
Book Review

Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Reviewed by Michèle Audin

twentieth century had a major impact on the his- Fleeing from tory of and mathematicians. Several Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze authors have investigated the massive slaughter Princeton University Press, 2009 of , which almost destroyed the French US$49.50, Paperback, 504 pages ISBN-13: 978-0691140414 scientific elites and obliterated a generation of mathematicians, and the subsequent boycott of German science at a time when German math- German mathematicians emigrating to the ematicians were developing new trends such as in the 1930s: We immediately think abstract algebra and general topology. Reinhard of a few personalities, such as , Her- Siegmund-Schultze’s book deals instead with an- mann Weyl, Richard Courant. We know legends, other trauma of the last century, namely that we have heard anecdotes. caused by Nazi policies, and its effects on mathe- Emmy Noether, for instance, found a position at matics worldwide but especially in Europe and the Bryn Mawr—note that she never had any academic United States. position in Germany, because of German prejudice against women. Well, what do we know for sure? What This Is Not Although it is true that Noether’s life was now As one might expect from the title, this is not a secure, the position she got in Bryn Mawr (keep book about mathematics and mathematicians in women among women, right?) was neither top- Nazi Germany, nor is it about science under the level nor even permanent. As the book shows, she Third Reich, nor even about mathematics and Ger- was very influential in importing abstract algebra man mathematicians during the Nazi period—all to the States, and this was very remarkable, since subjects that would also deserve a rigorous treat- she spent only a year and a half there before her ment.1 Rather, the book is about the flight and death in 1935. exile of an important part of the German mathe- RichardCourant alsoplayeda role in developing matical elite and the effects on the development in the United States. His of mathematics, especially in the United States. abilities as an organizer—he was the director of The issue here is quite precise and clearly the mathematical institute in Göttingen before his delimited in the book’s subtitle: “Individual fates dismissal—helpedhim to create what is now called and global impact”. So: who emigrated? Why did the Courant Institute at . they do so? Where did they go? How did they These are the kinds of sketchy details most of find their places in the host countries? How did us know about our mathematical forebears who they influence the scientific life there? The book left Europe for the United States during the Nazi is a rigorous work of history, in the sense that era. However, such anecdotal impressions can ob- it addresses a clear-cut issue and is based on scure the fact that the tumultuous history of the verifiable and carefully quoted sources. In addition to the published and archival documents, the Michèle Audin is professor of mathematics at the Insti- author did quite a few interviews and received tut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Université de letters from witnesses and relatives during the Strasbourg and CNRS. Her email address is Michele. [email protected]. 1See, however, [3] and [5].

1300 Notices of the AMS Volume 57, Number 10 1990s. Note that, although this is an English indeed Jewish—or at least version of an older German book [6], it is indeed were considered Jewish a new book, relying on new sources (the Freiburg according to the Nazi laws. archives, for instance) and new works. Some tried first to find po- Even the definition of each of the words in sitions in Europe—in France the expression “emigré German-speaking mathe- (as did Emil Julius Gumbel matician” is investigated very carefully, leading and Felix Pollaczek) or in Italy the author to a list of 145 persons. And this is (as did Thullen). These two indeed a book about human beings (mathemati- choices rapidly turned out to cians) involved in human activities (mathematics, be rather bad, because of the if possible; mathematics, when they could) during fascist Italian (after 1922) and terribly hard times, a book in which mathemati- collaborationist French (after cians of today will “find information about the 1940) political powers. Note lives, policies, and not least, sufferings of their that some Italian (e.g., Be- predecessors”.2 niamino Segre) and French (Jacques Hadamard, Szolem Individual Fates Mandelbrojt, André Weil... ) mathematicians had This book is not a compendium of individual to emigrate themselves to escape the anti-Semitic stories, but it takes individual cases seriously. policies of their countries. We already mentioned In addition to the 145 who emigrated, seventeen the Netherlands, which was later occupied by German-speaking mathematicians who were mur- Germany, and the fate of Otto Blumenthal. Max dered are listed in the book. Examples include Dehn expected to replace Viggo Brun in Trond- Otto Blumenthal, a close friend of ’s heim, Norway, but was forced to leave in 1940 and a managing editor of Mathematische Annalen, when Germany occupied Norway (he succeeded in who was dismissed from his position in Aachen reaching the United States—by the trans-Siberian for racial and political reasons in 1933. He then railroad). Fritz Noether emigrated to the Soviet emigrated to the Netherlands and was eventually Union, where he eventually was a victim of Stal- deported to Theresienstadt—or driven to suicide. inism. Other countries (Sweden, Great Britain, Another example is Felix Hausdorff, one of the Turkey, Australia, Ecuador, Canada... ) are men- inventors of general topology, who also wrote un- tioned. But the United States of America was the der the name of Paul Mongré and who committed main and/or the final destination of most of our suicide together with his wife and sister-in-law to fleeing mathematicians. escape deportation in 1942. There is also a (proba- bly incomplete) list of seventy-one mathematicians America persecuted in other ways. The American mathematical community was al- But let us come back to our 145 emigrés, the readywell organizedin the 1930s, andits members 145 men and women3 who were the actors in had already produced high-level results.4 It was this story: Emmy Noether, , Richard nevertheless deeply transformed by the massive Courant, as we know, but also 142 others. One arrival of good, even outstanding, European math- thinks of the scientists who left Germany because ematicians, often working on subjects that were the anti-Semitic laws caused them to lose their not yet investigated in the United States. Of positions and their jobs, forbade them to publish, course, there was a fear that these immigrants and even threatened their lives. But there were would take all the positions and nothing would be also mathematicians who emigrated because they left for the students whom the American math- could not bear to live under the Nazi terrorism— ematicians were teaching. There were even some some of them, like Carl Ludwig Siegel, went back anti-Semitic feelings that were not politically in- to Germany during the 1950s. One of them was correct to express at that time. Such distinguished the complex analyst Peter Thullen, who left for mathematicians as Max Dehn and André Weil were Italy and then Ecuador (in 1934–35) and whose condemned to positions at Black Mountain Col- 1933 daily notes, reproduced in an appendix to lege and Lehigh University, respectively (see [7]). the book, give evidence of the terrorist ambiance The country was described as “a land of intellec- that nobody, whether Jewish or not (Thullen was tual cannibals” by Oscar Zariski (see [4]), also an a member of the Catholic youth), could avoid immigrant—not a German-speaking one, but one noticing from the very beginning of the Nazi on whom the influence of the German immigrant regime. However, the majority of the emigrés were Emmy Noether is indisputable.

2 Sentences between quotation marks are quotations from 4To use an easy measurement, the first Fields Medals the book. were given, in 1936 in Oslo, to both a European, Lars 3There are, indeed, fifteen women in this list. Ahlfors, and an American, Jesse Douglas.

November 2010 Notices of the AMS 1301 While Noether had an impact on pure mathe- in 1935, and that not even a con- matics, others contributed to the creation of the siderable number of members left American school of applied mathematics, notably the association, leads me to this Richard Courant, but also Theodore von Kármán, negative attitude. I am not afraid Richard von Mises, and others. The roles they that the new DMV will again expel played are described and investigated in the book. , but maybenext time it will be so-called communists, anarchists, Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi or “colored people”. Germany This is the responsibility of the community we are dealing with. In addition to a “desperate and Chapter 1: The Terms “German-Speaking intermittent protest of memory” (as the French ”, “Forced”, and “Voluntary philosopher Jankelevitch wrote), in addition to “the Emigration” responsibility of the living to keep the memory of these historical events alive” (from the Preface), Chapter 2: The Notion of “Mathematician” Plus this book is a testimony of the willing, for a Quantitative Figures on Persecution part of our community (and in particular, for Chapter 3: Early Emigration some German mathematicians5), to take their part Chapter 4: Pretexts, Forms, and the Extent of in this responsibility. I leave the last word to the Emigration and Persecution author, himself a researcher from the former DDR, Chapter 5: Obstacles to Emigration out of now working in Norway: Germany after 1933, Failed Escape, and Motives for dealing with the partic- Death ular social and historical problems Chapter 6: Alternative (Non-American) Host of scientific emigration in this Countries book are manifold, recent political Chapter 7: Diminishing Ties with Germany events being among them. and Self-Image of the Refugees Chapter 8: The American Reaction to References Immigration: Help and Xenophobia [1] M. Audin, Publier sous l’Occupation I. Autour du cas de Jacques Feldbau et de l’Académie des sciences, Chapter 9: Acculturation, Political Adaptation, Rev. Hist. Math. 15 (2009), 5–57. and the American Entrance into the War [2] J.-P. Kahane, K. Krickeberg, and L. Lee, Concerns Chapter 10: The Impact of Immigration on about obituaries published in JDMV, Notices of the American Mathematics AMS 41 (1994), 571–572. [3] J. Olff-Nathan, editor, La Science sous le Troisième Chapter 11: Epilogue: The Postwar Re- Reich, Seuil, Paris, 1993. lationship of German and American [4] C. Parikh, The Unreal Life of Oscar Zariski, Academic Mathematicians Press, Boston, MA, 1991. [5] S. Segal, Mathematicians under the Nazis, Princeton Contents of the Book University Press, Princeton, 2003. This is a very rich book, as one can tell from the [6] R. Siegmund-Schultze, Mathematiker auf der Flucht list of chapter titles given above. A historical work vor Hitler, Dokumente zur Geschichte der Mathe- matik [Documents on the History of Mathematics], of synthesis of this kind finds its foundations in vol. 10, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1998, the study of quite a lot of documents. Some of Quellen und Studien zur Emigration einer Wis- them are presented in the book and are especially senschaft. [Sources and studies on the emigration of relevant to the author’s analysis, in particular the a science]. diary notes of Richard von Misesand Peter Thullen. [7] A. Weil, The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician, Among these moving documents is a letter Birkhäuser, Basel, 1992. Translated from the French Max Dehn wrote to the Deutsche Mathematiker- by Jennifer Gage. Vereinigung in 1948 (what follows is an English translation by the author of the book): But I cannot rejoin the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. I have 5The author writes that this book is a sign that “Ger- lost the confidence that such an man mathematicians are prepared to face the problems association would act differently and responsibilities of the past.” Indeed we hope that in the future than in 1935. I fear the time when the Notices received letters such as [2] is over. But there is no evidence that the same is true of it would, once again, not resist an other communities. I was very surprised, when I started unjust demand coming from out- to investigate the way Jewish French mathematicians dis- side. The DMV did not have to take appeared from the scientific journals during the Vichy care of very important values. That period (see [1]), to see that nothing at all had been done it did not voluntarily dissolve itself on this topic.

1302 Notices of the AMS Volume 57, Number 10