C.Ptl(Gen) Doc.lO 18. J Sudan. About 1825 he obtained the cession of this town from the Sublime Porte o.nd Egyptian troc.ps occupied it uninterruptedly up .. to 1885 • • 0 0 0 A ter the revolt of the Mahdi in the Sudan, Italy took advantage of the trot; b~es which afflicted the Sudan and of the diffi.cul ties with which Egypt was trying to cope, to stc..rt her policy of aggressic in East Africa. With dreams o:f settling on the Ethiopean platoau.x, she began by occupying the Red Sea coast. T_he 1andi.ng of the first Italian t:?:"oo·ps in East Africo. took place t awards t h<J end of 1882: in 1 885, the Italians entered Massawah. Furthermore, it should be stated that immediately the Italians landed at IV.k'1 ssawah they declared on several occasions that it was solely with the aim of r.mintainj_ng order there and that the presence of their tr·oops in no. wise affected the question of sovereignty over Massawah. ~i:.EJ Cow'!lander-in-Chief of the Italian troops wrote to · Izzet Bey, the Egyptian Governor of Massawah, stating that he had no intention of att acking Egyptian sovereignty over Massawah. The Er:yptian Government d:i.d not fail to protest against the presence of Italian troops j.n JV"Ja ssawah and presented a note to this effect to t:r.e It ali~;. n Consu}.ate-Generel in Cairo. Moreover, as Egypt forne c.~ par t of tho Ot toman Empire, the case was brought before the Government of Constantino::_:>le; t :t~e latter entrusted the Turkish J,egation in Rona to protest to the Italian Government, having in h1in( the promises made by It.aly. The following is the COBplete text of this protest_, submitted oa March 11, 1885. "In mmerous statements, Your Excellency has given the Sublime Porte a forrlal guarantee, tbat the dispatch of Italian troops to Bay­ lul and Ma.ssawah does not imply an act of s.eizure, that Ital y was firnly resolved to respect the r i ghts of sove·reignty and t erri to:ria+ possession of the Empj.re an.d that the continued presence of :tts \ troops in these t owns v-ia.s of qu:'. te a temporary !la i.111re. In the prese1 document, on the instructions of his Governnent, taking note of all these statet1ents , the unders igned, the Tur}dsh Charge d'Affaires, ha:.: the .honour of i:r..forming Y01u- Excellency, that the Sublime Porte, fro: the loyalty and friendly feelings of Italy,. expects that she, putt in h er ~o~ds into deeds, will be prepared to recal~ her troop~ ~t the earl~est possi~le nonent from the two aforenent1oned local1t1es, as the Imperial Government has already requested"o An exchange of notes took place at this period, between the Otto~an and Italian Governments. ~ C.Po (G en) Doc .10 At t h i s sane pe riod 1 the Italian authoritie s wanted t o t a k e a census of the popula t i on of Mas s awah ~ the inha bitants prot e s ted, declar i ng tha· L~ t h e taki ng .;:;. census wa s an act of s Ov er e i gnty, bel ong­ ing sol el y t o t hu Egyptiar:. Governnent . The que stion was brought be­ f ore t he _C,_IUlXil of Min i sters in tho s ession of 1st Novenber 1 885, the Coune; i.:!.. of r~i nistern con:fi rned the point of view of the inhabit­ ants of Ti[a s ;;;e'.v a~'l o..nct. wr ot 8 t o t h o Gover r,wr of the Ea stern Sudan charging :hin wi t h c;allinc upon the Ita lian authori t .i es in this ma tilcr l Fi ua.ll y 1 Lhe LYl[). o~ It al J.an pr ot ocols of 24th Match and 15th April 1 891 i 1,vht cl-: f :i.xe::d ·c h~ fr ontier be twGen Arie;l oi.Egyptian Sudan and E :;.~i t r ~ a 7 :f ) :~::q. :~_ :L y ::...ays C.. own that "t l:le dr-aw i ng of this froniJ:l,.er dOeS n o-1:; i :C~:y ol ~ r e i:; he C{L..~C:.:s t j . o n Of SO Vereignty and doeS n ot ihfJ:"iTige the r:l,.0'(', cs o.i' I ~ e; y :p·: i:Jn [.; over c j_gn ty ~ Si.nc e the:r' ; no n "-''N f <L -: o:' h2 s a:ri s t:n t o alte r t ho juridical s i t uat i on o±' J'' [f. t.B L ~-~'• ..-·, h. 0 0 0 At t }lo pi'E: s e;:nt; t i 'J.o , I tc.l ian don.inatiom i~. Ea st Afric a has cone t o an cn :l ~ i t is 't}lerG:'ore cr1l y righ t t hat Massawah should 1 ~..L..-'etu.. ...1..~n ·t \....r1 -I-L .."'CJ.. ·• .._C:., +\... (-·.,~ ..Jv..c. .~ ~ .P..J.... ·.....,.-.o r-J• • "'1"¥· 'n• l· 1'"•_, h T...1... +.u ur >'.l.., y UnJ' Ustly s ·l.•1· .....:t. +u ched -'-~ +V • ]\::rt~ ::;~ci:1-o ro 1 :Zl"'O~ _.:.: he aconon ic and corrrJe rcial point of view, Mas s mv2:h is in d. i s p e n s 2.~~ l 8 t o the Sudan ; it is the na tural outlet f or the Y CJ.d. :s i 'r r_':.:J. Ko:rcl.0 f a n and Da rfour 1 and throu gh it fore ign g oods · c e.n r e ~~11 t 11c G1..1 d a 11 ~ Ti gy :t: t 9 wh~.:: h qffordecl ~.; he AJ.lies such i np ortant h elp against Italy, h2-~J t :-:.e f.L ~c::~ h !J:Jc ~h>_.;, t s he Yvil 1 b e gr a n ted her r e v est an d t hat h GI' h j_::;t oTic ricJr !~.s t o Ma zs o.'.vo h wi l l b e c onceded. Palais du Paris~ C. ? . ( Q-:01: . ) Doc. i 1 Luxe. .,~),o u r ~: :? t< l ..- .ce 7 P0.r i s .• • / C. ? . The Aus ·crL-:-_ _._ uo l e:, ~ :·cc ' s ~-~ ' "'.. · :'_ :c'c ~3 to ·c l1.e ?lenccr y Se ssion of the Confe~e nce o • Aucust 21st, 1946. 1 • II. Pro :;>o s~~ l G oy the _. -.. ust :c• i c:.'.~l Deleg c, ·c :L c l1 concerninG cc j~ L:. i 11 cl ..: .uses of ·chc .;D :..~~ ..L' ·ii _::e c...ce T re ~··:c y .;7_· ch Ita ly. 2 :rr . 8 t <.-~ ·c uJe . ! t c o nc ~r ~in g t he question of the South T Vl"Ol. ( 7 a n.11exes ) • 14 IV. S uc ~ esti o ns c o nc c r 2 in~ the cues tion of Trieste. 2L~ - ----- ---------------------------------- 1 • 1 • r. ,_ C..J • n.;: • ( a-.ul_-.,-·")~ D oc. 1 1 I.I. The - ·~ustriaa Gove:..-nment still cons::.ders th ~.-e; the l'l;: tur8.l solu-ciol of the cwestion of the South T~n·ol lies in the consultation of ti1B ~.?o:.;m1::'.tio.i1. of th.. '-t reJion O.i1 the nationality the:r desire to have and on ·cl1e: reg ime -(:,bey vJish ·co see estaiJ lishecl in their te.rri tory. If the Con.ferea cc •;Je re ·to fir:tcl. it i rl 1J ~j s ;. ible to a.do) t thls solu·(;ion v hich is bo.sed on ·i:;i1e Uni tcc?c l:"' atio21a Ch::;rtcl', there shouJ.cl Zl t leo.st 'Je so1.1e ~: u <.:c j:'C.nte c easuring frcedOJ•1 of economic lif e a11d the free exercise of l ~nGuaz e ana cultur ~ l traditions for the }Goples of the South Tyrol, ere they to be o.tta che d to Ita ly. De·c zdlec1 2c l"'l'a::1z; e;:Jcnts sllould ~)e nEtc1e ~)Gt -, ,cr:m Ita ly anc't. -.us·cria and ·ci1ese o.rl".:tnz;er,l811'GS f3houlc1 forJn the t.:Ul) je c t of Ito. lian: legi slo. tion, In orde :;:- th·': (; their £oplic<l tio'n sho.. ll not 'ilholly depend on the. good-.:-; ill o:r t he I t :~ lL' n Govc :.. l1.iJ1C!1t i.i1 )O'Her ~ t any given I.lomen·c , ·chese ai'rt.~ l16sments shoa l:::'_ ·;.J e .::;u o. rc.nte ect 'b y the inclusion of a cenc ~al c l~ uso in the ?e~ce l r eaty. ~his clause should eiiibod;:,r ·che follo ., L1c; :poi.L:.ts: 1) An r.mtonomou2 adminio·cro. tio.c1 si i~l:i.l c-·. :i."' ·c,o th .·c gr n.irce c1 i)y It2,ly to the p oj;mla-C.i on of' ·che VCJ. l d 1 ;.os to.. l'hiG <:c clii1inistr,:..ti ve uni i woulc1 :u1c::..ucle -che lJrov-ince of :C ozel1 ( :.;o:Lzano) and a i:um~x'< r of nei [)11)ourin~> com.1unes·, i.e. the G U ' ii1G. 'l n .i. u..:~ Ladin-s~)e akinc di.; tricts, and not tho ;;,holE; of ·chG ·cc:.- i tor y for,,:.Cl' l;y i)olonc; inc~ to ) .
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