Homogenization 2001, Proceedings of the First HMS2000 International School and Conference on Ho- Mogenization
in \Homogenization 2001, Proceedings of the First HMS2000 International School and Conference on Ho- mogenization. Naples, Complesso Monte S. Angelo, June 18-22 and 23-27, 2001, Ed. L. Carbone and R. De Arcangelis, 191{211, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 2003". On Homogenization and Γ-convergence Luc TARTAR1 In memory of Ennio DE GIORGI When in the Fall of 1976 I had chosen \Homog´en´eisationdans les ´equationsaux d´eriv´eespartielles" (Homogenization in partial differential equations) for the title of my Peccot lectures, which I gave in the beginning of 1977 at Coll`egede France in Paris, I did not know of the term Γ-convergence, which I first heard almost a year after, in a talk that Ennio DE GIORGI gave in the seminar that Jacques-Louis LIONS was organizing at Coll`egede France on Friday afternoons. I had not found the definition of Γ-convergence really new, as it was quite similar to questions that were already discussed in control theory under the name of relaxation (which was a more general question than what most people mean by that term now), and it was the convergence in the sense of Umberto MOSCO [Mos] but without the restriction to convex functionals, and it was the natural nonlinear analog of a result concerning G-convergence that Ennio DE GIORGI had obtained with Sergio SPAGNOLO [DG&Spa]; however, Ennio DE GIORGI's talk contained a quite interesting example, for which he referred to Luciano MODICA (and Stefano MORTOLA) [Mod&Mor], where functionals involving surface integrals appeared as Γ-limits of functionals involving volume integrals, and I thought that it was the interesting part of the concept, so I had found it similar to previous questions but I had felt that the point of view was slightly different.
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