
^^ ———-% "**' ■■"-■ ,MI- ~", ill" |||***‘ |r_ ' Judges of Opportunity Need No Urging to Read These Classified Ads! I Today’s Radio Features CLASSIFIED | _Rentals Rates and Rules 63 OCTOBER 25 Apartment* _=□ SUNDAY, (Cantral Standard Tina) 36 - ( Advertisement* win be accepted Hip. Wanted Female 67 Room & Board Daytim* broadcasts. Programs and station lists to ebanga. over the phone from those subjact having FITCH APARTMENTS, new. mod- (By The Associated Preset WNAX KOIL. KFJF KT8A KOH charge accounts. Other LADIES—Position* aboard ocean ROOM AND BOARD for rT*u‘*fclassified em. *30.00 and up. Phone 558. S83 gentlemen. J 454.3—WEAF-NBC—660 KVOH KOL, KVI KFPT KDTL. KLi. advertising must be ac- liners; good pay. Visit Hawaii. Ill fit. Charles, phone 552. T35 11:45—Cafe Budapeath — Alao WLAi companied bv cash. 'fMOttXlXUt China. Japan; experience unnec- WOOD WLAC WDSU WISN WTAL **vertl*»og on an THREE ROOM FURNISHED 4 .. accepted apart- FURNISHED In a 00—Balladeart—Al»o WEB WTAM WOWO WCCO KSCJ WMT KMBi until forbid" order A essary'; self ad dressed envelope ROOMS private WWJ wow apeclfled ment, hot water and gas f,:mlshed KOIL KFJP KT8A KOH KVOR KOI insertions must be list- E. W. Mt family. Room and board. Reason- — nli£? .. given brings Arculus, Eaton* Violinist Also The 403 Adams St. T34 •;*^-Mary UFTMRNOON) Herald reserves the rtght to Vernon, N. Y. abl. priced. Garage. Phone 578. 442 WTAM WSB — T195 12:00—Cathadral Hour Alao WLA! place all advertisement* under Levee. S:46—Walter — the T17 Mill*. Baritone Also WDOD WKEC WLAC WBRC WDSL proper claaalficatlon. WTAM WWJ WSB and reject un- WANTED—German or Bohemian * WISN WTAQ WCCO KBCJ WMj clean or objectionable Well Located 5:00—Southland Sketchee— Also WWJ copy woman Modem, KMBC KOIL KFJF KRLD KT8A KOi. Obituaries, resolutfona for general housework and WUAF WSB WOW WTAM WENH KOL and cards KVI KFPT KDTL KLZ of thanks In clarified laundry. Address Box T109 Herald. • :30—Troika Balls—Also WDAF WUY 1.-00—Bona of III—Also WLAC WBRt section will be taken at the regular DEL Won wsb wfaa woe who wafi WDSU WOWO WBBM WCCO KMU.N classified FRANCIS — rate. In other of _T109 10:00—Neapolitan Day* Also WOC 1:30—Church of tna part paper reader Air—Alao WLAI rates APARTMENTS WHO WEBC W’BAF WTAM WKY WDOD WKEC WLAC WDSU WISN applv. 38 The Hip. Male or Female 72 Farms WWJ WMC WFAA W'APl KSTP WGL WFBM WCO oubllshere ere not respon- Ranches WTAQ WMAQ sible ---i Telephone Mr. James WH AS KUO KSCJ WMT KMBC KLRA KOIL KFl for copy omissions typo- 1040—Tales of Emerald Isis — Also graphical error or any unintention- WANTED—Eligible men-women. 18 Phone 499 or 1478 FOR SALE —10 acres class KFJF WACO KOH KVOR KOL KFI'l to high WTAM WENK — al error that may occur, farther 50, at once for 2:00— Philharmonic Symphony Ala. qualify govern- j citrus land on pavement, near Mc- 11:00—Sparklets—Also WTAM WOC WLAP WDOD WREC WLAC WBKl than to correct in the next issue ment WHO position*; salary ange, $105 Allen. Good improvements. Five WDAF WE.NR WDSU WISN WTAQ WGL WFB.V after It Is brought to their atten- to $250 — monthly; ap- TWO-ROOM 11:15—Echoes of the Orient Also WMAQ WCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX tion. All advert'sing order* are ac- Thousands efficiency apartment. acres bearing trees 87.000. '*om« WOY pointed WTAM WDAF WOC WHO KMBC KLRA KOIL KFH KFJY cented on this basis only. yearly, steady employment. 506 West Elizabeth. Phone 419. Call terms. Updegraif, La Feria, Texas. Biblical — Write J1:40— Drama Also WOC WACO KOH KVOR KOL KVI KFPY Telenhone No * and dictate your Instruction Bureau, 337, St. after 5 week. .WHO WDAF’ WENit during Tie TIM KFRC KHJ KDTL KLZ •dvertisement to an experienced Louis, Mo. today. P90 iAPTMKXUVN) 3:49 — President Hoover Add re**— classified writer. 12:00—Artists WTAM ™ _ FURNISHED: Three rooms or Program—Also WABC and other* To insure publication same day down- 75 Buy Trade WDAF WHA8 WSM KOA KUO KUW — is “and there also one or 4:0(9—Rev. Barnhoua* Alao WLAi copy should be presented not later stairs; two *oom apart- XKCA KOMO KSD WON WFAA WOWO WMAQ WCCO KOIL KFH than 10 a m. for ment. — Copy Sunday Garage. 1223 Adams. T6 WANTED: Choice, well drained 12:30—Carveth Walls Also WOC 4:30— Financial Firelight Pictures—Only WLAI be ■■■ .. WHO Issue* should In not later than acreage under cultivation, or good WDOD WTAQ KSCJ WMT KOIL 4 o m — 00 Saturdays to Insure proper ,12:45—Pop Concert Only WTMJ KFJF KRLD KOH KVOR KOL KVi FOR RENT—5 rooms upstalns. bearing citrus orchard m exchange WKY KECA KOMO WTAM WWJ das.*'f*r»t ton. 41 Real E*t. Loans KFPT KFRC KHJ KDY’L KLZ * everything furnished. *27.50; also for choice residential income pay- WOW KSTP W1 BA WAP1 KVOO OUR CLASSIFim r*TrERTISTNCI RATES neat 4-room apartment downstairs, ing property in first class condition WFAA KPKC KFSD WDAY WDAF 394.S—’WJZ-NBC—760 FIVE YEAR STRAIGHT LOANS on KKUl W HAS WSM Vv SMB KUA 2C wm-d* or less, one Insertion 4Or and best location in Tulsa. Ok la. /MORNiNUt improved irrigated farm* in l furnished. Including piano, phone, 1:15— — Alsu Over 20 words, one Insertion culti- Sunday Bright Spot 9:00—Children's Hour — Also WGAR lights, gas. hot and cold water, Address Box T182 Brownsville Her- WTAM WWJ WSAl KYW KSD per word 2c vation in Hidalgo and Cam?ron gar- WJR WLW WENR WCFL KWK ald. WOW WOC WHO KfeTP WEBC Subsequent Insertions run con- age. Reasonable. Phone 911. T173 T1S2 9:00—Mexican Orchestra—Alao WKT counties. Refinance vendors lien. WDAT KFYR WHAS WSM WSB 9:30 — Fiddler* Thr*t — Alao new home” secutively, per word.1**0 * & WGAR phone WAP1 WSMB WJDX WFAA WKY , 23, Donna. WLW WENR KWK WREN KFAB Minimum ... 10 woM* SWEENY APARTMENTS. South- KOA KSL KPO KUW KTAK Texas. T23 KH<4 9:49—Sons for Today—Alao WJR WLW Rv month, oer woM 30c east apartment, electrical refriger- Thomas Homer & Co. KFSD KECA KFltC WTMJ WDAF No classified advertisement ac- WENR WREN KFAB some KVOO WOA1 W’FBH cented less 40c ation. ma!d service, porch. WMC 10:00—Russian Singers — Also WLW Somewhere in Brownsville is the for thin 42 Auto Loans 1:30—Moonshine — or and Honeysuckle WCKV WREN KFAB LOCAL READER RATES Everything furnished partially. REALTORS Also WOW WWJ KSD WDAF home you have dreamed 10:30—Mornino Musical*—Also KDKA always Readers, per word .4c Walking distance. First Orch. — Also LOANS made to responsible people Garage. tor. Hotel t:00—Wsyns King's WREN WTMJ WMC WAPI WKT Readers, per inch Travelers Bldf. WTAM WWJ WSAl KYW KSD about . . . for .1125 and Adams 8t. WOC WLW WGN KWK KFAB waiting your step on automobiles. Also refinance auto- SI 86 WHO WOW WLiAK WDAY Second and third daw. 3Hc oer WHAS KGO KECA KGW K0M0 on the voice in the word: fourth fifth snd sixth d*v* mobiles. C. H. Helf, Antlers Hotel BRICK BUNGALOW, attrac- t:30—Dr. Cadman—WLAF Chain door-sill, your SOUTH KFSD WSM KVOO KOA 3c per word: 7 consecutive days 2>*c Bldg., McAllen. T185 SIDE of Duplex, with mode fin- IM—Manhattan Ouerdsmtn—WEAF hall. It has the num- tively landscaped, i, 11:30—Law Whit*. KWK just required oer word per day garage, nil West Elizabeth St. 1 Chain Organ—Alao est Los Ebanos. Price W’OAR KDKA WLW KFAB KFTR notice* 1c word in- location, 140—Wonder WWJ ber of rooms and baths, the Legal per each Telephone Carlos G. Watson. 8210 Program—WTAM KOMQ KFSD WTMJ WSM KOA pre- 45 Miscellaneous Terms. WKAJ KYW KSD WOC WHO WDAF" 86500. KECA KTAR KPO WHAS KGO sertion_ 4:00— Gems—Alao WOW location, the right price. And Light Opera (AFTERNOON) ferred FURNISHED APARTMENTS, con- WWJ WF1 HAVE a series of the only mortgage APARTMENT SITE, 150 feet WTAM WSAl WOC W’HO 12:00—Over Jordan—WJZ Chain is listed where you’d EX- venient and clean. WDAF KSD *j£\ notes real *25 nd *30. 357 12:30—Sentinel* of the Republic—Alac against estate, being paid corner, five minutes walk from PECT to find it ... in The Herald West Levee. Phone 1533W. T29 34«.6—WABC-CBS—860 WGAR WJR W1BO WREN KFAfc $50.00 monthly. Will trade for Los post office. Price 815,000. WRC KSTP WEBC WDAY KFY'R Automotive (MORR1RO) Want Ads. If you are in the mar- Ebanos lot. W'rite T198 Herald. WSB WFAA KOA KGO KGW KOM« DAVIS COURTS: Five room • 00 — o’ Make Belitva — Also fur- Land 12:49—Melodic Interlude—Alan WGAR a home at it will T198 800 Ac. all In cultivation, paved WLAP ket for all, pay nished apartments. Twj bedrooms. WDOD WREC WLAC WDBU WJR WIBO WREN KFAB WIOD road, irrigat'd and drained, WI8N WFBM WMT KMuX — direc- con- WTAQ — you to consult the LEADING Aiso four room cottage. All 1:00 Symphonic Band Alao WJR close to good Valley town. KMBC WNAX KOIL KFH KFJF WREN KFAB veniences, electric 0:00—Church of ... in The Herald, refrigeration, of tho Air—Also WLAP — tory listings Priced $90 per acre. Terma. orcnastra Also kdka garage. 2nd and St. Charles, S E WDOD WREC WLAC WDSU WISN WGAR WJR WLW KYW KWK WREN of course. Livestock WTAQ WOWO WMAQ WCCO KSCJ phone 1420. SI 51 KFAB WTMJ K8TP WEBC WJAX A HOMESITE half ac. in Browns- -WMT KMBC KLHA WNAX KOIL WSM WHAS WMC WSB WAP1 WJDX T KFJF KI2. ville. KTSA KVOR KDYL WSMB KTHS KVOO WFAA KPRC MAY-DAY Furnished Forty bearing grapefruit — Apartments • :»0—Quiet Harmonies Also WLAP WOAI WKY KOA KSL KPO 50 trees. Price $1500. KECA Poultry Supplies cooi convenient WDOD WREC WLAC WDSU WISN KGW KHQ KTAR KFSD -Modern, clean, WCCO KSCJ WMT KMBC 2: