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Radio Guide 391229.Pdf RADIO GUIDE'S X-WORD PUZZLE BUllS Ii BONERS BOYS! One dollar w ill b e paid tor every broadcasting boner printed in this column. Your boner-a lu ­ dicrous e rror o r a statement with twiste d mean ­ in g made by some radio performer- should b e accompanied by name ot station and broad­ Sell Radio Guide caster. date ot p ragram. Address Bulls and Boners. Radio Guide, 731 Plymouth Court, Chi­ cago, III. In case more than one reader submits same boner, prize goes to contributor whose let­ ter b eo !" s earliest postmark. In case ot tying and Win postmarks, all tying contestants receive prizes. Smilin' Ed McConnell for Acme Paint: "Don't botch up your house. Let us take care of thaL"- Mrs. Edith J. ICE SKATES Schroeder, Muscatine, Iowa. (Dec. 2 over NBC.) e and On "Major Bowes' Amateur Hour": Guest song-writer: "I was too young and innocent then." Major Bowes: HOCKEY EQUIPMENT! "Well, Mabel, you're still young."­ Jane B. Stone, III W . Maple Ave., at· tumwa, Iowa. (Dec. 3 over CBS.) Sign this coupon NOW, Fashion commentator:• "The ladies paste it on the back of are ravishing tonight. Really, they haven't left a thing undone."-R. H. a postcard and mail it. Carter, Islay, Alberta, Can. (Nov. 27 over CBC.) I will send you your BIG • CATALOG of FREE Mac Parker, commentator: "With a HORI ZONTAL 4b . K avelill , IJ'" ld 3. A IllUllth glass of Booth's Ginger Ale and spar­ 1. Last name, st<:n- in t he leader 4, \loved swiftly prizes and show you how port r ait ( So li gSL r e~s on 49, iVl ary sopran o 5, F i r ~ t na lll e, st ar ill t he kling ice you could sip slowly through " Bob Hope Va riet y ("Sat urday :\ig ht Sere­ por t. rait the pages of a book."- Mrs. Edward to MAKE MONEY and Show" ) nade") 6. Be rlli ce - -I actress 6. Freddie --. ba nd · 50. Each (abbr. ) (,'On e 1\'lan's Fam il y" ) Wagner. III Bernhart Ave., Reading, leader 51. -- Reillheart, ac tress 7. Staggers Pa. (Dec. l over Station WCAU.) WIN PRIZES! 10. ~h' blue ( " Li fe Call Be Beauti· 8. Bob - - , sports a n­ 11 , G\;:~ n d ll i ar organ ful" ) nouncer • 13. Artist's fr am e for hold · 52. South Am erica ll fox 9. Harrv - - orches tra­ Hilton Hodges, announcer: "Send at i n!::: canvas " 'olf lead e' r ( " Hobby LoblJ/' ) once for this life insurance policy . You ......................................... 54. Oven for bak illg pot ' 12. -- all d her \' iolill, · . 15. Di spossess by legal pro· never can tell when tragedy will strike APPLICA nON FOR JOB cess ter y wi th Ph il SpitalllY a 55. Cit;· ill F lori da 14. Loved Distributin g RADIO GUIDE in 17. - - Mayo, orchesV - the sooner the better."- Mrs. Paul leader 58. ~ i l;e inches 16. -- Dennis, tell or this neighborhood Krueger, 723 Grand Ave., Storm Lake, 19. Eli zabeth - - act re s~ 59. Pronoun 18. ~"I o dif \' or van ' 20. E g~· p t·i a ll sun '~ocl Dear Mr. Jones, Manager ("Doc Barclay's Daugh 60. \ 'al1 - -, sOl1g~t r ess Iowa. (Dec. 4 over Station WIBW.) 61. Refined 21. We.t Africa ( abbr.) • of Junior Sa les men. tel' s" ) 21. )( ath leen -- act ress 62. Sai nt ( a bbr.) 23. Pat --, screen star • RADIO GUIDE. ( "One \1 an's Family" ) 25. ,) ack - - , band leader Announcer: "Remember that we • 731 Plymouth Court, D e pt. 12-2 9, 22. ]\ eg-a tive VERTICAL 28. Apportion have a barn here that will seat 950 peo­ 1. Page --. actor ("Onl' 29. \ 'irginia --, soprano Chicago. Illinois. 24 . Substance of extreme ple all steam-heated."- Mrs. L. Henke, I am eag er to earn money a nd WIn ha rdness Nia ll 'S F a llli l ~ ''' ) 30. Linda --, SOIl!.!~t r ess prizes a s a Junior Sales m a n fo r RADIO 25 . Period of t ime ( abbr.) 2. Borl y of wa ter 31. The sun Amelia, O hio. (Dec. 7 over Station • GUID E. Will you p lease write m e and 26. Cha rles - - screen 32. Feminine !l ame WLW.) tell me how I can start e a rning money Solution to Puzzle 33. To make secure right away in my s pare timt . A lso send star me you r big cat a log o f FREE prizes! 27. - - Deut sch. arches Given L ast W eek 35. DOl' othy - -. soprano t r a-leader 37. On e wh o zivcs encour­ Announcer: "Luden's• are used by 28. Ozon e S~AM WILL SO N NAvy agement ( pI.) OPEN y 0 S A GE p eople w ho have been trying to get Print Name .• .•••••••• ••• ••••••••••. 32. Devourecl AME'RICAN P IlUMMERS 41. J a~ ' - - , actor ("Sec- 34 . Sowed ME E L ~ ~ A EP e~ N I ond Husba nu" ) rid of a cold for fifty years."- Nan Con­ 36. - - J enkin s, orches ANODE KO GE N Al.L EN 42. Ordinary . • • ••••••••••••••••••• •• • Age •••••• Z. I S M S 0 T I R E G- away Sandy, R. R. No. I, Fairmont. W . tra-Ieader EII\ I T I N S AOE 44. To r e turn to order 38. A t rap Due ~ I H MERED ITH t> u S T E Q 45. Ver~' poor Va. (Dec. 2 over Station KDKA.) Print Address .• ••• • • '" ••••••••••••• 39 . Lell ds ou t money 46. Member of t he Austral- \V ~ ~ 'tJ1~1OO ~ s ~ ; ~ dispossess ! .. ian a rmy corps 40. To CA~T NIPY • 47. St. ri ll ged instru ments News commentator: "The car driven City and State .. .................. .. 43. Be tty Lou - - , act ress C ~REAT L rAM~ S A ("A I' n 0. 1 d Grimm's A L O I S Y ET 51. P urpose by the dead girl failed to negotiate a Da ughter" ) SAIlNE T ON E ~EIZ. O ES 53. Cereal grain Ne& IlO uS e OLSE= N curve." - Betty J. Vance, Stratford, Parent's Sig nature .. ••••••• •••••• •.. 46. Maitland. actor N WO H M AP T 56. A n article ("David Ha rulll " ) ~ Y lT O N 6uS S NTOS 57 . Symbol [or nick el Conn. (Dec. 2 over Station WICC.) e Bill Spargrove ("True or False" an­ nouncer): "Williams Shaving Cream RA D I 0 GU IDE makes a dandy Christmas gift for men The National Weekly of programs, pictures and personalities folks specially wrapped in colorful pa· M . L. ANNEN BERG, Publisher CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor per."-Mrs. C. Martin, 1726 St. Denis St., Apt. No. 10, Montreal, P. Q . (Dec. 4 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. Vol. 9. No. 11 . Dece mber 29 , 1939 INTH~H I €.~ over Station CFCF.) CONTENTS • Listen i ng-Post; Mr. Fairfax 1 On Short Waves 16 Announcer: "We will send a John ~ntlutrtr Why D i d " Girl Alone" Marry? 2 Listening to Learn 17 Barclay service man to your home with Coming Events 3 Voice of the Listener; no strings attached."-Eleanor R. Pool­ At L ast-Shirley Surrenders 25 Brain- Busters 18 er, 9 Williams St., Salem, Mass. (Dec. BEAUTI FUL PICTURE to Radio 4 Walt D isney's " Pinocchio" 19 4 over MBS .) COLOROTO Airia lto Lowdown 6 Fred Waring and His Gang 20 MAGAZINE PARADE Hollywood Showdown 7 You Asked for Them and Backstage in Chicago 8 Ed Roberts, announcer• on "Lum and Here They Are 22 New Ideas Wanted- SPARKLING FEATURE SECTION " Club Matinee" Brews a Feud 24 Abner": "Drink Postum and see if it or Are They ? 9 isn't the answer to the sleeplessness EVERYBODY'S WEEKLY The March of Music 10 M eet Mr. Weeks 26 What Does American This Week's Programs 27 -43 you've b een looking for."-Dorothea Democra!fY Mean to Me ? 12 Winter Program Locator 44 Davison, 7341 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago. National Song Search 14 Birthdays; Brain- Busters- Ill. (Dec. 4 over CBS.) G l oomy Gtenn Learns to Grin 15 Answers 45 IU.IJ IQ GUID E (Trade -' l ark Hegist cl'c ll U, S. Pat. Offic e)~ \'ulumc IX. Nurn her ]l . \\' c(' I\, end ing Deceml)cl' 2fl, • 1!):l !J. Published \recl';]y 11:-' T he Ceccl ia ('olllJ)an.\' . i:1 1 l'LrnlO ut h Court, Ch icago, lil in o l.~ . E nt ered as sccond­ News commentator: "I stood on a cor- tlaiis matter at t he Post O ffice. Chicago. 1Ilinois. r"ehruary 2 -i . 1!l :l 2, u nder the act of .M nl'ch :L l Si!!. Atl t hOl'ized 0,\' l'ost Office Depart ment, Ottawa , Can:\(J<I . as second -cla:;s mat.tC I", COllyright. ) US!), hy The Cetelia ('ollll)any. ner dow ntow n for half an hour, waiting A Ji riK hts I'esencd. '.\ l. L . Annenbel'g . P res ident; A1'I1old Kruse , Sec l'c ta l ',~:; George (l 'litassy, General l\lanngC I' ; Ed Zoty. Ci rcu lat ion -'T anager. Lllsol il'il ed IIWIlU SC ripts shou ld be :l ct'o l11 ll anled hy stamped . self-nd d ressecl enrclopc for a cab minus an overcoat."~Marie for return. T en cents \JCI" ('op,\" i ll t he C'niled Stales. Subst'l'iption rates in t he U, S. anel possess ions and ('ountries of the P :lll-Ameri can P o:.; t .. l linion : s ix lII onth,s, " 2 ,50 ; one ycar , $4 , 11 0, Subscript ion !'lItes i n forei gn ('ou nlt'ies: Henke, Amelia, Ohio.
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