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| Your Ad on This Page Goes Before 40,000 Valley People Daily | LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT the same to me amount Um 1 Today’s Radio Features HOOVER GETS sent wiiKa the crease the of government Brownsville Herald Merchandise WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 (Central Standard Time) time prescribed by law.. bonds pledged a* security as funds residence and office hand In an amount • P. M. unless Indicated. Proframa and atatlon llata subject to chawt My post ad- on Increase, 54 For Sil« Miacel. are Classified Ads * dress Port Isabel, Cameron ample to secure said depository r_Jl— <By Tha Associated Preaa) Kvor kdyl klx wmb* Bundeaen—Also wowo County, Texas. funds at all times. CEDAR POSTS for sal* 454.3—WEAF-NBC—460 • :15—Dr. wxyi BUDDY POPPY Nothing better than to Get Results cheap. wbbm wcco kmox kmbe; Manhattan GEO. P. CAIL, Temporary Ad- H. VAN HORN. Inquire E. J. Lewis farm, old Pt. Simmon* — Also wtam wree wlae GRISHAM'S ICE CREAM, 4:13—Robert Serenadera—Only wflw wdod ministrator of the Estate of’W- E. City Secretary. Isabel Road. Z110 •wmaq wow wdaf wnox wbre wsfa wdau: Swiaa Yodalert i We serve It, Deceased. 4-11 to 21 lnc.-10t-4335 are; 4:30—Alice Joy—Also wtam wwj wdaf —Only kacj wtiax kfjf krld ktrh ktaa Pres. Herbert Hoover officially Brown, PORT-WAY DRUG STORE Classified rates 4:40—Goldbergs—Also wtam wwj wenr f:30—Norman Brokenahlr#—Also wgat launched the eleventh annual dis- 3-30-6-13-20—4t—4330. Victoria 60 Seeds, Plants, Flowers wbbm wcco Heights 20 words or lasa. one insertion. 40c twoc who wow wdaf wxya wlap wowo wfbm tribution of Time—Also wtam wwj wmaq wmt kmox kmbe krld ktrh kla Buddy Poppies by 7:00—Big kdyl NOTICE FOR CITY Over 20 words, on# Insertion — the DEPOSITORY Stsd woe who wow • :45—Street Singer Alao wgat wflw Veterans of Foreign Wars of 7 Professional per word ... to PIXIE FLOWER SHOP 7:30—Old Counsellor—Also wtam wwj wdod wree wlae wnox wbre wsfa wdau; the U. 8. on April 11th when he By order of the City Commission wow wtmj kstp — tiyw ksd woo who Myrt and Marge Only wxya wlap received the first 1932 from of the of Texas: Subsequent Insertions run con- Cat Flowers and Design* wsmb kvoo wceo poppy City Brownsville, whas warn wmc wsb kpre wbbm kmbe kdyl kla secutively, per word 1'fcc 440 West Elisabeth — Phonj igt woat koa ksl 10:00— Barlow — Alao wget the hands of little Betty Joan Sealed proposals will be received Symphony Minimum 10 words W* Deliver and Plant 4:00— Mendoza Orch.—Also wtam wwj wxy* wbcm wlap wflw wdod wrec Christian, age 4, a ward of the by the City of Brownsville up to Home Made Bread fcrw woe who wow wtba wlac wnox wbre wafa wdau wlan wkbh word . 20c ksd wtmj kstp V. P. W. National Home for the 7:30 o'clock p. m. Friday, April By month, pet 4r*be wday kfyr whas wmc wab wamb wowo wfbm wmbd wceo kirj wmt kmbe orphans of veterans at Eaton 1932. for the selection of the No classified advertisement ac- «wjdx kvoo kpre woat wky koa kal kftr wnax kfab wlbw kfh kfjf ktrh ktaa Rap- 22nd, Hot every afternoon. Complete Brownsville Title for leas than 40c kghl warn waco kvor kdyl kla ids. Michigan. city depository for the period from line of quality cakes and pastries. cepted 8:30—Shitkret Concert—Also wtam wwj 10:15— Lanny Reaa — Only wgat wlap Betty Joan was presented to April 23rd, 1932 to April 23rd, 1933, I wenr ksd woe who wow wdaf wtba wflw wdod wree wlae wnox wbre wowo Company LOCAL RBADBR RATES Rentali Pres. Hoover at the White House and thereafter until its successor whaa warn wcco ktw ~| wtmj kstp webe wday kfyr kmox kira kfab kfh kfjf ktrh Commander-in-Chief Darold D. is and Gateway Bakery Readers, per Inch 1129 1 wrao wab wamb wjdx kvoo wfaa kpr<. waco wgn wrr by duly appointed legally qual- Opposite Court Hooso >3 Apartments 10:30—Redman Oreh.—Alao wflw wdod Al- ified. In New Location—S31 Elisabeth Second and third days. 3*ic per woat wky koa ksl DeOoe, Sacramento, California. Any banking corporation, as- Brownsvilla 4:00— Radio Interview—Also wtam wwj wrec wlac wnox wbre wafa Mor- word; fourth, fifth and slxtu days wdau; though duly Impressed with the sociation or Individual banker, do- DAVIS COURTS: Five room fur* 4yenr ksd ton Downey (Repeat) — Only wowo 3c per word; T consecutive days went importance of the occasion and business In the of Browns- nished Two 3:30—Radio Forum—Also wtam kmbe kdyl kla wgn ing city 9 Cafes and Hotels Abstracts of Title 21xc psr word per day. apartment. bedrooms. wwj ksd woe who wow kstp wab wamb 10:45— Redman Oreh.—Alao wgat wxya her meeting with the chief exec- ville, desiring to bid shall deliver Fifty dollars per month. Water and notices le word each in- rwoal ktbs koa wbcm wlap wfiw wdod wrec wlac wnox utive of the nation. Betty was per- to the city secretary on or before Title Insurance Legal per gas paid and minimum on elec- 10:00—Nellia Ravalt—Also wtam wwj wbre wafa wdau wlan wowo wfbm wabt sertion. calm and unperturbed 7:30 o'clock m. April 1932 The Mecca Cafe 'ksd wow wmbd kacj kmbe wnax kfab wlbw ktrh fectly p 22, tricity. strictly modem, electrical the abstracts of To insure on the same 10:13—Alice Joy (Repeat)—Only went waco kvor kdyl kli throughout ceremony. Betty’s sealed proposals stating the rate Complete title publication refrigeration and garage. St Charles . 25c — Plate Lunch classified ads ansi So IB the woe who wow wtba webe wday 11:00—Duchin Oreh. Alao wlap wlan smile won a responsive percent upon that to day. and 2nd, S. E. Phone 1420 ikrd flashing daily balances all lands in Cameron office 10 a. m. on week days, Yltl whaa wsm wmc wsb wapt wsmb wjdx wowo wabt wmbd wceo kacj wmt kmbe Drink included by grin from President Hoover when such bidder offers to pay to the « for Sun- is kpre koa ksl kghl kglr wnax kfab wlbw ktrh kvor kla < and by p. m. Saturday }|| wbap kfjf kdyl she a in the for the FITCH TC:30— Orch.—Also wow wtmj 11:30— placed Buddy Poppy city privilege of being made day's APARTMENTS, modern, Lope* Krueger Oreh.—Also wlap wlan Home of best made hamburgers paper. well •wapl kths kpre wtam wwj wcfl wcky wowo wfbm wabt wmbd wceo wmt buttonhole of his lapel while a the depository of the funds of the furnished, good location, reas- kacj and Check your sd when It first ap- wdaf wtba webe kfyr ktbs kmbe wnax wlbw ktrh kvor klx of cameras and green apple pie onable Phone 558. W22 kdyl battery newspaper City of Brownsville, said pro- as the Herald is not 11:00—Ralph Kirbery; Regers Orch.— pears respon- 394.5—WJZ-NBC—760 clicked In a chorus of approval. posals shall also state the lowest 943 Elisabeth St. sible for mors than on# Incorrect Also wtam wenr woe who wiha wsm Automotive APARTMENT FOR RENT. Cali — — rate wmc wsmb kths kgtr wsb wspl 4:15 Elsie Janie Ain warn wmc Following her visit to the White of Interest to be charged on Insertion. J 1154 after 4 m. I p. ZlOd 11:30— Agnew Orch.—Also kyw wsmb ktbs House, Betty was escorted to the money borrowed by the city and 4:30— Stabbins NOTB: All Classified Advertising Is 348.6—WABC-CBS—860 Boya—Alao wjr wenr offices of various other dignitaries any other privilege that the bidder wcky kwk wren koil wtmj kstp warn 14 Auto Repr's. Sc Paint on a Strictly Cash Basis. COOL furnished 1 room apart- — — Sec. of War Patrick J. desire to offer in the event he 4:90 Easy Aces Also ways wfbm wmc wab wsmb wfaa kprc woat wky including may ment; garage. $20. Phone 601. Z91 wcco kmox kmbc wgn. Reis and Dunn 6:45—Jcnas A Mars—Also wcky wmaq Hurley, Gen. Frank T. Hines, ad- is selected as city depository. GUARANTEED Generators for mast1 Phone No. S and ask for Mias wnox wbrc wodx wdsu —Only wdod kwk wjr wren koil whaa warn wmc ministrator of veterans affairs, and The successful bidder will be autos, *3.00. kind Classified, she will take your ad. COLONIAL APTS. Desirable south- 6:45—Morton wgst wxyx wsb exchanged Any Downey—Also wjdx wsmb wfaa kprc wky woat members the house to secure said give helpful suggestions If wanted, east wnox wdsu — prominent of required deposits or motor re-! apartment. The kind will ■wlap wdod wrec wlac wbrc 7:00—Taxpayers* League Also wla generator rewound, and tell you what the ad will cost you wisn wfbm smbd wcco kscj wmt kmox kwk wren and with United States government like. koil wiba wday kfyr wmc senate. paired. New powerful batteries, Then later In the day ■ boy win Reasonable rental. Call 868. klra wnax kfab wfhw kfjf krld ktrh kvoo woal ktbs koa a bonds in an at wjdx kprc kfir The custom of selecting child amount, market *5.95. others *2 95, *3 75. exchanged. call on you with the b<tl and you ktsa waco wsjs wruf 7:15—Stokes' Oreh. — Also wcky koil BEAUTIFULLY from among those at the V. F. W.