
* Yasar University, Department of Interior Architecture and En ArchitectureYasarand Interior University,* of Department JOURNEY BY A Özge Başağaç* No. 8,Kış 2020,6-30,DOI10.32325/iaad.2020.16 İzmir Akdeniz AkademisiDergisi Meltem vironmental Design,Lecturer ORCID:0000-0001-5643-2337 2ND IN THE ROMAN TRAVELLER NOTES OFA FEELING AT HOME: CENTURY

- Keywords: hs ae dsuss h tasomto of transformation the discusses paper This dpe fo a re ps t a oa future. Roman a to past Greek a from adapted their preserved of cities Greek ancient burden the Without Mediterranean. the around examinearchitectureurbanizationand transas 2 on focuses cussion the empire, the by envisaged program certain on efforts their all concentrated cities wars, of ongoing period of peace under the Roman Empire the to thanks accelerated that development come under the rule of the Roman Empire. For the Westernfirstthe wasof Anatolia one to regions nary journey based on historical facts. The dis The facts. historical on based journey nary imagi an of help the with period Imperial man Ro the into Anatolia western post-Hellenistic the identity.Thus, Roman the of elements new 2 the region, n hs epc, eoig oa ws equiva was Roman becoming respect, this In the pre-Roman worldintoaunity. through integrating the fragmented identities of rather but nothing from created not were tolia a implementing While urbanization. and trade Roman cities of 2 of cities Roman Roman urbanism,Romanization identity and culture, while they welcomed the welcomed they while culture, and identity formation tools. lent to the creationMediterraneanthe a to of lent identity Pergamon, Roman architecture, travel, nd century AD was markedurban wasby AD century nd century AD in western Ana western in AD century nd Century AD Pergamonto AD Century ABSTRACT ------

35 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH 36 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH Anahtar sözcükler: 1 Yunan geçmişlerinden geleceğine adapte geleceğine Roma geçmişlerinden Yunan . üyl Rm İprtruu lıd Akdeniz altında İmparatorluğu Roma yüzyıl, 2. ıı praı ilkeii btnetrlei ve bütünleştirilmesi kimliklerinin parçalı sının belirgin ile gelişim kentsel hızlanan sayesinde altına giren ilk bölgelerden biriydi. Bölge için MS için Bölgebiriydi. bölgelerden ilk giren altına dönüşüm araçları olarak kentleşme ve mimarlık ve kentleşme olarak araçları dönüşüm Anadolu’nun yardımıyla,Batı seyahat bir düşsel eşdeğerdi. dünya öncesi Roma olmak, Romalı edilmişlerdi. yüzyıl 2. MS Anadolu’nun Batı bakıldığında, dan kül ve kimliklerini kentleri Yunan eski dolu’nun dönemi barış kesintisiz eden devam çevresinde yolculuk, Roma şehirciliği, Romalılaştırma yeni ögelerini de içtenlikle karşılıyorlardı.içtenlikle de açı ögeleriniyeni Bu Graduate nöüe blri i porm uglre, Ana uygularken, programı bir belirli öngörülen idk dnşmn trımkaı. Tartışma tartışmaktadır. dönüşümünü mindeki tarafından İmparatorluk yoğunlaştırmıştı. rine türlerini koruyorlar buna karşılık Roma kimliğinin aı ndl, oa maaolğ egemenliği İmparatorluğu Roma Anadolu, Batı Romalı BirGezginin YolculukNotları Evde Hissetmek:MS2.YüzyılBergama’sında Helenizm sonrasında, Roma İmparatorluğu döne İmparatorluğuRoma sonrasında, Helenizm kurulmuş üzerine gerçekler tarihi makale Bu çok, RomakentleriDaha varyoktanedilmemişti. tecture, supervised by Professor SunaGüven. ture irdelenmiştir. alınmış, merkez yüzyıldaki 2. MS için yaratılmasına kimliğinin Akdenizli anlamda bir üze kentleşme ve ticaret çabalarını tüm hirler şe kurtulan yüklerinden Savaşın gelmişti. hale This ÖZET in Middle paper Course was East AH536: initially Technical egm, oa mimarlığı, Roma Bergama, Approaches formed University, as in a research Roman Faculty 1 Architec of for Archi the ------1997), eds., elle aux such elled outsideItalymore thanonce, it washis of theimportant cities ofwesternAsiaMinor or himselftothegovernor. of hismajestyAntoninusPiusandreaching a challenge.Afterall,thislandwasnotthe anxious onhisdeparture for Ephesos.Find and make sure theyhadcontributedtothe assigned tohandintheordersofem capital . celebrations aptly. ThoughQuintushadtrav pire, A.D. 70-192 Alan ror's Horse Guards Horse ror's first journey to Minor. Thus, he was a bit peror for theupcomingcelebrationsof tion of Rome the westernshores ofAsiaMinorincapital 3 2 2000), 154. 29, 2011, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoninus_Pius. 2010), Ephesos todeliveraletterfrom theemper Rome, headingofftoOstia,gettingonaship vels nine-hundredth anniversaryofthe founda his men,eightweeksafterdepartingfrom Quintus reached theplainofPergamon with On thedawn ofMay 12in147AD,Senator the the tition mes nus leading hissquadatthesametimewould be ing one’s way inanunknownprovince and Rise and Fall of Rome's Immortal Emperors was war Rome let-décembre ly For displayed. One Pius Collas-Heddeland, governors The Cambridge Ancient History,Ancient Cambridge The or are 2011, nine-hundredth found Éphésiens,” in as K. des being our peace, 50; 40; Rome. highlight Bowman, . imaginary. had P. titres purpose, “Antoninus Alexander in Speidel, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoninus_Pius; celebrated For never the he “Antoninus 1995): or sous

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Revue desÉtudesGrecques Bouleuterion Peter as well as to control the state through (Cambridge: left Senator But iig o Cea: h Rmn Empe Roman The Caesar: for Riding le anniversary directed 410-29. Canduci, Pius,” “Le Haut-Empire. Italy by of it Garnsey, his Pius,” is these the a culte imperial during Quintus, a Wikipedia, reign letter Cambridge provincial historical For hosting Triumph and Tragedy: The Tragedy: and Triumph of Harvard Wikipedia, letters impérial and Ephesus, of more occurred dated his

vol. letters Une his 2 the Dominic

of reign. accessed were 11, Quintus was fact matters University information University mission magnificent lettre to dans (Sydney: foundation accessed see to The High Em High The in 140-144 Whether that even

148, the Rathbone, la d'Antonin 108 Emmanu through and May compé Antoni public Pier Press, Press, cities with May (Juil see tra ga AD for 29, of 9, ------Asia”. 174. 11 10 7 ce attheResearchCenterfor AnatolianCivilizations,,30November -2December2012). cape 4 sus owned gardens were taken over by regularly lined fertile fields, fertile lined regularly by over taken were gardens owned on. executed inalocalstyle.Hecouldobservethatthislandhadlongtradition,mucholder of roads: regardless ofhispositionintheworld, hecouldvisualizehimselfdepartingfrom a villages orstationslike AnagomeandMetropolis city. conquered landandthenturningbackhomesafely asallroads would finally leadto Rome. distances and directions to the neighbouring cities as well as the distance and directions to than theEmpire. Yet, inmany ways thesecitiesfelt asRoman asRome itself.Hewondered than thecitizensinRome. Themajorityofarchitecture wasmostlyseveralhundred years old these settlementswere stillusingGreek intheirdailylife. Thepeoplewere dressed differently the capitalofEmpire, SenatorQuintusstartedtofeel afamiliarity inthisforeign land.For terns andsupplystations. the subjectionofallthislandtoRome. Thejunctionsclosertothe citieswere sometimes on. were following they paved roads finely the Quintus would have takentheshorterinlandroute. 2002), what wascalled wide marblepaved road turnedintocutlimestoneandthentoslate,thevillasprivately well informed aboutthethree important citiesofAsia;namelyEphesos, andPergam known point– During theinitialdays oftheridefrom EphesostoPergamon, thegroup passed by several Rome. 5 nature wasquestionable.Soonhisway, Quintuswantedtogatherasmuchinformation ashe marked withgates,triumphal arches andthemore ruralonessometimeshadfountains, cis that 9 8 for ourpurposewe willacceptthiswasthecase. in hismind,hecouldclearlymake aconnectionwithRome through thiscentralizednetwork lost. Becauseeachjunctiontheycameacross employed awellexecuted milestoneshowingthe Ephesos Soon afterSenatorQuintusandhissquadhadleftthecapitalcityofEphesosonhorses, Smyrna wastheidealplacetocamp overnight. Longbefore hestarted histravel, Quintuswas Senator Quintuscouldputforward ananswertohisquestion.Beingmidway ontheirroute, 6 her Külzer“RoadsandRoutes.” John Andreas Andreas ChristianNorberg-Schulz, Külzer“RoadsandRoutes.” Collas-Heddeland,“Leculteimpérial dans lacompétitiondestitressous leHaut-Empire,” 410. Wolfgang 10 to und extended Onians surrounding Thesecitieswere competing witheachothertoreceive thetitleof“thegreatest cityof

Smyrna 11 45; Onians, 6 (Tübingen: ErnstWasmuth Verlag, 2001),61,83. byzantinischer

Yet, hethoughtthegreatness ofthesecitieswere abitexagguratedand their These milestoneswithpracticalpurposesservedaspoliticalsymbols,too:theyshowed Külzer, Helmut Külzer, cities. argues Radt, from and Classical Art and the Cultures of and Rome them “Roads “Von A Miliarum Aureum Halfmann, then that Pergamon - Bir Antik Kentin Tarihi ve Yapıları,veTarihi Kentin Antik Bir - Pergamon Ephesos Roman second Zeit,” to the to and divide Pergamon, and application Meaning inWestern Architecture inthisland.Itwasn’tuntiltheyreached Smyrna three nightslaterthat Asia Minor Studien Minor Asia to nach Routes. Städtebau und Bauherrn im römischen Kleinasien: Ein Vergleich zwischen Pergamon und Pergamon zwischen Vergleich Ein Kleinasien: römischen im Bauherrn und Städtebau Smyrna. 7 shorter

land. Without evernoticing,thousandsofmilesaway from hishomeland, Pergamon Communication Whether finally of route The columnintheCapitol,having allhisjourney, controlling the grids coastal extending inland und

this 78 to Ephesos: towns (2016): was passed route Networks as applied (centuriation) 5 To Quintus’surprise,theyhadnotimetoget gave 193; far Betrachtungen (NewYork City:Rizzoli, 1980),84. through as

(New in Külzer, to access

trans. the 9 the Quintusrealized thatjustlike Ephesos smaller Haven Hinterland proximity “Roads Suzan was to , zu and settlements sometimes in den Tammer and . 4 London: of

of which were onlypierced by Straßen Routes.” Ephesos” Ephesus Dios There (Istanbul: extended but Yale , Westkleinasiens This also (International remains University were road Yapı reached as Lebedos, two far Kredi led a major Press, question as from . in the Conferen Roman Yayınları, römisc routes 1999), lands Ephe and but 8 ------37 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH 38 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH And the cities themselves had municipal officials instead of the former priests and . and priests former the of instead officials municipal had themselves cities the And 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 council city as agenda es” headded. each Smyrnian wasproud ofthishistory. Butitwasnoguaranteefor alongtermpeaceinthe orator, inhiscamp. any kindofmilitaryforce) andcitizenshiptothecityitwasonly“afair pricetopay annualtax could andvalidate hisideas.Thatwaswhy heacceptedtomeetAelius AristidesofSmyrna, the Academy inRometocelebratethe50thanniversary oftheexcavationsatCosa,14-16May1998). provinces aslongthecitiesbehaved well.Inotherwords, Rome’s invisible sword wasalways provinces ruledby localgovernors. taken totheextreme asthecitywasoneofearliestplacesinAsiaMinortoacceptRoman find. could waythey Empireevery the in to the Roman identity. territory. Thecityhadwillinglyentered theRoman rule 21 20 which wasperceived asfreedom by thecitiesthemselves. were notasfree astheirinhabitantswould have liked tothink.Theterritorywasdividedinto yrna It wasRome’s choicetomake useofthelocalheritages,traditionsandvalues for herowngood rulus_Tarihce. rule andstartthecultofgoddessRoma. forward by thecitiestobecome hanging upontheprovinces. For Quintus,theonlysurprisehere wastoseetheenthusiasmput her politicalandculturalframework naturallyratherthanimposing onprovinces tocreate hardly meetoneinhislifetime. Buteachofthegovernors wasresponsible tothesenateinRome. for eachday withintheempire. AsRome bestowedfreedom (thecitywasfree ofgarrisonsor (1999): the the RomanEmpire” (PhDdiss.,Washington University inSt.Louis,2013),8. not letting thebigrulergovern whileenjoying theindividualfreedoms, whichwere sometimes in Rome'scentralpower andincrease therankingoftheirhomecities. ified Earthquake in177A.D.,” Becoming Press, 1986),272. William Yegül, “Memory, MetaphorandMeaningintheCitiesofAsiaMinor.” Asia Fikret In Aelius Yegül, “Memory, MetaphorandMeaningintheCitiesofAsiaMinor.” Yegül, “Memory, MetaphorandMeaningintheCitiesofAsiaMinor.” See“AncientSmyrnaExcavations.” Wulf well emperor be had Antik emperors 197 totally as was 106. but to province Raeck, to K. neokoroi Aristides Kenti BC receive L. also formed Ephesus Roman on Yegül, MacDonald, Smyrna impossible. could the 14 “Ein Kazı, promoted SenatorQuintuswasaware thatSmyrna ortheotherwesternAsiaMinorcities had

the was “Memory, highest is by emperors Gott be and Araştırma cut said rare a upper prestigious 12 worshipped Tarih AraştırmalarıDergisi limited 19 Aristidestoldhimthatthecitywasfounded by AlexandertheGreat and Smyrna. Ayşe für its The Architecture of the Roman Empire, So,there wasamutualisticrelationship betweenthecentre andthe Roman approval to level, ties class den Metaphor have were Yakut, ve self-governance with by Kaisertempel: However, imperial Restorasyon citizens, and lived on welcomed setting of “Aelius Pergamon different the instrumental and between Roman Senate cult. 15 governor up Pergamon Meaning Aristides’

They were few innumberandanordinarycitizenwould to an Projesi, levels Andrew Archäologisches and temples through by honoringtheEmperor andshowingtheirloyalty imperial 117-181 and 34, no.58(2015):490. for 21 entered and in from 20 Being the was 18th, accessed Peculiarly inthecaseofSmyrna thiseffort was the Findley, the other as a Emperor cult the simple officials AD. regional Cities synnaoi theoi synnaoi 19th the

temple first vol. Roman Roman So, “The vom Roman December and altars of 2, in city of an 13 council Monumental An Urban Appraisal Trajaneum Asia Rome.

and a 350 years agoandtheywere pleased 20th encounter officials 18 to meantsurrendering tothepower, city rule. to

- gain Rome wasanexperttointroduce becoming Minor” complex coinhabitants Orations 31, as This called See it this 2018, who in enabled right “Ancient with (Conference Province: /Concilium Pergamon,” right sanctuaries. not a Which http://antiksmyrna.com/88-Ku was neokoros our

(New only among them by Smyrna imaginary given Saved Asia established supported Haven: held to Antike Welt Antike - the In and to temple be the Excavations,” order at Pergamon three representatives the Yale provinciae.The senator Smyrna the the guardian, Temples . to rival University American 30, imperial worship would twice, cities. From no. Sm De of 16 17 a 2 - - - -

“wonderful tolookatfrom everyside,almostalonelypeakintheprovince”. As Aristideswasasteadfast servant ofAsclepiusandapatientrecently cured inAskle 145-146 Tumulus The group entered thecityfrom thenortheastgate.Following themainstreet/ centralcitywall The city was guarded with well-built fortifications on land and two towers overlooking the sea. and politicalterms. second tumulustobe ofnote,neartheElaiaroad. plain wastheverysource thatbowed downandfed thecityofPergamon. pion, heknewtheroad verywell. travellers. the city. plain. the in bath thermal acrossgroup suburban came the the first towards southwest, passingthrough neatinsulae, theyreached thequay brimmingwithlife. thoroughly onhisway back,thenightwashidingallviewaway from hiseyes, sofor that the Smyrnians, whoswore by theserules?”TheSenatorwasplanningtoinvestigate Smyrna sacrificed. be to 30 28 27 29 26 25 24 23 22 was leftbehind,theyrealized several tumulialongwithtombsthatmarked theentranceto saw thesilhouetteofcityin distance.JustasAelius Aristideshaddescribed;itwas scattered over thelandscape,dottedwithtoweringhouses,publicbuildingsandpeople.This har the was Elaia overnight. camp to Elaia reached finally and behind cities other several Sempozyumu, Seeliger, night hedecideditwasenough. Quintus received thedetailsofroad betweenPergamon andSmyrna from Aristides. Quintus and his squad finally reached the Kaikos plain. Neatly arranged farms and fields were On thedawn ofMay 12in147AD,following thepaved road from Elaiatowardsnortheast, Quintus felt arelief asheknewtheywere onlyhalfaday away from Pergamon. (2011): 9.ThesentenceisquotedfromAristides, (Ancient the southwest ofRomanPergamon and2kmawayfromAsclepeion. no. net bour cityofPergamon; amaritimesatellitefacing theAegean sea,atthemouthofKaikos. Research – + History + Geosciences, + History + Archaeology – Research Warnke (Mainz:RGZM,2018),91-103. would Matthaei between Greece, hellenistischen Ute Pirson Felix Felix Pirson,“MetropolisPergamon: EineantikeStadtundihreErforschung imWandel,” Martin Külzer,“RoadsandRoutes.” Recent There Yegül, “Memory, MetaphorandMeaningintheCitiesofAsiaMinor.” 5 Downie, (2011): have Kelp, is Greek: AD, Pirson “The and 29 is et Zimmermann, the Before thecityoflivingopeneditsdoors,deadwelcomed research 30 “Proper been not 20 “The 18-22. al., As the group proceeded, they were greeted by theacropolis of the townhigh in Martin Diyarbakır, Harbour most Residenzstadt

Κάϊκος, years Rome, a et “Pergamon the consensus Necropoleis al., Pleasures: 22 As recent has Zimmermann

before first and the Gods Quintus thought“Whoonearthdeservestobecalled “Pergamon Zones transliterated Zimmermann “Die 17-21 shown tumulus one for – the Pergamon?” of Chora Bathing 2018 of June the to publication that Elaia Pergamon,” – be (Heidelberg: , to date ed. von Yılı 2018 2019). puts Elaia as studied be and – William Çalışmaları The Pergamon: of Kaïkos). seen in Yılı Oratory it, 23 Aristides’ was Named of Duringtheeighthday ontheroad thegroup hadleft Maritime Urbane Strukturen und bürgerliche Identität im Hellenismus, im Identität bürgerliche und Strukturen Urbane in Pergamon among

his Çalışmaları eds. as Verlag V. Pergamon-A Hellenistic Capital in Anatolia, Pergamon’s Or. See first Harris the in as 23. Falko Neue Raporu”; Aelius stay many Felix group Cleopatra Hieroi Logoi, Antike, city city and Daim, Forschungen in Raporu” of Pirson Aristides’ tumuli . and Brooke main of Radt, Pergamon,” 2015), Quintus Claus by countryside

et harbour, which in Pergamon, (41. the Holmes Hieros Logos I 22-55; al., Pergamon von im locals, Yet, Uluslararası approached “Elaia: is Umland in Carnap-Bornheim, in connected the (Leiden Stefan Harbours as Objects of Interdisciplinary of Objects as Harbours

were line 42, this earliest Eine Archaeological with 56. der suburban

closely and Feuser, 28 and Kazı, the aiolische The Whenthethermal bath Königsmetropole,” our Oration to date Boston:

city. ed. the monumental Araştırma imaginary linked Antike Welt, 27 Felix thermal Roman is Felix Gallopingforward, Peter Maltepe city

Polis 33,” offered 26 Research Brill, in Soon,Quintus Pirson, Pirson by in Ettel, economic, 25 im ve bath journey. more than 2008), Bakırçay

would no. 5 to Dienste Yığma ed. and Arkeometri Antike Welt,Antike and be and is Project. Albrecht 4 115-30. around Martin be See Ursula Andre social km Tepe river the der Ja to 24 It - - - -

39 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH 40 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH The group passedby severaltombsinthe necropolis before enteringtheresidential district. detailed of across tombsontheway. and as Scholl(Istanbul:Yapı KrediYayınları, 2014),354-79. of theEmpire andthepatron oftheRoman army. ThoughtheTraianeum wassurrounded by of Pergamon wasstandingattheendofallroads converging north,risingbetweenthe white in clad building a saw and head his raised Quintus them. encircling and overflowing outlines ofthetopography buttheywere mostlyobscured by theouterquartersofcity and cooking food was enticing but Quintus had to find the noble Aulus Julius Quadratus. all sorts of Pergamene goods, was slowly awakening. The smell of the freshly baked bread army, notevenasoldierinsight. ancient Temples ofDionysos andAthena. AsAelius AristideshadtoldQuintus,there wasno at thecrossing oftheroads, withitsTemples ofJupiter, JunoandMinerva. as JupiterAmicalis,alongwithhissuccessorHadrian,wasoverseeing, rulingandprotecting the Roman army, wasexistentinthebodyofthisbuildingbecauseJupitermaindeity this was Rome in idea and flesh: The Capitol was watching the capital of the Empire- Rome, Empire- the of capital the watching was Capitol The flesh: and idea in Rome was this the cityofPergamon justasmuchany othercityoftheEmpire. For Quintusandhismen natural the following visible were fortifications strong old, the there and Here distance. the 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 was sure thatQuadratuswould welcomethemwell.Sothesacred way hadledthemthrough Finally, they arrived to the colonnaded street/ sacred way. Thestreet, lined with shopsselling It was the major Roman stamp on the former Hellenistic body of Pergamon. Quintus silently many monumentalbuildingsofthe , itwasstilldominatingthewholelandscape. hailed hisdeifiedemperors andproceeded. marble, risingabove severalothers,crowning thehillofacropolis atthehighestspot,shin Greek atthesametime;aRoman cityinthepresent whichdidnotletgoofitsGreek past. Quintus couldseethelonghistoryofPergamon onthesetombswhichembracedLatinand the pieces projekt/-/project-display/14186. formation funerary ing inthemorninglighttogazeatnewcomers. Way, While was with thecityanditsproximitysignalledasimilarapproachinRome. May 29,2011,https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Roman_Empire_ he musthave beenlivinghiselderly agesthen. between the Quadratus Kelp, “3D Yegül Onians, Raeck, Radt, landmark Meaning found which choosing province contained Model map monument 114 “The Pergamon argues of opposite “Ein Classical ArtandtheCulturesofGreeceRome, changed of and the was in Necropoleis of was is the Gott the the a argues detected Roman 129. Pergamon,” visible bilingual location , 208;Raeck,“EinGottfürdenKaisertempel,”108. a from Roman the Cities the für rich See Red that to den road Pergamon, 132 noble of along of Radt, Empire visitors of inscription Hall the Kaisertempel,” Asia Pergamon,” BC Deutsches the from Pergamon of (though the commemorating existence temple, Minor.” in approaching Pergamon an Euphrates. the 125 of “Avenue 34 sepulchral Archäologisches built Latin 362, the Yet, thepowerofsystemandessencethispower, AD , The 208-11. of 108. together builders much troops who 368. military and He of from the Tombs” refers Greek. donated monuments He Pergamon later) in the Roman considered with became zone Asia accompanied to coast Institut, along However, to military Aristides. 174. a on province legate Via Tecta Via lot entered a along 31 the were the consul ThiswastheTemple ofTrajan. the to accessed west possible by bases, P. the regional integrated is Kaïkos For Cornelius early . Roman in limited Still, construction of a Rome see discussion May Asia 2 route from Philios/Jupiter our nd effect rule “Roman

to century Scipio twice. 1, into Minor imaginary a the of in 2020, great of the the 133 125.png. and countryside. see Nasica, If the Empire,” AD, is he Sacred architecture https://www.dainst.org/en/ lined BC. Yegül, distance. celebration sanctuary due Amicalis was group who Architrave 33 to along

Wikipedia, to Way. “Memory, The Traianeum the would The died meet The in and The Dacia. ongoing of of military in this relationship our pieces the have 32 Traianeum made Pergamon, architrave Metaphor accessed Trajan Quintus, For Sacred temple. 37 trans come zone He sure of the 36 35 a - -

The entrancefacade ofthehousewasfar from attractive(aplainwallwiththeonlyopening 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 Antike Welt, and of thehouse. conflicts erased provinces,which conquered her and Rome between compromise of evidence there stood edifices forthese ent, purpose: same the the visualize served to both Senator the of theEgyptianGodswere builtduringthereign ofHadrian.Though the outcomewasdiffer ebrating theeasterngodsasmuch-mostlyconverted toRoman- membersoftheGreek architectural detailsofEgyptiantradition. cestors, Asia Minor. power ofRome, eitherby theirmassivescaleorimposing location. ples themselves with a rectangular one in between, totally clad with marble and finished with the rightandleftwithsymmetricalexedras, embellishedwiththemasksofQuadratus’an that couldhave arisenfrom pastandpresent identities. the bathsonto the Forum. The Forum was an open space of roughly 350 by 890Roman feet, 39 38 was welcomed by an atrium filled with light and the sound of the flowing water, flowing the of sound the and light with filled atrium byan welcomed was to extending were greeted by Quadratus. He took them to his house on the street overlooking the Forum. was designed to lead its visitors from the entrance to its interior. was modified and challenged under the hands of the Roman. Just like the regular grids of the siting oftheSanctuaryitselfover thelineofriverSelinusthatmadewholeensemble surprising to find the Egyptian gods in the heart of a city in Asia Minor. surrounded by colonnadesonallsidesalike. In theForum, Quintusandhismenwere immediatelyrecognized andafew minuteslaterthey emperors. deified with Pantheonalong familiar feeling again:Thishousewassonewtohim,yet ifheclosedhiseyes hecouldhave roads thathadtaken Quintussoeasilyfrom theplainintocityandForum, thehouse ment. Butthismomentonlylastedafew secondsuntilhesteppedintothehouse.Thegroup reincarnate itwithinSelinusofPergamon inAsiaMinortowelcomeSerapis. remarkable for the Senator. Yet, Quintus knew only Rome could take the Nile from Egypt and marble servingtotheSanctuaryofEgyptianGods.Behindpropylon rose theround tem marble statuesofEgyptianGods. imagined thathewasinhishousebacktheskirtsofCapitol. being the entrance door flanked by shops on both sides) and Quintus was frustrated for a mo in nobles’ houses. University Press,1998),134. Norberg-Schulz, SpiroKostof, Onians, Elsner, Ulrich Jaś Radt, Bachmann,“RomsGroßbaustelleinPergamon,” 28. Martin Radt, Andreas Elsner, 45 Pergamon Pergamon Mania, andreaching asfar asthelushgreen peristylegardenonthesamelineatback Imperial RomeandChristianTriumph, Bachmann, no.5(2011):23-9. Classical Art and the Cultures of Greece and Rome, and Greece of Cultures the and Art Classical Scholl Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph: The Art of the Roman Empire AD 100-450 AD Empire Roman the of Art The Triumph: Christian and Rome Imperial 46 “The A HistoryofArchitecture: SettingsandRituals Itwasapieceofnature captured inside.Yet, itwasnotpure nature itself,it , 204. , 200. (Istanbul: Meaning inWestern Architecture, Red “Roms Hall Yapı Großbaustelle – a Kredi Pergamene Yayınları, 39 To theeastQuintusrealized anevenlongercolonnadeof in Pantheon?” Pergamon: 142. 42 2014), Quintus knew both the Traianeum and the Temples 89. 40 For theRoman ofthesecondcenturyitwasnot 38 524-41.

Forschung in The pillarsthatsupportedtheroof were huge Pergamon-A Hellenistic Capital in Anatolia, (NewYork City:Oxford University Press,1985),201. 170. Red It und was Hall 44 Konservierungsarbeiten So,itwasn’tthecontentbut an is occasion the 47 biggest The Senator had the same to put 43 Roman 41 Theywere thesolid

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ed. of Roten City: Felix complex ancestors Oxford Pirson Halle,” in - - - - - 41 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH 42 ARAŞTIRMA/RESEARCH “Texts andTranslations,” 43. Aristides again; “the water flows from the very steps on which the temple stands”, “it arises “it stands”, temple the which on steps very the from flows water “the again; Aristides After along breakfast andgood rest Quadratushad offered totake thegroup toAsklepion 105. ctuary of . of ctuary existence atthesametime;amirror ofthedialoguebetween GreekpastandRomanpresent. 49 48 Walking, praying andtalkingpeoplewere everywhere. At thecenterofitall,oldtemple as standing of Asclepiusstoodwithafountain ofsacred waterinthefront. Quintusremembered Aelius of ritualsinAsclepium. entrance amongst the crowd. Before descending down the stairs, Quintus saw the sacred rules along theway, yet theywere thesymbolsofacontinousplaceworship andhealing.Down vaults overhead. the crowd, to reach the water which was the first cure for the patients in Asclepium. in patients the for cure first the was which water the reach to crowd, the the sanctuary. the stepsofPropylon wasanevenbigger courtyard surrounded withstoasonthree sides. to thebrightsunlighthittingopenspace. the hugecourtyard ofthepropylon oftheSanctuary. there andseethefamous SanctuaryofAsclepiuswhere acure wasoffered for any typeofill worshippers andpilgrimsgathered here, alldressed inwhite.Thegroup walked towardsthe walking undertheshadesofvaulted street, turningabruptlytothe west, thegroup entered seen. So the first thing that Quintus realized in the sacred courtyard was the grand past of past grand the was courtyard sacred the in realized Quintus that thing first the So seen. 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 from thetemple andthefeet oftheSaviour”. realized thevotives beingsoldintheshops.Heboughtsomefor himselfandhisfamily. While ness asstatedby Aelius Aristides. Quadratus’ house.Soontheywere walkingonthebusyroad towards southwest shadedwith to the tury BCwhichwere alreadymodifiedby 2 that manyothershadassembled,justaswhenpurificationtakesplace,and theywere cladinwhite.” in theafternoon.QuintuswasveryeagertogoashewantedmeetGallieanus Prose Hymns, Prose Hymns, when Radt, linked have finallyturnedaroundtoseethenew, largerbuildingsofthesanctuaryfromRoman era. bation buildings Aristides Melfi, Melfi,“TheArchaeologyoftheAsclepieumPergamum,” 92.QuotedfromAristides, Melfi, Milena Kelp,“TheNecropoleisofPergamon,” 368. Kelp,“TheNecropoleisofPergamon,” 368. “For guard a propylon symbol Aristides Pergamon the to eds.DonaldA.Russell,MichaelTrapp, andHeinz-GüntherNesselrath(Tübingen: MohrSiebeck,2016), 39. hall it round against the of ice “The “The was is was Melfi, , 4 which

a made ritual the is th eds. talks

a fine Archaeology Archaeology century , 210. next the hard, famous “The Roman the 55

Donald Donald displayed around

many lip and about 50 The group walked towardsthefountain, tryingtoopentheirway through to coming and Theypassedby thetheaterandastheyapproached theSanctuary, Quintus Archaeology of it. BC. pleasant doctor era the The references a this A. A. the The of of man 53 an Russell, Russell, well buildings heat, most the

space the temple These ruleswere setinplacecenturies ago,somehadbeenleftout old of earlier thing, puts in Asclepieum Asclepieum Pergamon, preferring temple/altar central of the to in “Texts Michael the out and would both phase the Or. summer nd Asclepieum 49 his

position centuryAD.Theuseofthesamepanelrulescouldhave beenaccepted altar 48.27 Asclepeion Thesacred way leadingtotheAsclepionwasnotfar from and for be hand, it Trapp, of of of who to the of Translations,” of left Pergamum,” the like Pergamum,” as any Asclepius was owed Asclepius. washes user “I ritual, behind a and of thought in swarm other reserved Pergamum,” 52 and 54 his his Heinz-Günther The light was reflected over the bodies of the of bodies the reflected over was light The

thus Next to the fountain, the incubation hall was hall incubation the fountain, the to Next it, and was Hieroi Logoi. Hieroi fame drink for 106. 105-6. Only of in and that highlighting the the for In Praise of Asclepius: Aelius Aristides, Selected Prose Selected Aristides, Aelius Asclepius: of Praise In bees directly When that to becomes after 51 I the view spectator Lex Sacra Quintusblinked hiseyes togetused in stood curing or In Praise of Asclepius: Aelius Aristides, Selected prevents old a Nesselrath reaching

flies placed For would visitor fountain within warmer the the example, around

contained who on antiquity be or was the the the restrains on focused (Tübingen: for and entering a fountain propylon of propylon the Or. axis milk drawing Or. the more

of 39, one in of 39.2. pail, on the ritual thirst the On the well in the San the in well the On the the hand that comfortable.” Mohr the water, cult seeking

amphitheatre. the sanctuary propylon rules – older, the sees 48 or and Siebeck, sanctuary ,

most the doctor on visitor from from its the traditional . 56 the The

through present directly When Russell, 4 people 2016), dawn th could other incu cen See and - - - - “ Pergamon –2018YılıÇalışmalarıRaporu.” “nothing like theColosseum”. They were closetotheheartofancientPergamon, yet everywhere wasthestamp ofRome. The nextday QuintusandhismenwenttotheAcropolis andpaidvisitstoTraianeum andoth on When Pergamon first chose to be Roman, the city was flourishing but the land was not enough Walking backthesacred way, proceeding tothenorthoftheater, Quintuscouldhearthe When theeveningcamealongitwastimetogoAmphitheatre towatchthenaval games. seeing.” Russell,“Texts andTranslations,” 45. er sacred sites. From the terrace of the Traianeum, Quintus could see Pergamon more clearly. amenities. Sothepeoplewere inneed ofthepeacethatwould bebrought onby Rome and as the city was contained within the fortifications. Not every person had the same reach to all ater, amphitheater, /hippodrome andseveral temples. Streets, colonnades,gatesand amphitheater anditwasaprivilegetobegrantedonlythree citiesinAsia.Still,hethought, and layed downinthetemple tosleepuntilthesunwasready tosetdown. develop Pergamon. Yet, financially they were on their own.They had to pay and make the people ofPergamon, theywould say thattheyhave worked hard.Anditwastrue. the visit of , so the latest parts to be added were either unfinished, semi-finished or semi-finished unfinished, either were added be to parts latest the so Hadrian, of visit the the head of Pergamon. Down the hill was lying the body, complete with the forum, baths, the the sacred watersofthesanctuary, worshipped toAsclepiusandmadeofferings for healing wrongly executed. Similarly, thestructures of Asclepionwere indeedfar from being perfect. manywouldflaws.detect said Quintus,“Pergamon willcontributetothegamesbeyond ourexpectations”. senator didnotcare muchaboutthedetailsofstructure. Pergamon wasbestowedan It wasafountain andcolonnadehere, atriumphal arch andastatuethere. 59 58 57 recipes butdependentonprinciples. necessary adjustments. Their approach to architecture had to be flexible, free of fixed rules or maquette shipsandgladiatorsplay over thewateronstage. roaring crowd astheyapproached theAmphitheater setonastream neartheSelinus.The Quintus turnedaround, nexttothePropylon, hecouldseetheround temple ofZeusAsclepius if Quintus had a second look at even the most “perfect” structure in town, the Traianeum, he it intoaRoman citylike theoneQuintuswasexperiencingandenjoying. Ifwewere toaskthe bridges were connectingthem,which were embracedwithhousesandshops,too.“Perfect...” Sanctuary. Quintustalked withGallieanusabouthisachinglegjoints.Hedrankandbathedin Soter, almostacopy ofthePantheon. Surely itwasnotaneasytasktotake adeeply rooted Hellenistictownlike Pergamon andturn 64 63 62 61 60 Roman period.SeeRadt, Pirsonetal.,“Pergamon –2018YılıÇalışmalarıRaporu.” “This MacDonald, WilsonJones, Radt, MarkWilsonJones, Radt The the stream amphitheater same talks Pergamon near about water The ArchitectureoftheRomanEmpire, Principles ofRoman Architecture, , 208. many serves was Principles ofRomanArchitecture Pergamon inspired modifications and for 63 purification the Theconstructionwaspressured underthedecreasing timebefore . 60 by stage Buthewasreally entertainedthateveningasheobservedthe the carried was Colosseum. in 62 57 the Only this way could they finish works on time. Indeed, time. on works finish they could way this Only filled Theyhadspentalotoftimeatdifferent partsofthe 14. out sanctuary, 2:259. with (NewHaven: Yale University Press,2003),9. on It is the the believed and upper stream for town, that men water the to formerly drink, to amphitheater hold to Hellenistic naval wash battles. 61 in, was Theacropolis was and buildings, strategically to See take Pirson during delight placed et the al., 64 in 59 58 - -

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