
'Buy or Sell Quickly by Using Herald Classified Ads BUSINESS , OPPORTUNITIES WANTED REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE FURNISHED ROOMS AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE for cash best payi g WANTED—To hear from owner NICE, COOL bedroom la private Radio Features flour, feed and seed business in the having farm in Texas, for sale suit- home for Today’s gentleman. m st. Valley. Established 21 years. Own- able for general farming. Write Splendid Apartment Charles. Phone 552. JUNE 22 D-I24 SUNDAY, MAKE er old, wants to retire. Stock, fix- me full description and price. John House Site (Bv The Associated Press) tures r d building about $90)0. D. Baker, First National Bank Bldg., M. otherwise indicated. ROOM i BOARD in Central Standard lima. P. unless Write T. H Poag, Mercedes, Texas. Texas. D-177 Procram* , Here's about as good an Invest- D-89 454.3—WEAF New York—660 (NBC Chain) ment to be found to Browns- HOLLINGSWORTH Hotel — Now WWJ WANTED TO BUY—A few choice |.«L_v,inr RnTt'AK* Theater Family. Louise Bave. Soprano—Also WGY FOR ville. On boulevard, two blocks located at 1308 Adams. Room and WOAI WSMB KSTP WIBO WEBC YOUR VACATION SALE—Indiana cafe; located well located 5 to 20 acres and more, WSAI KSD WFJC WHAS WTAM school. One board, WJDX WKT KTHS at highway intersection in Harlin- citrus soil. Also have from city block, family style table. D-48 WIOD W MC WSB .. *- W8M WDAF exchanges. will sell Time • SO—Choral Orchestra with Gitla Erstmn—Also WGY WFJC WWJ WSAI gen; good lease; cheap rent; good Realtor, P. O. Box 211, Lincoln. part. payments WSB WSMB WKY KTHS can be KSD TOD WHAS WEBC WMC reasons for selling. at cafe. Nebr. arranged. Bee WJDX WTAM KSTP WIBO WFAA WOC Apply D-170 KPRC WOAI WTMJ _ JESSE DENNETT. Owner. KSD WHAS W’KY WSAI WFJC W’SB WMC WHILE ■D-176 7:00—Our Government—Also WORTH 1222 Classified WTUJ WOW VOAIWWJ WSMB WJDX WIOD KVOO WOC WEBC WANTED—Citrus lind improved or Washington, Business KSTP 7:15—Half Hour Concert— A!so WGY WTAM WWJ WSAI KSD WOW upimproved. Address D162, care Brownsville. WSM WMC WFAA KPRC Partner Wanted KOA KSL KFI KGW KOMO KPO KHQ Herald. D162 A129 Directory WSMB WHAS WGN WSB WOC For WOAI WKY __ A GOOD Used Car. one of the finest and most KSL KPO KGW WGY 7:45—In the Time of Roses—Women’* Octet—KQA Buy remunerative WSMB businesses in Ameri- REAL ESTATE WWJ WSAI KSD WOW WTMJ KSTP WE§1C WOC WHAS HOUSES FOR SALE WTMJ WEBC ca. The man I • :15—Champions Orch.—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WGX KSTP Those Priceless Vacation want must be full BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS KOA KGO KGW KOMO KFI KHQ WOW WDAF KSD WOC Enjoy fledged business man, honest, and WOW WKY WW.l 9:45—Sundav at S*th Parker's—Also W’HAS WFJC WJAX to .... Get Out Where You Can willing work. The proposition INVESTIGATE HEARTSEASE WGY KOA KGO WIOD WMC WSB WEBC KGW KY’W WSM WTAM Days WOC WTMJ requires $5000.00 which will be KSrP KSD WDAF WSMB KPRC WAPI KOMO KHQ Winter and summer home to one. PROCTER, DUDLEY & »:15—Russian Choir—Also WGY KSTP WEBC KOA WOW WTAM WWJ Have the BEST and Swing- handled by the investor. This is Fishing Magic Valley, Lower Rio Qrande. FERGUSON WKY _ worth while your investigation. 9:45—Sam Herman-Also WWJ WOW WFJC KOA W’EBC WOC-WHO Beautiful two-story brick, 7-rooms .... See NEW .... Write for appointment. Box D-181 SUMMIT PLACE New York—860 Chain) ing Country and bath. Natural gas. double gar- 348.6—WABC (CBS Herald. D-181 General Contractors WADC WKP.C WGHP WFBM KMOX KOIL THEN INVEST servant s Corner lot 8:45—Dr. Julius Klein-Also Breathe the Air of the age, quarters. 528 Washington St. Phone (BT WISN WCCO W1BW WMT WFIW WDOD KLRA KbJF KLZ Invigorating KMBC In Brownsville’s new business and 100x120. 12 stately palms. Heart of KDYL KHJ KFRC KVI KFPY WNAX W DAY FCR SALE—McAllen Brownsville, Texas __ tourist park. Brownsville. V WGHP WKBN WFBM REAL Outdoors. sub-division, located Owner going on ex- 9:00—Maybew Lake s Band-Alao WADC * Retiring from business. No trade. residential KOIL KMBC WISN WCC09WSI UW.MT WBRC W FIW \\ DOD one tended journey. Reasonable price. KMu\ Mrs. A A. Cornell, owner, McAllen. on 13th and 14th streets, KLRA KFJF KLZ KHJ KVI KFPY WNAX WDA Y One of Our Guaranteed Used Cars Write Box 1217, Brownsvile, Tex- WOWO__ Texas. D163 mile from Gateway Bridge, oo Floor Tile Tile 9:30—11 V. Kaltenborn Edits the News—Also WADC WKRO WMAQ as. D155 Mantels KMOX KOIL KMBC W’CCO WSPD the main thoroughfare leading WOWO WFBM Will Furnish 6:45—Chi li Sale—Also WADC W HK WKRC WGHP WTAItT Dependable Transporta- FOR SALE—Ladies to the proposed ship channel Wall Tile Tile W WSPD WMT WGST WBRC WFIW ready-to-wear Drain Boards WBBM KMOX KOIL KMBC ISN rich .... shop. In one of the best towns in municipal airport, farming WDOD WREO WDSU W’RR KFJF KTSA KTRII KOL tion Anywhere You Want to Go Estimate.' given cheerfully. W’HK WKRC W’GHP the Stock El Jardm. and Boca YOUR HOME m 7:00—Theater of the Air. Variety Program—Also WADC Valley. Is new and clean. district of Wm. M WOWO Wl mi WBBM KMOX KOIL KMBC WISN WCCO WMBW’ KFH And When You Get Back You'll Have Good reasons for selling. Address Chics Beach Easy terms. Ten Cameron Sc Co., Inc. WSPD WBRC WOOD WREC WLAC WDSU KRLD KLRA KFJF Attractive .new modern tile D147, care Brownsvile Herald. D147 cent down, balance 5 year* to Harlingen 490 W KT>A KLZ KOVL, KHJ KFRC KOIN KVI KFPY per stucco: built for comfort; spa- Phone WOWO WBBM KMOX the Satisfaction that Comes from 427. 9:00—Will Rogers—.m WADC W’HK WKRC WGHP pay. Jesse Dennett, phone cious porches; southeast expos- KOIL WCCO WSPD WBRC WLAC KRLD KLZ KDYL KHJ KMBC Brownsville. Texas. ure. See it today. Call 985 CHIROPRACTORS KFRC KOIN KFPY KTRH KOL Carefree Rest.... And You Will Still W, «:S0—Around the Samovar—Also WADC W’HK WKRC WKBN WSPD WDOD Rooming House R. R. Ragan, builder. D-169 8:30—Motor Club—Only to WOWO WBBM KMOX KOIL KSCJ KMBC W’CCO Have a Car Good for Thousand Good paying business twenty beds W’lBW WMT KRLD KLRA KFJF WNAX Many and modern fur- want be DR. W. S. HAMEL 9:00— Bark Hnme Hour. Rev. Churchill—Also WGHP WKBN WFBM WCCO living apartment THINGS you don’t may SACRIFICE: Well located 4-room KLZ KVI KFPY Miles More. nished complete. Nice house and to some one else. List WISN WSPD WMT W’FIW WDOD KLRA KFJF of value house with large sleeping porch, 10)00—Choral Islanders; Midnight Melodies—WADC W’GHP WKBN W’FBM long lease. Good reasons for selling. them in these classified columns to- Chiropractor WIBW WMT WGST WBRC large double garage with concrete PALMER GRADUATE KOIL KMBC WISN WCCO KFH WSPD | The L'sed Cars We Are Are 1109 Dunlap Ave., Mission, Texas. day and have the cash tomorrow. WDOD WREC KFJF KLZ KDYL KVI KFPY WNAX WDAY (KRLD Offering floor, cement tidewalk; on paving 15 Years Experience with East front 394.5—WJZ New York—760 (NBC Chain) .... pavement paid; lot, Arcade Bldg. Phone MS 1 Your Own HERALD Classified ads -re bargain 8:30—Koestner** Orchestra—Also WJR W’GN KW’K KOA KSL WT.W WREN Exceptional Bargains all for only $2500.00. S. C. Graham of Brownsville. Texas 6:00— Melodies bv Mixed Quartet—Also WKY WJR KW’K WREN W’FAA Suburban counter* for thousands Valley & Co., Phone 179. Brownsville, Tex- KOA Will Tell YomSo When KPRC WOAI WHAS WSM WTMJ KSTP KDKA WJAX WMC Judgement people every day. as. D144 KYW WEBC WIOD KTHS WSMB KPO KOMO KFI KGW’ KSL WJDX OWNER MOVING to Valley will DRAY—TRANSFER You Them .... in or KHQ WCKY WSB W’API KFAB KFSD KTAR See Come Today accept Valley property in exchange «:15—Spanish Melodies—Also KDKA KOA KPO KGW RENTAL for his $30,000.00 Oak 6:30—Goldman Band—Also KDKA KOA KPO KGW KOMO KHQ WJR KSL This equity in Mason Transfer & 7:15— Gather Ye Rosebuds”—Also KDKA WJR KYW WKY WREN Evening. Park, Illinois, business 8 property, FOR RENT OR LEASE—Modern store 7:45—Shakespearean Hour—"Twelfth Night"—Also KDKA miles west of ONE-ACRE Chicago loop in cen- on Elizabeth street. Fixtures can be Grain Co. 8:45—South Sea Islanders. Native Orchestra—Also KDKA WREN WJR THESE WONT LAST LONG String ter of suburban area of at a 9:15—Nocturne, Instrumental Trio—Also WREN trading 250,- bought bargain. Plenty of parking 000 Good location. 9:30—Reminlscenses by Male Quartet (30m.)—Also WREN KWK KDKA 1928 Hudson Sedan population. A. L. Thomas, 113 N. space. WaUter-Craig BONDED WAREHOUSE B241 Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, Illi- Company. SEEDS OP ALL KINDS CENTRAL CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS nois. HOMESITES 1928 Pontiac Sedan D157 THE SOUTHERN Realty Company Light and Heavy Hauling 293 9—KYW Chicago—1020 —700 WE MOVE ANY-MNO 428.3—WL)^ LIVESTOCK AND can rent furnished and unfurnish- 5:00—Orchestra; Feature *:3n—Orch : Feat.; Orchestra 1928 Sedan POULTRY Modern conveniences: planted 1105 Adams. Dodge Victory ed houses and apartments TO Phone lit 8:00—Same as WJZ (1»4 hra.) »:1.WWLW Concert Hour to the finest of citrus trees; ad- you 7:45—Hour of Orchestras 9:15—Variety Programs (214 hra.) REDUCED PRICES CERTIFIED and FOR you. Geo. F. Dennis. 1929 Graham % Ton Truck city limits; convenient FINANCIAL 8:45— WEAF State St. __ joining (30m.): _OQ -_.. _ CHICKS. From 200 egg cockerels. Manager, 914. C-211 9:45—News 299 8—WOC and WHO—1000 Call phone and Orchestra (2 hrs.) Bloodtested. Per 100: terms, reasonably priced. f, f>A—-Grocer B^vs 1928 Chevrolet Sedan Leghorns, FARM LOANS 344 6—WE NR Chicago—870 6:30—WEAF Programs (2*4 hra.) Large assorted $8.00; Anconas. APARTMENTS ", 7:00—Sunday Supper Concert 9:15—Talk. Dr. Palmer 1928 Chevrolet Rocks, Reds, Orpingtons Wyan- Nelson Co. Concert 9:15—Same as WEAF (15m.) Coupe or 3-ROOM SOUTHEAST Mortgage 8:00—Symphonv dottes $9.00; Brahmas as- W. M. apartment, Sketch; Concert $13.00; Egan Kansas City, Mo. 398.8—WJR —750 1929 Coach sorted 100 private bath. Summer rate. Tele- 10:00—Air Vaudeville (2 hrs > Pontiac $7.50. per cent live de- Valley E. W. 6:1S-Sam« as WJZ (1 hr.) 1163-R. C167 Representative. Watte, livery, prepaid. Catalogue free. phone 416.4—WGN Chicago—720 6:15— >!*ditationa (15m ); WJZ (1** C. F* Hurst Phone 20, Donna, Texas. 1928 Essex Sedan Dixie Poultry Farms. Box 104. 6:30—WJZ (30m ); Concert hr* ’ TWO LARGE rooms, furnished, Cameron County Representative „ Texas. Pianist Brenham. D-178 Riverside Park «:30—Xighthswks; i': c 1926 Sedan 216 or 1203-W. Office front and back entrance. Connect- L. E. MELLOR 7:00—Feat. (15m ); WEAF (SOm.) Chrysler hra f) D-42 ing bath. Coolest in town. Baxter 7:45—Our Music Room 10:00—Quartet; Dance (1*4 8MALL buf mighty—so it is with place Bldg. Harlingen 8:13—WJZ (30m): The Voice 258.5—WO WO Ft. Wayne—1180 1928 Whippet Cab. Coupe Herald Classified ads. 912 Levee, phone 1226-J. D-182 9:00— NITURE Ntws; Dance (2'* hrs.) 4 30—Same a* W’ABC (2'4 hra.) FUR REPAIRING 9:00—Rev. 1927 EL AGUILA—Furnished 2 and 3- 344.6— WLS Chicago—870 Rediger, Evangelist Chevrolet Touring 373 room apartments; lights, water, ALBERTO GARZA 5:on_> ,me WEAF 2—WCCO Minneapolia-St. Paul—810 as PURE CREAMY milk from hot and cold 5:30—Concert; Poem Music 6 00—WABC (30m.); Organist Jersey gas. bath; summer FURNITURE BOUGHT. SOLD, 6:30—Strings & Singers (30ir..) h 45—Marjorie Pilney healthy well fed cows, milked and ! $5500 rates. Phone 896-W. D-136 EXCHANGED. REPAIRING s 7:00—Two Hours from WABC in the most 4i7 wmAO Ch,cago-870Chimon 670 Jesse Inc. kept sanitary manner, j Mirrors Made and !>•Silvered _ ^7-5-WMAQ 9:00—Orch. (3om.); WACC (1*4 hrs.) Dennett, FURNISHED 3 and 4 room apart- 6:00—Concert; Orch.: Sports: Feat. 275.1—KMOX St. Louis—1C90 MOORELAND Modern 7-room house of hol- Telephone 207 8:00—Music (30m ); WABC: Music TERRACE ments, lights, hot water, telephone 3 bed- 8th and 7:00—Varie*v Concert, Music 6 00—Four Hours from WABC Used Car Market GRADE A DAIRY low tile construction; and garage included. Summer rates. Washington „ Brownsville 9:00—Auld Sandy 10:00—Willie & Lillie: News Phone 9016F12. rooms. 2 baths, 2-car garage, Phone 911 or 1051-J. D-91 Lee & Straeter 1222 Phone 904 9:15—Orch.; Bible; Orch. 10:15—Girls; Washington D-88 concrete drive: every conveni- « FLOWERS W. A. Ross, in Riverside Park, re- NEBRASKA 1260 Mgr. ence; apartments. furnished. RWVVG—BROWNSVILLE Kilocycles. Daily Except Sunday. Furnished and unfurnish- stricted. Call Frlgldalre. CUT FLOWERS, and de- 9-10:30— Musical program. 7-10:30 p. m.—Music. i »fty young well-bred Hereford ed cottager. Phone 1194 C13 bouquets ^ We flowers. Bow- ■ 11:30-17:30 p. m. Sunday bulls, all tick immune Harry Landa. signs. telegraph APARTMENT and yer, Florist. Phone 812-J. W 2:30-4:30 p. m.—Music. 11-12 Noon—Church Services. AUTOMOBILE LOANS Alamo National Building, San An- Rooming House tonio. D154 W. M. or for rent. 15 rooms. All conveniences 5:00-7:00 p. m. Egan FUNERAL DIRECTORS ______close in. Furnished or unfurnished. KRGV—HARITNGEN. 1260 Kilocycle*. Dally Except Sunday. If you have the buyer, sell us the notes. Let us refinance your FINANCIAL Box D141, Herald. D141 6:30-9:00 a. 10:30-11:30 a. m.; auto notes if are m.; Sunday they too large. We make direct loans to car ______C. F. Hurst 4:30 -7:00 m. 8-9:15 a. 12 noon-2:00 owners. p. m.; p. m.; INSURANCE MONEY to lend on well FITCH APARTMENTS—Large .id locate'’ brick business tn »h» 216 property Phones 1203-W or small apartments; cool, modern. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISING towns the i larger throughout Valley Park Phone 558. RELIABLE USED CARS S C. Oraham and Company. Browns- Office Riverside D-89 NOTICE OF SALE and 6tand, 3 wooden book cases. 1 ville. Tezaa. Bin BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS ALONSO APARTMENT, furnished. In accordance with the provisions Bought for Cash. Sold on Easy Terms. C-117 three-section book-case. 1 roll top TREES SEEDS A PLANTS Very cool; upstairs. Reasonable of the revised Statutes of the State 1 1 1 bundle desk. chiffonier, mirror, rent. Phone 839. D-122 of Texas, revision of 1925. Article 2 boxes 1 bundle linoleum. books, ON 4-YEAR old sour stock, orange LOS EBANOS ESTATES number 5644, the undersigned a curtain 1 water bot- rods. 5-gallon Tenison Finance Co. trees 90c; unhurt by frost; set out, Investigate the moet beautiful subur- FURNISHED apartment on Eliza- Bonded Warehouse organized under 2 small stands. 1 wall imme- tle. large WESLACO $1.00. A. H. Allen. Phone 9026-F3 ban development tn the Valley beth Street for rent. Reasonable. FLOOR REFIN1SHING | and existing by virtue of the Laws 1 2 1 north of Brownsville. Tracts clock. single bit axe. pictures, On the Highway Phone 133 D-126 diately Phone 429. D138 of Texas, with its domicile at of one acre under Irrigation. For miscellaneous lot articles. up. The Master Floor Man sale. James-Dickinson Company. Real- Brownsville, Texas, will sell at pub- The above to F. HOUSES property belongs tors corner El Jardln Hotel Bldg. *98 Electric Floor Sander lic auction to the highest bidder LOST AND FOUND A. Newman, whose last known ad- HELP WANTED Nt / and old floors sanded, for Cash at its warehouse located MODERN 5-room house for filled^ dress was Brownsville. Texas, and MONEY! MONEY! MONEY!—The rent. waxed and on the Southern Pacific polished. Railway same will be sold on the 7th of LOST—One gold watch charm, en- WANT TO MOVE? Read the Her- COWPEAS as On pavement. J. M. Camero. Call 94 day root of all evil, and if you’d like, Work or no tracks. Lob Ebanos addition, Browns- E. H. ald rental guaranteed money. July, 1930. at ten o’clock a. m.. this graved C. Photos enclosed. ads for houses and apart- to have a little more D140 the most would, Office with John H. Hunter ville, Texas, following described sale made to satisfy Ware- Reward. 911 Washington street, E. ments of all sizes ^nd locations. being Just unloaded car of it, make a list of the “White FOR 1251 Elizabeth Phone 49 articles: lien account of C. Hamlll. D-166 RENT—Five room modern houseman’s unpaid Elephants" you have around the DIM One trunk contents unknown. GIRLS WANTED—To furnished house on paved street. warehousing charges, cost of adver- string beads Whippoorwills. Selling house and get QUICK CASH for The above property belongs to BUSINESS NOTICES at home. Phone 179 Monday. D-171 tising and all other lawful charges Stamped addressed envel- ’em while they last at with a Herald Classified ad. HAT RENOVATING G. whose last known ad- them Fred Scott, to date of sale. ope for un- ..■"■■■■—.. accruing up particulars. Experience new low FOR dress was Harlingen, Texas, and SPECIAL overstock sale now prices. Hurry. RENT—Practically new five- Fidelity Bonded Warehouse & Stor- going necessary. Ivory Novelty Co., 113 REAL ESTATE ON same will be sold on the 7th of TEXAS room house with bath and all mod- First Class day age Co. cm at Covacevich Supply Co. See Fourth Avenue, . a. E. Clark Seed THE BARGAIN COUNTER ern conveniences. on July, 1930, at ten-thirty o'clock m., John A. Roetzel. President. our ad in this for hundreds Roy Co. Located paved Hat Renovating & paper D-180 The for the this sale being made to satisfy 6-22-29-2t-3777 of $151 San Texas undersigned agent street close In. Phone 17 or 112.W. bargains. Benito, deceased, Shoe Repairing Warehouseman's lien account of un- heirs of Henry Wright, D-76 be in Delta Shoe & Hat paid warehousing charges, cost of NOTICE OF SALE AUTOMOTIVE WANTED—Thoroughly experienced late of Mission, Texas, will Shop and other radio and electric refrigerator re- Texas during the week ending June COMPLETELY furnished 6-room advertising, all lawful In accordance with the provisions We Call for and Deliver pairman with sales experience; ARTICLES FOR SALE 28 for the purpose of selling all the house with bath, double charges accruing up to the date of of the revised Statutes of the State garage. Phone 635 FOR SALE must be settled, energetic, reliable, real estate to said estate, $50.00. Phone 715. D-164 sale. of Texas, revision of 1925, Article belonging Bonded Warehouse & Stor- good personality with A-l reference, CALCIUM ARSENATE for sale very consisting of four sections of land In Fidelity number 5644. the undersigned a Lincoln Four HOTELS—CAFES Co Pasenger i Write detail letter :nd attach cheap. C. P. Barreda, Elizabeth Starr one 7-acre lot at Ed- UNFURNISHED 4-room house, gas, age. Bonded Warehouse organized under pho- County, John A. Roetzel, President. j tograph. Give past five years’ street. CI20 small lots at Mission and garage. $25, Phone 911 or 1051-J. ! and existing by virtue of the Laws j Sedan expe- inburg. WHITE KITCHEN 6-22-29-2t-3776 rience. Box 149, Brownsville Herald. Pharr and some acreage in Hidalgo of Texas, with its domicile at Excellent condition: all new CLENT OFFERS one share Point ROOMS Famous for its Texas, will sell at D149 County. _FURNISHED Brownsville, pub- Urea. Will consider smaller ^_ Isabel Yacht Club stock for $90 NOTICE OF SALE lic auction to the bidder In order to quickly wind up this highest car or first lien notes. cash. Carlos G. Watson. D148 FURNISHED room In private home. In accordance with the provisions for Cash at its warehouse located ADDRESSING Envelopes—Work at estate, these lands will be offered Cooking—Immaculacy BOX 816 Meals If desired. 442 Levee, phone of the revised Statutes of the State on the Southern Pacific home during spare time. Substan- at attractive prices. Interested i Railway SAN BENITO, TEXAS 578. D-36 and Service of Texas, revision of 1925, Article I tracks. Los Ebanos addition, Browns- tia] weekly pay; experience un- parties ar- requested to leave their D-165 FOR SALE number 5644, the undersigned a I vllle, Texas, the described 1 necessary Dignified employment address with Mrs. Stella D. Puckett, Tbs popular plaee for following NICE FRONT ROOM: very cool business lunches Bonded Warehouse organized under articl : for honest, sincere, ambitious 806 E. Tyler. Harlingen Texas and I MODEL A FORD oach for sale— per- Restaurant Fixtures and desirable: garage. Phone Utb between Elizabeth and and existing by virtue of the Laws sons 485, 1 bundle of rugs, 24 cases of fur- condition: driven 22.- Advancement League, Naper- will endeavor to communicate with 445 W. Elizabeth. Levee of Texas, with, its domisilfi at good running D-133 niture-and merchandise. 3 bundles 000 miles. Inquire J. Hillman, 11-2 i v.'lle, ID. D-5 and equipment complete, includ- them on arival. Brownsville, Texas, will sell at pub- of table 1 table Jas. M. Franklin. legs, pedestal. miles west of Weslaco on north side ing ceiling fan and steam cook- Wright. Ky. OFFICE EQUIPMENT lic auction to the highest bidder The above to the D158 property belongs of track. D145 SALESMEN—AGENTS er. For a bargain, call 1470. D157 for Cash at its warehouse located R. J. Allison Estate, whose last CLASSIFIED on the Southern Pacific Railway known address was Casa Grande HELP WANTED AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Los Ebanos RATES and tracks, addition. Browns- Club, Herrera y 6a Matamoros, Mex- M E N A N D WO M E N BARGAIN RULES ville, the Advertisement* will be Texas, following described ico, and same will be sold on the WANTED.—Ladies of good person- Opportunity for parties with limit- 1 dresser. Accepted articles: over the telephone -from telephone 7th of 1930. at 11 o clock ality interested in money ed means to make money a day July, earning selling 1 chiffonier. Best Hotel Location subscriber*. or from those bavini 1 dining room table, 4 room full dining a. m., this sale being made to satis- or spare time work. Phone 619. highly desirable, cheap clothes 1 dressing table. •Mtular charge account*. Other . chairs, 3 arm chairs, 3 straght chairs, fy Warehouseman's lien account of Call at 933 Washington. D160 washing machine at prices that will 1 stand table. In Brownsville classified advertising must be ac- Office Equipment and BuppUM If 1 iron bed. springs and mattress, 1 cash. unpaid warehousing charges, cost do business for the right parties. OLESON FURNITURE CO. companied by HARGROVE S STATIONERY 1 metal bed, 2 center No advertising accepted on an folding square of advertising and all other lawful ATTENTION—Splendid opportunity Write for particulars. 1126 Close to business section and BOOK STORE cedar 7 Washington Phone 519 •until forbid" order. A specified tables, 1 chest, drawing board to date to earn good money in spare time. a charges accruing up of sale. MYSTIC WASHER COMPANY ..R r... gooc buy. 216 feet on Adams number of insertion* must be Brownsville Texaa Call Fidelity Bonded Warehouse & Stor- at 933 Washington. Phone 619. 409 Public Bank Bldg. street and 120 feet to alley. given. Political age Co D159 Houston, Texas D156 FOR SALE—17-acre farm, 1 3-4 Terms can be arranged on this The Herald reserve* the right to REAL ESTATE John A. Roetzel. President. miles northwest Mission, Texas. splendid location. See place all advertisements unde- the 6-22-29-2t-3778 HONEST, reliable girl or woman proper classification, and reject un- Announcements EXPERIENCED salesman, for large $200 per acre. Write Mrs. Mary clean or objectionable for general housework to live on JESSE copy LOS EBANOS manufacturer, to call on old and Carl. Fort Brown, Brownsville Tex- DENNETT, Owner, Obituaries, resolution*, and card* PASTEL BACKGROUND place. Two in family. Write name 1222 Coder thU beading win be published new' customers, merchants and as. D-175 Washington, of thanks In classified section will Brownsville's Supreme Residential Ola* For hot summer and address, number and be taken at the names of candidates for public days, nothing phone business concerns in Brownsville. Brownsville. the regular classified trlct. carefully restricted, completely office The fees tor announcement cooler than a references if to Box D-167 Her- rate. In other part of reader is looking printed any Prefer salesman. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE paper improved. Home sites from $1200.00. as follows: experienced jobber ratea apply will be chiffon with a ald. D-167 easy terms. James-Dietioeoo Oo* pastel background. 30% to 40% commission. Write The For district office*.$23 00 LOTS FOR SALE publishers are not responsible Realtors, corner El Jardla Hotel The for and black and FOR SALE OR TRADE—10 acres •er Mdg« For county offices.$25.00 vogue ping Salesmanager, 1522 Wells-Van Bu- copy omissions, typographical Brownsville. and error or For Justice of the peace.$15.00 pink navy blue still obtains. ren Bldg., Chicago. D-179 of good citrus land 1 1-4 miles of YOUR WANTS and don't wants any unintentional error that may occur, farther than to cor- For Precinct offices.$15.00 A soft greenish blue background, La Feria. Can make good terms on listed in these Classified columns Names of th* candidates will be rect in the next Issue after It 1* TYPEWRITERS with brown figures makes a new WANTED—A good security sales- this if Interested. O. R. Sib- will of carried tn the announcement column piece be read by thousands Valley orought to their attention AH ad- ai.d stunnin? cape frock for after- man for Brownsville territory. Give La Feria. B-228 orders are on this until the July primary. son. people every day. vertising accepted DAVENPORT noons. relerrnces and experience first let- basis only. Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville's House) The Brownsville Herald Is authorized WANTED ter. 619 Post Dispatch Bldg., Hous- REAL ESIAlt REAL ESTATE Telephone No. 8 and dictate your Typewriter advertisement to an New * to make the following announcement* ton. Texas. D-174 experienced Distributors, C. Smith “Si- of candidates subject to the Demo- classified writer. lent” 8 and Late Corona 4 type- Train Sche^Vles To insure same daj cratic primary tn July: publication writers. Also sell Portable* aopy should be presented not later Royal MISSOURI PACme LINTS STATE~"<)FnCES than 10:00 a. m. Copy for Sunday and “Factory” Rebuilt®—all make*. No. 12—To Houston. San Antonie Clean Cotton -Mies should be in not later than We repair all makes and FOR -ENATOR: f:10 a. m. A RIO GRANDE VALLEY typewriter* WANTED—Salesmen for local wrork 6:00 p» m Saturdays to Insure adding machines. 1112 Elisabeth Parr. No. 14—To Houston. 7:00 pw EB. classification Archer proper St Phone No. 16—To Houston, san Antonio by nationally known company who CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISINa 1105. *00 p. m. maintains an office and warehouse R.*.TEf CAMERON COUNTY St Rags exclusive Bales and Service No. IS—Prom Loula. San Antonio in San Antonio. Must have car. JO words or less, one insertion. 40c. DISTRICT COCRT: a. IRRIGATED FARM BARGAIN 7:30 m. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CLERK Houston. Prefer Over 2U wards, one insertion No. 13—Prom married men between 25 and J. J. Bishop Houston. 810 a. m. per word .. *e COMPANY No. San 45 years of age. Must be able to James A. Browne 11—Prom Antonio and Hour 150 ACRES, located 1 1-2 miles Northwest of McAllen on the Subsequent insertions run con- 115 8. FIRST PHONE 293 on. 9:55 D m furnish bond. This is an word exception- Ware Road (hard all well secutively. per .l'ic Harlingen BOLT HERN PACIFIC LINES 5c. Pound al surfaced): in cultivation, drained, tlnlmnm ..10 Words SHERIFF: and unusual offer. Address Box FOR No. 319—Fro® Houston. San An to- concrete irrigation, two well and windmill; the D-173 care of this paper. D-173 house, barns, By month, per word.30c W. Frank Brown. il m ac- ROYAL TYPEWRITERS O, 8:15 a. best of citrus land, direct from owner. For price and terms No classified advertisement C. A. Manahan No. 320—To Houston. San Antonio cepted for less than .40c SUNSTRAND call RATES PRESS ROOM LOCAL READER * NATIONAL LINTS Readers, word.«C ADDING MACHINES PRECINCT 1: OP per COMMISSIONER (Matamoros Station* Readers, per inch .$1.3tC and E. D. Box. No. 133—To W. M. EGAN or F. HURST Second and third 3i*c per Monterrey. Mezloc City. VALLEY TERRITORY open to ex- C. days. Sales and Service Harry M. Fattee 8:05a.m. Brownsville Herald word: fourth fifth and sixth days perienced direct to the consumer 7 consecutive day* ROYAL TYPEWRITER No. 131—From Mexico City Montar Phone 216 or 1203-W 3e per word; 3:30 m salesman, selling Dr. Koch’s Certi- word. AGENCY HIDALGO COUNTY ey. d- P. O. Box 1144 J»/*c per fied Cast Aluminum and BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS Legal notices te per word each in- 810 GHANDS RAILWAY ... UtenpUs, Expert Repairing of all Styles Type- FOR SHERIFF: sertion. Prom Point Isabel. 4 pm. I electric stoves Distributors. Box writers and Addin* Machines. John R. Bales To Point Isabel. 930 a. a. 1 528. Fort Worth. Texas. D-172 \; Phone 211 1207 Adam*
