Mcguirk Slain by Assassins As Mayoralty Campaign Opens

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Mcguirk Slain by Assassins As Mayoralty Campaign Opens The Library Football Pictures, ©hr Stem 'Hampslifrr Pages 4 and 5 “A Live College Newspaper” Volume 25. Issue 5. Durham, N. H., October 26, 1934. Price Five Cents Annual B. K. Stunt McGuirk Slain by Assassins Program Tonight Old Grads on Campus Tomorrow Sixteen Skits Scheduled for as Mayoralty Campaign Opens Traditional Event in for Homecoming Day Activities Gymnasium SMALL UPPERCLASSMAN POSTS THREE $500 AWARDS FOR British Entry in PLEA TO LARGE TRADER Lecturer Here Is New Mayor To Give Ten-Minute Frank W. Randall BEST “CLEOPATRA” CRITICISM Alumni Meet Today Speech Before Presenting Cup Among the various amusing Author, Editor and to Winning Frat. Paramount Pictures is conduct­ Political Race Hit notices found on bulletin boards Elected President ing a prize essay contest for a to Begin Week-end on the campus such as: “ Will the Sixteen skits are in order for Blue discussion of the treatment of on A. T. 0. Balcony person who ‘borrowed’ my Mil Art World Traveler Key Stunt Night, which is in the sec­ Alumni Association history in Cecil B. DeMille’s Reunion Sessions book last Friday please return it. ond year of its rejuvenation by this “ Cleopatra.” No questions asked!” etc., was organization, to be held this evening Three prizes of $500 each are in the men’s gymnasium from 7:15 to found one of a rather distinctive Christian Organizational being offered and will be turned Leaves Bannon and Brown character. 11:00 P. M. The tradition of present­ Sponsors Establishment of over to the college which the Directors Will Hold Fall in Epic Struggle of In a very indignant manner, a Work Topic of Page’s ing short skits and a rally the night Alumni Fund Plan— student is attending— or plans to small sized upperclassman be­ before Homecoming died out in 1929, attend—to apply towards tuition Meeting Tonight in National Import Conf., Nov. 9-10 but Blue Key was instrumental in moaned the fact that someone, Unanimously Passed or other necessary expenses. All Murkland much bigger and taller, had ex­ bringing about a revival of this cus­ contestants must be between the tom by inaugurating a “stunt night” “Down with Brown and Ban Ban­ changed raincoats with him in the ages of 16 and 21 and must be Library, leaving him a coat which last year. registered college students or sen­ Plans for the celebration of the an­ non,” shouted candidate Bob Mc­ At a meeting held last Monday eve­ Guirk with a gallant wave of top hat exceeded by far his ability to fill iors in secondary school. The es­ nual Homecoming of New Hamp­ and hence wounded his vanity ning with fraternity and sorority rep­ says must be on one of the fol­ shire’s “ old grads” to the University, and cigar, and down went McGuirk, resentatives in attendance, drawings wounded three times by bullets fired greatly whenever he strolled down lowing subjects: “The Dramatist Friday and Saturday, October 26 and as to the order of presentation of skits 27, feature the inauguration of the by a crazed anarchist from the run­ the street. He also stated that and History.” “ The Cleopatra a pipe which was left in the pock­ were made. A peculiar fact was in Theme” or “The Historical Fidel­ eighth mayor of Durham, the tradi­ ning board of an unidentified car. that Theta Chi fraternity, winner last He was rushed to the Wentworth et of the large coat was of no ity of ‘Cleopatra.’ ” tional “ Old Grad” Convo, a football use to him, so if the large man year, drew sixteenth position, last In view of the fact that we game with Springfield, and an in­ Hospital in Dover where it was de­ place, the same as its position last termined by a consultation of physi­ would return the small coat, they have several able writers on cam­ formal dance in the men’s gym. could effect a re-exchange to the year in eighteenth place. pus, as evidenced by their suc­ At 7.15, the annual student stunt cians that he had but a few hours to Ten-Minute Limit night frolic will be held in the gym. live. Conscious but weakening fast, end that the big, bold man would cess in other contests, this com­ get the pipe and large coat, and Ten minutes will be allowed for the petition should attract the notice After all the competing fraternities McGuirk told his campaign managers, presentation of each skit. In the judg­ have put on their skits, the winning Toolin and Coyne, to “ Carry on, and the small man could get the coat of our students. that fitted him, thereby restoring ing of skits the following things will Anyone desiring further infor­ frat shall be presented a large lov­ I’ll be with you in spirit to the very be considered: originality, quality of ing cup, donated by Blue Key, by the end when Springfield goes back home his wounded vanity. mation should consult Dr. Carroll presentation, and general excellence. Towle, ks soon as possible. newly elected mayor of Durham. thoroughly ‘dunked’ into defeat.’ This year there will be nine fra­ With the utterance of these words he ternities and seven sororities compet­ Directors Meet fell back to the bed unconscious. He Prince is Guest ing. Also on Friday evening, the Board died early Wednesday evening with­ At the conclusion of skit presenta­ Mask & Dagger Fall out regaining consciousness. of Directors of the Alumni Associa­ of Kappa Sigma tions, the inauguration of the mayor tion will hold their regular fall meet­ Await Bulletins of Durham will be held. A ten-minute Term Cast Selected ing in Murkland Auditorium. The speech will be given by the new mayor recently elected president of the All the afternoon and evening the who will then present the winning fra­ Alumni Association, Mr. Frank W. townspeople and students _ hovered Worthy Grand Master of ternity with the cup donated by Blue Randall, a member of the class of ’07, around the drug store awaiting bulle­ Key. This cup stands one foot and J. M. Barrie’s Play, “Quality will preside over the meeting. tins on his condition, and when the Kappa Sigma is Professor KIRBY PAGE a half high and is made of solid Street,” to be Staged on For the seventh successive year, final announcement came the campus at U. of Richmond bronze. The name of the winning fra­ FRANK W. RANDALL the traditional “ Old Grad” Convoca­ went into mourning. Kirby Page, well-known author, ed­ ternity will be later engraved on the December 12-13-14 tion will be held in the gymnasium at Police authorities investigating the itor and world traveller, will conduct cup. Frank W. Randall, class of 1907, eleven o’clock on Saturday morning, William L. Prince, worthy grand cold blooded assassination stated that a conference on “ Building a Christian The object of Blue Key Society in was elected president of the Alumni J. M. Barrie’s play “ Quality Street” with Henry W. Judkins, ’11, director they believed it was the work of the master of Kappa Sigma and profes­ World Order” at the University of the continuance of this annual event Association at the annual association successful comedy in which Maude of production of the National Dairy same ring which murdered King Al­ sor of Education at the University of New Hampshire, Friday and Satur­ is to liven up and increase student meeting on Alumni Day last June. Adams starred on the legitimate Eng­ Products Co., of New York City as bert of Yugo-slavia a short time ago. Richmond, Virginia, visited Beta Kap­ day, November 9 and 10. Mr. Page’s spirit for homecoming and the foot­ Mr. Randall was also elected the lish stage has been selected for the the principal speaker. A prominent Secret service men on the hunt for pa chapter of the national house here work is extensive, having produced ball game on Saturday. Advisory Board representative to the annual fall term production by Mask “ Old Grad” has spoken to the stu­ the killers in a light roadster stated last Saturday. fourteen volumes on international, Programs are to be furnished Alumni Board of Directors for three and Dagger, dramatic society, to be dents at each Homecoming Convo­ that they believed this ring was as­ A large number of alumni and vis­ economic, social and religious themes, through the courtesy of “The Wild­ years and at a special meeting of the presented on December 12-13-14. cation from the years 1928 to 1933. sociated with rival candidates of Mc­ iting members from Psi chapter of of which translations have been made cat.” Larry Raices, ’38, has been ap­ Board of Directors, Mr. Randall was An outstanding masterpiece of the These have been: C. H. Hood, ’80, of Guirk, but no conclusive proof could the University of Maine were present into at least ten different languages. pointed electrician. elected president. British theatre, “ Quality Street” with Boston; M. C. Huse, ’08, of Philadel­ be advanced. to attend the luncheon tendered “ Individualism and Socialism,” “ Jesus its setting in England during the Na­ phia; H. E. Barnard, ’99, of Indiana­ The managers of McGuirk, cast in­ brother Prince by the local chapter. or Christianity,” “Living Creatively” Finance Chairman poleonic wars will start the Mask and polis; H. D. Batchelder, ’03, of Cleve­ to gloom by the death of their can­ Following the dinner, the guefet at' and “ War: Its Causes, Consequences Snierson Winner Dagger society off on its twelfth year land; G. A. Loveland, ’82, of Boston; didates, determined to carry on for honor, William R.
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