
pothers And Dads, Lassies And Lads, All Can Find Profit 11 oday’s Radio Features CLASSIFIED i Automotive | FRItfAY, OCTOBER SO (Central Standard Tima) Rates and Rules 10 Autos for Sale b t# a ai a. oka•>au Advertisements will ba accepted war the FOR 8ALE lste m / (By Tka luodat<4 PreaaJ KOJX KFRC KOL KFPY KVI KGB phone from those having tel 1928 one ton KVOR KRLD KLZ KTRH KFJF KOU •egular charge accounts. Other Chevrolet truck, late 1928 Model A 484.3—WEAF-NBC—860 '! asst fled INVEST IN 10% UBtm.' KTSA KDYL WIBW WACO KFH advertising must ba ac- Ford roadster cheap for cash, — — orn phone or over. 4b—Malar ••wot’ Family — Alao 9:45 Fray and Braggiotti Alao panted by cash. $100 00 No POO-T238 JWJ WENR WOC WHO KOA WXYS WLAP WDOD WREC WLA« advertising accepted on an Mortgages on Brownsville' VgMB WOW KSD WDAF KFYR WBRC WDSU WISN WTAQ WCCl •ntll forbid" order. A specified Real Batata. Payment :80—T® bo announced—WEAK WMT KLRA WNAX KOIL KFJ1 unber of Insertions FOR SALE: Repossessed Ford, 1931 mutt be given by one of oldest firms In WSAI WENR KTSA WACO KOU KVOR KFP) TTtt Herald reserves the right to model, one and one-half ton truck, ^Goldberg.-Alao KLZ os all Write Box S*S for KFRC KDYL advertisements under the driven only 3000 miles; like new. particulars :*8--Ca«aert Orch. and Cavallara— 10:00 — Street — Alao WXY? 'ner Singer classification, and reject un- 1200 off list Boa San T235 la® KTHU HOW WQY WOW KYW WLAP WDOD WREC WLAC W1JU< hlrotlonable price. 938, VDAF KSD WKY WOC WEBC KOA WDSU WiSN WTAQ WOL WCCi copy. r«o«M«ona and card* VOAI KOMO KOO KHQ KSL WSAI WMT KLRA WNAX KFH KFJt .tliW1®! nnlto.__T239 classified section »H6 KECA WTAM WWJ WFAA KTSA WACO KOU KVOR KFPk will '“** classified CTAR K8TP WTMJ KVOO KTHS KFRC KDYL KLZ ,!* ***** 01 WP« reader furnished. :0b— Eskimo Night Club—Also WOW 10:16—Cuban Orehaatra—Alan WDOD '•e app?vh For Sale At An V8AI KSD WIBO WWJ WDAF WOC WRFO WLAC WBRC WDSU KLRA Wallace Ham pu blither* are :8b—Rsisman’a Orch. — Also WENR KFJF .T*1- not raspon. ! ble for copy omission* C8D WOC WHO WOW WTAM WWJ 10:15 — Band t too- SMALL modem Piyar'a (Repeat)—Only ts phlcal error or Attractive Price furnished :0b—Gr®f**a Orch.—Also WTAM WWJ \V l V WOWO KTSA KOH any unlntentlon- WMAd I error that may for rent. Call 881-J. TSAI WOC WHO WOW WDAF KVI KFBK KOL KOIN KFRC occur, farther 17 Business for Sale KFPY ban to correct In :8b—Theater of the Air—Also WOC KHJ KDYL KLZ the next Issue 1-McCray Tefrigerator i x 10 x 10 ■fter It Is brought to NEWLY FURNISHED or — their VJDX KOO WOA! WKY WTMJ KOA 10:30 Duchin Orch. — Alan WDOl) atten- FOR capable of holding 8 to 10 Beeves. unfurl COO KFI KTAR KF8D •'on. All advertising orders are ac- SALE—Implement business niahed modem KHQ KOMO WIIKC RfLAC WBRC WDSU KLRA Complete with coils. Also cottage. Phone 70 VHQ WOW WTAM KSL WDAY KFJF •■'nted on this basts onlv. located In good Valley town. Pop- 1-Ltpton or • 2 8187 CFYE WENR WHA8 WIBA WMC 10:30 — Quarter-Hour (Repeat)—Onlv Telephone No and dictate vour ular line farm Implements and cylinder xs machine complete. ._ Orch.—Alao WOC WHO WO KGIl KMJ KFBK •dveet'sement to an experlanced I 0:0b—Lapex WO KTSA KOH tractors. $3,500 will hande this, no NICELY FURNISHED VDAY WOW WTAM KSD WWJ KOL KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ KDYL •’•'salfled writer. four”room, VSB KVOO KFYR WDAF k r.z “and there is To Insure publication same dav experience necessary, wonderful Walker-Craig Co. garage house, chicken yard, water, — I 0:15—Stebbina Boys Only WON 11:00—Sernte Orcheetra— Alee WDOD ~opy should he presented not later opportunity, will consider some lights, gas. showers. Victoria Heights WOW WSB 8142 VOC WHO WMC KSD WISN WOL WCCO WMT KMRi' 'han 10 a m. Popv for Sundsv trade. Address •Owner" P. O. Box between 14th and 15th. Inquire 52> miB WWJ WSAI WTAM WFAA WNAX KOIL KFJF KRLD KTSA ’*suea should be In not later than 663. Pharr. . 8th St. T247 TRAP KOH KOL KFPY KDYL 4 00 n m Saturdays to Insure proper T231 1:00—Calloway Orch. — Also KYW 11:30—Aral Leaf—Alao WOOD WISN das*1 R ration V*>AF KVOO WGL WCCO WMT KMBC WNAX CLASSIFIED A r"rFRTTETNCI PREE DIRT—Oood fertile soil. Val- FOR RENT: Modem 5-room fur- KOIL Ki .IF KRLD KTSA KOH KFPY RATES ley Clay Products Co., Miiitarv nished house between Washington 348.8—WABC-CBS—8'0 KDYL KLZ OUR wo-ds or less, one Insertion 40c Road. T79 and Elisabeth, near highway, 855 20 Business Services 1:0b— Bing Crosby—Alao WSPD WLAr 394.S—WJZ-NBC—7SO Over words, one Insertion per month. Telephone S012F4. T248 VDOD WREC WLAC WBBC WDSU per word .2c • 30—Phil Cook—Alan WGAR WENR MAY-TAO machine for VrSN WGL WFBM WCCO Subreovent Insertion* run ean- washing WTAQ KWK WREN KSTP WEBC WDAY AMT KLRA WNAX KFJF KHI.D t*t>c 23 sale. Cash or terms, very reason- 67 Room & Board KFYR KOA KSL <15m.) secutlvely. per word.. Cleanr’s, Hattr's, Tlrs. WACO KOH KVOK KOL. KVI KFI'i Minimum 10 words able, full Call 913 for 7:00— Bruaiioffa Orch. — Alao WGAR guarantee. KFRC KHJ KDYL. Kl.Z new home” Rv month ner word 30c LADIES FELT demonstration. ROOM AND BOARD for w.li: WCKL WLS KWK WREN HATS remodeled, T237 gentlemen. 1:15 — Lillian Roth & Oroh. — Also KFAB No classified advertisement ac- any style for Ill St. 552. KMBC KOIL Somewhere in seventy-five cents., Charles, phone 'OS WBBM WCCO KMOX Brownsville is the cented for less than .. .. 40c 7:30—Trade and Mark—Alan WGAR Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 288 59 KFJF — 7:43 Sieter■ of the Skillet — Alao LOCAL READER RATES Machinery Equipment i;8b— WXYZ home you have always dreamed 113 FURNISHED ROOMS in a private J Sponsored Program—Only WGAR WLW WLS KWK WREN •traders, per word «e Washington St., between 1st KOiL IVISN WCCO KMOX KMQC KFAB about for Readers, per Inch .ft 25 and 2d. SOME BARGAINS In second hand family. Room and board. Reason- m KFH waiting your step T77 P:0C—Jonea and Hare — Alao WGAR Second and tb'rd day*. 3’'.c ner j Wallis Parmall Fordson tractors, abl. priced. Garage. Phone 578. 1:45 — Quarter. Hour — Alao WGST on 441J WJR WPKY KYW KWK WREN the door-sill, your voice in the word: fourth fifth srd sl^th davs Levee. TIM IVXYZ WOOD WREC WLAC disc harrows, tillers and Tow WLAP WTMJ KSTP WEBC WHAS WSM 1c per word: 7 consecutive days 21 ie 26 Florist Nurseries 1VNOX WBUC WDSU W1SN WFBM hall. It has the num- i tools. Harris Co. WMC WSB WAP! WSMR WFAA just required oer word, per day. Massey Harlingen. KSCJ WMT KMOX 68 ""V WMAQ WCCO KI’llC? WOAI WKY KOA KSL KGO rooms notices 1c word each in- Tex. xi 0 Land For Rent KMBC WNAX KOIL WIBW ber of and baths, the pre- Legal per LOS EBANOS Greenhouse Co. ! KLRA KIT KGW KOMO KHQ KFSD KTAR sertion. 8 KFJF WACO Phone 1588. Flowers, KRLD KTRH S:30—Koaatner’a Orch.—Alao WGAR ferred location, the right price. And plants, trees. | 1:00 — — Alio 61 Wanted CHOICE ACREAGE Pryor’s Band WGST WJR WLW KYW KWK WREN WTMJ shrubs. S29 Miscellaneous 8 WXYZ WBCM WSPD WLAP WOOD is listed where EX- KSTP WEBC WHAS WSM WMC WSB ^it you’d IVIIEC WLAC WNOX Tv HRC WDSU W A PI W WANTED— Hi rifle, must be for rent to reliable tennantA WJDX SMB KPRC WOAI IP ... Herald power WFBM WCCO KSCJ WMT PECT to find it in The a man 28 Moving, Trucks, Storage )\ IVTAQ WKY KO\ KSL KGO KFI KGW that of of ill-repute; the 1st class shape and Box T250 KMOX KMBC WNAX KOIL WIBW cheap. Ten to two hundred acres avail- KOMO KHQ Want Ads. If you are in the mar- other is that of a woman—the wife Herald. KFJF KRLD KTRH WACO • 00— Whiteman’s Band—Man KDKA T250 WXYZ WISN will '.15—Singin* Sam—Also WGAR W.IK KWK WREN WTMJ ket for a home at all. it pay of his best pal, his co-worker, who When It’s Yoir Move able. Apply to Mr. Went a IVFBM WMAQ WCCO KMOX KMBC KSTP WEBC W’DAY KFYR WHAS the LEADING direc- is on the other end of his com- KOIL WSM WMC WSB WSMR WJDX you to consult CALL .... — alert and at- r:15—Son gam it ha Only KOIL KHJ KVOO WBAP municating KPRC WOAI WKY KOA of listings ... in The Herald, phone, “STANLEY" KOIN KFRC KOL KFI’Y KVI KGB WENR tory tentive for his signals. To bring the KVOR KRLD KLZ KTRH KFJF KOH Lu course. 9:30—Clara. and fm—Alao WGAR of woman's body to the surface would .... 180 KSCJ KTSA KDYL WIBW WACO W JR WON KWK WREN KFH mean to kill a man s most beauti- — Moved WNAX 9:45—Waves of Melody Alan WJR Carefully M0 — Niwa Drama — Also WXYZ ful Illusion—what was he to do? I WGAR WLW WON KWK WREN Properly Stored WLAC WDSU WMAQ WCCO KMOX — — a of such 10:00 Amot ‘n* Andy Onlv WMAQ It is with problem FITCH APARTMENTS, new. mod- Real Estate KMBC KOIL KOL KVI KF1*Y KOIN WEVR KWK WREN WDAF KFAR consequence that Jack Holt is i ern. $30.00 and Phone KHJ KDYL KLZ WTMJ KSTP WEBC WIBA WHAS up. 558. S83 — faced in "Fifty Fathoms Deep," Radio Reproductions Also WSM WMC WSB WSMR WJDX She Inminsutllr Herald Z WBBM KMOX KMBC KTHS WRAP KPRO WOAI WKY KOA the Columbia drama showing to- THREE ROOM FURNISHED apart -! 72 Farms Ranches — KOIL Kil l Barn Danes Only KSL KGO KECA KGW' KOMO KHQ and at the Rivoli ment. hot water and KFRC KOL KFPY KVI KGB day Saturday gas #,:mished KFSD Theatre. San Benito. Holt the [ Employment 403 KOH Ad Adam* Si. T34 KRLD KLZ KTRH KFJF — Want play* l 10:15—Torlca In Brief Onlv WENR Valley Headquarter* FOR SALE KTSA KDYL WIBW WACO KWK WREN KFAB KSTP WEBC role of a seasoned diver, a hero of1 WNAX WD AY KFYR many deep sea rescues. He is team- 38 Hip. Male or Female Acres — 54*4 2'* miles of Browns- S31:15—Dramatic Sketches—Alan WXYZ 10:30 Orch. — Also 8 Well Located Denny’s WJR PHONE ed with the youthful Richard Modern, IVOWO WMAQ KMOX KMBC KOH. WENR KFYR WIBA WSM ville. all good Resac laud; •- — — who is cast as "the 1:48 “Casey" Jones Alan WXYZ 11:00 — Riim Colombo — Alao W'OAR Cromwell, GOOD OPENING iVLAP WREC WLAC WNOX WBRf' WJR WENR WREN KFAB WIBA ! pal." The feminine Interest of the DEL FRANCIS room modern residence, 3-room WDSU WMAQ WCCO WMT KMOX KFYR WSM KOA film is handled by Loretta Sayers for energeHs salesman. Party tenant barn — Cal- V KMBC KFJF KRLD KLZ 11:15 Tobias Orch. — Alao WBNR APARTMENTS houscc, 20x40, — Doran. with some 1:00 — Alan WGST WXYZ and Mary experience and auto- Pageant WREN i Los Eban s ifomta chicken house, 2-car 1 NREC W’OWO WCCO KMOX fish. It is the power conferred up- mobile to Mr. WMAQ 11:30—To Be Announced—WJZ 1 preferred. Apply Mr. James KMBC KFJF on It the ques- Telephone garage, brooder house, water } KRLD TELEVISION by legislature—If PROTECTING HIMSELF Wentz. m 1:80—Talk Bv Football Coach — Alao tions are settled in its j Phone 499 or 1478 W9X AO—2000kc of legality CUSTOMER: I want three lawn tower, running water in vYXYZ WOWO KMBC KOII. (WICO—560kc) take charge of 1:8b—Hawaiian KHJ 4:15—Feature favor—to actually mowers. Seranadtra—Only (15m.) streams and yard, tclephon» and eke! and close sections of any CLERK: Three, sir? You must TWO-ROOM efficiency apartment. all fenced u against owners and t*e public alike, have a very estate. lights; place * big 506 West Elizabeth. Phone 459. Call to make of such areas fish "refuges CUSTOMER: Nothing of the kind 39 Situations Wanted Cedar posts nd cross fence- after 5 during week. T16 * SATURDAY, OCTOBER S1 (Central Standard Time) and propagating areas. I have three "ighbors.—Answers. 15 a acre grove, part of which will supplement the state- most all 1*. M. unless indicated. Programs and station lists subject to change. This YOUNG married man 3 years rail- FURNISHED: Three rooms bearing, varieties that ■ down- wide chain of hatcheries road fruit. Tractor and all l (Bu The Associated Press) KSCJ KTS V KDYL WIEW WACO accounting experience, wants stairs; also one or two *oom apart- \ is linked up. > KFH WNAX gradually bemg work. T229 Herald T229 ment. 1223 implements at ha <• w;\, 484.3—WE AF-N BC—660 — Garage. Adams. T6 8:00 Band Concert — Also WXYZ Sportsmen have been convinced Announcements terms to suit Deal 8:18— Laws that Safeguard—Also WOC KMOX TEXAS TOPICS purchaser. a long time the state has an un- WHO WEBC WOAI KOA KGO KKCA 8:00—0 Twelfth Street—Only KOIL WIDOW must have work, town or FOR RENT: Neat 4-room apart- with owner and get a bargain. KOMO KTAR WJDX WDAY WENR KHJ KOIN KFRC KOL KFPY KVI selfish. far-sighted, public-spirited farm; any honorable kind. Mrs. ment downstairs, furnished includ- Phone 6014-F-3 unreraun- Lost‘and Found | and de Rose—WOC WHO KFJF commission, whose — 4:30—Breen KGB KVOE KULD KLZ KTRH game 15 ! Ethel Gilliland. Delta Tourist Camp, ing piano, phone, lights, gas. hot P. O. Box 507 Brownsville WJAR WDAF WOW WTAM WSM KOII KSCJ KTS A KDYL WIEW Rep. Victor B. Gilbert, Cisco, has efforts are to restore the erated Brownsville, Texas. T244 and cold water, garage. Reasonable. WENR WACO KFH WNAX returned to Austin to take part in facilities of for- LOST: Curly white Spitz dog. If — and • 45-Ooldbergs — Alan WWJ WSAI 8:30 Radio Forum — Also WXYZ game fishing Phone 911. T214 some I found, phone 1537 or 686 for re- WCAK WREN WGY WTIC WLAP WDOD WLAC WDSU WISN the preliminary wori of the joint mer days, and improve upon 75 Buy or/Trade — ward. T241 7:00—Civic Concerts Program Alao WGL WFBM WMAQ WCCO KSCJ legislative tax committee, of them. DAVIS COURTS: Five room fur- survey .. » .—- WTIC WTAQ WGY WCAK WKKI WMT KMOX KMBC WNAX KOIL • • • of which he is a member. | r.iahed apartment*. Twj bedrooms. WANTED: Choice, well drained WWJ WSAI WDAF WJAR WC8H | KFH KFJF KTS A KOH KVOIl KFPY LOST—A brown velvet Jacket In Financial He will Few times have they dipped into Also four room All con- acreage under cultivation, or WFI WBEN WTAM 8:00—Show Boat—Also WXYZ WLAP and other members pre- front of Shapiro Apt*. Please bring cottage. good 7:30—Radio In Educatior—Also KSD WDOD WBRC WPBU the codified statutes of 1925 with- veniences. electric bearing citrus orchard in WREC WLAC pare basic data for hearings to be to Herald office. Reward. T249 1-'l refrigeration, exchange WDAF WOW WWJ WSAI WISN WGL WFBM WCCO KSCJ held the committee starting, out finding some defect or over- garage. 2nd and St. Charles, S E.. for choice residential income pay- — by — Sponsored Also WMT KMBC KLRA WNAX KOIL 41 |:00 Program in that codification of the Real Eat. Loana phone 1420. S151 ing property in first class WTAM WW’J WSAI WIHO KSD WOC KFH KFJF WACO KOH KVOR KOL Nov. 10. sight 8 Travel condition • • • Opportunitiea and WHO WDAF KSTP WEBC WHAS KFPY KFRC KHJ KDYL KT.Z Texas laws...The Townsend trial best location in Tulsa. Okla. FIVE YEAR WMC WSB WAP1 WSMU WRAP 10:00—Jack Miller—Aleo WXYZ WLAP Former Sen. Pierce B Ward, at Austin showed the codifiers STRAIGHT LOANS on MAY-DAY Furnished Apartment?1 Address Box T182 Brownsville Her- KPRC WOAI KOA WTMJ KSD KGO W OOD WREC WBRC WDStJ WLAC was one of this would have allowed sheriffs $3.15 Improved irrigated farms in culti- —Modem, cool, clean, convenient Tin KTAR KFSD WISN WGL WFEM Cleburne, weeks KFI KOW KOMO KHQ WTAQ WCCO vation m Hidalgo and Cameron Best location. Zc: ozone. hot water aM__ WLW WJDX WDAY KFYR WMT KLRA KFJF WACO political visitors to the Texas per mile for travel returning pris- WOC WNAX counties. Refinance vendors — lien. 139 4: JO—Saturday Night Club Also KOH KVOR KFPY KFRC KDYL KLZ statehou&e... Former Sen. Ward oners to certain counties. Including garage, reasonably priced. — — & Phone Donna. Business and WTAM WWJ WSAI WOC KSD WHO 10:15 Cuban Oreh. Also WDOD rode into office in the election that Bastrop. Watts, 23. Washington. Phone 714. Professional WDAF KSTP WF.BC WHAS WMC WREC WBRC KLRA KFJF Texas. T23 | — — made Mrs. Miriam A. Ferguson gov- WSB WAPI WSM B W BA P KPKC 10:15 Pryor'# Band (Repeat! Onlv 2-ROOM apartment, everyHung WOAI WOW WTMJ WHY WJDX I WISN WMAQ KMBC KOH KMJ emor. He indicated, while here, he ■— — — furnished. 1022 St. Charles, WDAY KFYR KFBR KFBK KOT. KFPY KOIN KFRC KHJ has no phone DIRECTORY prt'-nt political aspirations. 1288W. T248 1 1.00—Rolfs Orch.—Alao WT\M WWJ KDYL KT.Z • • • ij Movie 2 A index to tPe of — handy services ! WSAI WON KSD WOC WHO WOW 10:30 Dance Oreh. — Also WDOD Sidelights Livestock | WDAF KSTP WTMJ WE BO WHAS WREC WBRC KLRA KFJF The battle of courthouses will COMPLETELY FURNISHED apart- 2 Live-wire firms and Individuals |* WSM H 10:30 — the entries of- WMC WSB WJDX KVOO Quarter.Hour (Repeat)—Only start when open for QUEEN ment; living room, bedroom, din- 2 of Brownsville and the Vail- ;> WFAA WOAI WKY KOA KSD KOO KOII KGB KMJ KFBK KOL KFPY candidacies of- 9 Cafes and Hotels g ! ficial liling of for Scheduled (or at the 1S KFI KQW KOMO KHQ KTAR KFSD KOIN KFRC KIT 1 KDYL KLZ presentation ette, and kitchen, bathroom with -»-*****« >#»»». ++++++ in as 48 Cats Pets — fice the soon is Doga WDAY KFYIl K1BA WPRC KFBR | 11:00— Lombardo Oreh. Aleo WDOD early year...As Queen Theatre tomorrow Tom shower; e:tra Murphy bed; china 10:00— Las Mcrae, Crooner—Also KSD WISN WGL WCCO WMT KMBC the first candidate tries to file for Tyler's first Monogram western, and glassware. Available November ABSTRACT* KOH. KFJF KRLD KOL FOR SALE: WTAM KOH KFTY congressman-at-large, a test prom- "Partners of the Trail.'* Tom may WHITE KITCHEN Turkey dog thoroughly first. Call 970. Mr. Dorfman, Dorf- 10:15—Jasso Crawford—WEAF chain. KDYL ises to be taken to court whether be counted to Famous tor its trained, good ranger, plenty of 10:30—Coon Sander* Orch.—Also KSD 1 11:30— Ann Leaf— Alan WDOD WT8N upon provide thrills man's Jewelry store. T189 the law to run for a mouth, blind broken. Joe Bunn. WOC WHO WOW WMC WSB KPKC I WGL wmt KMBC WNAX KOH. KFH requires him that will keep you gripping the — Dependable KFJF Cooking Immaculacy N. C. T215 Prompt WFI WTAM WOT WWJ WDAF KOH KFPY KDYL KLZ specified one of the three places. edge of your chair until the very Tarboro. SWEENY APARTMENTS. South- 11:00—Vallee Orch.—Also WTAM KSD and ...... IN ■■■■■■■ Phone 35? If so. then second will i last flicker all Service east electrical WWJ WOW WJIC KPRC KOA WDAY 394.5—WJZ-NBC—760 primaries and, from reports, apartment, refriger- | be for The popular place for 49 Horaea Cattle — required elimination, and this western has more than one ation, some maid service, porch, wir.A «:1» Jesters — Also WGAR WLW# j Brownsville < business lunches Title 11:30—Lopes Orch.—WEAF WCKY WRFN the same rule will apply to these hair-raising and spine-tingling Everything furnished or partially. fi:30 — Sonata Recital — Also WGAR three nominees as to all others— I stunt. 12th between Elizabeth and Good Mule Team Walking distance. Garage. First! 348.6—WABC-CBS—860 WIBO WREN KSTP WEBC WS.M that the nominee must have re- In suppose of Tyler will be seen Levee and Adams SL S18<> Company • 00—Bing Crosby—Also WLAP WDOD WKB WAPI WFAA KGO KPO KECA j TOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Opposite Court House KGW KFSD ceived over half of all votes cast. Betty Mack, Sheffield, WRKC WBRC WDSU W1SN WTAQ ; Reginald — Can be seen at residence of C. furnished — DUPLEX APARTMENTS, Brownsville WGI, WFBM WMT KDKA WNAX 6:45 Carlo LeM.tr A Oreh. Al»o The other way would be to have Lafe McKee, Marguerite McWade, WGAR C. corner 14th & unfurnished. West Eliz- KFH KFJF KTS V WACO KOH KVOR WJR KYW KWK WREN a political potpourri, and declare Horace Carpenter and Pat Rooney, THE MECCA CAFE Wentz, street and 1112 KDYD KDZ KFAB ? KVl KFPY the three best the a Fruit vale Elvd. abeth St. Teiephor Carlos C» Abstracts of Title — 7:00— vote-getters cast. • ;« — Frederic William Wile Alao Danger Fighter#—WJZ —truly capable You too will say, the Best neither "The Watson. T220 Title WXYZ WI.AP WDOD WRKC WEAC 7:30—Selvin'e Oreh.—Alan WGAR WJR nominees, though might Idol Of Clay.*’ the first epi- Place to Eat. Insurance WDSU WI8N WTAQ WGL WFRM WLW WLR KWK WREN have had support of 25 per cent of sode of "The Ghost.'1 the 8:00—Carries* Galloping Now Booths for Ladies FURNISHED APARTMENTS, con- WMT KMOX KLRA WNAX KOIL Love—Also WGAR WJR the voters. latest Mascot serial will be shown Complete abstracts of title KFH KFJF KTSA WACO KOH KVOR WIBO WRKN and Families venient and clean. $25 nd $30. 357 Every day reason applies the same for the first time at the KVl KFPY KDYD 8:30—First N ighter—AJsn WGAP. WJR Queen Plate Lunch, 25c 50 West Levee. Phone 1533W. T29 lo all lands in Carneroi — WXYZ WLW KYW KWK WREN WTMJ requirements for congressman-at- Theatre tomorrow. Poultry Supplies «:S0—Rais and Dunn Only j This serial, like llam and Ibc WI.AP WDOD WBRC WORD KSTP WKBC \*PAY KFYR KOA KSI. as other Eggs, Texas Wf.AC large for any congressman. Mascot's recent "The Vanishing VAN At 5 County, AV1SN WTAQ WGL WFBM WCCO KGO KFI KGW KOMO KHQ KFSD 943 Elizabeth St. BABY CHICKS—Every Wednesday SICLEN—3. 4. rooms — or — governor other officer. i WNAX KOII, KFH KFJF 9:00 Cuckoo Aleo WGAR WJR any Legion,” starring Harry Carey and i furnished. $25 per month and up T KI.RA « • and Saturday 10% discount on all WCRY WIBO KWK WREN Edwina is a thriller from [ H|:.\ WACO Kl>!I KYOK KM KFH Booth, orders booked. Cameron County Phone 65 or 518W. T236 Wit Erl'* 9:30—Clara. Lu and Em—Also WGAR Chmn. A. E Wood has formulated the first dashing scene of Clay's — WJR Chickeries. La Feria, Texas. T105 Quarter-Hour Also WEST WON KWK WREN the of the state de- JUNCO — APARTMENTS—Beautiful- 9:45 — policy game annual struggle with Ham- WI.AP WDOD WRKC WEAC Piano-Organ Harmony Only football STAR ^^TZ WJR partment as to fish prpagatlon in- ilton. Automotive in ■■\OX W BRC WDSU WISX WFBM WREN Football is played as only ly furnished. Modem every ELE(J- 10.00 — ’«• — to the HMWAQ WCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX Amos Andy Only WMAQ statement that ultimately I Red Grange, start of the picture, respect; gas, water, lights, frtgidalre. and Engineeri WNAX KOIE W1BW WT.s KWK WRKN KFAB WPAF the state j ^■iBC KERA will stock the streams of can play it. Gulliver, Reasonable. 1149 S. E. Washington KTRH KTSA WTMJ KSTP WFBC WIBA WHAS Dorothy J I Contracting and ■ril KFJF KRLl) each section from fish grown in 10 Autos for Sale Merchandise T240 — WSXf . ... > — Band Also WGST WMC WSB WSMB WJTIX prettier than ever, plays opposite j ^■pO Pryor’s that section. 439 Tenth TX V7. WLAP WDOD WRKC WEAF KTHS WFAA KPRC WOAI WKY Orange, working bravely with him KOt KSL KGO KECA KGW KOMO Brownsville VWNOX WBRC WDSU WTAQ WFBM First steps toward this goal have in some of his most dangerous 54 For Sale Miscel. 64 Rooms I WO’O KSCJ WMT KMOX WNAX KHQ KFSD been 1 w taken. Another will be taken stunts. Walter Miller the REPOSSESSED -| PHONE KOIE WIBW KKII KFJF KRLD 10:15—Topics In Brief—Only WGAR plays vil- in the scheduled of a LOVELY furnished room in KTKH KTSA WACO KWK WREN KFAB WEBC WDAY building large lain in "The Galloping Ghost” and These cars are in splendid shape FOR S\LE: Citrus trees; Foster private _ — KFYR fish Close in. hot water 7:15 Lyman's Band — Also WXYZ hatchery in the hill country it well. both as to condition and ap- pink. Marsh Marsh seedless, family. Gas, — plays pink. 10:30 Run Columbs — Aleo WJR northwest Phone 1453. T150 WFBM KMOX KMBC KOIE of Austin, to serve such pearance. Terms. and several varieties of oranges. 7:15— Danes Orch.—Onlv KH.I KOIN WENR WREN KSTP WIBA KFYR WSB bodies of water as the series of i RIVOLI—SAN BENITO Late Model Ford KFRC KOE KFPY KVl KGB KVOR KPRC KOA Coupe See these trees and get prices be- 10:45—Lew lakes bv ATTRACTIVE ROOM In modern Kenneth KLZ KTRH KFJF KOH KTSA KDYL White. Organ—Aleo WREN created hydroelectric dams A deep sea diver tries to lock t Late Model Ford Phaeton fore See Jones at KPRC KOA (open you buy. Roy home Reasonable. 235 WfBW WACO KHI KRLD in the river, and the secret in Jones* locker but car> Washington, l/KV 11:00 — — Davy nursery. 1-2 mile west of Primera 7:30—Kate Smith—Alan WXYZ WI.AP Silver Tone Quertet Aleo streams themseh^ phone 621. T124 WGAR WJR WREN KFAB falls. He goes fifty fathoms below 1929 Model Ford Tudor Til 9 WISN WOWO WFBM WCCO • • • WMAQ to recover bodies lost in a Also 16 ( ROM It K B KMOX KMBC KOIE 11:15—Whiteman'e Band—Aleo WGAR yacht Brand new Lincoln Sedan. COMFORTABLE BEDROOM in WJR KYW WREN The game department has one wreck and finds two in a Phone 766 7:45—Colonel and Budd—Alan WXYZ compro- RAY 8. WAIT—Phone 91. For Sale—Baled cane hay. $1000 modern American Irome. Oarage. WDSU WFBM KMOX KMTJi’ new for ! state of 1 WCCO TELEVISION facility propagating game mising undress—one is Port Isabel. ton. Olmlto. 415-W. — per Bray Dairy, Telephone 7:45—Organaiit es Onlv KOIE Kill T179 KOIN KFRC KOI, KFPY KVl KGH W9X AO—2000k c (WIBO—580kc) j KVOR KRLD 6 — KLZ KTRH KFJF KOH 00—Audiovision (lam.) FU MANCHU The Living Death—Another Strange Death AN EXCLUSIVE BROWNSVILLE HERALD FEATURE By SAX ROHjI Nayland Smith has bean Heart disease was as tha causa of death, drafted from his in the givan post was Far East to track down in nothing suspicious. "•sit w* must remember," Smith stated, his face London that arch-plotter I i for a Yellow Empire, Doc- tor Fu Deeds Filed Oct. 24, mi. 82. Original townsite c.' Harlingen. Menchu. With his State associate Dr. Petrie, Smith Farmers Bank, et al to J Cd n: $1.00, etc. Time wore on, and seem- pursues the sinister China- B. Hollon, 12.38 acres, being frac- Jamee-Dickinson Farm M’tge., Co. ingly Neyiend Smith and I men. But Fu Menchu and tional lots 1 and 2, Blk. 85. San to Trustees of Piper Bums Common draw no nearer to our goal— his beautiful slave girl, Kar* Bto, Ld Sc W. Co’a Subd., Cdn: Dist. No tha capture or death of Doc- 61,- School 2. all of Blk. 1. of emaneh, who is in love with 386.00. tor Fu Manchu. Outside of the South Point Townsite Reserve, Dr. Petrie, continue Harry N. Peterson by Constable to to slip tha Secret Service end the Cdn: $10.00, etc. their Geo. C. Breeding. 553.10 acres out of through fmgors. special of Scot- the de Chester H. Du et department Ojo Agua Grant, and West Vail, al to land few * Yard, people recog- 8 acres of the East 10 acres of the Vianna M. Dugan. East S acre* of the nised that various North 20 acres of Blk. 7, Stuart murders, S. 10 acres of Lot 7. Blk 106, E. S robberies and Place Subd., Survey 287, Cd n: $5.00. disappearances et Maud M. Walter, et al. to Fannie Hunt, al. Bubd., Cd n: $10.00, etc. formed each a link in a chain. Lfchty Huntr, All of Lots 20, 21. 22. Al Parker Securities Co. to John Fewer ft»U ware aware that a 23 and 24. Blk. 4. Lincoln Addition. Anderson and Mary Anderson. Lot* baneful presence was in tha "Whose name stands now at tha head of our of Harlingen and Lot 8. Blk. 3. danger City 5. 6. 7, 8 and 9, Blk. 8, Townsite of midst of London that a gen- Sit 7*' Smith asked me one Second Addition. City of San Ben-i abruptly morning, La ius of tha evil arts lav conceal- Ha rafarrod to our roster ito. Cdh: $10.00, etc. Feria., Cd n: *10.00, etc, of notable man who intor- •d somewhere in tha metro- vanad between Fu Manchu and A. H. Fernandez, Tr. to L. A ; Nicolas Garda to Ana Garcia de accomplishment of his po&s. searched for the plot—the of the Yellow rece over chrihetion. Pickett.. All of lots 33 and 34. Blk Garcia. Blk. 10, Highway Terrace by triumph keenest wtt» which the authorities "Lord the 12. Unit “A" T°wn$ite of Fresnos: Subd Cdn: $1.00. Southery, famous engineer,H I replied, f:dn: $1800 00 Real Estate Sales could direct to tha task, but eluding Smith threw me the morning paper, "Look." he said A. Hollingsworth, cl al to L. R Saturday. Oct. 25. 1930 ....$33,488.80 •R—triumphant, contemptuous.,. "Lord Southery is dead." qSmmyygm. 4 4 nod 4 m-. is