RADIO What's On The Air W EEK O F NOVEMBER 20, 1932 GILDA GRAY (Story on PalZe 27) RADIOLOG A THOUSAND lAUGHS FOR A DOllAI{ Special TenWeek Trial Subscription A hilarious side splitting: Ed Wynn Uproar will be mailed you every week for ten weeks fur one doll ar. So-a-o-h act before you forget and send on(' doll ar for a specia l trial subscription. UPROAR COMPANY )1 MILK STREET, BOST ON You may send me an Uproar a week for le n weeks for which I am enclosing a dollar. Nam'<.__________________ _ S fr~d ___________________ Cicy fI S(at ..~ ________________ R -A-O-I-O-L-O-G Publlsl'led weekly by the Radlolog Company. 80 8(>)'18ton St., Boston. Man. Entered as second cia .. matter at P08t Office, B08ton, Ma ..... SUBSCRIPTIONS BY MAI L PAYABLE IN ADVANCE '1.50 for one year;. $1 .00 for &IX month8; 60c for. three months. Canadian ratu: '2.00 tor one year, $1.25"'0' six m(>nth~. When changing add.,"•• 2 weeks notice i. required _VC·O'C·--,,"".--,-NC.C·-=8~8,--_--,-NCO,,-,VCE=MCB==E"R,-,2000.,-,1"903"2'--_C50<C::"CCO.OPO:Y; $ 1.50 • y ..... POLITICAL VOICE PERSONALITIES Bl"oadclIstcrs arc discussing the rising inflection at thc end of most voice personalities and radio tech­ sentences. Delivery is not forceful. nique of the orators who have John N. Gal'oet'-lIas the pecul­ fought the campaign of U)32 on iar thin "sandy" voice. It reveals the air. determination like the voice of one Stripped of g-estures, red fire, who is accustomed to bite out com­ flags and bunting, wOl'ds alone mands. JIis delivery is straight­ count on the radio. Much depends forward, Thcl'e comes a ring in his upon the effectiveness of the candi­ voice after he has spoken for a few date's voice personality. There is moments which must have TOOts ll. vast difference in the radio per­ deep in a mind dominated by his sonalities of Herbert Hoover and convictions. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Henry L. Stimson-Speaks with John Carlile, productin man­ assurance. His voice is difficult to ager of the Columbia Broadcasting characterizc. It seems like that of System, has made a study of the tile average business man who is political voices in the ethereal cam­ happier discussing matters with a paign. This is what he thinks about few people in his office than in ad­ them: dressing a Im'ge gathering. He is Herbert Hoover- Voice is a little more forceful when speaking in a heavy in quality and reveals strain. studio to an unseen audience than The voice of a maJl who does not when on the platform. like to talk. Sus~ained utterance Alfred E. Smith-Has the voice is made with effort. Manner of of the fighter, explosive, harsh, yet speaking shows great positiveness, not so as to be exceedingly dis­ even stubbol"nness. Inflection i~ agreeable. It is modified by a qual­ natural, however, and is not that ity that reveals a great sense of OJ an ordinary political spellbinder. humor. There is a chuckle lurking Franklin D. Roosevelt-His voice behind each word that foretells the is a well-trained instrument, cap· approach of the good natured or able of reflecting his moods and humorous point to which he is lead­ the color of his thoughts. But to ing. It i~ a voiee that startles and have heard him (never to have seen as such is effective. The voice of a him) would be enough to convince Jeader who has earoed his right to the listener that he was sincere in speak by achievement and who, in utterance and good natured even this confidence, enjoys self-expr es­ in attack. His diction is exception­ sion. ally clear. His intonation indicates Calvin Coolidge-A voice that is culture. It may be that a person­ hard-hard like most of those who ality a little too pleasant is dis­ Jive in climates like that of north­ c<~osed in his speech. ern New England. It is the effect Charles Curtis- Voice depicts of climate really. The throat be­ the Tough and ready type of man, comes t ightened, the sound coming a little more like the typical politi­ forth lucks the low frequencies that cal speaker in the use of a voice one hears in the Southeast. His de­ adhering to the conventionals of livery is that of one who believes intonation and inflection-holding when he speaks he has said the on to his last syllables and using a finul word, , RADIOLOG SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 19,32 WE E I- B OSTON (MlSm ) 590k 2;~5-The Hooeler Editor A. M. 3:00--Yllnl<ee ChOir 11,IIO-Womlnlr WOt.lllp 3;30--Ha,..al;an Kchoel P. M. 3:45-Lynn ProduCIS '!"onn u:aU--NeaP<llUlIln Quartet 4 ;OO--Hn(\lO League U :U --Sam Curti.' Radio Chat S;oo--nanny Week. I :00--801ton ItKO Program 5:aO--TwlJlght neverlu 1:I5-Wm. KahaJt9J.au' .. Orch".11'11. 6:0O-News ~'Inshes 1:3O-Ch!lrl~~ LIttle 6;IS_Yankee Salon Enlemble 1:45-Tho. UohemlanB 6 ;4~_Flurr~I·"tte8 2:0O-CLyde D<>err OCtet 1;OO-The World"s HUlllneu ~ :OD--J..... <ty I!;sther program 7:1~_Sarbaru. "Iaurel 3:3O--Hour or Worship 7;~O--Mu9".eBl MenlOrle. 4:00--Iod<:n\ 1"'ogTam 7;~5-Angelo Patrl ':'~Wlldr<Xlt P rogram 8 ;OO-Do, He, lIIl Orc hestra 4: ~o--Rlc llllra Von Kulhlmann 8:aO--<::aptaln Abner .:46-Marguerlte Porter t:Otl--~'re<l Allen"' Hath Club ;;:00-1'0 !,Ie announced 9:30--Pa ... de of Melodln 5=10--8111' 8en'. Dream Drama IO:OU--Scott Furriers 5:46-0rlng 'Em Back AU"., IO:30--Ne .... brldge Male Quartet f:O\)---(.!athollc 'j'rutn PerlO(! IO:4S--Eckhardt". Ambl"~.dou ':3()-Our Amer":an SChools II :OO--Hollywood Keyhole 1:00-90nnld Novls II;06-Ne"·. Flallhell 7:I5-Wheatena Program 1l:1~-Organ Recita.l 1:Jo---(.laraen Talk 11:31J--.t::ddle Oucnln"1I O,"chUtra 7:,o--Ne"'. De~p ... t<: hell U;iX>-Ozde Nelaon"s orchelltra ! :OO--ThB JBnney concert 12;31'--I;Ie,"nle Cummln," Urene.tra 9:00--N. E. Coke Prog nam U:4S-Jial Kemp"s ureheltra ':SO-li'Ut Trappen WB Z .WBZA-BOSTO N (303m ) '10k 9: 46-Three Queenll and a JfL<l1t A. M . lO:Oo--PuIB Night Lite 8:01l--1'one Pictures I O:I&-L'JUure ~"q U IB" 9;OO--NSC ChlJdren", Hour lO:.~-~etn l'arker's Nelghl:>Orl II):OO-Modern lnstrUmentaUSU 11:15-Newl Despatches IO:30--Safety Crusader. H';O-Mood Continental WAAB-BOSTO N (212.6m) 1410k I! ;OO--.\tnrnlng Muslea!e A M. P . M. I,;I)O-Chur<:h of the Air It;Ol-Metropolltan Orpn !O:IIl--Mor nlng Hervlee 12;3Il--:'olore)' Pearl'. OrchUlra P. M. I ;OO-Roxy and Hla Gang U:Ofl--Tabernaele Choir and U ...... n Z;O!)-Monarch .\lyltery '\'enor 12:15-l-InJtetlc Trio t:llI--Perrect :Sleeper HOY. 12:31l--1a!.tro·Lek p~ 2:30--Yeut Foamers I :Oo--t:rnery" Oeulech'8 Or<:hestrll 3:00-Melod)' Land 1:If>-Lord. Lytton 3:1&-n'lm Sisteu 1 :SO--Calhedrnl Hour 3:30--.\lanhattan ~{erry·Uo-Round 2:00--ChB,nbH MusIC tJnsemble 4:00_ Temple of Song 2:aO--Art UI'lckley's Vagabond~ 4;3Q-:"latlonal Youth eonr~ r ence 3:I)Q-N, Y. Phllhnnnonic Orehntl"il 5:00-Dr, Harry ~meuon }o"oedlCk 5":OQ-Holea and Drums 5 ;311--1'1lgCS of Homance &:30--Hlue Coal nevle ... 6;Oo--P¥lul Whiteman eoncert 6:00--Newe "'l.Iu!hee 1;{II--Gleaoon L. Archer 6:16--<;:athollc, Unlver"lty of America 7:16-~morts Hevlew 7:00--Evenlnll' SerVice 7:24-LouI8 'Nelr 8:3Q-Jl:nlJemble 7:30--""Ureat Momenl' In Hlltory"" ':OO--Cap'n .,-;arly 8;OO--AU-Star nadlo He\'u9 t:l'-Haelequ[n String Ensembll 8;30--WesUnghou,e Hour t;3o-Qrgan Recital 9;OO-Enna Jettlck .\Ie'..,dlu t: 45--8potllghllng Spora 9:I5--Smlth Brothers 9:50--:-.'1"'1 FI.... hell ';30--""The Blue ~lllt"" IO:(M)-.Jack Sen ny 9;45--Shearrer L lf"ume Kevus tl):31l--~~rnellt Uu('heson's Orcheatrll 10;16-Old Sinetng l-llUlter II :00--1'he Uauch08 11):30--Herbert ?>I.aub"' Orcheetra 10:45--llepubllcan :"lew, Hul!eUns WNAC- BOSTON (243,8 m ) 1230k 11 ;00--1'lme-Weather A . M . I t :05_Sports ReVIew 8:0lJ--Oud ley Had lo Carollerl II; 15-Perce Leofiartl t :OO--Columbla JunIor uug le II ;30_Rh yme and Rh~"thm liI;"(Io--W.... tch '['ower P rogram 12;OO--WlIlInm Stoess" O"Cheitra 11I:15-Uncle Bob H o ug h ton W TlC-H A RT FORO (2II2.Srn) l0e0k 10: ~ S--Chureh Of Ch rlat 1 :JO-Orehestral Uem. P . M. 8;OO--!,;ddle Cantor 1 ~:OO--VINory S'Ymphony Orehelnra 9;O~-McCravy Brotbera U:IO--Llttle Tree Farms Heren8.0.01 ':I5----$ongland 1Z:15--Columbla Radio !I;45-0hman and Arden 1~:3Il--The Nations-leers IO:(M)-.Jlane Dillon I ;OO-CathoUe Truth Period IO:I5---L"Heure EXQul1e 2:00--"~:..'I"· McConnell IO:45-Three &ladhatun 2:If>-Sunday Matinee Of the Air I I:SO--Mll<e DiVitO &. Urehutra • RADIOLOG • POPULAR CONNECTICUT ORCHESTRA 81 YAFFE AND HIS SOCIETY ORCHESTRA Martin M.
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