o Long'Vavc a- '" ShortWa,'e ('('uts Ncws Spots thc l.'opy o-< A: Pidllres 51••';0 Y ('ar c ... ;Volume III, No. 45 WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 16, 1934 * Publi.hod Weekly -< ~rGifford tD This and That Pinchot Charges Spe'eches HyMorri. Hasting. WHE1 A J.. E\Xf radio station, Were Sabotaged By Radio Stations • such as \X'l\fEX in Boston, ~ makes its appearance, there are al· . ways some people who wonder ... dubiously if such an event is nee­ Swarthout, Crooks, Eddy Starred Complaints _. ~ssary. There are, they declare, suffi· cient stations Heard On First Lady ni,<muty#!tl Puzzling to t h r 0 u ghout ==tD the country to keep listeners Operatic Starts New Commission e n t e r tained without any • By The JlUCROPHOl\T'S SpeciAl = more be i n g BroadcastI Air SerleS W",hillgloll Co,wpol1Jelll added to the list. Mrs. FRAl'iKUN D. ROOSEVELT Elections are past, but a red-hot And yet, GLADYS SWARTHOUT, mezzG-so- Iwill be heard in a new series of fight is being" aged before rhe Fed- most of those prano RICHARD CROOKS tenor broadcasts on child education en· Ieral Communications Commissioo who question and • ELSON EDDY, barjt~ne. wili ttitled "Americans of Tom~rrow." over alleged sabotage of canc.lidates" the necessity . o\'er the WABC-Columbla net- programs by partisan radio statioos ior new sta· be featured 10 a program to be work at 7.45 P. M. starting Sun- or their employes. t ion s would broadcast o\'er the NBC-WEAF day, No\'ember 11 at 7.45 P. M. Governor GIFFORD P'NCHOT network on Monday, November Her discussion of modern brought the issue to a head by fiJing z,{ORlUS HASTINGS willingly ad- mit that radio 12, from 8.30 to 9 P. M. trends in child education will be a complaint with the FCC that many is in need of reform. CROOKS and EODY wilJ sing addressed primarily to parents of his speeches in the recent 1 have come to the conclusion ·.H II and teachtrs. Pennsylvania campaign wcre sabot- from t h e NBC .tud'os 10 0 y- S' h t I W h' aped by radio slations. that it is Ihrough small, independ­ .. mee s e wen 0 as Ington 0 ~nt and liberal stations like wood, whtle MISS SWARTHOUT in 1933. she has visited hundreds Though other candidates got clear :WMEX (which may be taken as will sing from the New York of clas cs. from country school reception, there was much interfer· symbol of similar stations in all studios. houses to the most modern experi. ence when he spoke o\er !he radio, parts of the country) that .uch On each following evening at mental institutions, as a keton ab- IPINCHOT said. reform can be accomplished, bet­ the same hour onc of these three server. He wrote Chairman [l"GI 'E O. ter, perhaps, than through gov­ artists will be featured with \X'IL- Bdore that she tau,Rht a numbu SYKES of the FCC th.u Ia.st April I ernment control. LlAM DALY'S Orcht:~tra. of c1asc;(s and was assistant prin- a campaign speeth v.as Cu' off the f h' . cipaJ of the Todhunter S,hol)l in ALEX."".·m R \'('(I<H U OTT, rh"r air on the ground that it \\,\5 nat - Only a small portion of broad­ :or t e opening. prog:am, In Nt:w York. and bro.1dctllttr received properly hy KDKA in casting time of other stations is willch all throe artIsts will take I h fi b I M Pittsburgh from thc H.uri,burg given to local talent. Inevitably, part, CROOKS sings "La Re"e" n er ~st C03( cast, rs. ~tudios of \'(IHP. because all other Boston stations [rom "Manon," and the eapoli- ROOSEVrtT will speak [rom ew . D' "h pro~pt't f Je",·er-~ arc outlets for network programs. ~liss York ",h Ie hit Ismay at t e 0 I PISCHOT "aid~ a ,nt' h tan Love Song; SWARTHOuT .. '. I .er a er. programs h{UcJ.tlo~a d I pro~rJ.m> r-'" t:U Wljat local programs they have _ . f "C "d will ongKlate 10 Washington. As· anng. on by him October 18 at Charleroi, SlOgS an ana rom ,armen; an h h d . the raulo 1O.cre3~EJ \\ as exprf::o;"Ed Pa. throuph ctat'ons KQV WHP llre "set"; and therefore the un· NELSON EDDY contributes "Sylvia" seas one 10 Iht past..lhe pro- b A \X' 'I:> .. J , , known radio aspirant finds it dif­ and the famous baritone aria cef"d~ of her programs wJlI go to Y LExAJ\;nER OOJ.L(f)TT. au-\ WIP, WGBI and WRAU was ficult to break into these stations. from "faust." charrly. thor and broadcasle~. "ruined by a loud buzz from be- Programs of WMEX, on the Appeanng as witness before ginning to end of the speech.'· other hand, are devoted to local Bolh GLADYS SWARTHOUT and the Federal Communications Com- He added'. f Ted Lewis Comes To Radio mi~sjon, ~rOOLLC.OTT talent. WMEX has not network RCICHARD ROOKS are mEmbers 0 Mr. said: "I do not beli"e I am affiliations. the Metropolitan Opera Company. A new radio show which will HI am disma}'cd at any called upon to ~ubmit in si~ NELSON EDDY an American feature TED LE\'('IS' orchf::stra and Such a station is admirable ,• suggestion that a Iarg,e pan lence to sabotage of this baritone, formerly sang with the DOCTOR ROCKWELl.. comedian. is of America's radio channels training ground for promising an· kind." Philadelphia Grand Opcra Com- scheduled to appear O\''' the Na- nouncers, singers and instrumen· .I B d should be turned o,'er <0 the PINCHOT'S complaInt recalled a pany and is now making musical, tIOna roa casting Company's ne-I (Colllillued 011 Page 15) I films in Hollywood. "ork. """ the end of member. (Cotllitlued 011 Page 3) (CotlI1111,ed 011 Page 15) ~.? • - .,.,--- X .-n·s .'Ia/ib.-s Pi~tures Miss Stein Short Wave I Contents WEEKDAYS On The Air A.M. JO.)O \'(TAF NCf"ork: \'!CEIl \TGY on~:::~n~~:~i~.1 lJANE FROMAN, "I-'ora/ht Front Cot'.!r l\-fiss GERTRUDE STEIN, well U'&\1 \\-FlA WSB Neu'J F/",her Bo., Page 1 known but less rEad, authoress, m{'mht:r~ WABC N~·Otk: WCAU WIIAS Ithousand RQ[anans, of !ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT, all· who two weeks ago returnf::d to WPG KMOX ""8BM \'C'c,co the 3000 Rotary clubs of rhe Go.-rnor PINCHOT (hargH sab- WJSV thor and broadraller Page I the United States after an abo \Vestern hemisphere, will join in ota~e of ~o/;tua/ JpeuheJ by 10.40 \X-LW l ~hort ,.~d,o ~OHN HERRJCK, baritone Page 2 sence of 31 years, will make her 10.15 \'Q}Z Nelwork: WBZ WHAM I a- wave radio ceremony on SI.tt./lOns Page I KDKA 'X'BAL I [fERRY O'TOOLE, ]rhh tenor American radio debut on Monday,l "Thursday tvening, November 15, ThlJ alld 1 hal November 12 at 8.30 P. M. o\'er,; P.M. in a program that will be e~- b)' MORRIS HASTINGS Page z Page 3 the NBC-WJZ chain. 6.)0 \XtAF Nn~'odr;: \X-EEl WGY Changed by the Buenos Aires and TERRY O'TOOLE puts a tI.me DwlGHT WEIST, arlor Page 4 Miss STEIN will be interviewer! WSM WI-l...A WSB Schenectady, N. Y., Rotary Clubs. 0111 of a hal Page 3 WABC Network: WCAU WHAS I LAWRENCE TJBBETT, baritone by WH.. L1AM LUNDELL. WPG Kl>lOX WBBM WCCO I The broadcast, '" hich will be Station Direc/ory Page 4 WjSV Ishort wan only, will consist of Radio lAne Page .5 The interview is txpected to 6.40 W}Z Nd~-otk: W'BZ '\'(:. J lAM Pag~.5 ~DKA WHAL an txchange of .ongs and greet- b) JIMMY J. LIO".'"D Page 5 EDGAR GUEST give listeners some idea of what 11.00 \\ LW (00( oa W'edM'Sd.ll») iqgs by Rotary officials and mtm- SlIIdiosil) b) LES TROY Page 5 the matron of ultra-modern letters <S.lInird.llY ar 10.~0) M.AncE KENNEDY, artreu Page 6 thinks of this country, art, litera­ bers of tho go\Crnmcnt of this IJESSICA DRAGOI'ETH - RoSARIO ~ESSI<.A SUNDAYS country and Argentina. BOL:ROON program 11.4mtems DRA<-ONETTE, JOprall0 ture, politics and her pet poodle A.M. Page 7 dog, "Basket." Local club. arc to hold special ilJ popll/arily Page 7 10.00 \\ L\\ meetings and each ",II be Child,m'J Page Page 9 SALLY SINGER, fOra/iSI P 8 l\-fiss STEIN is in this country 1J.OO \"CEAF ::"oOer..ork: \X II] W-GY age for a lecture tour in which she is WSM WFLA WSD equipp<:d with two ~hort wa\e rE· IVealhl"r RepOr/J Box Pa.f?e 10 SIGMUND SPAETH, "fllne going to explain why she writes W JZ J'l.erwork : WBZ W"HA.'1 ceivers, one tuned to lSX nn IFEEl Page Page 1 Z KDKA WHAt delecl;'e" Page 9 the way she doe<. She began this 2R.98 mtttrS in Buenos Air<:s and Short Waz:e Dire(/o,y Page 13 M W2XAF in Schenlctady, N. Y. How '·Crime dramal STELLA FRJEND, linger Page 10 explanation in an interviEW with ~ f· . Cilles" "RED" GRANGE, footbaJJ star newspapers on her landing when 11.00 vrLW The program "ill start at 9 falhiolllhri/IJ a/ld (hr/IJ Pag"'l) she said that her opua, "Four 11.30 WFAF Nerwork: WEEI WGY P.
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