr eslr;, ~~ ncl "C.:11e f ood St;.pp ly oiffi cul t .ies r e su}. t.J.!:.e; t h orc f r c)I:l, wr.; consider :i. t ne ce ssory t h ::,t p e rs01 who o. r r ~. vcd i n t h i ~> p r o vi :"'- ·~e o.:fte!' May 3; V! h o hc.ve not Yf found v70!'k a'1cl thus c cn .s t~_ t ute r-•. chnre;e on the I t c:cl ian p opulntion Sh'J U~. d l:Jc C.l E: C 0: E: d.,, s j.nce t l:oy :i. ndul :_i·e in 6Y E::.r~ kind c f c~ c t ivit. y e ~;: r. ep t ~'J T Oc)_-cu:~ t jve l nbou r q 1'

/ ..NFEX ')/ C . P. ( C.:Cl'T) Doc. 11

.· ANNEX 5

Appointment of Mayors

The fo.llowins comrnunes 9 inhabited by a larGe majority of Tyrolese~ still ,have It nl ian mayors:

1. Gossensass (Colle Isarco) 2. (S 2n Candido) _3. (Bressanone) 4. ( CoPnedo)

s. E)pan (;~ppio.no) 6. ( Terlcmo) 7. Kal tern ( Cnlc1aro) B. Schlander s ( Silo.ndro) 9. Vahr'n (Varna) 10. Kurtatsch ( cm~t ncci a) 11. Neumarkt (Ec;na)

l-'Jnn~x 6/ O. P .(2EN) Doc.ll 20.

/ ,FNEX 6 Holders of office of muni c!pal secretary in South Tyrol in /~ ril 1946,

(There have been several chan,s es s ince ~y it ll~_n the Province)

pistrjct of Vintschr,aq

Mnls (Mru les) Visintin Bruno ItDlian Glur.ns (Glorcnza ) If II II (Sluderno) II II II Taufers i.M. (Tubre) 11 II ,, Prnd (Prr to allo Stelvio) Fc,bbri s .: ..lex anc1ro II (Silandro ) Ladurner F1ranz South 'JSI'cil.ese Kastelbell-Tschars (Onstelbello-Ciardes) II 'If Lo.us (Lasa) Vis int2iner Italian (Lnees) But turn Enrico II Martell (Martello) II II

.1\ l c~und (L c. ~,undo) Dnl Bosco Virg inia It c.tlirm P <::rts chins (P f'.r cines) t I II II Plnus () It " II Burg stall Znmoi Ottorino 11 Ga r rr o.zon (G nr c azone) Piz :G ttore II Lnnn (L , ~ n a ) Znnoni Pietro If (Tcsimo II II Marline (M crlen:.:,o) Z6ndrini Francesco II II Tschenn s ( Oermes) 11 " Meran (h'I err.mo) Name n ot knovm " Moos i~ P Cl.SS, C!'."oso in P o. us. )Wurzer Stefan (tempo rc:tj_~ilJr) S~olese St. Leonhord i.Pns s (S.Leonnrdo i P.) II II 21 •

VillnchH.-; ( I·t.mco) Ni colu ~ c i ~ oro Mich. Itnlinn Ltisen (Lu:Jon) Mnn r,_r o. Vir ;·~· inio If Nc:z·-Scl'lc.bs (Nuz-Scio.ves) Nru,le not knovm · Muhlbo.ch (Rio di Pusterin) II II" Vo.hrn (Vo.rna) " " P c 11 c r;ri ni J,l 6 ss io · tt Ladin Vi~t l (V2ndo jes) Trcvini Bellini U. :: o , Distri ct of .Q. t _<-: .!'_z_:i:_l'1_.: ~ •

Brenner ( B ~enne ro ) Dian~ · So.l VfctOi"O Fr s.n z :::nE~ f c :J t c ( I'Ol' t .:::, z z (1. ) r.:n t cr a r1 i ch el e " 11 " .II1i'.L''1r: .·i ";' "~1~c· · l rV.'' (\....), 1!""1';'0 . . ,.-, i ' '£'011"')-U V ..- 1..:. .._ _ .... J.I ..._J '-... J. Dr. Vclazzo. Midhele R atr.:; c l~:i.n : ~ c : (r. :-- cirws ) , .. erth Hermrmn South '.!Yrolesc E~t, :· Y' s-; nc ( 1T -ir--l t ,"no ) - '-'-· .c..J.L --~-' 1., \ -~ ... / ..t.. V l'..T a ttei It nl i o.n Pfj_t scl·l '.:' : !. c; :-~ c n ( 11:-:1 d i Vizzc) Lkttei " Dir3tric t. o::.-­ ?u~. .t. r:::-·t :_,~2 . ,

P a:]..lu r~ Dr. r1 ius II stuc. Luiei If II II II

If If il Ge;: ntilini Lino " Giulinni (filichele) " P a llua Dr. ~ rnesti II De .i?odo. Ti to II lHulicmi Luig i " Ga llina Giuse?pe " ., Cost;)_ ),n;...:·olo ·n Laditi· LeimL, .! ·ci" K[;~ rl South ~Jase G-ent ilini It o.linn Viuesott Ricca rdo Lc,di n Serti1i Italir::m M:::tn >. r r. Dr. Cr·.rlo II 3tclvi Dr. Albfuno II II " " If Vc. lenti!:1i Giov. II Th e::ler Vitu s South 'l'J!'Qllf.3C Dr. L~·Inberti Ito.l i :.~ n Vulcntino Giovo.nni II C. P • •, G:CN ) Doc. 11 22.

Cuartana Pietz q Italian tT rine not lc wwf . II II f II tt" II It II ~ ossi Dor.tenic:o I I! I! ' ··f f..icb·:Tasi P:ltrnntoniu o.:ne :~ t lmC)wn N ri .,

Dr. Tomasi. .li Sooth ['yrolwe Bm: tol ot Gi l1in ~ldo It ::-·li on

II D e ol ~1 Luc: .•e zi R i z z ard.:L · 1 i c cnx•d.o II Cc\s t cll;'.L" e II If P e tcrn r:> ~. c~ i us e~)::;>e Mcn cgot t·t Vittorio 11

II If II" F:tor e t t .". l ~en e.to II t i " pos t v r: ~ · 'l l't. II '[) •"""\ ~,. ....,...... , O''l J• . I r · ·i 0 +~ "·' :.J_J -' " ,,J '-' ~ - . G [h ob :J.c,1 1-.:; r- Otto sruth ~QI.eoo S · :~,, : .J m ; a Geac.r e It ol i t.-..n

It' ; ~ it' : · -. _Ill ~ - ~; . Vinat! ~~e :- Frmz Scut:h' Tyroloof Qu 8-rt 1r;1 l'ietro It i ~ :fi,, nn P ;;; ~e r .L ':'..l t ! Be ~ tcl o ~ ti Ricardo


B\ ,rbiaif~ t(Barbiano) Fell1 n Enrico If L-njeri ·. ( Lnjo-n) It II II tl W< - id~rueh . (Po~:te all'J) II II "' . ~. . ' Brixen (·BreGoanone) Mnssrtri Ul-i ::rs.o , -\~~ . )j< :... 'l ~- i' ~; ' li .. Elaus7e!{'(Chi usn) Nicd: ~uasi r~~oro Mich. u II II V1llci1de1:' 6 {v±i'lnhdro) -- . It ~ I J ' > . ... j ..... l. " .~ t 1 • •. { • <'J ·' · ~· • • l. \ ' .:; 1~ • j'. ...

. ~-- . r• •-v ••• :. ·~ ~-

,, .. 23.

--r1'ex·- 7.

Prefecture of Bozen

Section II, 3erin.l Nmnber 18587 Bozen~ 19th July 1946 Dc.te of filin:-.· of Document: 25 July 1946."' No . l425

He Benj c,min Z cncl onello. , clc;rk em::~loyee in the municipal offices of J.hrnt al.

The Prefecture of t his loca lity hccs considered decision No.2l of June 27~ 1946, rel r~ tin:~ to the atove question~ c.nd~ before for'7n...... d.in£,: it to the Ministry for the necessary c.ction, thinks it DE.; cesuo.ry to dro.w your O.t tent ion to the follorlinc; circumst2nccu: 1) The f act tho. t Zc.ndonello. cloGs not know Ger mrm Ci.o8s not s eem to me sufficient to wo.rront his disli1 isso.l, since tltn.ere is no Decree the.t all emp loyees ch2ll bt; bilin(;ual. 2) It o.ppe;,rs th · t the cor11l ,mne of /.hrnto.l, contrery to the decision expr.,ssly stated in circular No.7387/II of March 29th, 19L,.6, is still employin;:; the cler k Lcines ~·_e r Kr' rl, notYlithstcmcJ,in;· the__.f.c.ct ~.b:nt __1:}~ ~-~s~pr, n~~_g. durin:--: th£_g_cc~ c,t i_'?E.• The Prefecture here l nys str8ss upon the responsibility you will incur personetlly, ' i f you continu e to lJO.Y h is sD.lo.ry to the abo ve~ ond reminds you tho.t , o.s from Mc.y 15, 19L!.6 ~ the ~JD.yme nt of et s cl o. ry from the commur:. '\J.l budc et to E;lnplo~reos- ens<.,::: ed du rin~~ ~hc: occUIJf'.tion is prohioi ted. 3) The Municipo.J. Council st2.t e s th o.t Zcmdonellc.' s behErviour has c nusod him to lose the respect of the p opulc.tion. To justify such a serious c.lle.c; c.t ion, Yv hi ch 2Emdonelln. could ch8. ll cn::; e before ::tll the competent o.utho r ities, incluc1in:T the peh8.l courts, it must be SUlJpor tod b;y s e rious o.ncl concrete evidence. The .Colimmn&l c.uthori tius n. re requested to mnke kno\1 their views on the subject o. s soon c. s possible.

( Sic_:ned) The :e refe ct. (t 1' I ., ,- ;· ) v . )._~ . \ .-,A. Doc ~ l l

"T•\ r J. ·/ •

'l' ·:J u L l~JO r· t:-n c e o! the .u;c·t of rL'i··iostc C C:ll b e Cc til~wt e; cl i'r0111 t ht.... .LO l .l.01.·.r j jl; fi ·• U l."Cf'j ;

I n l S1 3 ~') ; uc, 'cric:n trr·cl.o t~r ou·,h TricRt e 2.,,·jount c c1 to 57LJ15 tons: ___ .., .. ··-·"' .• ~ · ~·- 1Si3p02l t ons of' c ~:po rt c ; ;~ ncl 3 8 j~2 9 L ; . tons of' i mports .

Thi s em ·I · ~ :::)on ck: t.o 2 J . . of t ll ,J tot.o. l i myo:c'ts ;'n cl 27 ,. of' the tot ::. J. c ~ : ~)Ol"'Cf:: <-c t the l;lO i:· t of' T :e i v~ t t; .. : u:ci nr~ tht.:; yc ~: r i n c~uv . tion · .

But Ai.nc:: 1919 ? 'L!lc :rort h r~::; ncvu r bcc•1. utilize;cl to ito full

c :.-l; ctty,. O'. .' ~ . rc to v:.l' i ou~:; c Lr · cl.t · ! :: :t :- ~n c r; s '. .rh ich~ :f.' ro:·,i ti'.i C t o t i r·1 C 9 intG J':!.\";T' CC1 ~. .r Lt 11 tl'"lc_ :rt8.~)0J.'t t o 'T ri\:; Stc .

I n[;t c ce: of c no r' mr~J. incl'L-r s c (Lurin the e 24 yc:::_: r r ~ t r r~rl c vi c( . ~ ri u ::: t e; • J c c J.:..ncc~ b ~ ' J.O; :f:':;:•om 1 9 13 t o l 9 j7.

by r c: il ~ r ~ nd b y s c;· .

o·.:i:··1 'L o t11.c _ TC <. t c c onoL~i c i m_J or· t:-. n cc n hi ch Tr i e st e t• l·or 2ys hrd :Co r _·un l:ric . ~ t h : t country )O Sf:; C S 8 '~ S ~-' nUJ::bcr of :first r ':'. tc e ~

1:1 ;- i:·o r . 1 1~.r .:r c- c. ~ ~~ o -:; / j_ u ::: t =-' i : ~·~ J ~ f · , : _ l· n the' T': Ol"l,"rl - ,~_:- ,' · .. V r-' : - rl l.. ~l·.~ ~ 1 . . - l ., _ \:""" --~~-- ~- ~ ----'""1 ~·-u_ _ '-' C Oi <1lJ ,:;.l1J > i .l!. G f' :-- :. .. i Z 0. t i 02'1 0 f.' :rc: t cx: ·· ci·icnc c. \.':lj_ ch c n :· L:· :L u1 it t o CI' (;: ·t c .Lc.·.'fuilT': .. l.J~ . C COi.' ~ C~lt~LOIJB for the: ch;velo';J;.1cnt of t r : c1c th:t>ouch T:cicst.c,

Tri c ~_tc 1 C. ,:;o [ ~l". l)1!.5.ca1 ~JOf3 i tion SC81i1~ p:.: r t ic u Lrl~r rm i.t .::--, bl_t.... for• u ·.e ~.,. 8 Ct G c;_~ ·poi·~. t~ r · u s tri~ ·

Only b ~ r <:rti{ici : ~ O l.'' '! 01 it j_c ' 1 bc~rJ • :ie l" ::: coul C:.t l 1..wtri c·.n tr[l.r_•s 1Jc chv c:::.;·tc.cl :L ro1a 'l'ric:.,~,t,·; .. th<.:.: nc ~c r c::: t nc. tur ~". l h c. rbour to _,uf:tri nn t cj'l''Jto<:,'-., r: conti1lcnt rl co u ntr~~ '.d t h out 2.n outlet t o the

I f nf~ l·:i.t ir 1 G tl·~ ,nc -~) O, :' t throu: ;h Tri ectc s houh: not be assis t ed bu t i .'y_, l/. c. d b ~r v r::n:nti )18 cu-·;to{ls-· :fo2Ti10.1 i t i.cs 9 r ncl exc e ssive r n il ' ·;·\~:' r c~ t c;::; _A. ur:;t r] . : ~ 1 c 'i!hol c e conomi c l ifE; v1ill be Gff c cted .

13 n•.c i t her more e::J. ;n er-:JF; c: n ti c'L l

.l..co _,. ,.. ctor/

- ' C • -\.)- . (rJ -~__;L----i . ) Doc. ll 25.

f ~ ctor in trndu .

In the ev ent of c~ Ld:' i c u l tiu; ::-: 1. i n b<:;j_ n, ]) l c. ccd in t he u ny of J,ustri Li. 1 S t :c· ~~: G.c ','ti. t h Trivs t e, t lrt country Houlcl onc e more b e COl!i)clled t o d ive rt its tr cn sntl :~ ntic t r nLlc tm1ar ds Ger r'lu.n ports.

'rhis ·;!Ould resu J. t i n r CilV:/6d e conomi c c!.e~J und enc c on Ger mcny 7 vi: l ic 1~ it ts in t1:c · ·(;) n cr r ::~ i nt e; r e.st t o nVo id • .. Such c:rc t he rc c~ s ons for t ho de s i :c l , o :i:' the 1\us trion Govci'nmen t y in the eve nt of t he intern ; · ti o n r ~ liz r,. ti on o;f Trie s t e . to ensure the dcV8loprnc n t nn cl or ~ ·r:n:t z ntion o~' Ius trict n tr o. clo b~r m~ it able cl Puses t o be inscrtec1 in thG futu:co S t c. tuto~ ) rov:L cJinc "for Austrian 7 r c~;lJ: 0 s ont r::tioh 011 t ;1c I·I:c.a:• bour Boc:q:' d; 2n d to bo sbl0 to dispose of he r own :,)o.rt 1'ctciliti u t1 11 sudh r:.: s pi o i'~s, l e hdirtr; stnc e t; , r r~ ilwnys~ '= · ilo c ~ otc •••. ;; .•. , ., in short , nll me rms to develop h er trnde, DE,. Palais du Luxembourg

- mTT1r:L D:Eu\ FT

Pr.:.lai s d.u Luxer,10our[! , Pa.ris. 12

I r ~ni ~ n D e l e g~ ti o n the :;:>e .o.co Co:n.fcPcnce.

"1-ch ruf' e:.., c nco to t ho ·h "".:L"t :::)e ...,_c c 'rre:.:tiGs ·:ri t [l It ~~ .y , Houia".ni -._, I.l ul c;·::. ri,:-'. 9 ~{unc :->_ r y ;~~- ~c1 I:'inl;--_ n d , the Il' 1. n i -.. n De l ec·· t j_on h ·.s t hEJ hon our t o r.1 r:~ ·. -i tho ':'. t t tJ nti on o:f t h0 c ofll) VG Gnt Cmru.:iic s i omJ to ·cho :fo ll o.J i n ~·; :·-

..-'.s the Confo:: e nc e is ::.L'c---_ ~1y ['.'·.·I:'.re 9 c h e I r '.11 i ''. ::1 GCJv0 r l1J.J<3 i.1 t 9 thou c~h it c1h~ n o ·c c~ccJ..r· . r e '.r.).' on ·Gt1c :L i ve s ·,_t e l lit cs of ·chc .\ xis , h ~c1 ~~ ro l: c n u:C f c1i :;) lO lll' '_-~:ic r e l ".ti ,jns ·iit(1 t he :'. ~ )O Ve -LlCDt i o n c L c om1tr i os. ) .. s ::-~ l'0Sul·c of tllC v'i''.r , u ::.ny L ' .".ni.".l1 ci t iZ01l S :C '-'3L!_in . ~ L l t h0SC count ries sm.·fc:..' oc. ..:· o th {,1~"- ·c e;r L:. J. .:>. n <~ i.1or=--.l cL"'.'il ::c:;s, .,_n,:'. ut h cr I:r ..._ ni[".n c i t i zens, liv inr; i_, ·t rccn o:c i n o t ~lC J.' y ·.:.' ts of t h0 ·: ,o::.LL. s u:,.'':Ccrec1 c.L ·:LL'.ccs fron ·c !1c s···. ·,,:.. c[".u sc , The . s ·:.rJc r.::nlics ·co tl1c G : -rcl'l1.,1cn·c of Il"' ::o.n , ".nc1. it i c; j us ~ ·[·, [1 ·:c coi.r.)O :t1 s ---.-ci on :Lo :e ·Ctlu s c (_.···..Cil ~ ;c s ~) C ,'.ccoPdcd.

This is -. ~ lly t llC: rr· .l1i-.'. .!.1 Dc~.c c ..· cioll "'._.,Y)l'OV O S ' J F 'J_ il.))l'CCi ·.t c s the r.h".-.f'tin:·; of Art :L clc 63 O j~ ·(. he C.l r .-.f't __J e ;·ccc T:t'' G ~ty \Jit;l I -t.·,_l yj Al'ticlc 22 of t iYc :J l' :--. ft 2c·-.cc •r r e::~ ty ,; i ·c [1 :J ul:.;.- p i n. 7 J",_ :i."t lcl (:; .:?. ~ ~ o:C the; D:i.' :--.f·i·, 2 o '.".cc 'r rc ~_ ty with Hou<:cni:-, ,_ _rticl c 23 of t h e cl.r•:o. f t ?c::.cc 'I' r cn. t y ·,1 i tt1 IIun.:,;r:'.P:J- ".n ci_ : cJ.~ t i cl c 2L:. of ·c hi.... cl_r . . t 2o -:.co 'l'r ..; ".ty Y'Ji t h li' inl c.n (~ ; ·c c ;-",ore so ~l1 t _;, l~ t icl e 73 of :..? ·,_r ·c ·1 0 of' ·c[lc ::Jc :·.cc 'i'r e"'. ty ;· r l' -T !.., T ·. - , ~T l. ,- ") -·. I" .:. -: U .l~ 'I" C 0 ·1·.., l. I' . ' .-. :. :1 ., -;- . ': .., ·c.·.. ; C ;.l· ...-) ·1·' ; 'i "-11.0· 1, r u .J. J.. u . ..J J ) J.l i: '- · L, -'- . c·· • 9 1. .1. ;,:,.,_; V .. • . v .t. .:..J.-- l '''-'' u"' 6 _.- , 1.... 8' ...... , 1 ...... ' • '-•- 1 .h.n:i10 X 8 ·~·1'i..L'l-- '~- '"_._- "")J..i; l y -;··' o -iI..J· r'1··V·· J..l...J...... L' l ~ ..; .t.l;>.- , ,'1- .~..-. _--.!_L-1. .c'. ssocl· ,• -i·V ecI.. ·-",.l ,y .-,/ c·,,s- e; c:.J..,u · -l• l.v• · u "' l;_._ tl1· tho ;::; c ::..lo 11(~ ·ci1 c U11i cc cl N:::cti ons ·,;hich broke of f c'L i ) l oi·;1.·.-cie rcJ. .tions ·, Ji·i:; :l It .J. ly ~

T:·w I j_':::tni '.11 Dclc ";:- ~ ·c i ·::J ll nev c:r., tl18lC.:.>S f eel s ~Joun ~:L t o u ::.kc ccl'tl.in o n -~ '1.o ·t· -. ;J.l' T ''•.C.' """ f'·. - ·rl c " ..,.;- .; 0 1.' 0 J~Jrr ::·t :)C -' C (! rCSC""\'"J. • . TJ.lJ - •...# ' l U _, . • s I .>.J .i \.j ~ , . J... ~ ._ ) ::) , -:-. 1. V ...1_ cl""V 6Cl./ -;V- :•10 · • · ...L.. · • Tl,v"t7" C. nith Ite:. l J ·.ihich c13c.l a -,J:L t h I t ~~ l i ....n ) r Oj)C J."t y .:.:1 tl1c ~.:; c :,':;,• i'C or i E:s of t he .l lic c.1 <•.nd ;"ss o ci-.'G cc1 ~~~ o ,c rs , Th.e s c i zu:i.-(_ .: n-J. l5.tkui c'.. ~.-t: . uc. oi' thi s :J i'O:;_)c;r·cy shou l cl. ~ )c cf'fcctc c.l. L 1 s uch :--. "<: r·. ~r .". s to :t; e p;,J i t t [lc _·,l l.iccl. C'.nd ..: "csoci -,: i::. ecl_ ?oY:Cl"S t o sccur t.:: C 01l'l~)C.il ~ :'.tion. ··''or ·ch t.; c::r~n '~; e; euf:: uped b y them ~ nd ~Y thei r n .,_ ~ion~ ls .

Un~ or tun e:. ~ e l y , -c hi s .. rtic lc ( 69 ) i s not refe rred to ~ n ~~e ~~x t of ~:i.rt i c le T5 qu·J te (:_ ~'.D0 '/8 Y :.~:1 ::1 it c oJh : ins ~-. ,::~ u -, :.., .,_n -:~ '--' c · - ~ · ·. hJ. c h .L:C"'-J?­ 1. i s full-r:.rt..J J' u c..._.,·::...;- l· .L."l' c r'l...., ., -n -;V- \~1,.,. .&.~--in- :._·-;..., '·--·c~'-V "-"• l· 1 t '-"- ~c ~ '-'' , 9 s i nce she ~n' o lw o:::·:f d:i.IJlom::-..tlc

I'el ·•..... ·c· i-- o·.J.. .,.,., l.,.O ·;~ · l· ...lt lh I ...L .~. . 1--..) "t .l'"c"~ ~ .L·. '1.0l . o ·c· 'lJ.V" ,, .,J. s ·~"- -;V- e 111· -;v-c · u"' .- . s e ~., - J." l- v, ·-' - ·~ ·!' gLJ.' ·J :::-. ; ~ Cl s i acc Ir :".ni ::>: l1 ci ti ~Em s , ·:dle·chc r o:i." no ·~ the;y vwre resi don ~ in ·i:;hc t e r ritorie s of t he s e :L ive countries , su:L~cr e d fr ~J this !~us c c:.:-."'IV·;c s :;~'hi eh il1u -3 ·c, i n ::tll j u s t i ce , ~J c 1 iL'. C~ - .C'; ooc1.

The ~:i..., :o.ni -._.n. DclGC( tion t hc~.-:;~or c .. ~ s lcs t~1 . c co j·n·.x; ·;~ c n -c Co;·,u-,1 issi ons ·c o ·c c'-k (:; the s e f :'_c·c.s in·co considcr.,_·cion :;_n''- -co s-c -. -c(; s )e ci f i c ~'. l l y r· P ·i; h .:->. t th- e .,...,...:._.J-,.o v1· ,D, 1· 0 ,_1 0 0 ..1. _ :-__· J,-,_- ·c' , or 9 sh~t L ... . -L l- :<- ~ ..!...... a.:")"'J l •_;7 t ·) I r -:".. n i n t l10 snn c ·,:.'.Y :~.s t0 t!:J.e !i. llicd. :-'. nc1 ... s soci<_1:ccc:.. ? oYJers " 'rhe I J.' ~.ni :-.n Delcc .·cion ;:1c:.kcs ·ct:1c s 2.1.1C rc:;s c r'v ~-::. t :;. u n s in s o ~ r "'"8 cone crns t ile o -G ll.cr c1I'"". ·:' ·t ·?c:'.cc 'I'rce:. tic s . -r.o ·-c I 1\1 ' I • n "..) ( c'· ··, ·· ) ~~.r · · v . ~ • .-J...J .::: J.JvG . 12.

lvlor·e [S O.i1C. r 2- lly, t. l1G I r::-.. ni '.:1 D G l0 G~_t i on f c 0 ls onti tlc.:r:!. to . :::. sk t ~1'. t ,"ls ':'~ 1!1.". ttu:;.."' of' 1n'inci) l 0 , ·..;he s .~.i1 1C :: L:~X'. r -: ·Cion r:-.s is .,_ccorc:tccl to ·c hc n ~: l:.ion 2. l s o:L c o u.at:r ics si;;·n · tory to .-::'.. Tr u~ty shoulct. 1:;c et cc or:·~ e cl to IJ.•:-.ni:'. .i1 n: ~:ci o :l c- 1;:. •:d1o SUl~ ..· o r· ccl "..1 ::-'.teric.l ::n D. raor '. 1 ·J.~'.i J- :~: o '~. S :~ J."'o sult oi" t l1o .1ar.
