RADIO What's On The Air W EEK O F NOVEMBER 20, 1932


A THOUSAND lAUGHS FOR A DOllAI{ Special TenWeek Trial Subscription

A hilarious side splitting: Ed Wynn Uproar will be mailed you every week for ten weeks fur one doll ar. So-a-o-h act before you forget and send on(' doll ar for a specia l trial subscription.


You may send me an Uproar a week for le n weeks for which I am enclosing a dollar.


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Publlsl'led weekly by the Radlolog Company. 80 8(>)'18ton St., Boston. Man. Entered as second cia .. matter at P08t Office, B08ton, Ma .....

SUBSCRIPTIONS BY MAI L PAYABLE IN ADVANCE '1.50 for one year;. $1 .00 for &IX month8; 60c for. three months. Canadian ratu: '2.00 tor one year, $1.25"'0' six m(>nth~. When changing add.,"•• 2 weeks notice i. required

_VC·O'C·--,,"".--,-NC.C·-=8~8,--_--,-NCO,,-,VCE=MCB==E"R,-,2000.,-,1"903"2'--_C50err OCtet 1;OO-The World"s HUlllneu ~ :OD--J..... -Ozde Nelaon"s orchelltra ! :OO--ThB JBnney concert 12;31'--I;Ie,"nle Cummln," Urene.tra 9:00--N. E. Coke Prog nam U:4S-Jial Kemp"s ureheltra ':SO-li'Ut Trappen WB Z .WBZA-BOSTO N (303m ) '10k 9: 46-Three Queenll and a JfLOrl II):OO-Modern lnstrUmentaUSU 11:15-Newl Despatches IO:30--Safety Crusader. H';O-Mood Continental WAAB-BOSTO N (212.6m) 1410k I! ;OO--.\tnrnlng Muslea!e A M. P . M. I,;I)O-Chur<:h of the Air It;Ol-Metropolltan Orpn !O:IIl--Mor nlng Hervlee 12;3Il--:'olore)' Pearl'. OrchUlra P. M. I ;OO-Roxy and Hla Gang U:Ofl--Tabernaele Choir and U ...... n Z;O!)-Monarch .\lyltery '\'enor 12:15-l-InJtetlc Trio t:llI--Perrect :Sleeper HOY. 12:31l--1a!.tro·Lek p~ 2:30--Yeut Foamers I :Oo--t:rnery" Oeulech'8 Or<:hestrll 3:00-Melod)' Land 1:If>-Lord. Lytton 3:1&-n'lm Sisteu 1 :SO--Calhedrnl Hour 3:30--.\lanhattan ~{erry·Uo-Round 2:00--ChB,nbH MusIC tJnsemble 4:00_ Temple of Song 2:aO--Art UI'lckley's Vagabond~ 4;3Q-:"latlonal Youth eonr~ r ence 3:I)Q-N, Y. Phllhnnnonic Orehntl"il 5:00-Dr, Harry ~meuon }o"oedlCk 5":OQ-Holea and Drums 5 ;311--1'1lgCS of Homance &:30--Hlue Coal nevle ... 6;Oo--P¥lul Whiteman eoncert 6:00--Newe "'l.Iu!hee 1;{II--Gleaoon L. Archer 6:16--<;:athollc, Unlver"lty of America 7:16-~morts Hevlew 7:00--Evenlnll' SerVice 7:24-LouI8 'Nelr 8:3Q-Jl:nlJemble 7:30--""Ureat Momenl' In Hlltory"" ':OO--Cap'n .,-;arly 8;OO--AU-Star nadlo He\'u9 t:l'-Haelequ[n String Ensembll 8;30--WesUnghou,e Hour t;3o-Qrgan Recital 9;OO-Enna Jettlck .\Ie'..,dlu t: 45--8potllghllng Spora 9:I5--Smlth Brothers 9:50--:-.'1"'1 FI.... hell ';30--""The Blue ~lllt"" IO:(M)-.Jack Sen ny 9;45--Shearrer L lf"ume Kevus tl):31l--~~rnellt Uu('heson's Orcheatrll 10;16-Old Sinetng l-llUlter II :00--1'he Uauch08 11):30--Herbert ?>I.aub"' Orcheetra 10:45--llepubllcan :"lew, Hul!eUns WNAC- BOSTON (243,8 m ) 1230k 11 ;00--1'lme-Weather A . M . I t :05_Sports ReVIew 8:0lJ--Oud ley Had lo Carollerl II; 15-Perce Leofiartl t :OO--Columbla JunIor uug le II ;30_Rh yme and Rh~"thm liI;"(Io--W.... tch '['ower P rogram 12;OO--WlIlInm Stoess" O"Cheitra 11I:15-Uncle Bob H o ug h ton W TlC-H A RT FORO (2II2.Srn) l0e0k 10: ~ S--Chureh Of Ch rlat 1 :JO-Orehestral Uem. P . M. 8;OO--!,;ddle Cantor 1 ~:OO--VINory S'Ymphony Orehelnra 9;O~-McCravy Brotbera U:IO--Llttle Tree Farms Heren8.0.01 ':I5----$ongland 1Z:15--Columbla Radio !I;45-0hman and Arden 1~:3Il--The Nations-leers IO:(M)-.Jlane Dillon I ;OO-CathoUe Truth Period IO:I5---L"Heure EXQul1e 2:00--"~:..'I"· McConnell IO:45-Three &ladhatun 2:If>-Sunday Matinee Of the Air I I:SO--Mll

81 YAFFE AND HIS SOCIETY ORCHESTRA Martin M. Branner, who drllws the nationally known cartoon fea­ hilS resigned as organist at Loew's ture, "\Vinnie \Vinkle," is respon­ State Theatre, a position which he sible for this sketch of Si Yaffe and capabably filled for several years. and his Society Orchestra. !'oIl'. Weir will now devote hia Si and his colleagues broadcast efforts exclusively at W8Z. each Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Promenade in Hartford. Ambition Their programs are heard through When Lowell Patton was still a Station WTIC of the Connecticut boy in Portland, Oregon, he capital. dt'eamed of some day living in Si, a graduate of Yale Univen;i­ Greenwich Village in New York ty, is one of the most popular dance City. The organist recently band leaders among country club­ achieved Ms ambition when he hers, college fraternity boys and moved from midtown Manha,ttan to social debutantes of the Nutmeg the very heart of the colony. State. Mu. t Be Accurate F Interpre ted The producers of the Rangers, A forecast of the weather and cowboy script act featuring the ad­ storm movement is now being inter­ ventures of Bobby Benson, get the preted by E. B. Rideout, WEEI call these days if their scripts and Ineteorologist, for the Edison com­ sound effects are not accurate. Old pany with relation to its effect Zeke, a rancher of the West in days on daily demand for electrical ener. gone by. has appointed hi mself gy at the Boston Edison generating official checker-upper. The old plants. For instance, on a dark t ime cowboy won't let them paint stor my day, the station plans fo; 1\ false picture. "I used to live a higher output because of in· out in the country you actor fellers cr eased lighting demands. He re­ are talkin' about," Zeke tells them, ceives the telephoned reports from local points outside of the state S ha rp St.tement each morning to aid in making his "A woman who is half-starved, deductions for the power plant. angular or bony, c:~n ' t be beauti· ful ," declared a lecturer. "Still Re.i"D, you must admit she has her points," Louis Weir, popular W BZ staff observed Isabelle Carothers, of and former RADIOLOG organist, Clara, Lu 'n' E m. • RADIOLOG Sunday - (Continued)

WTAG-WORCESTE R (111.8m ) 580 lO ,U_Newt Bulretln~ IO:38-Weather Heporl A . M . LO: 4S-8unda\' at ~~Ih Parker'S 10:0O-Cllpitol Urgan 11 'l5--0ahu Serenaders 10:4f>-Ol(I South Chureh WEAN-PROVIDENCE (384m ) 990k ]I:OO-P!ymouth Church A.M . P . M. ~:OO to IO:I5-----Same lI;a WNAC llUIlJ--:-'1aJor BOW~8 J·'llmllY IO:lf>-Tone J)alnUns:~ 1% :lIO--lmpreaslon$ IO,3O-<:ommunlty Center Hecltal I:OO-K-1 II,(IO.-!olornlng !;iervl<'e 1:30--XII;('1 Oratorio Soclew P. M. !!:OO--CL~'de Doerr~<;4:I:ophone Octet l%,J(;._Tabernacle .organ Z:30--:\loonshlne and lIoneYlllJekte 1~:3{f-KRtro-lAk Pr()f:l"rnm 3 :Oll--Wayne King nnd Orchestra I:Ofl-..-Cathollc Truth l'ertod 1:30 to 4:30-Same lUI Wh:h:1 ~:On---Chnmber "'Iusle EnlHlmble 4:3(}-lnt'] ft,tad!o I"orum :,3Il--Perley Stevenll'~ OrChestra .:45--Trlo Charmllntll 3:00 10 3:45--Some llll' IVNAC 6:00-Pop Concert ~:45_Tone Palntlng ~ 6:30--8111:" Ben's Drenm Dramas 4:IIU to ~:~o--~ame 1111 IVNAC 5:~6 to 7:0lJ-Same nil WEEI 5:3f1--Blue Coal 1:00-Blu8 and White ltarirnba Band &,Oll--'",\merlca'a (lrub ~reet Speaks'· 1:IS-mue Coal Doctor 1i:IS to 7:4~me JU WNAC 1 :JO-Orchestrai Gem .. ~:45--}o'ed. or :Mu~lc CLubl ' :OO---CMafl & sanborn 8:(10.-1)0), Re, :MI. .:OG--Town Talk Program S :3Il--RoI)' Tlfea!r~ Symphony ':l6--Album of Mu .'~ 9:00 to lU:3U---Same all IVNAC ':4~hman and Arclen 10:3U to 1l:3~ame ll~ IVAAl:! lO:OO-BaJlrnn .\l61011Iea n:!O to I:OIl--Same III WNAC M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1932

WE E I-BOST ON (~m) 590k ':!O--SpraU's I"ood Chate A . M. S'4&-To be announced 1 :4f>-Tower Health ExercisH .:nll--A & I' Ul"l)~lell 8;OO--Quaker L:arly BIrd. 9:3l1-Bulck Progrllm 'I:lf>-E. B. Rldeou! lO:Oo--To be announel'd ' :IIl--Looklnlr Over the Mornlnc .... per IO:3O--!'aUonal nadlo Forum ' :3O--Cheerlo 11 :Oo--E. B. RIdeout ' :OO--Carollne Cabot 11:06-Newe Deepatchea " lll--\\, ... 11 Dres~ed Home 11:1~-Lew Conrad'" Orchestra 9:I5--AlUIe Hard WAAB-BOSTO N (212.6m ) 1410k ' :!Il--Jo'Jylng ~'!nger. 8:~I-News ' :46-()tto (lray"s Serenaden 8,45-0""an Recital l O:OIl--JRrk and JIU 9 :Oll--Rels & Dunn 10:15-IVE:EI Organillt-llel Cutillo 9:15--0ypay Music !'>lak61"11 1I:45-lJrldge Talk-:'Ir8. C. Oelnler 1I:3ll--Tony 'Vone 1I :0Il--E-Hadto Houeehold Institute I O:O_Artells Dlck.on 11:3t)--Sonatll ReCital 10:lf'---Catherlne lIlaeKenlie l1 :U--What"1I New In the World IO:ZIl--Pred Serren.· OrChutra. P . M. 10:46-Voeal Art TrIO U:OO--Johnny MarVin 11 :OO--I...,e·e Cooklnl" !'khool U:lf>-Ne""11 De&patchn It:t5-HequeSl Heeonl SeleCtiOnS U :,~-*oc+< "';xchllnlte (.,luotat!onm 11:4(>_Ben AI;ey U :'6-~'a r me", Produce Market P . M . U :45-NeapoIHlln Dutch U!rll '!:Oo--PranCI8 J" Cronin l:lf>-Uolden Pheasant urche~tra I :3ll--Slock :llar ket Q uotations l :IIl--Lotu. Garden Oreheatra 1Z: 45--Jo'arm ~'I ..lIea I :Ot)--Ne~polltan Dutch Ulrle I:OG-George HaWI Orchut.. 1 ,3o--:'larJorle Mm8 1 :3t)--Atl~nt!c CHy Mu.lcal • :(IO.-Outstllndlng speaJ(er Z:Ot)--Na.tlonal student fo'ederaUon 3:15--80]018111 2:1f>-nequest Hecord SeleeUonli . :It)--W"';"';l Heading Clrcifl ~:45_\V"lk_A_Thon 4:00--Xe... e FJa.ehu .:OZ--Ne.... ~'l.a.ahe. 4 :1~tock .I<."'xchanKfl 3:15--Plano Heeltal 4 :1&-I'rotellslonal Women', CIUDII 3:3O--Chamber Muele Ensemble 4:30--0rga.nlst 4:00--Women's fo'ed e,·A.tio" & :Oll--Hllnk K(len(l'1I con'bOYIi ~:~o--"'l'o an Unnamed !.l$tener'" ~:U-'1'o be announced 6 :3ll--The fo'ly1ng fo'amllY 4 :4()--Columb!a Artis! HecHal 6:45-Slow RIver 5:0o--""Blg Brother'" ' :Oll--The I,~venln!t Tattler 5:If>-Melody Mart . :l o--Ne"'l1 Deepatehea b:4~-Lone Wolr Tribe ':40--01<1 Painter ':OO--HapJ)'l" ""lme--Irene 1:Ieaelel' . :46-Tusle the Typllll (,:l5--Rclll & Dunn 7:00--0'Leary:. Irlllh Mlnstrel~ 5:3t)--'"llughn de LeaUl T:I5-Wheatenn Program &:4!i--Thuh Funnybonerll 1 :l o--Sut Food. Procram 7:nl_N .. w~ FllU

Presenting Maud and Cousin Bi l] 10 :30 a. m., during the A in Person. The of t he Booth & P Our Daily Food Program, by Tarkington Sketches, Heard over Winifred Lenihan, Broadway star NBC Networks undel' the Sponsor­ a:nd director of the T heater Gu ild ship of the Great Atlantic and Dramatic School. Pacific Ten Company is shown in Miss Lenihan, whose work at the an NBC Studio during one of the Theatre Guild as dir ector o( numer­ Broadcasts. They arc, left to right, ous New York successes has made Ray Kelly, NBC Sound Technician; her one of the best known thea­ Georgia Burke (Kitty Silver), An­ trical figul'es in the country, per­ dy Donnelley (Cousin Bill), Vivian sonally supel'vises the I'ehcarsals Block (Maud), and Winifred Leni­ and broadcasts. han, Director. Booth Tarkinb>i.on's first Drg-in­ The n, A F igh t Talk ! al series for the radio comes to the Don Redman, following the ex­ air with the benefit of expert stage ample of athletic conches, has re­ production, as weU as distinguished cently started prescribing nightly authorship. warm-ups fol' his band. Before "Maud nnd Cousin Bill." in which his hot Harlem orchestra begins a Tarkington has sought to apply the broadcast 01' even a rehearsal, Don principles of stage writing to runs the boys through a (ew slow­ broadcast drama), is pl'oduced for rhythm selections as preparation an NBC-W8Z audience eaeh Wed­ fo!' the double· time pieces he pre­ nesday rind Saturday morning at fers. • RADIOLOG Monday (Continued) 7:45--Wa!k_A_Thon I:IO--Grln and Uellrlt I:OO--The Go."ll>e~ ,:4r.-Jean Abbey 8:IS_Thanksglvlng Day Program .:OO--Vlrglnla Heade 9:15-H!!l BUly GeOrge t:IO--Vlc and Sade 9:3().-Yankee Network PersonallUes ':46-Homemaklnlt Hint. lO:OQ-John Fogarty ': ~ 5-SpoUlghUng sporUl 10:I6--Clar,.. Lu and Em ':5O-News ~'lI)..shelt 10:IO--Ou,. Dally Food. IO:OO--Organ Recital 10:45_Hank Keene's BlUles IO:l5--Easy Ace. 11:0ij-Organ lIeiodlu IO:3O--Charle. Carlile 11:I'-"Conlit.ance ElllnwQO(l lO :45--Colonel StOOPl'fIgle & ./;Iudd II :30-Elsle Mae Gordon II :O!)...... Columbla ::Jymphony Un::hutra stage Show ll:SIl--LQmbardo'. Ro~1 canadian. WNAC-BOSTON (:l4S.em) l:l3Ok P. M. A . M. I!:OI-Monltor Vie... the Ne... e :SO--Sunrlse Melodlu 12:lS-)18C Jo'orum 1:I$_New9 Fia"hu 12:20--NBC Forum 1:30--Mornlng WatCh 12:SG-f'arm and HQme Hour 1 :45--Request Record Sel~Uon. 1:3O-Hlghway commlulon 'l'alk ' :Oll--Nlne O'CIOCk SerelVlden 1 :35-MSC Forum ' :I5--The Yankee Sins-era 1:46-Harold Sto,,~'8 Orchestr a t :lO-Jane and John 2:0ij-MOdern American mOgTaphy ': ~ 5--Hot-Cha Band 2:10--1-Is"on and llamUn Conc.Tt 10:01l--EIIIrle Neiaon I:OO-Sally and Bob 10:15--MelOOy Sweetheart. 3:16--J>lerlno Oe BlaElo 10:aIl--S'ong Album I :IO--Home f~orum Cooktnc School l O:46-The Rhall&Odben 4 :oo--nadlo Guild 11 :0ll--Mornlng Mood. 5:00--Agrlcultural Marketl l1 :IIl--Academy ot Medicine 6:Ir.-Dromedary Caravln 11 :.'_Storle.. from ReRI Lire 5:3O-Slnglng Lady P . M. 5:46-Llttle Orphlln Annie U :Oo-8hepard Stores News 6 :OO-1'eaberry Sport~ Uevlew lI:OI-'J'r"Vele" Ne .. ~ Fluhea I:IO--Radlo Ulliboard 1I:1&-BuddY HarTod'" Orchutra ':U_Monltor Vl~ws the New" lI:SO--Columbla Revue 6:3O-We~tlnghouse :\Ielody l>lalds 1:00--Requeat Record S"elecUon. .:U_LQ,,·ell Thom,u 1 :65--Edna Wallace Hopper 1:00--Amos 'n' Andy I:OO--llunlclpal At'ra,r. 7:15--Tset)'east J uter. 2:15--Sylvla Saplro 7:3G-Concert J :'G-Amerlcan School of the AII' 1:t5-Johnny Hart I:OO--EllEabeth Harthel! 8:00--All-SCIl,. RadiO Uevue 1:I5--Columbla Salon Orehut"'" 8 :30--Mansfleld SlngeMl I :So-Snm Prager 8:.5-Pat Barnes 1:45--Jo;ton Boy" 9:00-8Incln[,. Wiener Mlnetr ele 4 :00--~""ank \Vestphal'. Orcheetra ~:80--Hank Keene'. Billie. 4:ZG-Muelcsl InterlUde IO:DO--Country Doctor ' :So-Osnce Parade IO:lS--Jackle Jack$On Orcbutrlt. I:OO-H-Bar-O .Ro1.ngeMl l Q:45-Revubl1can 1'I.e",. Hullettnl ':l5--Morton Bowe 11:OO--Sports Review 1:IO--Sl<'lppy 11:15-RKO ""Idnla-ht Frolic 5:4r.-:-adway i"avOrlte. lO:3O--Coconnut Oro". OrChe.tra 7:30--Ulily Jone/! ana J::rnle Hare 11:0o-Hollywood KeYhOle 7:4$-Melody Moods ll:Os--New .. Flashe. 8:00--Snow Vlllnge 11:1~ltOl<"'bud UIlI"{IPn·. urchestra 8:3t1-Thc Hevelers 11:30--Perley Stevens' Orchestra ~;IIO-The Gyp.les lZ:OO--I;;ddle Duchln'. OTcheBtra 9:30--)leCrllvy Brothere 1!:30--Harry Ql.rla' Orchutra 8:45-Sludlo Program W!lZ·weZA-80STON (303m) 99-0k 10:00-WTlC Playhouse f:OO-'V .. etlnlthOuae Muercal Clock 10,30--:-






Metropolitan Grand Orchestra With Fabien Sevitzky-Conducting

ARTHUR MARTEL "t the Giant Wuriltur

Dancing Free to Patrons in Grand Lounge to RADIOLOG Monday -(Continued)

1:1~hllndu WTAO-WORCESTER (516.9m) ~ 7::0 to ~:JO-Sarne aa ..... t;J~1 A. M. S:!O--Revelera 8:0ll--Qullkl'r ~:arly Biros ':00 to 10:30--Sa.rne aa \\ t;~;l lI:IS--Organ Hhap8,. 5:45-Wrlgley Indiana o:OO- Hllnk K.,.,ne'" HllIbllllell 6 :02-8llort b1antll 6:1&-l'llIno Novelties 6:05--Gtobe Nev.', ;:3Il--Tbll I"ylng Family 6:1&---R..,.18 &- PU"" 6:45-Slow mVer G:30 to 7:1&-Sarne a ll WNAt: 6:(J()-Waldort Aswrla Oren.,... t,.. 7:30 to lO:15-Same nt. WNAC 6:3G---GlIlzett& Newa Bull""lna 6:3&-Drlrtlnlt ILnd Dreaming 10:15 to H:OO--!';ame 8.11 WAAB U:OO--B!1ly Lo88e,.'s Orchutra 6:45--0, ..~, Cln.:le ,:IIO-\Vorceate.r Po"erR U:30--Harry Barl,' Orche8lra TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1932 WEE1-BOSTON (508m) 590k 4 :3O--Core... ·s orChestra A, M , 5:00--To be announced 6: 4&---Tower Health Exercl&e ll 5:15-P.. oples' 8rID"hO'I')' l'rogram 5: 4 ~&kalary Hawkins 8 :OlJo-(,luakcr ~;" r IY Blrde 8":I6--K B, IUd eout 6:00--Th e Evening 'l'attler 5:3Il--N e", Despatche" 8:20--1-ooklng O\'er t h e Mor ninc ~ p e r S :3O--Ch eerlo 6: 40--L eo,,0Id Morse P rogt'lLm 6: 45-0rganlst t:Oo.-car Oll n e cab ot 7:00--Phl1 Saltrnan ':III_Weti \)re"sed H o m e 9:15_Anne Hard 7:15-W hea tena Pt'ogram 9:3O--Corn Products Program 7:31l--Ray P e r l . Navy Blind ~:45 -'I'o be n nnounced 11:00--New8 Rnd Feature. 3:0i)-VO('al .... rt Quartet 11 :t5- Request Hecord S e l~ctlona 3 : ~ fl--WJi:EI I{eadlng Circle P. M. 4'nfl--N ..... Uf>ep"tchcII l~ ,n tock !liarkel Quotation! 4 :15- Hulh II"n""n U;45--Fnrm FlaShell RADIOLOG 11 VASS YOU DERE, CHARLIE? Lucky Strike Hour, and his "Vass You Dere, Charlie?" has become a national bye-word. Friendl,. CLah The new series of friendly chats scheduled weekly, Monday t.o Thursday at 11 :00 A. M. over WEEI brings Emma Maurice Tighe, the Edison home service dif1!c:tor, to the fore with the aid of an aug­ mented cast. Bob BurIen functions as "captain" with the script utilir.­ ing a military theme. Willie Mor­ ris does the vocal interpolations and Del Castillo presides at the console. The entire routine is run oft" with a conspicuous snap and has already gained a wide following, this being the introductory week for the improved version of "friend­ ly chats." Emma Maurice is, of cour~e, the leading light, though the entire group carries on through the continuity which, we are told, is prepared by H. P. Hildreth, who is no stranger to local radio circles_

Meet the Baron and laugh! Beat Failure. This is what NBC-WF.EI listen­ A Ithough Richard Gordon, Sher­ ers arc doing on Thursday nights­ lock Holmes, starred in many a and they're laughing themselves Broadway success in his long stage sick in the process. career, the plays in which he be­ lieves he did his best work were Baron lI1unchausen, who in real failures, as far as the box oft"ice life is really Jack Pearl. one of the was concerned. These were stage's most amusing nnd diverting "Crooked Friday," with Dennis comedians. got his laugh-provoking Neilson Terry, performed in 1925 tra~ning in the Behool of hard knocks-the theater. at the Bijou Theatre, and "The And there's no joke nbout that, Offense," with Terry, at the Rib says Pearl. Theatre in 1926. Pearl was born on Manhattan's Two In One East Side. He started life in a Dale Wimbrow, in addition to serious way by running errands (or writing songs and poetry, carving a safety rUOT manufacturer. Then walking sticks for his friends and he became R florist's Ilsaistant, a being master-of-ceremonies (or the dreS8 salesman and Cinally a song Mills Brothers, is proud of the fact plugger. that he is the inventor of the "Wim­ Maybe it was the variety of his broln." He will present the f our occupations that st..nrrted Pearl boys with one of his in­ laughing. Whatever it was, he struments. "Then," Dale says, landed in vaudeville through the en­ "they will sound ike two bands in­ couragement of Hermnn Timberg. stead of one." His Cirst skit was "School Days" and he played II straight dramatic N. W::-:.-.-."';.-.-Now role. His first show was "Seven Helen King, Em of NBC's Cla ra. Hours in New York." Then came Lu 'n' Em, has a plan calculated to 41 weeks of one-night stand~. make the first of the month less Eventually Zeigfeld ca'led and he dreaded. She wants the postoffice became a star with the "Follies." department to stencil on all mail Now he is heard over NBC on the boxes the notice, "Post No Bills," RADIOLOG Tuesday (Continued)

1 cOO-PArker 1>1 UH~(' ;o.lnster.l!l ~:n-The ':Olulllblans I :3(}- -MadlsQn gnlK'rnble 9:II'I---"MU~l<' 'fltllt "''aU"lIe""' 2:Illl--ShOI>l.>lnll' :lunceu 3:0~Newe Flal!he. I" ., ·Orl("<1\ H"dtM 3:15_Pla"o Re('ttal 1<':lf, -Gartn·t"lll... Skctchl". :.:alJ - (~hnmtJer MUlile ]o;nseml.>I'> 11l:~'f -AI ~l:lHt"'~ .\I\I~I<· 4:00--'Vomen'~ Ftderallon I I :"5-:-; .. ,,, ~'I"~I"'" 4 :16-Curtl~ !n~Ulut("s lII"~'l' 1'1'0 [Tam II :IS-HOl-HaI'TY ~. Hodl:I'rs U:i)(' ·I.>on ,;,.{]", ..,,'. urCh~"t ... 1'>:46_.\lu6Ical Com~dy Mem01'I,.. It'~1 -lIa,-o).1 :>11,.n·" Or<"l"'''lra 6:III}-H. V K~II .. nborn G:15-l t013 & Uunn WBz·weZA-SOSTON (303m) 990k 6:3( MUler-" Or('healra A M. 7:1!0--:'luRkal I:lock G:U-Keennn and I"hlIllps 1:nJ-Newl! Flaan .... 7:~~ ...... oll)' lilll nn.1 Jane 8:1'I<1---.\lornlnK" .\11""lrNa 7:II>-('hnmh.. r I.o;nseml.>l .. S: 15_.\lornln/t I ).. \"ollon" 7;3lP-.1hnmle Gallllllrtl('r"s O.d,,·~tra S:31,f--J>epp"r I'ot ~ulllvn"', 7:ta-l)an O1'c",,"1ra ~:O~'-\" rl!<,"I .. Itl"nde S:O,,-'I'~~ \J.,~"I1>t't·. 9:30--'11.:: nlHI ~n(l,· 8:15_W;t!k_A_Thon 9:45-Holnemaklng Hinuo 8:30--Madlson Singeu lO:I)()-lIIu,,-lcal 1\lelange 8:45--liook Talk IIl:n--{'la ..... 1.11 .. nd ~ 9:00--Meyer 0&. .. 1.'. Hand 1(I:4~_Hallk Keene·" WIIIU ':Jr.-Mllster or Mylltery II '1)1I--Pinett.... Bro~. 9;46-H\lOrts wUh Wilkie II :15_hll\"I"T ~1!n.treI8 9:GJ-Uerald New" II :~O_ I .,,.ance8 Ingram l O:OO--J"y C. l:'II\'I)c,,· .. le8 II : 4 ~-llhyth'" lla",Uler& Hl:36-"'\'h .. Human Sid e of N~w." P. M. l O:45--Wllllam O'Neal 1%:Oo-,\\onlt()r VI(>WB the News I I,OO-·Columbla Symllho.ny OrchUlr'a 1!:IR--Staret)' CommIttee A . M . I :35--Plllno IIIlnll.ture8 6:3O-Sunrl~e M~lodlea 1:4r.-lle" Hat!I,··S ~:Meml)le 7:16 __"ew8 Flaahl". 2:00--Wor_J::dward Jnrdon-OorlR ·rtTrell 11 :00-1.... Clloy I"rogram ~:OO-A!;ri"ultural MnrketS Il:I6-TQday's Pioneer Women G'I~-S"·n"e-I'at Har",·. 4 :30--The Dar",e ''''amde 9:f")-~lu"lc,\1 1\1~mnrle9 5:00--".l eel the Artlsl" 9:~I}...... ~T1end~1I1jl Town 5:15-Shej,ard ·. ~'lUIh'on l'arad" H':~.I--I·(>[.. no·y l)QctOr 5 :30-Skll'I>Y 1/1:1[,-.111('1< 01< JlI!1(, f,:4r,-II"mble~ In Ithylhm lil:4',---H"pubU"utl ;.;~w~ Jo'la~he8 1I:00--Sport FllUlllU II :011_ -Nport~ It~'\'I"w G-lfi-\·o,,·1" or Tnm'llel II'I~ -:-;at'l Or"",1 opera 6:30--Blg Brother l~ I· F ..... nkle ~ln~tt'T~' Or<"l,1" ·tra 1I:4&--ClMl.ndu 1:(lQ-Myrl & Marge WTIC-HARTFORD (2828m) 10000k 1:1~- nu ck Rogers A. M. 7:30--1IR ... y Oarls' QrI!i,estra 7 :M_f:o!lln 7:46-Chaae & Han horn 1:3"_RlIn~hlne :>~Tl"nAdel'~ 8:0o--Abe I,YIn,,-n·. Urchealr~ S:II"_len .. and ()i<'nn 8:1r._!\Ia~lc \'ok... x·I~...... ()rj{an Hhal, .. "dy 8:~0-- 1 ~venln8 Melodlea 8 :~O--"CheerIO" RADIOLOG 13 TORCH SINGER IN NEW SERIES NBC listeners. Lambert hns been featured as a singer and comedian on many radio programs, with Ben Bernie's orchestra lind on phono­ gl'aph recordings. Luther sting in "The Student Prince" and "The Vagabond King" before he came to the microphone where he has performed as leading- soloi~t on outstanding broadcasts. David Percy has sung on the air and on the stnge nnd Gene Rode­ mieh and his ol'chestra have played phonogratlh recordings and for dancers in all parts of the country, besides having performed at the Metropolitan Theatre in Boston, where Gene was master-of-cere­ monies for several years.

Hider), Repeat. h ..M Twenty-eight years ago Ford Bond was enrolled in a Sunday school class of the Walnut St. Bap­ tist Church of Louisville, Ky. 011 October 24, last. his six-day old daughter, Agnes Marylyn, was en­ rolled in the same class by proxy, at the wish of Bond's fathel·.

JI!:AN ~AJ!t:t~N'l' Th.c Manhattan MerrY-Go-Round, Plenty of Pep starrmg Jean SUl'gi:!nt, celebrated Eddie Duchin is one of the most Broadway torch singer; "Scrappy" vigorous of orchestra leadel·s. Lambert, Frank Luther, David Per­ When his band is on the air from cy and Gene Rodcmich's orchestra the Central Pal·k Casino, the start in un up-to-the-minute musical re­ of the program finds him seated vue of thc latest songs and dances at his piano-but before the first had its premiere performance over number is over, Eddie is standing an NBC-WBZ network Sunday. No­ at the ivory keyboard. As a sub­ vember 6, at 8 :30 p. m. stitute for the sweeping baton ges­ Manhattan-McrrY-GO-Round is to tures of other conductors, Duehin present Rodemich's orchestra find instructs his men with vigorous the four well known singers in jet'ks of the head. solos, duets and ensemble numbers selected from the newest Broadway New Phile.ophy shows and the most popular dance is basing his new hits, for a half hOUI" period each radio series on the conviction that: SundJJy afternoon under the spon_ listeners do not care any more just sorship of the makers of Dr. Lyon's for jokes-they want laughs, but tooth powder. laughs with an underlying meaning, Miss Sargent, leading lady of philosophy, some continuity and the new series, now is being fea­ character. tured in the Broadwny success "Flying Colors." She found fam~ Makin, Sure in New York last season when she "You can't collect any insurance sang in "Face the Music," and has on your wife," declared Gene Arn­ been heard frequently on the air old. "Why, man, all you had was during the past year. fire insurance." ... "Dat's right," "Scrappy" Lambert and Frank said Big Bill Childs, hI done had Luther are known to millions of her cremated." I 1 RADIOLOG Tuesday (Continued) 9:00--"ShOplllng with Suaan" .:30--Tea Danont.. I O:Oo-"Mystery Cher" 4:41i--Lady l'ut Voor lO:IS-Souvenira o f Melody 6:00-MeJodlc ThQughtl! IO:30--Parent·Teachers Aliso. Talk 6:4!i-S'ekalary Hawkins 10:45-1O&lon Strine TrIo 6:00--WaJdorr Altorla Orchutra 11 :00--0,'. "~lIa O\lP~mhelme r 8:30---(lautte NIIWB II:l5-Radlo H OURehoJd Jnat!tut" S:38-RaJph Klrbery 11:30--Pop Concut-M ollhe Pal1LDo'l' I:45-8aO::II: Of thll New. P. M. 1:00-Mldweek }o'ederlLUon H ymn 12:(!O--Jonnny l'.D1rvln 7:1&-<;handu 1Z:ISo-OulJeUne 7:30 to lI:00--Sl\me all WE~1 1Z;2O-~'ann and. Home l"orum lI;O\_Telegram Uulletlne 1:00--lJIue Room i'.:chOU 11;10--Lanny l{olle 1:45-Thankllglvln&" Addrns ll:l5-Waldorr A1Jtorla. OrFhutra. 2:00-MerTY Madraps WEAN-PROVIDENCE (384m) 9g(1k 2:31)-.\larjorle Mill" A. M . 2:f5-MuII1Que InUrne 7:a(lo-{llob~ Trotter 3:00--81 Yarre's Orchestra 7:45--Mornlnll' De\'ollon" 3:30-Mlxlng BOWl 8:00--Reque8t Heeord Sl!leetlons WTAG-WORCESTER (&16 ,gm) 580 9:00 to ll:UO-Same as WNAt: S:I/O--Quaker ;Jarl), Bird, 11:00--ProteMionnl 'Vome,,', Serlel 1I':I5--0rgRn Rhapsodr 11:15 to 12:00-Same as W'sAt: ':SO--Cheerlo 12:0o--Shopptng News g:OO--~opplng Aro und p , M, ';I6--Shopplng Arouna U:O&-Globe Trotter 9:4r.-Ple P h_nt Pete 12;la-Buddr H arToo's Orchestra ':55--Miu'molll Thumbnail 12:3O--Columbla Re\'ue I ':OO--The :MYltery Chef 10:]5-Souvenlrs or Melodv 1:00--Request Record Se]ecUons 10:30 to ll:OO-Snrne as WEEI 1:3()-WEAN Women 's 1o'edera.t!on 1]:O()-"Your Child" 2:00-The Oo""lpers 11 :Ir.-Radlo HousehoZa In~Utute 2:15 to .;lr.-Same as WNAC n :IO-The Marionettes .:I5---Curtls Institute or Millie p, M , 6:00 to 6:0o-Same al! WNAC 12:0O--Johnny Mar\,ln-T.. nor ':06-CurTent Events U :l5--0n ' Vlngl or Son\{ 6:1,-SPQrt Slane U :aO-P rod uce Market IUlI/ort 6:20-010be Trotter 1!;3!i-l"nrm FI8.8h"S 6:30--Amerlcnn Lf,glon program 11';45--Popular Prol'Tnrn 6; 45 to 7;1~-Same as WNAC I :OI-Un.zeUe News Bulletins 7:15-BlIIy Loa,.u's Oreheltr.. l ;lO--CI.... lc Varieties 7:3O--Harry Barris' Orchestra 1:30 to as WEEI 7:45--Dan Sullivan'S Orchelltra. 2:3O--Marjorle 1\Unl 5:00 to 8:3O--Same as WNAC Z:45-Vl\rleUes 8;30-:o.l adlsnn Singer~ . :ItO---Vocal .Art (,Iuartet 8:.5 to 10;00--Same a. WN.AC ':30-'Vomen's Radio Revue 10:00 to l!:OO--Same 8.lI \vAAB 4 ;0O--Culbe rt ~on Bridge Club 11 :00 to l:OO-Same .. WNAC WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1932 WEE I-BOSTON (scam) 590k t:30--MarJorle Mille ' ;45--'I'ower Health fo..' .:OO-Neal>olltan Dutch Olrla 8:O\)---(Juaker E.vly Birds 3:3()-Mualcal Procram S:l&-E. B, Rideout 4: 00--N"w~ UeHIHl.lCheS ' :20-The ,Morning Paper 4:10-Stock ~:xchl\nge Quotations .;JO--Cheerlo .:l5--T.... o SflI/I.U ]n the Balcony . :OO-CnroUn.s cabot .:3O--Tea Dan.sante .:lO--W eU Dres.sed H ome 4:56-lted C,'on '1"1llk 9:15--Anns Hard 6:00--To he announced I :SO-Plylng f'IngU8 6:15-Journeyl Into Songland 10:0o-The Hanjoleen 5:30-The ~'IYlng Family 10 :1~teHo 5: 45--'\l altex S'n.!ety Soldiers 10:3() I:OO--The even InK TaUle, l O:45-Belty CTocker ' :~O--Ne "'~ Oe~t>av·ne. l1 ;OO--EdIBon FrIendly Chat 6:4o-The Old Painter 11 ;16--RIIdlo Household I natltute 6:45--Teule the Typist 11:30-Vlc Chemica] ProlTam 7:00-"Kurdls tan" II :45--801018t 7:16--'YheA.tena Prngram 11 :66--What's New In The World 7;3O--Best 10'0001 PrOll'I'am p , M, 7: 46--The Go]dnerl'8 U :OO-Johnny Marvin 8:00-The ShadoW U :I$-:"6111'.s IJespatche.s 8:30-N, E. Network Program U ;Z5--Stock Exchange Quotatlone S;OO--To be announced U :g6-~:IlrmelT Pr(>(]uce Market S:31)...... (;]eer..-oaler. 12 :4!i-Nel\polltl\n IJutch Glrla lO;OO--Corn Cob PIpe Club l;l6-Golden !'heMant Orcheura. ](1:30-1)8] Cnstlllo 1 :J()-(latUe Conc.. rt Ensemble II :OO-'Yeather Forecasts 2:0O--Don DeForest', Orchutra 11 :O!i--:-;ews Despatch", 2;I6--Style from a Health Angle 11:I5--Le .... C

Do ... H i. Du ty Gene Arnold: "You're the bread winner in your family, aren't you, Cliff? You bring home the bacon, don't you?" Cliff Soubier: "Ah sure is, Mis­ ter Arnold, Yassah. Ever' night Ah stops at de bakery und brings home de bakin'."

E"pen.i"e Advice Jo'ew hotel operators in the country will let the advice of a maestro cause them to spend $15,000 but that's exactly what the Book-Cadil~ hotel management has done in response to a suggest­ ion frOln Johnny Hump whose mu­ sic is heard at the Detroit hostelry. When they decided to decorate t he room where Hamp's bund plays, he pointed out that u special alcove would improve the acoustics great­ ly. They checked with an archi­ t.ect, who supported HUflll)'S state_ ment-- and the job is under way.

Like Sentiment Georgie ,price finds that radio audiences have more sympathy and warmth than those of the theatre, On the stage, one must never give Paul Wing, spinner of radio vent to his true emotions, Georgie yarns for young scagoers, who re­ asserts, while on the air one's exact cently returned to the air for a so­ feeling at the moment do not have ries of Monday, Wednesday and to be stifled behind a "voice with Friday broadcasts over an NBC­ a smile," The broadcast listeners, WTIC network at 5 :15 p. m., is he finds, like their se ntiment. proud of his t it le "The Story Man." Wing has been writing children's Bad T im.. stories for years, and many of his Conditions being what they were, -writings have stood the test of the circus season, closed early this time, now being read by the second summer, According to a COr­ decade of young folks. Even the respondent of Lowell Thomas, even stories in his present radio series, the elephants. famed for their mar­ sponsored by the General Foods velous memories, couldn't remem· Corporation, have been tried out bel' when circus customers used to first on his own youngsters, Roger, iced them peanuts. Lorraine and David. The stories were first related Ril'ht A n ..... e r while Wing and his family were "Yes and no," arlswercd Art Van sailing up and down Long Ish~nd Harvey of Vic and Sade when he Sound in his 45-foot sloop. When was asked if he liked to play golf. the wind was light the crell'­ "Yes because I like to get out with Roger, Lorraine and David-would 8 jolly crowd in the fresh country s urround the skipper and demand air, and no because I could do just tl. yarn. It' the story was good ns well by trying to hit a pea." 16 RADIOLOG Wed nesday (Continued) W"'AS-BOSTON (212.6m) 1410k 1:1S-Columbla Artt!lt R~clt.l %:So-Amer[can School or the Air A. M. I:OO--~lIznbetb Barthell 8:31-:-';""'~ Flu"e. 1:15-)lme. Belle ForM. Cutter 8:4~~"""n('IR J. Cronin ':45-~'our ~ton Boy. 1I:liu-ltel. &. Vunn 4:0l}-Claude Ilopkln!l' Orchestra. t:IL-MeIO('ly Magtc ~ :'O~1'he Oance Parade ':3U--'ron)"~ seraI' Bool<: i:OI)-II·llar·U Hangers 9: 45-1'11\1 .\Ierrymakef't ~:15-$h"pard'~ ~';a8h[On Parade l O:OO-The. Oxol BOl'! 6:30--~klppy IO:I~a.thorlne .\laeKen"le ~'45--="ove1ty Four 10:80--1>I,,10-V<>lr'! of Cello 11:1l0-.\lnrthn Lee's Cooking 8<1nool ':SO-Ulg Brother I I:l5-Hcquellt llecord Selection. G:4&--Chandu P . M. 1:II'I--M}'rt & Marge 12:(W--F'ranc\1I J. Cronin 1:H:'~Burk Rogen 12:30--810('k QuotaUone-l':e,... 7:3l}-Three X SI~teT8 l!:4S--~'llrm ~'lMhell 1:45--An&,elo Patrt I :OO-Parker Music .\Iallters 8:00-:\lusterole Program 1:30--M.dI80n ";n.embl" S:l5-Stng1n' SaUl z:oo--n.quut J'tecord $elecUonl 8:3O--l'etro Karbon Procram 2:4S--W""lk."-Thon ':OO--GUy Lombardo--Burn. k AII",n 3;02-N,,"'. Flube. 9:31)-Eno CrIme Club 1:15-PI.. "o Recital IO:OII--""'u~lc That SattJrtIU·· 3:3O--Chambf!r Music Ensemble 10:lft-Organ Recttal . :OO--l"o",e"',, t-'ederat!on lO:3!I--Cocoanut Groye Urcbutro. . :IO-F'rlUlk Wutphal'B OrchU!"" II :1Ifl--Ho!lywood Kl'yhole 4 :4~_"uolng to PTeu" II :3l}-Perley Steven~' Urchestra. &:Oo.-"Rlg I:lrother" 11:05-:-

Real F ootball Eddie Dooley's footbalJ programs seem to have won Ilopularity in tho~e new strongholds of footbail, American prisons. The IIponllors of Eddie's programs recently re­ ceived the following letter from an inmate of Sing Sing: "We've enjoyed your Ilro· grums lots- and would like to have some of your score sheets whieh you say can be obtained Irom your filling stations. Would you mi nd sending us about twenty sheets and thus help to render less bor ing our incarca­ tions (sic). And jf you'd like to see a real Iootball game you might come up some time.

S topped in T im-= "Pat Kennedoy isn't a real croon­ er," says Ben Ber nie, in appraising­ one of his boys. " He's a mongrel crooner . He never got high enough to be a tenor and never sunk low enough to be a baritone. H e stopped just in time to give radio Je:A.. '\I FAY one of its most plel\sing voices." Jean Fay, a Kentucky gil"1 who Fail to An. we r earned fame as It dancer and choir singer hdore her throaty biuel; "Although fish are frequently .... oice got her a chance on the fad io, found in schools thcy have no has corne to the NationaJ Broad_ methods of communIcation with casting Company on a thrice week­ each other," declared :y naturalist, ly progrnm. "That explains,. then," commented The litUe red-haired singer, who AI Bernard, the minstrel man, for ye:us was a member o.f the "why they don't respond to the Christ Church Cathedral choir in lines I drop them from time to Louisville, Ky., iij heard over an ex_ time." tCliSiv(' NBC·WBZ network each Tuesday, Wedncsdn.y and Friday at M .. k-= Moat of It 7:30 p. m. "Three NBC pages during their two weeks' vacation traveled 3500 BUIY Team. miles in a 1932 model automobile There are no busier individuals for which they paid $18.00," ~ys in radio today than Guy Lombar­ a news bulletin. They certainly do's Royal Canadians and the Mill>! knew how to drive a bargain. 18 RADIOLOG Wednesday - (Continued) 7:S()-Con('ert %:30--Weatrnlnater Choir 7:45--.1ohnny Hart J:OO--Sl.lon Concert Eu~emhle .s :OO--C111.t. DIa.mond'8 AdventUN". 1:30--Women'a Ra410 R~v l e .. 8:30-K Jo] Communlt)' singing Club 4:00--Two Seau III the Ull.lcony -!I:f5-Pnt IJ.arne. 4:SO--Tea Dansante ':OO-8herlock Uolme. 4:U-IAdy NeIt Door 9:311-HlUIk K~l1e's I1Il1lu 5:00--11\>lel Sherman OrCI~.tra 'lO:OO--PhUIII)II l..ord 6:1$--8w&"ee Serelladen -"0:15-1I0Ie[ Urldll'ewllY S:30-Tho ~'lylng f'amlly ;,to:.J;_ltepubUoan Newe l"LaahU 5:45--MalteI SlI,rety Soldier. :.1.1 :OO--Tlme-W&/lther-8POTUI !te","," ':OG-J]II,acrort Hoter Enaembl. .lI :I~_re Sod"ro'. Ur<:h"atra ':SO-Ne ... BllIlatlna l.Z:OO-Ca.1) Calloway'. orChestra. 1:!S'-DrlrtlnK a nd J)rell,mlng ~:u.--u, t:, I,; lrCle W T IC-HART FORO (282.8m) tOSOk 1:00-_,lIl,I\e ~'roman'8 Orcneatra 4:00-LltUe S]"lnl)hony 7:15---Chandu-The MllC'iclAn 4 :IO--Lou and Janet 1:30 to 1I:30--Same lUI W";";1 5:00--Rhythm FIVe !I':30-TO be announced 5:16 - ~Ju.nlcfl Wright Ura"dt 8:45--Whltman CllIIdy Program 6:3G--The 1"lylnlr Family 9:00-We.lm!n~r~r \,;liOlr 6:4&-Maltell: Safety SoJdle."S ':30 to all wt';~a 6:00-UuJlellne 10:30-NBe ArtiaU ProgNm 6:05--Dlnner Uonoort II :Ol-N.w" Bulletlnll C:3G-HarmOlleeT1! 11;IO-!!nrMet Lee'" Leader" 6:U- H eywood Broun'e Column II: IS-l)lck ua&p~ ...e & vrehestra 7:UO--Flrst Prize Supper Clul> W E AN-PROVIDENCE (3.$4m) 9tok 7:30--8111y Jonca and I~rnl .. 7:3O----Ulobe 1'rotler 7:4r.--oolden Quarter Hour 7:4S-liornlng OevQUons 1I:0G--1'he Sh/l.dow 1:00--1(, I . Information Hervlc. g:30-'l'raveler~ ft:45-- ~'r"n el& J, Cronin 9 :3l)-McCravy Brother, 9:00-LitUe Jack Little 9:00--SymphoIlLc S)'neolJatlon 9:15 to 10:la-Same all WA,\I:! 9:4r.--studlo l-'TOvam 10:15-Spntllghting IIIghllghtl 10:OO--Corn Cob Pip" Club 10:30 to 1I:30-8&me n. WNAC 10:3(1-BulJ"Unll 11 :30-1'one Palntlne. IO:35-NBC Artists J'rollTam 11:45 to 1~:06-Sarne Il l< WNAC II :OO--J>,..,rnenade Oance l'rogTam p, M, II :So--Olek Ua..PIlrrl'. Orene,"ra I Z:Oti---Olobe Trotter U:IJO---.Collin Drlgge 1~:Ia-Uuddy H arrod'" Orcneatra U:llJ--(,;Olumbla Kevue WTAO-WORCE$TER (516,9m) 580 I:OO-It. I. Information SerVice A , M , 1:30-Women'. I,'ederatlon 8:0O--Quaker Jo:.arly Ulnlll 1:45--)ladIMn },:n.emble 8:1$-()rgan Rhap80dy %:00-1'he UoA81pers S:3O--Ch~rlo %:15 to 4:45-1:1"m" a" WNAC 1I:0(l-Musle gnse",ble 4 :45--UnCle RM', ABC Club 9:1~-o r gan--t:allllOl ' l 'heatr~ 6:00 to 5:45-Same sa WNAC t:45_ Flylng Flngeno 5:45--Wrl&ley Indiana 10:DO-BanJoleere I:O:-''lpnrt 10:15 to l1:Uu--&une all W~;t:1 I:07-(;lob" '['Totter Ne ... 11:00--0reen and de ROle 6:1S to I:45--Same WI WAAB 11 :15_Ha.dlo Household InaUtll te 1>:45 to 7:15--8ame .. WNAC 11:3G-U, S, Army ~nd 1:1G-south Sea gch6<.& p , M , 7:30-1'hree X Slatera U :OO--.Johnny Marvln_'I'enor 7:45-Jlmmle Gallagher'. Or"helltl',"\ U:i5-6u Wlngll of Song 8:1)0 to 1I:30-Same .. WNAC U:So--P roduee Mark et Repo rt 8 :SO--The Dictators U:IS-l<'lI,rm F lutln 8:45-Smllh Bro., U:45-Popular P r otrtllm 9:00 to IO :I5--Same 8.8 WNAC t :OI_Newl a .. netJ ... 10:15 to U:OO-Sam" aa WAAB 1:15 to Z:IIO-Harne a.a Wt:81 U:OO-Bl1Iy 1.0.. .,.', Oreh""tra 2;OO_Palala D'Or Or<:heetra 1t:30-1...eon Oeta!I'Co'a Orchaatra THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1932 WEEI_BOSTON (508m) 590k 1I:00--To be It"nounced A, M, 11:IS-Radlo Houlehotd 8:0IJ-(,lu(lker l,;arly Blra. II :4a--D~1 caeUllo I:I S_E. 0, Rideout 11:55-What'. New. III the World 8:ZO-The Morning paper P. M, S,SO--CheeriO 12 :00--Johllny .'!lnrvln ':00-1'0 be announced 1!:I5--To be annou,,~ed 9:15--Anne Hard l:l5--)[uelcltl Program 9:3O--Corn ProduCts Pl'OgTam 1 :4:;...... comell Y8, Penn, 9:45-1'10 Plant PHe 4:30-NewII De81lntches 10:OO-The Alyetery Chef 4:40-8U"er Linin&, HOllr l O:l5--[)e.I Caatltlo 5:I$--OrlgLnal Teddy Bean lO:30--l-lappy Han'bler 5:30-Dr, HOU'8 Dog 'I'alk 10:t5_ lIrflen and De Hon 5:45--SektLtary Hawkln. RADIOLOG

New England's 49 WEST ST. Smartest BOSTON Beauty Salon Hancock 8026

METROPOLITAN OPERA BACK ON AIR Metropolitan Opera will be back year, to bring the totaJ number of on the air Thanksgiving Day, No­ broadcasts for the current sixteen vember 24, when the National week season to approximately the Broadcasting Company. which last same number gh'en last year dur­ year carried the nation's lea;ding ing a twenty-four week season. opern to radio listeners for the first Details of the weekly schedule will time, resumes its broadcasts of be made available shortly, and regulul' perfor mances from the special broadcasts wili be an- stage of the Metropolitan Opera 1I0unced from time to time. House in New York City. "Lakrnc," the entire second act Lily Pons and Giovanni Martin­ of which will be carried over the elli, singing the leading roles in the nir, will mark the first appearance lUetropolitan Opera Company's of )Irne. POliS, celebrated young first production this season or French coloratura soprano, on the "Lakme," the opera which was re­ Metropolitan stage this seasoll. The vived especially for l'aIme Pons' tai· opera is the olle ill which she made ents, will open the broadcast series her European debut, lind was re­ of 1932-33 over an NBC-WBZ net. \'ived for her by the Metropolitan work on Thanksgiving aflernoon Opera Company last year. The fa­ at. 3:15 p. m. mous Bell Song, which Mme. Pons With this Thanksgiving Day sang at her first audition for the broadcast the National Broadcast­ Metropolitan, will be heard during ing Company, in cooperation with the broadcast. the officials of the opera company, will inaugurate a series of programs Nec.euary that will insure radio listeners a full season of operatic broatlc8at3 de­ Philosophy, according to Phillips apite the shorter season in effect Lord, is something every man should have. "A smile in business," at the Metropolitan Opera House says the Country Doctor, "will do this year. more than the best salesman, nnd New Velocity, or "ribbon" type, it doesn't have to have a drawing microphones, now being installed account. It'll work for your in­ at the opera house, will bring the terest from morning till night." second year of broadcasts to listen­ er!! with greater fidelity than ever. Startinl' a F ire These lIew microphones were re­ If you're thinking of starting a cently perfected and are far fire for a radio prodUction, consider ahead of the present standard mi­ Ray Kelly's method of simulating crophones in fidelity of sound pro­ the crackling of flames during a duction. Sherlock Holmes broadcast over Special broadcasts of premieres NBC networks. Kelly, chief NBC and holiday productions will be sound technician in New York, docs added to a regular weekly schedule, the trick by crumpling a bit of similar to the one in effect last cellophane in the palm of his hand. 20 RADIOLOG Thursday (Continued)

6:IHl-The E"~nlng '1!II.tlltir 10:45-The ·roreado.... S:SO--Ne,,·. ()e~pat"h~~ 11:OtI--Colgat6 \'8. Brown 6:40--Woh'C'r'ne Spotlight , M. ~:.~-U, B. Clrcl'" 1:30--0Qston !Tir. Ser"TeI! 7:0O--Jnne Fromnn'~ l3and 2:IIO--Peon, \"s Cornell 7:15-\Vhoot~n" Program 4:30--The Dant'e Parade 7:30--Ra)' PerklnH 5:00--13en Alley 7:45-The Goldherg" 5:15-Shepnrd's 1-'8.Shlon l-'nrade 8:00--Flel~chmRnn Hour 5:~Il-;.1klpIlY 9:0O--Captaln Henry'S ShoWboat 5:45_Hamblea In Kttytnm ]!1:OO--Lucky l:ltrlk~ oance Hour 6:00--Snort Pla"hes 1l:00--K B. IUdeout fJ:15-\'olce of XrlOllhone Il:O~-New" Despatchcs 6:30--Blg Brother 11:lS-L"'o l{"'l~ml\n·.s Orche~tra 6:45.....('han<'lu 7:00--M~Tt & ~tR r ge WAAB-BO$TON (212.6m) 1410k 7: 15-Buck Rogers A. M. ~:3Il-Jlarold Stern'.. Qrche8.trll. 1:I:31-Ne ..... t>'Iru;;ne~ 7:45--Chn'>e & Sanborn S:45-Populnr .\lelQdles S:~Il-,\h" I,ymnn's OrchutnL 9:IHl-Rels & Dunn S:t5-Jack Henny 9:I5--Uyp>lY ~lu~lc ~1aJplng XtiWS WBZ_WBZ A_BOST ON (303m) IlIOk 2:00--Walk.A_Thon A. M. 3:0:?-N6W8 Flashee 7:00--Westlnghouse Mustcal Clock 3:15-PlAno Recital 7:45-JollY 1311! and Jane 3:3(I...... Chamber '\Iusle l':nsemble ~:IHl-~lo r njng MinstrelS 4:00-Tea URnce Music g:15-lIrornlng Devotlons 4 :3Q--SlIm Martln's OrChestra. S:30-Pepper Pot 4:45-Amerlcan L<:'glon !:)peak er G:~o--Vlc nntl Sad~ 5:00--"Blg Brother"' 9:'S-Bradford Organ 5:15-Harry K nOdgers IO:Ol}-)luSlcal Melange 5:.5-Vaughn de Leath lQ:I5--Clara. Lu and "'m S:OU--! 1. V. Kaltenborn IO:30--0ur Dallr \<'ood 6:15-RI"ler a Orchestra 10:4;,-ConsohUree 6:3U--t:ddle Dooley 11 :Oll-S<'hool of Cookery 6:4a-Ozz!e Nelson 11:15-Sllver Mhistrels 1 :O l -News ~'I .. ~he~ 11:30--Hhythm Ham!)!e", ~:I5--Chamber )'fu8lc ~;nst"lllbl~ P . M , 7:30--Jlmmle Gallaght"r's Orche~tl':l 12:1~_13radt()rd Organ 'i:4a-To be announced 12'30--Farm and Home Hour 8":OO-The GOI!lIlpers I :~5-I~e" tlattle'B i':nRcmble 8:15-Walk-A-Thon ~ :Oll-Strlng Ensemble B:30--HlU allly GeorgI! J!:3O--Chlekerlng Hour S:4a-To be announced 3:00--Sally and Bob 9:00--)'leyer Davl~'s Band 2;1~-,\IetroIl01ltan Ollera 9:15-.'!ast('r of l\ly~tery 4:15-"Thuraday Spl!c~I" 9:45-S\)otllghtlng !:)portS ,,,OO-Hank Keene'" lllllles 9:5(1-;';ew9 FlaM'es 5:30--Slnglng Lady IO:OO--Andr~ Koste lanetr. 5:45-Llttle Urphan Annie IO:3(}-""uman Side of _'

Sweet Tooth The most insistent and rhythmic: beat in ' har­ mony the other night was, accord­ ing to Vet, a great big toothache which almost stopped the show. An impacted wisdom tooth caused Vet to miSil the rehearsal of "Music That SatisfieS," but she wa~ game enough to go on the nir de6pite that every time the bass fiddle player hit low C, she wnnted to scream "Ouch!". However, she proved she still had a sweet tooth for har­ llIony.

Great Aid A fan letter addres~ed to ';X Sisters, Station \vASe," read in part: Hr don't know who you girls ure, but r want to'. say that your programs are delightful and have done me worlds of good ....". The signature revealed the writer was an old friend who is at Sara­ nac Lake, recuperating from a pro­ longed illness. They had played in vaudeville with him before they left this country for England and adopted their present "nomme de ether."

New T"idc The HummingbIrds, heard with Whispering Jack Smith and Arnold CIiII'.F t:V.l::Hmn:t;.'\ ' Johnson, introduced a new trick to The sound effects man, usually broadcasting technillue. The ar­ running in high gear during most rangements for the ensemble were programs, goes into neub'al dur­ so devised that the girls' voices sup­ ing presentaions of "The Lone Jllant vurious instruments of the Wolf" over the WAAS-Columbia orchestra. When they wanted to network, for Chief Evel'green Tree, achieve a soft trumpet effect, they Ii full-blooded Pueblo, has trained l!ung through r egular mutes. nil!- larnyx to duplicate all the ani­ mal noises u~ed in the program, De&er ...... It The Isaac Walton League pro­ Only one visitor ever is admitted claimed him the world's greate~t to Ray Perkins' broadcast and she imitator of animal and bird sounds. is the soul of constancy, The woman always appears at the stu­ Key to Situation dio a few minutes before the broad­ During their rccent vaudeville cast, carrying a bouquet of flowers. performances The Funnyboners She immediately presents u flower were forceo""1o compete with a trio to every person on the program, of elephants. The beast developed then sits down quietly to enjoy her­ the annoying habit of I!norting self. The woman has been making backstage every time the popular the visits ever since she "just trio swung into action, Funnybon- popped in" more than u year ago. 22 RADIOLOG Thursday (Continued ) 11 :U---Qll.6II.. r a Sodaro', Oro;:h,.tra 2:00-Salon Singen t%:OO--An~on Weeks' Orchestra ::U__ Conle ll vs. P e nn, 4:30---S0nata Uec!lal WTIC_H A RTFO RD (282,8m) 1010k 4:45_I.... o1y Next Door A, M, 5:0Q--Schlrmer and Schmidt 7:0I)-Qr.... n He<:lta l 5:I5-Paul Whiteman'. Uhythm ~ 7:So-Sunahlne Rennaden S:!O--Swanelornlng Devotion, • :OO--Quaker Eftrl)' BINI 8:0Q.-Hcqueat Heeord Selection • 8:I5--0rgan Rhap.OOy 8 :3Q.-School Quarte, Hour 1 :3O-Chtoerio 8:45-Popular MelodIes !:OO--!'>Iarguerlte De Vine 3:00 to 9:3_Sam6 8.lI WNAC 9:IS-Shopplng Around 9:30 to lu:U-Same lUI WAAH 9:. 5-PI .. Plant Pet.. IO:15-pular l'I(·9.~nntrl .. 5:·j;,-X,J\"'lCy I··ou,· 9!U(l-H"I~ & :Ounn 6:0'1-~1}('Tl Sianta a:1S-.\lornlng ~IOO<.III £:15-\ nke of ~lIx"I,l\'m~ ~:311-'rony's Srmp BOOk 6:lO--W¥ Brother 9:45--Th .. Merr)"mnk('r" 6:45-(;handu to:OO--O~(\1 HOY" 7:0fl-.:'1Yrl &. Mara-e 10: 15-''''i1",lpTson-< 'rum!t ,:l5_HU('k ROi\"er" IO'4~_'\1"lody Para,l .. 1:.;1I-1·hr~1" x sl~U'ra II:O'~M'trtha I ... ,,'. Cook,,,1I' School ;;~5-\\'lIl1am Hall 11:13- IIN/nesl n"""rd S~I"("tlon" S:Ofl-.lo;dwln C. Hili P. M. 8:15--!'Hngln' San. U:OO--Franels J. Cronin ~:3"""";\""'ch of T1mp 12:3(1-fitoek llllrket Quotatlons 9:0fl-.AII_AmerIC:'ln FOOtball ShO'" 12:,5-}o'arm Fla~J".·1I 1I:3fl-."Tn The 1..:,(11",," l:l»--Oeorg<> 1111.11'" OrehpRtra IO:(}O_Chellterfl"Il\U\l1 Urove Orch~ .. tra :r:02-oSewII Flashn II:Ofl-.JJ •• lIywood Keyhole 1:15-I"II\no RedIal II :06-:';"",s ~·la8I1e~ ~:31l--('hnmber ~\lu~I(' l!:n"~mbl(' II :15-H<)f!ebu!l (lal"d"n8' Orchestra 4:00--'Vomen'lI ~'ed ..ratlon Il:3fl-.AI RtsrIU'" .\lu~lc .:30-U. S. Army Uand 12:0&-<'lnle Neilton'" Orcheltra 6:00--"Blg Brother" 1~:~fl-.Il('rn1e Cummins' Orellellra ,,:la-liarry E. Rodgen 12:45-1-I1l1 Kemp'~ Or.ohntra 6:4i-Wrlgley indian" 6,OO--llRPPY 'l'lme--il'ene Bn.lIler WBZ·WBZA-BOSTON (303m) 890k 6:t5-Haroh1 Stern', Orchestra A. M. 6:3D-EMI" Dooley 1:0' ...... ;\11l~1""1 (·l/)('k 6:f5-Ho""ard Lanln·. Orchestra 7:~&-J0Ily Bill lind Jane 7:0t_Xew" }<""'8h~" 8:00-Wheatsworth Prognlm 7:I5--Chllmber .'lu~l(" l!:n_~~mbll" 8:1a--:'lorning Oe ..otlon9 j :3fl-.A I .\Ioore·. Jolly '.rar~ S:3O--Grln "nd Ben,.lt 8:0G--Tihe \.losslperR 8:4a--I'elmer I'ot S:IS-' 9:0()-Vlrglnn ltende 8:3fl-.;\luscanto Trio 9:1()-Vle and SRde 8:45-~heehan's Irl,1I )lInstrels 9 :45--Tlml"--W eat her-Temperature ':Ofl-.ltonnle and Van 9:4~_llnmemsklng Hlnt& 9:15-'The Jujtlrenlllut Murder" IO:OQ--John f'ogart)· 9:45-Hpotllghtlng ~po,·t~ IO:I5---Clal'n, Lu IInll I,:m 9:51-:\,·w~ l'·la~heR 10:30--0ur Dnlly Foo(l 10:OO-Harry F;. U(I(lgers 1(i:45--llank Keene'" Bl'im!" 10:15-&8Y ACe<'1 II:Ofl-.;\lus!c Appreciation Hour In:3f1--Chllrle~ Carlll~ P. M. 10:4&--(:010nel f:fiooiH'"gle &. Uudd I!:OI-~lonltor \,Ie,.." tOe :.;e ... ~ II:OO--(;olumblll Syml)non~· vrchenra 12:1a--.\V~nlher I l:3fl-.Lomba rd o·~ Htlysl C8Jll1dlans 12:IS-N. ~,. Agrleulture ClUb WNAC-BOSTON (243.8m) 12$Ok 12:3fl-.f·Arm and llome Hour ':3fl-.Sunrll,e ~1.lodll". I :30-Hlghwl\Y Safety Committee 7:16--~ews l"la"l"'l1 1 :35-l' MlnIAlur"~ 7:3fl-.:'IJornlng Watch I :~5--I1,,()lcM Ill: Allthon. 7:45_ltNluest HeCOl'(\ !;elec(lons !!:OI(I-!Ith S. E. Conlerenee 9:0fl-.Nlne O'Clock i;lerenader" 3:0fl-.~!Y And Bol> 9:15-~lonRrch HOlltn" 3:3'I-II0l11e l"orum Cookln8' School 9:3fl-.Song Album 4:00--HhythmLc S(>N'mUle 9:45-Ulrd"e)·" .1'·r03tNi ~'ood"ter" 4:15---(:oh .. n and Clancy IO:Ofl-.The Yankee ~Ingers 4'31)...... (· ... "C.. 1"1 10:15-1'ango Orrllelltra ~'~~·Qt1ef'rt ArtlRt~ IO:3fl-.Vankee '\llx~d (,juarlet 5:0fl-.AR"I"lcultul"1I1 Markets 10:4a--ltumrerd (.;h l" mlcal !'rogram 5:15_nrom~dllry (:lIrava.n II :1l'l--;\1l:Ij:"lr PiS no T",ln" 5'3fl-.~'na-ln8' l .... dy II:la--The CapUvllIOrs 5:45-Llttle Orphan Annie 11:3G--;\lnrnlng "JuRlcale I:O{l--..nltor Vlew8 the NeWR P. M. 6:~5-J..owelt ThomlUl 12:00-Nl"wS from ~hepllNt Storl"!l 7:0()-Amoll 'n' Andy U:06-::S~"'B f1a~heB 12:1a--;>;oonday .!'ll"rvlcl" 1:15-Royal Vacabond. , :31)...... (·oncl"rt I :(Hl...... ,\lIopplnl\" :.;" .... ~ 1:45--.1ohnny Hart 2':OO--Fred Bnr.. ",,' OT('h~~tra I:Ofl-.N ... lle Pr"'I!Tsm 2:3fl-.Oo. Rc. :'Ill On'h('~ 8:3fl-.... (!ve"lure. In Healtll 2:~5-1';II~abl"th Hnrlilell 3:4:>-/lo"·lIra'l"nurMon 3:01)...... (·"hlmbla Salon Ordl('"tra t:Ofl-.Flr.t Nll!"hl ..r ~:4,,_AI"x Semmll"r ,:SO-"'rmour Program ~:Ofl--The (Jrab Ball IO:O(I...... Country O

lO :45-Hej)ublloan Natlona.l Committee 4:1&-R\ce ~trln il" Quartet 11 :0o--Spora Review 4:45-I,,,dy Nellt Door 11:15--Nlght Son(: 5:OtJ--Holel SII.erman Orcneatra 12:00--Cab Calloway'.II Orcheltra S:3O--The jo'I),lng ),'amll), &: 45-Mnlter Salety SoldIer! WTIC-H .... RTFORO (282.8,") l060k ~:OtJ--Bancroft Hot,,1 l'lrllemble '!...M, 6:!o__ u.uett" Ne ... t:w--Serenadlng Strlng8 G:3If--AI Bernard t :ZS-Conn, ;o.(otor \, .. hICI61 G:4f>.-G, K Clrele t :Z6-Sunlet Club 7:0o--Coke Pre/\entatlon 6:00--Rhythm Five 7:1S-Chflndu 5:16_"Sm!Ung Ed" .McConnell 7:30 t o ~:3O--Sllme " a WI!:t;I &:ao--"The .'lylng ~'amlly" 9:!o--Pond', Dance Orchestra ~:45_Sarety SOldlen I(I,OO-AI J01eon e :60--BulletlnB lO:30--t;lgtn Adventure Club G:OS_Olnner Concert 10 :4G_Lolnny HOI.ll 6::'lIl--The Harmoneers II :(.II_N .. ws Bulletins 6:.5-Hey.... ood Broun's Column 1\;07-Wealh"r RepOrt 1:OtJ--Travelenl Orchestra II :IO--Lanny Roe, 1 :!o--Jone" and Hl\re 11:15-Aneon W .... k.' Orch.. ,tra 7:~5-;\lelo<.ly Mood8 II :3O--Hot,,1 New York"r OrChestra. 8:0(l-Jeulca Oragonett8 ~:OO--E8klmo Nighl ClUb WEAN-PROVIDENCE ($14m) 990. ':30--Srmphonle S)'neopatlon A . M. 10:06-,.\1 ,I olaon 7:3O--Globe Trotter 10 :,o--Flo)"d Glbbon1J 7:45-~lornlnl:" DevotIon" I O:t5-Hank Keene'a Hmbllliu S:(lU--n('que~t n ecord Selections Il :OO--Club Ilotlywood On:hutra ~:45-PopuIRr Plcsasanlrlea 11 :36-Promenade Dance Program t:()O-LHlle Jack Lltttf 9:15 to 9:4G-Bnme all 'VAAl! WT .... G-WORCESTER (516,lIm) ~:45-1"rOBled ~'ood"tetll .... . M. ." In:(!O to H):4r.-SAme as WAAH 10:45 to l1:lO-~me all WSAC 8:IlO-Qulllu~r Early BINls It:30--<''00klng SchOOL !~l&-organ Khapaody 11:4&-Uen Alley 8:3O-Cheerlo 5:()O-Sherer's Surprllle Party P. M. ':l5--0rpn--C'aplto] Theane l~:()o-Shopping N"w!J 9:4u.-BlInJoleerll 12:~Olob" Trottu lO:OO-Three OrphRns )2:15-B,,<1<1y H arrod', Orch('lltra lO:lf>-Hreen and de nose 12:3G--('!olumbla itevue 10:4U-;\Ju~lc In The Kitchen 12:4li--Col. ~ducatlonal Featuru 10:45 to lZ:OO--same ..8 WJ::&l I:OO--\'Irg1nla ]) P . M. 1 :O~R I. Information U:OO--./ohnny "tarvin-Tenor r:4r.-W~~AN Women'. Federatlon, a:15-Qn Wings of 11lme as WNAC 12:45--Shopplng In the !olart 6:45--Wrl&,ley Indlan.ll 1:01-NcW8 Bulletlnll 6:0Z--l;por t Slant.ll 1:15--."1. y, Adv. Club Luncheon 6:05-Globe Trotter l:I&-VarletIM 6:1~ to fi:4[>--Same a" WAAU l:31)-Three Sha.dM or Blue 6:.5 to 1:1$ all WNAC 2:.5-!oluted Strlnl'te ,:15-Bllly 1.ollllez',. Orchestra 3:01)-Echoes or Brln 1 :30 to IO: l b-Same as WNAC !:15-Ad\'entures In HobbY Hld'n&, 10:15 to 1~:U1)-Sllme as \VAAB' 1:lo--Women·.II Hadlo Hevue U:OO--BUly LO.IIsez'. OrChestra . :OO--May We Prennt 12:30 to 1:\lU--Same as WNA.C· SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1932 WEEI-SOSTON (~m) 5'iOk 1Z :~5-Del ca..ostmo A , M . 1 :OG-Slock ElIchllnge Quotation. ' : 4 ~-Tower H ealth Ellercl!" 1:lo--HOIel LeXington tlreh ... t"" 8: 06-Quaker !,:arlr Sirds \:3o--Pn'olball Game S:15-E. B. Rideout 4:00-.K",w, ~lIpatehe.os 8:Zo--The Morning p.IIper . :4o--To be announee.:! 1:3O--Ch"erlo 5:3O-Cravlga\ll3.d ~:Oo--;\Iornlng Glee Club 5:45-8ekMar)" H ..wklns 9: 15--~Ia.aQ ucraders 6:M\..... -1·he Evening Tattler .:I(l-Jaek lI.l1d J1I1 ':30--N"''''8 DellPI"-tches ':45--1'1" Plant Pete 1;46-Leopotd Mor.lle Procrarn 10:00--\'aso Family 6:4S-G, I::. Clrde 10:15-Del Cutillo 7:OtJ--To be announeed IO :45-Bresn .,. d e ROfIe j:3O--Leo Helsmat\ Orche~tra 1I:00-1>\elodI08 (If the South 7:.5--The Goldberl! n:I5--Radlo H ousehold JDstitute I:OO--Golden H our or Muelc Il:3G--S ... en Jo)wenlon & Swelleh".rt. 8:15--Eehoell or tbe f'JIl1lHld,,"· PO. M, 8:3o--RII(]10 in l;:ltucatlon U:O(l-Johnny ;\1f1.,'ln ':(l(l-c'rno Rapee'" Orehestra U :l&-N"ewl Dupatchu l O:OO--Lueky Strike Dance .Hour RADlOLOG TREMENROUS STAGE A ND SCREEN ATTRACTIONS It is a new Gilda Gray who ap­ pears at the Metropolitan theater N" mbeu beginning r riday, November 18. Vincent Sorey has resumed di­ In the photograph which appears rection of the Sorey Ensemble after -on the cover of "RADIOLOG" this a five-day i!lness. Although not a numerologist, Vincent says his week, Miss Gray is seen as she 110W appears. Entirely recovered from health bears a peculiar relation to the number five. Since he be­ a long illness, Miss Gray comes IlS the head of her own gorgeous stage came connectcd with radio some show. ten years ago, Vincent has been in only three times, but each Gilda Gray's name has become attack lasted five days, came at know ill every country of the civil­ f ive-year mtervals, and reduced b is ized world but it is an uncivilized, six-piece ensemble to five pieces. pagan dance which she presents this time and she has givell to it all of M y.t ery Solved her art, all of the ability and per­ Until recently, CBS employers sonality which have added to her could not understand why clerks at fame. a soda fountain near the New York There is no question that no studios always made it a point to artiste in the world has more secure a copy of the studio pro­ fJ'iends than Gilda Gray and her duction schedule. The explanation coming to any theater is always came when Announcer Kenneth a muttcr of congratulation to that Roberts entered the establishment theater. In Boston she numbers and ordered a ham sandwich and a her friends by the thousands and piece of mince pie. that, she holds the record for single "I'll give you the sandwich now, days business at the Metropolitan Mr. Roberts," answel·ed the clerk, augurs well for her reception here scanning the schedule, "but you'd this time. better save the( pie till later­ you've got a progl"am in tell min­ On t he screen at the Metropolitan utes." theater the week of November 18 wi!! be seen Paramount's latest big Separa t e Func tion. success, "Evenings for Sale" in the cast of which will be found Herbert When those three harmoni:t.i ng Marshall, Sari M!(ritza, Charlie Boswell Sisters are 011 the air, each Ruggles, Mary Boland and many has a distinct assignment in adit­ ion to blending her voice with other stars. those of the others. Martha ]llays "E\·enings f or Sale" a comedy the piano, Connie gives manual with a distinct heart interest. The cues to the guitarist, trumpeter and leading character is a Potgliacci, the music. laugh clown- who though his heart may be breaking must continue to play the role of a jester. It is II love story without a menace. It is the story of ~ man who, on the eve AUTO and FURNITURE LOANS of suicide, finds a new lover inter­ On your own signature est and then lives to love. There is no more charming personality on Collateral remaina in the screen than Herbert Marshall your poaseuion and his supporting cast is one of the best that could have been selected. " Op~n Satu,dau-, unril .. P. M. Fabien Sevitzky will lead the Metropolit~n Grand Orchestra while Arthur Martel pluys tIle huge GLOBE PLAN organ, offering novelties such as 437 Park Sq. Bldg. only Martel can present. Boston, Mass. There is free dancing nightly in the Grand Lounge. Uberty 7368 Licanse 142 28 RADIOLOG Saturday - (Continued)

11 ,OO-F.). B. R'~eout 7:00-Prederlc \Vl1llam Wile I t :6&-:-"ew~ De~pRt"ne. 7:15--Harold Stern'e Orchestra 11:15--Hotei Pierre Orchestra i:45-Maglc Voice 11:30--Paul Whiteman'. Orchestra ~:OO--Abe Lyman'a Orchestra WAAB-BOSTON (212.6m) 1410k S':I5--Pnllco H):OO--MlnlalUre Operelta A. M. II :OI)---Hollywood KeyhOle 8:31-New~ ),'188h". 11:06-Newl S;4a-PopuJil.r PleaS9.Jltrlea It:I5--Roaebud Gardens' Orchestra 9:00-ReI8 & Dunn 11 :30--Perley Stevenll' Orcheslm !:15-The Commuter" 12:00-Ted Florlto'a Orcheltra t:3().-.Tony'. Scrap Book a:ZO--Stanley Smith's Orchestra. 9:~5-Arlell" Dlck.on 10:00--1'h" AmbRua(1or.ll WBZ,WBZA-BOSTON (303m) ttOk IO:1 5-Cstherlne MacKenzie A, M. 10:30--Helen and :'Iary 7:IlO--Mulllcal Clock 11:00--Th8 l"eature Fore0l\8ter 1:4~_uraalora urgan 11:15_ReQU"Ott Rernrd SelectIons ~:OO--Mornlng MlnSlrel1 l~:OO-Stoek "'farket S:I&--Mornlng Devotlonl P . M. 3:3D----Grln and Bearlt lZ:l5-Farm Flashes _~:~~_ Pepper Pot i2:30-Football MaUnee 1I:OO--Hank Keene's 81llies 1~: 4 5-Army \'8 N6tre Dame !:!O-Vle and Slld" 4:30-George Hall's Onheatra 11 :45-Time--W ealher--Temperature- 6:00-"Bll( Brother" 9:48-I.oull 'Velr--Organ 5:1I>--HaJ'T)' E. Hods-era lO:OO--Home Forum Cooking SchOOl ':fr.-Tlto Gulur IO:l0--0ur Dall", Foo<'l 6:01J.-The ~'unnybonf!rI 10: 45-80y scout '1'roup ':Ir.-Hlv!era Orchestra I I :00-8chool ot Cookery 6:30-Eddle Dooley , 11:1_~awara Jaraon-LOUII weIr 1:4s-JRCk MUler's Orooutl"ll 11:30--Women', Clubs 1:01-New8 Flallhe8 p, M, 7:15--Chamber Mus!c Ensemble U:OO--Monltor viewl Ihe New. i:SO--Yen Ho Orchestra U:I5--Weather ,:45--nhythm Tw!n~ 12:18--4-H Club 1I:00--'l'he UOOl ~loeu 1~:3I)-Farmer&' Union 8:15--Walk-A-Thon 1 :30-Harold Stokes OrChestra 8:30--Francl~ "Tip" O'Neil 2:00--Footba.ll Gam" S:45--Negro Splrltual~ 5:0()-Swanee Serenail.el'8 ~:QQ-Me:I-'er Davl~' Orchestra S:45--Little Or-phlln AnnIe 9:S0--0rg'an Recital S:OO--Teaberry Sport~ .RevIew ~:46-Sports with \Vllkle G:09-Radlo Bl11board 9:ril-Herald News ~~la.she . S:n-Monltor VI"wl the New. lO:OO--'Vmlam O'Neal 6:3O--Qleaaon L. Archer IO:I5-Publlc AJl'alu IuUtute 6:4s--Q'Lf!ary's Irish Mlnstrele lO:45- Vaughn de Leath 1:00--'Vestlnghoulle Walchmen II :OO--GUY l.ombardo·~ Orchut~ 7:15--C01Jeglana II:SG---Calltornla Melodle~ 7:3O---Cuckoo---Raymond Knight 1l:00--1Jarn Dance WNAC-SOSTON (243.8m) 1230k II :30-Road to Romllny A . M. 9:(1)-EI Toro Week-,II;na program 5:30--SunrlBe :'Ilelodlea 9:3Q-Club Cucadea Orcheal~ 7:15-New~ FlaBhcB 10:OO--Gentlemen ot the PreSI 7:30-:'Ilornlng Watch 10:15-Holel Brldgeway Orchutra 7:C5--ReQUeBt R ecord Sel8(:tlone IO:4S-HeIlUbUcan Ne"'e Bulletlne 9:00--Nlne O'ClocK $'erenaden 11 :OO--Sport8 Hf!vlew 9:15--'1'he Monarch H oaten U:Ou----Jack Venny·. Ureheltra 9:30--The S'entlnf!l. 9:45-Sunahlne Ulll WTIC-HARTFORD (282.8m) 10i501c: Hl:O()--Earle Nelson A, M. IO:15-McMullen Cooking School 7:0O--Qrgan Recital IO:45--The !IIodl'rnlMe 7 :30--Sunllhlne Serenaaen 11:00--:-:. Y. PhilharmonIc OrChestra 8:0fI.-Gf'ne and Olen P. M. 8:15-Or!;!\n Hha-psody 12 Ol-News j,'luhea 8:3G---Cheerlo 12 100Noonday Servlcf! !:OO--"~hopplng ..-llh SUIII.n" 12 45-13udd)' lJarrod'~ Orchestra 10:00--"1.'he MixIng Bowl" I OO-Int. Servtce 1Q:30--Plectral Ensemble 1 4o-Roaton College ' .. Holy Cross 10:~5-S"mphonlc SynCOpatIon C 30--'1'~a Dance ;\Iuale 11:15-Radlo 110ul{>hOld ln~t1tuI8 5 Oil-EddIe Duchln's Orchestra 11 :30-----Swen Swenson's Swedeheart.. 5 IS-Shepara's 1,'aShlon l"ll.rall\l P.M. 5 30-----~klpp'" 12 fI(I-,Iohnny Marvin ;; 4fi-':':'(rI'elty j,'our U 15--Bulletlna 6 nO--Sport f'lashf!s 12 20--F',um .. nd Home !"orum G I~-Yolce or thf! Trombone 1 Ilil-Blue Room Echoos G 31l-BIg BrOlher 1 30-)!erry )Iadcaps 6 45--Paul ShIrley 200-F'00tball Gam", RADIOLOG 2. THE MIRROR OF FASHION By NANCY HOWE-WNAC School children can sing "Rain, ducks oand new Cfavancttes with rain go away, little Tommy wants twill aurfaces. The lighter-weight to play in the rnincoats arc easily carried over meadow on tho the arm and ca.ll be donned over ... hay," old folk the new fur-trimmed cloth coat or ",. can hum the pop- the fur coat that must not be ai­ ulnr tune titled lowed to get wet . . _ at least. . . after that old until is a tinier bit less new and nursery rhyme, the novelty of possession has ' worn Old Timers can on.' Another practical idea is the . ~~! make optimistic accompanying little hat in matching " , weather predic- color or material. "Careless but but nob by," y'know. So much for t all is said that! ~, I . done, noth· The new suede-like materials • ;:,~~~;::.:ht~;,~t:t~h~;eeffect tohave the given short an sports added jacket style ...interest al- an New England ways a popular item, not only with rain clouds decide to the college crowd for football days, 'innings.' U 's going to rain and but for moloring. hiking and we might as well make the best of country-wear generally. Beige and the situation and make up our browns are popular colors for these, minds that we're going to get wet because they 'go with' things, but nnd that we can best fcsign our- white and bright red are also im­ selves to the climatic conditions by portant. Then there is the sleeve­ garbing ourselves a.s attractively less, hip-length jacket ... a sort and suitably as we can, in 'wet;.. of vest that may be worn under the weather' apparel. coat ... an almost indispensable Fortunately, the raincoat has sports-costume.accessory. stepped out of the line of garments By the way ... speaking of solely utiltarian and is running sports clothes... Schiaparelli, away with honors among "sportsy ... again comes to the fore with sportwear! It is found in a va- an intriguing mushroom beret in riety of new materials and colors. rayon corduroy, velveteen or dull The bright football shades . .. velvet .. . It may be worn with a brown, be ige, red, green and blue, tilt toward the front and is partie- are being featured in the uiarly chic with a touch of metal New York shops in swagger eollegi- 01' composition, such as a button, ate models. The new suede-like buckle, pin or clip. These also, are materials in which they come make suitable for wear with the raincoat them just as smart for bright days, and give the bright touch necessary liS for those when the clouds be- to the coat of neutral shade, come thl·eatenin-g. One light-- especinlly when in a shade ma,tehing weight water.proof material with the bl'ght frock we always like to the dull·surfaeed softness of suede don when the day is dull. i~ called Doetex and i~ outstanding If you have never ~t udied the in rain wear. One coat psychology of color, you will find a that is becoming exceedingly pop- practical demonstration in the ular is an adaptation of a Schiapa- effect on your disposition, when relli model, having a high collar, bright colors are worn on a dull wide shoulders and belt, jolly big day. Try it and see if you don't buttons and patch pockets. It can agree .... Until next week ... be carried out in wh ite, as well as "Goodbye, ever ybody." colors. Other well·liked material~ rain wear inelude rubberized rough Sonl' Writer rllyon crepes r,'nd silk cl'epes in Gene Arnold has v'-l'itten a new white, plain colors, monotones" lIong called "My Mother's Lullaby." cheeks and stripes, and tllere are He is also the author of "The Little also, the sturdil:'r, smooth heavy Church in the Valley." " RADIOLOG Saturday - (Continued) WTA G-WORCE$TE R ( ~16.9m) 580 I I: 1000Holel Plerre Orehealra A. M. 11 :30--Paul Whiteman'. Orcheatr& S:0Il--Q1l3k~r Baril' Birds 12:GO----Ralvh Klrbery B;15.-0rlfll,n RhllP~ody I~:O$-Lew Conrad'lI Ofi'hellt.... 12:3O-Congre~~ ~:30 to 9:15-Sllme lUI WI!:EI llote! Orchestra. 9:U'-()rgllln-Cllpltol Theatre S:U-P1e PLant Pete WEAN-PROVIDENCE (3S4m) tIOk 10:00-\'U88 Family A. M. lO:15-So11venh'. or Meindl' 7 :30--Globe Trotter Hl:30--Young .Arllsts ,'rlo 7:4$-Mornlng l)evoUonli 11:M-Ceno ReCital 8;00--lleQuelit Hecord Selecuonl 11:15 to 1~:15-Same U WEEI 8:4!.-~·rancla J . Cronin P. M. 9:00--Nlm, O'Clock Serenadere :r:15-Helen Harr U:IS-Qn Wing" or Song 9:3ll--Tony Wonll t2:30-PrOOuce ~Iarket Hepol"t 9:4I;-Sun.hlne Blll U:36-Farm f'la~hes 12:45--(:hutel' oaylord IO:OO--1'he Ambassadors 1:01-Ne\\'11 Bulletins IO:15-Gr<)tchen McMullen-Cooklng 10:41>-)llIllc Club for Children I :to-Hotel LJarno a~ WNAC .:1)(1 to 1l:00--Sllme a. WEEI 10:0(1 10 U:OII-SanH! a l WAA1:C II:!H-:-Iewl Bulletin. 12:00 to I:OO--Sllme al ""SAC

No More C.Il. band stand to one end of the room, Unless it is "really important," and installing velvet--covered wall the Boswell sisters will not call seats. This was done and the sound Mama Boswell down in New Or­ conditions are now perfect. leans by long distance. That's an iron clad rule just established by Mama Boswell. She had visited Real Thin &" the girls for several months in New The pilot of a recent Crime York and when they went home Club presentation was laid in the to New Orleans she went with streets of New York City. After them. Then for ten days after experimenting with artificial sound they returned, they called Mama up effects in the studios, director every night. l"inally she put her Jay Hanna decided to get the real foot down on it. " That telephon­ thing. He arranged with Henry ing costs you girls too much money Grossman, Columbia division en­ and it's a dreadful waste," she gineer, to pick up the noises in said. "The mails are plenty good busy Times Square while the pro­ and I won't answer the phone if gl'am was on the air. Gros.sman you dare call me once more when and his staff installed microphone. it isn't I'eally important. Hear on the mflfquee of the Paramount me?" They heard. Theatre, supplying a street scene locale fOI' the actors who were per_ formillg in the studios. Sueceuflll Remedy Fourteen sound engineers were consulted to correct the public ad­ Up and Down dress system in the Terrace Room Ralph Dumke: I see the air (If tbe Hotel New Yorker, when transportation companies al"e ad­ George Olsen opened there, and vertising reductions in flying rates. aftcr all experiments had been Eddie East: Sure. Didn't you tried, no improvement was noted. know, big boy, that the cost of go­ Then Olsen suggested moving the ing up is coming down? RADIOLOG 31

mas is? haven't ou\" i cards yet. At least 1 hndn't till last week, and when II perectiy gorgeous assortment came in to the office, I took time by the fore-lock and ordered. And do you know how little I paid for an assorted box of twenty-two? Only $1.10! And that price included my na me printed on them. Did you ever bear of Penonal Cbriltmu card. at such a figure? Rndiolog is instituting a new department-to anticipate our readers' needs. This is our first service and we know you're going to thank U~, especially on those hectic iast-mirlute-hcfore Christmas days when the laggard will find all the loveliest cards gone. We've printed II replica of the assortment. Isn't it a bargain? Oh, but this is only one of the many. many things Radiolog has in storo for you. You haven't guessed all the plotting and planning we've been doing for just-you! One fastidious caller at Radiolog's office ordered three hundred at once! Now she has them all addressed, stamped, and can you believe it. ready for mailing. So now, you, too, ----especially you charming, luxury-loving people procraslinate,-sit right down now and send in your order to PATRICIA GARLAND, care gf Radiolog, 80 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Be SUl"e to enclose $1.10 (check or money order) fOl" each box of twenty-two. RADlOLOG SOOTHING THE PALATE By MAIUORIE MI LLS, Di l'ector of the New Ellgland Kitchen of the Air at Radio Station WEEI, Boston Monday, Wedneeday and FrIda)', Z:31)...-J;OO p, lU. 0,..1' WEEl, So-ton: WTAG, WorcNter: WJAR, ProvIdence; WCijH, l'ortland Aren't you interested in the old Dip in beaten egg, then in bread ways that different foods we cat crumbs. Drop in hot fat, 375 to every day originated? I read an 385 degrees F., or when II piece of explun"lI.lion of the origin of butter bread browns in .fO seconds. Cook tile other day that sounded logical. until brown and drain on soft pa­ It seems butter was first known in per. Serve hot with cheese sauce. Arabic and then quite by accident Cheese Sau ce The Arabians soured their milk 10 2 tabltSPOQn~ flour preserve it, as there werc no refrig­ 1·4 cup grated chee.e erators in the desert, and it WlIS 1·4 teaaJ)OOn salt then stored in skin bags and slung ;)"8h Qt \VQrcestershire sauee I tablespoon butter across the backs of camels. One I cup milk day on opening the bags they found Blend flour and butter together lumps of something sort but solid in saucepan over fire. Add milk. floating in the liquid. They tasted Bring to a boil over fire, stirring it, found it delicious, mbbed it on until smoQth. Then stir in cheese their faces and marvc!led at how and salt. Add Worcestcrshire beautiful it made them. sauce. While we a re being geographical Veal Bird. and historical how would you like Cut small rectangles of veal cut. II recipe that dates back to Spani~h let and spread them with a mixture pioneer days in California? Doe~n't that thought lend a bit of interest of crusheCl bread crumbs and a for the evening meal or the noon­ little chopped salt pork and season· day lunch? Personally I love to ings. Sltewer in shapes with tooth­ to prepal'ing something different picks, roll in flour and brown in run across recipes with a history hot fat in an iron fryh\7 pan. Put and this one is particularly gooo, a little water in the bottom of the delicious to eat and interesting to pan, a little onion, a few drops of kitchen seasoning, a teaspoon or $0 try. Certainly a recipe ~at has Cl(­ of jelly and about three tableapoons isted as a fll~rorite for as mnny years as this onc, must havc a lot of of Sa)lsage meat. Cook slowly un· inh,erent goodnerA! to recommend it. til ten~er. When you arc tired of scrambled O range Puddin, eggs, plain, try them as a Mexican 2 eups mill< cook serves hers: 3 tllgs (seperated) 3 tl\ble~J)OOns cornstarch Melliea .. Scramblt·d E ••• 1·4 tea~poon $lIt Roast a fresh green pepper a few ~ Iargt ol'an t CUT! IIugar minutes, peel, remove the seeds ~ tablellPoons powdered Buaral' fQr and chop. Then boil in a very meringue little water until tender and season Heat milk in double bOiler, add well with butter. Beat six eggs, cornstarch moistened with a little add with salt to the peppers, and cold milk, cook 15 minutes before fry all for a moment in hot butter. adding egg yolks, slightly beaten. Ve .. etabl ... Cr oque tte. with some of the hot mixture; add I cUP cooked peu or canned peul Btljlt and remove from the fire. I elll) COOked carrot!J, minced Place oranges, cut in small I tableqpoon cream BeAten egg pieces, in bottom of pudding dish; 1 teupoon !Jalt cover with sugar and let stand t.4 teallJ)OOn \Vorcutenlhlre lIauce while making custard. Pour cus­ B~ad Crumbl tard over oranges ami cover with Mix potatoes with other vege· meringue made of egg whites and tables. Add salt, Worcestershire powdered sugar, beaten until stiff. 'Uuce and cream. Mix thoroughly Place in moderate oven until a deli­ with a fork. Shape into croquettes. cute brown. RADIOLOG II DO YOU KNOW That radio experts in New York are taking even money bets that four eigaret manufacturers will be sponsoring programs by Janu­ ary b? ... : That for the past six months the 50ns of the fumOlls comedk~s, ljallagher r.nd Shean, have quietly been studying micro­ phone technique and are likely to pop into radio at any minute'! .... That Raymond Knight aet a record by writing 16 scdpts in four days, with the movies about /levers! shorts and a full-length picture? .... That Raymond Knight iset a record by writing 16 scripts in four days, working 15 hours a day? .... That a home-lown fan presented the Boswell S1sters with a !rnme for old fashioned rug makfllg and the gids lire trying to learn how to make them? .... Thal thirty-five hotels in America use George Olsen's records on theil' OWII rOom-to­ room broadcasting systems? , , , , That votes from coaches on the ten All-American ratings which are broadc~st on those footbaU sho ....'~ every Friday evening are sent to Christy Walsh in code so nobody C:1n find out who they are before Walsh knows'! , ... That the Departlllcnt of Agriculture in Victoria, B. C., has just awarded a dillioma to the Orphan Annie program for "perfect representation of poultry sounds"? · ... That Johnny Hamp received 2,405 phone calls lor request num­ bers in four weeks? .... That Mabel Zoeckle, noted concert singer, is in private life Mrs. Burke Boyce, wife of the NBC continuity editor! · ... That George MacDonald of Whiteman's Rhythm Boys is the great-grandson of the General MacDonald who escorted Napoleon to exile on St. Helena? . , .. That Ja~k Fulton is a direct descendant of Robert Fulton, inventor of the steamboat? , ... That Madame Queen's real name is Rose Quimby? , ... That Jane Pickens has made a special trio anangement of Set.h Parker's song, "Baek in the Old Sunday School"? .... That Hugo Mariani sits on a titled chair 8S he directs his orchestra? .... That Kelvin Keech stands on tip­ toe while announcing? .. _ . That Harold Stokes, NBC orchestra ).eader, spends much ot his spare time around the studios entertaining fellow musicians with his accordian playing? , ... That Ruth Lyon, popular NBC soprano, is one of the Quietest persons around the stu­ dios? . , .. That when Vaughn de Leath sang !~t a rally in Stanford, Connectj,cut, the mayor gave her a key to the city and a special con_ stable's commission? ' . , . That among her colleagues on the hon­ orary force is Gene Tunney, special deputy? .... That Don Redman often performs on every instrument in his orchestra and can fill an entire program with his own compositions? .... That Ruth Etting alld the Three X Sisters are giving up their week-ends to make movie shorts? .... That guitarist Eddie Lang will be heard, but not seen, in .support in both two reelers? ... That Eddie Duchin's clothes are tUl'lled out by the same tailor who works for ex-Mayor Jimmie Walker? · ... That Kate Smith plays a. very good game of golf? ... , That Moonshine and Honeyauckle will soon appear in book form? .... That Edwin Franko Goldman has written, at the request of the Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania, a new football march called "Franklin Field"? · . , . ThNt. Lanny Ross has just completed a two-reel version of the Broadway musical show, "Spring is Here"? .... '_· ______~ R~A~D~IO~L~O~G______TUNE IN ON N. Y. PHILHARMONIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA-Sullday. Novcm­ ber 20, at 3:00 P. )1. over WAAB. Arturo T.scanini, con­ duelor; Olin Downes., commentator. RICHARD VON KU~:HLMANN-Sunda.y, N',vember 20, at 4:30 P. M. over WEE!. Intel'nationnl broadca~t il'om G(,I'mllny. DR. RICHARD FOSTER-Sunday, Novcmb('r 20, at 6:30 P. 1\1. over WTAG. "The School Board Keeps Thanksgiving," DR. FENWICK BEEKMAN-Monday, November 21, at 11 :30 A. M. over WNAC. "Abdominal Pain in Childhood." SYLVIA SAPlHA-Monday. November 21, lit 2:15 P. M, over WNAC. "The Well-Tempered Clavichord." "RICHARD IlI"-lionday, ~ovcmber 21, at ,1:00 P.)1. over WBZ. A Hndio Guild drama. EVELYN WAUGH-Monday, November 21, at 4:20 P. M. over WAAB. "To an Old MilOt," ALIDA BOWLER -Tuesday, November 22, fit 11:00 A, M. over \vTIC. A pro~am on jU\'enile protection. LEWIS W. WATERS & ERNKST L. JOHNSON-Tuesdny, NO\'ember 22, at 1 :30 P. 1\1. over WEE!. Sp('akers on ',he Advertising Club of BOllton's Luneheon. NATIONAL GRAND OPERA-Tuesday, November 22, at 11:15 P. M. ovel· 'iVB!":. "Lucia di Lnmmermoor." THE ROMANTJC BACHELOR-Wedne!!day, November 23, at 11 :30 A. M. over WEEr. A new baritone a.nd an orchestra. REV. BERNARD R. HUBBARD-Wednesday, November 23 at 10:30 P. M. over WTAG. Guest speaker on the NBC nrtists program. C. L. HARLAN-Wednesday, November 23, at 12 :30 P. M. over WBZ. "November Sheep MarKets." BROWN vs COLGATE----Thursday, November 24, at 11 :00 A. M. over WNAC. The two leading eastern teams meet in a football clash. PENN. vs CORNELL--Thursday, November 24, at 2:00 P. lU. over WNAC. The ~mual football game between the two traditional ri\'als METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY-Thursday, November 24, at 3:15 P. M. over WBZ. "Lakme," with Lily Pons and Giovanni Mar'~inelli. ELEONORE E. HUBBARD-Thursday, November 23, at 7 :30 P. M. over WAAB. "Thnnksgiving Day." CHARLES DE FONT-NOUVELLE----Thurstlny, November 24, at 11 :15 P. M. over W8Z. '·Science and Learning in France." DR. R. G. KNIGHT-Friday, November 25, at 12:30 P. !\t. o~r WBZ. "Taking Inventory of Our Basic National Resource-The Soil." COLUMBIA EDUCATIONAL FEATURES-Friday, November 25, at 12 :45 P . M. over WAAB. Dr. Salo Finkelstein interviewed by Dr. Paul S. Achilles. DR. HERMAN BUNDESEN-Friday, November 25, at 8:30 P. M. over WBZ. "The Backward Child." FIRST NIGHTER-Friday, November 25, at 9 :00 P. M. over W8Z. "West of MnnaoB." ARMY VB NOTRE DAME-Saturday, November 26, at 12:45 P. M. over WAA B. Two of the most powerful teams of the year meet. ARTHUR B. REEVE-Saturday, November 26, at y:45 P. M. over WEEI. Guest speaker on the G. E. Circle. PHILADELPHIA SYMPHONY ORCHF.STRA-Saturday, November 26, at 8 :15 P. M. over WNAC. Conducted by Leopold Stokow. ski in their first commercial program, sponsored by Philco. ECONOMIC INTERVIEW-Saturday, November 26, at 8:30 P. M. over WTAG. William F. Willoughby and Rep. David J. Lewis. RADlOLOG

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RADIOLOG CO .. 80 Boylston St.. BOIlton. Mus. Gentlemen: Here is my subscription to RADIOLOG for one year, Sl8l'tlnJ: at once. Send me the following gift, checked below. o 5-YEAR DIARY WITH LOCK AND KEY o 6-PIECE DESK SET n WORLD GLOBE WITH BASE Enclosed is $1.50, the price of one year subscription to RADIOLOG. I have added 33c, making a total of $1.83 eovering cost of packing and shipping of gift. NAME STREET CITY ...... STATE This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at

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