
Secrets from the Diary of a Radio Heckler PAINTING AT THE HIGHEST PITCH TIIE AGE of ten, Charles Carlile wanted to and set about their daily practice ses­ judges spent many an hour of dehale before they could be a professional basebaJJ player when he grew sion. They became so engrossed in decide between the two. They finally gave the award up. By the time he finished high school, he was their practice on this occasion that to Charlie's rival. Donald Navis. much more practical in hIS vIewpoint. He still they did not even hear the bett sum· The quality of Charlie's voice, however. won him liked baseball but he decided that a much moning them back to class. The indig­ the recognition that he deserved and he was eng~ged Amore sure way of making a living was stenography. Ar:,. nant teacher captured them in the as a sustaining artist by CBS II \\as not long before c:ardingly, by attending business college he perfected school yard and hauled them bodily he was launched on a successful career by obtaining himself in the art of turning words mto pothooks and back to the class room. his first cotylmercial. lie is now heard on a coal pro­ then back into words again Puttmg his stenOgraphy The conventional punishment, gram Sunday nights over NBC and is kept busy filling 10 ImmedIate practICal U'>C. he went to work for a sport· ~taying after school. was met~d out engagements at various New York theaters and night ing goods house m his home town of Providence, R. I- to them and they sat fidgeting at clubs. That doesn't sound very much like the right begin­ their desks while the teacher sat down He still devotes a great deal of his sp:lre time to ning for the ~tory of a radio tenor whose voice is heard at the piano to work out the det:lils painting and the walls of his apartment are covered with every week throughout the natIOn; of an amateur artist of the fottowing day's music lesson. his own portraits of fritnds in amI out uf radio. whose palfltings of his friends are so good that many a She was surprised to hear a clear professional artist would be proud to have produced \'o\lthful voice break into the tyric them. Yet. that, in brief, is the story of Charles Car· of the song she was playing. She ree­ Iile's life up to the time when he entered the Atwater o,llni7.l'd its quality at once and so Kent auditions. enth\ISlastic was she that the same Pitching is the biggest word in the slory of his eve n i n g she called on Charlie's successes. lIis baseball pitching indirectly· brought about mother. Mrs. Cnrlile promptly aT· his vocal training; the pitch of his voice won him his rnnged for the boy to take vocal les­ first radio contract; and the high pItch of eothusiasm sons. with which he attacks his al'ocation. portr~it painting, At school, Charlie also began to exercise his artistic IPves hIm that needed relief from the strain of radio talents. I [is sketchllS of school mates, although crude work. in many cases showed much facility and close like­ Charlie, as a boy and as a youth, had no idea of nesses of the subjects. taking up music as a career. His vocal talent was by lie had finished his course at business college and no means unrecognized but he himself as wet! as his was working as a stenographer m a sporting goods house immediate circle of friend~ and rebtives merely looked at Providence when he read in :t local newspaper about upon hIS smging as an entertaining parlor accomplish· the annu:ll Atwater Kent auditions. He decided to enter ment If II had not been for his boyish obsession. base· the local contest and he was chosen to represent his bat!, he prohably never would have taken a singing lC5son. home town in the finals at New York. There he and While other boys \\ere reading the dime novels of another tenor outstripperi the ('ther contestants but the the day, Charlie was u~ually busy studying baseball Je(:ord books or reading stories about the diamond heroes whose pictures adorned the walls of his room­ CHARLES Ty Cobb. Napoleon LaJo!e. Christy Mathewson and all CARL1LE Ute rest. But he was stitt more interested in perfecting The walls 01 his bis own skitt at the ·game . apu1mtnt are cDvtrt!d with his lie used most of his lUnch hour at :<.Chool prac_ portraits ot ticing pitching. I Ie and another boy hurriedly friends. consumed the contents of their lunch boxes one day BEST of CONCERT HALLS in A GHOSTS' PLAYGROUND ECAUSE of an llccidenta! discovery by" Lew engineers to study the qualities of the White, NBC organist, the Cuban government chamber. They experimented e:

in White's disco,·ery .. and assigned a corjl~ . of acoustical what!. a.·cowboy , and. trick . .• 'rider you ... re." An9 he held. up a br.oken end of rope to. prove it ,. z BEARDING Radio LIONS In THEIR Native LAIRS llcr Then along came a lot 01 publicity abuut "poor sale,glrls recognized me, and I figured they'd think It Jane froman . sll("s missing mony movIe contracts be­ was siUy if 1 bought a rolling pin-so-" her vOice cause she can't [cad line~"-and she suddenly decided tr~iled of! in a laugh she Just wouldn't stuller anv more Consequentl\' she "So what"" demanded Gt'orge anxiously was speaking slowly- thmking ouT everv sdJable befnre "So I bought a kitchen table." she confessed. "We it left her mouth This yeal she IS laking part in many don't need It I'm arrald we'lI have to chop. it up and sketches in the "["ollies," and lhcrc\ nrver a trace of use it in the rtreplace. or something" an impediment in her speech In April she goes to Hollywood to make 11 full length picture' !ll:RE was the day J stood 111 the wmgs al the "evcr will I forgel the time I accompanied reel rabce Theater waiting to interview Johnny fiusing to Roosevelt rield to gather some "material" Green. He "as playmg a medley of his " pop~ on 1m nying !CS50n) "'olhmg bother~ It'd an" >0 I T songs, "I Cover the WaterfronL" "Body certainly didn't expect 10 see thai tall radiO spartan go and Soul' and "Weep No More, My Baby," pale and shuddery over the prospecl of learning to fly Johnny was playing on ;r dais ag~mst 1I Simple black Those who think of him as h~ving velvet curtain. All dressed up in a stiff shirt and taii~ , he the coldt'5t and steeliest nerves in the sat down at the piano in a grand manner. and procet.'dl'd ~houJd world have seen him Quakinltly [0 play Suddenly, we noticed that he lurched forv.ard don his helmet and goru:=les. and wobble as if he .... ere grabbmg aI the keys, and the plano was moving away from him. This looked strange A few • minutes later, we knt'w that it hadn't bee!] an i!!usion­ the piano was moving away from hlml Johny had to move his piano stool to keep up with it. and he was evidently much disconcerted and embarassed After the performance, he came learing backslage looking bewildered and angry. "Is there a ghost around here or somethmg?' he demand.:d, "A playful little ghost that pushes pianos?"' Ju~t then his eyes lit on a Broadway comedian. standing nearby and looking slightly sheepish. "Oh. so it was you, was it?" shouted Johnny, sound-

TED HUSING The loqua,lous "stared 0' nothin'" announur WIS .Imost spu(hltU from Iri9M II his li .... 1 lIylng leuon By Hilda Cole {ADIO heckler (alias mterviewer) IS In the same class with microbes. amoebae and barnacles. Nobody loves us because we go around list­ lessly asking unimagmatl\'e questions such as "What are your pet a\'ersions~" Alinder a barrage of such Queries, the average star In the radio heavens stops lookmg bright, happy, or even optimistic, One interview can undoubtedly spoil his whole day. Bllt, for our parI, we do have our fun, because we sometimes creep behind the professional masks of alit victims, and obtain an unellpected glimpse into their prtvate lives, Not everybody, for tnstance, has had the chance to see I

IIERE are all sorts of hobhies. Some people on the ;liT w:wes. lie has appeared ;IS a Chinese laun­ received a warm welcome from an angry wife. The coHeel 5tamps. Others make much of bookS dryman, ;! Greek hUller, a Swedbh !>


,m BERGMAN ••. Blubber hw dDW~ and go beom • boom • •

• From Search for COLDEN GAG Mine to "ACRES of DIAMONDS" HAT radio comic has not dreamed of a his fine fields and his rich crops. III' sold his farm for a mine of golden gags guaranteed to m~ke pittance aAd began his wanderings in search of diamonds. Motice people laugh? Finally, his money gone and hungry, he jumped into the Icck Blolt a real gold mine is a gre~t deal the sea and died. of profound illt~ligrn,e W easier to find. Psychologists and philos­ The man who h~d purchased the f~rm discovered ophers have written more tb~n enough books on the sub­ one d~y a brillinnt bl~ck stone. When the monk passed ject of laughter and what causes it. Yet the radio comics that wny ngain, he noticed the brilliant stone and told and rndio script writers still fumbling and flounder· the owner that it was a diamond. They discovered that ing in their search for il formula that will make their the ground where it had been found contained millions from listeners in a!l~wcr to that simple question poured sags surefire. of dollars' worth of diamonds-acres of them. into the studios. Listeners told him which gags gave Irving KJufman, better known to radio listeners as The monk then pointed the obvious moral that them a laugh and, in most cases, explained that the "'lnzy D3n. the Minstrel Man," does not claim to have the wealth which Ali I-Iafed sought in vain, he could reason for the instantaneous response was that a simi· "discovered the mine of golden gags but he has probably have found if he had stayed at home. lar incident had h,lppened to them. come as close as anybody to a practic~1 formula for test· Kaufman, fifteen years of stage and screen experi­ This information, given freely by his listeners. af­ ing a joke before he uses it on the air. And his experi· ence behind him, came to radio with a full realization forded Kaufman the b~sis for the formula which he ence in finding this formtlla recalls the story of Ali that this medium of entertainment offered to the now tests every gag before he uses it on the air. 1-10 Hafed. recounted in the famous lecture. "Acres of Dia· script writer and performer a much more complicated simply asks himself: "Could this happen to me?" manus," by Rev. Russell II. ConwelL task than either the stage or the movies. He wanted If the answer is "no," the joke is discarded. . Ali lIafed. a Persian farmer, owned a fertile tract of a guide to the reactions of the radio audience to his land. 1--11' was contented with his lot until the visit of a gags. n.dlo Guld~. Vol. Ill. No. 12. W .... k v.:..~ln" JouOU7 13, 193~. l""u~d weekly by RII~lo Cul~~. Inc .. 423 Plymouth Court., Buddhist monk. After dinner, the monk said that once Like Ali Hated, he had wandered far afield 1n his C~lc.go. illinois. got~r".J. ... eecond eh,,,,, mllUe, lit th .. the earth was a mere bank of fog. into whiclJ the Ruling search for a mine of glittering gags, but unlike his Post Office. ChIcaGO. 11Iinol .. F~hru.ry ~4. au. under .... ct of llarob 3. 18;"(1. ":OllYrl£ht. 11J3~, b1 l1adlo Gul~e. IDC. All Spirit pushed his finger, sending it spinning into spaces. legendary "Counterpart, he (eturned 10 his own front rlghte r"s~ryed. ....dverU.ln .. ortlc.... 651 ~·lrLb Av~nu~, Ne .. Yort; ~dltorl.l, "",""othe lind ClrelllatlOD omce., 423 As it cooled. the first substance to solidify he said. was doorstep to find the acres 6f diamonds at his feet. Plymoulh Courl, Chlc.... o, 1111noh., Herbert Kraneer. Pres. what we know as sranlte; the ne:>lt, copper; the third. He ·hit upon a device which brought him at once Dod Cell. ll ..... M. KoenlK8b~'II". Editorial Dlt.,.,to•• E. 6.. MoClel.b ..... dv. 1lgr. Un.oUellW manullerlpl" rec~lved onl7 !ilver; and the fourth, gold. Then a bit of surrshine' can· the listener response that would serve to guide him in at owoer's rl.k ohou1<1 tH> IIcco""paolc<1 by stamped. s~lr_

··Our factories in the past ten years have produceo ... forty-two percent more merchandise with five hundred thousand fewer factory workers than they did in the ten previous years. Railroads have handled seven per­ cent more business with a force reduced by more than two hundred thousand workmen. The coal mines in­ creased their tonnage twenty-three pe rcent while there were ~pproxinwtely one hundred thousand fewer mille rs elll])loyed." • E gave his authority for these statistics as Wil­ LEO fITZPATRICK liam Green, President of the American Federa­ owner of SllItion WJR, W~Q OI"!I~nized the tion of Labor. and the Federal Bureau of Coughlin indept:ndent ndwQrli: H Statistics. . Innuential members of the Catholic Church tried to original Judas !scariot, charging that the Secretary had persuade Pather Coughlin's immediate superior, the Rt. found "millions and millions of dollars to payoff war Rev. Michael James Ga ll agher, to caution the priest profiteers bUl no money for the pre-payment of the against uttering such radical and inflammatory state. soldiers' b011us." , ments. Bishop G~ll~gher, howeve r, refused to interfere. But in January, 1931. occurred an incident whi~ Father Coughlin continued to pound away with his threatened, if the facts were to become public at that heavy artillery at the concentration of wealth and the time, to result in a scandal reaching to the highest circk. hazards of mass production Two years before the last These facts, on file in the records of the Radio Leas_ presidential election, he utll:red the following statement. of the Little Flower, are no longer dangerous. CHARL ES PENMAN on the basis of which many of his followers credit him Co ngressman Louis McFadden, of Pelll\sy l van~ with the gi ft of prophecy: anno~n ~et of F~ t her Coughli n's broadcasts brought to F~the r Coughlin at that time a sensation" "Another Roosevelt shall have the couralle to 1111- report of researches into the Treaty of Versailles, tI. cloak the hypocritical hum an factors that have debased ci rcumstances attendant u~n its frami ng and variOlf of drinking tiquor as ·'perjured scoundrels." Father our system-men who have manipulated it to benefit other details which indicated a still more protT.cw Coughlin seized upon this phrase as the te~t of a bitter the apostles of priv ilege at the tKpensc of publ ic good.'. period of depression that might be avoided if the trait, attack upon the Prohibition forces in general and Dr In thii same broadcast, he launched an attack on were revised. McFadden wanted to reach the AI1MIMIiI Wilson in particular. Andrew W. Mellon, then Seuetl.f)' of the Treasury, public with this materid, which he considered vihII 10 "If Jesus Christ should appear at a public marriage thereby winning front pa.se headlineS in most of the the welfare of the nation. an d he chose Father GouatAinIt and turn water into wine as he did nineteen hundred new.>pa pel"a of the country. lie compared Mellon to the radioo rlaniza.tioJl as tire most (C"n';",ud OIl P(JP 'If ALONG THE AI RIAL TO: And. by reaching there first. they won the magnum of champagne. By Martin lewis Nothing daunted, Gypsy Nina and La Niesen hired liE ten-inch snowfall last week was the di· the sleighs the next day and held their race, from the rect cause of an inCIdent that gave the CBS SI. Moritz Hotel to a certain point in Central Park girls and boys somethins- to laugh about. and back to the St. Moritz again. La Niesen. with It all started when Gertrude Niesen and Budd Hulick as her stooge, nosed out the gypsy singer T Gypsy Nina got into an argument in C0- and Colonel Stoopnagle. The S1. Moritz brought out lumbia's reception room as to which was the better a magnum of champagne for the party, and everybody sleigh-driver. An astute CBS pUblicity man overheard was happy after all. them and agreed 10 furnish sleIghs for a race. It seems that the Central Park Casino had a quaillt old custom in pre~prohibition days of awarding a magnum of Wynn Ad libs champagne to the first party to arrive at the Casino in a sleigh after New York's first snowfall of the season. INCE his return from the coast, Ed Wynn has in­ The publicity man arranged for two hor~e-drawn jected something into his program that has given sleighs (a bit of a job in Manhattan), dug up Stoop­ it new life. His ad lib remarks throughout the nngle and Budd to serve as seconds for the girls. and S program may have something to do with it. Not notified the news photographers. so many Tuesdays ago. McNamee seemed to stumble Everyone mel at the appointed pl~ce-with the over his words and Wynn cracked: "When the English exception of one horse and sleigh. The assembled com· language gets in your way, you walk right over it, don't pany shifted from one foot to the other for an hour or yOU, Graham?" 50, muttering "My kingdom for a horse and sJeigh,U Rudy Vallee's choices for the ideal variety program, and eventually the race was postponed to the next based on his 1933 list of guest stars, are Mae West, (or flay. Finally. the missing driver and his vehide were personality; George Gershwin, in his "Concert in F," located. He explained that one of his oldest customers, for music; Tom I [award and Joe Penner for comedy, a newspaperman, had kept him longer than he ex· and Judith Anderson. in "Elizabeth the Queen," for pected Next day's newspaper disclosed that the drama. Of the people new to radio who joined htm at newspaperman and his parly had used the sleigh the microphone during the year, he selects as the most '" I!;mbark on a trip to the Casino themselves. promising: Gertrude Niesen, Barbara Blair, Joe Penner and, of course, Alice Faye. Miss Faye, by the way, has been signed to a four~year contract by Fox films. The most important 1933 achievemenl in radio, in Rudy's view, is the demonstration of the possibilities of radio drama when presented by legitimate stage talent. Joe Penner has a letter from Jerry Mayhall, Pitts­ burgh producer, saying that, on account of Joe, his son was kept after school. It seems that in the course of the quiz, one of the children requested the teacher's permission to ask a question. The lad then chirped, "Wanna buy a duck?" The teacher replied involuntarily ""J.s that sor and the whole class roared. bringing on punishment for all. Lu, ,of Clara, Lu and Em, who are heard every morning from Chicago. was caught by a radio survey t~e olher day. "Did you listen in this morning at any tIme from mne to ten, please?" asked a pleasant voice over the phone. "No," said Lu. "I'm sorry, but I didn'L I was brondcasting." There was a rather startled "oh" on the OIher end of the line as the receiver clicked. Democratic Heifetz OMMY McLAUGHLIN, baritone of Major Bowes' Capitol ~Family," tC1:eived a letter last T week from Mrs. C. L Oleon of McintOSh, &luth Dakota, saying: "During Major Bowes' pro­ gram last Sunday morning, and at the time you were singing. my daughter, Mrs. Wallace McLaughlin, gave birth to a lovely boy whom she promptly named 'Tommy:" J aseha Heifetz, internationally famous violinist is just another fiddler to the hallman in the RCA Build. ing, Radio City. When the artist entered the build. ing on his way to the NBC studios to inaugurate the Cadillac Sunday evening concerts, he carried his own violin as usual. "All musicians take the musicians' elevator. No music cases allowed in the studio elevators," the hallman an­ nounced. lleifetz docilely entered the e[e­ vator designated and ilscended with a group of staff musicians while a wel. coming ·committee of sponsors and NBC executives waited upstairs at the regular studio elevators. Ralph Kirbery, "Dream Sing. er," had a real homecoming when he made his first per· sonal appearance at a local theater in Paterson, New Jersey. The mayor of the city came upon the stage and presented

FRAY ano BRAGGIOTTI HELEN CHOATE Who do things wItt! tn her role as . Heltn two pIanos, going OVef' Bradley. vlllaiTlfts of " Marie, on~ of t!lelr (ompiitated n· _ ...... -:.:;.. .. ~ __j tbe linle FteMh Princess." I nnpt'lMnts ill home ilnd in (om'on. ",ulu feature of tile CBS IIttwlMk 6 Gertrude Niesen and Gypsy Nina go for a sleigh ride ... Heifetz high-hatted by hallman at NBC

Ralph with the Key to the City, the Commander of the Hepburn. january ZZ is the date for Wheeler American Legion Post, of which Kirbcry is a member, and Woolo.cy to guest star on the llind's show. presented him with a good button and the entire post, Another beauty outfit will hit the airwaves early induding the Legion band, turned out to hail their fellow in February with jack Whiting, jeannie Lang member. and jack Denny's orchestra. The latter two will One of the greatest ovations that ever marked a be reunited after a short split. Metropolitan Opera season opening was given to Nino Lanny Ross left for Hollywood last Thurs­ Martini and Lily Pons. when "Rigoletto" opened the day night directly after the "ShowbOlt" broad­ current season on Thursday afternoon. December 28. cast. Although he i~ going to the west coast to The acclaim of the audience at an afternoon opening is appear in the Paramount picture, '·Melody [n ciearc5t to the hearts of opera singers, for that's the time Spring," he will continlle broadcasting every when the rea! music lovers turn out. The opening was a week from NBC's western studios on the Show sel!..out and reports from the Met arc that all seats are Boat hour. An orchestra will accompany him in sold out for two weeks in advance. Wonder if this rush the studio. of business can be attributed to the radio popularity of If you are concerned with statistics, says Martini. Harry Salter, of the famous Salter chait. here are some that should be interesting. There is a radio set for every five persons in the United Not Many Changes States, one for every ten in Canada and New OW is the time of the year when many programs Zealand, aile for every forty-one in Great Britain, either expire or get their renewal contra"ts to one for every 40,000 in Afghanistan-and carryon. Radio seems to have headed well out none for everybody on the Island of N Ba[L What a chance for some BALI- of the depression, for there are few which scem to be expiring. Among the recent renewals, certain of hoo for a radio manufacturer! carrying on for another thirteen weeks at least, are the Conrad Thibault was March of Time; Sanderson and Crumit's CBS bread coming out of the NBC program; An Evening in Paris; Lazy Dan, the MinstreJ Man; the Wednesday night cigarette program featuring Leo Reisman's orchestra and Phil Duey; the Ipana DOROTHY LAMOUR Troubadours with Frank Black's orchestra and guest her Introduction to stars; Gems of Melody with Harold Sanford's orchestra radiO u.rne througll and Muriel Wilson, and one 01 my favorite programs, winning. be.!.uty (on­ the Sunday night auto show featuring Jack Benny, Mary test ilt New Orluns. Livingstone, Frank Parker and Black's orchestra. Other She Is now hurd over fortunate artists to rate renewal contracts are Vee Lawn­ N Be as vocalist witl1 hurst and Johnny Seagle who will continue to be heard Herbie Kay's onhestra on Sunday afternoons-the lovable lady of the screen and radio also gets an extended term-of course, I mean Miss Irene Rich. Circus Days, however, will be over, as far as the ether is concerned, on March I, the date the contract ellpires. New Programs-starting this Sunday at 3:30 p. m. CST, a new dramatic presentation of romantic stories for the lovelorn listeners-Will ya be listenin', huh? Then later on, at 9:30 p. m. CST to be exact, the much heralded premiere of the "Hall of Fame" which brings to the microphone as its first guest star, Katharine

still trying to figure what ft was all about. Abe Lyman was recently approached by an admirer with "What instrument do ),OU play. Fllr. Lymanr " I play the drums," ans.... 'Cred Abe. "But how did you be­ come the head man of your orchestra?" Questioned the wide-eyed admirer. "Well, it v,'aS this way," smiled the genial Abe, "I lost one of the sticks and became a leader." George Olsen's favorite yarn concerns the Broad­ way scribe who was troubled with backaches and gen­ eral muscular discomfort. He stubbornly refused to consult a doctor, and as n result awoke one morning wilh his joints all sore and painful, only to receive the following message from his spinal system: "You have rheumatism-as ellclusively predicted in this column!!!" Kate Smith may be at your local theater soon ...... WAY NE KING she opened in Milwaukee Saturday and is headed fot The latest c;unera. shot of the WalU; King all points West and South on an extensive vaudeville (At left> TAMARA. tOUt. Kay Francis had to cancel her engagement as Ru~,IU\ songbird hurd on NBC networl! guest artist on the Troubadour program at the last minute because of illness ... CBS artists who have commercials will be relieved of their sustaining broad4 studios after his Show Boat broadcast last casts to give newcomers a chance. Therefore Gertrude week, when two tough looking gorillas Niesen will be heard only on her Monday night show stepped out of the shadows cast by Radio and Vera Van only twice a week with Stoopnagle and City. Thibault, a six-footer, 't scared when Budd ... Bob "Believe It or Not" Ripley with his they approached him, for he was ready to defend strange hcts from aU cowers of the world, is now an himself. I-Ie almost fainted when one of the men added feature on B. A. Rolfe's Saturday Night Dancing snapped out of the side of his mouth: "Say, bo, we Party ... Albert Spalding, the violinist, is broadcasting wuz sent to tell yuz that yuz done a swen job on from New York again, after a very successful concert 'Roses of Pickidy' last week. Dat's all." Conrad is tour in the midwest. He (CQlltinued em PIJge 15) 7 •• 'W' .. , .. How LYMAN Broke a COCOANUT Jinx merctal! One hour later, the band leader recommended by Lyman was hired! Lyman would never have men­ tioned it bLit the band leader he had befriended made his gratitude public. Before he was In the bUSiness 01 "selhng" hIS orch­ estra. Lyman sold buttons and tailors limngs at the age of twell'e m Chlca!,:o. where he was born He had to leave school after the eighth grade to go to work bC1:ause his family needed those few extra dollars At the age of sl~teen. hIS height. plu5 his smile. conVinced the license bureau executive that he was over eighteen and he was permltted to become a taxI driver In the me. Soon he jOll1ed the mll~IClanS' union If you ask Abe whv he studlcl! tbe drum,. be I! reply that hiS brother­ In-law was an entcrtamer. and he seemed to be doing pretty well ~t It. so ",hy not lym

OON the Cocoanut Grol'e became the ren(lell'OUs of the movie slars. And Lyman. who nrought them there, struck up several rTlend~hips which h~ve S I~\ted for years wJlh a number of the leading st~rs of the films, illcluding Edward G Rohinson. JOiln Craw_ ABE LY MAN ford. Jean ! l~rlow. Eddie Cantor, Di~ie lee and others • • • He doesn·t wint to mak e ny more monfY .•. too numerous to mention It was "'Abe" nnd "'Joan" or NAbe" and ··Eddie" when Lyman v;~iterl the stan at r- YOU haven't 5een Abe tymlln on the screen or the Why do they all conSider Lyman a "regular guy"? their homes and at their request. A poll of the movie qage, imagine a tal!, lllnky individual whose big One example will suffice in explanation. Lyman has two colony at the time rel'ealed that the most popular per­ nlack cigar seems to be part of his physiognomy. important commercials over the major networks.. He sonality in Iiollywood was not a morion picture slar, rhen add an engaging smile. I Ie has Iwo million appears nightly in one of New York's most important but Abe Lyman! I friends and half of them he calls by their first night spots, the Terrace Restaurant of the Hotel New lIe came Ea~t two years ago to open :I sWlnky night Dames. Yorker. club after one of the biggest farewell parties ever sren You do not have to dig very far below the surface Lyman was approached by a sponsor recently who in Hollywood. to find th~t the real Lyman is still the same fellow At wanted his band for a coast-to-coast commercial The To quote Lyman: "The richest man in the world the Brown Derby in Hollywood, where the movie stars amount of mOtley was most temPting. The hour of can't do nnyt!ling I can't do or have any more fun tlwn foregather. or at Lindy's on Bro~dway in New York, the broadcast-Sunday afternoon-would not interfere I can have." And that is why Abe Lyman is s~tisfjed where the radio brotherhood can be found after working with any of Lyman's other commercials. But he refused with his lot in Ijfe. lie has no ambition 10 improve hOllrs, all seem to feel the same way about Abe Broad_ -on the grounds that he had enough money coming in his po~ition. way says "lIe's a right guy." Ilollvwood ~ays "lie's a weekly I Not only did he refuse, but he began to "sell" And this IS the picture of l radiO slar who IS not peach" or "1 Ie's regular"' depending upon the sex of the the sponsor on another band leader who happened to tooking for any more worlds to conquer-a man who has sayer. be a friend of his, and who had never had an air com- a ho~t of friends and no enemie~. RADIO COMICS TO FLASH ACROSS SCREEN 'l .\\ BER of the better known r~dio 't~rs shortly a fe", time~, it "ould leave an impre~~i(1fl which ",ould She will he ~tarred in a musical feature entitled "ChanRf wi)] emerge from the inVISibility of the persiSt whenever th;1t individual's voice was heard on Your -Luck" ilnd her supporting cast will include the broadcasting studios to take their places as the air." Rosamund Johnson Choir and the SOUlhern3ires quartet. fea tured performer~ in ;1 series of motion Among the artists already placed under contract for !\ picture ,horts The films will be sponsored the Davis ~ries is Bert lcnt capitalize on their surroundings I am certain that if Weather" and her singing of other numbers on her to their audiences relealing vie"" of theIr favante the radiO listeners cou](J see a radio performer in action weekly Sunday night programs over the CBS nelwork. radio arti~ts. 8 Your PROBLEMS Solved By The Voice of Experience

The VOla 01 Experience'J broodcast scbedft,,·~n your prO!!:rams .lId my .choul ho~ ... how I cnuW go aboul fi"din~ him! I love him so much and ,,"ould I am • H yur-old h;~h ."hoot /(irl Wh05" Mha"ior ....m. "EW weeks 3g0 I printd a letter from a chap dn .n)·thing to bria~ him back inlo my life a~ajn. Sonny and I to make my p"o"t. very unh,pl'Y. By my II"r""I •• nd tho<~ who was anxious to know what results could both nted him, I will l>e walti", for your r.ply, who han tried to ,tudy mt [ .111 con,ide.ed an eccenlric child, be obtainC'd from attending; olle of these ad­ }In, G. A I haven't an)" dc,ire 10 a.. odalt "ith childr.n of my OWII a!!;t, A l'l'rtised radio schools_ Ilere's an interesting pr.ferri"~ the c""'paninn,hil' of thOi -hO\'. alwa)" betn ""uch ",o.r;<'«ause I ref"'ed 10 ~n to him again. In order to indure me 10 beCOmt fri~"dly to children of lilY own His letter speak~ for itself: . mother will somctimes seem 10 ~ho\l' more love to the a~c, I W35 S.IIt to boa'dill~ .choul. lwice "nd la,t SUmmer 10 Dear Vuice of F.~IICrien(., black sheep alllong her children than for the others, so, camp, Imlud of ieeki"g friend., I .ought the litcrary side of it I ha,'. read your rd~r.nce to radio .choo]. and your request oftentimes, you find a wife that, despite anYlhing a .nd bec."'~ ..Iitor of the paper and won journ.li'tic hono .., to tho •• who have h~d UIICrie"ce with Ih'm, In lhe .am. issue I ..n uocioIO!!:y, h" read many the ingelluity and fortitude as ... ell u the capacity of the 'ndi· that my appeal would fall U\K\I1 deaf ears. If. since he hook. and attended many lectur., ill order th.t she might 1M! Vidual students, left you, he had had a change of heart. then cerlainly abk 10 help me, PI~",e, kind .ir, won'l you ,!"'e this leUer It i, III' to S. J, IV .. [f he ha~ the natural ...do,,·ments to your atlelltionl No one know. that I have writt~Q lOU. Your make a good br"aJo",ter, this .choot Un fi"j-h the joh, If, how­ he would have returned without any prompting, If advice will make Ill)' f3mily happier, eyor, he is .eel

A.thur Fai.fn. 1 ntuan of radio who local outlet at this time but is broad­ each Monday at 830 p. m., CST. has the air for about fh'e 10 five and a half hQWS all the !>Ia.!> pen.on~lIy, will do his ca~ting over an NBC network daily ex­ WMAQ as a Chicago outlet. Gene and years. As "Sam 'n' Ilenry."' they were on IItmost to ~nSWrr your ~lIel")' in the urlit!>t cept Sunday at 8:JO a. m, CST. Try Glenn are broadcasting from WTAM, WGN several years. Mtogether. they po~siblt Issue of RADIO GUIDE. The Dnly eHtption. will be thost quesHons th~t Ht WTAM () or WLW. Rev. Cleveland at 8:30 a. m. CST every ..... eek have been doing the SJrne act nnw for not of sufficient ~eneral inte.tst 10 merit Paul Rader has no local broadcasting day, nbout eight years, NBC first hnJ Ihem response In print; ~nd such inquiries will be period at present. on August 19, 1929. Je~sica Drap,onelle answered direct, it accompanied by a stampod is more of a concert and light opera so­ questions envelop!!. Addr.ss all to Arthur 1- E. McC.. Monett, Mo.-Annie, Judy prano, rather tbnn a strictly opnatic ~o­ Fairfax. RADIO GUIDE, 423 Plymouth Court, Mrs. L J. C. Burlington, Vt.-Little and Zeke, Eddie anJ Ralph, and Ray Per­ Chicago, III. German Bands a're prevalent on the air­ pr~no, but she can sing her operatic arias waves particularly on the middle western kins aren't on the air at the moment. very well. stations. Try Milwaukee and George Beatty broadcasts with Ethel Mary Louis, Chicago.-"Louie and lIis WJve lengths. Waters and Jack Denny's orchestra Sun­ Hungry Five" have been off the ~ir since day evenings at 6 p. m. CST over the S. N, 5., , Pa.-Write gJgman the close of the World's Fair and no CBS-WABC netl'oOrk. Billy Wells at Lord and Thomas aJI cr­ futllfe plans for them have been an­ 1- D., Gary, Ind._Hiram I-ligsby and ti~ing agency. 247 Park Avenue, New nounced. his Harmonica band can be heard each 1. lli C., Peekskill, N. Y.-No one York City. Ilis full name is William K. Saturday at 1:-45 p. ffi. CST over sta­ Wells, tion WLS, Chicago. knows whether Jack Arnold \\"ill be back R. 5., Jamestown, N. D.-The Mills on the Myrl an Marge progr~m. He's in Brothers are not broadcasting at present New York now. Evans Plummer ran P. A. N., Jersey City, N. J.-Writc to M. B., Harrisburg, 111.-Jack Denny's 50me rines of a lener he'd gonen from Glen Gray. of the Casa l.oma orche~lra. and no plans for the future are forth­ orchestra is now playing in the Statler coming. Joe Sanders is not broadcasting Jack in a recent iss!le. Look it up. c~re of the Columbia Bro~dcasting Sys­ as he is on a tour of one nigla s13nds. hotel in Boston and broadcasts over an Donovan is not the doctor in the Marino t('m, 485 Madison Ave., New York. N. y, NBC network twice a week; Thursday at lillie I.taly sketch-James Meighan is. Fr~nkie Jnxon is not broadcasting at pres­ I I :30 p. m. CST with no local outlet, and ent but may be heard later in the wlllter Friday at 10:30 p. m. CST with KYW Fred G., Buford, S. c,-The audition if current plans materialize. taking the progrJm for this area. Denny B[oomington, 1I1.-"Widow and Angt:l" dep3rtments of the big networks are over­ also has a CBS-WABC network broadcast are giving way 10 "Smack Out" with Mar­ worked most of the time. For further M. S., Freeport, III.-Fred Allen's Re­ each Sunday at 6 p. m. CST. ian and Jim Jordan. information address Miss Ann I aylor, vile is no"," being. broadcast each Wednes­ National Broadcasting Company, Radio day night at 8:30 p. m. CST o... er NBC Arthur Wright, Ottumwa, la.-The Del W. R. T., Chadwick, ilL-Amos 'n' City, New York. Your boy may have a and WMAQ. Bradley Kincaid has no Monte program over the NBC network Andy, under that name. have been on chance. • Behind the Scenes In Chicago Studios added starter to the matinee l"ariety pres­ By Harry Steele entation. Their rendition of the sweetly solemn "AbiJe With Me" hrought forth os A:'\GELES HAS HAD ITS MO­ fre:.h and unrestrained applause and their MENTOLiS movie premieres, New failure to prOI ide an encore was palpably York its Lindbergh welcomes, and accepted as a slight. L t\'ev.' Orleans has had its Mardi [t was estimaled that more than a thou­ Gras pageants-but only Qlicago has sand managed to worm their way into the had a Marge Damerel wedding to rate a pews and the ai!iles of Dr. Bradley's popu­ place in the front Tank of extravagant lar church but police who highest pitch of radiance, expected to witness a complete i\lyrt and Marge episode with the entire cast, in per­ jules Stein and his pleasirrg orchestra son. When it was not forthcoming and MARY McCOY blends her charming voice with the music af break out in a new spot, the Prima Rain­ HE.LEN MORGAN only the bride-to-be appeared on the arm still has that bushy h,ir, u her l~t~st pic­ of her mother on the altn, it whooped Ferde Grofe's orchll'Stra in support 01 Fred bo Gardens on the north side. Because Allen and Portland Hoffa in their new pro· of the size of the popular dance place tur~ reveals. Yuu may hur the (el~bratl:d it up with all the I'igor of a'l audi('nce gram hi'ard Wednesdays at 8:30 p. m, EST Jules has augmented hi! organization un­ song$tress Sundays ilt T p. m. CST over tile which came 10 5ee a gala and wa~ not to over the NBC·WMAQ network. til it now includes 1'4" pieces and boasts CBS-WBBM ndworit. Tile prDgr.m intludes be denied. two 5Olobts, Frank \Vilson, tenor, and Jerry Frcem~n'5 orebe$l1i1 and iI th01uS- The usual ohs and ahs of a church er, "''as the singing Qf the Four l'or~men petite Dorothy Thomas. An NBC net­ 1\'edding may hale obtained a start when 'Which the onlookers accepted as just an work broadcast with WMAQ as the Incal Marge made her appearance but they outlet brings Stein and the orchestra to failed to get up any momentum and the a'ir each midnight except Sul\day and were quickly suhjugated by the enthusiast­ at 7 :30 p, m. three nights a week. ic appbw.e which met the charming young star. It was a fibta spirit and its warmth even extended to Rev, Preston Bradley, Bandstand and Baton Alexander ,\lcQueen, heard daily except who had to raise protesting hanJs before HILE Olicago newspapers are may return to Texas after the Milwaukee Sunday CI'er \\'3 B 1\1 at 4: I:; p, m., and he could give tongue to the 'lxarly Be­ campaigning vigorously against auto 5how closes , .. Frank La. Marr en­ famous for his ,·;':othing But The Truth" JOI'~J" with which the rites were launched "saloons," and foreigners are livened New Year's Eve for Geneva, N. has gathered from real life experience, in keeping \Iith tradition. W criticizing New York's sit­ Y., fans, and Vincent Sorey for those in the _b~ckground necessary to his job as But that, and the rem:lillder of the down-while-you-drink policy, night clubs Scranton, Pa, • _ . Correy Lynn filled in r;\dio 111entor. iI1cQllcen i, an American brief service, were Ihe only portion of and cafes throughout the country lIre at the Trianon, Chicago, recently while citil.en now hut he was born in Colchester, the aftcTDoon's entertainment which mnn­ clearing decks for a waf against the small Jail Garba made his holiday tour of the England, where lle spent the greater part aged to keep ~tep with tradition. The tavern. EYer since 3.2 becr became le~l, middle west, embracing Pittsburgh, Grand of his childhood, To aid the support of cu,tQmary hush, th(' expected tears and these places, with their three or four-piece Rapids, I\'lich .. and Springfield, ilL .. , his family he acted as ,\ guide for touri:;1s the other nuptial by-produ~b were tram­ non-union orchestras, their radios and "Slim" lJrancb, who composed "'How'm I and gleaned from these contacts many of pleJ upon heartle,sly by an audience cleared spaces for dancing, ha\'e consti­ Doin'," is now tromboning with Bob the l!llere~ting bits of knowledge with which woulJ have made EdJie Cantor tuted a serious menace to the life of the Cbester, in the Detroit Athletic Oub, which his prr:.grams are dotted I ! Ie is writhe with envy. . big spot. the grand,on of a Scottish "heelandcr" l'ext in importance to the ceremony by Lack of ol'erhead of cour!)C has kept the who fought with Wellington at \\'aterloo. which ;\1arge b~ame Mrs. jean Kretzing- prices at these places at an extfl:mely The Drake hotel, Chicago, brings back one of its former maestros January popular level. The bigger ni~ht-lire houses 20, cannot expect to compete With them, and when Earl Burtnett takes Ol'e.r the stand, From noll' on ; p. m. wi!! be an increas­ will rely on prestige, "name" orchestras This, however, is an entirely different or­ ingly diverting hour vdth the addition of and elaborate floor shOll'S. Hcm-e\'cr, many chestra than Chicago associated with Earl lora, Lee anJ Lou, a trio of n)ung ladies, of the newer and not 50 expensive places in past years; most of his former men are to the daily programs of \\ crl. The have declared a moratorium on cover and \\'ith Buddy Rogen at present. Clyde girl, \\-ere lrained by Lillian Gordooi, minimum charges. A lower price level all McCoy mo\'es his hot trumpet down heard by Eddie "arzo>. and enthu:>iastical­ around may be expected south, either to Florida or Texas 'tis said. Iy rec(Jmm~eJ by him to the ~lation management. Their immediate engage­ ment fo!lo\\'~J and while Ihis program Art Kassel and his "Castles in the Air" continu~s the young Ilomen are busily provide the big news in the way of or­ auditioning for a pro,rectile ~ponsor. chestral moves this week. Art, who dis­ appointed Chicago fans by remaining out west an summer and fall, popped into the 1\1iddle v.e,urn audience~ hailed with Windy City for a one-llI11ht job at the COI1>idcrablc glee the rtum 10 the air, Merry Gardens ballroom Just before Act Monday, J. nllary I. of Pat Kennedy, ten­ Brigode retllrned. lie played in the Pom­ or Ilho formerly added mw;b pre!i1ige to peiian Room of the Congress hotel New the Ben Bernie orchestra. A drug firm, Year's Eve. lie will shortly replace Bernie hearing tlMt Pat 11'a;; :\I'aiJable. took rapid CTI1l1mim in the Netherl:md Plaza hotel. adl'Jlllagc of the opportunity and con­ Cincinnati, \','ilh WLW and WSAI mikes, tracted him for a serie<; of programs for an unannounced length of time. through Station WGN. I Ie i:; hC'lrd daily except Sunday from I :3U to 1:45 p. m. Bllddy Rogers seems settled in the in a musical program with LeonarJ Salvo, Paradise Restaurant, New York, for quite WGN stuff organist. I 'ortunately Pat's a while now, Buddy was badly wanted new series was launchcli on :i. holiday so back in Chicago a few weeks ago when that he hJJ the ad\'antagl!s of Ihe largest Pbil HarrH left the College Inn spot possible day~time auJienl!e. Ilo\\' much vacant, but cootracted vaudeville appear· they appreciated his return to the air ances kept him in the east. Paul Asb is was quickly eridenced by the mail and sharing the College Inn job wilh Noble telegraph respon>e from Ibteners. Sissk just at present, and the various NBC pjckups from the spo1 are not quite definite on whose music they broadcast. There will he a change in the network time for \YLS, when the ba~ic unit of BANDSTAND BITS; Warn' King NBC inaugurates it) new schedule for the JOHN ERSKINE plays handball now for his wmter exer­ Saturday night Barn Dance. Formerly eminent aulhar.humorist·musie !rllie, wnt cise ... He received an autographed bear­ heard OR the chaiR from 10 to II p. m. skin as a Christmas present from the put thutltlts Into the new H~II 01 F.ilT1e CST, it wi]] be btu.:ldc:tst from 9:30 to Hudson Bay trapper who visited him dur· series, beginning Su~d~y, J~nnry 7, ~t 10:30 each Saturday night beginning iag the World's Fair last summer , , • BE N BEf\.JUE january 13th. Because of this alteration 9:30 p. m, CST over the NBC·WEAF net· Charles Barllet returns to New York .. his ];atlst ~_ TIle Ohl M.slre ;and I'IlIrk, Kathirine Hepburn, moyjedom'~ 1933 in the network schedule, e1TecteJ to give after a tour of South Americ.a .. FeH King 01 Juz bas tlu.1 IoDk ill Itil; eyes tht Eastern listeners a better break, import- $ensalion, will h guest Slar III Ihe initial WIllIams has renewed at the Roseland _ the usuill w.isnnclr. wit! be focth- brudust, Ball.room in Brooklyn •• • Mark Fisber. ~i D g ID jusL a 11'10_1.. (COIlLillucd on Page 25) 11 12 R a d i 0 G u ide THE VOICE OF THE LISTENER The use of this department 15 cordially offued to every reilder 01 RAD tO GUID E who has lain Henry, Gene Arnold, David Ross and lames The Charm Works " thought to uprl!'Ss Ind " desire to upuu It. LET'S ALL GET TOGETHER and TALK Wallington. TH ING S OYER. Here 15 " farum to which everybody Is cordiiUy invited. Address.ill leUen These .,Iists give that p;arlicular something ChiC3JIo. Ill. to VOICE OF THE LISTE NER. Ihllin Guide, 423 Plymouth Court. Chicago, 111 . to the ai, wave. that surely must be labeled Dearl VOL.: "charm." Abo, flADIO GUIDE add. much It seeml that the third letter YOUf fullers Warm and plu!ure to long, lihut.in hours. ~te i. to hue i. an suell programs I am certain y/lu w/luld you (maUy r«O£nized the Mn. Crau King.lcy list one I 1m loing to write, but I 1m yoo .ttract • large humber of musie loyers to your Too Many Mary Lous thould publish it as it contain. real nCw •. pap<'r. Fir.t mly I congratulate RADIO GUIDE OD R. Jane Gcrtling Ft. Ethan Al1~n, Vt. Its second Innivu53ry. This week', GUIDE is I Dcar VOL: Texan Likes Lone Star knQ<:k·oot, or, I. the Old Maestro would oay, Since VOL .eems 10 be the complainl depart· lVaco, TeL ' ''The Belta of the Besta" in radio news. Also ment of RADIO GUIDE, I'll make my complnint Dear VOL: , lad to lee you are now stilchinl the pagn She Majors in Latin there, too. Why docs the .ponsor of "Show Boat" On account of inter/erence of so many sla. CambridGe, Mas .. which i•• bill' improvement. keop changing the singing ''Mary L o~f" I won· tions, we find it difficult to hear Donald Novis Dear VOL : Secondly I wish to comment on Ibe J~venile der if he doe.n't reaU'e tbe listeners .an dis· ling over KSL. Why i. it I never .ee anything about 'fito radio artiSh who are at prestnt getting into tinguish between their voices. I can remember Mr. Novis may have a Sphin!<·1ike face but G\1i~3r in any magazine or papo .. like nADIO radio's highlililhts. Take for one Instance little five "Mary Lous": The Misses Jackson, Marsh, he has the Yoke of an angel which makes up Mary Emal!. I really beliove Ihere is one of tbe GUIDE. He has been my r.vorite ever since he Wil..,,,, Newman and Bennett. While I think for any tacial ,Icfoch he may have. I had rather best present day Juveniles along the .irialto. went on the air and J could li.ten to hion ror Miss Wilson WaS the best, perhaps some of the hear him th,n all the linging Adonises, not Thon tbere ue Usby non Marie, Franklin hou". 1 think he is the best singer on the air. r.st of you do,,'t. But 1 do wish the spensor excepting Lanny non, Bing Crosby, Morto's. O<:ar VOL: Thanking you and wish RADIO GUIDE m,n, If there was Ie .. ad,· crt ising on programs WI Oklahoma City, Ok.. Makt it two bushel, or p/"unH and give Mrs, mOre yeul of luccess. would enjoy thcm. Take for instance Amos and Dear VOL: Pete George one also in the pronunciation of the Palmtr Rel.t And)'. They start at 10 p. m., talk until 10:05 Sinct picking tbe ten leader! in various groups "'ord "Dogy." Anderson WII correct in pronun. Bbou! Pepoooent, tben give Amo. and Andy five Is in ,·oguc, I hop

(Pin or pm------te t];is blank, filled out, to "our letter) Send in Your Criticism Today ---..:jI~... WIN $50 WEEKL Y ENTRY BLANK No. 14

FIRST PRIZE •• $25 pub~c librari.s. You do not have to pur· Radio Guide eha .. Radio Guide to entet the contt,t. SECOND PRIZE. $10 5. Th. editors of Radio Guide ,hU be the judges in each weekly contest and their Better Radio Program Comest and three prizes of $5 each decision Mlal! be finat in each instance. 5. All letters regarding the "Ro." and Drums" program mu,t be in tht office of I have read the rules of this contest and agree to CONTEST RULES Radio Guide On or before Saturday, Janu· abide by them; and herewith submit my com~ I. leiter. must be written in ink or type­ ary 20, to be eligibte. A"'ards will be lUI· writer an one side of the p3p; a little Item like tbtrty millwlz dollan). the violinist ... 9 p. m. and a chade of Jlln 12, Smilill' Ed McCollllell, antI Stolwwski's symphony Of the Troubadollr! you have become to us-yet, times are Adl·crtising on the air should be clean, hard. and everything has been alTected~ Jan. lJ, Irving Morrow. truthful and representative. It should with their guest star, a draw depending on our mood ... 9:30 p m. -means John Mc­ We must conserve our assets," and so the never approach the low standards accepted letter went on 10 the end of the page by too many newspapers. Cormack is battling Burns and Allen on the other chain. with the silly Gracie usu­ where. in an apologetic tone, A nws 'n' Meet Lanny Ross Fortunately, the great majority of radio ally winning the bout . 10 p, m., and Andy explained to their secretary how sor· LANNY ROSS, TOAST OF THB programs escape thi~ criticism Most net· there's no choice~it is DEFINITELY ry they were that they would have to cut Show Boat hour, passed through the mid· work and perhaps fifty percent of the local Fred Waring's orchestra, the slickest musi· her salary ten per(ent! west enroute to I !ollywood this past week, station programs meet the stipulations cal organization on the air. Then, upon reaching page two, the note and it was our good fortune to meet him mentioned. And. Mr, Petrie, speaking of While awarding the plums, here's a crate continued: "On second thought. however, and his wise female manager, Olive White. your fears of governmental regulation of of them for the many stars who appeared we have decided to TalSt your salary ..." Take it from us. customers, Lanny is a radio, we wonder if you realize that the at '""Orphan asylums, hospitals and other Just a couple of schoolboys out for a regular guy, and as regular guys are, ex· present federal control of industries would institutions during the holidays. We pre­ lark! tremdy likable. never have come about had the industries sent a special box of sweet plums to that Miss White is a clever woman, She is had the good sense to control thcmselves multiple character delineator. Bill Baar, not building Ross to be a '·nash-in-the­ properly? After you've been in this bu.ineH of NBC, whose kindness took him to four as long as the weary compiler of tbis PJn." Everything about his fame is sub- One of the greatest controls, incidentally. benefits at yuletide and laid him low with pillar, you begm to suspect that tbe 51antial and deserved, nothing cheap and is the innucnce exerted by listeners' for­ bronchitis. terms .sbowmallsblp and bammess are t~wdry. You don't see Lanny participat· ums. critical columns and wholesale ex­ Prunes to NBC for scheduling the popu­ syllonymOUJ or closely related. ing in the freakish stunts many other pressions such as the RADIO GUIDE "Better lar Vic and Sade opposite Columoia's name stars do merely to capture new$­ Radio Contest." equally popular Easy Aces. paper and magazine columns. We asked him what he liked most about Funniest TalJio clipping at 19JJ waf And, with no connection 10 plums Try This on Your Sax his proposed Hollywood venture. His re.­ that sub7llitted by Herbert Swart{, oj or prunes, we admire the fran/mess 0/ FROM OUT WEST VIA THE CBS ply was lypicaL Goshen, Ind., 'who callght tbe Cbicago Clara 'n' Lu's "Em," wbo Without wires often comes the music of Rilymom{ "Well," he answered, "I think it will be Tnblllle's radio page on December 17 soliCllation, adllu/s tbat the first time Paige's or(hestra, and thereby lies a tale. great to meet all the famous movie stars.'Ii MUSIC IN THE AIR iliac Symphony, January 7 (NBC at 5 at least, he will continue on a half-hour J',let's stage. Goeto fju1Igberg, whom we By Carleton Smith p_ m. CST). Thereafter he plays the program playing piano solos. We have enjoyed as "Elektra" last season, will BeetllOven Concerto with Arturo Tosca- long felt that solo piano progr

3:30 P.M. 4:00 P.'" Features: Sentinels NBC Sunday, Jan. 7 Roses and Drums COS

10:00 AJ\t. NBC-Eli.aho:lh Lenox, .ontralto: W£AF WTAM 5:00 PJ'tL NBC-Hajj and Grue,,: WEAF WTAM W\lAQ WDAF NBC-Symnhony Orch ... t .. ; Jose Itutbi. pianist: LOG of STATIONS WOAF WGN-E""'robl. Mu.ic WJl WLW WENR WHAS-Liltle Church Around the Comer MIDWESTERN EDITION) CBS-/!hoda Arnold .nd Taslor Buckley: KMOX CBS-So~g. Your Mother Used 10 Sing; R ... (/II! Kilo- Power, Nf!' WCCO WI:';D WO\\'O WINO-Cetrnan Hour; William Klein WLS-Livt Stoc:k Reptlrts nard s Oreheura; Olivet Smith tenor ' Letters cycles Wlltts loutlon work NBC-~Iornin~ ~Iu,icale: WJZ WEl';R WLW Muriel Wibon. loprano: WABC' KMOX KMOX 1090 50,000 St. Louis, Mo-,--COS WBBM-Jack Brook., tenor; Dr. Ronlorl. or,ani.1 WLW-I)octor Jacob Ta.. hi,h WCCO WBB\! WMAQ-lJrid~e Club KYW IOl{) 10,001 Chiugo,llI. --NOC WCFL-Red Hot and Low Down Program with NBC-<:atholic Hour: WEAF WMAQ WTAM woe Bob Ha"k WOC.WHO-Mid-Contineot, Rockin!!" Chair Pro­ 1-1'110 WDAF WASC ~ 860 50,000 N. Y. City. N. Y. CBS WHAS-Fourth Avenue Pre,byteri'n Church .o:ram KYW-Sumlay My,ieole WOWO-Go;spel Temple S~rvice W8aM- 170 25,000 Chicago, III. - CBS 10:15 '\.1\1. WGN-Joe lIa"mcr weco 810 50,oeD Minn'polis. Mi~ NBC-M~jor Bowe<' Copitol Fa,nily: WEAF 1:35 P.M. WHAS-or~an Mc1o<)1 <:';!In WOC·WHO-... tudio l'ro~ram WOWO 1160 WLW-Don Hall Trio: PhantOm Strings (NBC) 2:30 P .M. 11:00 A.M. NBC-Jan GarbOr\5 ,,",·,~w Illne eleventh hour changn in p,ogram Ilstin;~, WMAQ-<:Iudio Vari£1y Pm~ram WOC·WHo-Seein" Other Americas (NBC) WGN-E",ernbl~ ~],,'it lime, ete. WINO-Slrin~ Trio -U :30 .-\.1\1. WJJO-Il~n I\ant.r. piani.! CBS-~ladison En,ern"l. WCCO WOC·WHo-lllllt.d Remedies Program NIGHT NBC-.r:toxy Conc.rt; S;mpbcny Or~he.tra: 3:01) P.M. WJZ WLW NBC-Fiddlcr~ Three. i"s\rumenl.1 and vo<:al; MORNING CBS-Sen Alley. tenN widl \lu;c KMOX-.],·wi;h 5rrvic~ with Rab~i Ferdinand (BS-Junior B"~lc, child"n', pro~r"m: WABe JI:45 A.M. WIND-Gary Mu,i~"le Program WOWO WHAS Weco CBS-Mailison Ensemblr: WIISC WIiAS WJJO-Litl,ualli"" llour M. I"er",~" KVW-Fi,·c Mi,,"t~s !'ast 40 NBC-The Balladee.. : WEAF WMAQ "'TAM Wcco-'''n,e Grand Jury," The HOIl. W. W. WL S-~I",ical Featur. WDAF Bardwell WLW-Thcnlcr of the Air WBBM-l'"t Flan:o~"n's Sports Summary KMOX-Bible Broaden,ter WCCO-,\Iu~ical Pro~r"m 3:15 P.M. WCFL-Gcrman Program KYW-Sunday Morni,,~ :'UII.hine Program WCFL-S"'edhh Churcb Pr'1:ra1n NBC-Vee "nd Johnny. songs: WEAF WTAM WGN -Ilook Talk. Prof. Percy Iloynton AFTERNOON WDAF WJJO-{'.tholic S~rvio ..~ WJJO-Pickard Fan,ily lZ:00 Noon WGN-M.I. Qu.rlet WOC·WHO-Studio I>r,,-,!ram 8:30 A.M. WL5-Gov~r"m~nt Talk. E. J. D.vi, 6:05 P.1\I. NBC -Cloi.Ur B.lls: WE"" WMAQ WTAM NBC-Russian Symphonic Choir: WEAF WDAF 3:30 P.M. WTAM-Slrings a"d "'or~ (NIlC) WDAF WTAM NBC-Prine"" Pat Pageant, dramatic ,ketch: 6:15 P.I\.I. WCFL- Reli~iou. Po]i,h Prcgram CBS-Chufoh of the Air: WABC WIIAS weco WINO-Brighl and F .. >t WIND WJZ WENR NBC-or~a" Symllhonette.: WTAM WJ10-Sunday \lornin\!: Fr<>lic KMOX- Has.gell ~nd Stla~ter Present NBC-lloovu Seminel" COMett, Edward Davie .. KVW-The Glob<,land Smith, .ermoo 6:25 P.M. WCFl-G.rman PrO!:r~ln 12:15 PM. 3:45 P.M. KYW-Loui. Panko', Oreh ..tra WNAQ-Program Preview KMOX-Buddy, l.b and Otto WGN-En'e",ble 1I-Iu,-io 6:30 P.1\I. 9:00 A.1\I. 12:30 PM. WJJD-Frw B~ck, organi,t NBC-Joe Penn.r. comedian; !larriel Hilliard, vo­ NBC-';(mthland Sketch •• ; Male Quartd; Ln« NBC_National Youth Radio Conlerenn, Or. Dao. 4:01) P .1\l . uli.t; Owe Nel,on's Orchestra: WJZ WLW B3nd: WJZ WENR WLW iel A. Poling: WJZ WMAQ NBC-Drcam Drama: \vEAF WOC WHO WENR WLS CBS-Omrch 01 the Air: WABC WOWO WHA.S CBS- La~y Dan, The Minstrel Man: WABC CBS-H. V. Kaitenborn: WABC WHAS KMOX WTAM KVW-l'into Pete KMOX weco WBI3M WHAS KMOX WCCO WBBM CBS-Ro • ., and Drum •. drama: \VABC WHIIS NB(-;bdio Pulpit. D. S. Parkes Cadman: NBC-D~I. Carnc~i., "Liltl. Known Fatt. Abou1 WCCO-We, the People; W. I. "'0131\ KMOX WCCO W88M WG N-Sports RCj>Ortrr WEIIF WMAQ WTAM WDAF Well Known People": WEAF WTAM KVW-Two Doctors with Aces of the ,\ir ..... GN-l;Iible Il.adin~s; Or~an Retit~1 WCFL-Popular Music WCFL-The Light Opera Company WINO-Poli!h Hou, WIND-Morning Melodi.,. dance mu,i. WOAF-Singing Strings WGN-Allnn Grant WTAM-/.ncil1e Man" .... ~oprano (NBC) WJJO-Sunday Morning rro!i~ WIND-W.lkathon Orchestra WIND-Nors" Hour 6:45 1'.1\1 . WOC ·WHG-Chri.tian Scie"c. Service. WLS-Polisn Mu"ic Hour WJJ O-~l oi'~3yc 1l 0~H'Jawski. concerl pi.nist CB5-Grandmot.hcr Goc. MoM.,,: WCCO 9:15 A.1\I. WLW-Alfred Schehl, organi,t WLW-Snlilin' Ed M.Co,lne" NBC-IVc",ldl l!:<. WMAQ WLW WTAM WDAF CBS-Broadway Melodie.: n.len Morgan: Jeny NBC -Gra,,,' Hotel. drama: WJZ \VENR a".,l .. I\'oolleoll: WABC WIlAS KMOX KMOX-Sah'alion Army Band Fr""man'. Orche.tra; Choru,: WASe WUAS CBS-Frallk Crumit and Julia Sanderson: WABC WBBM WBBM-M otnin~ Popular :'on,. KIIIOX weco WSBM IVIIAS KMOX NBC-To he 3n"cullC,,"-,: WJZ KYW WCFL-Ilighlighh 01 Mu,i. KYW-Bar X Da), and Nights (NBc) NBC-Talkie Piclure Time. sketch: WEAF WMAQ KYW-Efloll Petri. pianist WDAF-Safon Music WCFL-Lithuanian Progralll IVOC WHO WTAM IVDAF WCCO--~I u

9:30 pJL Hepburn NBC GAGS and BONERS (S UNDAY CONTINUED) One dolfar will be paid for each gag or boner published 8:00 P.M. G~9' Inn Boners submllteG 101 thts COl December 20, WIND '> J') p m umn mu<1 be Identified by the cal! leUers 01 Announcer: "Unfortunnlely, ladles an d kas-The Seven St~r .Revue; Nino Martini, len· or; F.tOO Rape,,', Orohestra; Jane Froman. the $t~tion. and the time. Untess this infor· gentlemen, Al and Pete will return to­ • ontraitQ; Ted Musing; the Vagabond Glee mation I. Qlven. enlries cannot be considered . morrow at the same tH11C" - Joe Scott, Club: WAlle WOWO WHAS KMOX weco Crawfordsville. Ind INBC-M,,,hatlan Merry-Go-Round, Ru ••ian blue. December 19, WEAP: } p. m.~ linge.; David I'ercy, orehestra, WEAF WMAQ Announcer: "Penatro] is especially effec­ December 20. KtlWX: 6:;, p. m.~ woe WHO WTAM WOAF tive for deep·seated children's colds."­ INBC-Will Ho~ .. rs, guest artist; Revel"., Quar. Boake Carter: "80 per cenl of the tn­ tel; AI Goodman'. Qrch.lra: WJZ WLW Mrs. N \V Leonard. Xenia. 111 dustries are under the NRA codes while YW-I)C\"(li"" Black and Blue 30 per cenl are not"-Erwin Yockey. New WCFL-Rr,'. John W. R. Ma~uire, talk December I,. \VEAF: 9 p. m.- London. Wise BBM-1933 Kaledo,oopio View, drama alld Announcer: "This program comes from ~ musk (CBS) Phillips .\lilk of Magnesia."-Miss E. ENR-pal B.rn.... imP<'rsona!ion, Schmidt. So Floral Park. L 1.. N. Y. RETAIN THE WGN-~I~le Quart.t ~INO-Mac ~kCloud'" Orchestra December 12. WBAP: 7:JO p. m. 8:15 P.l'!I. The Ilired I land: "Mr. Carter is in Old KVW-TMy Nu~'o's Orehestra Mextco hlll:ting deers "-Mrs, ,c. R Ren· WCFL-Ed(lj~ Simo,,', Orchestra WENR-iJJvuri"n EIl.~mbl .. fro. Drumnght. Ok]a WGN-'\, Ihor S~~" Hcm,;n~, [a1k 8:3(1 P.M. December 17, WLW; 8:06 p. m.­ NaC_A,,,criun AIl>um of Familiar MII"i~, 1 8:45 P.M. year-old son. John."-I J D. Ward, Ch;nles­ KVW-Gl"b. T,Oller ton. W Va WENR-Carl", Molina'. Orcheslra LJecember 19. WDAP: 8:5~ p. m.­ WLW-Unhrohll Meloatri'~ Drama. 01 Childhood: WABC Fort Madison. Iowa II'IIAS KMOX WCCO IVBBM NBC-To W announced: WJZ KYW December 18, WJR: 5:JO p. m.­ WCFL--{)r,h. Iral Program Lowell Thomas: "The Lindberghs 1010(1· WIND-J"" Belland ed today in the plane in which they have WDWO-S!utlio i'ro~r"m THE KING'S JESTERS flown backwards and forwards across the 9:15 P.M. or reading from top to boltam: Fr~nci5 Ba· ocean."-Raymond Karcher. Cadillac WCFL-AI Handlers Orchestra tow, John Rayentnlft. Ray MCOermott ~n d Mich. WENR-Edi,,,n 5}'mphony O.ch.stra George Howard. You hur ll1fm Monday WGN-Jl;,1 l';cmp's Orchest" nights in the Side Show at 8 o'clock EST WINO-N,,,,n",, Core'. Orchestra nights In Ihe Side Show al 7 o'clock EST December 17. WJZ: 7:45 p. m.- WOWD-Ji",,,,y nieh~rd'. Orchestra OVer the NBC·WMAQ network ~nd again on Ben Brauer: "Breakfast IS good with 9:30 P.M:. Friday nights at 9 o'tlock CST in the Olsen stollen, coffee and other meals."-Carl NBC-Hall of fame; Katharine Hepburn, g\lett network. Crosby, Trenton, N. J arliM; John Er,kine, ",aster of c£remonies; Orch.'lr.: IVEAF WLW WlIlAQ CBS---Conc!al'e "I Nalions: WARe WOWO WIIAS NBC-Minneapoli. S)'mphony Orchutra: WEAF with this marvelous WCCO WLW woe WHO WMAQ WTAM KMOX--Carl HQhongarlen" 11 Pie<:e Orch ..t .., Along AIRIALTO WCCO--Jimmy JO}'" Orche.tra Olive Oil Face Powder 12 Voic. Glee CIQb; Boy,' alld Girl.' Trio, WENR-Sports Reporter; TNl Weems' Orch... lra (Ccmttnlud from Page 7) KVW-The Old Apothecary WGN-Wayne King'. Oreh~owder en:lbles CBS-Henry Bllsse'. Orche'lra; WABC WHAS ment four years ago. as one of his first even the most delicate complexion 10 re­ WBBM-Ace lhi~od.'s Orcheslra weco KMOX WIND programs on CBS and has done it ever WCFL-Da,'e Unell'. Orchestra This un ~ NBC-Rudy Vall ••'s Orch.,tra: WJZ KYW since ... When Ford Motors takes to CBS main soft, firm and youthful. WENR---CIJ"de Lucas' Ord.estra WCFL-Eddie Simon's Orcheslra in early February, it Will have the largest usual powder acts as the skin-.oils do to WGN-The Drum Ship WEHR-Phil Harris' Orchestra keep your skin smooth and supple, Yet it WIND-Talk by Gov. McNutt commercial network, with more than 80 is as dry and light as thi~tle-down. WlW-Dancc Orch.~tra 11:10 P.M. stations from Atlantic to Pacific The Try this different face powder tOOny. In WMAQ--~Iary Sman] songs; Green Brothu.' NO'(. WGN-<:hadie Agnew'! Orch.lra Tydol "Music on the Air" stanzas on CBS elly Orche.tra tNBC) 11:15 PJ\J. 7 smart shades 10 blend naturally with have gone in for comedy, as well as mel· any complCl>ion. The Good 110usekceping 10:00 P .M. WeFL-Eddie H.nson orl\'aHi~1 ody, having stanN! the New Year by adu. NBe-John Fogarly, tcno)r; Richard Leibert, 01" "Seal of Approval" is your guarantee of WIND-J"" Kromis' Orchestra ing a fleW comedian. jimmy Kemper. to ganist: \\IJZ WMAQ 11:30 P.M. quality. CBS-Lit lie Jock Little's Oreh ••tra, WAlIC their talen! roster. CBS-Vincent Lop., Orche,t,.: WABC WlLAS OUTDOOR GIRL Face Powder and other WIND WIIAS The Silver Dust programs, which form· Olive Oil Beauty Products are sold by KMDX--(;eo'gc L. Soot!, Organ !lecital WCCO KMOX erly featured Jeannie Lang and Jack KVW-ToIlY Nu.",'s Orchestra NlIC-C.rlo5 Molina'. o,chestra: WEAF WOC leading drug and department stores, SOC WHO WMAQ Denny, returned to CBS January 2, to be WCCD-D~auly Ihal Endures and 25c. Also at variety stores in m;nia~ KVW-Oan Ru,so'. Ord,~str3 heard at 6:30 p. m. cst three times a WCfL-Back l10me Hour ture sizes for IOc. If you wanl to sample WENR-Dance Nocturne week. The sponsors intend to plug their WGN--Charli. A~"ew's Orchestra 5 of the most popular powder shades WLW-Dimmick'~ Orchestra WGN-Late Dance Orcht'trns program idea rather than personalities. WIND-Vincent Lopez' Orch~.tra mail the coupon for generous Free rrial WOWD-llibl. Drama and they're not divulging the names of the packages. 10:05 p_'r. WTAM-Mike Speciale's Ord,."r. Silver Dm! Serenaders: Each Tuesday KMOX-~Ii~. Child's Orch.slra 11;45 P .M. they'll broadcast fireside melodies, with 10:10 P .M. KMOX-"When Day Is 1)0".' dance music on Thursdays, and salon mus­ OUTOCDn CInL WeCO--Junior A.. ""iation of Com Iller.. For~ WCFl-Dave Un~ll·. PrO!:r.m icales on Satu~day-with the idea of hav­ 12:00 l\Jid. ing something to please everyone in al @tk@d 10:15 P.M. KVW-Louis Panico'. Orchestra least one of the three broadcasts each NBC-Ennio Bolognini, 'cellist: WJZ WENR W8BM-Around lb. Town, dance orcheslr... week. FACE POWDER - KVW-SporIS Reporler; Louis P.nico'. Orchestra WENR-Jules Siein's Orche,tra WCCD-Junior Associ.tion; Talk; Weather Re- WINO-Mac McCloud's OrcheSlra The revival of gay night-life in New York, following repeal, finds many of your PTATII •••••••• • 16 R a d I 0 G u ide

Radio Guild 7:30 P.... Monday, Jan. 8 Lawrence Tibbett NBC

10;15 A.iU. KMOX-St, L.>"i. Medical S(H:iety 3;00 P.M. MORNING NBC-Si"","g 5tri"~ •• t,,,c,uble: WJl WMAQ WGN-E".emble MU$ic NBC-He3d1in~. in Song; Uonry Neely, narrator; CB5-.\IQ«\U,~ Moods: WAHC WIIAS WINO WHA5-Monk and Sam Ma~)· ."d S'naUe. vouhst.: WEAF WTA!rI 8:00 A.M. WOWO "~IOX WINO-L',·t.(oek M.. kel. CB5-Bob Solan. tennr; Orchestra: WASC WJJO-Sirle Show; Chuck Lanphier, barker NBC-Brukf.st Club, dance orch~tra: WIZ WENR-Toda~·. Childr.n WOWO IVBB~1 WCCO WGN...... (;at... Wdln.,. piaui.t WlW-Berni. Cummin.· O",h... tra W~IAQ NBCW~\~~t~\"~S'd Bob. dramatic sketch: WJZ NBC-.\j"'njng Glories: WEAF woe WIIO WLIV WJJO-What·. New in ;\I,,,ic WMAQ-Dauce Or~he"r. WTAM WlW-U. S. ~av}· B.nd (NBC) WOC·WHD-Acidine Program KYW-Lurky Sev.n WOWD-H.pp)· H.rb Heyworth KYW-Mu.l ••l ('1<><1<, Y3ri~lv PrtlS ...... 10 :30 A.M. WCfl-,lfte,"""" Frolit. WTAM-Qrga" ~l.lodie. WCfL-Kiddie.' Aeropb". Club NBC-Rhythm Ramble ... (I3nce oreh"'lra; Ed". WGN-ne Rondohers 12:45 P.M. WOAf-'1or"in~ Bibl~ 1..';0", Odell. c()(lt~ Go Lucky Tim', Art Liniek WCFL--George O·Connell. harilone WCCO-Cab C"lIo\\"ay WOC·WHO-Kolor·B:lk Prog.am WENR-t"I1 ..... Inn C",,,.dy WCFL-Halli. Glaster.• piritual .inr.... WLS-Wondcrland Trip; The E""rson, 3:15 P.l\I. WLW-Ilom. Care lor Ih. Sick; Mrs. Littleford WGN-Arl K,hn. p;"ni;t WGN-E,,'cmhle Mu.ie WHAS-tollege of Agriculture NBC--John Martin Stllrv Program: H~len Wal..." 8:15 A.M. WINO-l[awaiian Se,.nade WJJO-F,~,I Beck. or~~ni_t WINO-Walkathon O'ch.!ra conlralto, WEIIF WTA.VI KYW CBS-Vinc.nt Sorey'. Oreh~.lra: WAlle WHAS WOC·WI-IO-Studio Pr<>ll;r,,,, WOC.WHO-Jirnmy and Jack WBBM-Ed,li. Houoe; No"" Sherr and Dorothy NBC-L:mdl Trio and While. so,,~ • .ad comedy: WOWO-Mi.cha Ra~i,,"h's En ••rnbl. (CBS) Miller WEAf woe WHO IVTAM WLW 10;45 A.M. 12:50·I'.M. WGN-Arlhur Obe', .nd Orl"n WBBM-Hal Keml"$ Orch.,lra WeFL-Time Parade KMOX-The Noontimen; Orchestra WHAS-llob Nolan. te"or; Orche.tn (CBS) WINO_llu"~arl:.,, lIDO' WeCO-Strolli,,' Tom WINO-Waxin~ Wa"n WCFL-Va.i.,y P.ogram WJJO-llarry St ••I •. N..... Commenulor WJJD-Mr. S.hl"~e"h."or'l Voovil Theatu 1:00 P.M. WJJO-Fretl Beck. o.g~"i.t WLS-Proouce Reportu WENR-Studio V3rie!y I'rog ..... NBC-The Revolving Stage. sketch: WEAF WlS-Ro""dup. The WeSlernN., Joe Kelly WGN-Painted Drum •.• kdch woe WLW-Johanna Gro .... OrK""ist 8:25 A.M. WHAS-Unive.~ity of L.>u'wille 11'110 II'TAM WOAF CB5-The Captivators: WADC WINO WMAQ-.\lu,ical. WLS-BenU.y'. New. WINO-ramou. D.nce B."d$ WOC·WHO--Gertrude i!u"toon Nou","", pia ... N BC-,\I".ical Originalities: lenor; soprano; IIku. 8:30 A.M. WJJO-Modern Rhyt~"'. WlW-Hru: WJZ WCFl-Farme.. Union WENR " KYW-Two OoetOtS wllh AOlita" Parade (CBS) WCCD-Minn ..ota Public Heallb Ass ... WHO WTAM WMAQ WDAF WJJO-MOti~",i.ti. Melodi •• 11;15 A.M. WCfL-tivi_ and Welf.r. Talk fT..... Mayor" WBBM-l'hi! Harr,s' Orche"n WlW-lIh}·thm JeSle .... malt quartet NBC-Wend.n Hall, .ong' and ukulele: WJZ Offict WCFL-Pal of Ihe Air WGN-Ro"dolic.. ; Arthur Ot...r" Icnor .nd Earle 8:55 A.M. WENR WINO_Vocal Var'die. CB5-Gwsy Nina. oonl:"' WABC WOWO WHAS WUO-Fred neck. organ,.t; reque.t prOgram Wilki •• baritone WeCO-Woman'. Calendar WINO WCCO WlS-Maple City Four. John Brown. piani.t WINO-II,list Redt.l (ClIS) 9:00 A.M. NBC-Johnny Marvin. SOn".! WEAF WTAM WOC·WHO-thatler BOl< WlW-Four I'als NBC-Breen and d. Ro.e. vueal ."d in.lrumenl.l KMOX-Mou"t.in M'n.lrel. P.ogram WOWO-B"own County Revpler. WOWo--Dld TIme Revival duo: WEAF WTAM woe WHO WBBM-Vir~inia Clark, Charli. and Gt". 1:20 P.M. 4:00 PM. WBBM-MeI",ly C.lendar WOAr-tountryside Chah WBBM-I':ddie 1I0u.e, organist NBC;-F.d. Kirk.hy·. Orch.tra: WEAF WMAQ WCCO-Qrch ..tr. WJJO-Friendly Philo.ol,!>e., Horne' Grifrith WOC·WHD-Melody Lane WLW woe WHO WGN-Mu.n'nl (oncert WLW-Ri"er; Market and Wuth« Reporl. 1:25 P.M. NBC_lVa«1 and Mo ..y, piano duo; WJZ WENR WHAS-Hal>l'y Jack Turne. WMAQ-Public Schools I'ro;r.,n WBBM-Local Markels KMOX-Tu"f Shop WIND-Happiness I':xjJre .. WOC·WHO-;\larket. 1:30 P.M. WJJO-So".... F.,..l'v.1 WBBM-I!~I.n Fitch. Movie Chatl.r 11:30 A.M. NBC-Smack Out. g Fla,h; Liv •• toek Rel>O,t; Dr. Bunde'· NBC-Rex Baltle·. Conc.rt En~bh: WEAl'" CBS-A",erican Sohool 01 the Air: WABC WOWO WCFL-A,luU Education Council en 1I0ur WMAQ WTAM WfiAS KMOX WBBM WCCO WOAF WGN-EducatiOl,al Pro~ra'n, spuk... WlW-Boynlon and Erion. lenor .nd JopranO) CBS-o.car Chapman. talk: WABC WHAS WCf"l-Popular Music WMAQ-H.ahh Ex.rd••• WHAS-o.un M.lodi •• WOWO WBBM WGH-I'at Kenncdy. tenor; Len Salvo, organist WOWO-l1ou,"wif. 1I0llr WINO-K.;",eth Honchin •• Cowboy Sonp HBC-Nation.! Farm and Home H ...... , luest WIND-Luncheon Danee Music WJJO-J 0 and M3 ••• kit 9;15 A.M. speakers; orchestra: WJZ WLW KYW WOC WLS-M.rket.; Today'. Almanae WTAM-Twilight Tunu; Pie Plant Pete CB5-Bill and Gin~er: WAlK WIlAS WHO WDAF WMAQ--(,I)'de Lucas' O,ehe.tr. NBC-tlara, Lu 'n° .:m .• ketch: WJZ WGN KMOX-~Ia~ie Kit~hn WOC·WHQ-..Judy and Jane (SBC) 4:15 P.M. KMOX-"Ju_1 Thr~ Bor~" WENR--.()rgan Melodi .. 1:45 P.M. NBC-B.be. in Hollywood. skelch: WJZ WENR WBBM-F.ddie Hou,e•• ingi", or,anist WG N-Penn and Willard. yout d .. NBC-Words and Music: WJZ WMAQ CB5-11,. Dictators: \\'[SO KMOX WCfl-Popular Mu.ic WIND-Request Program KYW-~Iel Stilul. pianist WBBM-Nothin~ But the Truth WJJO-Today', Tune. WJJO-Same Ih. Band WeFL-Rcvolving S'age (NBC) WCFl...... (;em. from the Ot~ra WGN-E.rl Wilki. and Ord, ..tra WMAQ-Proo:ralll Preview 11;{s A.l\[. WGN-En.emhle Mu.ic WOC-WHD-llog Fla.h •• WIND-Salon Mus.i.ale WHAS--('hildrc,,'s Club WTAM-~lo",i1\g Pa .. de (SBC) WJJO-L"hche,,,, Dance Tllnes WJJO-Salon Echoe! i.t WTAM-Ed KirkabYI Orch.,lra (NBCI 9:25 A.l\[. WGN-Ro"do1i ... Wl5-Strolling Tom. song. WBBM-Dr. ROla! S. ('op<'land. health talk WOC·WHD-~hrke .. .:30 P M . WHO-Esther Bradford. ' ••"'OD. .driHr 2:00 P .M. 9:30 A.M. WLS_Weathcr R.pnrts NBC-Si~ginr Lady. "",ury jin,l... """I' a"d NBC-~lo'nin~ Parade. ,·.riety mll.lule: WEAF WOWo-'/olly Bahr's G.,,~ NBC-Ma P.rkins. sketth: WEAF WLW WTAM stories: WJ"l WLW WOC WHO \\"DAF 11:50 A.M.. CBS-Oahu Se.. "ad ... : WABC WOWO WHAS KMOX-ti"ic Program CBS-The Merry,nah.. : WABC WOWO WIIAS WIND-Dance Tune' WIND KYW-~Ia.te.s Mu.ie Room NBC-fta,lio Guild: WJZ WMAQ KMOX WCCO 11:55 A.M. W88M-opcu In Time WBBM-Beaut)" Talk KMOX-Window Sbop~rs; Orr.h .. tra WCCO-Qr,"" Stlection' WlS-B~ntle}·'. News WCrl_Highlighls of Mu.i. KYW-Rex Maupin'. Concert, vocalist WCFl-Junior F... l.ration Club WGH-~Iorni,,~ Co".ert WBBM-Terry Hay .. and Norm Sherr WENR_The SO«I I'ilot (NBC) WINO-flou,. Kepping Ctoah. Virginia Benoit AFTERNOON WCCD-~larket. WGM-Jo.e lIi.a·s Ord, ••tra WJJD-I'oo(\ight To", •• WCFl-Red Hot and Low 0.."", WINO-Mc'.! Wl5-lIo'ne Maker's liou'. Martha Grane WOC·WHO-Music Club NBC-Mike Speciale's Orchestra, WMAQ WOC·WHO-Yic ."d M",~. KMOX-"I.ot·s Co,np.," Notes" KMOX-The N""ntime.. O,d, ... tn 2:15 P.I'II, 4:45 P.M. WBBM-At and I'et~. ~a Glen. organi,1 (NBC) 12:15 PM. WJJO-5.lol\ Echoes CBs-Go:or~e HaU', Orche.tr~: WHAS WIND NBC-Wom.n', Radio Revi.w: WEAF woe WIIO 10:00 A.M. K~IOX WCCO WTA~I WDAF KYW 5:00 P.I'II. NBC-lIou. of M.mo.i." U. S. Havy Band: WBBM-Chicago Hour CB5-U. S. Marine Band: WABC WIND WOWO NBC-X''''.r Cu~at·. Orch.stra: WEAF WMAQI WEAl' KYW WO(' WHO WTAM WOAF WJJO-Iivestock ~brket.; Phil Enu WHAS IOIOX WCCO CB5-~k'ppy: WIlOM W[IAS KMOX WCCO (BS--('ookint Closeul'" Elli, Amu; WABe WL5-Prairie Farmer Dinne.lxU 1'...... WBBM-tade .. Quartet KYW-\l~1 Slit ••I. piani.' K\tOX WCCO WSBM WOWD-Si"gi"!" Amb.... d<>r WGN-B.rnile Taylor and Allan Gr.. t WCfl-Eddy Manson. ortan redtal WCFl-Kobar 12;20 P.M. WJJO-tea Time Dance WENR_t'. S. Arn,y Ba"d (NBC) WGN-)[o,·i. Per.onalilies WLW-The Keynote ... mal. Irio KMOX-Produc... Livestock Report WGN-Sleamboat Bill WHA5-Studio Pro,r.,n %:<15 P .M. WINO-Youn~'ter·. Club WIN O-Walhthon U:SO P.M. W8BM-K. Avel1' an

8:30 P.M. 10 :15 P.M, Big show C" Roxy and Gang NBC PAST MASKED CENSORS (Continued from Page n was that they were and the conversation etfeclive means of accomplishing this end. en ded. (MONDAY CONTINUED ) 7:15 P .M. Falher Coughlin, after examining the Because of the secrecy whic h surrounds 5:15 P .M. CBS-Ed,,;n C. Hill. Human Side of New': Father C;:oughlin's preparation his ad­ CBS-AI and Pcle: WilliS WI:>IO WA lle K~IOX WCCO WBIlM material, with its documented proofs or KMOX-Sporl. Reporter; Piano Melodics, Ruth KYW-Adele Sta", songs; Three Siring, and authorities, decided that he would dresses, It would have been impossible up Nelson WCFl-Eddy Hanson, Orga~ Recital employ it in his next broadcast. On to that time for anyone other than the KYW-U. S. Army Band C~BC) WOAF-Red D"'is, sketcb J anuary 3, he began the preparation of priest and his secretary to have known the WBBM--O~n Sesame WIN O-Happy FamHy the address which he was to deliver on contents of the manuscript. Later in the WeCO-Tarzan of Ihe AP'!! WLW-Side Sbow; Morin Siste.. · King', Jeslert the following day. Previously, on J anuary day, McFadden called on the telephone WC FL-John Maxwell, food talk (NBC) , and asked if the address was ready. He WEHR-Big Brother. Club I, he had consulted Congressman McFad­ WMAQ--Camhrian Male Choir den .over the long distance te lephone re­ was answered in the affirmative but made WGN -Tip Top Cirtus, 'hteh 7:30 P.1\-I . WHA5--A,her and Litlle Jimm;e garding the material then in his hands and no reference to any earlier conversation NBC-Lawrence Tibbett, b.ritone, Dal),', Or~h ... that day. WJJ D-Fred Beck, organi.t Ira: WEAF WlW WMAQ WOC WHO WTAM had made a telephone appointment for WLW-Joe Emerson, Baehrlo, 01 Song At midnight, Father Coughlin received a CBS-Bing Crosby, barilone; The Milts BrOlhers 0 another conversation on January 3 for the WOC ·WHO-X."i.r CUK~t'. Orchestra (NBC) Lennie Hayton's Orcbestra:· WABC WOWO purpose of rechecking the details of the telephone call from a man who said he WTAM -~I"rI. Jacob.' Qrrhc'!ra WHAS KMOX WBB~ ! address before its delivery. was Mr. Klauber, of the Columbia Broad­ 5:30 P .M. KYW-Tony Nu..,o's Orch.,tra When he hnd completed the preparation casting System in New York. He said that NBC-Irene BeQs)cy, so"~,, WEAF WENIl WCCO-Qld Jim CBS-Jack Armstrong, All American Boy; W88M of his address, he h3d his secretary put complaints had been received by CBS of WC FL-Night Court "inflammatory" remarks in previous a d~ KMOX weco WGN-TlIe lone Ranger the phone c;1I1 through to Washi ngton. ! Ie KYW-Unclc Bob's Curbi,.thc·Lionit Oub WINO-Hot Stove League; Jobnny O'Hara was finally connected with a man who dresses and requested Father Coughlin to WeFL-Eddy Hanson, orgall reci!al represented himself as being McFadden read his address of the following day over WDA F-SpOrts Reporter 7:40 P .l\-I . and the secretary read excerpts from the the telephone so that any such passages WGN -l'he Singing Lady (NBC) WINO -~Iu;'ic.l Interlude address over the telephone, asking if the could be deleted before delivery. This WHA5-What's on the Air! 7:45 P .M. Father Coughlin refused to do, saying that, WIND-Walkathon NB C- Red Davis, ,ketch: WJZ WLS WLW facts and figures were correct The reply WJJO-Be" K.nter, baritone WCCO-Tena and Tim rathed than delete anything from his WlW-Bob Newhall, Mail I'o~cll Sporhma.. WCFL-Dance Orohestra scheduled address, he would prepare an~ WMAQ -Ad'-~ntures ef Tom Mix WINO-~f3c McCloud's Orchestra We Fl-Kobar other to be delivered in its place. WOC-WH O-Jack Armstron!\"•• ket ch 8:00 P .l\I. WHA S-HapM· Jack Turner Puzzled by the broadcasting official's ap. WTAM-Gene and Glenn NSC-Great .. Minslrel Show: WJZ WLS WLW WlW-(:oektail Conti~.nI31 P?rent knowledge of the subject matter of S:f.'I P .lII_ CBS-Leopold Stokowski "nd Philadelphia Or­ WTAM-Two Men and a Maid Ius address, Father Coughlin immediately CBS-'lildree., sonr.no WOIVO IVBB~t WHAS-lrvinR Aaron.on'. Orehsdra WENR-What's lhe News NB C-Melody Momenb, orcbestra: WJZ WLW WIN O-~ta"lcr. Music Hoen) nntion's newspapers for days. WHA S-Dinncr Concert \VENR W LW-Ui"k and Dink Such publicity naturally adds to his lis­ WGN-Uncle Quin, Jun, Donny Dreame. and KYW-Chicago Theater Slars WMAQ-The Hoofin~ham<. skolch tening audience. This militant priest is Wishhone WCFL-Dance Orchestra WTAM-Tal Henry'. OrcheSlra a startling example of the power of radio. WINO-Gorm.n Hour; WHiinm Klein WG N-Charlie Agnew'. Orchestra 10 :45 P.M . Not so many years ago, nn obscure church_ WJJO-Pickard Fa",ily WlNO-Synchronizers, male quartet KYW-Chorlie Pieree's Orchestra man, known only in his restricted little 6:15 P .l\'I. 8:45 PJ\.I . WCF L-orch.,tral Prrn;:ram KYW-Famous Trade Marks WOA F-The Dr.am Clrf circle, l,le ilOW stands h!~h among t.he KMO X-Four Shamrock.; Singin~, playing quartet country s be,t known cltlzens--a vOice KYW-The Globe TroUer; SIIOrlS ilcporler WCFL-Tony and Joe, drama WHAS-Lilli. Jack LitUe'. Orchestra (CBS) WBBM-Al and Pete. corncd)' a"d song' WGN-Lincoln Drama W I NO-~bc MtCtoudos Orchestra that commands the attention of tens of WCC O-Ad,-entutc. of Jimmy AUe" WIN O-Sorman Care', OrchC!tra WLW-ll.rnie Cummin,' Ortbestta millions. . WCFL-orchestral Program 9:00 P .l\-'I. WMAQ-Julcs Stein'. Onhe.:cilirlg chap­ WEH R-Dan Russo's Orche.lra (NBC) Lullaby Lady; quartet; orche.tra: ~YEAF NB C-Ralph Kirbery. haritone: WEAF woe ter 0/ Fatber CO/1gb/iII'S life story, dis­ WGN -The Bo~· Reporter WlW WMAQ woe WI\O WTAM WIIO WMAQ WTA~I WOAF CBS-Don Redman'. Orcbeslra: WABC WHAS closillg previously lmpublisbed facts WlW-D~t.clin. Bl,ck a~d Olu. CBS-Wayne King's Orchstra: WABC WOWO sbout various altempl$ to 1/IUUU tb, WMA Q-Dance MaSler! , WHAS KMOX WCCO WBBM WCCO WIND WOC ·WH O-Sk.lly PrOilram N B C-~Iar~el Rodrigo, baritone; Orchestra: WJZ NBC-Don lJestor·$ Orch",lra: WJZ KYW {igbti1/g priest. 6:25 P .M. WESR KMOX-Mike Child,' Orchstra KYW-The Globe Troller KYW-Pintll P~te WCFL-Eddie Simon'. Orche,lra Weft-Harry Scbeek, a Nei~hborly Chat WEN R-Paul A,h·, Orche.ha WCF L-Bore! Ra"h~rn'. Orchntr. WEN R-Sports RCjl

1I1~OO A.M.. WCCo- ~lusiral ~r3;IrI %:15 P.M. N8C--Galuy of Sb;n; contrail.. ; baritone; o~n: WG"-~ Day Service NBC-B1u~ Room Echon. .tring en"""bl.-: MORNING ,.ian,,: WLW woe WHO W~AQ WTAM WHAS-Wuthtr n.".,.. .. ; Maml Il"""rh WE.W WOC WHO WTA)I WDAF 8:9t A.M. WDAF WIND-Mid Day MeditatiolB Ca5-Metl"'Op6litan Parade: WBBM WCCO WJJo-Buhb Pi~kard, hillbi.~" NBC-Ted Blad.:. Ord~_'lra: WEAF wrA~1 CB5--Marl' L« T~)l"r, kitchen talk: WOWO KMOX-Exchanle. Club Wl5-Cumberland ftidse IllmAo!i-'; woe WlIO WIUS K~!OX WBB~f WGN-En'fmblc Mu';e WMAQ-Orti~ TIrado. I ...... (!\BC) NBC-8.eakb.t Club, dante band: WJZ WM.,\Q K YW-Y oa String Trio WOWO--Sltri £1""" CBS-The. M~cn, II" .. \BC WHAS WCCO-J.. an AhMy WUO-Buhb Pi~kanl. TenOe5lote If"illbiJlJ" WTAM--Qrgan M.lodies KYW-?,1u.ieal Clock. ,·a.iel)' projIuw WCFl-KoIlar, charade.. aI11l1,.. WlW-~lalinH HimIi~hl.!l WBBM-:o.1inule Par;lde WGH--Movj., P"I"5011a~lin - 12:15 P.M. WMAQ-Ilochuter G,·ie Orm""ra (l"-"BC) WIND-WalkaLho/l WCFL-Klddin' Af.~plane Oub CBS-Rci. and !)unll. tvm""y and song., WABe %:30 P.~I. WOAf-\!o.ning Bible lo .. on WJJD-Ilome ErODomi"S; U. of C. IV1XD WOWO WHAS WCCO \\-1!BM NBC_'·I\·hilh., Srit:Un," talk bj' H. G. WeUs: WLS-Pollltry aull Li,-e.tock Markd WGN-Good MoroiQII: KMOX-Tbe Noontimer •• orehestra; Ptnducer. WF~\F KYW WOC II"HO WT.Ut \\·OAF WINo-roli~h llou. ]0:15 A.l\L Li,· ...t<><:k Report CBS-"I\'hither Brilain," talk by H. G. WeU" WJJO-H:IJlpv Go Luekv Time. Art Linkk NBC-Your Cllild; Dr. Ella Oppenhelm"r: WEAF WJJO-Li'·~stocl< Markets; Phil E,·""s \\',\BC WIl .. \S \lCCO \\'I:';D WO\I'O WlS--Wonderful Trill';·111t Emerso". II'OC WHO WLW WTAM WLS-I'rJirie. Fatm~r Di"nerbe!1 Pro!tram KMOX-,~coli"n Piano Reeit,l WLW-:\lail ):hg CBS--Mary Milbnin~; Kniehrbockon: IVADe 12:30 P.M. WBBM-CaJetJ Qtmrtet 8:15 A.l\t. WOI'I'O K."OX \VilAS NBC-Vic Md Sade. ,ketcb: \VJZ WMAQ WGH-Lawrenee Sltlerno NBC-Landt Trio anrl White. 50"" and ""medy: N Bt--Morin Sist~.-s. harmony trio: WJZ K\'W CBS-E3sy Aces. ShlOh: IVABC K.\I0X.WCCO WJJO-Pi,no Ren~d;on. WEAF woe WHO WLW WOAF W8SM-'·E.~qui";te Grooming" '\"Il.ll~1 WlW-S"i~ker. Chuckle and Lough CBS-I" Ihe Luxembourg Garden!: WABC WENR-Today's Child."" NBC_l'1nky Hunler'$ Or~h~5Ira: WEAF WDAF 2:45 P.M. ""lIAS WGN-Gnmd Olali)mn. KYW-lloard of Ileallh. !~lk WCFl:....Tim. r.raCIru WlW-llrmie Cumn,in.s' O.ches!.ra WOWO-\'oiee 'If Dr,(in;- 8:25 A.M. , Ib:30 A.l\l. WOC·WHO-Un;led Ren,edies WLS-Btmtley'. News NBC--..{:amival "illt Cheri McKay; Merry Mac.; WOWO-llappy Herb Hel·,,·nrth 3:00 P.l\L 8:.10 A.M. IWO pi3110 team, WMAQ woe WHO WT.Mt 12:35 P.::lI. 0 NBC-Betty ond Bob. d",m.: \\'JZ WLS WLW NBC-Bradley Kincaid. Ibe 'lountDin Boy: WEAF CBS-TollY Won.; Ke<>nan and PhillipS, piano WGN-Palmet Hon.se Ensemble CBS-U. S. Na,·y 8~nd: WABe K\lOX I\"CCO WDAF woe U·HO t.am: W ABC WOWO WlIAS WCCO KMOX 1%:45 PoM. 1\·BJl~1 KMOX--a.... akh.t Club WBB)I CBS-Painled Drums: WABC WOWO NBC-Wom3n'~ R.dio R.,·i~w· Claudioe Mac1 WCfl-POpubc D""ee Pro~nm NBC-U. S. Marine Band Shut·lu·lfnur: WJZ KMO)(-Mllst Beautiful W;l!I2es; The Nnootimu!I Donald; Orch"'lra: II"E,U·· \\'MAQ WTA) WHAS-Bluebird.and !orar.na KYW WLW KYW-Louis Panico·s Or.:hestca WOAF WINO-Tn Ihe Lu);c",hourg Garden. (CBS) WCFL-Variety PravaJD WBBM-Jack Brook" tenor; Norm Sherr, pia.nist KYW-~I"i.t WJJD-H'llbrm(mie' WEHR--Rh}"thm Ramblers WCCO-Cab C;l!ICM;;oy WCfl-Altcrnoon Frolics WlS--Tower Topic Time; Gme Autry; Log; Cabin WGN-Le",s Wbile and A1lu Graat WCFl-<:armea Murlolhon Orche!ilra WJJO-Fr...J ne.k. ornri,1 WTAM-S02rd uf Educal,,,,, Program KMOX-}Iagic Kitch .... WMAQ--G~le Pl!::e C... SC) WOC·WHO--)Iu.iul PrOiram 8:45 A.l\L 10:45 A..!'L WOC·WH~D~nce OrdI:e-I.ounlain Mio5tr~ WINO-f"a,·ocite Dan~e Baru.b Qrcbe_Ita dir""liOD Norman L. Cloulier: WBaM-Eddi~ n"us~, org3~i;t; Norm Sherr, pian· WINo-W.It. Tim. WJJO-~Iod.rn ru,ythm~ WEAF WDAF WT.I.CII i.,t; Jack 8.ook •. tcuor W1J D-Moderni.tic Mdodi"" WOWO-\"o;cc of Destiny CBS-Ju,t Plain Bill: K\!OX WCCO WG~ WGH-I'cnn and Willard. \"<><:31 duo WlW-RhyLhm Jester<. male quartet 11:00 A.M, NBC-Meridilb Wil"",,'. Orchestra: WJZ KYW WLS-Round·un; \\'~I.m."; Joe K~ly 8:55 A.M. NBC-Po!1ock and La,mhurst, piano tl!:lm: WBBM-E,ldie and FaMi!: Ca,·;maugh. ndio go.· WlW-~ndra Iloberls WBBM-Health Talk WEAF WTAM . fI'Orts CBS-nomance 01 Heleo Trent: WAIlC KMQX WCfl-Smiling Ibrmoncuu WGN-Kpep Fit Club 11:15 AJ\oL _ WGN WGN-TI,e Hondolie" WHAS-llaJ'py Jack Turner NBC-Johnny Man·in, I"",or: WEAF WTAM WBBM-Wnrld's Morl Be3utiful WiIL •• s WJJO-~l"",.hurt C1,ildr~n W.JJO-,SOniR WCCO-A~ricult.,ral Adju,hnent Admin;'Lr~tion WlW-Co"e~rl Fa,·orllet' WlS--HOg Flash; Lin,tock Receipts; Dr. Bun· CBS--C'lPnie Gat.,.. 5Ongs: WABC WOWO WL"D WCfL--(:j\"ic Talk: !IL:oror"s Oifi~e 3:~5 P.lIL de ... n Hour InlOX \\"HAS WINO-Ann Usf, on:aoist (CSS) NBC-Ulrry Owen.' OrcheMra: WJZ WM ~Q WLW-:>i~u",an, Grael..,. WBBM--Yirginia Clark, talk; Ge:ae and Cbarlie. WJJO-f"red Bed<, ocganisr; EsLb .... lbmmond, CBS-Enoch (j.hr·s Orcl!e;ru: WOWO WMAQ-Senih!l" Up Exerr:bes .0ngS conlralto WOC·WHO-Fa'·nrite ~·ooit. WCCO--.\rt lnstituu> of the Air NBC-The T3t1ere",ker NBC-SmacJ< Out. sketch: \\'JZ KYW WHAS-Sluart Si'"nn •. loian;,( WINO-lIappin... " [.'press CBS-.~uto Show Speaker: WABe WOWO \\llAS CBS-\n"uiun School of tb" Air: WAilC WHAS WJJO-T()Ilay·, Tunes WlfrlD-Kenn.th Houch;, }OII.!in~ drilur WIXD K\lQX WBS~I WCCO WlW-Li,·~,ro<:k WJJO-J. B. an,1 ~!"e. 'kit RePQrJs NBC-'laurice Lees' Con~ert Ensemble: IVE"'F NBC-Voc,l Sol~i,t: WEAF WTA~l WlW_!',~itie Sl,nph""y WMAQ-Pr""rom p,· ...·iew W~L\Q \\T.nf WCfl-PUloul.o.r Music WOC·WHO.:....Ho~ Fla,h •• WTAM-I'i~ Plaut Pete KMOX-~I""ic Kitchen WGN-Pat Kenn~d,·. lenor; Leo Sal .... , organi.t 9:39 A.M, WBBM-Chicago Hour: Dorothy ~1iUer; Eddie WINO-lund.. "on ~Iu.ic 4:15 P.M. KMOX-Ch·k Progtum House and Norm Sherr WJJO-Fred B~ck, organist N8C-lImeriea Gohol( Forward: WJ/.: WMc\Q KYW-:tlornitl~ p.,.;uje (';BC) WCCO-:>iews ilullclin WLS-Markel,; Todn}'"s Alman.t CB5-Ch.rlc, Carlile. lenor: II'I:>ID WCCO WBBM-Mi~" B~Tclay. Beauty Talk WENR-Home Sen-ice WMAQ-Uni'·ersi(y of Chica~o lC\IOX \VIlAS WCfl-llij:h!i~hb 01 MIl,ie WGN-~Inrket Reporl.; Day'., New! 1:45 P.l\L WBBM-··!>lulloing aut lhe Truth." A!e.~ander WGN-,~\.;]rket Repntl,; Loonard Salvo's Mail So.. WJJO-~",e the Band NBC-Vin Liudhe. Sweui.h Diseu..,: I\·JZ WC'L ,\kQueen WHAS-Sludio Prn~ram 11:35 A.M. KYW-Prudence Pen.ny'~ Hou..,hold Hinls WC'l-Ed F~ber. baritone WINO-IIou,eJiBC) WBBM-Frank Wilson. tenor; Jules Stein. pi~n. WLS-\lu,ical rro~ram WOC·WHO-John Behan. organi.t WMAQ-Talk 4. :20 P.!\[. WOWO-KrogH T,,·in. and BeHy ist WGH-Good Heallh and Trainin!" WOC·WHO-!larl.ta Perkin., sketc.h: WLU· WLW WTAM W\lAQ WTA:'1 «ram WTAM-Weather; Clo.ing Linst.oclr Markeh; WDAF NBC- Si"l:in~ Lad)·. nursery "ngl"- song. and WBBM-.\J and Pete. OOIlIedy a.od soogs Dairy Quotation._ CBS-MetroPQlit:o.n Par~ WABC WL''W WHAS storit~: WJZ WLW WCCO--Stoch, \I~rkets 11:50 A.M. 11'0'1'0'0 KMOX-Through the UoIlp'ood Lookiu! Gla .. WGN-l.onl)· lawe$ KMOX-WiD< Maupin·5 CnnCHI WBBM-Educational Fomm WJJ O-Hillside ~leIodiu WBBM-Terry Hayn, c:onLr.al.1D WCfl-Junior F""e,.,llion Club WLW-Elliotl Srock, ,·io1i.o.iot WGN-"id Day ~ee WCCo-~brkets WENR-SlUdio Program WMAQ-H e~lth Talk WlS-Benlley's News WCFL-Red. Hot :o.nd Low o.., ... n; Bob H-u WGN-R ~x GriHlth and Organ WOC·WHO-RIl ..eU MiUer W~N-En ,""",ble Music WHAS--Qr.,an lntulude WOW~M cK""rie Millers AFTERNOON WJJO-Sonp a.od SetmMS, "Uncr., J",," WIND-~I ~mory Lane; MerrU! Fol ...... WTAM-Huhh and fi)""i""'e; V. lGq- 12:00 Noon WlS--UomGlakers' Hour; Martha CranI!; Phil WJJD-Bobby Dixon, baritone 9:50 AX C: BS-~l a.ie, The Littll! Frw.dI Princ:al: WA8C Kalar WCCO-J.i\"eltock Market. Summary WGH-W"eatber Report KMOX WBS?I WOC·WHO-Vit and Marge WOC·WH~ ~rlrude Huntoon Non ... R a d i 0 19

7:30 p,lI. 8:3(1 P.M. Wayne King .at Georgie Jessel

(TUESDAY CONTINUED) WGN- llal K.mp·s Orch.,tn KVW_lbrry So.nik'. Orthntr. WIN D-Helen Block. contralto WCFl-Kobar 4:45 P.M. WGN-Brid~~ Club 01 tho Air tlBC- Little Orphan Annie, childhoQd "I.ylet : 8:15 1'.1\1. WHAS-ll oPJlY Jack Turner WJ Z WLW CBS-Th. Town Crier, Ale~ande r WooJlcolt: WLW- Th. K.ynoters. m.1e Irio CSs-George Hall'l Orehe.lra: WASe WHA S WARe IVI ND w eco WOWO KMOX WOC ·WHO-John Behan. $0101.1 weco wowo KYW- New I)eal lor ehic"~o Group WTAM-Slring En.emble NBC-Nursery Rhymes, Jam•• and C,,,•• : orchu- WBBM-(h-ir Op~r" Rc"i~ w Ir.: WEAF woe WIIO WMAQ WTAM WCFL-Mon. Van, .oprano 10:05 P .M. KMOX-Eddit DUMti'dler and Tom Baker WDAr-Beauty that E"uure. KMOX-Teabeny Sport. Reporter KYW-Phil Barri,' Grehe,'ra WGN-La'''~nu Saler"o and Orch....-tr ~ WBBM- CB5-SkipI'Y, .ketch: weco KMOX W HAS WBBM- Terry H .~ye., contrallo; Cllrellte WGN--co" • • r! Orchestra \VBIl M Wheeler's Orehesl r. WLW-Dance O r~h es tra kYW-Miu Gay WCFL-Qrchestral PrOKram WTAM--clyde Lucas' Or ~ h estra (NBC) WeFl-Pi.no Recit.l WENR-Paul Ash'. Orohestra WGN - Mah Believe Melody Land 10:30 P.l\-I. 8 :45 P.M. WIND- Youn~ster.' Club NBC-Paul Whiteman's Orche.lra: WEA F woe WJJD-N.varro, Th. Singing Master KYW-PiMO Pete WHO WKV WOA F WlW-Jack Arm.t,ong, .ketch WBBM-Aoe Bri .~ode·, Orchest•• NBC-Enric Madriguera'. O,cbe.I •• : WJZ KY W WTAM-The Can Boy WCFL--Grace Wil..,n, co"lralto KMOX-Mike Child.' Orche,lra WENR_lrma Glen', Lovable Mu.ie WCCo--Jimmy Joy's Orchestra 5 :15 P .l\ ~. WGN-Charlie Agnew'. Orche.lra WCFl-Dave UneJl's Orcheslra CaS-AI and Pele; weco WIND 9:00 P .l'tl. WENR-Ted W.... rns Orchestra KMOX-Piano Melodies. Rutb Nel.~n WGN -Wa)'ne King'. Orch.,tra KYW-Oi~k Him~r'. Orclleslra (NBC) SHIRLEY HOWARD NBC-Cruise of Ih. Selh Parker, dramatic broad· WHAS-Tr"ing Aaronson's Or~hestra WB BM-Tarza" in lhe Cily of Gold one 01 fidio', more , ecent dis covtrlt s ••i ngs n.n by Phillip. lord and crew "" ,oute WIND-Masters M~sic Room WCFl-John M a~woll, food lalk aro~nd wo,I,I: WEAF woe WHO WMAQ WMAQ-The Hoolingham., skel. h WEN R_Rig Brother Club with the Jeslers to Mil t Retltnberg's piano WLW WTAM WTAM-Ru •• L)'on's Orehestra WGN-Tip Top Cireu., "hl~1l lC companiment on Mond~y .. Wednesdays CBS-Glen Gray's Orch ••tra: WABe WOWO 10:45 P .M. WHAS-A.hcr and litt le J immy "nd Thursday's at 6:3(1 p. m. CST onr Ihe WII AS KMOX weco WBBM KVW-Ch~rli. Pi ~ree's Or~he.tra WJJ D-fred Beck. organist NElC·WMAQ ntlwork. KVW-The Globe Trotter WLW-.I"" Emerson ••ong. WCFl-Jewi'h Tra,le Union' WCFL- Harmo"y Faur WTAM-Jack Miles' Orch •• tra WDAF-A,lventuru 01 Jimmy Allen WIND_ Mac McCloud', Or~h~!t'" WENR_Portion of 01'''' " Fausl," frolll Chiu · WLW-Bernie Cummin,' Or~he WMAQ-Enrio Madriguera', Orche.tra (NBC) NBC-Mary Smlll. jUHnHe .inger: WJZ WENR WGN-Sporls Repo""r WGH- The Doring Si,te .. with Arl Kahn. piani.1 10:s{) P.l\-I. CBS-Jack Arn,.lrong. All American Boy: WRBM WIND_Polish Ilour WlND-J", Kromi.· Orche.lra WGN- J an Garber'. Orchestra KMOX WCCO WOC ·WH O-Musical PrOflram HBC-Mid,W.ek. Hymn Sing: WEAF WMAQ WTAM-Sludio Pr"!.am 9:15 P,M. 11:00 PJ\I. WOAF 6:45 P.M. KYW-Boyd Raeburn'. Orche.lra NB C-Paul A.h'. Orch",,"a: wn WLW KYW-Unel. Boh', Curb-i.-the- l imil Club HBC-The Gold~rgs. .kol.h: WEA F WMAQ WCFL-o.-ohutral Pr1l!lram CBS-Vincenl lopez' Orche,tra: WABC WII AS WCFL--Graee Wi]50n. contralto WTAM WDAF WGN-Clyde "lcCoy'. Orche.lra KMOX WCCO WIN D WGN -The Singln~ Lady (NBC) NBC-Sweet Rhylhm Slrin, Quartet: WJZ WIHD- Mi~hi!an Cily Community Progralll NBC-Rudy Vallee', Or~hestra: WEAF WTA M WHAS-Mahdi'. Magic Circle WENR 9:30 P .l'tl. KY W--clydt LUU5' Or~hestra W]ND-Walkotllon CBS-Roake C.rter, newt: WAlle WHAS WCFL-Eddie Simon5' Or~he.lra WJJD-Ben Kanler, barilone KM OX w eco WBBM NBC-SIring Symphony; Frank Black t ondutlinr: WDAF- Betty Power, .010i.1 WLW-Bob Newllall, Mai l Pouch Sporhmall KVW-Loui, Panioo's Or.hestra WJZ WENR WENR-Nobl. Si ..le·s Orcheslr. WOC .WHO-Jack Armstrong, skdch WCFL-Sludio Orcheslra NBC- Mada"'e Sylvia of Hollywood: WEAF WMAQ-Jule. Stein's Orchestra WTAM-Gcnc slid Gle"n WGN-Tom. Dick and Harry WMAQ woe WHO WOC ·WH O-Crazy Quill WLW-Mary Alcott and Orch •• tra CBS-Columl>ia N~w, S.rvice: WABC WOWO 11:10 P.M. 5:45 P.M. WCCO WGN -Riohard Cole's Orche,lra NBC-Cherio Musical Mosaic.; Jan Pe.r~e, hn· '1;00 P .M. KM OX-G... r~ia with Buddy. Zeb and Otto or; II-I.le Chorus; Orchestra: WEAF WDAf' NBC-Crime Clue" my.tery dram.' WJZ WLW WB BM-five Star M.lody; David Calvin; Molod, 11;15 P .l'tl. WTAM WMAQ Masl ... W C F L-SI~dio OTche.lra NBC_Little Orphan Anni., childhood playlet: CBS-The Columbians: WABe WIlAS KMOX WCF L-Barratt O'Hara. lalk WDA F-Jimmy Rodgers, soloi.1 WENIl WGN WCCO WDA F--curiou. Que",ion. WIN D-J", Kromi.' Orcheslr. NB C-Lowell n".>mu. To neJlorlu 8:00 P .M. WBBM-,\l ami Pel., comedy and '0"11' .BC-Ben B ~rnie's Orehhtra: WEAr WOC WHO WeCO-A,lyentur•• of Jimmy Anen WLW WM ,\ Q WTAM WCF L-orch.,lral Program CBS-Sylvan Levin and Philallelpj,ia Orchestra : WGN -'Ille Roy H~'P"rter WARC WOWO WliAS KMOX weco WB BM WLW-llnloroken Melodies .BC-Musical Memories, E'I~ar A. Guut, poel; WOC.WHO-Adv."lurc. 01 Jimmy AU .. Alice M""k, soprano; vocal Irio; Koeslner'. 6:30 P .M . Orchestra: WJZ WLS N.me ...... National Laboratories CB S-Surk Ro~cu in the Twenly_lilth ('~n!~ ,., . KYW-D<:I""';""" Black ~nd S]u. AM ..n ......

7:00 P.M. 8:30 p.a. VVednesday, Jan. 10 Jack Pearl NBC Fred Allen NO<

WCFl-Kob3r, charader an.lys;, WHAS-W~alhcr Reporls; livestock Morkeh WGN-E,,,eml>le Mu.ic MORNING WGN-Movic ['cr;ollalilie, WINO-NoonJ;,y Mrdilali<\lts WJJD-Songs and Sermo" •. "Utlc1t Joe" WIlAS-51udio I'rORram WJJ D-Bub!.> P'rK.rd, hilibilll' ~on~! WlS-HQ",cn,akers' Hour; M~rlha Cra"e. Graell 8:110 A.M. WINO-Walk.lhon WlS-Vil>ra"t Strings, Hi"i. Mason and Orc".s. Wi"o", !llanche Chenoweth tlBC-llrc,kla,t Cl~b. dan<~ band: WJZ WMAQ WJJO-Honle Ecnnon,ic,; U. of C. trOi WOC·WHO-\,ie ~nd M.rge IVI.IV WLS-li""lo~k lIeport, WMAQ-CI",. IImnony (NBC> WOWO-anncilla Program CBS-Fullr ELon Boy" WAse \VilAS WlW--or~a" alld \'ooali,t. WDWD-Thro~ Shadow, 2:15 P.M. NBC-Soon Ilerman. x}'lophone: IVI;:Af woe WOC·WHO_Soloi,t (NLJC) WTAM--or~a" 'klod,e. 111m II'TA\I NBC-Heinie and hi. Gren,d,,'''. GNma" ["bud: WMAQ--Womell', Page or tbe Air 12,15 r.ln. WJZ WM,\Q KYW-"u<;cal Clock. "3riely progum WTAM-Piano T"in, WBBM-'hnuLe Parade CBS-The Pla}'''ny., ,i~ hands On Iwn piano.: 'NBC-Th Gnklen Tr~a; Drch.,.tra; I'tOO~oer. WDAF-~lorlll!l~ Bible lo.Mln NBC~,\lice Re,· ,'no tOllt"IlD: Wb\F K\·W \\'[[0 \\'TA~[ li,'.,tock itellOrt W(;N-Goad ""min" CBS-four SIoo",n,.,,: wltne \\,OWO WIIAS KMOX-E"change nub WINO-I'uli.!. l1<>u. '''IOX Wlle~1 WS8M--<'hi~agD lloour, variety W88M-L. F~r~. Ilerumen Mu,iul (CBS) WJJO-Li\'e tock ~I~rhb; Phil E,'ans WJJO-Jl"I'P~ en Lucky Tim •. Att Li",(k WENR-TOO,,}', Childre" WGN-E\\.c",bl~ ~!usic WLS_Wondcrla"d Trips; The Em.,.o", WGN---(Jp!'urlullily Tuno, WlS-I'l'airie bron.r D;"ner"e!! Prngram WINO-~I.yb.t!~ K.\1,,~c, [>iani,1 8:15 A.I\L WIND-Spice an,1 Variely 12:20 P.M. WJJD-Uuhb Piekard. hill~il"- WJJO-Wh.1 I. ~ew 'n ~I" ie NBC-l.a,,,1t Trio and White, songs .IId comedy: KMOX-Prod"~~r; Li,'e'lo~k Reporter WlW-Neum.n ."d (;rucl~r: barilo"o "nd ac· WMAQ--Markel Rop"rl. conlin\\ In;,IO' lVI-IV WOC WHO 12:30 P.M. WOC·WHO-Sl",lio I'r<>~r.lt" WOWO-Melody ~l,kerl CBS-I'i"eo,,( ~or.y·s Orche,lr3: \VilAS WTAM-Sludio l'ro~r;,,,, NBC-Vic ",,1 5"<10, c"",edy ,kotch: WJ~. WMAQ WeFL-Til"e I'.rode 10:20 AM. CBS-Ea,y Aces, SkClel" \VAllC KMOX wceo 2:30 P.M. WIND-liunuri"" ][nur Wf-lllM CBS-Th~ Pick.rd fa,n;ly: \\,IL\S WIND WMAQ-Singing Strin~. (NUtl weco WJJO-~Ir. 'Schlaocnhaur'. Yod"il rhealtr KYW-lJoonl 01 Heallh. talk NBC-:-Wotn,U's nod,o He"ie"; orchostra; Clau­ WlS_l'ruduce n.[NIrler 10:25 A.M. WGN-lrlarkCl lIollOrt.; E"..,mble Music dIM MacDonald: \\'J!:AJ.' I\\'W WOC WHO WTAM--()peni"~ Li".SLo.~,; Ihe Noonti,,,.,, WCfL-Oan, J~ek Kay, Dill O'Connor, WLW-I.I."i!lcss Nt'w, l(e,[ph 1::'''.''01), Hu" Kirkp.triek WINO-][O\ya;;an 5"r""ad~ WCCD--{:al C.llu".y WJJO-U.nd.tand WCFL-Ilatli" (;[o,t"r, spiritu,[ .inger WOWO-I'oice 01 Dc,lillY WLW-J~rk Berch, voca[;,t 10;45 A.M. WGN-Music lI'ea,.." 3:00 J' .nJ. WOWO-lta,lio Uibte Cia .. WIlAS--{:"lkge of Agr;oulture VJTAM-BoarJ or Eolucalinl), So<:i.1 Sclcnce NBC-field. and Hall, .onc_ and ~om"dy: WEAF NBC-['o!' Co"cert: \\,EAF WMAQ \I'T.\)! WOAF 8:45 AJ\I. WINO-Walkathon WOC WIIO WT"I WIMF WMAQ-rh" lIu,,,,,', Orehe,tra CBS-~Iu,i~ale Album 01 P<>pular Cla"ie': KMDX-~Ian in tbe Street: [nl~rvjew. NBC-nt~ Soulhcrnair'~: WEf\F woe \VIIO WOC·WHD-Jimm)' nnd Jack II'ABC K\IOX weco WIlU\1 WTA\I WOW WBBM-Hal Ken,p', Orehe. tra NBC-BeHy .nd Bob, dr.m.: \\J:t WLS WLW CBS-\I~tropoJit.n Parad~: WHAS WCCO-Strnllin' Tn", 12:50 P.M. KYW-I.DCky SHen KMOX-l'i~no Int~dude WCFl-Ponul.r Mu';c KMOX-Th. Xoontimer,; Orch",tra WCFl-,\Uernoon Frolin WCfl-G~rn13n E"lertainment WENR-I\'omcn', F~ature, WCCO-"u,ical Pro~raln WGN-Th~ nondn!ior. WJJO_\!od~rni ti~ '[elodi~. WGN-Paint.d lh.an" .•kdrh WJJD-]I.rry 51 ...10, New, COnllnentator WHAS-il'eckday De>'ntiQns WLW-IU'I'tl"n Je,ter<, m31~ quortot WHAS-thti,-.r

John McCormack '''.l.', •. Fred Waring Poet Prince 10:15,"e p.~,.

"on.~ • .:;irls' trio WCFL-Q"hcy: \\"BB,\1 WHAS K~IOX WCCO WCCO-Eddie Duchin', Orchestra (CBS) NBC_X~vicr Cugat·. Orchestra: WEAF WMAQ WCFl-QrcheHral Pro~ra.n WGN-Tom. Oick and Harry WCFL-Sturlio Orch.,!ra WIM!' 11:30 P.1\I. KYW-M<'n's Teact .. " Union Speaker WLW-llcd Oad •. ,ketch WDC·WHO-Studio Pr .. ~ram NBC-Harry Soy Johnny O'Hara NBC-Dangerous Paradi'e, drama: WJZ WLS WCfL-Qrcheslral Pro~ra'n 12:45 A.M. 5:30 PM. W1.W 9:30 P .M. KYW-Tony Nu ..o', Or.heslra CBS-Albert Spaldin~. violini,t; Cn~F3d Thibault, WINO--Mac McCloud', Oreh ..tra NBC--(;...,rg. R. Hnlme •. Chiel 01 Ihe W.shi",. H8C~~ational Radio Forum: WEAF KYW woe Ion Burnu. International z.;"". Su"\oi«: baritone; Don VOQth~u' Orch~"ra: WABC WHO WTAM WDAF 1:00 A.M. WOWO WHAS K'VJOX WBBM WEAF II'OAF weco CB5-Columhia 1'1 ..... , ~.,,·ice: WABC WOWO WINO:""Hillybilly Tunes CBS-J.ck Arm.tron~, All American Boy: WBBM NBC-W a)'n~ Kin~'s Orchestra: WEAF WMAQ weco 2:00 A.M. KM()X WCCO WOC WHO WTA\! WDAF KMDX--(;...".ge, with Buddy. Zeb and Otto WINO-Milkman', Matinee kVW-Dan Ru ..o's Orcheslra NBC-Irene Bu.lcy, cuntrall,,: WJl WENR W8BM-Five Star M~lody; David Calvin, Melody KYW-Und. Bol,", Curb·i.·th-Limit Club WCFL-Ni~hl Cuurt Masters WCFL-Eddy !Ian_on. Nrwhall, Mail Pou~h Sport"n'n NBC-Red Davis. skelch: WJZ WLS WMAQ--P.ul A,h'. Orche.tra WMAQ-Tom Mix'. Slr.ight Shooters (NBC> KYW-Tony Snuo's Orche!IU 9:35 P.M, WOC·WHD-Jack Aromlrong, skelch WCFL-Dance Or,he~ua WTAM--(;en. and Glenn WINO-Mac McCloud's Orche.tra WGN-Headlin.. of Other Day, 5:35 P.M. WLW-Radio Court 9:45 PM. W~S-Musical Revelries 8:00 PM. CBS-Myn IOd M.. ~e: WDBM WHAS KMOX 5:45 P.M. NBC-Warden Lawes io 20.000 YUrt ill Slnr weco N8C-Jan Petrce. t."or; orcheslra: WEAF Sing; drama: WJZ WLS C8S-Andre KoSI~lanel7 Pre.. n!! E"an EVins, WMAQ CBS-Leopold SI"kO\"ki and Phil.,I.II,hi. ()p. barilon.; .Enl)·n McGut;:o<: WABC WIND CBS-'rheo Kark IOnor: WHAS WINO KMOX ch .. lra: WABC WOWO WIIAS KIIOX WCFL-School Tu~h~., lalk NBC-towell Thom." Today's N."" wn WLW WCCO WBBM WENR-Grand ()pera I'revi~w N8C_LlIIle Orphan Anm •• childhood playlet: NBC-The TroubadOUr<, orcheslra; ,o4>i~t; ._1 WG N-Dream Ship. dram. WENR WGN ani." WEAF WMAQ WLW WTAM WOC-WHD-John Beh.n WaB M-'Il"u"~h the Lnoking Glass; Franeu KVW-Delective. BI.ck and Blue WOWO-Jimmy Riohard'. Or.heslr. In~ram WGN-Ch3rJie Agn.,,·'. Oreh •• lra 10:00 P .M. WCCO-The C"nle,1 Man WINO-Hhyth", Trio WOC·WHO-Hilling tile Highway. NBC-Eddie Elkins' Orollutra: WEAF woe WCFL-flarlc,,, Har",ony Hounds WHO WJJD-"I>url. He,·i,·\\". Johnny O·Har. 8:15 P.M. CBS-Pres~nlin, Mark Warnow: WABC WOC-WHO--'Oi_c Doi,,·. weco CBS-Coio"el Sioopnagle and Budd; Vua VUI; NBC-Amo. 'n' Andy .•keloh: WMAQ WENR WTAM-Ilf"d I)a,·". _k.uh Orch ••lra: WABC WOWO WHAS weco KMOX-Rhapoody of Ihe Rftd., Ruth Nelsnn; 5:55 P.M. KMOX WBBM SPOTts Talk KMOX-!'port< R~I,.,rl., KYW-Stardu,l; Studio Gos.ip by Ulmer TVM!f kYW-Harry SOlnik'. Oroh ..l r. WCCD-n,e TrtJuw.dour WCFL-Bernio. Hi~~ins, ~ontralto WCfL-Kobn WOC·WHO-~I>(IrlS R.,·iew WGN-Rub<. Appleberry WGN-D.n ... Oreh.tr. WINO-Indiana Strin( Trio WHAS-Happy Jack Turnu 8:30 PM. WlW-Dimmi.k·, SU""l"brook Orch ..tra NIGHT NBC-Jlen Gray'. Dreh.lra: WABC £"el)' WEDNESDAY &SATURDAY WIND-G ~rman HOUri William lOein KYW-Boyd Ra~burn'. Orchell'" NBt-Don lIesIOl" Orchutr.: WEAF woe WJJD-The Pickard Family WCFL--Tony Ind Joe. d.arn. WHO WDAF 22 R a d i 0 Guide

1:00 PJI. 8:00 P." Thursday, Jan. 11 Rudy Vallee NBC Show Boat NBC

WMAQ-Mornittg P~rlde, nriety (NBC) 1l;50 A,M. CBS-Mrtrapolit.n P ..ade: WABC WIIAS WIND WOC-WHD-Russdl Mill .... WIND-Oant~ Time WOIVO MORNING WTAM-Health and lIy~itne with V_ ,King 11:55 A.M. NBC-Rnche5ter C'¥Le Orchestra: WJZ WMAQ 8;00 AM. 9:50 A.M, WL5--Beutiey', Ne ... s KMOX-Window ShoPJlO'rs, Orchestn. NBC-T...! Black'. Orolt.ura: WEAF' WTIlM WGN-W.... ther Report KVW-Ru Maupin', Orch .. tra WOC WIIO 10:00 AM. WBBM-Terry lia)'CS contralto; Norm Shell", NBC-Bre;U1a.t Club, dant~ band: WJZ WMAQ NBC-GaI""y of St..,.,,; contralto; baritone; orpn: AFTERNOON pianist CBS-f'our EI~n Boys: WABe WItAS "",no: WLW WMAQ woe WItO ....'TAM 12:00 Noon WCCD-Mark~h KVW-Mu,ical Clook, varOJI\' pr"lrilll WDAF CBS-Marie, The !.ittle Frencb Prittcess: WABC WeFL-lted Hot I"d Low Down, Boh Hawk WBBM-Minute Parade NBC-Four Southerf1 Siog"cs; Negro quartet: jug KMOX WBlIM WGN-En""mble M""c WCFl-Kiddie' Aeropl~ne Club b.od: WJZ KYW WCCD-Musiul "ro~ram WJJO-Son~s and Seronons WDAF-Swimn,in~ I.e ••"" CBS-Mary Lee Taylor, talk: WOWO WHAS WCFL-Luncheon ('onrge Sohtrban'5 RII ..;an Gypsy OI:the. WTAM-Twilight Tunes: Pie Plant Pete CBS-Melody Parade: WABC WHAS WOWO tra: WABC WOWO WHAS WIND NBC-Worth and Music: WJZ WCFL KMOX-"Le!', ComplI"e Notn:' Woman'. Pro- 11:40 A.M.. NBC-To be announced: WEAF WTAM 4:15 P.l'[. gram WCCO--Lh·estcck. and Markets KYW-P.rudence Penny, ecooomy talk NBC-Babes in !loll)'wood. sketch: WJZ WENt WBBM--AI BDd Pete, (om~y and so~CS 11:45 A.M. WGN-Ensemble Music CBs--ceorp lIall's Orchestra: WHAS WCO) WCCo-Stotks, Markell WBBM-,J!ile. Stein, pianist • WIND-Dramatiution KMOX WIND WCFL-Hiy,li,hh of Music WGN-Good Health and TTainin~ WJJO-Lullc.heon Dance Music WBBM-"Notbing But the Truth," Aluandc WENR-Womtn's Feature. WJJD-Radio Guide Interviews Wtth EVins Plum. WLS-Studio Musical PrograM Mc:QuHn WGN-Lovely Ladi,,' moe WMAQ-Speaker WeFl-Sylvia Stone, contralto WlNO-lbppiness E~preSi WlS-Wuth", R~pOrt WOC·WHD-Markeh WGN-Diek Hay6, vocalist; Orlall WJJD---I!illiide Melodin WOWO-Variety Trio 2:00 PoM. WHO-Fred Beck. orsanist WlW-Three Moods in BI,.. WTAM-Closing Livestock Market. NBC-Ma Perkin., sketch: WEAF WLW WTAK WTAM-Musical Varitties (NaC) Rad i 0 Guide 23

9:00 P.M. Voice of America 7,l!',: .•. Paul Whiteman ''''1.,~M. Glen Gray CBS

(THURSDAY CONnNUED) 1:15 PM. WBBM-Bob Nolan, IrnoT; Four Norseml!!l, WMAQ-Norm~n CordOll, In" NBC-Billy Batchelor. shIeh; WEAF WTAM qua.ltI; Clarnee Whtekr's Orcheslr. WOC·WHO-Sludio Program 4:30 P.M. kMOX-··Four Shamrod.,-" Playing, Sioginr WCFl-{}rche.tral Prngram 10:30 P.M. NBC-Adv£ntur~~ of Or. Doo~t\lc: WEAF WMAQ Quartet WGN-Waye King', Orcheslu NBC-Enric Madriguera's Or.hestra: WEAF woe WTAM woe WHO Jrter WGN-Wayne Kin!(s Or.hest.-­ WCFl-Junior Fcder3tion Club WLW-Unbrok.... Melodie.; Or.he.;ln; Vouli.1I WCFL-VcHa Cook, conlralto soloist WG.N-,Jan Gul.>er', Orchestra WHAS-lrvin~ Aaron.un's Orche.tn WEHR-The Song PiM (NBC) WMAQ-fifty·Filty, sketch WIND-Masters Music Room WGN-JO!Ie Rlva', Qrche,tra WOC·WHO-Advenlures of Jimmy Allno 9:00 P.M- WLW-Los Amigo," Sp.ni.h Mu.ic WHAS--Organ Melodiu 6:%5 P.M. HBC-Paul Whitem.n'. Orchestra and Radio En· WMAQ-The Hoofinl:'ham' ••htth WIN D-Memory Lane lertainers; Deems Taylor, mut.". 01 cere· WTAM-Pjnkey Hunl.r'. Orch .. tr. WJJD-Sobbi. Dicklon, n.,jtOlK' KYW-Pinlo P~te 6:30 P.M. moni~.: WEAr WLW woe WHO WMAQ 10:35 P.M. 4:35 P.M. NBC-Eddie Du.hin's Orcheslra: WJZ WENR WTAM WEHR-Dance Or.hestra (NBC) WCCO-Livestoe$ 01 Erin; Joe White, tenor; string NBC-il.1nrls Aeross the Border, 5010i5,"; Ol'. KYW--charlie Piu ..', Orthe.lra berll a~d Tony Callu ••;: WEAF WLW WMAQ en.emb),,: WEAF WMAQ WTAM WDAF .h~stra' WJZ WENR WCFL-D.n.~ Orch •• tra NBC-Lllllo Orphan Annie, childhood playlet: WDAF J Chromis' Onh .. tra 10:50 P.M. WOC·WHO-Mu,",oal Pros:ram WBBM-Cl",mce Wheeler'. Orehut•• WGN-Jan Garbcr's Or.heslra WeCO-Tom Gat«' tlrchntr3 WTAM-Sludio Program 9:15 P.M. WENR-"Grandpa Burlon", Bill Baar (NBC) 6:45 P.M. KYW-Y.M.e.A. Chorn' 11:00 P.M. NBC-(;.orgc Olsen's Orcheslra: WJZ KYW WGN-Jan. C.r~nter, piani!! NBC-The Goldl.>ergs. sketch: WEAF WMAQ WCFL-AI Handler·. Orcheslra WIN D-Kenneth Houohins WTAl>! WDAF WG.N-Ri!ake &!lieve M~lody L.ood Jtr3' WADe "HAS KMOX-Piano Melodi..,. Rulh Nel!lOlI; Sports WCFl-Nalional Industrial n~covcry Act New. WCCO WINI) Rep<>rter CBS-Myrt and Marge, ,ketch: KMOX WBBM Flash .... WCCO WIIAS . NBC-J.rk Dcnny', Or'hc~!ra; WF..J\F woe WJIQ KYW-Richard Himber's Or~h"tra (NBC) WINO-HSlop That Fire." ,ketch WDAf WBBM-T.rlan in th ('ity of Gold WCfl-Spooake.. ; Or~h,lra ':15 P.M. WENR-Grand Opera Preview KMOX-Bobble Merker's Orchtd Looking Gla,. KYW-Harry So,nix', Orch""lr~ w>th franc,," Ingram CBS-Ed,,"in C. Hill, The H~m." Side 01 tbe WGN-Ilodey Gam. ~W$: WABC KMOX WC<:O WHUM WCfL-Captain Dan WCFl-John Maxwell. '00.1 talk 16:00 P.M. WGN-Tom G~~lry·. Orch(>!;t.n WENR-Big Brolher Club KYW-Tony Nu>.>;,,·, Or.h.... tra WGN-Norlhweslern Uni".r";ly Speak., NBC-Vi,,". I'hilo. lop,onn: WEAF woe WHO WMAQ-<'arl... MolinA'. Ord,~slra WGN-Tip Top Circus. 5ketch reS-Mar. Warnow Presonts: WCCO WTAM-R"" Lyo,,'. O.. h~'t.a WHAS-A_h .. and Utile Jimmy WCfl-Eddy Hanson, or!"" Tr~il~1 HBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WENR WMAC! WIND-AI and Pete. cllmedy nnd loniS (CBS) WHAS-O.!an Melodie. KMOX-Rhapaody of Ihe R""d., Rulh Nelson; 11:45 P.M. WIND-Happy Family WJJ D-f...,d Beck. or~ani't Sport, R.""rt KMO)(-When Day i. Done WlW-J.,.. Eme,"on. Bachelo. of Soni' WlS-D",matization KVW-Ilarry So$nik's OrcheSlra WCFl-DJ~c Unell'. Or.h~~lra WMAQ-Tht Eye 01 Monlumna 1:30 P.M. weFL-Kobar. Chancier Annly.is 11:50 P.M. WTAM-Xaviu Cugat', Orche'ha (NBC) NBC-Adventur"" in Health, Dr. Ilem,an BuDde· WLW-R&o>mi<>'f Or.he.lra and .. oio .. WGH--("harlie Ag"cw·, Orth""tra 5:Z5 P.M. .en; drama: WJZ WLS WCFl-Da~. Unell'~ Orch ...tra 12:00 Mid. KMOX-Sports Reporter CBS-Voice of America; Wm. Lyon Phelps; Ale" WHAS-t1aWY Jack TUT"er KVW-lo"i. Pani.o·, Orehe.lra Gray, sol.,;.t; Nat Shi!ktel's Orchnlra: WLW-Los Ami~os, Spanish M",ic WBBM-Arou",1 the Trihe.lral ~m. 12:10 A.M. KYYJ-Unde Bob's Curb i!-the l..imit Club WlND--Hot Stove Ltagwe-; Johnny O'H... )0:10 P.M. WGN-Late Danct Or'M>l".l.al Prony Frome, lenor: WENR-Dan R... ",·. Orch""lra WHAS-M.hdi·, Magif Circle '1:45 P.M. WIND-lQlernational Melodiu WIHD-Walk31hon KYW-Boyd Raeburn's Ord,... lra WJZ WENR CBS-Edward Tomlin'~n. Soulh A_riun D • .,.,d· WMAO-Oyde Lllu,' Ord, .. 'tra WJJ D--Ben Kantor. baritone WCCO-Tena and nm ca.t: WABC WCCO WIND KMOX WIlAS 12:45 A.M. WlW-Bob N~whal', M~II Pouch Spo.l,man WCFL-Oane. Oreb""tn NBC_Norman Gordon. ba •• WEAf WTAM KYW-Tony Nlluo·, Or.h.,t,a WTAM--(;.,~~ ~nd Glenn WGN-Ensemblc Mu"" WDAF-llubtrt Fr.ther•• 0nU WIND-Mat Mc'l(.ud·. Otfh.. 'lra 5:45 P.M. WIND-Ma. MoCloud's Or.h.... tra WlS-P3ul Ash's OreheslT3 NBC-L~w~n Thomo~. T<>tlay'. New': WJZ WLW NaC-Liule Orphan Annie. childhood playlet: 8:00 P.M. WENR WGN NBC-----Capl.in H""ry', Silo,", Boal; Lallny Rc.~. .•...... ••.•...... ••....••.•..•....•...' I.nor; Annette Ha~,h~w. LIon ",IIger; Con· CBS-Slamp I"lv~nlu.(r·, Oub: WIIAS WBBM KMOX rad Thibault. baritone; Katlory" th"'OI.n, so­ prano; Mola.s •• 'n° Jan,mry; Voorhees' Or· There Is Only ONE WCFL-Edrcht.tral PrO!lr.III CBS--Caliro.nia Melodl ... ; R3}mOl,d P.ai~e'~ Or ...... WENR-Whal's tht )Inn ~h ...tra; Gnm Star5: WABC weco WOWO WGN-Unclt Quin, Jun. Dny Drumer and ..,ND Add.ress • • •••••••. ' (.~ ••• ':0::':0 :., •• ...... " .. Wishbone J(MOX-llohen!atlen's Ordleslra, Harmoneltes. WHAS-Oinne, Concert "Th,.., 01 U,.," Dia..., Craddock, R .. ,oeU Town. . State. WIND--German Mu.i~ Brown and DrJma WJJO-Pickard Family J

CB5-C ookin.~ Oo..,u".; Mary Ems Arnn. hom' KMOX-The ~<)Onli,"e,"; Orchestra; Prod"c.... WlS-Ho'n~ Th.aler MORNING IOCOnom;.t: WABC KMOX WCCO WnB~f L,v ..l""k Roporl WLW-Lieootuum. drama WCFL-Kobar, ~h3u<:ter anal}"';. WBB~hicago Ilour, variety Z:45 P.M. 8:00 A.M. WGN-Ma";e Per... nalities WJJO-Li.e,to-rk ~Iarkels; Phil Evans WHA5-Ro.e .\tary Hugh .., songs WLS-I'rairie Farmer DinnerbeU Program WGN-Art Kahn pian"t NBC-The \h.ter) ChrF' II'JJ. W.\IAQ WLW W1ND-Walkathoo WMAo-hrst Aid Talk WJJD--\lo"tllain \!rlodie, CaS-Do R. Mi Trio: W.Ille WHAS WLW-Su ine .. New. WJJO-Uni,·e... ily of Chita~Q 12:30 P.M. NBC-Sam lIe,,,,.n. )\\I"l'ho".; Frank 81111,: WLS-Poultry 3nd Live.tock Marbh WOWO-\"oice of Destiny \\'EAF woe WHO WTA~f NBC-Vic and Sade, (orned.y sketch: WJZ WMAQ WMAQ-Women'. Page of the Air CBS-Ea,y Ans, .ketch: WASC KMOX WCCO 3:00 P .l\lra: WOC WHO WENR--college Inn Comedy WBBM-Jack Brooks, tenar: Norm Sherr, pianist WTMI WlS-BenUey'. News W(;N -Dorin~ Sisler, WCCO--<:'ab Calloway W(;N-OJn S~ker and Organ 8:30 A.M. WINO-Ibwaiian Serenade WCFL-Eddy Hansa'l. orgln r«ital WHA5-Studio Proll... ", WGN-~lu.ic Weav.rs IoISe-Sr.dler Kincaid, Mountain Boy: WEAF WJJD-Fred Seck. orean •• t WlS-Routod·up; Wo'terners; Joe Kelly WOC WIIO WOAF 10;45 A.M. WHAS--<:olloge of A~riculture WLW-Jol", Ihrk", WINO-Walkolhon KMOX-SI. Loui. Dtnl~1 Sotidy CBS-Dancing Erht; Interview. 3:20 P.M. WOC-WHo-Jintu,y and Jack WHAS-Slu~b'rd~ ~b .. ha WLW-l1, Ponce Si ·t~" and WBBM-llal Kemp', Orch"'lra 12:50 P.M. WrNO -~letr"JlOhlan ParaM (CBS) WCCD-Slrollin' Tom 3:30 P.I\i, "oli''''I: WEAF WTAM WMAQ WENR WOC WIIO WTAM KMOX-II"",dow SI'~PJ'l''' WI,J,\Q WT"~I \\O,\F CBS-Voice of EIpcrience, advice: WASC WHAS WOAF KYW-Two Docto ... "'ilh i\res of Ih !\.ir CBS-Jut Plain Bill .•ketch: WCCO KMOX (BS-:.1elrOl'olitan Paude: WHAS KJ>!OX WBS~I WCCO WBBM-Mauri~ Sh~'m.n', Orchestra KYW-Re~ Maup;n'. Orcheslrl WGN KMOX-Today; Piano WBBM-bldie a"d Fannie Ca"anaugh, radio IOH' WCF'l-Eddy !lau,o", or~a" recilal WCFL-German Enlerlainm.nl WGN-Rondoliu. and Mary Meade WGN-The Rnud"li ... WIND-Show Wi1ldow .il' WJJO-:.todcrni'lio MtiOthl!1 WCFL-Farme'i' Union WJJO-\loo .. h~.rt Chil,lrrn WLW-Thrte Mond. in Illue WJJO-Luke and Li.zie WlW_&h Albri~lIt, Okl,I",,,,. Co .. boy WLW--Qbio Farm Buru", talk; Orch~.t .. WHA5-l'niv."ity 01 Kentucky and Louisville WOC·WHO-s.,,,,inal~ I'ro'roln nrbate 3:45 P,I\I!~aker WlS-Hog ~la.h; Live.lo~k Reeeiph; Dr. 8ull' WOWO-Brown Counly Revelers CBS--Smihng Ed McConnelt: WBSM WHAS-Studia Pror~.", desen 1I0ur 1:20 P.M. NBC-Ru Sattle's Concert Ensembl~: WEAl' WINO-Kenneth lIouthi,,~. yodeling driftu WLW-Hi,lary 01 Cooking WBBM-Eddi~ 1I0u",. orunist. WMAQ WJJO-J. Il. and M ••, comed~ .. kil WMAQ-Scl1ing Up Exer~i,u CBS-Auto Show SpeakN: WASC WOWO WIIAS 1:25 P.i\l. WBBM-Markel Roport.; WlW-.I"!\,,"y Muldowlloy, lellor WOC ·WHO-Favoritf FO<>p (NBO WGN-Digest of the day'. ne ... 1:45 P.M. erS: WEAr WTAM 9:30 A.I\I. 11:45 A.M. NBC-W ~rds 30d .Mu.ic: WJZ WMAQ NBC-Sin~i,,~ Lady, nursery jingiea, soug, and NBC_The Story SinKer: WEAt' KYW woe WHO WSBM-Frank Wilson, tenor KYW-I'rudenc~ P~ony. economy tallr. .Iori~s: WJZ WLW CBS--<:.roon lIobi.on's Cruy Buckaroos: WABC WCCO-Market. WGN-En ..mble Mu.ic KMOX-Il~r",o".tle;, ~irt,· trio WCCO WCFL-Popular Musical Progr.m WINO-l.""cheon Dance Music KYW-M •• t.r Music Room Isenger. health news NBC-Singing Strin~. WJZ KYW 1%:00 Noon WOWO-Gr.b B)g 4:40 P.M. NBC-Belly ('roebr. cookin~ lolk: WEAF woe I'IBC-P'inkey Hunt••• Orche.tra: WMAQ WTAM 2:15 P .I\<[ . WHAS-Wn.t". On the Air~ WHO W,'¥JAQ WI.W WTAM \\IDAF CBS-Mari., The Little French Princess' WABC NBC-U"iled S\at~. ~taTi ne Band; W;SZ WMAQ 4:45 P.M. Ipreciotion lIour: WEA" wn: CBS-The Playboys, ,iI hands on two Di.OOH: WINO_I"d,ana String Trio WINO-Youngster's Club KYW WOC WIIO WTAM WOAF \VAse WHAS WIND weco WOWO WJJD-Pi.tlo Reflection. WJJO-Salon t:choes R a d io G u ide 25 First Nighter "1M"· BEHIND THE SCENES IN CHICAGO (Couliuued /rolll Page II) ments of the amphilheater. With but (FRIDAY CONTINUED) 6:50 PJ\f. ani changes are al$) ('.xpected to be made brief notice recemly he interrupted his program to perform an emergency gall~ KYW-Ja.... t Child, 'on~5; Three Slrin!:, in the Barn Dance routine. 5:01) P.i'f. 7:00 P.l\L And if it had not Im!n for a stroke of bladder operation. Ilis li~teners rebel!ed NBC-X3"i~r Cugat'~ OrPY: WHBM K~mC WIIAS weco Don lIesto,'s Orch.-;tra: WJZ WLS required immediately. Three of the most compen~ated the Jnctor. Incidentally he K~IOX CBS-Phil Duey, Frank Lulher and Jack Parker. keeps fit hy dally dip~ into the lake when KYW- M~l Stjtz~1 at the piano popular performers in the WLS cast had Vivien Ruth: WADC KMOX weco wa8M the ice is not ~o dellse Ihat he cannot WeFt-Eddy Han • .,n, o,#an recital NBC--{:oncc.t; Jessiu Dra,~ondte, soprano; Quar. narrow escapes from serious injury Sat­ WEHR-Richard Hirnber'$ Orchhtta (NBC) chup a hole large enuugh to permit a Id; Banta and Reltenberg. piano duo; Bour. Imlay night. While Tex Achison and plunge. J Ie is Clile of Ihe original mem­ WGN-Stca",boat Bill .ron's Orchestra: WE,\F KYW woe WIlO Patsy Montana of the Prairie Ramblers, WJJ D-Narello, Th Sill~in'l MaC their lI'ares NBC-Iron. D~",!~y, l>l"r. ,i,,~er: WF,\F WMAQ WCS gave up a lucrative medical praclice for Ihe Ibteners, litany are expected to CBS-.I"ck Arn"!rong. All A",.rican Boy: WBDM CBS-Mareh of Time, ,fram.tiud new. ennis: many years a~o to become org~nist for drop in. in the ne)(t few days in response K'\!OX WCCO WAlle WHAS KMOX WBl\\j Pope Leo X! 11. is now attached to the 10 the announcement Ihat "Uncle Boh" HB C-Three X Si,IN., harmony lrio: WJZ WCCO-Musiul Pro.;nlll Wilson and his tireless co-\\orkcrs, Mrs. WE:\'R slafT of the John B, Murphy hospital. WCFL-Sj.ht Court 'Tnde Bob.'" \l'jIJ Ihis week launch their KVW-{j"d~ Dllb'. Children'. Party I Ie thinks nothing the5C days of drop­ WGN-The Lone Ranger to 121h year of broadcasting over this pion .. WCFL-{;"'ee WiI\"" rcoital KYW-Abe Lyman" Orcb ••I .. NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WENR WMAQ KM OX-Bobbie Meeker's Orehe.tra WJJD-SllOrt. RO"iew, .Johnny O'tbrB WGN-Mu.i~al Mcla"~e KMOX-Hhal"ody 01 the fleeds, lIuth Nelso .. WCrL-Calllain D~n WOC·WHO-PolJo~k's Orc!,cslra WIND-Jamc. Colile, Sect m;ni.lre] KVW-Ch,e3go LHe WDAF-l',orl;n .. N".h, ioloi~t WTAM-Hc,1 D.,·i •. _htch WLW-Chime RevNi.s WCFL-KolJar WMAQ--{:~r1o. Molina's Orch~.tra 5:55 P.M. WOC·WHO-Hiuine the !1ichways WGN-Bri'!~o Club 01 tho Air WTAM-Jack Mile!' Oreh«lr" KMOX-SllOrt. Reporter 8:15 P.M. WHAS-I!JI'I'Y Jack Tu""e" 11 :45 P.M. WCCO-The Trouba,l~ur CBS-"The Town Crier;' Alexander Woolkott: WLW-Chorus and Orche.tra WOC·WHO-Sport. R~view KMOX-lVllen Day i. Done IVAlIe WO\\·O weco WHAS KMOX WOWO-Darn Dance WCFL-Dav~ Un.!!,. Orehe>i.a WTAM-Fi,hinS alI(I lIunlln~; Lew Williams KYW-Tony NU>ZQ' Orohe.tra WOC·WHO-llarry So,,,ik'~ Orchestra (NBC) NIGHT WBDM-Vincem Lopez' Orche,tr~ 10:05 P.M. 11 :50 P.M, WCFL-Food flashes KMOX-Tcaberty Sp(lrts llep(ldcr WGN-H.I Kemp', Orche.lra 6:00 P.l\I. WGN-Rube Appleberry 10:15 P.l\l. 1~:OO ~Iid. NBC-Amo' 'n' Andy, ~ktteh: WJZ WLW WLW-5milin' Ed McConn"lI. songs NBC-Slu. of the Winter, Dr. Robert H. flak", KYW-Louis Panko', Orcbestra CBS-1.oui, Panico'. Orc~c'lra: 8:30 P_M. weco WJZ WMAQ WBBM-Ar"u"d the To"n, danu orchestras KMOX-Adnnture5 of Jimmy Allen NBC-Phi! Bake., cnmedian; Harry M~N"ughton; CBS-Bo.wen Sistc", barmony team' WABC WDAF-:-'i~ht Hawk Frolic KYW-Pinlo Pete MabeJ Albert.o .. ; Oreh.-stra; M.rrie-M~n WENR-Jule< Stei,,', Orcheslra WBBM-Pat Flana an's Sporls Summary Quartet; Neil Sisters, b.rmony trio; WJZ WUAS WCCO WIND KMOX WOC WGN-Lat. Dance Orch".lra. WCFL-YMCA Educational Dcpartm~nt WENR \yDAF NBC-To be 3n""unc~: WEAl' WHO KMOX-llotary Club Radio M~eting WIND-Mac McCloud', Orche

Metropolitan O pera lZ:-ro P.M. Stoopnagle and Budd 11:1; P.M. Saturday, Jan. 13 "" cos 10 :15 A.M. KM OX-Tht Noontime ... Orchee",~le: WJZ WL5-Markets. farm Topic. WCCO KMOX WBRM CBS-tn the luxembour, a.rdens, WABe WHAS WMAQ WLW-Bu,in ... New. NB C-Ward and Muny. piano duo: WJZ WLW N BC-~Iorni,,~ Glurie>. dance orch.. ra: WEAf WEN R- Women', FUlure. WOC·WH~ov~rno", Hour WENR WTAM woe WilD WGN-Gnnd Old H~n'''s WTAM-Ed Kirkaby". Orchestra (NBC) W C rL -~1eyer's Publicalios KYW-Mu,oc.1 Clock. variety program WI NO- Spice and Varidy 12,3S PJ\[. WIN O-Kenneth liouchin'. yod.ling drifter WB BM-M",ule Parade WLW-Sood 01 Friend.hip. W.lter Furn;" WGN-Palmer 1I0u •• Ensemble WJJO-D,ck and Judy .•ketch WCFL-Klddle' Ac,upl.Il. Club WOC·WHD-(entr.1 Broadr.sti"g St. Choru. 10 :25 A.I\I. 12:40 P .l\I . W DAF-~Iorn;"~ Bihle I.e ••on WG N-Markel RClX'rts, Th. Ron,J"lie .. WOWO-Old T;,,,e R"'ival WGN-Goorl ~Ior.'in~ NBC-Metropolitan Ope'a: \vEAF WJZ WMAQ 10:30 A.M. 4: 15 P.iU . WI ND_Poli.h Hour WTAM KYW w!.w NBC-Babe. in Hully,,·ood ••ketch: WJZ WENR WJJO-Hapl';' GQ Lucky Time. Art ,-,"id. NBC-Sonat~ Recital, Josel Stopak. vinlin; Josel 12:45 PM. Hont;. piano: IYEAF WENR woe WHO WCFl--Gen,s ~f Ihe Oper~ WlS-SI1arerib. Fairy Tales: Malcoll1\ CI.ir. CBS-Harold Kni~ht". O,che.lra: WaBM WCCO \HAM WGN -Bob fora"., .010;,1; Or~an WLW_Ho,",. Care for th~ Sick KMOX_T,"go Ki"g; The Noontim"" WIN O-Tea Da"'.nte 8:15 A.M. KYW-In the Spotlight WC FL-Variety Program WCFL-£rl'I.Y Han,oll. Organ Recital WLW-DOI' Hart NBC-Landt Troo ... d While, .ongs and comedy: WGN-E'''''ll1ble MII,ie 4:30 P.M. WGN -Art Ka~n .nd Allan Graut. double I"ano. WI::AF WOC' WHO IVL\\, WO,W WINO-Hawa;;an S.renade WINO-Walkathon NO C-Three So"n,I'" ha'"IO"y: WEAF WOC W(F L-Tion~ P;or.d. WJJD-,\1u,ic and Banler. Ben Kanter WIIO \\'MAQ WJJD-lIhno;s ~1edical Soelety. talk WLS-l'rairie Home Drama WIN D-Hungaria" Mu",c WLW-Two Guitars KMOX-Hulh alld Hall,h at Two Piano. WJJO-M,' Schl"~.nlo"ur" V<><.!vil Th"alu WOC-WHO-JI.!u,ic.1 Pro~ram KVW-M".lor .\tu,ic Hoo"" 10 ,45 A.M. WlS-Produce lIeloo,I.,,; Mu~ic 1;00 P.M. WB BM_"Nothu'g But th Troth." Al~xander NB C-Organ Melodie,. Eddie fitch. organist; WTAM-Heallh and Hygi.",,; V. King CBS-Arti.t Hccital. Barbara Maure!' co"tralto; M"Quc~n Mary Steele. son~" WJZ WENR WM,\Q WCC D-Minnesota State Department of CO""" • • 8:25 A.M. KVW-Miss Gay C'a"e Calder, ba.. : WABC WHAS KMOX WIND valioll WlS-New.ca.t; Julian B."lIe~ WGN - Marga,el Libby and Organ WBB M-Eddie and fannie Cavanaugh. radio &0.· WCFL-Ju"'Uf F.,dcratiun Club 8:30 A.M. WIND-Famou. I).nce Band. .ip WENR-Nobl£ ~'"Ic', Or~hSlra (NBCI CB S-In lhe lux.Il1buu., Carde"o: WIND WOWO WJJO-Modern Rhythm. WCCQ-Jimmy Joy', Orchestra WGN-Jo.e Hil"', Orohe.tra NB C-Bradl~y K;Ileaid. Mountain Boy: WEAF Wl W-Three Mood. in Blue WCFL-Farmers Union WHAS-or~a" M.k.. Jie. woe WHO WO,W WOC-WHO-Groce.. Whole .. l. WGN-Enscmble Music WI NO-.\I';",or)· Lalle KM OX-8reakfasr Club JO;55 A.M. WJJO-~Iodern Rhlt)'m WJJO-[l"!1 KdlltCr. pia,,;.t WCFL-Popu),r Dance Music WIN O-Musical Interlude WLS-Howrly Folk.; Chuck Stafford WLW-Edocatipn.l Forum WHA5-Blueloirds and Maroha WOC·WHD-.\1arket' WTAM-Twili~hl T"nc. WJJO-Hot Harmonies 11 :00 A.M. 4,4S 1'.1\1. • WL5-Jun;or Roundup; Gene Autry. cowboy NBC-Down Lo'· ... Lane; soprano; t!nor; Al 1:15 P l'il. NBC-Lillie Orphan Annie. childhood playlet: .o"u and Lee Reiser. piano team; narrator: WEAF WBBM-Albert B.rtlelt. lan,;;o kin~ WJZ WllI' WlW-PltiJ lIarri,' Orelte.tra; Vocali.t WOC WHO WTA~I WENR WOAF WCFL-The Human Side of New England p""ts CBS-The Old At!Olhecary: WABC CB5-Vincent Trav ...• Orehestra: WABe WHAS alld NOI'eli,ts WHAS weco WTAM-Hit Waluu of 1933 K~10X KMOX WBIlO\! weco WGN-E","n,ble Mu'ic NBC-Arlene Jack,on. ,o"g" WEAF WMAQ 8:45 A.M. KYW-Ro.e Vanderoosch. piani.t WJJO-B.n.d Timt CBS-The Meiday and pi.no WB BM-Eddie Hou'e. or~"ni{ W WMAtr-S.uill, Up Ellertis •• CBS-Round T~wn ... QUarlet, WA S C \V HAS WOC -WHD-Favorite Foods WCCO-Market Report. CBS_Mildred Bailey: WABC WINO wcco WENR-Morin Sisters. h)rmon¥ lrio WCCO WB OM KMOX WOWO- Hou.ewif. Hour KMO X-Window Shoppe .. 9:15 A.M. WG N-Markel Reports WBBM-Tarzan in the City of Gold WIND-Last Night'. Star WCFL-Red HOI and Low DOI'in; Bob lIawks WGN -Tip Top Circus. skelch IIIBC-Morn;n! I'arade. varidy mu.icale, WEA F WJJO-Name Ih Band WGN- En.~mblt Mnsi. WHA 5-A~her and Lttte Jimm)' WTAM WOWD-Oance Orohestr.. WIN D-Mood Indigo WJ J O-Fred B"ck. or~.n;SI k YW-lren. Kin~, tllk 11 :35 A.M. WJ JD-s,."g$ and ~rmon •• "Uncle Joe" WLW-J.,.. Emerson. Bachelor 01 Sonl WCFL-Popular Music KMOX-Magic Kitohen WL5-Merry·GoRound; Variety WTAM-Mult Jacobo' Orchestra WGN-l.eofIard Salyo', n,.il box; Board 01 Trad. WGN-Dig .. t of the d.y"s neln WOW o-Glle.1 Rel'iew 5,30 P.M. M .... ket Reports WHA5-Frank Wi"tg.r·, Orchnt •• (CBS) WHA 5-Savin~. T.lk 2:15 P.M. HBC-Hiehard Himber', Ore~e'lra' WEAF WMAQ WJJO-Today"s Tun., 11 :40 "".M. KMO X-Exchang. Club CB S-Ja~k Ar"'y "lid hi, fUlur. WCCD-Slook •• Marktt. WCFl-Luncheon Con""r! WGfoI -Rondoli~" WCFL-Highligh!' of Mu,ic WGN-Mid I)ay Servio. WINO-Studio P arl~ WJJO-Hill'ide Melotliu WHAS-Wealh .. Reporh WJJ O-Fr.d R~ok. or~ani'l NIGHT WLS--Smilin' Thru; Eloie May Emer5<) ~ WlW-.·our PII •• male quartet WI NO-Noon·day Meditation. 6,00 P.M. WMAQ_Board 01 Trad. WJJO-Bubb Pickard. hiITbi lly SO"! " WOC ·WHO-Mulic.1 Pr""r'm Wl5-Pouliry Service TIme 3,15 P.M. KMO X-"Four Shan"ocks." Singi"g. Pl'y; ,.. WTAM -Heahh ."d H \"~ .. n.: V. KinJ Quortel WMAQ-Sludlo Progr~m WaiM-I)<>rolhy Miller. 5<)101.1; or.un and piano 10 :00 "".M. KYW-Pinto P~le IIBC-Four Sou!her" Si",.r" qu.rtet; ju, ~ nd : WTAM-Pinkty HUnier', Orchestra WLS--R"".. d up: Wuteroer.; J oe Kelly )2:15 P .M. 3 :30 P.M. WB BM_Pal fl.na~an·$ Sport. Summary WJZ KYW WCC O-Problems 01 M"nidp(Ol GOYernm.nl i CB5-N". Y. PhIlharmonic Concert: WABC KMOX NBC-Ed Klrhby'. o..ebootra, WEAf WM Aq CBS-M.di.on En'~n,bl~, \vABC WOWO WHAS May'" Wm. Mahoney WCCO-Markets KMOX WCCO WB BM WHAS WCCO WB BM WCFL-M~d~me OorOIIt .. Ikrrfu ... ,oI~i.t IIBC-G.lu) of St.r.; contr.lto: boritono; !)r. W H A5-M ;..,h ~ Ra~ i n, k y's Enumble (C DS) KYW-.\t ,,';cal Con,.,dy Fayorite. WEN R_What', the New. eb•• lr. : WMAQ woe WUO WLW WTAM Wnl D--L unc~eon MusH: WCrL- Eddy Ha",on. Organ Reeil.l WGN -Uncl, Quill. J"a". Donny D",amer all" R eporl~r IY I)Af" WJJD-Fred Beck. orn"i.t WENR-Sport. W lbar. dUnel" analy.i, J2:!O P.M. WGN -Mark !.oy •. baO'; l,o,n Salvo. organi" WHA S-J)i"n~. Concert WGN-Movi. P.roo... li ti., KMOX-Prodoee.. L ,·~,took Reporl.r WJJO- Moo .. hearl rhildren WIHO-c.:rno"1\ 1I0ur WINO_Walkoll,on U;,30 PM . 3:35 P.M. WJ J O-Piokard Family WJ J D-Fr.,d Beck. or~l"i,t NB C-Vic and Sade. okelel" WJZ WMAQ KYW WENR_ Wuk End Revue. Hriel, pr,,&ram WLW-So.. Jol""tol\ ",ilh M""cal V anet ~ WLS--p."hry ;>1 '.1 Li.... st""k R_loon. CB5-HHold Knight" Orchestra: WABC WHA9 3;45 P.M. WOC · WHO- Dano~ Oreh ••tra (N BC) WOWD-W ~ I\ d D 'Progrl n, WINO WS8M- Phil H ..",s· Orchestra WTAM-The A d ler;k' . n~ R a d I 0 Gu de 27

Byrd Expedition ':00c., P.M.

(SATURDAY CONTIHUED) CBS-Byrd Expedition; Orch ••ira: B.ritone: Chorus: WABC WHAS KMOX weco WBBM 6:15 P.M. NBC-To be announced: WJl KY\V CBS-u"n Bel~sco'. Orch~~lra: WABe weco WCFL-Dante Orcho.tra 1V88M WGN--Charli.. Agn ..w'. Orcll.,tr. NBC-R~li~lon in the New.; Dr. Stanley Hi",: WIND-Joe Kromis' Ortheslra WEAF WOAF' WLS-Planlalion M.. lodi"" KVW-Th~ Glob<: Troller; Sports ReportlU 9;15 P.M. WCFl-Drch •• tral Pro~r"m NBC-The Ma,ler,ingers: WJZ KYW WEHR_Dance Orchestra WIND-Whili"g Community PrOgram FRfO BfCK WC.N-The !loy Jt~l"'rt.r WL5--Pathfinder Re\'iew woe· WHO-Fashion ~·ot.hook famous midwe.torn WMAQ--Tra\'el Talk Or9,ni.1 who noW 6:20 P.M. 9:30 P.M. weco-sports Pa.ad. brudc~!ts regular!y CBS----Columbia N.". Se",ico: WABC IVBBM 6:30 P.M. NBC-F, 0, B, Detroit WJZ KYW from hi. own studio NBC-Eddi. Dud'in's Orch.,iu: WJZ WENR KMOX--{;eorgia wilh Buddy. Zeb a,,,! Otto .. t 121 S. Wabash NBC-Circu. Days, Ora",', W£AF woe WHO WCCO--Call of the North; Smiling Ed McCon· Ave .. Chicago. WI-W WMAQ WTA'" WDA~' nell ••ongs I(MOX-St. Lnui. Civic Band WCFL-B.rral! O'Hara, talk through the bcili· KVW-Pinto Pel. WGN-Tomorrow', Npw. tie, 01 .totion WJJO WBBM-Oance Orchcstra WHAS-Greater Loui,,,iUe E"semb!~ WeCO-MYsiul Pr~~ram WI ND-Nino Rena'do', Orch~slra WCFl-Circus Chiltlren WlS-"M"unt.in ~l"mories"; Cumborland Ridge WGN-Sport. Reporler Runner. WHAS-Irving Auron"on', ()reh ••lra 9;35 P.M. WINO-Poli,h Hour WGN-Headlines 01 Other Day, 6.40 P.M. 9:45 P.1\I. WBBM-s"hoal of M",i. CBS-Leaders in Action. H. V. Kaltenborn' 6:45 P.M. WABC WIND WIIAS CBS-lit" Guioar, Mexican Tenor: WAse weco KMOX--C;v;c Airport Association Progr~1Q W80M WBBM_lIenry Bu ..,,·, Orch.slU • I(VW-BJue Voicu WCFl-School Tearhe .. Ullion. talk WCFl-{}rchestra WGN-The Drum Ship WDAF-Question. and An~we .. WlS-"Song Storie."; The Emerson. WGN-T<>m. ~ick and HMry WLW---Over the Rhine WMAQ--Paul Ash'. Orchutra 10:00 P.Jl.I . WLW-Tran5miller Tal~ HOC-Sarn Dance: WJZ WLW WLS BECK STRI KES WOC·WHO-Uniled ll~m~lie. CBs--Guy Lombardo's Orcheslra: WABC WINO WTAM-Vienneu En,"mbl. WHAS 7:00 P.M. NBC-One Man's ramily, dramatic skelch; WEAF WMAQ IVTAM NBC-Ewnomics in Ihe Ne .. Deal: WJZ WMAQ KMOX-Baseball Bio~raphie. Dramatized CBS-Isham Jane.' Orcht5lra: WAlle WHAS COLDEN NOTES KYW-The Globe Trotter; New. WCCO WBBM WCFl-Kobar NBC-Fostu Memorial Program: WEAF woe WGN-Earl Burtnell', Orchestra RED BECK, featured organist of WHO WTAM WOAF WOC·WHO-Sports Ilefiew KMOX-Stori.. Behind Hospit.1 Ca~'1 10:05 P.1\I, KYW-ilarry Sosnik', Orch •• tra WJJD, really struck pure gold, just WCFL-Labe. Flasl,e. WOC-WHO-Fal,t.fI Program 10,15 PJ\t. F as every note he strikes is golden. WG N-Plall and Nierman WIND_Indiana Stri!lg T.io KMOX-Rhapsody 01 lhe R .... ds. RUlh Nelson when he originated his now much listened WlS-Kaltenme)·~r·. Kindergarten (NBC) KYW-Harry S",nik'. Orchestra WLW-Studio Program WCFL-The Question Box to "MUSICAL EXCELLENCE" pro­ 7:10 P.M. WGN-Rememb.. Way B.ck When gram heard daily, except Wednesdays and WCFL-NRA New. WOC·WHO-Movie Par.de 7:15 P.M. 10:30 P.M. Sundays, from 3 to 3: 30 p, m. Noting NBC-Hollywood on Ihe Air, orch .. tr.,; .oloist.; CBS-Elder Mkha,,,,', C()ngr~gation: WABC WllAS WCCO WBHM gu ..t .tars: WEAF WLW WMAQ woe the. trend toward better music, some WHO KYW-Tony N" ..o·s Orchestra CBS-Gus Arnheim's Orch.,tra: WIIAS months ago Fred asked to be permitted a WCFL-Qrchestral I'ro~""n KMOX-Mike Childs' Orchestra WGN-Palmer lio",. Ensemble KYW--Carlos Molina's Orche,tra half hour daily in which to present the WHAs--GrMler Loni,ville En.embl. WeFL-Dav. Uoell', Ordestra WIND-Sludio Pro.:.. ", works of ·the masters, The "experiment" WGN-W'yne Ki,,~'s Orchestra 7:25 P.M. WIND-Ma,ter Music Room has borne unexpected fruit. Listeners are WLS-Sportl Report~r WTAM--Russ Lyon', Orche.tra 7 :30 P .1\1. 10:45 P.M. hed, song.: CB5--GI~n Gray's Orch.,tra: WAne KMOX WIND WABC WBB~I WCCO KMOX WHAS cago radio stations. It was, however. KYW-Tony Nuno's Orchstra NBC-Freddie Martin', Orchestra: WJZ KYW not until his special program of "Musical WIND-Mac McCloud', Orohestra WCFl-Eddie Simon', Orchootr. WHA5--lIappy Jack Tun",r WOWO-Ted Crawfo"l. or~anist Exceflence" that radio listeners began to 8;00 P.M. WlW-Be'nie Cummi".' Orchesli-a 11:10 P.M. NBC-To be 2nnounw!· IVEAF WTAM WMAQ praise his unusual work. For a pleasant WGN-R.ichacd Cole', Orchinwan, Ramen. Fa, 11 :50 P.1'+I. 8:30 PM. WGN-Ear! Burlnell', Oreh';,'tra CBs-Edward D'An"a', Band: WABC WHAS 12:00 Mid, KMOX WCCO WBBM KYW-Loui. Panic,,', OrcheSlr~ WC FL--Oan« Orthestra WBBM--Around Ihe TO"ln. dance orch~.t'3I WG N-Wayne King't Orchenra WCCO--.limmy Joy's Orcli ...tn WIND-Happy Family WfNR-Noble Si .. le·s Orch~.lra W l S-Koy.lon~ Barn Danc~ Party WG N-Late Dano. Orchestra~ WLW-Dimmkk'l Orth.. tn WI NO---Mac McCloud's Orch~"ra 8:45 P.M. WMAQ--Ted W...... ,' Or~~

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