
• 10 The National Weekly Week Ending of Programs and June 8, 1935 Perso • ie$ ., E CAB 8 Volume IV Number 33

. /1

Frances Langford (See Page 4)

Come to Hal ad Hotel -- Also Lanny Ross Rosaline Greene-Gracie Allen-Phil Stewart - For Hearing On.ly

Phil Stewart, Ace An'­ nouncer, Went to Scoff and R~mained in a Radio Studio to Climb +0 Fame

account for the resonance or the volume of his voice. While he is no weakling, no stunted, weazened individ­ ual, he obviously is not what his tones would indicate. Little wonder that he is perturbed about public re­ action to this forthcoming revelation. Phil really is more gravely concerned over the issue than most people could guess. Ever since he contracted to accompany King, he has had scouts out privately eavesdropping on studio audiences to note their comments, on both the imaginary Pi)il Stewart and the one that Nature actu­ ally created. The very first report which came to his ears was a remark made by a feminine auditor who was watching a Lady Esther broadcast for which Phil is the announcer four times weekly. ER comment was casual enough to anyone disinter­ H ested, but it caused Stewart more tremors than earthquake night in Tokio. "My," she said breezily, Phil as he looks on any of the "radio is certainly marvelous. Isn't it · 'Nonderful how numerous occa­ they can build those microphones to mak" a fellow like sions every week that's voice sound so impressive?" Slighdy mixed from when he "lends a grammatical standpoint, but with Ste'Nart her phras­ romance" to the ing was 'to matter of syntax. He was concerned only with its portent. Wayne King and It is a singular fact that Phil's voice is not in any other broadcasts way altered by the microphone. The IOnes in which he is heard across the nation are the identical ones in which he expresses himsel f in his office or in his living room. They come pretty close to supplying the evasive meaning of the adjective, dulcet. The m;;gnavox which supplies the magic is built right· into his chest. And this is the second crisis which Stewart has faced since he made his unusual debut in radio, an event worth recounting because of coincidence. By Harry Steele HI LE he still was just a vaudeville performer await­ W ing the renaissance of variety shows, he lived in a small apartment on 's north SIde. Because of ~ HIL STEWART, since his inductIOn into radio will act as master of ceremonies for the shows which lack of funds with which to seek outside diversion. Phil scarcely six years ago, has created for himself the Waltz King will put on in various theaters. In short, found amusement in a small radio which he had ac­ an enviable position. He is counted among Phil is going to face his vast audience for the first time, quired on his travels. But his entertainment was balked I the ten leading announcers in ~he country, has and he is really worried. by a broadcasting station with studios in a hotel just ri se n from a posi tion with an obscure station From his copious mail Stewart knows that because across the street. It 't as particular as it is now to national fame-and now he faces a grave crisis. of his rich and sonorous voice his listeners picture him to stay within its own channel, and as a result, if Phil He is going to be the central figure in the struggle as a veritable Adonis, a throw-back to tne Hellenic male didn't' want to li sten to WCRW, he had the alternative between illusion and reality. For Phil is about to set stature immortaliLed in marble. In fact, Phil is not of of shutting off his receiving set. The station's programs forth on a tour of the country with Wayne King. He heroic proportion_so His physical particulars in no way bl anketed his dial. (Colltinued 011 Page 19) Gracie Allen's Nuts About Philosophy

a WONDER I am philosophical. My family logical thing for somebody to scare him, so when my he said : "I think it would be very refreshing if you'd has been philosophical for years. My nephoo is uncle came in dressed '.up in a white sheet and yelling take a day off from being a little off," and I sa id: philosophical about his fathers, and his father "Boooo," he knew it was my uncle, so they had to take "George, that's si lly. If I took a day off, I'd still be is my missing brother, and I am philosophical him to the hospital to get over hiccoughs. off," and he said: "I'm afraid so." So the next evening I about both of them, and George is philosoph­ Another part of my philosophy is that ./ords speak when he came in I cried: "The top of the morning to ical about me. When my brother had been missing for louder than actions, because if actions spoke louder you, Colonel Dittenfest!" and George said: "Sure." The six months, my nephoo said: "Well, no news is good than words, then acrobats would talk too much, and since next day he sneaked in and yelled ri ght in my ear: news," and I said to George: "I am glad my brother all acrobats say is "allayoop," that goes to show there's "Who am I?" and I said: "Why, you're George Burns. is missing because familiarity breeds contempt," and something funny somewhere. Don't you think so? Don't be- si lly! And I'm Gracie Allen," and he sa id: George said : "That's putting it mildly," and I said: I also believe that you can't make a silk purse ou t "Ah, well Dittenfcst today and gone tomorrow, eh?" "George, that's sweet of you. Not everybody would be of a sow's ear, because a baby in the cradle knows that and I sai~l : "There you go, George, always kidding. I so sweet about a missing brother-in-law." ~k comes from cocoons. was just trying out my philosophy. But maybe I'd My philosophy is that it doesn't pay to be logical. I always say that variety is the spice of life, too. better not have a philosophy, don't you thinl< so?" and My family has been logical for years, and where did The reason so many married people get bored is because he said: "I think so, Gracie." it get them? Look what happened to my grandfather, they don't have enough surprises. So I thought I would So that's my new philosophy, that it's better not who is the most logical man in the world. He knew give George a change, last week. When he came home to have a philosophy. I think so too, don't you? that if anybody has hiccoughs and you scare them, I called out: "Good-day, Mr. McGillicuddy," and he they stop having hiccoughs. He was always scaring my said: "It's George-George! Who is this Nlr. McGilli­ Burns and Allen broadcast Wednesdays, mama to death after every Thangsgiving dinner. So cuddy?" and I said: "Why, George, you're M r. McGilli­ CBS-WABC, at 10 p. m. EDT (9 EST; 9 CDT; one time he got the hiccoughs, and he knew it was the cuddy! Don't you catch on? Isn't it refreshing?" and 8 CST; 7 MST; 6 PST). 2 6 Radio's Chameleon

back in envelopes the size of a pre-war loaf of bread. By Howard Wilcox I just can't stand to fail at anything I tackle. If it isn't The First Leading Lady of good from the outset, or doesn't at least show immediate signs of promise, I drop it for once and forever. SONG writer once remarked that life is "But my hobby of collecting experiences can go on just a bowl of cherries. He was merely the Air, Rosaline Greene, in the meantime. And it can continue to be of con­ flirting with the topic, aCco'rding to Rosa­ siderable use right along. Since I am not yet prepared line Greene, dramatic actress of many im­ Has Pointed Her Entire to write, I put my knowledge of character to work on portant hours on the air. To her that's just the radio, which seems much the same thing. a very superficial remark, itKe saying that Life Toward ·One Goal "This fervent wish to become a novelist, I believe, there are only 400 people worth knowing has made me succeed as an actress. ill New York, as some other glib person once stated. "Into my characterizations on the air I have in­ Life to Rosaline Greene is a vast laboratory through jected the types I have met and studied in night courts, which she roams with a wide, scientific eye-peering in the Bowery, on New York's East Sicle. Where the down the barrel of a microscope to observe its flora and author gets material for books, I get it for the air and fauna, poking it with a stick to watch reactions, taking crystalize the characters in my mind in order to write it apart to see the works, and prodding her own emo­ about them later. Although I like all types, I prefer to tions with as colorful a variety of experiences as one do older people." can drum up in a vicarious world. ' Caprice and the desire for vicarious adventure have HEN Rosaline first went on the air, during her ruled her chameleon's life ever since she can remember. W senior year at New York State College, it wasn't And at the bottom of all this is her desire to be a writer the means of beginning a new career. . of fiction-not the profound plumbing of souls in which She seemed eager to discuss her debut over WGY our realistic novelists indulge, but to picture youth after in Schenectady 'way back in the Miocene Age of radio. the manner of Edna Ferber and Fannie Hurst, with a when a lot of people still referred to it as "the wireless." relentless sense of human movement behind it. Still in her twenties, she talked like ,I veteran, but The impulse to play the queen on the chessboard of her enthusiasm and flashing smile belied a sort of vul­ life, and to skip hither and yon in both directions, first nerable pose. drew response from her when she was a freshman at Her dark eyes, alive with interest, illuminated her' New York University, where parental wishes fash­ face, her even, white teeth assisted; and she sat with one ioning her to a school-teacher's career. leg curled up under her, trying to taIk like a veteran. Then, too, her words had a way of scampering in and FOR no reason at all, she transferred her studies to an out on the subject under discussion, which showed her institution which is diametrically opposite in ehar­ prodigious interest in whatever was happening around acter. She enrolled, between her freshman and soph­ her. omore years, at the New Ymk State Teacher's College Rosaline hadn't been on the topic of that first broad­ a[ Albany. . cast more than a minute when from the street there Whereas N. Y. U. students were touched with the came up to her window the dolorous whang of some for­ urbanity of metropolitan life, the State college gave her gotten tango, ground out of a barrel organ. the atmosphere of a secluded cloister. She enjoyed both. She grabbed up a handful of pennies and cast them And it was here that she decided to set her thirst down in a shower, and for a while watched the maestro for experience to some practical purpose. I t was the and his monk gather them up. When the musician of­ early heyday of Fannie Hurst and Edna Ferber. Rosa­ fered to send his energetic charge up to her with her Iine ,read everything they wrote, and then decided to be­ fortune-teller's card, Rosaline said "Never mind," and come an author-somi! day. But being practical, she felt shut the window. she had to know life, know it as she would the lining of a glove turned insid'r out, as well as the shiny ex­ T'S a pity, legislating against the organ grinders," she terior-to know it on one hand as a blessing and on I remarked, "Why, they're the last standby of old New the other hand as the pinch of a new shoe. York, and they serve other and more human purposes. To study story writing in college was not her idea If you don't like the music, you can send the fellow of achieving this changing view. Experience, to her, was away by tossing him a few pennies and feel en rapport the only teacher. with the world, and if you should like it, the few coppers Eleven years have passed, and she still is experi­ make you feel the same way, don't you think? Illenting. "As for the fortune the monkey's Some day, she says she's going to card would tell-I don't believe in write. This girl is certain of that, and Rosaline Greene Conrad Berco­ any form of witchcraft. Or maybe to hear her tell it is to leave room and, below, Clar­ vici, below, a I haven't come to that yet. There are for very little doubt. For if perse­ ence Darrow­ novelist whom too many interesting mysteries in "most charm- Rosaline "ad- verance and background are the by­ ing man" this world for me to go poking among product of a writer's talent, then mires a lot" the stars for a th rill. Rosaline Greene's name will be on "But we were on the subject of book covers. my radio debut." She smiled and "But I don't want to start writ­ displayed a set of dimples into which IIlg until I'm prepared to devote all marbles could sink. "That's when I my time to it," she says. "By that was 'radio's first leading lady'. You time, perhaps two or three years from can put that in quotes, mister. now, I'll also have a lot more exper­ "I was picked for a radio audition ience to bank on. from a number of members of the "Besides, it would be fatal for me school's dramatic society by the WGY to begin as a mere neophyte, turning director. They thought I was all out half-baked fiction and getting it right. (Continued 011 Page 17)

R 0 sal i n e's ideas abo u t organ grind­ ers' monkeys - and the stars - are most provo- cative

6 3 ( .orne to Hoi' Iywood Hotel' When a Coast-to-Coast Audi'ence Settles Down before the picture-goers of the country had a chance to rather went to his head! He was going '*> for Its Friday Night Hour of Music, Glamour and ghmpse them. on to the boxing matches ' '1t the" Holly- . So then-the picture preview must be prepared. wood St'ldium, but insisted that on such '. Romance in the Playground of the Stars, It Has Mu~t be good. And-harder- must please its stellar an occa. ion no ordina.ry conveyance" pertormers. And Its stellar performers must be per­ would' do. Accordingly he> '1nell! party ' suaded t9 rehearse! For ninety per cent of mbvie stars ' of frIends commandeerea. M'IcHurQn's >< No Idea of the Careful Preparation Required look on radio as a new sort of game and refuse to take lunch wagon, which they found parked "~ it seriously. ~earby, ~nd , drove in triumph to the SiJl Bacher, the enthusiast, couldn't tolerate thi~ fights amidst the rattle of milk bottles- ,. attitude. He is teaching the movie stars another point ' eating sandwiches as they went. of View, a new approach to millions of listening fans. The results can be heard any Fnday night. UT to get back behind the 8Qe~eS­ By Diana Bourbon B by Tuesday night a rough script and OMETIMES outside difficulties, having Ilothing to 'I complete musical skeleton are in readi­ S do WIth either scnpt or radIO, rear aggravating heads. ness .. There is a special meeting, a' com­ " There was the time Clark Gable-a regular guy if binatIon rehearsal and conference at ,)c and Virginia should make it up? Or will touch that makes Holly~od Hotel different from other ever there was one-was scheduled to go on. Clark takes Bacher's Beverly Hills home. the misunderstanding do us for another programs. • _ his work seriously '1nd never willingly would pU't anyone Or, sOl1letimes it's Dick Powell's fortnight ?" Sometime on Monday the guest stars lor the ':Veek to lllconvenience. All the more of a p'lnic at Hollywood ,home tl1

By Chester Matthews

prisons sports hold the major place grain of pride, some scrap of memory of a distant boy­ in the limelight of popular favor. hoed with hours spent at his mother's knee while he Music comes second-with classical learned his "Now I lay me down to sleep-s," kept him music running a close race with jazz stolidly silent. But the radio program changed all that. for popular favoritism. He was man enough to take full blame for the condition And the men have their favorite he was in; he wrote her-the only letter he could write stars, too. One corridor in an East­ that week. She responded with a joy unbelievable. No ern jail is known as the Jessica Drag­ matter that her boy was a convict. She had heard from onette "hall." Lawrence Tibbett has him, once more she could give him the motherly influ­ his majority of followers in many ence she knew would keep him on the right track. Her prisons. But top votes go to Graham declining years are made happy, his chances of rehabil­ McNamee, Ted Husing, Pat Flanagan, itating his life when finally he is released, are infinitely Hal Totten and the otheJ;s who bring improved. Warden Frank Whipp, of Joliet, Illinois: He knew the the baseball scores, the hockey match­ Ike Mulligan-name slightly changep, of course­ value of radio-and results have justified his fAith in es, the play-by-play football games. has fallen \Jpon the life-sentertce doled out to all habitual what it would do for his charges Individual cases of men showing criminal law. He is in his late fifties. He says: "If only the effect of radio could be cited in / I had had a radio to listen to wiJ,en I was a kid. I would sufficient quantity to fill a volume. of stayed out of poolrooms and

• In His Eagerness to Col­ lect the Reward for the Capture of the Ghost Gang. John Fairchild Did Not-Could Not-Reck­ on on Avenging Murder

By Arthur Kent

"Dead-Murdered! Stay exactly where you are. Don't move - anybody!"

been offered for the gang's capture. But the strain of playing a lone hand against the cleverest mob in the coun­ try was terrific. As the moment for the commencement of Workman's broadcast approached, John realized what a soldier must feel like as he waits in a trench for the "zero hour" THE STORY TO DATE: ELL, how's Station WWP-affiliated with when an attack will be' launched upon a formidable and the World's Worst Paper?" ruthless enemy. Detective Dreamer Devine suspects Jobn Faircbild, "Going to broadcast any mQlre bedtime Nervously he looked around the studio. Never, he iJands017Le young anllouncer of Station WWP, 0/ being r"-1 stories for gunmen, John? The City Editor thought, had there been so many people crowded into ill league witl; tbe Gbost Gang of radio-scientific cri11l­ sent me around just in case." the place. The big, brown-paneled general office was mals-because wlJlm tbe gang raided Station WWP to John found it hard to smile. It was full of visitors-friends of executives and their friends. steal tbousands 07 dollars' wortb of jewels from six ~l ~ the night following the Ghost Gang's raid. Just at that moment the door opened, and a newspaper junior League debutantes, jolm was forced at pistol All day, people had been kidding the young announcer photographer came in-to be greeted by derisive whoops point to assist tbem by broadcasting reasSlirillg messages for being forced to cover the holdup by a verbal smoke­ from the half dozen reporters. "Little" Charlie Golden, 10 tbe public. . screen. Now, half a dozen newspaper reporters were WWP's lanky and enthusiastic press agent, sidled up In tbe excite11lent, Bert Rupert, surly advertising lolling in the main office of WWP. They had come to to John. salesman of lVWP, is sligbtly wounded in tbe arm. jolm write follow-up stories for their papers, and meanwhile Faircbild and Tubby Stewart, goodnatured c01ltrol en­ were enjoying themselves by ribbing poor John. HAT did I tell you?" Charlie whispered ecstatically. gi)uer, botb are slugged. "And now, kiddie-widdies," lisped one journalistic W "Any publicity is good publicity. Boy, I'll bet Helel! Wrigbt, station secretary wbo is in love witb wag, "when you hear the next musical gunshot it will we've got twice as many listeners tonight as we ever jobn, faillts. be exactly one-half second too late." had before-just because of last night's swell stunt. just a few bours before tbe holdup, Detective Devine "Nuts!" said John, with a worried grin. It wasn't Why 1-" had asked John to belp him catcb tbe Gbost Gang. He that their kidding annoyed him-though he was getting ''I'll send for you if I ever get into a scandal, believes they were using WWP to broadcast hidden pretty tired of it. But in a few minutes now, it would Chuck," John said wryly. ''I'm sure you'll see that I messages to gang me111bers. jolm finds a sllspicious­ be time for Doctor Workman to go on the air with get on all the front pages. How would a nice murder loohing ellvelope addressed to Doctor Worklllall, weird another of his in-the-dark spiritualistic seances. And do?" little spiritualist wbo was broadcasting a seallce in tbe that would be the time, John believed, when the strange "That's a swell idea!" cried Charlie, slapping him dark at tbe ti11le of the boldup. lIaving reason to sus­ old Doctor would broadcast another secret message to on the back and strolling away to fraternize with the pect tbat tbis letter may colltain secret instructions from the Ghost Gang. It was young Fairchild's plan to note newspapermen. tbe Ghost Gang, jobn opens it. the name of the nearby town or city which Workman John groaned softly. Charlie, he realized, would From its contents "be deduces tbat Worklllall bas almost certainly would announce, since John had inter­ cut off his own grandmother's ears to make a headline. directed tbe gang's operations in raids on banks in six cepted the note warning the spiritualist to layoff. Then He looked at the clock. Five minutes more-and Work­ 11earby cities. lie alld H,elell plan to trap lVorkman the announcer would turn over his information to De­ man's broadcast would go out over the kilocycles. and tbe gang !bat nigbt alld earn a $50,000 reward. tective Devine, who could throw hundreds of police anti "Don't be nervous, dear!" At the sound of that­ Exultingly, jo1m says: "Tomorrow nigbt is tbe plainclotheS'fnen into the threatened community, in soft voice, young Fairchild turned with a thrill. As he gang's last job! After that we'll be sitting pretty. Do speedy, well-armed radio cars. looked into the clear blue eyes of Helen Wright, his your stuff: Doctor-for the last time." Tbe lovers do But so far John had said nothing to Devine about taut nerves relaxed. not know that Oakwood, manager of the station, bas his discovery. He wanted to catch Workman in the "God!" he murmured, prayerfully. "How lucky I over beard tbese ·1.wrds. very act of broadcasting the coded instructions. By am to have you!" Hungrily, his adoring eyes drank in doing so, he reasoned, he would make sure of receiving her loveliness. Now go on witb the stor~: at least a large share of the $50,000 reward which had "Oakwood is watching us," (Continued on Page 13) 6 7 R~viewing Radio By Martin J. Porter

ing. Instead, they will in­ "We have no complaints about our children's pro­ tensify it by making record­ grams which would warrant any drastic change. ings of their programs and "Finally, we have good reason to believe that should by dispensing these record­ we undertake a more drastic policy toward laxative or ings to hundreds of inde­ corrective products, we should only be forcing them off pendent stations where no the networks, which have been striving -for years for restrictions are in force. refinement, into less restrictive channels, and thus flood Many of these stations are the country with material even more inJe~icate." associated with the net­ Lately, because of its advertising wordage, the works, and will not deem it Fleischmann Yeast broadcasts have been catalogued in improper to toss aside net­ the laxative class. For this reason a supervision of work schedules in favor of scripts has become effective, but within a few weeks the the highly profitable pro­ commercial appeal of the VALLEE ~how will have grams of the nature upon changed to another phase. which the networks frown. I t means a financial Til E AUDI ENCE no doubt will recall that when harvest for the independent The Gibson Family first took to the air, the presenta­ stations, cheaper broadcast­ tion was heralded as a new art form because it used ing for the sponsors, and a original music by SCIIWARTZ and DI ETZ. because distinct threat to the exist­ it was scripted by COURTNEY R ILEY COOPER, et ence of chain-broadcasting, cetera. Also, that the program never :;ot to be any should the number of such great shakes, though it deserved credit t0r. trying to be programs be multiplied original. It did not revolutionize greatly, either, when greatly. OWEN DAVIS and son were called in'to supplant Mr. And while Columbia is Cooper. Talk followed, which threatened the end of to be congratulated for its the series, but that has c~anged now and The Gibons courage in cleaning up, let will remain on the air. But not as the prototype of a us not pass up the NBC, new art form. No si r. I n a few weeks the program will which paralleled that policy resort to one of the oldest of art forms-the variety ELlCITATIO S, congratulations and other with a few exceptions more than a year ago, although show. And presiding over it, in the VALLEE manner, forms of praise have been descending upon no public announcement was made. wiII be CHARLIE WINNINGER, the ex-skipper of . the headquarters of the Columbia Broad­ For the purpose of clarifying the network attitude, Show Boat. casting System during the past week. Ap­ here is a list of the NBC policies regarding the so-called preciative members of the audience seem indelicate shows, as outlined by EDGAR K013AK, sales RED WARING is striving to put a little more come­ [lI overjoyed at Columbia's decision to oust vice-president, and wielder of the policy gavel: F dy into his show, and his efTorts have shown again laxative, deodorant and other medicinal bal­ "The NBC is not disposed to cancel any laxative the irony of radio. STOOPNAGLE AND BUDD wiII lyhoo from its kilocycles, to refine the children's pro­ programs. Such presentations will continue as long as underwrite the irony. Having found themselves without grams by banning absurd adventures and precocious ju­ they renew their contracts without lapsing off the air. a sponsor recently, this pair went into a ustaining veniles, and to place time limitations upon sales-talks. But if they should lapse, no renewals will be considered. show on Friday nights. I t was designed to decoy a Already the BLOCK AND SULLY show, embarrassed We are not accepting any new programs't>f this type. patron. But week after week went by with Mr. Bopp at this public disavowal, has decided to walk off the air • "The NBC operates a script control department, singing, "They Haven't Got a Sponsor." June 17, with RAY PERKINS' spOl1sors considering re­ which must have sales-talk scripts for such 'shows in its No"" at the point where Stoop and Budd had be­ tirement at the end of their thirteen-week period. hands thirteen weeks in advance, and our editing is final. come reconciled to their fate, a sponsor bobbed up \\ ith All this cleanup sounds well, but the pleasant glow "Our networks will not accept progr:UTIS advertising a contract. I t wasn't a big one, to be sure, but half a it has given anticipatory listeners, I am sorry to say, deodorants because oral descriptions of such products sponsor is better than none. So they signed for six weeks is not going to be fu lly warranted. are, in our opinion, in bad taste. We have turned down in a series of ten-minute programs. Laxative, deodorant and absurd children's programs, eleven such applications for time on the air. And then Waring thought about puttlllg Stoop and also unlimited salestalks, most certainly are not going "We do not place any time limit on advertising Budd into his show. And neither Stoop nor Bud could to vanish from the air. The fact of the matter is that talks, as long as they are interesting. We decide whether accept-having already signed. Now they must wait t hey are going to become less refin, j and more indeli­ or not they are interesting. This concession is made to six weeks to take over the Waring ofTer. cate and lots more ballyhooish. stimulate inventiveness on the part of advertisers in the That is, if the offer still holds good. Here's why: Because such things are banished matter of refining commercial announcements, or lend­ All of which goes to show that Pboitbboinders must from the networks, they wiII not give up radio advertis- ing them novelty. be bad luck. pltJms and Prunes

ENRI ETTA JOHNSON evidently has made famed as Charlotte's ace sportcaster, and now and then, good with the Amos '1/' A ndy customers. he confesses, he even listens to Sportcaster Husing. Breaking an historic precedent, radio's cele­ By Evans plummer brated blackface pair added a third party-' BANDLEADER HUSK O'HARE is outfitting his and a woman at that-to their cast on Frid~y, ;.. orchestra with a complete new set of instruments and night, May 17, and then they trembled while awaiting the sales patter, finds himself. It seems that Mr. Owen starting another music library since last week's exper­ the listener reaction. is one of those not-so-rare persons to whom even the ience when fire destroyed t he Casanova Night Club, in But their trepidation was unnecessary. Henrietta, mention of strawberries is an anathema. And ever since Denver, and all his band's working tools and tooters. enacted by HARRIET WIDMER, clicked with better strawberry season opened, the Betty and Bob sponsor In fact, an inventory of the band taken 2fter the holo­ than nine out of ten A 'n' A tuners without a scuffle. has been extolling the use of his product as an aid to caust revealed that about all they had left were their Unprecedented was the addition of the third party; successful strawberry shortcake. glad rags, a trombone and Husk O'Hare. unprecedented likewise was the invitation, following This just about has Mr. Owen stopped. In fact, Henrietta's premiere, extended by Amos 'n' Andy to he's all broken out with strawberry rash. AG LINES-Winding up Memorial Day at Loew's the listening audience to decide the fate of their new T Fox Theater in Washington, D. C, the MYRT AND character. The mail which poured in definitely vindi­ BACK TO CHICAGO has come Jester PHIL MARGE touring company wi ll open friday, May 31 cated the Correll and Gosden judgment. I t is still pour­ BAKER and company, including of course, HARRY for a week at the, Century theater in Baltimore, Md. ing in, but as we go to press the count shows that 92.37 (Bottle) McNAUGHTON and stooge ARTIE AUER­ The troupers are all feeling grand, Myrt would have per cent of the writers believe that Henrietta Johnson BACH, the former New York tabloid newspaper camera­ you know. Plums to 'em ... And Old Doc Stork con­ should be a permanent fixture in the affairs of A 'n' A­ man whose dialect won him a place on the Baker opus. firms the rumor previously published here, that the A mos, Andy '1/' Henrietta, so to speak. Alighting from the train in the Windy City, Auer­ VIN HAWORTH'S (Jack Arnold) have placed an order In our opinion, Correll and Gosden were silly to bach was observed to be carrying a camera under his with him ... RUBINOFF really talked over the air worry about the public's reaction to their changes, for arm. Baker explained that wherever Auerbach went, so last Tuesday, May 21, when he answered questions for they have reached that seldom-surmounted pinnacle of did the camera-even into the broadcasting studios. EDDI E AND FANNI E CAVANAUGIl on their CBS success where they have become a national tradition­ "I should be so crazy," says Artie, "to get caught network, but the consensus of opinion is that he makes and a national tradition, like the king, can do no wrong. short. Suppose Baker gets tired of me, huh?" a violin talk a plum-basketful better. Cantor was right But A 'n' A will not get away with a kilocycle vaca­ ... Drink a schooner of the mosta of the besta to the tion this year. Mark this down in your hat as exclusive · ED HUSI NG, pictured elsewere on this page with health of Old Maestro BEN BERNIE who June 4 cele­ news that the sponsor of the famous team has decided T the beauteous ETHEL MERMAN, is allegedly the bratees his fourth anniversary on the air for that brewer against an interval in their routine during 1935. And air's most versatile announcer, or something like that, ... More notes from the bandstand: HARRY SOS­ we're kinda glad-even if A 'n' A aren't. but it remains for Mayor BEN E. DOUGLAS, of Char­ NI K'S lads are airing from t he Schroeder, in Milwau­ lotte, N. C, to challenge Ted's versatility. Mayor Doug­ kee ... FRANKIE MASTERS' band opens June I at PASSING TO BETTY AND BOB, you long­ las, you see, is not only Burgomaster of Charlotte, but Chicago's College Inn, whi le the same town's smart set suffering housewives who've waited out their rather is heard daily announcing a studio program for station is being dazed by the big bag of plumful tricks of lengthy commercial announcements will get a kick out WSOC, and between times does a spot of work at the HORACE HEIDT'S Californians, now playing upon of the situation in which DAVE OWEN, who orates mortuary in whi(h he is interested. The Mayor also is the dais at the Drake Hotel. 8 6 Inside Stuff Along the Airialto By Martin Lewis

. '~LL BEING very quiet on the Western radio lowe and Gypsy Cooper front, your correspondent boarded a plane practising their Isaac Wal­ .A last week for one of his periodical visits to ton 'technique (as well as • the Eastern aircastles. Upon arrival and their Russian) for that com­ upon meeting old friends, our inevitable ing trip to the land of the ~&'• 11' stock phrase, "Whaddya know?" would al­ Soviet and the caviar. ways be used-but much to our sorrow not And from the coast we to good advantage, because we learn things aren't any ha ve two more ether artists more alive here than they are in the West-all is quiet following AL PEARCE and on the Eastern front. his Gang into Radio City. ELMORE VINCENT (Sen­ If for no other reason, we were glad to leave the ator Fishface) and RITA Windy City, even though it's only for a few days, so LANE, pretty little soprano, that we could become a fugitive from a chain letter gang. both of whom are familiar This town we find is also no different in this respect. to the NBC audience through There isn't a radio artist whose fan mail hasn't in­ the Carefree Carnival have creased, but alas and alack the chain letter is responsible landed in New York.' for the sudden popularity. Most of these letters are im­ Vincent and his frau mediately consigned to the wastebasket, bu t there are a drove to Den ver, where the select few who still insist upon keeping Barnum's phrase Senator unraveled some popular. To readers of this pillar we advise saving the tangled oratory in a theater stamp. Too many already have reached our desk. for a week. Then they con­ tinued on to New York UR first night in the big town finds us seated in a from there, and the Senator O box of the Columbia Playhouse on West 45th will have a try in the Ra­ Street, to witness a performance of the Big Show. dio City studios. Your announcer PAUL DOUGLAS, wearing a red Miss Lane boarded a slow boat for New York by After the program we visited the Press Department carnation, appears on the stage five minutes before the way of the Panama Canal and West Indian ports, a and found JOHN B. KENNEDY with an enviable sun­ program starts. to put the audience through a rehearsal long leisurely vacation for which, she says, she had been burn from playing golf. He was pounding the typewriter of hand-clapping and laughing. Yes, my friends of the envying other folks for years. She is visiting her good keys preparing his script for a program he had that vast radio audience, 'tis true-the visible audience for friend GOGO DEL YS of the NBC Hit Parade program night. M r. Kennedy told us he would fly to the Coast this program is actually rehearsed. Paul tells them it's and will probably resume her air work from the East. the next morning to do a special broadcast, and would their opportunity to get on the air, and if you applaud return via the air route immediately after the broadcast, loud enough your friends in California can hear you. Last Wedllesday night we journeyed over to witness spending less than twenty-four hours in California. So much for that. tbe FRED ALLEN program and get our first glimpse We listened attentively for a half-hour, not very at an amateur program. The talellt on tbis sbow was Later we learn of a rather horrible experience An­ mucH impressed with the BLOCI( AND SULLY comedy, so excellent we were determined not to miss any more nouncer NELSON CASE had during a recent broadcast, but we are compensated for our visit by GERTRUDE of tbem co1ning tbrougb our loudspeaker if we could when a woman visitor not more than five feet behind NIESEN'S excellent warbling and LUD GLUSKIN'S be!p it. • him was stricketl with an epileptic fit. She began to splendid mus,ic. However: we learn this combination will We found, however, the same situation existing here scream just as Nelson was making his commercial al1- not be together much longer as the program will fold in as we did witnessing the Big Show. At the start of the nouncement. At the time there was no other sound in a few weeks, due to the new ruling of CBS in which the program TINY RUFFNER comes out on the stage and the studio but the announcer's voice and this woman's commercial plugs are strictly censored. delivers a short speech, also winding up by putting the piercing yell. Case, however, finished his announcements We never tire of Gertrude Niesen's songs, and to audience through a chuckle and appl ause rehearsal. and when he turned around he saw some of the studio prove this we stop in later that evening' at the Holly­ Ruffner has it over PAUL DOUGLAS, insofar as he attendants taking the woman out of the studio to the wood Restaurant where the lovely songstress is headlin­ carries a sign reading, Applause, and every time he wants first-aid room, where she was treated. ing. By the thunderous applause M iss Niesen received the audience to become enthu~iastic he raises the sign at this night spot, we are convinced that we are not over his head. This is what one might call artificial EWEST of the JACK BENNY fans we're told is alone in our judgment. atmosphere. N none other than screenland's most elusive celebrity, GRETA GARBO herself. Very few people knew that C'OM ETH I NG new in the way of amateur shows is put La Garbo attended last Sunday's broadcast at the NBC .) on from the Hollywood every Monday night or rath­ studios in Hollywood, clad in her usual gray tweeds, KILOCYCLE CHATTER: The popular soft drink outfit that slouch hat and dark glasses. She came in a side door er early Tuesday mornings, and broadcast over WN EW. featured FRANK BLACK'S orchestra and guest stars last season By something new we mean it is the only amateur show is auditioning ANDRE KOSTELANETZ and a sixty-piece orchestra and was ushered into the glass-paneled room reserved where the performers come in costume. It is the only for the sponsors. with FRANK LUTHER, CONRAD THIBAULT and an as yet Her annonymous presence was the outgrowth of a show where, i1fter a performer gets ·an exit he or she is unnamed female warbler ... MARK WARNOW, the CBS baton permitted ariother chance, as in the case of a gal who recent Benny program on which the comic introduced waver, is slated for a new commercial to start August 15 ..• as a celebrity "the boy who delivers Garbo's groceries." came back for the second time and shouted into the The PICKENS SISTERS are aUditioning for the sponsor who man­ mike, "This time I'll slay you"-and I'll say she meant The Swedish star happened to be listening in and en­ ufactures that mint with a hole ... They say ttj.at ROXY and joyed the program so much that she phoned her thanks what she said. Her second chance and display of cour­ his Gang will be back on th~ networks in about five weeks, but not age got her a great big hand from all those present. to Benny, who in return invited her to attend the peKt for the same sponsor; and that the cigarette firm is auditioning b roadcast. ' .. ·" other females to take the place of AN NETTE HANSHAW when Further on down Radio Row we meet another friend they return to the air in the Fall •.. HARRY RICHMAN is This story gave us a kick: The setting was a barbe­ who tells us something we never knew till now. AN­ also in the audition studios working on a program called Radio TIIONY FROil\ E, the popular tenor, has discarded his cue stand in Palm Beach. A large car drove up and a Follies which would feature a well-known band and a name guest couple got out of it and sat on stools at the counter, title of Poet Prince and will not return to the airwaves. star each week .•. BLOCK AND SULLY go on a vaudeville tour He is once again Reverend Frome and is officiating at The radio in the place played Old Man River, and the when their program folds June 17 ... VERA VAN signs off her man who had gotten out of the big car sang it. the M t. Neboh congregation on West 79th Street air work on June 25 and will start on a Coast-to·Coast vaudeville in . The waiter behind the tour winding up in her home state, California, where she will counter stared at him open­ rest for the balance of the Summer, returning to the kilocycle Tbey tell me AMOS mouthed, and when the channels early in the Fall ... SANDERSON AND CRU'MIT are song was finished, said, 'N' ANDY are going to going to do away with guest arti~ts for the duration of the Summer bave anotber crack at tbe "Gee, Mister, that was ... A JOEY NASH Fan Club has been formed in the most appro­ pretty good." movies. It isn't a secret priate place in the country, Nashville, Tennessee ..• TIM AN D tbat tbeir fi (st picture did­ "G 0 a d?" the man IRENE think that the height of popularity would be a radio laughed. "Good? Why that n't go ov er so big, but columnist at a press agent's convention ... The VOICE OF EX· tbeir air popularity is was perfect." The man PERIENCE is going to be seen as well as heard-he's caught the roared with laughter. In great enougb for tbem to movie short fever, too; the extras in his picture will be a lot of stick to tbe adage, "If at fact, as he left after three CBS microphones, doing atmosphere. , . JACK FULTON, lyric or four more beers, he was first YOIl don't succeed," et tenor, heard with his own orchestra on CBS, recently moved into still laughing about it. cetera. Before many more a new home in Tenafly, New Jersey; he took this moment to add su11downs tbere '1f.--ill prob­ The singer was JOlIN to his menage in the person of a Scottie, named appropriately CIIARLES THOMAS. ably be additional reports enough, McDONALD ... CURTIS ARNALL, title player of Buck of radio satellites journey­ Rogers in the 25th Century, is busy between rehearsals preparing ONE THING AN ing to tbe wast city for his 36·foot yawl, THE TRUANT, for entrance in the Block Isla'hd flicker work. Eastern trip reveals is the Auxiliary Race July 26. No rocket ships need apply ... After comprehensive plans which hearing a flock of applicants, producers of The O'Neilis picked the radio chieftains are Along with the other ELAINE MELCHOIR for the part of Countess Vedari. Lovely concocting for the Sum­ members of PHIL SPI­ Elaine, blonde and gentle·mannered, always manages to get cast mer. I t must be the in­ Elaine Me1choir: She TALNY'S all-girl musical as a menace. In the Buck Rogers show she has the part of that fluence of the auto-radio Curtis Arnall: He gets new role unit, we find Maxine Mar- arch·villainess, Ardala Valmar! that's perking things up. will go a-yawling 6 9 Coming Events , beginning on this date will be heard daily EST and CST Shown except Saturda:); and Sunday over the CBS-WA~C network at a new ho,-\r-I 1:30 SUNDAY, JUNE 2 a. m. ES r (10:30 CST). ALESTINE Flower Day will be Arril'al of the new French liner NOR­ commemorated in a program MANDl E at the end of her maiden voy­ over an 1\BC-WEAF network at age will be broadcast over both a CBS­ 8:45 a. m. EST (7:45 CST). In WABC and an NBC-W.lZ network at addition to the .lEWISII CHO- I 1:45 a. m. EST (10:45 CST). RAL SOCI ETY, a mixed choir of 70 voices, Doctor I srael Goldstein, president WHY CI lOOSE NURSING? is the of the jewish National Fund of America, topic of a talk to be given by Effie j. will speak on Palestine As It Is Today. Taylor, dean of the Yale School of Nurs­ ing. ol'er an NBC-WEAr network at 12:15 Columbia's CIIURCII OF THE AI R p. m. EST (I I: 15 a. m. CST). The broad­ wiII be in charge of Reverend joseph A. cast is in connection with the 41st annual Vance, D. D., of Detroit for the morning convention of the National League of period over the CBS-WABC network at 'ursing Education. 9 a. m. EST (8 CST). A later program over the same network at 12 noon EST In a special broadcast at 3 p. m. EST I I a. m. CST) will be presented by Wil­ (2 CST) over the CBS-WABC network, liam G. Biederman, Christian Scientist, of RICI lARD j. NEUTRA, California archi­ Washington, D. C. tect, will be awarded the medal which he won in the Better Ilomes III America Winning contestants in previous con­ competition. certs will be presented from Detroit in a special broadcast of the I NTERNATION­ Under the auspices of the U. S. LI FE AL MUSIC FESTIVAL over an NBC­ SAVING CORPORATION, Doetor John WjZ network at 3 p. m. EST (2 CST). L. Rice, Health Commissioner of New York City. will talk on First Aid over an GRETE STUECKGOLD will be guest NBC-WEAF network at 345 p. m. EST artist on the Ford Hour over the CBS­ (2:45 CST). WABC network at 8 p. m. EST (7 CST). By means of a rebroadcast from Eng­ CORNELIA OTIS SKIN lER, distin­ land, the concert of the B BC Symphony guished actress and monologist, makes her Orchestra, conducted by A RTU RO TOS­ debut in a new series sponsored by the CA 11;\11, will be heard at 4 p. m. EST makers of .I ergens' Lotion. She replaces (3 CST) over a!l 1\ BC-W EA F hookup. Walter Winchell for the Summer, and will be heard on Sundays over NBC-WjZ KURT BROWNELL, tenor, will in­ at 8:30 p. m. EST (7:30 CST); rebroad­ augurate a weekly Monday series over an cast for the West and Midwest at 10:15 NBC-W.JZ network at 6:30 p. m. EST p. m. EST (9:15 CST). (5 :30 CST).

The departure of the Sherlock Holmes' Cornelia ()tis Skinner, distinguished American dramatic actress and Inaugurating 'a new serie; to be heard programs brings to the microphone, a monologuist, makes her debut on a new dramatic hour Sunday, June 2 over the CBS-WABC network, PICK half-hour earlier, the VAN HEUSEN AND PAT, will make their debut at 7:30 I-lOUR, featuring Vera Brodsky, Harold p. m. EST (6:30 CST). There wil1 be a Triggs and Louis Anspacher. Starting on MONDA Y, JUNE 3 work, from Chicago, at 9:15 a. m. EST repeat broadcast tor Western and M id­ this date the broadcasts will be heard each (8:15 CST). western stations at 10:30 p. m. EST Sunday over an NBC-WjZ network at THE CADETS QUARTET inaugurates (9:30 CST). Josef BOl11me's orchestra 8 :45 p. m. EST (7:45 CST). a new series over the CBS-WABC net- THE STORY OF MARY MARLIN (Continued on Page 13)

• Music the Air HREE musical programs of the The second broadcast of the Festival Talbott Festival are to be broad­ (Saturday at 3 p. m. EDT; 2 EST; 2 cast this week from Princeton, By Carleton Smith COT; I CST) includes selections by the N. ]. The Kyrie and the Gloria alumni of the present Choir, and those from Bach's unparallelled Mass in the Westminster Choir, even less is known ing that lies beyond mere musical symbols. who will sing next year. Selections range B Minor comprise the first program (NBC, about its School. And the Choir is but a Upon graduation they do not ask to from Cruci/ixus, di Lasso's Tbe Ecbo, and friday, June 7, at 5 p. m. EDT; 4 EST; by-product of the School. Not yet ten be hailed as renowned virtuosi. They are Brahms' Comfort Me Anew to Go Down 4 COT; 3 CST). The two Saturday con­ years old, the School has some remarkable not technical prodigies. They have de­ Moses and Old Man River. certs will be heard over NBC at 3 p. m. achievements to its credit. I ts graduates veloped strong characters, chiefly, and an The Festival Chorus of four thousand EDT (2 EST; 2 COT; I CST) and at have trained the four thousand singers understanding of the real meaning of mu­ voices (Saturday at 6 p. m.) sings Pal(>s­ 6 p. m. EDT (5 EST; 5 COT; 4 CST). who will gather in Palmel' Stadium and, SIC. trina's 0 Come, l.et Us Worsbip, Bach's You can travel by Princeton a hundred without rebearsdl, sing hymns by Pales­ They do not strive to become either o Saviour Sweet and 0 Rejoice, Ye Cbris­ times a year and marvel from the distance trini, Bach, Edvard Greig, et aI. famous or rich. They want to share tians, l.oudly, Edvard Grieg's jesus, Friend at its lofty towers. You can shut your The School requires its young students music with others. They are willing to go 0/ SlI,mers, and other hymns. lungs out in praise of Old Nassau, and to have character, latent into any community, yet not know that a solid foundation for qualities of leadership, small or large, and teach The final Motors' Symphony broadcast America's musical expression is being laid and finally some inclina­ there, as they have been for this season is June 30th (CBS at 9 p. a few blocks from its historic campus. tion toward music. The taught. Unquestionably m EDT; 8 EST; 8 COT; 7 CST). The To drive by the single quadrargle formed last requisite is the least they are laying a firm soloist on that occasion is the American by the four new buildings of the West­ important. During their foundation which can tenor, FREDERIC JAGEL. GRETE minster Choir School, you never would residence, students learn create an honest love for STUECKGOLD, soprano; FRAY AND dream of the ideals and the power that by doing. They are sub­ music in America. BRAGGIOTTI, duo-pianists; and JULIUS are housed there. You will feel it, though, jected to no cold, intei­ Do not miss the West­ H EHN, youthful baritone who has just jf you listen to the Festival broadcast. lectual analysis of music. minster Choir's perfor­ signed a Metropolitan Opera contract, You will sense that something vital is in They are taught to orient mance of the B Minor will be featured on the hour during June. the air, something with a meaning. themselves in the world Mass on Friday. This To analyze this something is as impos­ of the spirit, to express sublime pageant is the You should hear ISIDOR PHILIPP sible as it is to give a definition of beauty. their own feeling, and to perfect work of devotion every Sunday (NBC at 10:30 p. m. EDT; Suffice it to say that JOHN FINLEY participate in the great in music. I t never has 9:30 EST; 9:30 COT; 8:30 CST). The WILLIAMSON, who is the guiding spirit musical works of the been excelled or imitated, famous piano pedagogue plans to return of the Westminster Choir School, believes ages. and its greatest moments, to France shortly ... The GORDON that ordinary, earnest singers can be More than thaS, they if such there are, cer, STRING QUARTET in an all-Beethoven moulded into an instrument of artistic study and dis c 0 v e r tainly are in the choral program (NBG Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. perfection, and that he has demonstrated themsel ves and "gain a passages. EDT; 12:30 EST; 12:30 COT; 11:30 a. m. the truth of his belief. He is able, further­ willingness to be them­ Unfortunately the NBC CST) ... 1I0WARD BARLOW'S Sym­ more, to convince his students of the car­ selves. They know that has not allowed us to phonic Hour (CBS at 3 p. m. EDT; 2 dinal principle of all art: It must live and great music can be in­ hear the Credo, the Sanc­ EST; 2 COT; I CST) ... The San Diego say sometbillg to tbe buman beart. terpreted only by the tus and the Agnus Dei, Symphony on CBS (Tuesday and Thurs­ The history and aims of the Westmin­ "pu re in spiri t and the John Finley Williamson, which the choir sings in day at midni~t EDT; I I p. m. EST; I I ster Choir School are worth attention. strong in heart." They beloved founder - director the Princeton Chapel on COT; 10 CSl i and Saturday at 7:30 p. m. While too little is known generally about know that it has a mean- of the Westminster Choirs Friday evening. EDT; 6:30 EST; 6:30 COT; 5:30 CST). 10 4 Su'per-Playboy of the Air

• hours studying law. However, Lanny already is a full­ fledged lawyer with his sheep-skin neatiy packed away By Fred Champion and a degree that he can tack onto his name any time he chooses. Lanny Ross· Secret. Re­ So you can see for yourself that Lanny really knows .. NE reason for Lanny Ross' great success is how to play . 16. ~ that he is a playboy. Now don't go jump­ vealed at Last. Shows He What with his fishing, guitar-playing, magic, tennis ing to conclusions. His life away from the and aspirations in the golf line, which we barely will microphone does not consist of cocktails, Is Not a Sheltered-Or a mention, he never finds a moment in his ,life when he top hats and arriving home with the milk­ is forced to say to himself, "What shall I do to pass man each morning. In his case the term Pampered-Young Man away the time?" playboy is to be taken literal ly. The thing So far that explains only the word play in the play­ that he had planned to inake his hobby, or avocation, boy title we have giv€n him. has become his vocation and he is in the fortunate po­ Lanny is twenty-nine years old. Although to his sition of having made ·a wonderful career of mother he is sti ll the boy she has coached and something he regarded as play. lie is a person taught, to the world he is a man. But if he who always took his fun seriously, so he takes lives to be ninety-nine-and we hope he does­ singing, acting .and entertaining III general, very there will still be a good deal of the boy much to heart. in him. As a boy the art of magic appealed to him At the age of seven he was sent to a Cana­ and it still does. He doesn't go in for the av­ dian convent in Victoria, B. C. On the way erage run of card tricks but cornered a well­ there he lost the money which he had for the known magician one time and through concen­ trip. Not in the least disconcerted, he made his trated effort in a very short time learned some vocal cords do service at that early age and very amusing tricks of illusion. I-Ie still can sang for his supper. I t would not be too much perform them. to say that if he found himself in a like pre­ For example, after a dinner party, quite dicament again he would do the same thing frequently he amuses people by turning a all over, and probably get a big kick out of one dollar bill into fifteen or twenty ones doing so. or into a five dollar or twenty dollar bill. This is one of his most favorite and successful HE LOVES travel and adventure, like any tri,cks. Another simple trick that he frequently boy. performs is to mark a lump of sugar, place it Although few know, Lanny once boarded in a glass half-filled with water, press his hand a freighter and worked his way through the over the glass and then show how the black Panama Canal. This love of travel also has mark from the sugar is imprinted on his hand. led him to Europe on five different occasions. On one of them he gave up appearing in the ANNY liked Hollywood very much. He was Olympic games at Amsterdam just to tour L very surprised to find the Cinema City, Europe with the Yale Glee Club. known the whole world over for its parties and That decision to abandon Olympic compe­ good times, one where hard work and disci­ tition was not easily made. Lanny's track plined routine is demanded and received. This achievemen ts were one thing in his life in appea,ed to him. Hollywood folk are apt to which there was never a play angle. It was take their play light-h;artedly because when a grim, detenilined career for him and it char­ they work they work nard. At first Lanny acterized his grit and thoroughness that be­ seemed a. bit serious to them, but his obvious fore he gave up that phase of athletics he had sincerity and l.ikeable personality won through become a national champion. and he left a host of friends there when he re­ Before he entered Yale the only occasion tu rned to 1\ew York. on which Lanny ever ran was when his parents Something that few people understand is reminded him that it was time to study or why, when he is so much in demand soci"lIy. practice his music. While he was an under­ he goes in for ' social life so little. There graduate a fellow member of the Glee Club are several reasons for this. One is that, appraised the singer as a potential cinder-path although he has reached the top in his star. particular field, he really is modest. I t is Ross scoffed at the suggestion, but when not false modesty or sham either-far from the next call came for athletic candidates it. I-Ie simply feels that he is a very young Lanny presented himself, with typical shyness, artist with a much bigger career ahead of him. to the coach. rurthermore. he is the type of person who I t didn't take that expert long to discover values one good friend more tl1<\n ten acquain­ that he had a star in the mild-mannered chap tances. who had only gone out for track through loy­ On his recent vaction in Bermuda he had al ty to his school. a chance to practice two of hi, really great llis speed was an important factor in many loves: Fishing and playing guitar. Lanny is Yale victories, and it wasn't long before Lanny a passionate devotee of Isaac Walton. To catch became America's champion 1Il the 300-yard a whopping big' fish and be able, in conse­ struggles. quence, to have a fish story all his o\\'n to tell is a great ambition with him. /-rom reliable E attributes his stamina in singing to his sources of information comes the fact that he H racing experiences. These not only built really had a 25-pound bonita fish on his line him physically, but taught him correct breath­ I Ie was convinced that the great moment ill ing, which is so vital to anyone who goes in for his life had arrived. With a wild gleam in sustained vocalizing. They also bolstered a those grey eyes of his he started playing it none-too-robust ego and made him realize that when-believe it or not-the lille broke and leadership is possible in almost any field-that tragedy stared him in the face. The bonita is with a proper blending of aspiration and vani,hed with bait, hook and line. perspi ration. His abdication from track sovereignty in ANNY was inconsolable, but something order that he might sing throughout Europe L drove him on to try again. This time his with the Yale Glee Club was the real step that efforts were rewarded by the catching of a ten­ led to his eventual appearance in radio. With­ pound rock fish. Of course there is a great out the experience of facing public audiences, difference between a 25-pounder and a ten­ it is doubtful if he ever would have mustered pounder as any teller of fish stories will inform up sufficient bravado to take the occasional you. However, he has made a noble start radio engagements which punctuated his legal and with his life ahead of him there is no telling to what Lanny Ross used to take things ultra-seri­ studies and led to his permanent enrollment among the dizzy heights as a fisherman he may rise. He is aiming ously-until he deserted the Olympic artists of the air. for a swordfish or tuna. Team a few years ago to sing with the Undoubtedly it is the eternal romance and YGuth Lanny has made a success of most of the things he Yale Glee Club. Then carne emancipation in him to which the public unconsciously has responded. went after wholeheartedly and there is little reason to Now we hope the term playboy has been explained doubt that some day he' will land a whale as big as the to everyone's satisfaction. It is, perhaps, a new way of one that swallowed Jonah-if the line doesn't break. family of the theater and music. His father was a prom­ looking at the very popular Lanny, but a correct way, There prolJably is a good deal of the troubadour inent Shakespearian actor and his mother is an accomp. too. in Lanny Ross. I n Bermuda he went off by him­ lished pianist and was accompanist fGr the great dancer, His play is his work and his work is hi5 plar' so ' self to strum his guitar and compose music. He loves Pavlowa. • no matter how you look at it, Lanny never wil be­ to improvise and has some ambitions as a composer. Therefore, it would seem that the profession that come a dull boy. lIe and the accompanist who travels with him have was almost thrust upon him, that of singing, comes done some ~ings together which are said to be very more naturally to Ross than that of law, which he chose. Lanny Ross sings on the Show Boat Hour good. There is a coincidence here that some of you may have every Thursday evening at 9 p. In. EDT (8 EST; As most of his' listeners know, Lanny comes from a noted. Rudy Vallee, too, puts in many of his leisure 8 CDT; 7 CST; 6 MST; Ii PST) over NBC. 6 11 Programs Shown I"or Daylight Tim, In EST and CST Programs for Sunday, June 2 Add One Hour

Edition 8 8:45 a.m. EST 7:45 CST KDKA-[). Vespers. WENR-Fcl,Oighl Melodic­ Log NCB-Palestine Flower Day Pro· Star Indicates High Spot Selections Church WGN-Earl B;,rlnett', Orchc.tra of Stations gram; Choir; Dr. Israel Gold· * WGAR--Chas. McBride, cellist WWV A-The Sh'elvadorians Central States stein, speaker: WTAM WWJ Scherzo Whitlock WL W-Music'l1 Stvle Show 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST 5:3{) p.m. EST 4:3D CST WHK-[). Watch Tower Prgm . Prelude in G Major Bach WWV A-The 01' Pardner WW,I-Tiger Talk NBC-Continental Varieties; So· c WLS-News; George Harris • NBC-Samovar Serenade: WLW WXYZ-Letter Carriers 3 :(}O p.m. EST 2:00 CST ' loists: WfAM WW,! \\'LW .. 0 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST WHAM WJR 12:45 p.m. ES 11:45 a.m. CS NBC-Detroit In t'I Music Festi· * CBS-"Smilin ' Ed " McCon· ~ ~~ ;= .~ . ~ NBC-[).S a b bat h Reveries; Polonaise Andreefl 1\ DKA-While the City Sleeps val Contests Winners: WEN R nell: CKLW WJAS WLBW ~3 ~ ~ ~~ .3 ~~ "Chrisiian Workers and Shirk· Moment. Musical. Schaffer WGN-Whistier and His Dog WHAM WGAR 'WKBW WBBM WWVA W~BL ers," Dr. Charles L. Goodell, In the Village Privalofl WBNS CKLW 1030 5,000 Windsor ( WJR-Popular Favorites CBS-51. Louis Parade: W K BN speaker; Male Ensemble, elirec- The Red Sarafan Varlamoff NBC-Groml Hotel; IIl'ama: KDKA 980 50.000 Pitts'gh N 1 :00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS WBNS CKLW IVSPD WGR tion Charles A. B aker: WGY Songs of Dull River Zam NBC-Manhattan Guardslllen WGAR WJH I

5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST WWJ-News; Air Gossip WGAH-.Baseball Ga me * NBC-Lowell Thomas, news: CKLW~Alarm Clock WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip Star Indicates High Spot Selections WGY-Woman's Radio ReV1ew KDKA WHAM WJR WLW * ':'/8C; NBC-Orphan Annie: WGN 6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WLW-Johfl Barker. baritone; WGAR NBC-Clara, Lu 'n' Em: WTAM WWJ-Sally Woodward 1:00 p.m. £S 12:00 m CS Musical Clock: KDKA WGR WWVA-To announced Organ , CKLW-Wilfifred D' Arcy; New, WWJ WGY WGN WLW be CB~Marie. Little French Prio CKtW-Happy Joe 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST cess: WBBM WHK CKLW 3:30 p:m. EST 2:30 CST WENR-Hom"nce and Melod) WJR-;-Top 0' . the Mornin~ CBS-Cadets Quartet: CKLW NBC-Honeyboy & Sassafra •. NBC-Revolving Stage: WWJ NBC-Arthur Lan~. baritone WGY-Lang Si.ter' WWJ-Frank and Ernest NBC-AI and Lee Reiser, piano WGY WWJ WTAM WKZ~Salon Group comedy team: WWJ WTAM WGAR-AI and Pete WWVA-Blue Grass Roy duo: KDKA WHAM WGAR NBC-Radio Gui:d; Dumas' WTAM--Slubbv Gordon's Orch.· CBS-The Gumps, sketch: WCR WGN-Palmer House Ensemble * WJR "Three ;\lusketeers" : WHAM W'-"'-T"ili"hi Tune' WHK-Recreational Program WHK WBBM CKLW WBNS WGY-I.auren Bell. baritone 6:15 a.m. EST 5:15 CST WKZO-Parent Teacher's Prgm. WJR WENH WWVA-The Fi,ecrackers WKZO-Mountain Pete and the WGN-Morning Melody Time \,VXYZ-Strol'in" r, - IIbadours WWJ-~Morning Devotions WGY-Radi·O,ven, WTAM-Charles Stenross' Orch. CBS-Chicago Variety Program: Boys WWVA WGR WLS-Wm. O'Connor. tenor; Sue WHAM-0ld Man Sunshine WXYZ-Anll Worth. housewile 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST The Mounlaineers: WKZO WXYZ Roberts WKZO-~arsh Dykman 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WJR-Musical Clock WLW-Ticker Notes: Rex G,i/· WLS-Ralph Emerson, organist (13~-nomance of I-Jelen Trent WLW-Top 0' the Morning fith, tenor 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST WLW-Morning House\\,:Hlller~ WHK CKLW WGN 6:00 EST 5:{l0 CST WTAM-Sun Up 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CSl p.m. NBC-Breen & de Rose: WGY * WPAY-COSSIP PROGRAM WGY-Limey Bill NBC-Gould & Shelter. piano WWVA-The Eye Opener NBC-Or. John L. Hice, "First WTAM WLW WWVA-Ev .nd Ory WKZO-Anll Lorallger tlllO: WCKY WLW Aid" : WTAM WWJ 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST CBS-Jack Fulton's Orch.: WJAS WLS-Markets; Jim Poole CBS-J ust Entertai'lOlellt. vaT! 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WWVA-Mllsicale CBS-Orienta.€: \V.JAS WI IVOWO-Oillner Club WHAM .wHAM-Ton ic TUlles W11 " \ ! - \1 ,,"';ca! j':"P l a m WLW-Woman', Cl uh WSM-Sarie and Sa llie CBS-Metropolitan Par a de . WJR-f\f'l I'IIHIIl Wh i l e " Revu(' * WJW-GOSSJP PROGRAM 4:~5 Il_m. EST 3:45 CST WWVA-Dinner M"sic WKBW WBNS CKLW WHK WTAM-Bettye Lee Taylol WL~-]Iom(,'ll ; d{e ;-s - Ilolll" NBC-Ad"elltures of Dick and WKZO-The Gondiliers Sa", : h 'GY WWJ WTAM 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST WKBN WWVA WWVA-World Book Man WL5-Vir!! inia Let' & SUnbf>3m ?:J5 n.m. E<;:T 1 :15 CST NBC-William Meeder, organist: NBC-Vic a'1(f Sade. sketch CBS-- D;ck Tracy, sket ch: WSPD ' P-C-"Ea<~ Ares," .c omer!) 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CSl ww.;-;\(''' '" WKBW CKLW WBBM sketch: W:VIAQ WGY WTAM WWJ WLI\' WTA~1 WGY WGY WTA~I NBC-Tony Wons. philosopher WXYZ-Gondoliers NBC-Kurt Brownell, t enor: ~Morning Devotion: WGAR KDKA WJR WHA~I CBS-Cohin ", Wrid'i WSPD NBC-Little Orphan Annie: WJR KDKA WENR WCKY 12:15 p,m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WWYA I\DKA WHAM I WLS WLW CBS-Land 0' Dreams: WKBW NBC-Virginia Lee & Snllbeam. ~I BS-Bla"k' lolIl' Ell semhle W! "" - Hb. " '11 H. rn h'pr dNBf' , ·RS·-O'N.'lIs. droll11tic sketch WGN-Toast of the Mornin~ WSPD WHK dram atic , ketch : WHAM W,J R WGN \\,XYZ WKZO WLW-Qu€5tions and Answers WGR WWVA WJAS WWJ-The Minute Parade CKLW-Hollywood Ch WGN--Your Frieflolv i'leil(hbo, CBS-Radio 'Gossip Club wilh WW.J WLW WAIU-Beatley Orchestra WOWO-W"rlrl Ropk Man WGY-~Morning Devotion! WLS-Household Puade E(ldif I..\.- I-allni{' Cavanau~h CBS-B,lek Rogers: WKBW WBEN-Or!(an & Pi ' 0 Dm; WJR-Lum's Apole Knockers WLW-Livestock RCjJorts j New~ WGR WBI:IM WHK 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST CKLW WCAE-Doctor and Mrs . .Jinll") WKZO-News on Parade WTAM-Board of Education [KLW-Canadion Shopp" NBC-Vaugn de Leath. con NBC-U. S. Army Band: WENR WG~H-Confidcntially Spra:. ino WLS-Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals WWJ-Toni~ht's Dinner WGN-June Baker trallo: WIR WGAR WHAM WG'I-Bob Elson', S))ort qots WLW-William Meeder. organist WWVA-Rapid Ad Service WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodeling NBC-~J a Perkins, sketch: WWJ On Review: IVKlO WXYZ WH.AM-Advs. of Jimmie Allp" (NBC) lQ:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST Cowboys WTAM WLW WGY WLS Wr,~H--Ozark 'lonnl"in Bov' WHK-Mllsical Moments NBC-Morning Parade: WTAM W KZO-Live Stock Report WHAM WGN-Armchair Melodies \V 'I1-S,,01-15 Fla~he5 8:30 a.m. EST 7 :30 CST WWJ - WLS-Cornhuskers & Chore Boy Eva Glael stone. WKZO WXYZ "(;Y - J::hl~ and BCJ1!,!';<.ll::(' \VKZO--Chntp;l\l Lnllrier WWVA-Vi"ian Miller', Organ KDJ WHAM KDKA WENR WGY WGN-The Sineing Lad~ tNBU ley High: WJ~~M KDKA \\' L' WGAR CKLW WKBN The Escorts: WKZO WXYZ WGY-News; Evening Brev,tie' WCKY WGAR WGN-Good Mornine NBC-"Masquerade." sketch ' WHK-Hi" bee Trio WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip WJR-Three Aces. male trio ... NBC-STUDEBAKER CHAM WGY-News; Market Basket WTAM * .WKBW-GOSSIP PROGRAM 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST WKZO-Thr your -diet. Unlesl WLW-Follies * CBS-Wayne King's Orch.: WWJ WGY WCAE WTAM three Percalx Build·Up Units !(ive you definite WSM-Health Talk WHAS WBBM WHK CKLW WENR Control benefits, we refund your money without lIuestion. WWVA-Musical Moments WJAS WSPD WKBW WBNS CBS-Sonny Wood's Orchestra: 9 out of 10 show improvement. Write today f<>r 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST * NBC-Contented Hour; Lulla­ WBBM CKLW WKBW WKBN complete information. CKLW-Baseball Scores by Lady; Male ~artet; M. L. WOWO WJAS WOWO WHAS (Contmued from Page 13) PERCALX, INC., 105 W. Main St., Burley, Idaho WAIU-Dance Music Eastman's Orch.: WSM WBEN NBC-Ink Spots; Ray Noble's WHK-Comedy Stars of Holly· WTAM WWJ WGY WCAE Orch.: WCKY KDKA WMAQ hear Workman put on his weird seance in wood WMAQ WBEN-John Lain's Orchestra the dark. Behind Helen and himself came WJA5--0akmont Open Forum WAIU-Dance Music WGAR-50uthland Sketches WSM-Lasses and Honey WENR-Leonard Keller's Orch. WGN-Dorsey Brothers' Orch. swarthy little Bert Rupert, Oakwood, the WWVA-Varieties WGAR-Cultural Garden WHAM-Artie COllins & Orch. manager, Devine, a couple of other de­ 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST WGN-News; Sp<>rt Shots WHK-Slllmber Hour tectives,lanky Charlie Golden, the news­ CBS-Dne Night Stands with WHAM-Pleasure Cruise WJR-Duncan Moore, news paper reporters and a photographer. En­ Pick and Pat: CKLW WHK WLW-Corn Cob Pipe Club WLW-The Harmonizers, quartet tirely oblivious to all these people, Work­ WXYZ-Paul Whiteman's Orch. WSPD WBBM WBNS WJAS WOWO-Apple Knockers man sat himself down at the desk, drew WXYZ-Dance Orchestra WOWO 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST the microphone towards him, and serene­ * NBC-Margaret Speaks, sopra· 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST ly watched John step up to the tall stand­ no; Mixed Chorus; William NBC-The Hoofin!!;hams. sketch: W AIU-Leo Reichert WBEN WCAE WMAQ WTAM ard mike and prepare to take over. Daly's Orch.: WGY WWJ P.M. WENR-The Vindicators WGY WWJ "Ten seconds!" signaled Tubby Stewart MONDAY 1 EST WTAM WMAQ WCAE WSM WGN-HMusical Moments" NBC- including WTAM-KYW WBEN WLW CBS-Bill Hoe;an's Orchestra: through the glass panel of his control WOWO-Front Page Drama WBBM CKLW WKBN WBNS -WBEN-WCAE-WWJ­ NBC-Meredith Willson's Orch.; NBC-Ray Noble's Orch.: WSM room. John cleared his throat. Some of and Coast to Coast Network Tommy Harris, tenor; Annette 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CS't WGAR WJR the bystanders found chairs. The red Hastings, soprano: WJR WLS NBC-Max Baer, in "Lucky WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra light of the microphone winked on. WGAR KDKA WHAM Smith:" drama; Peg La WAIU-Victor Geiger WJAS-Eddie Peyton's Orch. "Ladies and gentlemen," John began. Centra, Garson Kanin and WLW-Dance Oychestra WCKY-Phil Marley's .Orch. Others; Frank Ventres' Orch.: "We have just concluded a half-hour pro­ WGN-Chandu, tlie Magician WTAM WGY WWJ WMAQ 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST gram of semi-classical music, played for WHA5--0rchestral Program WCAE WBEN NBC-Shandor, violinist; Bob you by the PGtter House Victorians from WWVA-Charter' Association CBS-Lllac Time with Night Chester's Orch.: KDKA the main dining room of the Potter WXYZ-Aviation Interview Singer: WJAS WBBM WGR WCKY WHAM WGAR House, in Chicago. This is WWP, john WHAS WHK C'KLW * CBS-Blue Monday Jamboree: 7 :45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST WJAS WBNS WHAS WKBW Fairchild announcing. For the next fif­ CBS-One Nigilt Stands: WGR WENR-Morin Sisters teen minutes we will hear Doctor Work­ WKBN WGAR-To be announced WBBM WSPD WKBN WOWO The Fundy Singers: ' WKZO WGN-The N<>rtherners CKLW man, well-known spiritualist. Doctor WXYZ WHAM-Musical Program NBC-Duluth Symphony Orch.: Workman." WCKY-Blair of Mounties WLW-Melody Parade WGY WCAE WSM WTAM "Good evening, my friends," old Work­ WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WOWO-Barn Dance WLW MBS-Veloz & Yolanda' s Orch.: man began, slowly and impressively. WWVA-Terry and Ted WSM-Mu~ical Moments WGN WXYZ "Will those of you who were listening in Learn to be a Tap Dancer 8:60 p.m. EST 7 :0.0 CST WXYZ-AI Kavelin's Orchestra Why envy the easy rbythm and fascinating WENR-Dance Orchestra last night, when my program was unfor­ crace of atep'n Fetchit. Fred Astai", and .. NBC-Harry Horlick's Gyp· 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WHK-Hal Goodman's Orchestra tunately interrupted, kindly accept my othern' NoW' :you can learn to sies; Guest: WGY WBEN WCKY-News; Interlude WJR-Meditations tap dance in ON,,'Y 6 HOURS sincere apology for my failure to continue by a new. BimpM'1led counre of WTAM WCAE WMAQ WWJ WENR-To be announced WMAQ-" The Certain Four" ; NBC-Greater Minstrels: WLS my evening spiritualistic seance?" le~ns by Prof. Hawley Wilson. * WGAR-Floyd Gibbons Dance Orchestra John strode Quickly across the floor, and No ..,..,iol ability needed. WJR WGAR WHAM KDKA WHAM-Scottish Minstrel WWJ-Dance Orchestra Be sma rt I Learn tap WLW WSM WSM-Souvenirs snapped off the light switch. I mmediate­ dancing. Everybody'. tap. CB5--"Six-Gun Justice," drama­ 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST Iy that atmosphere of mystery and men­ ping. The whole town is WMAQ-Dld Heidelber" Octet tapping. Learn to beat out tic sketch: WJAS WKBW 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST ace which seellled to attend Workman's • tune wIth your feet. HostcSlJeI!l WBNS WHAS WHK WSPD N Be-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST Jove it. Friends adore it. It's fun * NCB-Benny Kyte's Orchestra: programs, took possession of the studio. and you'll thoroughly enjoy the The Captivators: WKZO WXYZ WENR WHAM WJR WGAR WJR WCKY KDKA WMAQ Only a little table-lamp was burning now, lessons. Besides. tap dancing is CKLW-The Song Bag WCKY not only &II invigorating and enter­ WAIU-Bob Bealtv NBC-Chas. Stenross' Orch.: WGAR WLW WHAM on the desk behind which Workman sat. taining act -·mplisbment, but it is also WCKY-Jubilee Singers WTAM NBC-Henry Busse's Orchestra: john crossed to the standard mike. His an invigorating and health-giving ex­ WGY WSM WCAE WENR ercise for making the limbs supple WGN~Horace Heidt's Orchestra CBS-Archie Bleyer's Orchestra: footfalls made no sound upon the thick and givmg a "s])rmgy" feeling of WOWO-Good Evening • WTAM WWJ fitness to the whole 'body. It pro­ WBKN WKBW WHK WBBM carpet. Helen came and stood by his motes I5limne1l.'t--Dature's wa.y. withoot pHl8, drugs WWVA-Charter Association WBNS CKLW MBS-Horace Heidt's Orchestra: WXYZ WGN side. I n the dim light of the little lamp, or diet.ing Here is what some of our ~aden 'l8.y: 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CS:r KDKA-Squire Hawkins Workman's pallid face stood out startling­ ••••• wonderful benefit. 'fbank you for adding tap WBEN-News; Ironic Reporter WHK-Blue Monday Jamboree dancing to my accomplishments." And another: "My WAIU-Singing "Troubadour (CBS) • ly. But the others in the huge, darkness­ friends were amazed. I dare not recommend your WCAE-Ace Brigade's Orchestra WCKY-Musical Moments 12:00 Mid. ES 11:00 p.rn. CS course for fear of competition. OJ PRICE 2& Cenb. WG:-.I-Dudley C. Watson talk vaulted room showed as only faint 600 fJC98 c'dolOD ef?tqt.>e!tiu.;oku, tricb. SI~. de •• 160. WGN-Comedy Stars of HoIly CBS-Horacio Zito's Orchestra: .JOHNSON SMITH" CO., Pep. 2M Racine, WI•• WGY-Johnny Albright, songs shadows. wood WBBM WHAS 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST WHAS-Baseball Scores; Orch. " ... thread which joins us to life itself WJAS-Npws NBC-Roy Maxon's Orchestra: is indeed a slender one," the little man was NBC-Music at the Haydn'. WSM with James Melton, tenor; WLW-Variety Show MBS-The Midnight Flyers; Joe saying. "But that thread connecting us WMAQ-Donald McGibney, com, Francia White, soprano; Al Sanders' Orch.· WGN WLW with the spirit world is more slender still. mentator Goodman's Orch.: WSM WTAM WENR-Stan Myers' Orchestra La'St night that thread was broken. To­ Stories accepted in any 'form for criticism, revision. copy· WBEN WCAE WMAQ WLW WOWO-Bill Moon's Orch. dght and submission to Hollywood studios. 'Oursalesservice WMAQ-Leonard Keller's Orch, night I shall endeavor to re-establish com­ se lling consistent percentage of stori"es ttl BollyW(Jod 'Stu­ WWJ WGY WWJ-Evening Melodies (NBC) munication with the spirit world, that dios-the MOST ACTIVE MARKET. Not a l.hool--no .* CBS-The Big Show; Block WXYZ-Playhouse of Romance WTAM-George Duffy's Orch. cour:ies or books to sell. Send original plots or stories for & Sully. comedians; Lud Glus· outer world which since the beginning of «'BEE reading and report. You mlly be just a9 capable of 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST WXYZ-Barn Dance time has been shrouded in mystery and writing acceptable stories as thousands (Jt others. Deal kin's Orch.; Gertrude Niesen, NBC-Tony & Gus. dramatic 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 D.m. CS with a recognized Hollywood Agent who is on the ground vocalist; Cecil Mack: WJAS veiled in darkness." and knows market requirements. Established 1917. Write sketch: WJR WSM WGAR CBS-Floyd Town's Orchestra: for FREE BOOK giving lull InYormatlbn. UNIVERSAL WHAS WSPD WOWO WBNS NBC-Jesse Crawford, organist: WBBM WHAS Listening, every nerve tense, john re­ SCENARIO CO., 639 Meyer Bldg" HGlJywood, Calif. WKBW CKLW WBBM WHK WCAE WMAQ WGY WTAM WENR-Billy Bissett's Orchestra alized again how much the spiritualist's NBC-Princess Pat Players: WWJ ,WCKY WHAM-Cato's Vagabonds voice was like that of the masked bandit WJR WHAM' WENR KDKA CBS-Archie Bleyer's Orchestra: WMAQ-Rov Maxon's Orchestra leader whose men had held up the studio WGAR WCKY WJAS WSPD WSM-Dance Orch. (NBC) WAIU-Dance Mu sic the night before. Yet Workman had been KDKA-Mac and Bob WTAM-Chas. Stelll'oss' Orch. sitting in plaLn view during the entire WGN-Harv and Esther; Nat WBEN-Sport Review 12:45 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS Brusiloff's Orchestr. WENR-The Globe·Trotter WLW-Chauncey Parsons, organ· WXYZ-Concert Hour WGN-Joe Sandffs' Orchestra ist (Continued 011 Page 2}) 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST WHAM-Haro'd Sf ern's Orch. 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid. CS MBS-News of the Air: WGN * WLW-HORLICK'S MALTED WLW-Dance Orchestra WXYZ Milk Presents Lum and Abner, 1:30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST WAIU-Tom Mizer WLW-Moon River comedy Hits of Week Subscribe to There Is Oni} ONE HITS PLAYED MOST OFTEN ON THE AIR: Song Times RADIO GUIDE Tell Me Do You Love Me Tonight 30 Life Is a Song 28 RADIO GUIDE Latin From Manhattan 25 Everything's Been Done Before 22 The yearly subscription price is $2.00-six months $1.25 I Won't Dance 20 Lost My Rhythm 18 lady in Red 15 I Was Lucky 14 RADIO GUIDE Would There Be Love 13 731 Plymouth Court Lovely to Look At 12 BAN DLEADERS' PICK OF Chicago, Illinois OUTSTANDING HITS: Song Point'! Gentlemen: Latin From Manhattan 30 Enclosed please tind $_.,....,. ___~~_ for which send Seein' Is Believin' 26 RADIO GUID'E to me for (six months) (one year) I Was Lucky 23 NAME ______Would There Be Love 20 Every Day 18 ·ADDRESS, ______Old Southern Custom 16 Once Upon a Midnight 14 What's the Reason 13 TOWN STATE, ___ Lullaby of Broadway 12 Whose Honey Are You 10 8 15 Programs Shown For Daylight Timt In EST and CST Programs for Tuesday, June 4 Add Olle Hour 5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST 9:30 a.m. EST 8;30 CST WGY Slock Reports * NBC Amos 'n' Andy: KDKA CKLW-Alarm Clock NBC-Morning Parade: WTAM Star Indicates High Spot S~Iections WLW-Dorothea Ponce, songs NBC-Three Scamps: WBEN 6:00 EST 5:00 CST WWJ * WXYZ-Eve Gladstone, pianist WCKY WGY a.m. Musical Clock: KDKA WGR NBC-Today's Children: KDKA 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST NBC-"Olivelte," light opera: Carlton Moo~es Orch.: WKZO WJR-Top 0' the Morning WJR WGAR WLS "NBC-Merry Madcaps: WTAM WJR 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST • WXYZ WWJ-Frank and Ernest CKLW-Home Beautiful WGY WWJ Kiddies Karnival: WKZO WXYZ NBC-Your Health; Guest Speak- WAIU-Spectator WWV A-Blue Grass Boy WGN-Markets; Good Morning * CBS-Mary Marlin, dramatic KDKA-Home Forum er: WENR WCKY WHAM WCAE-Plays and PIRyers . 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST WGY-Banjoleers sk'elch: WBBM CKLW WHK WGN-Palmer Hou se Ensemble KDKA WJR V,t:NR-Happy Jack,. Turner WHAM-Musical Pro!,;ram WKBW WSPD WHAM-Roell. School of the Air NBC-Anna Turkell, soprano: WGAR-News; Dance KIll!!;s WJR-Musical Clock WHK-Joan Devoe, songs WWJ WGN-Jimmy Allen, sketch WLW-,-Top 0' the Morning NBC-Words & Music: WHAM WLS-Pa & Ma Smithers, sketch WKZO-Homemaker's Spotlight KDKA WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra CBS-The Merrymakers: CKLW WHAM-Sllorlcast WTAM-Sun Up WLW-Rex Griffith, tenor WWVA-The Eye Opener WGN-Markets; Good Health WWVA-Variety Program WBNS WKBN WGR WSPD WHK-Roscoe Turner WWVA-Health and Happiness Training WWVA WJR-Dance Orchestra 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST WGY-Musical Proe;ram WLW-Old Fashioned Girl, Helen CKLW-Alarm Clock Interlude 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WJR-Jewel Box CBS-Happy Hollow, dramahc NBC-Morning Parade: WGY WKZO-Views of the News WLW-Norsemen, quartet Nugent sketch: WBNS WGR WSPD WTAM-Musical Cocktail WMAQ-Totten on Sports 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WLW WLS-Rangers and Sophia Ger- WHK CKLW NBC-Morning Devotions; Solo· CBS-Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab· anich WXYZ-Sweet and Lowdown WOWO-Sp',rts ists; Organ: KDKA WGN-Blackstone Ensemble WSM-News; Pan American ba!!;e Patch, sketch: WKBW WLW-Song of the City (NBC) WGY-Matinee Players NBC-Phil Cook's Note Book: WBBM WHK WWVA-Eloise Boffa, songs 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST Broadcast WLW WWJ WTAM WHAM-Light Opera (NBC) WTAM-Sportsman CKLW-Musical Scrapbook 11:45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST WLS-Homemakets' Hour; Fan- N Be-Pan Americana; Jose Ra­ Musical Clock: WGAR WGY KDKA-Danny Dee mirez, Mexican tenor: WTAM WWJ-News; Bascoall R.. ume CKLW-Happy Joe * CBS-Navy Band: WKBN fare WWVA-Sports; Baseball Scores WGAR-Ozark Mountain Boys WBNS CKLW WBBM WWVA lVLW-Johnny Burkarlh's Orch. WGY WWJ WGN-Good Morning WGN-Harold Turner, pianist NBC-Jackie Heller, tenor: WJR WKZO-llMorning Devotoinals WGR WWVA-llGospel Tabernacle 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WHAM-Household Program MBS-Painted Dreams: WGN WENR WHAM WLS-Bulletin Board 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST KDKA-Kiddies' Klul; NBC-Hall and Gruen: WCAE WJR-The Friendly Counsellor WLW WSM WGY WWVA-llGospel Tabernacle WKZO-Cubanettes NBC-Home Sweet Home: WLW WLW-Miner's Children, drama WHK-Kalhryn WTAM WWJ WGY CBS-J ust Plain Rill, sketch: 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WLS-Morning Minstrels WJR-Words &. Music (NBC) WXYZ-To be announced NBC-William Meeder, organist: CBS-Columbia Variety Hour WGR WJAS CKLW WBBM WWJ-Morning Melodies WKZO-Romance in Song WHK KDKA CKLW WBNS WGR WSPD 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST WLS-Grace Wilson, contralto WHK NBC-Singin!!; Lady: WLW WJR NBC-Tonv dnd Gus, skelch: NBC-Don Hall Trio: WTAM WWVA-Cowboy Slim KDKA WCKY WHAM WENR WKZO-News on Parade NBC-Honeymooners: KDKA MBS-Palmer House Ensemble: WHAM KDKA MBS-HORLlCK'S MALTED WLS-Dean Boys, Hoosier Sod- WGAR WGN WXYZ WKZO CKLW-Musical Jigsaws * CBS-Sone; Styles; Gothamaires; KDKA-Sammy Fuller WENR-Music & Comments Milk Pr"ents Lum & Abner. busters comedy skelch: WGN WOR WLW-[l.Nation's Family Prayer Orch.: WKBW CKLW WSPD Afternoon WGAR-To be announced WWVA-Musicale WHAM-Cato's Vagabonds WXYZ WKZO WWJ-[l.Morning Devotions NBC-Galaxy of Stars: WTAM WXYZ-Organ Melodies WGY WWJ WLS-"Book Review/' Mrs. WA1U-Lew Byrer 7:l0 a.m. EST 6:30 CST 12:00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS WGN-Len Salvo, organist NBC-Roy Maxoll's Orch.: WLW Palmer Sherman 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WBEN-Lou Breese's Amateurs NBG---Cheerio' WTAM WLW WHK--[I. Watchtower NBC-Orphan Annie: KDKA WGAR-To be announced WWJ WGY WGAR 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WJR-The Three Aces NBC-George Duffy's Orchestra: NBC-Vic and Sade: WLW WGY WJR WHAM WHAS-James Sheehy, tenor WHAM-Mail Bag WKZO-Morning Organ Melodies WTAM WWJ CBS-Dick Tracy, sketch: WSPD W,I [{-Chandu lhe Magician WHK-Tennessee Hillbillies WTAM WLS-Flannery Sisters KDKA-News Reeler CBS-Columbia Variety Hour: WBBM CKLW WKBW WKBW-Dance Orchestra WJR-Pickard Family WLW-Mail Bag NBC-Betty Marlowe's Califor- WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra WKZO-Musical Clock 'WGN-Mario Silva, "The Trou· WSPD WWVA WWVA-World Book Man badour" MBS-Blackstone Ensemble: nians: WTAM WWJ WMAQ-Palace Varielies 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST WENR-That Certain Four WOIVO-Dinner Cluo 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WGY-Helen Halhaway, soprano WGN WXYZ WKZO NBC-Landt Trio and White. WHAM-Tower Trio KDKA-To be announced WGY-Microphone Discoveries WTAM-Joe and Eddie 'songs and comedy: KDKA NBC-Your Child; Dr. Ella WLW-Questions and Answers, WW,I-Dinner HOllr Oppenheimer: WGY . WJR-Norman White's Revue WGAR-Betly and Bob 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST WKZO-The Gondoliers WLS-Homemakers' Program Joe Ries WWVA-Dinner Music NBC-Breakfast Club; Orch.: NBC-Tony Wons, phllosopher: * KDKA WJR WGAR WHAM WLS-Virginia Lee and Sunbeam 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST 5:·00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST Jack Owens, tenor: KDKA WWJ-News NBC-Ma Perkins : WGY WTAM 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST WHAM CKLW-Hollywood Chatter NBC-Orgets of the Air: WWJ WGN-Friendly Neighbor WXYZ-Listen Detroit WLW WWJ WLS WHAM CBS-Blick ROlters in the 25th NBC-Easy Acos: WMAQ WGY CBS-Happy Days Revue: WHK NBC-Nellie Revell Interview­ WTAM WBNS CKLW WKBW WKBN WHK-Melody Time 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS * Century: WKBW CKLW WHK WLS-Womell's Morning Prgm. NBC-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam: in~ Willard Robison and The WBNS CB~Buck Rogers. sketch: WWVA Southern aires : WGAR WBBM WHAS NBC-Richard Leihert, organist: WLW-Livestock Reports; News WJR KDKA WHAM WGAR NBC-Winnie, the Pooh: WHAM WTAM-Board of Education WLW Earl Harger's Orch.: WKZO WENR NBC-Grace Hayes, songs: WSM WGY WTAM WXYZ • WENR WCKY WHAM llMorning Devotions: WLS WlrJ-Tonie;ht's Dinner CBS-Radio Gossip Club with On Review: WKZO WXYZ WWVA-Rapid Ad Service Eddie & Fallnie Cavanaugh: KDKA-Dan and Sylvia KDKA-News-Reeler MBS-Arthur Trary, The Streel WLW WGAR WBNS-Columbia Variety Singer: WGN WXYZ WLW WGN-Toast of the Morning "WBBM WHK WGR WGAR-Ozark Mountain Boys 10:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST NBC-Georore Duffy's Orch.: WGN--TheMail Box CKLW-The Sportcaster WWJ-The Minute Parade NBC-Three Shades of Blup.: WGN-Armchair Melodies WWJ WJR-World Wide News WGY-Bag and Baggage KDK,,A-Pittsburgh Varieties 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WTAM WGY WWJ CKLW-Canadian Shopper WLS-Helene Brahms. pianist WJR-Uncle Neal and Prudv WAIV-Otterbein Quarte~ WGAR-Breakfast Club (NBC) NBC-George Hessberger's Ba­ WGN-June Baker WWV A-Ma Perkins WJR-Lum's Apple K!1ockers WLW-Mary Alcott, blues singer WCAE-A Tale of Two Cities, varian Orchestra; Reinhold WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodeling WTAM-Twilight Tunes drama WKZO-News on Parade Schmidt, basso and Richard 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST WLS-Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals Cowboys WWVA-The Keystoners WGAR-Confidentially Speaking Denzler, yodler: WGAR WSM WKZO-Livestock R"eport NBC-Dreams Come True; Barry 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST WGN-To be ."nounced WLW-Richard Leibert, organist I

(Continued from Page 3) Lummox, that earthy story of a drudge, "After that came another interesting ra­ I was lucky from the beginning. Up there and I decided more firmly than ever that dio program over a small station. I used we did everything. One day I was Ca­ it took experience with life to make an to give dramatized accounts of the big mille, the next day Juliet, then I was some author. Now wouldn't it be terrible if I news events of the da.y.. And that was ex­ shrewish spinster, and again a ten­ .never wrote a thing after all this talk perienc'e for you. I. had to interpret the year-old girl. That was not only exper­ about some day becoming an author? emotions of men, women and children­ ience for the novel which [ am going to "Anyway, stung by this bug, [ took on and stirring things were going on in the write some day, but it was worth-while a third part-time job. So [ went to the world at that time, dramatic episodes such experience in radio. thea trical office of the Sh u berts on B road­ as Amundsen, the explorer, groping brave­ "[ stayed on with WGY until [ was en­ way and after a few white lies got a millor ly through the Arctic, snow-blind and lost Every joying it the most-and that's the time role in Pearl of Great Price. . .. an expose of prison umditions after to drop anything. "And did I have to chisel and plot in a convict escaped from Devil's Island ... Tuesday "Then [ got another job teaching in the order to get away from my secretarial Gene Tunney taking the count of four­ Night mornings and being a secretary during duties in the afternoon in order to be at teen at Chicago only to come back and afternoons. I had read Fannie Hurst's rehearsals! I'jp Dempsey to ribbons ... the Olympic Games in Holland with America beating its way to chief honors .. :. 7:30 Rosaline went on this way for several other events, employing t:le graphic style Tuesday-Continued of narration that distinguishes the better writers. Her verbs always bounced. 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST WCKY-Musical Cocktail 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST "That was work," she continued, "which CBS-"Melodiana"; Abe Lyman's WGN~News; Headlines of 01her NBC-The Hoofin~hams , sketch: kept me interested longer than any other ever Orch.: WHBM WGR WSPD Days WCAE WBEN WMAQ WTAM I had done, chiefly because [ was dealing CKLW WHK WJAS WHAS WXYZ-Say it With Music WWJ WGY in realism, and everyday facts. WJR WJZ WLS WHAM KDKA * NBC-Wayne . King'~ Orch.: NBC-Dance arch. : KDKA WTAM WWJ WGY WBEN 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST WCKY "I really hated to leave, but along came SPONSORED 3( WCAE WMAQ 1'1' AIU-Leo Reichert MBS-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: my first grea.t ·chance for fame on the air. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION * N BC-H 0 USE H 0 L D Fl· WGN-J oe Sanders' Orchestra WGN WXYZ I was offered the part of leading lady in nance Corp. Presents "Welcome WXYZ-Henry Biagini's arch. WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra the then very popular Eveready Hour on and Subs;dlarie~ 919 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago VaBey". dramatic sketch with 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WHK-The Creoleans which historical characters were drama­ Edgar A. Guest. Bernardine WJAS-Eddie Peyton's arch tized. [ played such great ladies as Joan Offiees in 114 leading Cities Flynn, Don Briggs & Sidney CBS-Jerry Cooper, songs: WGR WJR-Mummers, drama Ellstrom; Joseph Gallicchio's WJAS WBNS WHAS WOWO of Arc, Napoleon's Josephine and Roxanne arch.: WJZ WJR WGAR WSPD 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST in Cyrano de Bergerac. WHAM KDKA WLS WLW NBC-Heart Throbs of the Hills: NBC--Enric Madriguera's Orch.: "The popularity of those programs shot WHAM KDKA PYORRHEA W AIU-Bud Miller WCAE WGY WTAM me sky-high in radio. Newspapers used CKLW-News; Baseball Scores STOP! BAD BREATH WGN-Chandu, the Magician CBS-San Diego Symphony Or· my name in editorials on the subject of DESPAIR NO LONGER. You can get complete reo WCKY-To be announced chestra: W88M WKBW WHAS lief from PYORRHEA and other deadly MOUTH WSM-Comedy Stars of Holly· Will a Bernhardt or a Duse Come Out DISEASES or no pay. "My Py6RRH'EA has totally wood WENR-Star Dust. gossip WBNS WKBN WJAS CKLW WGAR-Rambling Reviewer of Radio? Doesn't that sound big? But disappeared. Thanks to your wonderful remedy... Thus WWVA-Mellow Moments WSPD wait till [ tell you. . writes grateful case No. 1985. Delay is dangerous. WGN-The Dance Orchestra NBC-Shandor, violinist; Bob Send at once for convincing testimony and valuable WHK-Slllilin' Ed McConnell "I had to pick that pinnacle to topple FREE BOOK or large trial Package, 1)1.00. 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST Chester's arch. : KDKA WCKY A. B, C. LABORATORIES, MBS-Palmer I louse Ensemble: W,W-Dance Orchestra WHAM from. You know, I could have gone to Dept. RG·5, Richmond Hill, N. Y. WXYZ WKZO WGN WXYZ-Shades of Don Juan WENR-Dance Orchestra Europe any time to see life. But no, I had WAIU-Bud Miller WGAR-Walkathon to pick the height of .I11Y career. When I WCKY-Tomboys 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WHK-Silmmy Kaye's Orchestra returned a year later, radio had undergone WOWO--To be announced CBS-Consumers Nat'l Advisorv WLW-News; Tea Leaves and Council on Radio in Education: great changes, and [ couldn't get a job Composers of Song- WSM-The Forty·Niners Jade, drama imitating a bull-frog, let alone being re­ WWVA-Terrv and Ted WJAS WBBM WGR WKBN WMAQ-Burt Parson's Orchestra Words or Music 8:00 p.m. EST 7 :00 CST WOWO WHK WSPD WHAS WSM-Mosaics galed as the First Leading Lady of the CKLW-Castles in Music Air and having my choice of roles. Brilliant opportunities n()w open. Write me at * N,BC-Ben Bernie's Orch.; WWJ-Webster Hall's arch. once. Send manuscripts. Candid critical comment Guest: WCAE WTAM WBEN WCKY-News IIeadliners WWVA-Arcadians "! had a terrible time getting back on given without charge. Address WENR-To be announced WGY WWJ the air, but all the same I'li never regret WMAQ " WGAR-Front Page Drama BURRELL VAN BUREN * CBS-Bing Crosby; George 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST having taken that trip abroad." Stoirs Orch; Andy Devine, 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST NBC-Bob Chester's Orchestra: I ncorrigibly romantic, she jed the double 41 McClurg Bldg., Chicago, Illinois guest: WSPD WJAS CkLW CBS-Frank Dailey's Orchestra: WWJ WJR WGAR life of the Left Bank and of the Champs WHK WBNS WHAS WBBM WKBN WBNS WKBW WSPD MBS-Veloz.& Yolanda's Orch.: Elysee in Paris, living one week in the WKBW WOWO WBB:vI CKLW WHK WGN WXYZ creaking ataliers atop Montparnasse, and NBC-Red Trails. drama: WLS NBC-Stanley High, talk: WGY WMAO-Old Heidelber~ Ensemble KDKA WJR WGAR WHAM WTAM WWVA-San Diego Symphony in the swank hostelries of the touted Bou­ WSM WLW * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM Orchestra (CBS) levard the next. Bits of This ' n' That: WKZO WENR WHAM WCKY WJR 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST Returning to the , Rosa­ WXYZ WGAR NBC-Billy Bissett's Orchestra: line again started the steep, uphill climb WAIU-Song ReYue KDKA-Sports; Ed Sprague WCKY KDKA WJR WMAQ back to radio recognition. WCKY-Lawrence Quintet WBEN-News; V driety Prog.·am WCAR WHA:VI WLW But one small role after another-too "Most Enjoyable Program on the Air" I WGN-Horace Heidt's Orchestra J{eport~r CBS-Ra\' Herbeck's Orchestra: many of them, in fact, so that she can't WWVA-Fred Waring's arch. WCAE-Ace Brigode's Orchestra CKLW' WHAS WBNS WWVA recall them individually-finally brought 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST \\'G~-Dudley Crafts Watson WSPD WBBM WHI< WKBN her to Captain Henry's Show Boat at its WAIU-Singing Troubadour WHAS-Baseball Scores; arch. NBC-George Duffy's Orchestra: WCKY-Serbian Tambouritza Or· W.I AS-\"cws; Frank Dailey's WGY WCAE WTAM WWJ launching, and she has been the dramatic chestra Orche~tra MBS-Horaee Heidt's Orchestra: actress. Mary Lou, ever since WGj\'-Lawf€llce Salerno. Oreh WLW-·News WXYZ WGN "Of all my radio associates, I most ad­ 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST W;\I.\Q-fLllaid McGibeny WF Ii--Je<;s Hawkins' Orch. mire Clarence Darrow. He's more than a NBC-Hands Across the Border. \V\VJ--,.EvellinJ?; Melodies WSM-Francis Craig's arch. defense lawyer; he's a publican. We KDKA WCKY WXYZ-AI Kavelin's arch. 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST worked together on The Famous Trials CBS-Hour of Charm; Phil WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra * 10:15 n.m EST 9:15 CST of History program. I was his star wit­ Spltalny"s Girl Vocal alld Or WHK-Dance Orchestra ness, and since that associatIOn we've re­ chestral Ensemble: CKLW NBC-Tony & Gus, dramatic CKLW \\'I-;:;W WHAS WJAS sketch: WJR WSM WGAR 12:00 Mid. ES 11:00 p.m. CS mained grear-: friends. I get letters from WKBW WHAS WJAS N BC--.I esse Crawford. or~a n IS\ CBS-Horacio ZitO's Orchestra: him occasionally. I believe he is the most * NBC-Ed Wynn, Eddy Ouch· WMAQ WGY WWJ WTAM 'WBBM charming, lovable and simple soul I know. in's Orch.: WBEN WGY WSM WCKY MBS-Continental Gypsies: WGN "William Lyon Phelps and Conrad WTA,\] WCAE WLIV WWJ NBr-Reogie Childs' Orchestra: WLW Bercovici, the writer, are others whom up to WMAQ WTAM WHAM KDKA WEN R-Stan Myers' Orchestra [ admire a lot. Let me send you this fine all-wool tallored suit W AIU-Imperial Quartette WHE.\ .-~po;·ts ReView WHAS-Mulburn Stone's Orch FREE OF COST, Just follow my ca.y plan WENR-Globe Trotter "Oh, I must tell you an Interesting in­ and show the suit to your friends. Make up to WENR-A Thousand & One WMc\Q-Lec,nard Kel'cr's Orch. $I 2 in a day easily. No exnerience-no ,VCN-Dream Ship WSM-Fanfare; Meredith Will· cident that happened eight years ago at canvassing' necessary. Vacations SEND FOR SAMPLES-FREE OF COST WGAR-Nat'l Poetry Week W.IAS-Frank Dailey's Orchestra son's Orchestra (NBC) the I{adio's World Fair in Madison Square (CBS) Write today for F'REE details. ACTUAL SAM­ WHAM-Ice Carnival of the Air WTAM-Charles Stem'oss' arch. Garden. PLES and "sure-fire" money getting plans. WLW-HORLlCK'S MALTED WWVA-Bluo Grass Roy Send no money_ H. J. Collin. ProeTess Tail. .VI' J R-Floyd Gibbons * "Having been associated with the ex­ oringCo., Dept. T·1l5, 500 S. ThroopSt" Chicago, Ill, WXYZ-Half 'Round the Clock Milk Presents Lum and Abner, hibit as a performer, [ decided, after our comedy 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS program, to drop my professional stand­ 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST WXYZ-Larry Funk's OTchestra MBS-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: WAIU-Donald Paul 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST WGN WLW ing and get out and mingle with the DANCING LESSONS ~~~J:s!~;;.mod~'WU~i\al;[~~~· ~ri~~~~ Only 1 crowd. Going from one booth to another, WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's arch. 12::10 ES 11:30 CS NBC-Stan Myers' arch.: WGY a.m. p.m. home study course by famous instrllC- $ WHAM-LeBrun Sisters CBS-Flovd Town's Orchestra: I noticed a plain, unassuming grey-haired tor quiCkly teaches latest Fox Trot WJR-Ice Carnival of the Air WCAE WMAQ WWJ WTAM WBBM ~ man, who see med to need a guide. We and Waltz steps, the Continental (Kiss NBC-Leo Reisman's Orchestra; 16Dance). Rhumba, Manhattan, Carlo. Tango. Veyo and MBS-J oe Sanders' Orchestra: got acquainted. lIe didn't know me, and Phil Duey and Johnny: WSM othel's. 16 lessons-fully illustrated-in art-bound vol· 9:lIil p.m. EST 8:110 CST WGN WLW besides my name ' lould have meant noth­ ume. Send only $1 for complete course nostuaid. or pay postman plus postage. Money Back if not de· * NBC-Beauty Box Theater: NBC-Dorsey Bros.' OTchestra: WENR-Roy Moxon's Orchestra ,John Barclay: WWJ WTAM KDKA WHAM ing to him even if the hu:,bub of human­ lighted after in<;pecting. FREE-15.000 word book WHAS-Dance Band . ity and rattle of radio gadgets hadn't "Etiquette and Good Manners" included if you order WCAE WBEN WMAQ WLW CBS-Bill Hoga,,'s arch.: WKBN WMAQ-Pau l Christenson's arch. promptly. EDUCA'£IONAL SUPPLY CO., Dept. 511~F. W~Y WSM WBNS WJAS WKBW WHAS drowned out our voices as we introduced Racine. Wis. WSM-Dance Orchestra ourselves. CBS-"The Caravan" with CKLW WSPD WBBM WTAM-Moollglow \Valter O'Keefe; An~ette Han­ WBEN-John Lain's Orchestra "We strode about for more than an ... haw; Ted Hu sing; Glen Gray'9 WCKY-Dance Orchestra 12:45 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS hour, and at parting he gave me his card. SA VE S GAS! arch.: WHAS WKBW W~BM WENR-Leonard Keller's OTch, WGN-Horace Heidt's Orchestra " It was Henry Ford." Inv"ee"Uon WLW-Johnny Burbrth's arch. Creates New Mileage Records W,IAS IVSr'D IVllNS W KBN WGAR-To be announced "To whom a re you' gOIng to dedicate It's Here! VACU-MATIC-"The Carburetbi' CKLW WOWO WHK WGN-\Vayhe I{ing's Orchestra . I Toot Breathes'" AUTOMATIC CONTROlo NBC-Fibber McGee and WHK-Hal Goodman's arch. 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid. CS your first novel?" she was asked as the guarantees constant peak performance. Moro * WGN-Veloz & Yolanda' s arch. t power, smoother running, quicker starting. Molly; Gale Page, soloist: W JR "VJR-Duncan Moore, news parting question of the interview. Fits all cars; installed 10 a few minutes. WCKY WHAM KDKA WGAR WLW-Waltzing Through Europe WLW-Dance Orchestra Without a moment's hesitation she re­ . I' TRIAL £.~~:f,!;lj~t!?1~tabo~~v1c'b~tlli WENR WOWo-Bill Moon's Orchestra 1:30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST plied :-"The dedication w;1I read, 'To I • I ' OFFER W~t~fo~::iE TRAa~Nofl~'l'NTED WAIU-Montana Meechy WXYZ-Dance Orchestra WLW-Moon River Clarence Darrow-a Human Being'." VACU-MATIC CO., 7611 03W. State St., Wauwatosa, Wis. 8 17 Programs Shown For Daylight Time In EST and CST Programs for Wednesday, June 5 Add One Hour 5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST CKLW-The Home Beautiful WGR-To be announced CKLW-Alarm Clock Interlude WGN-Markets; Morning Sere· Star Indicates High Spot Selections WGY-Stock Reports Night' nade * WJR-Pat Dennrs, personalities 6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST WHAM-Musical Program NBC-Words and Music: KDKA KDKA-Home Fornm WLW-Dorothea Ponce, songs Musical Clock: KDKA WGR WHK-Don and Charles ~HAM WGN-Melody Moments 6;00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST WJR-Top 0' the Morninl( WKZO-Homemakers Spotlight * CBS-Mary Marlin, sketch: WG Y-Scissors and Paste 4:00 p.m. EST 3 :00 CST * NSC-Amos 'n' Andy: WJZ WWJ-Frank and Ernest WLW-Betty Crocker CKLW WBBM WSPD WBBM NBC-Cross Cuts from Log of KDKA WWVA-Blue Grass Roy WHAM-Roch. School of the Air WW J-Mornin!( Melodies WHK WJR-The Bookworm Day: WENR WHAM WGAR CBS....,Just Entertainment, varie· WWVA-Health and Happiness WGN-Markets; Good Health &- WKOZ-Prophetic Clock WJR ty program: CKLW ,WJAS 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST CBS-The Blue Birds: WWVA 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST Training WLS-Pa & Ma Smither., sketch WGR WBBM WJR-Musical Clock WJR-The Jewel I;lox WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra WBNS WGR WKBN WSPD NBC-Sir Josiah Stamp, "A Brit· WLW-Top 0' the Morning NBC-Sam Herman & Frank CKLW Banta: KDKA WKZO-Views of the News WWVA-Whal's What in News isher Views the States": WENR WTAM-Sun Up WLS-Rangers and Sophia Ger· WXYZ-Kiddies' Karnival NBC-Shirley Howard, songs: WCKY WWVA-The Eye Opener CBS-Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage WWJ Patch, drama: WKBW WBBM manich 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST Adv. of Jimmy Allen: WBEN WWJ-Sallv Woodward KDKA-To be announced WGN 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST WHK CBS-Happy Hollow, dramatic WGY-Musical Program NBC-Betty Crocker, talk: WWVA-Friends Carlton Moore's Orch,: WKZO CKLW-Alarm Clock Interlude sketch: WBNS WGR WSPD WHAS-To be announced 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WTAM WWJ WGY 11:45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST CKLW WHK WXYZ CBS-Blanche Sweet, beau ty talk: WLW-Antonio's Continentals WAIU-Spectator NBC-Phil Cook's Note Book: CKLW-M"sical Scrapbook WGN-Garden Club Speaku WSM-Francis Crai,,'s Orchestra WWJ WLW WTAM WGAR-Jean Abbey WBBM WBNS WKBN CKLW WGY-Elmer Tidmarsh, organist WGAR-News; Dance Kings MBS-Painted Dreams: WGN WTAM-Musical Cocktail WGY-Jim Healey, news NBC-Morning Devotions; Solo· WGN-Harold Turner, pianist WJR-News WXYZ-Qrgan Melodies ists; Organ: KDKA WHAM-Household Hour WLW WLS-Homemakers' Hour; Fan· WHAM-Sport cast WJR-The Friendly Counsellor WHK-Kathryn fare WHAS-Deed·I·Do Club Musical Clock: WGAR WGY 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST WHK-To be announced CKLW-Happy Joe WKZo-Mountaineers WJR-Words & Music (NBC) WLW-Johnny Burkarth's Orch. CBS-Adventure Hour; "Og, Son WKZO-Romance in Song WJR-Dance Orchestra WGN-Good ' Morning WLS-Phil Kalar, "Old Music WWV A-~ Tabernacle of Fire": WGR WLS-Henry Burr's Ballads WLW-Old Fashioned Girl, Helen WKZo-~Morning Devotionals Chest" 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST NBC-"Grandpa Burton," Bil' WLW-Mountain Mornings WWJ-Merry Madcaps (NBC) Nugent WWVA-~Gospel Tabernacle NBC-To be announced: WJR Baar: WTAM WGY WWJ WMAQ-Totten on Sports KDKA WHAM CKLW-Melodic Interlude 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST WOWO-Baseball Scores NBC-Walter Cassel, baritone: CBS-Jack Brooks; arch.: WGR KDKA-Kiddies Klub WSM-NelVs; Marjori" Cooney NBC-William Meeder, organist: WGAR . Afternoon WBNS CKLW WHK WSPD WLW-Miner's Children, drama KDKA WTAM-Sportsman CBS-Cooking Closeups: WBNS NBC-Home Sweet Home: WGY WWVA-To be announced WW J-N ews; Tiger Game Resu· NBC-Don Hall Trio. songs: 12 :00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS WWJ WLW WTAM WTAM, WBBM CKLW WKBW WSPD NBC-Roy Maxon's Orch.: WLW 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST me WHK MBS-Palmer House Ensemble: WWVA-Radio Gossiper; Sports WKZo-New~ on Parade WGAR NBC-James Wilkinson, baritone: NBC-Sydney Sukoenig, pianist: WGN WKZO WXYZ WGY WWJ WTAM 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WLW-~Nation's Family Prayer WTAM WGY CBS-Martha .Holmes, Federal WGAR-To be announced WWJ-,0.Morning Devotions Housing Admin. Speaker: WGR NBC-Singing Lady: WLW WJR * NBC-Stories of the Black KDKA-Uncle Tom and Betty WL5-R, T. Van Tress, Garden WHAM KDKA WGAR Chamber: WBEN WGY WCAE WGN-Len Salvo, organist CKLW Talk 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST MBS-The Love Doctor: WGN WENH-Music & Comments WTAM WMAQ WWJ NBC-Cheerio: WTAM WWJ WJR-AI and Pete 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WWVA-Passing in Reviow CBS-Just Plain ' Bill, sketch: WLW WGY WKZO-Morning Organ Melodies WXYZ NBC-The Wise Man: WJR KDKA-New5 Reeler WXYZ-To be announced WGR CKLW WHK WBBM WHAM-With the Rambler WLS-Flannery Sisters NBC-Vic and Sade: WWJ WGY WJAS WLW-J ack Berch; Orchestra WGN-Markets; ~Mid · day Servo WTAM WLW 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WHK-Tennessee Hillbillies ice NBC-Tony & Gus; George F, W,IR-Pickard Family WWJ-Health Talk MBS-Blackstone Ensemble: NBC-Adventures of Dick and Brown and Mario Chamlee: WKZO-Musical Clock WWVA-Bakery Man WGY-Arthur Lane, tenor WGN WXYZ WKZO Sam : WGY WWJ WTAM WHAM-Tonic Tunes KDKA WHAM WCKY WENR 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST WGAR-Betty and Bob CBS-Dick Tracy, sketch: CKLW * MBS-HORLlCK'S MALTED 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WJR-Norman White's Review WHAM-Roch. School of the Air WKBW WSPD WBBM NBC-Landt Trio and White, WKZO-The Gondoliers Milk Presents Lum & Abner, songs and comedy: KDKA NBC-Tony Wons, philosopher: WLS-Homemakers' Program NBC-Orphan Annie: KDKA comedy sketch: WGN WXYZ KDKA WHAM WGAR WJR WLS-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam WGAR-Guide to Happiness WWVA-Jack Brooks, tenor WHAM WJR WaR WKZO CBS-Elon Boys On Review: WTAM-AI and Pete (CBS) WJAS-Che"ry Melodies WENR-That Certain Four WAIU-Lew Byrer WKBW WSPD WWJ-News • 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WGAR-Tinker Kids and Liza WLS-News Reports 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WBCM-Les Cavaliers NBC-Verna Burke, contralto: NBC-Ma Perkins, sketch: WWJ WLW-Questions and Answers WGAR-Terry and Ted 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST WGY NBC-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam: WGY WTAM WLW WLS WHAS-Og, 'Son of Fire * NBC-Breakfast Club; Orch.; CKLW-Hollywood Chatter WJR WLW KDKA WHAM CBS-Whoa Pincus, dramatic 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST Jack Owens, tenor; Morin Sis. WGAR NBC-Harry Kogen's Orchestra: W,IR-Chanrlu, the Magician WGN-Your Family Neighbor sketch: CKLW WBNS WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra ters: KDKA WHAM WHK-Friends CBS-Radio Gossip Club with NBC-Lucy Monroe, soprano: WWJ WLW CBS-Bright Lights: WKBW Eddie & Fannie Cavanaugh: NBC-Education in tbe News; WOWO-Dinner Club WLS-Household Parade WJR WGAR WSM-Sarie and Saliie WBNS CKLW WHK WLW-Livestock Reports; News WBBM WGR WHK Earl Harger's OrCh.: WKZO talk: WENR CBS-Buck Rogers: WKBW WWVA-Dinner Music NBC-Richard Leibert. organist: WTAM-Board of Education NBC-CharIes Stencoss' Orch,: WXYZ ' 6:<10 p,m. ES1' 5:30 CST WGY WTAM WWJ-Tonight's Dinner WWJ KDKA--Dan and Sylvia WHK CKLW CKLW-Canadian Shopper KDKA-News·Reeler NBC-Ruby Mercer, soprano: ll.Morning Devotions: WGAR WWVA-Rapid Ad Service WGN-TheMail Box WLW WENR WLS WLW WGN-June Baker WHAM-Ma Perkins WBNS-Maurie Sherman's Orch, WGN'.-,Toast of the Morning HI:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodeling (CBS) CBS-1'he O'Neills, dramatic NBC-Army Band: KDKA WLW WHK-Musical Headlines sketch: WGR WJAS WWVA WTAM-Musical Clock Cowboys WGAR-Q'za rk Mountain Boys CBS-Eton Boys: WHK WWVA WWV A-Ma Perkins NBC-Easy Aces: WGY WTAM WWJ-The Minute Parade WKZO-Livestock Reports WGN-Armchair Melodies NBC-Homespun. Dr. Foulke.: 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST CBS-Buck Rogers: WBBM WWVA-To be announced WLS-Cornhuskers & Chor~ Boy NBC-Dreams Come True: WGY WGY-Bag and Baggage WGY WTAM WWJ WTAM-Chas. Stenross' Orch. WHAM-Musical Program WHAS 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WGAR-Mickey McCarthy WTAM WLW WWJ CKLW-The Sportcaster WGAR-Breakfast Club (NBC) WWVA-Paul Miller's Organaires NBC-Morin Sisters: WJR WGAR WJR-Uncle Neal and Prudy WGN-Backstage Wife WKZO-OI1 Reveiw KDKA-Lois Miller and Rosey W,JR-Lum's Apple Knockers WXYZ-Pianologue WHAM Rows",ell WHAM-Mrs. Thrifty Buyer 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS WTAM-Twilight Tunes WKZO-News on Parade WJR-Popular Favorites KDKA-Charm WAIU-Beatley's Orchestra WLS-Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals NBC-Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; WGN-Baseball; Chicago Cubs WWVA-The Keystoners WKZO-News on Parade Guest Speakers; Walter Blau· WXYZ-On ReView WBCM-The Lady and Her WL W-Richard Leibert, organist 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST vs. Cincinnati Escorts (NBC) fuss' Orch.: WJR WGAR WHK-Race of Nations CBS-Lyric Serenade: WHK WHAM KDKA 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST WBEN-Paul Small, tenor 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST NBC-Magic Recipes: WTAM WLS-The Westerners CBS-Bobby Benson & Sunn) WCAE-Doctor and Mrs. Jimmy CBS-Concert Miniatures: WGR WOWO-GOSSIP PROGRAM * NBC-English Derby from Ep­ WWJ WGY WSPD CKLW * Jim: WGR WCKY-Bill Dodge's Orch. som. Downs.:, WJR WGAR WWVA-Denver Darling CBS-"Og, Son of Fire": WBBM WGAR-Confidentrally Speakrng CBS-Sis ters of the Skillet; WGN-,0.Markets; Mid·day Servo 3:()O p.m. EST 2:00 CST KDKA Ralph Dumke and Eddie East; WGY-Farm Program CKLW WBNS WGN-Bob Elson's Sport Shots NBC-Woman's Radio ReVIew: WHAM-Advs. of Jimmie Allen NBC-Fields and Hall: WGY WKBW WHK-To be announced NBC-Stamp Club; Capt. Tim WGN-Good Morning MBS-Life of Marv Sothern: WTAM WWJ Healy: WHAM WHK-Musical Moments WKZO-News on Parade CBS-La Forge Berumen Musi· WHAM-Musical Program WGN WGAR WLW WLS-Wealher; Markets; News NBC-Dudley Bros.: WENR WJR-Sport Flashes cale: WBNS WKBN WSPD WKXO~Joe DeCourcey's Orch. WKZo-Musical Clock CKLW-Morning Melodies WLW-Livestock Reports KDKA-While the City Sleeps WL~-Ford Rush WHAM-U. S. Army Band CKLW WGN-Dance Orchestra WLW-Bob Newhall WTAM-Stubby Gordon's Orch. NBC-Betty & Bob: WGY WJR WSM-Curt Poulton WLW-Divano Trio (NBC) WWVA-The 01' Pardner WGY-Adventures of Jimmy WTAM-George Hartrick KDKA WENR WHAM WLW WWJ-Dinner Music WJR-Michigan Mountaineers WXYZ-Rex Battle's Ensemble Allen WWVA-Morning Dance Tunes WKZO-Buddy Fields' Orchestra WGAR-To be announced WHK-Aunt Judy WXYZ-Melodv Preview 12:45 p.m. ES 11:45 a.m. CS WHK-Baseball; Cleveland vs. WJR-Markets; Popular Favor· 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST 8:45 a.m. EST 7:45 CST WLS-News; Julian Bentley; KDKA-Home Forum NBC-The Sizzlers Trio: WLW Markets Detroit ites N Be-Dangerous ·Paradise. WHK-Higbee Trio * WGN-Keep Fit Club WWVA-Your Helpful Helper WKZO-Baseball; Detroit Tigers WTAM-Don Jose sketch, with Elsie Hitz and WKBN-Eddie ' Dunstedter, or· WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip WWVA-Economy Notes Nick Dawson: WHAM KDKA WGY-Musical Program 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST ganist (CBS) WHAM-Don and Tom WXYZ-The Mountaineers WSM WENR WLW NBC-To be announced: WHAM WKZo-Rex Battle's Orchestra 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST CBS-Boake Carter, news: WLS-Weather; Announcements KDKA WLS-Dinnerbell Program N BC-N ews; Three X Sjsters: * WTAM-Calisthenics NBC-Woman's Radio Review: WHK CKLW WHAS WJAS CBS-Voice of Experience: WGR WLW-Farrn and Home Hour WGY WHAM WBBM WGR 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST NBC-"Masquerade," sketch: (NBC) N BC-J ackie Heller, tenor : CBS-Jack Armstrong: WBBM * NBC-ALKA·SELTZER PRE· WGN-Good Morning WTAM WWJ WTAM-Noonday Resume WHAM WGAR WIIK CKLW sents Uncle Ezra's Radio Sta· WGY-News; Market Basket CBS-Lyric Serenade: WKBW WWVA-Luncheon Music KDKA-·Karen Fladoes CBS-Jean Bruneseo's Orchestra; tion: WBEN WGY WTAM WHAM-Tower Clock Program WHK WWVA CKLW WBNS 1:00 p.m, ES 12:00 m CS WFNR-Mme, De Sylvara News: WKBW WCAE WMAQ WHK-Over the Coffee Cups WGAR-Ethel and Ben NBC-Two Seats in the Balcony: WGR-La Forge Berumen Musi· KDKA-Dance Orchestra Day in Review: WKZO WXYZ WKZO-Telephone Requests; WGN-Tom, Dick & Harry WWJ WGY calc (CBS) WENR-What's the NEWS? W AIU-Buddy and Ginger Frieda Wall WGY-Musical Program CBS-Marie, Little French Prin· WJR-Easy Aces WGN-The Singing Lady (NBC) WCKY-Baseball Scores WLS-Livestock Reports; Cum· WJR-Household Economies cess, sketch: WBBM CKLW WLW-John Barker, baritone; WGY-News; Evpning Brevities WGAR-Tommy Tucker's Orch. berlan,d Ridge. Runners WKZO-Pianologue WHK Organ WJR-Silhouettes, girl's trio WGN-Quin Ryan's Amateurs WLW-Joe Emerson, hymns WLS-Westerners' Roundup WGAR-AI and Pete 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST WKZO-Three Treys W,IR-Jimmy Allen WTAM-News: Healtb and WWJ-Detroit Public Schools WGN-Palmer House Ensemble NBC-Herb Waldman's Oreh,: WLW-Jack Armstrong, drama WWVA-Dinner Music Home 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST WKZO-City Schools Program WHAM WGAR WJR WTAM-News; Girl from Carlings 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST WWJ-News; Air Gossip NBC-Honeyboy & Sassafra,,: CBS-Loretta Lee; Gothamaires; WWJ-Terry and Te\l NBC-Hal Kemp's Orchestra: WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip WTAM-To be announced * WWJ WTAM WXYZ-Ann Worth, housewife Orch.: WSPD CKLW WBNS WWVA-News WJR KDKA WHAM WGAR 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST CBS-The Gumps, sketch: CKLW 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WGR WKBN WWVA WXYZ-Three Treys WLS WLW CBS-Romany Trail: WHK WHK WGR WBBM WBNS CBS-Romance of Helen Trent: NBC-Three Scamps: WGY WWJ 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST * NBC-One Man's Family, NBC-Florenda Trio: KDKA NBC-Merry Macs: KDKA WJR WHK WJAS CKLW WGN WTAM * NBC-Lowell Thomas, news: sketch: WWJ WBEN WGY WHAM WGAR WGN-Quin Ryan and Cadets WGY-Household Chats KDKA-Market Reports WLW KDKA WHAM WJR WMAQ WTAM WCKY WCAE NBC-Clara, Lu 'n' Em: WWJ WG Y-Radi·Owens WKZO-~ Watchtower Prgm. WENR-Don Rudolpho's Orch. CBS-Jean Brunesco's Orchestra; WSM WGY WLW WTAM WGN WHAM-Old Man Sunshine WLS"':'Markets; Jim Poole (NBC) News: WBNS- WWVA CBS-Johnny and His Foursome: WKZo-Mountain Pete and the WKZO-Marsh Dykman IWTAM-The Murderer's Mind WLW-Ticker Notes; Griffith & NBC-Little (lrphan Annie: WGN WJAS CKLW WSPD WBBM Boys WLS-Homer Griffith, "Friendly WWVA-Musical Program Accordion WSM WGAR WGR WHAS WLS-Wm. O'Connor, tenor; Sue Philosopher" WXYZ-The Escorts WWVA-Int'l Exposition CKLW--Winifred D' Arcy; News MBS-The Lone Ranger: WGN Roberts WLW-Morning Housewarmers 1:30 p.m. EST 12:30 CST WXYZ-The Sophisticates WENR-Desert Kid (NBC) WXYZ 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST WWVA-Ev and Ory * CBS-Between the Bookends: 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST WGY-Miners Quartet WAIU-Neighbors NBC-Breen and de Rose: WGY 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST WSPD WBNS WHK CKLW NBC-Advs. in King Arthurland: WHK-Baseball Resume WHK-Comedy Stars of Hollv· WTAM NBC-Merry Madcaps: WTAM WGR WTAM WWJ WKZO-Salon Group wood NBC-Today's Children: KDKA WGY NBC-AI Pearce's Gang: WTAM KDKA-Herb Waldman's Oreh. WTAM-Stubby Gordon's Orch. WOWO-Variety Program WJR WGAR WLS NBC-Song of the City: WLW WWJ (NBC) WWJ-Twilight Tunes WWVA-Musical Moments 18· 8 For Hearing Only

(Continued from Page Z) betrayed Phil's Highland ongm. He was some time. Phil went, a deal was consum­ music, a bit of. wording which involved So he decided to go over one night and born in Glasgow, Scotland, April 22, 1903. mated, WCRW lost its discovery and him in more criticism during his callow lodge a mild protest with lhe station man­ "What do you have to worry about there was cast at Stewart's feet this means announcing days. agement. He found it to consist of Clin­ vaudeville for?" White queried. "Unless of crossing the first of h~ Rubicons. "That word i1lcomparable never had its ton R. White and Mrs. White, both of I. miss my guess your voice would be a Then came his ' tir,t association origin in Scotland," Phil says, "and while whom welcomed Stewart's criticism and wow on the air." The previously unhinted with a young bandmaster whose senti­ it seemed like a good catch phrase for tendered profuse apologies for a fault of possibility immediately struck Stewart as mental programs, originating in a dance Wayne, it always had me on the ropes. which they had been unconscious. something that should have been obvious hall, were catching on with the public. He Scarcely a day went by when I didn't get So the listener who came to scoff re­ right along. Within the next three days was Wayne King and Station KYW was a letter or two asking me what I mean by mained to chat and exchange theatrical he was launched in the field in which he airing his programs. Because of the ro­ unconquerable music. Of course I could reminiscences with the Whites. The more is now such a top-notcher. It was only a mantic nature of the maestro's favored have changed adjectives but that didn't he talked the more White became im­ matter of weeks before an executive of waltz tempo, Stewart was selected as an­ tie in with my idea of getting rid of that pressed with his voice and diction, with Station KYW dispatched to the newcomer nouncer for the natural tie-up of his ro­ Glasgy inflection, so I just practiced on it the highly characteristic Scotch ~urr which that heartening invitation to come up mantic voice with King's style. Here was until I could say incomparable and make a n'ew Rubicon. it sound like that." Whether to adhere to straight announce­ The King association, although it is but ment or to adorn his comments with ver­ a part of Stewart's radio routine, has been biage in keeping with the music, was the a helpful one to him in living up to his de­ issue. Phil now admits that he erred on We'dnesday-Continued the florid side. Radio editors around Chi­ termination to become a personality on cagorapidly checked him up, however, the air. I t has vastly broadened his speech 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST WGN-News; Headlines of Other 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST and Stewart hurriedly abandoned the or­ scope and taught him to think hurri~dly CBS-World Peace Foundation; Davs ~ NBC-The Hoofinghams, sketch: nate style and developed the current six­ and along diversified lines. Newton D. ·Baker and Dr. WXYZ--:-Larry Funk's Orchestra WGY WWJ WCAE WBEN He is never informed in advance of the James T. Shotwell, .speakers: 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST WMAQ WTAM word-philosopher custom which character­ WHAS WSPD ,WJAS WBNS WAIU-Leo Reichert CBS-To be announced: CKLW izes his announcing as so singularly ap­ numbers on King's programs, with the re­ WGR WOWO WGAR-Lyrical Adventures WKBW WBNS WBBM pealing. The briefest sort of an introduc­ sult that his brief announcements and CKLW-Baseball· Scores; News WGN-Musical Moments NBC-To be announced: KDKA tion to a number, followed with an equally comments are practically improm.ptu. WAIU-Ohio Taxes WHAM-Behind the Headlines WJR terse comment at its conclusion, stamp "And when you have to say something WHK-Comedy Stars of Holly· WXYZ-Dance Orchestra WCKY-Red Birds' Orchestra him as an individualist in the announce­ about I Love You Truly, Japanese Sand­ wood WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra ment, or description, of musical selection. man, and all of the other King standbys WJAS-Oakmont Open Forum 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WGN-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra as frequent,Iy as I do," Phil declares, "you WWVA-Varieties * NBC-Ray Noble's Orchestra: WHAS-To be announced It was Phil who labeled Wayne the WCAE WMAQ WBEN WTAM WJAS-Eddie Peyton's Orchestra Waltz King and who launched the descrip­ 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST WGY WWJ WSM WLW WXYZ-Dance Orchestra tive phrase, Wayne King's incomparable (Continued on Page 23) * NBC-House of G lass, sketch: CBS-Melody Masterpieces: WGR 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST WJR KDKA WLW WGAR WBNS WOWO WJAS WHAS NBC-Enric Madriguera' 5 Orch.: WHAM WLS CKLW WGY WCKY WCAE WLW * NBC-Wayne King's Orch.: NBC-America in Music: WCKY WTAM 'WBEN WTAM WCAE WGY WHAM KDKA CBS-Frankie Masters' arch.: WWJ WMAQ WENR-Hawthorne Male Chorus WOWO WBBM CBS-Guy Robertson's Broadway WGAR-Woman's Club Forum NBC-Shandor, violinist; Dick Varieties: WGR WJAS WHK WGN-Attilio Baggiore and the Fidler's Orch. : KDKA WHAM ONE WOMAN CKLW WBBM WSPD WHAS Concert Orchestra WSM Ice Carnival: WKZO 'WXYZ WHK-Hal Goodman's Orch. CBS-Joe Haymes' Orchestra: WAIU-Dance Music WJR-Dance Orchestra WHAS WBNS WKBW WSPD WCKY-Vincent -York's arch. WXYZ-Tom Terris' Orchestra CKLW WHK WGN-Chandu, the Magician WENR-Dance Orchestra TO ANOTHER 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WOWo-Musical Moments WCKY-News Headliners; Inter· WGAR--JWalkalhon (jET A MODERN WOMAN'S REMEDY TO WSM-Musical Moments lude WHK-Sammy Kaye's Orchestra WWVA-Sons 0' Guns Trio WENR-To be announced WJR-Meditations WXYZr-The Ice Carnival WGAR-Lyrical Adventures IWMAQ-"The Certain Four" ; WHK-Melody Masterpieces Dance Orchestra 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST WJR-Musical Moments WWJ-Webster Hall's Orchestra Vocal Ensemble: WKZO WXYZ WXYZ-Henry Biagini's Orch. LADIES TROUBLED WITH DELAYS get my delCay·.T·>ly"Is!s"tear' groetllegvOOedd IrnesuSltX, ~anYStwrorodmayaS.ft'Sehw.-::.S 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST 1 15 EST 10 15 CST praised "Special Relief Compound"·AT ONCE. .LV WAIU-Bud Cotter 1 : p.m. : Don't wait longer. A preferred"Prescription of many delayed 3 weeks." • WGN-Palmer House Ensemble NBC-"Looking Over the Week"; WGAR-Dick Fidler's Orchestra doctors for over a QUARTER OF A CENTURY be. G. W. "I can·t praIse your Compound enough. I w.. WOWo-Dance Orchestra John B. Kennedy, talk: WGY (NBC) cause of reputed power to ease pain and prompt. delayed 2 months. Never had a more normal period In WSM-Cut-Ups * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's arch. Iy relieve delay. Safe. Harmless. Rapidly relieves my lif.... WWVA-Terry and Ted WENR WHAM WCKY WGAR WMAQ-Old Heidelberg Ensem. :b~~~m~ru:t~~~eS~~drd;ee;io£s~ft~n l~~~ya~~~~il~: sur~'l;jus;'~st~~ ~~~t l~n~S.~O:l and was all K. n WJR O. 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST bIe Don't Buffer or use Questionable rem- ~-.:._=-_=-______..... R. K. "1 was delayed but on the * NBC-"Our Home on the CBS-Claude Hopkins' Orchestra: WSM-Beasley Smith and Jack C~~~OU;;duf"~ g~~c~~i':'e~~~':r~; • EVERY MONTH 10th dose my period stalted. The, WBBM WHAS WOWO CKLW r;;;:. Range"; John Chas. Thomas, Shook thousands of my women customers from J.... -.., ,.."",...... ,...,..,., I,.." w.., areKso gent}'~"11 f t t d I k WKBW WBNS WHK baritone: WLS WHAM WJR 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST ~ci\J~ T'l'llN l~r~v~~ ~JE~~:' afte; f· took eFo·rm~r'''' "No." 2~no ;fr~' KDKA WGAR WCKY KDKA-S~uire Hawkins I 2 3 4 5 6 WBEN-News; Ironic Reporter NBC-Lights Out, mystery dra· Wonderful testimonials. Women often 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 period In 3 month'." * CBS-Romance; David Ross, matie program: WCKY WSM report normal periods starting in 3 to . ha:;" h~d n:I~~reU~~n;~f p~~f:ds. 8°1 readings; arch.: WBNS WSPD WCAE-Ace Brigode's Orchestra ww J WGY WCAE WENR 5 days without pain or inconvenience, 14 16 17 18 19 20 also was delayed onco but wa. r.lioTed WKBW WHAS WJAS W}(K WGN-Dudley Crafts Watson i WTAM in 12 hours.'- WJAS-News ~~t~no~h:~e o~~~~bcI~dP~~r~sl~t!le:e~r:~: 21 ..~ ~ 26 27 * NBC-Town Hall Tonight; CBS-Ben Bernie's Orchestra: do as thousands now do, get my Com- '...... ,. ~ S. M. "'After 9 weeks delay. relief Fred Allen: WBEN WLW WLW-Variety Show; Nat Bru· WHAS WBBM WSPD WOWO ~oun~~sa~~r;:~d~o~~~i~~l:fa;'t!:'i~~~~ 28 930 31 ~~~~ego~~!~~~~ .pr four days on taking WTAM WWJ WCAE WSM siloff's Orchestra CKLW WBNS WJAS WHK daywithoutpaln."-C. L. "I was twice H. C. "Arl.r taking your Com. WGY WMAQ WMAQ-Donald McGibney, com­ NBC-Don Loper's Orch.: WLW ~:l~~:~n~~0'P:~!'P~l;a~eli:~!~S ~~~u~b~ t!.m~'IY:'~~ vound for days I was relieved of delay with no pain mentator 5 Variety Review: WKZO WXYZ KDKA WJR WGAR WHAM about 6 weeks past. In 5 days I was O.K."-E. U. UDe~ 01' ~~coK~eni'~~~~rwtca~~~e~~~d vroved highly satisfactory. CKLW-World lteview WTAM-'C. P. G. Ass'n, talk MBS-Horace Heidt's Orchestra: layed 3 weeks. Normal period started on the 4th day. After two and a half weeks delay my period apveared WAIU-Employment Service WXYZ-The Crimson Fangs WGN WXYZ ~~dP~ ~~t':fCi6° :::ti~o~ars ~~t::t o;e~~lf:l~t~ ag~~ ~. ri~ula·~l~~~.';ruthfUny say your Formula No. ~ WGN-Dance Orchestra 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST WMAQ-Roy Maxon's Orchestra HALF A TREATMENT OR LESS. Sattsfaction GUAB· 10 a blessing to women. Alter missing my period 5 we.ks WWVA-Conservation Committee NBC-Jesse Crawford, organist: WSM-Francis Craig's Orchestra ANTEED with a full treatment or a package FREE. I took one box and in 5 days I got r.u.r." 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST WMAQ WGY WTAM WCKY 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45. CST SEND NO MONEY pr:!PtB':ell;?itgn'~ r~~er~ r~~~m:~~ i~o~o ,::~ufj~n~~!l CKLW-The Three of Us CB5-claude Hopkins' Orchestra: MBS-Joe Sanders' Orchestra: Just pay the postman vius postage on delivery. However. If H. F. "1 was six weeks overdue but thanks to your WAIU-Singing Troubadour WJAS WGN WXYZ you wish to save time, money, and possible embarrassment Compound I was normal again in one week." WBBM-Keith Beecher's arch. NBC-Reggie Childs' Orchestra: WHK-Dance Orchestra !v:~g~~~~a~o~o~~n~o rio~iit~~~~ ~!~~ :SOt~blr~:d' forN;:!~~ rel~·v~·."- UI was two months overtime. In 5 days I was WGN-Comedy Stars of Holly· WHAM 12:00 Mid. ES 11:00 p.rn. CS and you can depend on my reliability and FAST SERVICE. H. E. "Your Compound has helped m. twice b.ror. wood NBC-Tony and Gus, dramatiC WWVA-Romance (CBS) CBS-Horacio Zito's Orchestra: I make this .!~~~:;ti~Ul;J;,ItoLt~~~~h:5~ay have tried rorJ~~~Y ~?I n~:s It~;V~e:~:a~e~~~~~.in ~~~r Compound re- 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST sketch: WJR WSM WGAR WnBM other remedies without success and who are perhaps a bit lieved me in 3 days. I am well pleased." KDKA-Dance Orchestra MBS-Continental Gypsies: WGN JUST .AIL THIS COUPON NO LETTER NECESSARY CBS-Presenting Mark Warnow: WBBM-Bill Hogan's Orchestra g~~;~~~r\\t~m~.:' ~~ri~~v~fu~~JSt~~mt·rl!~'~~~ WSPD WJAS WKBW CKLW (CBS) WLW WXYZ now ordering full size packages. Prove to your r:------'l WBBM WHK WOWO WBNS WCAE--Weather own satisfaction why this favorite Rell.r Com- MARTHA BEASLEY, WBEN-Sports Review WENR-Stan Myers' Orchestra pound has become first choice of, so many women J Box 22, Northwestern Station, Dept. 306, Detroit, Mich. I W AIU-Dance Music WENR-The Globe Trotter , a h when delayed. -¥any say they WIll use no other. Send me your pl'ivate talk. "Do As Other Women Do:· a "ver. WHA5--Milburn Stone 5 rc. Orders are recelyed everr from old custom- sonal record" calender and other helpful literature with relief WGN-Harv and Esther: Nat WGN-The Dream Ship ~ay I I WMAQ-Leonard Keller's Orch. s t~~dg~~:tr g~~~ni~sis Jo~~Sg.iS D~~~t i:~ddi~~ compound as marked. Remittance attached. Brusiloff's Orchestra WLW-HORLlCK'S MALTED :r 1 I WHAS-There's Music in the Air * WSM-Dance Orchestra orders persist. Send $2.00, 3 packages for ~ ~ 1 Box Regular Formula No.1. $2.00 First Class Milk Presents Lum and Abner, WTAM-Charles Stenross' arch. $4.75. Special Formula No.2 (stronger) I 3 Boxes Regular Fonnula No. I, $4.76 Mall 100 I WXYZ-Diplomats comedy for very slow responding conditions $3.00. 1 Box SpeOlal ForplUla No.2, $3.00 Extra 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST 12 : 15 a.m. ES 11 : 15 p.m CS Trial No.2, 25c. All orders given personal I I Bo:x Extra SpeCial Formula No.3. $5.00 . I NBC-To be announced: WHAM 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST MBS-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: attention and mailed quickly in a plain sealed ( 1 Trial Package Formula No.2. 250 (Stamps or COIn) KDKA WENR WGAR WCKY * NBC-House of Glass, drama­ \,yGN WLW ~~~~tgneeedP~'~v~:it~nr~~n:til~~t;:t~u~:d~~.e !~~ I Name ...... I MBS-News of the Air: WGN tic sketch: WSM 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS ponl/oy~uQpUr~?~~~1f,uSyEl:.~JCy~ur Druggist send I Address ...... I WXYZ CBS-To be announced: WOWO CBS-Floyd Town's Orchestra: I '1' St t WCKY-Musical Moments WHK MBS-JoeWBBM Sanders' arch.: WGN ':"""~1~T~a~~e ______and addless. TAKE NO SUBSTI· L: ::.n.:.:..~. :":':'':':': '.. :.::':':': ::.::.:.:::.:.."':':':": :.:.::.:::.:.::.:: •_...1 WJR-World Revue NBC-Leonard Keller's 0'rch.: 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST WGY WCAE WCKY WBEN WLW * NBC-Pleasure Island; Guy WTAM WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra Lombardo's arch.; Narrator: NBC-Ink Spots, male quartet; WHAS-To be announced "UNCLE SAM" WWJ WGY WSM WMAQ To be announced: WHAM WMAQ-Me)'edith Willson's Or· WTAM WCAE WBEN WLW WGAR chestra (NBC) Start $158.00 a Month * CBS-Burns & Allen: Ferde CKLW-Piano Moods WSM-Wagon Wheel Orchestra MAIL COUPON BEFORE YOU LOSE IT Grofe's Ore),.; Buccaneers, WENR-Leonard Keller's arch. WTAM-George Duffy's arch...... male octet: WHK WOWO WGN-Wayne King's Orchestra 12:45 a.m. JljS 11:45 p.m. CS , .- FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. T·192 " WJAS WKBW WBNS WBBM WHAS-Drchestral Program WGN-Horace Heidt's Orchestra Rochester, N. y, WHAS CKLW WSPD WJA5--To be announced WLW-Johnny Burkarth's Orch. & WJR-Duncan Moore, news - bS::.: .. ~~~ l~ ~:t 1}~h~~t &~::~n~~v5~~s~·~-~f~ * NBC-Hits Bits; Chas. Le­ 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid. CS _ list of many vosltions for meo-women 18 to 50 and land; Madge Marley; King's WLW-Salute to the Cities WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch. full partlculara telling bow to g.t tb.m. Guards; Wm. Wirges' arch.: WMAQ-Stan Myers' Orchestra WLW-Dance Orchestra WHAM KDKA WCKY WENR WWJ-Eveninl( Melodies 1:30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST 'Name •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WGAR WJR WXYZ-Al Kavelin's Orchestra WLW-Moon River • Addres•••• .•_ • .•.• _•. .• _._• .• ~• .•_ • .•.••••••.•_ .:._.:.._.~~ -.~. ~.:. , •.•••• 8 19 Programs Shown For Daylight Time In EST and CST Programs fo~ Thursday, June 6 • Add One Hour 6:.00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST CKLW-The Home Beautifu! WHAM-Bob Hemings. pianist KDKA-Musical Clock WGN-Markets: Serenade Star Indicates High Spot Selections WLW-Dorothea Ponce, songs Night W.JR-TDP 0' lhe Morning WGY-Banjoleers and Radio * WWJ-Medical Society WWJ-Frank and Ernest Sweethearts NBC-Song of the City: WLW WLW-Glenn Cee's Orchestra WWVA-Blue Grass Roy WHAM-Musical Program 6:00 p.m .• EST 5:00 CST .* CBS-Mary Marlin, sketch: WWVA-Home News 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST WHK-The Singing Newsboy CKLW WBBM WSPD WKBW WXYZ-Baseball Game NBC-Na!'l P. T. A, Prgm.; NBC-Dorsey Brothers' arch,: Musicpl Clock: WJR WSUN WKZO-Homemaker's Spotlight WHK WGY WWJ WBEN WCKY WCAE WGY WLW-top 6' the Morning WLW-Gardening Talk WGN-Markets; Good Health 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST CBS-Nat'l Open Golf Tourna· CBS-Just Entertainment, vari· WTI\M--':Sun Vp WTAM-Singin' Sam WJR-Playing the Song Market CBS-Happy Hollow, dramatic ment: WSPD WGR WBNS 'ety program: WBBM WJJ\S WW·VA--':The Eye Opener WWJ-Variety Proe:ram WKZO-Views o[ the News sketch: WBNS WSPD WGR WKBN CKLW WWVA WGR CKLW ' 6:,45 a.m. ,EST 5:45 CST WWV A-Health and Happiness WLS-Rangers and Sophia Ger· CKLW WHK NBC--Chick Webb' s Orchestra: * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: KDKA CKLW-Alarm Clock Interlude 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST manich * WALR-GOSSIP PROGRAM WHAM WENR Carlton Moore's arch,: WKZO 7:00 a.m. EST 6:410 CST NBC-Morning Parade: WGY WWVA-Eloise Boffo, songs WGN-Blackstone Ensemble WJR-Benny h.yte's Orch. WXYZ NBC-Morning Devotions; Solo· WLW WGY-Gould & Shelter (NBC) WLW-The Norsemen, quartet WAlU-The Spectator ists; Organ: KDKA CBS-Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab· 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST WHAM-To be announced WTAM-Musical Cocktail WENR-Happy Jack Turner NBC-Phil Cook's Notebook: bage Patch, sketch: WKBW CBS-George Wald's Ensemble; WJR-News WXYZ-Modrrn Organ (NBC) WWJ WLW WTAM WBBM WHK Tom Stewart, baritone: WWVA WLS-Homemakers' Hour; Fan· WGAR--News Musical Clock: WGAR WGY NBC-Pure Food Forum: KDKA WKBN WKBW WBNS CKLW fare 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST WGN-Jimmy Allen, sketcb CKLW,-Happy Joe WH'AM - WWVA WLW-Johnny Burkarth's Orch. CBS-Vera Van, songs: WKBN WHAM-Sportcast MBS-Painted Dreams: WGN WGN-,;-Good ' M.Qrning CKLW-Musical Scrapbook WWV A-[I. Tabernacle WGR WBNS WHK-Musical Gems WLW WJR-Ambassadors WKZO-D. Motning Devotionals WGAR-Ozark Mountain Boys 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST CKLW-Firms You Should Know W.LS""':'Farm Bulletin 'WGN-Harold Turner, pianist WHK-Kathryn KDKA-Kiddies' Klub WLW-Old Fashioned Girl, Helen WJR-Words & Music (NBC) NBC-Music Guild: WJR Nugent WWVA-[l.GospeI Tabernacle WJR-The Friendlv Counsellor CB5-c I eve I and Entertains: WENR-To be announced WKZO-Mountain Pete WKZO-Romance in Song WGAR-Roger Stearn, pianist WMAQ-Totten on Sports 7~15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WLS-Vibrant Strings WGR WBNS CKLW WHK WOWO-Sports Program NBC-Willianl Meeder, organist: WLS-rvrorning Minstrels WSPD WTAM-Oleanders WTAM-Bettye Lee Taylor WWVA-To be announced WSM-News; Pan American KDKA NBC-Home, Sweet Home: WGY Broadcast NBC-Don' Hall Trio, songs: WWJ-Morning Melodies Afternoon WLW WTAM WWJ WTAM-Sportsman °WTAM ' 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST KDKA-Sammy Fuller 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST WWJ-Tie:er Game Resume WKZO-News on Parade NBC-Galaxy of Stars: WGY 12:00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS WGAR-To be announced NBC-Kay Foster, songs: WGY WWVA-Radio Gossiper; Sports WLS-Dean Boys; Hoosier Soo;!· WWJ WTAM NBC-Rex Battle's Concert En. WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WWJ busters CBS-Fish Tales, drama: WBBM semble: WTAM WKZO-Earl Harger's Orch. NBC-Singing Lady: WJR WLW 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST NBC-Dorsey Brothers' arch,: WLW-:-;LI.Nation's Family Prayer WKBW WHK NBC-Roy Maxon's Orch. : WLW WLS-Little Home Theater Play WHAM KDKA WWJ"':"[l.Morning Devotions NBC-Honeymooners; Gracie & WGAR WENR-Mu.ic & Comments WMAQ 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WTAM-Twilight Tunes NBC-Tony & Gus, dramatic 7:30 a.m. }:ST 6:30 CST Eddie: KDKA WHAM WGAR KDKA-News Reeler NBC-Vic & Sade: WGY WLW sketch: WHAM WCKY KDKA NBC-Cheerio: WTAM WGY CKI.W-Musical Scrapbook WGY-Marion Brewer, soprano WWVA-Musical Program WTAM WWJ WXYZ-Mounta,neers WENR WLW WWJ WGN-Len Salvo, organist WGR-George Wald's Ensemble CBS-uCleveland Entoetains," va· CBS-Just Plain Bill: WJAS WHAM-The Mail Bag WJR-The Three Aces WHAM-Tower Trio riety: WSPD WWVA CKLW WBBM WGR WHK WHK-Tennessee Hillbillie~ WKZO-Morning Organ Melodies WJR-Norman White's Review KDKA-Easv Aces 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST * MBS-HORLICK'S MALTED WJR-·Pickard Family ,\ . WLS-Flannery Sisters WKZo-The Gondoliers 'WGAR-Betty and Bob NBC-Betty Marlowe's Califor· Milk Presel,ts l.um & Abner, WKZO-;\-!usical Clock WLW-Academy of Medicine WLS-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam WGN-Blackstone Ensemble nians: WWJ WTAM comedy sketch: WGN WaR WLS-Arkansas Woodchopper WWVA-Bakery Man ' WWJ-News Bulletins WHAM-Roch, School of the Air NBC-Orphan Annie: WJR KDKA WXYZ WKZO 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WXYZ-Listen Detroit WLS-Homemakers' Hour WHAM WAlU-Lew Byrer NBC-Landt Trio and White, NBC-Tony Wons, philosopher: CBS-Dick Tracy, sketch: WSPD KDKA WJR WGAR WHAM 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WGAR-To be announced songs and comedy: KDKA 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WKBW CKLW WGY-Mont Pleasant A Capella WLS-News, Julian Bentley CBS-Betty Barthell, songs: CBS-Radio Gossip Club with NBC-Ma Perkins, sketch: WGY NBC-Jolly Journeys, piano WKBW Eddie & Fannie Cavanaugh: Choir 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST WTAM WLW WWJ WLS sketches for children: WEEN WHAS-Foster Brooks, baritone NBC-Breakfast Club; Drch.; NBC-House Detective: WGY WJAS WBBM WHK WGR CBS-Connie Gates & Jimmie WEN R-That Certain Four * CKLW-Hollywood Chatter NBC-Virginia Lee and Sunbeam: WJR-Chandu, the Magician Jack Owens, tenor; Songfel· Brierly: WGR WSPD WHK WGAR-Ozark Mountain Boys WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra lows: KDKA WHAM WGN-Your Friendly Neighbor WHAM WGAR WLW KDKA NBC-The Wise Man, sketch: WGY-Musical Program WHK-Melody Time WJR WJR WGAR WO'WO-Dinner Club CBS-Sunny Side Up: WWVA WHK-Baseball Resume WSM-Marjorie Cooney WKBW WBNS CKLW WHK WLS-Household Parade CKLW--Canadiin Shopper CKLW-Uarda, Mira, Sal WLW-Questions and Answers WLW-Livestock Reports; News WGN-June Baker KDKA-Dan and Sylvia WTAM-Joe and Eddie NBC-Richard Loibert, organist: WWJ-Police Comm. Heinrir.h WGY WTAM WTAM-Board of Education WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodeling WGN-TheMail Box [l.Morning Devotions: WGAR WWJ-Tonight's Dinner Cowboys WHAM-Ma Perkins 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST Pickert WWVA-Rapid Ad Service WKZO-Live Stock Report WKZO-Dance Music CBS-Maurie Sherman's arch.: WWVA-Dinner Music WLS WLW WBNS 6:30 p,m. EST 5:30 CST WGN-Toast of the Morning 10:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST WL5-0rchestra; Folk Music WWVA-Ma Perkins NBC-Carnival; Gale Page; Roy WWVA-Miller's Organ Varieties NBC-The Little Old Man chil . • * NBC-Floyd Gibbons, Hea,d· WWJ-The Minute Parade dren's stories: WENR WHAM line Hunter: WENR WHAM Shields' arch,: WTAiVI WWJ .WXYZ-Pianologue 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST NBC-Arthur Lang, baritone: C CBS-Buck Rogers: WHK CKLW KDKA WGY-[l.Mid·morning Devlltions WGY 12:00 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. S NBC-Madge Marley, vocalist: WKBW CBS-Buck Rogers: WBBM WGAR-Breakfast Club (NBC) NBC-Navy Band: KDKA WLW NBC-Farm and Home Hour: WHAM WGAR NBC-Stubby Gorden's Orch.: WHAS \ W,IR-Lum's Apple Knockers WGAR WHAM KDKA WGAR WJR NBC-Dreams Come True: WGY WWJ WTAM NBC-The Merry Minstrels: AI WKZO-News on Parade WGN-Backstage Wife CBS-Waltz Time: WGR WSPD WTAM WLW WWJ On Review: WKZO WXYZ Bernard & Emil Casper, end WLS-Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals WHAM-Mrs. Thrifty Buyer CKLW CKLW-Gates & Brierly (CBS) KDKA-News.Reeler men; Mario Cozzi, baritone: WLW-Organ Rhapsody (NBC) WJR-Popular Favorites NBC-Airbreaks, variety musi· KDKA-State Fed. Women WGN-Armchair Melodies Leith Stevens' arch.: WMAQ 8 :30 a.m. EST 7 :30 CST WKZO-News on Parade cale: WWJ WGN-Baseball; Chicago Cubs WGY-Bag and Baggage WGY WTAM WB,EN KDKA-Style Service WWVA-Popular Dance Tunes WGN-Markets; [l.Mid·day Servo vs. Cincinnati WJR-Uncle Neal and Prudy MBS-The Street Smger: WGN WGN-Good Morning 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST ice WHK-Race of Nations WLW-Mary Alcott, blues singer WLW WXY~ WGY-LittI. Jack l.ittle's Orcb. NBC-Gypsy Trail, gypsy music: WGY-Farm Program WJR-Rufus 'n' Mandy's Trou· WWVA-The Keystoners CKLW-The Sportcaster WJR-Jack West's Cowboys WGY WHK-Higbee Trio badors WAIU-Beatley's Orchestra WKZO-Musical Clock CBS-Rhythm Bandbox: WSPD WKZO-News on Parade WLS-John Brown, pianist WCAE-Around the Cracker Bar· WL5-Ford Rush WHK CKLW WLS-Weather; Markets; News WWVA-Denver Darling 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST rei WLW-Rhythm Jesters MBS-Life of Mary Sotbern: WLW-Livestock Reports 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST NBC-Martha Mears, songs: WCKY-Musical Cocktail: rom· WTAM-George Hartrick WGN WGAR WLW WTAM-Martha and Hal NBC-Betty & Bob, drama: WGY WHAM boys WWVA-Morning Dance Tunes WWVA-The 01' Pardner KDKA WENR WHAM WJR CBS-Bobby Benson & Sunny WGAR--Confidentially Speaking WHAM-Bill Trent's Rangers WXYZ-Rex Battlc's Orchestra Jim: WGR 8:45 a.m. EST 7 :45 CST WJR-Singin' Sam WLW WHK-Ensemble NBC-Morning Melodies; Direc· WKZO-Buddy Fields' arch. 12:45 p.m. ES 11:45 a.m. CS NBC-Woman's Radio Review: NBC-Wooley the Moth: WGAR WJAS-Art Giles' Orchestra tion Leo Kliwen: WLW WLS-News; Julian Ben~ley; CBS-Instrumental: CKLW WGR WTAM WWJ NBC-Stubby Gorden's arch,: WJ R-Sports Flashes CBS-Sidney Raphael. pianist: Markets WBNS WHK WBBM WKBN CBS-Current Questions Before WGY WLW WKZO-Charles Dornberger's Or· WBNS WKBW CKLW WHK WWVA-Your Helpful Helper WSPD Congress; Sen, Alben W, Bark· CKL W-Musical Auction chestra KDKA-Plough Boys 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST WKZO-Rex Battle's Orchestra ley: WBNS WKBN CKLW WENR-To be announced WSM-Vaughn Quartet WGAR-Guide to Happiness NBC-To be announced: KDKA WLS-Dinnerbell Program WSPD WGR WHK-Aunt Judy's Party WWJ-Dinner Hour WJR-Popular Favorites WGN-Keep Fit Club WHAM WLW-Farm and Home Hour WGAR-Baseball Game 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST WGY-Musical Program CBS-Voice of Experience: WGR (NBC) WHK-Baseball; Cleveland vs. WWJ-U. of Detroit WJR-!\Children's Devotional WWVA-Economy Notes * CBS-Boake Carter, news: WBBM WSPD WTAM-Nonday Resume Detroit WHK CKLW WHAS WJAS WLS-Weather; Announcements CBS-Salon Musicale: WWVA WWVA-Luncheon Music WKZO-Baseball; Cleveland vs. WTAM-Calisthenics 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST WBBM WGR WHK WBNS WKBN CKLW 1:00 p.m.

(Continued from Page 15) stared straight ahead of him as though Iy, the man reached out a long tapering he were, in fact, peering at things invisi­ hand and switched off the desk lamp. raid. Part of the time he had even been ble to the average mortal. "Tonight," he It seemed to John Fairchild as if com­ broadcasting. john frowned in bewilder­ ljiontinued, "I shall try once again to see plete darkness leaped into the studio with ment. Even after the Ghost Gang had what is on the other side of that Great the force of an explosion. The red light been caught, he realized that there would Divide which most men-dread." of the microphone gleamed like an eye. remain many a minor mystery to be Throughout the studio there was no "I have turned off the light and am in solved. sound except the Doctor's voice. Every­ total darkness," that calm voice continued. "It is my great good fortune to be able one else stood like rigid shadows in a dark "Darkness, to the finite mind, is like­ at times to tear away partially the veil cave. Helen clutched John's arm. death. To one attuned, however. it is a and look into the future." Doctor Work­ "Every evening 1 take three Questions," gateway to the Beyond. I shall now at­ man paused for a moment. He was not Workman's placid tones went on. "Each tempt to pass through that gateway. I reading from any script. His dark eyes, is on one of the three great ambitions of am concentrating. My first Question con­ glistening in the light of the desk lamp, humanity-Live, Success and Life." Slow- cerns that never-ending struggle to achieve -success." And now came an interruption in that program. 1n the tiny pause following the heavily-emphasized word success, someone gasped. Involuntarily, john drew Helen Thursday-Continued to him. 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST "Get ready!" he whispered. "Did you CKLW-Baseball Scores hear that? The Doctor is going to give WAIU-Dance 'Music WAW-Leo Reichert NBC-Shandor, violinist; Don his coded signal now. And somewhere in WJR-While the City Sleeps WGN-S'Imphonette; Concert Loper's Orch. : KDKA this studio is a man who doesn't want him WLS-The Rangers Orchestra CBS-San Diego Symphony Or· to do it!" WWVA-Jack and Velma chestra : WKBW CKLW WSPD "A letter lies before me from a young 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WJAS WHAS WBBM man who signs himself 'Uncertain: " NBC-Hendrik Willem Van Loon, NBC-Enric Madriguera's Orch.: author: WCKY WGAR KDKA CBS-Horace Heidt's Brigadiers: WCAE WGY WTAM Workman continued. "He is anxious to WLS WHK WHAS CKLW WBBM MBS-Johnny Burkarth's Orch.: know if a change of place would be ad­ CBS-Kate Smith: CKLW WHAS WJAS WBNS WKBW chestra: WLW WXYZ visable. I am concentrating--" MBS-The Sandlotters: WKZO WCKY-Cosmopolitan Singers WCKY-Red Bird's Orchestra Was it only imagination? Somewhere WXYZ WGAR-To be announced WENR-Dance Orchestra in the gloom, john felt certain, there WGN--<:handu, the Magician WOWO--Variety Program WGAR-Walkathon sounded a faint, muffled click. WHAM-N. Y. State Troopers WXYZ-Ibsen Piayers WHAM-Artie Collins' Orch. "Now a picture is beginning to form," WHK~Newspaper Advs. 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WHK-Sammy Kaye's Orchestra WJR-Dance Orchestra WCKY-News; Interlude WMAQ-"The Certain Four" ; the spiritualist said. "I see a thriving WSM-Comedy Stars of Holly. WGAR-Dr. Frederick Adler Dance Orchestra town. Possibly this is a new field where wood WJR-America's Town Meeting WSM-Francis Craig's Music Box success awaits 'Uncertain: Now letters WWVA-The Shelvadorians (NBC) WWJ-Webster Hall's Orch. begin to form across the fading picture." WMAQ-Stan Myers' Orchestra 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST WWVA-Arcadialls The speaker paused dramatically. "Ah, yes. The letters become plainer. Now I NBC-Sunset Dreams : WCKY 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST WGAR KDKA WLS 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST see it. The name of the town is-the MBS-The Captivators: WKZO NBC-Harold Stern's Orchestra: name of the town is--" WXYZ NBC-Dan Loper's Orchestra: "Crack!" WTAM WCKY WGAR WJR WAIU-Dance Music CBS-Frank Dailey's Orchestra: In the darkness a pistol exploded. WGN-Palmer House Ensemble CBS-San Diego Symphony Or· WHK CKLW WHAS WBBM chestra : WWVA WKBN "--is?" With suddenly rising in· WSM-The Forty·Niner WKBW WKBN WBNS WWVA-Terry and Ted WGN-Vel<>z & Yolanda's Orch. flection, Workman repeated the word ... * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM WMAQ-Old Heidelberg Ensem· as if he had been surprised by something 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST WENR WHAM WCKY WJR ble CBS-"The Caravan," , with WGAR happening very suddenly. Then he made Walter O'Keefe; Annette Han· KDKA-Sports, Ed, Sprague a little strangling sound. There was a MISSISSIPPI Spoon shaw; Ted Husing; Glen Gray's WBEN-News; Ironic Reporter 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST soft thud, such as a body might make in falling upon the thick carpet. Orch.: WKB,W WKBN CJ{lLW WCAE-Ace Brigade's Orchestra NBC-Dancing in the Twin Released This Week WHK WJAS WHAS WBNS WGN-Dudley Crafts Watson WCKY KQKA WHAM WGAR "Lights! Turn on tl\ose damn lights!" WSPD WBBM WADC WGY-Highways to Happiness WMAQ WJR roared the voice of Devine. Start your collection of State Seal Souvenir * NBC-Show Boat: WSM WWJ WJAS~News Helen Quickly shut off the microphone. WLW-News , NBC-Billy Bissett's Orchestra: Spoons now. These are of Original Rogers Silver· WCAE WBEN WMAQ WGY WCAE WSM WWJ WTAM After another moment of darkness, the ware, made by International Silver Co., of Meri· WTAM WMAQ-Donald McGibeny CBS-Bill Hogan's Orch. : WBNS den, Conn., oldest and largest makers of silverware NBC-Death Valley Days: WJR WOWO--National Radio Council lights came on. WHAS WSPD WKBN WBBM in the world. They are AA quality~ penny­ WLW WGAR WLS WHAM WWJ-Evening Melodies Workman lay upon the floor, face down, CKLW WWV'A His head was cradled in the crook of his weights of PURE SILVER to the gross. Regular KDKA WXYZ-Larry Funk's Orchestra MBS-Horace Heidt's Orchestra: Teaspoon size with plain bowls, easy to clean. WAIU-Sone: Revue arm. Even in that position, john Fair­ 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST WGN WXYZ WCKY-S'ouvenirs of Sone: WENR-Jess Hawkins' Orchestra child noted mechanically, there was a Other spoons have been released in this Sil­ WGN-Horace Heidt's Orch. ver Parade of the States. Indicate on the ac­ NBC-Jesse Crawford, organist: WHK-Ed Day's Orchestra strange dignity in the little man's trim, WKZO--Witches Tale WLW-Dance Orchestra black-clad figure. companying coupon the spoons you desire. They WOWO--Good Evening WCKY WTAM WMAQ will be sent by mail, prepaid. WWVA-To be announced NBC-Tony & Gus, dramatic Devine crossed the room in a great WXYZ-Witches Tale sketch WJR WSM WGAR 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST bound. He turned the small figure over, These spoons now are available by mail only. CBS-Frank Dailey's Orchestra : threw open the coat and looked up slowly. Mail cash and accompanying coupon to Radio 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST WJAS WSPD WBNS WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra "Dead!" he said quietly, speaking di­ Guide, Souvenir Spoon Bureau, 731 Plymouth WAIU-Singing.· Troubadour NBC-Harold Stern's Orchestra: WHK-Bill Hogan's Orch. (CBS) rectly to john, "Murdered!" Then he Court, Chicago, Illinois. WGN-The Doring Sisters WHAM KDKA-Dance Orchestra rapped: "Stay exactly were you are! SPECIAL OFFER! WWVA-Mixed Quartet 12:00 Mid. ES 11:00 p.m. CS WBEN-Sports Review Don't move-anybody!" 6 Spoons for only $1.00 Postpaid. Send Coupon 8:30 p.m, EST 7:30 CST NBG-Stan Myers' Orch.: WSM WENR-The Globe Trotter WENR NBC-Mexican Musical Tours; WGN-Dream Ship (Co1ttinued on Page 26) Angell Mercado's Orch.: WJR CBS-Horacio Zito's Orchestra: WGY-Bobb'l Meeker's Orch. WBBM WGAR KDKA WCKY WHAM * WLW-HORLICK'S MALTED WENR Milk Presents Lum and Abner, MBS-Continental Gypsies : WGN ~CO"'PON] * CBS-Fred Waring's Orch.: comedy WLW CKLW WHAS WKBW WSPD WHAS-Milburn Stone's Orch. RADIO GUIDE, Souvenir Spoon Bureau, ! WOWO--Bill Moon's Orchestra WMAQ-Leonard Keller's Orch. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois WADC WJAS WOWO WBBM WXYZ-Dance Orchestra Please mail me Original Rogers AA QuaUt, WBNS WKBN WHK WTAM--CharJes Stenross' Orch. Ask Mr. Fairfax State Seal Spoons as checked below: WAIU-Dr. Kantor . 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST WWVA-Blue Grass Roy WGN-Wayne King's Orchestra ARY HUNTER portrays the part of NBC-The Nat'l Radio Forum; 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS DIll. DO. c. 8 Del. o Kan. WLW-The Harmonizers, quartet WTAM WCAE WGY WWJ M Marge in EASY ACES, (Mrs. A. T. ON. V. o Wis. Ohio o La. \YWVA-Variety Program CBS-Art Jarrett's Orchestra: Lormore, Dryden, N. Y.) WXYZ-Preview Parade MBS-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: o Calif. o Pa. o Ala. o Miss. WJAS WHAS WBNS WKBW WGN WLW WBBM CKLW WHK ON. J. o Nebr. o Ariz. 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST NBC-Eddy Duchin's Orchestra: GABRI ELLE DE L YS' real name is 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS Marie-jeanne Gabrielle Germaine Belze­ o Mich. o Mass. DArk. NBC-Cyril Pitts, tenor: KDKA WHAM WCKY WGAR o Tex. o Ga. o Colo. WCKY WENR WHAM WBEN-John Lain's Orchestra CBS-Floyd Town's Orchestra: myre Berlanger. Her nickname is Gogo. Crusaders: WGAR WXYZ WLW (NBC) WBBM Birthday is August 17. (Russell W., Den­ I am enclosing 1& cents for each spoon plua I WAIU-Tom Mizer WENR-Leonard Keller's Orch. WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra ver, Colo.) 3 cents each for postage and packing. WGN-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra WGN-Wayne Kine:'s Orchestra WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra WJR-To be annunoced WJR-Duncan Moore, news o or, I am just starting my collection. Send I WHAS-Dance Band ALAN DEVITT is Toy Lung, Stephen me an assortment of the first six spoons: I 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST WLW-Cotton Queen Show Boat WLW-Johnny Burkarth's Orch. I Illinois, New York, California. New Jersey, * NBC-Paul Whiteman's Musit Review WMAQ-Jess Hawkins' Orch. Fox is Burleigb, and Clarence Derwent is Michigan and Texas-one each-for ,1.00 post- • Hall; Lou Holtz, comedian: WOWO-Dance Orchestra WSM-Dance Orchestra Mundellis in DANGEROUS PARADISE. • paid. WOAE WTAM WWJ WMAQ WSM--Cotton Queen Program WTAJI1-George Duffy's Orch. (Jobn Fox, Akron, 0.) o or, Send me six of anyone of these spoona I WLW WSM WGY .WBEN WXYZ-Al Kavelin's Orchestra NBC-America's Town Meeting; 12:45 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS for ,1,00 postpaid...... I Debate; Guest Speakers; Aus· 10:45 1I.m. EST 9:45 CST CHARLES LYON is the announcer for (B,.,., pices of The. League for Politi· CBS-Frankie Master's Orchestra MBS-Horace Heidt's Orchestra: MASQUERADE. (Loretta S., Micbigan cal Education; Music by the WBNS WLW WGN City, lnd.) ~ota1 Amount .•••••••••••••• • 1 Town Hall Band: KDKA WJR KDKA-Eddy Duchin's Orch. (NBC) WCKY WHAM WENR 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid. CS Mr. Fairfax answers personally I Name ...... WAW-Dance Mu sic WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra only those inquiries which are ac­ WCKY-Mischa Stanley's Orch. WGN-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra companied by addressed return en­ WGAR-Melody Promenade WJAS-Eddie Peyton's Orch. WLW-Dance Orchestra I Addre •••••••••••••••.••••••• .L!. ••.• . , ••••••••••• ~ WGN-News; Headlines of Other WJR-The Quickies, comedy and velope and postage. Address him in care of RADIO GUIDE, 731 Ply­ . Days songs 1:30 a.m. EST 12:30 CST ~ City •.••.•• _.'." .•••. •... ..•• State...... ! WXYZ-Melodic Strings WMAQ-Dance Orchestra WLW-Moon River mouth Court, Chicago, Ill. .---_._------_ .... 8 21 Programs Shown For Daylight Time In EST and CST Programs for Friday, June 7 Add One Hour

5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST WHAM-Musical Program NBC-Gen. Fed. of Women's WAIU-Spectator' CKL W-Alarm Clock WHK-Jack and Jill Star Indicates High Spot S~lections Clubs; SI>eakers: WHAM WENR-Happy Jack Turner 6:00 a.m. EST 5:(1) CST WKZO-Homemaker's Spotlight * WJR WENR WGAR-News Musical Clock: KDKA WGR WLW-Betty Crocker WGY-Radi·Owens WJR-The Bookworm KDKA-D.A.R. Program WGY-Current Events CKLW-Happy Joe WWJ-Morning Melodies WJR-Magic Harmony WKZO-Kiddies Kamival WGY-Stock Reports \VHAM-Sportcast WJR-Top 0' the Mornin!!: WWVA-Health and Happiness WKZO-Views of the News WLS-Pa & Ma Smithers, sketch WLW-Dorothea Ponce, songs WHAS-Deed-I·Do Club WWJ-Frank and Ernest 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WLS-Rangers and Sophia Ger- WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WIjK-To be announced WJR-Dinner Music \ WWVA-Blue Grass Roy CBS-Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbag~ manich WWVA-'What's What in News * NBC-Westminster Choir Fes­ 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST Patch, sketch: WKHW WBBM WLW-Irene George, soprano WXYZ-Kiddies' Karnival tival; Part I of Bach's Mass in WKZG-Carlton Moore's Orch. WJR-Musical Clock WHK WWVA-Friends B Minor : WSM WLW-Bob Nolan, vocalist WLW-Top 0' the Morning NBC-Betty Crocker, cooking 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST NBC-Platt & Nierman: WENR WMAQ-Totten on Sports WTAM-Sun Up talk: WTAM WGY WWJ 11:45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST CBS-Happy Hollow, dramatic WHAM KDKA WOWO-Baseball Scores WWV A-The Eye Opener NBC-Herman & Banta: KDKA NBC-Merry Madcaps: WTAM sketch: WBNS WKBN WGR CBS-Connie Gates, songs: WS'M-N ews Reporter; Marjorie CKLW-Musical Scrapbook WWJ WGY WSPD WHK CKLW. WGR WSPD WKBN CKLW Cooney 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST CBS-Blanche Sweet, beauty WGN-Blackstone Ensemble WBNS WWVA WTAM-Sportsman CKLW-Alarm Clock Interlude WGAR-Health Reporter 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WGN-Harold Turner, pianist talk: WKBN WBNS CKLW WHAM-To be announced WGY-Musical Program WWJ-Tiger Game Resume WHAM-Household Hour WBBM WJR-News WJR-To be announced WWVA-Radio Gossiper; Sports NBC-Morning De v 0 t ion s: CBS-The Dictators: WWVA Wl,S-Homemakers' Hour WJR-The Friendly Counsellor WLW-Antonio's Continentals WXYZ-Carleton Moore's Orch. KDKA MBS-Painted Dreams: WGN WLW-Johnny Burkarth's Orch. WTAM-Musical Cocktail NBC-Phil Cook's Note Book: W KZO-Moun taineers 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WLW WWVA-IITabernacle 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST NBC-Stories of the Black WLW WWJ WTAM WLS-Phil Kalar "Old Music WHK-Kathryn * Musical Clock: WGY WGAR Chest" CBS-Oe:, S'on of Fire: WGR Chamber, drama: WGY WBEN WJR-Words & Music (NBC) 2:00 p.m, EST 1:00 CST NBC-Jackie Heller, tenor: CKLW-Happy Joe WLW-Mountain Morning NBC-Home Sweet Home: WGY WCAE WTAM WMAQ WW J WKZO-Romance in Song WJR WGAR WENR CBS-Just Pl ain Bill, sketch: WGN-Good Morning 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST WLS-Henry Burr's Book of WIJW WWJ WTAM NBC-U. S. Marine Band: WGY CKLW-Pop Concert WJAS WBBM CKLW WGR WKZO-llMorning Devotionals Ballads CBS-Pete Woolery: WHK KDKA-Kiddies' Klub WWVA-llGospel Tabernacle CBS-Cooking Closeups: WKBW WBNS WGR WKBN CKLW WHK: WHAM-Boy Scout Progr~m WHK WBBM CKLW WSPD WSPD NBC-Tony and Gus, dramatic 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WLW-Miner's Children, drama sketch: WENR WHAM KDKA NBC-William Meeder, organist: NBC-The Honeymooners; Grace NBC-"The Silver Flute," roman· WTAM-Westminster Choir WCKY KDKA and Eddie: WGAR KDKA Afternoon tic episode: WJR (NBC) WGN-Len Salvo, organist The Escorts: WXYZ WKZO * MBS-HORLlCK'S MALTED NBC-Don Hall Trio, songs: WWVA-GOSSIP PROGRAM Milk Presents Lum & Abner, WTAM WJR-AI and Pete 12:00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS KDKA-League of Women Voters * WKZO-Morning Organ Melodies WGN-Palmer House Ensemble 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST comedy sketch: WXYZ WOR WKZO-News on Parade NBC-Roy Maxon's Orchestra: CBS-Jack Armstrong: WABC WLS-Flannery Sisters WGAR WLW WLS-H. D. Edgren, "Parities & WGN WKZO WLW-llNation's Family Prayer NBC-The Sino;in!!, Lady; WJZ KDKA-To be announced WWJ-L'J.Morning Devotions WLW-J ack Berch; Orchestra CBS-The Dictators: WGR Games" WTAM-Dorothy Crandall CKLW .• WHAM WJR WLW KDKA WAIU-Lew Byrer 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST WENR-Music "" Comments WGAR-l'o be announced NBC-Cheerio: WGY WTAM WWJ-Detroit Police Program MBS-The Love Doctor: WXYZ WWVA-Musical Footnotes WGN NBC-Vic and Sade: W'WJ WGY WWV A-Passing in Review WHAS-Og, Son of Fire WWJ 'WL'W WLW WTAM 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WJR-Chandu, 'the Magician WHAM-With the Rambler 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST KDKA-News Reeler CBS-Conli'nentals, instrument- WGY-Oleanders Quartet (NBC) CBS-The Ins t rum entalists: CBS-Mickey of the Circus: WLW-Glenn Lee's Orchestra WHK-Tennessee Hillibillies WGR CK:lJW WWVA WHK WKBW WKBN CKLW WBNS WOWO-Dinner Club WJR-Pickard Familv al: WKBW WJR-Norman While's Review NBC-Tony Wons: 'WHAM WJR WHAM-Tonic Tunes WKBN WSPD WBNS NBC-Orphan Annie: WJR WSM-Sarie and Sallie WKZO-Muscial Clock Earl Harger's Orch.: WXYZ KDKA WHAM 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST KDKA WKZO-The Gondoliers WWVA-Dinner Music CBS-Cadets Quartet: WBBM WLS-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam WKZO WENR-That Certain Four 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST NBC-Landt Trio and White, KDKA-Easy Aces (NBC) songs and comedy: KDKA CKLW-Hollywood Chatter WTAM-AI and Pete NBC-John Herrick, baritone: WGAR-Travel Club of the Air WGAR-Betty and Bob WLW-Questions and Answers, WLS-News, Julian Bentley WWJ-News Joe Ries WENR WGN-Your Friendly Neighbor WGN-Blackstone Ensemble NBC-Pickens Sisters: WBEN 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS WHAM-Roch. School of the Air WTAM-Twilight Tunes NBC-Breakfast Club: WHK-Friends NBC-Virginia Lee & Sunbeam, WGY WCKY WTAM * WLS-Household Parade 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST CBS-The O'Neills, nramatic KDKA WHAM dramatic sketch: WJR KDKA NBC-Congress Speaks: WMAQ NBC-Richard Leibert. organist: WLW-Livestock Reports; News WGAR WHAM WLW NBC-Ma Perkins, sketch: WGY sketch: WGR WJAS WWVA WTAM-Board of Education WLS WTAM WWJ WLW WSM WWJ WTAM WLW CKLW-The Sportcaster WGY WTAM NBC-Oleanders: WWJ WTAM NBC-Winnie the Pooh: WENR CBS-"Dear Columbia": WKBW WWJ-Tonight's Dinner CBS-Radio Gossip Club with WHAM WAIU-BeaUey's Orchestra WWVA-Rapid Ad Service CBS-Eddie Dunstedter Enter­ WHAM WBNS CKLW WHK WWVA Eddie & Fannie Cavanaugh: KDKA-News· Reeler WCAE-Doctor and Mrs. Jimmy H):30 EST 9:30 CST tains: WBNS' WSPD WKBN WGA R-Confidentially Speaking llMorning Devotion: WGAR a.m. WBBM WGR WHK WGAR-Ozark Mountain Boys WLS WLW NBC-George Hessberger's Ba- CKLW-Canadian Shopper WGR WGN-Sport Shots with Bob NBC-Vaughn de Leath, songs: WGN-Armchair Melodies WGN-Toast of the Morning varian Orch.: WGAR KDKA WGN-June Baker WGY-Bag and Baggage Elson WWJ-The Minute Parade WVW WGY-Doc Schneider's Yodeling WGAR WJR WHAM-Advs. of Jimmie Allen CKLW-Uarda WHK-Mickey of the Circus 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST CBS-Continentals Orchestra: Cowboy. (CBS) W.HAS-To be ~nnounced KDKA-Dan & Sylvia WHK-Musical Moments WGY--Roger Sweet, tenor CKLW WBNS WSPD WKZO-Live Stock Report WJR-Uncle Neal and Prudy WGAR-Breakfast Club (NBC) WGN-Backstage Wife WLS-Cornhuskers & Chore Boy WGN-Mail Box WJR-Sports Flashes WHK-Variety Musicale WKZO-Rhythm Serenaders WJR-Lum's Apple Knockers WHAM-Mrs. Thrifty Buyer WWVA-Paul Miller's Organairs WWVA-The Keystoners WK~O-Ray Dawes' Orchestra WWVA-Ma Perkins WLW-Bob Newhall, spotts com- WKZO-News on Parade WHK-Jimmie Ague WXYZ-Song Shop WXYZ-Kiddies Karnival WLS-Jolly Joe's Pet Pals WJR-Musical Auction 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST mentator 12:30 p.m. ES 11:30 a.m. CS WMAQ-"When the Stars C..,me WLW-Richard Leibert, organist WKZO-News on Parade NBC-Farm & Home Hour: NBC-Armand Girard, baritone: 5:15 p,m. EST 4:15 CST WWVA-Popular Dance Tunes CBS-"Og, Son of Fire," sketch: Out," Dr. Robert H. Baker (NBC) WJR WHAM WGAR KDKA WHAM WJR WGAR 8:30 a.m. EST 7:30 CST 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST CKLW-Eddie Dunstedter En· WBBM CKLWWBNS WSM-Curt Poulton CBS-Jan Savitt's Orchestra: tertains (CBS) CBS-Bobby Benson & Sunny WWJ-Dinner Music NBC-Fields & Hall: WGY CBS-The Captivators: WHK WGR CKLW WSPD KDKA-Style and Shoppin!l CBS-Sisters of the Skillet: KDKA-Charm Jim : WGR WXYZ-Melody Preview NBC-Charles S'tenross' Orch.: WGN-Baseball; Chicago White NBC-Ken Sparnon'. Ensemble: WGN-Good Morning WKBW WWJ WTAM 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST WJAS-Elsie Lichtenstuhl MBS-Life of Mary Southern: Sox vs. Detroit Tigers WENR * NBC-Dangerous Paradise, WGN-Markets; ll.Mid·day Ser- KDKA-To be announced WJR-Jack West's Ranch Boys WGN WGAR WLW vice WGY-Musical Program sketch, with Elsie Hitz & Nick WKZO=-Musical Clock ' CKI:W-Morning Melodies WGY-Farm Program WHK-Race of Nations WGN-Dance Orchestra Dawson: WHAM KDKA WSM WGY-Jimmy Allen, sketch WLS-Ford Rush WHAM-Hessberger's Orch. WHK-Silver Trio WKZO-Baseball News WENR WLW WLW-Divano Trio WJR-Michigan Mountaineers WKZO-News on Parade WLS-Dean Brothers WHAM-Classic Gems * NBC-ALKA·SELTZER PRE· WTAM-Georl!e Hartrick WKZO-Buddy Field's Orch. WLS-Weather; Markets; News WLW-Doctors of Melody WHK-Aunt Jurly's Party sents Uncle Ezra's Radio Sta· WWVA-Morning Dance Tunes WLS-News: Julian Bentley; * WOWO-GOSSIP PROGRAM WJR-Popular Favorites tion: WBEN WTAM WCAE WLW-Livestock Reports WWVA-Economy Notes 8:45 a.m. EST 7:45 CST Markets WWVA-The 01' Pardner WTAM-Every MaJ:\'s Treasure WGY WMAQ NBC-The Upstaters: WLW WWVA-Your Helpful Helper WXYZ-Rex Battle's Orch. House 5:30 p.m. EST 4:30 CST * CBS-Boake Carter, news: CBS-Photona Orch.; Soloist: 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST 12:45 p.m. ES 11:45 a.m. CS WWJ-Musical Program NBC-News; Gale Page, contral­ WGR WHK CKLW WHAS WKBW WBNS WHK CKLW NBC-Lucille Manners, soprano: CBS-Jan Savitt's Orch.: WKBN WWVA-Denver Darling to: WHAM WJR WJAS WBBM KDKA-Sammy Fuller KDKA WHAM WHK WXYZ-Baseball Views CBS-Jack Armstrong: WBBM WAJU-Buddy & Ginger WGAR-Guide to Happiness CBS-Voice of Experience: WKZO-Rex Battle's Orchestra 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST CKLW WHK WCKY-Lane Prescott's Orch. WGN-The Keep Fit Club WGR 'WSPD WSBM WLS-Dinnerbell Program NBC-Woman's Radio Review: KDKA-The Singing Seven WGAR-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WJR-Andy and Virginia CBS-The Captivators: WWVA WLW-Farm and Home Hour WTAM WCAE-Jimmy Allen, sketch WGN-Quin Ryan's Amateur Nite WLS-Weather; Announcements WKBN CKLW (NBC) NBC-Betty & Bob, drama: WENR-Desert Kid (NBC) WJR-Jimmy Allen WTAM-Calisthenics NBC-"Masquerade," sketch: WTAM-Noon·day Resume KDKA WJR WENR WHAM WGN-Singing Lady (NBC) WKZO-Day in Review 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST WTAM WWVA-Lund~eon Music WGY WLW WGY-News; Evening Brevities WWJ-Jack Randolph, soloist CBS-News; Sunny Melodies: WGAR-Ethel and Ben CBS-Grab Bag: CKLW WKBN WKZO-Three Treys WWVA-Dinner Music WKBW WBNS CKLW WGN-Tom, Dick & Harry 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS WSPD WBNS WLW-Jack Armstrong, drama WXYZ-Day in Review NBC-News; Smack Out, comedy WGY-Musical Program NBC-Magic of Speech: WTAM WGAR-Baseball Game WTAM--News; Girl from Carlings 7:00 p.m. EST 6:~0 CST duo: WGAR WJR KDKA WJR-Household Economies WWJ WHK-Baseball; St. Louis vs. WWJ-Terry and Ted ' NBC-Irene Rich, sketch: WSM WGN-Good Morning WKZO-Marsh Dykman CBS-Marie, Little French Princ· Chicago Cubs WWVA-News WHAM KDKA WLS WGAR WGY-News; Market Basket WLS-Westerners' Roundup ers, drama: WBBM WHK WKZO-Baseball Game WXYZ-Three Treys WJR WHAM-Tower Clock Program WLW-Chandler Chats; Orian CKLW WWJ-Baseball Game NBC-Concert; Jessica Drag· WGAR-AI and Pete 5 :45 p.m. EST 4 :45 CST * WHK-Over the Coffee Cups WWJ-Sally Woodward WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip NBC-Orphan Annie: WGAR onette, soprano; Guest: WEAF WKZO-Telephone Requests WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WXYZ-Baseball Game WGN WBEN WTAM WCAE WMAQ 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST WGY-Saki Get Rich, sketch WLS-Cumberland Ridge Runners NBC-Lowell Thomas, news: WGY WWJ WLW-Joe Emerson, Hymns NBC-Merry Macs: WHAM WKZO-Kalamazoo College Prmg. 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST * NBC-Morin Sisters: WHAM CBS-Leith Stevens' Harmonies: WTAM-N.ws; Health & Home WJR • WXYZ-Ann Worth, housewife WHAM WLW KDKA WJR CBS-The Gumps, sketch: WGR CBS-U. S. Army Band: WSPD CKLW-Winifred D' Arcy WGR WBNS 'WJAS' WOWO WWJ-News; Gossip of the Stars 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST WENR-Romanee and Melody WIIAS WWVA-Cap, Andy and Flip 'WHK WBBM WBNS CKLW CK"LW WGR WWVA WBNS NBC-Honeyboy & Sassafras: CBS-Romance of Helen Trent: WKBN WGY-Emmanual Baptist A Ca· MBS-The Lone Ranger: WGN 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WWJ WTAM CKLW WGN WHK NBC-Woman's Radio Review: pella Choir WXYZ WKZO NBC-Hazel Arth, contralto: KDKA-Mac and Bob WGY-Household Chats WGY WIIK-Baseball Resume CKLW-The Three of Us WHAM KDKA WJR 'WGN-"Stage Echoes" WKZO-Tuberculosis Ass'n Talk KDKA-Karen Fladoes WKOZ-Accordion' Twins WAJU-Radio News Week NBC-Clara, Lu 'n' Em: WEAF WGY-John Sheehan and the WLS-Markets; Jim Poole WENR~Mme. De Sylvara WTAM-Don Jose WCKY -Serenade WGN WGY W1AM WWJ Ladyfingers 'WWVA-Variety Program WJR-Ann Stophlet, soprano WWJ-Twilight Tunes WHK-Employment Talk WLW WKZO-Stage Echoes WXYZ-The Girl Friends WLW-John Barker, baritone; WWVA-Musical Program WLW-The Harmonizers, quartet CBS-Cadets Quartet: WGR WLS-Homer Griffith, "Friendly 1:30 p.m. EST 12:30 CST Organ WWVA-Musical Moments CKLW WHK WBNS Philosopher" * CBS-Between the Bookends: 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST WGAR-Radio Service WLW-Morning Housewarmers WKBN WBNS WGR WHK: NBC-Chick Webb's Orchestra: * NBC-Morton Downey, tenor; WKZO-Mountain Pete's Boys WWVA-Ev and Ory WSPD CKL'W WJR WHAM WENR Night Ray Sinatra's Orch.: WHAM WLS-Wm. O'Connor, tenor; Sue 11:30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST NBC-Kitchen Party; Frances NBC-The South Sea Islanders: WCKY WLS WJR KDKA Roberts NBC-Stanley High, talk: WWJ L~e Barton; Al & Lee Reiser, WTAM WGY W'WJ 6:00 p.m. EST 5:~0 CST CKLW-Variety Program 9:30 a.m. EST 8:30 CST 'WTAM piano duo; Jimmy Wilkinson, CBS-Army Band: WSPD * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: KDKA WAIU-Front Page Drama NBC-Breen and de Rose: WGY * CBS-Mary Marlin, sketch: baritone; Martha Mears, con­ KDKA-Market Report CBS-Just Entertainment, vari­ WGAR-I'm Telling You WTAM CKLW WBBM WHK WKBW tralto; Warren Hull, m. c.: WHAM-Ma PerkiDs ety program: WGR WJAS WHK-Comedy Stars of Holly· NBC-Today's Children: KDKA WSPD Guest Stars: WTAM WGY WLW-Ticker Notes; Rex Grif- CKLW WBBM wood WJR WGAR WLS NBC-Words & Music: WHAM WWJ fith & Accordion NBC-George Duffy's Orchestra: WJAS-Oakmont Open Forum CKLW-The Home Beautiful KDKA KDKA-Home Forum 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST WCKY WLW-Charles Sawyer, talk WGN-Markets, Morning Sere· WGN-Markets; Good Health & WGN-Melody Moments CBS-Nat'l Open Golf Tourna­ Advs. of Jimmy Allen: WBEN WSM-Lasses and Honey nade Training WHAM-Roch. School of the Air ment: WSPD WWVA WGN WWVA-Musical Varieties 22 8 Studio News and Notes OU can please some of the people Hour is a new presentation over WOWO, choir of the same church will provide the all of the time, and all of the people Fort Wayne, Indiana. Outstanding musi­ music. Y-that's the way UNCLE SAMMY cal personalities of the city are presented of the KDKA, Pittsburgh, Kiddie Klub in a series of recitals each Wednesday FOUR AFTERNOON bulletins on base­ would rewrite- the famous saying. evening. DOROTHY DURBIN is in ball have been added to the schedule of Uncle Sammy has been director of the tharge. WSM, Nashville, Tennessee, to give that KD KA children's hour for several years, station a complete coverage of sports. and the most trying problem he and sta­ Inning-by-inning scores will be given on tion authorities have had to solve is the KENNETH JOHNSON, former sales­ the afternoon periods, and in the evening, broadcasting time of the program. After man for station WHK, Cleveland, Ohio, FREDDI E RUSSELL, WSM sports com­ several experiments the hour of 5 p. m. has been appointed commercial manager mentator, will give a complete summary was decided upon as best. of WJW, Akron, Ohio. Mr. Johnson al­ of the day's happenings in all branches of Comes now a letter from Acora, West ready has taken up his new duties. the sports world. Africa, with a strong complaint. Uncle Sammy's ministrations are heard there at , HAPPY IIERB HEYWORTH has add­ to o'clock at night, when most kiddies are THE COLUMBIA Church of the Air eo a new series of song and chatter pro­ in bed, and won't he please change the will originate in the studios of station grams for another WOWO, Fort Wayne, time so they can .hear him? WI-IK, Cleveland, Sunday, June 2. The Indiana, sponsor . . . Two new trios, Jack, Rev. Pbilip S. Bird, pastor of the Church Queel! and King, and the Song Venders, THE FORT WAY N E Artists' Recital of the Covenant, is to preside, and the have made their microphone debut over this station- within the last two weeks .. . The new Trianon ballroom in Fort Wayne has both a- WOWO and a WGL wire for the music of MILLER WELCH and his Friday-Continued orchestra. 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WENR-Roy Maxon's Orcheslra * CBS-Court of Human Rela· * NBC-Circus Nights in Sil· WGN-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra "', : t;OIl S: WBBM' CKL,W WSPD vertown; Joe Cook, comedian: WJAS-Eddie Peyton's Orch. WHK WJAS WGR WHAS WGY WMAQ WTAM WBEN WJR-Musical Ji-gsaw NBC-College Prom; Ruth Et· WCAE WWJ WSM WXYZ-AI Kavelin's Orchestra ting, songs ; Red Nichols' Or· * CBS-Col. Stoopnagle & Budd: 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST For Hearing chestra; Gene Sarazen, golf­ WGR WJAS WB NS W(JWO NBC-Shandor, violinist ; Stub- er, guest: WHAM WLS WJR NBC-Lucille Manners, soprano: by Gordon's Orch_ : WHAM WGAR KDKA WIJW WENR WCKY WHAM KDKA WSM WTAM Ice Carnival: WKZO WXYZ WJR NBC-Williams- Walsh Orchestra: WAIU-Triangle Puzzle Man MBS-Music Box Hour: WXYZ WCAE WLW WGY Only WCKY-Frank Westerfield Band WIJW WGN CBS-Sonny Woods' Orchestra: WGN-Challdu, the Magician CKLW-CastJes in Music 'WSPD WKHW WJAS WBBM P.M. WGY-Farm Forum WAIU-Dance Music WBNS WHAS CKLW W(JWO (Continued from Page 19) FRIDAY 9 EST WOWO-Musical Momellts WGAR-{;olf Program KDKA-DX Club CBS-including WKBW-WHK WSM-Sports; Variety Prgm. WHAS-Dance Orchestra WCKY-Red Bird's Orchestra -CKLW-WJAS-WSPD- get to be fluent whether you want to be WBNS - WWVA-Musical Program WHK-Smilin' Ed McConnell WEN R-Dance Orchestra or not" 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST 9:45 p.m. EST 8:45 CST WGAR-Walkathon and Coast to Coast Network Fundy Fantasy: WKZO WXYZ NBC-Cloisler Bell s: WHAM WHK-Sammy Kaye's Orchestra His deviation from routine announce­ WAIU-Roger Garrett KDKA WJR W J R-Dramatizations ments is not Stewart's sole Claim to radio WCKY-Variety Program CBS-Coi. Stoopnagle and Budd: WMAQ-"That Certain Four"; fame. He is an innovator in many senses WGN-The Dance Orchestra CKLW WHK Dance Orchestra as he demonstrated during the post-nom­ WOWO-Dance Orchestra WCKY-News Headliners; Inter· WWJ-Webster Hall' s Orch. ination banquet at the Stevens Hotel in WSM-Cut-Ups lude WXYZ-I/enry Biagini's Orch. - Chicago, following the last Democratic WWVA-Terry and Ted WENR-Jack Randolph. baritone 1.1:15 p.m. EST 10:]5- CST National convention. 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST WGAR-AI and Pele NBG-Stubby Gordon's Orch_: As KYW announcer he was in competi­ * CBS-Hollywood Hotel; Dick 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST WGAR WJR Powell, Anne Jamison, 'Frances NBC-George R. Holmes, news: MBS-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch.: tion with the star spokesman for both net­ Langford, Raymond Paige's WGY WGN WXYZ works and other independent broadcasting Orchestra and Others : "'lJAS CBS-Chas_ Dornberger' s Orch.: WCKY-Leo Zollo's Orchestra units. But instead of investing the affair CI{LW WSPD WHK WKBW WKBW CKLW WBRM WBNS WHK-Sonny Woods' Orchestra with the customary ball-game routine of WHAS WBBM W&NS WWVA WOWO WHAS (CBS) .. describing the surroundings, the size of the NBC-Beatrice LiI!ie, comedi­ * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM WMAQ-Heidelberg Ensemble crowd, the garb of the feminine diners and enne; Cava1iers Quartet; Lee WENR WHAM WCKY WJR WSM-Curt Poulton elaborating on the "batterees of news cam­ TABLE MANNERS PHrins' Orch_: KDKA WCKY WGAR 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST eras," Stewa rt got straight at the heart WGAR WLS WHAM WJR KDKA-Squire Hawkins NBC-Billy Bi ssett' s Orchestra: They make Qr mar your social position. Wby WSM W BEN-Ironit Reporter of things by asking the nominee to settle open yourselt to criticism 1 Be cOl'rt'ct wben NBC-Waltz Time ; Frank Munn, WJR WENR KDKA WHAM the di scussion then engaging the nation, entertaillillg. Read TABLE MANNERS, a WCAE-Ace Brigode's Orchestra WGAR WCK'y WLW new book by 8 former member of the Diplo· tenor; Bernice Claire, soprano : WGN-Dudley Crafts Watson CBS-Bill Hogan' s Orch.: WBBM on how his name should be pronounced, matic Service, only 76c prepaid. WBEN WCAE WMAQ WGY WHK-Hal Goodman's Orch. NBC-Roy Maxon's Orchestra: Roos-velt, Rose-velt or Ros-avelt. WLW WWJ WTAM WJAS-News I ts owner clarified matters by declaring PILGRIM LITERARY GUILD In the Spotli ght : WKZO WXYZ WGY WCAE wrwJ WTAM Suite 303 Victor Building Xansas City, Mo. WLW-Variety Show WSM WMAQ that the latter was the correct manner in WA1U-Bob Beatty WMAQ-Donald McGibeny MBS-Horace Heidt's Orchestra: which to say the nallle that now is on WGN-Dance Or chestra WTAM- Jake's Theater 8115 p.m. EST 7:15 CST WGN WXYZ everyone's lips_ Stewart then launched WWJ-E ve nin ~ Melodi es WHA S-Han'y Currie's Orch. into a bite-by-bite description of what the WA1U-Singing Troubatlour WXYZ-The Crim son Fangs WHK-Jan Carlson's Orchestra WANTED WGN- Comedy Stars of Holly ­ 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST W()WO-Dance Orchestra forthcoming chief executive was eating, wood relating how he held his fork, whether he ORIGINAL POEMS • SONGS 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST NBC-Jesse Crawford, organist: 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST WMAQ WCKY WWJ attacked his salad before the entree was * NBC-Phil Baker, comedian; MBS-Joe Sanders' Orch.: WGN served, and in general giving li steners an For Immediate Consideration Harry McNaughton; Ella Lo· NBC-Tony and Gus, dramatic WXYZ sketch : WJR 'WSM WGAR WB K--Joe Baldi 's Orchestra original and refreshing version of a hum­ M.M.M. Music Publishers, Dept. R. G. gan, blues singe r : WJR WSM NBC-Harold Stern's Orchestra WENR WHAM KDK'A WGAR ]2:00 Mid. ES 11:00 p.rn. CS drum public event. Studio Building, Portland, Oregon NBC- To be announced: WGY WHAM NBC-Leonard Keller's Orch. : Phil probably is the only announcer on CKLW-PianQ Mood s WWJ WBEN \VTAM WCAE WSM WMAQ the networks'permitted to ad-lib his musi­ KDKA--Dance Orchestra CBS:-Iloracio Zito' s Orches!ra: WMAQ WBEN- Sports Review cal introductions. Sponsors and network DEAFNESS IS MlSERT WAIU-Imperial Quartette WBBM executives have implicit faith in his good WCKY-Vincent York's Orch. WENR-{;10he Trotter MBS-Continental Gypsies: WGN WGN-The D"am Ship WLW taste and wide knowledge. lie could not WGN-Harv and ESlher. Nat WGY- F'cli x Ferdin. n,l o's Orch. work frolll a manuscript if he wanted be­ Church ODd Radio, be

Saturday-Continued Bulls and B·o n e r 5 * NBC-Chateau; AI Jolson; WSPD-Ben Bernie's Orchestra 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST INGING MILKMAN: "Whether you ~ name of station and hour. Send Victor Young's Orch.; Guest (CBS) MBS-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch.: your contribution to Bulls and Artist: WCAE WTAM WMAQ WGN WXYZ . S live in Chicago or in vactically all of its suburbs."-Dean Dillon, Ottawa. Ill. Boners Editor c/o RADIO GUIDE, WGY WBEN WWJ WGAR-Tommy Tucker's Orch. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill. W AlU--Safety Program 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST WHK-Orville Knapp's Orches· (May 4; WGN; 12:10 p. m.) WCKY- Front Page Dramas NBC-Enric Madriguera's Orch.: tra (CBS) WGN-'-Wayne King's Grchestra WSM-Crooks Brothers' Band WCAE WTAM WBEN ANNOUNCER: "Where recently resi­ WSM-Jack and His Mountain· NBC-.o.Jewish Program; Rabbi WWVA-Midnight Jamboree oi'ers Herbert S. Goldstein, "Loyal· dents were wearing dustmasks in Missouri, Diabetics WXYZ-To be announced today hail fell as large as golf eggs."-A. ty": WCKY WJR WHAM Seattle Man Finds Complete Relief in SeVere WGAR 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST Stulginskis, Danville, IlL (MilY 9: WIND; ca~e with ,simple natural method after spec· CBS-Archie Bleyer's Orchestra: CBS-Ray Herbeck's Orchestra: 1:40 p. m.) lahsts faIled. No needles-no starvation. . Write today for interesting facts. N. H. WBBM WHAS WBNS WKBW 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST -\\IBBM CKLW WHAS WBNS Boies, 461 Bayview Bldg .. Seattle. Wash. MBS-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: WSPD CKLW NBC-Paul Pendarvis' Orchestra: WGN WXYZ . KDK~-Sports; Ed Sprang. WGAR WCKY KDKA WJR ANNOUNCER: "I am gOIng to pass on WCKY-Vincent York's Orch. WCAE-Ace Brigode's Orchestra WHAM to you the opinion of a house-fly."-M rs, WSM-Delmore Brothers WGN-Continental Gypsies MBS-Horace - Heidt's Orchestra: Norris R. King, Mt. Vernon. Ind. (May WHK-Hal Goodman's Orch. WGN WXYZ 10; WGBF; 9:20 a. m.) WJAS-News WHK-Ed Day's Orchestra Magnetic, Alluring WLS-National .Barn Dance WSM-Curt Poulton and His 9:00 p.m. EST 8:00 CST WMAQ-To be announced Guitar RICHFI ELD REPORTER: "100,000 * CBS-California Mel 0 die s: WSM-' La sses and HOlley students in a parade to voice their disap­ EYES WKBW WSPD CKLW WBBM WWVA-Arcadians A wonde)'ful new discovery which made my eyelashes proval of war on Fri~ay."-Elsie Kinney, grow nearly thl ee-Quartel'S of an inch. Has given hun­ WBNS WJAS WOWO WWVA WXYZ-AI Kavelin's Orchestra 11:45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST dreds of wOIl)en long, dark, thick. luxurious eyelashes WHK CBS-Ray Herbeck's Orchestra: Spokane. Wash. (Apnl 10; KFPY; 10:10 ~apid. g~larantee,d parmless. uplike all other pl'evara: WAIU-Dance Mu sic ' WSPD WHK p. m.) lions. Brings allUrIng, upcurhng lashes in a month Complete outfit. $ j. 0 O. Includes. FREE. my famou; WCKY-Dance Orchestra MBS-Joe , Sanders' Orchestra: Beauty Eye-drill Movements, sold at $1.00 adopted by WGN-Tomorrow's News; Sport 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST WXYZ WGN One dollar is paid for each Bun famous film RIal's. Write Daisy Stebbing. Devt. CBS-Archie Bleyer's Orchestra: 2 RO-l . Forest Hi1ls. N. Y. Shots WSM-Robert Lunn and Boner published. Include date, WHAM-Evenin~ Interlude WHK WWVA WHAS-Dance Orchestra KDKA-.o.Jewish Prgm.; Rabbi WSM-POS'S\11ll Hunters Herbert S. Goldstein (NBC) 12:00 Mid. ES 11:00 p.m. CS r------­ WXYZ-Larry Funk's Orchestra WGN-The Dream Ship CBS-Horacio Zito's Orchestra: WJAS-Will Ryshanek's Orch. WBBM WSM--Curt Poulton WEN R-Stan Myers' Orchestra WXYZ-Dance Orchestra WGN-Continental Gypsies THE WESTERNERS 9:15 p.m. EST. 8:15 CST WHAM-Dance Orchestra WAIU-Leo Reichert WHAS-To be announced WGN-Mardi Gras WMAQ--Leonard Keller's Orch. A Merry WSM-Uncle Dave Macon; 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST (NBC) Gully Jumpers NBC-Tom Coakley's Orchestra: WSM-Binkley Bros.' Band Musical Outfit WCAE WTAM WBEN WTAM-To be announced NBC-To be announced: WJR 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS of Cowhands WGAR WCKY KDKA WHAM WGN-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 9:30 p.m: EST 8:30 CST CBS-Claude Hopkin's Orch.: that Ride in NBC-Annual Inter·Fraternity WSM-Gully Jumpers WBNS WBBM W.IAS WWVA WWV A-Vivian Miller, organist Sing at University of Chicago: WKBW CKLW WHK WHAS WCAE WWJ WI.W WGY MBS-lVayne King's Orch.: WGN EVERY WBEN WTAM WMAQ WCKY WXYZ 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS CBS-Ben Bernie's Orchestra: WSM-Possum Hunters CBS-Floyd Town's Orchestra: WBNS WJAS WHK WKBW WBBM Saturday WHAS WENR-Jess Hawkins' Orch. * NBC-Carefree Carnival; Sen. 10:45 p.m. EST 9:45 CST WGN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch. Frankenstein Fishface, come­ MBS-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: WHAS-Milburn Stone's Orch. dian; Charies Marshall and his WGN WXYZ WLW-Johnny Burkarth's Orch. Night boys; Percy the Playwright; WJAS-Eddie Peyton's Orch. WMAQ--To be announced Helen Troy. comedienne; Ben WJR-Amateur Show WSM-Fruit Jar Drinkers and Joins Klassen, tenor; Rita Lane. so­ WSM-Uncle Dave Macon WTAM-To be announced prano; Carnival Male Quartet; WWJ-Weatheo' Forecast Meredith Will son's Orehestra & WWVA-Midnight Jamboree Ned Tollinger, m.C.: WHAM 11:00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST WJR NBC-Shandor, violinist; Henry KD){A~Behind , the Law 12:4.5 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS Susse's Orchestra: WCKY WSM-Binkley Bros.' Band The NATIONAL BARN DANCE WGARL-To be announced WJR WLS-Hayloft Party , CS5-0rville Knapp's Orchestra: O'fJer 40 Radio Artis~s including the Cumberland Ridge Runners, Linda Parker, Maple WSM-Arthur Smith's Dixie lin- WKBW WBNS WHAS WWVA 1:00 a.m. ES 12:00 Mid. CS CItY, Four, Spare RIbs, Lulu Belle, Hoosier Hot Shots, Uncle Ezra, Dean Brothers, WENR-Roy Maxon's Orchestra ers WBBM LOUIse Massey and the Westerners. A rollicking program of old time singing, dancing WXYZ-Henry lliagini's Orch.' WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra * CKlW-GOSSIP PROGRAM WLW-Dance Orchestra and homespun fun. Brou!ht to you dIrect from WLS, Chicago, every Saturday night over. KDI t o a ll the othe r st ars who broadcast Cook are my favorite comedians on the air. Illustrated List Before Sending Coins cheap jokes about her weight. I t hink they are J. C. Corri gan not fu nny a t all, in fact, I t hi nk t hey are down­ r ig ht silly and I advise them t o look up t he meaning of the word si ll y. Theresa Candreva Simple Simon-Pures ROMANO'S COIN SHOP Dear VOL: Wilmette, III. Dept. 490 Springfield, Mass. I n reply to V. H .G. of Northwood, ' Nort h Da­ Cupid Vs. Penner kota, I wish to stat e tha t I entirely disagree with Dear VOL : Lima, Ohio him. V. H .G. beli eves Ihat in the closing half­ I read t hat Joe Penner was leaving the Bak ­ hour of Fred Allen 's program t here is too much ers' B roadcast and t hat t he sponsor preferred Allen and not enough a mateurs. With the super­ Use the Ozzie and his orchestra. I and plenty of other s abundance of amat eur shows cluttering up t he ai r are fed up with Ozzie and Harriet . Their soft waves, i t seems to me that the reverse of his stuff is ridiculous. Let u s h ave Penner and st atement would be t rue. SCIENTIFIC AERIAL In any case, the attempts of "witty" amateurs NEW! With the Dual Connection anoth er orchestra. The kids prefer J oe, not to match t heir wits with Fred duri ng his amusing The DUAL C O X~F~CT I O:"J, a new feature exclusively our ,hw€. If Ozz ie and Ha rriet are in Jove, why not own, gives bettel' distance and positive pel'formance on all get it over wit h and get ma rried ? Than k Heaven present ation of their acts, and t heir subsequent e l ect l'i ~ I':ulios (pat. vend.). Thi s nel'ial can be installed squelching by superior humor, prov ides the only without tools by anyone in a mi nute' s time. Goes right inside there are plen ty of p;'iva1:e home bakeries . t he radio completely out of ,,'jew and it docs not use any F. Meeks en joyment of his amat eu r show. Without AJJ e n eleetl'ic CUl'I'cnt. No climbing on I'oofs. Ii' ol' short or long wave. t his amateur hour would be just another show, so NO OSCILLATING OR WHISTLING let's have mOre Allen and less , imon -pures. A bag This D UAL type aer ial u.es a new SCientific IJrlnciple which completely eliminate£ of dried pru nes t o V. H .G. F .S.P. t his annoyance as cOlUmonl y exoel'i enced on inside aeri als. It also eliminates light · Ma'jor M~tters ning hazal'ds, unsightly poles, guy wires, etc. Jo~ n a hl cs the radio to be I'eadity moved \\ hen desil'ed. A com plete ael'ial in itself-nothing extra to bu y. Permanently in­ Dear VOL, M. S. Ut ica Socony 'i lall rod and J'C(lui l'eS no adj ustment. .En ds aerial tl'oublcs forever. We, t he crew of t he Motor Sh ip Utica Socony, Third Ingredient T ry One 5 Days at Our Risk-More Distance and Volume are con stant and faith ful listeners to Major Dear VOL: Paducah, Ky. Bowes' Am ateur Hour. May we have a word if) 0-:::10-: -:d-;;.-;; ;:-8::1= ;:i;-p-:U:.-. B ully for Amos ' n ' Andy for adding a girl to )f not pleased will I'eturn after 5 days trial fo r I National Laboratories regard s to I'Pertu rbed's" st atement abou t the refund. I thir act. It' s just wh a t was needed to pep it up. Major in your May 4t h iss ue of RA DIO GUIDE? o t:hcck here if il es ired sent P.P,. C.O.D ., $1. 00 Dept. D., Fargo, No. Dak. The way it h as been for t he past few mont h s plus few cents post age. I We wish to say t hat Perturbed surely h as t he Not an eX I>cI'im ent. but tully tested. Many users it remi nded me of a Mulligan st ew with meat Naole ...... •••.••..• •• •••••••••• • •• ••••• ••.•. I wrong opinion of our good and fai thful Major ICJ)(Jrt over 3, 000 miles reception. Gi ves LI 'j pl c the and potatoes:-but 11 0 onions. This proves the Add,·.ss . . . •• • • • • •. • • • • •• • ••• • . . • . . • • •• •• • • . • . • I \'olume 0\"1) 1' regul ar inside aerials 0 11 many sets. Bowes. We believe th at t he Major gives the Gual'anteed fol' 5 rears. Distl'ibutors and dealers boys known t heir onions. Adelbert K eyes am ateur all the credit that is due her or him . Cit,...... Stat•...... I \\I'Ue f,or sales proposition. We believe that for a mas ter of ceremonies the Major is t he tops. We would like to have more .------r unner·ups on our dea r PERTU RBE D. J. LeRoy Gorh am, 1s t Ma te; Joseph Brandley, Chief Engineer; Harry La Chappelle, Steward.

Birth of a Notion In one Pennsylva nia Dear VOL : J ackson, Mich. town alone 91 people May I take issue with Mr. P lummer? Ret ain 60 Day's Trial :::de b~a~~ ga n a l~:; the amateu r sh ow s and- their programs. ] h ave Ilre co mplet ely sad s. fl ed tha t t hey have 110 ambition in that uirectioll. and no talent if I HOUSANDS of my satisfied customers a ll bett er teeth and h ave tfjd, and am not the fa ther of an in fant prodjgy, saved big money. over t he country know t here is no ne~d t o but perh aps due to my training I am al ways T pay big prices. I have been making den­ hoping to be in at the birth of a new find, tal plates that really fit for many years, by radiologically speaking. I think the spon sors mail, and I have saved my customers thousands are to be commended in fu n ~ i 5 hing all oppor· of dollars. Besides, I g uarantee you sat isfac­ hlnity to the youngsters to show their wares tion or they do not cost you one cent, and I anti a t k ost two of the performers in last ni ght's take your word. Teeth made especially for Major BC\\!cs' hour wou ld sh ow well in fast you personally can be tried for sixty days. company. G. R. Pray All-Weather Dre ad SEND NO MONEY Dear VOL : PiU, burgh , Pa. r------In the \Vinter time, when the wa rmth of home My plates look and feel even better th an your I DR. S. B. HEININGER, D.D.S. own teeth. They are very beautiful to look at and I 440 W. Huron St., Dept.660, Chicago, coax es u s t.o stay indoors, the r adio is ideal. Bu t are constructed to give life-long service and satis­ m. with the coming of Summer and the warm, bal my H~re~s Proof: faction. You can look years younger at once. They I Please J':(l lld me your FREE impression material. days\ one is coax ed to st ay outdoors as much as "My plate fi t so perfectly that 1 are made with natural-looking pearly white genuine I pl'ice )j l:i t alld fun informatioll on your dental pos>i bl e. The poor old radio is n eglecte,!. or forget 1 have it, only when someone porcelain teeth. Well fitting and guaranteed un- pJates without any obligation. course, with rndios in ~ur autos, a lot of us remarks on my beautiful teeth," breakable. Remember, you do I says Mrs. D. L. D. of Barrickville, carry entertainme nt with us everywhere we go. not send one cent with coupon W. Va. I NAME • • • • •••• • •• • •••• • •••• • •••••••• • •• • • • •• • • The purpose oj I hi s letter i. to 5u g~es t to those -just your name and address, "1 received my plates all O. K. FREE and we send free impression who lil

y V I RTUE of t h e fact tha t ORCHESTRAS MUSICAL PROGRAMS 46. Kate Smith's New 50. Lawrence Tibbett June I fall s on Saturday, t wo 1. Wayne King 16. Hal Kemp 1. Show Boat 13. Ben Bernie's Pro Star Rzvue • 51. Little Jack Little d a y s of g race are offered last- 2. Guy Lombardo 17. Ozzie Nelsol) 1. Jack Benny's Pro 14. Greater Minstrels 47. NBC-Music Appre· 52. Eddie Cantor's' Pro . Th fi a I b I 3. Richard Himber 18. N. Y. Phill1armonic l3 . Richard Himber's 15. Wayne King 's Pro ciation Hour 53. General Motors . mll1.ute voterG' ,e 1193 5 Sa - 4. Ben Bernie 19. Rubinoff Champions 16. Ho llywood Hotel 48. Grace Moore 's Pro 54 . Anthony Frome m R 1 lot 111 ADI O UIDE S tar 5. Jan Garber 20. Abe Lyman 4. Rudy Vallee's 17. Metropolitan Opera 49. Manhattan Me rry· 55. Morton Downey I7Z 4 of Stars E lection is printed 6. Fred Waring 21. Paul Whiteman VUidy Hour 18. O'Keefe Caravan Go·Round 56. Silken Strings h erewit h. 7. Don Bestor 22. Gus Hae(lSchen 5. Fred Waring's Pro 19. Jackie He ll er's Pro DRAMATIC PROGRAMS USE IT ! USE AS M AN Y OF TI-I EM 8. Kay Kyser 23. George Ol$en 6. Beauty Box Theater 20. Haydn Family 1. One Man 's Family 29. Heier. Trent AS YOU CAN P ROCU R E! T h ere still 9. Rudy Vallee 24. Frank Black 7. Nat'l Barn Dance 21. U. S. Ma rine Band 2. Lux Rad io Theater 30. Witch's Tale is ti'me to bring your favorites to t he top 10. Seymour Simons 25. Little hCk Little 8. Town Hall Tonight 22. Horlick's Gypsies 3. March of Time 31. Life of Mary -to place t h em in t he position to w in the 11. Eddy Duchin 26. U. S. Marine Band 9. Breakfast Club 23. Gibson Family 4. First Nighter Sothern six coveted gold m ed a ls which RADIO 12. Walter Blaufuss 27. Sigmtihd Romberg 10. Jan Gar ber's 24. Roadways of 5. Dangerous Paradise 32. Court of Human G UID E will award to w inners in the six 13. Glen Gray 28. Stan, Stanley Supper Club Romance 6. Mary Pickford's Relations · . . f d" 14. Harry Kogen 29. Harry Horlick n. Pleasure lsland 25. Pause That Re· Program 33. Jimmy Allen's Advs . d IVI SIOn s 0 ra 10 e n terta ll1me n t. 15. Ray Noble 30. Ted Fiorito 12. Bing Crosby's Pro freshes 7. Red Davis 34. Sally of the Talkies Pro m p t read e rs w h o b uy t hei r R ADIO 8. Today's Children 35. Princess Pat G UIDES as soon as they reach t he n ews- 9. Myrt and Marge 36. The Gumps st a nds, n o t o nly ca n cast extra votes but 10. The O'Neilis 37. Marie, the Little still will have time t o get o ut a nd st a rt 11. Grand Hotel French Princess a ra lly f o r their f avorites. 12. Death Valley Days 38. Radio Guild The sta nd ings reveal tha t som e of the 13 . Crime Clues 39. K·7 Spy Stories runners-up a re so clo se t o t he leaders that 14. Kaltenmeyer's 40. Hoofinghams Kindergarten 41. Black Chamber a sudden spurt will bring t h em in w in- 15. Vic and Sade Stories .ne.r~~. T he S how Boat clings to a p req l.ri ous ,16. Rosevand" DnrmF 42. Ken·Rad Mysteries ' lead in t he Musical P rogra m s d ivjsion, H. Amos 'n' Andy 43 . Light·s Out but a ny day 's ba llots m ay result in a 18. Easy A.ces 44. Soconyland Sketches complete reversal o f t he p'l5sition s of the 19. 20,000 Years in 45. Skippy three l ea~ers in t h is g roup. Practically Sing Sing 46. Five Star Final the sam e is t rue among t h e t eams..', ... A. 111.. 05. 20. Painted Dreams 47. ImmOl'tal Dramas • 21. Mary Marlin 48. The Shadow ' n ' Andy have such a small m argISll "OVer 22. SherlocbHolmes 49 . Jack Armstrong J ack Benny and Mary Livingstone that 23. House by the Side 50. Wheatenaville their p osition a lm6st might be called a of the Road 51. Peggy's Doctor tie, a nd the result is st ill f a r fro m settled. 24. B~ck Rogers 52. Between Bookends Loo k a t the strides m ade by Eddie \,,~5 , Betty i\~j).ll Bob 53. Dramatic. Guild Guest, the p oet-p hilosopher. There are ;, 26. Just Plain Bill 54. Ma PerkinS i n nume ra ble list ene rs who want him to 21. Lum aM Abner 55. Dreams Come True w in. I Ie can if y o u do y o ur par t. A n d 28, Lone Ranger 56. Sugar and Bunny then there's tha t b r illia nt p rogr a m , the TEAMS Lux T heater o f the A ir. See h ow it is 1. Amos 'n' Andy 30. Ed Wynn and Gra· dogging the popul a r O ne M a n 's Farnily . : 2. Jack Benny and ham McNamee , ,Mary 31. Ozzie Ne:son and Do y o u wish i t would w in ? A ll n g h t, 1 Burns and Allen Harriet Hilliard then-do som ething about it. Ile re is the 4. Myrt and Marge 32. Jack and Loretta b a llo t. Yo u-a n d o nl y you-can bring 5. Lum and Abner Clemens a bout the ch a nges i n the fin a l st a n d ing . 6,. Easy Aces 33. Munn and Rea The ra ce is close in every d iv isio n. Even 7. Hitz and Dawson 34. The f\oneymooners yet n o bo dy h as m ade a runaway of a ny i8. Block and Sully 35. Phil Harris and . I B h f . 9. Mary Lou and Leah Ray p a rtlcu a r group. ut t e t aste 0 v icto ry Lanny Ross 36. Maple City Four is e n ergizing, a n d those f ron t-runners are 10. Molasses 'n' Janu· · 37. Lulu Belle and Red going to get a world of supp o rt in the ary (Pick and Pat) Foley , closing moments. T he re still are t wo 11. Vic and Sade 38. The Crumits ' days left to vote. 12. Marian and Jim 39. Don Ameche and Remember-the re is only o ne rest ric- Jordan June Meredith tion. You must u se the Official Ba ll o t 13. Mills Brothers 40. Conrad Thibault . d h' I ' '1 d 14. Gene and Glenn and Lois Bennett pnnte o n t IS p age. t IS co mpl e , to \..... 15. Boswell Sisters 41. Fields and Hall save mailing cost , in a size tha t permits P'\ 16. Betty and Bob 42 . Lasses and Honey pasting on the b a ck of a one-cent p ost 17. Frank Parker and 43. Eddie Cantor and card. But you don' t have to limit your- Jessica Dragonette Rubinoff self to a single b a llot. Vote as often as 18. Honeyboy and 44. Peerless Trio

~~~r ~~t~, ~~ s~o~~s, Ib~~r :sp ;~~offiecee ~~~ i' ~l; Ted Weem~ ·:;.:.·.r.iZ.;.'.·'....'6 , :. '.'.spl~lng~.gfP; Ro"lberg ' S~67'. ALaravgeOnnd'eTr, ~;j aa1inOdnOIHd r , \ 19. ~~~~~~~~senH:f~~ i~: ~~r 5~fpi~~~~~S cellation not later than midnight of Sai- 32.Atldre!'$ . 42. Walter Da,:"rosch 55. Lennie Hayton 35. New York Philhar· 44. U. S. Navy Band .... ".,. 28. Baker and Bottle 55. John Barclay and 2. Frank Parker 34. Eve Sully 8Y&):Y 43. Lud Gluskln 56. GepJ;ge Hessberger monic Symphony 45. Detroit Symphony .. ,,29, TI ~) and Irene c./adys Swarthout 3. Eddie Cantor 35. Anthony ("rome- " ANNOUNCERS 4. Lanny Ross (Poet PrlAC~i 1. Jalt\l!\ Wallington 30. Quin Ryan 5. Joe Penner 36. Madame fs'chumann- I II 2. Don ' Wilson 31. Kenneth Niles 6. Bing Crosby Heink F"t St Off"" B t 3. David Ross 32. Hal O' Halioran 7. Steven Barry 37. Vinton Haworth avon ears lela a 0 4. Harry Von Zeil 33. Pat Flanagan 8. Fred Allen (Jack Arnold 5. Ted Husing 34. Kelvrn Keech 9. Edgar Guest 38. Skinny Ennis (Of Convenient Size for Mailing on a Post Card) 6. Milton J. Cross 35. George Hicks 10. Will Rogers 39. Emery D1!cy 7. Phil ~tewart 36. Charles Lyon 11. Don Ameche 40. Gladys Swarthout My Favorite Performer Is 8. Tiny Ruffner 37. Howard Claney 12. Jackie Heller 41. John C"arles 9. Dolt. McNeill 38. Carleton Brickert 13. Ralph Kirbery Thomas,'':; My Favorite Orchestra Is 10. Paul. Douglas 39. Ben Grauer 14. Rudy Vallee 42. Virginia Clark 11. Jean Paul King 40. Norman Brokenshire 15. Lulu Belle 43. Phil Baker My Favorite Musical Program Is 12. Graham McNamee 41. Vincent Pelletier 16. Jessica Dragonette 44. Little Jack little 13. Andre Baruch 42 . Nelson Case 17. Morton Downey 45. Boake Carter My Favorite Dramatic Program Is ------______14. Vincent Connelly 43. John Olson 18. Tony Wons 46. Jack Owens My Favorite Team Is 15. Bill Jhry 44. Russ Russell 19. Alexander Woollcott 47. Loretta LeE!' lq."£verett Mitchell 45 . Charles O'Connor 20 Ed W"y-"i1rf"""'" '''·''~ 48.''Annette Hanshaw '" 'M F' ,filil'lOA I ..... 17. Bob Elson "'" 46. T~m Manning 21: Gertrud~Nf~en 49. Lowell Thomas yav; '7 nnouncer s ------..:---- 18. Louis Roen 47. Arthur Millet 22. Mary Pickford 50. Grace Moore My. tliline Is 19. Pierre Andre 48. Tom Shirley 23. Walter Winchell 51. Walter O'Keefe " 20. Ted Pearson 49. Elsie Janis 24. Edwin C. Hill 52, Gene Arnold My Address Is 21. Bob Bmw" .\: 50. Peter Grant 25. Bradley Kincaid "'<53. }o'an Blaine .,., (Street and Number) (City and State) 22. Ford Bond 51. Ed Smith 26. Dick Powell S4y Pat Kennedy The Radio Set I Now Own Is a (make): .______23. John S. Young 52. A. L. Alexander 27. Sully Mason 55'j Irene Beasley - 24. Harlow Wilcox 53. Howard Petrie 28. Jerry Cooper 56, Beatrice Lillie Mail Your Ballots to STAR ELECTION TELLERS 25. Jack Holden 54. Jack Brinkley 29. Jimmy Fidler 57. Don Mario 26. Bert Parks 1.. 55. France Laux 30. Conrad Thibault .• Gracie Alle,1j \".~" c/o RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, III. 27. Alwyn J.:;. Bach 56. Hal Totten 31. Lawrence Tibbett £thel S'hutt'a .. (Iss ue Week Ending June 8j 28. Joe Kelly 57. Wallace Butterworth 32. Happy Jack Turner Annc( Seymour ·V, 29. Alois Havrilla 58. Alan Kent Ballotin ~el~ses MidnlQl't, Saturday, June I. Vote Now - Tom

Please help in the preservation of old time radio by supporting legitimate organizations who strive to preserve and restore the programs and related information.