
o Long'Vavc a- '" ShortWa,'e ('('uts Ncws Spots thc l.'opy o-< A: Pidllres 51••';0 Y ('ar c ... ;Volume III, No. 45 WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 16, 1934 * Publi.hod Weekly -< ~rGifford tD This and That Pinchot Charges Spe'eches HyMorri. Hasting. WHE1 A J.. E\Xf radio station, Were Sabotaged By Radio Stations • such as \X'l\fEX in Boston, ~ makes its appearance, there are al· . . ways some people who wonder ... dubiously if such an event is nee­ Swarthout, Crooks, Eddy Starred Complaints _. ~ssary. There are, they declare, suffi· cient stations Heard On First Lady ni,

Millay, WEAF Musical ReVile, Harry Jackson's Orchestra, Sacred Quartet, WSM I.JI, NBC 20 2',000 Clearwater, Fla. STOOPNAGl' Old South Church Sl-rvice, WEEI, 1 h., WEAF WEEI WGY WL\W, 30 m. Heart Strings, W ...... A, 30 m, WGAR NBC 1450 1,000 Cleveland, Ohio u m. Natiltnal Vesrers, "An Armistice Day Ad· Smiling Ed McCon;1ell. WABC WCAU WGN QG 720 50,000 Chicago BUDD ad News, church service, from Union College dress," Or. Hury Emerson Fosdick, WjZ WHAS KMOX WBBM ;;; WGST CBS 890 500 , Georgilll Chapel, Schenectady, N. Y .. WGY, 1 h. WBZ WHAM \'(IFLA WGAR, 30 m. Crusade Club Chorus. WPG WGY NBC 790 50,000 Schenectady, N. Y. once ... i Calvary Episcopal Church, KDKA, 1 h.. Ve.spers, KDKA, 1 h. Gabriel Heatter, news commentatot. WOR \'<'HAM NBC 11:50 50,000 Rochester, N. Y. him the fi l'm. 3.45 P.M. EST; 2.45 CT Theo Karle, concert orchestra, WMCA WIP. WHAS cns & DIX 820 50,000 Louisville, Ky. e',dole .Tahernacle 1400·Voice Choir, WLW, Golden Songbirds, WOR ~o m. __ WHOH A8S 830 1,000 Boston him. WeJ m 0 f d M I M \'(layne King's, jan Garber's music WGN, WHEB 74'0 250 Portsmouth. N. H. Childre~'s Hour, WADC, 1 h. x or a e Quartet. W CA 1 h. _ WHK CBS 1390 2,500 Cleveland, Ohio in handy SI Ensemble, WPG, 30 m. 4 P.M. EST; 3 CT 6.45 P.M. EST; 5.45 CT WICC CBS & YN 600 250 Rrid~eport, CollO. half an hOI Broadway Baptist Church, WHAS, 30 m. Rhythm Symphony, WEAF WEEI WGY Flufferettes. WEEI WIP ABS 610 1,000 Philadelphia CT WSM WFLA. 30 m. R • I 0 I' WSM WTAR NBC &. NEN 890 500 Providence in a >stuffy 1.1 1 5 A•• M EST,•1 0 15 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes WJZ waz OS.5 en on ~c les ra. w'm NBC 750 10,000 Detroit. MIch. Violin, Rudolph Bochco, WEAF WHAT. WSM WGAR, 30 ~. (WHAM V~MO~E~BBMce.WABC WCAU WHAS WJSV CBS 14'60 10.000 Washington. D. C. how it wer 1130 AM EST 1030 CT from 4.15) LG hI WPG w IZ NBC Key 760 50,000 New York S'rOop & • •• I • '"The Family of Nations," Carnegie Foun-' ynette ru cr, \'QLBZ CBS &. YN 620 500 Bang-or, Maine N~-:vs,. Opera fr?,m Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, Jation for International Peace. Statesmen IConrad and Tremont, WOR WLlH YN 1370 100 Lowell you, Me. F ~nnce. Igor,. WjZ WGAR, .~o ro, of the Unitcd States, Japan, Brazil, Greece, 7 P.M. EST; 6 CT WI.\V NBC &. QG 700 500.000 RadiO Nlmhlewlts•. Everett Smith, MICRO· Great Britain, Canada. Czechoslovakill., Martha Mears, contraltn, WEAF WGY \VMAQ NBC 670 5,000 Chica.eo, III. ROGERS­ PH.ON~ Co.lumnl~~! wnz WABC \'(ICAU WHAS WPG KMOX, Andrew Jacobson's music, WEEI, 30 m. WMAS CBS &. YN 14'20 100 Sorin,dield Rabhl 1 arshlsh, fhe Lamp Lighter," 1 h. Jack Benny_ Frank Parker, Mary livingstone, __ WMCA ABS Key 570 500 New York who ... a WLW. 30. m. , Rev..C;hRrles E. Coughlin, WOR WLW, 1 h. Don Bestor's Orchestra, WJZ WBZ ~ \VMEX CBS &. YN 1500 2"0 Bosron Salt Lake CIty Tabernacle, WBBM, 1 h., MunICIpal Symphony Orchestra, WMCA WIP. WHAM KDKA WSM WFLA, 30 m. WNAC 1230 1,000 Boston you the tw WABC WPG from 1,2 I h. Ponce Sisters, \\7L\'(I. 30 m, WNBH YN 1310 2'0 New Bedford causing all NwiG:Sjo A~. State HIgh School Orchestra, 4.30 p, M. ESTI 3.30 CT From.Vienna, Franz Lehar, Richard Tauber. WNBX 1260 250 Sprinl':field, Vermont \VOAI NBC 1190 50,000 San Anronio,~. " .. this .. Christian Science Church, KMOX, 1 b Jolm B. Kennedy, "Lookin~ Over the mUSical survey, WABC WPG KMOX, 30 m. • \Veek," WfAP WEEI \VFLA Comedy Stars of Hollywood, WCAU WOAM CBS 560 1.000 . Flotfda ness? , 1.45 A.M. EST1 10.45 CT C Ie' .. WGY Herhert Koch. OTfl:an, WHAs WOR QG 710 5,000 Newark. N. J. arme 0 .asClO, pianist, V· I" WMCA WIP WORC CBS &. YN 1280 500 WorcMter STOOP & Church Services, WSM. I h. "The land nf Re,ginnin,g ARain." W]Z 10 In, .. \'(I~n NBC 74'0 50,000 Atlanta, Gcne la Valle, WGAR WBZ WI lAM KDKA WDAl, 30 m. Cha~her MUSIc, QUIntet for piano in P WPG CDS 1100 5,000 Atlantic City. N. J ROGERS­ 12 N. EST, 11 A.M. Cl "House By the Side of the Road," WSM. MHlor, Cesar Franck. WOR_ 45 m. WSM NBC 650 50.000 Nashville, Tentl. • 30 m. 7.15 P,M. EST; 6.15 CT Musical Program, \'QGY WSMB NBC 1320 500 New Orleans. lao y'know, I String Quartet. WGAR, 30 m. Uncle Ezra. \\7EAF WGY New York Chapter, American Red Cro~s, WTAG NBC &. NEN 580 500 Worcesrer White Hoc - Rabbi William ]. Rosenblum; Hon. 11.1­ 4.45 P.M, EST; 3.45 CT Current jewish events, WMCA WTAM NRC 1070 50,000 Cleveland, Ohio WTAR cns 890 500 Norfolk. Va. , fred E. Smith; judge john Bassett Moore, "Here Comes the Groom," play, WEAF 7.30 P.M. EST; 6.30 CT night with WJZ WTTC NBC &. NEN 1040 50,000 Hartford, ConDo 5 P.M. EST, 4 CT Queena Mario, Graham McNamee, Louise; WWNC NBC 570 1,000 Asheville, N. C. or three ni Organ, Arthur Chandler, jr., WlW. 30 m, Lullaby; Sweet TljPudlts of Home; Annie Church Service, WSM Sentinels Serenade, Charles Scars, tenor, laurie, WEAF WGY WXYZ ABS &. QG 1240 1.000 Detroit. Micb. had a nice Watchtower Pro,ltram, WCAU Mary Steel, contralto, \X/EAF \.....EEI \'(IGY Garden talk, WEEl, 30 m. (Musical Turns CHAtNS: NBC, National Broad&,.Jt",! Compan1; CBS. Columbia Bf~U&flJtin! In OIJ Bohemia, WGAR, 30 m. WSM, 30 m, at 7.501 SYJum; YN, Y"n!tu Network; DIX. DIXIe NetWdrl; ABS, Ameruan BfdUC"Jt· ~his and t University of Chicago Chapel Service. "Roses and Drums." "The Blessed Well" joe Penner, Harriet l-{illiard. Ozzie Nelson's in!!. Spum; eR.C, Canadian Radio Commiuion; NEN, New Englllnd Nltwdrltl; ,we ... WGN, 1 h. WJZ WDZ WHAM KDKA Wt\'Q Orchestra, WJZ WBZ WHAM KDKA 'QG. Quality Group, Vnde Don's Comics, WOR. 30 m. WGAR, 30 m. WLW WSM WFLA WGAR, 30 m. ",;11111:11111111 I' 11I1111 1111II.l1,lIl1l11mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II, 111111 11I1II111I!1I!111,l1l11illlllllll,11111 11111>; STOOP ber 10, 19~ Saturday, November 10, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Five P.M .. Radio Lane Studiosity .JII!lli By Jimmy J. Leonard "Jillll "". ~~"....""";~":II~" "I By Les Troy I LITTLE DO the great directors of radio real- THIS DEPARTME T this week toms to its kef, R. L ize the wealth of unrecognized talent with­ VOLUME 1II Satflrday, NOI;ember 10, 1934 NUMBER 45 own personal New York correspondent. ocket,R.L in their waiting rooms. The small stations, ALOYSIUS GLUPFV, who has not been heard eel', N. Y. PublISher, JOHN K. GOWEN, Jr. Bflsi1Jess ,'tanager, PHILIP N. HOBSON :e. N. Y. sprinkled like polka dots over the cOun: ry's from in a month. GLUPFY is a snooper of note N. Y. landscape, hold more talent than is credited CO Editor, G. CARLETON PEARL iUa11ttgi1Jg Editor, MORRIS HASTINGS and can find out things great and small which In, N. Y. them. Seemingly insignificant songs and patter A weekly newspaper, The MICROPHONE is published every Saturday no one had any idea existcd. Being human him· 'ork City are one of the strongest links in the radio chain. self, he decided to look into the human side of • N. Y. at Boston, Massachusetts, by The MICROPHONE, Inc. IN. Y. They are the good will ambassadors to the n;l.· Entered as second class matter August II. '933. at the post office at radio artists. , Mas,. tion's homes. Boston, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Tak~ PHIL BAKER, for instance. PHIL works OD, Mass. W hat The MICROPHONE will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts like a dog, )Vidence, L L amuses the yet he never I, Mau. It unless they are accompanied by return postage. listener and is quite satis­ nu, R. I. Subscription for six months, $1; for one year, $1.50, Postpaid. Single ;bam, M ... keeps you r fied with his uptoo, M ... d i a I tuned (copies, five cents each. work on the rater, Mu&o when the Advertising rates on application to the Business Manager. air. J A C KI N. Y. Mass, (Pin)' "big cit y Offices, No. 34 COllrt Square, Boston, Massachusetts. BEN N Y wonders" are Telephones (connecting all departme1llJ) LAFayette 2860 and 2861. knows what CT off the air? he knows WHAM KDKA: It's the seem· and bas def. ingly time­ inite ide a s ~o m. WABCWCAU passing skit, Radio Rubbish about his ~x. 30 m, the struggl­ IN CONVENTION at Cleveland, Ohio, the Women's program, but 'CT ing hom e­ he fears the (Oil WGN town vocal­ Christian Temperance Union begins an aggressive criticism of ist, the ambi­ drive to "clear the air of radio rubbisb." Tbe Union aims his friends. e. WEAP WEIll tious young to abolish all radio liquor advertising, as well as "pro­ ROBERT SIM­ 'LA, 1 h. pIa ywright, grams offensive to the home and unworthy of American MONS, the ;onccrt Orchestr~ or the su­ singer, won't . WJZ KDKA" ideals and good taste." burban piano talk abo u t jBZ. ~O m. ,20) teacher who And in this drive tbe WCTU will have the hearty sup­ his w 0 r k (wood,' 'WABQ devotes her port of many citizens who are themselves neither women, outs ide of e~~ spa r e mo­ nor particularly devout Christians, nor by any stretch of the studio· ments and and won't al.. pm. the imagination militant temperance workers. They are, patience to low others however, mep of family, and insist that the home preserve her home EDGAR GUEST to disruss it, , CT city station. at least the appearance of decency. either. 30 m. Al! are It is true that some radio programs are offensive to tbe EDG,\R A. GUEST, strangely enough, doeso't just as im­ want to be known for his poetry, but rather for LAWRENCE TIBBETT home. It is true that many radio programs lack good taste. I CT portant t 0 his prose and newspaper writing. SIGMUND ~jal Ordet, WlJI m. your enjoyment as BENNY, TIBBETT, PENNER or And it is true also tbat the Federal Communications Com­ ROMBERG, the composer, detests "arty" people AS PARKER. mission, whicb controls radio in this country wben it and temperamental performers. And yet they are as neglected as a soiled face wisbes to exercise its power, is opposed to such programs. GENE, of GENE and GLENN, comedy team, d~m. doth. They usually receive no compensation is more interested in the careers of prize·fightol CT for their thankless job. Their only recompense Radio liquor advertising is particularly offensive. Urg­ ers he manages than in his own. Roxy is al.. • WADe is the ho~~ that there might "come a day ing people of all ages and both sexes

Monday, November 12 - Richard Crooks, NBC -WEAF, 8.30 P.M., ~­ ,Jo, ',);'JZ WHAM Xa\"ier Cugat-s muslr. Wl::AP Educ:a~ional W~M KDKA \\(..\R EHOlng I attler. Charlie and Willie. WEEr, I Weather, The Monitor VIews tbe News, WB2 }O m. .. P.M, Afonda)', 1'.:ol;ember ]2 SJIt ,tori PC:1nuh. WLW Old Man Slln~bine. WGY MOH .lorl )one,. W'FLA Grit~ and Gravy, WjZ. ~o m. il 3.00-"The Fantastic Battle," The Voice of b.:penence, WADe WCAU Adventures fl~ rmm:e AIIen. WBZ 12.30 P.t.I.-"Degrees and Vita· NBC-\X')Z \'('IIA'" KMOX \\.8BM Sports, WlIAM mins." Miss Laura Wing, I Home S....-ttt; Home, WPG 4.00-cIeveland S}mpbooy Or­ Dan aod Sylvia. KDKA Home Service Director, New Currenr r"eots. \X'OR BaIley Axton', Orche<>(u, WLW York Power and Light Cor. chestra. BC·WEAF Bob Fallon's Orchestra, WMCA. }O m. New~._ Maqocie CIKmey. pianist. WSM i 11 Tom, oielc and Harty'. WGN poration. WGY 8.30-Richud Crooks, G1adrs AntOnia Lopez' Orchestra, WFLA talk Studio Orchestra. WNBX mVIn Schmitt, WGAR I SWd.rthout, Nelson Eddy, 12.15 P.M. EST; '1.15 A.M. CT Bur-k J{ogers. WABC WCAU WHAS Tuesday, November 13 II "th~ William Oal)"s OrmeSll'3, ~ s~a~rJ\. "Og. Son of Fire." WARM Hont'yboi" and .. \X'EAF \X7EEI , and NllC-'X'EAF Marth. and Hal, WGY Unde Don. WOR. 30 m. 4.30 P. M.-Dr. Knowles A. Charles Sears tenor, WJZ WSM \VGAR Popular Rhythm. WGN. 30 m. Rrersnn, Chief, Bureau of Gertrude Stein, NBC-WJZ W·c.:athcr, ",X'BZ Alex Botkin's Ememble, WMCA ~ Son~s. Plam Indust!)" United States 9,oo-Frank P a [k e r, NBe­ Hill.Dill) WHAM 6.15 P.M. EST; 5.15 C, Department of Agriculture-­ WEAF ;: MJ,rJ...ctS, KDKA "Mysterious 1~land," duma. WEAP =: IVariNy. Lh'e Stocks. WLW jimmy AUen. WGY "Painting the HiUs Greco," Round the \X'orlrl. WFLA Minstrel Show, NBC·WJZ lee Emerson. \VL'-'" CBS·W ABC The Gumrs. WI+. Be \\,CAU WHAS KMOX T...-i1iKht Fa\'orites, WfLA Rosa Pon~e11e. CBS-WABC WBOM Concert \fin;1turh. \X'PC Rambling Re\·ie....er. WGAR Frida)'J NOt-ember 16 9,30-)00 Cook. NBC-WEAF Common Sense. WOR Bobby Benson and Sunoy Jim, WABC WCAU "The Big Show;' CBS·WABC WHAS 11.00 A.M.-Musical Apprecia­ Betty. Jeln, Jim. WGN Skippy, WBBM lO.Oo-"A mer i C:it. In Music," 12.30 P.M. EST; 11.80 A.M. CT Dick MansfielJ's Orchestra. WMCA (from tion Hour, conducted by Wal- NHC·W)Z Merr)" Moldlolps. WEAF. ,0 m. (\VEEI. 6.20, Investors' Service at 6.1') 1O.30-Hcrbcn Hoover, ADS­ firm Program. WGY, }O m. 8.30 P.M. EST; 5.80 CT Nltional Farm and Home How. WjZ WBZ ,:,~~':~;.::::: WMCA WHAM KDKA WLW WSM WPLA, Ne"'s and MaJur j. G. Harbord. Red Cron I, WGAR, 1 h. talk. WEAl' "Cannibals in Your Garden," Dick M~\ner'~ Orchestra. WABC WCAU Rh)'mmg RepY, u:eli-knou'll ac· (ne""s, 6.~,) Frances Langlord, 1)on Vorhees' Orche:s-- ter ( Idodly Thoughts, WHAM (KItchen talk at 1.10) Deed.I.Do Club, WHAS tra, WEAF WEtI WGY WLW WTAb:I Bob Atcner, W'HAS Will Hollander's Orchestra. WMCA, 30 m tressJ recently appeared as guest Jack Arm~trong, WBBM WSM WSB WHA, 30 m. back "Pa.~ 300d Iitalth and Traioing, WGN with the "RED U"VIS" cast which Gabriel Hc:atter, comclJltator, WOR Drama, Douglas Hope, joan Blame. still I a A.M. ESTi 8 CT hrm ReJ'<,)!ter, \X'KRX Screen Revue, WMCA and Stormy,' WjZ WHZ KDKA WHAM Orgoln. \\LJ\f WL\\.. '0 ro.; WE£I from 1 P.M. EST; 12 N. CT bmatlcdJ/J Mer Ihe NBC-If/IZ S· , L d WGN WBAL \\-GAR, 30 m. Giral lOAWS Ii y, 1 I"The BIR Sbolll." Gertrude NelSen Lull V:;I~t) \\TEI Markets. ",'euher. WEAP ch.1in i'fondapJ 11'" ednesdays and 6.45 P.M. EST; 5.45 CT Gluskln s Orchestra, WABC WCAU ~h:CuHoU8h I TI Annette WGY Mus!ol Program. Cumumels Information, I'rltlap al 7.30 P. ,11. BIlly Batchelor, Raymond Knigbt, WEAP WHAS KMOX WBBM 30 m I me I lJrell.kfa~t Club. \\ jZ WDZ WBAL WGAR. \\ GY _ _ - .. - • --- WEEI WGY WTAM Hntel 1 raymore Orchestu' WPC. 30 m. I h. (KDKA. '0 m.) (WHAM WSM I Dr. 1.0uls~)uhl.ln. llie VJsltlng N,urses LO. we)l Thomas, "Today's News." WIZ ILum and Abner, WaR WGN dio s from 9.301 (\X'FiA It 9.1)1 Dureau. \\ AIK WCAU \\ PG WIND Or,l1;ln, WGN WAZ WHAM KDKA W8Al WLW H WLW IMlCkets,_ WI lAS Yankee Cornhusken. WNBX WFLA W(jAR 9.45 P.M. EST, 8.45 CT II not~i B Y7d~' Cl b Wf! A Just Pl.lIO B,II. WG:" KMOX LIttle Olphan Annie. WSM Wc..,.N 'I ed Weems' Orchestra. WOR the ( M~~~r~y Mi~Stre1s. 'WABC WCAU, h'l Variety. WOR 4 P.M. EST; 8 CT Woody and Willie. nelliS, WIND WBBM (\\'HAS, I'm. at 9.1') 1,.15 P.M. EST; 12.15 CT C1e\·c:Iaod S)'mphony Ou.hestn. W[AF (WHAS. 10 m.; Safety Talk at 6.5') 10 P.M. ES"1"; 9 CT up J:c Pe.,;:~n·~ "'"HI WSM ""FLA. 1 h,. WGY from I"Cocktail Time," WOR Lullaby Lady, male quartet, Morgao L. But. DevotIOns. \\ SM. 30 m. . Doctor. Rosalme Greene, James 4.1~ leon Ftledman's music, WMCA man's Orchestra, WEAF WEEI WG~ Wbat's On TOdl}·. WNBX MeIghan, WEAF WLlI WGY static music~, Betty and Bnh. WGY WjZ WBZ WHAM 7 P.M EST' 6 CT WI.W WTAM WSM WTAM WSB, e., 5 A.M. ESTI 8.1 S CT Allan Leaf7r"s WABC WCAU WPG KDKA W-HAL WGAR "' 30 .n. estab Georllta \'( Iidlats, \'\ liAS PerkJn~. Devotions, WGY , Mirror Rc:flc(.tlons. WMCA The Life of Mary Sothern. WlW Ray WEA.F. WSM "America in Music," John Tasker How.ud. anno Jer~ey Vi~iting Amtriu\ Little House WAGC StudIo. (Jmru!, WEEI WjZ Wl'LA. 30 m. Mat.nee Melodies. WNBX Ne'" \"'omen's Hour, WOR WIIAS \X'OHM . Col. Jlln Healey. WGY Sammy I.iner·s Orchestra, WBZ, 30 m. Aftel e.30 A.M. EST; 8.30 CT Doring Si~ters. WGN The Apple KnOlken WCAU Amos 'n' A~dy. WjZ WBZ KDKA WBAl AI and Pete. KDKA Eva Ta)lor. \ocalist. wrAP , .30 P.M. EST) 12.30 CT Tea Time Topics. WPC. \0 m. WLW Wt:LA WGAR Courtland Manning, WHAM heart Jean Abbey, \,'ELI Mercado'~ Mexilan O,chestrol \\'EAf 30 m. Dr. H_ I. Strandllagen. WOR Sf-0rts. WHAM Mel Emenon's Orchestra. WGAR. ~O til. came Little jalk .llttle. \,\'GY (\\C,Y. 15 m.) ,• Wdfare Furum Ma)"or La Guardia WMCA, f, yrt and Marge, WABC Wayne Krng's Orchestra, WABC WCAU Styles, KDKA, Ne",' E.ngland Kitchen of the Air. WEEI. I h' 'Ford Frick. sports. WOR WHAS KMOX WB8M, 30 rrt. pacit] "M':lll Dap;. \'< LW 30 m • • 15' PM EST 3 15 C1' Gloria GraflOli. actress, WMCA Organ Relltal, WPC;, 30 m. I of tf ~ty, WHAS Vic and S~de. WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA • .. ;. JlIllmy Allan, WGN Frank and Flo, WOR I ".45 A.M. EST; 8.45 CT \'"HAL \\'LW \\'SM \\:'FLA WGAR Song\ and Swries. Hartv SIll·,n. Charles Ne"'s and The Crossroads. WHAS "The Fury." WMCA. 30 his tl SOCl.e. team, \\'jZ \,,'BZ KDKA 7.15 P.M. EST, 6.15 CT Ne""s. WGN m. MattlOua lho us Carhoo Mutio director, Samuel DclonK's Orchestra. WABC WCAU Ne... s. WHAM son 5 WrAt-" .• • WPG KMOX WI:\I> Jimmy Arlen. baritone. \VLW Gene and Glenn. WEAF WEEI WGY WPLA 10.15 P.M. EST, b.15 CT Nev.s. musical turns. WEEl College of AgClculture. WHAS Dante Alligheri. \"'GAR Plantation Echoes, WilllCd Robison'S music. .M . I d Pl' IP WHAM H' The~tr~ th~ High Pri('m of Harmony, WGY C1uh of Air, WOR Carlile and T.ondon, WARC WPG W88M WJZ wnz KOKA WHAM WliAJ.. WSM uvea In eO,tlcl rogram. Work.a.lhy rhou~hts, Minute Manners. MaximilIan BC!~ere! Orchestra, WMCA, Devl)tion~, WHAS T.um and Ahner. \VlW ~r an !;,.ser R~~NWOR was KDKA 15 m., WIP. 30 m. Banlo. contralto. piano duo, WOR Distinctive Drama, WGAR remce .yor. 1 serio Walter rurn;ss. song~. WLW "1.45 P.M. EST; 12.45 CT Sorrlno. WGN Just Plain BIll, WABC WCAU 10.80 P.M. EST; 9.30 CT Daily Story. Wr-.HX Southerneu. \'('GY ~e".. s O,ldilie~. w;\Iax Comedy Stars of Hollf"l'ood, WOR N Y SOC tna "The Unknown SoldJt:r." by Charles A. WH' '! tate em. ommiuee Program. 10 A.M. EST; 9 CT NDC Mu~, GUild. He' ri Deering, Frank me 4.80 P.M. EST, 3.30 CT \'<;'agner, WMCA A,. Ne"'s nre"n and de Rose WEAP WFlA Db,,\;, dlreLtin~, \'I:-'jZ 'X'SM WFLA Studio orchestra. WGN Beaury That Endures. WEEI Music'a.l Varicry WEEr • WC,AR. 15 m. (Wnz KDKA at ::!.OO) Sunlciuh Malotte, Ne9o's Rhrmer, WjZ WGY Revue. WGY, 30 m. ing t News. V'lI"ah,m;;b. WGY 1I0me Fmul~, \X'DZ WSM 7.30 P.M. EST; 6.30 aT Human NeeJ) Call1pai~fl. WEAF WjZ W821 that jo~erhine C"b,un \X'JZ WDZ KDKA WSM Stan Stank~ s Orchema. WLW ERA Orchestra, WBZ. ,0 m. Minstrel Sho",'. AI Bernard and Paul Du. WHAM WSM WAHC. WCAU WPG WGAR . Art KaHel's Orchema. WADC WIIAS Mlrket Rel"nrt.~. KDKA mont. WEAF WGY WHAS KMOX WjSV WBT WMCA, High Tom Gmr.>on. orpn. WHAM" KMOX \X·BBM. . Orgoln. W"AM After DlOner R~vue, WEEI 30 m. mlgh News Ind Harmooies io Cootnst. WAD( N. J" Sr.ue Teacher\ A\\IKI3tion. \\'PG Betty and Bob, WLW Red Dam, sketch, ","jZ WBZ KDKA Silver Toprers. KDKA WCAU jerry Marsh. tenor. WOR Ralph W:.tters, WFLA WLW WSM WFLA Roamios, WLW. 30 m. his F Ne""~ and Sanders Sisters, WHAS Ragamuffins, WMCA WIIDH Mr~. C. Reinald No)'es. "Munition~ and Reveries, WHAM Dance Orch~stra. WGN 25 m. (W8BM. for I "Blue~" sinr:er. WLW 2 P.M. EST: , CT War." WABC WHAS. Vir~~nia NiRhtin~ale, WGAR In the Spotlight. WOR. 30 m. ~·PG. 15 m.) Paul Keast and Rollo Hudwo's Orchestra. Herbert Hoover. WMCA, }O m. Home Hour, I h. Re\'olvin,L: Sta.ge. \VEAf WEU, 4' m. Stock quotations. WPG World O"ser\"er. WNBX (WC,Y at 2.301 II "To""n Crier." Robert Reud. \\'OR Bu~A~g~~\'(I!HAS KMOX WBBM i ~~.:~ce~:·:_,.o~~e~:a'e.':~NCT 10.15 A.M. ESTl 9.18 CT Baritone. WGY Century of Pro~ress mu~ic. WGN, 30 m. Clara Lu 'n' fm WEAF WEEI WGY WLW Ohio Slhool of the Air, WI.W, t b. OrRan. WNDX Sports rerMter. \"'GN Political I"rORram. KDKA WTAM \'<"(;-~ WSM WSB Mane. the Little french PrmchS. WABC "M}'5tery Sketches," WOR Dance orchcsua. WGN 4.45 P.M. ESTl 3.45 CT jan, jude and jerry, WMCA Holm~n SrSler~. piano duo, WJZ WHAM \yCAU WBDM " ~'(j-AR Um\en,ty of Kentur-ky. WHAS. }O m. Stock!. WGY 7.45 P.M. EST; 6.45 CT 11 P.M. EST; 10 CT Co'" hoy~ w'nz Steel Pier Ha ..... aiians. WPG. 30 m, Horatio Zito's Orche~tra. WjZ WHAM Sunk Butk. WEAF WEn wc.y WTAM "The vCltmitts,' . WEAl' KDKA WBAl \'(IFLA WGAR News, weather. WEEI Sammy fuller. KDKA Dr. Arthur Frank Payne, )X'0R D,ln~erous Paradise. Wj7. WBZ WHAM Debate; Union College vs. Syracuse Un,', MornlOlI: Topln. Wl'l.A Broad"'"y Ch~ Club, '" MCA. ~o m. The jacksons, comedy, W'L\'V KDKA WLW WSM W(jAR HIK Bill and Ginger WABC WCAU E05Cmble. WGN Radio Debut, WGAR WHAS The Mc:lody Man. WFLA ~o ~~p's Orchestra, WjZ WFLA WGAR. Dolly Dean. W'HAS Aftemoon Coocert, W1'\AX Chila~o Variety Progr.1.m. \\"ABC \\:P[, ,,",'CAU WBar>t Boake Carter, news, WADC WCAU WIIAS We....her. Spnrts Revje90', WBZ Town Crier, WNBX 2.15 P.M. EST; 1.'5 CT "Science in Your Home," Dr. Kurt Haessler, DanceKMOXmusic.WBBMWOR W I11 lam Penn Orchestra. KDKA, 30 m. 10.30 A.M. EST; 9.30 CT Household Chat. WG"r WOR George Reid. WMCA News, Red, Cross duma (30 m .. Red Nich. Land of Beglnnong Again. WEAP Romancf of Helen Trent. WADC WINO Clarence Jackson, WNBX Ensemble. WGN ols' musIc at 11.20) WiW Amos 'n' Andy, WSM Market Basket. WGY WGN 5 P.M. ESTl 4 CT BridRe tl\lk, WEtl Drama. ~~B~ B P.M. EST; 7 CT Glen Gray's music, WASC WCAU WPG. I I Live Stocks. news. WLW Prank RICCIardi, tenor, WOR George Sterne)"s Orchestra, WEAP WEEI Champions, Richard H.im~r·s music, Joey 30 m. I hi Today'! Children. duma. WJZ WBZ 2.30 P.M. ~ST_ ...30 CT lang Sisters, WGY Nash, tenor WEAF WH.I WGY WTAM. Myrt and Marge, WHAS AI Pearce's Gang, W jZ WSM WPlA J W:HA!'1 WDAl WFlA WGAR Home S...:eet Home, 'X-'jZ 30 m. Weather. Current Events, WOR Ra~lo Monitor Views the News, WBZ jan Garber's music. Dorothy P3g~, Elinor Voice of Romance, WMCA Kitchen. WSM. }O m. Home Ilo rum Cooklllg ::tchool, WBZ. 30 01, Memories, KDKA Savitt S~renade. WABC Rochester School of the Air. WHAM. 30 Harriott, Ed Prentiss. WjZ WBZ KDKA "Here, There and Everywhere," WGN )011)' Roger, WHAM WLW WGAR, 30 m. 11.15 P.M. EST; 10.'5 CT News, plantl, WCAU WHAS m and It 3.1' Ethel Ponce, blues sinAer. WLW Concert. \X'NBX Ho~e Forum, KDKA, 30 m. Friendly Hour, WSM J C f d . Uncle Clyde, WGAR Carson Robison's Buckaroos. WABCZ WCAU esse r3, .... or , organIst. WEAF WEEI 10.45 A.M. ESTl 9.45 CT School ot the Air. WAlle WPG WRDM, "Og, Son of Fire." WADC \'('HAS KMOX WBBM Frollc, WBZ Mornin,l!: Parade. \\;:TAF WEE[ WFLA 30 m. (WHAS. 15 m.) Federal HOllsin,:t Campaign and Herbert Irish Melodies. \'t1PG D.ance tunes. ne"'·s. WHAM lohnny Marvin. WGY Martha Deane. WOR. 30 m. Koch. \VIIAS Gene and Glenn. W3M T.one Ranger. \'{'OR. WGN. 30 m. Studio Program. \VHAS N,...,~ NnC Radio Kitchen. \VIZ KDlCA I Concertos, WMCA. 30 m. Vocal Trio, WIND WGAR Century of Progress Orchestra. WGN Helen Fitch movie critic. WBBM Musketeers. WMCA Sleepy Hall's Orchestra. WMCA New!, Musicale. lIillhway Safety Wk. WBZ 2.45 P.M. EST; 1,45 CT Weather, music. \'<'Oit 8.15 P.M. E.:;;T; 7.15 CT Moonbeams, WOR I H?\I~ehol.-l ll/)lJr. WHAM. 30 m. Vic and Sade, WEAl" WEEI WGY WLW Tea ·rirnt:r~. WMCA, 30 m. Lasses and Honey, WSM Dream Ship, WGN VIOlin \'VI.~X' .. Richard Max .....ell. tenor. WjZ WBAl Piano, WGN Edwin C. Hill, "The Humin Side of the 11.30 P.M. EST; 10.30 CT Federal !lou.slng Com!!1ls~lon, WADC WCAU Wl'LA WSM WGAR 5.15 P.M. EST; 4.15 CT News." WADC WHAS KMOX WB8M Will OsboClle ~ Orchestra. WEAP WEBJ. I WHAS. ,0 m. (\'\ PG at 11.(0) Memorial Art Gallery talk WHAM WEEI Mellerdrammers. WPG I 30 m. En~mble, Tom Mlx's ~craight Shooters. WEAP Poetry. WNBX Palmer House WGN WGY WI.W Something Ohl-Snmething New. WCAU . jolly Coburn's music. WJZ WBZ WHAM , 1 A.M. ESTl 10 C"t 3 P.M EST; 2 CT Jackie Heller. tenor. WjZ WBZ WHAM 5·Star Final. WMCA WFLA, 30 m. U. S. Navy Band.: WEAP WGY WSM Ma Perkins. WEAF WEEf WGY WLW WSM WFl.A 8.30 P.M. EST, 7.30 CT 400 Club, KDKA, 30 m. II WFLA.)o m. (\VEEI from U.l~) R3dio (,uitd "FantaHic Rattle" WJZ WBZ KDKA Kiddies' Klub. KDKA William D~ly's Orchestra, Rithard Crooks. Eddie Lau,f.lhton·s Otlbestra. WLW. 30 01. Friendlv Kltlllen. \'V'FEI I WFLA \X'(.iAR I h ' "Skippy." WABC WCAU Gladys Swarthout, Nelson Eddy. Le Reve; Francis Craig's Orchestra. WSM. 30 m. The Wife S3\er. \X'jZ Variety \'(fHAM' . Ozark Me Boys. WGAR Gypsy Song from "Carmen"; Farewell Gene Beecher's Orchestra. WGAR. ~O m. Women's Clubs. news. WBZ Jamboree KDKA 15 Ill. Grace- Dunn. soprano. WaDi\[ from "Faust." \"'EAF WEEI WGY Ted Black's Orchestra, WABC WPG Conlract bridge talk. WHAM Skyli~hts: WABe \'\-CAL WPG WHAS Cal"t. Tom and h:s Pirate Ship. WOR WLW WFLA WTAM, 30 m. WBRM. 30 m. (KMOX at 11,45) Uncle Tom and Bettv. KDI------ , ~ports I The ··Voice ofAn Anger~ 'S Director Is Soloist Gave Cellist and Up Stage for KDKA WGY WLW Family Man Broadcasting ."""''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''11 """"" ,," "m""" ," DKA Sanu- I When an internationally known role in "Tbe Grand Street Fol­ , baritone of considerable radio ex­ lies." ~ perience was interviewed by The And then came a letter and WTAM MICROPHONE, he had much to WTAM I- Miss DRAGONETTE renounced her WFLA ~ say in pertinent-some would say, stage career. WGY § impertinent - criticism of radio WBAL ~ The letter was an invitation to WGY WPG ~ programs. WTAM ., become a member of the NBC WGN §1iii He criticized particularly the artists' staff. , lack of balance, the sheepisb , She accepted almost without fashion in which new programs :;" hesitation even though the letter followed on the heels of one suc­ contained no rash promises nor KDKA cess. WLW held out any fabe bopes. IIBue," he remarked ap­ Miss DRAGONETTE was born in provingly, "there is ooe India and until she was six years radio program today that I old sbe travelled over a good bit think could hardly be im­ of the world witb her fatber. ptoved upon. Tbat's the con­ Also Present cerr program that features l Jessica Dragonette." Not the least important portion Tbe increasing popularity of of tbe program is the role played tbis weekly Friday evening pro- by tbe vocal quartet, Tbe Revel­ .. gram would indicate that listeners ers. Burns aod AI. are in sympatby with tbe bari­ At tbe piano, accompanying the pestCJ.• WABC , m, tone's opinion. quartet at each broadcast, is the o Seventh Birthday versatile FRANK BLACK. accon~­ OT Last May tbe concert celebrated In addition to being an R WGN plished pianist, BLACK is an able its sev~nth birthday on the air with the original director and so­ conductor, arranger and all-around WEAF WEB1 musician, 30 m. prano soloist as brigbt and par­ 10"S Orchestra~ He once had tboughts of b,;­ M ticular stars of the broadcast. pedition Bcoad­ coming a chemist, but now he's th'e ~hestra. WABC The director is ROSARIO BOUR­ fOX. 30 roo DON; the soprano is charming music director for the National . JESSICA DRAGONETTE. Broadcasting Company. BOURDON is a man of much musical experience. He was, in CT Gershwin, Kern HAM KDKA: a manner of speaking, born into e Read, WOll.. , a world of music. His mother was one of Canada's Music Is Aired CT most distinguished pianists, while JEROME KERN, GEORGE GERSH­ WCy WP1.A.a his father was organist at the WIN and GEORGE M, COHAN, Notre Dame church in Montreal. three of America's brightest com­ Richman ~ BOURDON remained in Canada Ald. '0 m. posers, will lend tbeir work to ~. 30 m. -Quebec, to be exact-until he 1'0 m. SIGMUND ROMBERG'S musical hour orus. dramatic was 13 years old. r'. 1 b .• 30 m.. At the same time that he pur~ on Saturday, November 10, at 8 'erbert Hoover. sued a grammar school education, P. M., over the NBC-WEAF net­ ; IQ.!OX, 30 m. ne Jord1n. 8&1 he was en rolled in the Quebec • work. Musical Academy. It was the ".. 30 m. GERSHWIN'S contribution- will music scbool tbat appealed to bim be "Strike Up the Band" and pT the most, and it was there that selections from "Rosalie: which GN his best work was done. he wrote in collaboration with So great was his enthusiasm for ROMBERG. "Kulua" and "Blue his music and so great his distaste Danube Blues," by KERN, and ~GY. 30 m. for conventional schooling, that it "Popularity," by COHAN, will be WFLA, was decided to send him to Ghent, I IZ bighspots of tbe program. Belgium, where be migbt study KIL, 30 m. 'cello with an outstanding teach­ WADe WCAU er. For South@ru. ., . "'-'" .." 188M KMOX A Talent Grows Listeners ro, , _..-.. WIP In the musical atmosphere of The programs of WEAF or W jZ may ~ ~ the Belgian to'Nn, BOURDON'S tal­ I be heard over: ;; CT ent unfolded rapidly. WAPI Birmingbam, Ala. ; WEEI W~ JESSICA DRAGONETTE, NBC soprano, made her official deb", as "Voice of an Angell! ill REINHARDT'S produc­ ~ WFLA·WSUN Clearwater, Florida t 'JZ Besides studying 'cello, he tcok WIOO Miami, Fla. tion of "The i'rfiracle." Herconcerts are broadcast p,.idays from 8 to 9 P. AL, over the NBC-IVEAF network. WJAX jack50nville, Fla. up composition, conducting. Be­ WSB Atlanta, Georgia fore long be appeared as 'cello WSMR New Orleans, La. ICA WOAI San Antonio, TCJ[•• -_' , CT soloist with the orchestra of the throughout the Continent at the then with the Philad(,:Jphia Or­ seeing to it that his three children WSM Nasbville, Tenn. - Room Orches; Kursaal at Ostcnd, famed water­ conclusion of which he returned chestra. are taking a regular course of The programs of WABC may be WFLA. 30 m. ~ beard over: ;~ ing resort of Belgium. to America, playing first as 'cellist \VI hen phonograpil records studies before they think about WBRC Birmingham, Ala. y. 30 m. There followed a concert tour with the Cincinnati Orchestra, and popu~ taking up music. ~ WDAF. Tampa, Fla. WHAM, ,0 at4 wert' at the peak of their WQAM Millmi, Florida 30 m. Iarity, BOURDON became affiliated JESSICA DRAGONETTE, soprano WJSV Washington, O. C. ,_ WBT Charlotte, N. C. PropaganLla on Sl,ort WL.Ve with a large recording company of tbe programs, bas grown up witb WTAR Norfolk, Va. i 30 m. (WBBKS as 'cdljst and pianist, and later the concert broadcasts. WTOC S..vaonahg, Ga. " WBIG Greensboro, N. C. ij (Col/IiI/lied from Page 3) <% as musical director. Her official debut was made 00 1M vIa directional antenn~. Mi~l~ll@ 70R, 30 m. entirely different. No one is in- This led to his introduction to the stage, however. It was in I W@d@r" i MeA, 30 m. radio as he frequently was called MAX REINHARDT'S "The Miracle," ~ __""""""""",,,, IOI"'...... 'M''''_'''U'IH''IH...... N1''.' 'N terested too mucb in "good-will Rome will follow closely tbe in to accompany singers during She was listed on the program as i CT I and understanding." The main Empire system of short wave Lis~~~~ ,~.l their broadcasts over station "the voice of an an£el." .. N, 30 m. aim of the Continental capitals broadcasting now being carried The programs of WEAF may .... ~ \XIEAF. At each performance she heard (Wet": 'l 'T seems to be to flash their voices out by England, Germany and KSO St. Louis, Mo. ~ Shuu., WEU climbed long ladders back stage KYW' Chicago, III. !l into other countries and, at the France. Special sessions will be He Auditions almost up to tbe fly loft and from "a. WJZ WB2l 'same time, operate high powered radiated to different sections of It was in May, 1927, tbat Ro· ~~~:r;;;d~1I0hiO LA, '0 m, there, behind painted clouds that ~ :Jrr:3.The programs of W jZ may be beard ',_-._:1.: WADe WPG, SARLO ,BOURDON and a good sized outlets near rival cbannels so as tht world at a time convenient visible to the audience, she W;'~.WLS ChiCag~, W, 30 m. to drown out broadcasts from concert orchestra auditioned for I III. , across their borders. for distant listeners-no matter the present concert. sang tbe angel's song. WGAR Cleveland, Ohio 'MCA, 30 m. WjR Deuoit, Mich. Plans for the bigh frequency wbat tbe bour of day or night BC.JRI>ON was ··signed up" Im­ Impresses Managers The programs of W ABC may be beard programs to originate from the may be along the Mediterranean. over: ::; mediately. Theatrical managers who heard WDBM Chicago, Ill. Italian metropolis aren't perfected The European short wave WHK Cleveland. Oruo 'N Off t!oe air, the press agent in­ her sing the angelic song were weeo Minneapolis, MinD. '":::;'i! as yet, altbougb tbe United States broadcasting competition started forms the reader, BOURDON is a impressed, so impressed that some KMQX Sr. Louis, Mo. ~ WHAS Louisville, Ky. t iRY will not be neg1ccted. not more than two years ago devoted husband, father and stu­ invited her to take part in the ~ A series of evening broadcasts when England opened at Daven­ dent. production of "The Student Non: Oll/Jta"';"g Jo&aJ prDgrIJMJ of Ibtu Jllltjom tlrt r,gularly JisuJ jll :_,,! l each week is being arranged and try a number of powerfu I stations Beca4se he now regrets his lack Prince" the-nt'xt season. Tb, MICROPHONE, ~ After that she bad a leading , will be beamed to American fans to serve her far-flung colonies. of regular schooling, he says, he's ~'''''' ...,-''''-''',. "''''''''''''''Q".....".. ''"''''"'''~llf'I Pago Eighc THE MICROPHONE Saturday, NovembH 10, 1934 Saturday, Tuesday, November 13 NBC Music Guild, NBC-WEAF, 1.30 P.M. Cap ,,------12.30 P.M. EST, 11.30 A.M. CT Ha,..-aii Hears II~r V,.ur Hc::lIth. Dr. Morris Fish~jn. ·O~ Ray Z,egler, sports. WPG I ~fuch?" WOR. Mc:dlCmc Cost Too WJZ WHAM l)lI\'e \'me omedlan, 30 m. Men. M.ldl..Ips. Norman Cloutu;: d.nle ,~ ~'~{CA or ...... \\''"'EAP 3 m KDKA WSM M\ Ir.. r wnc, Y"ur HC.lhh. \l.~)Z WHAM KDKA WSM Com ')tods. produtt. WEIU I 1 The M ,olIn \':e1los the '-:e.'" W8Z 8.15 P.M. E5'; 7.15 CT Farm ProA,am. WGY, 30 m. Ad~'enturC'l ~.Atlonal 'TImIlS of Tomorrow:' \\-'LW or Jimmie Alleo. WHAM Farm and Home Hour. '\VIZ WBZ Cl,)~uouu. \\ FL'\.. ~o m. Vlra C. Park. lontrallo. WPG l..lO-NBC Music Guild, I\BC· WHAM KDKA WT.W WSM WPLA J h. federal HouS!o,lt CAmpaign .nd Herbert )·Stu Fmal, WMCA for WEAF T,dk lnd Pat Sht'\l'lin's Orchestra. WABC ~'G:"J WCAU \0 m, (WPG at J2 4~' KO\.h. \\ HAS. ,0 m. Occht'5ua. WGN 6.30-HoVoard 8arlo~, '·Coder· Cunent E\C'ot5. \X'OR 5 ".b Jeur-) Motor Market WPG ApcUllf. "'-MeA 8.30 P.M. EST, 7.30 CT ~tandin~ Music," CB .\XrABC t.:'orvenlry of LouJPllle. WHAS 5.15 P.M. EST; 4.15 CT \\,I.}ne K,n" Or...Ilotu. \\-EAF WEEI ;.30--Jo,e£ Koestner's Orches· Marken. orvn. WGN " Y \'\ r AM \\'~M WSB. 30 m. by Phil bn,h's Orcheura WOR. 30 m. Thrills ot Tomorrow, \\-[£1 Qut~lU.\\ (, MarIO. Orphe us Club. John B. 'ta. NBC-"'·JZ Berty JJne songs. WMCA Jacl",c IIdlcr. WJZ WHAM WSM I Kcnncdy. Wlifrcd Pelletlcrc's Orchestr.... 8.QO-leo Rei mao's Orchestra. 12.45 P.M. EST; 1'1.45 A.M. CT Farm marker neVoS. \).:BZ \\:/Z \\ 8Z KDKA WHAM WBAl. .f) m. Captain NnC-WEAF C.arolJne Cabot. Ikl Castillo, WEEJ. }O m. KDKA K,dd,e'S' KluD, KOKl\ Me O("~n~. ,... ith .\be lym~n's Orc..htstn, Will IlolLander's Orchestra. WWCA, ~o m. Tim lltaly. \\'l\);,~ "'IYlenne Sq~l, Oillcr Smith. ~nor. stories abc 8.3o-QueenJ. ~brio, ;lle- Good llealth and millin•• WGN "Sk,PPY:' WABC \X'ARC \).-CAI; WIIAS WPG \).-BBM turc arc Farm Reports. WNBX Nan. Muy and C~millc. WPG KMOX 30 m WJZ ~OR 30 1 P.M, EST; 12 N. CT Pcte RId:. \\"cstcrn drama. Musinl Varicry, WlW. m. WEAF I 9.00-8cn Bernie's Orchestra, Soprano. WG:-.." SUI.!C Sho'." Revue. "'·OR. 30 m. Markets.....eather. WEAl' 5.30 P.M~ ESTI 4.30 CT C:"medy Tc~m. WMCA Wednesda NBC-WEAf :IV~abonds, - WGY Radio ChArades, \\.-[AP WSM K~y K~y\er"' Orche'Stra. WG:-.l P. M, IS Bing Crosb). CBS·WADe Grand DUl,h~s M.Alle. Red Cross srtlker. Geo'J:e H.aU·s Ot..hestll. WADC WCAU Llttlc Womcn. WEEI 8.45 P.M. EST: 7.45 CT gone theOI 9. \O-Ed Wrnn. NBC-WEAF Uncle WI/Utley. WG-Y KDKA Strilkl1nd Gtllil1n. \x'MCA WPC, 30 m. Sin~inji I H..:.Il: t~ll, Ted Bro_o's Orchestra.. WOR, Lady. \,\;'JZ \\'BZ WHAM North"'csh:rn U .• Wti;"; tures he te hham Jone . Orchestra. CBS· WBAL WLW , GYPSies. \\.-"FL"\ 9 P.M. EST; a CT WABC Just Pla,n Bill. WGN At the t J~ck Armmong. "AIl·American Boy," WABC Bcn Bcrnie's Orchestra. WEAF "1J'EE! WGY. IO.Oo---Gleo Grar's Orcbtstra. 1.15 P.M. EST, 12.15 CT WCAU 30 m. Wac Captl Annette Hanshaw, CBS· Rex Dutle Concert Ensemble. WEAP WEEI linn Dcl M~r. ~ong'. WPG Melody Paradc. WlW. 30 m. 22. He w WADe The SOllthernen. WGY CocKuil lIour. WOK Re\ds. WSM WIIJI.ltS. WHAS Bob F~llon', Orcheo;tr~. WMCA. lO m. Old Timc Songs. WFLA. 30 m. He joint GI ad} s Sv.umout, NBC· MIllOl RtBectionJ. WMCA Mclod'e1, WGN Dmlt Crosb~' and Dos...dl Sisters. WABe Piano, WGN 5.45 P.M. EST; 4,45 CT WCAU \~HAS \\'BBM KMOX. 30 m. sian of the WEAF Doris Ot'hn, soprano, WPG --, 1.30 P.M, ESTJ 12.30 CT Nunery Ithyme~, WhAt' WSM rH the Border. WjZ WBZ WSM. GEORGE V itob Atl her, WHAS 6 P. M. EST; 5 CT 30 m. I B:C1hl C s .. > ~'JZ \\- SM '),. H.Uf rently re/~jeJ to Itatirm Order of ••45 A.M. EST, 8.45 CT \\FL'\ haJ been Anl:e1o Fcrdmando'J Orchestl.l. WEAF ~!erry Go Round. WHAM. :30 m, Allen Pre wtt, 'X·tAf New EnAI~nd Agriculture. WBZ KGU in HOIlO/U/II. The hemn~ Tattler. MarlOrie Dunn. Charlie :-";.Il1lY Mart,n, KDKA So his s News. Wandering Mtn~trel. MusicaJ Twos. Ian Clmpbdl'\ Oflhe,tr.l. WItAM and WlllIc. WEEJ, ~o m. Ishsm June' Orchestra, Fuy and Dra~~ioUi the battler \\[[1 WIllIam I'enn Orchestra. KDKA Old Mall Sunshine. WGY WAlK WCAU WIIAS WBDM KMOX: High Pr ," of Hlrm.,n), WGY ISun Sunley'1 Orche~trJ. WLW MUll< ~h~,c. \\.'JZ WBZ ~lIAM KDKA Xa\ier Cu~st's Orchestra. WJZ WHAM. ~o m. cign count I Unl\~rsiry \\-'H:\~ ~o Plu<.l·~ 8,1) KDKA 01 Kenlu k U-SM \l:'FL'\. m ;0 m. (\VBZ from 6.1)) AdUlt" Malc Chorus, \\IPG. :30 m. \\;alter i'urrlSs. '';S, WLW I B Jd RIInC-Y, WOR "50nll: of the C,ty.· WLW Adventur~ of Jimmie AileD. WBZ rum and Ahner. "-OR WGN from are: tn !h I Jf \\ Slot RJ,ll:amuff,ns. \\"MCA Show Hoar Boys, W()R 30 I Dao aod Syl'fis. KDKA Hor:sc Sho... Hilthli1-!h15. \\'MCA. }O m. observatior 2 P.M. EST; 1 CT Sports RCVle ...·. con,ert art. ~i. W"MCA. 1 b Mary Ak(lft"S Or(hes:ra. \VI.W 9.45 P.M. EST; 8.45 CT '10 A.M. EST; 0 CT I 30 m " ;'\;e 9.-s. stnnR cnsemble. WSM KDKA Orchestrs. KDKA his friends Ne",. Dteen and de Ros~. WP.AF WEEr Health Hunters. WGY ~bn~~ement Crosscuts trom loj( "t 0.. WJZ WBZ I"orne talk. WGN' Musical Memorics. WFLA. lO m. Eul Durtnett's Orchestra, WOR like them. \\'GY Geuld Prouty. 'W'NBX Duck Ro~ers. WABC WCAU Ted Weems' OrchNua. WG~ ,hcllugh. Guspel WHAM KOK,'\. 30 I. Sam. Gil Ind Louie, WHAS .Ed"·lld SiDa::r. W}Z WBZ t ~M OhiO S.;buul of the AIr. WLW. h. 3.45 P.M. EST. 2.45 CT Untie 001"1. WOR. 30 m. 10 P,M. EST; 9 CT t(.UKA \\ \\i fU\. \fJ"~ the LIttle French Pnnc..etJ WABC Bu tnt oe s. WLW DI~l ~br.silf;:ld·s Or.. he--tra. \\.~MCA Operen~ JuilO Banb . fran" M Intyre Vanely, \':HAM , "'-CAU 88M KMOX J~ten, Hot~l. Ahern m Muslule, WG:":, 30 m. POl'ular Rh thm. WG:": "0 m. (.lId!'. S""uthUUl. \\.1 Af WEEr WGY RJI)thm LI,); (Home Loan u,lc, Te ton Trio, WPG Canar' 10.101 Mr!. GrJ~C:s. WNBX 6.15 P,M. EST; 5.15 CT Wf.\X "-FLA. I h. tohsten, WADC WCAl: Dr. Anl'ur Franlc P~rne, W('lR M J \\' Ii. H 'Se\'en Seas •• Cameron K,ng, WJZ WHAM Ne.... Mu c.. Srorr" \VMCA WHAS 4 P.M. EST; 3 CT ] I .. «'I ymn Sing, \\TAf ,0 m. ]o.ast Pla,n Dill. WG • I Jmmy A en, "'''GY ERA Opera Orchestu. W'BZ. 30 m. T Ne...·s. Home Hour. WPG. 1 h. AfternQ01"I Concert, W1'I:BX Par~efe. £>rc-\:otlons, \\. 'BX ChId" "'ebb's Or f1;ta, WEAP WSM. :30 KDKA Or,he_tra. KOK:*., 31) m. IMelody WLW. 30 m. 2.15 P.M. ESTI 1,15 CT rr ,WGY .It I ~ MtlruJ Hurton's OU.hestra. WLW Glc1"l Guy's Or'hestn. :*.nnette Itansha.. There is 10,' 5 A.M, EST; 0,15 CT StOCkl. WEEI B.-mby Benson sntf Sunn,. Tim. WABC \\..tItc:r () Keefe. Tt-,f HUSIOI:. WABC Housrohold OSl. WG'r ~B8~f radio. NAl "-lara. lu 'n' (m. WEAl' WE.E.1 WGY Romance of Hele1"l TrerH WA6C WCAU Betty and Bob. Jruu. WGY WJZ WBZ SIc'pry. W"HAS KMOX 'XH,\'\ \\'-'PG WBD. f KMOX. 30 m. \\'HA~f KDK."\ In\·C'to,-, S \ ..e. Ch~tley fclr:el's mu Jolly R,."ian\. WMC\ ,,'TIP. 30 m. \\:1.\\ \\SM \\.(,(>; \\'p(" WG:": K, fOX ducts his fe Cullc::s of Roma1"l ..e, Rar Heatberton.. '\VJZ "Memorie\." fred VC'ttal and Afice Remsen, V'S '·n.l: Ameriu'\ Lrtle H..I:J e. WABC' \\'MrA ;'\;e...·s. \VGN take baths WBZ KUKA WOR WK. \\'HAS Wnn~f 6.30 P.M. EST; 5.30 CT 10,15 P.M. EST; 9.15 CT Orgln. \\"HAM life of Mary S"thern. WLW NeVos. ~hry Small. s01"lgs. WEAP W's" Stephen Darry. songs, WMCA 'WIP Homemakers' Club. \\ Fl.A 30 m. Rh R .~ Current hent\. Harl~o Eugene R.ead. WOK every mor Flsh,on ulk. \\ FI !\ 2.30 P.M. EST; 1.30 CT N'R ..\ tal W, TBX ~[Irf eporter ne...' MU1it"~1 Tums. Bndge Oub of the Au. \\'G~ bIll IUJ GInger. WABC WCAU \X'hile sp Sander Si\!en, \\ liAS Knit Guud. quartc:t. \\;, EAf WEEI GY 4.15 P.M. EST, 3.15 CT . ·e...·::. 8rev,til"S. WGY 10.30 P.M. ESTi 9,30 CT sing merri ruet Semler. WMLA WSM WFLA "..:e.. s. Dur"thy p.llre. \oullSt. \\'JZ Tim and Irene's Sky Ko~d Show VI]'" Ho~ \\~EF.f "'e~ther. To.. C ,er WNBX S.. ··t H",:, , \\-'jZ WBZ "''''oman', Club fir ' ram, ·e...·s. "'-nz \x"HAM, 30 m. •• "Singing 1 KOKA Home Forum. KDKA. m 5001.1 Enell. lontr.lho. \\ IZ WDZ KOKA Rob ~e",'h,ll. ""I.W ]R . 0 h "OZ '0 Ne"·I. \X'HAM PI 'd 'II .... oe IOCS, rc. e'Stra, ~~' . 30 m. 10.30 A.M. EST; g.30 CT Amenu1"I 5,hool of thr- A f. '\X'ABt: ~PG Jimmy Arlen. bJr'lone. \\'lW . orl ~ .~, .tlry Audemy, WFLA Clt~/ Heau!lfu.atlOn Forum, KDKA arc heard MOlning P.IIrade. WEAF..., al. (WSM. I) \'<'HAS W8BM KMOX. 30 m. P~r" Strin"'. WADI. 'i)?PG \\-'nR:\f lIo..nrd BarloVo. ··L'ndent.anding Music." GerHli'e Gllul. \~'Anc "'"CAU \\P(. WHAS gram. m.l lWrl.A. JO,I'·ll.()I)1 M.arthA n~Jne, WOR. }O m. \\-AnC... ~ m. (ne"'l at t>.'iH }O m. Plano Ind Sonll;. \\'-'EEl Cenhlty of Progress Orchestfl. WGN Week·d.,. Devorions. WHAS l.llk Armstr01"lIi:. \'("BBM KMOX Fp., f~-v" r·...l;" \\·OR. ,SO m. .Market Bnket. \\"GY Road~ of Romance. WMCA. }O m . Orl:an. WOR '-'<'(;S B'I)'~' Club. \X'OR D.anll: 1une \'("MeA, 30 m. Today's Chlldre1"l. WJZ WBZ WHAM 2.45 P,M. EST; 1.45 CT V.lrtety WNBX P.lultne Alpert. pianist, WOR ChllSIlU I he1tre of the Air WG7'.'. 30 m. KQKA W!'LA V'c anJ Sade. WEAP \X.'EEI WGY 4.30 P.M. EST; 3.30 CT Sln.c:mg I.ady, W'G:-.l 1 O.~S P.M. EST; 9.45 CT Lt... estock. neVoS. WlW W"'''U WHAS, Nellie Revell. WIZ WHAM WSM WfLA Jester\ trIO WrA!'- W'GY (WGY. talk Roundup, \,<'MCA SO:-l((\t("", KDKA Madison I:Memble. WABC T ...... Palmer House Ensemble. WGN ~ m.) 6,45 P.M. EST; 5.45 CT 11 P.M. EST; 10 CT 30 m. Fred and Ray. WU·.I Billy Batchelor. Raymond Knight. WCAF .Morning Concert. wNBX 3 P.M. EST; 2 CT c,eor..e He~~her,l(er·\ R.I'I.\r',tn,. WI7. WBZ WEEI WGY \'('TAM Emd C.oleman·s Orchestn. WEAF WFtA Ma PerkIns. wrAP WEE[ WGY WLW WHAM WSM \\·PI.A 30 m, (KDKA al I.o"·ell Thomas. "Today's News," WJZ \'(feJtller. ne .... s. \VEEI 10.45 A.M. ESTi 9.45 CT WSM WS8 WTAM ~ 7.45 A.M. ~'EEf ·1.101 wnz \VHAM KDKA WI.W Chick Condon's Orchestra. WGY, :30 m. Roman(e in Rhythm, Charlle.Onls Orch('Hrl WJZ WFLA. 30 Mulet Rernrts, KDKA little Orphln Annie, WSM WGN Del Campu s OrcheSlra. WJZ. }O m, (WB2I Johnny Mar\in, ··1.1"Inesome Songs," WGY II.I~I Jolly Bill .n.:l NeVo'~ m. WHAM. " m.l Bettv a1"lrt Bob. WlW Radio Special, WFLA WHAM at and NBC Radio Kltcbea. WJZ ERA C,vic Orchestra. WDZ. 30 m. Slief'l' e Sen·i,e. Or Kn',.... le~ A. Rye,-,on, '\X.'oocly and Willie. WIIAS WOOM ( Weather. Sports Revie..'. WBZ Saturday) WHAM KOKA WSM WFLA Sammy Fuller, KOKA "P,lInt,n,l( the Ifdl~ Green," WARe tU'i) news, William Penn Orchc:~tra, KDKA. 30 m. News. musicale, HiAhwlY Safety tJlk. WBZ Columbia Variety Hour. WABC WCAU WHAS The Voice of Gold. WOR Ne.... ~, dance orche~tn, WlW. 30 m. 9 A,M. ES' \'<'L\),-~ Jack Denh's music... Wit",. I h. (WPG-. r~ m.) KMOX Carhon anef Crai~. WCAU Ch.lrlie Davis' O((:hcstr~, WMCA Amll~ 'n' Antly. WSM doh Atcher. WIfAS from 3.4~ "toch. WPG 7 PM EST C !larry Salter's Orchestra. WABC Cout to COl Ne....s. WN8X Bllllstone Jongleurs, WGN Gus Stt-,l'~ Orchestra. WOR ,.; 6 T Allan Scott. WCAU WLW We;, Shefl~r. 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT Stud.o En~emhle WOR Parent.Teachers Forum. WG:--: Gould and piano duo. WEAP Pive·Stu fin.l. WPG only) Theatre Review. WMCA WIP K,ty..Did. WNBX Ne;J,1 O'Har;J" footbdl, WEEI Myrt and Mar~e, WHAS WRRM KMOX Priendlv KItchen pro,ll:ram. WEEr Musical prugram. WGY c.urrent Event~, \VOR 11A.M.E Galny' ot Stan. WGY WTAM: WLW 3.15 P.M. EST; 2.15 CT 4.45 P,M. EST, 3.45 CT Gridiron of the Air. \VS1o£ Voi(e of Rnman(e, \'(fMCA Honeymoonel"'S. \\- JZ WDZ WHAM KDKA Tne Wise Man, \X.TAF WEEI WLW lady '\Jext Door. WEAF Wr:F:I Amos 'n' Andy. WJZ WBZ KDKA WLW Oudley CuftJ. Watson, WGN' ~ru~ic Addres~ NBC It Mf\. Sluon,e M.ltsner Gruenberg, \,\'GY Mltmee Ph·.. ~f'II, \VGY Stocks. WGV WFU 11.15 P.M, EST; 10.15 CT "Mone AUltude~ In Famll)' life. ' WABC WJAR W Rochester Civic Orchestrl. WHAM, 30 m. Jacksons. Wr.W Sports. WHAM Robert Royce, tenor, WEAF WEEr WPG . ConJ,trl"S' of Clubs. KOKA WTAM wi GatllfY ,f St;tn. Wl.W Buddy Rat'lSom. sone-s, WL\'Q ~~~~~I'{Jc~\~~1 ~·.\9r 30 m. 'p~~:Jlr~ri~k~ ;::,~~e~ofABC WCAU ~~~: ]I;"i ~~~Ie~~ ~~f;lestra. WARe wp~ WFU (Fri Charm Secrets, \VCAt: Phi: Beauty ulk. Nell Vinick. WOR "Sdence in Your Home." Dr. Ku.rt Haesler au Harry. sonl::s. WMCA t.lI: Children's H,! MobiltzatlOn for Human 'ec:w. W}iBX Cnne Calder h"55. WMCA WOR Jimmy AIl.n. WGN WBBM Mnonbeams, WOR 11.15 A.M. ESTI 10.15 CT Orche-;tr.l, WGN M an'e1i, WKBX 7.15 P.M. EST; 6.15 CT I leon Beluco's Onhestra. \'<'MCA, 30 m. WEAF GI;J,dy~ Gr.nt. WNBX Your Odd. Or. Ella Oppenheimer, S.M... EST; 4 CT GeneWFLAand Glenn. WEAP WEEr WGY Dream Shi,..... WGN \"'HI WGY WSM WH.A 3.30 P,M. EST; 2.30 CT ~lered Orch~tu. Tony \\ In~. \\''l \t'BZ KDKA. th W.llson 1 Or he 'r) WEAF Bertrand H,rsch's \\'JZ 11.30 P.M. EST; 10.30 CT Ti,t YUUl~n 1 no. \\"L\\"' \X- omJn's R.IIJlo Revle", J" eph 1.1fUu·S Or­ 30 m. (WGY. I~ m. Joe and B.ateese. WDZ Cui f1olt'~ Orchestra. \TIAF WFLA. }O m, Alex Scuunkr, pi.lno. WABC \\.... PG chestf~, '\'<'EAF \\irf! WGY 30 IT! :'\e'" F.1"I1tlaf'ld ConserHtor: of Music. WrEI tois M.ller, KDKA Anson \\"eeh' Qrchl"Stn, WEEI. 30 m. lum and Abner. Wl,\V Chlrles Boulangcr's Qr,hestra. WGY. :30 m. '11.30 A,M. ESTj 10.30 CT II Holly...·ood Comedv St,rs. WHAM 'WOR Dorsey Brothers' Or'heslra. WJZ WB3 nrce Sh.dcs of Dlue. WEAF WEEJ WGY 'uSl Plain Bill. WADC WCAU WHAM WSM WFLA, 30 m. $trinA En~emble, WSM Maximilian Bergere's Orchestra, WMCA 400 Club. KDKA. 30 m. UOlted SUlCS MUlne D.lnd, Shut·11"I Hour. An Expensh'e Resolution WIP Eddie laU,ll:bton'~ Orchestra. WlW. ~O m. \\"JZ U"SM. I h tW'HAM KOKA·U m.) Orchestr~. WGN Henry BUHe'S OrchC'tta. WADC WCAU ~o (W'Sl \\-'LW WFLA m.l 7.30 P.M. EST; 6,30 CT WPG \\"IIAS WH8M U. S. Na\y B~od. \y:'ABC WPG WHAS. ""~~~~~-~-~--~--- "You and Your Govemmenl," P,ofeuor Paul Whitcm~n's Orchestra, WOR. 30 m, 30 m. Philli[ls Budley. WfAF WGY WSM Herbert KOt:h. organist. WHAS Pete Woolery's OrctlC'trl. WCAU WFLA Wayne King'~ Orchestra. WGN Nltional Parks. WND'C HA~I4A! After Dinner Review. \\'lEE! 11.45 P,M. EST; 10.45 CT 11.45 A,M. E5Tl 10.45 CT Charle, Se.lrs. tenor. Josef KoC'tner's Or· P.aul S~bin's Orchestra. \Y:'ABC WCAU Wpa K.ttnan and PhIllips, piano duo. W(AP cheHr~. WJZ \\"HZ WI lAM KDKA. \VHAS \,<'BllM KMOX \VEEl WGY (WEEl, ne...'S at 11.~H 30 m MIlls Blue Rhythm Band. WMCA Smilin' Ed McConnell, WNBX :~ Stnn2 TrIO, WT.W J G b • 0 h tr WGN lO m WhisDering J;J,ck Smith's Orchestra. WABC an ,ar er s rc es a, •• 12 H, EST, 11 A.M. CT WCAU 12 M. EST; 11 P.M. CT Earl \1I;'~ldo. bn\o. WEAF WEEr Burk Ro-:ers. WHAS WHnM KMOX In'jng A.ronson·s mu~il. WEAF WEEI Soloist. we i Y William larkin. tenor. \'<'OR WSM. :30 m. Weather The Monitor \'ie\los the News, Jan, Ju,le and Jem·. WMC:A Eddie Lane's Orche~tr•• WGY. 30 m. WOZ Sports Reponer. WGN Ralph Kirbery, Mills Blue Rhythm Band, Salt afld Pl;lnut· W'LW 7.45 P.M. EST; 6.45 CT WIZ \"'87. KDKA WHAM WSM MUSIC. V,Ir;ety, WFlA. 30 m. Frank Buck, WEAf WGY WTAM WFLA. :3') m. The \"oll,e oi Expeflence. WABC WCAU Bi,q Preddie Miller. WEEr Chde lucas' mu\ic. WARC WCAU Wpa WHAS WBBM KMOX The Forty.Niners. WSM WHAt; WBRM KMOX. ~O m. Home. Sweet Home, WPG Comedy Capers. WFlA St.an Stanley's music. WLW, }O m, Current r~'ents, WOR noah Carter. \VABC WCAtr WHAS The WanJerin~ Poet. WPG. ~O m. Bob Fallon's Orchestra. WMCA. ~o m. \\lODM KMOX Florence Richardson's Orchestr.a. WORI Len SalVI). organ. WGN Dance music, WOR 30 m. Ouie Wade. WNDX George Reid. WMCA Day's End. ~MCA. lO m. 12,15 P.M, EST; 11.15 A,M. CT Ensemble. WGN ILTO Honeyboy and Suufru, WEAF 8 P.M. ESTi 7 CT M NBC Noonday Melodies. WEEt Leo Rei\man's Orchestra, Phil Duey. WEAr Rhymes" f Martha and lIal. WGY WEEI WGY WPlA WSM WS8. 30 m, STATION 4,4~, has I Weather \'QBZ • DICK HIMBER, orchestca leader for Columbia. recently decided Spencer Dean, Crime Clues drain.. ..tady Back in I~ Ne.... s. WHAM Blalkheart," \'orts, KDK ...... he was drinking too many ice cream sodas. So he offered to ~o m. DIRECTORY phones to Variety, live srocks. Wr.W buy one for anybody who caught him at a fountain. The other "Lavender and Old Lace," Frank Munn friend. H The Gumps. WARC WCAU WHAS WBBM and Huel Glenn. WABC WHAS WBBM across the KMOX evening it cost him $5 when practically his entire orchestra found KMOX, 30 m. Page II Bernice Taylor. soprano. WGN Phil Emmerton's OrchC5tU. WCAU, 30 m. general hal Stvdio Plh. Wl'o'BX him in a drug store in a weak moment. (WPG at S.U) \e played. 10, 1934 Sarurda)', November 10, 1934 THE MICROPHO:>iE Page Nine ------_---:::.- J.M. Captain Tim Healy Tells About Stamps From Own Adventures 30 m. Commended Clowns, Circus, Singers and Radio Rodeo WHAM for Bravery Stories From Carnegie Hall Star To Be T '.-- lEAF WEEt 30 m. by George V At Roundup lb. John B. Complete Circus Is 1Saturday Jamhoree 's Orcht$tra. BOnBY BENSON, leading char· X'BAl. 4~ m. Captain TIM HEALY, whose I'S Orchestra, Going To Be For Children acter of the sketches of the same mith, tenor, stories about stamps and adven· name on the radio, will appear in 'PG WBBM ture are heard over the NBC· Broadcast WEAF network on Monday, On the Air Boston on November 12 with the m. Wednesday and Friday at 5.45 rodeo, now in progress at the WHE TOTO, probably ~ong P. M, is a real captain and has A 0 recitals by Tr: Boston Garden. r gone through many of the adven- I the world's most fa· A I A, charming Indian Princ­ mous clown, popped up on BonBY, whose real name is tures he tells about. ess, and D .... \·IO GUION, mo~t the stage of Carnegie Hall, BILLY HALOP, will be accompan­ At the beginning of the World fa mOl S Interpreter of cow­ "'X7EEI WGY, War Captain TIM was a lad of New York, for his first ap­ ied by his sister, FLORENCE, the pearance in that austere audio bor mclod:e:s' dissertations by girl who pla),s "POLLY" in the 22. He was an Australian. torium, he introduced one of RA'r .\10.'0 L DITMARS, cu ra­ radio show. n. He joined the Australian divi­ ;teu. WADe the best and most unusual tor of the Bronx Zoo, and The appearance at the Boston lOX. 30 m. sion of the British Army and soon series of entertainments. FRA:-':K SPFA:GIIT; celebrated rodeo will be a lark for BOBBY, was fighting at Gallipoli. He That was about one month and he also has a business propo­ was wounded but on his recovery ago. Since then, each Satur­ for his interpretations of sition to put to Colonel JOHNSON, served again, in Fra...nce and Bel­ day morning at 1 1.30, the CHARLES DICKENS' famous the boss of the show. gium. WJZ WB2I microphones of the Columbia characte:rs, anti a presentation BOBBY wants to buy the paint After receiving a commission as Broadcasting System h a v e of ··Hansel and Gretel," a pony he rode in the New York captain, he be

,ICA. 30 m. CT WFLA. 30 m. "E!, 30 m. WGY,}O m. WJZ WB2I m. )7LW. 30 m. 'ABC WC.AU

WOR, }O m. AS •CT wau WPQ MCA 'I, 30 m. r )7[AF WEE!

• 30 m. thythm BICd. HAM WSM WCAU WPCl o m. }O 0'1. 30 m. :stra. WOR.. ILl'ON J. CROSS, genial announcer of o Septemher 15, 1921, Mihon Crn.... wrnt ~O MILTON began to conrentfate on IN 1933 Mil.on Cross began his series of M NBC and conductor of the "Nursery on the air for the first tir!1.e, not a<: an .:s being the very best announCer in the nursery rhymes over the WEAF netW't)rk of Rhymes" program on Tuesday afternoon at announcer, but as a :tinger. lIe made singing world o( radio. In fact. he sap now. "My the Nne. He played songs children liked V 4.45. has bren in radio since radio began. his career thrn and appeared with church life is announcing, 1 Ihink OIl job has a great and he had his friend, lewis James, sing for Back in 1921. Milton listened through rar­ choirs from Pre3byterian to a quarret in.a future and I iOiend to remain an announcer." them. This was one o( his first programs for IlY phones to W]Z over a set belonging to a proAressive Synagogue in . Radio Milton i\ proud of the gold medal which wao; children. His srcond comes at 9 o'c1ock on friend. He became interested and hurri~ then began to grow and thr little starion of awardt-d him in 1929 by rhe American Acad· Sunday morning and is called the Whire Rab­ across the ew Jersey marsh~ to b«ome a W]Z needed t'\.. O annOuncer3. Cross'3 idea emy of Arts and letters. This \\'3S the first bit Bus Li[]e. Milton is the conductor of the general handy man about the statioD. There became ro make the career o( announcing as rime 'iiurh an award had been made in radio. bu that goes "an}"\\ here at anytime." He \e played, sang and wrote songs. imporrant as singing. The prize was given for hi,.. ~(lod diction. inlts occasionally. Page Ten THE MICROPHO E Saturday, November 10, 1934 Sarurda! Wednesday~ November 14 - Lombardoland, NBC-WEAF, 10 P.M. Drc

JOhnny Muvin. WGY Old Man Sunshine, WGY Highlights \bgic R('(;ipes, WABC WHAS WCAU Education in the News, W jZ WPLA Weather Reports .r '(1 nderinlJ Poet, WPG Adventures of jimmie Allen. WJlZ ~o,.al Poet, WNBX Robert Tuchr, pi.nist, WSM, 30 m. P.M. Dan and Sylvia, KDKA. r: WEEKDAYS :.f1 ~~ N. ESTI 11 A.M. CT Sandra Roberts' Orchestra, \'(/'LW 4.15--curtis Symphony Orches· AI and Lee Reiser, pianists. WEAF WEEJ Antoni. Lopez' Orchestra, WPLA A. M. tra. AU-Beethoven program, ,.njolters, WGY Buck Rogers, WABC WCAU Pic:ld,r and Hall, WJZ WHAM KOKA WSM Boy Scout Drama., WHAS 7.28 WTAM 9.45 KDKA CBS·WABC Weather, The Monitor Views the News, "Og, Son of Firc:." WBBM 7.45 WBAL WGY I WBZ Uncle Don, WOR, m WBAL 11.}0 WLW 4.3O-Rochcster Civic Ocmes­ "0 8.29 WLW tra, NBC·WJZ Ohio Parm Dureau, WlW, 30 m. Alex Bolkin's Ensemble, WMCA I Mou and Jones, WFLA Popular Tunes, WGN, 30 m, Noon 8.0o-M a r y Pickford, NBC­ The Voice of Experience, WABC WCAU 8.15 P.M. EST; 5.15 CT WEAF WHAS WUBM KMOX Home Sweet Home wpG "MysterioU5 Island." dram:l. WEAP WGY WBAL WFLA- (KDKA Satu.t. When day only) 8.15-Edwin C. Hill, CBS­ Current bvenU. WOR Jimmy Allen. WGY baritone WADC Bob Fallon's music, WMCA, 30 m. Alma Kitchell, contralto, WJZ WBZ KDKA Tom, Oi,k and Harry, WGN T"'dight favorites. WfLA P.M. perience 8.36-E"erett MarshaU's Varie­ Christine Hawes, WNBX Joe l:meISon, WLW ~ Bobby Bensoo and Sunny Jim, WABC wau 12,15 WlW - 5.40 WTAM MICROPI ties, CBS-W ABC 12.15 P.M. EST, 11,15 A.M. CT WCAU • 12.30 WjZ 6.14 WTAM .~',' Way n e King's Orcbestra, Honeyboy and Susafras, WEAP WEEI Skippy, WJ-tAS WRUM KMOX 12.50 WTAM 6,30 WFLA say in pc NBC-WEAF Marth:l and H:ll. WGY Investor's Service, WMCA 1.00 WEAP WPG 6,35 WGY impertin Charles Sears, tenor, WJZ WSM 2.45 WGY 7.15 WBAL :3 9.00-Warden lewis E. Lawes, Weather, W8Z 8,3:0 P.M. EST; 5.30 CT 4.30 KDKA 11.00 WGY WPG 1 program Hill~8illy songs, WHAM News, Arlene jackson, WEAll 5.00 WGY 11.10 WTAM "" NBC·WJZ Rhyming Reporter, news, drama, WEEI He CI Markets, produce. KDKA '.1. WlWSUND~~SWGN , Fred Allen, NBC·WEAP Round the World, WFLA Nc:ws, evening brevities, WGY I lack of 9.3o-John Charles Thomas, The Gllmps, WABC WCAU WPG WHAS News, Thrc:c X Sist~rs, $Oogs. WJZ WHAM JO.IQX News, ""eather, WBZ fashion I' NBC·WJZ "Common Sense," WOR Comedy Stars of Iiolly...ood, KDKA A. M. followed lO.oo--Guy Lombardo and Oc­ Bet:tJ, Jean, jim, WGN • Bob Ne~'hall, WLW Ashc:r and Little Jimmy, WSM 7.30 WTAM - 10.45 KDKA cess. cbestra, NBC·WEAF 12.80 P.M. EST; 11.80 A,M. CT News. melody's ,t::uden. WPLA 8.29 WLW 1l.~WLW Dennis King, NBC·WJZ Merry Made-PI, WEAP WLW, JO m. "Thc: Shadow," WADe, 2' m, (De",s, 6.") 9,00 WBAL "But Stocks, marlc:ets, WEEr Billy H.ys· Orchestra, VlCAU Byrd Expedition Broadcast, Farm prO~r:lm. WGY, }O m, Club Program, WHAS Noon provin! CBS·WABC National F:lrm and Home Hour, WjZ WDZ Jack Armstrong, WDOM .."'.,....,,'. radio I KDKA WFLA, I h. (WLW at t1.~O) Singing lady, WGN WGY KOKA ... T.ivestoch, rivM. market repOrts, WLW Gabriel Heatter, commentator. WOIl P.M. think (All programs a,. lisled in Baslern Jan Savitt', Orchestra. \'(/'ABC WCAU, 30 m. Screen revue, WMCA proved (WPG at 12."') 12.15 WBAL S.40 WTAM Standard rime. Central Time ;J one South jersey motor market, WPG 8:45 P.M. EST; 5.45 CT - cere pI STELLA FRIEND is an ou/s/andiug Billy Batchelor. Raymond Koigbt. WEAP WI.W 6.14 WTAM PhIl Lynch's music. WOR, 30 m. 1.00 WPG 7.30 WHAL hour ea,./ier.) Heee's How, WMCA member of /he KOSTELANETZ WHI WGY WTAM Jessica Lowell Thomu, "Toda,'s Ne"llVl." WJZ 1.45 WFLA 11,00 WPG University of Louisville, WHAS 4.~WGY 11.10 WTAM The it 8.30 A.M. EST; 7.30 CT Dr. FOlkel!, WNBX Varie/y Singers who are heard Oil WBZ WHAM: KDKA WLW WFlA '.14 WLW 11.30 WGN wee~ <:b~rio. WEA(T WEEI WGY WLW WSM. Ihe CBS· IVABC network MOil' \X'oody and Willie, WHAS (Talk 6.,,) this 12.45 P.M. EST; 11.45 A,M, CT J.inle Orfhan Annie • WGN WSM WPLA. JO m. J gram WOll Weatllcr, WUZ This and That, WEEl, a~ m. (Priendly Kit­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays "Cocktal Time." \VOR WFLA Players, WFLA. 30 m. Lyric Serenade, WA8C. 27 m. chen. r,lo) Leon Friedman's Orche$tra. WMCA "The Ad~ntures of Gracie," Burnl and AI~ are in S} Will Hollander's Orchestra, WMCA WJP, from 9 10 9.30 P. M. OrRan, WI'G. 30 m. 7 P.M. EST; 8 CT len, Bobby DoI:lQ's Orchestra, WABC Gtorgia Wildcats. ;WHAS }O m. WCAU WBBM KMOX, }o m. tone's OpJ Good Health and Trainin&" WGN Pickens Sisters, WEAF WSM Org.n, WPG, 30 m. 8.45 A.M. EST; 7.45 CT 3.45 P.M, EST, 2.45 CT Salutc:, WEEI 1 P.M. EST; 12 N. CT lum and Abnet. WOR WGN Seventh Landt Trio and White. WJZ WBZ W8AL Col. JIm Healey, WGY Markeu, weathc:r, WEAP Beauty proltram, KDKA Amos 'n' Andy, WJZ W8Z KOKA WLW 9.45 P.M. EST; 8.45 CT KDKA Business news, WLW Jan Garber's Orchestra, WOR WGN Last ~ Kindly ThoU8hu, WHAM Musica! pro,t::ram. WGY WFLA Geor,t::e Hall's Orche~tra, WAOC WCAU, Frank Denn's OrchestrA, WfLA Sports, WHAM Housing Act, WMeA sev~nl Bob Atcher, WIIAS StudiO Orchestr., WOR its What's On Today, WNBX }O m. Myrt and Marge, WAae 10 P.M. EST, 9 CT Markets. WHAS Organ, WGN "'/eather, crossroads. WMAS Lomba.rdo·La.nd, Pat Barnes. WEAP WERt with the • A.M. EST; 8 CT Jun Plain Dill, WGN KMOX Women's Hour, WNBX Pord Frick, sports. W'OR WGY WlW WFLA WSM. JO m. prano sol Organ, Dick leibert, WLAF I.eo Freudberg's Orchestra, WOR, 30 m. 4 P.M. EST; 3: CT Gloria Graftoo. actren, WMCA Dennis Kin"" I.OUIS Katzman's Orcbestra, Variety, Wl.tl JImmy Allan. WGN WjZ WBZ KDKA WHAM ticular st: 1.15 P.M. EST; 12.15 CT Martha Mean, cootralto, WEAF WSM WFLA Two.Way Byrd Antarctic Expedition Broad. Scisson aud Paste, WGY Stocks, WEEl 7.15 P.M. EST; 8.15 CT The dil Breakfut Club, WJZ WBZ, r h. (WSM at Peggy's Doctor, WEAP WEEI WGY cast, Mark \X'arnow's Orchestr:l, WAB<:; Nc:w Jc:rsey Women s Clubs. WPG Beny and Bab, WGY \'(IJZ WOZ KDKA Gc:ne and Gleon, WEAF WEEl WGY WPLA WHA~ I).}o) (KOKA, }o m. (WHAM, 9.}0 to WCAU W88M KMOX, 30 m. DON; thi \\:'ddc.ll'l, WHAS LIfe of Mary Sothern, WLW WTAM Andersons, WPG 9."') (WFl.A at 9.1') Narional Student fedel:ltion, WADC WBBM Plantation Echoes, \'<'illud Robison's music, JESSICA D Hymns, WLW Mirror Reflections. WMCA Sid Gary, WOR Doring Sisters, WCN The Apple Knocker. WCAU W'JZ WBZ WHAM KDKA WSM Sleepy HAil's Orchestra, WMCA Bittbday Club, WFLA Dr. II. I. Strandlugen, Health Talk, WOR BOURD< Cobina Wright, W ABC, 1 b. WPG (rom lum and Abner, WI.W News, WGN 1.30 P.M. EST; 12.30 CT Piano, WGN jmt Plain Bill, WADe WCAU musical e 9.30 Dons Gibwn, WN8X 10.15 P.M. EST; 9.15 c:;T National Grange, Annual Session, WEAP. Marion Chasc:, son&,$, WOR a manner 9.15 A.M. EST; 8.15 CT 30 m, 4.15 P.M. EST; 3.' a CT Orchestra, \'VGN Madame Sylvia, W JZ WBZ WHAM KDKA: Don lIall Trio, \~AP WHI WLW N. E. Kitchen, Marjorie Mills, WEEI, 30 m. 5uecn Rc\-ue, WMCA Current Events. Haclan Eugeoe Read, WOIl I Althur l.ine, WGY "lIerald of Sanity," Dr. jf)\eph jastrow. Comedienne, WMeA a world Devotions, WCY Wr,Af WHI WSM WFT.A \,;'GY 7.80 P.M. EST; 8.30 CT Leon Cole. orlAn, WSM Vic and Sade, WJz. WBZ WHAM KDKA. Comedy SI.rs. WGN His mol WLW \X'FLA Dorothy P.ge, songs. \VJZ WDZ Uncle E:rn. WEAF '>'IGY WTAM 9.30 A.M. EST; 8,30 CT Malkets, WSM News, WIIAM After Dinner Re\'ue, WEEl. 30 m, 10.30 P.M. EST; 9.30 CT most disti The Mystery Chef, WEAF W[EI WCY Little J.ck tittle's music, WAnC WCAU K:lren f1adl)CS, KDKA Red D:lvi5 Sketch, WjZ WBZ KDKA WLW National Radio Porum, WEAF WCY Wf'LA, his fathe WSM WPG WIIAS WBBM KMOX jimmy ArIcn, baritone, (Ilomc: loan talk, WFLA WSM }o m. Stylt.'l, KOKA Midday Servicc:. WGN. 30 m. 4.2') WLW Pleasure Cruise, WHAM Floyd Gibbons, WEEI Notre Da foOora Be,k Thumann, WLW Mu;.imilian Bergc:re Ordlcstra, WMCA Curtis Symphony, Ina Petina, soprano. Paul· Keast. Rollo Hudson's Orchestra. Jack Denny's UcclJestra, Harry Richman ~ Charles Jaffe, violLmst, WAOC WB8M, John B. Kennedy. W JZ WHAM, JO m. DOURDC 9.45 A.M. EST; 8.45 CT Tbeatre Club, Bide Dudley. WOR WABC WCAU 4) m, (WPG, }O m.} Buck Rogers, WHAS WBBM KMdx Sammy liner's_ Or,hestra, WBZ, 30 m, -Quebec Southernaires, male quartet, WEAF 1.45 P.M. EST; 12.45 CT Devotion~, WHAS ' Armand Veay's Concert Orchc:stra, WOR Plttibulgh Varzetles, KDKA, }o m, News, Wandering Minstrel, WEEI Southerners, WGY Danjo, PIanos, WOR [n~mble. WMCA FollLes, Five orchestras, chorus, dram:J.tic was 13 ye Soloist, WGY \'('ords and Music, WJZ WHAM WSM Tenor, WGN Sports [c:porter. WGN sketches, guest .rtists. WL\'(/', 1 b,. 30 m, Charlie Kent's Orchestra, WLW \X'HA Webby Ma<:k, WNBX WSM Salute. WSM At the Work.A-Da), Thoughts, Minute Mannen, 7,45 P.M. EST; 8.45 CT Agricultural Markets, W8Z 4.30 P.M. EST; 8.80 CT Melody Mastclplc(C'S, Mrs. Herbert HOO\-'tr. sued a grl KDKA Wjiliam Penn Orchestra, KDKA Frank Buck, WEAF WGY WTAM WAOC WCAU WPG WHAS KMOX. }O m~ Magic Hour, WSM Red Nichols' music, ~'lW Jesters, Trio, WEAF WbLi WCY Dangerous Paradise, sketch. WjZ WBZ "The Brusilotf Exprc:ss," t.lame Jordao, &.&1 he was e Bob Atcher, WHAS WiUiam A, Burnet, WSM Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Frazer Harri· WHAM KDKA WLW WSM Gold, WOR. 30 m. son, conductor, WJZ WIIAM WsM, I h. Musical . 10 A.M. EST; 9 CT The Cadets. WABC WHBM KMOX Melody Man, WPLA Archie Bleyer's music, WMCA, 30 m. Agricultural Program. WIIAS (WFLA at 4,4) Baake Carter, WADC WCAU WHAS WBBM Ted Wecm$' music. WGN music sch, News, Breen and DeRose, WRAP WSM Health Message, WBZ Jerry Marsh, tc:nor, WOR KMOX 10.45 P.M. e;STJ 9,45 CT WFLA Rag:lmuIfins, WMCA MarkC'ts, KDKA Dance Music. WOR the most, Musical Variety. WEEI Hawaiian~, Wf[( 2 P.M. EST; 1 CT Betty and Bob. WLW Doc Savage, WMCA his best w Billy Rose, tenor, WGY Ralph Watters, WFLA Ead Burtnett'S Orchestra. WGN T~o Ensemble. WGN Josephine Gibson, WJZ W8Z KOKA Scats in the Balcon,., Carol Deis, so· Drama, stOt.ks. WCAU 11 P.M. EST, 10 CT So grea prmo, WEAF WEEr. 30 m. 8 P,M. ESTI 7 CT Suzanne LiUldord, WLW Robert Reud. "Town Ta\k;' WOR The Grummitts, WEAP Ne",'s, Vi Dradley, WAne Mercile Esmond, WGY Mary Pickford, Gale Gordon, Jeanette his music \X'andering Minstrel, Meredith Willson's Or· 4.45 P,M, EST; 3.45 CT Weather, news, WEEI Heme Hour" WI'G, 1 h,; News at 10.", Nolan, lou Silvers' Orchestra, WEAP Chick Condon's Orchestra, WGY, 30 for coovel DX Tips, \'<'NDX chestla, WJZ WBZ WSM WFLA, }O m. m. udy NelCt Door, WEAP WHI WEEI WGY WSM WFLA, 30 m. King's Guard, quartet, WjZ WFLA 10.15 A.M. EST, 9.15 CT (KDKA at 2.1') Stodu, WGY Srencer Dean, Crime Clue.s Drama. "Lady was decidl .' P. T. A. talk, KDKA Charles Lillie, violinist, WBZ Wuther, Sports Review, WBZ Clara, Lu 'n' Em. WEAP WEEI WCY B1ackheart," WJZ WBZ KDKA WLW, News, WHAM Belgium, OhIO School of thc: Air, WLW, 1 h. The Jacksons, WlW }o m. WLW WSM WSB WTAM WGN Muie. the little French Princess. WABC William Peon Orchestra, KOKA, 30 m. Stocks, WPG Musical proltram, WHAM Amos 'n' Andy. WSM 'cello wit, Florenda Trio, WJZ \'fBZ KDKA WPG \X·CAU WBBM KMOX "Scien,e 10 Your Home," Or, Kwt Haese· Tom Grierson, organi~t, \'(.'IIAM "Euy Aces:' WAOC WHAS WB8M leon Belasco's Orchestra, WABC WCAU University o( Kentuclcy, WHAS ler. WOR KMOX er. Morning Topics, WFLA Dr. Arthur Punk Payne, ,"VOR R('(;ordings, WI:\TBX WHAS, 30 m. Bill and Ginger. WABC V, F. W, Program, WP(; Steel Pier music, WPG, 30 m. Ne'" York Civic Symphony Orchestra, The Lone Ran,eer. WOR WGN, }o m. A Talenl Dolly Dean, WHAS WMCA WIP, 1 h" 30 m. 5 P.M. EST; 4 CT Myrt and Marge, WHAS, WBBM K1-.iQX Town Crier, WNBX Musketeers, WMCA Current [vents, WOR, 30 m. Just Plain Dill, WGN Chick Webb's Orchestra, WEAF Bob Church., WNDX In the , 0.30 A.M, EST; 9.30 CT Concert, WN8X Moods in Song, WEEI Voice of Romance, WMCA WIP 'Sister~, Dudley Crafts Watson. WGN "Land of ne~.;:inning Again," WEAP 2.1S P.M. EST; 1.15 CT Lang WGY 8.15 P.M. EST; 7.15 CT the Belgi' Orgao, W[E1 The Monitor Views the News, W8Z jimmy Allen's Ad,'entures, WHAM 11.15 P.M, E~TI 10,15 CT Household l:hat, WGY Memories, KDKA ent unfale The Markc:t Rasket, WGY Romance of Hden Trent, WABC wau Edwin C. Hill, "Thc: Human Side of the Rubert Ro)'ce, tenor, \'(/'EAF WEEI WPL\l Today's Children, \\'JZ KDKA WSM Poncc: Sisters, WI.W News." WABC WCAU WHAS WBBM Emil Colem:ln's Orchestra, WJZ Besides wez WGN KMOX "Og, Son of Fire," WABC WFLA Frank RiCCIardi. WOR, KMOX Joe Rines' Orchestra, WDZ Live Stocks; nell.'S, WLW Pur Trappers. wau ,·Star Final. WMCA Genc: and Glc:nn, WSM up compc 2.30 P.M. EST; 1.30 CT Federal Housing Campaign :lud Herbert Fiddler's Fancy, \'('ABC 8.30 P.M. EST, 7 .. 30 CT Orchestra, WHAS fore Ion~ Imperi~l Grenadiers, WEAl: WEEr WGY Koch, WHAS Irving Rme's Orchestra, WMCA News and Fiddlers' Fancy, WCAU, 30 m.; Wayne King's Orchestra, WEAP WGY Ida Bailey AIlc:n, WHA3 WSM J.oretta Adams, WPG 11.30 P.M. EST; 10.30 CT soloist wI Home Swec:t I ItJme, WjZ WFLA WSM Weather. Variety, \'(fOR 30 m. Household Chat. \'VNBX Orch~ Kursaal aj !lochester School of the Air. WHAM, 30 m, Young America, \'(fMCA, 30 m. Buddy Clark, John Herrick, WEEI. }o m. Rockefeller Centre Rainbow Room 10.45 A.M. EST; 9.45 CT KDKA I lome Forum, KDKA, ,0 m, Songs, piano, WGN lanny Ross' Lolt Cabin Orchestra, WJZ tra, WEAF WI:.EI WGY WFLA, 30 Ill, ing resort Betty Crot;ker. WEAF WEEI WGY WLW Ame'rican School of thc: Air, WABC WHAS WHAM KOKA. 30 m. (WSM at 11.4H 5.15 P.M. ESTl 4,15 CT Magic Strings, WDZ Ray Stillwell's Orchestra, WGY, ~o m. WFLA WTAM \ WPG WB8M Ja'lOX, }O m. There Nc:ws, Radio Kitchen, WjZ WHAM KOKA Woman's <.:tub, WCAU, ;0 m, Tom Mix Straight Shooters, WEAF WEEI Jlenry Thies' Pepsten, WLW Art, Kassel's Orchem:l, WJZ WHAM. }o IU, WBAl Martha Deane. WlDR, }O m. WGY WLW WTAM Minstrel Show. WSM "Dead Men Prowl," WBZ. }o m. News, musicale, High.... ay Safety talk, WBZ Kiddies' Klub, KDKA Variety, WFLA 400 Club, KDKA, 30 m. Studio PrOll:ram, \\106M 2.45 P.M. EST; 1.45 CT "Skippy," WADC Everett Marshall's Bro:ldway Varieties, Marjorie Cooney, J?iano, WSM PrOj "Fats" Waller, WABC WHAS Vic and Sade, WEAF WEEI WGY lIerbc:rt Koch and Irish Minstrel, WHAS, WAnc WCAU WHAS WBBM KMOX, Ozzie Nelson's mUSIC, WABC, }o m, (WOOM Daily Poc:m. WN8X Colette Carlay, SOngs, WjZ WFI.A WSM }o m. }o m, r, m. at 11.4') (Con 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT Palmer House Enscmble, WGN Guitarist, WPG JaJle and jimmy Cuhen, 'WPG Herbert Koch, organ, WHAS "Captain Tom and his Pirate Ship," WOR Operatic prop;ram, WOR. 30 m. Henry Busse's Orchestra. WBBM Juan Reyes, pianist. WEA~ 3 P.M. EST; 2 CT Popular RlJytlun, WGN, },O m, Kay Kyser's Orchestra. WGN \X'i11 Osborne's Orchestra, WOR, ,0 m. entirely d Friendly KJl(.hen, WEEr Ma Perkins, WEAF WE[I WGY WLW Comedy Team, WMCA Charlie Davis' Orchestra, WMCA. 30 m. Betty Moore, interior decorator, WGY WTAM WSM WSB 5.30 P.M. EST; 4.30 CT 8,45 P.M. EST; 7,45 CT Wayne King's Orchestr., WGN terestccl t The Wife Sa\-er. WjZ Rambler's Trio, WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Alice in Orchestr:llia, WEAr WGY WSM "Fish Stories," WBZ WFL\ [dw:lrd MacHu,eh, baritone, WBZ 11.45 P.M, ESTI 10.45 CT Soprano, WEEI Smilin' Ed McConnell, WLW and uncle Uncle Tom and Betty, KDKA Kate Smith's Matinee Hour. WABC WPG Sin8in~ I.arl~', WJZ WBZ WHAM KOKA Jan Garber's Orchestra, WGN, 30 m. Betty Moore, \\'1.W wc-\n WI-IAS, T h, (KMOX from 3.30) WLW U S, Marine Band, WBZ aim of t "Cooking Closeups," WABC wau Studio'""'tnsc:mble, WOR, }O m, Northwestern University, WGN 12 M. EST:; 1'1 P.M. CT Orchestra, WFLA seems to Farm Talk, WPG Trio, WNUX Jack Armstrong, WABC WCAU Kay Thnmpson, WMCA George Olsen's mUSIC, Ethel Shutta, WEAB; Sanders Sisters, WHAS 3.15 P.M. EST; 2.15 CT Talk, care of the feet, WPG 9 P.M. EST; 8 CT WEEI, 30 m, NRA Talk, WNBX into athe Dreams Come Truc:, Barry McKinley, baritone. The Story and Contest Club, WOR Town Hall Tonight, Fred Allen, James Mel­ Charles Boulanger's Orchestra, WjZ WB2J 11.15 A.M. EST; 10,15 CT WEAF WEEt WGY WLW WTA..'\{ Sally's Party, WMCA, }o m. ton, Lennie Hayton's Orchestra, Songsmiths KDKA WHAM WSM WFLA. }o m, 'same time jacques Renard's Orchestra. WABe WPG. Alice Remsen, contraho, WrAP WEEI WFLA 5.45 P.M. EST; 4.45 CT quartet, WEAF WEEI WGY WlW WSM. outlets OJ The Vagabonds. \",'GY Concert FA\·nritc:s. Joe \'Vhite, tenor. WjZ I h, KMOX, }o m. Tony Wons, WjZ \x/ilZ KDKA WHAl\.[ WOZ WHAM WSM WFlA. Capt. Tim Healy's Stamp Club, WEAP Warden le",·is E. 1.awc:s. "20,000 Years in Stan Stanler's Orchestra, WlW. 30 m. to drowl WFLA WSM Human values, KOKA WEEI WGY WTAM WSM Sing Sing," WJZ WBZ KDKA WHAM Julie Wintz's Orchestr:l. WOR across tht , ohn Barker, wng<;, WLW Orchestra, WGN little Orphan Annie, WJZ WOZ KDKA WBAl, 3U m, Amateur Night in I !arlem, WMCA, 30 m, WFLA nstrumelltalists, \VABC 3.30 P.M. EST; 2,30 CT Antonia Lopez' music, WFLA Plans Variety, WNBX News. WHAM Nino Martini, Andre Koselanetz Orchestra. '11.30 A.M. EST; 10..30 CT Woman's Radio Review, Joseph littau's Or· Jack Armstrong, WLW WABC WCAU WPG WHAS WDBM programs chestra, WEAf WGY, 30 m. Nap and Dee, WSM WMOX, 30 m, "Homc:spun," WEAF WEEr WGY Reading Circle, WEEl, ro m. STATION Italian rot U, S, Army B~nd, WJZ WBZ KDKA WLW Gordon. Dave, Bunny. WADC WCAU Footlight Echoes, WOR, }O m. Se}OlOUr Simon's Orchestra. WjZ wnz larry Charles, tenor. scores, WPG Americana, WMCA, 41 m. WSM WHA, }O m. WHAM WSM, 30 m. (KDKA WFLA, as yet, alt Berty Moore, Triangle Club. W ABC WPG Out of the Dusk, WHAS Dance orchc:stra. \VGN D m,) DIRECTORY will oot WHAS WCAU Adventures of Jimmie Allen, WOR 9.15 P.M. EST; 8.15 CT Newark Museum Talk. WOR Ba~so, WGN National Parks, WNBX Sports Rc:view, Concert Artists, WMCA, Housewarmers, WFLA A seril 11,45 A.M. EST; 10.45 .c'l: 1 h., 30 m. 8 P. M. EST; 5 CT 9.30 P.M. EST; 8.30 CT Page 4 wee~ Mario Cozzi, b.1ritone. WEAF WEEr lWEEr. Homc: Management talk, WGN Xaviet Cugat's Orchestra, WEAP each note~, jobn Charles Thomas, WjZ WBZ WHAM oe",s II",) Green Mountain Singer, WNBX Evening Tattler. WEEr. 30 m, KDKA WBAl, 30 m, I will be b . 10, 193« Sacurday, Novembec 10, 1934 THE MICROPlIO.'-lL Page Eleven ).M.,

at Introducing ; Itisn·tentirel~true,orevenpar-" Children and Grownu[ns , 12 ~ tJally. GirardIn ranks with the ~ nd Vita­ ,....__I:llil'l als~.best voicesblc~.sedin the business and E· B -Jd d Bl l Wing. WE FOUND him in a cemi- is with the aptitude n IOV UUI rv an ake OC. New nisccnt mood. to ad lib With dlsarmlOg ease J .., . 'J gbt Cor.. As a matter of fact he was -a talent which ~ocs hand in ------<@.> talking about the time he was hand with his chosen profession. , 13 "that high" to coin a phrasc- It was with some misgivings N. E. Network on wlcs A.. and now with full maturity at that he entered radio. It neecs- Tuesday and .reau of the age of sitated giving up music, his xl States twenty _ five, trumpet playing with a well :uhure­ j he rea c hes known orchestra being quite pro­ Thursday Greco." c 10 udwards fitable at the time. Just recently to the tune he has found the time to resur- tectives, while varied and far 16 of a I mas t reet his old skill with the same afield, are always directed along \pprecia.. fi v e - foot - instrument and is doing right a strictly defined pathway. In by WaI­ eight. His is well by the famdy hudget. ;-WEAP· I a c hun k y It is only incidental because other words, nothing gruesome f ram e. I t radio has the first call. He or ultra-sensational is permitted len Club. I Garden •• served him wouldn't swap jobs with any- to mar the home appeal of the WOR' well when he body who isn't in the radio busi- program. In the same manner, played in the ness, at the same time expressing the series might well be consid- T line and cap- the hope that radio likes him as ered educational. RAy GIRARDIN t a i ned the well as- he likes it. Hes the T the Worce3- typical happy man in and about One program setting might be >nald Novis. hees' Otches.­ ter Classical High School eleven the studios. a hunting cabin in the Maine 'LW WTMoS back in 1926. He was then, and Now a resiJent of Arlinnton woods; another, a lighthouse Blaine. "Fai4 1" domicil~ )KA WHM.! sti.1l is .the bea.ming "Ray" of the and the keeper or a in along the coast, a minlllg camp, GlrardlO family. the near vicinity of Spy Pond, aboard an ocean·going steam- Neisen. Lucl ~_____"BLAKE," "BL'DDY" AND "YIP ING" I 1 Be WCAU This l\fr. Girardin (Don't tell he's a strict adherent to the quiet s lip, a cart c ranch or at an air- m. 10 'G. lO to. me Mc. Bceck) has been in ca- life. He has the opportunity RE YOU .I port. Thus the background and I dlo Sll1ce April 1, 1930. There's headline each Saturday on the A " a" member of the Blake" under the sponsorship of the subsequent action which de­ r I nothing funny or phoney about "Crazy People" program but the . Secret SIX ? "Yeasties" is Jo:ng just that is velops with each episode carries the date yet, when he then took futility of it irks because hi'l \Vhat ~ You han.' yet to JOIO reiterated J.nd emphasized with child-interest value of an educa· up regular announcing duties at bride of q. months rcfuses to the monster radio club which the each broaJcast, for letters tional value which parallels the trI~ao L. !uf. station WORC in Worcester, it listen to the levity, acc detectives .. Buddy anJ aplenty rdate not only the writ· mOre dramatic exploits of the 'EEl WG~ TAM WSB.. established him as the youngest His only other worry in the, Blake," who with their Chinese ten applause of household groups hard working trio. ~ssistant Sin~, sleet Ho....ard.. announcing man in the business. Iworld is the beautiful inlaid Yip arc dcvc:lop. but of boys' clubs, juvenile rou- The featurc "Buddy and After '7 months of it in the ping-pong table which he de- 109 the length and hreadth of cational groups and civic .,so- Blake" is not new to WEEI lis­ IZ, 30 m.. heart of the Commonwealth, he signed and built in a manner to New England? Irs fun. It's or- ciations. teners. Now, however, on the

AR. 30 ai. came to WEEI in the same ca. make the craftsmen of the gay iginal. It has the youth of the Only recently has the "Secret New England Network, it is '!'lBC WCAU pacity and on the twentieth day nineties blink with envy. It was land literally by the cars think- Six" club been organized. ChiI- branching out with a much m. of the present month celebrates intended as home diversion and ing and talking in the interest of dren of all ages are eligible by broader scope than ever hereto­ his third anniversary at the Edi- really is for Mrs. Girardin, who law and order and more than a writing for one of the shiny, fore attempted by its a:J.thor son station. is wont to let him score an oc- few grownups derive from the shield-shaped badges. Not only Robert A. Burien of the WEEI CT His entry into the radio world casional point just by way of en- Tuesday and Thursday broad-, are the badges sent, but also (om- production department who also WIIAM was very unllual he said in all couragement because, after all, it ~asb a wl~~lesale quantity of cn- plete instructions on the secret plays the role of "Blakc." It is seTlousness. He answered an ad was his idea. Joyment. 10 quote the fan mad, . code, the secret grip and numer- now in its sixth week, "Ycasties" in a newspaper to make him a "the family's favorite radio pro- ous other interesting little details sponsored, and winning many member of a mob of 125 sttk- Olson and john'Wn, featured gram." which makes the youngster feel thousands of new listeners week- ing the same position. The fact network comics, played to a ca- How many programs can boast akin to the speCIal investigators ly at the various wa"e1engths of f WJZ WB2I that he walii a bass soloist in the pacity studio audience last Mon- such local interect? To reach and who are continually striking the network stations. aU WPQ BT WMCA., High School Glee Qub which day on Caroline Cabo!"s '·A Bit please the varied tastes of the en- down on the community's sin- It promises something new might have left some music in of This and a Bit of That" pro- tIre family is a test "'.hich per· l~te.r SituatIOns 10 the COurse of and different each Tuesday and his pipes is the reason he gives gram. The noonday feature is haps all programs stfl"C to ac· thelC busy adventures. IThursday afternoon at 5:45 for his success at Ihe audition. one of the day·s be,t bets. Iromp/Ish. That '·Buddy and I The adventures of the ace de-, o·c1ock. ,... BIG NEWS WEEI BRIEFS I THE FREDDY A new rehearsal room is being Dartmouth aggregation the lsth at 4:30 P. M.-a very CLEERCOALERS ;r,ra EVEXI ·t,;S Consisting of ger for "Studio Chorus" traveled plenty of score-casting second­ a brace of guessers at the WEEI studios ... at * horns rampant on a steer's era- ~ It never occurred to a certain .f h ~ J'Jl "" TI:ESDAYS ilium, we wondcr I t e adorn- h£ So ~ • hostess who, after election, was S..v .... OTlo..k ment IS_.IIltendide< as a goo luck ' '~,'LOI">'"- ~ told by an alert studio listener and symbol or a warning against I ~Jt.~~~~", that her selection for a piano bum steers ... Another nation- Y':~"":"'~,\,'7t ~~~E~ "Fill" after a certain candidate'5 * ** 'LW. 30 m. A BRILLIANT \'1. 30 m. TIII:RSDAYS ally known specialty shop audi- >-,-,> address was "Out In The Cold" iAR. SO m. tioned at WEE1 last. week will ._.F red ABC WPG at 30 MINUTE 1.-U) probably be on the air when this nine miles in one fifteen minute Hawkinlii of 30 m. 7: 13 P.:U. reaches type .. The office of period if the pedometer in his "Ye Tattler"· MUSICAL SHOW .0 m. fame is fol­ CT ;:~~t~~be~n~,e ~~~~~~e T~i~~ pocket registered corredly. An iN order has been plared for nOise­ lowing dog; Over 0\ er these crary Guild . so~eone. ovcr· less roller skates for the ener­ into the syl­ ~EAP WE£[ hear~ the t~'alO dls

Thursdayt November 15 Death Valley Days on NBC-WJZ, 9 P.M .. - I • 12,15 P.M. EST, 11.15 A.M. CT :\"e"·s. Brel·ities. WGY lIi~ltligh~s Honeyboy and Su~arru. WEAP WEE! r>\e"'s and Armand Girard. b.lritone. WJZ Pol":e Radio WFLA MHtha and Hal. WGY Station Meters Location Merry Macs, WJZ \\'SM Ntws. 9,·eathtr. Wez A.M. Pleasure CrU!S<'. WHAM , ITT Weather, WBZ - - Ne..·s, "cather. WHAM Jack. Armstrong, WBBM KMOX WPFV 121.5 Pawtucket. R. L L 11.30-(-. S. King~ Ize Na,,! Band. -BC­ tobrlel;. produce lePfm , KDKA and Ouccm of Sport. KDKA WPEM 121.5 Wooosock<'t, R... ~I1et)', Bob Ne..-haIl, WLW WJZ V Llu'stotl reports. W l W WPDR 122.05 Rochestft', N. Y. in thei VartelT, WFLA Freddy Rose. piano. WSM P.M. The Gum~. \\"ABC WHAS WBBM K10fQX Eddie Dooley. football highligblS, WAlle WPEA 122,O~ S)·!".lCUS<'. N. Y. sptinkl "Common ~tnse," WOR WCAU WPEP 122.4 Bronx, N. Y. landsca 1.45-~BC Music Guild, f"rank Eul W'tlkle, ~uitooe, WGN Fireside Re,·e!lies. WHAS Paulane Alpert. pianist. WOR WPEE 122,4 Brooklyn, N. Y. them. Blacl, NBC-\X'jZ i 12.30 P.M. ESTi 11.30 A,M. CT Round up. WMCA WPEG U2,4 New York City are one 6.4')-Lowell Tbomas, ~TBC­ Merry Madcaps. Norman L. Cloutier's Or· Singing Lady. WGN WMJ 123,8 Buffalo. N, Y. WFAE chestra, WEAF, 30 m. 6.45 P.M. EST; 5.45 CT WPGG 124.37 Albany, N. Y. They a Stoch. mukc:ts. WEEf 8.00-Rud) Vallee, NBc.WEAF ­ U'GY Farm Prngram, WGY. ~o m. Billy Batchelor. l':aymond Knigbt, WEAF WPGV 170.00 Boston, Mass. tion's t :-':"tl.)nal hrm and Hnme Hour, WjZ WBZ wru- WGY WTAM WPED 17:5.23 Arlington. Mass. Boal, WI 9.OQ-Show NBC-WEAF WHAM KDKA. WSM WFLA, 1 b, (WlW Lo"'ell Thomas, "Today's NeYfs," WjZ WPU 175.23 East PrOYid~tll::e. L L Death Valier Oars, l\TBC. from n.n) WBZ WHAM KDKA WLW WPFA amuses Ri,·('r. markets. WLW Connie Gates. songs. Margaret Brainud. 175.23 Newton, Mass. WJZ "SmilJn' Ed McConnell. WADC WCAU WABC (be.....s at 6.,~) WPGP 175.23 Providence, R. I. listener 9.3O-fred Waring's Pennsyl­ \\;'HAS WBBl\( KMOX Little Orphan Annie, WSM WMP 190,66 Fnmingham. M... keeps Motol Marlct. \\7JIG R.adio Special, WFLA WP!:W 190.66 Northamptoo, M--. vanian'l, CBS-WIABC Phil I.ynch's Orcll('Stra. WOR. 30 m. Com('dy Stars. \"{'£I\U dial 10.00-Paul \\7ruccman's Music Bc:try J1M. songs. WMCA Woody and Willie, WHAS (Ne"'s. 6.~~) WPfL 190.66 BridgeW1ltft'. MU&, when Hall. NBC·WEAF Markets, or8:ao. WGN Musical Miniatures. WOR WPGC 195.57 Alb1lD1. N. Y. Gladys and Bert. WNBX Charlie OHis' Qrch('stra. WMCA WLY 6;0.00 Boston. Mus. (Fin)' "big c Little Orphan. Annie. WGN 12.45 P,M. EST, 11.45 A,M. CT wonders (.1.1/ programs are listed in RaJlern This and That, WEEr. n m. '7 P.M. EST; 6 CT off the Red Cross Talk. G«lrge Hall's Orchestra, 9,30 P.M. EST; 8.30 CT Siandard Time. CenlraJ Tim. is on. j.lck and Loretta Clemens. songs. WEAf KD~ \X'ABC WCAU W1'(> \\'lIA;, rWSM at 7_10) Musical Keys. WjZ WBZ WHAM It's the s hour earlier.) Good Health and training. WGN WBAL. 30 m. Neal O·Hara. football. WEEI ~o ingly I Will Hollander's Orchestra. WMCA, 30 m. Rangers, WGY Unsolved Myst('ri<'S. WIW. m. Fred Wuing's Pennsylvanians, WABC WCAl) ••30 A.M. EST, 7.30 CT 1 P.M. EST; 12 N. CT Amos '0' Andy, WJZ WBZ WHAM KDKA passing WBAL WLW WFLII. WPG WJIAS WHHM KMOX, 30 m. Cbeerio. WEAF 'W1::E1 WGY WLW WSM Market~. ""eather, WEAP Lum and Abner, WOR \'QGN the stn WFLA, ~o m. T;llk by Judge_ Garclenshire. WSM Ensemhle. WGY "Myrt and Marge," WABC WCAU 9.45 P.M. EST; 8.45 CT ing h 0 Weather, WBZ Addres~. j. P, Kennedy. chairman Security &: Salon Mus;c.1.Ic:, \'VABC. 27 rn. Weather Report, tlle Cross Roads. WHAS Wayne Kin,,'s Orchestra. WOR WGN y Exchange Commission. WABC WPG Diln Russo's On:he\tra. WBBM town Georgia Wildcats, WI-lAS Markets. WHAS Talk. WMeA Organ. \\:'PG. >0 m. Ford Frick. sports, WOR ist, the a Hotel Morton Music. WPG. ;0 m, Paul Barry. WMCA 10 P.M. EST; 9 CT He.altlt talk. Ted Bro..n's Orchestra. WOR. 8.45 A.M. EST; 7.45 CT "RED" GitANGE, famorts football jimmy Allan. WGl" Paul Whiteman's Music Hall. WEAP WEIll tious Y1 :0.0 m. WGY WI.W WSM WFLA. 1 h. Landt Trio and White, \VJZ WBZ WHA.M Just Plain Bill. WGN 7.15 A,M. EST; 6.15 CT pl a ywr WHAL KDKA pla}e,. klloWII as the "Gallopillg Ro.ads that MO"e; Montreal Coocert Orcheslf«, Bronco Busters, \VSM 1.15 P.M. EST, 12.15 CT Gene and Glenn. WEAP WEEI WGY WPT.A Duectron Ho....ard Fogg. WjZ KDICA. oc the Ghosl" latks abortt foolball Gems of Melody, WJZ WBZ KDKA WSM. Bob Atcher. \\HAS Jan Drunesco's Concert Ensemble, WEAP ~o m. ~o m. burban f \X'CY (WEEI at r.20) Thrlfsdaysl Fridays aud Saturdays Sammy Liner's Orchestra. WBZ. 30 m. 9 A.M. EST, 8 CT just Plain Bill. WADC Mu~ic. l'ni\"crsil) of Kentucky, WIIAS. ~o m. WHAM (Ne"'S at 10.20) teacher Sinlting Canaries. \X'EAF al 7.15 P. M., 011 the CBS­ tum and Abner, WI.W Studio prOKram. WSM Piano. WGN Comedy Sars. WOR M;~"t devotes Variety, WEEI Ad Club luncheon, WMCA. 4' m. I17B8,1I rhaill. "Forty-Fi...,. .... ;" Hollywood,' 'WADQ Fore,! \,,"'i11J~, WGY Red Gu n.£:e Footl»11 Forecasts. WHAS WBBM WCAU WBBM KMOX. 45 m~ spare BreaHau Club, J,lck Olto"cns, tenor, The 1lu~ 1.30 P.M. EST; 12.30 CT K10fQX Nick NKkersoo. so~~, Wh" American Salutes. WMCA ~o C's WJZ \\ BZ. 1 h. (WHAM WFLA at George Duffy's Gingham Club Orchesua. 4.30 P.M, EST; 3,30 CT Studio Orchestra. WHAS. m, ments ; WGN Orchc:s.lu. WGN R('i~r. 9.1') (\'('SM at 9.30) (KDKA, ;0 m.) \\TAP WEEr. ~o m. (WGY. I' m.) AI aDd Lee WOR patience Joe LmefSon. WL\\' Vic and Sad('. Wjl WBZ KDKA WFlA Arlene jac!Cson. wn!l:s. \\.'EAF 7.30 P.M, EST; 6.30 CT "The Fury," WMCA. ~o m, Or..o. WSM Rochester School of the Air, WHAM Strings of H.umony, \\.' i:EI News. WGN h e c t Bitthda) Club, WFLA Jobn Sheehan. tenor. WGY Minstrel Shn..·• Burnt Cork Dandl~. AI Ber· Dance Orch('Hra. WLW, ;0 m. nard. Paul Dumont. WEAF WGY 10.15 P.M. ESTj 9.15 CT SaDOy Side Up. WABC, 4:5 m. M.arkets:. WSM Piau and r>.;1c:rman, pl.ano duo. WJZ WBZ city stati WHAM WSM (KDKA at 4.40) After Diooer Review. WI.I::[ Aldrich's Ha"·.liians. WPG, ;0 m. ••15 A.M, EST; 8,15 CT Mukets. Midday Sen·ice. \lI;tGN. 30 m. SmjJin' Ed McConoell. WLW Current Events, WOR AU The.ltre Club of the Air. WOR Mukets. KDKA Orgola Rholp<;od)-, \\ EAF WELl WGY WLW Betty and Bob, WtW Canlien. WFLA WGN Orcbestra. WGN just as 1.45 P,M. EST; 12,45 CT Dick. Messner's Orch('stra. \\'ABC WHAS, \'(.·hispering Jaclt Smith, WABC WCAU 10.30 P.M. EST; 9,30 CT 8.30 A,M. EST; 8.30 CT partant South('rners, WGY ;0 m.; \\'BOM. 1:5 m. Buck: Rogers, WHAS W88M KMOX Economics in .a Chanlting Social Order, W'. Mildred OillinR, harpist. WEAF ~"BC Stocks. WPG Buiton<'. WOR Music Guild. Frank Black. director, Sin~r, WBZ WHAM KDKA. ;0 m. your enj Marjorie Mills, \\'EEl \\'JZ KDKA \\'FLA. 4~ m, (WBZ at 2) Gus Stecl's Olchestra. \X'OR Folk WMCA Revels. WSM. ;0 m. Little Jad. Little. W'GY N. t, ARricultur(', WBZ Organ R('vcrib. WNOX Sports Reporter, WGN Ne'ilospaper 8op' Band, WHAS PARKER. Styles. KOKA Art Kusel', music, \'QABC WHBM KMOX 7.45 P.M. EST; 6.45 CT The Spotlight. WOR, }O m, And y Talk. Moll I 8.u:. Hi,me loan ulk. WlW 4.45 P,M. EST; 3,45 CT Ethelbert Nevin. WHAS Funk Buck. WEAF WCY JolI{ Russi2.ns. \VMCA WIP, '0 m. Wlld...olts. \\ 11.0\5 Leola Lc:,,·i,. contralto, WPG Lad)' l:'.cxt Duol. WEAF Ear Burtnett's Orchestra, WGN cloth. • RadIO Ch.at, \\"!:LI Big Freddie Miller. WEEI ••45 A.M. EST; 8,45 CT Rona Valdel, WMCA son2~, 10,45 P.M. EST; 9.45 CT Stocks. W(,.Y Shirley 1I0"':ard, WjZ WFUt. for their En Ta)lor. s,)utiJC!'lain: Quartet. ~r:.\F Studio Orchema, \X'OR Joe: and Sateese, W8Z Palmer House Eosemble, WGN H')IatJ" Zito Oahutra. \\'JZ \\'BZ KDKA "Fats' Waller's Rhythm Cub. WABC High I',~ of H.l.HDon)-, W(;.Y Loi~ Miller. KDKA Jubilee Sio¥en, WPG is the I .loJ~cu m~ica1 \\iSM \\fLA Ne.. '. \\ g Minstrel. twos. 2 P.M. EST, 1 CT The Ja~ksons. \X.I.\\- On Wings of Song. WHAM. ~o m. Bmy Hays Orcbe:..ua. WCAU when .. \\[n Stone< of History. WEAP WEE! WSM. "Science in Your Hume:." \\-'OR The Forty Niner1. WSM Uni'-er;,ry of Louis\"iI1e. WHAS SaUW1)' fuller. KDKA 30 m. Clarence J.achon. \\'i'\DX Yariety. \'\-'FLA HCldelberg Students. WBBM It is M.l,ll'i lI<>tH. \\SM P.aul Curtis. tenor, WGY Bo.alce Carter. \VABC WCAU WIIAS W8BM Dance Orchestra. ""GN Walu Tunc:. WAtK.: WPG 5 P,M. EST; 4 CT KMOX scribe Ia! Ohio School of the Air. WLW, I h. 11 P.M. EST; 10 CT Bob AtchC'r. \X'HAS fo.hrie. the f.inle French Princess. WABC Nation.al Coo ·reo. o( P.arent~ and Teacbers Dance Music. WOR pillow. Jean Gu\elle's Ordtestra. 'i),."MCA George R('id, WMCA jack Berger's music. WEAF WFLA \\-Co\U \VBBM KJ\lOX Proglll..... "Chi!o:,en at \\-l)rk," \\·LAF. BouJao~I's '10 A,M. EST; 9 CT Ensemble. WGN Charles Orchestra, WGY. 310 .. dream at Trio, \\"P{; \'i·EEI. 30 m. Weather. oews. WI:.EI Ne.. and D.cc;_ .and de Ro~c. WlAF WI:I:I Uni\ersity of Kentucky, WHAS Drama, WGY 8 P,M. EST; '7 CT he was 1 Stanleigh M.. lotle. WJZ KDKA WSM Enric Madriguera's Orchestra. WJZ WBAr. \\-"FLA Or, A. F. Payne. WOR Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour. Conoecticut V,n· 30 m, Lookin~ Glas~, The Monitor V,c:ws the r>.;e ..'s. WHZ try's Rae Through dlC Holl)"':ood WGY R.ag.amutnns. WMCA l,;~. gunt performers. WEAF WEEI WCY Weather. Sports Revie.... WBZ Ensemble, WGN joll)' Roger. WHAM Ed..ard MtHugh. \\JZ \\'BZ KDKA. W"L\YI WSM WFLA, I h. Tommy Tucker's Orch<'Stra. WHAM. ;0 ~ tinguish Rh)thm lhu:r\. \VLW Concert. WNBX Donald A)'er's Adventures, \'\'LW Dixians, WFLA. ;0 m. "'.umber" Drama. W]Z. ;0 m. William Penn Orchestra. KDKA, 310 .. ly famili Ne'ilos. B ucbird\. trio, WABC WCAU WHAS 2.15 P.M, EST; 1.15 CT Ram:ers, WHZ Zero Hour and News, WLW. ~o lb. Ne'ilo~, Loretta Lc:t:, songs. WABe WPG KMOX Home Huur. WPC. I b. Household Chats, WGY KDKA Orche5tra. KDKA, ~o m. Amo~ 'n' Andy, ""SM "Sure, 10,15 A.M, EST; 9,15 CT Music. weather. WOR Rochester School of the Air. WHAM "Aperitif," WMCA. m. Easy Aces. WABe WB8M KMOX I.lttie JacK Little's Orchestra. WABC WCAf!J ;0 ;0 m. (WAHC. talk. ~ m.) (WPG WBBJ\II everyone Clara, Lu 'n' Em. WLAF WH.l WGY WLW "Romance of Helen Trent." WABC WGN Soprano. WGN The Tell Sisters. WP(; WSM WGN KMOX Troopers, WCAU WHAS at ILr,) The plaq wtles of Romance. Ray Heatherton, b,ul' Memories. WOR 5.15 P,M, ESTI 4.15 CT Prof. Stuart P. Meech, WGN Weatner. ~·Star Final. WPC tone. \'('JZ WHZ KDKA Adventures in Melody. WMCA WGY Little Symphony Orchestra: "Herod" over· Myrt and Marge, WHAS WBBM KMOX Chicago. Smiling EJ McConnell, Event~, 11uough the Looking Glass. WHAM 2,30 P.M, EST; 1,30 CT Three Scamps. WJZ ture. Henry Haclley; Piano Concerto. Ed· Weather. Current WOR ward MacDowell; Sl;herzo. Edward Mac· VoiLe of Romance, WMCA Murray: Fashion talk. \,\,Ff.A Peerless Trin. snng~. WEAF WCY Kiddies' Klub. KDKA .Bill and Gin!>er, WABC WCAU WHAS Farm market news, WBZ Dowell, WOR, T h. Dudley Crafts Watson, WGN son over Silver I.inmg Hour. WEEl MU5keteelS. WMCA 10.30 A,M. EST; 9.30 CT IllIme Sweet IllIme, W jZ WHAM WFLA Uncle WiAAily, WHAM 11,15 P.M, EST; 10.15 CT son. An .Morning P,mde. WrAF. 4~ m. (WEEI WSM Home Forum Cooking School. WBZ. ~o m. Tim Healy. WLW 8.15 P.M, EST; 7.15 CT Organ. Jesse Crall-ford, WEAF WEEr "Skippy." WABC KMOX WMAQ, l~ Ill.) (Wi'LA, TO ... ~·lI,OO) KDKA Ilome Porum. KDKA. ~o m. Underneath Your Balcony. WBZ Gene and Glenn. WSM Market B.uker, \\'GY American School of th(' Air. WABC WPG Frank l'c:nig, son~s. WP(i Joe: Rines' Orchestra. WBZ Grace Dunn, soprano. \X'RR\f Adventures of jimmy Alleo, WHAM statesmaI TodaY'$ Children. \VJZ WBZ KDKA WfLA WHAS \'('8DM KMOX. ;0 m, Fray and Braggiotti. WABC WPG Mooobc:.ams. WOR I)tocb. ne"'$, \\~LW Marth.a Dean(', W()R, 30 m. Pete RlI..e, Western duma. \\'-'OR Sleepy Hall's Orchestra, WMCA "That' Popular Rhythm. WGN. }O m, Hymn Sing. WHAS Orientale, WABC \\"C.AU \VHAS Concertos. WMCA. ;0 m. '·Star Final, WMCA Dream ShIp. WGN back of: 10,45 A,M. EST; 9,45 CT 2.45 P.M, EST. 1.45 CT 5.30 P.M. EST; 4.30 CT Dance orchestra. \'(IGN 11.30 P,M. EST; 10.S0 CT thar Lot Romaute in Rh)thm, \'7[EI Vic and S:lde. WEAl' WEEI Elmendorf Carr. "Tales of Courage," W[AP 8.30 P.M. EST; 7.30 CT Dors('y Drothers' Orchestra. WEAP WEIU Johnny Marvin. WCY Marjnrie Jennings, contralto, WGY "Little Women." \'(fEEI WSM. ~o m. was twO joe Whit('. tenor. WJZ WHAM WSM WFLA Uncle WiAAley. WGY Charles Sears and Ruth Lyon. 5Qngs, WJZ Red Nichols' Orchestra. WGY. ~o m, Ne.... s and R.ldio Kitthen. WjZ WHAM WHAM KDKA. ;0 m. KDKA \\-51\1 Rube Appleberry. WGN Singing Lady. WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Eddie Duchin's Orchestra, WJZ wa3 trying to "Law5 that Safeguard Society," WBZ WHAM WFLA, ;0 m. Ne ..... s. Musitalc. High ..... ay Safety talk. WBZ 3 P.M, EST; 2 CT WLW The Forum-of Liberty, rdwin C. Hill. WABC voice wi Jack Berch's Oa_hestra. \X'L\'q Gyp~ies. WFLA 400 Club. KDKA, ~o m. Mol Perkins. WEAP WEEI WGY WLW Jack. Armstrong. AlI-Am('rican Boy. WADC WCAU WHAS WPG WBBM KMOX, fddie Laughloo's Olchcstra. WLW, ~o m. Ida Railey AIl('n. \X'ABC WSM go to Ba T('oor, \X'GN Out of the DU~K, \'(!HAS 30 m. CI)'de Lucas' mu~ic. WADC WPG WBBM Charlie Da\'i\' Orchema. WjZ WBZ WHAM Church Convention summary. WPG Comedy Team. WMCA Organ, WHAS Zoom. 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT KDKA WFLA Donald A)"Cf. WOR Bridge talk:. WGN Anthony Trini's Orchestra. WOR, '

,.Be WCAU - Again TI.e Terror Stalks Iin high school he progressed to A ..tI.or! A ••tl.ort Has Writtep. the stage and landed a job in a one·night stand company. ... Since then he has played in Murmuring Articles for I scores of productions and is reo Z.. WfU membered on Broadway as co· star with HELEN CHANDLER in Il 50 Magazines "'The Moon Is a Gong," \. }O m. 4) m. He has been cast most frequent. "JI. deep-voiced gong booms a r Iy in "thrillers" and he credits ..nt Black's sinister warning through the this fact wilh having brought him EAP WEE! loudspeakers in homes over the his chance in the Crime Clues " m. -osbJ. "The country. series. lZ WHAl( It strikes a note of shadowy He was born in Baltimore and R. ~o m. forms, of creeping figures, of 1 Love aDd received his early education in G. 30 m.; shrouded faces, of sudden screams that city. He first played in stock >1 and pistol shots. in Cle\'eland, receiving S10 a Utes. WOR, Then the announcer: "Crime week. r Clues !" The listeners across the He is interested in athletics and land settle back into their arm lCA is an expert swimmer and tennis chairs with a shiver of expec· player. At one time he broke the laney. 'GY WFLA, Southern swimming record in the One of radio's best mystery leiser. WJZ nO-yard race. • 11.10) dramas is about to go on the air. In addition, he has won numer­ Ide Siogen, Which is the reason why the hun· ous tennis cups and maintains an dreds of thousands who love their excellent court at his Summer la, WARe thrills vicariously are usually home at Westport, Conn. STEWART STERLING is tbe autbor 0/ n.; KMOX. found at home on Tuesday and The part of DEAN'S assistant, Ihe "Crime Cllle" dramas. VPG. 30 m. Wednesday evenings at 8 o·clock. DAN CASSIDY, is taken by JOHN Moonbca.ms. with their sets tuned in on some station on the NBC-W)Z network. MacBRYDE, and the director of the Truex, Walker In dramas is JAY HANNA. tIT For Amateur Detectives "Nervous Wreck" HAM WS>l For the "Crime Clues" program 1m. ERNEST TRUEX and )1". 'I' WAL­ ;AR is a weekly two·part serial. You 2 Americans With KER will be featured arti~t'i in the .. m. • hear the presentation of the case radio performance of "The Nervous on Tuesday night. N.Y. Philharmonic • \'\freck," Sunday, l o\·embcr II. CT And if you rather fancy wour· WERl\"J:R JANSSIN, 34·year-old from 2.30 to 3.30 P. M., on the tr., WEAP o m. 3cH as an amateur detective, you American conductor, and BEVERIDGE NBC-W)Z network. rlZ WGAR. try to puzzle out the solution of \XlrBSTrR, 25·year-old Ameritan pi­ BOIh Miss WALK I R and Mr. "Who Killed Cock Robin" before anist, will make their broadcast de­ TRUEX appeared in the original •o m. the concludiog episode is heard stage production se\·eral years ago. I buts during the New York Philhar· .Be WCAU the following evening. 111.. {KMOX Are you going to be as smart, b~ monic concert, to be heard Sunday, EO\X"J\RO RFFSE, Deleclit'e SPFNCFR DrAro-.' of Ihe programs. seems 10 Rapee DiIecrs ew Symphony tu. WOR., as shc<:wd as SPENcrR DEAN, the m a IOllgh JpOI at Ihe mOlT/tnt-bill he uill gt't 0111 0/ il tri1l1Jlph.mtl). ~O\"cmber I I, from 3 to 4 P. ~ L. b m. super-sleuth, who is the central O\'er the CBS.WABC network ER,",O RAPEr will direct the red Weems' {ig~re in the unraveling of these ceived each w<.tk by Ihe compan)' the case. Th . h I"arid premiere of a ,ymphnny by e . ~rofl;ram .open~ ~\it. OTTO CrSA!';A o\"er the NBC.\XTJZ jnteresting mysteries? sponsoring the prosram in \\ hich Tile \\ riter 1$ a roung chap, H,... m:.· s Symphony In D thiS IS net\\ork on Sunday, .... O\eml (r IT. 'EAP WGY Fortunately you have to w.lit the listeners J,ttut their intert' t 'sTE\'(' RT • Tf.RU. C. \\ hose:: balk· follO"'ed h)' LD'XARD . t..... c·. at ]2.30 P... f. CI:.SA· .... IS a staff only 2·1 hours to fino the answe:c. in the ~ketch by attempting a grounJ IS that of the citr room of WJZ WBZ ~1.usic For DrAN always gets his man solution before the su.:ond half of J. ne\\ spaper. His own life is pro· 00\\[u."s Pi.lno Concerto 10 D-' composer for the R.ldio City LW. }O m. CAU wPG. and solves the crime. the drama is unrolled Ihe follow. saic (nou~h. He: was born in Minor. Hall in New York City. Not only that, but the writer ing night. Evanston, III. • 30 m. of these dramas plays folIC with One Man \'V'rites Them During hiS early life he Ira\"· the audience. tkd with his mother, who was an An interesting fact is that Shori Wa,'e Diredory He lets them have all the in· a11 operatic soprano. He was gradu. the scripts or dramas or mysteries formation and clues that he gives ated from Dartmouth, spending Station Location (E.D.T.~ are written by one man. ,Time to DEAN. the four rears learning to be a These clues always arc woven This is often questioned by lis­ chemist. GSG 16.86 Davrntry, England 6.30 to 10..15 A. M. ~on teners, who assert that it would Jo'YA I!Ui8 Ponloise, France 7.30 to 11.00 A. M. into the first half of the sketch This knowledge htlps him in be impossible for one person to pJC 19.71 Jlilvrrsum, Holland 8.30 to 10.30 A. M. which is presented on Tuesday. It constructing poison mysteri<:s. He DjB Zersen, Germany create 52 such widely dissimilar 19.73 8 to 11.30 A. M. -- is strictly up to the list(:ncr to spent several rears covering GSP 19.82 Daventry, England 8.45 A. M. 10 12.45 P. M. plots a year. weed them out. "crime beats" for Boston n<:wspa­ HVJ 19.84 Vatican City, Rome 5·5.15 A. M. (Sat. 10) Thousands of Ittters are cc- Nevertheless, such is actually RNE 25.00 Moscow, U. S. S. R. 6-7, 10-11 A. M. (Sun.) pers and thus came in contact PYA 25.20 Pontoise. France 11.15 A. M. to 6 P. M. with prisons, criminals, police of· GSE 25.28 Da,·entry. wglaod 10.45 A. M.·12.45 P. M. ficers and courts. DjD 25.51 Zt-eseo, Germany '.30 to 10,45 P. M. GSD 25.53 D:n'rntry, EDglaod 1 to 5,45 P. M. Stoopnagle and Budd Of Varying Tastes PYA 25.63 Pontoise, France 6.15 10 9 P. M.: 10 P. M. to 12 Midnight Since Jca\'ing this field of ac­ lSX 28.98 Buenos Aires, Byrd tela" 8-10 P. M., Tu~., Wed. Interview Will Rogers tivity he has \\ ritten for approxi­ EAQ 30.40 Madrid, SpaiD '.15-'7 P. M. (Sat. 12·2) CTtAA 31.25 L$boo, POflugal 4.30-6 P.M.. Tues.. Fri. • By COLO"n STooPNAGlE mately 50 magazines and has had published more than 300 detecti\~e HBl 31.27 Geneva, S..·iu:nla.od '.30·6.15 P. M., Sat. VK2ME 31.29 Sydo~. Awtralia U Noon to 10 A. M., In case you haven't ~en following the papers lately, WIll ROGERS stories. S=. has been substituting for Bt:DD and me (me being Colonel LEMUEl Q. He JO\'C5 travel and has been to VIGLR 31.10 Melbourne, AUStralia 3 10 8 A. M. 'i. SToopNAGlE). ~ Europe thrt:e times, China oncc, DJA 31.38 Zttst-o, Gumao, 5.15 [0 9.15 P. 'f. V1UME 31.55 Melbourne, AU$tt~ 5 to 6,30 A. M., Wed.; BUDD and I interviewed him new picture coming on, ~fr. and Alaska a dozen times. 5 to 7 A. M., Sat. Dave:Dtry, England 1 to 5....5 P. M. once ... in fact we interviewed ROCERS? He likes contract bridge. has GSB 31.55 OA4AC 31.36 l.ima. Peru 9 to tl P. M. been chess champion of the Nt'\\" him the first time we evu met ROGER5- Sure! So I left the liBP 38.47 GUlna. S..inetland ,.~O to 6.15 P. M.• him. We thought it might come White House an' flew up here. York {\\'spaper Club for s<:\'cral 5;11. in handy some time. It was just You know, F. D. listened to my seasons, and is particularly fond HJ3ABD 40.55 Bogota, Colombia 6.30 to 11 P. M. •• HORl "'5.00 Guayaquil. [cuadQt ',45 to 8 P. M., Sun.; half an hour before his broadcast idea about ... a ... ah, and he of being on the ",ater in his mo­ ',15 to 11.... 5 P. M., in a ..tuHy little room. This is laughed so I kinda thought it'd torboat, ··Scott)'." TUb. PRADO 45.31 Riobamba. Eaadcx 9 to 11....0 P. M .• Hc used to run a boys' camp c. how it went: be all right to usc th' idea on to· Thur:.. STOOP & BUDD Glad to meet night's ,how and I wtll ... ah at Becket, Mass., and he would HJ1ABB 46.51 Buranquilla, Colombia 5.30 to 10 P. M. rather spt'nd his spare time with YV3RC "'8.78 Caracas, VeDuue!a ....30 to 9.}o P. M. you, .Mr. ROGERS. . .. I . .. •. "'8.00 Arm, Aircrafe EnniDg-irrC'~Jatl, youngsters than grownups. ROGFRs-Are rou the two guys STOOP & Bt:on-It s time to YV2RC 49.08 Caraas, V",C"ZUc-la 5.15 to 10 P. M. " b· start your show, Mr. ROGERS. YV5RMO "".3' Maracaibo, VenttUC'Ja 6.3()"'10 P. M. I v Sleuth Off-Stage who ... a ... ha\c ten ... are R h N- t 49.34 La Paz, Bolhia 6.30·10 P. M., irres. OGERS I ca ••. ICC 0 CPS you th e two guys I Ilave been h h d h' I Ik - h "SP[:,\( ER DrA!'."," Ihe dtt<"cti\'c "".50 Santo Domin,o 8.10·10.10, Tues., Pri. "'0 ave r tYt?~ HlX causing all this trouble on the air b a. t IS Itt e ta ", Wit of the series, in real life is ED· DjC 49.83 Zeeseo. Gf:rmany 5.30 10 IOA5 P. M. oat · h k • b' O}'S an to know you re ge 10 49.59 DaHotry, £Osland 6 to 8 P. M. , .. thIS ... a ... man ej uS!· II w'h t h \'('ARD REESE, who'long has been GSA ;I on so we ... was ow rOll HJIABG "'9.75 Barranquilla, Colombia 6.15 to 10 P. r,f. ness. ;I k.nown both on the It-gitimatc­ 'f on, now. XEBT 49.87 Mexico City 6 P. M. to 1 A. M. STOOP & BUDn-Well, I .•. STOOP & Blt>D We're on the sta~e and in radio. I COG "'9.90 Ha....n2, Cuba 5 to 7 P. M. RV59 50.00 Moscow, U. S. S. R. 2·6 P. M. J. ROGFRs-Glad ('meetcha, boys. Headliners, now. Mr, ROGFRs. • From a MARC. AKTOXY speech I HJ4ADA 51.49 C.olombia, S. A. 1·2 P. M. y'know, I je,t come from the ROGERS-lleadliners? W hat HCjB 73.00 Quito, Ecuador 7.30-9.45 P. M. White !lollse had slipper last network? 67.87 to 73.17 All ShIp' Heard iUC'Aular).y night with F. D spent two STOOP & BUDD Columbia. ~TA'I'ION KFZ "'5.34, )1.57, 25.36, 23.19, 25, 17, 14 and 33 Byrd Expedition at Little AmerIca or three nice hours with him. " ROGERS-Oh, yes, I work for DIHI~CTORY NOTB: All timu ,i"" ." u",Il·d., srhrJlllu••"Jus i?'J~~."'1 .,h"",l". Th, had a nice time ... We talked of them people myself! Well, s'long, Jtllt;t",s lisua II" ",Mill' brMdcII,rrrr at II" IIm" malell"J. 011,,, II.tlonl rI1lJli,,! this and that an' ah ... well boys. u·hifh '011 ma, h,.r or whICh IJr' IIlta for ".t"ndtio••~ 111,,/'0'" bllfJ' """ JIIt",,· pllrloul, amin,a. wfJrll; .we ... STOOP & BUDn-SO long, Mr. Page 4 STOOP & Bt:Dn How's your ROGERS. Page Fourteen THE MICROPHONE Saturday, November 10, 1934 Saturday, Friday, November 16 - "Causes of War" on NBC-WEAF at 5 P.M. "Lift flo.htion Clrley rianl I. WADC \X'CAU jlck Mrwlronl. AII·Amtricao Boy. WABC 8.45 P.M. ESTi 7.45 CT lIi~"'ights WHAS Ea,..vj,,1 Blunde wUlU Mary (".onner. 1ol'J....no. WSM Mlu:eu. weuher. WGN Out (If tht Dusk. WHAS Ksy ThOJJ;fwn. WMCA Safety Tllk. \\. PG Holu 10.45 A.M. EST, 8.45 CV A.M. I h~ Story and (.onteS! Club. WOR 9 P.M. EST; 8 CT 0<.•• , UUOla;c•• I.OU""'IO 1.. 1...... ~ \\It:;.l:.l ~ally, ~ t'IJty. \\IM<.A. W lD. Wlltt Time. Frank Munn Ind VI"'lenne Se· IOAS-Prco;iden( F. D. Roosevelt, ...... 1 "".I."" r/",.¥\ Prt$nlmt FunlllO D. ROl )oI;,:It. \\ JZ KDKA I 5.45 P.M. ES'I 4.45 CT gal. Abe Lyman', OrchesUI. WEAP WEEJ NBC·WJZ \\~M C.lpt. TIm Healys Stamp Oub. WEAP WC,7Y WI.W. }O m. Pe: ;-"I."~. Phil H.rr~· Or~b~tra. I.ea.h RIY. WjZ WBZ II.DO--Dr. Walter Damrosch, 1otw,II...lt. HI..b...·..' Salery. WHZ wlll \\-GY L>ulll LuUlut. ' I.llm ~lleu. ~AHC W<.AU Laue Urphan Annie. W]Z W8Z WH.AM WHAM WSAL. 30 m. 'IlC·WEAF·WJZ WHAS KDKA \\. 8AL WFLA. Vlnderbllt Umn:nlty Pro~um. WSM ( I be IIIf\;C tT.lh. \\ AtK \\. CAL WHAS JICk Annsuon/l:. \'C'LW The March of TIme. WABC wau WHAS P.M. W88M KMOX. 30 m...... CI) ~,lIo,rO,llln. I .. " \.> ..'uU Hum ~Ulte: "0. Ad"entw~ 01 Jlmm't Alltn. WOR Orchestrl, WGN ifFaJhil S.OO-Broadca.st from London, ;) 10 u. ts"dl, I\,r • II ule to :>ttang. b ..,n·~ Ilneh"J. ;'UUIIU IrQld ~,mrboo)' P,IOU.t. \\-GN 9.15 P.M. EST; 8.15 CT "The Causes of War," NBC­ In t.. M ..vr. "l'J4.",n. M.litary MlJcb 10 6 P. M. EST; 5 CT Hlrmony Four. WPG "Little WFAF U. ~,nuDC'n. :»U.fUUll) 10 to. Hlydn. Thrrll, ot Tomurro...... Boys' propaJD. Comedy Stars. WGN \\-LAt· \0011. "" ..... 1 \00 lAM \l,.JZ \\1HZ WrAf \\·GY broadcastil ~ ~.45-Frank Buck, NBC-WEAF "" "".'1 l\.Ln.. A '~LW ~:-'M \\ tLo\, I h. be-nlnl T.nltr. WEEI. m. 9.30 P.M. EST; 8.30 CT ~Itlng (.J(»e ups, \\ AlK. \\ «:AU j.dt Ber~r."s Orchcsu.. WJZ, 30 J:D. Pic and Pat; Oot oight 'lands. WEAF WGY. up a figh 8.OG-Concerl, Jessica Drago­ "'~c"'.'J lIu~nn. un~, '" HA (WBZ WHAM II 6.ls) }O m. Orch~tra, division oj neue, BC·WEAF r ... m J ..I .... ~i"'l.J Ad...eo(ures of JImmIe Allen. WBZ Concert Dlnce WEEI. 30 m. ~port.a. 11.15~.M. EST. 10.15 CT WHAM Phil Baktr. Leon Belasco·s Orcht::se.n, Mutha cations Co 8.I5-Radio Cic)' Re,..ue, NBC· Dan Ind Syl ...... KDKA MC'lrs. M WFLA. }() m. to some ( }U m. jllD.lDy Arlen·, Orcheml, WI.W Phantom of eht- Future. WLW. }O m. channels il 9.00-The March of Time, II...... " ...... llotam • ..,..P(j Antoniu Lupez· Orchestra, WPLA Holly....ood HQtel. WABC WPG WHAS CBS-WADC 11.30 A.~I. E::,.'; 10.80 CT H. V. K.ltenbofO. Cuneot E...ents. WADe \VCAU W8DM KMOX WBT. 1 h. Around t Hupe Vernun. l4Jn,,~. WMl.J\. Boy Scout Drlma. WHAS Lum .nd Abner. WOR WGN 9.3O-HolI)"wood Hotel, CBS­ "Og, Son uf Fife." WH8M Hdtn BOlrd and CuOl..elt Orchtstrl. WMCA, the "battlt ...... 0.1 1 10.45 CT WABC Uncle Don. WOR. }O D1. }O m. 50 stations Ph;) Baker, NBC-WJZ "UUtn.1l1C An. Wt'<'" Boys' Club. WMCA :>ll c~ ... 1 'U'lI'U"). \VIlAS Melody Momt-nts. WGN. }O m. 9.45 P.M. EST; 8.45 CT to have th 1O.OO-Minscrcl Show, NB C­ ~ Ura '" 1'1)-, 6.15 P.M. EST; 5.15 CT W.yne King's Orchestrl. WOR WGN opened to a WJZ """ L.;"'I 11 A.M. CT "Mysteflous Island," drlma. WF.AP 10 P.M. EST; 9 CT IO.3o-GOlhic Chorislers., NBC ,~ 'I....V ,~," .. l, 1.".' "".I.Ll Jimmy Allen', AdyenturtJ, WGY Th~ Plrst NIghter. june M~redith. Don Iy low·po" ti"nJt.lleer~ 1 OrchtslU. KDKA Am«ht. [riC SagerquIst's Orchestrl. WEAP rleh.~ Should t WEAF all.ptllelll.t. \VA"<. WCAU -streH, sings with WMCA WIP Ne..·s. WGN has aroust< wHA:-t WH8M KMOX I SON'S Orchestra 011 the NBC­ 6.30 P.M. ~ST; 5.30 CT 10.15 P.M. EST; 9.15 CT HUlu; ~""\.ct 'lUlU... "",\.> mits on th ~t:n~ 6.45 A.M. EST, 5.45 CT LUlltnt bents. WOK W/Z l1etwork SUl1day' at 7.30 New, Ind MarKIn MacAfcot. soprlno. WRAP HIan r N.tad WOR ~ J:D. Rhymlnlt Reporttr. ne.....s. duml. WEE! Ba'd b WGN Health Eutcilel, WEAF WEEI WGY. 1 b. 8ub t'.Allun Urdlnua. WMCA. ;U 8ItVltle~. ci They h.. MUSical Clod;. \X'BZ. 30 m. JlIm, Ultlt .od lIarry. W(.,..... P.M. Ne....s. WGY fl ge u. • Cousin Bob. \\'LW ~J\"H\) Urchnrrl. \\.NnX News Ind G.lt Pa"t. song,. \);.'JZ 10.30 P.M. EST; 9.30 CT stake. The ChOtl~ltrs. 7 A.M. EST, 6 CT 12.15 ...... koST, 11.15 A.M. CT New,...... e.ther. WBZ GOthIC WEAF WEEI WSM put on the 2.45 P.M. EST; 1.45 CT Pleasure CruI't. WHAM WFLA. \0 m. CWGY It 10.45) Musical CIlkk. KDKA. 1 h. Honqbuy Ind :-tUUIfU. \\ EA¥ Corned,. Stirs. KDKA Ne.... YOlk Stitt Mayors' Cookrence. WGY more they \ Prlyet. WLW l'.OQn'I I S,,,,.·,,. 11,1 \Y Attilto Ihgiote. 'enor, WGN. m. 5000 watts, Bre&ldut Rhythm. WFLA. 30 J:D. Btu)'. Jean, Jim. \\ GN Ph;JaJcI~hia Olll~lra. LrnJ"l'ld Stoko.....,ki. 6.45 P.M. EST; 5.45 CT PM EST' 9 45 C .... nel, but onl Organ Reveille. WASCo ~ tD. 12.30 P.M. EST; 11.30 A.M. CT W,4R \, l":AU '" p(; \\""AI\. 1 h. 8,11 ... 8at(~C'lnr. Raymond KnlJht, WHAl' 10.45 .• •• M~11 7.45 A.M. EST, 6.45 CT Melry Marlurs. Fr "'"Oa Ii; et Ltt. (WBB. t •• h.o at ~.oo) fKMOX .t '.'0) Wr.fJ \\(,Y \\ lAM Moments of Iv. KDKA Back in Pollude Ind 1 urnnunt. WEAP :'\orm.an L <'1 ulC s 0 WEAF. SludlO Enxmble. \\ OR. }O m. I,)..·tll TI, . T" 'I··~ . 'C',,"," WjZ 11 P.M. EST' 10 CT old radio ( ~'EEI Cit.....·C rt:.l ·Women Ind Mooey:' W8Z KDKA '" JI ..\M \\ IW WFLA ' Deane Muore, }O m. \\-M("...A C....nl'l'ro G t t'l Mu Irtf; B· d George R. 1J"ln Ch,d of Wasbu'Igtoo Old ~hn S ", hiM. WGY hxb. market. \\ l.lI WABC ( • 6 "')' g rUD&f. 8urc:au. 1f.lerl.Atumal Ne...., Se,.,il.e• policy of 0Il 811 d J WJZ \\tuhcr F..tm rrOft'am. \\·GY. ~o m. .tof\elt:uf' '"'" GN ~S. ' ..... \\IA¥ WHA channels to ~.rk Fo',. ',"-n.. '"',,·····.M... • ·.l.tL(ln.li tum Ind Home lI"ur. \\-JZ WBZ 3.15 P.M. EST; 2.15 CT r ':~~t \\ ufUeb""b s mu IC. WIIAS (news. Weather. ne.s. \nEt ' Ilotation Day!> WLW KDKA \\-IIAM \\SM ..,.FLA. h. Tn tional br03<' \\\."LW at II e \\ . ..,. M,n. "EAF, \\"ef:1 WGY , ..I.. n ..... ~" A.,.,;.. WSM EddIe l.ane·, Oldl('Su,. WGY H~f\Fn "Cockt '1 T' .. WOR - Del umrQ', OrchC"lra. \\ JZ. 30 J:D. is to break 8 A.M. EST; 7 CT COUSIO Bob s K'nfolk. \X·L\\·. \0 m. Pr, r.lm an. U. S. M.,'me B.nd. ~~ 'n'M". (\",;'IIAM at 11.1~' Budky K,n< ., \\"[AF WlW Allan lftfel·s OIC~hntu. \\ ABC. WHAS I ··B d '\ ICA Ielt'l F,· .1, ". (). ',,:~tra, \\.... ~lrA Weather, srnt(\. WBZ the big figh Weather. nt...·. \\.-""£EI W(".AU. ~ m. (WPG u n.4') \X.,r t." W -X 7 P.M. EST; 6 CT News InJ Juk Hergel·o; OJch~tll, WHAM Mus.lt St.... l. \\"LW 7.15 P.M. EST; 6.15 CT Chltlet 8oubn~r~ OrcheJua. WGY of competit' Cbccrio. WEAF WE.EJ WGY WLW WSM lo.btlects.....eatllC'r. WEAP P..uline AIf'('r1 pilno. WOR WFLA. 30 m. V.Ag.Abundl, \\.GY Mwinle. \\'(,N Gene and Glenn. WEAP WEBI WGY Joe Rines' musIC. WBZ channels, tl Olltln, WPG Ceor~t HaWs Orthtstra. WABe WCAU MIC"ROPJlONr <'h:u, WNBX WFLA • Gene Ind Glenn. WI;;),.f of the'" larl Weacher. wnz WPG. }O m. PllDutson Erhocs. \'(IjZ W8Z WHAM Studio Orchestrl. WHAS Raymond Srolt. pi.nlst. WABC MarkelS. WHAS 4 P.M. EST; 3 CT KDKA WBAI. Henry 8uste·, Orchtttra, W8BM and in tur Wildclts. WIIAS Ted Bruwns Oll.hutra, \X'OR, )0 m. lum Ind Abner. \'('I.W Moonbt:~m\, \XlOR NBC Mu\ ('llild frlnle m.rk, diretlOr, Ro,cnrhal'~ nished Jistel Orgln. WPG. }O m. just Plain Bill. WGN WEAF WEEI WHA WSM PlantatiOn hhuet. WSM H.rry OrchestJa. WMCA WIP Just PI.m 8111. WABC WCAU Drum Ship. WGN 8.45 A.M. EST; 7.45 CT 1.15 P.M. ESTI 12.15 CT Belh .1 .. " H"t> tktr,h WGY WjZ W8Z tractive, it v Red Granl't Football ForeclSu. WBBM 11.30 P.M. EST, 10.30 CT Landt Trio Ind Whitt. \'QJZ WBZ WHAM Pel=gy's DOttor. WEAF WHI WGY WltAM KDKA Senator [ Wil~atl, ThC' I.lfe 01 Marv Sothtrn WIW WHAS KMOX Freddie Martin', Orchestra. WEAF WEEJ KDKA "H'\S Fronl P~tt 0'''''4 'tVOR WSM. }O m. The Eton Boys. \VADe Col. Theodore RO<»c.-vdt. WMCA. }O m. Hea"" Talle W'OI) who pdote< Boh Atcher. WHAS Doring Sllte15. WGN Huold Tllrner roilnist, WGN Serttn Rc"ut. \\"MCA Chicle Condon's Orchestr•• WGY. 30 m. Sporls talk WNnX Stu,t,n n'ChC"llra \'O"GN Jolly CobuJO's Orchtstu. WJZ WSM WHAM legislation 9 A.M. EST; 8 CT 1.30 P.M. ESTI 12.30 CT 4.15 P.M. EST, 3.15 CT 7.30 P.M. EST; 6.30 CT WFLA. }O m. long has ce Organ Rhaplooy \'(lEAF. 30 m.; WEEI Airhrelks. uriecy musll.ale. \\'1 AF, }O m. ··Books: I.t,·tre Fuller. WGY Uncle EUI. WEAF WGY 400 Club. KDKA; 30 m. from 9.15 (WGY. 15 m.) Afttr Dinntr RC'vut. WEEI Hury Salter's Orchesul. WADe. "'0 m. called clt'arc Variety. WEEI N. E. KitChen. WITI. }O m. Dorothy P.lge. cnnualto. WjZ Llu~hton·s Ne..• \"HAM Red Davis. WJZ W8Z WHAM KDKA Eddie Orcheotrl. WLW'. 30 m. opened to a Grenadiers. WGY Vic and Side. WJZ W8Z KDKA WLW Klvtn Fhdocs, KDKA Vlfltty WIIAS Herbert Koch. nrxan. WHAS. "'0 m. Breakfast Cluh, Jack 0 ..en.. lenOl: the WFLA Mytteno Shtrh WOR Noy Gorodtntkv'~ Orl..hl"ltra. WOR. ;0 m. Inclusion Sonddlo..·, WIZ WBZ. I h. KDKA., Rochnter School of the Air. WHAM Charlie Ktnt"s OrcheJttl. WlW Olch~tra, Enlemblt. WMCA Elrl Hinn' ()rthC"tra. WBBM }O m, (WSM WHAM, II 9.30) (WFLA Little Jacle Llule's Orch~tn. WA8C WCAU Studio WOR East on ch, Sopuoo. WGN Spotts talk. WGN Archie Bleyer's music. W'MCA. }O m. It 9·15) WHAS W88M KMOX 7.45 P.M. EST; 8.45 CT Wlyne Kin,'s Orchestra. WGN Var~. WHAM Mdody HeadlintfS. WPG Sorche.ds. \'{'NBX interfere "" Joe EmefSon. WI.W I Ileatre Club, WOR 4.30 P.M. EST; 3.30 CT Frank Buck. WEAF WGY 11.45 P.M. EST; 10.45 CT • geles, it haS Orilin. WSM Ad"t:ntures in Mtlody. WMCA Elmer Tidmarsh. organist. WGY Dan.e.ous P\rldise. WJZ W8Z WHAM Jao S....itt's Music. WCAU KDKA WlW WSM jln Gtrbcr's OrCheJUi. WGN Birthd.y Club. wFLA Milkeb. midday sC'rvice. WGN. 30 m. The Three Cs. '14"10. WJZ Metropolitan Parade. WABC WCAU WHAS 1.45 P.M. EST, 12.45 CT ERA CI~ic Chorus. waz. 30 m. Mdody Min, WFI.A 12 M. EST; 11 P.M. CT 45 m. (WPG at 9·}0) SoutherotfS. WGY 80" Scouts \WHAM Boakt Carter, WA8C WeAH WI-lAS Eddie Duchin's Orchesua. WE.AP WEEr. 9.15 A.M. EST; 8.15 CT Words and Music. WjZ WSM WFLA Markets, KDKA WBBM KMOX }O m. Play f 1 "~, Mu~ic. Johnny Marvin. WGY ARricultunl marken. W8Z 8,('", In. Roh. \.'1:1 Dance WOR Ray Nichols' Orcht5tra. WGY. 30 m. J-Jealth talk, WLW o.v", ··Town Tall: 'I);.'OR Mmsucl, WMCA Ralph Kirbery Ind F~lix' Orchesul. WJZ LC'OQ Cole. Olgln. WSM wi ilm PeOO Orchest1l. KDKA Palmtr House Ensemblt. WGN WBZ WHAM KDKA WSM WFL\, ReJ Ni,hols· Orchntra. WLW John Anp.ell. WNBX v," 9.80 A.M. EST; 8.30 CT The Cldtu. WABC \\:r88M KMOX 4.45 P.M. EST; 3.45 CT 8 P.M. EST; 7 CT 30 m. The Mystery Chef. WEAY WEEI WGY Tllk. ChilJ education. WPG Coocert. jessica DtIBOnet1e. Guntllnd Rice. Stan Stanley's Olcht:$tu. WLW. }O m. On its Stoclu. WGV Rosuio Bourdon·s Orchestra. WF.AF WEEI. Jlcques Rtnlld Ind Orchestra. WABC Styles. KDKA Coll~Re of Agriculture. WHAS Womm·s Clul'. WTZ KDKA I cast over t Nora Bede Thumlnn. son,s. WLW Kay Fayre. 'bluts." WOR ThC' Jacksons WL\V b. (WCY. 30 m.) WPG WBDM KMOX. }O m. Wildcats. WHAS Ragamuffins. WMCA Irene RiJ KMOX Kiddies' Kluh. KOKA KMOX giving the names and ad­ I Cllrl. lu 'n° Em. \\7f:AP WEEI WGY Funk Riccilreli, tenor. \'{'OR "Skiprov.·· \"-'lRe "Slar Final. WMCA South, W(,M \'(IIW Drama. WMCA Ra,lin Ganl!. \'('HAM 8.30 P.M. EST; 7 30 CT Jresses of those you'J like Hatel Arth. cMlrllrO, WjZ 2.30 P.M. ESTl 1.30 CT In,l;a1'la ", .., ,v'F' A On Sun "SkjNlY,'· WA8C \'{'GY Farm Forum. WGY. )0 m Cowboys, W8Z The Sizzlers. m.. le trio. WEAF WEn WGY AI Goodml"'S Or<:htSlrtt. WJZ WBZ to become familiar with guest on F Sammy Fulkr. KnKA WFI A Alice Woodlvn, son.as. WPG h;~ WHAM KDKA WDAL. 30 m. (WPLA at Morninr. Tonics, \v'FI A Home Sweet IInme. ,,"/JZ \\lHAM ··Cantain Tn"'l an,l Pirate Ship." WOR The l\f1cROPJION E. A sam· House" pi Popuhr Rhvlhr>'l. \XlGN. ~O m. H.4H Bill Ind Ginper. WABC WCAU Home Forum ("..nokinR School. WBZ. }O m. "Firtsidt Songt." \X'I.W. }O m. three W, Dollv 1">('an. \X'IIAS Home Fnrum. KDKA. ~o m. 5.~O P.M. EST, 4.30 CT l.awr~nce Gcoodman. pi~no. WSM pic eopy will be sent 10.30 A.M. EST; 9.30 CT Sm:tckouL Wt.;M Nellie Ne,·e11 "Itr,";""'~. \\7EAP \'VEEI Front Pa"t rlramas, \'VfI A newest ha ··The lane! of Bt"inning Agaio." WEAP American School of lht Air. WABC WCAU MUlic~l P'ol!:ra"'. \XleV True Story Cout!. ''\lARC WCAU WPG promptly to each name ingham, A Market Ba,~tt. WGY W!-tAS WDDM KMOX, ~o m. The SinAin.a Lady. W}Z wBZ WIIAM WHAS \'('nB~f KMOX. ~O m. Tod.y·s (hiltlrC'n ~'lrt:tch. WJZ WBZ Martha n .. ~.,t, \'VO Q v, "l. KD" A ,. I ~'/ Mutinl Memory Rook. WOR. 30 m. given, without obligation. will be he KDKA \VBAl. WFLA Roaos of Romlnrt \X'M("A \n m. thiJolt~n't ('''''-'r.m. \'VSM J\-f"fT'or•. Rllolc. ,V'f";'J. ~o m. :\VABCCc Liveslockt. ne"'~. \X'lW Chicago [xtcutive Club. WGN. 30 m. Otcht~trl. \\'FI A Comtdy Tum. \X.'MCA - - II I I I', , 10, 1934 Saturday, November 10, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Fifteen 11I111II11~1I1111111ll1l1ll1 ~~IIII11I'11II11II111II1II1I111I1II11II1I1II1II11111I1I1II1I1I1II11I1II1I1II11I!1II1111111111111111111111IlIlIIillllIIlIIlIlIlI 1.45 !IIIII11I11I11III11Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1III11I1I1I1I11II1I1II1II11II1I1IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IH!II1I11II1II Ilar...uny i 11I1II11I11I1II'IIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmnll "III' H:i1mllllll'lilllllt!!; Refleetions Nimblewits By Diana Ilerbert By Everett Smith 111111111111111:"'1111111111111111.1 1I1111111111mlllllllllllllil "Wir Teasers" on Sunday at 11.30 A. M, from WBZ The MICROPHONE'S Fashion Observer I. (no time limit) Some good advice is contained in the follow... me. CBS­ UDGETlNG and clothes planning are indispensable both to those N0. B ing cryptogram. As usual, each letter is represented throughout g-o. WLW who must economize and conserve, and to those whose larger in­ by another letter. GKOW BVTJBlP MYKDOPLR BI WNP CFTSP La vS. Uni- tomes bring increased demand on their wardrobes. WHAS YR TIYWNPD HNY NTO OKSSPPAPA TRWPD T HPTDM stern Uni· Even the most princely clothes<%>------­ ------"OWDKZZFP TIA OWDBQE YI llllowance wil1 go further and give IP Ii ' T WY TWWTBI T NBZNPD more satisfactory results if spent 0 ce urn Sabotage of ZYTF. with intelligence and forethought. . • No.2. (2 IT IS THIS intelligent planning To RadIo To minutes) How .C WEAN ahead which is difficult because no Radio Talks may the num· tC WORe ber 45 be di. mWCAU one but yourself can do it. No F1JJ'ht Crime theofls! can prescrtbe exactly how '=' vided into four lR WCSH Is Charged parts such that much you should spend and what By The MICROPHONE'S Speei"l Ie WCSH .(Contimted from P"ge T) jf two is added '" 'lou should buy. Although most lV"shington Correspondent to the first part, model budgets "Ilow from 12 to 16 . .. . statement several months ago by two subtracted 'Per cent of the total income, the .Rad~o as an ald. JO preven.tlog Senator BORAH (R) of Idaho, that T from the sec... fund allotted to replenishing the CrIme IS fast becoming recognlze~. he ~ad received reports a speech he .wardrobe must neccHarily vary ae-! rep'orts to the. F~der~l S:0mmum­ and, the third made attacking the ROOSEVELT multiplied by M cording to income, tastes and indi- cations CommISSIon indICate. "New Deal" was sabotaged by ra· ucting, Voice two, and the fpward, Mass.-­ 'Vidual requirements. As m/lst the There also have been reports MARY COURTLAND, a Southerner, dio stations. fourth divided ic" selections: !purchases made with itl that radio has been an unwitting sings 'what is known as ""Deep 7B8M KMQX The Democratic National Com­ by two, the re­ ' k d aid to increase of crime. Kh'er" tnwic wilh ROBERT ARM­ ONE WOMAN IS as e out a . ~ mittee owes the National Broadcast­ EVERETT SMITH suIt will be the BRUSTER'S Orchestra Saturdays .at great deal, goes to important par- . Broadcasting about mobs f.orm- ing Company $r07,000, and the Co­ same in each case? OT 8.45 P. M., on the CBS-lVABC t · d t k'mp somewhere IIng to lynch persons was said to lumbia Broadcasting System $97,­ No.3. (5 minutes) An OPEN ICS, an mus SIdI' .. chain. CT else in order to have the really have encourage Iste~ers to Jam 000, according to the committee's and SHUT case. Changing only I.'; D. Roosevelt. smart evening dress which her social t~e mobs and thereby-Increase the ~, I'll, 'III repprt recently filed with the clerk one letter at a time, and forming ra. Columbia of the House of Representatives. ~GY WTAM. obligations demand. Another is a dlsorder.. ::: a proper word each time, change sportswoman who rides horseback, . But the police forces are turn- Tbe debts run back to the 1928 WFlA, 30 m. !Q. andalsoA. =: OPEN to SHUT in eight moves, ates Or ski is' she needs a 109 to radiO for Instantaneous Presidential campaign. Orsk ,. .. IIhf No.4. (2 minutes) A little smartly correct costurne for her commUnJcatIOn to ra y t e orces ;- Senator SCHALL (R) of Minne­ juggling exercise. Using the Jet­ chosen activity -even if her other of law and order. sota, frequently charged that his ters in the ,vord "ENTIRETY," try o. Q. Will you kindly advise me if clothes are c~nsequentJy cheaper ~here a.re no~v 163 municipal manuscripts for radio addresses have O'LrARY'S Irish Minstrels are on to form another eight-letter word. ~AR. 30 m. and fewer. pol~ce raJ~o statl?ns ~nd 31 st.ate been censored, especially sizzlinn at- ~ABC WCAU WBZ in Boston? No.5. (3 minutes) Another police radJO services In operatIOn tacks on the ROOSEVELT adminis· rebus. Last week the Jetter "S:­ 'ALL CLOTHES PLANNING in all but eight states, records of O. G., DansviJle, N. Y. tration. ):R. 30 m. A. This program iJ on ever)' Sal­ with its' clue, represented, as you n. 'Should be made with a two or threl! the FCC disclosed. Congressional leader') were puz­ will not blow, the word "Seethes:~ "Year period in mind. Thus major The Commission as of last July IIrday el1el1ing at 6 o'clock over zled over the Commission's powers "CT IVI:JZ. Today we have another Jetter S) from tOAO) !JJ1Irchases such as fill' coats, event11g reported 110 municipal stations, when complaints of sabotage are but with a clue representing an~ ,vraps, et cetera, may be spaced, an./ with 15 under construction and Q. When does JIMMY GAI.I.AGH­ made. Some thought the Commis­ other word. What is it? mauy other clothes carried over sion was powerless. The radio is a 26 state police stations, with one ER'S orchestra broadcast, and over S t'EAF WFLA, 'from one season to another. private agency and if a purchaser of under construction. what station? Today, to get some apples, lin 11.15) time does not get satisfactory service JESSICA DRAGONETTE went The eight states that have G. F., Brockton, Mass. Into an orchard we Jtole; Y, 30 m. neither a state or a municipal his complaint is with the private "'JZ WHAM. everywhere Jast Winter in a lovely A. 7'hiJ orcheSlra has been off the 8,,1 when Ihe watch.dog .rpolled us radio police service are Idaho, air for Jome lime. 1I7hen it comes station, it was argued. coat of soft Summer ermine. Be­ Others contended that since the IVe did,,'t om, u'e ---- (A. 30 m. ca.use she had it properly cared for Mississippi, Montana, Delaware, back, it probably will he heard ()t;t!r government is trying to police the :!' Quring the Summer, it is just as North Dakota, New Hampshi re, Ihe Yankee nelwark. • * linen. Crook radio industry and regulate eyery­ Answers to Last Week's lovely as ever. But that would be Wyoming and South Dakota. 30 m. Q. Where might I hear JOHN thing private capital desires to do, it Nimblewits ,M small consolation if it had to be .00, wAlle HUMBERT and his Magic Strings? also must assume the responsibility No. I. The more you study, tho expensively remodelled on account T. 1. R., Pittsfield, Mass. for seeing that the ether lanes are more you know; the more you c.bestra, WPG. of style changes. However, Miss NBC Features A. JOHN HUMBERT'S orchestra kept open and free from sabotage. know. the more you forget; the Lr\S. 30 m. DRAGONETTE choose wisely. Her Russian Opera was heart! over WBZ prior to the O?ore you forget, the less you coat is a simple swagger model, election campaign. Because of this know; so why study? ~ A portion of BORODIN'S opera, free from exaggeration, with plain campaign HUMBERT will not be No.2. Inch, Itch, Etch, Each, "Prince IGOR," will be relayed from Revelers Soloists sleeves, lapels and a separate ascot heard again over this station until Bach, Back, Balk, Bilk, Milk, Mile. • CT Moscow, Russia, over the NBC­ scarf. It is as smart today as it was after November 6. On NBC Network No.3. Inkpot, Chopsuey, Nu, WOR WJZ network, on Sunday, Novem· ;A last year and no doubt will be next deus ber II. Radio's most famous yocal quar­ year. The secret is to buy good No.4. Flann<:l, Soisdte, Broad.. > OT materials and good styles and then The broadcast from rr.35 A. M. tet, The Revelers, will be soloists Night Puty. CBS Presents An cloth, Worsted. to noon, will come directly from the with the Detroit Symphony Orches­ 1M, 30 m. Bive them reasonably good care. No. 5. See the S. (Seethes.) "4' m. Bolshoi Theatre, formerly the Im­ tra during its program oyer the WJZ WBZ Armistice Play ) m. 'II_~~IQ QIlI~I__gl 11: perial Opera House. CBS-WABC network on Sunday, W"HAS KMOX A special Armistice Day drama, November I I, from 8 to 9 P. M. A Matter of Money This and That •i This broadcast will mark the first time that a performance from the entitled "All's Fair in Love and The quartet consists of ROHIRT Mrs. SIDON IE MATSNER GRlJEN­ IR. 30 m. • ",otball scores, ~IIIIIIII 11111 (Continued from Page I) 1ll11111till~ Bolshoi Opera has been heard over War," will be presented by the SIMMONS, first tenor; LEWIS JAMES, IlrRG, director of the Child Study Dramatic Guild on Sunday, No­ second tenor; ELLIOTT SHAW, bari­ Association of America, will hlists. Remember that well­ the air in any foreign country. vember II, and will be broadcast tone, and WILFRED GLENN, bass. speak on "Money Attitudes in CT known names in radio "big time" It is another in a series of ex­ change programs between the over the CBS· W ABC network from FRANK BLACK is accompanist, di­ Family Life" at JJ A. M. on ,. got their start in small stations. United States and the U. S. S. R., JO.30 to TO,55 P. M. rector and arranger. Tuesday, November 13, over the r Many of them did, at least. 'q[AF WEE-I which were inaugurated on April The cast includes RIC-HARD W ABC-Columbia network. BRUCE BLIVEN, as quoted in last WHORF, ARLENE FRANCIS and , WJZ WBZ r5 by Dr. MAX JORDAN, NBC Cen­ Reser and Heatherton Return week's issue of The MICRO­ tral European representative. BETTY GARDE. HARRY RESER and his orchestra WLW. ;0 m. ~HONE, lees, Delmore spoke for an increasing will return to the air with RAY STATION number of people when he said ARC WCAU HEATHERTON, popuJar baritone, Il) lhat producers of network shows in a new series of programs to DIRECTORY .5. 30 m. b~gin ;0 m. frequently show neither intelli­ over the NBC-WEAF net­ gence nor originali~y. His solu­ work on Sunday, December 9, at Page 4 lion of the problem IS government r 4.30 P. M. control. MilkE II NOISE LIKe Iturday /I S()(/I.€R£ /., Small, independent stations AC have the opportunity to show Mr. ~ N.Iw." BLIVEN and the considerable '0.30P.II. group for which he speaks that POWERS' radio can be conducted With In­ lelligence under private owner­ Asthma Relief ship. It cannot be done in a week or in a month. Slowly and authori­ has been a boon to the htively, variety shows, small and afflicted for over 50 years. flexible orchestras, choruses, etc., must be built up. 6 oz. 60c . 18 oz, $1.20. The station must abandon the idea, if .it ever existed, that "any talent will do." Only the best DWIGHT WEIST, who recently impersonated BRUNO HAUPT- Buy at Your Local Druggist', or Write Direcl " M""" talent available must be used. MANN on the CBS March of Time program, never had heard aCObaOD - Let the independent station HAUPTMANN speak. Then WEIST went to the extradition hearing E. C. POWERS COMPANY pursue this policy and in a year's and was amazed to discover that he had imitated the man almost Boz: 62. Dorchestu Center Station, Boston healr. ,time it well may serve as excellent perfectly. The only difference was that HAUPTMANN'S voice was ignlin,.,Ja example to the networks. slightly higher in pitch. ~.- • .111 J

So You've Written A Song THERE ARE but a few who have By 1I('.·1t Jon('s patterned after these standards to not, at some time, felt the urge have commercial value. Lyrics play

to express in song or song-lyric, an important party. They may be WE DO OUR PA.RT some innermost emotion or heartfelt inspiration. I have. either.tender and alluring, or sentimental slush. They may and no doubt you have. This fact is evidenced by the involve a situation novel or comic, or plain nonsensical. letters and manuscripts that pour into music publishing Short titles, easily remembered, have the advantage. firms; the thousands that go to the extent of securing Examples are "Carolina Moon," "Always," "St. Louis ~1I11'1I,1I:1I:llIllIllllllllmllllllllllillllJ;IJ;IJ'III'IIII1~IIWIIIIIJnlllllllillllJ;III1I1iHIU:IliII:llHIII:II'III1'II'II:ll'IIlIml'II'II'I~IIII1:II'IIII1I11'II:111111111111111111II1II1I1'I1'I1'IIIII'lllnJllllllllI'II,1I11 J;IJ II II II 1J:II'IIIIIII11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I'II'1I IJ:lI II 1I,II'II'IIJIIIJ;lJIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIWII:II,II:III:1I11111111111 copyright protection for their efforts and the many more Blues" and "Contented." The melody, in my opinion, is thousands who write songs, but who do not know where most important, though poor lyrics can handicap. In Progra",s For Week Ending Nove",ber 16 nor to whom to send them. creating a melody, make sure it's original. Stay within an , Perhaps the latter group is the best off, because plac­ easy range, as songs are written to be sung as well as ing a song by mail, with a played. Simplicity is best. legitimate concern, is not so Have it appealing. easy. In fact placing a song I If you write only the words, by any method is not so easy, or only the music, endeavor even for the professional. to find a person in your own \Xfhat happens to all of the locality who is talented vice­ songs that are written? versa to you. Work together. This is a question not so Give suggestions-and tlke difficult to answer as may at them. first be assumed. The'maiority When your song is fin­ collect dust and turn yellow ished, or if it is already com­ with age in some attic trunk. plete, you have reached the And who knows but what most difficult stage, more than one "hit" is thus What are you going to do buried away, never to be with it, and how are you go­ broadcast or made ranular he­ ing about it? cause it never had the right My suggestion is first to try chance? it out on your friends, You Far more SOI1!!:S are written will find them, I believe, rep­ than ever could be used. The lesentative of the mass buyers most successful publisher c~n of popular music. If they like exploit only so many during a it, and are able to remember season. it a week or so later, you If you've written a song, I'll probably have something. tell you frankly that the odds Your next step is to ap­ ue very milch against your I proach a publisher, but before having any luck with it. Still, you do that create at least a Hum JONES, aNthor of the accompanying article 011 what don't feel discouraged, for local demand for the song, 10 do abollt )'0111' long, is himself a popular song-writer. what others have done you, That will provide him with too, may be able to accom- some inclination and desire to plish. This article is written, not to illusion, nor to dis­ invest money in it. Go to a radio station, hunt out a Jllusion, but merely to state a few facts. You are to draw popular singer or orchestra leader. Tell him, in a few you r own conclusions, words, about your song. Let him have a neat copy, The biggest sellers this country has known were turned legible and with the words plainly written. Interest him down by publisher after publisher. No publisher is in­ in featuring it for you. Should you not live close to a fallible enotlgh to predict or to know what song the pub­ good station, mail your copy. Be sure to retain a score lic will whistle six months after release. At its best, then, for yourself. song writing is a gamble. A certain element of luck also \Xfhen you write an artist, be brief. enters. There are no set rules for what constitutes a "hit" Should you wish to copyright your composition, write song, Generally a writer doesn't know when he has directly to the Register of Copyrights, Washington, D. C, turned out a melody with that certain something that for full information and the necessary blanks. can't miss. It stands to reason, if you are able to point out to a However, there are certain formulas as to a song's ar­ publisher that several radio people have used your piece, rangement, such as a 32-measure chorus, a 16-bar verse and that requests have been received for it, he is more apt Jane Froman, NBC Vocalist and an eight measure introduction. A number must be to listen to rour story. • This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival purposes only. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay, electronically or in reproduced form. Please support the preservation of old time radio.