COME BACKSTACE with EDDIE CANTOR the ROMANCE of OLSEN and SHUTTA in the Stars • Numbers Handwriting • Dream Omens Your Palm Our Bargain Price

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COME BACKSTACE with EDDIE CANTOR the ROMANCE of OLSEN and SHUTTA in the Stars • Numbers Handwriting • Dream Omens Your Palm Our Bargain Price MARCH Posed by JESSICA. DRAGONETIE · COME BACKSTACE WITH EDDIE CANTOR THE ROMANCE OF OLSEN AND SHUTTA in The Stars • Numbers Handwriting • Dream Omens Your Palm Our Bargain Price (Ss.oo Value) ••.•. .• •.... () ..' .. .. •. ,.Aep.O · ~tJs Postage :. ~I tJ IIc Extra .: r tA..,,0"'.., ~f .' PP.~~l,..t-41.s1" · AUTHENTIC UP"TO"DATE P EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND When lI·ill the depression end for YOU? Are unhappy canditions CO J11 - ing to a n end? Wha t does thc future hold with regard to money love busin ess, ad vancement? ' , Perh a ps your a nswers lie in the stars-:t he a ncient science of Astrology consulted .by great a nd slll a ll from t lmc ' Illlllemo,:,a l. Your handwriting B .. i ~ hl r c.d art cloth hind i n g. Go ld IS your mll1d on paper!- perh a ps t he a nswer IS 111 Graphology. Study s t a H' I) c d. S i z c your pa lm, the nu mbers r,,;presentcd by your na me, the mea ning of your !ix-7x"1 Y2 . A h o u l 400 drealll s. \"'het her you be ll evc In t hem or not, t hese prognostications are l)agCM ; 5 b ook s in o n e interesti ng, a ut hentic- a nd illex/)ensive. All fi ve of the great fortune­ telling sciences may now be consulted for what one cost before. GREAT FUN TELLING FORTUNES FOR FRIENDS Eas~ ' to be popular at all social gatherings with t his book of eq ual pro nlinence. magical answers. "Be t he fi rst in your neighb'Jrhood to own this Each chapter is easy to read, undcrstand, foll ow and apply to book and astonish friends with your character readings. Every dally q uestIOns that comc up, and thc a nx ieties that beset ,'ou word of this g reat work is a uthoritative and accurate so far as a nd your fn c nds. Don't g rope blindly! Get the answcrs in 'ad­ such sciences ran bc. llere you have the great Sel, harial on vance fro m t hese a ncient sciences! Astrology, J amcs \ Yard the celebrated Palmist, a nd others of TO AVOID •....... _-_ ...... DISAPPOINTMENT • NEW YORK B ARGAIN BOOK CO. R. ;;. 3 RUSH ORDER • S ixth F loor, IO O-5th Ave., N e w Yor k, N . Y . Never before-perhaps never again-ca n this a mazi ng barga in book offcr be marie. You pa)' onh' ZOc each for com plete instructio n on t he 5 g rcat Fort une T clling Scicnces. You 1TI,_IY send me the" IVh ecl of Fortune" for which 1 A nd for $1.00 (89c for thc book, llc for pO ~ Lag c) you get a Complete E ncyclopedia of • e nclose $1. (89c lur the book, li e for postage). l\J y m o ney occult knowledge. to be pro m ptly refunded if l return the book as unsatis­ At an unheard-of, sacrificc price', in ordcr t o provide a ncedy publishcr with reach, • factory. ca sh we bought a quant it" of thc " \Yhccl of Fortunc" in ordcr Lo givc our customcrs I a very special bargain at this t ime. \Yc turn this book over to YOll at a very slight profit. •Ii :\'all1C .....•••••••.• .• ••••.• . •. ••••••••••••••••• • ••• Send Coupon TODAY-No More At This Bargain Price A£ter Present Supply • Address .. ...•.... , .. " .. ..• , . .. .. , ...•..•..• , .. Is Exhausted • P. O. Box ........................ R. F. D ..... ...... .. 1'\0 more at. t his pricc aftcr prescnt stock i ~ gonc. Each of the five books w ill 11rob­ abl)' be puhbhcd later at S l eacli, as thcy werc bcfore- 85.00 total. Now, ho we vcr. ~if ,'ou RUS H T HIS COUPON bcforc supph ' is cxha usted, you n1ft,· havc this Occult • T own or City .... .. ............ , .. ... St"te ......... .. Ellcyclopedia, the" Wheel 0;' For/I/.Ile" at onc-fifth o ri ginai price. • ( f ill in this coupo n, detach, mail with $1 to address above.) H:tdio Stars published monthly :mel copy ri ght ed , 1933, by D ell Puhlishing Co., Tnc. Offi ce c f nuhltcatlOll at \Vashlllgton and South Avenues Dunell en, N r. Exect1ti\'c :l1ld, 19 0 ,Fifth ".venue, New .Yc rk. N . Y. C eor g-<; 1~. ]) el~ca t~ e, JI., PI~ S . I[ \ I ('.\el , \ Ice· P lc .. , 1\f I) clacOT te: S ect') Y al 1, No.6. \ 1:1rc h, )933. pnnted 111 t . S. A. SIIlg-le copy price 10 cents. SlIhscnptlOlI prtce 111 the D llIted States $ 1. 20 a year. Canadian sub:;cri ptians $2.00 a )'e:1r. Forc i ~Il ~lI h sc ri plialls $2.20 a yeal·. Entered as second class matter !\1Ig-u st 5. 1932, at the P ost Office at DUllell en, N .I J unde r t he a ct of ?\b.l ch 3, 18i9 The publ is her a('cepts no l'esponsihilify for the retllrn o f unsolicited material. RADIO STARS ONPSCOTT~ ~~CH RECEPTION~ or both Foreign tl/tl!l~ The chassis of the SCOTT ALL-WAVE DELuXE is a Domestic Stations thing of beauty. Finished in gleaming chromium plate it SCOTT Laboratory Technique begins with ad­ is dust-and-weather proofed • vanced engineering design ... follows exacting to keep its tremendous power always ready for ser· specifications for every component part . in­ vice. Within this chassis is cludes custom construction by specially trained the perfection resulting from technicians who test and retest to assure the de­ tests such as the/one shown gree of perfection that gives' SCOTT ALL­ at the right-which matches coils to their antennae ex­ WAVE DELUXE Receivers the right to the title actly within the third of a of "World's Finest Radio Receiver." turn of wire. And how the SCOTT ALL-WAVE DELUXE lives up to its title! A twirl of its single dial brings magic music and the sounds of foreign tongues from stations 10,000 miles away as read­ ily as it gives superior reproduction of familiar programs from homeland stations. Utter sim­ plicity in changing from one wave band to an­ other . just the turn of a switch-no plug-in coils, tapped coils or bothersome connections. Tone . .. Sensitivity ... Selectivity? What would you expect from a receiver known as "the world's finest"? Millions of words from us would bear less weight than the enthusiastic praise of SCOTT owners. More than 19,000 logs of for- J eign receptions have come to us from them with­ in a year. In trial after trial SCOTT receivers continue to break all records for distance recep­ ti on . .. for needle point selectivity . for gor­ geous tone richness unrivalled in radio. Before you buy any radio receiver learn all about the finest one . that is warranted to give true world-wide reception and every part of which . (except tubes) is guaranteed for five years. You The New will be pleasantly surprised to find that, in spite IMPERIAL of its custom-built superiority, a SCOTT ALL­ WAVE DELUXE may be purchased for no more GRANDE than many models of ordinary receivers. Console E_ H_ SCOTT RADIO LABOR A TORIES, Inc. Fittingly this newest ad· dition ro the group of dis­ 4450 Ravenswood Avenue Dept. H5·.33 tinctive SCOTT Consoles CHI C AGO, I L - LIN 0 I S offers the most exquisite console for the world's lin­ esc recei ver . Cf11ailT~H·IS"C~O·UPON FOR 'NEW BROCHURES E. H. SCOTT RADIO LABORATORIES, INC., Name . 4450 Ravenswood Ave., Dept.RS·33, Chicago, III. Address . Send me, without obligation, complete information about the new SCOTT ALL -WAVE DELUXE , includ­ TOWIl . ing your new Brochures, " PROOF" and " The Crea· tion of a Masterpiece." State . 3 RADIO STAR S ? H AV E YOU HEARD • Maybe you never thought that Ruth Etting, that mistress of the News tit-bits and chit "sob-song," might have made a chat gleaned around grand bathing beauty. Well, folks, just look this over and see the radio studios what you think. f • OHTON DOW j\;E Y G E\ ) I ~Gl,~ , I{ ~I<\,~ . and and DONALD l'\()­ (J I ~.AC H , r\LU .. :\ are M VIS are feud ing over H oll y wood-hound. Two p ic­ their spots on that vVoodbury tures Il a \'e heen wri tten for air show. Maybe. by the time the111 ... ] nternational H ousc" this reaches ~ou . the shoot­ ancl "College H ulllor" a re ing will be allover. Again. their titlc ~. Thn·'ll he re­ maybe it won ·t. Mayhe thl" leased thi s surl1ll1 e~· . 1 i they i \\'0 top-flight canal'ies will reach your neighhorhood clll~ 1 still be at each oth cr';, you a re low on chl1ck les 0 1' throats. Funnv s ituatio11. g uffa\\·s. he sure to see them. isn't it? T he;'c'5 Downey. whuse voice goes clear u p t(l l~)J DELL H !\LL. the there. and Novis, whose voice W H. e c1- h e a d e (~ 1\ l u sic can do practically all of Dow­ Maker. is plaving in Chicago ney's tricks plus some of hi, over \\'1130. This news o\\·n . both on the same bill. comcs to us fr01ll a reader \'Voodbury did it. but why ~ who read our article of se\'­ Off the air, J\10rt and ])011 eral m o nth s ago ask in g a re pal s.
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